Habits and lifestyles female male A Working life healthy, busy stressed I commute to work four days a week. male male male male female female female female WORKERS B Student life male male male male STUDENTS C Retirement bored, unhealthy, sedentary relaxed, active PENSIONERS I make calls to customers. I write reports for my boss. I try to have a good work-life balance: I get a lot of exercise and eat organic food. I often go away at weekends. I drive to work every morning. I check my emai- ls first thing in the morning. I don’t often have a coffee break. I rarely have a day off! I have meetings with important customers. I catch the bus to go to college. I attend lectures three times a week. In the evening I revise for exams. I have a part-time job at a bookshop. I want to get a scholarship for a year abroad at Harvard. I cycle to university. I sometimes have to present projects to the class. Lecturers set a lot of homework and I do it in the evening. I use social networking sites to keep in touch with friends. I text classmates if I have questions when I’m doing my homework. I don’t exercise much: I only cut the grass once a week. I sometimes have a nap in the afternoon. I do the crossword after breakfast. I do voluntary work for a children’s charity. After dinner I surf the Internet. I sometimes eat out with friends at the weekend. I do exercise every morning. I watch the 6 o’clock news every evening. I often meet friends to play cards, smoke and drink whisky. I lie in bed until 9 most days.

Habits and lifestyles

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Habits and lifestyles



A Working life

healthy, busy


I commute to work four days a week.

male male male male

female female female female


B Student life

male male male male


C Retirement

bored, unhealthy,sedentary

relaxed, active


I make calls to customers.

I write reports for my boss.

I try to have a good work-life balance: I get a lot of exercise

and eat organic food.

I often go away at


I drive to work every morning.

I check my emai-ls first thing in the morning.

I don’t often have a

coffee break.

I rarely have a day off!

I have meetings with important


I catch the bus to go to


I attend lectures three times a


In the evening I revise for


I have a part-time job at

a bookshop.

I want to get a scholarship for a year

abroad at Harvard.

I cycle to university.

I sometimes have to present projects

to the class.

Lecturers set a lot of homework and I do it in the


I use social networking sites to keep in touch

with friends.

I text classmates if

I have questions when I’m doing my homework.

I don’t exercise much: I only cut the grass once a


I sometimes have a nap

in the afternoon.

I do the crossword

after breakfast.

I do voluntary work for a children’s charity.

After dinner I surf the Internet.

I sometimes eat out with friends at the


I do exercise every


I watch the 6 o’clock

news every evening.

I often meet friends to play cards, smoke

and drink whisky.

I lie in bed until 9 most


Present simple / Present continuous

A Present simple


I / you / we / they I cycle to work. We don’t have breakfast at home.

Do you commute to work? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

When do you start work?

He / she / it She gets up at six. He doesn’t drive.Does he travel a lot? Yes, he does. /

No, he doesn’t.

Where does she live?

• Recuerda las reglas ortográficas de la terminación -s (3ª persona de singular).

most verbs � -s -s, -sh, -ch, -x � -es -o � -es consonant + y � -ies

drink – drinks eat – eats play – plays

kiss – kisses finish – finishesteach – teaches mix – mixes

go – goes do – does

fly – flies try – tries

• Usamos el present simple para hablar de hábitos y rutinas que suceden continua o regularmente. I work for a food company. I play volleyball for the company team every Sunday morning.• También usamos el present simple para hechos que son siempre ciertos

(“verdades universales”). Oil floats on water. The Sun rises in the east.• Expresiones de tiempo con el present simple: introducidas por

preposiciones (on Sunday, at 3 o’clock, in the morning), adverbios de frecuencia (always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never…) y otras expresiones de frecuencia (every day, twice a month, three times a year). I go to the pub with my friends once a week. We usually meet on

Saturdays at about 9:00, and I’m never late. Raymond and Lily meet every weekend, on Sunday afternoon. They hardly ever park their car in the street in the evenings.

Recuerda: coloca los adverbios de frecuencia delante del verbo principal, pero detrás del verbo to be.

B Present continuous


I / you / we / theyI’m having some coffee.

We’re doing homework.

I’m not feeling well.

You aren’t listening.

Are you going home? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.

Why am I feeling so tired?

He / she / it She’s listening to music. He isn’t talking. Is she waiting? Yes, she is. / No, she isn’t.

• Recuerda las reglas ortográficas de -ing según la terminación del infinitivo.

la mayoría de verbos + -ing work – working cry – crying do – doing

consonante + -e pierden la -e + -ing come – coming write – writing

una vocal acentuada + una consonante doblan la consonante + -ing get – getting prefer – preferring

-ie -ie cambia a -y + -ing lie – lying die – dying

• Con el present continuous hablamos de algo que está sucediendo en el momento de hablar (o en los días en torno al momento de hablar) o de algo que se considera temporal, no habitual:

It’s raining now. He’s working very hard these days. He’s living in Cambridge this year.

• Expresiones de tiempo con el present continuous: (right) now, at the moment, these days, at the present time.

What are you doing at the moment? – Right now I’m watching a series on TV. These days there are good shows on.

• El present continuous no se suele utilizar con verbos sobre preferencias y sentimientos (like love hate want prefer), pensamiento (know understand believe remember forget think [= have an opinion]), sentidos (see hear) y otros (need).

Where does Tammy live? – I don’t know and Bill doesn’t remember the address. Leslie loves fish. Can you cook it for her? – I’m sorry, I don’t see any fish in the fridge.

Water boils at 100º. The water is

boiling now. Put the spaghetti in.


1 Completa los textos sobre Phil y Gladys con las expresiones de los recuadros.

have a good work-life balance has a meeting commute to work has a coffee break goes away has Friday off makes calls checks his emails

Phil works for a company in Newcastle, 25 kilometres from where he lives, so he has to (1) ............ every day. When he gets to the office, he first (2) ............ . He answers the important ones. Then he (3) ............ to customers. He usually (4) ............ with his boss as well. At 10 a.m., he (5) ............ and can relax a little. After that, it’s back to work. He tries to (6) ............ so he sometimes (7) ............ and (8) ............ for a long weekend with his wife.

does exercise does the crossword does voluntary work watches the news lie in bed eat out

Gladys is a pensioner. She retired five years ago. Now she can (9) ............ until ten in the morning if she is tired. She likes to keep fit, so before breakfast she (10) ............ for about thirty minutes. Then, after breakfast, she reads the newspaper and (11) ............ . Some afternoons she (12) ............ : she helps at a charity for homeless people. She usually (13) ............ on TV at 6:00 and then she and her husband sometimes (14) ............ in a local restaurant.

2 Mira los dibujos y completa el diálogo con ayuda de las expresiones.

3 Une los verbos (1-9) con las expresiones adecuadas (a-i).

... 1 drive ... 4 write ... 7 have

... 2 eat ... 5 catch ... 8 surf

... 3 have ... 6 do ... 9 cut

a homework d a nap g outb the grass e a report h a day offc to work f the Internet i a bus

4 Describe tus actividades cotidianas usando las expresiones del ejercicio 3. Puedes usar oraciones afirmativas o negativas.

1 Example: I never drive to work / I drive to work everyday / twice a week / on Fridays … 2 ....……………………........…………….........…… 6 ....……………........…………….........…… 3 ....……………………........…………….........…… 7 ....……………........…………….........……4 ....……………………........…………….........…… 8 ....……………........…………….........……5 ....……………………........…………….........…… 9 ....……………........…………….........……

Ivan: How does Maribel get to university?Cynthia: (1) …………………………………………………….…………….…Ivan: What does she do in the morning? Cynthia: (2) …………………………………………………….…………….…Ivan: Do her lecturers set any work to do every month?Cynthia: (3) ……………………………………………………..…………….Ivan: What does she do if she has questions about her homework?Cynthia: (4) ……………………………………………………..…………….Ivan: Why is she so busy in May?Cynthia: (5) ……………………………………………………..…………….Ivan: Does she keep in touch with her friends and family?Cynthia: (6) ……………………………………………………………………

1 2 3 4 5 6

attend lectures revise for exams cycle use social networking sites

present a project text a classmate


1 Asocia preguntas y respuestas.

2 Completa las preguntas con los verbos del recuadro en el present simple o el present continuous.

eat prefer work look for like do

‘Where (1) .................. you .................. at the moment?’ ‘In a restaurant on High Street, but only for the summer.’‘(2) .................. you .................. the job?’ ‘Yes, the hours are long but the money’s not bad.’‘(3) .................. you .................. at the restaurant?’ ‘Yes, the food’s great and it’s free for the staff!’‘What (4) .................. Kate .................. right now?’ ‘Well, it’s her boyfriend’s birthday tomorrow...’‘(5) .................. she .................. a present?’ ‘That’s right.’‘(6) ................. he ................. reading or watching DVD’s?’ ‘He loves reading. A book is a good idea.’

3 Algunos verbos de estas frases están en una forma incorrecta. Corrige la parte subrayada cuando sea necesario.Example: Jim usually gets up at 8 o’clock. OK

What do you do at the moment? are you doing

1 Look at that boy. He runs very fast. ……………………………......…

2 Sue is never eating meat. She’s a vegetarian. ……………………………......…

3 Paul sometimes goes to the pub after work. ……………………………......…

4 What are you usually doing on Friday evenings? ……………………………......…

5 We can go out. It doesn’t rain now. ……………………………......…

6 I’ve got enough money at the moment. I’m not needing any more. ……………………………......…

7 Harry says he prefers apples to pears. …………………………….........

8 The English team doesn’t play very well these days. …………………………….........

4 Completa con los verbos en el presente simple o el presente continuous.

Hi everybody, I (1) ....... (sit) here at a café on the Ramblas in Barcelona. The sun (2) ....... (shine) and it’s quite warm. It’s Monday today and museums here (3) ....... (not open) on Mondays. Joe (4) ....... (want) to visit the cathedral. He (5) ....... (shop) for some shoes at the moment. He (6) ....... (need) them because his feet are sore. We (7) ....... (walk) everywhere here. This is a beautiful city. We (8) ....... (not want) to go home! How is the weather there? (9) ....... it ....... (rain)?

Reply Exit

I (10) ....... (feel) really bored at the moment! My flatmates aren’t here – Joel (11) ....... (play) tennis and Tammy (12) ....... (work) late. Fridays are her busy day –

she (13) ....... (never get) home before 10. I (14) ....... (not want) to watch TV – there’s nothing good on. I can hear a lot of people in the street – they (15) ....... (have) a great time! I (16) ....... (hate) going out alone. I (17) ...... (wait) for a call from Fran but she (18) ....... (usually stay) at home on Fridays. Please write me a message!Like · Share

1 What does your family usually do at Christmas?

2 What are you doing right now?

3 Are you a sporty person?

4 Are you having a good time?

5 What do you do?

6 What do you think of New York?

7 Does it snow a lot in the Arctic?

8 What temperature does water freeze at?

a I love it here.b We have a special meal in our parents’ house.c Not really. The hotel isn’t very nice and it

rains every day.d It freezes at 0 ºC.e Yes, I do exercise three or four times a week.f I’m cooking lunch for my daughter.g Yes, it’s very cold there.h I work in a restaurant. I’m a chef.

Answer Key


Habits and lifestyles

Exercise 11 commute to work 2 checks his emails 3 makes calls 4 has a meeting 5 has a coffee break 6 have a good work-life balance 7 has Friday off 8 goes away 9 lie in bed 10 does exercise 11 does the crossword 12 does voluntary work 13 watches the news 14 eat out

Exercise 2 1 Maribel cycles to university. 2 She attends lectures. 3 Yes, she has to present a project to the class. 4 She texts a classmate. 5 Because she has to revise for exams in May. 6 Yes, she uses social networking sites to keep in touch.

Exercise 31 c 2 g 3 h / d 4 e 5 i 6 a 7 h / d 8 f 9 b

Exercise 4 (suggested answers)2 I don’t eat out on Mondays

I eat out at weekends / once a month / every Sunday, etc.

3 I never / don’t have a nap in the afternoons I have a nap every day / at weekends / only on Fridays, etc.

4 I never write reports / I sometimes write reports I write reports once a year / at the end of the week, etc.

5 I never / hardly ever / don’t usually / don’t often, etc. catch a bus I catch a bus everyday / only on weekdays, etc.

6 I never do homework I do homework every evening / at weekends, etc.

7 I never have a day off I have a day off once a week / twice a month / every month, etc.

8 I never / don’t usually surf the Internet I surf the Internet every morning / at night / at weekends, etc.

9 I never cut the grass I cut the grass every day / once a week / very rarely, etc.

Present simple / Present continuous

Exercise 11 b 2 f 3 e 4 c 5 h 6 a 7 g 8 d

Exercise 21 are you working 2 Do you like 3 Do you eat 4 is Kate doing 5 Is she looking for 6 Does he prefer

Exercise 31 is running 2 never eats 3 OK 4 do you usually do 5 isn’t raining 6 don’t need 7 OK 8 isn’t playing

Exercise 41 am sitting 2 is shining 3 don’t open 4 wants 5 is shopping 6 needs 7 walk 8 don’t want 9 Is it raining 10 ´m feeling 11 is playing 12 is working 13 never gets 14 don’t want 15 are having 16 hate 17 ’m waiting 18 usually stays