Hammer of Teeth - Savage Flower Kingdom adventure

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an adventure for Savage Flower Kingdom rpg

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Page 1: Hammer of Teeth - Savage Flower Kingdom adventure
Page 2: Hammer of Teeth - Savage Flower Kingdom adventure

Scenario: Brian Richmond (brianpulp.tumblr.com)

Artwork & Cartography: Peter Violini (petarvee.tumblr.com)

For use with Savage Flower Kingdom by Experimental Playground

Most monsters found within are from Savage Flower Kingdom v2, and The

Peninsula by Robertson Sondoh Jr. and Pierrot respectively.

Page 3 – Introduction & Synopsis

Page 5 – Mount Dirge and The Steep Path

Page 7 – Goat Farm, and Rock Circle.

Page 10 – The Worn Path

Page 11 – The Steep Path

Page 12 – The Fire Hermit

Page 16 – The Maw

Page 20 – Monsters

Page 27 – Map of Mount Dirge

Page 3: Hammer of Teeth - Savage Flower Kingdom adventure

Introduction & Synopsis The Bandit King of the Lowlands has forged an army of miscreants, orcs and

goblins; and now he seeks now an artifact so he may challenge the Kingdom in

glorious combat. Through bribing the wizards of Rhat Gullad, the Bandit King

has learned of the Hammer of Teeth, a destructive weapon from a bygone age,

and of its location within the smoking caldera of Mount Dirge. He goes now to

retrieve the artifact, an army of bandits at his back; but he is not the only one

who seeks this treasure. Against him is the Thorn Company, a group of rugged

mercenaries out of The Kingdom who seek the item for their own glory; as well

as your party---for whatever reasons you may seek the weapon.

This is a race to the top, with only one of the three groups being allowed to

succeed. The Bandit King has an almost unending number of troops at his

banner, willing to fight whatever it takes to get to the top. The Thorn Company

are masters of trickery, pragmatic to their own ends, and snooty jerks to boot!

Whoever claims the weapon will become a force to be reckoned with, and for

whatever reason you may go you are certain that the other two options are not

as favorable as getting it yourself.

If this is your first session, or the GM needs a way to inform you of this

adventure hook, you can find a chart for some on the following page.

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1 You've been tasked by nobles within the Kingdom to prevent the Bandit King from gaining the artifact at all costs, though you personally don't know what this "Hammer of Teeth" can do. They will reward you handsomely.

2 A wizard from Rhat Gullad has informed you of the Bandit King's plans and how with this artifact of ancient magic he will surely upset the balance of power in the country. He is wracked with guilt from having told the Bandit King about its existence.

3 One of your rivals has joined the Thorn Company and she could not help but brag about the incoming windfall she'll be getting from this job. She promises to flip a copper piece your way when next she sees you begging in the gutter. You really want to make sure she doesn't succeed in this job.

4 One of the Dwarf-lords has informed you that a HAMMER found in a CAVE might not be returned to DWARVEN HANDS. He tells you how utterly disturbing this sounds and is willing to back your expedition if you make sure that a dwarf will wield this "Hammer of Teeth" rather than an elf, or Gods Help Him, a goblin.

5 A dying Knight asks that you take his equipment and climb Mount Dirge so that the Bandit King cannot complete his foul quest. He knows you will bring valor to the Kingdom and honor upon yourselves if you do such a task for him.

6 The tavernkeeper at your favorite pub informs you of the job, because someone keeps posting recruitment notes for both the Thorn Company and "The Holy Bandit Kingdom's Kingly Army of Bandits" up on the bounty board. He promises free room and board for a year if you show both of them up.

Page 5: Hammer of Teeth - Savage Flower Kingdom adventure

Mount Dirge On the outskirts of the badlands is a single lonely mountain jutting out of the

dust. It is tall, craggy, imposing, and smoke leaks out of every crevice. When the

cruel winds blow you can hear what sounds like the groaning of the earth. This

is Mount Dirge, Where Heroes Do Not Return. On the easternmost side of the

mountain you can clearly make out the tent-city built by the Bandit King's army,

meaning that he is likely making his men march up the Path of Slag as a crucible.

The Path of Slag, despite being the most direct path, is also the one filled with

the most dangerous hazards.

This leaves two other routes. The Steep Path is the safest in terms of avoiding

monsters, but it is a path that does not allow for an easy retreat. The Worn Path

runs up the center of the mountain, but it runs the issue of monster habitation

as well as harassment from those who took the Path of Slag or the Steep Path,

should they be inclined to bully. Whatever of these two paths the party decides

not to take, the Thorn Company will. If the party opts to infiltrate the large

Bandit King's Army, the Thorn Company will take the Steep Path. The Thorn

Company is small enough that infiltrating it is all but impossible.

Part 1: The Steep Path The safest path from monsters is the Steep Path, but it is almost impossible to

retreat from monsters without having to descend from a higher spot on the

map. To counter this, the Steep Path does have two areas of relative safety.

These are the Goat Farm and the Rock Circle. When the party enters into any

space besides these two, have them roll on the STEEP PATH EVENT CHART. A

party cannot retreat from these event without branching into the Worn Path or

going back a step on the Steep Path.

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2 A Giant Centipede bursts out of the cliff face to attack!

3 A small group of Kobolds emerge from a cave, they can be parlayed (see

below) on a Social (TN 9) roll.

4 Smoke erupts from a hole in the mountain! Physical (TN 7) roll to avoid

1d6-2 damage from the searing heat.

5 You're able to scout out a monster or the Thorn Company from your

position. Next encounter you gain +1 to your first roll in combat.

6 Several creepy goats, each the size of a backpack. They just scream a lot

and if you touch them they seize up and faint.

7 Throttle vines attack the party! Mental (TN 10) roll can notice these

creatures, giving a +1 to the first round of combat against them.

8 Fire bursts out of the side of the mountain, sending rocks falling and

smoke billowing into the air! Physical (TN 10) to avoid 1d6 damage from

the debris and heat! Failing this roll puts the hero at -1 for their first roll

in their next combat encounter.

9 Rain clouds gather on the fire side of the mountain, by the Path of Slag.

The party witnesses the Bandit King's Army march on, losing men in

mudslides and to a gout of smoke and fire.

10 A toothless ogre chasing a pig. Combat (TN 9) roll by any party member

makes the Ogre decide to keep chasing the pig down the mountain

rather than attack the party. Social (TN 9) roll to ask what he's doing will

have him answer loudly that "Me Hate Wizuhrds" and "ME NOT WANT


11 The party witnesses an Ogre (same one from earlier if it wasn't killed)

attack the Thorn Company upon the worn path. The Thorn Company

appears to have lost a member.

12 A cruel wind blows and the groans of Dirge Mountain are easily heard

through the various cracks in the mountain. A Magic (TN 12) roll will

inform any magic-user that something foul and strange is about within

the mountain, it should make them nervous.

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The Goat Farm Carved into the side of the mountain is a farm run by an old Dwarf named

Farmer Carstein who claims to make the best cheese in the world. In truth the

cheese is quite sharp and bitter, but any true Dwarf can appreciate the taste.

Non-Dwarves need to make a Social (TN 8) not to offend Farmer Carstein when

they are inevitably forced to eat his cheese. If an Elf eats the cheese---and

Carstein will most certainly insist that any Elf at least try it--they must also make

a Physical (TN 10) to avoid being horrifically sick the rest of the journey. Carstein

ferments his cheese with a special slime-based ale he imports from the

homelands. He is brash but simple, and he knows nothing about anyone else on

the mountain specifically because "my goats don't care for people, that's why I

moved here. No people. Not now, not ever. Except for you...which is confusing."

If asked about the Hammer of Teeth he'll say he's heard of it, though he will

then tell a tale about it being a "Ham of Teeth" which was fed to an Ogre who

then coughed up a pig who was covered in teeth. He will then tell the party "But

that's probably not what you're looking for."

If the party gives Carstein any creepy goats he will give them one of 1d6 things,

listed on the following page.

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1 Wheel of Cheese. Heals 1d6+2 HP for Dwarves. Heals 2 HP for others.

2 Shepherd's crook. 1d6 damage and can be used to grab things.

3 Goat Shank Dinner. Heals 1d6 HP.

4 Lucky Dwarven Coin. Flipping the coin allows for one reroll. If flipped

more than once it will come "Arse-side Up" and provide no effect.

5 Pint of Beardslime Booze. Skin of imbiber becomes blue and goopy, any

unarmed attacks against the drinker deal 1 damage to the attacker for

the next 8 hours.

6 An Old Goat Whistle. Carstein doesn't know what it does, but it looks

creepy. Makes a creepy goat go berserk causing it to attack an enemy

for 1d6+1 damage before fainting and never again going berserk.

The Rock Circle Nearing the top of Mount Dirge is a flat steppe with five pillars of stone

emerging from the ground in a crude circle. Closer inspection of the circle will

reveal the stones to be gigantic rocky fingers, aged and worn down by centuries.

From this vantage point the party can see whoever travels up the Worn Path

and the Path of Slag with incredible ease. At night all the stars in the sky can be

seen and in the center of the rock circle will be the Demon of the Winds, who

makes the mountain groan.

The Demon of Winds is polite and has no desire to fight the party, as his

purpose is to make the mountain groan and sing its cruel song. If asked about

the Hammer of Teeth he'll be upset, because "That thing creates the Shadow

People, and while the temptation of having them at your command is obviously

one to be weighed---any in the know of true evil magic would sooner sell ME

their souls than get in bed with the Shadow People."

He doesn't want to talk about the Hammer too much, and it is notable that a

Demon seems a bit frightened and unhappy about the subject. A Magic (TN 12)

or Social (TN 12) roll can compel or appeal to him enough to speak more fully on

the hammer, which he describes as "a dark weapon made of ancient spite and

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spit, lined with the teeth of Shadow Men and able to bash a hole into our world

so that they can enter. Shadow People eat minds, they take souls, and they’re

foul and operate on a level that most cannot control. Luckily it is guarded by

Rhazbog, and he will stop anyone who attempts to get it."

Any attempts to discern who Rhazbog is from the Demon will result in him

snickering and saying "You'll see!"

If the party bribes the Demon of Winds he is more than willing to push one of

the other parties back down the mountain.

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Part 2: The Worn Path Running up the center of the mountain is an old worn path, trod in ages past by

some ancient civilization that was likely foul and unpleasant. Retreating from an

encounter on the Worn Path requires a Combat (TN 10) roll. Succeeding on this

roll allows for the party to maneuver forward a step with a small amount of

wear on their health, rather than having to retreat back a space on the


The Thorn Company would prefer to take this path up the mountain as it is the

path with the greatest tactical advantages, at least as far as they can tell. It does

allow them to keep tabs on whoever goes up the Steep Path and the Bandit

King’s army as it ascends the Path of Slag. Best of all there are no intrusions to

be found by goat farmers or mud slides, which means they’ll be able to keep

their armor clean and spiffy for the melee that is sure to occur.

At any time the party can move into the Steep Path or the Path of Slag. When

moving through the Worn Path, on any spot but a safe one, roll 1d12. If the

party did not begin on the Worn Path, the Thorn Company will found their steps

the entire length of the journey.

The Thorn Company

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2 A forward scout of the Thorn Company attacks. If the Scout retreats

from combat, the next time the Thorn Company attacks the party they

will deal +1 Damage. This effect ends the next time Thorn Company

forces are defeated.

3 A group of 1d6 Goblins and an Orc attack the party. They wear the colors

of the Bandit King's army and will only retreat if half their party and their

Orc have died.

4 A Kobold War Party (1d6 Kobolds + 1d6-2 Kobold Captains) attack the

party! They seek food and shiny things and if the party gives up their

gold and food they will be allowed to go forward without any harm.

5 A seemingly safe hot spring on the side of the road turns out to be a

dangerous geyser. Physical (TN 7) roll to avoid 1d6-2 damage from a

spray of scalding water.

6 The party comes across a meditating cyclops. If the party gets prepared

for combat or casts any spells, it will attack. If they leave the cyclops

alone, it will leave them alone.

7 The party comes across a single creepy goat, the size of a backpack. All it

does is scream, and if anyone touches it the goat will seize up and faint.

It doesn't seem hostile in any way.

8 The Thorn Company and the Bandits have initiated a three-way combat

encounter with your party!

9 A Bombaroot Plant is growing out of the mountain. A Mental (TN 10) roll

can notice that it is surrounded by throttle vines. Recovering the

Bombaroot Plant gives the party a highly explosive weapon.

10 Fire bursts out of the side of the mountain, sending rocks falling and

smoke billowing into the air! Physical (TN 10) to avoid 1d6 damage from

the debris and heat! Failing this roll puts the hero at -1 for their first roll

in their next combat encounter.

11 A champion of the Bandit King seeks to put you down before you really

get in his way. If you retreat he will pursue, angrier and angrier.

12 An injured member of the Thorn Company asks for help. He suffered

from one of the events that happened on this chart and he will give the

party a +1 to avoid such a hazard, provided they need to roll against it.

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Part 3: The Path of Slag The Bandit King's army is marching up this path and as such it is unwise to go up

it without either infiltrating the ranks of his army or without putting the Bandit

King's men a few sites behind you. The Path of Slag is riddled with smoke that

comes billowing out of the crags and the caldera. The ground is ash and when it

becomes wet the whole path can quickly turn into a dangerous mudslide. The

Bandit King is forcing his men up this route as a crucible and because it is the

most straight-forward path to the cave at the top. There is one safe spot on this

route, the home of the Fire Hermit, and he's rather crazy.

If the party wishes to go up this path rather than the others, they either need to

become parts of the Bandit King's army or at the very least look the part. The

uniform of his army seems to consist of a dark teal cloth which is either worn as

a tabard or as a cloak. Rank is denoted by how strong you look.

Elves and dwarves will either need to hide their ears and size somehow so they

can pass as humans. Passing a Combat/Social (TN 13) roll will convince the army

that you're clearly evil and strong enough to be in their ranks, and they'll not

attack you unless you attack back, though they will mock you.

The Bandit King is guarded by many champions, none of which will allow the

party to approach without combat. The King is deep in plotting and is not to be


The Bandit King and his Army

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2 The party comes across a stagnant pool of water. If the water is

disturbed in any way, 1d6 slimes attack the party.

3 1d6 Goblins and 2 Orcs challenge the party, either because they think

the party isn't tough enough (if they're part of the Bandit King's army) or

because the Bandit King wants all interlopers destroyed (if the party is


4 Outlaws and a Barbarian attack the party, doubting their conviction to

the Bandit King's cause. Social (TN 13) roll will convince them otherwise,

because they're really looking for a fight and to take some nice loot.

5 Ash lurkers attack the party! If traveling with the Bandit King's army, his

army retreats back a space, letting you deal with these undead.

6 A Thorn Company eldritch archer sicks a 1d6 scouts on the party while

firing down at the party from cover.

7 Fire bursts out of the mountain causing ash to slide down the mountain

and sending billowing smoke up into the air. Physical (TN 12) to avoid

1d6+1 damage from the debris. Failing also puts the hero at -1 for their

first roll in their next combat encounter.

8 A Bandit Champion challenges you to combat, either knowing you're not

part of the cause or simply because you're an interloper. He has

undergone a Stone Skin spell that can only be detected by a Magic (TN 6)

roll, as it hidden under a coat of ash.

9 A freak rainstorm hits this side of the mountain causing a mud slide.

Party must pass a Physical (TN 9) to withstand the sliding ground. Those

who pass the test take 1d6-2 damage, while those who fail take 2d6

damage. This moves the Bandit King's army back a space.

10 A Goblin Cat is willing to sell the party some basic supplies, all of crude

make, at double the usual price. He has no guards, and could easily be

extorted of his goods.

11 Zombies emerge from the ground and attack the party.

12 The Cyclops Lord emerges from a cave in the ash and demands all

mortals leave this mountain. Those who refuse will be attacked without


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The Fire Hermit In a house of black glass sticking out of the ash lives the Fire Hermit, a thin man

of black skin and bright red hair who is bent at almost a 90 degree angle due to

old age and poor posture. He laughs and sputters when he talks and little sparks

emerge from his mouth whenever he does so. He doesn't know anything about

the Hammer of Teeth, but he's more than happy to talk about a "Demon of the

Winds", "Shadow People" and "Rhazbog, the Devourer" all of whom he finds to

be fascinating.

If attacked he will conjure up sentient flames to defend himself before

shattering the wall of his tiny home and running naked and burning down the

mountain-side. A Magic (TN 3) roll can tell anyone that he's clearly a kooky old

wizard who has imbibed too many potions and possibly bedded elemental

princesses from the City of Brass. He's not very helpful, but if the party does

need a hot meal he can provide them with some curry. He won't say what is in

it, but it is the hottest thing anyone has ever eaten.

After eating curry, the hero must roll Magic (TN 6) when trying to perform any

other roll---if he fails, he begins breathing fire which deals 2 damage to anything

nearby. This fire emerges at inopportune times and is not meant for combat

purposes. Eating the curry also heals 1d6+2 HP. The spontaneous fire breathing

stops after the victim has had some water to drink or 24 hours have passed.

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Part 4: The Maw Once the caldera is reached once can see the interior of it is about the size of a

coliseum, like those found in the Kingdom or in less than savory city-states of

the world. The ground is ringed with large stone spikes that grow large the more

one proceeds clockwise around the round caldera until the spikes go into the

wall. Ash-marks in the shapes of towering humanoid forms line the wall and

from where their heads would be smoke spills out into the sky. In the center of

the caldera is a hammer, bashed into an altar of blackened stone.


The item in the altar is the Hammer of Teeth, a one-handed warhammer of

black iron that occasionally pulses as though it were red hot. Lining the edges of

the hammer's rectangular head are black studs which are cold to the touch and

cause smoke to rise when the hammer strikes an enemy. The item has the

following statistics.

The Hammer of Teeth

Range: Melee

Damage: 1d6+2

Ability: [Summon Shadow Man] - When the Hammer of Teeth rolls a Critical Hit

the victim of the attack's shadow rises out of the ground and becomes a Shadow

Man that will attack the target until he is dead. After which time the Shadow

Man will vanish. A Magic (TN 13) Roll can invoke a Shadow Man out of

someone's shadow, but such an invocation can only be cast once per day and

failure of the summoning will cause the Shadow Man to attack the summoner

when next he sleeps.

The item radiates a primal sort of evil. Something cold and otherworldly,

something that has no need for plots and schemes because whoever wields it is

foolish enough to allow the Shadow People a close enough grip into the world.

Drawing the Hammer of Teeth awakens Rhazbog the Devourers, a gigantic

dragon who was entrusted to guard this device by ancient beings. It is a

primordial and violent creature that hungers for flesh. It has a head akin to a

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Tyrannosaurus, its jaws are overloaded and lined with overlapping knife-like

teeth that have grown out of control. Its eyes are yellow with tiny black slits of

reptillian intelligence behind it. Its back is lined with spines, the stone spikes

that line the walls of The Maw. When Rhazbog awakens it claws its way out of

the stone wall and immediately attacks whoever is holding the hammer. Anyone

not standing by the altar but within The Maw must make a Physical (TN 9) or

suffer falling damage.

Allies? If the whole of the Thorn Company has not been killed off, they will try to assist

the party by launching arrows at Rhazbog during combat from the edges of the

caldera. They do not, in any way shape or form, wish to go and contend against

the Devourer. The job is not paying enough for this, and glory isn't worth jack-

diddly if you've been eaten by a dragon.

If the party has traveled with the Bandit King's army and were first to get to the

Hammer, they will have to contend with Rhazbog as well as the Bandit King's

army. Waves of goblins and outlaws will attack both the Devourer, as well as

whoever holds the Hammer. If the party infiltrated the Bandit King's army and

succeeded at proving themselves loyal at every turn, they will not be attacked

by the army.

Victory Assuming the party succeeds over Rhazbog, they will have to contend with the

Thorn Company and/or the Bandit King. If the Thorn Company did not arrive in

time to fight the Devourer, they will attack the party seeing it as an easy victory.

The head of the Thorn Company, a roguish knight named Cadmus VonSneel will

emerge from his crew. He is someone who doesn't care about what power the

hammer holds compared to the paycheck he'll be getting when he gets it back

to his investors. He will attack with a number of members equal to the party's

size, in addition to himself.

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He will only be up for parlay if the Thorn Company helped fight the Devourer, in

which case he thinks they deserve the hammer but he will pay them a small sum

for their troubles.

The Bandit King, provided he did not arrive in time to have his army help fight

the Devourer, will demand the hammer be given to him without question. He

will send wave after wave of goblins, outlaws, orcs, and ogres to attack the

party until they are overwhelmed.

If the Bandit King aided in the battle, and he would only do this if the party had

infiltrated his ranks, will ask for the hammer with a bit more politeness. If

refused, he will personally try to kill the party, backed by his champions in equal

number to the party.

Killing off the entire Thorn Company will give the party a dark reputation within

the Kingdom, though a successful Social (TN 13) roll can pin the blame on the

Bandit King's army. Killing off the Bandit King or putting a dent into his army

(fighting them 3+ times) will give the party a positive reputation within the

Kingdom. Killing Rhazbog the Devourer will give the party a good reputation and

likely open a lot of doors for them.

If the party chose to flee from Rhazbog and they managed to escape the dragon

(which would pursue them until they left the region!) then the Bandit King's

army and the Thorn Company would be non-issues, both devoured by the great

beast before it went back to slumbering in its lair. If the party manages to do

this they do not gain a reputation with the general public for their deed, but any

thief or bandit group will recognize the party as some of the craftiest thieves in

the realm; opening a lot of really seedy and shady doors for the party.

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Aftermath The hammer is a dark artifact and depending on who assigned the party this

quest, they may have different ideas in mind. Most patrons, upon realizing the

item is one of darkness, will ask that it be destroyed and are willing to

compensate the party well for undertaking the task. Destroying the hammer is a

quest in and of itself.

If the party killed Rhazbog then the corpse of the dragon would be worth a lot of

money to anyone who can harvest it. If the Bandit King's army is still standing

after the adventure, they will have taken from it what they can and now have

dragonskin armor and dragonbone weapons in their arsenal. If the Thorn

Company is standing but the Bandit King is not, they'll take its head as a trophy.

If Rhazbog was not killed, it will have eaten both groups and then gone back to

lair in the mountain after 1d6 months of rampaging through the badlands.

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Ash Lurker

A terrifying undead creature, choked by

ash and driven to shredding itself to

pieces until it became one of the living

dead. Ash Lurkers attack from ambush,

hiding beneath the ash and slag, often

trying to bite and trip their enemies

before fully climbing out of the dust to

engage them properly.

Combat 1 Ability 0

DEF 8 HP 10

Dmg: Dead grasp (d6-1)


The Barbarians who have joined the

Bandit King’s Army are

disenfranchised tribesmen from the

badlands, adventurers who have

thrown in with the brutal way of the

Orcs, and buff, violent, axe-wielding

berserkers who just want to engage

in combat because it is what is best in


Combat 1 Ability 2

DEF 9 HP 10

Dmg: Spear (d6)

[Berserker Rage] +1 to melee attack rolls.

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The Cyclops of Mount Dirge are the ancient wardens who locked away the

Shadow People, though no one but wizards from Rhat Gullad would ever even

know this. The Cyclops aren’t keen on making conversation, they mostly

meditate for decades at a time to keep the barriers up. Interrupting this ritual

will lead only to violence, as interlopers don’t come to Mount Dirge for any

reason other than to cause trouble.

The Cyclops Lord wields a gigantic rune-sword which deals 2d6+1 Damage. A

Magic roll against TN 9 can notice that the runes are meant to banish away

shadows and demons.

Combat 4 Ability 0

DEF 10 HP 35

Dmg: Punch (2d6)

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Giant Centipede

A common threat throughout the Savage Flower Kingdom and beyond, the giant

centipede is an unsightly, unpleasant, and venomous creature that is a good

measure of a young hero’s combat prowess.

Combat 3 Ability 1

DEF 7 HP 2,

Dmg: 1d6-2.

[Poison] Whenever Giant Centipede successfully bites a target; the target must

make a Physical roll against TN 8. If it fails, the victim loses another 1d6 HP.


Mischievous and stupid creatures, they sort rallied around the Bandit King

because the promise of shiny things appealed to their childish sense of


Combat 0 Ability 1

DEF 5 HP 5

Dmg: Rusty swords or jagged spears (d6)


Small, weak-willed, but enthusiastic dog-

creatures who dwell among the many small

caves on Mount Dirge. They are open to

parlay, provided they think they’re getting

riches or useful equipment. There is a 1 in 6

chance that a hunting party will have a

shaman with them.

Combat 0 Ability 1

DEF 6 HP 2

Dmg: Bite (d6-1)

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[Shaman] If a kobold shaman is present, he will have 3 MP and can cast the

following spells:

- Boost (TN7): All kobolds in the fight get +1 to their Initiative rolls until the end

of the fight.

- Alarm (TN10) Invoke d6 more Kobolds.

- Fury (TN9) All Kobolds in the fight get +1 to their combat rolls until the end of

the fight.


Brutal savages and ancient enemies of the

Dwarves. The Orcs have rallied around the

Bandit King because he presents an

opportunity for looting and plundering.

Combat 2 Ability 1

DEF 7 HP 8

Dmg: Club (d6)

[Heavy Hitter] Always deals +1 damage.


Ogres are far from intelligent, often

making Orcs look like geniuses and

Goblins look like Elven Philosophers.

They eagerly serve the Bandit King

because he’s offering the most food and

the promise of big shiny belt buckles.

Combat 2 Ability 1

DEF 8 HP 20

Dmg: Big club (2d6-2)

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Rogues, scoundrels, and vagabonds who have sided up with the Bandit King in

order to improve their lot in life. Absolutely untrustworthy, likely worth a

bounty if you can find what town has their faces up on wanted posters.

Combat 1 Ability 1

DEF 9 HP 6

Dmg: Club (d6)

[Cheap Shot] If the Outlaw dealt damage on his next turn, he gains an additional

+1 to hit this turn. This ability can never give an Outlaw more than a +3 bonus to


Rhazbog the Devourer

The Devourer is an impressive beast, one that likely looked even greater when it

was in its prime. Rhazbog is spoken of only in legends and by crazed or

otherworldly things, for it is a feared warden of the Shadow Men. Rhazbog

desires only to consume those who hold the hammer so that the balance

between the mortal world and the Plane of Shadows is not interrupted.

Rhazbog was tasked with this duty in ancient times and unlike most other

dragons who care only for wealth and power, Rhazbog was able to understand

that if anyone were to use the Hammer for ill there wouldn’t be enough left of

the world for him or anyone else to be able to enjoy a hoard of gold.

Combat 6 Ability 4

DEF 14(/15/16/17) HP 100(/75/50/25)

Dmg: +3 MP: 10.

[Attacks] Rhazbog can attack twice a turn. Once with its fangs (2d6 damage),

and once with their tail (d6 damage). The tail attacks all heroes at contact range.

[Resilient] Each time Rhazbog drops a quarter of his health

[Fire Breath] Rhazbog can trade his fang attack to breath fire. All heroes must

make a physical roll (TN10) or take d6 damage.

[Magic] Rhazbog can cast the following spells:

Melt (TN13) 1 square metre of rock per MP used melts in lava, dealing

2d6 dam to whoever stands in it.

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Fire Control (TN10) The caster can give a simple order to a fire (Move/ Stop/ more/ less).

Firetrap (TN9, 1 target) Fire burst from the floor under the target’s feet.

Target must test physical (TN9) or take d6 damage. The fire keeps

burning for three turns.

Leech (TN9, 1 target) Target loses d6HP and caster recovers as much HP.

Throttle Vine A nasty vine with a bad attitude, it likes to lie in wait until something unsuspecting wanders by. The Throttle Vine then chokes the life out of its victim and drinks in their last breath. Combat 1 Ability 2 DEF 10 HP 15 Dmg: Whip (d6) [Throttle] On a successful whip attack, roll 1d6. If the result is a 6, the victim starts getting throttled by the Throttle Vine. The victim must roll Physical (TN7) or lose 1d6 life. The TN increases by 2 each round until the victim breaks free or dies horribly.

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[Last Breath] If a Throttle Vine kills someone with its Throttle ability, it regains 1d6 HP. Thorn Company Soldier The Thorn Company stocks itself with only the most self-centered, violent, and snooty soldiers. Below are some typical stat-blocks for various types.

Goon Combat 2 Ability 1 DEF 8 HP 9 Dmg: Sword (d6) [Flanking] +1 to attack roll when attacking a target along with one or more attacker with Flanking. This effect is not cumulative.

Eldritch Archer Combat 2 Ability 4 DEF 8 HP 10 Dmg: Sword (d6), Magic bow (d6+2) [Magic] Eldritch Archers know at least three spells, and have 5 MP. Cadmus VonSneel (Thorn Company Leader) The leader of the Thorn Company should be identical in stats to the strongest member of the party, with maybe an additional 5 HP. Cadmus does whatever that party member can do but he does it with greater flourish and a snooty pretentious attitude that makes him insufferable. The Bandit King The Bandit King should be much like Cadmus VonSneel, save that he should have an additional +1 to Combat and Ability skills, an unending supply of minions he’s willing to throw at the party; and whatever he does he does with an anger and rage that would suggest a deeply disturbed soul.

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Map of Mount Dirge