Hallelujah Chorus Contemporary Style Words and Music by GEORGE FREDERICK HANDEL Arranged for Solo Piano by Carol Tornquist © Copyright 2011 carols keys music. All Rights Reserved. NOTE: Purchase of this le entitles you to use this arrangement for your personal enjoyment and public musical performance—however, duplication, adaptation, arranging, recording, broadcast or transmission of this copyrighted music requires written consent of the copyright holder(s) and of carols keys music. Possession of a CCLI license does not authorize you to make copies of this music or to distribute this arrangement in any form, printed or electronic. Unauthorized uses violate copyright laws of the United States and other countries and are subject to civil and/or criminal penalties. LEVEL — Moderate to Early Advanced PERFORMANCE TIME (approx.) 2:00 SUGGESTIONS FOR USE — Postlude, Holiday Concert or Recital ARRANGER NOTES — famous ‘hallelujah’ of all time denitely pushes the musical envelope! Featuring new harmonies plus syncopated rhythms, this contemporary arrangement may be a better t in a more non-traditional setting than Sunday morning. (Totally depending on the type of worship service in which you play it, of course!) Make sure that it maintains the same energy level as the original throughout the entire piece. Remember that even though the musical context is new, the message is timeless: Hallelujah—for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth! NOTE: no chord symbols included since this is strictly a solo piano arrangement. (However, the addition of percussion remains an option.) From Handel’s masterpiece: MESSIAH, this brand new interpretation of the most Demo MP3 also available at $0.99. SOLOS FOR SEASONS Available at PREVIEW - Do Not Print

Hallelujah Chorus Contemporary - Cloud Object …s3.amazonaws.com/worship/samples/print/20337/Preview-20337_pno.pdfHallelujah Chorus Contemporary Style ... entitles you to use this

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Hallelujah ChorusContemporary Style


Arranged for Solo Piano by Carol Tornquist

© Copyright 2011 carols keys music. All Rights Reserved.NOTE: Purchase of this "le entitles you to use this arrangement for your personal enjoyment and public musical performance—however, duplication, adaptation, arranging, recording, broadcast or transmission of this copyrighted music requires written consent of the copyright holder(s) and of carols keys music. Possession of a CCLI license does not authorize you to make copies of this music or to distribute this arrangement in any form, printed or electronic. Unauthorized uses violate copyright laws of the United States and other countries and are subject to civil and/or criminal penalties.

LEVEL — Moderate to Early AdvancedPERFORMANCE TIME (approx.) — 2:00SUGGESTIONS FOR USE — Postlude, Holiday Concert or RecitalARRANGER NOTES —famous ‘hallelujah’ of all time de"nitely pushes the musical envelope! Featuring new harmonies plus syncopated rhythms, this contemporary arrangement may be a better "t in a more non-traditional setting than Sunday morning. (Totally depending on the type of worship service in which you play it, of course!) Make sure that it maintains the same energy level as the original throughout the entire piece. Remember that even though the musical context is new, the message is timeless: Hallelujah—for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth! NOTE: no chord symbols included since this is strictly a solo piano arrangement. (However, the addition of percussion remains an option.)

From Handel’s masterpiece: MESSIAH, this brand new interpretation of the most

Demo MP3 also available at $0.99.


Available at

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Rhythmic, with energy (Π= ca. 92)

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Hallelujah Chorus Words and Music by

GEORGE FREDERICK HANDELArranged by Carol Tornquist

© Copyright 2011 carols keys music. All Rights Reserved.

Contemporary Style


PREVIEW - Do Not Print



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Hallelujah Chorus — 2 of 3

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Hallelujah Chorus — 3 of 3

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