GENETIC DISORDERS - DEVELOPMENT Transplantation of developing metanephroi into adult rats SHARON A. ROGERS,JEFFREY A. LOWELL,NANCY A. HAMMERMAN, and MARC R. HAMMERMAN George M. O’Brien Kidney and Urological Disease Center, Renal Division, Departments of Medicine, Cell Biology and Physiology, and Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, USA Transplantation of developing metanephroi into adult rats. Background. Transplantation of developing metanephroi into adult hosts has been proposed as a means to augment host renal function. Methods. We implanted whole metanephroi from embryonic day 15 (E15) rats subcapsularly in kidneys or into the omentum of non-immuno- supressed adult rat hosts. At the time of implantation, some host rats underwent unilateral nephrectomy (UNX) or unilateral nephrectomy and partial contralateral renal infarction (1 1 /2 NX). E15 metanephroi con- tained only metanephric blastema, segments of ureteric bud, and primitive nephrons with no glomeruli. Results. Four to six weeks post-implantation, metanephroi from E15 rats had enlarged, become vascularized, and had formed mature tubules and glomeruli. Ureters of metanephroi transplanted into the omentum were anastomosed to hosts’ ureters that remained after UNX. Four weeks following ureteroureterostomy, the contralateral kidney was removed. Inulin clearances of seven metanephroi implanted into UNX hosts averaged 0.11 6 0.02 ml/min/100 g (2.42 6 0.70 ml/min/g kidney wt) and the creatinine clearances averaged 0.65 6 0.18 ml/min/100 g. Metanephroi weighed 71 6 15 mg (approximately 4% of the contralateral native kidney). The transplanted metanephroi were vascularized by arteries originating from the omentum. Both weights of transplanted metanephroi (145 6 24 mg) and inulin clearances of transplanted metanephroi (30.1 6 8.7 ml/min/g kidney weight) were significantly increased in rats that underwent 1 1 /2 NX compared to UNX. In contrast, transplantation of developed kidneys resulted in rejection. Conclusions. Our findings establish that functional chimeric kidneys develop from metanephroi transplanted in adult hosts. End-stage chronic renal failure afflicts more than 250,000 individuals in the United States alone, most of whom are treated using dialysis, a treatment with consid- erable morbidity [1], or renal allotransplantation, which is limited by the number of organs available to transplant [2]. A possible solution for the lack of organ availability is the transplantation of developing kidneys (metanephric allo- grafts or xenografts). There are two theoretical reasons why the transplantation of allograft (or xenograft) metanephroi into adult animals might be advantageous relative to the transplantation of kidneys. First, for several days following its formation, the metanephros has no vasculature [3] and therefore contains few or no antigen presenting cells de- rived from the circulation. Depletion of antigen presenting cells (or passenger lymphocytes) would be expected to render allograft (or xenograft) metanephroi less immuno- genic [4]. Second, the transplanted metanephros becomes a chimeric organ in that it is vascularized in part by blood vessels originating from the host. It is unclear if micro- vessels within the kidney derive from host or donor tissue [5, 6]. Rejection that is initiated by antibodies directed against antigens on endothelial cell surfaces, is circum- vented to the extent that the transplanted organ is supplied by host vessels. The possibility that renal function can be enhanced through the addition of functioning nephrons via transplan- tation of allograft metanephroi intrarenally or intraabdomi- nally has been explored in several studies [5–9]. The results of these investigations indicate that transplantation of metanephroi into adult hosts is possible, but complicated by graft rejection within a few days, even if donors and hosts are of the same strain [5]. To readdress this issue, we implanted whole metanephroi from Sprague-Dawley rat embryos subcapsularly into kidneys or into the omentum of outbred adult Sprague-Dawley rats. The survival, growth, maturation, vascularization and function of the meta- nephroi evident post-transplantation indicate that renal organogenesis can occur under these conditions and that a vascularized functional chimeric kidney is the result. To our knowledge, these studies represent first successful trans- plantation of metanephroi into the omentum of adult hosts and the first demonstration of plasma clearance in devel- oped transplanted metanephroi. METHODS Metanephroi were surgically dissected from embryonic day 15 (E15) Sprague-Dawley rat embryos under a dissect- ing microscope using previously described techniques [10], and implanted within 45 minutes under the capsule of viable renal tissue or in the omentum of anaesthetized six-week-old female Sprague-Dawley (host) rats. Rats re- ceived either subcapsular implants or intraomental trans- plants, but never both. During the same surgery, some host Key words: development, metanephros, transplantation, renal function, nephrectomy, chimeric kidneys, allograft, xenograft, organogenesis. Received for publication November 21, 1997 and in revised form December 29, 1997 Accepted for publication January 5, 1998 © 1998 by the International Society of Nephrology Kidney International, Vol. 54 (1998), pp. 27–37 27

Hammerman KID INTL 1998

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Transplantation of developing metanephroi into adult rats


George M. O’Brien Kidney and Urological Disease Center, Renal Division, Departments of Medicine, Cell Biology and Physiology, andSurgery, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri, USA

Transplantation of developing metanephroi into adult rats.Background. Transplantation of developing metanephroi into adult

hosts has been proposed as a means to augment host renal function.Methods. We implanted whole metanephroi from embryonic day 15

(E15) rats subcapsularly in kidneys or into the omentum of non-immuno-supressed adult rat hosts. At the time of implantation, some host ratsunderwent unilateral nephrectomy (UNX) or unilateral nephrectomy andpartial contralateral renal infarction (11⁄2 NX). E15 metanephroi con-tained only metanephric blastema, segments of ureteric bud, and primitivenephrons with no glomeruli.

Results. Four to six weeks post-implantation, metanephroi from E15 ratshad enlarged, become vascularized, and had formed mature tubules andglomeruli. Ureters of metanephroi transplanted into the omentum wereanastomosed to hosts’ ureters that remained after UNX. Four weeksfollowing ureteroureterostomy, the contralateral kidney was removed.Inulin clearances of seven metanephroi implanted into UNX hostsaveraged 0.11 6 0.02 ml/min/100 g (2.42 6 0.70 ml/min/g kidney wt) andthe creatinine clearances averaged 0.65 6 0.18 ml/min/100 g. Metanephroiweighed 71 6 15 mg (approximately 4% of the contralateral nativekidney). The transplanted metanephroi were vascularized by arteriesoriginating from the omentum. Both weights of transplanted metanephroi(145 6 24 mg) and inulin clearances of transplanted metanephroi (30.1 68.7 ml/min/g kidney weight) were significantly increased in rats thatunderwent 11⁄2 NX compared to UNX. In contrast, transplantation ofdeveloped kidneys resulted in rejection.

Conclusions. Our findings establish that functional chimeric kidneysdevelop from metanephroi transplanted in adult hosts.

End-stage chronic renal failure afflicts more than250,000 individuals in the United States alone, most ofwhom are treated using dialysis, a treatment with consid-erable morbidity [1], or renal allotransplantation, which islimited by the number of organs available to transplant [2].

A possible solution for the lack of organ availability is thetransplantation of developing kidneys (metanephric allo-grafts or xenografts). There are two theoretical reasons whythe transplantation of allograft (or xenograft) metanephroiinto adult animals might be advantageous relative to thetransplantation of kidneys. First, for several days followingits formation, the metanephros has no vasculature [3] and

therefore contains few or no antigen presenting cells de-rived from the circulation. Depletion of antigen presentingcells (or passenger lymphocytes) would be expected torender allograft (or xenograft) metanephroi less immuno-genic [4]. Second, the transplanted metanephros becomes achimeric organ in that it is vascularized in part by bloodvessels originating from the host. It is unclear if micro-vessels within the kidney derive from host or donor tissue[5, 6]. Rejection that is initiated by antibodies directedagainst antigens on endothelial cell surfaces, is circum-vented to the extent that the transplanted organ is suppliedby host vessels.

The possibility that renal function can be enhancedthrough the addition of functioning nephrons via transplan-tation of allograft metanephroi intrarenally or intraabdomi-nally has been explored in several studies [5–9]. The resultsof these investigations indicate that transplantation ofmetanephroi into adult hosts is possible, but complicated bygraft rejection within a few days, even if donors and hostsare of the same strain [5]. To readdress this issue, weimplanted whole metanephroi from Sprague-Dawley ratembryos subcapsularly into kidneys or into the omentum ofoutbred adult Sprague-Dawley rats. The survival, growth,maturation, vascularization and function of the meta-nephroi evident post-transplantation indicate that renalorganogenesis can occur under these conditions and that avascularized functional chimeric kidney is the result. To ourknowledge, these studies represent first successful trans-plantation of metanephroi into the omentum of adult hostsand the first demonstration of plasma clearance in devel-oped transplanted metanephroi.


Metanephroi were surgically dissected from embryonicday 15 (E15) Sprague-Dawley rat embryos under a dissect-ing microscope using previously described techniques [10],and implanted within 45 minutes under the capsule ofviable renal tissue or in the omentum of anaesthetizedsix-week-old female Sprague-Dawley (host) rats. Rats re-ceived either subcapsular implants or intraomental trans-plants, but never both. During the same surgery, some host

Key words: development, metanephros, transplantation, renal function,nephrectomy, chimeric kidneys, allograft, xenograft, organogenesis.

Received for publication November 21, 1997and in revised form December 29, 1997Accepted for publication January 5, 1998

© 1998 by the International Society of Nephrology

Kidney International, Vol. 54 (1998), pp. 27–37


rats had one kidney removed (UNX) or underwent unilat-eral nephrectomy and partial contralateral renal infarction(11⁄2 NX) [11]. Others had both kidneys intact (NL).

Four metanephroi were implanted subcapsularly in eachhost kidney. Four to six weeks following transplantation,host kidneys containing metanephroi or metanephroi im-planted in the omentum were removed from some hostrats. When noted, kidneys were perfused prior to removalfrom host rats to remove blood from the organ [11].

In other UNX host rats that had received intraomentalimplants, end-to-end ureteroureterostomy was performedusing a microvascular technique (interrupted 10-0 suture)between the ureter of a metanephros implanted in theomentum and the ureter of the kidney that had beenremoved. Four weeks later all remaining native renal tissue(the contralateral kidney) was removed from host rats,following which inulin and creatinine clearances were mea-sured on conscious rats after placement of an indwellingbladder catheter and intravenous line exactly as in previousstudies [12]. Baseline measurements for inulin were per-formed on urine and blood samples obtained prior tobeginning the inulin infusions. These “background” valueswere subtracted from measurements performed after be-ginning the inulin infusion. Infusion of inulin was begunonly following removal of all remaining native renal tissueand drainage of all urine remaining in the bladder (10 to 20ml). Only the implanted metanephros remained connectedto the bladder. As a control, we attempted to measureclearances in rats that had undergone bilateral nephrec-tomy, but had no transplanted metanephros connected tothe bladder.

Kidneys were transplanted from one adult rat to anotherusing techniques described in detail [13], except end-to-endanastomosis was performed between renal donor and re-cipient renal arteries instead of end-to-side anastomosisbetween the donor renal artery and recipient aorta. Briefly,donors were anaesthetized [11] and a midline incision wasmade to expose the left kidney. The donor was heparinizedand the left kidney was flushed via the aorta with 5 ml of anice-cold saline solution. Then, the kidney was removed enblock after transecting the ureter near the bladder, therenal vein near the vena cava, and the renal artery near theaorta. The kidney was rinsed and transferred to a Petri dishcontaining ice-cold flush solution. The recipient was anes-thetized, a midline incision made and the left kidneyremoved after transsecting the ureter near the hilum, therenal artery near its origin, and the renal vein near thekidney. End-to-end anastomoses were performed using10-0 nylon suture, first between donor and recipient renalveins, then renal arteries, then ureters as described [13].Following anastomoses, kidney were observed for a colorchange from dark-red to red so as to ascertain that bloodflow was re-established.

Metanephroi or kidneys were fixed, embedded in paraf-fin, sectioned, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin or

with tetragonobolus purpurea lectin (TPL), exactly as inprevious studies [14]. Dunnett’s test was used for multiplecomparisons [15]. All Figures are representative of at leastfive separate experiments.


As shown in Figure 1, metanephroi from E15 rat em-bryos were approximately 700 mm in diameter and haddeveloping ureters (ureteric bud) attached (Fig. 1A). Asshown previously [14], E15 metanephroi contained seg-ments of ureteric bud that stained positively (red brown)with TPL (Fig. 1B, arrow) and condensing metanephricblastema (Fig. 1B, arrowhead), but contained no glomeruli.

Four or six weeks following renal subcapsular transplan-tation, when host kidneys were examined, cysts containingclear fluid surrounded the sites where metanephroi weretransplanted under the capsule of NL, or 11⁄2 NX rats. Twocysts under the capsule of a kidney from a NL rat fourweeks post-transplant are shown in Figure 2A (arrow-heads). Masses of tissue approximately 7 mm (7000 mm) indiameter were present under the cysts and were embeddedinto the larger host kidney. These structures were tenfoldgreater in diameter than transplanted metanephroi (ap-proximately 1000-fold greater in volume). One such struc-ture embedded into the parenchyma of a kidney from a 11⁄2NX rat four weeks post-transplant is shown in Figure 2B(arrowhead). Histological examination of hematoxylin andeosin-stained tissue revealed that the structures were inte-grated into the parenchyma of recipient kidneys, and thatclusters of lymphocytes were present at the transplant-hostkidney interface (Fig. 2C, arrowhead). Growth and devel-opement took place in metanephroi transplanted intokidneys of either NL or 11⁄2 NX rats that was indistinguish-able. Metanephroi contained mature tubules (t) and glo-meruli (g) that could be distinguished from tubule (T) andglomeruli (G) in adjacent recipient renal tissue by theirsmaller size, as in the studies of Abrahamson et al [5] (Fig.2D). Figure 2E shows a glomerulus (g) and tubules (t)within a developed metanephros. No infiltration of lympho-cytes into tubular or vascular structures of transplantedmetanephroi was observed.

Levels of urea nitrogen and creatinine were measured inaspirated cyst fluid, and in blood from the aorta, and urinefrom the bladder of 11⁄2 NX rats that had received meta-nephric implants. Levels of urea nitrogen were increased2.6-fold and 15-fold, respectively, in cyst fluid and bladderurine relative to blood, and levels of creatinine wereincreased 12-fold and 28-fold, respectively (Table 1). Thus,both urea nitrogen and creatinine were concentrated in cystfluid relative to blood. The concentrations of urea nitrogenand creatinine in cyst fluid were significantly less than theconcentrations in bladder urine.

To learn more about how metanephroi became inte-grated into host kidneys, we examined kidneys of NL ratssix weeks post-transplantation. To clear blood from the

Rogers et al: Transplantation of metanephroi28

organ, kidneys were perfused using a modified Ringerssolution injected into the aorta distal to the renal arteriesfollowing occlusion of the aorta proximal to the kidneysand transection of the inferior vena cava. This results in ablanching of the kidney as blood is replaced by perfusate.Normally, the entire kidney blanches [11]. However, fol-lowing perfusion of kidneys that contained a transplantedmetanephros, blood remained in the transplanted structurerelative to the host kidney (Fig. 3A, arrows). The reason forthe relative hypoperfusion of metanephric implants isunknown. It is possible that this reflects a more circuitousblood supply to the implant than to the native kidney, andtherefore, one less prone to clearance by back-perfusion.Blood could be traced into the papilla of the host kidney(Fig. 3A, arrow). Histological examination of kidneysshowed that glomeruli (g) in the transplanted kidney (Fig.3B) had been poorly perfused relative to glomeruli presentin the recipient kidney (G) (Fig. 3C), that is, the glomeruliin the transplants contained more red blood cells.

Kidneys were stained using hematoxylin and eosin orTPL [16], which binds to a carbohydrate moiety (a-L-Fucose) that is expressed in collecting ducts of developingrat kidneys prior to birth and for several weeks followingbirth [16], but not in collecting ducts of kidney from adultrats. In adult rat kidney the carbohydrate is expressed (andTPL binds) in distal tubules and medullary thick ascendinglimbs of Henle’s loop [17]. Shown in Figure 4A is ahematoxylin and eosin-stained section of the interfacebetween a perfused host kidney and a transplanted meta-nephros (arrows). Red blood cells are shown in bloodvessels originating from the transplant (arrowhead). Figure4B is the same section stained with TPL. An arrowheadshows red blood cells. The open arrow shows TPL-stainedstructures originating from the transplanted metanephrosextending towards the papilla (P) of the host kidney. Inadult host kidney tissue, TPL is expressed in cortex withindistal tubule (DT) and medullary thick ascending limb(MTL), but not in collecting duct (open arrow) as would beexpected (Fig. 4C). However, TPL is expressed in a popu-lation of collecting ducts (open arrow) that radiate from thetransplanted metanephros into the papilla of the hostkidney (Fig. 4D). These could represent collecting ductsderived from the implant. Alternatively, it is possible that

host collecting tubules dedifferentiate in the presence ofsoluble factors secreted by embryonic grafts.

Metanephroi were next implanted in the omentum ofsix-week-old outbred Sprague-Dawley rats which then un-derwent unilateral nephrectomy. Six weeks later, the re-maining renal tissue (native kidney and transplant) wasremoved from rats. When transplanted metanephroi (m)were examined post-transplantation, they had assumed akidney-like shape in situ (Fig. 5A), and were approximatelyone-third the diameter of native kidneys (Fig. 5B). Trans-planted metanephroi had intact ureters (u) (Fig. 5C).Sections of transplanted metanephroi were prepared andstained with hematoxylin and eosin. Both cortical andmedullary tissue was present (Fig. 5D). Cortices containedwell-developed glomeruli containing red blood cells (g),proximal tubules (p) with well-developed brush bordermembranes (arrowhead), and distal tubules (d) (Fig. 5E).Medullas contained well-developed collecting ducts (cd)(Fig. 5F). Rare accumulations of lymphocytes were ob-served (not shown), but there was no lymphocytic infiltra-tion of tubular or vascular elements.

In contrast to findings in rats that underwent unilateralnephrectomy at the time of implantation, little or nogrowth of metanephroi occurred when they were implantedin the omentum of rats that had no native renal tissueremoved (not shown).

In seven rats that had received transplanted metanephroisix weeks previously in which unilateral nephrectomy alsohad been performed, the ureter of a transplanted meta-nephros was anastomosed to the ureter of the kidney thatwas removed. Four weeks later, the contralateral kidneywas removed, following which inulin was infused into therat and clearances measured. Plasma creatinines at thetime of measurements (following removal of all nativerenal tissue) were 1.3 6 0.06 mg/dl, approximately threetimes the normal values. Inulin and creatinine clearanceswere 0.11 6 0.02 and 0.65 6 0.18 ml/min/100 g body wt,respectively (mean 6 SE). The mean body wt of rats was238 6 3.0 g. The mean weight of metanephroi was 71 6 15mg. The mean volume of urine collected during three hourswas 49 6 13 ml. Inulin and creatinine clearances in a groupof five normal rats of similar size were 0.92 6 0.14 and0.84 6 0.12 ml/min/100 g, respectively (Table 2).

As a control, we attempted to measure clearances inthree rats that had undergone bilateral nephrectomy, buthad no transplanted metanephros connected to the blad-der. However, in contrast to the case in rats with atransplanted metanephros connected to the bladder, nourine appeared in the bladder catheter over a three-hourcollection time in rats that had no transplanted meta-nephros.

Shown in Figure 6 is a ureteroureterostomy between theureter of metanephros transplanted in the omentum andthe host rat ureter (arrow) performed six weeks aftermetanephros implantation (Fig. 6A), an artery originating

Table 1. Measurements of creatinine and urea N in plasma, cyst fluidand bladder urine of 11⁄2 nephrectomized rats that received subcapsular

metanephric transplants (N 5 7)

Plasma Cyst fluid Bladder urine

creatinine/urea N mg/dl

1.14 6 0.08/53.8 6 6.3 13.4 6 2.2/136 6 16 32.3 6 5.2/800 6 72

All measurements were made at the time of sacrifice. Comparisons weremade using Dunnett’s multiple comparison procedure [15]. For creatinine,plasma , cyst fluid, P , 0.01; and cyst fluid , bladder urine, P , 0.01. ForUrea N (urea nitrogen), plasma , cyst fluid, P , 0.01; and cyst fluid ,bladder urine, P , 0.01.

Rogers et al: Transplantation of metanephroi 29

Fig. 1. An embryonic day 15 (E15) ratmetanephros stained with hematoxylin andeosin (A) or tetragonobolus purpurea lectin(TPL), counterstained with hematoxylin (B).Arrow shows the ureteric bud branch, and thearrowhead shows a non-staining developingnephron. Magnification is shown.

Fig. 2. (A) Cysts (arrowheads) in a wholekidney from a normal (NL) rat four weekspost-transplantation of metanephroi. (B) Amid-sagittal section of a kidney from a partialcontralateral renal infarction (11⁄2 NX) in a ratfour weeks post-transplantation of metanephroishowing structure within a cyst (arrowhead)embedded in the parenchyma. (C) Hematoxylinand eosin-stained mid-sagittal section of akidney from a 11⁄2 NX rat four weeks post-transplantation of metanephroi showingincorporation of a metanephros into theparenchyma of the host kidney and lymphocyticinfiltrate (arrowhead). (D) Interface (arrows)between transplanted metanephros (bottom)containing glomeruli (g) and tubules (t) andhost kidney of a 11⁄2 NX rat (top) containinglarger glomeruli (G) and tubules (T). (E)Metanephros transplanted into a kidney of aNL rat containing a glomerulus (g) and tubules(t). Magnifications are shown.

Rogers et al: Transplantation of metanephroi30

Fig. 3. A mid-sagittal section obtained following perfusion of a kidney originating from a normal (NL) rat six weeks post-transplantation. (A) Arrowsoutline the relatively poorly-perfused transplant. (B and C) Photomicrographs of hematoxylin and eosin-stained kidneys where (B) shows the glomerulus(g) within the transplanted kidney and (C) illustrates the glomerulus (G) within host kidney.

Fig. 4. Hematoxylin and eosin (A) or tetragonobolus purpura lectin (TPL)-stained (B through D) sections of a transplanted metanephros and a kidneyfrom a normal (NL) host rat (A and B). Arrows show the transplant-host interface. Arrowheads show red blood cells in vascular structure. (B-D) Openarrows show the collecting ducts. (C) Shown is a glomerulus (G), distal tubules (DT) and medullary thick ascending limbs of Henle’s loop (MTL) withinhost kidney and collecting ducts (open arrow). (B and D) Shown are collecting ducts (open arrows) radiating inward towards the host papilla (P) fromthe transplanted kidney. A glomerulus in the transplant (g) is labeled. Magnification is shown for C and D.

Rogers et al: Transplantation of metanephroi 31

Fig. 5. Rat metanephroi, six weeks post-transplantation into the omentum ofunilaterally nephrectomized host rats andphotomicrographs of hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections of metanephroi. (A) Developedmetanephros in abdominal cavity (m). (B)Developed metanephros after removal fromabdominal cavity compared to native kidney.(C) Developed metanephros. The ureter (u) isshown. (D) Section of developed metanephroswith ureter. (E) Section of cortex fromdeveloped metanephros. The glomerulus (g),proximal tubule (p), brush border (arrowhead)and distal tubule (d) are shown. (E) Section ofmedulla from developed metanephros. Thecollecting duct (cd) is shown. Magnifications forA-D are shown in (B), and for E and F in (E).

Fig. 6. Rat ureters (A) or a metanephrosimplanted in a unilaterally nephrectomized rat(B and C), six weeks (A) or 10 weeks (B, C)post-transplantation into the omentum of hostrats and photomicrographs of hematoxylin andeosin-stained sections of a metanephros 10weeks post-transplantation (D and E).Anastomosis is shown (arrow in A and C)between host ureter and ureter from implantedmetanephros (m). An artery originating fromthe omentum (a) is shown (C); Glomerulus (g),proximal tubule (p), brush border (arrowhead),distal tubule (d) and collecting duct (cd) areshown (D and E). Magnifications are shown forA-C, and for D-E.

Rogers et al: Transplantation of metanephroi32

Fig. 7. Progressively enlarged photomicrographs (A3D) of a singlemetanephros 10 weeks post-transplant into a unilaterally-nephrectomized host, stained with hematoxylin and eosin. A renalpapilla is shown in panels A and B (arrowheads). Cortex and medulla(C and M) are labeled in B and C. A glomerulus (g), proximal tubule(p) and distal tubule (d) are labeled in D. Magnification is shown inpanel D.

Fig. 8. Progressively enlarged photomicrographs (A3B) of a singlemetanephros 10 weeks post-transplant into a host that underwentunilateral nephrectomy and partial contralateral renal infarction,stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Cortex and medulla (C and M) arelabeled in panel A. A glomerulus (g), and proximal tubule (p) arelabeled in B. Magnification is shown in panel B.

Rogers et al: Transplantation of metanephroi 33

from the omentum (a) supplying a metanephros (m) thathad been implanted 10 weeks previously (Fig. 6B), an intactureteroureterostomy (arrow) four weeks after the anasto-mosis was performed (Fig. 6C), and hematoxylin andeosin-stained sections of metanephroi implanted 10 weekspreviously showing glomeruli (g), proximal tubules (p),distal tubules (d) (Fig. 6D) and collecting duct (cd) (Fig.6E).

Shown in Figure 7 are four progressively enlarged views(A3D) of one of the developed metanephroi used togenerate the data shown in Table 2. A renal papilla isshown (Fig. 7 A, B, arrowheads). Cortex and medulla (Cand M) are labeled (Fig. 7 B, C). A glomerulus (g),proximal tubule (p) and distal tubule (d) are labeled (Fig.7D).

Figure 8 shows sections of a metanephros 10 weeksfollowing implantation into the omentum of a rat thatunderwent unilateral nephrectomy and partial contralateralinfarction at the time of implantation. Weights of trans-planted metanephroi were increased more than twofoldand inulin clearances expressed per g of kidney weight wereincreased more than 12-fold compared to values obtainedin rats that underwent unilateral nephrectomy withoutpartial contralateral renal infarction (Table 2). Urine vol-umes (145 6 24 ml/3 hr) were also significantly increased(P , 0.005, Student’s t-test).

Transplantation of developed kidneys from one Sprague-Dawley rat to another is possible if the hosts are treatedwith cyclosporine A. On the other hand, without immuno-suppression, the renal architecture is obliterated by anintense mononuclear cell infiltrate with destruction of thetubules by seven days post-transplantation [13]. To ascer-tain whether a similar rejection would occur in the popu-lation of Sprague-Dawley rats used in our studies, wetransplanted kidneys from one adult rat to another. Atseven days post-transplantation, the graft was swollen andthe surface somewhat mottled in appearance (Fig. 9A)compared to the contralateral host kidney (Fig. 9B). As inprevious studies [13], the renal architecture was obliterated

by an intense mononuclear cell infiltrate with destruction ofthe tubules by seven days post-transplantation (Fig. 9C).The contralateral kidney had a normal architecture asshown in Figure 9D.


The metanephric kidneys originate during the fifth weekof gestation in humans, and during day 12 of embryonic ratdevelopment (E12) when outgrowths of the mesonephricducts, so-called ureteric buds, collect about their distalends, intermediate mesoderm caudal to the mesonephros,designated metanephric blastema. Numerous outgrowthsarise from the distal end of the ureteric bud that pushradially into the surrounding mass of metanephric blastemaand give rise to the collecting ducts of the kidneys. Theproximal ends of the ureteric bud give rise to the ureter andrenal pelvis. The metanephric blastema differentiates intoall of the tubular structures of the adult nephron with theexception of the collecting system, which originates fromthe ureteric bud [3]. Humans develop a full complement ofnephrons by approximately 35 weeks of gestation [18].

Fig. 9. Photographs (A and B) and photomicrographs (C and D) of akidney seven days post-transplantation from one adult Sprague-Dawleyrat to another Sprague-Dawley rat (A, C) and the contralateral nativekidney (B, D). Sections shown in C and D are stained with hematoxylinand eosin. Proximal tubules are shown (t).

Table 2. Values measured in normal rats and in nephrectomized hostrats with an omental metanephric implant (Imp)

Imp/UNX(N 5 7)

Imp/UNX1(N 5 3)

Normal (2 kidneys)(N 5 5)

Creatinine mg/dl 1.3 6 0.06 1.2 6 0.05 0.5 6 0.02Renal mass g 0.07 6 0.02 0.15 6 0.02a 3.16 6 0.06Inulin clearance

ml/min/100 g 0.11 6 0.02 0.97 6 0.33b 920 6 140ml/min/g kidney wt 2.42 6 0.70 30.1 6 8.7b 750

Creatinine clearanceml/min/100 g 0.65 6 0.18 1.2 6 0.4 840 6 120ml/min/g kidney wt 26.7 6 6.9 31.6 6 4.5 710

KW, kidney weight; UNX, unilateral nephrectomy; UNX1, unilateralnephrectomy plus partial contralateral renal infarction. Data are mean 6SE.

Implant/UNX vs. Implant/UNX1: a P , 0.05; b P , 0.01, Student’st-test

Rogers et al: Transplantation of metanephroi34

However, in rodents nephrogenesis is not complete at thetime of birth, but rather continues for the first two to threeweeks following birth. Nephrons continue to develop froma nephrogenic zone located at the periphery of the kidney[19].

Once renal development is complete, no new nephronsare formed under any conditions. The loss of renal func-tional mass that occurs following insults to the adult kidneyis compensated for in the short term, by hypertrophy andhyperfunction of the remaining nephrons [20]. However,these compensatory changes are often transient and undersome circumstances maladaptive in that they may lead tofurther loss of renal function [21].

The transplantation of developing renal tissue into adultanimals has been accomplished in a number of studies.Several sites, including the anterior eye chamber, have beenshown to support kidney tubule development and vascular-ization of the transplant. In addition, the possibility thatrenal function can be enhanced through addition of func-tioning nephrons via transplantation of allograft meta-nephroi intrarenally or intraabdominally has been ex-plored.

Woolf et al implanted pieces of sectioned metanephroioriginating from embryonic day (E)13 to E16 mice intotunnels fashioned in the cortex of kidneys of newbornoutbred mice. Differentiation and growth of donornephrons occurred in the host kidney. Glomeruli werevascularized, mature proximal tubules were formed andextensions of metanephric tubules into the renal medullawere observed. Glomerular filtration was demonstrable indonor nephrons using fluorescently-labeled dextran as amarker of filtration into the proximal tubules. In contrast tothe case in newborn mice, metanephric tissue transplantedinto kidneys of adult mice neither grew nor differentiated,but was extruded as a mass under the renal capsuleresembling a poorly-differentiated tumor. It was concludedthat the neonatal kidney, which has a rim of undifferenti-ated cortex (the nephrogenic zone), can facilitate thedifferentiation of an embryonic implant, but that this abilityis lacking in the fully-differentiated adult kidney [7].

Abrahamson et al implanted metanephroi from E17 ratembryos beneath the renal capsule of five adult rat hosts.Within 9 to 10 days post-implantation, every graft becamevascularized, new nephrons were induced to form andglomerular and tubular cytodifferentiation occurred. Glo-meruli from transplanted metanephroi were identifiablebecause they were approximately two-thirds the diameterof those within host kidneys. Intravenous injection ofantilaminin IgG into hosts resulted in labeling of glomer-ular basement membranes of grafted kidneys, confirmingperfusion of the grafts by the host’s vasculature. Four hostswere sacrificed at 10 days post-transplantation and one at28 days. Signs of rejection such as hypercellular glomeruliand lymphocytic infiltrates in peritubular spaces were ob-vious by 10 days post-transplantation [5].

Robert et al grafted metanephroi from E12 mouse em-bryos into kidney cortices of adult and newborn ROSA26mouse hosts. ROSA26 mice bear an ubiquitously expressedb-galactosidase transgene that can be identified by stainingin histological sections, permitting differentiation of trans-planted from host tissue. Grafts into both newborn andadult hosts examined seven days post-transplantation werevascularized by components originating from both donorand host [6].

Barakat and Harrison sectioned metanephroi originatingfrom E15-E17 rat embryos into four quarters and eachquarter was transplanted into a subcutaneous site in theabdominal wall of closely related or unrelated male orfemale adult rats. The vascularity originally present in theE15-E17 metanephroi remained intact for two to three daysfollowing transplantation. Grafting sections of metanephroiinto unrelated adults resulted in lymphocytic infiltration ofthe graft by 8 to 9 days post-transplantation and replace-ment of the graft by fibrosis by the 11 to 12th day. Graftingsections into related adults (mothers or fathers of donoroffspring taken from a closed colony following 15 genera-tions of brother to sister matings) resulted in lymphocyticinfiltration of the graft by 12 to 19 days post-transplantationand replacement of the graft by fibrosis by the 14 to 22ndday [8].

Koseki et al transplanted rat nephrogenic mesenchymalcells that had been transfected with a Lac Z reporter geneby a retrovirus, underneath the capsule of kidneys ofneonatal rats. Transplanted mesenchymal cells were inte-grated into functioning host nephron segments [9].

To our knowledge, our studies show the first long-termsurvival (greater than 10 days) of metanephroi transplantedsubcapsularly into fully differentiated kidneys of animals inwhich nephron formation is no longer taking place, and thefirst intraomental transplantation of metanephroi. Theobservations are of interest from three perspectives.

First, neither the renal subcapsular space nor the omen-tum is known to be an immunologically privileged site [22].It is not possible to transplant developed kidneys from oneadult outbred Sprague-Dawley rat to another without usingimmunosuppression (Fig. 9) [13]. Our findings suggest thatthe immune response to transplanted metanephroi may bemuted relative to the response to transplanted developedkidneys.

Neither Wolff et al [7] nor Abrahamson et al [5] wereable to transplant rodent metanephroi subcapsularly intokidneys of adult hosts and have them survive withoutrejection for longer than 10 days [5]. The differencebetween their findings and ours may be explained by adifference in technique. Wolff et al transplanted pieces ofsliced metanephroi [7], whereas we transplanted wholemetanephroi with capsules intact. Antigens present withinthe intact metanephroi would be expected to have reducedexposure to host antibodies or cells mediating rejection.Abrahamson et al transplanted metanephroi from E17 rats

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[5], whereas we used E15 rats. It was noted that the E17metanephroi were more immunogenic than the E15 meta-nephroi when they were transplanted into the anteriorchamber of the eye, possibly because of the acquisition ofadditional tissue antigens by E17 [5].

There are several possible explanations for the reducedimmunogenicity of transplanted metanephroi. (a) Thetransplanted metanephros becomes a chimeric organ [5–7]in that it is vascularized in part by blood vessels originatingfrom the host kidney. Rejection on the basis of antigenspresent on the vascular endothelium of the transplantwould be reduced in severity if the transplanted organ weresupplied by host vessels. (b) The relatively undeveloped,avascular E15 metanephros is likely to contain fewer anti-gen presenting cells than a developed kidney, rendering itless immunogenic [4]. (c) The absence of one or moreco-stimulatory molecules such as B7 could dampen theimmune response. In mouse kidney, the lack of B7 expres-sion in proximal tubule cells restricts their ability to stim-ulate CD41 cells in vitro [23].

Second, our data and those of Abrahamson et al [5]indicate that ongoing nephrogenesis, such as that present inthe nephrogenic zone of kidneys in newborn rodents, is notan absolute requirement for engraftment of transplantedmetanephroi. Not only can metanephroi be transplantedinto a fully-differentiated adult kidney, but new glomeruliand tubules form in the implant. In this manner, it ispossible to add new (transplanted) nephrons to differenti-ated adult kidney. Given this possibility, it must be consid-ered whether these new nephrons function (effect clear-ance from plasma) or can be induced to function in hosts.

Woolf et al described the presence of glomeruli, proxi-mal tubules and linear structures of donor origin resem-bling loops of Henle, originating from the region of devel-oped metanephroi implanted into kidneys of newbornhosts. These latter structures extended into the medullaryregions of the host [7]. We have shown that glomeruli andtubules develop within metanephroi transplanted into kid-neys of adult rats (Fig. 2). In addition, structures with thestaining characteristics of collecting ducts, extent frommetanephroi towards the papilla of the host (Fig. 4).However, neither Woolf et al [7] nor we provide evidencethat metanephroi transplanted subcapsularly function in amanner similar to native kidneys or effect clearance fromplasma of hosts. Such a function would require that tubularcomponents of nephrons from transplants develop in ananatomically correct manner and clearance would requirethat they connect with the host’s collecting system. Defin-itive evidence of such anatomical correctness and of suchconnections can probably only be obtained by carefulmicrodissection, which was not performed by Woolf et al[7] or in our studies.

Third, the findings of Woolf et al are consistent with thepresence of glomerular filtration within developed mousemetanephroi transplanted subcapsularly into kidneys of

newborn hosts [7]. Our observation that concentrations ofBUN and creatinine increase significantly between serumand cyst fluid and again between cyst fluid and bladderurine (Table 1) raises the possibility that the cyst fluidrepresents urine originating from the transplant. That cystfluid is dilute relative to bladder urine is consistent with thereduced ability of a four-week-old kidney (transplantedkidney) to clear the blood of urea nitrogen and creatininerelative to a 10-week-old kidney (host kidney) [24].

Glomerular filtration in metanephroi transplanted sub-capsularly in kidneys was demonstrated by Woolf et al [7]and by Abrahamson et al [5]. However, our studies usingmetanephroi transplanted into the omentum are the first todemonstrate plasma clearance in this setting. Creatinineclearances were considerably higher than inulin clearancesconsistent with tubular secretion of creatinine at very lowrates of glomerular filtration [25]. Inulin clearances ex-pressed per 100 g body wt were very low compared tonormal in Sprague-Dawley rats of approximately the samesize. However, kidneys are capable of increasing glomeru-lar filtration considerably, even after all nephrons areformed. For example, single nephron glomerular filtrationrate in rats increases approximately 18-fold between 22 to60 days of life [24]. Therefore, it is possible that over time,the rates of glomerular filtration of transplanted meta-nephroi could increase sufficiently so as to provide a levelof renal function high enough to sustain life.

Data shown in Table 2 demonstrate an increase of inulinclearance of more than 12-fold in rats that underwentunilateral nephrectomy and partial contralateral renal in-farction compared to those that underwent only unilateralnephrectomy at the time of implantation. Ten weeks fol-lowing the further reduction of renal mass, transplantedmetanephroi were more than twice as heavy (145 vs. 71mg). These observations, coupled with our finding thatgrowth and development of transplanted metanephroi donot occur if no native renal mass is removed at the time ofimplantation, indicate that the stimulus that results incompensatory renal growth following reduction of renalmass [26] may also enhance the growth and development oftransplanted metanephroi. The identity of the stimulusremains unknown. Although changes in the expressions ofseveral growth factors in kidney accompany compensatoryrenal growth, no growth factor has been identified ascausative of this process [26].


S.A.R, N.A.H. and M.R.H. were supported by grants DK-27600,DK-20579 and DK-07126 from the National Institutes of Health. Weacknowledge useful discussions with Drs. Paul Lacy and John Kissane(Washington University).

Reprint requests to Marc R. Hammerman, M.D., Renal Division, Box 8126,Department of Medicine, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 S.Euclid Ave. St. Louis, Missouri 63110, USA.E-mail: [email protected]

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