McEachron Elementary To Know, To Do, To Be the Best! 4433 SW 29th Street Terrace, Topeka, KS 66614 Phone: 438-4430 Information Line 438-4431 FAX: 271-3774 2021-22 Student/Parent School Handbook & Tentative Calendar


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Page 1: Handbook MCEACHRON ELEMENTARY 2021-22

McEachron ElementaryTo Know, To Do, To Be the Best!

4433 SW 29th Street Terrace, Topeka, KS 66614

Phone: 438-4430 Information Line 438-4431 FAX: 271-3774

2021-22 Student/ParentSchool Handbook & Tentative Calendar

Page 2: Handbook MCEACHRON ELEMENTARY 2021-22


McEachron School Site Council/PTO Members:Site Council Chair: New Parent each year

Site Council Secretary: New Parent each yearPTO President: Nicole Crotinger — 785-640-4941

PTO Vice President — —785-PTO Co-Treasurer: Virginia Schumacher — 785-640-9987

PTO Secretary — —DCAC Representative—Lisa Collette–785-806-4241

DCAC Representative — —

McEachron School Improvement Team Members:Vic Williams – Principal 438-4435

Elizabeth Smith — Assistant Principal 438-4438Alison Birk—Pre-School Teacher 438-4475

Lindsey Cox—Kindergarten Teacher 438-4463Amy Felsburg—1st Grade Teacher 438-4476

Bethany Smith—2nd Grade Teacher—438-4460Amy Glinka—3rd Grade Teacher 438-4470

Michelle Johnson–4th Grade Teacher 438-4467Sarah Kahle—5th Grade Teacher 438-4453

Brandy Ruby—Math & Literacy Coach 438-4468Allen Lake—L.R. Special Ed. Teacher 438-4450

Jennifer Gilbreath—Title I Reading & Math Teacher 438-4462Every elementary school has established a School Site Advisory Council and a School Improvement Team. The purpose of these teams is to participatein the school improvement process by: Providing advice and counsel to the school administrator in evaluating state, school district and school siteperformance goals and objectives. Providing advice and counsel to the school administration in determining the methods that should be employed at theschool site to meet these goals and objectives. School site advisory councils are organized and function as determined by each school administrator.Each team is formed in addition to the PTA/PTO or the District Citizens Advisory Council and is comprised of teachers, the principal, parents of pupilsattending the school, people from the business community, and other community groups. Parents who are interested in serving on the school siteadvisory council are encouraged to call the administrator in the building. The McEachron Elementary Site Council meets three times a year thirtyminutes after the McEachron PTO meets (6:30-7:00 p.m.). Dates of the meetings occur the second Tuesday of September, January, and May. AllParents and Guardians are invited to attend these meetings. Watch newsletters for up-dated school improvement information.

MCEACHRON P.T.O. 2021-22 EXECUTIVE BOARD OFFICERSMcEachron’s Parent Teacher Organization is made up of all parents and certified teachers of McEachron.

PTO President : Nicole Crotinger—785-640-4941Vice-President:

PTO Treasurer: Virginia Schumacher— 785-640-9987 [email protected] Secretary:

“DCAC” District Citizens Advisory Committee Representative: Lisa Collette“DCAC” District Citizens Advisory Committee Representative:

Teacher Representative: Alison Birk—438-4475, Amy Felsburg 438-4476, Allen Lake—438-4450, Kim Bruening 438-4469, Principal: Vic Williams –438-4435 ; Asst. Principal: Elizabeth Smith—438-4438

The McEachron Elementary P.T.O. meets the second Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the school library media center except for the monthof December in which we will not meet. Meetings are open to all parents and staff and everyone is encouraged to attend. Your membership isautomatic with the enrollment of your child at McEachron. McEachron’s PTO offers a variety of student/parent activities and opportunities duringthe year to give families a chance to do fun things together while also getting to know others in the school community. The PTO also conductsfundraisers to obtain the funds necessary to purchase, finance, or make available extra educational materials and opportunities for the benefit ofstudents at McEachron. PTO will have a full slate of activities including the Carnival, Pancake Feed, Four Quarterly Skating Parties, fall & springFood Fundraiser, Family Pizza Night, Family Bowling Night, Silent Auctions, Bake Sales, Staff Luncheons, etc. Together, we can help make theeducation of our children receive the best possible education at McEachron.

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TOPEKA PUBLIC SCHOOLS MISSION STATEMENTWith the active engagement of parents and the community, we will:

Engage students in the highest quality learning.Prepare students for responsible, productive citizenship.


The mission of McEachron Elementary School,in partnership with parents and the community,

is to provide positive experiences for all studentsacademically, physically, emotionally and socially,

which will enable them to becomeresponsible members of society and lifelong learners.MCEACHRON ELEMENTARY MISSION GOALS

● Demonstrate proficiency in the communication skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking.● Demonstrate proficiency in basic math skills and make applications.● Express knowledge and understanding of our country’s history and the democratic process.● Demonstrate proficiency in basic science process skills and make applications.● Apply logical thinking skills to evaluate information, solve problems and make decisions.● Demonstrate the use and application of current technology and information resources.● Explore the fine arts.● Cooperate with others in the pursuit of a common goal.● Practice commitment, dependability, responsibility and respect.● Recognize the need for personal health and fitness to maintain wellness.

Maximum achievement of these goals requires a continued commitment from ourcommunity, patrons, parents, Board of Education, school administrators, staff and the students themselves.

McEachron Elementary pledges its commitment to the achievement of these goals.

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TPS Performance Level DescriptorsADVANCEDStudents achieving at the advanced level consistently meet, and at times exceed, the grade level standards; theydemonstrate skilledperformance. These students:

Demonstrate a thorough understanding of concepts and skillsMake abstract, insightful, or complex connections among ideasApply knowledge and skills effectively and independently using efficient strategiesCommunicate effectively and thoroughly

PROFICIENTStudents achieving at the proficient level regularly meet the grade level standards; they demonstrate acceptableperformance. These students:

Demonstrate a sufficient understanding of concepts and skillsMake meaningful, multiple connections among ideasApply knowledge and skills using appropriate strategiesCommunicate effectively

DEVELOPINGStudents achieving at the basic level are starting to meet, and occasionally do meet, the grade level standards; they areapproachingacceptable performance, but have not achieved it. These students:

Demonstrate a partial understanding of basic concepts and skillsMake simple or basic connections among ideasAre starting to apply knowledge and skills using appropriate strategiesCommunicate effectively at times

BEGINNINGStudents achieving at the beginning level are not meeting the grade level standards; they are not successful withperformance opportunities. These students:

Demonstrate a minimal understanding of basic concepts and skillsOccasionally make obvious connections among ideasHave difficulty applying basic knowledge and skillsCommunicate in an ineffective manner

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Topeka Public Schools Character Principles1. Self-Awareness

a. Practice self controlb. Set goals and work toward themc. Strive for personal improvement

d. Identify thoughts, emotions, personal qualities and boundaries2. Compassion

a. Be kind to myself and othersb. Help others in need

c. Be forgiving3. Responsibility

a. Do what I am supposed to dob. Always do my best

c. Be accountable for words, actions, attitude, and choices4. Respect

a. Honor self and others because of our inherent worthb. Demonstrate integrity

(Add Picture)

Show Responsibility by being amember of McEachron Student

Council. A student council membershas to be responsible for coming to

meetings and planning special eventslike “Donuts for Dad” and “Muffins forMom” to show honor and respect for

our dads and moms each year.

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Mustang faces in all our places

P ut downs are prohibited

R espect and trust towards one another

I nsist upon your personal best

D iscuss and listen actively

E xpect and give truth and honesty

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McEachron Friday Morning ChantMcEachron kids we do our best (echo)

We work hard we never rest (echo)

We do our best for all to see (echo)

McEachron Mustangs we’re proud to be! (echo)

Sound off…..1, 2

Sound off ……3, 4

McEachron Mustangs…

Let’s Go!

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Parents of all students, Pre-School through fifth grade, should call the school before 8:40 a.m., the start time of the school dayif their child is going to be absent. (Office: 438-4430)

If a family has no telephone, an effort should be made to call from work or to send a note with a brother, sister. If this is notpossible, return a note with your child the day he returns to school. A confirmation note is required if your child has been to theDoctor or Dentist. Three unexcused absences in a row, five unexcused absences in a semester and/or seven unexcusedabsences in a school year could result in a truancy report being filed. When a student obtains more than 10 excused absences,a doctor’s note will be required to excuse any additional absences. The parent and child may visit the school nurse or principalto determine if the absence should be excused.


A. As long as possession does not interfere with educational processes or compromise the safety of staff and students orthe security of the school, a student may possess a cellular telephone or other electronic communication device (ECD) inschool, on school property, at after school activities, and at school-related functions. During the school day and atschool-sponsored activities, student will comply with administrative or school employee directives relating to the use ofcellular phones and other ECDs.

B. Cellular telephones and other ECDs must remain off and out of sight in classrooms or during instructional time unless useof the ECD is specifically authorized by the classroom teacher. Exceptions may be made in special circumstances withprior approval from the principal or designee. Use of a cellular telephone or other ECD shall not be allowed if the use willbe disruptive to other students’ instructional time. However, at the high schools, students are permitted to use cellularphones and other ECDs during the lunch period and passing periods.

C. Students are permitted to use cellular phones and other ECDs before and after the school day, as defined by the buildingprincipal. The principal may confine the use of ECDs to certain defined locations in each building.

D. A student who brings his/her privately owned ECD or computer to school is personally responsible for the equipment.Any damage to the equipment is the responsibility of the 09/03/09 Revisions: 06/29/10; 11/04/15; 06/21/18 TopekaPublic Schools 2945 (2) ACCEPTABLE USE OF PERSONAL ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION DEVICES D. individual.Topeka Public Schools is NOT responsible for theft, loss or damage to electronic devices brought to school by a student

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or confiscated by a school employee for violation of these policies governing the acceptable use of such devices.

E. No privately owned ECD may be attached or connected, wired or wireless, to the Topeka Public Schools network exceptby Technology Department personnel when authorized by the Network Administrator.

F. Possession of a cellular telephone or other ECD by a student is a privilege, which may be forfeited by any student whofails to abide by the terms of this policy, or otherwise engages in misuse of the device so as to violate the law, districtpolicies or school rules. In addition to those conduct rules set forth elsewhere, the following violations may result indisciplinary action under student disciplinary policies:

1. Accessing and/or viewing an Internet site that is otherwise blocked to students at school.

2. Sending an e-mail, text message, photograph or other communication that harasses, intimidates, threatens, bullies, ordiscriminates against another individual, including sexting.

3. Using a camera device at school or a school-sponsored event to take, send, download or upload an unwanted, harassing,threatening, or embarrassing photograph of anyone.

4. Using a camera in a restroom, dressing room, or locker room.

5. Using a camera or other recording device to record or capture the content of tests, assessments, homework, or classworkwithout express prior permission from the instructor.

6. Using any ECD for sharing information in any way that may be deemed cheating. G. If an ECD is visible or a student is foundusing an ECD during the school day in violation of this policy, the following actions will occur:

7. The staff member witnessing the offense will direct the student to turn the ECD off and put it out of sight.

8. If the student fails to comply with the request, the incident will be reported to the principal (disciplinary referral) who willdetermine what disciplinary action is appropriate under the circumstances. H. Possession or use of an ECD in violation of thispolicy may result in loss of the privilege of possessing or using an ECD on school property, or other penalties up to andincluding short- or long-term suspension. Inappropriate use of an ECD for purposes of cheating, harassing, bullying, etc, orwhich violate additional school policies or the law may result in more severe penalties, up to and including expulsion.

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1. Regular attendance, punctuality and success in school are closely related. Patterns for good attendance areusually established early in the school year. It is necessary for a parent/guardian to notify the school whenevertheir child is absent before 8:40 a.m., the start of the school day.

2. Arriving at school within the required time is important. A child cannot begin acquiring the habit of punctuality tooearly. We ask parent/guardian cooperation in seeing that their child is not tardy to school. If your child is tardy,we request that you come in the school and sign them in at the office. They are not allowed to go to class withouta “tardy” pass from the office. For security reasons, parents will not be allowed to walk their child/children to theirclass after the 8:40 bell has rung.

3. If a student is moving from the district, the school should be notified a day or two in advance of school transfer sothat transfer or withdrawal papers can be prepared without interrupting teachers in class.

4. Parents who wish to have students released from school prior to the end of the academic day must provide a noteto the classroom teacher. For emergencies, notify the office. It would be preferred to schedule Dr. appointmentsbefore or after school or when students are not in session. When this is not possible, please be sure to bring aDr.’s note back so that your child can be marked as excused for the time gone. When and if possible, always tryto return your child back to school if there is still school time left after the appointment.


· McEachron Elementary School opens for the YWCA Kids Quest Program at 7:00 a.m. each morning.

· Breakfast students may enter the building when the 8:10 bell rings and should leave the gym and go back and wait outside inthe front porch and concreted area with Para supervision until 8:30 a.m. All other students are allowed to enter the building andgo to their classrooms at 8:30 a.m. If the weather is bad in the morning, the students will be allowed to come into the schooland sit along the walls in the hallway with Para supervision until 8:30 a.m.

· AN IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE TIMES- Like every business, church or institution, wehave a beginning and ending time. Please DO NOT have your child/children arrive before 8:10 a.m. The time before and afterschool is used for staff meetings and planning for the upcoming day. We cannot supervise students who arrive before 8:10a.m. unless they are in the Kids Quest Program. Your cooperation in this area will greatly be appreciated. Students waitingoutside of the school before and after school hours are expected to sit down at the tables on the front porch or sit on the stone

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retaining wall. Students will not be permitted to run around waiting area outside or block the front doors.

· When the 8:30 bell rings, students are to line up in their lines and stand quietly before the teacher dismisses them to enter theschool and then go to their classrooms until school commences. Students will enter the classrooms at 8:30 M-Th and 9:20 onlate start Fridays. At 8:40 a.m., one of our 5th grade students or Student Council Representatives will lead us in the flag saluteover the intercom.

· All students arriving after the 8:40 a.m. bell must stop by the front office with their parent to sign in and get a Tardy Pass toclass. Students who do not have a Tardy Pass from the office will not be allowed to come in through the front security doors orgo to their classrooms until they have stopped by the front office to check in and get a pass.

· All pre-school students are usually dismissed at 3:30 each day. All bus students are dismissed at 3:35 p.m. from theirclassrooms. All other students are dismissed at 3:40 p.m. and all school busses also leave and pull away from the building atthis time.


It is important for students to get some exercise, have a change of pace and stretch from sitting in a classroom. Parents shouldhelp their child be aware of the weather that is predicted for the next school day and help to ensure that their child has theappropriate clothes laid out for school. It’s always wise to then check to see that the student is wearing the clothes that werelaid out the night before and have a coat, gloves, or hat if it is appropriate. It is always better to have the child overdress inlayers that can be taken off throughout the school day if needed. You can assume your child will be going out for recess dailyunless one of the following conditions prevails:

1. We are in a severe weather alert. 2. It is raining. 3. The wind chill index is below 20 degrees.


Band and Strings classes are offered to 5th grade students. The time that we have schedule these classes is right after the5th grade student’s lunch time. Students who choose to be in band or strings class must keep up with their other subjects thatour students need to be proficient in before they leave our school. Instruments can be rented from the district on a first comefirst served basis. Band will be held on the band room and strings will be held in the vocal music room. All band and stringsstudents are required to attend and perform in their concerts during the day and in the evening. Students and parents know willknow well ahead of time and should make other arrangements with extra curricular activities such as soccer, dance, & ect. Itwill usually have a negative effect a students over-all grade if they do not attend a performance.

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Students who are in 3rd, 4th, & 5th grades may ride their bicycles to school. The following procedures must be followed. Eachbicycle must: 2. Have a license. 3. Be locked up with a bike lock 3. Be left at the bicycle rack located on the front north sideof McEachron. 4. Not allowed on the front porch area. 5. Must be walked across all crosswalks.


McEachron has two Scholastic Book Fairs each school year. One is in fall and one in the spring. The school librarian andvolunteer parents usually sponsor these book fairs. The books from the Book Fair are usually on display and available forpurchase in the school library throughout the week. The funds that are raised from the book fair help to pay for our yearlyauthor/illustrator visitation and presentation to students.


Textbooks are provided by the school on a rental basis. The rental price is established by the Board of Education and coversthe cost of purchasing the books based on usual wear and replacement. Students are assigned the books for which they areresponsible, and they must pay for unnecessary marking, damage, or loss of the book. It is the parents' or guardians'responsibility to make provisions for payment of book rental. Refunds figured on a prorated basis are issued if a studentwithdraws from the Topeka Public Schools.


Students are to keep their cell phone in their book bag and keep them turned off during the school day. We request thatparents who are visiting or observing in the school classroom either turn their cell phone off or at least to vibrate. If it is needed,please take your conversation to the hallway in order that you do not disrupt the learning environment of the classroom..Teacher and Paras are also expected to only use their cell phones during their lunch, break, or planning time if it is needed. Itis our main focus that student instructional time not be interrupted by cell phones.

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It is extremely important that we maintain accurate and timely information on each student, so we can make contact in case ofan emergency. Please call the office at 795-438-4430 to report all changes in home, work, & cell phone numbers, homeaddresses, and emergency contacts. If you have a job change, please let the office know so that we have the most accurateinformation available in case it is needed. If you have no home phone, then see if your next-door neighbor would be willing tobe called by the school to contact you in an emergency situation.


In cases where there is a divorce or separation, each parent should understand that either parent has full access to the childenrolled in our school. If there has been legal action that restricts one of the parents from access to the child, a copy of suchlegal action must be on file with the principal. Such documents must be filed, stamped and signed by a judge. The custodialparent is requested to present such documents during a personal conference with the principal.


Whenever there is a civil defense alert, the students are moved to the Fema Storm Shelter or safest area until the threat isover. All school activities scheduled after the end of the school day will be canceled whenever Topeka is in a tornado watch.During a tornado warning, no parents will be able to pick up their children as all students are totally safe in the Fema StormShelter.


School will be held as specified by the official school calendar. Should inclement weather conditions force the closing ofschool, the Superintendent or the Superintendent's designee shall make the decision by 6 a.m. and shall notify the communityvia the local news media.

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Students are expected to follow their teacher’s directions on the usage of the computers in their classrooms and in the lab. Anystudents who have difficulty following the rules for the use of computers will be denied the privilege to use a computer. Allstudents must have read, signed, “USD No.501 Acceptable Computer Usage Agreement” and have it on file to access anycomputer in the school. No unsupervised usage of the Internet by students is allowed at school.

Cyber Bullying is verbal harassment that occurs during online activities. If you are ever bullied, tell a trusted adult and keeptelling them until they take action. If you are threatened with harm, call the police. Students who use any of this informationinappropriately may face disciplinary consequences at school. Even though the actual infractions may occur away from theschool, the effects of what has been done may have a direct impact on school. Depending upon the severity of the action, thefollow consequences could take place:

R Notification of parents/guardians

R Detention or In school suspension

R In severe cases, students may face out of school suspension.


Parents who want their children to do something other than the normal routine after school should inform the school of thesechanges. In this way we can not only remind the child of the change, but also be informed if a bus driver or sitter calls theschool inquiring about the child. Only with Mr. Williams’ permission will a student be allowed to ride a bus different from his/herregular bus or form of transportation. Parents should send a note with the student for Mr. Williams to sign. Students should beon their way home immediately after the 3:40 p.m. dismissal bell. Students will not be allowed to return to the school buildingor classroom once they have boarded the buses. This prevents delays in the bus schedule, takes teachers away from theirsupervision duties, and helps students become more responsible about taking items home. Please give your child instructionson how to get home. Do not allow your child to stay after school for long periods of time waiting for a ride home. This isstressful on your child and a hardship on the school staff as their duty day is over at 4:00 p.m..

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Supervision is not available after 3:55 p.m. Students who are not picked up after 3:55 are recorded in a school log. Parentspicking up students after 3:55 are required to sign this log before taking their child. If an emergency occurs, and you will arriveafter 3:55 p.m., call the school and notify the office personnel at 438-4430. Chronic abuse of picking your child late after 3:55p.m. will result in a child being taken to intake by the U.S.D. 501 Police.


The classroom teacher will make available to all parents and guardians copies of classroom rules, rewards and consequences.It is important to us here at McEachron that parents do their best to attend the Parent Orientation Night that we have at thebeginning of each school year as teachers can explain and answer any questions that you may have about their policies.


PBIS or Positive Behavior Intervention Support and Jim Fay’s Love & Logic system is based on a very simple, sensible premise- that by setting uniform standards of behavior for all students in all areas of the school, there will never be a question howstudents are to behave. Love and Logic involves determining rewards and consequences for students who do or do not followthe rules. We, therefore, teach our students responsibility for their own behavior. They are given a clear choice - follow the rulesand enjoy the school-wide rewards, or break the rules and receive the consequences with much empathy.

Each teacher has developed his or her Positive Behavior Intervention Plan in which their students have input into some of thepositive rewards that they may earn as an individual or a class.i Each staff member is expected to monitor students behavior inthe classroom and give positive reward tickets to students who are on task and following the expectations for learning.

As a staff, our faculty members have developed a STAR Positive Behavior Intervention System Plan to be used school wide.We have set up specific rules for the hallway, classroom, cafeteria, bathroom, playground, assemblies, bus, andarrival/dismissal which can be found on page 5 of in this handbook. Again, there will be rewards and consequences reflectingthe students' behavior. If you are notified that your child has misbehaved in the classroom or anywhere in the school, weappreciate your support and understanding. It is important that our children know that both the home and school are workingtogether to influence their behavior.

Everything we are doing is aimed at creating the ideal atmosphere for your children. We want a safe, orderly school in whichyour children can receive the type of education they deserve. I personally call upon each of you to support the efforts of your

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child's classroom teacher and the efforts of our staff. We in turn will use our knowledge and training to make this school a placethe entire community can be proud of.


When a student chooses to not follow school rules and/or district policy, the supervising staff member puts a “Log Entry” intoTyler SIS to document the incident if it is deemed necessary. The classroom teacher will usually inform the parent of any minorissues; however, in severe major cases the principal or person in charge of the building when the principal is absent will callthe parent at home or work to inform them of the major discipline log entry that was put in by a certified staff member.

Tyler SIS allows the principal to refer to any past Log Entries when a student has other reoccurrences with discipline issues.Students who have a major discipline issue will usually take time to complete a “Think Sheet” when they have calmed downand are ready to write what they did that was not appropriate and what they will do next time if they are in the same situation.


No information in the form of flyers or other written information will be allowed to be given to students or to teachers to be givento students at an elementary school, unless that information has been approved in writing, by the building principal and /or theU.S.D. 501 administration office. The intent of this practice is to assure that students do not receive information through theschool, which does not represent the school nor suggest school support.


Board of education Policy 8110 prohibits discriminatory harassment of students and provides a procedure for makingcomplaints and remedying violations.


Labeling student outerwear with the student’s name will help in getting misplaced items back to their owners.

R Rubber-soled shoes are recommended for regular school wear and are required for physical education classes. Noshoes such as Heelys will be allowed if they have the wheels exposed.

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R Shirts and tops should not be worn that don’t cover the student’s midriff.

R Shirts and hats should not be worn that advertise drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, or violence. Hats may not be worninside the school, unless permission is given.

R Shorts are permitted but no short-shorts or shorts cut high on the sides.

R Remember that our school is air-conditioned and some days clothes worn for outdoor heat are not appropriate inair-conditioning.

R Undergarments should not be visible in a school setting.

R “Sagging” pants that show undergarments should not be worn.

R Tank tops with huge armholes should not be worn.

R For older girls, no tops should be worn that do not entirely cover their bras.

R Students should always come prepared to play outside. In winter, this means warm coats, gloves, hats, and boots (orshoes to change into in the classroom). Children are expected to go outside each day unless we have a note fromthe parent/guardian requesting that the student not go out for health reasons.


The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited on Topeka U.S.D.#501 property. Violators will be prosecuted.


Parents and Grandparents are encouraged to come up to school and eat lunch with their child/grandchild. Those eating withtheir children may either eat at a separate table inside or we also have several tables out front of the school that you arewelcome to use. We will allow one (1) friend to accompany you and your student during lunch.

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Please visit with your child's teacher, the school’s counselor, social worker, or Mr. Williams if you have a concern about yourchild's emotional or physical health. The school offers services in many areas that may be helpful to your child. Our counseloris full-time at our school and available throughout the week. Please call the school for our School’s Social Worker’s scheduleas this person travels between buildings.


The use of seclusion or physical restraint is considered to be an “emergency safety intervention (ESI)” and shall be used onlywhen a student presents a reasonable and immediate danger of physical harm to the student or others with the present abilityto effect such physical harm.

Restraint is defined to include the following:

“Chemical restraint” means the use of medication to control a student’s violent physical behavior or restrict a student’sfreedom of movement. This term does not include prescribed treatments for a student’s medical or psychiatriccondition by a person appropriately licensed to issue these treatments.

“Mechanical restraint” means any device or object used to limit a student’s movement. This term does not include thoseprotective or stabilizing devices either ordered by a person appropriately licensed to issue the order for the device orrequired by law, any device used by a law enforcement officer in carrying out law enforcement duties, and seat beltsand any other safety equipment when used to secure students during transportation.

“Physical restraint” means bodily force used to substantially limit a student’s movement, except that consensual,solicited, or unintentional contact and contact to provide comfort, assistance or instruction shall not be deemed to bephysical restraint.

Restraint Restrictions

The use of chemical and mechanical restraint is prohibited, except as allowed in the above limited circumstances. Physical

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restraint may only be used when a student presents an immediate danger to self or others.

Reports of Emergency Safety Interventions

In the event an emergency safety intervention is used with a student the parents/guardians will be notified the same day thatthe ESI was used. All ESI events are reported to the Kansas State Department of Education.

For detailed information go to our website and click the Departments tab. Click on the Emergency Safety Intervention link where youwill find additional ESI Information.


We are doing our best to keep up with the use of communication through technology sites such as Facebook and Twitter whensharing about school events with our parents, students, and patrons. There are actually two McEachron Facebook accounts.The one that is truly ours has a color picture of our school and a mustang on the Facebook Account. The other one is just ablack and white picture resembling a person. The principal or support staff will post the pictures on Facebook and usually writea paragraph or two about the event for everyone to see and like. We also post our McEachron School Monthly Calendar on ourFacebook Page once it is printed and updated for everyone to have right at their fingertips if they have a phone or computer.


In Topeka Public Schools, Facility Rentals are arranged by contacting the Sports Park Director at 295-3750.


Our school receives Federal Funds to support programming for students. Under Federal Law, any parent can request informationabout any teacher of their child. Parents have the right to know:

· whether a teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which theteacher provides instruction;

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· whether a teacher is teaching under emergency or another provisional status through which state qualification or licensingcriteria have been waived;

· the baccalaureate degree major of a teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and thefield of discipline of the certification or degree;

· the qualifications of a paraprofessional providing instruction to a student and be reassured of the fact that allparaprofessionals work under the direction of a licensed teacher.


In the past, each grade level takes at least two classroom field trips during the school year. These may only be takenthroughout the year at the discretion of where we are on our PTO budget and if approved by the school’s principal once all thepaper work has been completed by the grade level teachers. Before a field trip, parents will always receive written notificationof the trip either by newsletter or note, stating the nature of the trip, departure and return time, and all the necessaryinformation. Students must have class work completed and behavior that merits this privilege, in order to participate in fieldtrips.

Bus transportation will be used for the transportation of all students on most field trips. We have appreciated parent andvolunteer drivers in the past years, but feel that bus transportation is safest for everyone involved due to personal liabilityissues. We appreciate our McEachron Parent Teacher Organization in helping to pay for some of the costs of bustransportation for class field trips. It is the PTO’s and School’s intention to pay for most if not all expenses of all field trips. Thedistrict no longer provides any money for field trips due to state budget cuts. Parents and students have been requested byour McEachron PTO to pay $10.00 for their child at enrollment to help defray part of the costs of transportation or other studententrance fees that our PTO pays for each year. The PTO parents felt that field trips were an important part of each student'seducation and didn't want to cut back in this area at this time.


Each elementary school in the Topeka Public School District has a General Education Intervention (GEI) Team. Concerns thatteachers or parents may have about the academic, social, or psychological well being of students may be brought before theteam for study. It is important that parents do their best to attend one of these meetings if their child has been brought to the

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The GEI team consists of several professionals, who may include the psychologist, counselor, social worker, classroomteacher, learning resource teacher, nurse, speech clinician, reading teacher, and principal. Parents are also invited to giveinput on their child’s learning process or concerns to the classroom teacher or attend a scheduled meeting on their child. GEImeetings are held each Tuesday & Thursday morning between 7:40 & 8:40 a.m. The team usually tries to meet on threedifferent students for 20 minutes each during this time.


Grade cards are issued every 9 weeks. Please refer to our school calendar for exact dates. At the conclusion of the first nineweek period grade

cards will be issued at the Parent Teacher conferences or sent home. At the conclusion of the second and third nine weekperiod grade cards will be

sent home with students. At the conclusion of the fourth nine week period, grade cards will be sent home via US Mail.


Immediate first aid is provided in the event of injury at school. Parents are contacted to assume responsibility in case ofserious injury or illness. Schools have limited health (nurse) services.


The practice of giving homework assignments is strongly supported and encouraged by the Topeka Board of Education. Inorder for the practice to be educationally sound, each local attendance center and individual classroom teacher has theresponsibility to determine the need for and the amount of homework, taking into consideration the individual differencesamong students. Homework assignments should be meaningful and clear as to purpose. Students who read…. succeed!Make it a habit and personal goal while they are young. Be involved with your child by asking questions while they are reading.While your child is reading, use the time to set an example by reading the newspaper or a good book. Students tend to learnhow important something is by the example that is set in the home. We know as parents that many of you know that reading is

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very, very important. However, the school can’t do it alone, it takes everyone of us together working as a team.


Any child may eat a hot lunch anytime as long as he/she purchases lunch and notifies his/her teacher the day before he/sheeats. Children may pay by the day or lunch credit may be purchased anytime by sending money to school. Checks should bemade payable to McEachron Elementary School. Please include your child’s name on the memo portion of yourcheck. Students may charge no more than two meals. After the second meal charge and no response from the lunch moneyreminder notes, students will be expected to call the parents at home or work to ask for a sack lunch or lunch money.Reminder notes will be sent home with students weekly. Please be sure to check your child’s book bag for these and otherschool notes each day.


In Topeka Public Schools, we believe that fresh air and exercise are good for the body and the mind. Students will be expectedto come dressed for outside play - even in winter. While students may not stay outside for an entire play period, if the wind-chillindex and temperature are within reason, students will go outside, if only to "run off a little excess energy". If for medicalreasons, your child is restricted from this play, a note should be sent. If the restricted period is for more than one or two days, anote should be sent from the physician.

Again, all students go outside for recess unless they bring a note from parents for each day they should stay inside (or a notefrom a doctor for prolonged periods). Students should dress appropriately for all weather conditions.


Fifth grade students are eligible to participate in the district elementary band and strings program. Thirty minutes of pull outtime twice a week during the regular school for students will be necessary to participate in this program. The students usuallyperform two different times throughout the school year. One before the Christmas break and the other the last week or twobefore school is out in May. Usually, students must provide their own instruments, however, a limited number of instrumentsare owned by the district and it may be possible to rent an instrument from the school district. Bringing an instrument is just likebringing your schoolwork or pencil to class. If you aren’t a responsible student, you could be dropped from the band or stringsprogram if you continue not to bring your band or strings instrument. When you don’t bring your instrument, it not only affects

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you and your grade, but also affects the entire band or strings.

All band and strings students are required to attend and perform in their concerts during the day and in the evening. Studentsand parents know will know well ahead of time and should make other arrangements with extra curricular activities such assoccer, dance, & ect. It will usually have a negative effect a students over-all grade if they do not attend a performance.


We occasionally have balloon-a-grams and flowers delivered to McEachron for students on their birthdays. Because of thedisturbance to classes, we do not deliver them. However, office personnel will call for the student at the end of the school day.As much as we understand the gesture, it would be more appropriate to have balloon-a-grams and flowers delivered to thestudent’s home address.


Kansas State law requires that each child enrolling in a Kansas school for the first time must furnish a Kansas Certificate ofImmunization before the child can attend class. This form must be completed and signed.

Health examinations are required for all students upon entry into school. Students should also visit a dentist annually for earlydetection of defects and treatments.

All health forms are available in any school office and should be returned to the office upon completion by the physician ordentist.


Kansas House Bill No.2558 establishes a statewide school safety hotline that is staffed by the Kansas Highway Patrol. Thepurpose of the hotline is to give students an opportunity to report, “impending school violence.” Student calls are received by asingle statewide highway patrol dispatch center; then, transferred to local law enforcement who relay information to the localschool administrator. The toll-free Kansas School Safety Hotline number is 1-877-626-8203.


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Parents of prospective kindergartners are invited to an orientation. At that time, the parents receive information and formsnecessary for enrolling a child in kindergarten. State law requires that a child be five years old on or before September 1st tobe eligible for kindergarten. Parents are required to present a certified birth certificate, health assessment and immunizationrecords, and social security card prior to the first day of attendance. Student dental exams are recommended prior to schoolentrance.


Late start will occur every Friday school is in session. Students are not to arrive until 9:00am on Late Start Friday, as breakfastwill begin at 9:00 a.m. , other students will be allowed in the classrooms at 9:20 am and school will begin at 9:30am.


Students who leave early during the school day will not be excused unless a dentist or Dr.’s note is returned to the school.Attendance is not only checked at the beginning of the day, but throughout the day. Students who miss several hours of schoolfrequently will be counted absent when those hours are all added up.

Please do not ask to take your children early just so you can beat the traffic or because you aren’t willing to wait a few minutesfor school dismissal. It is very disruptive to the school environment to interrupt the classroom and school secretary for yourpersonal gain.


McEachron School offers a large and varied library-media center for its students. Students are welcome to check out booksany time all day long when they bring back books. Kindergarten students are limited to one book at a time. Second and thirdgraders may check out three books at a time. Third, fourth and fifth graders may check out up to four books at a time. Whilefines are not charged for overdue books, students are expected to pay for lost or damaged books. Every Monday, a list ofoverdue books is distributed to the teacher who then notifies the children. Students are expected to maintain a high standard ofbehavior while in the media center, as the Media Specialist is often busy working with other children. We have a full timeLibrary Media Specialist.

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In Topeka Public Schools, students riding to and from school in cars or buses are to be loaded and unloaded from the frontdriveway or the side of the street adjacent to the school grounds. Staff members on duty in the parking lot will call your child’sname on their walkie talkie to communicate to the other staff member supervising students in their grade level lines. At no timeshould students cross 29th Street Terrace to go to or from cars! If you park or unload on the north side of 29th street Terrace yourun the risk of receiving a $200.00 fine. Students are also not to be loaded or unloaded in the marked crosswalk areas.


A lost and found is maintained in this school. Students who find articles should turn them in at the office. Students and parentsare asked to check the lost and found for missing articles. Clothing is kept in the front foyer in a clothing box. Jewelry and smallitems are kept in the office. Unclaimed items will be disposed of after a reasonable length of time. During the weeks ofparent/teacher conferences and the last week of school, the lost clothing and items are lined up along the hallways for studentsand parents to identify and take home. After each Parent/Teacher conference, items left in the lost and found are taken toGood Will.

LUNCH PROCEDURES - Students will be under school supervision during the 20 minute lunch period unless notified otherwiseby the parents or lawful guardians. Students may bring a lunch or purchase a hot lunch. Milk may also be purchased at 40cents each. All students are also given a 10-minute recess period after lunch. It is expected that parents sign students outthrough the school office and back in when they arrive. Students who leave the school grounds to eat are expected to be arriveback on time so as to not disturb the classroom instructional time. Parents are welcome to eat outside on the front patio tableswith their child when the weather is nice. Please be sure to let the office know this before taking your child out front to eat.


It is difficult to give out work assignments ahead of time. Much of what is planned each day is based upon what occurred INCLASS the previous day. Teachers may decide to give more or less practice in a skill depending upon student needs. Also,some instruction and student activities simply cannot be re-created with pencil and paper type work. Teachers will collect themissed work during the student’s absence, and will do their best to “fill in” the missed instruction. Absences due to illness areunavoidable and teachers work hard to help students get “caught up”. Please do not ask for schoolwork prior to a family trip orvacation. We appreciate your understanding in this matter. Make-up work will not be available until after 3:45 p.m. on the dayof the student’s absence. We ask each parent to contact the school to arrange for make-up work to be picked up prior to 4:00p.m.

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The student's parent or lawful custodian must complete a request and permission form before any medicine will beadministered to the student. Longer-term medications require the physician's signature. All medicines must be in a containerclearly marked as to the medication contained therein and with directions. Prescription medicines must be in the originalcontainer marked with the amount of single dosage, name of physician and date.


There are occasions when it is necessary for students to bring money to school for lunches or a field trip. Please send themoney in a sealed envelope with your child's name, teacher's name, purpose for and amount of money written on it. This willhelp ensure that if the envelope is found someone will turn it in to their teacher or the office.


We print and update the monthly Parent/Student Calendar each month to keep everyone aware of any date changes that mayhave had to take place due to unforeseen circumstances. If you are divorced or separated, please feel free to ask for a secondcopy of the calendar from the office secretary so that both parents will be able to be aware of important school events. You canalso find a copy of our monthly updated McEachron calendar on the McEachron Web site and it is also scanned and posted asa picture on our McEachron Facebook Account when it is printed each month. We send most of our school news throughemails as needed as we are doing our best to save on paper and copying charges.


If you are moving and your child will be attending another school, please send a note or call us a few days in advance. Wewould appreciate your giving the school advance knowledge of the address and the approximate date of moving for you andyour family.

If the new school is in Topeka and is a Topeka Public School, all records, report card, acknowledgment of book rental, etc., will

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be mailed directly to your child's new school providing all school fees have been paid and school-owned materials have beenreturned. Your child should take only his/her personal belongings.


McEachron Elementary students in grades one through five have scheduled music & physical education classes each daylasting approximately 45 minutes. Kindergarten and First grade classes only go 20 minutes to one class and then go to theirother class for 20 minutes. Students must have appropriate shoes to participate in P.E.. Shoes with rubber soles arenecessary. Students wearing sandals or boots will not be able to participate for safety reasons. Students will be required toattend their specials classes each day, as this time is the classroom teacher’s planning time. Students will also be expected toparticipate.


Parent-teacher conferences are held twice a year, once each semester. The classroom teachers schedule the conferencesand every effort to schedule siblings sequentially is made. Any parent wishing to have a conference with the principal or ateacher at times other than conference time should call the school office so that the conference may be scheduled.


The Topeka Public Schools has an exclusive contract with Pepsi. At school events, Pepsi products must be used. There are noexceptions.


When calling the school, it is expected that all parents and patrons identify themselves with the school’s secretary or yourphone calls will not be put through. Unless it is an emergency, all phone calls to staff members will go to their voicemail unlessit is the staff members’ planning or break time. The only time the staff members phone number will work with outside lines isbefore 8:30 or after 3:30 p.m. If you need to get a message to the teacher or your child, please call the school’s main line at

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With 425 students enrolled at McEachron, it is imperative that parents and their children make special plans before the schoolday begins. However, when emergency situations arise, every effort will be given to ensure phone messages are given tostudents between 3:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Students are not called from their classroom to visit on the phone unless there is anemergency situation. Also, please don’t wait until 3:40 p.m. to call the school with a message. Once the 3:40 bus bell rings it isnearly impossible to catch the students. All students are dismissed at 3:40 p.m. each day.


Attendance in class is important and every minute counts. If your child has an appointment during the day, please come intoschool to call for him/her and sign your child out. It is our expectation that you come to the office so that we know a responsibleperson is accompanying your child. We know that you are often on tight schedules, but if there’s any delay (traffic orunscheduled problems) it’s a waste of valuable class time for your child to be waiting in the foyer looking for you. Please do notcall the school on your way to the building from your cell phone and request that your student(s) be ready when you arrive. Thestudent will remain in the classroom until the parent arrives at the office. The secretary will call for your child over the intercomwhen you arrive and it shouldn’t take but a minute. A phone call, note to the teacher or an email or phone call to the schoolsecretary telling him/her about the scheduled appointment is also a big help.



R Goalie gets ball from end line and another person throw in from sides

R No hand/arm ball an Intentional hand = 3min time out

R Only one goalie in the box

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R Use appropriate language: not taunting, threats, etc. or arguing with the adult

R No climbing on the net


R Sit on your bottom to swing

R No twisting, spinning, or swinging side to side

R No standing in front of the swings where you can get hurt

R No jumping out of the swings.


R Feet first

R Go down, no going up the slide

R Sit on your bottom

R No sitting on the top of slide

R No jumping off

R No hanging on the slide

R No sitting on the bottom of the slide

4 Square:

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R The server serves the ball underhand so it lands in any of the other 3 squares.

R Students are out if they fail to return the ball to another square, hit the ball with a fist or overhand, causing a ball toland on a line, or catching or carrying the ball.

R A player who is out must move to the back of the waiting line while the other players advance one square.

R The first player in line always moves into square 1 and that is not the serving square.


R Playground equipment is OFF LIMITS to all McEachron students before and after school. Please do not allow yourchild to play on school grounds unsupervised.

R There are NO CLOSED GAMES. Every game is open to anyone interested in playing as long as the rules arefollowed and each person waits for his/her turn.

R Toys and other play equipment should not be brought from home to use at recess.

R Footballs, basketballs, playground balls, etc. should not be kicked on the blacktop as they could cause injuries toother students playing on the blacktop area.

R All games should be played according to the SCHOOL RULES, which will be explained by the classroom teachersat the beginning of the school year.

R When the bell rings ending recess, all running on the blacktop should stop, and students should walk quickly to theline-up area.

R All jump ropes should be only used for jumping rope only!!

R Soccer ball only used in the grass/no kicking on the black top

R Basketball used for shooting dribbling and passing/playing a basketball game

R Playground ball used for 4 square , and basketball activities/ but no kicking

R Volleyball used at the volleyball net area ONLY

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R Please do not swing on tetherball or sit, and do not hit as walking in and out from recess.

R Please lay jump ropes by the recess cart or back on the cart.

R Encourage students to put equipment away at the end of the recess.

R Encourage students to display good sportsmanship at recess


All elementary students of Topeka Public Schools are issued progress reports at the end of each nine-week grading period.Progress reports are issued to parents, at the end of the first quarter, during the parent-teacher conferences. The second andthird progress reports are sent home with the students on the first Wednesday the school is in session immediately followingthe end of the quarter. The fourth quarter progress report will be sent home with the students on the final day that school is insession. Teachers are asked to inform parents of students who are performing less than satisfactory (academically or socially)at any time deemed necessary.

Dear Parents/Guardians: TPS uses a data system called Tyler SIS where grades are stored. Parents who need help withaccess should contact the building secretary. Information will also be given at enrollment. The TPS Performance LevelDescriptors and Abbreviated Definitions for Report Cards is on page 8 for your information.


The building principal is responsible for assigning teachers to specific grade levels and subsequently assigning students to aparticular teacher.


Parents and patrons are welcome and encouraged to visit the school and their child's classroom. Please contact the classroomteacher or principal to make arrangements prior to visits. There are many times that the teacher may be assessing their classor individual students and shouldn’t be interrupted at the time that you may want to come. All visitors are required to check inand pick up a visitor’s badge at the office upon arrival. All visitors are also required to check out and drop off the visitor’s badge

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when leaving. Parents or patrons that disrupt the school environment will be asked to leave the school premises and couldlose their privilege to be on school property and attend school functions. In extreme cases, the police can and will be called toremove anyone who is not following the expectations of the principal or person in charge in his absence. Please remember toturn off your cell phone or put it on vibrate when visiting classrooms.


Safety is a top priority at McEachron Elementary School. We stress the importance of safe play here at school and encouragestudents to develop good safety habits while coming to and going home from school. Please take a minute and go over thefollowing bike and pedestrian safety rules with your child:

R Students should park their bicycle immediately upon arrival at school.

R No riding double on bicycles.

R Bicycles should be ridden with traffic.

R Students should walk facing traffic.

R If possible, encourage your child to walk to and from school with other students.

R Children should stay away from strangers. Any problems in this area should be brought to the attention of schoolpersonnel at once.

R Children should ride home or go home with any other child or adult unless the student’s parents have notified theschool by phone that it is ok to do so.

R Students who are observed riding their bicycles in an unsafe manner will have their parents contacted to make othertransportation arrangements.

R No skateboards, roller blades, or skates are allowed to be ridden to or from school.

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At McEachron, school safety in our first priority. School safety in on everyone’s minds these days. Because of several incidentsin recent years in school s where unauthorized people entered school buildings, all classroom doors are kept locked throughoutthe day. Students and staff however, are asked to keep the doors ajar to where students and staff can come and go as to notinterrupt classes. When and if an intruder would enter the building, students and staff would be asked to pull their classroomdoors shut and move away from the doors. All staff and substitute teachers carry an outside door key and a key to theirclassroom doors. All outside doors are also locked except for the front entrance doors and the west doors that lead to themobile units. All visitors & volunteers are expected to enter through the front doors and sign in at the office.


Please call or stop by the school’s office to be sure that your child has all school bills taken care of or at least set up a paymentplan with the secretary or principal so that your child will have the opportunity to attend extra-curricular activities such as classfield trips. Enrollment dues can be set up at enrollment with the principal to help parents pay at three different installmentdates. All book rental bills are due at the end of October. Checks should be made payable to McEachron Elementary School.

All breakfast & lunch bills should be prepaid for breakfast & or lunch. The district does not support or recommend that studentscharge breakfasts or lunches. Children may pay by the day or lunch credit may be purchased anytime by sending money toschool. Checks should be made payable to McEachron Elementary School. Reminder notes will be sent home with weekly.Please be sure to check your child’s book bag for these and other school notes each day.

All lost library books, and any other school bills are due one week before the last day of school. Every little bit of moneycollected helps support our students, teachers, and school in more ways than we can count. Parents must make every attemptto pay their child’s bills to insure that the school has the money to pay for their child’s transportation and/or special activities atthe end of the year. Checks should be made payable to McEachron Elementary School.


All school concerns should be dealt with at the level at which they occurred. If the concerns are not resolved at the teacherlevel, contact the building administrator. If the concerns are not resolved at that level, contact the Director of ElementaryAdministration.

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A.M. Pre-School 8:30-11:30 P.M. Pre-School 12:40-3:40 p.m. Grades Kindergarten-5th grade 8:30a.m. - 3:40p.m.


School office hours are 7:45 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Should you have a question or a concern that needs the attention of the principalor the secretary, they can be reached for assistance from 7:45 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily.


1. Elementary learners will develop and use essential skills as the basis for lifelong learning.

2. Elementary learners will effectively communicate by speaking, writing, listening, viewing and reading with diversegroups of people in an appropriate manner.

3. Elementary learners will apply critical thinking skills to solve problems using the appropriate technology.

4. Elementary learners will function effectively as individuals and as members of diverse groups.

5. Elementary learners will respect themselves and others.


Parties will be at the discretion of the principal.

Student birthday treats should be passed out while students are at their morning or afternoon recess. After recess, the classmay then take a few minutes to sing Happy Birthday to the student and wish them well while they eat their treats. StudentBirthdays are celebrated at the end of each month in the school cafeteria. Students who have a birthday during the past monthwill receive a cookie paid for with Student Council funds. Students who have summer birthdays will celebrate their half birthday

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and will have half the words sung to them.

Parents are encouraged to sign up to be room parents at the beginning of the school year to help purchase treats (and field tripfunds if available) for Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine’s Day class parties. Other than Halloween, these parties are usuallyheld the last 30 minutes of the designated school day. The PTO no longer reimburses parents as they no longer collect moneyfor school parties at the beginning of the school year. The only money they collect is $10.00 for student field trips.


Individual student pictures will usually be taken in September. If you would like a picture retake or missed taking your picture,picture retakes will be taken sometime in October. Classroom pictures or composites will be taken late winter. Appropriateinformation will be sent home with students prior to picture dates. A 40-page color school yearbook may also be purchased foreach child in January for $15.00. The yearbooks are put together by parents and teachers of the PTO the last week of March.Students are given the yearbooks during the last week of school. We have a yearbook signing party during the last week sostudents may get the staff and fellow classmates autographs.


For the safety and protection of our students and staff, we ask that all visitors please sign in at the front office before visitingother areas of the school. Don’t forget to sign out! Please let us know at the front office window how we can assist you.Parents or patrons that disrupt the school environment will be asked to leave the school premises and could lose their privilegeto be on school property and attend school functions. In extreme cases, the police can and will be called to remove anyonewho is not following the expectations of the principal or person in charge in his absence. If someone other than a parent iseating lunch with your child, please call the office to notify them of the visitor.


Parents and Teachers of the P.T.O. Yearbook Committee finish putting the school Yearbooks together by the week before springbreak. Parents are encouraged to purchase their child’s yearbook sometime in January. The Yearbook orders are finalized inJanuary with one last reminder for those who have not purchased a school yearbook. Yearbooks are $15.00 and are around 36to 40 pages long. The yearbooks are delivered the last week of school. The entire school is usually involved in a school-wideyearbook-signing hour during one of the last days of school. It’s and exciting and fun time for all the students and staff. It’s agreat idea to purchase a yearbook for each child so that they will have something of their own to look back on their school

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friends and activities years later.


Students have a legal right to be protected from unwanted sexual comments, requests for sexual contact or physical contact.Therefore, sexual harassment will not be accepted or tolerated in school. Students are usually given an in-school or out ofschool suspension for such behavior or actions. Any employee or student who engages in sexual harassment of any studentwill be subject to disciplinary measures.


Below are signs that have been installed. Please be aware of them so that our front drive and parking lot run more smoothly.

¨Sign #1: (DO NOT DROP YOUR CHILD OFF UNTIL YOU REACH THE END OF THIS DRIVE) This sign is located on thecurve as you come up the drive to the school. Please do not drop your child off in the driveway until you are the first onein the line. We do not want your child to be hit by another vehicle in the driveway.

Sign #2: (STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT IN THE KIDS QUEST SHOULD NOT BE DROPPED OFF BEFORE 8:10 A.M.)This sign is located next to small tree as you stop at the end of the drive to let students off. No students should ever bedropped off and left alone here at school before 8:10 a.m. unless they are in Kid’s Quest or are coming to a StudentCouncil Meeting. There is no one to supervise students out front until 8:10 a.m.

Sign #3: (EXIT ONLY, EXCEPT FOR BUSES AND DAY CARE VANS) This sign is located in the middle driveway facing29th Street Terrace. Please do not drive up or block the middle driveway. It is a One Way except for Buses and DayCare Vans.

Sign #4: (HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN) This sign is located next to the front door there is also one located in the westparking lot next to the sidewalk leading to the mobile units. If you need to park in the handicapped area, you will need ahandicapped tag or handicapped parking hanger on your rear view mirror. Please do not come up the middle drive topark in this area.

Sign #5: (VISITOR PARKING ONLY) These three signs are located in the front parking lot next to the front entrance. Thisis for visitors who are coming in the building to drop students off, pay bills, or volunteer.

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Sign #6: (NO LEFT TURN FROM 3:00-4:00 P.M.) This sign will be installed soon on the north side of 29 th Street Terracenext to the entrance area to the front drive. If you are driving west on 29th Street Terrace, do not stop in the middle of thestreet and put on your blinker to make a left hand turn from 3:00-4:00 p.m. as you will probably get a ticket for stoppingor standing in the street. This holds up traffic and doesn’t allow it to move smoothly and safely during student pick uptime after school.

Sign #7: (NO PARKING, STOPPING OR STANDING FROM 8:00-9:00 AND 3:00-4:00 DURING SCHOOL DAYS) Thesesigns are located on the north side of the 29th Street Terrace. It is at least a $200.00 fine if you park or stop along thenorth side of this street during the times posted.

Sign #8: (8:00-4:00 P.M. DROP OFF AND PICK UP ZONE ONLY) These signs are posted on the south side of 29th StreetTerrace. Parents are free to pick up their children or drop them off on the sidewalks leading up to the school grounds.These are not parking places for long term parking however during the school day.

And finally...Please do not park in the bus parking area for any reason during the school day. We have the District ServiceCenter deliveries & the Gifted Bus that use this bus lane throughout the school day.

Thank you for helping our school to be a safe one for all students, staff, and parents.


A birthday is one of the most important days in a child’s life. If your child would like to provide pre-wrapped treats (NO GumPLEASE) for his/her class, please check with the teacher and agree on a good day and time. Treats may also be dropped offat the office for distribution at a convenient time. If a child’s birthday is in the summer, you may want to pick a date during theschool year to celebrate with the class. Please do not distribute personal birthday party invitations at school unless allclassmates are invited. To ensure that no child’s feelings are hurt, we require all invitations be cleared through the teacherbefore they are passed out.


It is available on the school district’s web site at https://www.topekapublicschools.net/topeka by hovering over the BOE tabdropdown; then click Policy & Regulation; then 8000 Students; and finally, Policy 8110 Discriminatory Harassment: Students. Acopy of the Policy is presently posted in our building on the front hallway bulletin board.

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Records and folders are maintained on each student enrolled at this school and are kept in a secure location. Parents wishingto view their child's records may do so according to the policies set by the Board of Education. If a student transfers to anotherschool within the Topeka Public Schools, USD #501, these records are forwarded to the receiving school. If the student movesoutside this district, a request for records must be sent by the receiving school to Demographic Services, USD #501, 624 W.24th Street, Topeka, KS 66611.


We ask that no child leave for lunch unless he is excused with a note from the parent to the teacher. Students who eat lunchout with their parents are expected to adhere to the 30-minute time allotment for lunch. It may be easier for both the parent andthe child if the parent brings the fast food to the child instead of taking the child to the fast food. It may not seem like a bigissue coming back to school late from lunch, however it interrupts the child’s' and classes’ instructional day.


Parents should insist that their child go to school by the safest and most direct route. Once a student is at school, they are toremain here. Under no circumstances will a McEachron student be sent home for lunches, homework, books, etc., unless inthe opinion of the principal, the item is important enough to warrant a trip back home. In any case, no child will be givenpermission to return home unless contact can be made with the parent and permission is obtained.


Children who have an appointment during the day should work in the classroom until they are called from the office. Parentsare to come into school to pick up their child if it’s not at the

regular dismissal time. They should sign out at the front desk. Students who arrive late due to appointments should be signedin by their parent and have a note from the appointment before they return to class and check with our office staff about a tardy

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Students will be involved in periodic district and state testing. In the fall, winter, and late spring, all students take the localassessments of reading and math to show growth, their achievement compared to others their age in the district, and areasthey need some improvement.

The Kansas Assessments in Reading and Math will be given in the spring to grades 3 through 5.


Students who arrive at school after 8:40 a.m. are considered tardy and will need to stop by the office for a pass before reportingto their classroom. If it is necessary for your child to be late for school, please contact the school by 8:40 a.m. to report yourchild's tardy, giving the reason for the tardy. The school’s phone number is 438-4430.

After the tenth tardy the counselor or principal will send out a letter and visit with the student and/or parent about theimportance of getting to school on time.


In this electronic age, email has become a part of most everyone’s life. For your convenience, each staff member’s schoolemail address has been provided on our website. You may contact your child’s teacher using email but remember that, unlikethe business world, teachers are not at their computers all day; they are teaching your children. Be prepared for a 24-hour turnaround on email. If something is urgent, call the school @ 438-4430 during the teachers plan time and the secretary canforward your call. You can also call the teachers direct phone line from 3:40 p.m. to 8:40 a.m. and visit with the teacher orleave your message. You may only have about one minute for your message so be sure to leave your name, your message orconcern, and your phone number if you would like to be called back quickly.

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Please notify the office at 438-4430 when a phone number, home address, place of employment, doctor, etc., has changed.The school must have complete and current information about each student. It is also important that we have the name andphone number of someone who can take responsibility for your child in case you cannot be reached.


Children should not bring their ball, bats or other play equipment to school. The exception to this rule is softball gloves. Theseshould be marked plainly with a pen or permanent marking ink. (The child may use a Magic Marker at school to mark theglove). Toys should be left at home unless special arrangements for sharing periods are made. CD Players, Gameboys,skateboards, cap pistols, toy guns, bean shooters, matches, cigarette lighters and knives will be collected if brought to schooland at the end of the school year, the parents will be allowed to claim those items. Any type of item considered a weaponwould not be returned.


Transportation is provided as a privilege at District expense for those students whose residence is at least one mile fromschool. Special Education students are provided transportation as required by State and Federal statute. Transportation mayalso be provided for students who have received an approved transfer request.

Appropriate behavior is expected of all students. Inappropriate conduct on the bus will be addressed by the building principalaccording to current Board of Education policies and regulations. For questions concerning transportation you can call DurhamSchool Services at 233-2009 or you may call USD 501 Transportation office at 295-3904.


Students are asked NOT to have or bring gum or candy at school anytime. The only exception to this rule is pre-wrappedbirthday treats. Students will be encouraged to take any gum home since gum chewing is not allowed except when students

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are taking the State Reading and Math Assessments or Mr. Williams has passed out Spirit Gum (Green & Yellow).


Parents must call the school before the start of the school day (8:40 a.m.) if their child is going to be absent from school. If afamily has no telephone, an effort should be made to call from work or send a note with a brother, sister. If this is not possible,return a note with your child the day he returns to school. Parents who do not call the school to report their child’s absence willreceive a phone call from an automated machine to inform them of their child’s absence and what action could take place ifthere is no communication made with the school about the student’s absence.

Three unexcused absences in a row, five unexcused absences in a semester, or seven unexcused absences in a school yearcould result in a truancy report being filed.


Students should never use the school phone without the permission of their teacher or the school office staff. The telephone atschool is available for school business and emergency use. Students should make arrangements before leaving home foroutside school activities, permission to go home with other students, etc.


Home and school must cooperate if your child is to progress happily. Parents are urged to visit school so that they may seetheir child in an everyday school situation. When visiting the following suggestions might be helpful:

Call the classroom teacher during their planning time to see when an appropriate time might be to visit your child’sclassroom.

Please check-in and sign-in through the office and pick up a visitor’s badge.

If you are a stranger, or not too well acquainted with the teacher, introduce yourself.

Try to visit in the morning before school begins (8:00-8:35 a.m.) or early afternoon (3:55-4:00 p.m.) after teachers

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are finished with their after school supervision duties. Avoid visiting just before a program, a party or aholiday.

Quietly observe your child in the group. (Please turn off your cell phone or turn it to vibrate)

If you have problems concerning your child, ask the teacher to arrange a conference. The child should not bepresent when discussing his/her progress unless the teacher and the parents believe his/her presencewould help the child.

Please be sure to check out at the office and return the visitor’s badge.

Children not attending McEachron are not allowed to visit unless accompanied by an adult.

Please wait quietly outside the school lobby when picking student up at the end of the day.

Parents and Patrons are not allowed to wait inside the school hallways or classrooms during dismissal timesbecause of safety and security issues.


Board of Education policy prohibits possession or use of lethal weapons and defines the offense as "Possessing, using, ortransmitting any object or substance, that, in fact, or under the circumstances, can reasonably be considered sufficient to causeserious harm." Laser Pointers fall under this definition.

Should any weapon or "look-alike" be found on a child or in his/her possession at school or at a school function, the weaponwill be confiscated and the parent notified or any action taken. Lethal weapons will be turned over to school security/police.Additionally, all offenses involving the "possessing, using, or transmitting" of lethal weapons must be reported in writing to theSuperintendent and Board of Education.


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Your child will be sent home from school when they have a temperature over 99.6 degrees or above with headache, sorethroat, nausea, coughing/sneezing or other symptoms. A student with an oral temperature of 100.4 or above will be sent homeeven with no other symptoms. A member of the school staff will phone you when your child becomes ill. We ask that you keepyour child home for a full 24 hours after his/her temperature returns to normal without medication (i.e.tylenol, ibuprofen)following any illness.

If your child vomits at school (for any reason example: allergy, coughing hard, etc.) you will be notified to pick up your child.Your child must have not vomited for 24 hours before he/she can return to school. If your child is ill for 3 or more days you mustprovide a Dr. note.

If the principal suspects a communicable or contagious disease, he must, because of the regulations published by the KansasState Board of Health, exclude the child from school for the stated isolation period. If you suspect that your child is developinga communicable disease, you must notify the school promptly and keep him/her home for the stated isolation period if thedisease develops. If the communicable disease does not appear, he/she can perform his/her school tasks.

H1N1 – until temperature is normal for a full 24 hours without fever reducing medications

Measles - five days

German Measles (Rubella)– 7 days after onset of rash

Chicken Pox – student is excluded until all blisters are crusted and scabbed or until six days after the first crop of blistersappear

Mumps - at least seven days and until swelling is gone

Pink Eye – 24 hours after medical treatment is initiated


As we continue to work to reduce the spread of communicable diseases, such as COVID-19 and influenza, the school has established plansand protocols to reduce the risk of exposure to students and staff while in school buildings. While we hope many precautionary measures

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can be reduced or eliminated this school year, we ask for your cooperation in following any that are put in place for everyone’s safety.

To aid the school and community in fighting the spread of communicable diseases, please read and adhere to the following DO’s andDON’Ts.

· DO NOT come to school if you have tested positive for COVID-19, have been asked to quarantine due to exposure to COVID-19, orare exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19 or other communicable disease.

· DO follow any safety protocols that have been put in place, including, but not limited to, distance learning, staggeredattendance, social distancing in classes and hallways, mask wearing, and other precautionary measures.· DO wash your hands often.

o Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.o It’s especially important to wash:

§ Before eating food;§ Before touching your face;§ After using the restroom;§ After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing; and/or§ After handling your cloth face covering.

· DO NOT touch your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

· DO cover coughs and sneezeso Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow and do not spit.o Throw used tissues in the trash.o Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, cleanyour hands with a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.

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