Hands 2

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  • 7/31/2019 Hands 2



    There are seven types of hands:

    1. The Elementary/ Primary / Lowest type of Hand,

    2. The Spatulate / Nervous active/ Workmans Hand ,

    3. The Square / Useful Hand ,

    4. The Philosophic / Philosophers / Knotty Hand,

    5. The Conic / Artistic Hand ,

    6. The Psychic / Idealistic Hand , and

    7. The Mixed type Hand .

  • 7/31/2019 Hands 2


    The Elementary, or material hand :- With a thick, heavy / fatty palm with short stiff

    and clumsy fingers, signifies a coarse and brutal nature, incapable of fine feelings.

    They have special tendency to copy thing.

    They are totally materialistic with main aim of their lives are food, clothes and a house to live in.

    Finger tips are rounded but shapeless.

    Unskilled manual labour.

    Such persons are violent in temper, passionate but not courageous.

    They get annoyed on very trivial issues.

    Feelings are heavy and sluggish in rousing them, more accessible to the charms of poetry orsimple music than to those of science.

    They have little application of mind much influenced by superstitions.

    Attitude is determined and stubborn.

    Thoughts are unstable and they get influenced by the others very easily. They can be easily


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    The Spatulate :- With a wide palm either at the wrist or at the base of fingers, and fingers

    resembling a spatula at the ends, indicates a very energetic temperament / restless and excitablenature.

    Mainly its large hand with fairly long well developed fingers.

    Intense love of action, energy and independence.

    Self confidence level is extreme and singular independence of spirit make them explorers anddiscoverers and depart them from known rules of engineering.

    Hand is little more lengthy in its proportion to width.

    The mounts found on the palm are muscular, heavy, hard and suppressed.

    They dont like to sit idle and remain active in their lives and go on doing one or the other kindof work.

    They make their position secure, favorable and gain complete success in life own their own


    Hand when soft and flabby denotes restless and irritable spirit. Do not stick to anything for long.

    Inventors belongs to this category.

    Singer, actress, doctor or preacher with this type of hand break all rules of precedent.

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    The Square Hand :- A symmetrical hand with prominent bones comes under this class. which is

    easily recognized by the square appearance of the palms and fingers, denotes a person square in

    business dealings, a good thinker, and one possessed of a large amount of will-power.

    There are several knots on this kind of hands but there is however a difference between primary

    and square hand. They have special kind of suppleness (Lacheelapan) by which the hand can be

    easily recognized.

    Such hand are thinner and skin is less coarse as compared to the primary hand. Palm is square at

    the wrist , square at the base of the fingers and fingers are also square. Type of nails In this hand

    is generally short and square.

    Person with square hands are orderly , punctual and precise in manner not from the inate grace

    of the nature but more from conformity with customs and habbit.

    They respect authority , they love discipline , they have place for everything and everything is

    kept in its place not in their house hold but in their brain.

    They respect law and order and are slaves to customs.

    They are not quarrelsome but are determined in opposition to instinct (sooj bhooj), peace to war

    and are methodical in work and in habit.

    They are genius and intellectuals. They are not enthusiastic over poetry or art. They ask for

    material, they win success in practical things.

    In religion they will not go to extremes they prefer substances to show and dogma( own thoughts

    / self made principles) to ideas.

    They are not adaptable to people or versatile . They have little originality or imagination but in

    work they have great application force of character, strength of will and often out distance their

    more brilliant and talented rivals.

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    They naturally love the exact sciences and all practical study. They encourage agriculture and

    commerce, they love home and the duties of home but not demonstrative in affection.

    They are sincere and true in promise, staunch in friendship , strong in principle and honest in


    Their greatest fault is that they are inclined to reason by a twelve inch rule and disbelieve all they

    can not understand.

    They are not affluent but they do not attach so much importance to money in their lives as to

    their reputation, respectability and fame.