Habits of Great Parents

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  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    Habits are repeated

    behaviours.Whatever habit you would like to

    develop consciously behave the sameway for 21 days continuously.

  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    1. Great Parents

    Communicate their love.

    (Consistently )

  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    2. Great Parents Have one-on-one

    time with each child.

    Kids like their parents one at a time and will

    often compete for parental attention. Set

    aside some regular time for eachchild and give them A-grade

    attention on your terms.

  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    2. Great Parents - Parent differently

    for each child.

    What worked with one child wont work

    with another so be flexible

    with your behaviour management,


    and relationship-building skills. etc.

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    3. Great Parents Make it easy for their

    kids to behave well.

    Kids usually want to behave well but many

    find behaving well hard.

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    Make it easy for them not by lowering your

    standards but by

    giving gentle reminders,

    setting up simple routines and giving

    simple verbal and non verbal cues.

  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    4. Great Parents Know the difference

    between incompetence and

    rebelliousness. If you child does something out of

    incompetence, then take the time to teach

    your child how to do it right.

    If your child acts out ofrebellion toward your

    authority as a parent, then this behaviorneeds to be disciplined or punished, andcannot be tolerated or accepted.

  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    Great Parents Pick the battles

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    5. Rules, Consequences,


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    6.Great parents let children

    experience natural consequences.

    Natural consequences are

    fabulous teachers so step backand allow kids to experience the

    outcome of their decision,

    whether pleasant or unpleasant.

  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    7. Great parents Focus on feelings not

    just behaviour.

    Next time a child asks for an extension to T.V.time because they enjoying a program , resistgoing into behaviour management mode andmove into emotional intelligence mode. Its

    great to see you happy and really enjoying thatprogram. Whats it like having so much fun?Then move them to bed while you are listening.

  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    8. Great parents Use of Teachable


    The best teaching moments aren't ones that

    are planned-they happen unexpectedly. Look

    for moral issues to talk about as they come up.

    Take advantage of those moments because

    they help your child develop solid moral

    beliefs that will help guide his behavior the

    rest of his life.

  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    9. Great Parents are aware of Whats

    influencing children

    As parents we must control the flow of ideas

    and images that are influencing our children.

    Great parents have an eye and ear for what

    children are absorbing.

  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    10. Standing by your partner

    Dont contradict your partner in front of them,

    dont fight with each other in front of them, and

    most definitely dont ever abuse each other.

    How you treat your partner affects their self-

    esteem, and the way they will treat themselves

    and their partner when they grow up. Be kind

    and respectful and loving of each other. Andalways work as a team never contradicting

    statements of the other.

  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    10a. Keep your partner informed.

    It helps if the primary parent, usually mothers,

    can keep partners informed about whats

    going on in childrens lives. These can include

    updates about behaviour, educational

    achievements and their general well-


  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    11. Divide areas of responsibility.

    Dont keep all the responsibilities to yourself.

    Bring your partner into the loop, and give

    them a share of the parenting jobs.

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    12. Make their problem, their


    Sometimes we as adults can take on their

    concerns and make them our own.

    If something doesnt bother a child, and

    there is no risk involved or no infringement

    on other peoples rights then let them be.

  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    13 .Make Peace with Clutter

    When they are little, they absolutely should

    learn to clean up their messes, but your house

    shouldnt be sterile. Its a home. Kids live

    there. And kids are messy.

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    14 .Get down and Dirty often

    Guidelines to get down and dirty with your


    Be an idiot.

    Face your fears.

    Enjoy the unknown.

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    15. Learn when to break rules

    Part of a parents job is knowing what rules to

    make, how to enforce them, and when to

    break them.

    And then comes the hard part: explaining

    why to your other kids.

  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    16 . Warning Time

    Give Warning Time: Give children a 5- 10

    minute warning time to allow him to

    finish what he is doing before you

    expect him to do something else. For

    example, if your child is playing, you may say,

    "Youve 5 minutes to complete your game and

    then its study time

  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    17 .Allowing experiences

    Provide opportunity: Children need

    opportunities to explore different things.

    Let your child try things that they find

    interesting and enjoy the process of getting

    better rather than just the final outcome.

    The trip to the grocery store offers wonderful

    learning opportunities, from reading labels to

    using money to budgeting.

  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    18 .Give your child some control over

    his life:

    Kids want a little independence from you.

    From the time they wake up, let kids make

    their own choices for small decisions such as

    whether they want toast or cereal forbreakfast, or allowing them to choose which

    shoes to wear. This helps to learn decision


  • 8/3/2019 Habits of Great Parents


    19 .Encourage kids to be self-


    Kids ability to keep themselves occupied

    cannot be underestimated. Avoid rushing in

    when they seem bored.

    Suggest ideas rather than provide

    entertainment. Self-occupiers readily get into

    the state of flow and get lost in play which is

    great for achievement and mental health.

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    20. Build layers of community around


    Family, friends, teachers, coaches, people in thebroader community form a protective circle

    around kids, help keep them safe and preventthem from falling through the cracks. Encourage asense of community.

    Let them bring friends home. Encourage them to

    take up community-based activities and valuerelationships they have with coaches, teachers

    and people in their neighbourhood.

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    21. Understand child development.

    Some stages are harder than others and differentstages require different things of kids.

    Early childhood is about bonding and then breakingaway.

    Middle childhood is about developing competencies

    and self-esteem and adolescence is about identityformation and breaking away.

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    Each stage has its own joys andchallenges for parents. Appreciate

    each stage and dont wish them


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    22. Have regular family


    They dont have to be too

    formal, and they are a great wayfor both parents address family

    issues together with their


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    23 .Have fun as a family.

    Its hard to fight when youre havingfun and enjoying each others company

    so look for ways to inject some fun andgames into family life.

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    24. Talk with other parents.

    Draw strength from other


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    Bad Habits

    Dwelling on the past

    Nagging and Lecturing

    Feeling guilty

    Children are tender unique and

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    Children are tender, unique and


    they are not here to make you happy,

    meet your expectations,

    help you experience what you missed out in


    or to fulfill your needs.

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    Our sincere appreciation for doing a

    Great Job as a parent!!!.