Hakimah's - Edited Q12 Chi

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  • 8/6/2019 Hakimah's - Edited Q12 Chi


    Urban Health Posting - 5th Rotation 20111

    rban Datarban DataPresentationresentation:y

    akimah Khani BintiSuhaimi2008409718

  • 8/6/2019 Hakimah's - Edited Q12 Chi


    Urban Health Posting - 5th Rotation 20112

    12uestion 12uestionAnalyze only the samples in u r b a n area, do the relevants ign if icant test to prove the hypotheses below:

    a. In urban area, peoples of lower household income aremore l ikely to be d e p r e s s e d than peoples of h igherhousehold income.

    b. In urban area, peoples of lower household income aremore l ikely to be a n x i e t y than peoples of h igherhousehold income.

    c. In urban area, peoples of lower household income aremore l ikely to be s t r e s s f u l than peoples of h igherhousehold income.

  • 8/6/2019 Hakimah's - Edited Q12 Chi


    Urban Health Posting - 5th Rotation 20113

    ypotheses Depressionypotheses Depression Nu l l h y p o t h e s i s : There is no difference between the presence of

    depression of urban people of h igher and lower month lyhousehold income.

    A l t e r n a t i v e h y p o t h e s i s : In urban area, people of lower household income are

    more l ikely to be depressed than people of h ighermonth ly household income.


  • 8/6/2019 Hakimah's - Edited Q12 Chi


    Urban Health Posting - 5th Rotation 20114

    Monthly Household Income vs Depression CrosstabulationDepression Total

    No depress ion Depress ion


    less thanRM1500

    Count 1 1 3 4 1 1 5 4

    % with


    73.4 % 26.6 % 100%

    more thanRM1500

    Count 2 0 5 4 1 2 4 6

    % withdepression

    83.3 % 16.7 % 100%

    Total Count 3 1 8 8 2 400

    % withdepression

    100.0% 100.0% 100%


  • 8/6/2019 Hakimah's - Edited Q12 Chi


    Urban Health Posting - 5th Rotation 20115




    Percentage of People with Depression Accordingto Monthly Household Income Status in Urban Area


  • 8/6/2019 Hakimah's - Edited Q12 Chi


    Urban Health Posting - 5th Rotation 20116

    Chi-Square Tests

    Value df Asymp. Sig .(2-sided)

    Exact Sig.(2-sided)

    Exact Sig.(1-sided)

    Pearson Chi-Square 5.761a 1 .016

    a . 0 c e l l s ( .0 % ) h a ve e x pe c te d c ou n t l e s s th a n 5 . T h e m i n i m um e x p e c t e d c o u n t i s 3 1 . 5 7 . b . C omp u t ed o n l y fo r a 2 x2 ta b l e

    p = 0 . 0 1 6 (p < 0.050)There is s i g n i f i c a n t a s s o c i a t i o n between the presenceof depress ion of urban peop le with month ly householdincome status.T h e r a t e o f d e p r e s s i o n l e v e l i n p e o p l e i n u r b a na r e a w h o h a v e l ow i n c ome i s s i g n i f i c a n t l y h i g h e rt h a n t h a t o f h i g h i n c ome


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    ypotheses Anxietyypotheses Anxiety Nu l l h y p o t h e s i s : There is no difference between the presence of

    anxiety of urban people of h igher and lower month lyhousehold income.

    A l t e r n a t i v e h y p o t h e s i s : In urban area, people of lower household income are

    more l ikely to have anxiety than people of h ighermonth ly household income.


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    Monthly Household Income vs Anxiety Crosstabulation

    Anxiety Total

    N o A nx ie ty A nx ie ty


    less thanRM1500

    Count 8 9 6 5 1 5 4

    % with anxiety 57.8% 42.2 % 100%

    more thanRM1500

    Count 163 83 2 4 6

    % with anxiety 66.3% 33.7 % 100%

    Total Count 252 148 400

    % with anxiety 63.0% 37.0% 100%


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    Percentage of Anxiety According to MonthlyHousehold Income Status


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    a . 0 c e l l s ( .0 % ) h a ve e x pe c te d c ou n t l e s s th a n 5 . T h e m i n i m um e x p e c t e d c o u n t i s 5 6 . 9 8 . b . C omp u t ed o n l y fo r a 2 x2 ta b l e

    p = 0 . 0 8 8 (p > 0.050)There is n o s i g n i f i c a n t a s s o c i a t i o n between thepresence of anxiety of urban peop le wi th monthlyhousehold income status.

    Chi-Square Tests

    Value df Asymp. Sig .(2-sided)

    Exact Sig.(2-sided)

    Exact Sig.(1-sided)

    Pearson Chi-Square 2.913a 1 .088


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    ypotheses Stressypotheses Stress Nu l l h y p o t h e s i s : There is no difference between the presence of

    stress of urban people of h igher and lower month lyhousehold income.

    A l t e r n a t i v e h y p o t h e s i s : In urban area, people of lower household income are

    more l ikely to have stress than people of h igher month lyhousehold income.


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    Percentage of Stress According to MonthlyHousehold Income Status


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    a . 0 c e l l s ( .0 % ) h a ve e x pe c te d c ou n t l e s s th a n 5 . T h e m i n i m um e x p e c t e d c o u n t i s 2 0 . 7 9 . b . C omp u t ed o n l y fo r a 2 x2 ta b l e

    p = 0 . 7 1 6 (p > 0.050)There is n o s i g n i f i c a n t a s s o c i a t i o n between thepresence of stress of urban people with month ly householdincome status.

    Chi-Square Tests

    Value df Asymp. Sig .(2-sided)

    Exact Sig.(2-sided)

    Exact Sig.(1-sided)

    Pearson Chi-Square .681a 1 .409

    Chi-Square Tests

    Value df Asymp. Sig .(2-sided)

    Exact Sig.(2-sided)

    Exact Sig.(1-sided)

    Pearson Chi-Square .132a 1 .716


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    There is a s i g n i f i c a n t a s s o c i a t i o n between the presenceof depress ion of urban peop le with month ly householdincome status.

    T h e r a t e o f d e p r e s s i o n l e v e l i n p e o p l e i n u r b a n a r e aw h o h a v e l ow m o n t h l y h o u s e h o l d i n c om e i ss i g n i f i c a n t l y h i g h e r t h a n t h a t o f h i g h m o n t h l yh o u s e h o l d i n c om e .

    There is n o s i g n i f i c a n t a s s o c i a t i o n between the presenceof anxiety of urban people with month ly household incomestatus.

    There is n o s i g n i f i c a n t a s s o c i a t i o n between the presenceof stress of urban people with month ly household incomestatus.