Hamlet a tragic hero?

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  • 8/11/2019 Hamlet a tragic hero?


    Hamlet Tragic Hero

    - Tragic hero


    Tragedy (as opposed to an epic) relies on dramatic performances ratherthan a narrative

    - Best tragic plots are single and complex

    - Includes reversal situation seems to be developing in one direction butsuddenly switches to another

    - Tragic pleasure of pity and fear- Cant be all good or all evil the audience has to be able to identify with

    him but if he is superior in some way the pleasure in intensified

    - Encounters obstacles from society, plan flaws, gods, nature etc.

    - His end comes from mistaken action or error in judgement e.g. a

    common one is pride and therefore the hero ignores the advice of the

    gods- The hero must not die at the end but a change in fortune occurs. Receives

    some kind of revelation

    - Due to the heros suffering being more than his mistake the audience feels


    - Represents actions that give form to universal truths

    - The tragic hero is "a [great] man who is neither a paragon of virtue and

    justice nor undergoes the change to misfortune through any real badness

    or wickedness but because of some mistake."

    - A great man - one of those who stand in great repute and prosperity. The

    hero is neither a villain nor a model of perfection, but is basically goodand decent.

    - Mistake - (hamartia): This Greek word, which Aristotle uses only once in

    the Poetics, has also been translated as "flaw" or as "error." The great man

    falls through--though not entirely because of--some weakness of

    character, some moral blindness, or error. We should note that the gods

    also are in some sense responsible for the hero's fall.

    - The plot of a tragedy also involves some horrible or evil deed. The tragic

    hero does it consciously, does it out of ignorance, or mediates it (makes it

    easy for the deed to happen). To make it really horrible for the audience,

    Aristotle suggested that the evil deed should be done to a family member.


    Chain of being hierarchy of people

    Regicide homicide of a royal occurs, King Hamlet and his brotherchain

    of being is broken

    Horatio the voice of reason lives he is the only one who lives to tell the

    story to others

    When a man is capable of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts

    without any irritable reaching after fact and reason Keats 1817

    Hamlet is very indecisive procrastinator

    To be or not to be? to kill or not to kill the reason people dont killthemselves is because they dont knowwhat happens afterwards

  • 8/11/2019 Hamlet a tragic hero?


    Who is the tragic hero? What does he represent? Why is he saying it?

    How does he say it?

    Is he the actor? Is the madman? Ultimate renaissance figure? Ultimate

    tragic hero?

    Relates to life and death

    In media res? In the midst of things plays jumps straight into the drama

    Her father prostitutes Ophelia out. Hamlet who she loves tells her to not

    to speak to him and calls her a whore so does her brother. We feel sorry

    for her. She feels very isolated. She is pushed to suicide.

    Protestants dont believe in ghosts.

    Claudius marries Hamlets mother and calls Hamlet his son

    Hamlet is in aside shows conflict

    Oedipus complex Hamlet might just be jealous of Claudius likes his


    Outward appearance of insanity reality vs appearance or public vs

    private Claudius calls Hamlet a wimp/unmanly because he grieves over his

    fathers death for a long time is he right?

    Hamlet goes to the university where the protestant religion was born

    His first soliloquy in book

    Horatio being the voice of reason so the fact he sees the old king makes it


    Is he crazy burden and seeing the ghost could make him crazy Ghost wearing armour ready for battle foreshadows a sense of doom or

    turmoil (angry) or reminder of that he is a king

    Ophelia Act 1 scene 3

    I think shes quite smart pretends to listen to their advice but doesnt

    fully take it in

    Tells them what they want to hear he hath importuned me with love in

    honourable fashion

    She is like Hamlet in the sense that she listens to her fathers opinions

    Meek and feeble Yes I will obey you very obedient to the men in her


    The men speak much more than her

    Maybe she just plays the weak I do not know my lord what I should


    Her answers become a lot shorter when her father speaks to her

    Hamlet doesnt tell Ophelia he is pretending to be mad fragility thy name is

    women. He uses her to think hes madbecause if she thinks he is crazy she will

    tell her father who is advisor to the king so theyll all think he is crazy.

    Polonius blames Ophelia for Hamlet being mad due to lust

  • 8/11/2019 Hamlet a tragic hero?
