सÊनलंग टूãस पर हèतपुिèतका Handbook on Signalling Tools कै मटेक/एस/Ĥोज/201617/एचबी-सग-टू ãस/1.0 Ǒदसàबर 2016 CAMTECH/S/PROJ/2016-17/HB-SIG-Tools/1.0 December 2016 MAHARAJPUR, GWALIOR – 474 005 Hkkjr ljdkj &GOVERNMENT OF INDIA js y ea =ky;& MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS ¼dk;kZ y;hu iz ;ks x gs rq ½& (For official use only)

Handbook on Signalling Tools - Indian Railways on... · FOREWORD In Indian Railways Signalling system plays a very important role for safe movement of trains. For efficient working

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    स न लगं टू स पर ह तपिु तका Handbook on

    Signalling Tools

    कैमटेक/एस/ ोज/2016–17/एचबी- सग-टू स/1.0

    दस बर 2016 CAMTECH/S/PROJ/2016-17/HB-SIG-Tools/1.0

    December 2016


    Hkkjr ljdkj &GOVERNMENT OF INDIA

    jsy ea=ky;& MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS

    ¼dk;kZy;hu iz;ksx gsrq½& (For official use only)

  • स न लगं टू स पर ह तपु ि तका Handbook on Signalling Tools

    कैमटेक/एस/ ोज/2016–17/एचबी- सग-टू स/1.0

    दस बर 2016

    CAMTECH/S/PROJ/2016-17/HB-SIG-Tools/1.0 December 2016

  • ा कथन

    भारतीय रेल म गा ड़य के सरं त सचंालन म स न लगं णाल क भू मका

    मह वपणू है । स न लगं उपकरण के ठ क कार से काय करने के लए सह

    औज़ार तथा मापन यं का उपयोग करते हु ए नधा रत अनुर ण व धय का

    पालन कया जाना चा हए । स न लगं णाल म अनुर ण के लए व भ न

    उपकरण तथा सहायक घटक होते ह, अतः णाल का अनुर ण देखने वाले

    भार एस.एस.ई./जे.ई. एव ं तकनी शयन को सह औजार क जानकार होना

    आव यक है ।

    अनुर ण व धय से संबि धत सचूनाओ के अ भलेख के तुतीकरण एवं

    उ नयन मे क दशा म कैमटेक ने स नल का मक को मानक स न लगं के

    औजार क जानकार हेतु इस ह तपिु तका को तैयार कया है।

    मझुे आशा है क इस ह तपिु तका मे द गयी जानकार सकेंत वभाग के

    का मको को उपरो त उनके से शन म कायरत णाल के अनुर ण मे सहायक


    केमटेक, वा लयर ए आर तु पे दनांक : 28.12.2016 कायकार नदेशक


    In Indian Railways Signalling system plays a very important role for safe movement

    of trains. For efficient working of signalling equipments, correct maintenance practices

    along with use of proper tools and measuring instruments must be adhered. Signalling system consists of a large variety of equipments and accessories to maintain, hence

    knowledge of proper tools is essential to SSE/JE in-charge and technicians maintaining

    the system.

    As an aid towards documentation and upgradation of information on advanced

    maintenance practices, CAMTECH has prepared this handbook for signal personnel to

    get them acquainted with standard signalling tools.

    I hope that the information given in this handbook will help signal personnel in

    maintaining the signalling installations in their section.

    CAMTECH Gwalior A.R.Tupe Date: 28.12.2016 Executive Director

  • भू मका स न लगं णाल म व भ न उपकरण का अनुर ण करने क आव यकता

    होती है जसेै इलिै क पॉइंट मशीन, लॉक उपकरण, पावर स लाई उपकरण

    इ या द, तथा पछले कुछ वष म आधु नक स न लगं णा लय जसेै एल.ई.डी.

    स नल, डिजटल ए सल काउंटर आ द का भारतीय रेलवे म आगाज हुआ है ।

    यह ह तपु ि तका फ ड का मको म उनके से शन म सं था पत स न लगं

    उपकरण के अनुर ण म मानक औजार के उपयोग हेतु जाग कता लाने तथा प

    ु ट वह न काय म सहायता हेतु तैयार क गयी ह। नमातानुसार औजार तथा मापन

    यं क सूची छाया च स हत को इस ह तपु ि तका म सि म लत करने का

    यथासंभव य न कया गया है |

    हम ी ट ए अंसार , व र ठ स नल एवं टे लकॉम इंजी नयर/झाँसी/उ तर म य

    रेलवे, आर.आर.आई./ वा लयर/उ.म.रे. तथा आर.डी.एस.ओ. अनुमो दत फ़म के अ य धक आभार िज होने इस ह तपु ि तका को बनाने म हमार सहायता क है |

    चू ं क तकनीक उ नयन एव ं श ण एक मक या है, अतः इस

    ह तपिु तका म आप कुछ जोड़ने या सधुारने क आव यकता महससू कर सकते

    ह | य द ऐसा है तो कृपया अपने सझुाव हम ईमेल [email protected]

    पर भेज अथवा इस पते पर लख भेज : भारतीय रेल, उ च अनरु ण

    ो यो गक क , होटल आ द याज़ के सामने, एयरपोट माग, महाराजपरु,

    वा लयर (म ) 474005

    कैमटेक, वा लयर दनेश कुमार यादव द.: 26.12.2016 नदेशक ( स नल एवं दरूसंचार)

    mailto:[email protected]

  • PREFACE Signalling system comprises of various equipments to maintain such as Electric Point

    Machines, Block Instruments, Power supply equipments etc. and over the years modern

    signalling systems such as LED Signals, Digital Axle Counters, Electronic Interlocking

    have been introduced on Indian Railways. Most of the modern signalling equipments are

    vendor specific and require specific tools for maintenance. Hence apart from use of

    some common tools, a maintainer has to use tools specific to a particular equipment

    under his charge.

    This handbook has been prepared to spread awareness among field personnel to

    use standard tools for maintaining signalling equipments installed in their section for

    trouble-free performance. Effort has been made to cover vendor specific tools and

    measuring instruments along with their photographs/images.

    We are sincerely thankful to Shri T.A. Ansari, Sr. D.S.T.E. Jhansi, North Central

    Railway, Maintenance personnel of RRI/Gwalior/NCR and RDSO approved firms who

    helped us in preparation of this handbook.

    Since technological upgradation and learning is a continuous process, you may feel

    the need for some addition/modification in this handbook. If so, please give your

    comments on email address [email protected] or write to us at Indian Railways

    Centre for Advanced Maintenance Technology, In front of Adityaz Hotel, Airport Road,

    Maharajpur, Gwalior (M.P.) 474005.

    CAMTECH Gwalior D.K.M.Yadav Date: 26.12.2016 Director (S&T)

    mailto:[email protected]

  • वषय सूची CONTENTS

    Section अनुभाग

    Sub- Section उप-अनुभाग

    ववरण Description पृ ठ . Page no.

    1.1 प रचय Introduction


    1.2 संकेत अनुर क के टूल बॉ स म सामा य औजार क सूची List of common tools in a tool box of Signal Maintainer


    1.3 ए सल काउंटर Axle Counters


    1.3.1 Az LS Eldyne Single Section Digital Axle Counter Az LM Eldyne Multi Section Digital Axle Counter


    1.3.2 DACF 710 A & DACF 710 P CEL Single Section Digital Axle Counter


    1.3.3 DACF 720 P CEL High AvailabilitySingle Section Digital Axle Counter


    1.3.4 SSDAC-G36 G.G.Tronics Single Section Digital Axle Counter


    1.3.5 Az S 350 U Siemens Multi Section Digital Axle Counter


    1.3.6 Frauscher ACS 2000 Multi Section Digital Axle Counter


    1.4 एस जी ई डबल लाईन लॉक उपकरण SGE Double Line Block Instrument


    1.5 इलेि क पॉइंट मशीन Electric Point Machine 14

    1.6 इलेि क लि टंग बै रयर Electric Lifting Barrier


    1.7 इंट ेटेड पावर स लाई Integrated Power Supply


    1.8 संदभ References 18

  • सुधार प चय को जार करना


    इस ह तपिु तका के लए भ व य म जार क जाने वाल सधुार प चय के मांक इस कार से रहगे:

    The correction slips to be issued in future for this handbook will be numbered as follows:

    केमटेक/एस/ ोज/2016 – 17/एचबी_ सग–टू स/1.0 # XX द .................

    CAMTECH/S/PROJ/2016-17/HB_Sig-Tools/1.0# XX date .......

    जहां “XX” स बं धत सुधार पच क म सं या है (01 से शु होकर) Where “XX” is the serial number of the concerned correction slip (starting from 01 onwards).

    सुधार पच याँ जार क गयीं


    सुधार पच क म

    सं या

    Sr. No. of Correction


    जार करने

    क तार ख

    Date of issue

    संशो धत पृ ठ मांक

    एवं मद सं या

    Page no. and Item No. modified

    ट प णयाँ Remarks

  • ड लेमर यह प ट कया जाता है क इस सार-सं ह म द गयी जानकार स नल इंजी नय रंग मै युअल, रेलवे बोड काशन तथा आर डी एस ओ काशन के कसी भी वतमान आलेख को व था पत नह ं करतीं है | यह द तावेज वैधा नक नह ं है वरन इसम दए गए नदश केवल माग दशन हेतु ह | य द कसी ब द ु पर वरोधाभास ट गोचर होता है, तब स नल इंजी नय रंग मै युअल, रेलवे बोड काशन , आर डी एस ओ मागदशन अथवा जोनल रेलवे के नदश का पालन कर |

    DISCLAIMER It is clarified that the information given in this compendium does not supersede any existing provisions laid down in the Signal Engineering Manual, Railway Board and RDSO publications. This document is not statuary and instructions given are for the purpose of guidance only. If at any point contradiction is observed, then SEM, Railway Board/RDSO guidelines may be referred or prevalent Zonal Railways instructions may be followed. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    हमारा उ े य अनुर ण ौ यो गक और काय णाल का उ नयन करना तथा उ पादकता और रेलवे क प रस पि त एवं जनशि त के न पादन म सुधार करना िजससे अंत वषय म व वसनीयता, उपयो गता और द ता ा त क जा सके |

    OUR OBJECTIVE To upgrade Maintenance Technologies and Methodologies and achieve improvement in Productivity and Performance of all Railway assets and manpower which inter-alia would cover Reliability, Availability and Utilisation. य द आप इस स दभ म कोई वचार और सुझाव देना चाहते ह तो कृपया हम इस पते पर लख : संपक सू : नदेशक (संकेत एवं दरूसंचार) प ाचार का पता : भारतीय रेल उ च अनुर ण ौ यो गक क , महाराजपुर, वा लयर (म. .) पन कोड 474020 टेल फोन : 0751-2470185 फै स : 0751-2470841 ई-मेल : [email protected] If you have any suggestion & any specific comments, please write to us: Contact person : Director (Signal & Telecommunication) Postal Address : Centre for Advanced Maintenance Technology, Maharajpur,

    Gwalior (M.P.) Pin Code – 474 020 Phone : 0751 - 2470185 Fax : 0751 – 2470841 Email : [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • CAMTECH/S/PROJ/2016-17/Sig_Tools/1.0 Page 1 of 18

    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    स न लगं टू स Signalling Tools

    1.1 प रचय Introduction Tools play an important role in the maintenance of machinery and equipments and use of proper tools is an essential requirement for efficient working of any equipment. Use of non-standard tools may sometimes result in damage or failure of the equipment and it may also lead to reduction of codal life of the equipment. It is therefore recommended to use standard tools only in day to day maintenance for efficient working of gears. Signalling system consists of a large variety of equipments and accessories to maintain. There may be more than one manufacturer for a particular signalling equipment and also the design may vary from vendor to vendor, for example Digital Axle Counter. Apart from use of some common tools, a maintainer has to use tools specific to a particular equipment under his charge. This handbook covers both a list of common tools to be kept by a Signal maintainer as well as tools specific to various equipments used in signalling on Indian Railways.

    1.2 संकेत अनुर क के टूल बॉ स म सामा य औजार क सूची List of common tools in a tool box of Signal Maintainer

    Sr. No.

    Description Qty.

    1 Multimeter 1 No. 2 Megger 1 No. 3 Clamp Meter 1 No. 4 Hydrometer 1 No. 5 Cutting Plier 1 No. 6 Nose Plier 1 No. 7 Plier 1 No. 8 Screw driver (small) 1 No. 9 Screw driver (large) 1 No.

    10 Wire stripper 1 No. 11 Test gauge - for point testing 1 No. 12 Tommy bar 1 No. 13 Hammer 1 No. 14 Ring Spanner 1 Set 15 Open end spanner 1 Set 16 Adjustable wrench 1 No. 17 Box spanner with insulated handle for ARA terminals 1 No. 18 TSR Meter 1 No. 19 Search Light Torch 1 No. 20 Soldering Iron 1 No.

    Note: Some tools such as ‘Earth Resistance Tester’ and ‘Cable Fault Locator’ are kept at SSE/Signal Office and are issued when required.

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    Multimeter model Fluke 115

    Clamp Meter/Tong tester Model Meco Trans 2727

    Megger /Digital Insulation Tester 500 V 200 Mega Ohm Model Meco DIT 99C

    Battery Hydrometer Train Shunt Meter Search Light Torch

    Soldering Iron Wire Stripper

    Box spanner

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    1.3 ए सल काउंटर Axle Counter

    1.3.1 Az LS Eldyne Single Section Digital Axle Counter Az LM Eldyne Multi Section Digital Axle Counter Tool Kit - Test equipment ETU001

    S.No. Description Qty.

    1. True RMS digital multimeter with probe set (Type Fluke-177) 1 No.

    2. Extended wired Socket to interface with diagnostic plug 1 No.

    3. Selector Switch on panel-base 1 No.

    4. Adjustable reversible torque wrench (Type Norbar –6013011) 1 No.

    5. Deep Socket inserts with (13 mm & 19 mm) . 1 Set

    6. 19 mm combined double ended spanner 1 No.

    7. Dummy wheel – 1 no. 1 No.

    8. Screw driver individual (Type Wago-210119) 1 No.

    9. Screw driver set (Type Taparia 812) 1 Set

    10. Screw driver individual (Taparia-932) 1 No.

    11. Wago screw driver 1 No.

    12. Drilling jig consisting of

    (i) Drilling template

    (ii) Mounting device for the drilling machine

    (iii)Templates for the standard rail profiles

    (iv) Fastening device

    (v) The drilling machine

    (vi) Pilot drill bit 6 mm dia

    (vii) High speed drill bit 13 mm dia

    1 set

    Test equipment ETU001 is utilized for 1) Signal voltage level and frequency measurement. 2) AC & DC Current /Voltage measurement. During Installation, Testing, Commissioning, Diagnosing and Calibrating the Outdoor Unit of AzLS & AzLM Axle Counters

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    Dummy wheel for simulation of wheel presence

    True RMS Multi-meter

    Integral cable with connector. The connector fits to matching connector on Motherboard PCB

    Multi-function Selector Switch

    Test Equipment (Tool Kit) ETU 001for Trackside Unit

    Multi-function Selector switch to measure various parameters of AzLS & AzLM

    Test Adapter (Connector) fits to matching connector on Motherboard PCB

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    Torque Wrench

    Deep socket insert 19 mm Deep socket insert 13 mm

    13 mm high speed drill bit

    Four M8 bolts to be tightened with 13 mm spanner by applying torque of 25 Nm

    Three M12 bolts to be tightened with 19 mm spanner by applying torque of 45 Nm

    Wago screw driver

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    1.3.2 DACF 710 A & DACF 710 P CEL Single Section Digital Axle Counter

    Tool Kit

    S.No. Description Qty.

    1. Pure sine wave Digital Multimeter make Fluke model

    287/Rishabh model 285/ Kusum Meco model 859CF/Rishab

    6016 or equivalent.

    1 No.

    2. Dummy wheel (as per drg. No.L007750A3) 1 No.

    3. Ring spanner 17-19, 24-26 1 No. each

    4. Open end spanner 17-19, 24-26 1 No. each

    5. Socket spanner with handle 1 No.

    6. Torque wrench (Jaicom JPR65 or equivalent, 88NM) 1 No.

    7. Screw driver No. 902 1 No.

    8. Screw driver No. 935 1 No.

    9. Marking jig for drilling (drg. No.F008300 on D29 & D29A) 1 No.

    10. Dummy load to check power supply (resistive) 1 No.

    11. Serial to USB Converter with driver CD make MOXA 1 No.

    Optional items

    1 Portable data analyzer for downloading event logger data for

    analysis and report generation.

    1 No.

    2 Train simulator, Model TS 267P CEL make 1 No.

    3 Extender card (Card No.557 or latest) 1 No.

    Marking jig

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    Socket spanner with handle Screw Driver No. 902 Screw Driver No. 935 Ring spanner 17-19

    Ring spanner 24-26

    Open end spanner 17-19

    Open end spanner 24-26

    Dummy wheel Multimeter model Fluke 287

    Torque wrench model JPR65

    Punch and fixing device

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    1.3.3 DACF 720 P CEL High AvailabilitySingle Section Digital Axle Counter

    Tool Kit

    S.No. Description Qty.

    1. Pure sine wave Digital Multimeter make Fluke model

    287/Rishabh model 285/ Kusum Meco model 859CF/Rishab

    6016 or equivalent.

    1 No.

    2. Dummy wheel (as per drg. No.L007750A3, D14) 1 No.

    3. Ring spanner 17-19, 24-26 1 No. each

    4. Open end spanner 17-19, 24-26 1 No. each

    5. Socket spanner with handle 1 No.

    6. Torque wrench (Jaicom JPR65 or equivalent, 88NM) 1 No.

    7. Screw driver No. 902 1 No.

    8. Screw driver No. 935 1 No.

    9. Marking jig for drilling (drg. No.F008300 on D29 & D29A) 1 No.

    10. Dummy load to check power supply (resistive) 1 No.

    11. Serial to USB Converter with driver CD make MOXA 1 No.

    Optional items

    1 Portable data analyzer for downloading event logger data for analysis and report generation.

    1 No.

    2 Extender card (Card No.557 or latest) 1 No.

    Multimeter model Rishabh 6016

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    1.3.4 SSDAC-G36 G.G.Tronics Single Section Digital Axle Counter

    S. No. Description Qty. 1. Portable data-logger for downloading event logger data for

    analysis and report generation. 1 No.

    2. Pure Sine wave Digital Multimeter (Fluke 187 or Rishab 28S or similar)

    1 No.

    3. Train Simulator 1 No. 4. Extender module 1 No. 5. Dummy Wheel 1 No. 6. Ring spanner 17-19,24-26 1 No. each 7. Open end spanner 17-19, 24-26 1 No. each 8. Socket spanner with handle 1 No. 9. Torque wrench, Jaicom make JPR65 or Equivalent - 88 Nm. 1 No. 10. Screw Driver No.902 1 No. 11. Screw Driver No.935 1 No. 12. Marking jig for drilling 1 No.

    1.3.5 Az S 350 U Siemens Multi Section Digital Axle Counter

    S. No. Description Qty. 1 Drilling machine or drilling jig C25326-A28-A1 1 No. 2 Twist drill, Ø 13 mm 1 No. 3 Countersink, 90°, Ø 25 mm 1 No. 4 Torque spanner, opening 19 1 No. 5 Fixed or ring spanner, opening 19 1 No. 6 Open-end, ring or box spanner, width across flats 13 1 No. 7 Fixed spanner, opening 24 1 No. 8 Fixed spanner, opening 30 1 No. 9 Screwdriver, 0.6 x 2.8, as per DIN 7437 1 No. 10 Screwdriver, 0.6 x 3.5, as per DIN 7437 1 No. 11 Cable stripping knife 1 No. 12 Test equipment: Probe adapter board 1 No. 13 Multi-meter (Fluke-289 or equivalent) with measuring ranges:

    (i) DC measuring range: 300 mV to 100 V (ii) AC measuring range: 40 mV to 100 V (iii)Frequency measuring range: 2.5 kHz to 45 kHz

    1 No.

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    Multimeter Model Fluke 189

    Probe Adapter Board (Parameter measuring card)

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    1.3.6 Frauscher ACS 2000 Multi Section Digital Axle Counter

    S. No. Description Qty. 1 Steel wire brush and WD40 spray - used to clean the rail

    surface area for easy fixing of rail claw. 1 No.

    2 Torque wrench (range 15 - 60 Nm) -used to fasten the bolts at specified torque.

    1 No.

    3 Socket spanner SW19 and SW17 & screw drivers. 1 No. each 4 Fixed spanner SW36/Friction type ratchet – used to fix rail claw

    in the rail. 1 No.

    5 Steel tape measure (Fibre/wooden tape measure recommended in RE area)

    1 No.

    6 Plumb bob for level measurement (2 m length). 1 No. 7 Multi-meter: Range 1000 mV DC, precision ± 0.5 % 1 No. 8 Probes with 2 mm male connectors (for connection of

    evaluation board with mV meter). 2 Nos.

    9 Testing plate PB200 1 No.

    Steel Wire Brush and WD40 Spray used to clean the rail surface area for easy fixing of Rail Claw

    Torque Wrench range 15-260 Nm) used to fasten the bolts at specified torque

    Socket Spanner SW19 & SW17 and Screw Drivers

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    Testing Plate PB200

    Fixed Spanner SW36/Friction type Ratchet - used to fix Rail Claw in the rail

    Steel Tape measure* & Plumb bob for level measurement (2 m in length)

    * In RE area Fibre/wooden tape measure is recommended instead of steel tape

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    1.4 एस जी ई डबल लाईन लॉक उपकरण SGE Double Line Block Instrument

    Recommended tools Tension Gauge of 0-500 grams range. Multimeter Hydrometer Cutting Plier 8 inch Nose Plier Screw driver (small) Megger

    Multimeter RISH Multi 20 Hydrometer Cutting Plier

    Nose plier Screw Driver Megger

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    1.5 इलेि क पॉइंट मशीन Electric Point Machine

    Recommended Tools and measuring instruments Following tools and measuring instruments should be kept in the duty room for installation and maintenance of Electric point machine: Spanner set 32 mm (11/4”) single end spanner Adjustable pipe wrench Screw driver Hammer Tommy bar Measuring tape Test gauge Cutting pliers Wire cutter Insulation peeler DC Ammeter with centre ‘0’ incase of Analog (0-30 Amp) DC Voltmeter (0-250V) Track shunt resistance. Grease Gun

    Spares and Consumables Following spares and consumables are necessary for maintenance and inspection.

    SAE 30/SHELL 100 oil Grease IS 507/508 Chamois leather Cotton waste grade A Carbon brush Contact assembly MS-pins and split pins D-bracket and stretcher bar insulation material sets

    Tools and accessories to be supplied with new point machines The following set of tools in a suitable box shall be supplied along with every set of eight point machines or less: 1. Hand operated square drive socket wrenches of 12.5 mm driving square (short type) as

    per IS: 7381 for M8, M10, M12 & M18 threads. (One 250 mm long 12.5 mm square extension bar as per IS: 7991 alongwith compatible Tee handle Square drive as per IS: 7975 suitable for above socket wrenches.

    2. Open jaw wrenches (spanners) for M10, M12, M20, M24 & M33 threads as per IS: 2028.

    3. Adjustable wrench. 4. Screw driver 300 mm long

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    Measuring Tape Tommy bar


    Grease Gun

    Spanner set

    Adjustable Wrench Test Guage

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    1.6 इलेि क लि टंग बै रयर Electric Lifting Barrier

    Recommended tools for installation & maintenance

    S.No. Description Qty.

    1 Spanner Set – (for 1/8 “ Bolt to 3/4” Bolt) 1 Set

    2 Screw driver set 1 Set

    3 Allen keys ( For 1/8” to 5/8” Allen Bolt) 1 Set

    4 Plier 1 No.

    5 Tester Screw Driver 1 No.

    Allen key for 1/8” Allen Bolt

    Allen key for 5/8” Allen Bolt

    Allen keys set

    Tester Screw Driver

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    1.7 इंट ेटेड पावर स लाई Integrated Power Supply

    Tool kit

    S. No. Description of tools Size Make Quantity

    1 Double ended spanner 6-7, 8-9, 10-11 & 12-13 Taparia 01 each

    2 Box spanner 6-7, 8-9, 10-11 & 12-13 Taparia 01 each

    3 Screw driver set (05 pieces) 6” Taparia 01 set

    4 Screw driver small/ aligner -- Taparia 01

    5 Screw driver big 12” Taparia 01

    6 Cutting plier 6” Taparia 01

    7 Nose plier 6” Taparia 01

    8 Plier 6” Taparia 01

    Cutting Plier Box Spanner Set

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    Handbook on Signalling Tools December 2016

    1.8 संदभ References

    IRS Specification for Electric Point Machine No. IRS:S24/2002 (Amdt.1). RDSO Specification for Integrated Power supply No. RDSO/SPN/165/2012 Version 3.0 AzLM Installation Guideline –M/s Eldyne Electro Systems Pvt. Ltd. AzLS Installation Guideline –M/s Eldyne Electro Systems Pvt. Ltd. Installation Manual –Single Section Digital Axle Counter DACF 710 A –M/s Central

    Electronics Ltd. Installation Manual –Single Section Digital Axle Counter DACF 710 P –M/s Central

    Electronics Ltd. Installation Manual –High Availability Single Section Digital Axle Counter DACF 720 P

    –M/s Central Electronics Ltd. SSDAC G36 Single Section Digital Axle Counter 2DP1S Installation Manual –M/s

    G.G.Tronics India Pvt.Ltd. SSDAC G36 Single Section Digital Axle Counter 3DP2S Installation Manual –M/s

    G.G.Tronics India Pvt.Ltd. SSDAC G36 Single Section Digital Axle Counter 3DP1S Installation Manual –M/s

    G.G.Tronics India Pvt.Ltd. Installation and Maintenance Instructions DEK 43 Electronic Double Wheel Detector

    for ZP 43 Wheel Detection Equipment – M/s Siemens Ltd. Operating and Service Manual ZP 43 V (S 210) Wheel Detection Equipment- M/s

    Siemens Ltd. D10014-08-1.1:Maintenance of the axle counting system ACS2000 – M/s Frauscher

    GmbH D1414-3a:Mounting and Commissioning of wheel sensor type RSR180 – M/s Frauscher



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