Group presentation for next week What I want to see in presentation- The presentation should show the name of your group A flowchart on creating hangman, nothing too complicated. Just a basic one. Choose a section of the code and discuss in the presentation how it works. Test the program, give a demonstration.


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Page 1: Hangman

Group presentation for next week

What I want to see in presentation-

The presentation should show the name of your group A flowchart on creating hangman, nothing too complicated. Just a basic one.Choose a section of the code and discuss in the presentation how it works. Test the program, give a demonstration.

Page 2: Hangman

This the time in class to work on your group project with the members in your group.

There is source code on the blog you can use and edit/change to make it your own game.

Do not use this time to go on facebook or any other unrelated website........