Hanborough Parish News www.hanboroughparish.co.uk Our Rector, Rev David Tyler, writes this month… Dear friends I have been thinking about how dierent people may have similar lives but yet will have very dierent experiences of life. There are some people in life who choose to moan about everything and are Ɵresome to be around; there are some whose love of life is infecƟous and they are people who you want to spend Ɵme with. I think to some extent we have a choice over how we react to what life throws at us. In Luke’s gospel we are told that Jesus healed 10 lepers and that only one came back to say thank you. Luke records how Jesus said to the leper: “Get up and go on your way, your faith has made you well”. I thought about this sentence because Jesus cured all 10 from leprosy, and yet he said to this one “your faith has made you well”. I don’t think that when he said “your faith has made you well” he was talking about leprosy I think he was saying that because this man had recognised God in Jesus, it was this that had “made [him] well”. The man had the right aƫtude. He had a thankful heart. I think in this story that there is the suggesƟon that if we thank others, we not only bless them but we may also bless ourselves. If we approach life with a thankful heart I think we will probably have a beƩer life than if we approach life with a moany heart .... and also of course knowing Jesus helps too! So I invite you to seek to be more thankful and pray that you may bless others through this and also may yourself be blessed. With best wishes With all best wishes David Tyler October 2013

Hanborough Parish News 2013 Parish News.pdf · Hanborough Parish News Our Rector, Rev David Tyler, writes this month… Dear friends I have been thinking about how different people

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Page 1: Hanborough Parish News 2013 Parish News.pdf · Hanborough Parish News Our Rector, Rev David Tyler, writes this month… Dear friends I have been thinking about how different people








s www.hanboroughparish.co.uk 

Our Rector, Rev David Tyler, writes this month… 

Dear friends I have been thinking about how different people may have similar lives but yet will have very different experiences of life.  There are some people in life who choose to moan about everything and are  resome to be around; there are some whose love of life is infec ous and they are people who you want to spend  me with. I think to some extent we have a choice over how we react to what life throws at us. 

In Luke’s gospel we are told that Jesus healed 10 lepers and that only one came back to say thank you.  Luke records how Jesus said to the leper: “Get up and go on your way, your faith has made you well”. 

I thought about this sentence because Jesus cured all 10 from leprosy, and yet he said to this one “your faith has made you well”.  I don’t think that when he said “your faith has made you well” he was talking about leprosy ‐ I think he was saying that because this man had recognised God in Jesus, it was this that had “made [him] well”. 

The man had the right a tude.  He had a thankful heart.  I think in this story that there is the sugges on that if we thank others, we not only bless them but we may also bless ourselves. 

If we approach life with a thankful heart I think we will probably have a be er life than if we approach life with a moan‐y heart .... and also of course knowing Jesus helps too! 

So I invite you to seek to be more thankful and pray that you may bless others through this and also may yourself be blessed.  With best wishes With all best wishes 

David Tyler October 2013

Page 2: Hanborough Parish News 2013 Parish News.pdf · Hanborough Parish News Our Rector, Rev David Tyler, writes this month… Dear friends I have been thinking about how different people


Parish News Contribu ons 

Please do support your local Parish News by le ng us know what you or your group have been doing recently. Please submit news, ar cles, adverts for future events, poems, jokes, etc for the next issue to the Editor, Zoë Preston (Tel 886637), by Friday 18th October 2013. 

By Email: [email protected]  Or by post to: 63 Church Road, Long Hanborough, Oxon, OX29 8JF 

If you would like to receive a PDF version of this monthly newsle er via email, or if you know someone else who would like to receive a paper or PDF version, please contact the Editor. 

  Parish   Contact   Informa on  

David Tyler ‐ [email protected] Parish News ‐ [email protected] No ce Sheet ‐ peterjean.langley@b nternet.com Website ‐ [email protected]  Hitchhikers ‐ [email protected]  Communica on Team Members Parish News Editor ‐ Zoe Preston Website Designer and Editor ‐ Sarah Dawson No ce Sheet Editor ‐ Jean Langley 

Hanborough Parish Website 

Don’t forget to visit the Hanborough Parish Website, where you can find further informa on on what is happening in your parish. 

h p://www.hanboroughparish.co.uk/ 

Page 3: Hanborough Parish News 2013 Parish News.pdf · Hanborough Parish News Our Rector, Rev David Tyler, writes this month… Dear friends I have been thinking about how different people


Notes from the PCC mee ng on September 16th, 2013 

Rev Sr Helen Julian was welcomed to the PCC having been ordained deacon in July 2013. Mrs Chris ne Dix was also welcomed to her first PCC mee ng. 

The PCC received the resigna on of Mrs Molly Yeats who was a Deanery Synod representa ve and of Mr Graham Nixey who is now working away from Hanborough. 

Mrs Wendy Bayliss was appointed as the PCC Treasurer. The Bank mandate will be changed to include her as a signatory. 

The area outside the churchyard in Church Hanborough has been a ended to by the Parish Council. New gravel has been put down by the local inhabitants in front of the church. The PCC paid a contribu on towards its cost. 

The kitchen in Christ Church, Long Hanborough, has been updated. Thanks were expressed to Mr Paul Amos who oversaw the work and did the decora ng and many of the smaller jobs. The total cost came in under budget thanks chiefly to Paul. 

The PCC expressed its support for Mrs Sue Spankie as she trains as a Voca onal Deacon. 

Some improvements are to be made to the sound system in Ss Peter and Paul and later Christ Church, LH. 

The Churches’ cake stall at the Hanborough Show on 14th September raised £280 to be donated to the DEC Appeal for Syria. All money le  a er paying our  the (10%) of the previous years unrestricted funds will also be donated to this fund. 

The PCC are considering ways in which they can pay for the Rev Phil Cooke to work in the parish (for more than his contracted 24 hours a week training as a non s pendiary curate). 

The PCC are aware of an increased number of requests for bap sms in the parish and will consider bap sms at more length in November. 

A new gate has been ordered for the entrance to the Christ Church churchyard in Long Hanborough. 

Rev David Tyler will seek permission from the Bishop for Mr Gordon Spankie to bear the chalice in the benefice. 

Page 4: Hanborough Parish News 2013 Parish News.pdf · Hanborough Parish News Our Rector, Rev David Tyler, writes this month… Dear friends I have been thinking about how different people



We hope you will have half an hour or so to spare on the evening of   

Wednesday 2nd October  

If you have, please pop round to see us at:  

40 Hurdeswell  between 6.45pm and 9.00pm  


We’ll give you a warm welcome and a cup of Fairtrade tea, coffee,  juice or even wine. 

There will be a stall of Traidcra  goods and the new Autumn 2013 catalogue  will be available for you to browse and to tempt you. 

Come to choose some of your Christmas cards and gi s – no need to pay for them un l you’ve got them.  Or, you can simply shop for good food and jus ce! 

 We hope you can join us The Bowman Family 


If you aren’t able to come and would like to see a catalogue,  just let us know and we’ll bring one to you. 

Thanks to Jackie Gardner  Jackie Gardner is soon to be given the Bishop's Permission to Officiate whereby she may occasionally s ll take services but will not normally be rota‐ed to do so.  On Sunday 13th October at the 10am service at Ss. Peter & Paul we will be saying thanks to Jackie for her ministry among us.  We would like to get a gi  to say thank you ‐ if you would like to contribute towards this please give a gi  to David or a Churchwarden. 

Page 5: Hanborough Parish News 2013 Parish News.pdf · Hanborough Parish News Our Rector, Rev David Tyler, writes this month… Dear friends I have been thinking about how different people


The Fireside Group The Fireside Group is one of several groups and organisa ons in the Benefice of Hanborough and Freeland that always welcomes new members.  

Everyone is welcome to join in at 7.30pm on Wednesday evenings, when we study the Bible and its applica on to our everyday Chris an lives. Our mee ng place is the home of Mrs. Edna Harris for whose hospitality we are grateful.  

Autumn 2013: ISSUES 

We are looking at some issues which are current in the church and society in order to think about our response when we are asked where we stand.   We welcome the Revd. Clare Hayns and Sr. Helen Julian for the first  me.  Our other speakers have been to the Fireside Group before and we welcome their return. 

When: 7.30pm on Wednesday evenings 

Venue: 19 Isis Close, Long Hanborough 

Led by: John Fox   01993 881384   

Programme for October: 2nd Oct  Euthanasia  

    Speaker:  Revd. Clare Hayns  

9th Oct  Friendship  

    Speaker:  Revd. Elizabeth Mason  

16th Oct  Ecumenism  

    Speaker:  Revd. Stephen Jones   

23rd Oct  Banking  

    Speaker:  Revd. David Tyler     

30th Oct  Islam and Chris anity  

    Speaker:  Revd. Stephen Pix 

6th Nov  Stewardship of the Earth  

    Speaker:  Revd. Jean Andrews          

 Reading the Bible in a homely se ng, with opportunity for discussion   and prayer. All mee ngs conclude with coffee/tea and biscuits. 

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Forthcoming Events & News 

Retreat Saturday 19th October we will be running a retreat for our parishes on Saturday 19th October at the Convent in Freeland (a beau ful se ng for those of you who haven't been there yet).  The theme for the retreat is: Prac cing Sabbath (not just for Sundays!)   

This retreat is about Sabbath‐keeping: learning what Sabbath is, exploring why it is vital to your spiritual life, and discovering crea ve and sustaining ways to observe it.  If you have never taken a retreat day before this would be an excellent introduc on.  There is no charge but a dona on of £10 is suggested for the convent to cover their costs.  For further informa on speak to Jackie or David. 

Service for the Commemora on of the Departed Saturday 3rd November A service for the commemora on of the departed will take place at St Mary's, Freeland at 6pm. All are welcome. More details on page opposite. 

St Mary’s Harvest Fes val Sunday 6th October  The Harvest Fes val Service will be on Sunday 6th October as part of the Family Service at 10am. Offers of Harvest produce, mainly  ns if possible, and flowers should be brought to the service or le  in the Church at the end of the week star ng on 30th September.  The non‐perishable gi s from our Harvest fes vals will go to the Besom Help to decorate the Church on Saturday 5th October at 10am would be very welcome.   Janet Dalton

The Freeland Churches Harvest Supper Monday 7th October at 7pm, Freeland Hall Tickets for the Harvest Supper cos ng £6 will be on sale in September.   The Supper will be a simple 2 course meal followed by a few games, a raffle  and auc on of the Harvest produce. This is always a very happy occasion and everyone is very welcome. Tickets from Janet Dalton (881742). 

Macmillan Coffee Morning Saturday 5th October  Margaret Wilkins would like to welcome you all to 132 Main Road on Saturday 5th October at 10.30am for coffee and cakes to raise money for Macmillan  Cancer Support. 

Page 7: Hanborough Parish News 2013 Parish News.pdf · Hanborough Parish News Our Rector, Rev David Tyler, writes this month… Dear friends I have been thinking about how different people


Please Pray For...  For Syria.  

For the growth of our churches.    

For Hitchikers, for Zoe Dobson coordina ng it and please pray for new leaders.   

For Peter and Jean Langley.   

For those unwell including Chris ne Dix's mother and  Uncle Alan, Ted Langley, Jean Warner, Bishop Robert Thompson  (recovering from an opera on on his knee) and David Parro .   

Prayers For Our Community The churches in Hanborough will be focusing some of their prayers on the community and will be praying for a part of the villages' community each month. In October the focus of prayer will be Millwood End, Bakers Court, Swan Lane, Corn Hide and Myrtle Close  

Hanborough Show: The Churches’ Cake Stall 

Thank you very much for suppor ng the churches' cake  stall at Hanborough Show on Saturday September 14th.  The en re proceeds of £280  raised by selling cakes etc  will be sent to the Disaster Emergency Commi ee Appeal  for Syria. 

Gillian Hunt 

Service for the Commemora on of the Departed for  Hanborough and Freeland 

A service for the commemora on of the departed will take place at St Mary's, Freeland on Sunday 3rd November at 6pm. All are welcome.  

If you would like the name of a loved one read out at the service, please add their name to a list at the back of St Mary's, or Ss Peter and Paul, Church Hanborough, or Christ Church. For further details, contact David Tyler on 881270. 

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Page 10: Hanborough Parish News 2013 Parish News.pdf · Hanborough Parish News Our Rector, Rev David Tyler, writes this month… Dear friends I have been thinking about how different people


Opera on Christmas Child Once again, I am asking for your help with the collec on of items  to fill this year’s shoeboxes; e.g. pens, pencils, note pad, hat,  

scarf, gloves, toothbrush/paste, or a small toy.    

During October a dona on box will be at the back  of St. Mary’s, Freeland.   

 Many thanks, Helen Molden. 

Page 11: Hanborough Parish News 2013 Parish News.pdf · Hanborough Parish News Our Rector, Rev David Tyler, writes this month… Dear friends I have been thinking about how different people


Storm clouds

A poetical retelling of Matthew 24

Overhead storm clouds will gather,

Buildings will crumble to dust;

Nations will war on each other

Hungry men kill for a crust.

Though men may fall into error

And come against us with terror,

We of glad tidings the bearer –

In Jesus Christ we can trust,

Yes – in Jesus Christ we can trust!

There may come days filled with danger,

There will be times of great strife

Friends shun you, treat you as stranger –

Wounds will cut deep like a knife.

Although the devil be near you,

Cry and your Father will hear you,

He in His strong arms will bear you

Your constant friend all your life,

Yes - your constant friend all your life!

Sorrows may try to ensnare us,

Evil will pestilence bring;

We’ll not be led from our prayers –

Our Saviour is coming again!

When the last trumpet is sounded,

And Satan and Hell are confounded;

We’ll praise, with rapture unbounded

Our Mighty, Victorious, King

Oh, Our Mighty Victorious King!

Yes – our Mighty Victorious King!

 By Nigel Beeton 

(From Parish Pump) 

Page 12: Hanborough Parish News 2013 Parish News.pdf · Hanborough Parish News Our Rector, Rev David Tyler, writes this month… Dear friends I have been thinking about how different people


Toddlers at St Mary’s 

St. Mary’s church in Freeland, welcomes all  families and children to join a toddler group with a Chris an theme. There will be toys and ac vi es for children aged 0–4 years and we offer you  me to play and chat with coffee and cakes to enjoy together, all for a small dona on of 50p. 

Toddlers at St Mary’s will be running every Thursday at 10.00–11.30am, term‐ me only. 

We would love to see you there and if you want to know more please contact Helen on 882044, or David on 881270. 

Thursday Toddlers at St Mary’s

A Big Thank You: St Peter & St Paul’s Flower Rota 

Joan Green has just re red a er over thirty years  on the Flower Rota of St Peter and St Paul's Church.   We should all like to thank her for the generous help she has given over the years and for the beau ful flower arrangements she created. We are very pleased that she will make occasional special flower arrangements on the Memorial Table in the Lady Chapel. 

September crossword


How did you do?

Page 13: Hanborough Parish News 2013 Parish News.pdf · Hanborough Parish News Our Rector, Rev David Tyler, writes this month… Dear friends I have been thinking about how different people


Across 1  Tertullus, who presented the high priest’s case against Paul in his trial before Felix, was one (Acts 24:1) (6) 4  As balm (anag.) (6) 8  Having explored Canaan, he and Joshua urged the Israelites to take possession of it (Numbers 13:30) (5) 9  On becoming king of Judah, he had all six of his brothers killed (2 Chronicles 21:4) (7) 10 ‘Even the — has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself’ (Psalm 84:3) (7) 11 Banishment (Jeremiah29:1) (5) 12 ‘And now I will show you the most — way’ (1Corinthians12:31) (9) 17 ‘Titus did not exploit you, did he? Did we not —— the same spirit and follow the same course?’ (2 Corinthians 12:18) (3,2) 19 Mice den(anag.) (7) 21 How Egypt is o en described in the Old Testament: ‘the land of — ’ (Exodus 13:3) (7) 22 One of the first Levites to rese le in Jerusalem a er the exile in Babylon  (1 Chronicles 9:15) (5) 23 ‘As a sheep before her shearers is —, so he did not open his mouth’ (Isaiah 53:7) (6) 24 Paul’s birthplace (Acts22:3) (6) 

Down 1  Ravenous insect inflicted on Egypt in vast  numbers as the eighth plague (Exodus 10:14) (6) 2  Well‐being (Philippians 2:20) (7) 3  Small piece of live coal or wood in a dying fire (Psalm 102:3) (5) 5  Sportsman or woman (2 Timothy 2:5) (7) 6  The original name of Abraham’s wife  (Genesis 17:15) (5) 7  ‘So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each — belongs to all the others’ (Romans 12:5) (6) 9  According to Peter, a wife’s beauty should not come from wearing this (1 Peter 3:3) (9) 13 ‘For God did not send his Son into the world to — the world’ (John 3:17) (7) 14 ‘The Lord of heaven and earth...does not live in — built by hands’ (Acts 17:24) (7) 15 ‘If your hand — you to sin, cut it off’ (Mark9:43)(6) 16 Something like these fell from Saul’s eyes as soon as Ananias placed his hands on him (Acts 9:18) (6) 18 Track(Job41:30)(5)  20 Religious doctrine(5) 

Answers in the  November  issue! 

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Some Useful Contact Details

Rector: The Reverend David Tyler – 881270 The Rectory, Swan Lane, Long Hanborough OX29 8BT Email: [email protected] (Rev David Tyler normally takes his day off on a Saturday, unless there is a wedding.) For Baptisms/Funerals – contact Rev David Tyler For Weddings – first contact organist Margaret Stringer – 882112 Fornsete, 23 Pigeon House Lane, Freeland Church Wardens: Clive Berry – 882080 Email: [email protected] Richard Wilkins – 882482 Email: [email protected]

PCC Secretary: Gill Hunt – 881828 Email: [email protected]

Associate Ministers: Rev Jackie Gardner – 866110 Email: [email protected]

Rev Peter Ball – 01993 882859 Email: [email protected]

Curate: Rev Phil Cooke – Email: [email protected]

Licensed Lay Ministers: Hugh Dalton – 881742 Clive Berry – 882080

Lay Pastoral Assistants John Fox – 881384 Peter Langley – 883775

Pastoral Care

Our Parish has a Pastoral Care Team consisting of John Fox, Bernard Melvin, Rev David Tyler, Jill Crowther, Christine Dix, Robin Feast, Edna Harris, Gillian Hunt and Kath Wheal. The team helps to offer pastoral care to people in the parish of Hanborough. It works under the leadership of Bernard Melvin and John Fox under the oversight of the Rev David Tyler. The team is not meant to replace or diminish all the love and care that members of the church and the community already give to one another in all kinds of informal ways. Please do feel able to approach any member of the team in the first instance. Any information shared will be treated in the strictest confidence.

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Regular Church Events Monthly Prayer Time: 2nd Wednesday at the Rectory 8pm. All welcome. Commuters Prayer Time: Fridays 6.45–7.15am, 33 Churchill Way (880462). Christian Fellowship: Contact Margaret Stringer (882112). Lunch Club: Meets on 1st & 3rd Wednesdays, 12.45–2.15pm at Christ Church. Two-course lunch is £3 incl. coffee for up to 40 members. Please contact Edna Harris (881842) first as there is a waiting list. Drop-in Coffee Morning: Tuesdays 10–11am, Christ Church. Tea/coffee, home- made cakes. All are welcome. Men's Beer & Curry: All men welcome; it involves talks from speakers or watching a DVD, some of which have a Christian theme; good home delivery curry on offer. It is also simply a chance for men to socialise! For details contact Robin Feast (882897 or [email protected]). Ladies’ Pizza & Wine: A social evening for ladies, arranged every few months, usually a Friday. Contact Zoë Preston (886637). Cycle Ride (15–30 miles): Saturdays 7.45am, starting from 33 Churchill Way. Contact David Dobson (880161) or Simon Gundry (880462).

Home Groups (term-time only) Tuesday 2pm at 113 Broadmarsh Lane, Freeland – contact Jackie Gardner (866110) 8pm at a venue in Han or Freeland – contact Simon/Wendy Gundry (880462) Wednesday 8pm at The Rectory – contact Robin Feast (882897) 8pm The Fireside Group at 19 Isis Close, Long Hanborough – contact John Fox (881384) Friday The Fellowship Group meets once a month on Friday evening at 8pm at various venues (usually the first Friday of every month) contact Edna Harris (881842) Exegesis group every 5 weeks (or so) meeting at The Rectory – contact David Tyler (881270)

Young People’s Groups (term-time only) Wayfarers & Focus: Sunday School for children aged 3–16 years, which meets erm-time most Sundays at the Manor School. Contact Zoë Dobson (880161). Crèche: For babies and toddlers is run most Sundays at the Manor School. Hitchhikers: Sundays 7.00–8.30pm in the Methodist Chapel. All 11+ year olds are welcome. Contact Jes Redgard (880277). TTT: Thursdays at 7.30pm during term-time. This is a weekly discussion and bible study group for 14–18 year olds at The Rectory. Contact David Tyler (881270).

Page 16: Hanborough Parish News 2013 Parish News.pdf · Hanborough Parish News Our Rector, Rev David Tyler, writes this month… Dear friends I have been thinking about how different people

October 2013 Services Hanborough

6th 08.00 Holy Communion (Rev David Tyler) St Peter & St Paul Oct 10.00 Morning Worship (Rev David Tyler) Manor School 18.00 BCP Holy Communion (Rev David Tyler) Christ Church 13th 10.00 Holy Communion and service to say St Peter & St Paul thank you for the ministry of Rev Jackie Garner (Revs Jackie Gardner & David Tyler) 10.00 Holy Communion (Rev Phil Cooke) Manor School 18.00 Covenant Renewal Service Methodist Church (Revs David Tyler and Paul Weir) 20th 08.00 Holy Communion (Rev David Tyler) St Peter & St Paul 10.00 Worship Together Manor School 10.00 United Morning Prayer Christ Church 18.00 Compline (Sr Helen Julian) Christ Church 27th 10.00 Holy Communion (Rev Peter Ball) St Peter & St Paul 10.00 Morning Worship Manor School 18.00 Evening Prayer Christ Church 3rd 08.00 Holy Communion (Rev David Tyler) St Peter & St Paul Nov 10.00 Morning Worship Manor School 18.00 Commemoration of the Departed St Mary’s, Freeland (Revs David Tyler and Phil Cooke)

St Mary the Virgin, Freeland

6th 10.00 Family Service and Harvest Thanksgiving (Rev Phil Cooke) Oct 13th 08.00 Holy Communion (Rev David Tyler & Sr Helen Julian) 20th 10.00 Holy Communion with Junior Church (Rev David Tyler) 27th 08.00 Holy Communion (Rev Peter Ball) 3rd 10.00 Family Service (Revs Peter Ball and David Tyler) Nov 18.00 Commemoration of the Departed (Revs David Tyler and Phil Cooke)