Introduction to Gynecosmatia surgery Modern world has transformed our life completely as we give attention to too many details including our looks. Times are over when women opt for cosmetic surgeries to possess beautiful appearance as men have also started giving huge attention to their looks and body shape. There are many problems that numerous people face with their physical appearance but Gynecosmastia has become most common problem that men are facing around the world. This problem can bring devastating results and can destroy confidence of even toughest people. There are numerous products available in the market but no one has proven way of eradicate Gynecosmastia except surgery. Yes it is true that Gynecosmastia Surgery is the only way to get rid of this awful problem without facing any further harassment among your friends. What is Gynecosmastia? Gynecosmastia is made by the combination of two words Gyne which means Female like and Mastia means breast. So combination of these words together means that man has female like breast. You can understand the awkwardness that this situation can bring and why it is considered the most problematic situation for men. This situation can happen any men with different age groups but teenagers are the most prone with this problem. There are more that 70% adolescents that faces this situation followed by 15% of older than 55 years and 9% of middle aged men. Only 6% people that are 25 to 35 years of age are facing Gynecosmastia as per records.

Gynecomastia Surgery Bangalore

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Introduction to Gynecosmatia surgery

Modern world has transformed our life completely as we give attention to too many details including our looks. Times are over when women opt for cosmetic surgeries to possess beautiful appearance as men have also started giving huge attention to their looks and body shape. There are many problems that numerous people face with their physical appearance but Gynecosmastia has become most common problem that men are facing around the world. This problem can bring devastating results and can destroy confidence of even toughest people. There are numerous products available in the market but no one has proven way of eradicate Gynecosmastia except surgery. Yes it is true that Gynecosmastia Surgery is the only way to get rid of this awful problem without facing any further harassment among your friends.

What is Gynecosmastia?

Gynecosmastia is made by the combination of two words Gyne which means Female like and Mastia means breast. So combination of these words together means that man has female like breast. You can understand the awkwardness that this situation can bring and why it is considered the most problematic situation for men. This situation can happen any men with different age groups but teenagers are the most prone with this problem. There are more that 70% adolescents that faces this situation followed by 15% of older than 55 years and 9% of middle aged men. Only 6% people that are 25 to 35 years of age are facing Gynecosmastia as per records.

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Why Gynecosmastia happens?

You should consult your doctor as soon you find that you have Gynecosmastia for reducing the investment and pain that you can face in surgery. It depends on situation to situation as some people get this problem heritably, other might be struggling with extra fats. Here are some causes behind Gynecosmastia –

1. Excessive fats – Many people face this problem because of increased number of fatty tissues that are found in the female breasts.

2. Obesity – Huge amount of weight can lead towards Gynecosmastia.

3. Hormonal changes – It plays major role in Gynecosmastia and that is why highest number of Gynecosmastia patients is teenagers that are going through hormonal changes.

Gynecosmastia Surgery

Man chest is known for strong muscles and when a male is facing Gynecosmastia then there is only one alternative that can bring stable & positive results and that is Gynecosmastia Surgery. There are numerous products offered on internet and in stores that claims to reduce Gynecosmastia but all these products don’t provide any result. In fact, these products will increase the problem rapidly and make the situation worse. Since, there can be many reasons that cause Gynecosmastia, so single product can’t provide the desirable results.

That is why Gynecosmastia Surgery is recommended to the patients so they don’t have to face such problems. If you consider the advantages of surgery then you will be amazed because it is the only foolproof option that will bring positive results. You can remove your shirt without facing embarrassment for possessing awful upper body. Your scars and cuts will be removed completely with other cosmetic surgeries and there won’t be any mark left behind that will prove that you were struggling with Gynecosmastia.

Causes behind Gynecosmatia

There are many factors that can cause Gynecosmastia such as decreased androgens that are caused by hormonal changes, increased number of estrogen in the body or the combination of both the events at the same time. There are many people that face Gynecosmastia in their teen age because of hormonal changes happen significantly in teen age. Men also have some complex medical conditions such as drugs that are taken for removing other health issues, can introduce Gynecosmastia. That is not all yet as more than 25% cases of Gynecosmastia are happened due to unknown reasons. So there are too many things that can lead towards Gynecosmastia and these are –

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Physiologic Reasons

In early childhood, both male and female babies have breast development signs but with time, male breast development stops very quickly. In normal circumstances, new born face breast development only for two to three weeks. In some cases, hormonal changes don’t allow this development to stop and in result men have breast from early childhood. There are lot many cases where men have Gynecosmastia from the time they were born but in teenage their breast development becomes hectic. During pregnancy, female body goes through various hormonal changes and that hormones are transferred in the new born babies causing Gynecosmastia.

Non-Physiologic or Drug results

In 25% cases, Gynecosmastia happen due to usage of drugs that boost the products of estrogens; results in dramatic boost in breast developments. There are many medicines such as gonadotropin, cimetidine, ketoconazole, human chorionic gonadotropin, flutamide, bicalutamide, spironolactone and many other strong drugs that can cause Gynecosmastia. There are also other medicines that can cause Gynecosmastia but all the results can also depend on the bodily reaction of person. Many people also consume medicine for their long term disease such as blood pressure etc and usage of such drugs can cause Gynecosmastia.

Chronic Diseases

People that are facing kidney failure prone to Gynecosmastia because they don’t have proper nutrition and dialysis might help these people in fighting against kidney failure but that can’t reduce or remove Gynecosmastia. To make situation even more complicated, hormonal imbalance caused by liver failure can also play major role in introducing Gynecosmastia. People that have liver failure can also face Gynecosmastia because improper estrogen management. Alcoholics are also prone to Gynecosmastia because their livers don’t works with complete functionality. Liver keeps estrogen counts low by metabolism process but if liver in not functioning well then there can be huge problems.


Tumors can also lead towards Gynecosmastia and if you have Sertoli cell tumors, Leydig cell tumors or hCG- secreting choriocarcinoma tumor then this situation can be very ugly. Other tumors such as pituitary gland, adrenocortical etc can also increase the hormones that can turn into Gynecosmastia. These tumors can also create lots of problems such as cancer and if you are opting for the treatment of tumors then you have to start using drugs that are well known for leading towards Gynecosmastia. Androgen deprivation therapy is one of the common causes behind Gynecosmastia and this therapy is used to treat cancer patients.

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Gynecosmastia Surgery Advantages

If you want to get rid of this awful medical condition then there is one proven way and that is Gynecosmastia surgery. There are many alternatives available in the market that promise great results against Gynecosmastia but fail to deliver anything. If you want to seek proven method for eradicating Gynecosmastia from your life then you should opt for Gynecosmastia surgery without wasting any further time. Since the introduction of surgery, many people have enjoyed great results and if you want to move in public with complete confidence then surgery is the only reliable option.

There are many benefits that you can simply avail by opting for Gynecosmastia Surgery and these are –

1. Avoid embarrassment – People that are struggling with Gynecosmastia face lots of negative comments from normal people because of their appearance. It is very clear that no man likes to face such situation and they avoid crowded places and social get-togethers. If you have faced such situation then surgery is the only option that can bring positive change in your life without any doubt. You can enjoy parties and other social gatherings without thinking about your looks only if you have opted for Gynecosmastia surgery.

2. Regain confidence –Biggest problem that men face with Gynecosmastia is they lose their confidence and they avoid talking with their friends and other people. They start living isolated life but with the help of surgery such people can regain their confidence. They can live happy and simple life with their family and friends with the help of surgery.

3. Minimal risk – There are very minimal risks involved with surgery and you won’t put your life on the line for eradicating Gynecosmastia from your life. You might face lose of blood, scars and other problems that are common with surgery but they can be removed by after surgery therapies.

4. Choose your desirable shape – There are many people that think that they will live with small chest and people will recognize that they went through the operation. To help such people doctors show some computer images that could give patients perfect idea about how they will look after their surgery. You can choose the shape that you find appropriate and let the doctor know about how you want to look.

5. Permanent results – Surgery will bring permanent results that will stay for very long time for sure. The success rate of surgery is very high and there is no threat to your life. Therefore, without

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any doubt surgery is the perfect option that will help you in removing your breast with foolproof results. You might face scar problem after your surgery as cuts will always bring such problem but after surgery treatments can reduce such problems, significantly.

6. Psychological Changes – Many people become very reserve after they are having Gynecosmastia and that makes permanent damage on their well being. But you can avoid such psychological damage by opting for Gynecosmastia surgery as you don’t have to face the similar problem in further future. You will enjoy the similar personality that you were before facing Gynecosmastia.

Gynecosmastia side effects

People might assume that there are only profits of Gynecosmastia surgery but that is not the complete side of the picture. There are many side effects of opting for surgery but these are short term problems that can be resolved with medicine and time. Here are problems that you will face with Gynecosmastia Surgery –

Pain and infection

People do not opt for surgery because of the pain that they have to face during surgery when effect of anesthesia is over. You will face pain because many of the tissues and skin will be removed from your upper body and legs. Doctors provide pain relief medicines to reduce the significant pain but in many cases people don’t get any benefit from prescribed medicines. Some people also face short term problems in controlling their body after surgery because of high dose of anesthesia. Cuts are applied for removing skin tissues that can cause minor to major skin infections.


You will definitely get scars because of surgery and that will stay there for very long time period until you have sufficient budget to undergo another surgery to remove your scars. People think that they can get rid of the Gynecosmastia without surgery scars but that is very big mistake. You can go to the beach or pool parties without Gynecosmastia problem after surgery but your scars will be very visible. If you compare with having scars on your chest or breast instead of chest then choosing scars is the wisest decision that you can make.

Impact on your Budget

You should possess great budget for opting for surgery because it can cause $ 8000 to $15000 according to the stage of Gynecosmastia and cosmetic surgeon. In severe Gynecosmastia cases you might have to arrange extra budget for supporting your surgery. You will also need to invest in post surgery treatments for overcoming from the surgical problems in vey less time.

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If you are thinking that surgery will bring lots of pain then you are wrong because anesthesia is used for performing Gynecosmastia surgery. You will be amazed with the results that you will get by opting for the surgery as it is the only way to enjoy great benefits and best results. If you have already used all the products and belts available in the market for overcoming from Gynecosmastia then you should opt for Gynecosmastia surgery for enjoying perfect body.

You can enjoy your life and walk with pride after removing your shirt in the beach. No one is going to laugh on you because of your imperfections as you will possess strong chest that is identity of men. There are minor problems that are related with Gynecosmastia Surgery such as scars, itching etc but if you see the complete picture then it is the only option that will bring great results. You just have to make sure that you are opting for the reliable cosmetic surgeon that has lots of experience in Gynecosmastia surgery.

Gynecomastia Surgery Details In Bangalore:

If you are residing in Bangalore and looking for Gynecomastia surgery then visit http://gynecomastiasurgerybangalore.in/ for complete details of Hospitals, cost and FAQs related to surgery.