A Magazine to help the Golden Horseshoe Inspire, Educate & Grow! GUSTOMAGAZINE.CA Natural Approaches to Headaches Pg. 6 Fight or Flight? Pg. 8 Working with Golfer’s Elbow Pg. 9 Planting in the Hearts of Our Youth Pg.19 Hoop Movement: How to Get StartedPg.12

Gusto Magazine: May / June 2014 Edition

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Page 1: Gusto Magazine: May / June 2014 Edition

A Magazine to help the Golden Horseshoe Inspire, Educate & Grow!


Natural Approaches to Headaches Pg. 6

Fight or Flight? Pg. 8

Working with Golfer’s Elbow Pg. 9

Planting in the Hearts of Our Youth Pg.19

Hoop Movement: How to Get StartedPg.12

Page 2: Gusto Magazine: May / June 2014 Edition

LETTEr FrOM THE EdITOr,With the “Pulse of Summer” right around the corner, we become focused on our vacation plans, weekends and getting together with friends & family, often forgetting to live in each moment. Each summer day is longer and lighter and brimming with possibilities and opportunities, and if we are not paying attention - they can whiz by going unnoticed. Live in each minute and try to pay attention to the energy and doors opening around you - what you have always dreamed about could be right in front of you waiting to e seized! Editor: Amy Bonin


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THE GUSTO TEAMCandace Batchelor, Miranda Black, Teresa Bonin, Christine Bodden, Cheryl Camillo, Amber Colbear, Sarah Clarke, Lisa Doering, Justin D’Olimpio, Jen Fleming,Shelley Gordon, Rita Gagliano, Dr. Justin Gallant, Dr. Andria Hoda,Care Hudson, Erin Janus, Anita Kaiser, Kathy Corbett-King, Lilyana, Angie Loucks, Juliana LaChance, Amanda Martin, Don McClean, Katie McClelland, Stephanie Muir, Lauren Olson, Vanessa Pazzi, Ana RavenStar, Camilla Tatechev

EducatE, InspIrE and Grow. GUSTO provides readers with stories, interviews and information

concerning holistic, health & wellness and environmental awareness shared by industry leaders in our community.

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5 the Pulse of Summer 6 natural approaches to Headaches

4 Veggie fest 2014!

10 a few ways to get active on the go!




7 Life: it’s all in the way you make soup

8 fight or flight?

9 Working with golfer’s Elbow

10 Stop making mistakes

14 Kick-start your morning with green Juice

11 teens & yoga

15 Lighten your Life With Words

15 Did you Know? benefits of chlorella

16 one Step at a time

18 yoga for you! - cat Pose + gusto crystal pick: rainbow fluorite

12 /13 Hoop movement: How to get Started

20 De La terre Kitchen: fiddlehead Quiche ramp & arugula & basil Summer salad

22/23 community Happenings



21 Diy Eco-friendly household cleaner + gusto approved eatery!

19 Planting in the Hearts of our youth

Page 3: Gusto Magazine: May / June 2014 Edition


MONTHLY MEdITATION • take three deep breaths, feel your body relax with each gently exhaled breath. imagine a column of white light surrounding and protecting you as you journey inward toward your heart. as you approach your heart imagine a door opening gently to allow you to enter… • beyond the door is a green meadow teeming with life. a riot of birds and early spring blooms fill your senses. there is activity everywhere and a vibrancy that is almost visible takes hold of your heart. the expectation of renewal and rebirth that began with the equinox has arrived. the rising passion of life takes hold of you and guides you deeper into the meadow. • there you find a gathering of young people dancing around a traditional may Pole and you feel yourself begin to change. you are being renewed and the desires of youth re-ignite within your spirit. the laughter and joy of movement and life surge around you and you find yourself moving forward to join in. as you approach the group someone places one of the brightly coloured ribbons in your hand and you begin to move in the rhythm of this life-affirming dance.• feel the joy and simple happiness that is inherent in this dance of life flow up through your body. around and around, weaving in and out, the may Pole the dance continues, tighter and tighter the crowd becomes and laughter and joy filling the heart and spirit. as the dance slows and the pole is covered, the trailing ribbons are left to cover the ground. those who have chosen to participate in the dance continue through the meadow, changing their perceptions of life and of the things that matter most. community and connection have been reborn and revived. • Deep within your spirit you know that you are a part of something wonderful and life affirming. as you begin to cross the meadow heading toward the door to your heart, you can feel your connections remain and you acknowledge that this dance has reignited your passions, dreams and desires. return to the waking world knowing that your life's dance has been reborn with the passion of life.




may begins, of course, with may Day. in may the pulse of life is stronger and even more vibrant. the scent of living is more robust than that of april and it creates a drive to experience the vast possibilities within our passions. these passions are not as fevered yet they are more sustained and carry through even the mundane events of day-to-day living. there is a renewed sense of wonder especially when we see new life everywhere. no longer restricted to the blossoming plants, animals have begun rearing their young and we rejoice and delight in a sense of awed wonderment at the new life and the emotions this brings with it. We can feel our hearts swell with joy and we search for ways to express this renewed zest for living the dance of life and passion has fostered life and it calls to all of us to join in. the freedom of spiritual renewal allows us to expand our horizons. We are more willing to express our desires, our dreams and to actively pursue where our spirit will take us. With the warming temperatures our fears begin to shrink and we can shake off the icy grip that fear has held us tight within. Life itself becomes intoxicating with all of the possibilities and potential that our desires have been built on.

How quickly our waking world comes alive. Just a few short weeks ago snow covered the ground, life seemed to still be asleep and our spirits yearned for the changes to come. We have felt the fires of renewal and rebirth take hold as spring began and now as those energies continue to surge to the surface we are ready to celebrate life and all that will come. the energy of april is a celebration of the freedom from chill of months past and to the renewal that has taken hold of all living things. this energy has surged upward with the warming temperatures and has made itself manifest in everyday living. We begin to see the signs of new life everywhere. the first flowers herald the upward surging life energies, and the many returning birds bear witness to our own surging energies. there is a renewed sense of passion and life in the air. We shed our winter guises and our bodies celebrate the gentle warming breezes that wrap around us. We can sense the passion that brings new life to our world and we so desire to be a part of it. We don our spring attire and join in the rising tide and passion of life.


cHEryL camiLLoSPirituaL counSELor & HEaLEr

[email protected]

Page 4: Gusto Magazine: May / June 2014 Edition

THE COMMON HEAdACHE: “tension headaches” (not always caused by stress)tension headaches are the most common, and generally affect adults and adolescents - they may affect younger children, although this is not common.

SYMPTOMS: muscle tightness in specific parts of the head, scalp and/or neck – can be very uncomfortable and often painful, depending on severity. tension headaches can come on at any time, and may be caused by clenching the jaw, static positioning of head, bad posture or hormonal in-balance.

CAUSES: although there is no definitive cause of a tension headache, it is commonly thought to happen due to the volatility or in-balance of certain brain chemicals. most tension headaches happen in the middle of the day, and can be short lived or last for a couple of days, often a mild ache to a feeling of a “tight” band. incidentally, most often occurs in females. these can be brought on by a dip in blood sugars, fluctuating blood pressure, missed meals, lack of sleep and increased stress levels.

MIGrAINES: a chronic and recurring headache, often on one side of the face or head, which produces a “throbbing” like painmigraines are diagnosed by using certain medical criteria. they can run in families, and are quite debilitating, which may cause diminished lifestyle and social activities. these headaches can fluctuate in severity, often becoming quite painful and lasting from hours to days.

SYMPTOMS: nausea and/or vomiting often accompany a migraine, and, the eyes may become sensitive to light. many people have to take refuge in a darkened room during a migraine attack. Sometimes, an aura (visual distortions, sound sensitivity, hand numbness)) foreshadows a migraine.

CAUSES: Heredity, environmental, chemical and hormonal in-balance. as with all other headaches, no true medical cause has been found, however, it is presumed to be caused by an interaction between the brain stem and the trigeminal nerve. it can run in families and may be caused by certain hormonal or environment “triggers”.

“triggers” can be anything from drug interactions, food additives and/or intolerances, caffeinated beverages, sleep disturbances, pollens and environmental changes.

HErBS & vITAMINS:butterbur is the herb most often used to prevent and manage migraine headaches (caution: do not use if you are allergic to the Daisy family). butterbur is found in a combination of supplements and is the only herb in the migranol11 product. butterbur is thought to be as effective, if not more so, than an over the counter anti-histamine.

FEvErFEW: may reduce the severity and pain caused by chronic headaches. may also reduce fever associated with migraines and other febrile conditions

rIBOFLAvIN (B2): a micro-nutrient which enhances cellular activity relaxes the muscles. invaluable benefits for reducing the severity of migraine headaches.

EFA’S (ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIdS) omega 3 & 6 (fish oils, coconut & flax oils). aids in reducing chronic inflammation.

there are so many varieties and symptoms of headaches, but most commonly it is consider a pain in any part of the head, neck and face. although most headaches are considered benign (acute and not dangerous) there are many chronically severe headaches, associated with sudden onset of pain, nausea and/or paralysis which are often due to a medical emergency (seizures, stroke, diabetic onset).there are over 150 different types of headaches, some more severe than others. tension headaches are the most common; however there are at least six well known headaches such as: bilious, sinus, hormonal, muscular, cluster and rebound.


ESSENTIAL OILS: oils such as helichrysum, lavender & eucalyptus, and roman chamomile, all have an anti inflammatory effect on the central nervous system. Peppermint & Spearmint both relax the muscular system, which helps in reducing pain and calming the mind.

DID YOU KNOW? cEPHaLaLgia iS tHE grEEK WorD for HEaDacHE. Kephale: meaning head & algos: meaning pain. or in medical terminology, cephalic = head, and algia = pain…..there are over 150 diagnosed types of headaches


dIETArY & WELLNESS SUGGESTIONS:• most headaches can be managed by progressive muscular relaxation techniques, such as yoga, Pilates and stretch. the use of meditation, self hypnosis (self talk & visualization), candle gazing and internal focus, are all great techniques for calming and relaxing the mind.

• always keep a headache diary, this will help with medical diagnoses, especially for the more chronic and recurring migraines.adequate sleeps is vital, but refrain from over sleeping as this can actually cause or stimulate headaches.

• massage therapy, acupuncture, reflexology and biofeedback have all been successful in helping to reduce and/or prevent recurring headaches.

• food additives, (mSg, sodium, caffeine, colour additives, red wine), can trigger headaches. an elimination diet may help to identify your triggers.

•Stay well hydrated – drink 6-8 glasses of water or herbal teas (Dandelion, nettle, ginger, lemon balm) daily

• Detoxify your system on a bi yearly basis – helps to eliminate the effect of sugar (yeast), bacteria (flora) & other toxins.

BOOkS:• the magnesium Solution for migraine Headaches• How to use magnesium to Prevent and relieve migraine and cluster Headaches naturally

LiLyanaLaVanDuLa WELLnESS cEntrE



yesterday as i was heading back home from work with a small bounty of vegetables from the local farmers market, it occurred to me that life is all in the way you make soup. i know, i know it sounds like a silly and simplistic analogy, but those are my favourite so have a little patience and follow me on my little digression.

WHAT’S IN YOUr FrIdGE?first off, let me say that in my opinion there are at least two kinds of people (for the purpose of brevity, i’ll just stick to two):those who always have a full fridge, so full in fact they can’t even tell what they have, whose obsessive need to stockpile food is never satisfied. you know them, you’re probably related to a few of them. i’m talking about those people that open up said fridge give a perfunctory look at the crammed containers crowding staring them at them, and state with dejection “there is nothing to eat!” then there are those whose fridge is always half empty, but filled with promise. Just enough staples and condiments to make a couple of delicious meals. i feel i belong to this second category.Don’t get me wrong, i love food, and i adore fresh produce. i also hate waste and can’t stand to see good food wilt away. So while my fridge is often half empty, i’m always buying fresh veggies to avoid the travesty of having them wilting away and forgotten in my fridge.

WHAT’S IN YOUr GrOCErY BAG?if you read this far (bless you for your patience!), you might be wondering what i bought at the farmer market. my little parcel contused a bunch of beets, enough potatoes to last me a week, purple kale, and some onions. Every piece seasonal, fresh, and beautiful (if you do not share my love of vegetables, i guess you won’t get it). i figure i will likely make at least two kinds of soups with my bounty.and no, before you ask i didn’t have a recipe in mind when i approached the produce stand. i’ve always felt recipes hinder the creative process. yes, i know we’re talking about soup, but every dish should be masterpiece of sorts, maybe it’s just me.When i got home, i started working on the first of my master pieces, my beet soup. i roasted the beets (boiling them jet drains all the flavours and nutrients, and the smokey flavour is a great contrast to the sweetness of this root vegetable). Washed the beet greens, and tossed them in a pan with the green onions, some garlic and one potato. then i added the roasted beet, and a few cups of water and let it simmer until it looked ready and added salt and spices. i even made cashew sour cream to add to the soup before serving.

WHAT dId MAkING SOUP rEMINdEd ME ABOUT LIFE?1. Work with what you have: Even the most humble ingredient can be transformed into something beautiful.

2. abundance is a state of mind: work with what you have and always leave room for more.

3. find your own way: recipes are great to get ideas, but don’t limit yourself to guidelines set by others, do your own thing.

4. Enjoy the process: Eating the soup should not be the only payoff. the process doesn’t have to be a painful ordeal. focusing on each step of the process grounded you to the present. imbuing each step with the love and attention it deserves will naturally get you to where you want to go.

5. take a moment to enjoy the fruits of your labour: the soup’s ready and delicious and it did not come from a can, and you will have seconds and leftovers.

6. that being said, don’t take it too seriously: yes, you may even bring the soup to work - if it was that good - and claim bragging rights, but don’t forget it was just soup.


rita gagLiano minDfuLnESS & PoSitiVity coacH

WWW.tHriVEDynamicS.ca WWW.LaVanDuLaWELLnESScEntrE.com.



Page 5: Gusto Magazine: May / June 2014 Edition

Stress! We all experience it on a daily basis and it affects all of us in one way or another. i realize it’s been talked about over and over again but hopefully i can shine a new light on it for you. Stress can both contribute to and exacerbate just about every condition out there. there are those who let stress eat at them and those who don’t give

a care about anything. Perception is the deciding factor between the two. Sometimes all it takes is reflecting on a stressful situation and changing your perception of it, other times it takes learning about your own insecurities. it’s common to stress over things, especially what others say, because they confirm our insecurities. those who go with the flow seem to get through life the easiest because they don’t look too deeply into anything. We have to be those sticks flowing through the river, not the stubborn rock that’s being worn away by it. We have actual stressors like traffic, ailments, coffee, arguments, deadlines, finances, etc… mental stressors like jealousy, wondering what others are thinking, resentment, etc… all kinds of stressors. the main ways we can stimulate our PSnS is deep breathing and sleep. Deep breathing is so underrated and under utilized. We can actually fool our bodies into thinking we’re not stressed by taking deep breaths. We have to take advantage of this loophole!there are a couple of factors contributing to stress that robert Sapolsky mentions in his book, “Why zebras Don’t get ulcers”. these factors are outlet of frustration, social support, perception of control and lack of predictability. the most important is an outlet of frustration. anger is a natural emotion, but since it has a negative reputation we often suppress it. recognizing anger as a natural emotion that needs to be expressed in a healthy manner is key to reducing stress. if we can get all of the water out of our kettle we’re a lot less likely to be steaming, ready to explode over minor things.if depression isanger turned inwards, managing our anger should prevent depression in cases where anger is the source. by outlet of frustration i mean actually getting out that anger, in a constructive manner of course. Some ways to release frustration constructively are boxing, lifting weights, going for a run, crying, swearing, writing angry thoughts down, hitting or screaming into a pillow, whatever feels right for you. this needs to be done on a regular basis, not just when you’re about to lose it.

FIGHT Or FLIGHT?naturoPatHic Doctor JuStin gaLLant WEigHS in








WAYS TO rEdUCE STrESS: • altering your perception via self-reflection, cbt, journaling or counseling. • calming herbal teas • Deep breathing, meditation, yoga, tai chi• Listening to calming music (Songza and 8 tracks are good apps for discovering a new genre)• Exercise (strenuous as an outlet or slowly for relaxation)• massage • Sex • Progressive relaxation • utilizing an outlet of frustration

NOTE that most of these exercises involve deep breathing… the only thing that we have to trigger our body to go into rest and digest mode. Some of the de-stressing modalities i offer are acupuncture, counseling, improving health, certain nutrients, supplements and herbs, and most importantly helping you find what works best for you in terms of relaxation and finding an outlet of frustration. GET OUT THErE ANd STArT BATTLING THAT NEGATIvE STrESS WITH dEEP BrEATHS!


in my practice, most females claim their outlet of frustration is yoga. yoga is important for the restoring, relaxing and peace-making aspect of stress but i want them to be taking out their anger aggressively. Joining kickboxing or having a punching bag around the house has been the most therapeutic for these ladies. males usually claim sex and drinking are their outlets of frustration. Sex can definitely be an outlet but drinking is just suppressing that anger and if you drink when angry, it usually causes more problems. Some good ideas for males are going to the batting cages, the driving range and boxing, basically anything you get a physical and mental release from.

Dr. JuStin gaLLant nDWWW.DrJuStingaLLantnD.com

it’s a beautiful sunny day on the golf course; your setting up to drive the ball 250 yards and suddenly you get that pain on the inside of your elbow! your awesome t-off just went to the gutters! golfers El-bow, such a pain and very common! this condition is caused by repetitive strain and the pain tends to be localized to the inside (medial) elbow, although it can travel down the forearm. this condition may also be called medial epicondylitis. it is caused by damage to the muscles and tendons of the forearm specifically the flexors of the forearm.

golfers elbow is not limited to golfers; this condition is brought on by activities such as gardening, paint-ing, weight lifting, driving (stick shift), racket sports, throwing sports and improper lifting or hitting. these activities generally need to be done for more than 60 minutes a few times a week to be or cause a problem. generally this condition is generally seen in people 35 years of age and older.

HOW dO YOU kNOW IF YOUr PAIN IS INdEEd GOLFErS ELBOW? you may feel stiffness, decreased range of motion and it commonly hurts to make a fist or shake a hand. numbness, tingling and pain can also occur in the forearms and hands. clients most commonly report a feeling of numbness and tingling in the ring and “pinky” finger. if golfers elbow is left untreated you can run into problems such as chronic elbow pain, decrease in range of motion and a fixed bend (contracture) in the elbow joint. in some cases an ulnar neuropa-thy can occur: this is when the ulnar nerve passes through a hiatus in the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle and gets “pinched” or trapped. the ulnar nerve supplies a portion of the innervation in your forearm.

all that being said, golfers elbow does not need to keep you indoors and off the course! With rest and the appropriate treatments you can get back to your golf game or tend to your garden! your local massage therapist can treat your condition with mus-cle stripping, passive stretching and frictions to the tendons of the flexor muscles. chiropractors can also assess the elbow joint for mobility and function. your health care practitioner can also provide you with stretching and strengthening exercises to help you continue your care at home and on the golf course!

So get out there this summer and have some on the course!


StEPHaniE muir rmt/acuPuncturE PractitionEr




Page 6: Gusto Magazine: May / June 2014 Edition

Want an easier way to lose fat? Stop starving yourself, counting calories, or eliminating your favorite food groups. those extreme techniques only burn you out and leave you more frustrated than ever. because the truth is that real fat loss comes with lasting, healthy lifestyle changes. you’ll get to your goals quicker when you stop making these 5 Lifestyle mistakes:

LIFESTYLE MISTAkE #1: LACk OF SLEEPto put this simply, you need to sleep more. most adults need an average of eight hours of sleep each night, and i know you aren’t getting that much. When you don’t get adequate amounts of rest, you’re more likely to be hungry, overeat, and gain weight.

LIFESTYLE MISTAkE #2: TOO MUCH Tv TIMEmany people are in the habit of sitting in front of the tV for hours on end after a stressful day at work. yes, you may be worn out and need a break, but sitting on the couch, zoned out, watching tV is not the way to lose inches. if you must watch the evening news or see your favorite show, use the time to burn a few calories. Keep some hand weights next to the couch and work your biceps and triceps. Stand up and do some squats or lunges to work your legs and buttocks. get on the floor and do some sit-ups to tone your abs or push-ups to tone your arms.

LIFESTYLE MISTAkE #3: SkIPPING BrEAkFASTWant to know a secret to successful weight loss? Eat breakfast! try cutting calories by skipping breakfast, and you’ll be excessively hungry by mid-morning. as a result, the healthy calories you would have eaten at breakfast are replaced with calorie-filled snacks and an over-sized lunch.

LIFESTYLE MISTAkE #4: drINkING TOO MUCH SUGArLasting fat loss is about changes. unfortunately, some of the changes one must make are difficult. if you’re one of the millions hooked on soda, alcohol, or other sweetened beverages then your fitness goals may remain out of reach until you replace these drinks with water. you should also know that your brain often confuses thirst with hunger. So at the first sign of hunger, don’t grab a snack or calorie-filled drinks. instead, grab a glass of water.

LIFESTYLE MISTAkE #5: NOT dOING THE rIGHT PHYSICAL ACTIvITYWeight loss is about burning more calories than you consume. therefore, it should make sense to you that dieting and exercise must go hand in hand. if you want to speed up weight loss and keep the weight away, add or increase the amount and intensity of physical activity in your daily life. for many people, this is the most difficult lifestyle change of all, but the benefits are well worth it. aim for 30 to 60 minutes of intense exercise on most days of the week. When exercise is a normal part of your everyday routine, it’s more likely to stick, and your body will become slimmer and more toned.


...and achieve your weight loss goals!

A FEW EASY WAYS TO GET ACTIvE, WHILE ON THE GO!WALk WHEN YOU CANWalking is the gold standard of fitness because it’s safe, it uses more than 200 muscles, and anyone can do it. Plan a walking time in your schedule and stick to it. if you haven’t been active lately, start with 10-15 minutes and add 2-3 minutes per session each week. End each session with a 3-5 minute cool down of slow walking. in 30 minutes, you burn about 150 calories.

TONE YOUr TUMMY WHILE CHECkING EMAILSitting on an exercise ball instead of a regular chair while you’re at your desk or using your laptop at home can give you an easy tummy workout without leaving your abs sore. When on the ball, your body constantly makes small adjustments to your posture and works your back, abdominal, glute, and leg muscles.

GET MOrE OUT OF TAkING THE STAIrSinstead of walking casually up the stairs, gradually increase your speed and the number of stairs you can take in 1 minute. take two steps at once if you can do it safely. (diabeticlivingonline.com)

JuStin D’oLimPioJuSt train boot camP



if you are a parent who has a teenager at home that you are struggling with, one of the most important things i have learned is that teenagers are going through the same type of development as toddlers. by this i mean that the information is coming at them at light speed and they are absorbing, changing, growing, learning, and understanding so much and yet aren’t quite adults. too old to act like a kid, but too young to be left to their own devices. We expect them to act responsible and yet their primary job is to test the boundaries - this is how they learn. as humans, our cerebral cortex continues to develop until age 20 (generally speaking). What this means is that if you compare being a teen to driving a car – the accelerator is slightly stuck. the brakes are a little touchy and don’t always work. in today’s world, access to adults is lower than it’s ever been. in many cases both parents are out working to make ends meet – and that’s in families that have managed to stay intact. there are many single parent families where it's even harder to maintain adult contact. the stressors are larger and more intimidating than they have ever been with teen suicide and cutting or other forms of self-abuse on the rise.

INTErESTING FACTS ABOUT COMPLEMENTArY & ALTErNATIvE MEdICINE.1. the World Health organization estimates that between 65 to 80 percent of the world’s population (over 4 billion people) rely on alternative medicine as their primary form of health care compared to only 10 to 30 percent of people who use conventional medicine.2. traditional chinese medicine has been chosen by the World Health organization for worldwide propagation to meet the heath care needs of the twenty-first century3. medicinal herbs were found amongst the personal effects of the mummified prehistoric “ice man” who wasfound in the italian alps in 1991.

4. 19 percent of fortune 500 companies offer alternative medicine as part of their health care compensation packages.

5. one-half of all medical schools now offer courses in alternative medicine.

6. massage therapy dates back thousands of years and has been recorded in ancient writings from the orient, asia, arabia and greece.7. more than 70% to 90% of physicians consider complementary and alternative medicine therapies, such as diet and exercise, behavioral medicine, counseling and psychotherapy, and hypnotherapy, to be legitimate medical practices. ( www.blisstree.com)



one of the ways you can help your teen cope with some of these issues is by introducing them to yoga. yoga offers your teen an opportunity to connect with their body in a positive, healthy manner. it builds strength and flexibility, while at the same time increasing the ability to manage the various stressors that arise day to day. by spending time focused on the breath, it allows their mind to slow down slightly and absorb the present moment. the concentration that comes from a regular yoga practice can help with school work. in addition, spending time in a room where everyone has different levels of ability can help with self-esteem and positive body image.

anita KaiSEryoga inStructor, miESSEncE




Page 7: Gusto Magazine: May / June 2014 Edition

by changing how we say something and therefore ultimately how we perceive a particular thing or situation, we can shift the weight or the feeling of the message without actually changing the message.


Seven years ago when i started hoop dance, i’d never even heard of it. i was attending a belly dance studio and saw it in action for the first time and thought - that’s amazing! i scoured the internet for videos, information, anything and there was surprisingly little on the subject. the morsels i found did no more than whet my appetite which i suppose is a good thing when you are wanting to learn a new skill.However, there was little in the way of tutorials on youtube, never-mind anywhere else and many of the Hoop World’s famous faces were still in their early budding stages. i was lucky enough to have a hoop dance class near by and the ability to attend it, so i got my start there. after that, many, many,many hours watching youtube performance videos on repeat, watching the same five seconds of footage over and over to get an idea of how-she-did that, bruises and hoops thrown at walls in frustration lead to the hoop dancer i am today.Luckily for the new dancers today, there’s a lot more material avail-able in the form of free youtube tutorials, websites dedicated to hooping, Hoop Superstar Pro’s to follow and your friendly neighbour-hood hoop spinner to give you a bit of a leg up.

1. HOOP SELECTION: this part is pretty simple. generally speaking, the rule is, the larger the diameter of the hoop, the

slower it will move and the easier it will be to learn on. those spindly little kiddie hoops? forget it. Even a seasoned hooper will have a hard time manipulating one of those around their bodies. they are too small and light weight for a grown person to learn on and move lightning quick.

*a note about hoop weight: a heavier hoop will not make you lose more weight, eliminate your

love handles or make you skinny. a dedicated diet plan and daily activity (which of course can include

hooping but probably shouldn’t be limited to it) is how one can lose weight. a heavier hoop will most

likely result in bruises and muscle strains and not much else.

WHErE TO GET A HOOP? you can order hoops online pretty easily but they will be pricey. these days there are many more

local manufacturers of adult sized hoops. a quick google search can turn up some people relatively

close to you. it is also really easy to make a simple, nekkid (undecorated) hoop with materials

purchased at your local plumbing supply. a 10 foot length of water irrigation tubing, a double

ended connector piece and a strip of duct tape makes you a great practice hoop. there are lots of guidelines about what the best tubing to use is and, eventually if you get to the more advanced stages, this will be of importance to you. in the beginning

though, at least 100psi tubing of a ¾ outside diameter (your plumbing guy will be impressed)

will suffice.

2. GIvE IT A GO. you won’t get anywhere without at least giving it a shot. i don’t know

how many people came up to me at festivals where i was selling hoops and

said with 100% certainty “i can’t do that” only to discover that, after setting

aside their fear of public humiliation, they in fact can. again, size of hoop

rEaLLy makes a difference.my first suggestion has always been, stand with feet hip width apart, hold the hoop firmly against your back just above the tops of the hips, ensure it is level with the ground, wind up and blast off. then do nothing! Just stand there! try and feel how the hoop pulls

on your body. all you need to do is resist that pull. it’s subtle but it’s there and after a few go’s, sometimes just

one, you feel it and it’s natural.


3. YOUTUBE. tons of free tutorials now exist for beginners and advanced Hoop

Spinners. in addition to tutorials, it’s really inspiring to watch performers

like Spiral, babz, Safire, brecken, baxter, anah (Hoopalicious) and

countless others. from these guys and gals you can learn a lot about method, their techniques, as well as

the flair for making a “performance.” at the very least, you will see some

really cool stuff that looks like magic tricks.

4. CONNECT. after the classes were done and the teacher had moved on, i was alone in a world of non-hoopers

trapped in my living room. i felt certain there were other hoopers in my city - even in my nieghbourhood - who were also trapped hooping in a living room or basement believing they too were alone to the Wild

Weird Ways of Hoop Dance. it took some time, but i eventually found other folks who were into the circus gig and together we would

play. Eventually, a grEat website was created called hoopcity.ca. this site has it all - inspiration,

community, listings, online classes and social media specifically for hoopers. on facebook you can look up local community groups into circus arts too. in

Hamilton there is a free group called Hamilton free flow where folks can post when and where they are

gonna go practice so others can join in.

5. kEEP PrACTICING. Like any skill, this will take some work, some effort.

you gotta earn your barrel rolls. there may be a few bruises, you may inadvertently bounce a hoop off

the wall and whack yourself in the face with it. you may smash a lamp or convince your pets hoops are

pure evil to be respected and feared. you may trash your living room. repeatedly. your friends may think

you’re bonkers, your family may think you’re from another planet. but the end result will be pulling off that trick after weeks of practice and the absolute

satisfaction of seeing yourself improve.

and really, what else is there? We’re only here for a short while, so we might as well explore the world

around us and the worlds inside us. Surprise yourself. you never know what you’re going to find when you

take a trip on the spiral.



JEn fLEming, rmt



Page 8: Gusto Magazine: May / June 2014 Edition


a few years ago, i bought a juicer with plans to replace my morning caffeine jolt with a healthy green juice. Sadly, it landed in the cupboard of misfit and forgotten appliances, until i discovered i had candida. you see, i suffered with chronic sinusitis, bladder and yeast infections for years and thought i was doomed to take prescription medication for the rest of my life. i then found out that the underlying cause of the candida was a food allergy to gluten, dairy, corn and (gasp!) chocolate. So i went cold turkey and removed the offending food from my diet. this was one of the toughest things i had every done, but as i began to move away from the standard western diet, i discovered the power of food to heal. my chronic illnesses began to improve and ultimately disappear. During my quest for wellness and clean eating, i discovered the documentary fat Sick and nearly Dead. this is the story of Joe cross who was 100 lbs overweight with a debilitating autoimmune disease. Joe vows to reclaim his health while travelling across america for 60 days drinking only vegetable and fruit juice. after watching the movie and reading the reviews including one that said, “had to pause the movie to purchase a juicer”, i was hooked. after the movie i got my juicer out of hiding and now it sits proudly on my counter where it produces the most mouth watering green juices.

BENEFITS OF JUICING• your body doesn’t have to work to digest the fibre so the nutrients and vitamins go straight into your bloodstream• you can quickly get your daily dosage of fruits and veggies in a convenient drink rather than eating through a pound of the green stuff•you will have more energy, clear your brain fog and reduce your headaches• your joints will not be as stiff as there are powerful anti-inflammatory nutrients in fruits and veggies

YOU WILL HAvE A MOrE rESTFUL ANd dEEP SLEEP So what are you drinking for your morning pick me up? green juice will start your day on the right foot, giving you more energy and vitality.rEFErENCEHealth benefits of green Juice – Healing foods, Eat your Way to Healthier Life, Susan curtis, Pat thomas, Dragana Vilinac, DK Publishing

INGrEdIENTS½ CUCUMBEr Deters estrogen based cancers, has a diuretic action, promotes a healthy digestive tract, helps lower cholesterol.

HANdFUL OF kALE Helps strengthen bones, helps fight inflammation, helps lower cholesterol, helps balance excess estrogen.

2 STALkS CELErY Helps lower blood pressure, has a diuretic action, promotes feeling of fullness, promotes healthy joints and muscles.1 GrANNY SMITH APPLE (quartered – (optional – good if you prefer a less grassy juice) Helps balance blood sugar levels, tackles diarrhea and constipation, helps strengthen bones, helps lower cholesterol.

½ LEMON – PEELEd Or SqUEEZEd IN AFTEr Helps prevent kidney stones, helps lower cholesterol, aids healthy digestion, helps remove accumulated toxins.



SaraH cLarKE. cPcHEaLtH coacH, SESa coacHing


Lastly, repeat! anything in life that needs development will take practice and this is no different. Practice being positive and light with your words and messages and before you know it that will then become the new automatic response in your thoughts, words, and behaviours.

the power to feel more positivity in your life is simple and within your control! So remove the “should”, “shouldn’t”, “can’t”, “must’, “must not”, “have to”, “need to”, and “ought to’s” out of your vocabulary. add in the magic words like “can”, “will”, and “possible” and you will find that it is possible to lighten your life with your words.

WITH WOrdSDo you ever have those “small” things on your to do list

that seem to linger there indefinitely? Have you ever left a “quick five minute job” until the last possible second for no apparent reason? Have you ever wondered why we dread and procrastinate and allow the heaviness of “should” weigh us down?



Just saying those sentences out loud feels heavy and with burden. yet, truthfully, many of those things on the “should” list often aren’t all that complicated and really would only take a few minutes. We probably spend more time dreading the task than actually completing most of them. So why do we torture ourselves and how do we stop?!it really is all in the words. the words that we speak and the messages that we tell ourselves internally can carry weight or lightness, foreboding or excitement, positivity or negativity. the great thing about this is that it puts us in the driver’s seat! We are the ones in control of our messages. for example, instead of saying something like,



both messages indicate that going to the gym is the goal. but when you say both of those sentences, pay close attention to how the tone of each makes you feel.there is a distinct difference in the weight and heaviness in saying the statement with “should” in it.

Here is another example; instead of saying, “i can’t eat chocolate if i want to lose weight” you could say, “i can eat fruit to satisfy my sweet tooth while i’m trying to lose weight. or instead of saying something like, “i should clean the house, the dirt is starting to pile up!” you might say, “i will clean the house before it gets too dirty”.these automatic patterns in what we say did not develop overnight so it’s not likely they will be changed overnight either just because it now makes sense to change our words. to make lasting changes in our behaviour there are few simple tips you can use. the first is to be aware. now that you can see the negative patterns in your thoughts and words, catch yourself when you use them. interrupt the negative thoughts you catch yourself having.



Secondly, replace that thought with a more positive message that will serve to boost you up or relate a message without a heavy weight of burden. remember to use words like “can”, “will”, and “possible.”

did you know





CHLOrELLA: A NUTrIENT-rICH ALGAE• a single-celled fresh-water algae, chlorella is among the most ancient life forms on the earth and is virtually unchanged in over 2 billion years of existence. thus, it harbors the spark that characterized the original creative energy of the planet.

• chlorella is one of the richest foods in protein, beta carotene, and the nucleic acids (rna and Dna), and it contains more chlorophyll than any other food. the special features of chlorella are that it...

• assimilates almost instantly, because its massive protein and beneficial fats have been predigested by the algae. users often feel more energy in their lives.

• boosts immunity, partly as a result of its rich store of acid polysaccharides.

• cleanses environmental toxins from the body, including radiation residues, pesticides, herbicides, and most of the toxic heavy metals such as mercury.

amanDa martinLifE coacH



Page 9: Gusto Magazine: May / June 2014 Edition

as we can see in the growing buds on the branches of trees and in the way that flowers bloom, it is the nature of creation to grow, change and expand. Everything that we experience in life can have a changing effect on one or more of our physical, mental or emotional states. Sometimes we get to choose our own life’s experiences and sometimes we do not have control over them. Learning to read, reading, or listening to someone else read, for example can change a person’s level of knowledge and mental state. Watching a live performance or a concert for example, can change a person’s emotional state. Working in any profession can change a person on all levels too. During job training, a person’s mental state expands as they gain knowledge of the area that they are working in. the working environment and ergonomics of the job can have an effect on a person’s physical state. ongoing stress or getting fired from a job, can influence a person’s emotional state. Every day that we live in the dimension of time, we become one day older and our hair grows a little longer, as do our nails. in 5 or 10 or 20 years from now, we may wake up and look or feel quite different than we do now. our life situation may be different as well. We have no choice in the matter of getting older, but with our focused attention and intention we can often have some life-changing choices that can impact the future situation that we will find ourselves in.the driver of a car, the captain of a ship or the pilot of a plane will usually have a plan and tools for their journey, including maps or gPS, fuel and provisions. you do not need to have everything ready to embark on your life’s journey - you are already on it, by the nature of being alive! However, when you know where you would like your life to go, then you can aim your focus in that direction and as you start to head that way consciously you can begin gathering the tools and teachings that you need. as you begin taking steps towards your life’s purpose, you will start seeing the best way for you to go, learning what you need to learn, meeting

who you need to meet, etc…

imagine for a moment that you are walking down a path in a forest. Every choice that you make, can lead you down a different path where you will find different experiences. Perhaps you were looking for a sweet field to lay down in but you made a mistake and found yourself in front of a massive swamp! if you don’t happen to like the swamp, you don’t have to stay there for the rest of your life and you don’t have to beat yourself up for taking the wrong turn, either. instead you can learn from the experience and turn around or look for a new path around it. you may even choose to share about it with other people that you meet on the path. your story could help someone else to find or to avoid that particular swamp!

on any journey, unforeseen circumstances can arise. you may come across unwanted obstacles or detours on your path, which were caused by other people and you may come also across those that were caused by yourself. When our life is impacted by the choices of others, the only thing that we may have control over, is our own response to the changes. avoidance, procrastination and focusing on addictions or feelings of stress, unworthiness, overwhelm, fear or worry are just some of the self-sabotaging behaviors that can steal your time, energy and focus away from moving forward on your life’s goals. mistakes and challenges in life can also be perceived as our biggest opportunities for learning. We are all exactly where we need to be right now, even if we need only to be there, to learn from the experience. if where you are, feels out of alignment with where you want to be, then that feeling may be creating a good opportunity for you to examine what you can actually change in your life, to bring it more into alignment with how you would like to feel. the

energetic vibration of our emotional feelings will automatically attract more of what it is that we are feeling. basically, “the universe will respond to the drum that you are beating.” We are all exactly where we need to be right now, even if we need only to be there, to learn from the experience. if where you are, feels out of alignment with where you want to be, then that feeling may be creating a good opportunity for you to examine what you can actually change in your life, to bring it more into alignment with how you would like to feel. the energetic

vibration of our emotional feelings will automatically attract more of what it is that we are feeling .








s ONE STEP AT A TIME Like Dorothy and her friends discovered, in the Wizard of oz, the answers are always right there within you (Source: film 1939, book 1900, by L. frank baum). your subconscious soul has access to all of the information about your past, present and future and you can explore it, as much as you want to. there are many ways that you can directly access information and answers about yourself, including asking your questions in conversations, prayers, imaginations and meditations. you can ask yourself questions before you go to sleep and see if you receive any insights or answers in your dreams. only you will know which are the best ways for you to use, to connect with and explore the subconscious part of yourself. there are also many great ways to get external help, clues and messages. a Life coaches and counselors are trained and experienced in helping people to overcome obstacles around realizing their life’s goals and purpose. Even family, friends or children in your life, can give you valuable feedback based on what you consciously choose to share with them. With your permission, psychic readers may use tools or their own intuitive methods to connect with and share, guidance and messages for you. Psychic mediums can make energetic connections with and channel information from your friends, family, angels and guides in other dimensions, who may have more of a birds-eye view, of where you currently are on your life path. one inspiring blog to check out on the topic is; www.purposefairy.com, but as always, please do your own researching to find out which information and methods resonate best with you!relaxing your mind into a theta-wave state is very helpful for healing and for connecting with your subconscious. a Hypnotist or Past Life regression therapist can guide you to relax so completely that you can access your own subconscious memories and information, such as what your soul has been passionate about, in past lifetimes. many other holistic treatments can also bring you into a theta-wave state of deep relaxation, including massage and reiki. When you know what it is that you want to focus your life’s time and energy on, then you will start to uncover how you can make it happen. When you keep your focus on it, you will be naturally attracting the best way to get there and you may also experience more synchronicities and miracles in your life.








HOME ExErCISE: Write down 2-3 goals that you would love to achieve; during your lifetime, during this year, during this season, this month and during the upcoming week. Wherever possible, break the goals down further into actionable tasks. Put the list somewhere that you can see it on a regular basis. When you have free time, take at least one action step towards one of your goals. update and change your list often!}}

HOME MEdITATION – FOr ASkING qUESTIONS: you may want to prepare your questions in advance or you may just want to ask what comes up for you in the moment. Prepare your body by clearing your energy channels and chakras through any kind of activity including; vigorous exercise or dancing, body tapping, relaxing stretches or yoga to allow for a deeper experience. you may want to prepare your space, by playing music, gathering a cushion, a blanket, candles, smudge or incense, a journal and pen, locking your door, or maybe none of those things. • Do whatever you need to do, to feel safe, comfortable and connected. • Sit or lie down comfortably. Straighten your spine as much as you can. • bring your focus to your breathing. inhale and exhale deeply. • feel the earth underneath you and the sky above you. take the time that you need to feel your love for and connection to both. • bring your focus inside, feel your body parts and organs from your toes to your head. feel and connect with the beating of your heart. • When you feel that you have relaxed into a theta-wave state (similar to how you feel just before falling asleep), decide who to connect with, intend for the connection to happen, and then go ahead and ask your questions.

you can direct your questions with your intentions, to your subconscious soul, to your creator, or any ascended masters, angels, guides or soul helpers that you believe in. give thanks for your connection. if you don’t get an answer or insight on the spot, that’s ok! invite the answers to come to you over the next few hours, days or weeks. intend that you will be receptive to the answers and clues that will come to you from your soul, your guides and helpers, your environment and from your dreams.


carE HuDSonrELaxation tHEraPiSt



Page 10: Gusto Magazine: May / June 2014 Edition


MArJArI = CAT POSEBENEFITSStretches the back torso and neckProvides a gentle massage to the spine and belly organs

BEGINNEr’S TIPif you have difficulty rounding the very top of the upper back, ask a friend to lay a hand just above and between the shoulder blades to help you activate this area.

STEP BY STEP1.Start on your hands and knees in a “tabletop” position. Make sure your knees are set directly below your hips and your wrists, elbows and shoulders are in line and perpendicular to the floor. Center your head in a neutral position, eyes looking at the floor.

2. As you exhale, round your spine toward the ceiling, making sure to keep your shoulders and knees in position. release your head toward the floor, but don’t force your chin to your chest. Inhale, coming back to neutral “tabletop” position on your hands and knees.This pose is often paired with Cow Pose on the inhale for a gentle, flowing vinyasa.


PrECAUTION WITH THE CATPOSE: neck injury, keep the head in line with the torso.



rAINBOW MOONSTONE GEMSTONE MEANING: FOrMErLY CALLEd FLUOrSPAr, FLUOrITE HAS A WIdE rANGE OF COLOUrS INCLUdING YELLOW, BLUE, PINk PUrPLE ANd GrEEN. IT IS AN INTErESTING ANd BEAUTIFUL STONE BECAUSE OFTEN MOrE THAN ONE COLOUr OCCUrS IN A SINGLE STONE.fluorite is said to absorb and neutralize negative vibrations. it makes one more receptive to the vibrations of other stones. fluorite should be kept in every room of the home. fluorite is known as the “genius Stone”.fluorite is a highly protective and stabilizing stone, useful for grounding and harmonizing spiritual energy. When working with the upper chakras, fluorite increases intuitive abilities, links the human mind to universal consciousness, and develops connection to Spirit. fluorite further anchors intuitive insights into the physical plane, allowing mental and physical coordination.fluorite heightens mental abilities, assisting in rapid organization and processing of information, and can bring mental clarity and stability to an otherwise chaotic situation. fluorite absorbs negative energies from the environment and is effective at auric and chakra cleansing. fluorite can also shield the user from psychic manipulation. fluorite should be cleared often.

COLOUr HEALING: GrEEN FLUOrITE aids access to intuition. green fluorite can ground and absorb excess energy, including environmental energies. use green fluorite to cleanse and renew the chakras.BLUE FLUOrITE When used with the third Eye chakra, the stone brings spiritual awaking and clear communication between the physical and spiritual planes. used with the throat chakra, blue fluorite aids in orderly communication of intuitive insights. the calm, serene energy of blue fluorite brings inner peace.PUrPLE FLUOrITE stimulates the third Eye chakra and brings some common sense to psychic intuitions. use Purple fluorite when you want to really focus on the expression of Spirit and communicate precisely its messages.YELLOW FLUOrITE brings understanding and manifestation to intuitions. a stone of unity, yellow fluorite harmonizes group energy and enhances creativity.USE CLEAr Or WHITE FLUOrITE with the crown chakra to bring about a merging of personal and spiritual energies. clear fluorite aligns all of the chakras, and helps you see what is holding you back in your spiritual evolution.

www.permachartshelping hands.com




YTHE MOrE BEAUTIFUL WOrLd THAT OUr HEArTS NOW IS POSSIBLE. – CHArLES EISENSTEIN to me, the creation of our more beautiful society starts with the education of our children. now, more than ever, do our children need green spaces. yet, as our society has expanded, we have turned our cherished forests into freeways and school parks into mcmansion developments. this isn’t rocket science…or maybe it is. integrating kids in a natural environment is fruitful for our future. today we are watching as our farm fields are turned into venues of monoculture and gmo crops. our vegetables are hybrids of the original source. and companies like monstanto are changing the way we eat every day. the more that our children learn about plant-life, animal habitat and food security, we ensure that our future generations will too. giving kids tools to grow their own food, and showing them how to play in nature, will change our society from the ground up. recent studies have confirmed that interacting with nature increases the plasticity of our brains. by combining natural settings with play and freedom of movement, children are able to learn impressive math and language skills; even arithmetic. in Hamilton, we’re seeing some fertile ground happening within our kids programs.

HErE arE JuSt a fEW WiLD fLoWErS tHat arE bLooming in tHE city: • SPrOUT CAMP www.sproutcamp.ca, is devoted to exploration of gardens, farms, forest and city, their teachings include eco-friendly arts & crafts, hiking, swimming and cooperative games, along with culinary adventures at the Hamilton farmer’s market.

• SAGE: SCHOLASTIC ArTS & GLOBAL EdUCATION, a program of choice within the Hamilton-Wentworth District School board. on a walk through Victoria Park, King St W. and Locke, you may have noticed a butterfly garden: a series of native flowers and herbs planted to attract butterflies. yes, this garden was planted by and is taken care of by youngsters, their parents, and their dedicated teachers.

• UNdEr THE WILLOWS www.underthewillows.org, teaches sustainable, unique arts, in a beautiful natural space ‘where children grow’. Partnering with Lynwood charlton centre, interval House and the catholic children’s aid Society of Hamilton, the folks at under the Willows invite children who may not otherwise have such an opportunity. this unique program is always searching for more friends to help them continue their mission. to become a donor to under the Willows contact: [email protected]


miranDa bLacK artiSt, actiViSt & aDVocatE for SociaL cHangE


Page 11: Gusto Magazine: May / June 2014 Edition

Cooking with De La terre kitChenfiddle head and ramp quiche

with arugula & basil summer salad

what you will need

how to make it• heat butter and olive oil until frothy, add ramps and sauté until fragrant. • add Fiddle heads and cook until tender• Season w salt and pepper• in a bowl mix eggs, cream, herbs and cheeses• Pour egg mixture into the pie shell and bake at 350 for 20 minutes or until custard is set

top with salad and enjoy!





gooD fooD. faSt.De La terre Kitchen specializes in great tasting food made with ingredients that are sustainably farmed, made on site — and in your hands fast. Don’t forget to check out our specials!

270 MAIN STrEET EAST, GrIMSBY, ONTArIO • 289-235-8952 • [email protected]

De La terre kitchen Bakery & Sandwich bar

FiDDLe heaD anD ramP quiCheSPeLt Pie SheLL (any Pie SheLL wiLL aLSo work)1 C SPring ramPS waSheD anD ChoPPeD1 C FiDDLe heaD - waSheD anD enDS trimmeD1 t Butter1t oLive oiL4 eggS whiSkeD 1/2 C 35% CreamS anD P30 g ShaveD ParmeSan30 g CrumBeD FreSh goatS CheeSe2 t BaSiL ChiFFonaDe2 t itaLian ParSLey

Summer SaLaDBaBy aruguLa SaLaDBaBy aruguLaverjuS vinegrette (verjuS iS the juiCe oF wine graPeS)1/4 C verjuS 1/4 C oLive oiL1/4 C SunFLower oiLSaLt anD PePPer

SaLaD garniSheSShaveD ParmriPPeD BaSiLtoaSteD Pine nutSCherry tomatoeS Cut in haLF




THE GrEEN SMOOTHIE BAr 236 James St N, HamiltonVegan, Organic, Raw, Juice bar, Western, Canadian, Take-out . A smoothies bar that also offers vegan food. Accepts credit cards. Open Mon-Sun 7am-8pm.

THE NAkEd SPrOUT4040 Palladium Way, Unit 11, BurlingtonAt The Naked Sprout, we provide delicious, nutritious, food that is 100% vegan, gluten-free, plant-based (cooked and raw).

LETTUCE LOvE CAFE399 John Street, Burlington, ONOrganic, Vegan, Gluten- free, Fresh Kindfood, Healthy, Delicious Food


*AFFINITY 87 John St S HamiltonVegetarian restaurant offering an extensive menu that includes Asian style mock meat dishes, combo meals, and assorted teas drinks.

BrIdGES vEGETArIAN CAFE1280 Main South West, Hamilton (at McMaster University campus)Offers a large menu with flat breads, veggie burgers, and more.

CANNON COFFEE CO.179 Ottawa St N, HamiltonDelicious coffees, pastries, sandwiches - vegetarian options available. Other dishes can be made vegan. THE HIMALAYA160 Centennial Parkway North, Hamilton .Small vegetarian Indian food restaurant.

SESTrES191 Ottawa Street North, HamiltonA coffee house that specializes in providing great coffee and Fine, Vegan and Gluten-Free pastries!

BASILIqUE1065 King Street West, HamiltonFeatures authentic Mediterranean style cuisine. Savour our variety of original exotic dishes featuring recipes and fine ingredients from Italy and Greece. Our house specialities include catering and buffet services.

BrEAd BAr EArTH TO TABLE258 Locke Street S, HamiltonServes meat, vegetarian options available. Bakery by day, pizzeria at night. Offers organic and locally grown produce items from its own 100-acre farm and other producers. Accepts credit cards.

CHE BUrrITO ANd LOUNGE38 Hess St South, HamiltonServes meat, vegetarian options available. Mostly meat but has a tofu burrito that’s vegan. Casual atmosphere. Cash only.

dE LA TErrE kITCHEN & BAkErY270 Main Street East, Grimsby, Ontario • 289-235-8952Good food. Fast.De La Terre Kitchen specializes in great tasting food made with ingredients that are sustainably farmed, made on site — and in your hands fast. Don’t forget to check out our specials!

HOMEGrOWN HAMILTON27 King William Street, Hamilton. Wide selection of wholesome, locally sourced organic breakfasts, lunches and dinners, including lot of vegan/vegetarian/gluten free options. Serves organic coffee!

rEd CrOW COFFEE ESPrESSO BAr211 James Street South, Hamilton.An independent coffee bar. Proudly serving a changing variety of locallyroasted fine coffees including single-origin,blends and microlot beans!

MEx-I-CAN rESTAUrANT107 James Street North, Hamilton.Authentic Mexican food made fresh with authentic products of Mexico. Everything from Chimichanga, Burritos and Fajitas to gluten-free Quesadilla and Tamale dishes - vegan & vegetarian options available!





WITH vINEGArmildly acidic white vinegar dissolves dirt, soap scum, and hard water deposits from smooth surfaces, yet is gentle enough to use in solution to clean hardwood flooring.White vinegar is a natural deodorizer, absorbing odors instead of covering them up. (and no, your bathroom won’t smell like a salad! any vinegar aroma disappears when dry.) With no coloring agents, white vinegar won’t stain grout on tiled surfaces. because it cuts detergent residue, white vinegar makes a great fabric softener substitute for families with sensitive skin.

in the kitchen, use vinegar-and-water spray to clean countertops, lightly soiled range surfaces and backsplash areas. n the bathroom, use vinegar spray cleaner to clean countertops, floors, and exterior surfaces of the toilet.for really tough bathroom surfaces such as shower walls, pump up the cleaning power by removing the sprayer element and heating the solution in the microwave until barely hot.Spray shower walls with the warmed generously, allow to stand for 10 to 15 minutes, then scrub and rinse. the heat helps soften stubborn soap scum and loosens hard water deposits.

MIx IN A SPrAYEr BOTTLE:• 1 cup white vinegar• 1 cup waterF






Page 12: Gusto Magazine: May / June 2014 Edition



MINdFUL MEdITATION CIrCLE- ALL WELCOME!Lavandula Wellness centre inc - 46 King Street West, DundasJoin our meditation circle , every Wednesday 6 p.m. @ Lavandula Wellness centre. the sittings are 30 minutes long. you are welcome to come for as little as 10 or 15 minutes, or join us for tea and a chat afterwards. a suggested donation of $5 is appreciated. confirm attendance by email or phone 905-522- 3223 or if you are on meetup.com join our group and confirm your spot there! www.lavandulawellnesscenter.com

* SELF-CrEATION, BrINGING IdEAS TO LIFE WITH SNJEZANA PrUGINICSun, may 11, 2014 at 1:00 pm - 3:00 pmDe La Sol yoga Studios: 430 york blvd, Hamiltonthis enrolment runs from Sun may 11, 2014 - Sun may 11, 2014We are what we think! this workshop will teach you how to understand the thought – manifestation cycle via your own energy awareness. by harnessing and directing your energy through specific techniques you will gain a clearer understanding of how to manifest your thoughts into reality. cost: $25 before april 27th | $30 after for single workshop$45 before april 27th | $55 after for both workshops www.delasolyoga.com

WEEkLY dISCUSSIONS ABOUT LIFE, THE UNIvErSE ANd EvErYTHINGmonday, may 12, 2014, 7:00 Pmmain Street upstairs , 15 main Street, #4, Dundas, on, Dundas, oncapture the inner experience of your journey through the process of Journaling. Writing will facilitate your inner growth and allow you to realize its direct impact on your outer manifestations. gina m is an experienced writer and editor and has taught creative Writing, memoir Writing and novel Writing.www.meetup.com/Spiritual-Living-circle-Hamilton/events/179155772

HAMILTON GIFT CIrCLE1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month, 7 pm mulberry St. coffeehousea local group focused on creating and strengthening communities through sharing gifts--material or otherwise. gifts are given freely in the belief that helping people meet their needs strengthens our community and ourselves in doing so. meetup.com/Hamilton-gift-circle/

YOGA FOr TEENS 13-17 ~ 6 WEEk WOrkSHOPthursday, may 1, 2014 - 6:15 PmbodynSol Healing - 382 West 5th Street Hamiltonyoga for beginners a 6 Week Workshop with anita Kaiser$65/person this 6 week session is designed for the teen that wants to learn self awareness, stress management and alternative fitness.the focus will be on understanding your breath and finding that deep connection as well as gaining confidence with many of the basic asanas (yoga postures) that are found in most classes.905-975-2836 or sign up to www.meetup.com/bodynsol for a list of all events and dates.

SUMMEr NEW MOON CELEBrATION & SACrEd ANGEL WALk - WITH AkASHA’S dENfriday June 27, 2014 Joshua creek Heritage art centre1086 burnhamthorpe road East, oakville With chris cuciureanangEL tHEraPy PractitionEr®, agHP advanced, Spiritual teacher,rainbow Energy Healing www.joshuacreekarts.com7:00pm - 10:00pm (approximately)Please arrive by 6:45pm so that we may start promptly at 7:00pm$44 (plus HSt) includes cookies and Herbal Posy teas

rEIkI FOr rUFUS- ANIMAL rEIkI LEvEL 1Saturday, June 21, 2014 9:00 am to 2:00 PmbodynSol Healing - 382 West 5th StreetLearn reiki for you and your Dog! Perfect for those who work with animals or for those who just love them! this unique and hands on course is lead by Vanessa Pazzi, certified reiki master and Jodie Smith, certified reiki master and animal reiki Specialist .total cost $275. Please call Vanessa at [masked] or [masked] to register. a $100.00 deposit is required (nonrefundable but transferable). Please register as soon as possible. this class is “hands on” with your dog so the number of participants is limited. Please call Vanessa at 905-318-1724 or [email protected]



MEdITATION TUESdAYS AT LAvANdULAJoin us for an introductory course on mindful meditation, tuesdaysDiscover the benefits of a regular meditation practice. How to incorporate meditation into yourdaily life. access, connect, and activate mindfulness to regulate anxiety, pain, tension, mood, sleep. manifest a life filled with joy and passion$129/person includes 3-in class sessions + a month meditation challenge beginning tuesday may 13 to help up keep up your practice or $99/person just for the 3-in class sessionsSign up with a friend and you both get a %10 discount

BOdYNSOL HEALING: YOGA ~ WEdNESdAYS WITH LISAbodynSol - 382 West 5th st, Hamilton - 7:30pmLisa’s classes focus on: Staying connected to breathe,Developing awareness of body & mind, increasing core strength and muscle tone, improving posture and strength Having a positive outlook in life, Learning to Let-go, becoming centred and balanced, Practising asanas ( postures) and pranayama ( breathing) and meditation Learning how to practise yoga on and off the mat $10/class or $90/10 classes. call 905-975-2836 or sign up to www.meetup.com/bodynsol for a list of all events and dates.

INSIGHT WITH ASTrOLOGY - WEdNESdAYSakasha’s Den - #1 – 312 Lakeshore road East, oakvilleon-going “What are the Houses and What do they share?”7:00pm - 9:00pm, $50/ class (plus HSt)905-844-5055MUSTArd SEEd BOArd MEETING460 york blvd., Hamilton, Wednesdays 6pm – 9pmEvery 2 weeks on [email protected], 289-492-cooP


vISION BOArd WOrkSHOPWednesday, may 28 at 7:00pmconversations cafE - 4995 King StrEEt, beamsvilleJoin us in a fun, creative group activity to learn more about how to put your goals and visions for your life into action. Vision boards help to clarify and solidify your intentions, helping to make your dreams or goals more tangible and solid. Vision boards are very powerful in telling your sub-conscious mind what to do. Led by amanda martin, you will be guided through the process of goal setting, thinking for success, and creating your own vision board.coSt: $15 including all materials and complimentary specialty drink & sweet treat - rEgiStEr: by Phone: 289-566-8868by Email: [email protected]

Camp Expo









** Donations accepted at door. Raising Funds to help send Children to local Summer Camps!**“HELPING KIDS & FAMILIES LEAD HEALTHIER MORE ACTIVE LIVES!”





Loren Valvasori - Almond Milk & Chowder Demo 10:10 - 10:30Dr. Brian Clement - Hippocrates Inst. 10:35- 12:35Allie Ochs - Swiss Bionic-iMRS 12:45 - 1:15John Koveos - Quantum Nutrition Inc. 1:20 - 1:40Bethany's story - film screening 1:45 - 3:40Scarlett Antaloczy - Music and Medicine 3:45 -4:30


Keynote Speakers Ticket Price $25 in advance $30 at the door. Limited tickets available!


FREE Entry to Camp Expo, Health

Fair & Summer Shopping Section.

Contact Pauline: [email protected] | 647-997-3313

Jane Schweitzer: [email protected] | 905.407.5263 | livelifelongershowandtell.com

Dr. Brian Clement


BrONTE PArk’S SPrING TIME ON THE FArMmonday, may 19, 2014 - 12:00 pm - 4:00 pmbronte creek Provincial Park Visitors to the farmhouse will get a chance to participate in traditional activities, like baking on our antique wood stove. there is a lot of activity on the farm at this time of year. from spring cleaning to planting preparations, with a break for some fun and games, there really is something for everyone. Join us on Victoria Day monDay between 12 noon and 4:00pm for “Spring tyme on the farm”.www.brontecreek.org

BrEAd & HONEY FESTIvALfriday, June 6, 2014 - Sunday, June 8, 2014Streetsville memorial Parkthis year, the event will be held from June 1-3, and guests can expect more fun than ever with many musical talents gracing the natural amphitheatre that is located in Streetsville’s memorial Park. also included is a carnival, which features rides, concessions, games and more. there is even a beer garden available to help you stay cool for those hot June days.tickets for this event are as low as $2 if you only attend on the friday night. if one night is not enough, then be sure to get a weekend pass, which cost $3 for children under 12 and seniors or $7 for everyone else. Sunday passes are again $3 for children and seniors and $5 for adults. www.breadandhoney.ca

THE WATErdOWN ArTS ANd MUSIC STrEETFEST Waterdown, ontario, Sunday, may 18 at 10:00am Street Vendors - visit our booth too..., bands all day, Kids inflatables face Painting, rock climbing, Street Performers, Dance groups, martial arts, food trucks, caricaturesfrEE aDmiSSion... SunDay of tHE Long WEEKEnD may 18tH, main Drag, WatErDoWn onsee our events page for more information and see you there. http://www.giftstoreandmore.blogspot.ca/p/events-calendar_13.html

vICTOrIA dAY FIrEWOrkSDundas Driving Park, cross Street, DundasSunday, may 18, 2014 (rain date: may 19) at duskthe Victoria Day celebration is supported by the city of Hamilton and presented by the Dundas Valley Sunrise rotary club.this is a free event but the rotary club would appreciate cash donations at the gate to help finance the club’s local and international service work. Snacks, soft drinks and glow sticks are available for purchase before the fireworks begin. Please note: Personal fireworks and sparklers are not permitted in the parkwww.clubrunner.ca/Portal/Home.aspx?cid=286 - 905-546-2666


dOWNTOWN OAkvILLE SIdEWALk SALEthursday, June 19, 2014 - Sunday, June 22, 2014Downtown oakville will be hosting the 41st annual Sidewalk Sale. treat yourself to a beautiful day with friends and family and take advantage of great sales and six blocks of fantastic shopping, dining and pampering in historic Downtown oakville.for more information visit: www.oakvilledowntown.com

CrYSTAL JOUrNEY CONCErT & TOM WOLF drUM CIrCLESaturday, may 17 at 7:30pm - 10:30pmbowman united church 880 garner rd East ancaster, onconcert with “crystal Journey”Paiste gongs, Quartz bowls, Vibraphone & SantoorDrum circle, 7:30-8:30pm byoDcrystal Journey concert 9-10pmcost $30 at the doorif you need a drum they will be available for a rental of $5Please call 905-928-9706 to reserve

SUMMErFEST CAMP ExPO & HEALTH FAIrSaturday, may 24 at 10:00am - 5:00pmthe meeting House: 2700 bristol circle, oakvilleLets send some children to Summer camp this year! We are raising funds & our goal is $5000 to send 25-50 children to local summer camps!. Helping families Live more active & Healthier Lives! register onsite with local Summer camps, Enjoy Summer Shopping and Health Expo with Keynote Speakers!

SOUNd OF MUSIC FESTIvAL kICk-OFFJune 7, 2014 - 6:00 Pm - 11:00 PmJoin us Saturday, June 7 for the festival Kick-off at Spencer Smith Park. Enjoy free concerts in the park and later that night, help us congratulate the runners in the annual moon in June road race in Downtown burlington. Post race activities will be held at the park. award presentations will take place on the festival Stage at 10:30 pm during the evening concert.

IT’S YOUr FESTIvAL - 2014June 28, 2014 to July 01, 2014Presented by Hamilton folk arts Heritage councilJune 28, 2014 - July 1, 2014 it’s your festival Hamilton, celebrating canada’s 147th birthday in beautiful gage Park, Hamilton, on frEE aDmiSSion. food, entertainment, games, contests and canada Day ceremony! - www.itsyourfestival.ca

rBG ANNUAL PLANT SALEmay 7 to may 11 38th annual auxiliary Plant Sale, arboretum, old guelph rd, Dundasthursday, may 8; 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.friday, may 9; 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.Saturday, may 10; 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.Sunday, may 11; 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. you will find:: more than 125 varieties of Peonies – most from rbg’s collection - iris and Hemerocallis from rbg’s collection, more than 35 varieties of Lilacs, more than 25 types of tomatoes, and much more

MOTHEr’S dAY: WOMEN’S WOrkSunday, may 11, 2014 time: 12:30 pm to 4:00 pm at: Westfield Heritage Village, 1049 regional road 552 (Kirkwall road), rocktonPresented by » Westfield Heritage VillageWomen’s Work: Discover the evolving and diverse roles of women in early ontario from the late 1700s through to the early 20th century. www.conservationhamilton.ca/

vICTOrIA dAY WEEkENd CAMPOUTmay 16, 2014 to may 19, 2014reservations and recommended. for more information, please call Valens Lake at 905-525-2183 or 519-621-6029 or email [email protected] / www.conservationhamilton.ca

CITY OF BUrLINGTON’S kITE FESTIvAL June 1, 2014, 11:00 am - 4:00 Pmbrant Hills Parkbuild a kite* or bring your own to help fill the sky with colour. Kite flying demonstrations, entertainment, and vendors for free outdoor family fun!*kite building materials available while supplies last

17TH ANNUAL dUNdAS INTErNATIONAL BUSkErFEST 2014June 05, 2014 to June 08, 2014Presented by » Downtown Dundas Shopping District & biaLadies and gentlemen and children of all ages...step right up for three days organized pandemonium, uncontrollable laughter, and non-stop chaos resulting in tonnes family fun. it combines the beautiful setting of this valley town, it’s wonderful shops and restaurants, arts, hand-made crafts, terrific foods and the world’s best street performers with terrific audiences! Dates: June 5, 6, 7, & 8, 2014 - www.downtowndundas.ca

THE WHOLE HEALTH WELLNESS FAIr: A CANCEr PrEvENTION FUNdrAISEr Supporting the canadian cancer Society Hamilton relay for Life 2014Sunday, may 25 at 10:00am - 5:00pmbodynSol Healing - 382 West 5th, Hamilton, ontario L9c 3P6Join us for a day filled with amazing holistic health practitioners, organic food, drink & products (gluten free), face painting , a garage sale & more! team aJa is made up of family and friends who have all been touched by cancer in some way and we are committed to supporting cancer prevention and finding a cure for all cancers. Please join team aJa as we present our 2nd annual Whole Health Wellness fair: a cancer Prevention fundraiser - 905-975-2836



Page 13: Gusto Magazine: May / June 2014 Edition


*EXPIRES 12/31/14

• Expressive Arts workshops for Older Adults• Workplace Wellness• Restorative Yoga• Therapeutic Touch

EMANUELA HALLwww.creativewellnesswithemanuela.com [email protected]



Team AJA presents: