ijr^arnn S*aHq J. K. SNElSSj (tf botRi? H THE MACON DAILY JPxrffrj tfrfrppj] TEL EG RAP H BUILD IH a r of Cie rj *#4 rteconl atf< CITY BUSINESS CARDS. OLD SERIES,;*'). 13%i| MACON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1865. I NEW SERIES, NO. 180. attokkey*. C lOBB * JACKbON, Attoww at / «*.. office owoifzrortoatorom, o B.A.wUrax.ThirJttret. 2E5 A. Z UAI E ii AZUMEA! AZUMEA! Ha. proved to be rU*uPkrf£tcYlo J. v. BASS. j /..Hi,- ! L " * P WHITTLE, Attone^ «t Uf, (ofc " -----------" i^wph'E r.B. WHITTLE. rllVSlCI.CIS A XI) DRIKKISTS. I» BMOVALDr. B. -F White do. occapiretwo iv no* over the present post dour to Dr. C. II. iwf. ^4., »V*t«Eo^ nof.V)A S «S?ld fc^nfe DYom Bran* Howl to the ^SiTWri Mrrn Fujdaraod Plam-wliere M>oa A at .111 J lowTirtw. WWW _________ ______ a-A I \KAS«nU.*OWRS, o«ce corner Walnut D WBWnS««rDr%WT«H-*Im* found at ocis-tr . J. ROOSEVELT, <IIornocop«tl>Ut). MnlbefTT «*., Washington Block, orer J2EZZ7 Book Stoi? Rcl^cc o" E,!SrErfe<SS35*aS«gS L L. HARRIS tender. W. professional nr- D rice, to the paMtc. (Office oo Second street, orer Knott A B^n. scpl73m CO.TXM61UiI MERCHANTS. TEWETT A SNIDER, Wholesale Commis- r J da McrrhsnU, and General ARraU, Second MdlcUad dm all l «t- f the country. Agents SrSmWSr.t daiTiiinr-oue Companies, art! .3m* JEWKI.KUS. J ll OTTO.Wholesale and retail dealer In . Watch*. Jewelry. Watch Materials, Gold Pam, Gold, Silver and £tccl SpccWclc., Ac. At ttookd aland of J II *88 Vlrrfn, Cotton Avenue. Maeon, Ga. Watches, Clock, and Jewelry, repaired and warranted. Sewing Maebinea Horn pat In order, to which Mr. P land- . - Maebinea of all dcscrip- M - Ilertell willat- nov2823int J. MARTLET, WATCHMAKER, late work •nua for Sidney B. Day, continuer to repair at prvaeut In the Floyd House Building, Medical I College, Mulberry Greet. TAMES SUPPLE, Watchmaker and Jeweller, rj Second street, two doors from the corner of Malberry! keejvs constantly a well selected assort- ment of ADC Gold and Silver Watchca and Jewelry. Alan, Watchea and Jewelry carefully repaired by ---- t«pl29-3m \KfATCHE3 and JEWELRV, at Chas. S. Bau \ ¥ drta, under the Telegraph Printing House ecratr Cherry and Second streeta, Maeon,-Ga. keeps constant!' ou band a large aaMJrtn I cut of tine Watches and Jewelry. Repairing done neffuj and on abort notice. All work warranted, auglo-m MISCELLANEOUS. M ACON DAILY TELEGRAPH Job Printing Officer Job work of every description execu- ted an abort notice and In good atyle. Terms rea- aogBB & J. BLAKE, real estate agent, Macon, Ga. Person * having bouses for salo or rent, or ----- s wanting to rent houses, cannot be bet- ........... by calling on tnc. From my wrsona er anil . Ga., Sept. Ill, 1B85-V)enl88__________ ,. •. * D. LANE arc now olTcring tor sale a L a large lot of Sole and Upper Leather. Also, tain Oil tiv retail. Next door to Express office, [aeon. tie. noyMm* Springliill Higli tScliool. T HE undersigned, who la a Muter of Arts ol the Calveralty of Ve., and was formerly Pro- feaaor of Mathematics and Astronomy, In the Uni- versity of Georgia, will Opou, on the iat January next, a Boarding School for soya, at "his Tealdenoe la Houston county. Ga Address W. LxltOY BROUN, M. A.. nor23 coJlrat Perry, llonstou County, Ga CAKMARX, WHITFORD Ac CO., MAXVYATCIlliKS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN READY-MADE OTOTHWG, tSl A 333 Broadsrtf, Corner Worth St., X. T. T. r. caasiwr. ui vat shaver', ffj J. B. VAX WAGENEN, A. T. HAMILTON. -1YM {7* Office of Payan & Cathart In liquidation, novlt-eoddra Buggies unrl Family Jersey Wagons, FROM CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO. TTTK will toon have a supply of Buggies, Top 11 Familv Wagons and Ilarnc? made to order at CONCORDAN D BRATTLEBORO, expressly for this market, sod will warrant theuitogKo entire •atufaction t. > :i'.l purchaser*. We. will sell no work not mads expressly to our order. Those f cm a distance can address ua at Macon (to care W. C. Singleton !, or at Hawkiusville, Ga. _ost7-Srn.___MCDUFFIE, MASON A CO. SCOTT, POWELL A CO., BANKERS ft BROKERS, 3d SIrpf(. MACON. GA. . Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Stocks, AIv>id, Silver, Bank Notes, Ac. C. A. aCTTINO A. H. POWELL. umSMM* JEWELRY STORE. E. J. JOHNSTON & CC„ Have re-established tteir old and well known JEWELRY STORK and WATCH REPAIRING BUSINESS at X*. « Cotton Avenue, sndfr the Ma»omcHaIL They have Jut received a select sto«k of all v'War* and ^uaUties af KCP* tbeir line, lncladiafr AVAtcbes, Jtnv)B SpecUde#, Gold fiiws Choice Cutlery, Port Menaies, Mersebaums, ComW, Brushes, YioUns, Guitar and Violin Strings, Double Barrel Sporting Guns and Tackle, Percussion Cap*. Marble*. Tope, China Dolls, Playing Yards, Dominos, Back gammon and Chess Xm. Lubin's genuine Extract*. Toilet and Shaving 5*iap* norSt-dSm COTTOX The Best and Forest Baking Powder in Use, t. H. ZEILIN At CO., WH0LE8AU 4 RETAIL DRU66I8T8, if AC Clfc, *GEO ua IA. Solti Agent- in tliU State for tlic sale of PROF. XORK1V AZWIE.t. torg* tot of this excel- can !*aft-ly recommend t claims to be. Azu- ____ WHKATEN BREAD possi- ble. It D nude In the simplest manner, u tullows: Get one qnart, equal to l}{ pounds of flour, mix Into it, unite dry, three ordinary size tcsutioonfuU of Azumcs, sdd aid water,«ith a little salt dissolved in itsafflcicot to make a dough os soft as can lie conveniently handled, which is generally a little leas than one rgtil nf water to one -quart or flour. Do not knead h. Shape ICvcry lightly, and imme- diately bakcTifa quicK oven, which UTUsf be quite hot bchav you begin to mix. It has the following idvantages over yeast or fermented bread; It can Nitnade and baked In one Ttonr from the time of arut handling the floor; it will be moist and pleas- ant to cat bt four days after baking; It Is easy of dlgcation, excellent for person* anBering from dys- pepsia; retains all the gluten, starch and sugar contained In the flour, and therefore produces 1 lb. 13 ox. bread from 1 lb. 4 oz. floor, whilstyeast pro- duces only 1 lb. 0 oz. of bread from 1 lb. 4 ox. of flour; Urns obtaining about 37 lbs. more of bread from a bsrrrlwif flour, which, with the saving of yeast, will about balance the cost of the Axurnea. Can biased for any or the following recipes, and ladies everywhere will be agreeably surpiised with the delicious productions. This excellent compo- sition docs not contain a particle of Atom, Salte- ratus, or any kind of deleterious drag; but is per- fectly pure and healthy, and, as a culinary prepara- tion, la infallible and Invaluable. At the Fair in Cincinnati, there were a number of Baking Fow- dera-on exhibition:the Axurnea, with several otha-s, was analyzed, and obtained the tint prize, aa the purest and beat Baking powder known. A trial only la necessary, to order to be satisfied. A paper Is given with each box, with fall instruc- tions far making AZUMEA ROLLS, AZUMEA BISCUIT, AZUMEA NONPAREIL CAKE, AZUMEA JOHNNY CAKE, AZUMEA FRUIT CAKE, j AZUMEA PLUJI PUDDING. AZUMEA CINNAMON CAKE, AZUMEA CORN CAKE, AZUMEA DUMPLINGS, AZUMEA EGG CAKE, AZUMEA SPANISH BUN, AZUMEA SPONGE CAKE, AZUMEA CAKE WITHOUT EGGS, AZUMEA CUP CAKE, AZUMEA MILK BREAD, AZUMEA SPONGE GINGER CAKE. AZUMEA SILVER CAKE, AZUMEA CURRANT CAKE, M* AZUMEA POT PIE, AZUMEA PEARL CAKE, ' w AZU3IEA GOLD CAKE, AZUMEA LOAF BREAD, AZUMEA DOUGH NUTS, AZUMEA JUMBLES, AZUMEA LEMON CAKE, Azcema is put up for tlie retail trade in 1-4 ll>. cans, nt 23 cts., and in 1-2 lb. cans at 50 cents. Liberal Diaoonnt Made to Wholesale Purchasers. oct!0-2m J. K. ZEILIN & CO. NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES!!! "Wholesale and Retail! » Al/IOHIV p (**;!.■. t »t E. EINSTEINS OLD STAND. T HE undersigned beg leave to inform the Lulie- of this city, county and vicinity and the pubs lie ib general, that he has now open and ready for sale at the well known and popular old stand of E. EINSTEINS. TRIANGULAR BLOCK, One of the best selected Slocks ol Staple and Faney Dry Goods In the Southern market*. The goods were select- ed by Mr. Einstein with great care; and as he is now to the New York market for the sole purpose of selecting goods, and watching the best oppor- tunities for buying. I have the advantage over all other merchants who are not similarly situated. I shsir receive new additions to our stock eve- ry week, and will lie always prenared to exhibit to the public goods of the [... Best Manufacture, Latest Styles, Xowest Market Prices.* My stock consists to psrt of the following 11.1 Jin Printed DcLalncs, All wool Delaines, \i-.t j Empress ClOth^ r i/y *'.!! roll De€hCT?ti. v . English and French Merinos, Scotch and VcnitianPUidsf Solid, printed and figured Poplin?, Black DcLalnes, * Alapacas, Black Silks, _ Merinos and Bombazines, Aud many other goods belonging to the DRESS DEPA RT ME N T A full imd complete assortment of Linen Cambric llandkcrchlefe, Ladle?' Linen and Embroidered Cu:rs and Col* tars, separate and iu sets, ■* White, Red and Shaker Flannels, Plaiu aud Fancy Opera Flannels, Bleached and Brown Canton Flannels, Blau kets, Ac., Hosiery, Gloves, LadiesMerino Vests, Table Linen, Table Cloth, Towels, _ - m TwntaNa m m NajdtinsL 2* 15 g| JrLL.Ji Doylies Linen, And all other articles belonging to a Number One Dry Goods Store. We call the special attention of the ladies to OHr CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, . Aud say with confidence, we will sell these arti- cles sta" ________ . . . Lowaanzca VOTltE. C HARLES K DKXTER, late ut'thc «nn orH.ll j Ttua wvotKrho^ in the dty and WARRANT A Dcxur. is prepared to make liberal th, ^ tQ u> of ^ CASH ADVANCES OK ALL OOTTOH Best ud Im| Fashionable Sana* f a r t u r e . oct 15 dm A. SPRINOER, Macon, Ga. t'oosi^nfj through him to the well known and re- »pon*4ble house of Gardner, Dexter A Co., of New York and Boston. novMir Columbus, Ga., Nov 3d 1865. NOTICE. Steamship Chase. C tONSKXEE^ **r owner? of Goods per Steam' / skip Cha*e. on voyage from New York, Oeto- ______ __ _____ . _ nrr5l. 1865, will plea*e wre*ent copie* of invoice* 2 O'M SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION Coa- jd»o. visduis for short delftvancca and deductions A puiy are prepared to iasne through receijkta f»tr damage, if any, to the *n^cr>.'UwUtt<L on or be- from Macon aud Albany to Baltimore and Jiew torr the 15ih day of IrdSberu^t, for the par- York vk the GREAT VIRGINIA AND TEN- jso-e of making the adjustment olike general av- LINE^ TSTEdgr nav.-.Md - > aUNTSA-A: (.^niELL ^uovT-Sm Y G Rt'ST, Agt AlbsSJ. ' NOTICE TO COTTON SHIPPERS.- COME AT LAST. ! > / . ! November 27th, 1865. I hiTr this Day Reccirrel by Exprasp, IIANDSOJIE DRESS SILKS, ELEGANT BLACK CLOAKS, II - •• DRAB DO. Also an ineilumstable supply of Dress Buttons AND ALPACA BRAIDS; For triuimino-of ernyr color. » PUGLE TRIMMING, Both hlack anti white, SONTAGS, NUBIAS, KID GLOVES, CORSETTES, A La Eugenie. Bcaitlea many other novelties to which the attention of the public is invited. nov!2 S. T. COLEMAN. EllsSaloon. T BE PLACE is now open to the public; every luxury which can be obtained fromany partol the United States, will he served up in every style to please the most fastidious. Beverages of oil kinds, of the Jsest, to cheer the desponding ; a hot Dinner to iNViconATEthe inner msu onacold dayVwitha fine liavannato pulf aw; dull care. Do not hunger nor thirst, but call on Ells, who has a plenty at his Old Stand, opposite the Lanier, who will do his best to satisfy your wauts. With eighteen years of successful experience In my business I hope to please all. With gratitude to old iriends for past favors, I hope to merit a continuance of their patronageaud all others who will give me a call. H. N. ELLS. OYSTERS, by the quart or gallon, furnished as low as any house in the city, for shipment or city use. Also'Lemons by the box or dozen. nov8-lm H. N. ELLS. Saddles and Harness. Little,. Smith & Co./ Cherry st., between Cotton Avenue and {Second s.t. Maeon, Ga.DEALF.RS IN SADDLES AND HARNESS, SADDLE AND HARNESS HARDWARE, CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, LEATHER OF ALL KINDS, SHOE FINDINGS, CALF SKINS. Harness manufactured to order. decl-Iim NEW FIRM SIXGLETO.Y, HUNT At CO., OPPOSITE LANIER HOUSE, MACON, QEORCIA, TYTOW have to store, and for sale, the largcstAd best assorted stock of BOOTS, SHOES, AND HATS, in the South. Those wishing to buy, to sell again, will here find facilities not snrpas.se(! bv any house south of Cincinnati, as the entire stock ha* been purchased, FOR CASH, from the manu- facturers in the cities of New York and Boston.. A good supply ot TRUNKS AND UMBRELLAS will also be kept on hand. Tho firm hopes, by constantly replenishing, and by strict attention to business, to merit a liberal portion of public patronage. __ . W. It. SINGLETON, W. C. SINGLETON, oct4-3m Y. J. HUNT, A GOOD CHANCE. I OFFER my Tan Yard and 202Js{ aures of Land for sale; adjoining the whole length ol ttot jpr- poration of Lumpkin, east; 80 acres cleared eapA 120 acres in the woods. J. G. SINGER. novlO-lm Safe for Sale. An Extra Large Double Safe, Made by nerringsuitable for a Bank. Apply to J - |- deco-tlt* CHARLES DAY. Strayed or Stolen, F ROM A. M. Knightons Stable, near Brooks villc, Randolph county, Ga., •iSiiClC A GREY MARE, belonging to Charles Mandcville. Said mare is of good size, with very light mane and tail, and fonr years old last spring. Any Information that leads to her recovery will be thankfully received and liberal! v rewarded. REUBEN JONES, dec5-d3* ______ Cuthbert, Ga. PUBLIC SALE AND RENT OF LAND. W ILL be sold at the subscribers plantation in Houston county, about two milc6 from An- derson's on the South \Ve*tcrn Railroad, near Al- len?* Mills on Mossy crefck, on Thursday, the 14th day of December next. Mules, waffons and ox cart, ail in good condition; oxen, milch and stock cattle, pork and stock hogs,/corn, fodder, syrup, oat?, cotton seed, black-smith and plantation tools, vkc. Terms cash. The plantation will be rented for the usual part of farm produets or ?old at a bargain if prcfemL On the premises about fifty freedmen, all of whom doubtless can be hired at lair wanes, offering a rare chance for making money. Age aud deafness demands my retirement from business. JAMES THWEATT. noviXKK* Omen Upson Countt Railhoad, ) December 1st, 1865. T IIE annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Upson Countv Railroad Company, will be held in the town of Tfcotntstan, at one of the rooms at the Court House, on Saturday the 30th day of this month, to elect a Board of Directors, to man- age the business of the company for the year 1806.- It is earnestly requested that all the Stockholders attend, as business of importance will be before the meeting. , A. J. WHITE, dec2-td. r President. Journal «fc Messenger copy. GEO. W. HARDIE, BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, XACOX, GtOHGIA. Collections made with quick returns. Orders received for the Purchase or Sale of Cotton, Bonds, Real Estate, etc., etc. Gold for sale, also Exchange on New York and Louisville. Office W Cotton Avenue, Freemans old «tand. dec2-12r* Lam T WILL » d for Sale or Rent. I WILL soil two good cotton plantations; oue in Lee cO. countainingabout (3500) twenty-five hundred acres, theotherin Macon tonal,, contain ingCMSOitwentT-louraeres. wtthaboatri9U0)Sfteen buddred acres ua cultivation on either place; and with if desirid, will sell *U nseesiuy stock, prorbfcm*, <te. Or I wH] rent a-half iarerect in either or both, to n good practical plsnter and cal- tivtte them on joint acrannt. Address Si Ma- con, Ga. N. BASS. I ran Fire Insurance. E.C. GRANNISS. General Insurance Agent, Macon. Represent* EIGHTEEN Marine, Fire, Life anil ACCIDENTAL Insurance Companies. And D folly prepared to take risk* upon the most reasonable term*. The capital involved in the Companies 1 represent allows inc to take on any ONE RISK $250,000. Special attention given to the Insurance of cot- ton and alt other species of property. AU losses adjusted prompt! v. ETC. GRANNISS, nov33-lm Agent, Macon, Ga. FURS WANTED. I WILL pay for Mink Skins, prime, 75 cents. Opossum Skin*, prime 25 cents, to val- BOVD A GORDON, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Cherry St., 2 Doors below Telegraph Building. MACON, GEORGIA. We are receiving weekly additions to our stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASSWARE, ETC., aud wc solicit MERCHANTS, PHYSICIANS, and PLANTERS, to call and examine our stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. N. B.Special attention given to PRESCKIP TIONS and ORDERS. novlti-3m BOYD * GORDON. Coon Skins, prime, 20 cents, Beaver, Otter, and Deer Skins according r Mins according ti N. K. BARNUM, Dealer in Dry Goods, Triangular Block, nov 20-1m Macon. RIDGELY, SQIJIER & CO., AGENTS roil Southern Transportation Company BILLS LADING FOR MECIIANIMSE GIVEN through from New York to the following point*: * Macon at....................................... $4 05 per 100 lbs T Auiertcus at.................................. 5 30 per 100 lbs Albany at...................................... 5 65 per 100 lbs Cnthbert at.................................... 5 77 per 100 lbs Eufanla at...................................... 5 90 per 100 lbs The Roads are now in good working order,' and good* come through promptly. T. R. BLOOM, Agent, nov24-lm Maeon, Ga DODDS, MACNEALS & URBANS, CELEBRATED Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Bank Locks, &c. S 3E SAFES AND LOCKS have been thor- ?hlv tested and their reputation is such c Tkeascuv Depabtment at Washington and New York city use them in preference to any other. They are made exclusively of irou and steel, thus rendering them entirely FIRE AND DAMP PROOF. Eureka and Excelsior Bank Bocks, For Vaults, Express Boxes, Bankers, Jewellers, and Merchants,"SrcunrUalled, and oartics desiring such articles will find it greatly to their interest to purchase from u*ras we can sell at manufacturersprices, freight only added, nov ll-3m RIDGELY, SQUIER & CO. CATALOGUE SALE OF CARGOES SHIPS Amelia and Florence Chipman, Direct horn Liverpool, By Wilbur & Son.. Oii Wednesday, GtJi December, at our Sale Doom, corner State and Chalmers streets, at 10 1-2 o'clockjcill be sold, by Catalogue, O NE hundred and. sixty Crates FANCY AS- SORTED EARTHENWARE and CROCK- ERY, just imported direct from the Potteries in England. Catalogues may be had and samples ot Ware examined at our office. Conditions cash. Charleston, 8. C. do(5 Asher Ayres, Grocer & Commission Merchant. 50 Bales Gunny Bagging, 100 Coils Hemp RojSC 25 Coils Manilla Rope, 50 Bbls Refined Sugar, 25 Sacks Rio Coffee, 20 Bbls Leaf Lard, 60 Keg* Cut Nails, 100 Boxes Tobacco, 40 Boxes Assorted Candy, 40 j d Bbls Batter Crackers, Wine, Cigars, &c. Brigham, Baldwin & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, Will advance on Shipments to their friends in New York or Liverpool. nov22-2m AT PRIVATE SALE. | PLANTATION, 1W miles from Brown Sta- LJ tion, on the South Western Railroad, in Ter- rel county, Ga., containing about 1000 acres, more or less, 300 cleared and in good state of cultivated It has on the place a good dwelling and all ndflH sary out houses. The land lies on Middle creek. 0 miles from Dawson, in a splendid neighborhood, and cannot be surpassed as a cotton farm. 150 acres arc of the best Hammock lands, the remainder not cleared, heavily timbered. For further particulars apply to or address J. G. LAIRD, Atlanta, Go., dec2 G* or Jndgc E. G. Hill, Brown Station. To Shippers over M. & B. Railroad TO IIAWKIXSVILLE. BROWN & LAIDLER, MERCHANTS OP HAWKINSVILEE, Will have a large and commodious three story building to which they Will stole at reasonable rates, all good* consigned to .heir care. HR. JNO. M. BRANTLY, Jr., Agent at the Terminus of road, will promptly forward to ns by careful and honest teainsfer* all good* intcn(kd for this market or to be shipped down the river. nov22-2w BROWN & LAIDLER. Confederate Generals.BEWARE OF BAD IMITATIONS AND HUMBUGS.^; H AVING during the late war, collected amon? my Sketches?and[Photographst forithe l\ar Il- lustrations, orignai Negatives, from life, of the prominent Confederate General»and statesmen ofthe South. I am now prepared to send by mail, postagefree, on receipt of price, a life-like Photo- graph of any General or prominent officer formerly in the Confederate or Federal armies. Single ttjples 35 cents, or 4 copies for £1 All Photographs are suitable for Albums..^* Send stamps for Catalogue. Address by mail or express bEE MALLORY, War Illustrations, dee(#-d5t* Macon, 6a. IRON. BAR IRON, ASSORTED* Pig Copper, Cast Steel, 250 BARRELS Star Candles, Salt, SALT. IMPORTANT TO COTTON HOLDERS J. SIBLEY & SONS, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants, No. 6 Warren Block, Augusta, Ga H AVE excellent CLOSE BRICK STORAGE BOOM for COTTON; will either sell the same on commission, in Augusta, or make LIBERAL CASH ADVANCES on consignments to Messrs. GUION & CO., Liver- pool, England, or to Messrs. WILLIAMS & GUI- ON, New York. They keep constantly ou hand a fine assortment of Groceries suitable for the trade, such as GUNNY BAGGING, ROPE, TWINE, COFFEE, SUGARS, BACON, LARD, MACKEREL, CHEESE, BUTTER, WHISKIES, AND SEGARS. They also are prepared to take Marine Risks, to oints and places in the Unit cd States and Europe, o the amount of $150,000 on any one good Ship, nil In Companies whose assets' arc over 15,000,- 00 dollars. nov30-dfitwlt* COTTON SEED. W E ARE PREPARED to furnish Cotton Seed to any quantity. They are of a superio kind of cotton and warranted fresli and good. Parties at a distance can be famished, uotombus, Ga, novG-lm. J R IVEY & CO Omen or Empiue Iron & Coal Mining Co., I Macon, Ga, 28th Nov. 18G5. ( Stockholders whose Shales are not full paid, are hereby notified to pay an installment of Thirty per cent on their Shares on or before 1st January next, and a further installment of Thirty per cent en or before 1st April, 1800. ir of the Board ofDirectors. ED. L. STROHECKER, w-lawtlstapril __. President. PAINTING. House, Sign & Ornamental Painting. GRAINING, MARBLING, GILDING, GLAZING, PAPER HANGING &C. Having on hand all the necessary material to carry on the bnmness, wc are-prepared to give sat- isfaction, both in execution and prices, to all who may lavor us with their orders. Wc will also keep on hand and for sale, mixed Paints of every description. VARNISH, OIL, SPS. TURPENTINE, BROWN JAPAN, PUTTY, SAND PAPER, BRUSHES, Ac., Are. Orders from the country promptly attended to. DRURY & TRIPOD, Over Roberts, Dnnlap & Co., Cherry st, augl2-12m* Jfacon, Ga. REFERENCES : W. B. Johnston, N. H. Beal, J. H. Zeilto <fe Co., B. A. Wise, Clayland& Dumblc, Leroy Napier, W. A. Huff. WHOLESALE MILLINERY GOODS Wholesale Cloak Manufactory. LOUISVHA.E, KENTUCKY. W E are pleased to say to our friends south of the Ohio, that we have one of the largest and best assorted stocks of Millinery G-oods This side of New York. We employ over one hundred and fifty girls in our Cloak Factory, And we are confident that our styles apd prices will compare favorably with any house In America. Respectfully. nov!7-tjl OTIS & CO. 3,000 GALLOXS ^^SSORTED Whisky, just received aud for sale L. W. Hasdai, Wholesale ancl Retail Grocer, Third street, under Ral.«tc^^HalI, Macon, Ga. nov2g-dlm i no H ACKS will leave Albany on arrival of the cars from Macon, every Tuesday, U.nrsday and Saturday, for Tallahassee, Fla., via Thomasville, Ga.; also, for Bainbridge every Monday, Wednes- day and Fridays thus opening a regular communi- cation to Southwestern Georgia and Florida. WEIGHT* HILL, jy27-tf Proprietors. Bar Soap, .For sale by lX I T C H E7L * 3KITHSI nov 20<i-0toct 31-3m Linen Goods House Keeping G-oods. T HE subscribers are prepared to famish HO- TELS and FAMILIES on short notice, with the above G#ods, of the best makes, in Bleached and Brown Table Damasks, % *' Cloths, Damask Napkins and Doylies Fancy bordered Liaen Towels, Huckaback and Russia Diapers, Bird Eyeand8cotch Diapers, Linen Sheetings and Pillow Linens, Irish Linens, etc., . £ '• •*-= ALSO !*' Furniture Dimity, Marseilles Quilts, Bed Blanket*, Cotton Sheetings and FUlow Cottons, LaTHROPACO., Comer of Congress and Whitaker Sts., Savannah, Ga. Orders left with Messrs. E.S. Lathrop & Col, of Macon, will be forwarded to ns, and wiil meet with prompt attention for any portion of the State, decl-eodlm* LATHROP <fc CO. JUST RECEIVED A5TD FOR HALE. 5 Bbls. BOURBON COAL OIL, 100 BOXES WINDOW GLASSAll siecs. 5 Bbls. BEST TURPENTINE VARNISHES, 200 CASES PURE DRUGS. At the Lowest Prices. BOYD & GORDON, - 5*. . -I: >•' 1 Cherry st. 2il iloor below Telegraph Building. ileo5-3t Attention Capitalists! T HE undersigned offers for sale his SHOALS, nine miles north of Forsyth, Georgia, and five miles below the High Falls, to Mouroc county, on the Towaliga rivereight (8) feet fall of water within a distance of one hundred yards.Suitable tor a Factory or any machinery. No bet- ter situation or stand can lie lound in Middle Geor- gia. He will also sell one hundred (100) or more acre* of splendid wood land, oak ana hickory, with the above property. On said land, convenient to the Shoals, there is an almost inexhaustible Qnarr. ofthe best Granite. Capitalists would do well to consider their in- terest and give him a call. The above property will be offered at private sale for SO days. E. M. BUTLER, deci-at Forsyth, Ga. Joy to the World !THE INTttODUCTIOX OF PERRY DAVISPAIN KILLER, SUFFERING HUMANITY OF THIS AGE, Has relieved more Pain and caused more Real •Toy than any other one thing that, can be named. IT IS A BALM F*OR EVERY WOUND,* OUR FIRST PHYSICIANS USE. And recommend its nse; the Apothecary finds it first among the medicines called for, and the wholesale Druggist considers it a leadings -y a hts trade. Ail tho otin'r i medicine speak alikcin its favor; and its reputation-as a medi- cine of great MERIT AND VIRTUE IS FULLY AND PERMA- NENTLY ESTABLISHED, AND IT IS THE GREAT 3J1 a\n i 1 y edicine OF THE AGE. B. H. WRIOLBT. TAKEN INTERNALLY IT CURES SORE THROAT, SUDDEN COLDS. COUGHS, ETC., WEAK STOMACH, GENERAL.DEBILITY, NURSING SORE MOUTH, CANKER, LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA ORINDIGESTION, CRAMP AND PAIN IN THE STOMACH, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, PAINTERS COLIC, ASIATIC CHOLERA, DIARRHCEA AND DYSENTERY. TAKEN EXTERNALLY IT CURES FELONS, BOILS, AND OLD SORES, SEVERE BURNS A1{DSCALDS, CUT8, BRUISES, AND SPRAINS, SWELLING OF THE JOINTS, RINGWORMAND TETTER, BROKEN BREAST, FROSTED FEET AND CHILBLAINS, TOOTHACHE, PAIN IN TOE FACE, NEURAL- GIA AND RHEUMATISM. PAIN KILLER, Taken internally should be adulterated with milk or water, and sweetened with sugar, if desired, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a COUGH and BRONCHITIS, a few drops on sugar, eaten, will be more effective than anything else. For SOKE THROAT, gargle the throat with a mixture of Pain Killer and water, and the relief is imme- diate, and cure positive. jsgr It should not be forgotten that the Pain Killer Is equally as good to take internally os to use externallj\ Each bottle is wrapped with full directions for its use. Sold by Druggists and Med- icine Dealers everywhere. nov 14-6m - W-ANTED. 0 GOOD CABINET MAKERS, ^GOOD CARPENTERS, ONE other need apply, oct 8-2m GRENVILLE WOOD. The Latest Arrival. Turpin &f Hurtzs J U3T RECEIVED a large and well selected stock of Overcoats, Business and Dress Suits. Also, the latest styles of French, English and American Caasimers, together with a fine assort- ment of Gents Furnishing Goods, which we offer for sale to our friends and patrdhs, and to the public in general, at the lowest prices, suitable to everybodys means. Come ana look Ifwedonotsnit you, no charge will be made for showingthe Best and Cheapest the Market can Afford. Clothing made to order on short notice by Mons* Rousse from Paris. TURPIN & KURTZ. Triangular Block. I J. IL UCRTZ Executor*Sale; xx r ILL be sold, at the late residence of E. G. VY Oliver, late of Crawford county, deceased, on Thursday, the 14th inst., all the property belong- ing to the estate of the said deceased, consisting of seven hundred and feixtj'-eight (768) acres oak and hickory land, eighteen miles fromMacon and three miles from Montpelier Springs, well improved, with a good Dwelling and all necessary out-houses, well watered, and very desirable both for cultiva- tion and family residence. Also, Mules, Perk and Stock Hogs, Cattle. Cotton Seed, Corn, Fodder, Potatcs, Hoosebold and Kitchen Furniture, in- cluding one Piano, and many other desirable arti- cles. T. P. OLIVER, A. B. MORAN, December 4,1855. 6tt_________ Executors. WRIGLEY & KNOTT, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IX Hardware and Cutlery, BUILDERSHARDWARE. MechanicsTools Of ail kinds. HOUSE FURNISHINGS. WXXiXiOW WARE. Buckets, Tubs, NEW STYLE MEAL SIFTERS, At Wholesale and Retail. Ralstons Range, Next to Express Office. Notice. A n ELECTION wrn be held at the City Hall, to this city, on the fid Saturday to December next, for Mayor, Alderman, Clerk and Treasurer, ofthecitvofMaccu. novfiB-ttecd MACON, GEORGIA. dccS-dtni. Cotton Shipped Direct -w«c*jntanK.a WITH BUT ONE HANDLING. r IE subscribers haring made arrangements for vessels to ply between New York and Darien, wifi receive cotton on board their boxes at Macau and Landings below, and give bill of lading for the same through to New York. Thelmportance of stopping cotton by this route where the vessels meet tho boxes and when practi* cable, transfer the cargoes immediately from the boxes on hoard the vessels, giving it thereby but one handling, will be readily appreciated by all cotton shippers. INSURANCES They arc also linpowered to insure cotton ship- ped on board their boxes to a limited extent and st moderate rates. BUTTS & BROTHER, dec3-2w Maeon, Ga. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. CAKHART & CUED, Iron Front Store, Cherry street, Have in store andare receiving daily a toll com- plete stock ofHardware, Iron, Steel, Hoes, Chains, and Tools of everydisenption. PLANTERS, CARPENTERS, MERCHANTS, MACHINISTS, BUILDERS, BLACKSMITHS. Carriage and Wagons Makers can be supplied with everything in their line. For Steam 8aw Mills a Full Assortment of RUBBER AND LEATHER BELTINGS, CIRCULAR AND MILL SAWS, And everything In their line. Wc are satisfied that with five years experience and personal attention to business, we can make It advantageous to the Interest of purchasers to buv of us. Call at dec2-lm CARHART & CURD. .Houston Plantation FOR SALE OU RENT! B EING -unable to give the business my personal attention, I propose to sell or rent my Oak Land Plantation "in "Houston countv. Theplace lies on the .Ocmulgec river, four miles from the Buzzard Roost depot, on the Macon & Brunswick Railroad. It contains twenty-one hundred aud fifty acres of rich lime landabout 1,400 acres cleared, and most of it very productive. I will sell the land lor twelve thousand dollars caeb, or to any one who will buy the stock and provisions on the place, I will rent it on moderate term*, either in money or for apart of the crop. dec3-4tt JOHN J. GRESHAM. Invitation to GiveEvidence.The committee on the financial operations of the State sends ns the following for publication, and we call especial attention to it: illLLEDOEVILLE, Nov. 2Sth, 1885. Whereas, we have been convened for the pur- pose of making a thorough investigation and examination of the financial operations of the State of Georgia from 1861 to the present time,and de- sire, without prejudice or partiality, to discharge the duty imposed. We invite alt persons to come forward and give, under oath, all the evidence they may have that will throw light, on the subject mat- ter of investigation. On motion, the above resolution was referred to the Provisional Governor for publication. THOMAS SAFFOLD, Chairman. C. J. JORDAN, 0. A. LOCHRANE. Executive Oracr, I Milledgeville, Nov. 28th, 1805. f The Telegraph will publish for two weeks, and request that the Columbus Enquirer, Atlanta In- telligencer, and Chronicle and Sentinel of Augusta, also for the same length of time. - J. JOHNSON, dec5-d2w____________________ Governor. BUREAU REFUGEES, FREEDMENANDABAN- DONED LANDS, Office Acto Sun Asst Commissioner, 1 Aldant, Ga., Dec. 3,1863.} Cieccz.au 1 No. L f As the year is nearly expired for which the Frced- mcn have made a contract, it is deemed important to uige tbeFrcedmen to make contracts before the 25th day of December, for the coming year. And in as much as these Freedmen are ignorant and easily imposed on, it is partlniiitriy tMrtd that all contracts made with the Freedman shall spccifical ly name the compensation that he shall receive for his labor, and it is hoped that the proprietors will feel a sincere desire to cooperate with the Bureau suppressing ail dclusiveanddeceptive contracts, which seem to premise more Ilian wiU ever be re ccived by the Freedmen. G. A. HASTINGS, Major 12l"a Maine Yob Inf try, Actg. Snb Asst. Commissioner. dec6-3t Yearly, I SUBSCRIPTION: ADVERTISING, Una square, twelve lines or II 00; tach subsequent insertwCTlSS Address, $3FF&kU> Cfetfaib Ctlfqrapli. THURSDAY MORNING ________q DECEMBER 7, ISA GENERAL IMTEMCEXCE. Fords Theatre lias been completely re- modeled, and is notv ready for the rebel relics. The President hits directed that no patorts be granted to tmjwrdoncd rebels in the South. Chicago has appropriated ;*li)n,000tockan file streets, in anticipation of the cholera Tiie panion of Judge Magralli and Secre- tary Scddon came direct from tho PmUrert. Hon. Samuel Ames, for ten years Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Rhode I*- land, haa resigned bu office '-eeau* of ill health. The Churl it,, on ]wper-. report tin- dead, of Hon. Thos. J. Wither*, Judge of the Supreme Court of the State. i Smoking ear* have been placed ujH'ii two of the city railways in New York. ^ Tho death of the fattest man in the world, M. Helm, is recorded. He was employed ia Paris as translator; Ua age was 42 yean; he weighed 500 pound*. One of our exebangm says: Dr. Joseph Worcester, author of a dictionary and inven- A fire occurred in Tuscaloosa, Ala., a few days since, which consumed the Washington Hall and several other buildings of iea note. Tiie records of the court of appeals of Kentucky, with a large portion of the books in tho ofiico of tho secretary ot State, were destroyed by fire in Frankfort a few days since. The total exports of specie from New York since 1st January last, have been *27,4 0.3,10X In the coming congress the scats of seven members will be contested, which alone will make the opening proceedings quite inter- esting. With the Virginia delegation to coii greaa the oath question is to be tested by Mr. Stu- art; who will make application to take lii* seat without taking the oath. The people of Virginia are preparing to fight confiscating proceedings through the U. S. District Courts. Humphrey Marshall is said to be negotiat- ing for the purchase of the National Intelli- gencer. He proposes to make a powerihl ad- ministration advocate. Major General Frank Gardner, who was in command at Port Hudson during the war, has become a local reporter of the New Orlcan - Crescent Generals Frank Gardner and Dick Taylor were in Jackson, on the 23d ult. They were looking well and apparently in tim- spirit*. A few days ago the working men of Indi- ana, held a large convention in Indianopolis, and passed resolutions to memoralire the leg- islature to adopt the eight hour system in tiie State. ' Rev. W. H. Milburn, tho blind prcachfr- rcceived deacons orders in the Protestant Episcopal church at Burlington, Vt., on Sun- day tho 20th ult. He has hitherto been a Methodist. BEARDliN & CO„ (LATE OF GEORGIA,)_______ 20 REA 7EH STREET. NEW YORK. General Commission Merchants For the -ale of Cotton, Wool and other Pro- ducc. Liberal advances made orv* C onsign- ments shipped to our house. GAINES & CO., MAC/- VIA, Will make advances updh uents to us. dee2 6t« * B. A CO. A Family of Thieves. w As analogous to tho great railroad roi.l-. ies committed in our midst, wc give the i..! lowing from the correspondent of it. Phila- delphia Press, who writes from Holliduvs- burg, Pa.: . , < )ne of flic mo-1 iin; , in our criminal court ■!iiriner tlu^ ev that the people ot this section nessed. Tiie charge was larceny, l ie o, sons indicted were John J. Burkholder. 1.: diah, his wife, Julio, Lavinia, and Man- IIawk, his daughters, Henry, Tlioma-, Perry, and NorvalHawk, sons and sons-in-law. Tlu- trial lasted three days, and resulted in a con- viction of all the defendants, except Perry Burkholder and his mother. The charge was for stealing a large amount of goods shipped in the cars of the Penn*v! vania Railroad Company. The lu.-ad of this delectable family was a well-to-do farmer and horse speculator, living four mile* east of A1- toona, in this county. His daughter, Mary Hawk, and her husband, Nonal Hawk, in October, November anil December, 1H64, and January, 1865, resided in Altoona. Margaret Burkholder, not then married to John Bishop Cozzcn Ware, was a frequent visitor at her sisters, and here wa3 planned this gigantic system of robbery. Hawk, as an employee, had got possession of a freight car key, which was broken, but by filing answered tiie purpose. During th« last three months of 1S64, immense quant ities of goods were missing from the air*, and no one was suspected. The goods were carried to Hawks, there divided, and the share of Lavinia and Julia carried to their inotlnr and two brothers, Henry and Thoma*. down in.thc country to their homeon horseback, in the carriage and in sleds. On December 3Ut, Ware and JIargaret ware marriedtiie cars of the railroad company furnished them with an outfit for housekeeping. The stock, of Mr. Krause, from Pottstown, Montgomery county, wa* pilfered, and great quantities of towel*, carpets, slip*, silk dresses and shawl* taken by this woman from the tars, his good* having been shipped for Indiana. Penn. Jne J. Burkholder was opposed to this match. Things went on swimmingly, until, March of this year, traces of tile missing good were then observed. Search w arrant* w en obtained, and the result w as the discovery of about a thousand dollars' worth ot goo. Hawk's and Ware's. This lx-ing but a of the amount missing, led to the su*pf that some was concealed at Rurkhcbi tVare having been arrested,_ where it might be liid, and j tinued. great packages of hidden in the hnyrtie t*!*1 the potatoes, in the search 1 everywhere tieJ-good* were o' , hidden. Lamp?the cellar und.fl company, were die outhouses- an 1 - - ' tier - or -aou'd hI . wyxris werei in the cheats every part c trunks of th< in the ,7) seen upon the person. goo,-.:- impossible to convict ell of the lioys. the jMendai.u. without the totimoev of Ware as mne-tenths of the property it was not nos sible to identity. " 1 John J. Burkholder owns a large farm and was in no necessity of resorting to this mode of making a living. The trial was doubly impressive, inasmuch as it is the practice in this judicial district, under th. set of asatin- bly, to arraign all persons ch-.-grtl with the commission of a felony. It a strange aud painful reunioneight persona, fromtho grayheaded grandfather to th- \oiin of fourteen years of age.

H THE MACON DAILY JPxrffrj tfrfrppj] · 2019-02-27 · ijr^arnn S*aHq J. K. SNElSSj (tfbotRi? H THE MACON DAILY JPxrffrj tfrfrppj] TEL EG OLDRAP H BUILD IH Unaa r of Cie rj *#4 rteconl

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Page 1: H THE MACON DAILY JPxrffrj tfrfrppj] · 2019-02-27 · ijr^arnn S*aHq J. K. SNElSSj (tfbotRi? H THE MACON DAILY JPxrffrj tfrfrppj] TEL EG OLDRAP H BUILD IH Unaa r of Cie rj *#4 rteconl

ijr^arnn S*aHq

J. K. SNElSSj (tf botRi?H THE MACON DAILY JPxrffrj tfrfrppj]

TEL EG RAP H BUILD IH ar of Cie rj *#4 rteconl atf<




ClOBB * JACKbON, Attoww at/ «*.. office owoifzrortoatorom, o B.A.wUrax.ThirJttret. „



Ha. proved to be


J. v. BASS. j

/..Hi,- !L" * P WHITTLE, Attone^ «t Uf, (ofc " -----------" ”

i^wph'E r.B. WHITTLE.


I» BMOVAL—Dr. B. -F White do. occapiretwo iv no* over the present post dour to Dr. C. II. iwf.

^4.,»V*t«Eo^ nof.V)A S «S?ld fc^nfe DYom Bran’* Howl to the ^SiTWri

Mrrn Fujdaraod Plam-wliere M>oa A at .111 JlowTirtw.

WWW _________ ______ a-AI \KAS«nU.*OWRS, o«ce corner WalnutD WBWnS««rDr%WT«H-*■

Im* found atocis-tr

. J. ROOSEVELT, <IIornocop«tl>Ut). • MnlbefTT «*., Washington Block, orer „ J2EZZ7 Book Stoi? Rcl^cc o"

E,!SrErfe<SS35*aS«gS■ L L. HARRIS tender. W. professional nr- D rice, to the paMtc. (Office oo Second street, orer Knott A B^n. scpl73m


TEWETT A SNIDER, Wholesale Commis- r J da McrrhsnU, and General ARraU, Second

MdlcUad dm all l «t- “f the country. Agents SrSmWSr.t daiTiiinr-oue Companies, art! .3m*


Jll OTTO.—Wholesale and retail dealer In . Watch*. Jewelry. Watch Materials, Gold Pam, Gold, Silver and £tccl SpccWclc., Ac. At

ttookd aland of J II *88 Vlrrfn, Cotton Avenue. Maeon, Ga. Watches, Clock, and Jewelry, repairedand warranted. Sewing Maebinea Horn pat In order, to which Mr. P land- . — — — —-

Maebinea of all dcscrip- M - Ilertell willat-


J. MARTLET, WATCHMAKER, late work •nua for Sidney B. Day, continuer to repair

at prvaeut In the Floyd House Building, Medical C«I College, Mulberry Greet.

TAMES SUPPLE, Watchmaker and Jeweller, rj Second street, two doors from the corner of Malberry! keejvs constantly a well selected assort­ment of A DC Gold and Silver W’atchca and Jewelry. Alan, Watchea and Jewelry carefully repaired by

■---- t«pl29-3m\KfATCHE3 and JEWELRV, at Chas. S. Bau\ ¥ drt’a, under the Telegraph Printing House

ecratr Cherry and Second streeta, Maeon,-Ga. keeps constant!' ou band a large aaMJrt n I cut of tine Watches and Jewelry. Repairing done neffuj and on abort notice. All work warranted, auglo-m


MACON DAILY TELEGRAPH Job Printing Officer Job work of every description execu­

ted an abort notice and In good atyle. Terms rea- aogBB

& J. BLAKE, real estate agent, Macon, Ga.• Person * having bouses for salo or rent, or

----- s wanting to rent houses, cannot be bet-........... by calling on tnc. From my

wrsonaer anil

. Ga., Sept. Ill, 1B85-V)enl88__________,. •. * D. LANE arc now olTcring tor sale a L a large lot of Sole and Upper Leather. Also, tain Oil tiv retail. Next door to Express office, [aeon. tie. noyMm*

Springliill Higli tScliool.THE undersigned, who la a Muter of Arts ol

the Calveralty of Ve., and was formerly Pro- feaaor of Mathematics and Astronomy, In the Uni­

versity of Georgia, will Opou, on the iat January next, a Boarding School for soya, at "his Tealdenoe la Houston county. Ga Address

W. LxltOY BROUN, M. A.. nor23 coJlrat Perry, llonstou County, Ga


READY-MADE OTOTHWG,tSl A 333 Broadsrtf, Corner Worth St., X. T.

T. r. caasiwr. ui vat shaver', ffj J. B. VAX WAGENEN,

A. T. HAMILTON. „ -1YM{7* Office of Payan & Cathart In liquidation, novlt-eoddra

Buggies unrl Family Jersey Wagons,FROM CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO.

TTTK will toon have a supply of Buggies, Top 11 Familv Wagons and Ilarnc? made to order

at CONCORD AN D B RATTLE BORO, expressly for this market, sod will warrant theuitogKo entire •atufaction t. > :i'.l purchaser*. We. will sell no work not mads expressly to our order. Those f cm a distance can address ua at Macon (to care W. C. Singleton !, or at Hawkiusville, Ga._ost 7-Srn.___MCDUFFIE, MASON A CO.



. Dealers In Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Stocks, *»—AIv>id, Silver, Bank Notes, Ac.



Have re-established tteir old and well known JEWELRY STORK and WATCH REPAIRING BUSINESS at

X*. « Cotton Avenue,sndfr the Ma»omcHaIL

They have Jut received a select sto«k of all v'War* and ^uaUties af KCP* tbeir line,lncladiafr AVAtcbes, Jtnv)B SpecUde#, Gold fiiws Choice Cutlery, Port Menaies, Mersebaums, ComW, Brushes, YioUns, Guitar and Violin Strings, Double Barrel Sporting Guns and Tackle, Percussion Cap*. Marble*. Tope, China Dolls, Playing Yards, Dominos, Back gammon and Chess Xm. Lubin's genuine Extract*. Toilet and Shaving 5*iap* norSt-dSm


The Best and Forest Baking Powder in Use, t. H. ZEILIN At CO.,

WH0LE8AU 4 RETAIL DRU66I8T8,if AC Clfc, *GEO ua IA.

Solti Agent- in tliU State for tlic sale ofPROF. XORK1V AZWIE.t.

torg* tot of this excel- can !*aft-ly recommend t claims to be. Azu-

____ WHKATEN BREAD possi­ble. It D nude In the simplest manner, u tullows: Get one qnart, equal to l}{ pounds of flour, mix Into it, unite dry, three ordinary size tcsutioonfuU of Azumcs, sdd aid water,«ith a little salt dissolved in it—safflcicot to make a dough os soft as can lie conveniently handled, which is generally a little leas than one rgtil nf water to one -quart or flour. Do not knead h. Shape ICvcry lightly, and imme­diately bakcTifa quicK oven, which UTUsf be quite hot bchav you begin to mix. It has the following id vantages over yeast or fermented bread; It can Nitnade and baked In one Ttonr from the time of a rut handling the floor; it will be moist and pleas­ant to cat bt four days after baking; It Is easy of dlgcation, excellent for person* anBering from dys­pepsia; retains all the gluten, starch and sugar contained In the flour, and therefore produces 1 lb. 13 ox. bread from 1 lb. 4 oz. floor, whilst yeast pro­duces only 1 lb. 0 oz. of bread from 1 lb. 4 ox. of flour; Urns obtaining about 37 lbs. more of bread from a bsrrrlwif flour, which, with the saving of yeast, will about balance the cost of the Axurnea. Can biased for any or the following recipes, and ladies everywhere will be agreeably surpiised with the delicious productions. This excellent compo­sition docs not contain a particle of Atom, Salte- ratus, or any kind of deleterious drag; but is per­fectly pure and healthy, and, as a culinary prepara­tion, la infallible and Invaluable. At the Fair in Cincinnati, there were a number of Baking Fow- dera-on exhibition:—the Axurnea, with several otha-s, was analyzed, and obtained the tint prize, aa the purest and beat Baking powder known. A trial only la necessary, to order to be satisfied.

A paper Is given with each box, with fall instruc­tions far making


Azcema is put up for tlie retail trade in 1-4 ll>. cans, nt 23 cts., and in 1-2 lb. cans at 50 cents.Liberal Diaoonnt Made to Wholesale Purchasers.

oct!0-2m J. K. ZEILIN & CO.




"Wholesale and Retail!

» Al/IOHIV p (**;!.■. t • • »t


THE undersigned beg leave to inform the Lulie- of this city, county and vicinity and the pubs

lie ib general, that he has now open and ready for sale at the well known and popular old stand of


One of the best selected Slocks ol

Staple and Faney Dry GoodsIn the Southern market*. The goods were select­ed by Mr. Einstein with great care; and as he is now to the New York market for the sole purpose of selecting goods, and watching the best oppor­tunities for buying. I have the advantage over all other merchants who are not similarly situated.

I shsir receive new additions to our stock eve­ry week, and will lie always prenared to exhibit to the public goods of the ■ [...

Best Manufacture, Latest Styles,

Xowest Market Prices.*My stock consists to psrt of the following

11.1 JinPrinted DcLalncs,

All wool Delaines,\i-.t j Empress ClOth^ r i/y *'.!!

roll De€hCT?ti. v „ .English and French Merinos,

Scotch and VcnitianPUidsf Solid, printed and figured Poplin?,

Black DcLalnes, *Alapacas,

Black Silks,_ Merinos and Bombazines,

Aud many other goods belonging to the


A full imd complete assortment of Linen Cambric llandkcrchlefe,Ladle?' Linen and Embroidered Cu:rs and Col*

tars, separate and iu sets, ■* •White, Red and Shaker Flannels,Plaiu aud Fancy Opera Flannels,Bleached and Brown Canton Flannels, Blau

kets, Ac.,Hosiery,

Gloves,Ladies’ Merino Vests,

Table Linen,Table Cloth,

Towels,_ —- m TwntaNa m m • •

NajdtinsL 2*15 g| JrLL.Ji • Doylies Linen,

And all other articles belonging to a

Number One Dry Goods Store.We call the special attention of the ladies to OHr


. Aud say with confidence, we will sell these arti­cles sta" ________ . .

. LowaanzcaVOTltE.

CHARLES K DKXTER, late ut'thc «nn orH.ll j Ttua wvotKrho^ in the dty and WARRANT A Dcxur. is prepared to make liberal th, ^ tQ u> of ^

CASH ADVANCES OK ALL OOTTOHBest ud Im| Fashionable Sana*

f a r t u r e .

oct 15 dm

A. SPRINOER,Macon, Ga.

t'oosi^nfj through him to the well known and re- »pon*4ble house of Gardner, Dexter A Co., of New York and Boston. novMir

Columbus, Ga., Nov 3d 1865.

NOTICE.Steamship Chase.

C“tONSKXEE^ **r owner? of Goods per Steam'/ skip Cha*e. on voyage from New York, Oeto- ______ __ _____ . _

nrr5l. 1865, will plea*e wre*ent copie* of in voice* 2 O'M SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION Coa- jd»o. visduis for short delftvancca and deductions A puiy are prepared to iasne through receijkta f»tr damage, if any, to the *n^cr>.'UwUtt<L on or be- from Macon aud Albany to Baltimore and Jiew torr the 15ih day of IrdSberu^t, for the par- York vk the GREAT VIRGINIA AND TEN- jso-e of making the adjustment olike general av- LINE^ TSTEdgr

nav.-.Md - > aUNTSA-A: (.^niELL ^uovT-Sm Y G Rt'ST, Ag’t AlbsSJ. '


COME AT LAST.! > / • • .

! November 27th, 1865.

I hiTr this Day Reccirrel by Exprasp,




Also an ineilumstable supply of

Dress Buttons



For triuimino-of ernyr color.»


Both hlack anti white,




CORSETTES, A La Eugenie.

Bcaitlea many other novelties to which the

attention of the public is invited.

nov!2 S. T. COLEMAN.

Ells’ Saloon.TBE PLACE is now open to the public; every

luxury which can be obtained from any partol the United States, will he served up in every style

to please the most fastidious. Beverages of oil kinds, of the Jsest, to cheer the desponding ; a hot Dinner to iNViconATEthe inner msu onacold dayVwitha fine liavannato pulf aw; dull care. Do not hunger nor thirst, but call on Ells, who has a plenty at his Old Stand, opposite the Lanier, who will do his best to satisfy your wauts.

With eighteen years of successful experience In my business I hope to please all. With gratitude to old iriends for past favors, I hope to merit a continuance of their patronage—aud all others who will give me a call. H. N. ELLS.

OYSTERS, by the quart or gallon, furnished as low as any house in the city, for shipment or city use. Also'Lemons by the box or dozen.

nov8-lm H. N. ELLS.

Saddles and Harness.Little,. Smith & Co./

Cherry st., between Cotton Avenue and {Second s.t. Maeon, Ga.‘








Harness manufactured to order. decl-IimNEW FIRM




TYTOW have to store, and for sale, the largcstAd best assorted stock of BOOTS, SHOES, AND

HATS, in the South. Those wishing to buy, to sell again, will here find facilities not snrpas.se(! bv any house south of Cincinnati, as the entire stock ha* been purchased, FOR CASH, from the manu­facturers in the cities of New York and Boston..

A good supply ot TRUNKS AND UMBRELLAS will also be kept on hand.

Tho firm hopes, by constantly replenishing, and by strict attention to business, to merit a liberalportion of public patronage. __



I OFFER my Tan Yard and 202Js{ aures of Land for sale; adjoining the whole length ol ttot jpr-

poration of Lumpkin, east; 80 acres cleared eapA 120 acres in the woods. J. G. SINGER.


Safe for Sale.An Extra Large Double Safe,

Made by nerring—suitable for a Bank.

Apply to ■J -

|-deco-tlt* CHARLES DAY.

Strayed or Stolen,

FROM A. M. Knighton’s Stable, near Brooks villc, Randolph county, Ga.,

’ ■ •iSiiC’lC A GREY MARE, belonging to Charles Mandcville. Said mare is of good size, with very light mane and tail, and fonr years old last spring. Any Information that leads to her recovery will be thankfully received and liberal! v rewarded. REUBEN J ONES,

dec‘5-d3* ■______ Cuthbert, Ga.PUBLIC SALE AND RENT OF LAND.

WILL be sold at the subscriber’s plantation in Houston county, about two milc6 from An­

derson's on the South \Ve*tcrn Railroad, near Al­len?* Mills on Mossy crefck, on Thursday, the 14th day of December next. Mules, waffons and ox cart, ail in good condition; oxen, milch and stock cattle, pork and stock hogs,/corn, fodder, syrup, oat?, cotton seed, black-smith and plantation tools, vkc. Terms cash. The plantation will be rented for the usual part of farm produets or ?old at a bargain if prcfemL On the premises about fifty freedmen, all of whom doubtless can be hired at lair wanes, offering a rare chance for making money. Age aud deafness demands my retirement from business. JAMES THWEATT.

noviXKK*Omen Upson Countt Railhoad, )

December 1st, 1865.

TIIE annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Upson Countv Railroad Company, will be

held in the town of Tfcotntstan, at one of the rooms at the Court House, on Saturday the 30th day of this month, to elect a Board of Directors, to man­age the business of the company for the year 1806.- It is earnestly requested that all the Stockholders attend, as business of importance will be before the meeting. , A. J. WHITE,

dec2-td. r President.Journal «fc Messenger copy.


XACOX, GtOHGIA.Collections made with quick returns. Orders

received for the Purchase or Sale of Cotton, Bonds, Real Estate, etc., etc. Gold for sale, also Exchange on New York and Louisville. Office W Cotton Avenue, Freeman’s old «tand. dec2-12r*


d for Sale or Rent.I WILL soil two good cotton plantations; oue

in Lee cO. countainingabout (3500) twenty-fivehundred acres, theotherin Macon tonal,, contain ingCMSOitwentT-louraeres. wtthaboatri9U0)Sfteen buddred acres ua cultivation on either place; and with if desirid, will sell *U nseesiuy stock, prorbfcm*, <te. Or I wH] rent a-half iarerect in either or both, to n good practical plsnter and cal- tivtte them on joint acrannt. Address m« Si Ma­con, Ga. N. BASS.I ran

Fire Insurance.E.C. GRANNISS.

General Insurance Agent, Macon.Represent* EIGHTEEN Marine, Fire, Life anil


Insurance Companies.And D folly prepared to take risk* upon the most reasonable term*. The capital involved in the Companies 1 represent allows inc to take on any

ONE RISK $250,000.Special attention given to the Insurance of cot­

ton and alt other species of property.AU losses adjusted prompt! v.

ETC. GRANNISS,nov33-lm Agent, Macon, Ga.


I WILL pay for Mink Skins, prime, 75 cents. Opossum Skin*, prime 25 cents,

to val-


Wholesale and Retail Druggists,

Cherry St., 2 Doors below Telegraph Building.MACON, GEORGIA.

We are receiving weekly additions to our stock of DRUGS,



aud wc solicit MERCHANTS, PHYSICIANS, and PLANTERS, to call and examine our stock and prices, before purchasing elsewhere.

N. B.—Special attention given to PRESCKIP TIONS and ORDERS.

novlti-3m BOYD * GORDON.

Coon Skins, prime, 20 cents,Beaver, Otter, and Deer Skins accordingr Mins according ti

N. K. BARNUM, Dealer in Dry Goods, Triangular Block,

nov 20-1m Macon.



Southern Transportation Company

BILLS LADING FOR MECIIANIMSE GIVEN through from New York to the following point*: *Macon at....................................... $4 05 per 100 lbs

T Auiertcus at.................................. 5 30 per 100 lbsAlbany at...................................... 5 65 per 100 lbsCnthbert at.................................... 5 77 per 100 lbsEufanla at...................................... 5 90 per 100 lbs

The Roads are now in good working order,' and good* come through promptly.

T. R. BLOOM, Agent,nov24-lm ’ Maeon, Ga



Fire and Burglar Proof Safes,

Bank Locks, &c.

S3E SAFES AND LOCKS have been thor- ?hlv tested and their reputation is such c Tkeascuv Depabtment at Washington

and New York city use them in preference to any other. They are made exclusively of irou and steel, thus rendering them entirely


Eureka and Excelsior Bank Bocks,For Vaults, Express Boxes, Bankers, Jewellers,

and Merchants,"SrcunrUalled, and oartics desiring such articles will find it greatly to their interest to purchase from u*ras we can sell at manufacturers’ prices, freight only added,

nov ll-3m RIDGELY, SQUIER & CO.


Amelia and Florence Chipman, Direct horn Liverpool,

By Wilbur & Son..Oii Wednesday, GtJi December, at our Sale

Doom, corner State and Chalmers streets, at 10 1-2 o'clockjc ill be sold, by Catalogue,

ONE hundred and. sixty Crates FANCY AS­SORTED EARTHENWARE and CROCK­

ERY, just imported direct from the Potteries in England. Catalogues may be had and samples ot Ware examined at our office.

Conditions cash. Charleston, 8. C.do(5

Asher Ayres,Grocer & Commission Merchant.

50 Bales Gunny Bagging,100 Coils Hemp RojSC 25 Coils Manilla Rope,50 Bbls Refined Sugar,25 Sacks Rio Coffee,20 Bbls Leaf Lard,60 Keg* Cut Nails,

100 Boxes Tobacco,40 Boxes Assorted Candy,40 j d Bbls Batter Crackers,Wine, Cigars, &c.


SAVANNAH, GEORGIA,Will advance on Shipments to their friends in

New York or Liverpool. nov22-2m

AT PRIVATE SALE.| PLANTATION, 1W miles from Brown Sta-

LJ tion, on the South Western Railroad, in Ter­rel county, Ga., containing about 1000 acres, more or less, 300 cleared and in good state of cultivated It has on the place a good dwelling and all ndflH sary out houses. The land lies on Middle creek. 0 miles from Dawson, in a splendid neighborhood, and cannot be surpassed as a cotton farm. 150 acres arc of the best Hammock lands, the remainder not cleared, heavily timbered. For further particulars apply to or address J. G. LAIRD, Atlanta, Go.,

dec2 G* or Jndgc E. G. Hill, Brown Station.

To Shippers over M. & B. RailroadTO IIAWKIXSVILLE.


Will have a large and commodious three story building to which they Will stole at reasonable rates, all good* consigned to ‘.heir care.


Agent at the Terminus of road, will promptly forward to ns by careful and honest teainsfer* all good* intcn(kd for this market or to be shipped down the river.

nov22-2w BROWN & LAIDLER.

“ Confederate Generals.”BEWARE OF BAD IMITATIONS AND


HAVING during the late war, collected amon?my Sketches?and[Photographst forithe l\’ar Il­

lustrations, orignai Negatives, from life, of the prominent “Confederate General»” and statesmen of the South. I am now prepared to send by mail, postage free, on receipt of price, a life-like Photo­graph of any General or prominent officer formerly in the Confederate or Federal armies. Single ttjples 35 cents, or 4 copies for £1 All Photographsare suitable for Albums..^*

Send stamps for Catalogue. Address by mail or express bEE MALLORY,

War Illustrations,dee(#-d5t* Macon, 6a.


Pig Copper,Cast Steel,


Star Candles,




Wholesale Grocers and Commission Merchants,

No. 6 Warren Block, Augusta, Ga

HAVE excellent CLOSE BRICK STORAGE BOOM for COTTON; will either sell the

same on commission, in Augusta, or makeLIBERAL CASH ADVANCES

on consignments to Messrs. GUION & CO., Liver­pool, England, or to Messrs. WILLIAMS & GUI­ON, New York.

They keep constantly ou hand a fine assortment of Groceries suitable for the trade, such as GUNNY BAGGING,




They also are prepared to take Marine Risks, to oints and places in the Unit cd States and Europe, o the amount of $150,000 on any one good Ship, nil In Companies whose assets' arc over 15,000,- 00 dollars. ‘ nov30-dfitwlt*


WE ARE PREPARED to furnish Cotton Seed to any quantity. They are of a superio

kind of cotton and warranted fresli and good. Parties at a distance can be famished, uotombus, Ga, novG-lm. J R IVEY & CO

Omen or Empiue Iron & Coal Mining Co., I Macon, Ga, 28th Nov. 18G5. (

Stockholders whose Shales are not full paid, are hereby notified to pay an installment of Thirty per cent on their Shares on or before 1st January next, and a further installment of Thirty per cent en or before 1st April, 1800.

ir of the Board ofDirectors.ED. L. STROHECKER,

w-lawtlstapril __. President.


House, Sign & Ornamental Painting.



PAPER HANGING &C. Having on hand all the necessary material to

carry on the bnmness, wc are-prepared to give sat­isfaction, both in execution and prices, to all who may lavor us with their orders.

Wc will also keep on hand and for sale, mixed Paints of every description.VARNISH, OIL,



BRUSHES, Ac., Are. Orders from the country promptly attended to.

DRURY & TRIPOD,Over Roberts, Dnnlap & Co., Cherry st,

augl2-12m* Jfacon, Ga.REFERENCES :

W. B. Johnston, N. H. Beal, J. H. Zeilto <fe Co., B. A. Wise, Clayland& Dumblc, Leroy Napier, W. A. Huff.


Wholesale Cloak Manufactory.LOUISVHA.E, KENTUCKY.

WE are pleased to say to our friends south of the Ohio, that we have one of the largest

and best assorted stocks of

Millinery G-oodsThis side of New York. We employ over one

hundred and fifty girls in our

Cloak Factory,And we are confident that our styles apd prices

will compare favorably with any house In America. Respectfully.

nov!7-tjl ‘ OTIS & CO.

3,000 GALLOXS^^SSORTED Whisky, just received aud for sale

L. W. Hasdai,Wholesale ancl Retail Grocer, Third street, under Ral.«tc^^HalI, Macon, Ga. • nov2g-dlm

i no

HACKS will leave Albany on arrival of the cars from Macon, every Tuesday, U.nrsday and

Saturday, for Tallahassee, Fla., via Thomasville, Ga.; also, for Bainbridge every Monday, Wednes­day and Fridays thus opening a regular communi­cation to Southwestern Georgia and Florida.

WEIGHT* HILL,jy27-tf Proprietors.

Bar Soap,.For sale by


nov 20<i-0t—oct 31-3m

Linen Goods

House Keeping G-oods.

THE subscribers are prepared to famish HO­TELS and FAMILIES on short notice, with

the above G#ods, of the best makes, in Bleached and Brown Table Damasks, %

*' “ Cloths,Damask Napkins andDoylies Fancy bordered Liaen Towels,Huckaback and Russia Diapers,Bird Eyeand8cotch Diapers,Linen Sheetings and Pillow Linens,Irish Linens, etc., .

£ ’’ '• •*-= ’• ALSO !*'

Furniture Dimity,Marseilles Quilts,Bed Blanket*,Cotton Sheetings and FUlow Cottons,

LaTHROPACO.,Comer of Congress and Whitaker Sts.,

• • Savannah, Ga.Orders left with Messrs. E.S. Lathrop & Col,

of Macon, will be forwarded to ns, and wiil meet with prompt attention for any portion of the State,

decl-eodlm* LATHROP <fc CO.







At the Lowest Prices.

BOYD & GORDON,• - 5*’. . -I: >•' ‘ 1Cherry st. 2il iloor below Telegraph Building.


Attention Capitalists!

THE undersigned offers for sale his SHOALS, nine miles north of Forsyth, Georgia, and

five miles below the High Falls, to Mouroc county, on the Towaliga river—eight (8) feet fall of water within a distance of one hundred yards.— Suitable tor a Factory or any machinery. No bet­ter situation or stand can lie lound in Middle Geor- gia.

He will also sell one hundred (100) or more acre* of splendid wood land, oak ana hickory, with the above property. On said land, convenient to the Shoals, there is an almost inexhaustible Qnarr. of the best Granite.

Capitalists would do well to consider their in­terest and give him a call. The above property will be offered at private sale for SO days.

E. M. BUTLER,deci-at Forsyth, Ga.

“ Joy to the World !”




Has relieved more Pain and caused more Real •Toy than any other one thing

that, can be named.



And recommend its nse; the Apothecary finds it first among the medicines called for, and

the wholesale Druggist considers it a leadings ‘‘-’y a hts trade. Ail

tho otin'r i medicine speak alikcin its favor; and its

reputation-as a medi- ■ cine of great



3J1 a\n i 1 y edicineOF THE AGE.















PAIN KILLER,Taken internally should be adulterated with milk

or water, and sweetened with sugar, if desired, or made into a syrup with molasses. For a COUGH and BRONCHITIS, a few drops on sugar, eaten, will be more effective than anything else. For SOKE THROAT, gargle the throat with a mixture of Pain Killer and water, and the relief is imme­diate, and cure positive.

jsgr It should not be forgotten that the Pain Killer Is equally as good to take internally os to use externallj\ Each bottle is wrapped with full directions for its use. Sold by Druggists and Med­icine Dealers everywhere.

nov 14-6m -W-ANTED.



ONE other need apply,


The Latest Arrival.

Turpin &f Hurtz’s

JU3T RECEIVED a large and well selected stock of Overcoats, Business and Dress Suits.

Also, the latest styles of French, English and American Caasimers, together with a fine assort­ment of

Gents Furnishing Goods,which we offer for sale to our friends and patrdhs, and to the public in general, at the lowest prices, suitable to everybody’s means. Come ana look Ifwedonotsnit you, no charge will be made for showing theBest and Cheapest the Market can Afford.

Clothing made to order on short notice by Mons* Rousse from Paris.

TURPIN & KURTZ.T riangular Block.


Executor*’ Sale;xx r ILL be sold, at the late residence of E. G.V Y Oliver, late of Crawford county, deceased, on Thursday, the 14th inst., all the property belong­ing to the estate of the said deceased, consisting of seven hundred and feixtj'-eight (768) acres oak and hickory land, eighteen miles from Macon and three miles from Montpelier Springs, well improved, with a good Dwelling and all necessary out-houses, well watered, and very desirable both for cultiva­tion and family residence. Also, Mules, Perk and Stock Hogs, Cattle. Cotton Seed, Corn, Fodder, Potatcs, Hoosebold and Kitchen Furniture, in­cluding one Piano, and many other desirable arti­cles. T. P. OLIVER,

A. B. MORAN,December 4,1855. 6tt_________ Executors.



Hardware and Cutlery,BUILDERS’ HARDWARE.

Mechanics’ ToolsOf ail kinds.



Buckets, Tubs,

NEW STYLE MEAL SIFTERS,At Wholesale and Retail.

Ralston’s Range, Next to Express Office.


An ELECTION wrn be held at the City Hall, to this city, on the fid Saturday to December

next, for Mayor, Alderman, Clerk and Treasurer, ofthecitvofMaccu. novfiB-ttecd



Cotton Shipped Direct



rIE subscribers haring made arrangements for vessels to ply between New York and Darien, wifi receive cotton on board their boxes at Macau

and Landings below, and give bill of lading for the same through to New York.

Thelmportance of stopping cotton by this route where the vessels meet tho boxes and when practi* cable, transfer the cargoes immediately from the boxes on hoard the vessels, giving it thereby but one handling, will be readily appreciated by all cotton shippers.


They arc also linpowered to insure cotton ship­ped on board their boxes to a limited extent and st moderate rates.

BUTTS & BROTHER, dec3-2w Maeon, Ga.


Iron Front Store, Cherry street,

Have in store an dare receiving daily a toll com- plete stock of Hardware, Iron, Steel, Hoes, Chains, and Tools of every disenption.PLANTERS,



BLACKSMITHS.Carriage and Wagons Makers can be supplied with everything in their line.

For Steam 8aw Mills a Full Assortment of


And everything In their line.Wc are satisfied that with five years experience

and personal attention to business, we can make It advantageous to the Interest of purchasers to buv of us. Call at

dec2-lm CARHART & CURD.

.Houston PlantationFOR SALE OU RENT!

BEING -unable to give the business my personal attention, I propose to sell or rent my Oak

Land Plantation "in "Houston countv. The” place lies on the ‘.Ocmulgec river, four miles from the Buzzard Roost depot, on the Macon & Brunswick Railroad. It contains twenty-one hundred aud fifty acres of rich lime land—about 1,400 acres cleared, and most of it very productive. I will sell the land lor twelve thousand dollars caeb, or to any one who will buy the stock and provisions on the place, I will rent it on moderate term*, either in money or for apart of the crop.

dec3-4tt JOHN J. GRESHAM.Invitation to Give Evidence.—The committee

on the financial operations of the State sends ns the following for publication, and we call especial attention to it:

illLLEDOEVILLE, Nov. 2Sth, 1885. Whereas, we have been convened for the pur­

pose of making “a thorough investigation and examination of the financial operations of the State of Georgia from 1861 to the present time,” and de­sire, without prejudice or partiality, to discharge the duty imposed. We invite alt persons to come forward and give, under oath, all the evidence they may have that will throw light, on the subject mat­ter of investigation.

On motion, the above resolution was referred to the Provisional Governor for publication.


Executive Oracr, I Milledgeville, Nov. 28th, 1805. f

The Telegraph will publish for two weeks, and request that the Columbus Enquirer, Atlanta In­telligencer, and Chronicle and Sentinel of Augusta, also for the same length of time. -

J. JOHNSON,dec5-d2w____________________ Governor.


Aldant, Ga., Dec. 3,1863.}Cieccz.au 1

No. L fAs the year is nearly expired for which the Frced-

mcn have made a contract, it is deemed important to uige tbeFrcedmen to make contracts before the 25th day of December, for the coming year. And in as much as these Freedmen are ignorant and easily imposed on, it is partlniiitriy tMrtd that all contracts made with the Freedman shall spccifical ly name the compensation that he shall receive for his labor, and it is hoped that the proprietors will feel a sincere desire to cooperate with the Bureau

suppressing ail dclusiveanddeceptive contracts, which seem to premise more Ilian wiU ever be re ccived by the Freedmen.

G. A. HASTINGS, Major 12l"a Maine Yob Inf try, Act’g. Snb Ass’t.

Commissioner. dec6-3t


ADVERTISING,Una square, twelve lines or

II 00; tach subsequent insertwCTlSS Address, $3FF&kU>

Cfetfaib Ctlfqrapli.



GENERAL IMTEMCEXCE.Ford’s Theatre lias been completely re­

modeled, and is notv ready for the rebel relics.

The President hits directed that no pa torts be granted to tmjwrdoncd rebels in the South.

Chicago has appropriated ;*li)n,000tockan file streets, in anticipation of the cholera

Tiie panion of Judge Magralli and Secre­tary Scddon came direct from tho PmUrert.

Hon. Samuel Ames, for ten years Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Rhode I*- land, haa resigned bu office '-eeau* of ill health. ►

The Churl it,, on ]wper-. report tin- dead, of Hon. Thos. J. Wither*, Judge of the Supreme Court of the State.i Smoking ear* have been placed ujH'ii two of the city railways in New York. ^

Tho death of the fattest man in the world, M. Helm, is recorded. He was employed ia Paris as translator; Ua age was 42 yean; he weighed 500 pound*.

One of our exebangm says: “Dr. Joseph Worcester, author of a dictionary and inven-

A fire occurred in Tuscaloosa, Ala., a few days since, which consumed the Washington Hall and several other buildings of iea note.

Tiie records of the court of appeals of Kentucky, with a large portion of the books in tho ofiico of tho secretary ot State, were destroyed by fire in Frankfort a few days since.

The total exports of specie from New York since 1st January last, have been *27,4 0.3,10X

In the coming congress the scats of seven members will be contested, which alone will make the opening proceedings quite inter­esting.

With the Virginia delegation to coii greaa the oath question is to be tested by Mr. Stu­art; who will make application to take lii* seat without taking the oath.

The people of Virginia are preparing to fight confiscating proceedings through the U. S. District Courts.

Humphrey Marshall is said to be negotiat­ing for the purchase of the National Intelli­gencer. He proposes to make a powerihl ad­ministration advocate.

Major General Frank Gardner, who was in command at Port Hudson during the war, has become a local reporter of the New Orlcan - Crescent

Generals Frank Gardner and Dick Taylor were in Jackson, on the 23d ult. They were looking well and apparently in tim- spirit*.

A few days ago the working men of Indi­ana, held a large convention in Indianopolis, and passed resolutions to memoralire the leg­islature to adopt the eight hour system in tiie State.' Rev. W. H. Milburn, tho blind prcachfr-

rcceived deacon’s orders in the Protestant Episcopal church at Burlington, Vt., on Sun­day tho 20th ult. He has hitherto been a Methodist.



General Commission MerchantsFor the -ale of Cotton, Wool and other Pro- ducc. Liberal advances made orv* C onsign­ments shipped to our house.

GAINES & CO., MAC/- VIA,Will make advances updh uents to us.

dee2 6t« * B. A CO.

A Family of Thieves. wAs analogous to tho great railroad roi.l-.

ies committed in our midst, wc give the i..! lowing from the correspondent of it. Phila­delphia Press, who writes from Holliduvs- burg, Pa.: . , ■

< )ne of flic mo-1 iin; , in our criminal court ■!iiriner tlu^ evthat the people ot this section nessed. Tiie charge was larceny, l ie o, sons indicted were John J. Burkholder. 1.: diah, his wife, Julio, Lavinia, and Man- IIawk, his daughters, Henry, Tlioma-, Perry, and NorvalHawk, sons and sons-in-law. Tlu- trial lasted three days, and resulted in a con­viction of all the defendants, except Perry Burkholder and his mother.

The charge was for stealing a large amount of goods shipped in the cars of the Penn*v! vania Railroad Company. The lu.-ad of this delectable family was a well-to-do farmer and horse speculator, living four mile* east of A1- toona, in this county. His daughter, Mary Hawk, and her husband, Nonal Hawk, in October, November anil December, 1H64, and January, 1865, resided in Altoona. Margaret Burkholder, not then married to John Bishop Cozzcn Ware, was a frequent visitor at her sister’s, and here wa3 planned this gigantic system of robbery.

Hawk, as an employee, had got possession of a freight car key, which was broken, but by filing answered tiie purpose. During th« last three months of 1S64, immense quant ities of goods were missing from the air*, and no one was suspected. The goods were carried to Hawk’s, there divided, and the share of Lavinia and Julia carried to their inotlnr and two brothers, Henry and Thoma*. down in.thc country to their home—on horseback, in the carriage and in sleds. On December 3Ut, Ware and JIargaret ware married—tiie cars of the railroad company furnished them with an outfit for housekeeping. The stock, of Mr. Krause, from Pottstown, Montgomery county, wa* pilfered, and great quantities of towel*, carpets, slip*, silk dresses and shawl* taken by this woman from the tars, his good* having been shipped for Indiana. Penn. Jne J. Burkholder was opposed to this match.

Things went on swimmingly, until, March of this year, traces of tile missing good were then observed. Search w arrant* w en obtained, and the result w as the discovery of about a thousand dollars' worth ot goo. Hawk's and Ware's. This lx-ing but a of the amount missing, led to the su*pf that some was concealed at Rurkhcbi tV a re having been arrested,_ where it might be liid, and j tinued. great packages of hidden in the hnyrtie t*’!*1 “ the potatoes, in the search 1 everywhere tieJ-good* were o' , hidden. Lamp?the cellar und.fl company, were die outhouses- an 1 - - ' tier - or -aou'd hI .wyxris werei

in the cheatsevery part c trunks of th< in the ,7) seen upon the person.

goo,-.:- impossible to convict ellof the lioys.the jMendai.u. without the totimoev of Ware as mne-tenths of the property it was not nos sible to identity. " 1

John J. Burkholder owns a large farm and was in no necessity of resorting to this mode of making a living. The trial was doubly impressive, inasmuch as it is the practice in this judicial district, under th. set of asatin- bly, to arraign all persons ch-.-grtl with the commission of a felony. It a strange aud painful reunion—eight persona, fromtho grayheaded grandfather to th- \oiin of fourteen years of age.