Reaching 3500 people every month Let’s Sing Out Again ! STILTON’S NEW SPEED SIGN ENTERS SERVICE THE JOURNEY SO FAR REPORTS FROM STILTON AND FOLKSWORTH PARISH COUNCILS WHY YOU SHOULDN’T HESITATE P4 P6,12 P24 P3 Issue 433 June 2021 Among many popular activities now emerging from the virtual world of Zoom is choral singing. Peterborough Opera meet to rehearse in Folksworth Village Hall and are always keen to welcome enthusiastic new singers. Why not join them? (Picture credit Peterborough Opera, from last year’s Magic Flute production) P20 INCORPORATING FOLKLORE, FOR READERS IN FOLKSWORTH AND THE SURROUNDING VILLAGES

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Reaching 3500 people every month

Let’s Sing Out Again !









Issue 433 June 2021

Among many popular activities now emerging from the virtual world of Zoom ischoral singing. Peterborough Opera meet to rehearse in Folksworth Village Halland are always keen to welcome enthusiastic new singers. Why not join them?

(Picture credit Peterborough Opera, from last year’s Magic Flute production)



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SCAN 433 June 2021

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Index to AdvertisersGrey Bin Days:Mon 14th, 28th June;

12th July

Garden Bin Days:Fri 11th, 25th June;

9th July

Recycling Bins:Mon 7th, 21st June;

5th July


To book a slot at Alconburyrecycling depot, go to

www.cambridgeshire.gov.ukor call 0345 045 5207

SCAN is published by The Stilton Community Association. All articles, original artwork and the SCAN nameand logo are copyright. All trade marks recognised. Views of contributors are not necessarily endorsed byThe Stilton Community Association.

Advertising: Production: Distribution:

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All advertising copy or instructions to the Advertising Manager by 10th of month prior to publication.Payment in advance to Stilton Community Association - NO PAY, NO DISPLAY!Advertisement orders MUST be accompanied by the advertiser’s name, address and telephone number.We recommend you use the order form on www.stilton.org/village-life/scan/advertising-in-scan/

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The Parish Pump Local News


Our new Moveable Vehicle Activated Sign(MVAS) is now in service, writes Keith Bull.It will be moved regularly, spendinga few weeks each on North Street,High Street and Church Street. Aswell as showing oncoming driverstheir speed and encouraging them tokeep to the speed limit, the equipmentrecords the speed of EVERY vehicle - inBOTH directions. (Not many people knowthat, evidently.) Analysing this dataprovides valuable information on howtraffic is - or is not - keeping to the speedlimit.

During three weeks monitoring on NorthStreet more than 42,000 vehicles wererecorded entering the village and nearly44,000 leaving. Of these, where the MVASwas showing drivers their speed onapproach, 85% kept below 31mph but only62% kept below 31mph in the oppositedirection. So reminding drivers of theirspeed really does seem to work.

But - alarmingly - 110 vehicles entering thevillage and 234 vehicles heading north wereexceeding 50mph, while 17 southbound and65 northbound were exceeding 60mph!

Even more worrying, on the evening of the27th April one vehicle was measuredtravelling at 93mph towards the villagecentre and another (or the same one?) half

an hour later travelled away at 82mph! Suchspeeds in a built-up area are a high risk to

lives and we should all be watchingout for such offenders. Most peopletravelling into and out of our villageare residents who should knowbetter. We need to raise awareness

about the dangers to our fellow villagerswhen vehicles are travelling at excessivespeed.

Vaccination InsightsWe’re grateful to Dr Francesca Lasman,Clinical Director of the A1 Primary CareNetwork, for a very illuminating article thismonth about the Covid vaccine and itseffectiveness. See page 24. But, sadly, thepandemic has shown up a number ofweaknesses in our national health provision.It’s timely therefore that Healthwatch isonce again canvassing people’s opinions ontheir experience of health and care servicesdelivery. See page 23 and make your viewsknown.

Welcome!There are encouraging signs that theeconomy is bouncing back, not least thatSCAN is getting enquiries from newadvertisers. So shop local! Support ouradvertisers and local businesses.

…one vehiclewas measuredtravelling at


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Stilton CultureThe BIG CHEESE Project


The Stilton Cheese has been closed for overtwo years, having failed shortly after beingbought, along with about 350 other pubs,by Tavern Propco, writes Tianda Woolner.

Now, The Big Stilton Cheese CIC has beenformed in order to reopen the Cheese as aCommunity Interest Company (CIC) tocreate a community cafe and social hub. ACIC is a community enterprise business thatuses its profits and assets for the publicgood, in this case to directly support ourlocal community.

I first visited in November 2020 and wroteto Tavern Propco outlining our idea andasking for permission to sublet the spaceson site, to which they agreed. Since thenI've written a comprehensive business planwhich has been accepted in principle andhave been using the Facebook page, ‘TheBig Cheese’, to raise awareness of the plansand to garner support for the project. TheParish Council is fully supporting us in thisendeavour and we have both the district andcounty councillors on our side. Hunts Forumare making sure we have a strong case toput to the landlord and The Social Echo arevery excited that we are setting up our socialenterprise to join a cohort of other localSMEs including The Pantry in Huntingdon,The George Alcock Centre in Stangroundand Boxing Futures, who are just about toopen their new base in Yaxley.

LATEST NEWSWe had another great Saturday on our Meet& Greet stand. Lots more questionnaireswere handed out and many were completedon the spot. The community feedback isunanimous in wanting this open as soon aspossible; apart from the cafe and retailopportunities residents are keen to have aplace to visit in the daytime and evening, tomeet friends, take a class and bring thechildren to play.

FUNDRAISINGThroughout May and June I am running afundraiser called The Big Cheese SupportersFund. My granddaughter, Indiana (nearly 9)and I are braving the Big Chop, cutting offour very long hair which we will donate toThe Princess Trust for them to make wigsfor children suffering hair loss. But thefunds we raise will be donated to The BigStilton Cheese CIC to help pay for the initialcosts involved with taking up the lease.

So please share our cause around yourfamily, friends and workplaces and make adonation if you would. It is running as agofundme - gf.me/u/zrmy89 - but you canalso donate through PayPal [email protected]. A cash donationis equally welcome, so just get in touch forthat. We cannot do it all ourselves; we reallyneed our community to step up and do whatthey can to help over the next few weeks.

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Chop, chop…

HELP NEEDEDIf you haven't already, please share our planswith your friends, family and workcolleagues to help us build a great base tolaunch from. This month, as lockdownrestrictions ease even more, hopefully wecan all start to plan for when The Big Cheesewill open its doors.

So I’d like each of you to think of a waythat you can help us to reach our goal. Canyou:

Fundraise? Make an investment? Raise our profile on social media Offer a free service, such as

solicitor, surveyor or projectmanager?

We are happy to share our business planwith you so you can see what an excitingopportunity this will be for the whole of ourcommunity. Just drop me an email [email protected].

Thank you very much for your support sofar, please get in touch with any questionsand we look forward to hearing about yourplans for your space at The Big Cheese.

We have now resumed something more like our normal social walking,but without the customary car-sharing.

Meet at the Pump at 10:00 on the following Sundays:

All plans are subject to Covid restrictions and may change without notice.For more information about Stumbling, just Google ‘Stilton Stumblers’

or call Shirley on (01733) 246209

30th May tba 13th June Marholm27th June Apethorpe tbc 11th July Barnwell

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The Parish Council held its annual meetingson 4th May - timed so that these could beconvened on Zoom before permission forremote meetings expired (see below). In hisreport the Chairman, Cllr Mark Angus,provided an overview of the year's eventsnoting how eventful it has been. He stressedthe heart-warming, unselfish supportprovided by residents to those in need atthis stressful time and thanked TiandaWoolner for coordinating the supportactivities. He also pointed out that, despiteCOVID 19, the Council had a veryproductive year. Thanks to the Clerk,Julianne Lawrence, the Council's newwebsite was set up and is now working wellproviding much Council information to all.The Council also commissioned surveys onthe trees in the village and the gravestonesin the churchyards. The skate park wasrefurbished and the plans for the Play Parkwere progressing, thanks to a grant fromCambridgeshire County Council, pastefforts of fund raising in the village, and acontribution from the Parish Council.

The anticipated financial problems due toloss of income from the Pavilion werelargely overcome thanks to Juliannesecuring COVID grants for more than£10,000. In addition, a further grant fromHuntingdonshire District Council will fundadditional works at the Pavilion, includingbetter lighting on the approach road andimproved CCTV covering the skate park,new Play Park, and approach road. Notably,too, calculations show that the solar panelson the Pavilion have ensured the building

has been carbon neutral since 2019, savingthe equivalent of 23,560kg of carbondioxide or planting 1,078 trees! Ourfinancial pressures were also helped by asuccessful appeal against an increase in ratesfor the Pavilion and Parish Room. On asmaller scale, the Council has adopted thetelephone box in the centre of the villageand will soon decide on its future use.

Looking to the future, the Council is keento make use of its assets for the benefit ofthe village and is looking to improvefacilities for all residents, especially ouryoung people; it will be seeking views fromthe community on this. Julie Gillies,appointed as Pavilion Administrator thisyear, is already working hard to bring thePavilion back into full use once more. Asan overall aim the Council will seek toimprove communications with the villageand will continue its efforts to involveresidents in its work; for this it sees thewebsite as an important area for furtherdevelopment. The whole village has shownan interest in the two major housingdevelopments that are planned; these nowappear to be moving ahead and the ParishCouncil is keen to work with the developersand our District and County Councillors tomaximize any benefits for the whole villageincluding the new residents. The full contentof Mark's report, including a summary ofthe Parish Council finances, is available onthe Parish Council website(www.stiltonparishcouncil.org).

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At the Annual Parish Council Meeting, CllrOlive Leonard was elected Chair and CllrBarry Gilden was elected Vice-Chair for thecoming year. At the meeting the Councilcompleted the process of reviewing itspolicies (these are available on our website)and appointed Councillors to its Committeesand Sub-committee.

PLAY PARK GOES AHEADAfter an intensive evaluation process theParish Council selected Fenland Leisure toprovide our under-12's Play Park. Councilhas signed a contract for them to start theconstruction this summer. A picture of theproposed layout for the Play Park is on theParish Council website. Our children's longwait for a play park will soon be over!


Despite lobbying the Government and pleasto the High Court, parish councils are nolonger able to hold meetings remotely as thetemporary enabling regulations have ended.This is a disappointment to many parishcouncils as Zoom has enabled much moreinvolvement by the public in councilmeetings and ours is no exception. However,we are hoping members of the public willcontinue to show an interest when we moveback to face-to-face meetings. At the timeof writing the Parish Council was trying towork out the best way of holding itsface-to-face meetings, given the currentneed for limiting numbers and socialdistancing. We shall keep the villageinformed, on our website and on the villagenotice boards, on how we plan to organisefuture meetings.

Yaxley Foodbankand Stilton ChurchYaxley Foodbank appreciates yoursupport in donating food for those

who are in need.

At the moment we are short of:

● Sugar

● Coffee

● Tinned soup

● Tinned spaghetti

● Tinned carrots

If St Mary Magdalene Church is closed,the collection point is 10 St Mary's

Road, Stilton. If you require any itemsto be collected, please phone Pearl

Reed on (01733) 241114.

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School News FlourishingThroughFriendship

It is lovely to have all the children back inschool and busily getting on with theirlearning, writes Helen Smallman. They haveall been amazing and have quicklytransitioned back into lessons in theclassroom. They have been thoroughlyengaged with their new topics this term,which all start with a question to get thechildren thinking and become more curiouslearners.


In Owl, our youngest children have beenlearning about the world they live in. Theyhave been finding out about Stilton as aplace now and in the past. They enjoyed alocal walk around the village and a visit tothe church, learning about where Stilton isin the United Kingdom and the world andsharing their experiences of visiting otherplaces in the UK and the world. They evenhad a visit from Dick Turpin. I wonder ifyou know the Stilton connection?


Otter class welcomed their new classteacher, Miss Lander, at the start of term.They have been busy with their phonicslessons and they have been learning all aboutBrazil and their famous carnival.


The children have been planting all sorts ofseeds and bulbs and watching them grow.In their curiosity box they have even gotsome frog spawn that have already turnedinto tadpoles.



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In this topic, the Year Three children havebeen learning all about maps, keys and gridreferences. They have been taking a closerlook at our local area as well as the amazingcity of San Francisco, USA.


Badgers have been learning all about theAnglo-Saxons and Vikings this term. Theyhave been learning about the monarchy ofthis time and how the land we call Englandwas created.



Squirrel Class have travelled back 5,000years to the dusty realms of Ancient Egypt.They have entered a world of mysteries andcurses, mummies and kings. I wonder whatsecrets they will unravel?

Hedgehog ClassWhat is special about a lava lizard? Or whydoes the blue-footed booby have blue feet?

This term Year 6 have been taking a walkin the shoes of Charles Darwin and MaryAnning and looking closely at their ideas ofevolution and inheritance. They have alsobeen developing their understanding of theBritish Empire and how the Ancient Greekschanged democracy for the world.

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Folklore News & Info for Folksworth,Morborne & Washingley Folk


FOLKSWORTH ART GROUPWe are excited to be back to meeting andpainting together again. It will be interestingto see what members have been paintingduring lockdown, and we hope to be ableto show this work later in the year.

As in the past, we open between 12:30 pmand 4:30 pm on Thursdays in the villagehall. If you would like to come along for ataster, we should love to see you.

For further information about our Art Club,phone Cherry Hadley on: (01733) 244248.

BACK IN ACTION!We are delighted to have re-opened thevillage hall! Call Joy Blythe on 241938 tobook the hall and/or the Community Room.

A big thank you to everyone who supportedour coffee morning. The next one will beon Saturday 26th June.

A big thank you too to everyone whosupported our garage book clearance sale.We will be holding our Annual Book Fayreand Art Exhibition on Saturday 7th August- see ad for details. The Fayre is dependenton donations and we are very grateful forall the books we have received throughoutLockdown. Call Sarah or Stephen Abbotton 247275 and we will come and collect.It's a great opportunity to have a sort out!


Neighbourhood Watch is a Nationalorganization, in partnership withCambridgeshire Constabulary, whose aimis to help prevent crime by providinginformation to residents, promotingneighbourliness and liaising as appropriatewith the local police and councils. Crimelevels in Folksworth have been and arecomparatively low, but continued awarenessof the need for applied security in all aspectsand reporting must be maintained.

The Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, for thevillage including Washingley, was initiatedby the Parish Council and joined in 1993.Signs around the village were erected withthe aid of public subscription. Colin Borleywas appointed as the Village Coordinatorand continues in the role. He lives on ManorRd and can be contacted on 01733 241374,or email [email protected].

Originally, a series of individual streetcoordinators were appointed to encouragevigilance. The advent of social media - thelocal Facebook page in particular - nowprovides an excellent channel for informingresidents of crime-related issues in a verytimely manner and is probably the moreefficient way to get information around.However, not everyone wishes or is able touse the internet and social media. If youwould like more information about crimeprevention, please contact Colin.

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Joining Neighbourhood Watch forum hasthe advantage of providing you withup-to-date information on many types ofcrime prevention and local issues. The addedincentive for belonging to the scheme is thatyour household insurance provider mayoffer premium discounts for customerswithin a scheme.

Joining Neighbourhood watch is free. Youcan join via the Neighbourhood Watchwebsite: www.ourwatch.org.uk. Bear inmind the NW is about crime prevention; itis not the Police Authority, who providecrime statistics on a separate Alert forum.If you join the local group the coordinatorwill be aware that you have done so. If youhave any queries or want to get moreinvolved please contact Colin.




9:30am to 11:30am

Proceeds to the Village Hall

Please bring a mask - just in case!

Socially Distanced


Thursdays 6:30pm


Folksworth Village Hall


Booking essential

Call Sue 0770 993 8122

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CHAIRMAN'S REPORTDue to the Coronavirus pandemic this hasbeen a strange year, but the Parish Councilhas continued to meet on a monthly basis.The world of Zoom meetings has ensuredthat both the Parish Council and Planningmeetings have been able to continue to allowparish council business to be carried out. Itis interesting how quickly we have adaptedto this way of communication, though weare looking to commencing face-to-facemeetings from June, which will be awelcome return to some form of normality.

Most of the agenda items have been routine,to discuss the maintenance of the villageand ensure repairs are carried out asrequired. My fellow Councillors havecontinued to conduct many activities overthe course of the year to ensure villagefacilities and amenities are available for useand improved for parishioners. I thank themfor all they continue to do for the Parish.

Most planning issues have been non-contentious. The Parish Council has met todiscuss these and fed in comments over thecourse of the year regarding these.

I would also like to thank our Clerk JackieStanbridge. During a very difficult periodJackie has ensured the running of the ParishCouncil in a professional and efficientmanner, on top of issues raised with thepandemic. May I also thank her.

Mark RandallChairman

COMMUNICATIONS2020/2021 has certainly been a year whenweb-based communication has becomemore vital than ever. Also, we have foundthat more and more parishioners have usedFacebook to contact us, to ask for help, offerhelp to others and to let us know offly-tipping, any village issues and - sadlytoo often - of damage to the play area. Thismore immediate way of communicating hasallowed us to act swiftly.

We are more than aware that not everyoneuses the internet, so important informationgoes into SCAN and on to notice boards, butalso on our new updated website, whichlooks fantastic, and onto our Parish CouncilFacebook page which also gets shared tothe village Facebook group and currentlyhas 572 people following it; most are fromthe village or close by.

Lisa BlackmanVice-Chairman

VILLAGE MAINTENANCEA new contract was agreed with RJC tocontinue to provide the village maintenance,including the grass cutting around thevillage and at the play area

Two parish walks were undertaken inOctober 2020 and March 2021 to identifymaintenance issues and report these to thevarious authorities. Potholes wereparticularly bad after the winter, butprogress has been made by CCC to rectifythese.

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The footpaths and bridleways have hadheavy usage since the beginning oflockdown. It has been lovely to see thembeing well used but it has brought someissues e.g. walkers straying off the paths,litter, dog poo etc. The Parish Council, alongwith members of the public, has reportedproblems, e.g. broken bridges, on the pathsto CCC. The Parish Council has liaised withPaul Castle at Ulmus to improve the signagethrough the farm. Hopefully, walkers arenow finding it easier to find their way. Afew maps have been produced by the PCand placed on the website to encouragepeople to stick to the paths.

Due to Covid an organized litter pick wascancelled in 2020, but there seemed to bean increase in litter around the Parish.Several members of the public have takenthe initiative and undertaken litter pickingin the area, for which the Parish Council isvery grateful. The PC has helped byproviding litter pickers and bags as required.

To further enhance the village, members ofthe Parish Council have undertaken variousvoluntary maintenance jobs over the year,repainting the bus shelter and clearing thepath along Folksworth Road - which hasbeen very much appreciated by those whowalk the Stilton loop regularly. The PC hasnow joined a volunteer scheme organizedby CCC to undertake more voluntary workaround the Parish. We hope that membersof the parish will join in to continue to makethis a lovely place in which to live.

The play equipment had its annualinspection in 2020 and the 2021 inspectionhas just been completed. For periods due tolockdown the play and gym equipment has

not always been available for use over theyear. When it has been available, however,it has been well used, often attracting peoplefrom out of the parish. It has been fantasticto see this but again this has caused someissues. There has been some vandalism, attimes more litter than our bin can cope with,some general wear and tear of equipmentand parking problems. The PC hasundertaken some repairs highlighted by theRoSPA report and to repair vandalism andtried to keep on top of the litter as much aspossible.

PLANNINGThe Parish Council has commented on fourplanning applications during the year.

Some of our plans for the year ahead: Continue with current village

maintenance Review the play equipment and look

to replace as and when funds allow Undertake an organized litter pick to

coincide with the National Litter pickweek

Continue to develop the communityorchard, AND…

Start planning for the Jubilee in 2022.


Making our parish a good place to live

In all its actions, the Parish Councilprioritises the environmental impacts of itsdecisions and activities, with the protectionof our wide variety of beautiful flora andfauna in the orchard, verges and footpathsas a major consideration.

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It has been lovely to observe residentsgrowing native plants such as lessercelandines and dog violets alongside theirgarden plants, providing a valuable sourceof nectar for our bees and other pollinators.

Appreciating and being aware of what wehave here in our community is a vital partof this work and an area that could bedeveloped in the future through art projects,nature talks and further public involvement.

In the absence of communal litter picks dueto Covid restrictions, many local peoplehave worked hard individually to keep thestreets, play park and public footpaths clearof litter. A huge thank you goes out to eachand every one - and to people who take theirlitter home in the first place!

Councillors remain active themselves inremoving litter and cutting back overgrownbrambles and foliage on footpaths.

The PC acted quickly to contact HDC toensure dangerous fly-tipping was removedonce alerted by a member of the public;children had been using the dumpedasbestos roof to build a den.

The HDC employee who empties our publicbins weekly has been directed to removesome further large items. More needs to bedone about the fly-tipping in the woodlandbelonging to HDC, both to discouragedumping and clearing up.

Trees that need removal or cutting back here,as elsewhere in the parish, are constantlysignposted to HDC (as are potholes,damaged signage and blocked roadsidedrains to CCC.)

The PC is planning to join nationalinitiatives to plant more trees in appropriateplaces such as the play park meadow andactively encourages residents to do the samein their gardens.

It is not only trees that contribute tocombating climate change, small plants havetheir role to play too. As well as theextensive work in the orchard, the PC has,with the support of generous local gardeners'donations, planted hundreds of snowdropsin the green around the village. These shouldmultiply and naturalise to put on a showevery February cheering us up at thebleakest time of the year. They too providean important early source of nectar for queenbumble bees and other pollinators emergingfrom hibernation.

All these measures contribute to the villagebeing increasingly regarded as a highlydesirable place to live.

HERITAGEVillage history is still ongoing, and anumber of fascinating stories and imageshave been discovered. Despite having tocancel the anticipated WW2 exhibitionfollowing the extremely well-attendedWW1 one in 2018 , the PC hope that furtherevents of a similar nature will come about.

Meanwhile, discoveries and accounts of oralhistory have been shared on Facebook andFolklore. Public contributions arising fromthese - whether facts or photos - areextremely valuable.

Heritage activities give our community asense of place and identity and celebrate thememories of our senior residents and ourhistorical roots.

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The results of the 1921 census will bepublished next year, no doubt offeringfurther exciting discoveries about ourcommunity a century ago.


Council commenced the year in lockdownand moved its meetings online. The 2020Annual Parish Meeting was cancelled as perguidance. This year, in accordance withlocal government guidance, both the AnnualParish Meeting and the Annual GeneralMeeting will be held remotely. Face-to-faceCouncil meetings will resume in the VillageHall from June.

We have continued to have support fromour District and County Councillors.

This is the final year of the current term ofCouncil with all seats up for election in May2022.


Staff costs for the year were £6,076.Running costs for items such as insurance,subscriptions, play inspections, audit, officeexpenses, communications etc. totalled justunder £5,000. Loan repayments for thePWLB loan taken out to assist the VillageHall Committee with its refurbishmentamounted to just over £2,600.

Parish Maintenance amounted to just over£7,000 and more than £1,500 was spent onrepairs to the play equipment as a result ofvandalism. Section 137 and CommunityGrants totalled £2,500. Small grants via theSection 137 fund and larger more specificgrants are available to residents and village

organisations every year. Application formscan be found on the website and must bereceived by October 31st in any year to beconsidered at Council's November budgetmeeting.

Council is building long-term funds for thereplacement of items such as playequipment, noticeboards, rubbish bins andbenches.

The Precept for this financial year hasremained the same at £35,076. The budgetfor the new Financial Year is £34,950 whichincludes a contingency of £2,500. Councilagain received a clear internal and externalaudit and was commended on its forwardplanning. Council's reserve remains at£12,132.

Jackie StanbridgeClerk to the Council/RFO

COUNCIL MEMBERSAlison Brown - 01733 240501Andy Goodfellow - 07507 304326Judith Ford - 01733 240440Gordon Fenwick - 07724 171158Lisa Blackman (Vice chair) - 07919 366435Mark Randall (Chair) - 01733 248202Steve Chapman 07887 545407Patrick Clarke - 01733 241860Yasmin Rodgers - contact via the Clerk

CONTACT DETAILSFolksworth & Washingley Parish CouncilPO Box 1285 Peterborough PE2 2NN07724 171158clerk@folksworthwashingley-pc.org.ukwww.folksworthandwashingley-pc.org.uk


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From the Pulpit News from StiltonGroup of Churches


Hello everyone, writes Revd Mark Pybus.

In our church we have recently been takingpart in a global prayer movement projectcalled Thy Kingdom Come. I don't know ifyou've ever prayed. I suspect that mostpeople have prayed in one form or another- whether it's been an urgent cry for help,or prayers for a person or for something elseover a period of time.

Prayer doesn't need to be complicated. It'ssimply talking to God as your friend.

One of Jesus’ disciples was called John andrecalled Jesus saying, ‘I have called youfriends, for everything that I learned frommy Father I have made known to you’.

Some people are not sure how to pray orwhere to start. I think it's good to findsomewhere comfortable to be quiet, to thankGod for the good things in your life andthen simply put your requests to him. Healways hears our prayer.

Jesus gave us a wonderful prayer which isfamiliar to many. But sometimes it can betoo familiar and we can miss the significanceof what's in it. I think it's a good idea oncein a while to read it slowly and reflect onwhat you are asking God through it.

Why not join us today by saying this prayer?

Our Father, which art in heaven,hallowed be thy Name.Thy Kingdom come.Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.Give us this day our daily bread and forgiveus our trespasses, as we forgive them thattrespass against us.And lead us not into temptation, but deliverus from evil.For thine is the kingdom, the power, andthe glory, for ever and ever.Amen.

Grace and Peace,Revd Mark


6th June All Age Service at 10:30am20th June Holy Communion at 10:30am

Midweek Holy Communion:Wednesday 2nd June at 12:30pm

Contributors !We want your material!

For SCAN, email [email protected] call Kelvin on (01733) 244140

For Folklore, email to Sarah Abbottat [email protected] call her on (01733) 247275

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The Library Presents has a range of exciting activities taking place around thecounty and online. Here are just the events local to Stilton during June. Loadsmore on the website or in the brochure.

Saturday 5th 11am Journey into Space (Family Educational Show) Alconbury Weald Watch Office (outdoors)

Sunday 13th 2pm Free Your Imagination! (Audio drama workshop) ONLINE

Saturday 19th 12:45pm The Lost Colour (Family Puppet Theatre) Barnwell Baptist Church (outdoors)

Sunday 20th 1 & 3pm Improvised Book Club (Comedy) Hinchingbrooke Country Park

Saturday 26th 10:30am Willow Sculpture (Workshop)& 1:30pm Whittlesey Library (outdoors)

TicketsStandard performance: £5 (Concessions are available, see websiteStandard workshop: £5 or brochure for details)

Buy them online at www.library.live/the-library-presents, or in person fromparticipating libraries.

Due to Covid restrictions, places are strictly limited.

For full details of all activities visit www.library.live/the-library-presents orpick up a brochure in Yaxley library.

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What to do, where to do it and who to do it withYO







T &





M T W T F S S WHAT WHEN WHERE WHOO < Toddlers' Dance 9:15am Stilton Church Meeting Room Michelle Pratt 07906 114942

O O O O < Pre-School (Folksworth) 9:00am - 3:00pm Folksworth Village Hall Nikki 07542 172075

<O < Stilton United Colts KO 10am As per fixtures Glen Woolner 07771 784643

O < Parish Council (Stilton) 7:30pm 2nd Tuesday in month Stilton Pavilion or Parish Meeting Room Julianne Lawrence (Clerk)O < Parish Council (Folksworth) 7:30 - 9:30pm 3rd Tuesday in month Folksworth Village Hall Jackie Stanbridge 07724 171158O < Sewing Group 2:30 - 5pm Stilton Church Meeting Room Pat Maltman 242229

O < Friday Social Group 2 - 4pm Stilton Church Meeting Room Diane Glenn 07400 693351

O < Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sun 11:15am St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701O < Holy Communion (BCP) 2nd & 4th Sun 8:00am St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701O < LinCup (Café style worship) 2nd & 4th Sun 11:15am St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701O < Stilton Group Service 5th Sunday in month See notice boards or Stilton Group of Churches' Facebook for details

O < Linking Hands (mums) 9am Stilton Church Meeting Room Irene Goldsmith 244229O < Crossover (Y6) 6 - 7pm in term time Stilton Church Meeting Room Pat Maltman 242229

O < Men's Prayer Breakfast 8am 2nd Saturday in month Stilton Church Meeting Room Nigel Rosbrook 246396O < Holy Communion (soup lunch) 1st Wednesday 12:30-1:30 St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701

O < Prayer Focus 8am St Mary Magdalene Stuart Reed 241114O < Christian Congregation in UK 6 - 8pm Folksworth Village Hall

O < Pilates (Stilton) - over-50s 11:30am-12:30 Stilton Pavilion Vicky Leschallas 07919 053140O < Pilates (Stilton) 10:00 - 11:00am Stilton Pavilion Frances Ellis 07714 773528

O < Pilates (Folksworth) 7:30 - 8:30pm Folksworth Village HallO O O < Clubbercise 6:30-8:30pm Mon; 9:15-10:15am Wed & Fri Stilton Pavilion Louise Knox 07957 983950O O < Stilton Table Tennis Club Mon (adults) 11am-1pm; Tue 7:00-9:00pm Stilton Pavilion Steve Ambler 242156O O < Stilton Carpet Bowls Club 2pm Mon, 7:30pm Thu Stilton Pavilion Scott Sherrington 242409O < Folksworth Carpet Bowls Club 7 - 9pm Folksworth Village Hall

O < Peterborough Opera Group 7:30 - 9:30pm Friday Folksworth Village HallO < Yoga 5.30 - 7pm Stilton Pavilion Brian Appleyard 244642

O O O O < Pilates Mon 6pm; Tue 8pm; Wed 11am; Sun 8pm Email [email protected] for Zoom link Sue Gibbs 07709 938122O O O < FUNFITNESS - low-impact for over 60's 2pm Email [email protected] for Zoom link Sue Gibbs 07709 938122

O < Legs, Bums & Tums 6pm Email [email protected] for Zoom link Sue Gibbs 07709 938122O < Chairobics Tue 2-3pm St B's Hall, Yaxley Sue Gibbs 07709 938122

O < Stilton United FC 3:00pm kick-off As per fixtures Terry Baker 07756 778154O < Taoist Tai Chi 7:30pm Austin Hall, Main Street, Yaxley Varies 07597 613392

O < Folksworth Art Club 12:30-4:30pm Folksworth Village Hall Cherry Hadley 244258O < Folksworth Ladies' Circle 7:30-9:30pm 4th Tuesday in month Folksworth Village Hall Karen Mason 07980 262253

O < Yaxley Flower Club 3rd Thursday, 7:30pm Yaxley British Legion Yvonne Wagstaff 243370O < Stilton Stumblers (walking group) Alternate Sundays 10:00am See info in this issue Meet at the Pump Shirley Gregory 246209

O < Mobile Library (Stilton and Folksworth) 4th Wednesday in month See advert in this issueO < Age Well Club 9:30 - 11:45am Austin Hall, Main Street, Yaxley

O < 'Chatterbox' Carers' Support Group 2nd & 4th Mondays, 2-4pm CARESCO Centre Miranda 07751 798287O < Music & Spoken Word Social Group 2nd & 4th Fridays, 1:30-3pm CARESCO Centre CARESCO Office 01487 832105

O O < Sawtry Vintage Club 10am - 2:30pm CARESCO Centre Vicki 01487 832105O O < Sawtry Friendship Club 10:30am - 1:30pm CARESCO Centre Pat 01487 832105


[email protected]

To join Stilton or Folksworth Rainbows, Brownies or Guides, please visit: www.girlguiding.org and click on 'Get Involved.'

To book: Stilton Pavilion - 07 484 746894 | Folksworth Village Hall - (01733) 241938 | Stilton Church Meeting Room - (01733) 241709 | Leave a LANDLINE number!

Are we up to date? Tell SCAN about your activities!


Please check the Stilton Group of Churches website - www.stiltonchurches.com - for up to date details.

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What to do, where to do it and who to do it with

M T W T F S S WHAT WHEN WHERE WHOO < Toddlers' Dance 9:15am Stilton Church Meeting Room Michelle Pratt 07906 114942

O O O O < Pre-School (Folksworth) 9:00am - 3:00pm Folksworth Village Hall Nikki 07542 172075

<O < Stilton United Colts KO 10am As per fixtures Glen Woolner 07771 784643

O < Parish Council (Stilton) 7:30pm 2nd Tuesday in month Stilton Pavilion or Parish Meeting Room Julianne Lawrence (Clerk)O < Parish Council (Folksworth) 7:30 - 9:30pm 3rd Tuesday in month Folksworth Village Hall Jackie Stanbridge 07724 171158O < Sewing Group 2:30 - 5pm Stilton Church Meeting Room Pat Maltman 242229

O < Friday Social Group 2 - 4pm Stilton Church Meeting Room Diane Glenn 07400 693351

O < Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sun 11:15am St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701O < Holy Communion (BCP) 2nd & 4th Sun 8:00am St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701O < LinCup (Café style worship) 2nd & 4th Sun 11:15am St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701O < Stilton Group Service 5th Sunday in month See notice boards or Stilton Group of Churches' Facebook for details

O < Linking Hands (mums) 9am Stilton Church Meeting Room Irene Goldsmith 244229O < Crossover (Y6) 6 - 7pm in term time Stilton Church Meeting Room Pat Maltman 242229

O < Men's Prayer Breakfast 8am 2nd Saturday in month Stilton Church Meeting Room Nigel Rosbrook 246396O < Holy Communion (soup lunch) 1st Wednesday 12:30-1:30 St Mary Magdalene Revd Richard Gibbs 248701

O < Prayer Focus 8am St Mary Magdalene Stuart Reed 241114O < Christian Congregation in UK 6 - 8pm Folksworth Village Hall

O < Pilates (Stilton) - over-50s 11:30am-12:30 Stilton Pavilion Vicky Leschallas 07919 053140O < Pilates (Stilton) 10:00 - 11:00am Stilton Pavilion Frances Ellis 07714 773528

O < Pilates (Folksworth) 7:30 - 8:30pm Folksworth Village HallO O O < Clubbercise 6:30-8:30pm Mon; 9:15-10:15am Wed & Fri Stilton Pavilion Louise Knox 07957 983950O O < Stilton Table Tennis Club Mon (adults) 11am-1pm; Tue 7:00-9:00pm Stilton Pavilion Steve Ambler 242156O O < Stilton Carpet Bowls Club 2pm Mon, 7:30pm Thu Stilton Pavilion Scott Sherrington 242409O < Folksworth Carpet Bowls Club 7 - 9pm Folksworth Village Hall

O < Peterborough Opera Group 7:30 - 9:30pm Friday Folksworth Village HallO < Yoga 5.30 - 7pm Stilton Pavilion Brian Appleyard 244642

O O O O < Pilates Mon 6pm; Tue 8pm; Wed 11am; Sun 8pm Email [email protected] for Zoom link Sue Gibbs 07709 938122O O O < FUNFITNESS - low-impact for over 60's 2pm Email [email protected] for Zoom link Sue Gibbs 07709 938122

O < Legs, Bums & Tums 6pm Email [email protected] for Zoom link Sue Gibbs 07709 938122O < Chairobics Tue 2-3pm St B's Hall, Yaxley Sue Gibbs 07709 938122

O < Stilton United FC 3:00pm kick-off As per fixtures Terry Baker 07756 778154O < Taoist Tai Chi 7:30pm Austin Hall, Main Street, Yaxley Varies 07597 613392

O < Folksworth Art Club 12:30-4:30pm Folksworth Village Hall Cherry Hadley 244258O < Folksworth Ladies' Circle 7:30-9:30pm 4th Tuesday in month Folksworth Village Hall Karen Mason 07980 262253

O < Yaxley Flower Club 3rd Thursday, 7:30pm Yaxley British Legion Yvonne Wagstaff 243370O < Stilton Stumblers (walking group) Alternate Sundays 10:00am See info in this issue Meet at the Pump Shirley Gregory 246209

O < Mobile Library (Stilton and Folksworth) 4th Wednesday in month See advert in this issueO < Age Well Club 9:30 - 11:45am Austin Hall, Main Street, Yaxley

O < 'Chatterbox' Carers' Support Group 2nd & 4th Mondays, 2-4pm CARESCO Centre Miranda 07751 798287O < Music & Spoken Word Social Group 2nd & 4th Fridays, 1:30-3pm CARESCO Centre CARESCO Office 01487 832105

O O < Sawtry Vintage Club 10am - 2:30pm CARESCO Centre Vicki 01487 832105O O < Sawtry Friendship Club 10:30am - 1:30pm CARESCO Centre Pat 01487 832105


[email protected]

To join Stilton or Folksworth Rainbows, Brownies or Guides, please visit: www.girlguiding.org and click on 'Get Involved.'

To book: Stilton Pavilion - 07 484 746894 | Folksworth Village Hall - (01733) 241938 | Stilton Church Meeting Room - (01733) 241709 | Leave a LANDLINE number!

Are we up to date? Tell SCAN about your activities!


Please check the Stilton Group of Churches website - www.stiltonchurches.com - for up to date details.

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Renewals & enquiries:(0345) 045 5225


Tue 10:00 - 14:00Thu 14:00 - 18:00

Route M24 - 4th Wednesday

Wed 23rd JuneFolksworth

10:30 - 10:50am Elm Road

Stilton3:10 - 4pm

Outside The Talbot

[email protected]

St Luke's RomanCatholic Parish

St Benedict’s CatholicCommunity, SawtrySunday Mass 5pmCurrently suspended

St Luke’s Catholic Church,Peterborough

Saturday Vigil Mass 6pmSunday Mass 9am,10:30am & 12noon

26 Benyon Grove,Orton Malborne,

Peterborough PE2 5XSParish Priest - Fr Jeffrey DownieAssistant Priest - Fr Jude BelnasDeacon - Revd Prameel JosephTel: (01733) 230464Email: [email protected]: www.saintlukesparish.org.uk

Got any surplus puzzles or brain games?Keeping our brains active is a great way to keep cheerful

during lockdowns when we can’t socialise as much as we’d like.If you have any jigsaws, kits, brain games etc that you no longer use,

we’ll advertise them here for FREE during 2021.Just contact [email protected] with your details.

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L A K E S I D E H E A L T H C A R E(01733) 240478 www.yaxleygp.nhs.uk


The Health and Wellbeing service we areoffering at the Yaxley practice has begun todevelop well in its first few months. As aHealth and Wellbeing coach we workaround what's important to yourself andwhat matters to you. We aim to support youto find ways to incorporate healthy lifestylechanges into your daily life, giving adviceon matters such as managing long-termconditions, exercise, nutrition, stress andsleep. We can also connect you with morecommunity services within the area tofurther benefit your health and wellbeing.

To arrange an appointment with your Healthand Wellbeing Coach please contact yourGP practice team or send a request for anappointment via Engage Consult:https://engage.gp/1082/#/portal


14th - 20th June

Diabetes U.K. organises Diabetes Week.The charity has a long history ofcampaigning; it was founded in 1934 by thewriter H.G.Wells and Dr. R.D. Lawrence,who were themselves diabetics. The weekis all about creating awareness of thecondition and encouraging people to sharetheir experiences of living with diabetes.Many other groups and organizations takepart in Diabetes Week, hosting a widevariety of informative and fundraisingevents. To find out more, visitwww.diabetes.org.uk/get_involved/diabetes-week

Recycle your old pill packetsDid you know that empty medicine

blister packs can be recycled?Just drop them off atSuperdrug in Stamford

or to Kay, at 63 Elm Road, Folksworth.

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15th - 20th June

Cervical Screening Awareness Week is anannual event which will run from 15th to21st June 2021. The week aims to highlightthe importance of regular cervical screeningfor women's health.

Cervical cancer is the most common formof cancer in women under 35, with twowomen in the UK per day dying from thedisease. Regular cervical screeningappointments can prevent up to 75% ofinstances of cervical cancer, saving 5000lives per year. Despite this, many womenare reluctant to have this test done, with aquarter of women not responding to theirscreening invitation. Cervical ScreeningAwareness Week is organised by the charityJo's Trust, a charity dedicated to womenaffected by cervical cancer or abnormalities.

Visit www.jostrust.org.uk/get-involved/campaign/cervical-screening-awareness-week


The Covid pandemic has highlighted notonly some of the amazing things our healthservice can achieve when the chips aredown, but also a lot of its weaknesses. Soif you’ve never considered giving feedback,now would be a good time to do so.

Healthwatch Peterborough are activelyseeking your experiences in areas such as:

Covid vaccinations - how did it go? Who's doing a great job? Your local

dentist, pharmacist or districtnurse?

Visits to the GP - are videoconsultations working well or areyou struggling to see your localdoctor?

Hospital waiting lists - we knowmany people are waiting fortreatment and procedures. Tell uswhat would help you while you wait.

Home care services Care homes Using the NHS 111 First service

GET IN TOUCHGive your feedback online atwww.healthwatchpeterborough.co.uk/share-your-views. If you’re not online you cancall Healthwatch on 0330 355 1285 or text:0752 0635 176.

Healthwatch is the independent championfor health and care in our area and it listensto local people and shares their experiencesto help improve NHS and care services.

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Dr Francesca Lasman, Clinical Director ofthe A1 Primary Care Network, explains whyEVERYONE over 18 should take up theoffer of a vaccine when they are invited.

Firstly, a huge thank you andcongratulations to everyone who is helpingto ensure the safety and future prosperity ofour local community by helping administerthe vaccination programme, and by beingvaccinated.

The A1 network of practices comprisesAlconbury and Brampton, Wellside,Buckden and Little Paxton, Kimbolton andAlmond Road surgeries. It has alreadydelivered a first dose of vaccine to 70% ofover-40s and people with underlying healthconditions which put them at increased riskfrom covid, and a second dose to almost26%. That is a total of almost 35,000vaccinations, mostly given in the GPpractice hubs at Alconbury and LittlePaxton. We are very grateful to our fabulousteam of volunteers who help make thispossible without too much disruption to theessential day-to-day NHS GP work.

We are very fortunate to have good suppliesof vaccine, partly because our skilledvaccinators are able to draw up fulladditional doses out of vials. In many cases,we have therefore been able to invite peopleearlier than expected.

We are finding that almost everyone over60 was keen to take up the offer ofvaccination, but it seems quite hard work topersuade some of the under-50s to booktheir vaccine, and we are needing to spendtime sending reminders to mobile phonesand calling people at home. If you areinvited to the GP hub, you will get a textaddressed to you personally, with a link tobook, from your registered GP practice, orsometimes from the A1 network. Thebooking link is legitimate and not a scam,and you can also use it to tell us you do notwant the vaccine, or have booked elsewhere.

It helps us enormously if you do use thelink, because it saves time for practice staff,who could be dealing with other healthcareissues. We will be calling people aged 30to 40 in the near future, and are currentlycalling those over 40, and remindingeveryone who has another risk factor or isover 40 and has not yet been immunised, tohave a vaccination. For second doses, youwill be called to book an appointment bythe GP hub between 8 and 12 weeks fromthe date of your first vaccination.

Everyone can book at the local GP hub atAlconbury for their vaccine (even if theyhave been invited by the national bookingservice, when they could be offered anyavailable vaccination centre within a 45minute drive). If you have recently moved,and are not yet registered, you are still ableto book by calling Alconbury surgery.

Keeping WellNews from the Wellside Clinic(01487) 830340 www.wellside.org.uk

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So why does everyone need to bevaccinated, even though people under 50are less likely to be seriously ill with covid?One reason is that, by having a largepercentage of the total populationvaccinated, both the ease of transmission ofthe virus, and the total viral load carried byindividuals is reduced. Even if the vaccineisn't fully effective at preventing illness ortransmission, all vaccines in use in the UKdefinitely reduce both. What this does is toreduce the likelihood of new variantspersisting in the population; they still appear(because viruses mutate all the time) but areless likely to be spread, and in this situationthey just fade away, rather than getting ahold.

LONG COVIDAnother reason is that young people can stillget ‘long covid’, which is a very debilitatingconsequence of infection. It might not besevere enough to put you in hospital, but itcauses weakness, exhaustion, fevers andsometimes breathing problems for monthsor even years afterwards. And, of course,vaccines are extremely effective atpreventing severe illness andhospitalisations or deaths, which are lesscommon but still possible for youngerpeople.

SIDE EFFECTS?What about side effects? Most people over30 will now be getting the Astra Zenecavaccine. The first dose causes some flu-likesymptoms for about 48 hours in about 30%of people, but is very unlikely to cause anyproblems with the second. The issue aboutblood clots is a very rare complication(around 1 in 250,000 people, less than halfthe risk of a blood clot in a woman takingthe oral contraceptive pill) and covid itself

causes a much higher rate of blood clotting(with a different mechanism). For the Pfizervaccine, side effects are less common withthe first dose, but more common with thesecond. However, the risks of covidmassively outweigh any side effects or risksfrom any of the vaccines.

More information is available at:www.gov.uk/government/publications/covid-19-vaccination-and-blood-clotting/covid-19-vaccination-and-blood-clotting

HELP US TO HELP YOU!You can help us to help you by making sureyour GP has your up-to-date mobile number,by checking your mobile phone (and that ofelderly relatives!), and by booking as soonas you get a text. If you do not have a mobilephone, we will either write to you or callyour home number, but you can also callAlconbury surgery to book yourself.

Please spread the word to encouragevaccination and help us all return to normalas soon as possible!

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We read much about people eating too muchover-processed food, but we know that manyyoung adults don’t feel too confident aboutcooking from fresh ingredients. So ourresident chef Izzy offers you a really simple,delicious and wholesome recipe this month:

YOU NEED2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

500g chicken thigh fillets

1 brown onion, finely chopped

125g middle bacon rashers, trimmed andchopped

3 garlic cloves, crushed (if liked)

300ml double cream

1 chicken stock cube, crumbled

1/3 cup finely grated parmesan

1/2 cup frozen peas

60g baby spinach

1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest

SIMPLES!Heat half the oil in a large frying pan overmedium-high heat. Add the chicken andcook, turning occasionally, for 5 minutes oruntil golden and browned. Transfer to aplate.

Add the remaining oil to the pan and addthe onion and bacon. Cook, stirring, for 5minutes or until the onion softens and thebacon is golden. Add garlic. Cook, stirring,for 30 seconds or until fragrant. Transfer ¼of the bacon mixture to a bowl. Cover tokeep warm.

Return the chicken to the pan with thecream, crumbled stock cube, parmesan and1⅓ cups of water. Bring to the boil. Reducethe heat to medium, then simmer,uncovered, stirring occasionally, for 10minutes, or until chicken is cooked throughand the sauce has thickened.

Add the peas and spinach, cook for 2 moreminutes, add the lemon and bacon andseason with salt and pepper. Serve withcrusty bread.

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From The Cabbage PatchSummertime !


The first day of summer is 21st June butmidsummer day is 24th June, writes PatMaltman. Shakespeare got it right: 'Andsummer's lease hath all too short a date'.

Most of our spring flowers - snowdrops,primroses, daffodils etc - are woodlandersand have to bloom before the treescompletely shade them out. Now they giveway to the flamboyance of summer blooms.Big and bright is the order of the day;paeonies last for such a brief time but whilethey are in bloom, they are glorious.

The gardener’s challenge is to havesomething flowering every single day of theyear. And it is possible!

It's not too late to be planting up hangingbaskets. For the best displays, cram as manyplants as possible into one basket. Of course,you will have to feed the container at leastevery two weeks through the summer. Acombination of tomato fertiliser and regulardead-heading will encourage the plants tokeep on producing flowers.

One essential summer job is to keep on topof goosegrass (cleavers) and speedwell.Goosegrass grows rapidly but is easy toremove as it all comes from one small root.Wear gloves if you are sensitive to its hooks.Speedwell seems to have gone mad this yearand is romping through the flowerbeds.

The bane of my life, however, is not anannual weed but the most invasive plant Ihave ever come across: Allium Triquetrum.(Triquetrum means 'three-cornered' - theflower stems are triangular in cross section.)

It spreads by seed and by the tiniestpearl-like bulbs which you can't helpspreading when weeding. You can actuallybuy it in bulb catalogues but I would notgive it to my worst enemy! We battle withit every year. I don't know where it camefrom; probably dormant bulbs in someplants. Imagine my amazement when oneof the Great British Menu chefs used 'threecornered leeks' in a recipe. A bell rang!Allium Triquetrum = three cornered leeks!There are even loads of recipes online.Perhaps I should be harvesting them andselling them to posh London restaurants!

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