Hands of Hope Ministry is established on the words of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah). Inspired by the 4 passages listed and the example seen by the outreach to the homeless by The Palmetto Seventh Day Adventist homeless feeding ministry that ended in 2017. My son, Christopher, and I continued feeding and supplying many of the day to day needs, shoes, socks, toiletries, and such. We found many homeless souls in east Bradenton and downtown Bradenton along route 41 near the Salvation Army and the bus station in desperate need. For the next two months we attempted to continue to provide the much needed support. It became obvious that my son, Christopher, and I did not have the financial resources necessary to continue the outreach. Then on Shabbat (Saturday February 9) we were blessed when the congregation at Ohr Yeshua Messianic Synagogue (on Morgan Johnson Road, Bradenton ) began to contribute both the funds and many additional supplies we were desperately needing. Shortly thereafter Michael Grinder, joined with me to help with the actual food and necessities distribution from the back of my mini-van each Friday from 3:30 to about 7:30 pm. I pack the van up with all the necessary supplies Thursday evening. Then on Friday leave my high school teaching ‘hat’ at 2:30 pm to pick up Mike in Palmetto and get started on our journey to get the hot burgers, keeping them hot, until we reach the homeless locations. Sometimes we make stops along the way for individuals like Thomas who is wheelchair bound and has lost both of his legs due to diabetes. We feed, on average, 30 to 40 of the homeless who live in tents, under bushes and behind buildings, in cars, on the street or just in a lean-to in the woods. They have no running water, no flush toilets, no food pantries, no soft beds, no comfortable furniture, no refrigerators, no clothes closets, no electricity, no heating or air conditioning, no bug control, no roof over their heads….. They may have a bicycle for transportation or a wheelchair. They live outside in the elements 24 hours per day 7 days a week! Recently we were told by one of our homeless ladies, Michelle, of a “new camp” down 15 th St. E . Michele has had a toe amputated and is going to have her foot amputated soon. She really appreciates our help and trusted us based on what we have been able to do for the past year for others in the area. Many times the location of ‘camps’ are not disclosed in fear of being ‘evicted’….and having help discontinued. Each ’they’ has a name and a story of difficult times. Pray for them….. 1- “As often as …… you did it to one of the least of My brothers and sisters, you did it to Me.” Matthew 25:40 2- “Lord when did… we see you hungry and feed you?” Matthew 25:37 h a n d s o f h o p e m i n i s t r y

Hands of Hope Ministry on the words of Yeshua …3- “Do not neglect … to do good and to share what you have…” – Hebrews 13:16 4 “You are to love . . Adonai your God with

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Page 1: Hands of Hope Ministry on the words of Yeshua …3- “Do not neglect … to do good and to share what you have…” – Hebrews 13:16 4 “You are to love . . Adonai your God with

Hands of Hope Ministry is established on the words of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah). Inspired by the 4 passages listed and the example seen by the outreach to the homeless by The Palmetto Seventh Day Adventist homeless feeding ministry that ended in 2017. My son, Christopher, and I continued feeding and supplying many of the day to day needs, shoes, socks, toiletries, and such. We found many homeless souls in east Bradenton and downtown Bradenton along route 41 near the Salvation Army and the bus station in desperate need. For the next two months we attempted to continue to provide the much needed support. It became obvious that my son, Christopher, and I did not have the financial resources necessary to continue the outreach. Then on Shabbat (Saturday February 9) we were blessed when the congregation at Ohr Yeshua Messianic Synagogue (on Morgan Johnson Road, Bradenton ) began to contribute both the funds and many additional supplies we were desperately needing.

Shortly thereafter Michael Grinder, joined with me to help with the actual food and necessities distribution from the back of my mini-van each Friday from 3:30 to about 7:30 pm. I pack the van up with all the necessary supplies Thursday evening. Then on Friday leave my high school teaching ‘hat’ at 2:30 pm to pick up Mike in Palmetto and get started on our journey to get the hot burgers, keeping them hot, until we reach the homeless locations. Sometimes we make stops along the way for individuals like Thomas who is wheelchair bound and has lost both of his legs due to diabetes. We feed, on average, 30 to 40 of the homeless who live in tents, under bushes and behind buildings, in cars, on the street or just in a lean-to in the woods. They have no running water, no flush toilets, no food pantries, no soft beds, no comfortable furniture, no refrigerators, no clothes closets, no electricity, no heating or air conditioning, no bug control, no roof over their heads….. They may have a bicycle for transportation or a wheelchair. They live outside in the elements 24 hours per day 7 days a week! Recently we were told by one of our homeless ladies, Michelle, of a “new camp” down 15th St. E . Michele has had a toe amputated and is going to have her foot amputated soon. She really appreciates our help and trusted us based on what we have been able to do for the past year for others in the area. Many times the location of ‘camps’ are not disclosed in fear of being ‘evicted’….and having help discontinued. Each ’they’ has a name and a story of difficult times. Pray for them…..

1- “As often as …… you did it to one of the least of My brothers and sisters, you did it to Me.” Matthew 25:40

2- “Lord when did…we see you hungry and feed you?”

Matthew 25:37





Page 2: Hands of Hope Ministry on the words of Yeshua …3- “Do not neglect … to do good and to share what you have…” – Hebrews 13:16 4 “You are to love . . Adonai your God with

Our menu for the homeless consists of Wendy’s cheeseburger’s, bottled water, apples, applesauce, and a nice variety of snacks. In addition we supply socks, rolls of toilet paper, body wash, razors, tooth paste and brushes, deodorant, combs, men’s boxers, blankets and hoodie sweatshirts, bug repellant and ladies feminine products as needed and of course Bibles. We also provide miscellaneous donated ladies & mens clothing from time to time. An additional blessing has been the availability of many tee shirts Rabbi Gary has donated in great numbers and various sizes to help both men and women alike. We also supply shoes/sneakers on a case by case basis, as necessary.

Each month we drive approximately 150 miles and spend about 4 hours of actual distribution time a week. We spend an additional 5 hours a week buying, sorting and organizing supplies. Without the ongoing funding & commitment of Ohr Yeshua Messianic Synagogue & Palmetto Seventh Day Adventist Church we would not have been able to fill the hands of those in need. Many others have provided “gifts in kind” such as clothing, drinks, food and much more. Our total monthly expenses average $600. Our annual total expenditures are over $10,000, including “gifts in kind”.

Thank you, from our hearts, by joining your hands with our hands to provide HOPE for many in need. May you all be richly and deeply blessed by Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah), our Lord and Savior. Amen. Amen. Love and Shalom,

3- “Do not neglect … to do good and to share what you have…” – Hebrews 13:16

4 “You are to love . . Adonai your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your understanding; and your neighbor as yourself.” – Luke 10:27

Clothing, blankets & food items are very much in demand and indeed very necessary!

Michael LaTona Servant of Yeshua

For more information see:www.ohryeshua.org