Haj Haj and and Umrah Umrah Moulana Moosa Moulana Moosa Akoodie Akoodie

haj and umrah - Radio Islam and Umrah with Separate Ihraam ... Proceeding to Mina on 8th Dhu-al-Hijjah (Perform 5 Salâh ... and Qaza will have to be made

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Page 1: haj and umrah - Radio Islam and Umrah with Separate Ihraam ... Proceeding to Mina on 8th Dhu-al-Hijjah (Perform 5 Salâh ... and Qaza will have to be made

HajHaj and and UmrahUmrah

Moulana Moosa Moulana Moosa AkoodieAkoodie

Page 2: haj and umrah - Radio Islam and Umrah with Separate Ihraam ... Proceeding to Mina on 8th Dhu-al-Hijjah (Perform 5 Salâh ... and Qaza will have to be made

Types of Types of HajHaj

QiraanQiraan::HajHaj and and UmrahUmrah with One with One IhraamIhraam

TamattuTamattu’’::HajHaj and and UmrahUmrah with Separate with Separate IhraamIhraam

IfraadIfraad::To perform To perform HajHaj ONLY with One ONLY with One IhraamIhraam

Page 3: haj and umrah - Radio Islam and Umrah with Separate Ihraam ... Proceeding to Mina on 8th Dhu-al-Hijjah (Perform 5 Salâh ... and Qaza will have to be made

FarâidhFarâidh of of HajHaj

Donning Donning IhrâmIhrâm

WuqWuqûûff--ee-- ArafâtArafât

Performing Performing TawâfTawâf--ee--ZiyârahZiyârah

If any of the three above is not done, If any of the three above is not done, HajHaj will will be rendered null and voidbe rendered null and void

Page 4: haj and umrah - Radio Islam and Umrah with Separate Ihraam ... Proceeding to Mina on 8th Dhu-al-Hijjah (Perform 5 Salâh ... and Qaza will have to be made

WâjibâtWâjibât of of HajHaj

WuqWuqûûff at at MuzdalifahMuzdalifahSaSa’î’î between between SafaSafa and and MarwaMarwaRemaining at Remaining at ArafâtArafât until Sunsetuntil SunsetRamiRami [Pelting the [Pelting the JamarâtJamarât]]DammDamm--ushush--ShukrShukr for for QârinQârin and and MutamattMutamattîîHalqHalq [Shaving] or [Shaving] or QasrQasr [Shortening] the Hair[Shortening] the HairTawâhTawâh--ee--WidaWida [For residents outside [For residents outside miqâtmiqât]]Observing the Sequence: Pelting; Slaughter and ShavingObserving the Sequence: Pelting; Slaughter and Shaving

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SunanSunan of of HajHajTawafTawaf QudQudûûmm on entry for on entry for MufridMufrid, , ÂfâqiÂfâqi and and QârinQârinRamalRamal and and IdhtibâIdhtibâ during during TawafTawaf QudQudûûmm (If (If SaSa’î’î is to be made is to be made after this)after this)Proceeding to Mina on 8th Proceeding to Mina on 8th DhuDhu--alal--HijjahHijjah (Perform 5 Salâh (Perform 5 Salâh there)there)Proceeding from Mina to Proceeding from Mina to ArafâtArafât after sunrise on 9th after sunrise on 9th DhuDhu--alal--HijjahHijjahRefraining from proceeding to Refraining from proceeding to ArafâtArafât before Imâm of before Imâm of HajHajSpending the Night at Spending the Night at MuzdalifahMuzdalifah upon return from upon return from ArafâtArafâtTo Perform To Perform GhuslGhusl in in ArafâtArafâtTo Spend the Nights and Days in MinaTo Spend the Nights and Days in Mina

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The The IhrâmIhrâmGhuslGhusl

IhrâmIhrâm: Two unstitched white sheets (Men); Normal : Two unstitched white sheets (Men); Normal clothing (Women)clothing (Women)

Two Two RakRak’’atsats SunnahSunnah with head coveredwith head covered

NiyyahNiyyah after after SalâhSalâh; Remove head; Remove head--covering covering

Recite Recite TalbiyahTalbiyah three timesthree times

DurDurûûdd and and DuDu’’ââ

Page 7: haj and umrah - Radio Islam and Umrah with Separate Ihraam ... Proceeding to Mina on 8th Dhu-al-Hijjah (Perform 5 Salâh ... and Qaza will have to be made

State of State of IhrâmIhrâm: The Forbidden: The ForbiddenSexual intercourse all actions related to itSexual intercourse all actions related to itFighting, Quarrelling and Using Foul LanguageFighting, Quarrelling and Using Foul LanguageUsing Perfume; Fragrant Soap and CreamsUsing Perfume; Fragrant Soap and CreamsTrimming/Shaving the HairTrimming/Shaving the HairCovering head (men); Directly covering the face Covering head (men); Directly covering the face (women)(women)Clipping FingerClipping Finger--nailsnailsWearing of stitched garments (men)Wearing of stitched garments (men)Hunting of Game or assisting huntingHunting of Game or assisting huntingKilling lice; mosquitoes and flies may be killedKilling lice; mosquitoes and flies may be killedCutting/Breaking plants or trees within the Cutting/Breaking plants or trees within the HaramHaram

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Not Permissible to Enter Not Permissible to Enter MiqâtMiqât without without IhrâmIhrâm

If destined for Makkah, don If destined for Makkah, don IhrâmIhrâm in advancein advance

No need for No need for IhrâmIhrâm if destined for Madinahif destined for Madinah

From Madinah, don the From Madinah, don the IhrâmIhrâm at at BiBi’’rr AliAli

Page 9: haj and umrah - Radio Islam and Umrah with Separate Ihraam ... Proceeding to Mina on 8th Dhu-al-Hijjah (Perform 5 Salâh ... and Qaza will have to be made

Entering the Entering the HaramHaram in Makkahin Makkah

Enter through Enter through BabBab--usus--SalâmSalâm (if possible)(if possible)Enter Enter HaramHaram with Rightwith Right--hand side Foot Firsthand side Foot FirstEnter while Reciting Enter while Reciting TalbiyaTalbiyaAfter After DuDu’’ââ of Entrance make Intention of of Entrance make Intention of II’’tikâftikâfApproaching the Approaching the KaKa’’bahbahPerforming Performing TawâfTawâf for for UmrahUmrah

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Noteworthy TermsNoteworthy Terms




HajrHajr AswadAswad

RuknRukn YamâniYamâni


MaqâmMaqâm IbrahimIbrahim


ZamZam ZamZam

Page 11: haj and umrah - Radio Islam and Umrah with Separate Ihraam ... Proceeding to Mina on 8th Dhu-al-Hijjah (Perform 5 Salâh ... and Qaza will have to be made

TawâfTawâfWudhuWudhu is essential for is essential for TawâfTawâfIdhtibâhIdhtibâh (men)(men)Commence from Commence from HajrHajr AswadAswadNiyâhNiyâh of of TawâfTawâfMake Make IstilamIstilam and Start and Start TawâfTawâf (anti(anti--clockwise)clockwise)Keep the Keep the KaKa’’bahbah to your leftto your leftRamalRamal for males (in the first three circuits)for males (in the first three circuits)Make Make DuDu’’asas and and DhikrDhikr while in while in TawâfTawâfOne circuit is One circuit is ShawtShawt; ; TawâfTawâf = 7 = 7 ShawtsShawtsAfter After TawâfTawâf make make istilâmistilâm (8th time) and End (8th time) and End IdhtibâhIdhtibâhMake Make DuDu’’aa at the at the MultazamMultazam and drink and drink ZamZam--ZamZam

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SaSa’î’î: : SafâSafâ and and MarwahMarwahSaSa’î’î is is wâjibwâjib; better perform it after ; better perform it after TawâfTawâfZiyârahZiyârah

Depends on Depends on TawâfTawâf and must be preceded by itand must be preceded by it

SunnahSunnah to immediately follow to immediately follow TawâfTawâf with with SaSa’î’î

Have to be free from Have to be free from JanâbatJanâbat or or HaidhHaidh

Page 13: haj and umrah - Radio Islam and Umrah with Separate Ihraam ... Proceeding to Mina on 8th Dhu-al-Hijjah (Perform 5 Salâh ... and Qaza will have to be made

How to Perform How to Perform SaSa’î’îMake Make IstilâmIstilâm (Ninth) before Commencing (Ninth) before Commencing SaSa’î’îProceed to Proceed to SafaSafa, make intention, , make intention, takbirtakbir and and DuDu’’ââKeep yourself in Keep yourself in DuDu’’aa and and DhikrDhikr while walking while walking towards towards MarwahMarwahJog lightly between two green lights (men)Jog lightly between two green lights (men)Repeat what you did on Repeat what you did on SafaSafa when on when on MarwahMarwah and and return to return to SafaSafaSaSa’î’î will be complete in 7 circuits starting from will be complete in 7 circuits starting from SafaSafaand ending at and ending at MarwahMarwahShave or cut hair after Shave or cut hair after SaSa’î’î to complete to complete UmrahUmrah and and come out of come out of IhrâmIhrâm

Page 14: haj and umrah - Radio Islam and Umrah with Separate Ihraam ... Proceeding to Mina on 8th Dhu-al-Hijjah (Perform 5 Salâh ... and Qaza will have to be made

The The HajHaj

During the days of During the days of HajHaj, recite the , recite the TalbiyahTalbiyah in in abundance, except at the time of pelting the abundance, except at the time of pelting the JamaraatJamaraat

Page 15: haj and umrah - Radio Islam and Umrah with Separate Ihraam ... Proceeding to Mina on 8th Dhu-al-Hijjah (Perform 5 Salâh ... and Qaza will have to be made

First Day: 8th First Day: 8th DhuDhu--alal--HijjahHijjah

Known as Known as YaumutYaumut--TarwiyahTarwiyahWear Wear ihrâmihrâm either in the either in the haramharam or in the hotel roomor in the hotel roomMustahabMustahab to perform to perform tawâftawâf before before ihrâmihrâmProceed to MinaProceed to MinaPerform 5 Salâh from Perform 5 Salâh from DhDhuhruhr to to FajrFajr (following day)(following day)Sunnah to spend the night in MinaSunnah to spend the night in MinaProceed after Sunrise to Proceed after Sunrise to ArafâtArafât (9th (9th DhuDhu--alal--HijjaHijja))

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Second Day: 9th Second Day: 9th DhuDhu--alal--HijjahHijjah

Known as Known as YaumulYaumul--ArafâtArafâtChant Chant TalbiyahTalbiyah on the way from Mina to on the way from Mina to ArafâtArafâtBe sure to be inside Be sure to be inside ArafâtArafât by observing signsby observing signsEngage yourself in Engage yourself in DuDu’’ââ, , DhikrDhikr and and TalbiyahTalbiyahPray Pray DhuhrDhuhr and and AsrAsr in their time if NOT inside Masjid in their time if NOT inside Masjid NamirahNamirahFardhFardh wuqwuqûûff starts from immediately after starts from immediately after ZawwalZawwal. . WuqWuqûûff and its and its NiyyâhNiyyâh are are MustahabMustahabStay in Stay in ArafâtArafât until sunset is until sunset is WâjibWâjib. Otherwise . Otherwise DammDammbecomes due.becomes due.

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Third Day: 10th Third Day: 10th DhuDhu--alal--HijjahHijjah

Also known as Also known as YaumunYaumun--NahrNahrAfter Sunset in After Sunset in ArafâtArafât, depart for , depart for MuzdalifahMuzdalifahUpon reaching Upon reaching MuzdalifaMuzdalifa, read , read MaghribMaghrib and and EshaEsha (at the time of (at the time of EshaEsha) then ) then WitrWitrThe The WuqWuqûûff of of MuzdalifahMuzdalifah is is wâjibwâjibIt is It is MustahabMustahab to pick 7 pebbles for pelting of to pick 7 pebbles for pelting of the big the big ShaytânShaytân from from MuzdalifahMuzdalifah..

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Returning to MinaReturning to Mina

At sunrise in At sunrise in MuzdalifahMuzdalifah start moving towards start moving towards Mina.Mina.Perform the following rites:Perform the following rites:

Pelting Pelting JamatulJamatul Uqbah/KubraUqbah/KubraSlaughter an Animal (Slaughter an Animal (DammDamm--ushush--ShukrShukrShavingShavingTawafTawaf ZiyârahZiyârah [[FardhFardh tawâftawâf for for HajHaj]]

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Fourth Day: 11th Fourth Day: 11th DhuDhu--alal--HijjahHijjah

Pelt the three Pelt the three ShaytânsShaytâns

The time for pelting is after The time for pelting is after ZawwalZawwal and sunsetand sunset

Delaying the pelting may necessitate a Delaying the pelting may necessitate a DammDammand and QazaQaza will have to be madewill have to be made

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Fifth Day: 12th Fifth Day: 12th DhuDhu--alal--HijjahHijjah

Pelt the three Pelt the three ShaytânsShaytâns

The time for pelting is after The time for pelting is after ZawwalZawwal and sunsetand sunset

Delaying the pelting may necessitate a Delaying the pelting may necessitate a DammDammand and QazaQaza will have to be madewill have to be made

The The HajHaj may return to Mina or return to may return to Mina or return to Makkah before sunsetMakkah before sunset

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13th 13th DhuDhu--alal--HijjahHijjah

Pelting is optional on this dayPelting is optional on this day

It is It is wâjibwâjib for those in Mina at dawn on 13thfor those in Mina at dawn on 13th

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TawâfTawâf WidâWidâ

Also known as Also known as TawâfTawâf SadrSadr

Has to be performed before departureHas to be performed before departure

This This TawâfTawâf is is wâjibwâjib

MustahabMustahab to perform it just before departure. to perform it just before departure. Other Other NaflNafl tawâftawâf may be performed in the may be performed in the interiminterim