Teaching and Technology E-Portfolio Handbook for Elementary M.Ed. Classroom Practice Track Program Version 2.0 Last updated: June 2002

Handbook for E-Portoflios - uncg.edubblevin/eportfolio/eportfoliohandbook.pdf · Classroom Technology Application Plan (NETS I, II, and V) In your reflective essay, describe the following:

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Page 1: Handbook for E-Portoflios - uncg.edubblevin/eportfolio/eportfoliohandbook.pdf · Classroom Technology Application Plan (NETS I, II, and V) In your reflective essay, describe the following:

Teaching and Technology E-Portfolio Handbook

for Elementary M.Ed.

Classroom Practice Track Program Version 2.0 Last updated: June 2002

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Table of Contents

Fact Sheet about Electronic Portfolios ……………………………………………………………… …… 2 Timeline for Preparing E-Portfolios ………………………………………………… ………………..…. 3 Required Technology Portfolio Entries ………………………………………………… ……………….. 4 ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) …………… ……………. 7 The Reflection Cycle ………………………………………………………………………………………… 8 Required Table of Contents for E-Portfolios …………………………………………………………..….. 9 Portfolio-at-a-Glance (MATRIX) ………………………………………………………………………..... 10 NETS Standards Correlated with Advanced M.Ed. Competencies,

INTASC Standards, and NC Adv. Tech. Competencies ………………………………………… 11

RUBRIC for Classroom Technology Application Plan (NETS-T 1, 2 and 5) …………………….… ….. 17 RUBRIC for Technology used for Communication (NETS 4, 5) ………………………………………… 18 RUBRIC for Technology used for assessment and record keeping (NETS 4, 5) ………….…………….. 19 RUBRIC for Technology professional development plan (NETS 1, 2, 3, 5) …………… …………… … 20 RUBRIC for Integrated unit that includes and highlights technology (NETS 2, 3, 4) …………………... 21 RUBRIC for Vision Statement about social, legal, and ethical issues (NETS 6) ………………………… 22

Directions for adding Bookmarks and Hyperlinks using Microsoft Word ……………………………… 23 Summative Evaluation Form for Technology E-Portfolio …………………………………………………24 M.Ed. Portfolio Guidelines and Requirements …………………………………...……….………………. 25 North Carolina Advanced Competencies of a Master Teacher ………………………………………….. 26 RUBRIC for Advanced Competencies E-Portfolio Entries ……………………………………………… 27 Suggested Evidence/Artifacts for the M.Ed. Advanced Competencies …………………………….……. 28 Portfolios for Core Competencies in Advanced Licensure RUBRICS ……………..……………………. 30 Evaluation Form for Advanced License Core Competencies Portfolio ………………………………….. 35

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Elementary Ed. M.Ed.-Classroom Practice Track

Fact Sheet about Electronic Portfolios What is an e-portfolio? E-portfolios are electronic versions of paper portfolios. E-portfolios are based on standards: the North Carolina Advanced Competencies of a Master Teacher (AC) and National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T). E-portfolios contain all the same information as traditional portfolios such as reflections and supporting evidence (artifacts). E-portfolios include hyperlinks to the required standards and to artifacts selected as evidence for meeting all the standards and competencies required for the M.Ed-Classroom Practice Track program and for the M license. All e-portfolios contain extensive reflective essays, which are word processed documents (MS Word) with links embedded in them to standards and artifacts (other files created in Word, PowerPoint, Excel, digital photos, scanned images, etc). E-portfolios can include more than text, if the creator desires to learn to digitize video and create audio files as well. While in development, the contents of e-portfolios should be stored on personal hard drives, students’ storage space at UNCG, and/or on Zip disks. Final versions of completed e-portfolios will be pressed onto CD-ROMs or posted on the web. The content of your e-portfolio is described in more detail below. Plan to save digital versions of everything you do during your M.Ed program at UNCG including: copies of every course assignment completed at UNCG, lesson or unit plans, handouts you have designed for students or peers, student papers/projects you have graded showing your comments, photographs of your classroom, or a videotape of you in action, peer observations and evaluations, letters of commendation, recognitions or honors you have received. Artifacts can be scanned and included in your e-portfolio. All documents that could potentially become part of your e-portfolio should be stored in one folder on your computer called E-PORTFOLIO.

Who is required to complete an e-portfolio? All M.Ed. students in the Elementary Classroom Practice Track at UNCG will complete electronic portfolios as a part of their program and licensure requirements. When do you develop your e-portfolio? During the Fall semester all M.Ed. students will write essays and create or select evidence (artifacts) to fulfill the six technology standards for teachers (NETS-T). The completed technology portion of the e-portfolio will be evaluated in December before student teaching begins. During the Spring student teaching semester all M.Ed. students will collect, select, and reflect on evidence needed to fulfill the five Advanced Competencies of a Master Teacher (AC). Most of this evidence will include work already completed during courses and for the internships, although additional artifacts can be collected during student teaching and a final reflective essay will need to be written. Toward the end of the CUI 680-B class all M.Ed. students will finalize their e-portfolio, which includes evidence to meet both required technology and M.Ed. competencies. Where do you prepare your e-portfolio? All work needed to meet the ISTE NETS technology standards will be completed at home during the Fall semester. Instructions, models, and feedback will be provided during our regular monthly meetings. All documents needed to fulfill the required technology standards should be saved and stored in one folder called E-PORTFOLIO. All work (selection of artifacts and written reflections) for the M.Ed. competencies (AC) will be addressed in CUI 680-B. Instructions, models, and feedback will be included in the assignments for that course. Toward the end of CUI 680-B all M.Ed. students will complete the final version of their e-portfolio, which will then include reflective essays and evidence to meet both the required six technology (NETS-T) and the five M.Ed. competencies (AC). Most of this work will be done at home, in the 304 Curry Computer Classroom, or in the new Teaching Resource Center in 247 Ferguson. Why create an e-portfolio? We need to make use of the tools we have available to document what we know and are able to do as we move to standards-based teacher education. E-portfolios are a way to integrate and demonstrate your mastery of technology standards and teaching skills in one document. E-portfolios are more portable, more easily accessible, and readily examinable by the people who need to evaluate your work. E-portfolios can be duplicated and distributed widely as you look for teaching positions. E-portfolios are easy to revise and update when needed. E-portfolios also make storage easier and they are easily shared.

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How do you create an e-portfolio? There are three main steps in developing an e-portfolio: (1) Collect artifacts to use as evidence that you have met all the required competencies and standards. (2) Select the artifacts you want to include in your e-portfolio. (3) Reflect on each selected artifact in a way that shows it serves as evidence that you have mastered each required competency and standard. You will learn about and practice using the Reflection Cycle as a way of formatting your reflective essays for the e-portfolio beginning in the Fall semester.

Additional steps in completing an e-portfolio include: (4) Store all components for your e-portfolio in digital format in one file called E-PORTFOLIO: MS Word files, PowerPoint documents, scanned artifacts, digital pictures, graphics, audio files, digital photos or video. Please note that you may create an e-portfolio using just MS Word files, use the software called Lectora, or use Netscape Composer or another web-authoring tool, if you want to place your portfolio on the Internet. Instruction will be provided for creating e-portfolios in MS Word and in Lectora. Anything else is up to you. (5) Link all reflections to competencies and standards and also to artifacts used as evidence. (6) Publish final version of e-portfolio on a CD-ROM or on the web. What are the required contents of an e-portfolio? 1. Introduction

-- Who are you? A brief yet interesting biographical sketch; not a lengthy resume or a dissertation on education. A short essay that tells the reader about yourself and what you have done. You may use the Statement of Purpose written to accompany your application to the M.Ed. program.

-- Resume and photos are optional 2. Philosophy of Teaching and Learning -- A short essay about your teaching philosophy, how you teach, and why

or -- Your PPTs can be used as your Philosophy of Teaching and Learning

3. Portfolio at a Glance (MATRIX) -- A matrix organized by M.Ed. competencies (AC) and technology standards (NETS-T) -- Links to reflective essays are placed in the Matrix and links to Evidence/Artifacts and Standards are embedded in these reflections -- Essays are structured so that follow the Reflection Cycle -- Embedded in the reflection are links to M.Ed. competencies (AC) and technology standards (NETS-T) -- Embedded in the reflection are links to artifacts such as student work, lesson plans, models, coursework, photos, audio, video, etc.

5. Final Reflection – -- A meta-reflection on your experiences in the M.Ed. program -- Final reflections on what you learned from coursework and assignments as well as from internships and student teaching -- Future goals should also be articulated

Examples of e-portfolios online: a. This is the link to a Model E-Portfolio created from the work of the 2001-2002 M.Ed.-CPT cohort group who piloted the first e-portfolios. All reflections and all artifacts were developed by Elementary Ed M.Ed. students at UNCG. http://www.uncg.edu/~bblevin/eportfolio/eportfolio/toc.html b. This site has links to many other sites with information and examples of e-portfolio. You can explore to your heart’s content. http://www.coe.iup.edu/njyost/portfolios/ c. This example shows two portfolios developed by preservice teachers at NC State: http://www2.ncsu.edu/unity/lockers/project/portfolios/preserviceintro.html d. Instructions and examples of e-portfolios from California State University, Chico. Note that all examples are in PDF format, so you’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to see the examples: http://www.csuchico.edu/educ/estport.htm

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Elementary Ed. M.Ed.-Classroom Practice Track

Timeline for Preparing E-Portfolios August September October November December

Introduction to timeline for preparing e-portfolios. Introduction to ISTE/NETS-T standards and the Reflection Cycle Six technology assignments explained. Rubrics shared.

Two-three artifacts due with each reflective essay: 1. Classroom Technology Application Plan 2. Technology used for communication Date due: ________________

Two-three artifacts due with each reflective essay: 3. Technology used for assessment and record keeping 4. Technology Professional Development Plan Date due: ________________

Two-three artifacts due with each reflective essay: 5. Integrated Unit that highlights technology used with children 6. Vision Statement about Using Technology that addresses social, legal, and ethical issues Date due: ________________

Final versions of technology portfolio entries (reflections and artifacts). Date due: ________________ All documents saved in digital format and added to Matrix (or use Lectora) Assessment of required NETS standards completed before student teaching begins.

January February March April May Complete any needed revisions to NETS reflections and evidence. Introduction to timeline for completing M.Ed. e-portfolios in CUI 680B. Select three artifacts and complete reflection for one M.Ed. competency (AC1).

Reflections written and three artifacts selected and for each of two more M.Ed. competencies (AC2 and AC3). Scan artifacts as needed.

Reflections written and three artifacts selected and for each of two more M.Ed. competencies (AC4 and AC5). Needed revisions to M.Ed. reflections and evidence completed.

Final reflective, retrospective essay completed. Portfolio-at-a-Glance Matrix completed: Link all reflections to standards and to artifacts. Publish final e-portfolios on CD-ROMs or to web.

Assessment of final e-portfolio completed by OSTE, UNCG supervisor and one other UNCG person.

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Required Technology Portfolio Entries Use the Reflection Cycle to guide your written reflections.

1. Classroom Technology Application Plan (NETS I, II, and V)

In your reflective essay, describe the following: (a) How you plan to use the technology to teach during student teaching with the goal of increasing your

students’ achievement. Describe the hardware and software resources available at your student teaching site. Analyze ways you can integrate technology hardware and software into your curriculum during student teaching. Also describe what you would like to be able to do with technology, if your resources are limited. (b) How you anticipate using technology during your first year in your own classroom. Pretend that you will have at least one networked computer, a printer, and Internet access, as well as weekly access to a lab of 15 stations during your first year of teaching

In both cases your plans should be grounded in the NC Computer Skills Curriculum (choose one specific grade level), so you should suggest ideas for integrating technology by analyzing the required technology competencies your students must learn at their grade level and other important objectives from the NC Standard Course of Study.

Appraise how your ideas will benefit your students and you as a teacher. Finally, project into the future and discuss several ideas about how you would like to integrate technology if you had unlimited resources and access to hardware and software.

Be sure to address and include links to specific aspects of NETS-T #1, #2, and #5 in your reflective essay.

Select at least two or more of the following artifacts to support your reflection: a. Inventory of technology currently available in field site and how it is used, including hardware and software (in

classroom, lab, media center, resource classrooms, etc.) b. Copy of the district and/or school technology plan c. List of technical support available in the field site and the procedure for accessing support d. Lesson plans in a content area incorporating skills from the NC Computer Skills Curriculum e. Link to the NC computer curriculum for your grade level at

http://www.ncpublicschools.org/curriculum/computer.skills/index.html f. Links to other educational websites you might integrate into your curriculum. g. Link to webquest(s) appropriate for your grade level and curriculum.

2. Technology Used in Communication (NETS V)

In your reflection, describe how you will use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community. Include examples of artifacts as evidence that you have used or plan to use technology for communication and explain how they relate to specific aspects of NETS-T #4 and #5. Analyze the value of using technology for communication and collaboration and appraise how it will enhance your effectiveness as a teacher. Finally, project how you might use emerging technologies to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in the future. Be sure to address and link to specific aspects of NETS-T #4 and #5 in your reflective essay. Select at least two or more of the following artifacts to support your reflection:

a. Example of class newsletter b. Example of e-mail to colleagues and/or parents c. Example of forms or letters sent to parents d. Example of weekly homework information e. Report from STAR, AR, etc. f. Example of playbill, program, bulletin announcing school event(s) g. Example from and in-school produced television show h. Link to school Hotline or Homework Hotline i. Link to your class/school web site

3. Technology Used for Assessment and Record Keeping (NETS IV)

In your reflection, describe and analyze the purpose(s) of using technology for assessment and for the various record keeping forms you are including as artifacts. Appraise the value of having used technology to create assessments and for keeping records. State how you plan to use current and future technologies for assessment and record keeping during

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student teaching and beyond in order to increase productivity, to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning, and to facilitate the analysis of a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies. Be sure to address and link to specific parts of NETS-T # 4 and #5 in your reflective essay. Select at least two or more of more of the following artifacts to support your reflection: Remember to remove student names from documents to protect confidentiality!

a. Example from electronic gradebook (optional use in grades 3-5) b. Spreadsheet or database developed for use in your class c. AR or STAR report for class or student d. Test or report created from the IMS system e. Evaluation of record keeping component of CD that accompanies a textbook f. Example of IEP and/or related progress records g. Example of spreadsheet used to record student scores on EOG tests for school

4. Technology Professional Development Plan (NETS I, II, III, and V):

In your reflection, describe the computer skills that you already possess and how you currently use them for personal and professional productivity. Analyze how you use your current skills so that you can describe the technology skills you want or need to develop in the future. Appraise the importance to you as a professional educator for staying up-to-date with technology skills for personal and professional use and how this will enhance your teaching and learning during your first year of teaching. Finally, describe at least three (3) ways you plan to stay current with regard to your computer skills for both personal and professional uses. You might ask your onsite educator to see an example of an Individual Growth Plan. Remember that all teachers must earn a certain number of professional development hours every 5 years as part of the licensure renewal process. Updating your technology skills should be a part of your professional development. Be sure to address and link to specific aspects of NETS-T #1, #2, #3, and #5 in your reflective essay. Select at least two or more of the following artifacts to support your reflection:

a. Link to an online self-assessment of technology skills (and complete it). b. Create a professional development plan similar to Individual Growth Plans developed by inservice teachers c. Summarize or link to a list of professional development opportunities available to onsite educators in your school

district d. List or link to resources for acquiring needed skills such as opportunities offered by school district, training

offered by NC Public Schools, online courses, university and community college courses, web sites, etc. e. Describe or link to the state technology requirement for teaching license renewal.

5. Integrated Unit that Includes and Highlights Technology used with Students (NETS II, III and IV): In your reflection, discuss the ways you used computer-based technology to plan, teach, manage, and assess student learning in an integrated unit. Be sure to include descriptions and artifacts to show how your students used computer-based technology during your unit. Indicate how the lessons you taught relate to the NC Computer Skills Curriculum and/or the NC Standard Course of Study. Describe how you used technology to accommodate students’ needs and analyze how technology aided students’ learning. Also, analyze how technology enhanced your instructional goals and objectives. Appraise how the integration of technology in your unit met both students’ needs and your goals as a teacher. Explain what you learned from developing and teaching this unit and describe ways you plan to use technology in future units of study. Be sure to address and link to specific aspects of NETS-T #2, #3, and #4 in your reflective essay. Select at least two or more of the following artifacts to support your reflection:

a. Unit and/or lesson plans in which technology was used b. Examples of student work generated on the computer c. Handouts and models you created to support student use of technology d. Photographs (preferably digital) of students working on lesson using technology (Remember to have written

permission!) e. Uses of technology for assessment of learning related to the unit

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6. Vision Statement About Using Technology that Addresses Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues (NETS VI):

In your reflection, include a vision statement about how you intend to address social, ethical, legal, and human issues related to technology. Describe ways you will model and teach these issues. Give examples of ways you will use technology to address diverse learners and ensure equal assess to technology for all students. Analyze and address the value of teaching students about these issues in order to promote healthy and safe technology use. Appraise the importance of addressing social, legal, ethical, and human issues from your perspective as a teacher of students living in a high-tech world. Finally, discuss several ways that you can stay current in your knowledge about social, legal, ethical, and human issues surrounding the use of technology. Be sure to address and link to at least three (3) specific aspects of NETS-T #6 in your reflective essay.

Select at least two or more of the following artifacts to support your reflection:

a. Age-appropriate lesson plan or description of class activity that teaches a social, ethical, legal, or human issue related to the use of technology

b. Software evaluation that addresses diverse learners or accommodations for learners c. Information about assistive/adaptive devices d. Copy, link to, or explanation of the Acceptable Use Policy in your school or district. e. Copy, link to, or explanation of the permission to photograph or videotape a student in your school or district. f. Copy, link to, or explanation of a Fair Use Policy for Educators g. An explanation or link to the website of the filtering software used in your field site h. Discussion of the social, legal, and ethical issues covered in the NC Computer Skills Curriculum for your grade

level i. Plan for how you will ensue equal access to technology resources for your students including equipment in your

classroom, as well as in the lab j. Information on web about how the school addresses social, ethical, legal, and human issues k. List of ideas about what students and parents should know about safe and healthy use of technology resources l. Webliography of resources related to these issues

Internet Resources for Portfolio Development:

http://www.ncpublicschools.org http://www.ceoforum.org

http://www.ncwiseowl.org http://www.bham.wednet.edu

http://www.schrockguide.com http://www.ncrtec.org

http://www.iste.org http://www.ed.gov/Technology

http://www.sedl.org http://www.wested.org

http://www.techlearning.com http://www.sreb.org

http://www.computerlearning.org http://www.seirtec.org

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ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T) I. TECHNOLOGY OPERATIONS AND CONCEPTS. Teachers demonstrate a sound understanding of technology operations and concepts. Teachers: A. Demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE National Education Technology Standards for Students).

B. Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. II. PLANNING AND DESIGNING LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS AND EXPERIENCES. Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology. Teachers:

A. Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.

B. Apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences.

C. Identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability. D. Plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities. E. Plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment.


Teachers implement curriculum plans, that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. Teachers:

A. Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards. B. Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students. C. Apply technology to develop students' higher order skills and creativity. D. Manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.


Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies. Teachers: A. Apply technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques. B. Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve

instructional practice and maximize student learning. C. Apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students' appropriate use of technology resources for learning,

communication, and productivity. V. PRODUCTIVITY AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE.

Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice. Teachers: A. Use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning. B. Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in

support of student learning. C. Apply technology to increase productivity. D. Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture


Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PK-12 schools and apply those principles in practice. Teachers:

A. Model and teach legal and ethical practice related to technology use. B. Apply technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities. C. Identify and use technology resources that affirm diversity D. Promote safe and healthy use of technology resources. E. Facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students.

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M.Ed.-Classroom Practice Track in Elementary Education


Who are you? A brief yet interesting biographical sketch; not a lengthy resume or a dissertation on education. A short essay that tells the reader about yourself and what you have done.

or You may use the Statement of Purpose written to accompany your application to the M.Ed. program. Resume and photos are optional

2. Philosophy of Teaching and Learning

A short essay about your teaching philosophy, how you teach, and why or Your PPTs can be used as your Philosophy of Teaching and Learning

3. Portfolio at a Glance (MATRIX)

A matrix organized by M.Ed. competencies (AC) and technology standards (NETS-T) Links to reflective essays are placed in the Matrix and links to Evidence/Artifacts and Standards are embedded in

these reflections Essays are structured so that they follow the Reflection Cycle Embedded in the reflection are links to M.Ed. competencies (AC) and technology standards (NETS-T) Embedded in the reflection are links to artifacts such as student work, lesson plans, models, coursework, photos,

audio, video, etc.

5. Final Reflection A meta-reflection on your experiences in the M.Ed. program Final reflections on what you learned from coursework and assignments as well as from internships and student

teaching Future goals should also be articulated

6. Link to online portfolio assessment tool

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Portfolio-at-a-Glance (MATRIX) with links to Reflections, ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers (NETS-T), and North Carolina

Advanced Competencies of a Master Teacher (AC)


North Carolina

Advanced Competencies of

a Master Teacher (AC)

1.Technology Concepts Operations

2. Planning/ Designing Learning Environments

3. Teaching Learning Curriculum

4.Assessment & Evaluation

5.Productivity & Professional Practice

6. Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues

1. Instructional Expertise

2. Knowledge of Learners

3. Research Expertise

4. Connecting Subject Matter and Learners

5. Professional Development and Leadership

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NETS Standards Correlated with Advanced M.Ed Competencies, INTASC Standard, and NC Adv. Tech.Competencies

National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for Teachers

North Carolina Advanced Competencies of a Master Teacher

INTASC Standards

Ideas for Evidence/Artifacts

I. Technology Operations and Concepts Teachers demonstrate sound understanding of technology operations and concepts. Teachers: A. Demonstrate introductory

knowledge, skill, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE National Educational technology Standards for Students).

B. Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies.

I. Instructional Expertise 3. Research Expertise 5. Professional Development and Leadership

Standard I: Content Pedagogy

• Artifacts from CUI 120 showing

ability to use technology tools including wp, dtp, db, ss, graphics, educational software, hypermedia or multimedia, email, and the Internet as these relate to your job as a teacher.

• Articles, or summaries/critiques of articles from technology journals (print or online versions) about new applications or programs relating to teaching and learning with technology.

• Copies of NC Technology standards for students and teachers

• Copies of NETS standards for Students and for Teachers

• Software evaluations • Best practices and tips for using

technology for effective teaching and learning

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NETS Standards Correlated with Advanced M.Ed Competencies, INTASC Standard, and NC Adv. Tech.Competencies

National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for Teachers

North Carolina Advanced Competencies of a Master Teacher

INTASC Standards

Ideas for Evidence/Artifacts

II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences Teachers plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology. Teachers: A. Design developmentally

appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.

B. Apply current research on teaching and learning when planning learning environments and experiences.

C. Identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability.

D. Plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities.

E. Plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment.

2. Knowledge of Learners 3. Research Expertise

4. Connecting Subject Matter and Learners

Standard 2: Student Development Standard 3: Diverse Learners Standard 4: Critical Thinking Standard 5: Management and Motivation Standard 7: Planning

• Lesson plan showing developmentally appropriate use(s) of technology to meet needs of diverse learners in your class

• Application of current research to technology-integrated lesson plan in a specific subject area.

• Examples of lesson plans, activities, or other learning resources from journals or the Internet, which indicate evaluation for accuracy and show modifications to meet your students’ diverse needs.

• Comparison of software or Internet resources indicating comparative accuracy of information and suitability for your students,

• Long and short-term plans for uses of technology in classroom and lab – include examples of schedules, rules, responsibilities, available hardware and software, and record keeping ideas.

• Data base of available software for a particular grade level or unit

• Lesson plan to introduce students to rules, roles, responsibilities, and expectations for use of technology in classroom and lab

• Rules for students re handling disks. • Plans for individuals and groups using

technology, as well as for whole class use

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NETS Standards Correlated with Advanced M.Ed Competencies, INTASC Standard, and NC Adv. Tech.Competencies

National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for Teachers

North Carolina Advanced Competencies of a Master Teacher

INTASC Standards

Ideas for Evidence/Artifacts

III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. Teachers: A. Facilitate technology-

enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards.

B. Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students.

C. Apply technology to develop students’ higher order skills and creativity.

D. Manage students learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment.

2. Knowledge of Learners 4. Connects Subject Matter and Learners

Standard 1: Content Pedagogy Standard 2: Student Development Standard 4: Critical Thinking Standard 5: Management and Motivation Standard 7: Planning

• Lesson plans that integrate specific

NC SCOS objectives and include NC Technology objectives for students.

• Examples of student work products that show results of lesson integrating NC SCOS objectives and include NC Technology objectives for students.

• Examples of student work where technology was used to modify instruction and meet needs of diverse groups of learner(s).

• Examples of lesson plans and student work samples that demonstrate students’ creativity using technology and/ or show application of higher-order thinking skills

• Specific rules, or details in a lesson plan, that indicate how technology-enhanced learning environment was managed.

• Lesson plans that are use technology in ways that are learner-centered rather than teacher-directed.

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NETS Standards Correlated with Advanced M.Ed Competencies, INTASC Standard, and NC Adv. Tech.Competencies

National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for Teachers

North Carolina Advanced Competencies of a Master Teacher

INTASC Standards

Ideas for Evidence/Artifacts

IV. Assessment and Evaluation Teachers apply technology to facilitate a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies. Teachers: A. Apply technology in

assessing student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques.

B. Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning.

C. Apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students’ appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity.

2. Knowledge of Learners 3. Research Expertise 4. Connecting Subject matter and Learners

Standard 1: Content Pedagogy Standard 8: Assessment

• Examples of computer-based

assessment tools; e.g. STAR, Accelerated Reader, computer-generated sample tests from test banks, and teacher-developed tests

• Examples of spreadsheets or gradebook programs used for record keeping

• Examples of record keeping forms from keyboarding programs, tutorial programs, computer-based testing programs.

• Examples of uses of SS or DB programs used to collect, analyze, and interpret student data in order to communicate findings, improve instructional practice, or maximize student learning.

• Examples of student work samples that show a variety of ways students use technology to show what they have learned, or to communicate with others, or as a productivity tool.

• Rubrics for assessing technology-based student work products

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NETS Standards Correlated with Advanced M.Ed Competencies, INTASC Standard, and NC Adv. Tech.Competencies

National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for Teachers

North Carolina Advanced Competencies of a Master Teacher

INTASC Standards

Ideas for Evidence/Artifacts

V. Productivity and Professional Practice Teachers use technology to enhance their productivity and professional practice. Teachers: • Use technology resources to

engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning.

• Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning.

• Apply technology to increase productivity

• Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning.

2. Knowledge of Learners 3. Research Expertise 4. Connecting Subject Matter and Learners 5. Professional Development and Leadership

Standard 6: Communication and Technology Standard 9: Professional Development Standard 10: School and Community Involvement

• Examples of ideas, lessons, new

or best practices gleaned from participating in Internet-based teacher forums, online discussions, or chat rooms,

• Examples of ideas, lessons, new or best practices gleaned from attending technology-related workshops or conferences.

• Examples of ideas, lessons, new or best practices gleaned from reading technology-related articles in magazines and journals.

• Bibliography of print and online technology resources for teachers

• Reflections accompanying technology-based lesson plans that include evaluation of student work samples to support reflective evaluation

• Examples of technology-based products that enhance your productivity as a teacher: newsletters, parent communications, record keeping forms, worksheets, homework, etc.

• Examples of email, threaded discussions, or other technology-based communications that indicate collaboration with peers, parents, and the larger community.

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NETS Standards Correlated with Advanced M.Ed Competencies, INTASC Standard, and NC Adv. Tech.Competencies

National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for Teachers

North Carolina Advanced Competencies of a Master Teacher

INTASC Standards

Ideas for Evidence/Artifacts

VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues Teachers understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology. Teachers: A. Model and teach legal and

ethical practice related to technology use.

B. Apply technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities.

C. Identify and use technology resources that affirm diversity.

D. Promote safe and healthy use of technology resources.

E. Facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students.

1. Instructional Expertise 2. Knowledge of Learners 4. Connecting Subject Matter and Learners 5. Professional Development and Leadership

Standard 3: Diverse Learners Standard 9: Professional Development

• Lesson plan(s) including student

work samples about the legal and ethical issues related to technology use; e.g. copyright laws, fair-use guidelines, security issues, piracy, privacy, viruses, etc.

• Student work samples showing how technology was used to enable or empower ESOL students, students with disabilities, advanced learners, or other students with diverse abilities.

• Database of software and technology-related devices that can be used to meet the needs of diverse learners.

• Information about adaptive devices.

• Software database or evaluations of programs that affirm diversity of all types.

• Lesson plan and student work samples about safety and health issues related to technology use; e.g. acceptable use policies, child protection, filters, etc.

• Examples of policies and procedures relating to fair and equitable use of technology in classrooms and labs.

• Lesson plan on social, ethical, legal, or human issues surrounding technology use.

Page 19: Handbook for E-Portoflios - uncg.edubblevin/eportfolio/eportfoliohandbook.pdf · Classroom Technology Application Plan (NETS I, II, and V) In your reflective essay, describe the following:


RUBRIC for Classroom Technology Application Plan (NETS-T 1, 2 and 5) Instructions for this entry: In your reflective essay, describe the following:

(a) How you plan to use the technology to teach your students during student teaching. Describe the hardware and software resources available at your student teaching site and analyze ways you can integrate technology hardware and software into your curriculum during student teaching. Also describe what you would like to be able to do with technology, if your resources are limited. (b) How you anticipate using technology during your first year in your own classroom. Pretend that you will have at least one networked computer, a printer, and Internet access, as well as weekly access to a lab of 15 stations during your first year of teaching

In both cases your plans should be grounded in the NC Computer Skills Curriculum (choose one specific grade level), so suggest ideas for integrating technology by analyzing the required technology competencies your students must learn at their grade level and important objectives from the NC Standard Course of Study. Appraise how your ideas will benefit your students and you as a teacher. Finally, project into the future and discuss several ideas about how you would like to integrate technology if you had unlimited resources and access to hardware and software. Be sure to address and include links to specific aspects of NETS-T #1, #2, and #5 in your reflective essay.

Criteria for Evaluation

Unsatisfactory Needs extensive


Developing Needs some




Uses Reflection Cycle to structure essay

Incorporates language of NETS-T in essay

Describes available technology in PDS class/school

Grounds ideas in NC Computer /Tech Skills curriculum

Addresses plans for student teaching and first year

Includes plans for personal/professional productivity

Activities and plans are age/grade level appropriate

Activities and plans connect to subjects like math, reading, writing, science, etc.

Provides links to supporting artifacts

Links made to appropriate NETS-T standards

Links to NC Tech/Computer Skills Curriculum

Comments: PASS or REVISE

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RUBRIC for Technology used for Communication (NETS 4, 5) Instructions for this entry: In your reflection, explain how you will use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community. Include examples of artifacts as evidence that you have used or plan to use technology for communication and explain how they relate to specific aspects of NETS-T #4 and #5. Analyze the value of using technology for communication and collaboration and appraise how it will enhance your effectiveness as a teacher. Finally, project how you might use emerging technologies to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in the future.

Criteria for Evaluation

Unsatisfactory Needs extensive


Developing Needs some




Uses Reflection Cycle to structure essay (select, describe, analyze, appraise, transform)

Incorporates the language of specific NETS-T in essay

Provides links to 2-3 appropriate supporting artifacts

Makes links to specific, appropriate NETS-T standards

Comments: PASS or REVISE

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RUBRIC for Technology used for assessment and record keeping (NETS 4, 5) Instructions for this essay: Create or select evidence that shows you know at least 2-3 ways to use technology for assessment and record keeping. Possible artifacts include samples from an electronic gradebook program, samples from a spreadsheet or database you have developed for your class, AR or STAR reports for your class or a student, documents produced from the IMS system, etc. In all cases, remember to protect the confidentiality of your students – no last names! In your reflection, describe and analyze the purpose(s) of using technology for assessment and for the various record keeping forms you are including as artifacts. Appraise the value of having used technology to create assessments and for keeping records. State how you plan to use current and future technologies for assessment and record keeping during student teaching and beyond in order to increase productivity, to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning, and to facilitate the analysis of a variety of effective assessment and evaluation strategies. Be sure to address and link to specific parts of NETS-T # 4 and #5 in your reflective essay.

Criteria for Evaluation

Unsatisfactory Needs extensive


Developing Needs some




Uses Reflection Cycle to structure essay (select, describe, analyze, appraise, transform)

Incorporates the language of specific NETS-T in essay

Provides links to 2-3 appropriate supporting artifacts

Makes links to appropriate NETS-T standards

Comments: PASS or REVISE

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RUBRIC for Technology professional development plan (NETS 1, 2, 3, 5) Instructions for this essay: In your reflection, describe the computer skills that you already possess and how you currently use them for personal and professional productivity. Analyze your current skills so that you can describe the technology skills you want or need to develop in the future. Appraise the importance to you as a professional educator for staying up-to-date with technology skills for personal and professional use and how this will enhance your teaching and learning during your first year of teaching. Finally, describe at least three (3) ways you plan to stay current with regard to your computer skills for both personal and professional uses. You might ask your onsite educator to see an example of an Individual Growth Plan. Remember that all teachers must earn a certain number of professional development hours every 5 years as part of the licensure renewal process. Updating your technology skills should be a part of your professional development. Be sure to address and link to specific aspects of NETS-T #1, #2, #3, and #5 in your reflective essay.

Criteria for Evaluation

Unsatisfactory Needs extensive


Developing Needs some




Uses Reflection Cycle to structure essay (select, describe, analyze, appraise, transform)

Incorporates the language of specific NETS-T in essay

Details current level of technology skills/ Knowledge

Specifies at least 3 new tech skills or knowledge to attain

Suggests at least 3 different ways to attain new skills/ knowledge

Provides supporting evidence

Makes links to appropriate NETS-T standards

Comments: PASS or REVISE

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RUBRIC for Integrated unit that includes and highlights technology (NETS 2, 3, 4) Instructions for this essay: In your reflection, discuss the ways you used computer-based technology to plan, teach, manage, and assess student learning in an integrated unit. Be sure to include descriptions and artifacts to show how your students used computer-based technology during your unit. Indicate how the lessons you taught relate to the NC Computer Skills Curriculum and/or the NC Standard Course of Study. Describe how you used technology to accommodate students’ needs and analyze how technology aided students’ learning. Also, analyze how technology enhanced your instructional goals and objectives. Appraise how the integration of technology in your unit met both students’ needs and your goals as a teacher. Explain what you learned from developing and teaching this unit and describe ways you plan to use technology in future units of study. Be sure to address and link to specific aspects of NETS-T #2, #3, and #4 in your reflective essay. Possible artifacts might include: lesson plans in which technology was used, examples of student work, models and handouts you developed to support students’ use of technology, digital photos of students working on computers or with other technology during unit, assessments that relied on technology, etc. Please note that the units you may have developed in CUI 519, 520, and 521 should be excellent sources of evidence showing your mastery of NETS Standards 2, 3, and 4.

Criteria for Evaluation

Unsatisfactory Needs extensive


Developing Needs some




Uses Reflection Cycle to structure essay (select, describe, analyze, appraise, transform)

Incorporates the language of specific NETS-T

Provides 2-3 links to supporting evidence

Evidence shows how you used technology during unit

Evidence shows how students used technology during unit.

Evidence shows how technology enhanced student learning.

Makes links to appropriate NETS-T standards.

Comments: PASS or REVISE

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RUBRIC for Vision Statement about using technology that addresses social, legal, and ethical issues (NETS 6) Instructions for this essay: Write an essay that is a vision statement about how you intend to address at least three of the five sub-competencies regarding the social, ethical, legal, and human issues in NETS-T Standard 6: (a) Model and teach legal and ethical practices related to technology use, (b) Apply technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities, (c) Identify and use technology resources that affirm diversity, (d) Promote safe and healthy use of technology resources, and (e) Facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students. Your purpose is to show that you understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in elementary schools and that you have ideas about how you can apply those principles in your teaching practice. In your reflective essay be sure to address the value of students understanding social, ethical, legal, and human issues around using technology and refer specifically to the language in NETS standards 6. Possible supporting artifacts to use as evidence that you understand NETS Standard 6 might include any of the following: an age-appropriate lesson plan for teaching your students about legal or ethical issues around using technology resources; lists of software and/or hardware that empower students of both genders as well as students with diverse learning needs; an age-appropriate lesson plan about using various technologies, including the Internet, safely; a copy and explanation of the Acceptable Use Policy used in your school; a list of ideas about what students and/or parents should know about using technology resources, including the Internet, safely; a specific plan for how you plan to insure equitable access to technology resources for all your students in your classroom and in the school computer lab.

Criteria for Evaluation

Unsatisfactory Needs extensive


Developing Needs some




Uses Reflection Cycle to structure essay (select, describe, analyze, appraise, transform)

Specifically addresses at least 3 aspects of NETS-T VI

Incorporates the language of specific NETS-T in essay

Provides at least 1-2 links to supporting evidence

Evidence provided is age-appropriate for students being addressed

Makes links to appropriate NETS-T standards

Comments: PASS or REVISE

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Directions for adding Bookmarks and Hyperlinks to E-Portfolios using Microsoft Word: NOTE: Be sure to save often after inserting bookmarks and making hyperlinks.

Adding Bookmarks: 1. Select an item you want a bookmark assigned to, or click where you want to insert a bookmark.

2. On the Insert menu, click Bookmark.

3. Under Bookmark name, type or select a name.

Note Bookmark names must begin with a letter and can contain numbers. You can't include spaces in a bookmark name. However, you can use the underscore character to separate words — for example, "First_heading."

4. Click Add.

Adding Hyperlinks: Insert a hyperlink that goes to another document or to a Web page

1. Open the file you want to link from, and highlight the text or object you want to make a hyperlink.

2. On the Insert menu, click Hyperlink.

3. Under Link to on the left side of the screen, click Existing File or Web Page.

4. Locate and select the document that you want to link to by selecting either Browse for: File… or Webpage...

5. Click OK

If you want insert a hyperlink that goes to a specific location in another document or Web page

6. Click Bookmark, and then select the bookmark you want.

7. Click OK and then click OK again

Shortcut for fixing broken hyperlinks: When you move files around to new folders, your hard drive, or to and from floppy disks your hyperlinks will probably change and have to be fixed. To update these hyperlinks:

1. Place cursor over the hyperlinked text you want to update.

2. Right click and select Update Field.

NOTE: If this does not work, you will have to relink manually.

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Elementary Education M.Ed.-Classroom Practice Track Summative Evaluation Form for Technology E-Portfolio

Name: _________________________________ Reviewer: _________________________ Date: ____________ Directions: Please rate each portfolio entry from 1 (low) to 4 (high) and provide supporting comments. Then, mark each entry as passing or needing revision. Scores of 1 or 2 indicate revision needed. Scores of 3 or 4 are considered passing.

Required Portfolio Entry

Comments of Reflective Essay Comments on Supporting Artifacts PASS? or REVISE?

1. Classroom technology Application Plan

1 2 3 4


2. Technology Used for Communication

1 2 3 4


3. Technology Used for Record Keeping

1 2 3 4


4. Technology Professional Development Plan

1 2 3 4


5. Integrated Unit Highlighting Technology

1 2 3 4


6. Vision Statement for Technology Use

1 2 3 4


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The portfolio requirements for the Advanced Master of Education Degree in Curriculum and Instruction provides a structure for the application of a teacher’s learning during the completion of the degree program. Development of the portfolio is an ongoing process throughout the program, and it serves as a culminating product of learning. Beyond a compilation of course work, development of the portfolio is a reflective, iterative analytical process that helps candidates focus on their professional development and growth while pursuing the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction and Advanced Licensure in a teaching field or licensure area.

At the beginning of the degree program, the candidates are assigned an Advisor from the Curriculum and Instruction faculty to guide them through the portfolio development process. The Advisor serves as the Chair of the Portfolio committee, which consists of other Education Faculty and at least one Master Practitioner (teacher or principal) in the schools. At the end of the degree program, the candidate enrolls in CUI 675 (Teacher as Researcher) or in CUI 680 A/B (Clinical Experience in Teaching) to facilitate the development and preparation of the portfolio. To expedite successful completion of the portfolio, the candidates should consult their Portfolio Advisor each semester of the degree program. During the final semester of the program, candidates submits their completed M.Ed. portfolio to their Committee for review, and subsequently present it orally to provide Committee Members opportunities to ask questions and evaluate the culminating product of the teacher’s degree program. The Portfolio Committee evaluates the portfolio as satisfactory or unsatisfactory based upon the teacher’s demonstration of the Advanced Competencies of a Master Teacher.

A satisfactory portfolio should reflect a teacher’s applications of the knowledge, skills, and understanding acquired during completion of the Master of Education Degree in Curriculum and Instruction as associated with the Advanced Competencies of a Master Teacher. While the artifacts/evidence in the portfolio are not required for each descriptor associated with the five Advanced Competencies, each reflection will address all the sub-competencies as well as the overall theme of each Competency. Using each descriptor as a guide should aid each candidate in portfolio development. Specific assignments and illustrations of methods used to facilitate acquisition of the five Advanced Competencies, and thereby serving as bases for the portfolio development process are provided throughout the student’s program of study.

Content of M.Ed. Portfolio Although each candidate’s portfolio will vary according to individual needs and specializations, the Portfolio Committee expects specific characteristics to be apparent in every submitted portfolio. The following list of criteria and expectations identify required characteristics of the culminating portfolio demonstrating a teacher’s attainment of the Advanced Competencies of a Master Teacher.

1. Each teacher provides an initial reflective essay that includes items such as personal and professional background, professional goals, philosophy of education, and philosophy of teaching. This reflective essay should be written at the beginning of the Advanced Master’s Program.

2. The portfolio includes at least three items of evidence for each Advanced Competency. An item may be used to demonstrate more than one competency (but not more than two). Evidence of the attainment of each competency may be provided in the form of written documents, audio-and/or video-taped recordings, and technologically supported creations. Items are selected by candidates from the universe of products produced during the courses and the experiences in the program. To show how each item of evidence demonstrates attainment of a competency, the teacher should use guided reflective writing based upon the Reflection Cycle framework of select, describe, analyze, appraise, and transform. The portfolio assessment rubric indicates the components of the portfolio and the relationship of the reflective pieces to the exhibits selected to demonstrate accomplishment of the Advanced Competencies.

3. The teacher writes a concluding paper that demonstrates reflective analysis on the overall program experiences, on specific courses, and on the extent to which the portfolio demonstrates the ways in which

Requirements and Guidelines may be adapted by advisors

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the knowledge, skills, and disposition learned during the M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction have improved the quality of his or her teaching and the degree to which he or she has the capacity to impact student learning and the climate and effectiveness of the school.

The portfolio requirement is based upon the Advanced Competencies of a Master Teacher. By developing a portfolio and completing the requirement, each teacher seeking the Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction and Advanced Licensure demonstrates:

North Carolina Advanced Competencies of a Master Teacher

1. Instructional Expertise

• Reads and analyzes professional literature critically, including theoretical, philosophical, and research materials.

• Analyzes and articulates relationships between and among theories, philosophies, research findings, and best pedagogical practices.

• Defines and modifies instruction based on well-articulated theory, philosophy, educational research, and best practice.

• Incorporates findings from professional literature into school and classroom strategies to improve instruction and to foster student learning.

2. Knowledge of Learners

• Designs, modifies, and implements instruction that is responsive to differences among learners influenced by development, exceptionalities, and diversity.

• Seeks actively to increase understanding of and respect for differences among learners’ development, exceptionalities, and diversity

• Creates classroom environments in which all learners feel welcome and can be successful • Reflects on, diagnoses, and prescribes instruction that fosters learning.

3. Research Expertise • Investigates and solves educational problems through data collection and analysis, action research,

and evaluation of learning, classroom processes, and school practices. • Modifies instruction and learning environments based upon assessments and evaluations of

learning problems and successes. • Monitors effects of instructional actions, selections of materials, and other instructional decisions

on learning and behavior. 4. Connecting Subject Matter and Learners

• Articulates and applies appropriate depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding of the subject matter defined in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study.

• Uses technology to create learning environments that support and foster student learning. • Seeks, implements, and evaluates the best pedagogical practices in education relative to the

context of specific and authentic school settings. • Understands and respects differences between learning behaviors and desired outcomes in diverse


5. Professional Development and Leadership • Initiates professional inquiry through reading, dialogue, professional development activities, and

action research. • Seeks, evaluates, and applies well-grounded and sound suggestions for improvement provided by

university faculty, colleagues, parents, students, and community leaders • Participates in collaborative leadership and mentoring activities to solve educational problems at

the levels of the classroom, school building, school system, and community.

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RUBRIC for Advanced Competencies E-Portfolio Entries NOTES: Needs Revision Satisfactory Well done Students’ name or name of competency being addressed missing from heading.

Heading for entry has student’s name and title of competency.

Heading for entry has student’s name, title of competency, and all sub-competencies listed

Does not use the language of the Competency specifically in the Selection (Opening) paragraph

Uses the language of the Competency specifically in the Selection (Opening) paragraph

Uses the language of the Competency specifically in the Selection (Opening) paragraph and throughout the portfolio entry

Does not include three (3) pieces of evidence for the competency selected OR Does not describe each piece of evidence selected for the competency

Describes three (3) appropriate pieces of evidence for the competency selected in good detail and indicates where links to evidence go.

Describes three (3) appropriate pieces of evidence for the competency selected. Indicates where hyperlinks go, and clearly relates evidence to specific sub-competencies.

Description of evidence is full of generalizations and/or global statements OR Evidence selected does not match the competency

Description of evidence includes examples and details of what was learned by student and these relate to the competency as a whole.

Description of evidence includes examples and details of what was learned by student and these relate to specific sub-competencies.

Analysis of evidence does not connect evidence to the competency OR Analysis is missing

Analysis of evidence connects to the competency but is weak or lacks details or examples.

Analysis of evidence uses the language of the competency to show clear connections to the competency and includes details or examples.

Appraisal does not state personal goals and/or values, OR Appraisal is not related to competency and evidence, OR Appraisal is missing.

Appraisal clearly conveys personal goals and/or values related to either the competency or the evidence but not both.

Appraisal clearly conveys personal goals and/or values that relate to both the competency and evidence.

Transformation statement is missing OR Does not clearly indicate future intentions regarding the competency.

Transformation statement indicates at least one future intention regarding the competency as a whole

Transformation statement includes several ideas about future intentions regarding the competency.

Does not indicate an appropriate link to NETS-T

Links to an appropriate NETS-T standard (e.g., NETS-T 3 or 4) that fits the evidence

Clearly indicates and links to a specific NETS-T standard (e.g., 5A, 6C) and describes reasons for this connection to NETS-T

Typos or spelling errors are present.

No typos or spelling errors present.

No typos or spelling errors and all hyperlinks are indicated.

Portfolio entry is not turned in on time.

Portfolio entry is turned in on time.

Portfolio entry turned in on time and includes hard copy of evidence/artifacts

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Suggested Evidence/Artifacts for the M.Ed. Advanced Competencies

Suggestions from 2001-2002 M.Ed.-CPT Cohort

AC #1 - Instructional Expertise

• CUI 517 Article Response • Lesson plan observation • Classroom management theorist presentation – PowerPoint (CUI 650) • Jigsaw Assignment (CUI 650) • Word Sort lessons (student teaching) • Expert topic paper (CUI 669) • Outline on motivation (CUI 650) • Model for differentiation (CUI 622) • PPTs (CUI 650) • Word Study unit (CUI 521) • Maggie Lindberg reflection (CUI 669) • Omrod Ch. 14 Reflection contributed to Blackboard • Jigsaw assignment (CUI 650) • Expert topic paper (CUI 669) • Lit. Assessment Assignment (CUI 517 and 521) • Lit. Reading Lesson Observation (CUI 517)

AC #2 - Knowledge of Learners

• Differentiated Math lesson (student teaching) • Position paper (CUI 545) • Research paper for Ed. Psych. (CUI 669) • Syllabi for coursework in learning differences (CUI 545, 622) • Student work sampling project (CUI 680B) • PPTs (CUI 650) • Differentiated model (CUI 622) • Word Study unit (CUI 521) • Paper - Multicultural classroom (CUI 545) • Differentiated spelling activity (CUI 521) • Word Study lesson (CUI 521) • Lit. Assessment Assignment (CUI 517) • Web page (CUI 650)

AC #3 - Research Expertise

• Literacy II word study project (CUI 521) • Student work sampling project (CUI 680-B) • Student profile (CUI 622) • PPT Action Plan (CUI 650) • Reflection on Guided Reading lesson (CUI 521) • Word Study unit (CUI 521) • Differentiated Instruction last project (CUI 622) • Learning Style survey • PPT Summary & Reflection (CUI 650) • Interview for Math understanding (CUI 518) • Student profile (CUI 622) • Expert Topic paper (CUI 669)

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AC #4 - Connecting Subject Matter to Learners

• Syllabi for coursework in content areas • Project for Differentiated Instruction (CUI 622) • Lesson Plan incorporating technology • Thematic unit (CUI 521) • Website Investigation (CUI 545) • Geography lesson (CUI 520) • Social Studies unit plans (CUI 520) • PPT action plan (CUI 650) • Marsha Warren case study (CUI 669) • Learning style survey • Integrated unit plans (CUI 520 or 521) • Lesson plan geared around student interest • Whole class math lesson • Thematic unit • Word Study Assignment

AC #5 - Professional Development and Leadership

• Reading Recovery conference (handouts) • Letter from Curriculum Facilitator about after-school tutoring • Student work sampling (CUI 680-B) • Praise, Polish, Question form • Haim Ginott paper (CUI 650) • Observation form • Web page (CUI 650) • NC System of Care article • PPTs (CUI 650) • Reflection on Paideia seminar • Online discussions (CUI 650 & 669) • OSTE interview (CUI 650) • Previous tutoring experience • Reflection on Jigsaw approach to learning (CUI 650) • On-line discussion (CUI 669, 650) • Membership in SNCAE and Kappa Delta Pi • After school tutoring

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Portfolios for Core Competencies in Advanced Licensure

Concentration: ________________ M.Ed. Student:____________________ Evaluator: ___________________

Core Competencies Artifacts and Justifications

connected to competency,

demonstrates capacity

Narrative shows under-

standing of accomplished


Evaluator’s initials and date

1. Instructional Expertise Applies the theoretical, philosophical, and research bases for educational practice in elementary school classrooms to improve student learning. Plans, implements, and evaluates instruction that is rigorous, coherent, and consistent with a well-developed theoretical and philosophical stance and with best practices emerging from educational research.







1.1 Reads educational literature critically, including theoretical, philosophical, and research materials.







1.2 Analyzes and articulates relationships between and among theory, philosophy, research findings, and current practice.







1.3 Designs and modifies instructions based on well articulated theory, philosophy, educational research, and best practice.







1.4 Incorporates findings from educational literature into school and classroom strategies to improve student learning.







Additional comments:

Page 33: Handbook for E-Portoflios - uncg.edubblevin/eportfolio/eportfoliohandbook.pdf · Classroom Technology Application Plan (NETS I, II, and V) In your reflective essay, describe the following:



Portfolios for Core Competencies in Advanced Licensure

Concentration: ________________ M.Ed. Student:____________________ Evaluator: ___________________

Core Competencies Artifacts and Justifications

connected to competency,

demonstrates capacity

Narrative shows under-

standing of accomplished


Evaluator’s initials and date

2. Knowledge of Learners Incorporates knowledge of the nature of the learner, learning processes, variations in learning abilities and learning styles, and strategies for evaluating learning. Plans, implements, and evaluates instruction that is responsive to wide variations in students’ learning needs and learning styles.







2.1 Designs and modifies instruction that is responsive to differences among learners that are influences by development, exceptionalities, and diversity.







2.2 Seeks actively to increase understanding of a respect for differences in students’ development, exceptionalities, and diversity.







2.3 Creates a classroom environment in which all learners feel welcome and can be successful.







2.4 Reflects on, diagnoses, and prescribes instruction that fosters student learning.







Additional comments:

Page 34: Handbook for E-Portoflios - uncg.edubblevin/eportfolio/eportfoliohandbook.pdf · Classroom Technology Application Plan (NETS I, II, and V) In your reflective essay, describe the following:



Portfolios for Core Competencies in Advanced Licensure

Concentration: ________________ M.Ed. Student:____________________ Evaluator: ___________________

Core Competencies Artifacts and Justifications

connected to competency,

demonstrates capacity

Narrative shows under-

standing of accomplished


Evaluator’s initials and date

3. Research Expertise Understands and employs methods of research to examine and improve instructional effectiveness and student achievement.







3.1 Investigates and solves educational problems through data gathering, action research, and evaluation of student learning, classroom processes, and school practices.







3.2 Modifies instruction and learning environments based on assessment of student learning problems and successes.







3.3 Monitors the effects of instructional actions, selection of materials, and other instructional decisions on students’ learning and behavior.







Additional comments:

Page 35: Handbook for E-Portoflios - uncg.edubblevin/eportfolio/eportfoliohandbook.pdf · Classroom Technology Application Plan (NETS I, II, and V) In your reflective essay, describe the following:



Portfolios for Core Competencies in Advanced Licensure

Concentration: ________________ M.Ed. Student:____________________ Evaluator: ___________________

Core Competencies Artifacts and Justifications

connected to competency,

demonstrates capacity

Narrative shows under-

standing of accomplished


Evaluator’s initials and date

4. Connecting the Subject Matter and Learners. Understands and links subject matter and students’ developmental and diverse needs in the context of school settings. Plans, implements, and evaluates instruction that reflects intellectual rigor and depth of knowledge in both subject matter disciplines and students’ diverse learning needs.







4.1 Demonstrates appropriate depth and breadth of knowledge in subject matter defined in the North Carolina course of study.







4.2 Uses technology to create learning environments that support students’ learning.







4.3 Seeks, implements, and evaluates the best pedagogical practices for the subjects taught within the context of a specific school setting.







4.4 Understands and respects differences between the learning behaviors and outcomes expected in a school setting and the learning behaviors and outcomes expected in diverse communities.







Additional comments:

Page 36: Handbook for E-Portoflios - uncg.edubblevin/eportfolio/eportfoliohandbook.pdf · Classroom Technology Application Plan (NETS I, II, and V) In your reflective essay, describe the following:



Portfolios for Core Competencies in Advanced Licensure

Concentration: ________________ M.Ed. Student:____________________ Evaluator: ___________________

Core Competencies Artifacts and Justifications

connected to competency,

demonstrates capacity

Narrative shows under-

standing of accomplished


Evaluator’s initials and date

5. Professional Development and Leadership. Demonstrates self-directed, self-reflective professional behavior and provides leadership to colleagues and communities through collaboration.







5.1 Initiates professional inquiry through reading, dialogue, professional development, and action research.







5.2 Seeks, evaluates, and applies well-grounded suggestions for improvement provided by educators, parents, students, and community leaders.







5.3 Participates in collaborative leadership and mentorship activities to solve educational problems at the levels of classroom, school building, school system, and community.







Additional comments:

Page 37: Handbook for E-Portoflios - uncg.edubblevin/eportfolio/eportfoliohandbook.pdf · Classroom Technology Application Plan (NETS I, II, and V) In your reflective essay, describe the following:


Evaluation Form for “Advanced License Core Competencies” Portfolio

University of North Carolina at Greensboro M.Ed. In Curriculum and Instruction

Candidate Name: Social Security Number: Rating Assignment: Based on our review of this candidate’s portfolio and the candidate’s portfolio presentation, we rate the candidate’s performance, as it relates to his or her application of the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and understandings acquired during completion of the M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction associated with the five Advanced Competencies, as follows based on our professional judgment. We: _____________ Rate the portfolio satisfactory as a requirement for certification. _____________ Rate the portfolio as unsatisfactory for certification. Comments: Verification: In making this recommendation, we have reviewed and analyzed the evidence in this portfolio,. We make the above recommendation based on our best personal and professional judgment. Performance-Based Product review: _________________________________ _______________________________ Advisor/Date Committee Member/Date _________________________________ _______________________________ Master Practitioner/Date Committee Member/Date