Hacking into Society Just last year, the word “hack” had little meaning to everyone throughout the beginning of the year 2014 it was the biggest topic talked though out everyone . It was a time people thought you could go online and feel safe to log in and sign out without any problem. As you realize chances are most of your personal information has probably been hacked right now as we speak. Hackers for those of you that do not know anything about hackers pull a chair and get comfortable hackers are taking over the internet in this new era. I have heard from many people and have seen from many websites as well movies that you need to be very smart to be a hacker. Need to be able to have great will, believe in yourself. Most time of the time you attempt to hack you fail due to errors, incompatibility, messing up code, being unable to understand a certain programming language. Hackers fail so much, it makes them want to give up every single time they try something new. Every mistake kills their passion for it. However, by the end, when they finally successful, it makes them feel like they won first place in a difficult competition. Hacking is a very enthusiastic and very skillful computer programmer or user. Hackers are a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data. A definition of a

Hacking Into Society

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Hacking Into Society (essay example #2)

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Hacking into Society Just last year, the word hack had little meaning to everyone throughout the beginning of the year 2014 it was the biggest topic talked though out everyone . It was a time people thought you could go online and feel safe to log in and sign out without any problem. As you realize chances are most of your personal information has probably been hacked right now as we speak. Hackers for those of you that do not know anything about hackers pull a chair and get comfortable hackers are taking over the internet in this new era. I have heard from many people and have seen from many websites as well movies that you need to be very smart to be a hacker. Need to be able to have great will, believe in yourself. Most time of the time you attempt to hack you fail due to errors, incompatibility, messing up code, being unable to understand a certain programming language. Hackers fail so much, it makes them want to give up every single time they try something new. Every mistake kills their passion for it. However, by the end, when they finally successful, it makes them feel like they won first place in a difficult competition. Hacking is a very enthusiastic and very skillful computer programmer or user. Hackers are a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data. A definition of a hacker is a person who understands how technology works and is able to do that with a Linux or Windows 95.I gather some of the most extreme high profile hacks throughout the year. Thought out, my research I was able to have gained majority insight into my topic. Starting with the most recent one Sony Pictures Entertainment was hacked. Also, some of our biggest famous celebrities like through iCloud. Around September, 2014 about one hundred Apple account were allegedly hacked for nude. Hackers often get a celebritys password, use it to crack into their personal database. One of the celebrity that was hacked was Jennifer Lawrence from the Hunger Game she was also involved in the Celebgate (August 2014). Jennifer Lawrence stated about the hack It is not a scandal. It is a sex crime sexual violation. Its disgusting.Another huge recent data breach that has brought to my mind was Target when Hackers stole about 40 million credit and debit card numbers from its point of sale systems. Its time we should consider stronger cyber security, because right not the situation does not appear to be improving at all. If that does not work, then we may need to figure a way to store our personal data. Prime example of a poor sloppy security practices. A Hacker can get into anywhere as for a quick reminder, you should consider to change your password as soon as possible. Few people fully understand the implication of this topic, but experts like professor Landmessr and a couple of reliable resources I would direct you in a way on why we should take on improving a stronger cyber security. Some people should want to strive too make a serious approach when keeping your personal data secure from hackers. Some people seem to downplay and do not want to know ways on how to improve Cyber security.As matter of fact, the need to know about Cyber Security should make everyone be as cautious as possible when using the computer for safe issue you should use privacy settings to avoid sharing information widely, but some do not. When we use the computer some use it for banking and some time paying bills at times, making a faster payment online. Others use it for shopping to get what they desire online while shopping and then ship it to their home address. Many people use the computer for reaching out with longtime friends, they have not seen for a while. Others reach long distance family from other countries through email and sometimes social networking sites, surfing the web, and so much more. A lot of people rely so heavily on our computers to provide their needed services that they totally overlook the security.Considering, the fact that an enormous amount of companies spends about billions of dollars or probably more every year, or another year on some of the latest cyber security products. Also, they seem to always hire some of the best cyber security engineer that spends about most of their time building up one of the best computers on daily basics. Companies also try to recruit some analysts to help out as well. As you notice by now that still does not make any difference because an enormous amount of companies are still becoming more vulnerable than they're ever been. A google definition of Cyber Security measure to take to protect a computer or computer as on the internet against unauthorized access or attack". Also Cyber Security was built as a form of protection from attackers like hackers, and designed to occur when danger occurs while on the web sites. Due to the fact that according to a December 2010 analysis of U.S. spending plans, the Federal government has allotted over $13 billion to cyber security over the next five years.Not only does Cyber Security concern the enormous amount companies, but it is also a great amount of concern for computer users like familys that live in the small household. College As well as students who are just entering into college and starting to use the internet for multiple research projects as assignments in their college courses. Much less the small business owner who as well as workers who spend about most of their payments online may as well suffer. Furthermore, people should want to improve our cyber security so that when we enter online, we feel more like we are protected when browsing through the internet. This reason has concerned everyone so much it may be best to drop Microsoft and use software that does not have a built in back door. Second, its becoming hard to trust and use that kind of software to secure your personal use. The blame is towards the government for allowing business interest to destroy our lead in computer technology, and giving away every one hard earned expertise.For instance, lets not forget the cyber-attacks that happened last year with JP Morgan Chase now that was huge 76 million households. From what people were told about the breach that it was the most worst compromise in history , and not only that 7 million small businesses were affected by this breach not only that it got worse after new information was brought in later. JP Morgan Chase is one of the largest banks in the United States, also about five of friend and family belongs to Chase as their bank.Furthermore, let's not forget about Target also was another major hack that happen around black Friday one of the most high buzzing and busiest shopping day of the year right after Thanksgiving day in the United States. If you're not aware Target lost great amount credit and debit card from the hackers, but noticed it around Thursdays. Actually, around that time three weeks later, after the customer data were already taken during Black Friday it was too late. The amount of money that was stolen from target customer was credit cards and debit card data rounded up to be about 40 million dollars. As a matter of fact, two month ago Hackers reported to steal up to 1 billion from banks around the world. In fact, this hack is, probably, no it is one of the biggest banking breaches known in history. There are plenty of many cyber security firms that would say this is one the enormous hack ever. Many people forget that hackers obtain knowledge from banks by getting familiar with the background of their systems. When hackers finally receive that much of data from the bank systems what they do next is use the comprehension to steal money without raising any suspensions.The fact, that these cyber-attacks are becoming more worldwide, including some of the main countries like China, Germany, and of course United States. Now hackers are now expanding their targets and taking their skills to Asia and Middle East, Africa as well as Europe are now becoming victims. These Hackers are becoming more and more dangerous while targeting enormous companies and banks what they value the most money. Also, their customer data which is thought to be safe in their hands now makes their security looks weak. What is more, they are involving intellectual property holders which would not be pleased with the effort to keep a strong security. With that thats when you lose your reputations keeping your customers happy and safe.Above all, it's time we get together with all the breaches in defense, including, law enforcement and military-contractor networks. With all these attacks, it reveals that our cyber- security leaks over the last two decades seem to have failed us horribly. It's about that time to fix this problem, but fixing this problem would require more attention from everybody, not only security officers and the IT teams, but every government and security boards and CEOs. Companies need to take a strong approach if plan to take a stand.As another great reason is why we should want to take action is to reduce cybercrime because right now in 2015 there was a chart that came out discussing the cybercrime attacks by Lisa Vaas. The chart shows how much cybercrime has increased to 73.8 percent. As for cybercrime it is now becoming the new crime of this age. Try to think back before the Internet, criminals would have to dig through people trash or intercept their mail to steal their personal information now time has changed. All that information is available online, criminals also use the internet to steal people internet steal people's ID hack into their personal accounts, trick them into revealing the information.As a result of this issue, President Obama just signed a new executive order to sanction foreign hackers on Wednesday (1 April 2015). Providing that signature, President Obama has just shown that the United States are taking the offensive side now by authorizing financial sanctions against foreign hackers, and companies that knowingly benefit from cyber-attacks against United States Interest. In that case, President Obama has made it clear to point fingers towards the main countries who has shown signs of being a threat to the United States. At first, it was North Korea and if you remember what Obama stated during the Breach of Sony Pictures when the movie The Interview was supposed to be released. The movie The Interview was about mocking the country's leader, Kim Jong Un assassination. Eventually, the Obama administration made it clear to North Korean individuals in retaliation for the enormous attack on Sony. The White House made it clear target the North Korean regime. Also, the second countries that were involved the attacks were China remember just last year the United States Department of Justice indicting five Chinese military officers. The charges claim that they were responsible for alleged espionage attacks against United States steel and energy companies as well. Granting that those are indictments will not result in the Chinese officers being extradited to the United States to face prosecution. As for China it Did not take long for China to be accused of sponsoring a wave of denial-of -service with targeted Git-Hub . Once again China has been caught red-handed and once more again, by the end they deny everything just to be found guilty. Shock we continue to give so much of money for this type of country that continues to attack us alleged. Not only do they do this, but they are, also Iran's best customer for oil. It's getting to that point is there any other countries to buy products from inside China. Like we outsource jobs to China and they just throw us under the bus like that are just not accurate. The same applies Russia, North Korea, and you cannot forget about Iran. Now with this incipient executive order, US is going to freeze any financial assets of any individual responsibility to show, according to the White House. Under those circumstances, there are any cyber-attacks that pose any threat to the Amalgamated States national security at anyway. Additionally, peregrine policy and economic stability I mean, if there is any cyber-enabled activities, withal data breaches at all would be frozen as anon as possible. Now, according to the White House verbal expression" This Executive Order sanctions the security if the Treasury, in consultation with the Attorney General and the Secretary of the state, too impose sanctions on those individuals and entities that he determines to be responsible for their actions". Given these points I conclude that its time we should consider a stronger cyber security, because right now the situation does not seem to be improving at all. If that does not work, then we may need to figure a way to store our personal data. The majority of these huge businesses seems to have poor sloppy security practices when it comes to keeping their files secure from hackers. I have to make sure to let all my audiences know its not about buying specific bit of kit or software for protection. The government should try to go around explain why this is such a big risk, this is a huge issue, why we should want to educate people on this topic Hackers. Because after Hackers were able to breach the White House Network Systems they believe that Russian Government might be behind this hack. The FBI, Secret Service and National Security Agency are all getting involved in this investigation right now as we speak. As usual, another white house official says this situation happens on a daily basis. This is a constant battle for the government and our sensitive government computer systems. Now this is a huge concern for us that individuals are trying to compromise systems and get access to the network. Were at that time on stage we should be planning for the worst. We should be more hand on working on this topic on a daily base with other companies trying to decide ways to improving cyber security. Also, we should want to spend a great amount of time on investing in cyber security. Time and time again we have been hacked, but this time it would be best to protect yourself against hackers when being hack happen again because right now we are wide open for any country and hackers. As now we have all noticed how much of at stake here, also with every possible forces combined of each executive. Also, lets not forget entrepreneurs, and software developers, security team of every breach. By the way, Obama said "the Law enforcement, international cooperation and diplomacy are not enough to counter with these foreign nation states and individuals that have targeted the US military, infrastructure, private companies, In a word, the White House said the "the sanctions are not designed to prevent or interfere with cyber security research community". Overall, it's just another way to improve the security of any software and devices and show that there are showing more interest in this topic. By Including the investors as well with all handing a hand into improving our cyber security can well equip when a problem does occur, we are more prepared to defend against this be alert.

References Joint Task Force Transformation Initiative (2010). SP 800-37 (Rev. 1): Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems: A Security Life Cycle Approach. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): Gaithersburg, MD. Joint Task Force Transformation Initiative (2013). SP 800-53 (Rev. 4): Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): Gaithersburg, MD.Zorabedian, John. "Obama Signs Executive Order to Sanction Foreign Hackers." Naked Security. 2 Apr. 2015. Web. 2 May 2015.