hale 362 H Habacuc Ha-pa-kok (Catholic) 哈巴谷 haberdasher la5m-chong io7ng-phi2n-si7a, la5m- chong keng-siau-siong, be7 cha8p-ho3e e5 seng-li2-la5ng 男裝用品社,男裝經銷商,雜貨商 habit of relying upon others i-na7i-se3ng 依賴 habit, custom, practice si8p-ko3an 習慣 habit, religious garb ho7e-i 會衣 habitable, liveable thang khi7a-khi2 e5, e7-to3a-tit 可居住的 habitat ki-li5u-te7, to3a e5 so2+-cha7i, to7ng-bu8t si8t-bu8t e5 sa2n-te7 居留地,產地 habitation, housing, place to live chhu3, khi7a- khi2 e5 so2+-cha7i 房屋,居住的地方 habitual si8p-ko3an-se3ng, si8p-ko3an e5, cha7i-la5i, ko3an-si3 e5 習慣的,向來的,慣常的 habitual criminal, habitual offender ko3an- ho7an 慣犯 habitual intention khn3g ti7 sim-la7i e5 i3-hi3ong 在心裡的意向 habitually ti7a*-ti7a*, sio5ng-sio5ng, si5-sio5ng, put-si5 常常,時常 habitually careful that nothing be lost or wasted khioh-sioh 節儉,不浪費 habitually lazy, have laziness as one's sec- ond nature la2n-to7 se5ng-se3ng 懶惰成性 habituate ho7+ ko3an-si3 使習慣於 hacker ha2i-kheh, tia7n-na2u ha2i-kheh 駭客,電腦 駭客 Hades, the under-world im-kan, ki2u-cho5an, te7-hu2, im-hu2 陰間,九泉,冥府 - Emperor of hades Gia5m-lo5-o5ng 閻羅王 - to close the door of Hades koai* ku2i-mn5g 關鬼門 Haematocele, aneurysm hoeh-li5u 血瘤 haemorrhage chhut-hoeh, hoeh-pang-soa* 血,血崩 haemorrhoids ti7-chhng 痔瘡 Haggai Ha8p-kai (Protestant) 哈該 haggard, gaunt, emaciated mo+h-mo+h, sa2n- pi-pa 枯瘦的,癟瘦 - a haggard face bi7n mo+h-mo+h-mo+h 臉瘦巴 巴的 haggle ko2ng-ke3, sio-che3* 討價還價,爭論 haggle over every ounce, be calculating kin- kin-ke3-ka3u 斤斤計較 haggle over, mind, care khe5ng-hun 計較 hail ba7n-hok (Catholic), to7a-sia* hiu 萬福,喊 hail a cab, hail a ride cha8h-chhia 攔車 Hail Mary Ba7n-hok Ma2-li7-a 萬福瑪利亞 hail storm phau8h, peng-phau8h, lo8h-phau8h 雹, 冰雹,下雹 hair, fur, feather, down, ten cents, dime mo5+, mo+, mn5g - to comb the hair loa8h tha5u-mo+ 梳頭髮 - to cut the hair ka tha5u-mo+ 剪頭髮 hair brush loa2h-a2 髮梳 hair care hu3-ho5a (phonetic), ju2n-su (phonetic) 護髮,潤絲 hair disheveled tha5u-mo5+ sa3m-sa3m, tha5u-mo+ ji5-chha2ng-chha2ng, tha5u-mo5+ gia3ng-gia3ng, tha5u-mn5g la3ng-la3ng 頭髮散亂,頭髮很亂,頭 髮翹翹,頭髮鬆亂 hair dryer chhoe-hong-ki 吹風機 hair hanging down at side of woman's head pi3n-kak 劉海 hair in the nostrils phi7*-khang-mn5g 鼻毛,鼻孔 hair on an infant before its first haircut one month after birth the-mn5g 胎毛 hair on nevus or mole ki3-chhiu 痣上的毛,痣鬚 hair on the head tha5u-mn5g, tha5u-mo+, tha5u- mo5+ 頭髮 hair removal, dispatch, depute khia2n-hoat, chhe-pha3i, pha3i 遣發,派 hair that stands on end, feathers ruffled as when a bird is ill, spread the tail feath- ers like a turkey cock chha3ng-mn5g, chha3ng-mo5+ 豎毛 haircut thi3-tha5u, li2-hoat, chia2n tha5u-mo+, ka tha5u-mo+ 理髮 hairdo, woman’s hairstyle cha-bo2+-la5ng e5 tha5u-mo5+-he5ng 髮型 hairdresser bi2-io5ng-su 美容師 hairline on a human head mo5+-kha 髮際 hairpin tha5u-chiam-a2, tha5u-mo+-giap-a2 頭釵,頭 hairy caterpillar chhi3-lo5-a2-tha5ng, chhi3-mo5+- tha5ng 毛毛蟲 hairy head, old age, elderly pe8k-si2u 白首 Hakka Kheh-la5ng 客家人 Hakka culture Kheh-ka-bu5n-ho3a 客家文化 Hakka dialect Kheh-o7e 客家話 Hakka Hakka folk songs sung while picking tea chha2i-te5-koa 採茶歌 hale, vigorous kio5ng-cho3ng, io2ng, la7u-khong- kia7n 強壯,老當益壯 hale

hale H - Taiwanese Dictionary · hand over the security, release a suspect on bail . kau-po2 交保 . hand over to the new mayor . i5-kau ho7+ sin chhi7-ti2u* 移交給新市長

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H Habacuc Ha-pa-kok (Catholic) 哈巴谷

haberdasher la5m-chong io7ng-phi2n-si7a, la5m-chong keng-siau-siong, be7 cha8p-ho3e e5 seng-li2-la5ng 男裝用品社,男裝經銷商,雜貨商人

habit of relying upon others i-na7i-se3ng 依賴性

habit, custom, practice si8p-ko3an 習慣

habit, religious garb ho7e-i 會衣

habitable, liveable thang khi7a-khi2 e5, e7-to3a-tit 可居住的

habitat ki-li5u-te7, to3a e5 so2+-cha7i, to7ng-bu8t si8t-bu8t e5 sa2n-te7 居留地,產地

habitation, housing, place to live chhu3, khi7a-khi2 e5 so2+-cha7i 房屋,居住的地方

habitual si8p-ko3an-se3ng, si8p-ko3an e5, cha7i-la5i, ko3an-si3 e5 習慣的,向來的,慣常的

habitual criminal, habitual offender ko3an-ho7an 慣犯

habitual intention khn3g ti7 sim-la7i e5 i3-hi3ong 存在心裡的意向

habitually ti7a*-ti7a*, sio5ng-sio5ng, si5-sio5ng, put-si5 常常,時常

habitually careful that nothing be lost or wasted khioh-sioh 節儉,不浪費

habitually lazy, have laziness as one's sec-ond nature la2n-to7 se5ng-se3ng 懶惰成性

habituate ho7+ ko3an-si3 使習慣於

hacker ha2i-kheh, tia7n-na2u ha2i-kheh 駭客,電腦駭客

Hades, the under-world im-kan, ki2u-cho5an, te7-hu2, im-hu2 陰間,九泉,冥府

- Emperor of hades Gia5m-lo5-o5ng 閻羅王

- to close the door of Hades koai* ku2i-mn5g 關鬼門

Haematocele, aneurysm hoeh-li5u 血瘤

haemorrhage chhut-hoeh, hoeh-pang-soa* 出血,血崩

haemorrhoids ti7-chhng 痔瘡

Haggai Ha8p-kai (Protestant) 哈該

haggard, gaunt, emaciated mo+h-mo+h, sa2n-pi-pa 枯瘦的,癟瘦

- a haggard face bi7n mo+h-mo+h-mo+h 臉瘦巴巴的

haggle ko2ng-ke3, sio-che3* 討價還價,爭論

haggle over every ounce, be calculating kin-kin-ke3-ka3u 斤斤計較

haggle over, mind, care khe5ng-hun 計較

hail ba7n-hok (Catholic), to7a-sia* hiu 萬福,喊

hail a cab, hail a ride cha8h-chhia 攔車

Hail Mary Ba7n-hok Ma2-li7-a 萬福瑪利亞

hail storm phau8h, peng-phau8h, lo8h-phau8h 雹,冰雹,下雹

hair, fur, feather, down, ten cents, dime mo5+, mo+, mn5g 毛

- to comb the hair loa8h tha5u-mo+ 梳頭髮

- to cut the hair ka tha5u-mo+ 剪頭髮

hair brush loa2h-a2 髮梳

hair care hu3-ho5a (phonetic), ju2n-su (phonetic) 護髮,潤絲

hair disheveled tha5u-mo5+ sa3m-sa3m, tha5u-mo+ ji5-chha2ng-chha2ng, tha5u-mo5+ gia3ng-gia3ng, tha5u-mn5g la3ng-la3ng 頭髮散亂,頭髮很亂,頭髮翹翹,頭髮鬆亂

hair dryer chhoe-hong-ki 吹風機

hair hanging down at side of woman's head pi3n-kak 劉海

hair in the nostrils phi7*-khang-mn5g 鼻毛,鼻孔毛

hair on an infant before its first haircut one month after birth the-mn5g 胎毛

hair on nevus or mole ki3-chhiu 痣上的毛,痣鬚

hair on the head tha5u-mn5g, tha5u-mo+, tha5u-mo5+ 頭髮

hair removal, dispatch, depute khia2n-hoat, chhe-pha3i, pha3i 遣發,派

hair that stands on end, feathers ruffled as when a bird is ill, spread the tail feath-ers like a turkey cock chha3ng-mn5g, chha3ng-mo5+ 豎毛

haircut thi3-tha5u, li2-hoat, chia2n tha5u-mo+, ka tha5u-mo+ 理髮

hairdo, woman’s hairstyle cha-bo2+-la5ng e5 tha5u-mo5+-he5ng 髮型

hairdresser bi2-io5ng-su 美容師

hairline on a human head mo5+-kha 髮際

hairpin tha5u-chiam-a2, tha5u-mo+-giap-a2 頭釵,頭簪

hairy caterpillar chhi3-lo5-a2-tha5ng, chhi3-mo5+-tha5ng 毛毛蟲

hairy head, old age, elderly pe8k-si2u 白首

Hakka Kheh-la5ng 客家人

Hakka culture Kheh-ka-bu5n-ho3a 客家文化

Hakka dialect Kheh-o77e 客家話 Hakka

Hakka folk songs sung while picking tea chha2i-te5-koa 採茶歌

hale, vigorous kio5ng-cho3ng, io2ng, la7u-khong-kia7n 強壯,老當益壯




half po3a*, po3an, chi8t po3a*, po3a*-so3+, po3an-so3+, nn7g hu7n chi it 半,一半,半數,二分之一

half a second po3a* bi2o 半秒

half again as much, a 50% price increase ke chi8t po3a* ku3i, ke ku3i tu3i-po3a* 多貴一半

half an hour po3a* tia2m-cheng, po3a*-si2o-si5 半小時

half and half, half each tu3i-po3a*, chi8t-po3a* chi8t-po3a* 對半,一半一半

half awake and half asleep, slumbering po3a*-chhe2* po3a*-khu3n 半睡半醒

half believing and half doubting po3a*-si3n po3a*-gi5 半信半疑

half circle, semicircle po3a*-i5* 半圓

half collapsed, partially collapsed po3a*-to2 半倒

half cooked, half raw, half green, half ripe po3a*-chhe*-se8k 半熟

half day, one morning, one afternoon po3a*-kang, po3a*-po+, po3a*-ji8t, chi8t po+ ku2 半天

half dead, neither dead or alive, almost dead po3a* si2, po3a*-tia5u-mi7a 半死,半條命

half a dozen po3a*-ta2* 半打

half drunk, half tipsy, inebriated po3a*-chu3i 半醉

half fare ticket, half price ticket po3a*-phi3o 半票

half fat, half lean po3a*-chia*-pe8h, po3a*-chia*-pu5i 肥瘦參半

half length photograph hip po3a*-sin 照半身

half a lifetime, very long time po3a*-si3-la5ng 半輩子

half a month po3a* ko2+-goe8h, po3a*-goe8h-ji8t 半個月

half of the country po3a*-pe5ng-kang-san 半壁江山

half the way, halfway, midway through a journey, on the way po3a*-lo7+ 半路

half open eyes, sleepy or dull eyes, bleary-eyed ba8k-chiu bui-bui 瞇瞇眼

half price, fifty per cent discount po3a*-ke3 半價

half way up a mountain po3a*-soa* 半山

half a year po3a*-ni5, po3a*-tang 半年

half-baked po3a* se8k e5, bo5 keng-gia7m e5, bo5 ha8h si8t-che3 e5 半熟的,缺乏經驗的,不切實際的

half-breed cha8p-che2ng e5 雜種的

half-hearted bo5 jia8t-sim e5, bo5 chhu3-bi7 e5, bo5 cheng-si5n e5 不熱心的,無興趣的,無精神的

half-mast ka3ng po3a* ki5 降半旗

half-moon or crescent moon goe8h-ba5i, po3a*-goe8h-he5ng 月眉,半月形

halfway, midway tiong-cha7m, po3a*-tiong-ng 中途,半中央

half-witted hu7n-tu7n, go7ng-tai 遲鈍的,愚蠢的

halibut to7a bo2e pi2*-hi5 大比目魚

halitosis, bad breath kha2u-chha3u, chhu3i chha3u 口臭

hall of Buddha's in a temple Hu8t-tia7n 佛殿

hall of fame pa5i-ha5ng pn2g 排行榜

hall where the body of the deceased is placed during funeral service le5ng-tn5g 靈堂

hallmark phi2n-chit che3ng-be5ng, su5n-to7+ kia2m-gia7m i3n-ki3 品質證明,純度檢驗印記

hallow ho7+ si5n-se3ng 使神聖

hallucination, illusion, fantasy, phantasm ho3an-kak, ba8k-chiu khi2 ian-bu7 幻覺

hallway cha2u-lo5ng 走廊

halo kong-lu5n, kng-kho5an, e5ng-kng, kong-e5ng 光輪,光圈,榮光,光榮

halogen food, salty brine taste lo2+-bi7 鹵味

halt, stop, rest, stay for the night the5ng, the5ng-kha, hioh-khu3n 停,歇息,休息

- to make a brief halt chia7m-the5ng 暫停

halting pa2i-pa2i e5, ti5u-ti5, be7 koat-te7ng, thi-thi thu8h-thu8h 跛的,躊躇,言語囁嚅

ham ha2-muh (phonetic), ho2e-thu2i 火腿,燻腿

ham and eggs ho2e-thu2i kah nn7g, ha2-muh kah nn7g 火腿蛋

ham sandwich ho2e-thu2i sam-be5ng-ti7 火腿三明治

hamlet chng-tha5u 村落

hammer, mallet, club thu5i-a2, ko3ng-thu5i-a2 鎚子

- iron hammer thih-thu5i 鐵鎚

- to hammer iron phah-thih 打鐵

hammer down, beat downward with a cane or a stone ha2m, hmh, ko3ng 搥打,敲,擊

hammer in a nail te3ng teng-a2 釘釘子

hammerhead ko3ng-thu5i-a2-tha5u 錘頭

hammock tia3u-chhn5g 吊床

hamper, obstruction, impede pa8k-kha pa8k-chhi2u, cho2+-ga7i 綁手綁腳,阻礙


hamper, basket with handles u7 ko3a e5 na5-a2 有蓋的籃子

Han dynasty of the Chinese people or lan-guage, a man, a fellow Ha3n-tia5u, ha3n 漢朝,漢,個子

hand, human hand chhi2u 手 hand



- at hand pia7n-pia7n 現成

- left hand to3-chhi2u-pe5ng, to3-pe5ng 左邊

- on one hand…and on the other hand… chi8t hong-bi7n…chi8t hong-bi7n… 一方面…一方面…

- right hand chi3a*-chhi2u-pe5ng, chi3a*-pe5ng 右邊

- palm of the hand chhi2u-po5a* 手掌

- clap the hands phah phok-a2 拍手

- fold the hands ha8p-chhi2u 合掌

- to change hands oa7*-chhi2u 換手

- to live from hand to mouth tha3n chi8t ji8t chia8h chi8t ji8t 作一天工過一天日子

- to shake hands ak-chhi2u, at-chhi2u 握手

- to stretch out the hands chhun-chhi2u 伸手

- to withdraw the hand kiu-chhi2u 縮手

hand back, restoration kia2u-ho5an, kau-ho5an, kau-ho5e 繳還,交還,交回

hand bell cheng-a2 小的鐘,小的鈴

hand bills, leaflets, circulars, notices tho5an-toa* 傳單

hand book, manual chhi2u-chheh 手冊

hand brake, emergency brake chhi2u-to3ng 手煞車

hand down tho5an-lo8h-khi3 傳下去

hand down a fragrant reputation to all gen-erations li5u-hong ba7n-se3 流芳萬世

hand down from generation to generation se3-tho5an-se3 一代傳一代,世傳世

hand grenade, grenade chhi2u-li5u-to5a* 手榴彈

hand in a ballot, to vote ta5u-phi3o 投票

hand in for cancellation kia2u-siau 繳銷

hand in hand sio-khan-chhi2u, chhi2u khan chhi2u 手牽手

hand in the examination paper, complete an assignment kau-ko3an 交卷,繳卷

hand language chhi2u-gi2 手語

hand of a watch or clock chiam 針

hand of a watch pi2o-a2-chiam 錶針

hand organ, accordion chhi2u-hong-khi5m 手風琴

hand out pay checks, pay salary hoat sin-su2i 發薪水

hand over kau ho7+, kau-ta3i 交給,交待

hand over accounts kau-sia3u 交帳

hand over one's office fully to the succes-sor, quit a public office si3a-ji7m 卸任

hand over the seals of office kau-i3n 交印

hand over the security, release a suspect on bail kau-po2 交保

hand over to the new mayor i5-kau ho7+ sin chhi7-ti2u* 移交給新市長

hand over to, deliver to sa3ng-kau 送交

hand over, deliver, associate, to exchange kau, kau-hu3, kau-ho7+ 交, 交付,交給

hand signals, sign language, grip on a ten-nis racket or golf club chhi2u-se3 手勢

hand sleeping chhi2u ba5, chhi2u ba5-pi3 手痲痺

hand tight on cash, short of money chhi2u-tha5u a5n 銀根緊,手頭緊

hand trembles chhi2u e7 chu3n 手會抖

hand up, hanging, suspend, to wear a ring or glasses ko3a 掛,戴

hand work chhi2u-kang 手工

hand written copy chhi2u-chhau-pu2n 手抄本

handbag chhi2u-the5-pau, chhi2u-pho5e-pau, pho5e-pau 手皮包

handball chhi2u-ki5u 手球

handbill ko2ng-ko3-toa* 廣告單

handbook chhi2u-chheh 手冊

handcart chhia-a2, chhi2u sak e5 chhia-a2 手推車

handcuffs chhi2u-kha3u 手銬

handful chi8t pe2, chi8t me 一把,一撮

handful of flour chi8t me mi7-hu2n 一把麵粉

handful of grass chi8t pe2 chha2u 一把草

handful of men si2o-so3+ e5 la5ng 少數人

handicap put-li7 e5 tia5u-ki7a*, cho2+-ga7i, chia8h-khui 不利的條件,阻礙,吃虧

handicapped person kho5e-kha kho5e-chhi2u, siong-cha5n-chi2a 跛腳跛手,傷殘者

handicraft chhi2u-ge7, chhi2u-kang-ge7, chhi2u-kang-ge7-phi2n, chhi2u-kang 手工藝,手工藝品,手工,手藝

handicraft articles chhi2u-kang-ge7-phi2n 手工藝品

handicraft, manual trade chhi2u-kang-gia8p 手工業


handiwork chhi2u-kang 手工

handkerchief chhi2u-kin, chhi2u-kin-a2 手帕,手巾

handknit chhi2u-kang chit e5, chhi2u-kang chhiah e5 手工編織的

handle a case, be responsible for a task se5ng-pa7n 承辦

handle a matter, take care of a matter keng-e5ng, pa7n, keng-e5ng su7-gia8p, pa7n-su7 經營,辦,經營事業,辦事

handle of a drawer khian-a2 環扣 handle



handle of a frying pan pe3* 柄

handle of a jar hi7* 耳

handle of a knife to-pe3* 刀柄

handle of a hoe ti5-tha5u-pe3* 鋤頭柄

handle of a water bucket chu2i-tha2ng-hi7* 水桶把手

handle on a pan ti2a*-hi7* 鍋把

handle roughly, be extravagant in expendi-ture chhi2u-tha5u ta7ng 手頭重

handle-bar mustache khia3u-chhiu 翹八字鬍

handled as a separate case le7ng-a3n pa7n-li2 另案辦理

handles of censer, said of eldest son of family hiu*-lo5+-hi7* 香爐耳,香爐把手,長子

handling charge pau-chong-hu3i 包裝費

handmade chhi2u-kang cho3 e5 手工做的

handmaid cha-bo2+ ka2n-na2, li2-po8k 女婢,丫頭,女僕

handpicked e7ng chhi2u ba2n e5, cheng-so2an e5, te8k-so2an e5 手摘的,精選的,特選的

handrail la5n-kan, chhi2u-ho7a*-a2 欄杆,扶手

hands chapped, as with cold chhi2u pit 手裂

hands on hips chhah-koh 手插腰

hands tied behind the back pa8k-iap-au7 反縛

handshake ak-chhi2u 握手

handsome ia5n-ta5u, ho2 kho3a*, cha2n 英俊,好看,漂亮的

handsome man ian-ta5u, eng-chu3n 英俊

handsome young man o+-ka2u gi2n-na2, bi2-la5m-chu2 美男子

handsome or dashing it-pia2u ji5n-cha5i 一表人才

handsome, beautiful, pretty, good looking phiau-ti3 標緻

hand-to-mouth to7+-chhu3i-chia8h, bo5 an-te7ng 糊口,不安定

handwork chhi2u-kang 手工

handwriting chhi2u-pit, pit-chek 手筆,筆跡

- in his own handwriting chhin-chhi2u si2a e5, chhin-pit si2a e5 親手寫的

handwritten copy, a manuscript copy chhau-pu2n 抄本

handy, convenient, skilled hong-pia7n, se8k-chhi2u 方便,熟練

handy, lightweight and portable, light and convenient kheng-pia7n 輕便

handyman staff, servants khi5n-bu7-o5an 勤務員

hang a picture on the wall ko3a to3a piah-ni8h 掛在牆上

hang down, let fall, to hand down, conde-scend, nearly, almost su5i, so5e 垂

hang a flag at half mast seng po3a*-ki5 升半旗

hang a lamp or lantern from the roof or from a beam tia3u-teng 吊燈,掛燈

hang on the shoulder phoa8h to3a keng-tha5u 披在肩上

hang on to the back of a train or bus to get a free ride tia3u-chhia-bo2e 吊車尾

hang one's head down to3m-tha5u 頭垂下

hang one's self, hang a criminal tia3u-a7m, tia3u-ta7u, tia3u-si2 上吊,懸樑自盡

hang or hung upside down or backwords to3-tha5u-tia3u 倒吊

hang out a signboard, go into business ko3a-pa5i 掛牌

hang out clothes phi-sa* 晾衣服

hang up ko3a-tn7g, chhiat-tn7g 掛斷

hang up a mosquito net tia3u ba2ng-ta3 掛蚊帳

hang up a signboard ko3a chiau-pa5i 掛招牌

hang up the rice boiler, have nothing to live on tia3u-ti2a* 沒錢了

hang, be suspended, execute, commit sui-cide by hanging tia3u, ko3a, phi, tia3u-si2, tia3u-ta7u 吊,掛,披,吊死,上吊

hangar, airplane hangar hui-ki-phe5ng, hui-ki-kho3+ 飛機棚,飛機庫

hanger, clothes hangar sa*-keng-a2, e7-tia3u-tit e5 kau-a2, tia3u-ke3 吊衣架,掛鉤等,吊架

hanging ka2-si2, tia3u-si2, ka2-he5ng 絞死,吊死,絞刑

hanging around, no place to live bo2ng-ku 茍且居住

hanging down so5e lo8h-khi3 垂下去

hanging down the head tha5u-khak ta3m-ta3m 頭低垂

hanging heavily, like a weighted pocket or bag thu7i-thu7i 下墜

hanging the head and having lost all spirit su5i-tha5u so3ng-khi3 垂頭喪氣

hanging the head in a listless way gi3m-gi3m, gi3m-ku 萎縮沒精神

hangover siok-chu3i 宿醉

hank of thread, one length of thread chi8t khau so3a*, khau 一束線,一束

hank of yarn chi8t khau pho3ng-se 一束毛線

hanker sia3u-si7u*, khat-bo7ng 渴望

hanker after or dote upon wealth or im-proper things tham-lo5an 貪戀




haphazard chhia7ng-tu2-chhia7ng, ngo2+-jia5n, su5i-pia7n, chhi3n-chha2i, o+-pe8h 偶然,隨便

happen hoat-seng, tu2… 發生,恰巧

happen by chance, coincidence, really, as expected, sure enough chhia7ng-tu2-chhia7ng, si3a* tu2 si3a* 碰巧,果然

happening su7-ki7a*, chhia7ng-tu2-chhia7ng hoat-seng e5 ta7i-chi3, chha3u-tu2-kha2m hoat-seng e5 ta7i-chi3 事件,湊巧發生的事情

happily hoa*-hoa* hi2-hi2, ka-cha3i, ho2-u7n 高高興興,幸虧,好運

- to live peacefully and work happily an-ki lo8k-gia8p 安居樂業

happiness kho3ai-lo8k, he7ng-hok, hok-lo8k 快樂,幸福,福樂

- Eternal happiness e2ng-hok 永福

- I wish you happiness! Chiok li2 kho3ai-lo8k. 祝你快樂!

happiness and longevity, amply blessed hok-si7u, to-hok to-si7u 福壽,多福多壽

happiness and prosperity hok-lo8k 福樂

happiness of a family reunion thian-lu5n chi lo8k 天倫之樂

happiness of heaven thian-to5ng e5 chin-hok 天堂的真福

happiness of marriage hun-in he7ng-hok 婚姻幸福

happiness without worries and cares chheng-hok 清福

happiness, wealth, and longevity, the three ingredients of a full life hok-lo8k-si7u 福祿壽

happy kho3ai-lo8k, hoa*-hi2, thio3ng, he7ng-hok, khu3i*-oa8h, an-lo8k 快樂,歡喜,高興,幸福,快活,安樂

Happy Death Society Sia7n-chiong-ho7e (Catholic) 善終會

happy end of an affair ho2-bo2e 好結尾,好尾

happy ending, happy reunion to7a-tho5an-oa5n 大團圓

happy event like a marriage or birthday hi2-su7 喜事

happy expression, smiling countenance chhio3-io5ng 笑容

Happy New Year! new year, new year con-gratulations sin-hi2 新禧

happy news hoa*-hi2 e5 siau-sit 歡喜的消息

happy, delighted, full of joy hoa*-hoa*-hi2-hi2 歡歡喜喜

happy, happiness, good luck, lucky hok-khi3 福氣

happy-go-lucky chin lo8k-koan, chin lio8k-thio3ng, theng-thian iu5-be7ng, su5i-cha7i thi* an-pa5i 很樂觀,聽天由命

harakiri, a samurai's suicide by disembow-eling chhiat-pak 切腹

harangue jia8t-lia8t e5 tho2-lu7n, ko2ng kah lo3-lo3-tn5g, to7a-sia* ho+-hia3m e5 ia2n-ka2ng 熱烈的討論,長篇的高談闊論,大聲疾呼的演講

harass jia2u-lo7an, ho7+…ho5an-lo2, chiat-bo5a 擾亂,使…煩惱,折磨

harbinger sian-hong, chia5n-tia7u, i7-tia7u, i7-ko3, cho3… e5 sian-hong 先鋒,前兆,預兆,預告,做…的先鋒

harbor ha2i-ka2ng, ka2ng, ka2ng-kha2u, pi7-la7n-so2+, chha3ng, pau-pi3 港,港口,避難所,藏,包庇

harbor an antipathy against him tu3i i u7 ho2an-ka2m 對他有反感

Harbor Bureau Ka2ng-bu7-kio8k 港務局

harbor deep resentment khioh-hi7n, khioh-hu7n, khioh-oa3n 抱恨,懷恨

harbor police ka2ng-ke2ng 港警

harbor suspicions or doubts, to suspect gia5u-gi5, ho5ai-gi5, gi5-tang gi5-sai 懷疑,疑神疑鬼

harbor tax ji8p-ka2ng-so3e 入港稅

harbor, bay, gulf ka2ng-oan 港灣

hard, stiff, difficult te7ng, nge7, oh, gia5m-tio7ng 硬,難,嚴重

- It rains hard. Lo8h to7a-ho7+ 下大雨

- to breathe hard chho2an 喘

- to study hard chin phah-pi3a* tha8k-chheh 很認真讀書

hard and firm, rigid and inflexible, stiff nge7 pia3ng-pia3ng 硬幫幫

hard areas on a fowl's foot ke-kha-lan 雞腳繭

hard as nails te7ng-khok-khok 硬幫幫

hard cash gi5n-kak-a2, ta5ng-chi5*-a2, hia7n-kim, hia7n-chi5*, hia7n-kho2an 硬幣,現款

hard disk i2n-te5 (phonetic), te7ng-tia8p 硬碟

hard feelings following a loss as after a baseball game, to welsh on a wager m7-tam-su-ia5* 扯爛帳,輸不起

hard hearted bo5 che5ng, sim chin nge7 無情

hard job ta7ng-ta3* 重擔

hard knot, a square-knot si2-kat 死結

hard labor, drudgery, penal servitude kho2+-kang 苦工

hard lot kho2+-mi7a 苦命

hard on the ears thia*-tio8h ga7i-gio8h-ga7i-gio8h 聽了有點怪怪的




hard part of the pig's liver chha5-koa* 豬肝之肉質較硬者,柴肝

hard persimmon chi3m-khi7 水柿

hard rind formed on the inside of a kettle when cooking rice ti2a*-phi2, pn7g-phi2 鍋巴

hard struggle, fight desperately, make great effort hu3n-ta3u 奮鬥

hard to complete chi5a*-pi3a* 很難

hard to do, coarse and rough chho+-siap, ba7n ke8k ba7n, ki2n ke8k ki2n 艱辛,慢極慢

hard to escape punishment la5n-to5 hoat-ba7ng 難逃法網

hard to get, hard to meet with, rare la5n-tit 難得

hard to give birth to oh-se* 難生育,比喻不易生到…

hard to handle, hard to deal with pha2i*-pa7n, pha2i*-pha2ng 難辦,很難應付

hard to learn and understand oh-e7 難學通

hard to make a living seng-ke3 khu3n-la5n 生計困難

hard to raise, finicky pha2i*-chhi7 難養,挑食

hard to reason with ba2i-tah 難纏

hard to say oh-ko2ng, oh-tit ko2ng 難講

hard to sell, skill that receives little atten-tion le2ng-mn5g 冷門

hard to speak out, not suitable to talk about, hard to explain pha2i*-ko2ng 不好講,難講

hard to take kan-kho2+ 艱難

hard to use, apply or employ pha2i*-io7ng 不好用,難用

hard working kut-la8t 努力

hard, rigid, tough material, hardness, in-flexible or obstinate character nge7-se3ng 硬性

hard, solid, firm, strongly made kian-te7ng, kiat-te7ng 堅定,結硬

hard, solid, strongly made, having a good deal of money te7ng-tauh 結實,穩重

hard, strong, tough, defiant, truculent nge7-kak 態度強硬

hard-boiled egg, merciless person sa8h se8k e5 nn7g, bo5-che5ng e5 la5ng, chin nge7 煮熟的蛋,無情的,堅硬的

hard-earned money, money earned with blood and sweat hoeh-ko7a*-chi5* 血汗錢

harden, stiffen, solidify, sclerosis, cirrhosis nge7-ho3a, kian-te7ng, ho7+ te7ng-khi3 硬化,堅定,使堅硬

hardening of the blood vessels, arterioscle-rosis hoeh-kn2g nge7-ho3a, hoeh-kn2g te7ng-khi3 血管硬化

hardening on the hand caused by work chhi2u-lan 手繭

hardheaded chin cheng, chin si8t-che3, ko3+-chip 精明的,很實際的,固執的

hardly hia2m-hia2m-a2 to7 be7, ta7i-kha3i m7, bia2n-kio2ng si7… 差點兒就不,大概不,勉強是…

hardship, wetched situation, psychological pain kho2+-che5ng, kho2+-chho2+ 苦情,苦楚

hardship, challenging, arduous, exhausting kan-la5n, kan-kho2+, sin-kho2+ 艱難,艱苦,辛苦

- to suffer great hardship cho-gu7 to7a kan-la5n 遭遇大艱難

hardship in raising family khi5*-ke 辛苦治家,勤家

hardship, distress, misery, miserable khu3n-kho2+ 困苦

hardship, distress, trouble, difficulties khu3n-ke2ng 困境

hardships, suffering, misery, difficult, trou-blesome, irksome kan-kho2+ 艱苦,痛苦,困難

hardships, suffering, privation, difficulty, distress kan-la5n 艱難

hardtack chin te7ng e5 pi2a*-koa* 很硬的餅乾

hardware, computer hardware in2-ti5 (pho-netic), te7ng-the2 硬體

hardware ngo2+-kim 五金

hardware construction te7ng-the2 ki3an-siat 硬體建設

hardware store ngo2+-kim-ha5ng 五金行

hardware, iron tools thih-khi3 鐵器

hardwood te7ng-chha5, khoah-hio8h-chhi7u 硬木,闊葉樹

hardworking cho3 gu5 cho3 be2 thoa 做牛做馬

hardy phah-pi3a*, sin-kho2+, io2ng-ka2m, siu* to7a-ta2*, kio5ng-cho3ng, chin io2ng, m7-kia* ko5a* 努力,辛苦,勇敢,強壯的,不畏寒

hare, rabbit ia2-tho3+, tho3+, tho3+-a2 野兔,兔子

harelip, cleft lip, chapped lips tho3+-tu5n, khih-chhu3i, 兔唇,嘴唇裂開

harem au7-kiong, au7-kiong la7i e5 chhe-chhiap 後宮,後宮內的妻妾

hares soa*-tho3+ 山兔

Harlem Ni2u-iok e5 o+-la5ng-khu 紐約的黑人區

harlot, prostitute ki-li2, tha3n-chia8h cha-bo2+ 妓女,煙花女

harm pha2i*-chhu3, ha7i-chhu3, su2n-ha7i, siong-ha7i, phah-ha7i 壞處,害處,損害,傷害




- to harm one's reputation su2n-ha7i la5ng e5 mi5a-sia* 損害人家的名聲

- to be harmed si7u la5ng e5 siong-ha7i 受到別人的傷害

harm another is to harm oneself ha7i-ji5n-ha7i-ki2 害人害己

harm by mistake go7+-siong 誤傷

harm or injure others, inflict injury upon others, involve others in troubles ha7i-la5ng 害人

harm public morals siong-ha7i hong-ho3a 傷害風化

harmful iu2-ha7i, u7 ha7i e5 有害的

harmful and useless iu2-su2n bu5-ek 有損無益

harmful insect, vermin ha7i-tha5ng 害蟲

harmful to public morals u7 siong hong-ho3a 有傷風化

harmless, not injurious bu5-ha7i, bo5 ha7i e5, bo5 si2a*-mih ha7i-chhu3, bo5 ok-i3 無害的,無什麼害處,無惡意

harmonica kha2u-khi5m, hah-mo2+-ni2-khah (pho-netic) 口琴

harmonious tia5u-ho5, chin ha8h, ho5-ha8p, ho5 調和,和合,和

harmonious and submissive husband and wife ho5-su7n 和順

harmonious family or household oa5n-bo2an e5 ka-te5ng 圓滿的家庭

harmonious union, happy match lio5ng-ia5n 良緣

harmonium, small pipe organ si2o-hong-khi5m 小風琴

harmonize ha8p-cha3u, ho5-ha8p, it-ti3, ho5-im 合奏,和合,一致,和音

harmonizing well, as voice and instrument, harmonious music im-u7n tiau-ho5 音韻調和

harmony e7 ha8h, tia5u-ho5, ho5-bo8k, ho5-sia* 相合,調和,和睦,和聲

- in harmony ho5-ho2 和好

harmony between spouses, husband leads and wife follows hu chhio3ng hu7 su5i 夫唱婦隨

harmony in sound ho5-im 和音

harness be2-le8k, khi5a-be2 a2-si7 sa2i-be2 e5 ke-si, ho7+ be2 thoa-chhia, li7-io7ng cho3 to7ng-le8k 馬勒,馬具,讓馬拖車,利用為動力

harp khi7a-khi5m 豎琴

- to play the harp to5a* khi7a-khi5m 彈豎琴

harpsichord to7a-kia7n-khi5m 大鍵琴

harrow pe5-a2, pe5 耙子,耙

harrow to even up the field, a harrow with knife-like blades koah-pe7 犛耙

harrow, iron harrow thih-pe7-a2 鐵耙子

harsh treatment kho2+-to8k 虐待

harsh voice sau-sia* 沙啞

harsh, discordant, strict cha5n-ji2m, bo5 ho2 thia* e5, chha8k-hi7*, li7-ha7i, gia5m-le7 e5, sau 殘忍,不好聽的,厲害,嚴厲的,粗糙

harvest siu-se5ng, siu-tang, chha2i-siu 收成,收穫,採收

harvest festival hong-lia5n-che3 豐年祭

harvest good ho2 ni5-tang 收穫好,好年冬

harvest of the sixth moon, the first harvest la8k-goe8h-tang 第一期作,六月冬

harvest rice koah ti7u-a2 割稻

has u7, the8h, chi3n-he5ng, i2-keng 有,拿,進行,已經

has been washed, cross the water in a boat, across the water ko3e-chu2i 下過水,過水,過洋

has the strength to do it, powerful, capable enough u7 ka3u-la8t 能力夠,勝任

has to be like this, inevitable, certainly, most surely pit-jia5n 必然

hash cha8p-chha3i, bah-si chha2 ma2-le5ng-chi5, lo7an-chhau-chhau, bo5 lo7+-io7ng e5 siau-sit 雜燴,肉絲炒馬鈴薯,亂七八糟,無用的消息

- to make hash of chho3ng kah lo7an-chhau-chhau 弄得亂七八糟

hassock, knee pads ku7i-chu7 a2, ku7i-i2 膝墊

haste ko2a*-ki2n, tio8h-kip 趕緊,著急

- to write in haste ko2a*-ki2n si2a 趕快寫

hasten child delivery, expedite child deliv-ery, hasten parturition chhui-seng 催生

hasten, to press chhui-pek 催迫

hastily ko2a*-ki2n, chho2ng-po7ng 趕緊,倉促

hasty chhi*-ko5ng e5, kip-se3ng e5, chho2ng-po7ng 慌張的,急性的,匆忙

- jump to a hasty conclusion pho3a*-to3an siu* ki2n 判斷太快

hasty, hurried, anxious, urgent, uneasy kip 急

hat, hat of bamboo leaves bo7-a2, le8h-a2 帽子,斗笠

- to take off a hat li3u bo7-a2 脫帽

- to wear a hat ti3 bo7-a2, ti3 le8h-a2 戴帽子,戴斗笠

- go without a hat bo5 ti3 bo7-a2 沒戴帽子

hat badge, badge for a cap bo7-chiong 帽章

hat rack or stand bo7-a2-ke3 帽架

hat worn by officials se-bo7 紗帽 hat



hatch, incubate pu7 孵

hatch, door or opening chu5n-chhng-khang, ko3a, chu2i-mn5g, chu2i-cha8h-a2 艙口,蓋子,水門,水閘

hatchery pu7-nn7g e5 so2+-cha7i 孵卵所

hatchet po2+-tha5u 斧頭

hate chheh, hi7n, hia5m, gia2m, oa3n-hi7n 恨,嫌,怨恨

hate deeply hi7n la5ng ji8p kut, hi7n chin chhim 恨之入骨

hate exceedingly tho3ng-hi7n 痛恨

hate or dislike with much disgust ia3m-o3+ 厭惡

hate, to disgust gi7n-sia5u (vulgar term) 厭惡,怨恨

hateful, abominable kho2-o3+*, kho2-hi7n, kho2-hu7n 可恨

hatred chheh, oa3n-hi7n, ok-to8k 憎惡,怨恨,惡毒

- profound hatred oa3n ji8p-kut 恨之入骨

hatred, enmity, to hate, murmur at, harbor resentment, complain oa3n 怨

hatred, spite, animosity, enmity, hostility si5u-hi7n 仇恨

hatred, to hate, bear a grudge, be dis-pleased at one's fate oa3n-chheh 怨恨

haughty kiau-ngo7+, kek-sa2i 驕傲,傲慢

haughty manner, consider oneself as amaz-ing to7a-sian 架子大,自以為了不起

haughty, arrogant, swagger hiau-pai 傲慢

haul, drag thoa 拖

haul or drag with a rope chhi5u soh-a2 曳繩子

haunch kha-chhng-phe2, thu2i kap io e5 po7+-hu7n 臀部,腿及腰的部分

haunt of thieves chha8t-si7u 賊巢

haunt, be haunted sio5ng-sio5ng khi3 e5 so2+-cha7i, si7u, sio5ng-sio5ng khi3, ku2i-a2 chhut-la5i 常常去的地方,巢,常常去,鬼子出來

haunted na7u-ku2i 鬧鬼

haunted house, unlucky abode hiong-the8h 凶宅

have u7 有

- have everything that's required e3ng u7 chi7n u7 應有盡有

- to have a runny nose la5u phi7*-chu2i 流鼻水

- to have a store khui-tia3m 開店

- to have an appointment u7 iok-sok, u7 iok-ho7e 有約定,有約會

- to have an accident hoat-seng su7-ko3+ 發生事故

- to have breakfast chia8h cha2i-khi2 吃早餐

- to have confidence in u7 si3n-sim 有信心

- to have goose pimples khi2 ke-bu2-pho5e 起雞皮疙瘩

- to have a fever hoat-sio 發燒

- to have lunch chia8h-ta3u, chia8h tiong-ta3u 吃午餐

- to have no face bo5 the2-bia7n, bo5 bi7n-chu2 沒面子

- to have to tio8h, e3ng-kai 得,應該

have a cruel, uncompassionate heart pha2i* sim-tn5g 壞心腸

have a good constitution so that a wound or sore heals quickly ho2 pho5e-bah 皮膚好

have a monopoly because of exclusive possession ko+-ha5ng to8k-chhi7 孤行獨市

have a sense of propriety, knowing how far to go and when to stop u7 hun-chhu3n 有分寸

have a solid foundation, a good reputation, a statement, an affair u7-te2 有根基,有底

have a sore or ulcer on the shinbone chha3u-kha-phi7*-lia5m 脛骨瘡

have a vile reputation, notoriously bad chha3u-mi5a 臭名,惡名

have ability, good posture u7-cha5i 有才氣,穩重

have absolute confidence chu7-si3n bo2an-bo2an 自信滿滿

have affections, affectionate, grateful u7-che5ng 有情

have an abortion, miscarriage ka-lau8h-sin, ka-lau8h-the 流產,小產

have an accident chhut-su77, tu2-tio8h i3-go7a 出事,遇到意外

have an affinity, be bound to meet u7 ia5n 有緣

have an attack of one's chronic disease ku7-pe7* koh gi5a 舊病復發

have an effect on u7 li7-ha7i koan-he7 有利害關係

have an illicit connection with a woman, womanize to3e cha-bo2+ 玩女人

have an intention, intend u7-sim 有心

have an objective standpoint khi7a to3a kheh-koan e5 li8p-ti5u* 站在客觀的立場

have an unpleasant earthy taste, damp, earthy smell chha3u-tho5+-bi7 臭泥土味

have an unusually projecting forehead khok-hia8h, khok-tha5u, tha5u khok-khok 前額突出

have as an attached institution hu3-siat 附設 have



have as a hobby cho3-the2-ge7 做著玩

have banquet, eat a big dinner chia8h chhe*-chhau 吃盛餐,吃大餐

have been to, have been there khi3-ko3e 去過

have bloody nose la5u phi7*-hoeh 流鼻血

have boil or swelling se* lia8p-a2 生瘡疔

have both eat there and take home u7-chia8h koh u7-lia8h 有得吃又可帶回家

have both fame and fortune be5ng-li7 siang-cho5an 名利雙全

have bright future u7 chia5n-to5+ 有前途

have bruise, bruise from a fall, sometimes with internal bleeding kho3-tio8h 瘀傷,壓傷

have carbuncle se*-teng-a2 生疔

have chicken pox chhut chu2i-chu 長水痘

have clear intellect or good mind tha5u-na2u ho2 頭腦好

have clinging affection for, unwilling, nig-gardly m7-kam 捨不得,痛惜,不甘

have commercial relations, to trade thong-siong 通商

have common sense u7 sio5ng-sek 有常識

have companion or associate u7-pho7a* 有伴

have concern for someone but cannot love that person thi3a* be7 ji8p-sim 疼不入心

have conflict, to clash, develop into a fight hoat-seng chhiong-tu8t 發生衝突

have courage or guts u7 ta2m-lio7ng 有膽量

have day off, be on holiday or vacation pa3ng-ka2 放假

have deep-set eyes chhim ba8k-u 深眼窩

have desire to get boeh ti8h* 要

have different opinion i3-kia3n bo5 ka7ng 意見不同

have different views kia3n-ji5n kia3n-ti3 見仁見智

have disease, be stupid or clumsy tio8h-pe7* 生病,笨

have drunk and eaten to one's heart's con-tent pa2 kah chu3i 酒醉飯飽

have eaten quite enough chia8h kah pa2-tong-tong 吃得飽飽的

have expenses but no income u7 chhut bo5 ji8p 有出無入

have experience in u7 keng-gia7m 有經驗

have eyes but seeing not i2u ga2n bu5 chu 有眼無珠

have fancy for, suit a person's fancy kah-i3 合意,喜歡

have festive procession ngi5a la7u-jia8t 迎神賽會

have feud or violent quarrel oan-ke-lo5-che3 爭吵結冤

have fever, be feverish hoat-sio, hoat-jia8t, tio8h-tio8h jia8t-che3ng 發燒,發熱,患了熱病

have fit of asthma he-ku-sa3u koh gi5a khi2-la5i 百日咳又會發作

have good intentions, have bad intentions ho2 sim-he7ng, pha2i* sim-he7ng 居心好,居心壞

have good effect ki5a*-khi3 生效

have good influence upon a person ka7 la5ng ka2m-ho3a, ka2m-ho3a la5ng 感化人

have good luck, flourishing o7ng-khi3 旺氣

have good memory ki3-ek-le8k chin ho2 記憶力很好

have good sleep, comfortable for sleeping ho2-khu3n, sia3ng-to7a-bi5n 好睡,睡得很沉,睡大覺

have goods on hand but no one wants to buy, supply but no demand u7-ha5ng bo5-chhi7 有行無市

have great strength in one's arm u7 chhi2u-bo2e-la8t 有腕力

have growth, tumor or goiter se*-li5u 長瘤

have gum-boil se* khi2-pau 長齦瘡

have hanging or drooping jaw chhu3i e7-ta2u so5e-so5e 下頷鬆弛

have heard thia*-ko3e, thia*-tio8h 聽過

have high opinion of, to respect, worth re-specting kho3a*-e7-khi2 看得起

have internal piles protruding down, pro-lapsed rectum, proctocele tho2+ tn5g-tha5u 脫肛

have large circle of acquaintances, have social connections la5ng-bi7n chin khoah, la5ng-bi7n se8k, kau-che3 e5 ho7an-u5i chin khoah 人面廣,人面熟

have light fingers, thievish habit pha2i* chhi2u-jia2u 有盜癖,有賊癖

have line all the way across one's palm tn7g-chi2u* 斷掌紋

have load too heavy to be carried, said also of a person in weak health cha3i be7-tia5u 載不住,撐不住

have long arms and legs kha-lo3 chhi2u-lo3 手長腳長

have long way to go chia5n-to5+ ia5u-oa2n 前途遙遠

have lost hope or desire for a thing si2-sim 死心

have male offspring chhut-teng 生兒子,得子



have meal together ho7e-chhan 會餐

have measles chhut-phia8h 出疹子

have met once before bat ki3*-tio8h 見過,曾見到

have miscarriage, prove abortive, fail to materialize la3u-the, li5u-sa2n 流產,小產

have money left over chhun-chi5* 剩錢

have more free time khah u7 e5ng 比較有空

have much experience keng-gia7m hong-hu3 經驗豐富

have much phlegm ka7u-tha5m 多痰

have never been here m7-bat la5i 沒有來過,不曾來

have never eaten m7-bat chia8h 沒有吃過,不曾吃

have never read it m7-bat tha8k, m7-bat tha8k-tio8h 沒有讀過,不曾讀到

have never seen him before m7-bat kap i ki3*-bi7n 未曾跟他見面

have nightmare cho3 ok-ba7ng 做惡夢

have no affinity for bo5-ia5n 無緣

have no alternative bo5-ta5i-o5a 無可奈何

have no alternative but to do it, unavoid-ably, be compelled to do ko+-put-chiong 不得已

have no alternative, to have to, powerless bu5-kho2 na7i-ho5, a7m-e7 se*-li5u 無可奈何,頷下長瘤

have no answer, unable to say anything bo5 oe7 thang ko2ng 無話可講,無話可說

have no assistants, only born child toa*-kha-chhi2u, ko+ kha-chhi2u 單單一個人,獨自一人,無兄弟姊妹

have no brains, forgetful bo5 tha5u-na2u 沒有頭腦,記性壞

have no budget for bo5 i7-so3an 沒有預算

have no clue bo5-cha2ng-tha5u 無線索,無頭緒

have no conscience, impervious to a sense of justice bo5 thian-lio5ng 沒有天良

have no descendants bo5-su5 無後嗣

have no effect on bo5 li7-ha7i koan-he7 無利害關係

have no effect, prove fruitless bo5 ha7u-ko2 無效果

have no experience of…, have never… m7-bat… 沒有…過,不曾…

have no family or children ko+-mo+ che8h-che2ng (a curse) 絕子絕孫

have no fixed residence, wander here and there unpredictably he5ng-chong put-te7ng 行蹤不定

have no heart for doing a thing bo5 sim-chi5a* 沒有心情

have no idea what time it is u7 thi* bo5 ji8t-tha5u 有天無日,無時間觀念

have no market price bo5 ha5ng-che5ng 沒有市價,無行情

have no money, have no ability bo5-ko 無錢,無才

have no more business with him kap i tn7g-lo7+ 跟他斷交

have no one to rely on, be isolated bo5 i bo5 o2a 無依靠,無依無靠

have no one to turn to cha2u-ta5u-bo5-lo7+ 走投無路

have no patience bo5 ji2m-na7i-sim, chin be7 ji2m-na7i 沒有耐心,很不能忍耐

have no place to escape to bo5-te3 thang cha2u 沒地方逃

have no power or authority bo5-ko5an 無權

have no resource, have no alternative, no way out bo5-po7+ 沒法子

have no social rank or position, look down, despise bo5-ba8k-te7 不被看得起

have no special skill, without any excel-lence to recommend one it-bu5 so2+-tio5ng 一無所長

have no working capital bo5 chi5* thang chiu-choa2n, be7-ta3ng chiu-choa2n 沒錢週轉,不能週轉

have not paid dues, tax khia3m-kia2u 欠繳

have nothing to do with it, be denied a share bo5-hu7n 沒份

have nothing to do, never mind bo5 ta7i-chi3 沒事做,不要緊

have nothing to eat bo5 thang chia8h 沒得吃,沒東西吃

have one's house filled with riches kim-gio8k bo2an-to5ng 金玉滿堂

have one's meals at someone's expense, depend upon someone for eating and costs oa2 i chia8h 跟他搭伙

have one's mind made up, be determined chu7-pa7n, chhu7n-pa7n 決意

have one's name entered in the family reg-ister ji8p-che8k 入籍

have one's property attached pi7 cha-hong 被查封

have one's standards set high ba8k-tha5u koa5n 眼界高

have painful sores, severe boils, abscesses se*-thi3a* (archaic) 生瘡疔



have person's name listed in the census record po3 ho7+-kha2u 報戶口

have piles se* ti7-chhng 生痔瘡

have pimples se* thia7u-a2 長面皰

Have pity on me. Kho2-li5n go2a. 可憐我!

have pleasant voyage or flight It-lo7+ su7n-hong. 一路順風!

have poor appetite si8t-io8k put-chi2n 食慾不振

have poor harvest sit-siu 失收

have practical experience kha ta8h si8t-te7 khi3 cho3 腳踏實地去做

have premonition chin-chai 早已料到

have previous criminal record pha2i*-te2 有前科者

have priority u7 iu-sian-ko5an 有優先權

have property wealth, or influence u7 kin-te2 有根底

have puppet shows poa* po3+-te7-hi3 演布袋戲

have rain dropping from the roof tih-ho7+ 滴雨

have relations, have complications u7 koa-kat 有瓜葛

have ringing in the ears hi7*-khang e7 ki 耳鳴

have scabies, itch se*-ke3 生疥

have searched or looked everywhere chho7e-tha3u-tha3u 找遍,找透透

have seen ki3*-ko3e 見過

have self respect or sense of honor, ambi-tious, have strong will u7 chi3-khi3 有志氣

have self-respect chu7-tio7ng 自重

have a sense of honor ko3+ bi7n-chu2, ko3+ the2-bi7n 顧面子

have sexual intercourse ka3n, sio-ka3n (vulgar expression) 性交,相姦

have shares in a joint business venture hu7n-ko2+ 認股,投資

have sincere talk, talk in a sincere manner khu2n-ta5m 懇談

have sinus condition se* phi7*-le5ng 鼻竇炎

have sleep khu3n chi8t chhe2* 睡一覺

have slept quite enough khu3n pa2 睡飽,睡足

have smallpox chhut-chu 出天花

have some ability u7 ji7-po7+-chhit 有兩下子

have some knowledge si2o-kho2a chai-ia2* 稍微知道

have some plot in mind, one who cannot have a heart-to-heart talk ka7u-he7ng 陰沉,多疑心

have some rank or position, have a very good situation u7 te7-u7i 有地位

have something in one's care, safekeeping po2-ko2an 保管

have something to do with, to concern iu2-koan 有關

have spring water chhut-cho5a* 出泉水

have stomach disorder, have a weak diges-tive system, diarrhea pha2i* pak-to2+ 消化不好,拉肚子

have stroke of bad luck, come to grief ta3i-soe 觸霉頭,帶衰

have studied, have the experience of read-ing tha8k-ko3e, tha8k-tio8h 讀過

have succeeded in finding chho7e-u7 找到了

have sudden attack of severe colic, cholera, or cramps in the stomach tio8h-soa 中暑

have surplus or remainder, more than enough u7 chhun 有剩餘

have sweet memory of, remember with longing or nostalgia hoa5i-lia7m 懷念

have the hurtful effect that… ti3-su2…, ti3-ka3u… 致使…,以致…

have the courage to do what is right, re-gardless of the consequences kia3n-gi7 io2ng-u5i 見義勇為

have the craving come upon one khi2-gia3n 發癮

have the measles chhut-mo5a-a2, chhut-phia8h 出麻疹

have the name but no reality, in name only u7-mi5a bo5-si8t, iu2-be5ng bu5-si8t 有名無實

have the power of calculating or recogniz-ing at a glance ho2 ba8k-sek 好眼力

have the right to, hold or have authority in or over u7-ko5an 有權

have the same father, but different mother ka7ng-pe7 ko3-bu2 同父異母

have the same mother, but different father ka7ng-bo2 ko3-pe7 同母異父

have the skin scraped, have an abrasion chhe3-tio8h 擦到,搓到

have the teeth repaired, have teeth filled po2+-chhu3i-khi2 鑲牙,補牙

have thorough knowledge of chin u7 ka2ng-ki3u 很講究

have to deal with regardless of being re-pugnant chhap-sia5u (vulgar) 管它的

have to, not to do, not to be, it cannot be m7-to7 不就應該

have troubled you Ho7+ li2 chin sin-kho2+. 讓你太辛苦了!

have twins se* siang-se* 生雙胞胎



have typhoon cho3 hong-thai 颳颱風

have unnecessary suspicions gi5-si5n gi5-ku2i 疑神疑鬼

have used up one's literary talent or energy kang-lo5ng cha5i chi7n 江郎才盡

have very contracted views, stingy, stiff ta3ng-sng (a scolding, chiding) 小氣

have way with the ladies chin ga5u pha7* cha-bo2+ gi2n-na2 很會罩馬子

have weak legs, congenital or as a result of long sickness nn2g-kha 腳軟

have wide experience, veteran la7u keng-gia7m 老經驗,老手

have wide social connections, have a large circle of acquaintances kau-che3 chin khoah 交際很廣

have…only, there is only… chi2-u7…na7-ti7a* 只有…而已

haven ka2ng-kha2u, pi7-la7n-so2+ 港口,避難所

haven or shelter for refugees, refugee camp, center la7n-bi5n siu-io5ng-so2+ 難民收容所

havoc pho3-ha7i, hu2i-ha7i, hu2i-bia8t 破壞,毀壞,毀滅

- to make havoc of o+-pe8h pho3-ha7i 隨便破壞

Hawaii, Honolulu Ha-oa-ih, Ha7-ui-i5, Ta5n-to2+ 夏威夷,檀島

Hawaiian dance, hula hula chha2u-ku5n-bu2 草裙舞

hawk eng-a2, la7i-hio8h 老鷹

hawk-nosed eng-ko-phi7* 鷹哥鼻

hay chha2u, ta-chha2u 草,乾草

- to make hay while the sun shines tha3n ho2 e5 ki-ho7e 趁機

hay fever ko3e-bi2n-che3ng, hoe-hu2n i2n-khi2 e5 pe7* 過敏症,花粉引起的病

hayfork thih-chhe-a2 鐵叉

hayloft khn3g ta-chha2u e5 so2+-cha7i 放乾草的地方

haystack chha2u-tun 草堆

hazard gu5i-hia2m, mo7+-hia2m, to2+ u7n-khi3 危險,冒險,賭運氣

haze khi-hu7 a2-si7 chho3ng-ti7 la5ng 欺負或戲弄人

hazel chhi2an ka-pi-sek 淺褐色

hazy ta3-bu7, ta3-bo5ng, bu7-bu7 籠罩著霧,模糊的

HBO, Home Box Office Bi2-kok iu2-so3a*-tia7n-si7 HBO,美國有線電視頻道

H-bomb, nuclear bomb hu8t-chu2-ta5n, hu8t-chu2-to5a* 核子彈

HDTV, high definition TV ko-chheng-sek-to7+ tia7n-si7, ko o7e-chit tia7n-si7 高清晰度電視,高畫質電視

he, him, other, another, she, her, it, that I 他,她,它

head tha5u, tha5u-khak, tha5u-na2u, si2u-le2ng, le2ng-to7, cho3-tha5u 頭,頭顱,頭腦,首領,領導,為首

- to bow the head to the ground to3m-tha5u, kha8p-tha5u 點頭,磕頭

- to raise the head to heaven ta*-tha5u 頭朝天

- to shake one's head io5-tha5u 搖頭

- with bowed head a3*-tha5u, tha5u-khak le5-le5 低頭,垂頭

head crooked, askew tha5u khi-khi 頭歪斜

head hanging down, hair hanging down over the forehead, to nod ta3m, to3m 垂,點

head instructor of martial arts ka3u-tha5u 教頭

head inclined tha5u phe-phe 斜著頭

head man of an association, chairman ho7e-ti2u* 會長

head man of a village chhoan-ti2u* 村長

head of a neighborhood section li5n-ti2u* 鄰長

head of a class or group pan-ti2u* 班長

head of a tribe cho8k-ti2u* 族長

head of an entire order of society cho2ng-ho7e-ti2u* 總會長

head of an organization or government si2u-ti2u* 首長

head of a board, head of a department, cabinet minister po7+-ti2u*, kho3-ti2u* 部長,課長

head of a department in a government agency chhu3-ti2u* 處長

head of a division ko2+-ti2u* 股長

head of a factory chhi2u*-ti2u* 廠長

head of a firm, shop or family, one's hus-band tha5u-ke 老闆

head of a gang of robbers chha8t-on5g, chha8t-tha5u 賊王,賊首

head of household, a personal account in bank, person of status ho7+-tha5u 戶頭

head of Labor bureau Lo5-kang kio8k-ti2u* 勞工局長

head of a slope ki7a-te2ng 坡上 head

head of the business department e5ng-gia8p-po7+ chu2-ji7m 營業部主任

head of the Church Se3ng-ka3u-ho7e e5 si2u-le2ng, tha5u-la5ng 聖教會的首領

head of the family or household ka-ti2u*, it-ka chi-chu2 家長,一家之主

head of the military instructors in a school cho2ng-ka3u-koa* 總教官



head of the table, the highest ranking, sen-ior si2u-se8k 首席

head office of a business cho2ng-tia3m 總店

head office of a firm cho2ng-ha5ng 總行

head office, headquarters of police in a city or county cho2ng-kio8k 總局

head official chu2-ji7m 主任

head or chairman of a department in a col-lege he7-chu2-ji7m 系主任

head or director of an office so2+-ti2u* 所長

head stuffed up tha5u-khak go5ng 頭暈

head teacher or assistant principal in a primary school ka3u-to7 chu2-ji7m 教導主任

head, soul, leader, the brains chu2-na2u, chu2-na2u-chi2a 主腦,主腦者

headache tha5u-khak thi3a*, tha5u-hong 頭痛,頭風濕,頭風

headcheese ti-tha5u-ka 豬頭膠

headdress tha5u-chiam-a2, tha5u-kin-a2, tha5u-mo+ e5 he5ng-sek 頭簪,頭巾,頭髮的梳式

heading, item ha7ng-bo8k 項目

heading, theme, subject, thesis, proposi-tion, topic, sign, bring to notice, write down te5, to5e, te5-ba8k, phiau-te5, hui-he5ng hong-hio3ng 題,題目,標題,飛行方向

headlight to7a-teng, chhia e5 chia5n-teng 大燈,車前燈

headline of a newspaper sin-bu5n phiau-te5, to7a-ji7 si2a e5 phiau-te5 新聞標題,大字寫的標題

headline news, lead story in a paper tha5u-tia5u-sin-bu5n, tha5u-ho7 sin-bu5n 頭條新聞

headman tha5u-la5ng, tha5u-ba8k 首長,頭目,領導者

headman of a ward khu-ti2u* 區長

headmaster ha7u-ti2u* 校長

head-on-collision chi3a*-bi7n chhiong-tu8t 正面衝突

headphone, earphone hi7*-ki, a5-chi (phonetic), thia*-ta5ng 耳機,聽筒

headquarters cho2ng-po7+, cho2ng-kio8k, su-le7ng-po7+, pu2n-tia3m 總部,總局,司令部,本店

headquarters of a high command cho2ng-chi2-hui-po7+ 總指揮部

headquarters of a political party, Local Councils of the Nationalist party to2ng-po7+ 黨部

heads knocking together, as in the dark or in a crowd tha5u-khak sio-kho8k 頭相撞

headstrong ko3+-chip, ba5n-pho5e, ho7+ la5ng ko2ng be7 thia*, thiau-kang e5, ko3+-i3 e5 固執的,倔強,故意的

headstrong stubborn person, a person of very fixed opinion tiu*-ku2i 故作逢拗

headwind, against the wind chia8h-hong, chi3*-hong-風吹得到的地方,逆風

heal disease i-ti7 醫治

heal sickness i pe7* 治病

heal, to cure, treat a disease, relieve i, ti7-lia5u 醫治,治療

healing drugs, medicines i-io8h 醫藥

health kia7n-khong 健康

health, hygiene, sanitation o7e-seng 衛生

- board of health o7e-seng-kio8k 衛生局

- delicate health la2m sin-mi7a 身體虛弱

- restored to health ho8k-go5an 復原

Health Education Room Oe7-seng Ka3u-io8k-sek 衛生教育室

Health Examination Clinic Mn5g-chi2n The2-kia2m 門診體檢

health foods kia7n-khong-si8t-phi2n 健康食品

health insurance card kia7n-po2-khah 健保卡

health plan po2-kia7n 保健

health, healthy khong-kia7n, kia7n-khong, io2ng-ki7a*, 康健,健康,勇健

healthy kia7n-khong, khong-kia7n, io2ng, io2ng-ki7a*, u7 o7e-seng 健康,健壯,有衛生

healthy and free from trouble khong-tha3i 康泰

healthy and handsome, strong and slim kia7n-bi2 健美

healthy and robust, strong and vigorous kia7n-cho3ng 健壯

healthy color khi3-sek ho2 氣色好

healthy complexion bi7n-sek ho2 臉色好

healthy, wholesome, sound kia7n-cho5an 健全

heap tui, tu3n, thia8p 堆,頓,疊

heap of earth and rubbish formed gradually tho5+-tui 土堆

heap of sweet potatoes chi8t tui han-chi5 一堆地瓜,一堆番薯

heap up stones thia8p chio8h-tha5u 疊石頭 heap

hear thia*, thia*-ki3*, thia*-tio8h 聽,聽見,聽到

hear a case si2m-pho3a* a3n-ki7a* 審判案件

hear but can not understand, hear but don't know what it is thia* m7-bat 聽不懂


hear but cannot understand, listen but not accept thia* be7 ji8p-ni2 聽不入耳

hear confessions thia* ko3-ka2i 聽告解

hear incorrectly, misunderstand what one has heard said thia*-chho3 聽錯



hear what someone says but cannot under-stand ah-a2 thia* lu5i 鴨子聽打雷,聽不懂

heard wrongly or incorrectly, misunder-stood, make a mistake in hearing thia* m7-tio8h khi3 聽錯了

hearing aid cho7+-thia*-khi3 助聽器

hearing thia*-le8k, thia*-kak 聽力,聽覺

- He is hard of hearing. I e5 hi7*-khang chin ta7ng. 他的耳朵重聽.

- very sharp hearing hi7*-khang la7i 聽力很好

- within hearing thia*-e7-tio8h e5 聽得到

hearing-impaired thia*-chio3ng-e5, hi7*-a2 thia*-bo5 e5 聽障的

hearsay hong-sia* 謠傳

hearsay, legends, stories passing from mouth to mouth, unconfirmed reports tho5an-soat 傳說

hearse le5ng-chhia 靈車

heart, organ of the body sim-cho7ng, tiong-sim, sim-koa* 心臟,中心,心肝

- peaceful heart an-sim 安心

- reverential heart ke3ng-khia5n e5 sim 敬虔的心

- to keep in one's heart khn3g ti7 sim-la7i 放在心裡

- to learn by heart ki3-khi2-la5i 記住

- to lose heart sit-chi3 失志

- weak heart sim-cho7ng bo5 la8t, sim-cho7ng soe-jio8k 心臟無力,心臟衰弱

heart attack tu8t-hoat-se3ng sim-cho7ng-pe7* 突發性心臟病

heart beats violently sim-koa*-tha5u pho8k-pho8k-chhe2ng 心蹦蹦跳

heart blossoming, be brimming with joy, feel very happy sim-hoe khui 心花開

heart breaking with anxiety chhau-sim peh-pak 焦慮心碎

heart broken siong-sim 傷心

heart broken, heart feels like it is being cut by a knife sim ju5 to koah, sim-koa* chhin-chhi7u* to teh koah 心如刀割

heart disease sim-cho7ng-pe7* 心臟病

heart failure, cardiac paralysis or arrest sim-cho7ng ba5-pi3 心臟麻痺

heart failure, very weak sim-cho7ng soe-chiat 心臟衰竭

heart harder than iron, showing no pity or refusing to make up after a dispute sim-koa* khah nge7 thih 鐵石心腸

heart of a city chhi7 tiong-sim 市中心

heart of a cow gu5-sim 牛心

heart or conscience filled with remorse or trouble, devoid of peace, uneasy, inse-cure, anxious be7 an-sim, be7 ho3ng-sim 不放心

heart palpitations sim-cho7ng pho8k-pho8k chha2i* 心臟砰砰跳

heart rate sim-thia3u-lu8t 心跳率

heart stimulant kio5ng-sim-che 強心劑

heart without any care or anxiety chheng-sim 清心

heart, mind, darling, honey sim-koa*, sim-koa*-tha5u 心肝,心頭

heart, mind, intention, desire, will, sense, moral nature, the middle, the center or inside sim 心

heart, the bottom of one's heart, one's in-most heart, one's real intention la7i-sim 內心

heartbeat sim-thia3u 心跳

- irregular heartbeat sim-lu8t put-che3ng 心律不正

heartbroken, sad, grieved sim-sng 心酸

heartburn sim thi3a*, chit-to3+, sim-koa*-tha5u cho-cho 心痛,嫉妒,胸悶

- very sick with heartburn sim chin thi3a* 心很痛

heartfelt chin-sim chin-i3, se5ng-sim se5ng-i3, sim-la7i chhim-chhim ka2m-kak-tio8h 真心真意的,誠心誠意的,深深感到

hearth ho2e-lo5+, ka-te5ng 火爐,家庭

- god of the hearth cha3u-si5n 灶神

heartily chin-sim, se5ng-khu2n, jia8t-sim, cha8p-hun 真心,誠懇,熱心,十分地

- I am heartily sorry. Go2a chin-sim tho3ng-ho3e. 我真心痛悔.

- to laugh heartily chhi3o kah boeh si2-khi3 笑翻了

heartily willing, thoroughly pleased to do some work or give a gift sim kam che5ng goa7n 心甘情願

heartland sim-cho7ng te7-ta3i 心臟地帶

heartless bo5-che5ng, cha5n-ji2m 無情,殘忍

heartless and cruel, rotten to the core lo5ng-sim ka2u-hi3 狼心狗肺


heartless lover, unfaithful husband, man who abandons a woman with whom he has cohabited po8k-che5ng-lo5ng 薄情郎

heartless, fickle, ungrateful, destitute of good feelings, grown cold in friendship po8k-che5ng 薄情



hearty se5ng-khu2n, chin-sim e5, sin-the2 io2ng-ki7a* 誠懇,真心的,強健

hearty old age la7u-kut te7ng khong-khong, la7u-pho5e be7 ko3e hong. 老骨硬幫幫,老皮不透風,老當益壯

heat sio, hi5a*, pu5, jia8t, jia8t-khi3, jia8t-to7+ 燒,燃,炰,熱氣,熱度

- scorching heat, hot weather joa8h kah boeh si2-khi3 熱得要死

heat again thn7g-chha3i, thn7g-sio, koh hi5a* ho7+ sio 菜再熱一熱,再溫熱

heat capacity, calorie jia8t-lio7ng 熱量

heat conductive tho5an-jia8t 傳熱

heat energy, thermal energy jia8t-le8k 熱力

heat in the stomach, biliousness u7i-ho2e 胃火

heat prostration pek-tio8h 中暑

heat rays jia8t-so3a* 熱線

heat resisting, heat-proof na7i-joa8h, na7i-jia8t 耐熱

heat shield ho5ng-jia8t 防熱

heat to a boil hi5a* ho7+ ku2n 燒開

heat water hi5a* sio-chu2i 煮熱水

heated discussion, fierce dispute kek-lia8t e5 gi7-lu7n 激烈的議論

heated frying-pan jia8t-ti2a* 熱鍋

heater ho2e-lo5+, ka-jia8t-khi3, tia7n-jia8t-khi3 火爐,加熱器,電熱器

heathen go7a-ka3u-la5ng, hui Ki-tok-to5+ 外教人,非基督徒

heathenism, paganism i7-ka3u 異教

heave chhut-la8t gi5a-khi2-la5i, kiat, ta3n, ti3m, hoat-chhut hai* e5 sia* 用力舉起,投擲,發出

heave a sigh of relief tho2+ to7a-khu3i 嘆氣

heaven thian-to5ng, thian-te5ng, thian-kok, thi*, se-thian (Buddhist) 天,天堂,天國,西天

- to cry out to heaven me7-thi* me7-te7 罵天罵地

- to go to heaven seng thian-to5ng, kui-thian 升天堂,歸天

heaven above and earth below, the uni-verse thi*-te2ng te7-e7 天上地下

heaven and earth, the universe thi*-te7, thian-te7, ho5ng-thian ho7+-tho2+ 天地,皇天后土

heaven and hell thian-to5ng te7-ge8k 天堂地獄

heaven, the sky chhong-thian 蒼天

heavenly thian-kok e5, thian-to5ng e5, thi*-te2ng e5 天國的,天堂的,天上的

heavenly bodies chhe*, chhe*-ki5u 星,星球

heavenly bodies, astronomy thian-bu5n 天文

heavenly bodies, nudism, sunbathing thian-the2 天體

heavenly host, heavenly spirits thian-kun 天軍

heavenly mandate, fate, destiny, will or de-cree of Heaven thian-be7ng 天命

heavenly moral obligations, natural rela-tionships of man thian-lu5n 天倫

heavenly spirits, angels thian-si5n 天神

heavens above, God sio7ng-thian 上天

heaven's purpose or decree thi*-i3, thian-i3 天意

heavier, having a greater specific gravity ta7ng-chhi3n 有重量的果菜

heavily weighted like a weight on a curtain so that it may hang down evenly thu7i-ta7ng 垂重

heaviness ta7ng-lio7ng 重量

heavy ta7ng 重

heavy beard ho5+-chhiu 鰓鬍子,鬍鬚

heavy beating tio7ng-ta2* 重打

heavy cigarette smoker, smokes opium, tobacco snake hun-cho5a 癮君子

heavy clothing ka7u-sa* 厚衣

heavy enough, up to weight ka3u-ta7ng 夠重

heavy gales during the winter ka2u-ka3ng-hong 九降風

heavy hearted pi-ai, ut-chut 悲哀,鬱悶

heavy imprecations, imprecate, rail at chi3u-chha3m 咒詛

heavy industry tio7ng-kang-gia8p 重工業

heavy load ta7ng-ta3* 重擔

heavy load lane ta7ng-chhia-to7 重車道

heavy load vehicle ta7ng-chhia 重車

heavy metal tio7ng-kim-sio8k 重金屬

heavy oil, diesel oil tio7ng-iu5 重油 heavy

heavy punishment, lay on a grave punish-ment gia5m-hoa8t 嚴罰

heavy rain to7a-ho7+ 大雨

heavy responsibility, serious, high respon-sibility, important mission, important office or post chek-ji7m tio7ng-ta7i, tio7ng-ta7i chek-ji7m 責任重大,重大責任

heavy sleeper tio7ng-bi5n 睡懶覺,貪眠

heavy smoker hun-ku2i 煙鬼

heavy snow to7a-seh 大雪

heavy taxes ta7ng-so3e 重稅

heavy wrapping paper pho5e-cho2a 皮紙

heavy, serious, grave ti5m-ta7ng, ti5m-tio7ng 沉重



heavy, weighty, serious, grave, heinous, important ta7ng, tio7ng 重

heavyweight boxing ta7ng-lio7ng-kip 重量級

Hebrew Hi-pek-la5i-bu5n, Iu5-tha3i-la5ng 希伯來文,猶太人

heckle, ask questions maliciously chit-bu7n 質問

hectare (15.13 acres) khe2ng, kong-khe2ng 頃,公頃

hectic, pyretic tuberculosis, TB fever lo5-jia8t-che3ng 癆熱症

hectic, face flushed, excited, irritating, up-set a5ng-ko3ng-ko2ng, hoat-jia8t, chin chhi3-kek 發紅的,發熱的,很刺激的

hedge chhi5u*-u5i-a2, li5-pa, u5i li5-pa 圍牆,籬笆,圍籬笆

hedonism kho3ai-lo8k-chu2-gi7, hio2ng-lo8k-chu2-gi7 快樂主義,享樂主義

hedonistic and material world hoa-hoa se3-ka3i 花花世界

heed chu3-i3, se3-ji7, koan-sim 注意,細心,小心,關心

heedful, cautious, careful, take great care to avoid danger chu3-i3, ki2n-si7n 注意,謹慎

heedless bo5 chu3-i3, bo5 se3-ji7, bo5 ki2n-si7n 不小心,不謹慎

heedless of consequences, reckless, no idea of the fitness of things m7-chai si2-oa8h 不知死活

heedless or reckless undertaking, commit a rash act kheng-ki2 bo7ng-to7ng 輕舉妄動

heel kha-au7-te*, kha-au7-ti* 踵,足跟,後腳跟

- high heels ko5an-ki7a-a2 高跟鞋

heel bone, the heel of a shoe or foot a7u-te*, a7u-ti* 踵,腳跟

heel of a shoe e5 e5 au7-te* 鞋子的後跟

heel, the hoofs of animals te5, to5e 蹄

heel-and-toe walking race ke7ng-cha2u 競走

he-goat not castrated, billy-goat iu5*-ka2ng 公羊

heifer se3 chiah gu5-bo2 小牝牛

height koa5n, koa5n-to7+ 高,高度

- in the height of summer joa8h-thi* tng joa8h e5 si5 夏天正熱的時候

height of the body sin-ko5an 身高

heinous kho2-o3+* 可惡

heinous crime ta7ng-cho7e 重罪

heir ke3-se5ng-ji5n, siong-sio8k-ji5n, hi7o-su5 繼承人,相續人,後嗣

heir apparent tha3i-chu2 太子

heirless, without posterity, bu5-hi7o, choa8t-hi7o 無後,絕後代,絕嗣

heirloom tho5an-ka-po2, cho2+-tho5an-e5, cho2+-sian tho5an-lo8h-la5i e5 mi8h 傳家寶,祖傳的

heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven Thian-kok e5 ke3-se5ng-ji5n 天國的繼承人

held as a hostage pi7 kiap-chhi5 被劫持

held spellbound by a beautiful woman, love, enraptured, ecstasy siau-hu5n 消魂,銷魂

held up by or burdened with something ti5*-sin 纏身

helicopter ti8t-seng-ki 直升機

hell te7-ga8k, im-kan, im-hu2 地獄,陰間,陰府

- eternal pains of hell te7-ga8k e5 e2ng-kho2+ 地獄的永苦

- to fall into hell lo8h te7-ga8k 下地獄

hell world be5ng-ka3i 冥界

Hello! oe2 喂!

Hell's Angel Hui-chhia-to2ng 飛車黨

helm to7a, chu5n-to7a 舵,船舵

- to take the helm of state ho7a* kok-che3ng 掌國政

helmet khoe, kn3g-khoe, tha5u-khoe, he-lu-meh-toh (phonetic) 鋼盔,頭盔

helmet, armor khoe-kah 盔甲

helmsman to7-chhi2u, sa2i-chu5n e5 舵手

help pang-ba5ng, pang-cha7n, ta3u-kha-chhi2u, pang-cho7+, ta3u…, oa7n-cho7+ 幫忙,幫助,助,援助

- to give a helping hand to somebody ka7 la5ng ta3u kha-chhi2u 幫他人的忙

help defend a place hia8p-ho5ng 協防

help each other siong-cho7+, sio pang-cho7+, ta3u-ke7ng 相助,互相幫助

help each other in guarding a community si2u-bo7ng siong-cho7+ 守望相助

help or aid the distressed ki3u-oa7n 救援 help

help others accomplish something se5ng-cho5an 成全

help others, save someone's life ki3u la5ng 救人

help out of distress, to rescue, salvage ki3u-la7n 救難

help people, to make things easier for peo-ple e3ng la5ng e5 li7-pia7n 給予別人方便

help persuade cha7n-chhu3i 幫忙說

help refugees ki3u-che3 la7n-bi5n 救濟難民

help someone to do something ta3u kha-chhi2u 幫忙

help stand up hu5-khi2-la5i 扶起來



help the needy ki3u-kho2+ 救苦

help the poor ki3u-che3 sa3n-la5ng, cho7+-pi5n 救濟窮人,助貧

help, to help ta3u chhut-la8t, cho7+-la8t 幫助,助力

help to persuade, help to explain ta3u-ko2ng 幫忙說服

help victims of injustice, fall out, suddenly turn hostile phah-put-bo8k 打抱不平,翻臉

help wanted tin-ki5u ji5n-cha5i 徵求人

help wicked people to continue to do bad things cho7+-ti7u u5i-ge8k 助紂為虐

Help yourself. Chhi2a* io7ng. Ka-ti7 la5i. 請用,自己來.

Help! Help! Ki3u-mi7a. Ki3u la5ng o3+. Ki3u-mi7a o3+. 救命.救人哦.救命哦.

help, protect, to aid cho7+-iu7 助佑

help, steady, support hu5-chhi5 扶持

help, work in accord, help mutually hia8p-cho7+ 協助

helped from heaven, unexpected help, an uncanny or very lucky break thian-cho7+ 天助

helper, assistant hu3-chhi2u, cho7+-chhi2u 副手,助手

helpful u7 pang-cho7+, u7 lo7+-e7ng 有幫助的,有用的

helpless, at the end of one's rope, at wit's end sok-chhi2u-bu5-chhek 束手無策

helpless, dispossessed bo5-i bo5-oa2, bo5-i bo5-oa2 e5 無依無靠的

helpless, without choice unfortunately, three time loser sa*-sia* bo5-na7i 三聲無奈

helplessly dependent, ill at ease, ruined, indecision, distress lo5ng-po7e 狼狽

helpmate cho7+-chhi2u, pho7a*-li7, pho3e-ngo2+ 助手,伴侶,配偶

helter-skelter chho2ng-po7ng, chhe*-ko5ng 倉惶,慌張

hem po5+, au2-po5+ 邊緣,褶邊

hem and haw, speak hesitatingly thun-tho3+ 吞吐

hem of a dress, border of a garment sa*-a2-ki 衣服的裾

hem of a shirt or coat ki 裾

hem, outskirts, edge, fringe, brink, margin, borderline pian-ia5n 邊緣

hematin, the decomposition of hemoglobin hiat-sek-so3+ 血色素

hematology hiat-e8k-ha8k 血液學

hematoma, a swelling filled with extrava-sated blood o+-la2i-hoeh 瘀血


hemiplegia, paralysis of half of one's body po3an-sin put-su7i, po3an-su7i 半身不遂

hemisphere po3an-ki5u 半球

- eastern hemisphere tang po3an-ki5u 東半球

- western hemisphere sai po3an-ki5u 西半球

hemophilia hiat-iu2-pe7* 血友病

hemorrhage chhut-hoeh, hoeh-pang-soa* 出血,血崩

hemorrhoids ti7-chhng 痔瘡

- to have hemorrhoids se* ti7-chhng 長痔瘡

hemp bag po3+-te7 布袋

hemp cloth used at funerals mo5a-sa*, lia7m-po3+ 麻衣,殮布

hemp cloth, linen cloth te7-a2-po3+ 麻布

hemp fabrics, linen mo5a-po3+ 麻布

hemp, cannabis, flax mo5a 麻

hemstitch a buttonhole pa5ng li2u-a2-khang 縫紉扣子孔

hen ke-bo2, ke-bu2 母雞

hen cackling after laying an egg phah ko8k-ke 母雞喀喀叫

hence it may be seen that kho2-kia3n 可見

hence, from this time in-u7i a2n-ni, chhu2-au7 因為這樣,此後

henceforth kim-au7, chio5ng-kim i2-au7, i2-au7 今後,從今以後,以後

henhouse ke-tia5u 雞舍

henotheism, monotheism tan-it-si5n-lu7n 單一神論

henpecked kia*-bo2+ e5 懼內

Henry Ford Hok-te8k 福特

hen's egg ke-nn7g 雞蛋

hepatitis koa*-ia7m, koa*-pe7* 肝病,肝炎

Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C A kan, B kan, C kan A 肝,B 肝,C 肝

heptagon chhit-kak-he5ng 七角形

herald tho5an-le7ng-koa*, sian-hong 傳令官,先鋒

heraldry bu5n-chiong-ha8k, bu5n-chiong, tho5an-le7ng-koa* 紋章學,紋章,傳令官

herb garden Tiong-io8h chai-po5e-ti5u* 中藥栽培場

herb medicine chha2u-io8h, io8h-chha2u, tiong-io8h, ha3n-io8h 草藥,中藥,漢藥

herbalist tiong-i, ha3n-i, chhiah-kha-sian-a2 中醫,漢醫

herbivorous chia8h-chha2u e5 食草的

Hercules, muscleman ta7i-le8k-su7 大力士

herd ti7n, ku5n, ko3+, chhi7 群,顧,飼

- to live in herds kiat ku5n 結群



- to herd cattle chhi7 gu5, ko3+ gu5 放牧牛群

herd cows, pasture cattle kho3a*-gu5 牧牛

herd of cattle gu5-ku5n 牛群

here, in this place, this place chia, ti7 chia, chhu2-te7 這裏,此地

here, this far, to this place, at our place ka3u chia, la2n chia 到這,在這,我們這裡

- near here ti7 chia ki7n-ki7n a 離這裡不遠

here, this side, this way, on my or our part chit-pe5ng, go2a chit-pe5ng, go2an chit-pe5ng 這邊

hereafter i2-au7, chio5ng-kim i2-au7, chiong-la5i 以後,從今以後,將來

hereditary cho2+-tho5an e5, i5-tho5an-se3ng e5 祖傳的,遺傳性的

hereditary disease u5i-tho5an-pe7*, i5-tho5an-pe7* 遺傳病

hereditary prince chhin-o5ng 親王

heredity, hereditary che2ng-thn5g, u5i-tho5an-se3ng, i5-tho5an-se3ng 遺傳,遺傳性

heresy i7-toan, i7-ka3u 異端,異教

- to preach heresy ko2ng i7-ka3u e5 to7-li2 講異教的道理

heretic i7-toan-chi2a 異端者

heretical i7-ka3u e5, i7-toan e5 異教的,異端的

heretical doctrines, heretical theory si5a-soat 邪說

heretics i7-ka3u-to5+ 異教徒

heretofore, up till now, up to the present so3+-la5i 素來

heritage i5-sa2n, ke3-se5ng-cha5i-sa2n, ke3-se5ng-bu8t, ke3-se5ng-kho5an, thian-seng e5 mi7a-u7n kap kho5an-li7 遺產,繼承財產,繼承物,繼承權,天生的命運和權利

hermaphrodite po3a*-im-io5ng, po3a*-kang-bo2-a2, po3a*-la5m-iu5*, im-io5ng-ji5n 陰陽人,半陰陽

hermetical a9n-a5n-a5n, ba9t-ba8t-ba8t 緊緊的,密封的

- to seal hermetically hong kah ba9t-ba8t-ba8t 封得緊緊的

hermit u2n-siu-su7, u2n-su7 隱修士,隱士

hermit, soldier crab ki3a-se*-a2 寄生蟹

hermitage u2n-ki e5 so2+-cha7i 隱居的所在

hernia, rupture tu7i-tio5ng, thu8t-tn5g, thoat-tn5g, to7a la7n-pha (vulgar) 脫腸,疝氣

hero eng-hio5ng, ho5-kiat, io2ng-su7, la5m-chu2-kak 英雄,豪傑,勇士,男主角

hero in a turbulent age lo7an-se3 eng-hio5ng 亂世英雄

hero of the age ka3i-se3 eng-hio5ng 蓋世英雄

hero, a real man ta7i-tio7ng-hu 大丈夫

heroes gathered in a crowd under the king kok-o5ng e5 e7-bi7n eng-hio5ng ju5-hu5n 國王的部下英雄如雲

heroic figure, a famous person, one who is constantly in the news hong-hu5n ji5n-bu8t, hong-hu5n-ji5n-su7 風雲人物,風雲人士

heroic virtue io2ng-ka2m e5 tek-he7ng 勇敢的德行

heroic, brave, valiant eng-hio5ng e5 英雄的

heroin ha2i-lo8k-in, ha2i-lo8k-eng 海洛因,海洛英

heroine kin-kok eng-hio5ng, li2 eng-hio5ng 巾幗英雄,女英雄,女主角

heroism eng-hio5ng-chu2-gi7, eng-hio5ng khi3-kha3i 英雄主義,英雄氣慨

heron chhong-lo7+, chu2i-chia2u e5 mi5a chhin-chhi7u* pe8h-le7ng-si 蒼鷺

Herpetology pa5-thio5ng-lu7i-ha8k 爬蟲類學

herring n5g-hi5, hoe-thia5u 黃魚,青魚,鯡魚

- packed as tight as herrings chi* kah cha8t-thok-thok 塞得滿滿的

herringbone ji5n-ji7-he5ng 人字形

hers, his, its i e5 她的,他的,牠的,它的,祂的

herself i ka-ki7, i pu2n-sin 她自己,她本身

hesitate, waver, complacent, confident, ir-resolute, undecided, be in doubt, tu3n-ta2u, ti5u-ti5, kiu-kiu, sam-sim lio2ng-i3 停頓,躊躇,畏縮,三心兩意

hesitating, procrastinating, stealthy, furtive ku-ku sui-sui 要與否無法下決定

hesitatingly, undecided, makes excuses or objections when told to do something tu3n-te*, ti5u-ti5 猶豫不前

hesitation ti5u-ti5, tu3n-ta2u 躊躇,停頓

- without a moment's hesitation lo2ng bo5 ti5u-ti5 都沒猶豫

heterodox m7-si7 che3ng-tho2ng e5, si5a-ka3u e5, i7-toan e5 非正統的,邪教的,異端的

heterodoxy, heresy, false doctrine si5a-to7, i7-toan si5a-soat 邪道,異端,邪說

heterogeneous bo5-ka7ng, pa8t-kho2an e5, hu7n-cha8p 不同,別種的,混雜的

heterogenesis se3-ta7i kau-the3, seng-bu8t i7-he5ng-seng-si8t, chu7-jia5n hoat-seng e5 世代交替,異形生殖,自然發生的

heteromorphism pia3n-he5ng, i7-he5ng, oa5n-cho5an pia3n-tha3i 變形,異形,完全變態

hew with an ax chho3 伐,砍 hew

- to hew down chho3-khi2-la5i 砍下來

hew with a sword phut 伐,砍



hew, to cut, engrave blocks for printing, publication, to publish khan 刊

hexagonal la8k-kak-he5ng 六角形

Hey, come here a minute. Eh, li2 la5i chi8t-e7. 喂! 你來一下.

Hey, don't tell anyone. Eh, m7-thang ko2ng. 喂! 不要講

heyday, flourishing, at the peak, in full bloom, zenith, prime cho5an-se7ng si5-ta7i 全盛時代

hiatus la3u-kau, khang, pha7ng 脫漏,空隙

hibernate tong-bi5n, bih-khang, ko3e-tang 冬眠,過冬

hibernation tong-bi5n 冬眠

hibiscus, tree mallow phu5-io5ng 芙蓉

hiccup hiccough phah-eh, kho+-uh-a2 打嗝

hick, clownish, ignorant, bucolic, stupid so5ng, chha2u-te7-so5ng 土包子,草地人

hidden iap-thiap 隱密

hidden sorrow iap-ai 隱憂

hidden stone a3m-chio8h 暗石

hidden weapons a3m-khi3 暗器

hide and seek ng-ko8k-ke, bih-sio-chho7e 捉迷藏

hide in a hole, cave, be at home don't like to go out tia3m-khang 躲在洞內,居家不出

hide in a safe place bih to3a an-cho5an e5 so2+-cha7i 躲在安全的地方

hide it more secretly chha3ng khah ba8t le3 藏密一點

hide it under the bed chha3ng to3a bi5n-chhn5g-kha 藏在床下

hide one's head in embarrassment kia3n-sia3u kah tha5u le5-le5 羞得頭垂下

hide oneself, hide something bih, sia2m, chha3ng, ng 匿,閃匿,藏,掩

hide or conceal from u2n-mo5a 隱瞞

hide something behind the back iap to3a kha-chhng-au7 藏在背後

hide, conceal u2n-cho5ng 隱藏

hide, bury treasure or weapons ba5i-cho5ng 埋藏

hide, tuck away, conceal on one's person, hide in hand behind the back, do some-thing stealthily iap 偷藏

hideous kia*-si2-la5ng, ba2i-si2-i3, ba2i kah e7 kia*-si2-la5ng 驚人的,醜死了

hiding, lie hidden, latent, hidden, concealed chia5m-ho8k 潛伏

hierarchy se3ng-chit-tho5an (Catholic), se3ng-tho2ng-che3, chong-ka3u tho5an-the2 e5 he5ng-che3ng 聖職團,聖統制,宗教團體的行政

high ko5an 高

high and low, skilful and unskillful ko5an-ke7 高低

high atmospheric pressure ko-khi3-ap 高氣壓

high blood pressure, hypertension hiat-ap koa5n, ko-hiat-ap 血壓高,高血壓

high calorie diet, foods high in calories ko-jia8t-lio7ng i2m-si8t 高熱量飲食

high court ko-te2ng hoat-i7* 高等法院

high decibel ko-hun-po3e 高分貝

high fidelity, Hi-Fi Hi-Fi, ko-to7+ tho5an-chin-se3ng 高度傳真性

high flame for cooking ki2n-ho2e, me2-ho2e 快火,強火

high handed methods ko-ap e5 chhi2u-to7a* 高壓的手段

high in rank, grade or quality ko5an-kip 高級

high in rank, honorable, noble chun-ku3i 尊貴

high jump thia3u-ko 跳高

high jump contest thia3u-ko pi2-sa3i 跳高比賽

high key, the soprano ko5an-tia7u 高調

high Mass ko-keng Mi5-sat (Catholic) 歌經彌撒

high minded ko-sio2ng 高尚

high mountain ko5an-soa* 高山

high pay, handsome salary ko-sin 高薪

high point, climax chiam-toan 尖端

high position ko-chi7u, ko-u7i 高就,高位

high pressure, high tension, high voltage electricity ko-ap 高壓

high price ko5an-ke3 高價,高價錢

high priest to7a che3-su, to7a su-che3, su-che3-ti2u* (Catholic, Jewish) 大祭司,大司祭,司祭長

high quality, exquisite, excellent cheng-lio5ng 精良


high rank superiors sio7ng-kip 上級

high reputation, popularity be5ng-bo7ng 名望

high school tiong-ha8k 中學

high seas, open sea go7a-ha2i 外海

high seas, ocean oa2n-iu5*, kong-ha2i 遠洋,公海

high speed ko-sok 高速

high speed rail tia7n-li5an-chhia, ko-thih 電聯車,高鐵


High Speed Rail Transit Bus, HSR Transit Bus Ko-thih Chiat-u7n Kong-chhia, Ko-thih Chiat-u7n Bah-suh 高鐵捷運公車

high speed railway ko-sok thih-lo7+ 高速鐵路



high spirited, brimming with energy or vital-ity chhiong-pha3i 充沛

high temperature ko-un 高溫

high tension wire ko-ap-so3a* 高壓線

high tide bo2an-tia5u 滿潮

high, high grade ko-te2ng 高等

high, tall, lofty, elevated, eminent, honor-able, noble, advanced, high priced, good in quality ko 高

highball chham peng-kak khi3-chu2i kah kiu*-bo2-chiap e5 chi2u 混合冰汽水及薑汁的威士忌酒

highbred chhut-sin ko-ku3i, be5ng-bu5n chhut-sin e5, hiat-tho2ng su5n e5, u7 ka3u-io2ng e5 出身高貴的,出身於名門的,純血統的,有教養的

highbrow ti-sek hu7n-chu2, tia2n ka-ti7 ha8k-bu7n chin pa2 e5 la5ng 知識份子,炫耀自己有高深學問的人

high-class ko-kip 高級

high-class soy sauce i3m-iu5 蔭油,上等醬油

High-definition CAT Scan Room Ko-chheng-sek-to7+ Tia7n-na2u To7an-te5ng-sek 高清晰度電腦斷層室

higher, advanced education ko-te2ng ka3u-io8k 高等教育

higher algebra ko-te2ng ta7i-so3+ 高等代數

higher animals ko-te2ng to7ng-bu8t 高等動物

Higher Civil Service Examination ko-te2ng kho2-chhi3 高等考試

higher classes sio7ng-li5u si7a-ho7e, sio7ng-li5u kai-kip 上流社會,上流階級

higher court ko-te2ng hoat-i7* 高等法院

higher level examination ko-kho2 高考

highest authorities cho3e-ko tong-kio8k 高當局

highest class, excellent iu-te2ng 優等

highest class, superlative degree cho3e-sio7ng kip 上級

highest degree cho3e-ko-to7+ 高度

highest name on the list of new graduates po2ng-si2u 榜首

highest organization cho3e-ko ki-koan 高機關

highest peak of a range soa*-ni2a 山嶺

highest point or mark cho3e-ko-tia2m 高點

highest seat of learning cho3e-ko ha8k-hu2 高學府

highest, most exalted, supreme chi3-ko bu5-sio7ng 至高無上

highest, supreme, maximum cho3e-ko 高

highfalutin pho3ng-hong o7e 誇張的話

high-handed policy ko-ap che3ng-chhek 高壓政策

high-heeled shoes ko5an-kia8h-a2-e5, ko5an-ta8h-a2 高跟鞋

highlight, indicate, mark piau-be5ng 標明

highlight, stand out, prominent tu8t-hia2n 凸顯

highly hui-sio5ng, the5ng-to7+ chin ko5an 非常,極高地

highly gifted, great talents ko-cha5i 高才

highly nutritious foods or medicines, tonics po2+-phi2n 補品

highly praised chin ka7 o-lo2 非常讚美

highness ko-sio2ng, ko-to7+ 高尚,高度

- your highness kok-ha7 閣下

high-pitched sia*-tia7u chin ko5an, sia* chin chiam 聲調高的,尖銳聲

high-ranking government officials, main structure and policy of government che3ng-ia3u 政要

high-ranking officials, senior cadre ko-kip-ka3n-po7+ 高級幹部

high-speed rail online-phone ticket reserva-tion ko-thih ba7ng-lo7+ kah gi2-im te7ng-u7i the8h-phi3o choan-io7ng 高鐵網路,語音訂位取票專用

high-spirited, proud io2ng-ka2m, u7 cheng-si5n, u7 jia8t-che5ng e5, chhe3ng-chhe3ng-ki3o 勇敢,有精神的,有熱情的,趾高氣揚的

high-spirited, vigorously u7 go5an-khi3 有精神,有元氣

high-strung si5n-keng pe* kah a5n-to3ng-to3ng, la5ng si5n-keng-chit, sia* tia7u chin ko5an 神經繃緊的,神經質,高調的

highway kong-lo7+, be2-lo7+ 公路,馬路

highway along the sea pin-ha2i kong-lo7+ 濱海公路

Highway Bureau Kong-lo7+-kio8k 公路局 highway

highway or railroad maintenance io2ng-lo7+ 養路

highway robbers, bandits kio5ng-to7 強盜

highway running from east to west, Cross Island Highway in Taiwan ho5ai*-ko3an kong-lo7+ 橫貫公路

highwaymen, robbers lio8k-li5m ho5-kia8t 綠林豪傑

hijack chhi2u*-kiap, kiap, kha3-iu5 搶劫,劫持,揩油 hijack

hijack a plane kiap-ki 劫機

hike oa2n-chiok, kun-tu7i he5ng-kun, chhe3ng-ko5an 遠足,行軍,升高

hike in prices khi2-ke3 漲價 hike



hilarious hoa*-hi2 kah phut-phut-thia3u, chin hoa*-hi2, chin la7u-jia8t, 高興的蹦蹦跳,很高興,熱鬧的

hilarity hoan-lo8k, la7u-jia8t 歡樂,熱鬧

hill side soa*-phi5a* 山坡

hill top soa*-te2ng, soa*-bo2e-te2ng 山頂

hill, a knoll chhia2n-soa* 淺山

hill, low mountain si2o-soa*, ke7-soa*, lu7n, soa*-lu7n 小山,低丘,崙

hill, mound tho5+-tui 土堆

hilly country soa*-te7 山地

hilt to a2-si7 kia3m e5 pe3* 刀或箭的柄

- armed to the hilt cho5an-hu3 bu2-chong 全副武裝

him, her, it i 他

Himalayas Hi2-ma2-la-nga2-soa*-me8h 喜馬拉雅山脈

himself, herself, itself i ka-ki7 他自己

hind au7-bi7n 後面

hind feet au7-kha 後腳

hind legs of an animal a7u-thu2i 後腿

hind-brain, occiput, posterior brain a7u-na2u 後腦

hinder work ho5ng-ha7i kang-chok 妨礙工作

hinder, obstruction, obstacle, hindrance tak-khe5 阻礙

hinder, later most au7-bi7n e5 後面的

hinder, obstruct ho5ng-ha7i, cho2+-ga7i 妨礙,阻礙

hinder, stop, resist, to obstruct, forbid pro-cedure cho2+-to3ng 阻擋

hinder, separate combatants, block, ob-struct, impede, bar na5-cha8h 攔阻,攔截

hindered si7u cho2+-ga7i 受阻礙

hindered by sickness chhia7ng-tio8h pho3a-pe7* 湊巧生病

hindrance ke8h-chhi2u, ho5ng-ha7i, cho2+-ga7i 礙手,逆手,妨礙,阻礙

hindrance to man's life tu3i la5ng e5 seng-oa8h u7 ho5ng-ha7i 對人類的生活有妨礙

hindrance, encumbrance or impediment, a family holds one back from work ti5*-kha ti5*-chhi2u 礙手礙腳

hindrance, obstacle, difficulty, trouble, to break down ko3+-chio3ng 故障

Hinduism I3n-to7+-ka3u 印度教 historian

hinge of a door or box a7u-li2u 門後扣,門後栓

hinge, a pivot oa8h-to7ng e5 ia8p-a2, ia3u-tia3m, tiong-sim 活動鉸鏈,要點,中心

hint, suggestion, to give a hint, suggest a3m-si7 暗示

hip kha-chhng-phe2 臀部

hip bone kha-chhng-kut, to7a-lu5n-kut 臀骨

hip pocket kho3+ e5 au7-bi7n te7-a2 褲子後面的口袋

hip-hop culture hip-hop, hi-ha-bu5n-ho3a 嘻哈文化

hip-hop, street dancing ke-bu2 街舞

hippocampus, sea horse ha2i-be2, ha2i-ma2 海馬

hippodrome ke3ng-be2-ti5u* 競馬場

hippopotamus ho5-be2 河馬

hips, buttocks kha-chhng-ta2u 臀部

hire by the day chhi3a* kang e5 以天數計酬

hire a cab or truck together with its driver chhi3a*-chhia 雇車

hire a car ki3o-chhia 叫車

hire or entice another to do a task, instigate or incite behind the scenes chi2-su2 指使

hire two busses cho+ nn7g ta5i chhia 租兩部車

hire, engage a servant, official help, laborer chhi3a*-la5ng 雇人

hire, rent chhi3a*, so3e, cho+ 僱,租

hire, rent for a long time, to charter or ap-prentice pa8k 租,賃

hired laborer, hire a workman chhi3a*-kang 雇工

hired, employed si7u-phe3ng 受聘

hireling ho7+ la5ng chhi3a* e5 chi5*-ku2i 專為金錢而被雇的

Hiroshima Kn2g-to2+, Hi2-lo2+-sih-mah (phonetic) 廣島

his, her i e5 他的

his mother in ni5a (vulgar expression) 他娘,他媽

His right arm is out of joint. I e5 chi3a*-chhi2u thu8t-khu7. 他的右手脫臼.

his, her or their home in tau, in chhu3, i e5 chhu3 他家,他們家

his, her or their older brother, older sister, father, mother, teacher, younger brother in a-hia*, a-che2, la7u-pe7, la7u-bu2, la7u-su, si2o-ti7 他哥哥,姐姐,爸爸,媽媽,老師,弟弟

hiss sngh-sngh-ki3o, hngh. 發出嘶嘶聲,嗤笑

histology cho+-chit-ha8k 組織學

historian le8k-su2-ka, le8k-su2-ha8k-ka 歷史家,歷史學家

historic sites, historic remains ko2+-chek 古蹟

historical le8k-su2-sio7ng, le8k-su2, le8k-su2 e5 歷史的 historical



- National Historical Museum Kok-li8p le8k-su2 phok-bu8t-ko2an 國立歷史博物館

historical background le8k-su2 po7e-ke2ng 歷史背景

historical facts su2-si8t 史實

historical novel ia2n-gi7 演義

historical places ko2+-chek 古蹟

historical record, annals, chronicles, cen-tury, arrange, put in order, institutions, laws and regulations, age of a person, geological period ki2, ki3 紀,記

historical traces, vestiges, relic u5i-chek 遺跡

histories of a more or less fictitious nature, romances go7a-su2 外史

history le8k-su2, la5i-le8k 歷史,來歷

- ancient history ko2+-ta7i-su2 古代史

- modern history ki7n-ta7i-su2 近代史

- national history kok-su2 國史

history of economics keng-che3-su2 經濟史

history of literature bu5n-ha8k-su2 文學史

History of the Three Kingdoms Sam-kok-chi3 三國誌

history, study of history su2-ha8k, le8k-su2-ha8k 史學,歷史學

histrionic cho3 hi3 e5, ia2n-oa5n e5 演戲的,演員的

hit phah 打

hit a ball phah-ki5u 打球

hit by a dart or arrow tio8h-chi3* 中箭

hit by gun shot tio8h-chhe3ng 中槍

hit head with knuckles or rocks khian tha5u-khak 用食指與中指或石頭打頭部

hit one's head in frustration or anger cheng-tha5u kha8p-hia8h 氣得撞頭,氣極了

hit or rub against with elbow or arm in passing, to jostle e-tio8h, oe-tio8h 撞到,推擠到

hit or strike slightly, give a hint, nod the head when drowsy tuh 打盹,暗示

hit palm of one's hand koat-chhi2u-te5 打手心

hit someone phah-la5ng 打人

hit someone with a elbow, give someone the elbow e7ng chhi2u-ko2+-tha5u lo3ng 用手肘撞

hit someone's leg sideways with a bamboo stick e7ng tek-a2 io2 kha-kut, e7ng tek-a2 o2+ kha-kut 用竹子掃打腿

hit song li5u-he5ng-koa 流行歌

hit the mark every time, hit the target with every shot pek-hoat pek-tio3ng 百發百中

hit the target si7a-tio8h 射中

hit upon a sudden idea, have a brain storm sim-hiat la5i-tia5u 心血來潮

hit with knuckles khia8k 手指彎曲而打

hit with something big lo3ng-tio8h 碰撞

hit with the fist cheng 撞,撞擊

hit, bump into, touch, to make contact with something tak 觸

hit, give a blow with the fist thui 揍,捶

hit, ran into, collide, to bump po7ng-tio8h 撞到,碰著

hit-and-run lo3ng-tio8h la5ng to7 thau-cha2u 撞到人就逃走

hitch, moor, hooked pa8k-tia5u-le7, ho7+ kau-tia5u-le7 繫住,被鉤住

- Everything went off without a hitch. It-chhe3 lo2ng chi3n-he5ng kah chin su7n-li7. 一切都進行得很順利.

hitchhike cha8h-chhia 搭便車

hitching post to tie up cattle gu5-khi8t 繫牛之小木柱

hitherto, up to now it-hio3ng 一向

hit-man, killer sat-chhi2u 殺手

HIV, Human Immuno-deficiency Virus ji5n-the2 bia2n-e8k khoat-hoat pe7*-to8k 人體免疫缺乏病毒

hive phang-si7u, chi8t si7u phang 蜂巢,一窩蜂

hives chhi3n-nah, khi2-chhi3n-nah 麻疹

hoard money chek chi5* 密藏金錢

hoard, collect siu 收

hoard, save chek 積

hoard, stock up on tu2n 囤積

hoard, store up goods in the hope of selling them at higher prices later tu2n-chek 囤積

hoarfrost pe8h-sng 白霜

hoarfrost forming lo8h-sng 降霜 hoarfrost

hoarse sau-sia* 聲音沙啞

- He is hoarse. I bo5 sia*. I sau-sia*. 他聲音沙啞.

hoarse voice, get hoarse sau-sia* 沙啞

hoarseness sau-sia* 聲音沙啞

hoax khi-phia3n, ko2ng sn2g-chhi3o, chho3ng-ti7 欺騙,開玩笑,愚弄

hobbled, limp, stumble pa2i-chi8t-e7 pa2i-chi8t-e7, ki5a*-lo7+ loah-chi8t-e7 loah chi8t-e7, ki5a*-lo7+ tho8eh-tho8eh 跛行,蹣跚


hobby chhu3-bi7 趣味

hobbyhorse, Trojan horse, paper dolls bo8k-be2, cho2a-be2 木馬,紙馬




hobo bu5-gia8p iu5-bi5n, lo5+-mo5a 無業遊民,流氓

hockey khiok-ku3n-ki5u 曲棍球

hodgepodge cha8p-chha3i-mi8h, chia8h-mi8h la7m-la7m cho3 chi8t ti2a*, hu7n-ha8p-bu8t, la7m e5 雜燴,混合物

hoe ti5-tha5u, ku8t 鋤頭,掘

- to dig with a hoe e7ng ti5-tha5u ku8t 用鋤頭掘

hoe handle ti-tha5u-pe3* 鋤頭柄

hoe up grass and small shrubs tho2a*-chha2u 鋤草,剗草

hoe, straight hoe, spade, shovel thuh-a2 鏟子

hog blood ti-hoeh 豬血

hog bristles ti-chang 豬鬃

hog, a person who eats a lot ti, tham-chi8ah-ku2i 豬,貪吃鬼

hoist seng, chhe3ng-ko5an, seng-ko5an, gi5a-ko5an 升,升高,舉高

hoist a flag seng-ki5 升旗

hoist and lower, to rise and fall, ascend and descend, promotion and degradation seng-ka3ng 升降

hoist, crane, derrick khi2-ta7ng-ki 起重機

Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost island Pak-ha2i-to7 北海道

Hokkien Hok-kia3n 福建

hold, receive in the hand the8h 拿

- to take hold of lia8h le7 抓著

hold a banquet siat-ia3n 設宴

hold a bowl with rice pha5ng-pn7g 端飯,捧飯

hold a broom gia8h sa3u-chhi2u 拿掃把

hold a ceremony ki2-he5ng tia2n-le2 舉行典禮

hold a dragon-boat race poe-le5ng-chu5n 划龍舟,划龍船

hold a funeral chhut-soa* 出殯

hold a meeting or celebration ki2-he5ng 舉行

hold an idle conversation with him kap i phah chhu3i-ko2+ 跟他聊天

hold an inquest gia7m-si 驗屍

hold back tears ka5m-ba8k-sa2i 含淚水

hold a confidential talk or conference, have a secret or close conversation, secret conversation, talk, conference bi8t-ta5m 密談

hold a different view kia3n-ka2i bo5 ka7ng 見解不同

hold a double handful of sand pho2ng chi8t pho2ng soa-a2 捧一把沙

hold fast to, stick to kian-chhi5 堅持

hold fast, grasp, grip ak 握

hold a field by lease pa8k chha5n-hn5g 租田地

hold firmly with the mouth ka7 ho7+ tia5u 咬牢,咬緊

hold food in the mouth with lips closed tightly, suck candy or medicine ka5m 含

hold for a while, postpone or delay for a while chia7m-oa7n 暫緩

hold in addition, serve as well, discharge two offices, also, both kiam 兼

hold in high esteem, to respect thui-cho5ng, chhui-cho5ng 推崇

hold in one's arms, to embrace, holding in one's arms pho7-le7 抱著

hold in the hand, to grasp, take, arrest the8h 拿

hold in the mouth, contain, include, to bear, imply, and, with ha5m 含,和,跟

hold incense sticks gia8h hiu* 拿香

Hold it! Not so fast! chhi2a*-ba7n 且慢,等一下,請慢

hold a meeting, conference or council khui ho7e, khai-ho7e 開會

hold a new election ka2i-so2an 改選

hold nothing in the hand, barehanded khang-ku5n 空拳

hold of a boat or ship chu5n-chhng 船艙

hold of a ship chu5n-te2, chu5n-to2+ 船底

Hold on to my shoulder. Ho7a* to3a go2a e5 keng-tha5u. 按在我的肩上.

hold on to the very end kian-chhi5 ta3u-te2 堅持到底

hold one's hand khan la5ng e5 chhi2u, ni8h la5ng e5 chhi2u, te7* la5ng e5 chhi2u 牽別人的手

hold one's life dear, be over careful of one's self, afraid to get involved sioh se3*-mi7a 愛惜生命

hold or bite with the teeth but not chew ka7 咬

hold or carry a stick or cane gia8h ko2ai-a2 拿拐杖

hold or embrace with one or both arms pho7, la2m 抱,擁抱

hold or grip it well khi8p ho7+ tia5u 握住

hold or lay out in the right direction lia8h-ti8t 拉直


hold or support one's head tha5u ka7 hu5 le7 扶著他人的頭

hold a position open for a person taking a leave of absence li5u-chit 留職

hold a post for another term, eligible for re-election lia5n-so2an lia5n-ji7m 連選連任



hold a procession iu5-ke, iu5-he5ng 遊街,遊行

hold rites for the dead cho3 kong-tek 做功德

hold something in the fold of one's garment held up e7ng sa*-a2-ki phe3 用衣下擺撂

hold or catch water in one's cupped hand, catch water in a vessel si5n 接

hold the nose to avoid a bad smell ng-phi7* 掩鼻

hold the reins of government chia2ng-ak che3ng-ko5an 掌握政權

hold something in the arms or under one's arm, cling to, fling one's arms around something mo+h 抱,摟

hold tightly in the hands gia8h ho7+ tia5u 拿住

hold together kiat-ha8p 結合

hold under the arm, with a pinchers or with a clip gia8p tio8h 夾到

hold up a flag gia8h ki5-a2 拿旗子

hold up hands gia8h chhi2u 舉手

hold up high on the hand or on a pole thuh-ko5an 托高

hold up in both hands, offer respectfully, support, cheer or render assistance by one's presence pha5ng 捧,端

hold up, bend khia3u-khia3u 翹翹的

hold water in the mouth, something swollen with moisture, be moist like a towel or un-dried grain ka5m-chu2i 含水

hold with both hands closed facing down-wards ko7a* 提

hold with both palms, take up in the two hands together, a double handful pho2ng 捧,兜

hold one's breath ki3m-khu3i 憋住呼吸

hold, contain, embody, include pau-ha5m 包含

hold, contain, to put something into a con-tainer te2 ji8p-khi3 盛

hold, grasp in the hand te7* 握

hold, hold a meeting, ceremony, have a party, make a retreat ki2-he5ng, cho3 舉行,做

hold, hold title to, own or have something u7 有

hold, pick up with chopsticks or pinchers ngeh khi3 la5i 挾起來

hold, raise something up with one or both hands gia8h ko5an 拿,提高

hold, retain, remain, keep, preserve la5u 留

hold, seize, grasp property or authority, in the hands or control of chhi2u-tha5u 手頭,手中

hold, to ladle something out of a jar, pan, crock or some container khat khi3-la5i, khat chhut-la5i 盛

hold, use eating utensils with the fingers to pick up food, carry something hanging down from the hand gia8h, the8h 拿,提

holder, proprietor, owner, supporting mate-rial so2+-iu2-chi2a, chi-chhi5-bu8t 所有者,支持物

- share holder ko2+-tong 股東

holding tho2+-te7, cha5i-sa2n 土地,財產

holding oneself aloof, disinclined to asso-ciate with others ko+-phiah 孤癖

holdup chhi2u*-kiap 搶劫

hole khang 孔,洞

- the hole in a needle, eye of a needle chiam-khang, chiam-phi7* 針孔

- to drill a hole chn3g-khang, lak-khang 鑽孔

- to dig a hole with a knife e7ng to iah khang, e7ng to oe2 khang 用刀子挖洞

hole in a door for a dog ka2u-khang 狗洞

hole in the ground, a pool, small pit, den khut 窟,洞,坑

hole in the wall piah-khang 牆洞

hole made all the way through, as a hole, pierce or pass quite through tha3ng-ko3e, tha3u-ko3e 透過

hole, aperture, wound, cut, leak, pit, cave, den, burrow, opportunity for making money, for finding fault khang 孔,洞,傷口

hole, opening, slit pho3a-khang 破洞,破孔

holes and crevices, blemish khang-khiah 空隙

holes and crevices, a flaw, opportunity for finding fault or getting money out of people khang-pha7ng 縫隙

holes eaten by insects, cavities in decayed teeth chi3u-khang 蛀孔,蛀洞

holiday cheh-ji8t, ho3ng-ka2-ji8t, hioh-khu3n-ji8t 節日,放假日,休假日

- summer holiday su2-ka2, hioh-jo8ah 暑假

holiday, leave of absence ka2, ka2-ji8t, kong-hiu-ji8t 假,假日,公休日

holiness si5n-se3ng 神聖 holiness

Holland Ho5-la5n 荷蘭

Hollander, Dutchman Ho5-la5n-la5ng 荷蘭人

hollow affection hi-che5ng ke2-i3 虛情假意 hollow



hollow and solid, false and true, actual situation hi-si8t 虛實

hollow bottom of a bowl oa2*-kha-chhng 碗屁股,碗底

hollow in the bend of the knee kha-oan 腳彎

hollow place naih-lo8h-khi3 e5 so2+-cha7i 凹下去的地方

hollow tree khang-khak e5 chhi7u-a2 中空的樹

hollow, void, empty khang, khang-khak, khang-sim, pha3* 空,中空,鬆脆

Hollywood Ho2-la5i-o+, Ha5u-la5i-u (phonetic) 好萊塢

Hollywood Bowl Ha5u-la5i-u kio8k-ti5u* 好萊塢劇院

Holocaust cho5an-hoan-che3 (Catholic), cho5an-bia8t, to7a pho3-ha7i 全燔祭,全滅,大破壞

holy si5n-se3ng, se3ng 神聖的,聖

- to become holy chi5a*-cho3 si5n-se3ng e5 la5ng 成為神聖的人

Holy Bible Se3ng-keng 聖經

holy city se3ng-si5a* 聖城

Holy Eucharist Se3ng-the2 聖體

Holy Family Se3ng-ka 聖家

holy figure, portrait, statue se3ng-io5ng (Catho-lic) 聖容

Holy Ghost Minor Seminary Se3ng-si5n si2o-siu-i7* (Catholic) 聖神小修院

God the Holy Ghost, God the Holy Spirit Thian-chu2 Se3ng-si5n (Catholic) 天主聖神

Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit Se3ng-si5n (Catho-lic) 聖神

Holy Hour Se3ng-si5 (Catholic) 聖時

Holy Infant Se3ng-eng 聖嬰

Holy Land Se3ng-te7 聖地

holy man se3ng-ji5n 聖人

holy martyrs ti3-be7ng se3ng-ji5n (Catholic) 致命聖人

Holy Name Ia5-so+ Se3ng-mi5a (Catholic) 耶穌聖名

Holy Office or tribunal established during the period of the Inquisition chong-ka3u chha5i-pho3a*-so2+ (Catholic) 宗教裁判所

holy oil se3ng-iu5 聖油

Holy Orders Si5n-phi2n (Catholic) 神品

holy orders, ministry se3ng-chit (Catholic) 聖職

holy picture se3ng-sio7ng 聖像

Holy Religion Se3ng-ka3u 聖教

Holy Sacraments se3ng-su7 (Catholic) 聖事

Holy Saturday Ia5-so+ Ho8k-hoa8t bo7ng-ji8t (Catholic) 耶穌復活望日

Holy See Chong-cho7, Ka3u-te5ng 宗座,教廷

Holy See Information Service, HSIS Ka3u-te5ng sin-bu5n-chhu3 (Catholic) 教廷新聞處

holy teaching, Sage's instruction, imperial edict, memorandum of Mohammed se3ng-hu3n 聖訓

holy tradition se3ng-to7an 聖傳

Holy Trinity Sam-u7i it-the2, Thian-chu2 Se3ng-sam (Catholic) 三位一體,天主聖三

holy war, Jihad Se3ng-chia3n 聖戰

holy water se3ng-chu2i 聖水

holy woman se3ng-hu7 聖婦

holy, pure, holy and immaculate se3ng-kiat 聖潔

homage ha7u-tiong, khut-ho8k chheng-si5n 效忠,屈服稱臣

- to pay homage to tu3i…ha7u-tiong, ha7u-tiong… 對…效忠,效忠…

home chhu3, ka-te5ng 家,家庭

- ancestral home cho2+-chhu3 祖厝

- bride's own native home go7a-ke 娘家

- Make yourself at home! Chhi2a* m7-bia2n kheh-khi3. 請不用客氣!

- to leave home chhut-mn5g 出門

- to return home tn2g-khi3 回家

home administration lo7e-che3ng 內政

home affairs, internal affairs la7i-bu7, lo7e-bu7 內務

home care, home nursing ki-ka-ho7+-li2 居家護理

home delivery of purchases the8h-kip-pho3e, cha5i-phe2 (phonetic) 宅急配,宅配

home economics, domestic science ka-che3ng-ha8k 家政學


home education, training at home, a tutor ka-ka3u 家教

home for destitute old people an-io2ng-i7* 安養院

home for the aged ia2ng-lo2-i7* 養老院

home in ruins and bereaved because of great disaster ka pho3 ji5n bo5ng 家破人亡

home loan te2-ah-ta7i-kho2an 抵押貸款

home made chu7-che3 自製

home run, a homer cho5an-lu2i-ta2* 全壘打

home town, native district ka-hn5g 家園

home treatment ka-te5ng lia5u-hoat 家庭療法

home visits ka-te5ng-ho2ng-mn7g 家庭訪問



home, asylum i7* 院

home, family life ka-te5ng seng-oa8h 家庭生活

home, native land, birthplace ko3+-hiong 故鄉

homeland cho2+-kok 祖國

homeless bu5-ka kho2-kui e5 無家可歸的

homelike chhin-chhi7u* ti7 chhu3-ni8h, so2ng-kho3ai 如在家的,舒適的

homely ka-sio5ng e5, phok-so3+ e5 家常的,樸素的

homemade article, native goods, native products kok-ho3e 國貨

Homer Ho5-ma2 荷馬

homer, carrier pigeon, homing pigeon sa3ng-phoe e5 hu2n-chia2u 傳信鴿

home-room teacher, the teacher in charge of a class kip-ji7m to7-su 級任導師

homesick si7u* chhu3, sim-bu7n 想家心悶

- to be homesick su-lia7m ko3+-hiong 思念故鄉

homesickness, nostalgia su-hiong-pe7* 思鄉病

homestead chha5n-hn5g chhu3-the8h, ka-hn5g 家園

homework chok-gia8p, kong-kho3, kho3-te5, siok-te5 作業,功課,課題

- to do one's homework cho3 kong-kho3, si7a-chok-gia8p 作功課,寫作業

- to give the teacher the homework kau kho3-te5 ho7+ la7u-su 繳交功課給老師

homicide, murderer, killer sat-ji5n-chi2a 殺人者

- accidental homicide go7+-sat 誤殺

- intentional homicide bo5+-sat 謀殺

homicide as opposed to suicide tha-sat 他殺

homicide, murder sat-ji5n, tha5i-la5ng, sat-ji5n-cho7e 殺人,殺人罪

homiletics ka2ng-to7-su8t 講道術

homily, to give a homily ka2ng-to7 講道

homogeneous ka7ng-kho2an e5, ka7ng-lu7i e5, ka7ng-chit e5, ka7ng-se3ng e5 相似的,同類的,同質的,同性的

homogenize ho7+ se3ng-chit ka7ng-kho2an, ho7+ phi2n-chit pe5ng-kin 使性質相同,使品質均勻

homonym, same sound but different mean-ing to5ng-im i7-gi7 同音異義

homonymous, same surname, same name to5ng e5, gi5o e5, ka7ng-mi5a e5 同姓的,同名的,同名的

homosexuality, homosexual love, lesbian love to5ng-se3ng-lo5an 同性戀

honest, well disposed, trustworthy la2u-si8t, tiong-ti8t, che3ng-ti8t, chin e5 老實,忠直,正直,真的

- He is not honest. I bo5 la2u-si8t. 他不老實.

honest and outspoken sim ti8t chhu3i kho3ai 心直口快

honest and tolerant, kind and big hearted, well behaved and trustworthy tiong-ho7+ 忠厚

honest and upright, simple, straight for-ward tia5u-ti8t 率直,忠厚老實

honest officials chheng-koa* 清官

honest or sincere advice, sincere counsel, advise sincerely tiong-ko3 忠告

honest price, net price si8t-ke3 實價

honest, of great integrity, very open, blunt, straight-forward or plain-speaking nge7-khi3, ngi7-khi3 正直,剛毅

honest, proper and straightforward, virtu-ous che3ng-pha3i 正派

honest, straightforward, simple in tastes, unsophisticated phoh-si8t 樸實,誠實

honest, upright, clean handed che3ng-ti8t, chheng-lia5m 正直,清廉

honest, virtuous, correct morality, in ear-nest che3ng-keng 正經

honesty la2u-si8t, se5ng-si8t, che3ng-ti8t 老實,誠實,正直

Honesty is the best policy. Che3ng-ti8t si7 sio7ng-ho2 e5 che3ng-chhek. 正直是 好的政策.

honey, darling bi8t, phang-bi8t, a3i-ji5n 蜜,蜂蜜,愛人

- wild honey ia2-bi8t 野蜜

honey bee bi8t-phang 蜜蜂

honey comb phang-si7u 蜂巢

honey tongued, plausible tongue so7an-chio8h-chhu3i 巧舌

honeydew, a drink that hits the spot kam-lo7+ 甘露

honeyed words, flattery ti*-gia5n bi8t-gi2 甜言蜜語

honeymoon bi8t-go8at li2-he5ng 蜜月旅行

honeymoon trip bi8t-goa8t li2-he5ng 蜜月旅行

honeysweet ti*-bi8t-bi8t 甜蜜蜜

Hong Kong currency Ka2ng-pe3 港幣

Hong Kong foot, athlete's foot, tinea pedis hiong-ka2ng-kha, tio8h-chhi 香港腳

Hong Kong tourist Hiong-ka2ng koan-kong-kheh 香港觀光客

Hong Kong Hiang-ka2ng, Hiong-ka2ng 香港

honk ga7n go5 teh ha2u e5 sia*, lah-pah-sia* 雁鳴,喇叭聲

Honolulu Ta5n-hiang-san, Ho+-no+-lu2-luh 檀香山 Honolulu



honor ke3ng, chun-ke3ng, kiong-ke3ng, kong-e5ng, the2-bia7n, be5ng-i7, chu7-chun-sim, ke3ng-i3 敬,尊敬,恭敬,光榮,體面,名譽,自尊心,敬意

- military honor guard kun-tiong gi5-tu7i 軍中儀隊

- in honor of the heroic dead ti7n-bo5ng lia8t-su7 陣亡烈士

- to honor with a visit kong-li5m 光臨

- man of honor chheng-lia5m e5 la5ng 清廉的人

- to graduate with honors iu-te2ng pit-gia8p 優等畢業

honor and integrity be5ng-chiat 名節

honor guard gi5-tu7i 儀隊

honor one's parents ha3u-ke3ng pe7-bu2 孝敬父母

honor a person with an honorific title chun-chheng 尊稱

honor student iu-te2ng-seng 優等生

honor the wise chun-hia5n 尊賢

honor, fame, reputation mi5a-ha5m 名銜

honor, honorary e5ng-i7, e5ng-gi7 榮譽

honor, pride, respectability, reputation, self-respect, face bi7n-chu2 面子

honor, respect, hold in high regard chun-cho5ng 尊崇

honor, revere, adore, regard with esteem cho5ng-ke3ng 崇敬

honorable ko-ku3i, chun-ku3i, ko-sio2ng, che3ng-ti8t e5, kong-be5ng che3ng-ta7i 高貴,尊貴,高尚,正直的,光明正大

- your honorable country ku3i-kok 貴國

honorable gentleman ku3i-ji5n 貴人

honorarium si7a-le2, po3-si5u, chio2ng-kim 謝禮,報酬,獎金

honorary be5ng-i7 e5 名譽的

honorary chairman e5ng-i7 ho7e-ti2u* 榮譽會長

honorary degree e5ng-i7 ha8k-ui7 榮譽學位

honorary doctor, PhD e5ng-i7 phok-su7 榮譽博士

honorary member be5ng-i7 ho7e-oa5n 名譽會員

honorary president be5ng-i7 ho7e-ti2u* 名譽會長

honorary professor be5ng-i7 ka3u-si7u 名譽教授

honored guest, guest of honor ku3i-pin 貴賓

honored, to have the honor of… e5ng-he7ng 榮幸

honorific chun-ke3ng e5, chun-chheng 尊敬的,尊稱

honorific title given to parents, father of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law, relatives by marriage chhin-ke 親家翁

honorific title given to the mother of one's daughter-in-law or son-in-law chhe*-m2, chhi*-m2 親家母

honoring men and despising women tio7ng-la5m khin-li2 重男輕女

hood tha5u-kin 頭巾

hoodlum kio5ng-to7, lo5+-mo5a, lo5+-mo5a sap-a2, tha3i-po2, put-lio5ng sia3u-lia5n 強盜,流氓,不良少年

hoodlum, hooligan, scoundrel, rascal ok-to5+ 惡徒

hoodlums, bad guys, evil fellows pha2i*-to5+, hiong-to5+ 歹徒,凶徒

hoodwink the public, cover the entire sky with one hand it-chhi2u jia-thi* 一手遮天

hoodwinked by a thief Khi3 ho7+ khiang-a2 khiang khi3. 給騙子騙走了.

hoof, kick kha-te5, that 腳蹄,踢

- horse's hoof be2-te5 馬蹄

hoof of animals kha-te5 腳蹄

hook kau-a2, kau 鉤子,鉤

- by hook or by crook bo5-lu7n e7ng si2m-mih chhi2u-to7a* 不論用什麼手段

- fish hook hi5-kau-a2 魚鉤

- hook worms hoeh-tha5ng 血蟲

hook a door mn5g khian le 門閂著

hooked tok 鉤形的

hooked nose eng-ko-phi7* 鸚鵡鼻

hooligan lo5+-mo5a-sap-a2, put-lio5ng sia3u-lia5n 不良少年

hoop kho+ 箍,環

- iron hoop thih-kho+ 鐵箍

hoop of a barrel or basin kho+-tha2ng 箍桶

hooper, cooper kho+-tha2ng sai-hu7 箍桶匠,箍桶師父

hoot to7a se3 sia* hoah, me7 la5ng e5 oe7, kha3u-iau, ta5n chu2i-le5, bo5 ke3-ta8t 叫囂,呵斥人的話,警報,無價值的

hop thia3u, chhia7ng-kha-ke 跳躍,單腳跳

hop along, walk with much difficulty as with a lame or sore leg chhia7ng 獨腳跳,蹌

hope hi-ba7ng, bo7ng-tek, ki5-tha7i, n3g-ba7ng, go7an-bo7ng, ki5-bo7ng 希望,望德,期待,盼望,願望,期望

- extravagant hopes go7ng-si7u* 妄想

- to lose hope sit-bo7ng 失望

hope against hope hi-ba7ng bo5-ba7ng e5 ta7i-chi3, ha2i-te2 bong-chiam 希望無望的事,海底摸針

hope for, long for, to wish, expect eagerly pha3n-bo7ng 盼望




hope one's children will have a bright fu-ture ba7ng chu2 se5ng lio5ng 望子成龍

hopeful, promising u7-ba7ng 有希望,有望

hopeless bo5-ba7ng, bo5-ki3u, si2-gia7n-gia7n 沒有希望,無救,死翹翹,比喻此事完全無望了

hopeless but still try si2-be2 cho3 oa8h-be2 i 死馬當活馬醫

hopeless, hopelessness, desperate, des-peration, give up hope choa8t-bo7ng 絕望

hoping for rain n3g-ho7+, n3g lo8h-ho7+ 盼雨

horde chi8t ku5n, chi8t to7a ti7n la5ng, iu5-bo8k ku5n-chio3ng 一群,遊牧群眾

horizon, the ends of the earth thian-ga5i, thi*-pi*, te7-pe5ng-so3a* 天涯,天邊,地平線

horizontal chu2i-pe5ng, ho5ai*, tha2n-ho5ai* 水平,橫,橫的

horizontal and perpendicular, in any case, anyway, in the end, in the long run ho5ai*-ti8t 反正

horizontal line chu2i-pe5ng-so3a* 水平線

horizontal lines ho5ai*-so3a* 橫線

horizontal stripe or row ho5ai*-cho7a 橫列,橫行

hormones ho+-lu2-bo2ng (phonetic) 賀爾蒙

horn of an animal kak 角

- Blow your horn! Ka7 po+*-chi8t-e7 按一下喇叭!

- both horns nn7g ki kak 兩隻角

horn of an automobile lah-pah, khu-la-sio2ng 喇叭

hornet, cow bee, wasp gu5-phang 牛蜂

hornet, bumblebee ho2+-tha5u-phang 大黃蜂

horoscope peh-ji7 八字

- read and evaluate a person's horoscope thiah peh-ji7 拆八字

horoscope parts in discord or disagreeing with another person's horoscope sio-khek 相剋

horoscope very good, no grounds for fear peh-ji7 ta7ng 八字重

horoscopes do not agree peh-ji7 be7 ha8h 八字不合

horrible kia*-si2-la5ng, kho2-pha3*, la5ng chin gia2m 嚇死人,可怕,極可憎的

horrible sight kho3a*-tio8h e7 kia*-si2-la5ng 見了會嚇死人

horrible weather tho2-ia3 e5 thi*-khi3 討厭的天氣

horrify he*h, he*h-kia*, ho7+ la5ng e7 kia* 嚇,嚇唬,使驚嚇

- I was horrified. Go2a chin kia*. 我很怕.

horror khio2ng-po3+, kia*-si2-la5ng, chin gia2m, tho2-ia3 恐怖,嚇死人,憎惡

- to have a horror of dogs chin tho2-ia3 ka2u 很討厭狗

horror stricken kia*-hi5a* 驚駭

horse be2, ma2 馬

- to ride a horse khi5a-be2 騎馬

horse bean, Lima bean chha5n-ta7u, ho5ng-te3-ta7u 蠶豆,皇帝豆

horse drawn carriages be2-chhia 馬車

horse fodder be2-chha2u 馬草

horse hoof be2-te5 馬蹄

horse power be2-la8t 馬力

horse race pha2u-be2, sa3i-be2 賽馬

horse saddle be2-oa* 馬鞍

horse sense sio5ng-sek, ka2n-tan si8t-io7ng e5 常識

horse stumbles, train jump the rails, horse loses pa7i-be2 失蹄,出軌

horse whip be2-pi* 馬鞭

horse with enormous speed and stamina chhian-li2-ma2 千里馬

horsehair be2-chang 馬鬃

horselaugh ha-ha ta7i-chhi3o, hi-hi-chhi3o 呵呵大笑,癡笑

horseman khi5-su7 騎士

horseplay chok-gia8t, chho3ng-ti7 惡作劇

horseradish oa-sa-bih 山葵

horses be2-phit 馬匹

horse's hoof be2-te5 馬蹄

horse's mane, topknot of a lady's head-dress chang 鬃

horseshoe be2-te5-thih, iu-ji7-he5ng e5 mi8h 馬蹄鐵,U 字形之物

horseshoe crab, king crab ha7u 鱟 horseshoe

horticulture, art of gardening hn5g-ge7, oa5n-ge7, oa5n-ge7-ha8k 園藝,園藝學

hose chu2i-ko2ng, ho3+-su3 塑膠管

Hosea Ho5-se-a (Protestant) 何西亞

hospice chiau-tha7i-so2+, ki3u-che3-i7* 招待所,救濟院


hospitable ho3+*-kheh, ga5u kho2an-tha7i la5ng-kheh, u7 to7+-lio7ng, go7an chiap-si7u 好客的,善於款待客人,有度量,願接受

hospital pe7*-i7*, i-i7* 醫院

- in the vicinity of the hospital ti7 pe7*-i7* e5 hu3-ki7n 在醫院的附近

- to be in the hospital teh ji8p-i7* 在住院

- to enter the hospital ji8p-i7* 住院

- to leave the hospital the3-i7*, chhut-i7* 出院 hospital



hospital bill, doctor's fee, medical allow-ance, medical expenses i-io8h-hu3i 醫藥費

hospital emergency room, emergency ward kip-chi2n-sek 急診室

hospital exclusively engaged by an organi-zation te8k-iok i-i7* 特約醫院

hospital private room te8k-pia8t pe7*-pa5ng, te8k-te2ng pe7*-pa5ng 特別病房,特等病房

hospitality, receive and entertain a guest a3n-na7i 招待

hospitality, take care of guests ho3+*-kheh, kho2an-tha7i, chiau-tha7i 好客,款待,招待

hospitalized chu7-i7* 住院

host, communion wafer mi7-pia2* 麵餅

- box for hosts mi7-pi2a*-a8p 餅乾盒

- large host, small host to7a te3 mi7-pia2*, se3 te3 mi7-pia2* 大塊餅乾,小塊餅乾

- the Lord of hosts ba7n-kun e5 Chu2 萬軍的主

- to be a host cho3 chu2-la5ng 當主人

host a party on a joyous occasion espe-cially a wedding, organize a wedding pa7n-hi2-su7 辦喜事

host country te7-chu2-kok 地主國

host of birthday party, a reference to a per-son on his birthday, the god of longev-ity si7u-seng, si7u-chhe* 壽星

host to, play host to cho3-tong 做東

host, landowner, landlord te7-chu2 地主

host, master, employer chu2-la5ng 主人

hostage ji5n-chit 人質

hostage kidnapped for ransom bah-phi3o 肉票

hostel siok-si3a, chiau-tha7i-so2+ 宿舍,招待所

hostess, waitress li2-chu2-la5ng, ho8k-bu7-seng 女主人,服務生

hostile si5u-te8k e5, u7 te8k-i3 e5 仇敵的,有敵意的

hostile act, hostility te8k-tu3i he5ng-u5i 敵對行為

hostility te8k-i3, tu3i-te8k, te8k-si7 敵意,對敵,敵視

- during the hostilities kau-chia3n-tiong 交戰中

- to open hostilities khai-si2 chia3n-cheng 開始戰爭

- to suspend hostilities hiu-chia3n 休戰

hot air pu5n-ke-kui-e5 吹牛的

hot air balloon jia8t-khi3-ki5u 熱汽球

hot air, heat, hot gas, hot vapor sio-khi3 熱氣

hot and muggy hip-joa8h 悶熱

hot blooded, high spirited, vigorous hoeh-khi3 o7ng-se7ng 血氣旺盛

hot dog sio-ka2u 熱狗

hot food, scalding hot things sio-thn3g-thn3g 熱呼呼

hot like an oven jo8ah-pia3ng-pia3ng 熱烘烘

hot pepper, chili hoan-a2-kiu* 辣椒

hot pot ho2e-ko 火鍋

hot product, best seller thio3ng-siau, chin ho2 be7 暢銷

hot soup sio-thng 熱湯,燒湯

hot spring un-cho5a* 溫泉

hot ticket hong-hu5n-ji5n-bu8t 風雲人物

hot water sio-chu2i 熱水,燒水

hot water bottle chu2i-ku, jia8t-chu2i-ko3an 熱水瓶

hot water heater jia8t-chu2i-lo5+ 熱水爐

hot weather joa8h, sio-joa8h, joa8h-pia3ng-pia3ng 燒,熱,熱烘烘,熱極了

hot, ardent jia8t 熱

hot, burning sio 燒

hot, pungent, spicey hiam 辣

hotbed un-chhn5g, ti7 chin-che7 pha2i* ta7i-chi3 e5 kho5an-ke2ng ha7 溫床

hotbed of crime ho7an-cho7e e5 un-chhn5g 犯罪的溫床

hot-blooded, fiery spirited, fervent, zealous jia8t-hiat 熱血

hotel li2-ko2an, to7a-pn7g-tia3m, li2-si7a, ho+-theh-luh (phonetic) 旅館,大飯店,旅社

- Grand Hotel I5*-soa* To7a-pn7g-tia3m 圓山大飯店

- to stay in a hotel to3a li2-si7a 住旅社

hotel entrepreneur pn7g-tia3m gia8p-chi2a 飯店業者

hotel maid li2-tiong 旅社女服務生,女中

hotel with restaurant to7a-pn7g-tia3m 大飯店

hotheaded pha2i*-se3ng-te7, chho2ng-po7ng 暴躁的,鹵莽的

hothouse un-sek 溫室

hotly jia8t-lia8t, jia8t-sim 熱烈,熱心

hotpot ingredients ho2e-ko-lia7u 火鍋料 hotpot

hot-tempered kip-se3ng, pha2i*-se3ng-te7 急性的,暴躁的

hot-tempered, easy to anger ka7u-se3ng-te7 易發脾氣

hound la8h-ka2u 獵狗

hour, sixty minutes, time tia2m-cheng, si5-khek, si5-kan, chi8t tia2m-cheng, si2o-si5 點鐘,時刻,時間,一個鐘頭,小時

- quarter of an hour cha8p-go7+ hun, chi8t khek 十五分鐘,一刻




- half an hour po3a* tia2m-cheng 半個鐘頭

- twenty-four hours chi8t-tu3i-si5 二十四個小時

- for one hour chi8t tia2m-cheng ku2 一個小時之久

- over an hour tia2m go7a cheng-ku2 一個多小時

- out of school hours kho3-go7a 課外

- that hour hit e5 si5-khek 那個時刻

- to keep early hours cha2 khu3n cha2 khi2-la5i 早睡早起

- work hours pa7n-kong si5-kan 辦公時間

hour hand of a watch or clock te22-chiam, si5-chiam 短針,時針

hourglass soa-la7u 砂漏

hours between five and seven in the morn-ing ba2u-si5 卯時

hours of labor, the hours on duty kang-chok si5-kan, lo5-to7ng si5-kan 工作時間,勞動時間

house chhu3, pa5ng-ok 厝,房子,房屋

- light house teng-thah 燈塔

- custom house ha2i-koan 海關

- my house go2an chhu3, go2an tau 我家

- to do house cleaning chheng-sa3u, pi3a*-sa3u 清掃,打掃

- to move house poa*-chhu3 搬家

- to tear down a house thiah-chhu3 拆屋

- your house ku3i-hu2 貴府

house alone by itself ko+-te3-chhu3-a2 單獨房子,獨屋

house call o2ng-chi2n 前往看診

house facing the south, warm in winter and cool in summer che7 pak hio3ng la5m, che7-pak n3g la5m 坐北朝南,坐北向南

house for call girls e3ng-tia3u-cha7m 應召站

house number, serial number referring to persons mn5g-pa5i-ho7 門牌號

house of detention kha3n-si2u-so2+ 看守所

House of Representatives Chio3ng-gi7-i7* 眾議院

house of three stories sa*-cha3n-la5u 三層樓

house of two or more stories la5u-a2-chhu3 樓房

house on fire ho2e-sio-chhu3 房子著火,失火

house owner chhu3-chu2 房東

house rent chhu3-so3e, pa5ng-cho+ 房租

house tax pa5ng-koan-so3e, pa5ng-ok-so3e 房屋稅

house top, the roof chhu3-te2ng 屋頂

houseboat chu5n-the8h, la5ng teh to3a e5 chu5n 船宅

houseboy, maid of all work, handy man, servant chhe-e7ng-e5, io7ng-ji5n, chhi3a* e5 佣人

housebreaker kio5ng-to7 強盜

household kha2u-cha3u, ka-cho8k, ka-sio8k, ka-ko3an, ka-te5ng 家族,家屬,家眷,家庭

- the whole household kui-ke 全家

household affairs, housekeeping, domestic chores ka-su7 家事

household economy ka-te5ng keng-che3 家庭經濟

household furnishings, appliances, utensils ka-te5ng io7ng-phi2n 家庭用品

household identification folder ho7+-kha2u mi5a-pho7+ 戶口名簿

household management committee chu7-ho7+ ko2an-li2 u2i-o5an-ho7e 住戶管理委員會

household management, domestic econ-omy ka-che3ng 家政

household or family, one cooking stove chi8t kha2u cha3u 一口灶

householder, family head ka-ti2u*, ho7+-ti2u* 家長,戶長

households of the people bi5n-ke 民家

housekeeper li2-ko2an-ke 女管家

housekeeper, steward, to keep house ko2an-ke 管家

housekeeping ka-su7, ka-che3ng, ko2an-ke 家事,家政,管家

housemaid chhi3a* e5, io7ng-ji5n, li2 io7ng-ji5n 女傭人

houses for sale ho3an-chhu3 成屋

housewarming ji8p-chhu3 新居慶宴

housewife chu2-hu7, ka-te5ng chu2-hu7 主婦,家庭主婦

housewife's sewing box chiam-so3a* a8p-a2 針線匣

housework chhu3-ni8h e5 khang-kho3e 家庭工作

housing chu7-the8h, kio2ng-kip chu7-the8h 住宅,供給住宅


hover poe, ti7 thi*-te2ng teh se8h, ho2an-khi2 ho2an-to2 飛翔,盤旋,搖曳不定

How can it be otherwise? Ka2m m7-si7? 可不是嗎?難道不是?豈不是?

How can it be? Ka2m a2n-ni? 真的嗎?

How can it be? How could it be? Na2 e7? 怎會?哪會?

How can there be…? Na2 u7…? 哪有…?

How can this be right? How absurd! Khi2 iu2 chhu2-li2? 豈有此理?




How come! Soah-khe2ng 怎麼肯

How come! I don't think so. Na2 e7. Soah-e7. 怎麼會.不會吧!

How come? Soah-u7 怎麼有

How could I know it would be like that? Na2 chai e7 a2n-ne? 哪知會這樣?

How could it be that… Tah-u7… 哪有…

How dare I? Khi2-ka2m? 豈敢?

How do you do! Chhi2a* li2 to-to chi2-ka3u. Ki2u-gio2ng. 請你多多指教!久仰!

How do you feel about it? What is your im-pression of it? Li2 ka2m-kak a3n-cho2a*? 你覺得怎樣?

How far is it? U7 lo7a hn7g? 有多遠?

How frequently? How many times? Ku2i-po7e? 幾倍?

How high is it? U7 lo7a ko5an? 有多高?

How is business? Seng-li2 ho2 bo5+? Ke2ng-khi3 ho2 bo5+? 生意好嗎?景氣好嗎?

How is it made? Cha2i*-iu7* cho3 ? 怎樣做

How is this able to be? Na2 thang a2n-ne? 怎可如此?

How long a length? What length? Lo7a-tn5g? 多長?

How long in time? Lo7a-ku2? 多久?

How many days ago? Ku2i ji8t che5ng? 幾天前

How many dollars? Ku2i kho+? 幾塊錢?幾元

How many? How much? Ku2i e5? Lo7a-che7? 幾個?多少?

How much money? Lo7a-che7 chi5*? Ku2i i5*? Ku2i e5 chi5*? 多少錢?

How often? Lo7a-che7 pa2i? 幾次?

How old are you? Li2 ku2i ho3e? 你幾歲?

How? What? Ju5-ho5? Cho2a*-iu7*? 如何?怎樣?

however bo5-lu7n ju5-ho5, bo5-lu7n a3n-cho2a*, m7-ku2 無論如何,無論怎樣,不過

however, nevertheless, merely, only put-ji7-ko3 不過

howl chhoe-ka2u-le5, hu7-hu7-ki3o, si7u-si7u-ki3o 嗥叫,怒吼

howl of a dog, see a ghost chhoe-ka2u-le5 狗看到鬼魂的叫聲

howling, mournful cries, screams ai-pe7 ki3o-bo2 神哭鬼嚎

Hsinchu Sin-tek 新竹

HSR Automatic Ticket Vending Machine ko-thih chu7-to7ng be7-phi3o-te5ng 高鐵自動售票亭

http, hypertext transfer protocol tho5an-su-thong-si3n-hia8p-te7ng http,傳輸通訊協定

huddle chi* cho3-ho2e, chi*-chi* cho3 chi8t khi5u 擠成一團

Hudson Ha-tek-sun-ho5 哈得孫河

huff khi2-se3ng-te7, si7u-khi3 發怒

hug, to embrace, to hold, to possess, to crowd, to clog, follow, to support la2m 擁

huge chin to7a, chiok to7a 極大

huge amount chheng-chheng-ba7n-ba7n 千千萬萬

huge profit chin to7a e5 li7-ek 很大的利益

hulk, a handsome strong well-developed man ka2u-kang-io 狗公腰,形容健美男人

hull khak, ngo2+-kok e5 pho5e 殼,皮

hulled peanuts, peanut kernels tho5+-ta7u-ji5n 花生米

hulled rice bi2 米

hum, hmm… expressing dissatisfaction hi*-hi*-ki3o, hngh, pia2u-si7 ho5ai-gi5 put-mo2a 嗡嗡聲,哼!表示懷疑不滿

human la5ng e5, ji5n-lu7i e5 人的,人類的

human affairs, human customs, personnel affairs of an organization, human en-deavors ji5n-su7 人事

human being, human beings la5ng, ji5n-lu7i 人,人類

human body seng-khu, sin-khu, ji5n-the2 身軀,身體,人體

human calamity ji5n-ho7 人禍

human corpse sin-si 屍體

human corpse cut up and scattered chhu3i-kut-hun-si 粉身碎骨


human form ji5n-he5ng, la5ng-he5ng, he5ng-the2 人形

human hair on the head tha5u-mo+, tha5u-chang 頭髮

human heads, number of severed human heads la5ng-tha5u 人頭

human heart, will, feeling or emotion, mo-rale ji5n-sim 人心

human labor, man-made, artificial ji5n-kang 人工

human life ji5n-be7ng, ji5n-seng 人命,人生

human life, life, the world ji5n-se3 人世

human limbs, legs of an animal, wings or feet of a bird chi, ki 肢

human nature ji5n-se3ng 人性

human personal rights ji5n-ko5an 人權

human power, strength, efforts ji5n-le8k 人力



human race, mankind ji5n-chio2ng, ji5n-lu7i 人種,人類

human reason li2-se3ng 理性

human relationship ji5n-lu5n 人倫

human relationships, interpersonal rela-tionships ji5n-che3 koan-he7 人際關係

human respect le2-ma7u, le2-so3+ 禮貌,禮數

human sentiment, emotion or feeling ji5n-che5ng 人情

human touch, friendliness, hospitality ji5n-che5ng-bi7 人情味

humane ji5n-to7, ji5n-chu5 e5, chhin-chhiat, u7 ji5n-che5ng e5 人道,仁慈的,親切,有人情的

humanism ji5n-to7 chu2-gi7, ji5n-se3ng, ji5n-che5ng, ji5n-to7 人道主義,人性,人情,人道

humanitarian chu5-sia7n e5, ji5n-to7 chu2-gi7 e5 慈善的,人道主義的

humanitarian, philanthropy, humanity ji5n-to7 人道

humanitarianism, philanthropy, humanity, sexual union ji5n-to7 chu2-gi7, phok-a3i chu2-gi7 人道主義,博愛主義

humanities, culture, human affairs ji5n-bu5n 人文

humanity, mankind ji5n-se3ng, ji5n-lu7i, ji5n-to7 人性,人類,人道

humanity, philanthropy chu5-sia7n he5ng-u5i, phok-a3i 慈善行為,博愛

humankind ji5n-lu7i 人類

human-sea ji5n-ha2i 人海

human-wave military tactics ji5n-ha2i chia3n-su8t 人海戰術

humble ko3+-khiam, khiam-su3n, khiam-pi, ho7+…khiam-pi, kho3a*-khin 謙虛,謙遜,謙卑,使…謙卑,貶抑

- a humble attitude khiam-pi e5 tha7i-to7+ 謙卑的態度

- meek and humble of heart lio5ng-sia7n, sim-koa* sia7n-lio5ng, ko3+-khiam 善良,心地善良,謙恭

humbly compliant khiam-su7n 謙順

humbug, deception, bragging people, swindler pia2n, phia3n, khi-phia3n, pho3ng-hong-ku-a2, pia2n-sian 欺騙,吹牛的人,騙子

humeral keng-tha5u e5 肩膀的

humeral veil keng-moa (Catholic) 肩披

humid air, dampness sip-khi3 濕氣

humid weather, moist air before rain kek-ho7+ 積雨,雨下不來悶熱

humid, damp, moist, grimy with moisture sip, ta5m 潮濕

humid, muggy, to smother, cooking hip 悶熱,燜

humidity sip-khi3, sip-to7+ 濕氣,濕度

humiliate bu2-jio8k, ho7+…sit bi7n-chu2 侮辱,使…失面子

humiliated, be insulted si7u-jio8k 受辱

humiliation bu2-jio8k, si3a-the2-bia7n 侮辱,丟臉

humility khiam-su3n, ko3+-khiam 謙遜,謙虛

- to practise humility siu khiam-su3n e5 tek-he7ng 修謙遜的德行

humor, joking chhi3o-khoe 詼諧

- to have a fine sense of humor, very witty chin chhi3o-khoe 很詼諧

humor, liquid e8k-the2 液體

humor, temperament, disposition, mood se3ng-chit, phi5-khi3, sim-che5ng 性質,脾氣,心情

humorous chhi3o-khoe, sim-sek 詼諧,有趣的

hump phok-lu-a2, li5u, hong 圓形之隆起物,瘤,峰

hump-backed khiau-ku 駝背

Hun Hiong-no5+ 匈奴

hunch phok-khi2-la5i, ku-ku, i7-ka2m, ka2m-kak 隆起,微駝,預感

hunchback, humpback khiau-ku, u2n-ku 駝背

hunchbacked, be bent with age, stooped, round shouldered so+-io, ku-ku, thoa-phia* 駝背,傴僂

hundred peh, pek, pah 百

- a hundred fold chi8t pah po7e 一百倍

- about one hundred chi5a* pah e5 大約一百個

- two hundred nn7g pah 兩百

hundred million ek 億

hundred points, full mark pah-hun 百分

hundred thousand cha8p-ba7n 拾萬

hundreds and thousands, countless, nu-merous se5ng-chhian se5ng-ba7n 成千成萬

hundredth day after one's death pah-ji8t 百日 hundredth

hung up unfinished, do things halfway, quit before work is finished po3a*-la5m-ha5 一半,半途而廢

Hungary Hiong-ga5-li7 匈牙利

hunger, lack of food iau 饑餓

- to appease hunger chi2 iau 止餓

hunger pangs iau-thi3a* 饑餓而劇痛

hunger strike choa8t-si8t kho3ng-gi7, cho8at-si8t si7-ui 絕食抗議,絕食示威

hunger, hungry, famine, scarcity ki, iau, go7, ki-go7, iau-iau, iau kah boeh si2 khi3, iau-so3-so3 饑,飢,飢餓,肚子餓,餓得要命,非常饑餓




hungry, thirst for, long for sia3u-si7u* 渴望

- hungry rascal iau-ku2i 貪吃,餓鬼

- to feel hungry pak-to2+ iau 肚子餓

hungry for too long a time iau-ko3e-ki 餓肚時間超過

hungry, delicious, greedy, favorite a3i chia8h 好吃,貪吃,愛吃

hunk to7a-te3, to7a-phi3*, ho2 e5 大塊,大片,好的

hunt, search for phah-la8h, chho7e 打獵,尋

- hunting dog la8h-ka2u 獵狗

- to hunt birds phah chia2u-a2 獵鳥

- to hunt or look for something chho7e mi8h-ki7a* 找東西

hunters, huntsmen phah-la8h e5 la5ng, la8h-ho7+ 打獵的人,獵戶

hunting ground la8h-ti5u* 獵場

hunting gun, fowling piece, shotgun la8h-chhe3ng 獵槍

hunting prohibited ki3m-la8h 禁獵

hunting season la8h-ki5 獵期

hunting, shooting, to hunt, go on a hunting expedition phah-la8h 打獵

hurdle li5-pa, la5n, cho2+-ga7i, thia3u-ko3e-khi3, khek-ho8k 籬笆,欄,阻礙,跳過去,克服

hurdle race, the hurdles thia3u-la5n 跳欄

hurl io7ng la8t kiat 用力投

hurl threats at a person ka7 la5ng khio2ng-hat, ha2* la5ng 恐嚇別人

hurrah hoan-ho+ e5 sia*, hoan-lo8k, ba7n-so3e 歡呼聲,歡樂,萬歲

Hurrah! Viva! Long life. Ba7n-so3e. 萬歲.

hurricane kn2g-le5-a2-hong, hong-thai 颶風,颱風

hurried and careless, so as to break or spoil things ta2ng-hi2a* 粗心,不穩

hurriedly chhe*-ko5ng, hiong-ko5ng 慌張

hurry ki2n, ko2a*-ki2n, chhui, ki2n-kip 快,趕緊,催,緊急

hurry away ko2a*-ki2n cha2u 趕快走

hurry to catch the train ko2a*-chhia 趕車

hurry up to finish a job ko2a*-kang 趕工

Hurry up! Khah ki2n le3. Ko2a*-ki2n. 快一點!

hurry work at night, overtime ko2a*-me5-kang 趕夜工

hurrying here and there phun-pho 奔波

hurt somebody insidiously, to slander, ma-lign, speak ill of, injure a person's repu-tation tio3ng-siong 中傷

hurt someone ho7+ la5ng siong-sim 讓人傷心

hurt someone's feelings siong ka2m-che5ng 傷感情

hurt the foot by striking it on a stone, so that the injured spot grows hard kha tang-tio8h chio8h-tha5u 腳被石頭硌傷

hurt, injure siong-ha7i 傷害

hurt, wound e7-thi3a*, ha7i, siong, siong-ha7i, si7u-siong, tio8h-siong 痛,害,傷,傷害,受傷

hurtful iu2 ha7i e5, u7 ha7i e5, e7 su2n-ha7i 有害的,會損害

hurtle po7ng, lo3ng-tio8h 撞到

- The express train hurtled past. Te8k-kho3ai-chhia su9t-chi8t-e7 ko3e-khi3. 特快車飛快式的過去.

husband tio7ng-hu, ang, ang-sa3i, sian-si*, sin-se* 丈夫,夫,夫婿,先生

- my husband go2an tha5u-ke, go2an sian-si* 我先生

husband and wife ang-a2-bo2+ 夫妻

husband and wife only in name ko3a-mi5a e5 hu-chhe, u7 ang-bo2+ mi5a, bo5 ang-bo2+ ki5a* 掛名的夫妻

husband of elder sister che2-hu 姊夫

husband of father's sisters ko+-ti7u* 姑丈

husband of a grand-daughter, grandson-in-law, husband of a niece sun-sa3i 孫女婿,甥女婿

husband of maternal aunt, or of mother's cousin i5-ti7u* 姨丈,姨父

husband of a niece ti8t-li2-sa3i 姪女婿

husband of younger sister mo7e-sa3i 妹婿,妹夫

husband's father ta-koa* 公公 husband’s

husband's mother ta-ke 婆婆

husbands of sisters of the grandfather on the father's side of the family ti7u*-kong 姑婆之丈夫

husband's older brother to7a-peh 大伯

husband's older sister to7a-ni5u-ko+ 大的小姑,丈夫之姊

husband's parents ta-ke-koa* 公婆

husband's younger brother si2o-chek 小叔

husband's younger sister si2o-ko+, si2o-ko+-a2 小姑

hush an-che7ng, tia7m-che7ng, siok-che7ng 安靜,肅靜

husk pho5e, khak, peh-khak, pak-pho5e 皮,殼,剝殼,脫皮

husk rice e-bi2, e-chhek 碾米,碾穀

husk, turn a hand-mill, grind into flour e, oe 碾




husked rice chho3-bi2 糙米

husks of peas or beans ta7u-khak, ta7u-a2-khak 豆殼

husks, hull, shell, nutshell, cast-off skin, eggshell khak 殼

hustle somebody into a decision chhui la5ng ki2n koat-te7ng 催別人快做決定

hustle, drive out or away, urge kheh-la5i kheh-khi3, hoa8h-hoa8h-ku2n, nge7 kheh-ko3e-khi3, kio5ng-pek, phah-pi3a* cho3, ko2a*-cha2u, chhui-chhiok 推擠,擁擠喧嚷,硬擠過去,強逼,拼命做,趕走,催促

hut lia5u-a2 小茅屋,寮仔

hut or shed where camphor is distilled chiu*-lo2-lia5u 樟腦寮

hut, my home ma5u-si3a 茅舍

hut, pen for domestic animals lia5u 寮

hyacinth bean bah-ta7u 扁豆

hybrid cha8p-che2ng e5, cha8p-che2ng-a2 雜種的,雜種

hydrangea pat-sian-hoe 八仙花

hydrant siau-ho5ng-chhoan 消防栓

hydraulic chu2i-le8k e5, chu2i-ap e5 水力的,水壓的

hydraulic crane chu2i-le8k khi2-tio7ng-ki 水力起重機

hydraulic engineering chu2i-li7-kang-the5ng 水利工程

hydraulic gauge chu2i-le8k-pi2o, chu2i-ap-ke3 水力表,水壓計

hydraulic power, water power chu2i-le8k 水力

hydraulic press chu2i-ap-ki 水壓機

hydraulics chu2i-le8k-ha8k 水力學

hydro electric generation chu2i-le8k hoat-tia7n 水力發電

hydro electric generator chu2i-le8k hoat-tia7n-ki 水力發電機

hydro electric power plant chu2i-le8k hoat-tia7n-chhi2u* 水力發電廠

hydrocephalic na2u chek-chu2i e5 腦積水的

hydrochloric acid ia5m-sng 鹽酸

hydrodynamics e8k-the2 to7ng-le8k-ha8k 液體動力學

hydroelectric chu2i-le8k hoat-tia7n e5 水力發電的

hydrogen kheng-khi3, khin-khi3 氫氣,輕氣

hydrogen bomb kheng-ta5n, kheng-to5a* 氫彈

hydrographic map chu2i-lo7+-to5+ 水路圖

hydrophobia sia2u-ka2u-pe7*, ko5ng-khia2n-pe7* 狂犬病

hydroplane chu2i-sio7ng hui-ki 水上飛機

hydroponic vegetables chu2i-keng-so+-chha3i 水耕蔬菜

hydrostatics e8k-the2 che7ng-le8k-ha8k 液體靜力學

hydrotherapy chu2i-lia5u-hoat 水療法

hyena lia8p-ka2u, cha5n-ji2m e5 la5ng, tham-sim e5 la5ng 鬣狗,殘忍的人,貪心的人

hygiene o7e-seng 衛生

hygiene education o7e-seng ka3u-io8k 衛生教育

hygiene for mother and child, post delivery hygiene hu7-iu3-oe7-seng 婦幼衛生

hygiene, mental hygiene sim-li2 o7e-seng 心理衛生

hygiene, physical hygiene seng-li2 o7e-seng 生理衛生

hygienic o7e-seng e5 衛生的

hygienic conditions o7e-seng kho5an-ke2ng 衛生環境

hygienics oe7-seng-ha8k 衛生學

hygrometer sip-to7+-pi2o 濕度表

hymen, maidenhead chhu3-li2-mo8h 處女膜

hymn, psalm ko-keng, se3ng-e7ng (Catholic) 聖詠

hymn, psalm cha3n-bi2-koa, cha3n-bi2-si, se3ng-si, se3ng-koa (Protestant) 讚美歌,聖詩,聖歌

- sacred hymns se3ng-koa 聖歌

hymnal cha3n-bi2-koa-chi8p, se3ng-si-chi8p, se3ng-koa-chi8p 讚美歌集,聖詩集,聖歌集

hyperacidity u7i-sng ko3e-to 胃酸過多

hyperactive child ko3e-to7ng-ji5 過動兒

hyperbole pu5n-ke-kui e5 hoat-to7+, khoa-tiong-hoat 誇張法


hypercritical phoe-phe5ng ko3e-to7+, phoe-phe5ng ko3e-tha5u 過度批評

hypercriticism phoe-phe5ng ko3e-tha5u, phoe-phe5ng lia2u siu* ko3e-hu7n 過份批評

hyperdulia chi3-ko e5 chun-ke3ng, chhiau-te2ng ke3ng-le2 崇敬,超等敬禮

hypermarket, large warehouse-like self-service retail store to7a-be7-ti5u* 大賣場


hypersensitive ko3-se3ng bi2n-ka2m 個性敏感

hypersensitivity, allergy ko3e-bi2n-che3ng 過敏症

hypertension siu* ki2n-tiu*, ko-hiat-ap 太緊張,高血壓

hyphen lia5n-ji7-ho7 連字號

hypnosis chhui-bi5n-su8t 催眠術

hypnotic, hypnotic medicines, sleeping pill chhui-bi5n-io8h, an-bi5n-io8h, ai3-khu3n-io8h-a2 催眠藥,安眠藥




hypnotism, art of hypnotism, hypnosis chhui-bi5n su8t 催眠術

hypnotize chhui-bi5n 催眠

hypochondria, skepticism gi5-sim-pe7* 疑心病 hysterics

hypocrisy gu7i-sia7n, ke2 ho2-sim 偽善

hypocrisy, insincerity, pretended friendship or affection hi-che5ng ke2-i3 虛情假意

hypocrite gu7i-sia7n e5 la5ng, ke2 ho2 e5 la5ng, gu7i kun-chu2 偽善的人,偽君子

hypocritical ke2 ho2-sim, ke2 ho2 e5 偽善的

hypodermic pho5e-ha7 e5 皮下的

hypodermic injection, subcutaneous injec-tion pho5e-ha7 chu3-si7a 皮下注射

hypostatic union lio2ng-se3ng it-u7i e5 kiat-ha8p 兩性一位的結合

hypotension hiat-ap ke7 血壓低

hypothesis, supposition, assumption ka2-siat, ka2-soat 假設,假說

hypothetical enemy ka2-sio7ng-te8k 假想敵

hyssop gu5-ti5n-chha2u 牛藤草

hysterectomy chu2-kiong chhiat-ti5, chu2-kiong chhiat-ti5-su8t 子宮切除,子宮切除術

hysteria si5n-keng chho3-lo7an, hi-si2-te-li2 (pho-netic) 神經錯亂,歇斯底里

hysterical na2 sia2u e5, hi-si2-te-li2 e5 歇斯底里症的

hysterics khi3-ut-che3ng 氣鬱症
