OFFICIAL COPY. [Ietued with Army Order8 for January, 1923. erved. ~42~ 1’~ ~ ~ ~2 ~ GUN ‘DRILL ~ 1~$~ ~ 18-Pounder Q.F. Cull, Mark IV, CARRIAGES, MARKS III, 111*. III~ AND IV. ,U ,~&\ t~OnflON, PWILISIIZD fly UTS IIIAJ2STY’8 8ThTION~IITOFYIOL To be purcboi~d through ~uy Dookeeller or directly trom It.M. 8rATloN1~llY ok~Iflci .t ~i, follo.rlug urIItM tTOVe~, KLNGOW&r. b~NuQK W.c~. 2, cud 2& A ut oxgraxeT I.O~t)O~, B,W. & It, 1~*TL1I 8TMIIIT. MA~C1iOuTRI(11. ~r. A2~D7L~W’I cu~c~ r, ~ au, U10uu3 STREET, ~D1NBtIEaM. 1923. 1~rl~c8 3d. Net. 1923.

Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

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Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

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Page 1: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV


[Ietuedwith ArmyOrder8for January,1923.


~42~ 1’~~ ~ ~2 ~

GUN ‘DRILL ~1~$~~

18-Pounder Q.F. Cull, Mark IV,CARRIAGES, MARKS III, 111*. III~AND IV.

,U ,~&\


To be purcboi~dthrough ~uy Dookeeller or directly tromIt.M. 8rATloN1~llYok~Iflci .t ~i, follo.rlug

urIItM tTOVe~,KLNGOW&r. b~NuQKW.c~.2, cud 2& A ut oxgraxeT I.O~t)O~,B,W.&It, 1~*TL1I8TMIIIT. MA~C1iOuTRI(1 1. ~r. A2~D7L~W’Icu~c~r,~ au, U10uu3 STREET,~D1NBtIEaM.


1~rl~c83d. Net.


Page 2: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV


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Page 3: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

Your Unofficial HealthIII !III’ ~‘IIVN(i- lI-i (lUIL~tI(ii-i(’(l IA’i!Ji

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Page 4: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

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46 III I/I’ 26I ~ (_ I~Il,II I~-lIlH’’~:~6

SHIRLEY BROOKS, Li:d., ~ ~ 1~j1otiu,

41-42~Artillery Place, . WOOLWICH

Page 5: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

— I —. I— II ‘ill

Gun Laying Instructionwith the

B.S.A. Air Rifle Laying Teacher.

LIII ~ I ;IVIIII’ II 111tH lIuilll\ Ii 141111 Ii.111 Ii tI I Ill - ~ Ill , lu:,I,- -Ill

\r HiIlu, 111113 1111111 11111) ‘a ‘11,11111 II

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iluIIII’ lIp, Hill 1,7 I-I-lI I .1113

1, ii. III 311(11 II’’ tiul-, 11111 III II I,

110111 il~ Hail. pill! ~~iII I-uH -l lull 111111,

F, Ill’ ii (Ill III ‘~ul i~ I II II I IlOtlIll I 4411 I,I,, ‘tin Ill’ II I I w lull l~u- I ‘‘11111 I I II 11- tIp’

11111 III1i(-Il iluiu~ tHu I1~IIHIl III III IldI Ill -

lull~ i,~h~I llIllIuIlIII1 41111 III lIlt

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111,(j ‘41111~ I I I Ill.

— 11111I1

1 I’

Page 6: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

Thefollowing is a partial list of mililar~~ubUcations.- A completelist i~s given each month in the Army List Advertiser.


To beptzrchaee~throllgh any liuokceller or diregOy 1mm11.1,1, STATTONEttY OFFlCF~ ot (ho following ,.thlremeo,

istreciur, Itouso, iltiuOswLii ~ W.C. lend 20, A1IIN~IDON OIr!IEET, LONI,oy, LW.17, PErKS 5T14EKT, IIiASCIIECTKR; I, ST. ANDREw’, CHKSCEWr, C~,uDicr1Or 120, OEOInOE ITSEET. EDINRWIGII.

(The prices in brackets are those at wbioh the books areobtainable, post free by Officers. Non-CommissionedOfficers and Men, in ~he manner prescribed by Appen.dix Xi~1II. of The wing’s Itegulatlona and Orders for theArmy, 1912. ApplIcations should be made on ArmyForm L 1372, and addressedto the Secretary, War OfficeS.W. 1.)

Abyseinia. ~zpeditIon to. 2 voIg. and snaps. 1870. 11*11 Morocco,£5 Sr. Cloth, £4 4~. -

Accounts. Army. SeeF1Ni~cIALIlg8TBuCTIOlcS.

Africa. l(otee on the Geologyof the ContInent of. 1806. flu. (Is. Sd.)Aldershot Commend. Standing Orders for. 1.121. Se. (4s.Cd.)

Allowances. Army. IleEulationS. 1014. (I?eprtnted1918.) Cd. (Cd.)Do. Amendments,April 11)21. Id. 2d,)

See a2so yIELD Au,ow~~cp,1’uy or Orcione, and SRI’AEkTION ALLOWANCE,Amhario Language. Short Manual of the. With Vocabulary.

1910. 5~.(4s,)Ammunition for Q.F. 4’~..inohflowitKer. Notes on. 4th edItion,


4-J. (With Dioirams,) 1~, (lid,)


Page 7: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

MILli’ARY 1300/is.put’!uhed!‘y Authority—contintieil.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 1,)

Austria. Campaign of 1860 Against. SeeGERMANY.

Ballistics. Jlandbooig of (translatedfrom the 2nd GermanA~d(f~on).Vol. 1.ExterIor Baili~tlce. fibs. (27*. Cd.)

Barracks. Care of. inetructiots In. 1901. 9,1. (7d.)Basbforth Chronograph. lixperlmonto with, to determine the reolntanoe

of the ~Ir to themotionof projectIles. Reporton. 1870. 1,. (is. ld.)Bermuda Militia Artillery, Regulations. 1914. 92. (Cd,)Bicycles (Pedal) Military. IIsndbookOn. 1922, ld. (1~d.)B.L. 6-inch 20 cwt. Mark I Howitzer on Mark I Travelling

Carriage (Land ~torv1ce) 1912. 33, (23. 3d,)Bounty to Soldiera. SeeFirx.i, ALLOIVANCE.

British Minor Expeditions, 1746 to 1814. 1884, 2*. ed (2:. 21.)

~ ~ }see TEBInTORIAL loner.

Cadetsof the Sanior and Junior Divisions, Officers’ TrainingCorps, )l~porton the iinuanlnxtIonf~rCertificates“A” anti “13” held iceNo,’. 1020, 1*, Cd. (Is. 43.)

Capeof Good Hope ReconnaissanceSurvey, 1903-1911. Reporton the, 1914. 1:. lId. (Is. Id.)

Casualty Li.t., Weekly, War Office and Air Ministry. 14o. 1,Aug. 7, 1917,to No. tIC, March 4, 19ff). EachCd, (4d,)

Cavalry. Technical Operation, Cavalry in an Army: Cavalry in Rattle.lranelatedfrom tIle French of CaVt,afn Loir, XXArmy Corpsdta~.Witha Prefaceby General LangloIs. P11th Maps. Cs. Sd. (ifs. Pd.)

Cavalry of the Line, PeaceOrganization of the ; tend Arrangements1or MobilIzation consequent on the establishmentof Cavalry DepOts.(SpecialA.O., July19, 1909). Cd. (Pd.)

Cavalry Training. 1921. Vol. 1. TrainIng. Provlictorcal. Ce. (1.. Sd.)Do. Provieional. Vol. II. 1920. Cd, (lCd.)

See also ITALIAN CAVALRY.Ceremonial. 1912. (Reprinted1919.) lId. (7d.)

Do. Provisional Amendmtnts, June, 1914. (l9’iih Plates antI Keg.)(70-printed1919). Pd. (3d,)

Chemistry. Practical. Quantitative and Qualitative. A Cour!e of.1914. 8*. (4o.Pd.)

Chemists of the Researoh Department. Uuiei and RegulatIons,pectallyrelatingto. 1911. Id. (Pd.)

Chiropody. Manual of. Id, (3d.)Clothing and Necessaries(including Materials). PricedVocabulary

of. 1)120. ProvIsional. Is. (lid.)Do. Amendments,Jan,, Apr11, Aug., Nov. 1918; Feb.,AprIl, Deo.

1917; March, Nov. 11118; Jan.,Nov. 1919; Jan.1920. EachId.(Pd,); Mat-clz 1911. Cd. (lId,); Sept.1821. 3d. (4d.); Feb.1922,Id. (Cd,) . - -

(2) -

Page 8: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

MILITARY BOOKS, published by Author(iy—Oontinuad.-

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 1.)

Clothing Regulations:—Part 1. RegularFotces. April 1922. Is. (l1~,L.)

Do. Amendments,Aug.1922. Id. (lid,)Part H. Special Reserve. 1914. 3d. (5-i.)

OolchesterGarrison. StandingOrders. 1913. 9d. (Cd.)Commands,Military and Staff in the United ~ingdom. Reorgani-

zation of, (SpecialAt)., Jan.6, 1905, with alter*tiossatodate. leanedwithSpecialA.O., Nov. ii, 19417). 34. (3d.)

Company Training. NoteS on. For the useof tue Special Reserve,Terr1~tonal Force, awl newly ra(eedCotta of the Regular Army. Sept. 1911.Id. (ad.)

Constitution, the German. (Edition nnfhosi.Vofes). Cd. (Sd.) -Cooking and Dietary. Manual of Military. Illustrated. 1919. 64 (74,)Co-ordination of Voluntary Rffort resulting from the f~rmatlonof the

D.G.V.O, Department. A NationalScheme01AppendIces111 and IV.—A DetaIled Reportof the Workof the Recognized

- AssocIations. 1920. Cs, (is. 14.)(Appeodices 7. and ii., silt the Report of the Director-Generalwas put’Uel,ed

astCm~1.l73J of Scssian1919,) ad. (3d.)Coat Accounting Schemefor 1919-20. Provisional Instruction,re.

biting to :— -

Part1. For the Guidanceof Stall, I(egirnentai,and Departmental Oiflcer*atHome Stations. 3d. (Cd.)

Ooursesof Instruction. 1922-23. Cd. (Cd.)Do. Supplement. April 1922. 3d, lid.)Do. Amendment. May 1922. ld. (lid.)Do. Supplement. Army Schoolof hygIene. lesu~d

with A.O. for July 1822. 1d. (I~d.)Crews of War Department Vessels and Boats at Home

Stations. lteguiatioiea for the Appointment, Pay, and Promotion of.1911. Pd. (2d.) -

Cyclist Training. 1917. Provisional. Gd. (lId.); Amendmente,Aug. 1Q1814. (Pd.)

Demobilization, Army. Regulations:—Part 1. With DiagramshowingMent,o,1of DIspersal; and Map of Dlsper,&

StatIonsai,d Areas in the United KIngdom. 15.60. (1:. Cd,)Part II. Wit-ic Planof Jiutment Lines,showing suggeetodAppropriation

of iluildings for use as a 1)lspersal Stat-Ion’ and Map ofDispersalSt~ttousandAreasin theUnitedKiesgtlom. 64. (7c1.)

PartIII.Do. Chap.XXIV. LabourUnIts, 2d. (2~d.)Do. Chap.XXV. Part I. Dispersalof Officersof the Army Chap-

lain’s Department. 14. (114.) -

Do. Chap.XXV. Part II. OrdnancsServices, ad. (2)4.)Do. Chap. XXVI. QM.A.A.C. Pd. (aid.) -Do. Chap.XXVII, Animals. 3d. (3~d.)Do. Chap.XXXII. TheVolunteerForce. 2d. (2w.)Do. Chap. XXXIII. Dritish West IndiesContingents, 24. (lid.)

(a) -

Page 9: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

MILITARY BOOKS,puClts,’ced ly Authorlfy—coniiaued.

(As to -prices in brackets~seetop of page 1.)

Dexnobijizatioxj—csnliasvd.Addendato Chap.V. SpecialIleglstration. 3d, (lid.)Amendments:—- To Parts I aizil Ii. Id, (ad.)

Nos. 3 to 25, liach lit. (Pci.)Despatches

5Military. See Win or 1914-18,

Disabled and Discharged Soldiers in France. TheTreatmentandTraining of. Report by Sir Iteciry Norman, Dart., 51.1’., Liaison Officer ofthoMinistry of Munitions to the rreisch Ministry of Inventions. 44. (54.)

Diseases, Medical, in the Tropical and Sub-Tropical WarAreas. Memorandaon. 11119. (huh Plates,Diagrams,7~xt-flgsres,and -index.) - (Outofp~iitt)

Drainage Manual, For the use of Royal llngineer Olllcers, and otherpersons,employedon theConstructionand Maintenanceol DrainageWorksin connectionwith War DepartmentBuildings In the UnitedKingdom or inelmilar climates, 1921, (illuslrated). Is. (45, Pd.) -

Drawing Plates. MilitaryAttack of flu~or’oCout:tencnineeor 2nd plate of Mines; Carnot~aFirst

System; DetachedForts ConcealedDefences,1,2,3,4; Printing Plate,A,- B, C, he.; Detail Plate,No.1; Do. No.2~Neighbourhoodof Wool’wlch VIllage~nd SurroundingGround. llach 24. (ad,)

Attack of Fortress—I’relimiuisry Operations; Do., Distant Atteok; Do.CloseAttack : Nelghbo,irhoo,1of Mete. llaeh3d. (3d.) -

Neighbourhoodof Woolwich. SouthernSide. Is. Gd. (is, 3d.)WoodsandVillages. Six plates. RachCd. (54.)

Drill Book, B..A.S.C. (liaisedwith A,O. for Oct. 1920.) 3d. (3d.)Dynamics. Noteson. 2nd. lidItion 1909. Cs. (Cs.3d.) -

Education, Conference, Imperial, Conve,ied, lane 11 and 12, 1919,by tho Chiefol theImperialGeneralStaff. Gd. (3d.) -

Educational Training. Part I. GeneralPrinciples. 24. ~3d.)

Egypt. British Force in. StandingOrders, 1912. is. (lId.)

Egypt. Campaign of 1882 in. Military History. With Caseof Maps.Condensedl,,iItIon. 19011. Cs. 64. (Ps, Rid.)

Egyptian Expeditionary Force, A brIef recordof the Advanceof the.1919. tIe. (Is. 14.)

Electrical Communications. Fixed. Instruction, as to. 1912. - (Re-printed,with Amondments,’lblG). 44. (54.)

Electricity. Noteson. 1920. Cu. (Is. lId,) -

Electric Light Apparatus. Defence, InstructIonstar the workingof,1915. 14. (Pd.)

Eiectria Light and Power Work ol the German Army. Notea on,- 1910. ii, Id. (Is. 3d.)

- (4)

Page 10: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

MILIttARY ~?OO~S,pulllicsAed by A.dkor~tij—eenttnued.

(As to prices in brackets, see top of pate 1.)

Encounter. The Battle of. By Mans von Kiesllng. PartI. Pra~t1cal.Translated. Is. Gd. (is.Gd.)

Energy Expenditure of lhie Inf6ntry Recruit itt TraIning. Cs. (‘is. ed.)En~’ineerServicesRegulations. Peace,— -

I’art I. IWO. (Reprinted,with Amendmentspublishedup to May1, 1915).Is. (Is.)

Amendmentsissuedwith A.O. for 2uly, 2921 14. (1)4.)Part 21, lOll. TechnicalTreatises. (Reprintedwith Amendmentsup to

May1, 1911) Cd. (84,)Part II. 11120. TechnicalTreatIses, 44. (54.)

EngineerTraining. 1922. Provisional, ltd. (94.)

Engineering, Field, Manualof. 1911. 94. (9d.)

Engineering. Military:—PartI. Field Defences. 1908, Is. Gd. (Is. lid.)PartII. Attack and Defenceof Fortresses. 1910, 94, (lId.)I’art III. BrIdging,1921. Ce.Gel. (2s.Lid.)Part lila. Military BrIdging—General Principles and Materials. 1913.

Is. (lid.); Indexto. Id. (Pd.)Part1113. Do.—BrIdges. 1914. (lfeprinted1018.) 2s. (is. lod.)PartlY. Mining’ausd DemolitIon,, 1910. (Reprlested,1915.wIth Amccs,I~

mentsto 1912inclusive.) le. (lid.)PartV. Miscellaneous, 1914. 15. (to. 14.)PartVi. Military Ilaiiway5, (Out ofprint)

Entrance. Army. RegulationsB.M. Academy. AdmIssIon to, and for FleetAi,polntnscntstherefrom

to the RoyalArtillery andRoyalllnglneero. 1920. 2d. (3d.) -

B.M. College, Admlaslonto, and for FirstAppointments therefrom toLice RegularArmy 1120. Cd. (44.)

Military Forces of the Selr-governing Dominions and CrownColonies, Officersol the. 1912. Id. (24.)

Militia andImperial Yeomanry. RegulationsunderwhIchCommis.alonein theRegularForcesmaybeobtainedby Officersof. 1901. Id. (Pd.)

Royal Army Veterinary Corps, Ilegulations (or Admissionto the.

SpecialReserveof O~cers,Malta Militia,Bormuda Militia,Channel Islands Militia, and Territorial Forge. Officere oftIcs. 1920, 14. (lid.) -

StaffC3llege(Camberley.) Id. (24.)University Candidatea. Provisional, 1920. Id. (24.)Warrant Omoers and N,C.Os, of the Regular Army, Corn.

batasitCommissionsas SecondLieutenants. (Underrevision.)&e also Merucit Coaps.


Page 11: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

MILITARY BOOKS,publishedby Authority—continns4.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 1.) -

Ezamination~PapersEntrance: Ii. M. Academy; Ii.M. College’ IndIan Army College,Quetta.

Cadetshipsin the lioyai Navy (SpecIal ll’ntry). March 1918. 64. (Id.)Entrance: 11.1,1, Academy; JIM, Collego; Royal Air Force. Nov. 1919.

Ps. (is. Id.)Entrance: JIM, Academy; P.M. College; Royal Mr Force; Supple.

meni-aryFirstAppolntrnentain the Royal Marines. Cadetship.in theRoyal Navy (SpecialEntry). June1920. 2:. (to. Sd.)

Entrance: EM. Academy;P.M.College;Royal Air Forec. Nov. 1200.2s, (Is. Ltd.)

Entrance: n.M. Academy,Wooiwich; P.M. College, Sandhurst;RoyalAir Force ; SupplementaryFirst Appointments In Royal Marines(Jadetshipsin the Royal Navy (Special Entry) IndIan PoliceForce;PolleeForc’bsof StraitsSettlements;the FederatedMalay States,~ndthe U’nledcrate,tMalay States. Juneand July1201. Cs. Gd. (2s. lId.)

Entrance:JIM. Academy,Woolwich; P.M. College,Sandhurst;iioyalAir Force. Nov. 1941, 2s. (to. ltd.)

Entrance: 11.20. Academy,Woolwicis; 11,20. College, Sandhssrst;ItoyalAir Force;Royal Marines;RoyalNavyCsdets;IndianPolleeForceaniCeylon and FarEasternl’olice Forces. Juneand July 1322. 1s. Cd.(Is, 44.)

R.M. Academy Fourth Class; R.N. College Fourth, Is. Third.and Second 1)lvisione. July, Dec. 1904. ]iaci~sis. June 1905. li(Is. 2d.)

R,M. Academy, Fourth Class; fl.M. College Senior Division.Dec. 11105, June,Dec.1908; July, Dec. 11107. Each is.

Staff College. Admission. July 1911; June-July1912~ June4uly11113. EachIs. (Is. 14.)

Militia Imperial Yeomanry, and University Candidates.Oct. 1906. Is, (lid.)

Officers for Promotion. I)er. 1912;Moy mid Re~,1913~April 1914. -Wool, Is, (Is, Id.); Oct. 1920. i.e. 14. (Is. 24.) ; April 1821, Is. (104.);Cot.1821, Is. Gd. (Is. Ltd.); April 1922. 15,LId. (is. 4d.)

Officer. Training CorpsCadets of the Senior Division. CertificateA. Dec.1908, 64. (Iv!.)Cadets of the Junior and Senior Division.. CertifIcates A

sod B. Spring of 19119; iGov. 1911: Msrch, Nov. 1912: Marsh1914.EachGd. (3d.); March1921, 2s. Gd. (Is. lOd.); Nov.1921, Is.Cd. (ls.4d.);March 1922. Lts. (Is. 8)4.) -

Foreign Languages. Modern. lime 11111). 1,. (Is.) .)an. 1920.Is. (Ps. 54.); June 11)2;). 25. (Is. 94.) Jan. 1921, Cs, (Ps. Id.); June1921. I.e. (4s.); Jsn.1922. is, Gd. (ls.0d.) - -.

Staff Collegesat Camberley and auetta. lieport on tueExsmln~’tion for Admission. With ExaminationPapersand Remarks of theF~xamisiersthereon. Feb. and March 1921. Ps (is, 104.), Feb. ansIMarch 1922. 2:. 84. (25. Cd.)

- - (6)

Page 12: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

1~ till the JX’R1 J)’liyeI’~5’U~-~’(’the.

BARRIER/7 ;/1)i,i’s~ I

W ~ Pt) tI I.IP\PtI P I )~\I~l~Il-II I ~,.. 1- IttttItt’ItIt I ~- ,~ k.;11(1 - I~\I~i-~(l k I NIH) I Ilk )~k pp)

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lip lipi ii

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i- 1 - 1 1. 1 f;; i i- p ~- /

I - I )IlIjl!!JV. I Id. (Ulix !19 . !HftORII,

Page 13: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

flssuedwith Army Ordersfor January,1923.

“p ~40 f’-y’I -

- ~ 1. ‘~.Ul ~ #1- GUN


l8~PounderQ.F. sun, Mark IV,CARRIAGES, MARKS Ill, HI~. HI1 AND IV.



To beporphned theoughany Bsoh,elIe,ecdueetmyfromH.M. 9TATIONEILY OFFICE at the fol;ow;ne a’liIee,,o,p

uSFERLaL IIoueO,KinOolvay. L,eDoa. W.C. 2, and 55. Al,IN000agrR,;ETLoaitox,s.W,157, Cocoasrar.et, MaFc,m;CsTOEi;1.51. ANDREW’S Cmii pp).al dAmns’:



Pri’ce 3d, Net.

Page 14: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV


By Commandof the Army council,


January, 1923.



GeneralInstructions ,,. •0~

Chapter I.—Generalduties

,, 11.—Gun drill ...

III.—Laying and fuze setting tests

,, IV.—Sight tests,, V.—Care of equipment

Appendix—Carriageof stores ... -





j I,

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Practicalinstruction in the equipmentshouldbe given toeach recruitboforo any’ attempt is madeto instruct him ingun drill. In teachingthedutiesof eq9hman at thegun,

- the instructor should try to do so by roasoningrather than~ by a long explanationin words. By meansof questionsp he should try to draw froth the recruit the Correct~, answersasto his duties,beingcarefulto loadtheman’smind~ into the desiredchannelof thought. Shouldthis attempt~ fail, theinstructorshould give a demonstrationemphasizing> thepointstherecruithasnot grasped. Suchdemonstrations~ should dealwith the work of eachmanin thedetachment;~ andall menunderinstructionshould, in turn, carry out the

- ~3 work of eachparticularman.~) Instructionin gun drill shouldbegiven assoon asthemen

areconvorsantwith all partsof theequipment,andcanhandlein thebestandquickestmannereachof theworkingpartsofthe gun. Oncethe work of eachman hasbeenthoroughlymastered,it should not takelong for the recruit to learnthe actualdrill.

It is mostimportant that a markeddistinctionshould bedrawn betweeninstructionanddrill.

During the former the languageusedshould be as simpleaspossible,andthe meaningof all technicaltermswhicharenecessarymust be carefully explained. A conversationaltone should be adoptedand in no circumstanceswhatever

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should anythingin the natureof long quotationsfrom drillbooksbe allowed. Themen should be permittedto assumean easyattitude andtheir interest should not be allowedto flag. They should beencouragedto ask questions.

At drill, on thecontrary, rigid- discipline must be main.tamed,ordersmustbeclearanddecisive,andthedetachmentsmadeto work steadily, smartlyand rapidly. At the sametime the utmost accuracyis essentialand any deviationsfrom the methodslaid down mustat once be checked.

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CHAPTER I.—GENERAL . DUTIES.This chapter summarizesthe duties of the section com~

nlanderandeachmanin thedetachment. It is only intendedas a guidefor the instructor,who should use his own wordsin explainingthevariousdutiesto themen.

The detachmentis composedof ten men. The serviceofthe gunis divided betweenthem as follows :—

1 ... ... ... ... in consinand.2 ... ... - ... ... The breech.2 and 3 ... .., ... The sights.4 ... ... ... ... The loading.5 and6 ... .,. ... The-ammunition.7, 8 and9 ... ... ... The reservesand assist

with ammunition.10 ,,. ... ... ... The covererand second

in command,The dutiesof the sectioncommanderand of eachman are

asfollows :—


No’rn.—Omservice it mo-if not atways be possiblefor sectioncornfllnflders to be with their sectionsin action, and it may beinadvisableto withdraw a No. 1 front his rjnn to act as sectioncommander. In this case,such of thefollowing dutiesas affectboth guns wifl beperformedby the O.P.0. (gun positionofficer),andsuchas affectindividual gunsbythe .Nos. 1.

1. He COMMANDS his sectionandis responsiblefor theserviceabilityof its EQUIPMENT andthe correctnesaof itsDRILL.

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2. He placeshimself where he can bestsee andhear theB.C. or G.P.O. and will only move aboutwhen necessaryfor thesupervisionof hissection. In ordinarycircumstancesheshouldbe on theflank of his sectionnearestthecommandpost.

3. He will acknowledgeordersfrom the commandpost bysalutingwith thehandnearesttheG.P.O., finishing with thehandverticallyabovethe head.

He only passesORDERSwhenheseesthathis Nos.1 or theneighbouringsectioncommanderhavefailedto acknowledge.

4. He supervisesthe TESTING and ADJUSTMENT ofthesights of his section.

5. He keepsa RECORD of t-ho MUZZLE VELOCITY,DROOP and JUMP of his guns and also of their ZEROLINE READINGS to theAUXILIARY AIMING POINTandBATTERY PICKET. He will not keepany recordofordersduringashoot.

6. Ho reportsthe CREST ANGLES to the G.P.O. whenordere4to do so.

7. He is RESPONSIBLEthat, beforefire is openedon anytarget,his gunsare layedin the DIRECTION ORDERED.

This is bestdone not by inspection of the sights, but bycomparingtheline of his two gunsand the flank guns of theneighbouringsectionsby looking alongthe line of eachwit-hreferenceto somedistantobjecteitherin front orrear.

8. He CONTROLShis sectionin action.This control is bestcarriedout by watching andlistening

rather than by personalinspectionof sights, &c., e.g., asregardsdeflection corrections,observationof whichhand isusedby 3 will ensuredeflections beingput on in the correctdirection; as regards fuze setting comparisonof the fuzolengthscalled outwill exposeanyconsiderableerror.-

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9. When his section is RANGING, if onegun miss-fires;he will fire BOTH ELEVATIONS from the other gun, thohigherelevationfirst.

10. At BATTERY FIRE ho will report to the G.P.O.when oneof his guns MISSESITS TURN.

11. Ho will REPORTto theG.P.O.wheneitherof his gunsgoes OUT OF ACTION or when he finds that an ERRORhas been made which is likely to have AFFECI’ED TIlESHOOTING.

DUTIES OF 1.1. He COMMANDS and is r~sponsiblcfor the entire

serviceof his gun.2. He gives the WORDS OF COMMAND detailed for

him in Chapter II, and repeatsall ORDERSaffecting hisdetachmentwhich havenot been heard by the men con-cerned. His orders must be given clearly, but no louderthanis necessaryto enablehis detachmentto hear.

He assists in passing orders down tile battery whennecessary.

He acknowlcges all orders by saluting, lie will salutewith the handnearestthegunpositionofficer, finishing withthehandverticallyabovetile head.

3. He is responsible(i) That the BUFFER is properlyfilled. He seesthat

there is oil in the tank and that the isolatingvolvo is open. - -

(ii) That the 1tECUPERATOR is correctly chargedwit-h liquid and air. Ho seesthat the tail rodis flush with the rearendof theslot in theprojec-tion of thecradlecap.

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(iv) That the PROTRUSION of the STRIKER iscorrect.

(v) That tile SIGHTS aretested. This is doneunderthe supervisionof the sectioncommander.

(vi) That the MUZZLE VELOCITY of the gun iscorrectlyseton theelevationandfuze indicators.

4. Ho selectsthe GUN PLATFORM whichshould beonfirm and level ground. If this caiuiot be found and timepermits, thehigherwheel is dug in. If the platform slopesto the front or the trail bedis loose, lie ordersthe BRAKEto be put on in actionso asto preventthe spadebeingwith’drawn as the gun runsout,

6. On coming into act-ion he mans the RIGHT GUN.WHEEL. When manning wheels, the - spokes should begraspedasnearthefelloes asposiible.

6. He attendsto theTRAVELLING LOCK.7. Ho ascertains,when ordered,the CREST ANGLE and

reportsit to the sectioncommander.8. He sciectstheauxiliaryaiming pointandrecordson the

slate the ZERO LINE angles from the auxiliary aimingpoiat andbatterypicket.

9. Before thegunis layedon aNEWTARGET he gaugestheline of fire andthrowsthe guninto theline. Ho putshisweighton the traversingleverwhile 3 is usingthe traversinggear. The carriageshould pivot aboutthe spade,but if thespadeis freeit will movesidewaysandso neutralizetheeffectof the traversinggear. - -

He will nottouchthetraversingleverafter thegun hasbeenlayed.

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In traversingthe gun by meansof the trail, the width ofthe spadecorrespondsto 15 degreesof traverse. -

10. (i) He applies(a) The I’OSITION CORRECTION which, if

required,is. orderedin theform“POSiTION CORRECTION, No.... plus (or

minus)... (yards)” and is applied to allelevationsordered,but is cancelledwhenafreshtargetis ordered.

- (b) Corrections during lire for effect, which areorderedin theform

“No.... add (or drop) ... (yards).” Thesearecancelledwhen afreshelevationis ordered.

(ii) When laying by field clinometer, he applies theINDEX CORRECTION (if any) of his clino.meterandpassescorrectedelevationsto 2.

(iii) When time fuzes are issuedfor which thereis nofuze indicator, 1. will be provided with a fuzecorrection boardon which will be shown correc-tions to fuze lengths requiredfor gain or lossof the M.V. of the gun.

11. When an angleof sight is ordered,he examinesthesetting of the SIGHT CLTNOMETER. He occasionallye.~caminesthe settings of the ELEVATION and FUZEINDICATORS andDIAL SIGHT.

12. Hesupervisesthepreparationandsupplyof AMMUNI.TION. As time fuzes deterioraterapidly if unprotectedfrom damp, only suchas arerequiredfor immediateusewillbe uncovered. When one group of ammunition is nearlyexpended,ho reportsparticularsof thenextgroupto beused.

13. Ho supervisesLOADING. -

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Heseesthatthecapsof theNo. 106fuzeshavebeenremovedandoccasionallyexaminesthesettingof time fuzes.

14. He gives the order to FIRE. The gun will on noaccountbefired ~ithout his order.. Beforegiving this orderheseesthat thegun is in all respectsready.

15. Ho is responsiblethat theINTERVAL betweenroundsis properly kept as regardshis own gun. When a salvoorquick rate of battery fire (less than 5 secondsinterval) isordered,he extendshis right arm above his headas soonas his gun is readyto lire.

16. If the firing lever on the carriagehasbeendamagedhe fires the gun by meansof the LANYARD.

17. At intervals lie checksthe LENGTH OF RECOIL.He comparesthe elevationgiven by therecoil indicatorwiththe elevationon the elevationarc situatedbelow the sights.

18. If the run-out during the last few inchesis eithersluggish or violent lie adjusts the VALVE, ADJUSTINGRUN-OUT.

10. Ho watchesthe action of the SPADE on recoil andadjustsits supportif necessary.

20. When firing at high anglesof elevationhe seesthat aHOLE is dug below the trail to CLEAR THE BREECHon recoil. If this is not doneseriousdamagemay result.

21. WhenRAPID or PROLONGED FIRING takesplace,ho takesevery opportunity of attendingto his equipment.If thegunis hot, the boreshouldbe cooledwith waterwhen“Stand easy”is ordered.

DUTIES OF 2.1. He LIMBERS UP and UNLIMBERS in conjunction

with 3 andattendsto theSHIELD, BRAKE, ELEVATIONINDICATOR, BREECH MECHANISM and breech andmuzzleCOVERS.

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2. He attendsto theBRAKE during travelling, lie putson the brakein action. Before applying the brake he seesthat the quickreleaselover is housed. Whenin actionor ontheroad, hemust becarefulnot to apply thebraketoo hard.

3. In act-ionhe manstheright GUN-WHEEL, if ordered.4. Ho assists3 to lay by looking along the FINDER of

the DIAL SIGHT when (lie aiming point is to the left or tothe rear.

5. Ho setstheELEVATION INDICATOR at the eleva.tion orderedby 1. depressinglast, closesthe breech,removeshis right hand from the elevatinghand-wheelandreports

Set“ loud enoughfor I and3 to hear.6. When laying by FIELD CLINOMETER lie setsit at

theelevationorderedby I, andlays for elevationbyelevatingthe gun until the bubbleof the field clinometer runsto thefront and then depressinguntil the bubble is in the centreof its run. He seesthat the chinomet-erplaneand the baseof theclinometerarefreefromgrit or dirt, andthat thechino.meteris placedon thepositioningmarksof theplanefor eachlay.

7. TO OPEN TIlE BREECT-L—He strikes tue breechmechanismlever with the palm of the right hand as thegun runs out and draws it towards him, thus openingthebreechand ejecting the cartridge case. He then holds the’leverat right anglesto tile gun with his left hand,so thatneither the breech block nor the extractor will interferewith loading. When firing at high elevations,he depressesthe gun beforeopeningthe breechuntil the arrow on thecradleis abovethearrowon the trail, otherwisetile breechmechanismwill foul the trail. If thegun hasnot been firedlie pushesthe retainingcatchforward tp unlock the breechbeforeopeningit.

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8. TO CLOSE TIlE BREECH.—Hc closes the breechwith hi~left hand. He must not slam tlie breech, and heshould keep his hand on the lover throughoutits wholemovement. If there is difficulty in closing the breech, howill endeavourto pressthe round home by graspingthelever with both hands and exerting the whole weight ofhis body upon it. lb must on no accountuse the breechscrewas ahammerto drive thecartridgehome.

9. A dentedcartridgeeaseor burreddriving band maycausedifficulty in closing the breech. If 2 canneitherclosethe breechinor removethe round by meansof theextractorheunscrewstheprimerwith theKEY, REMOVINGJAMMEDCARTRiDGES. Ho then screws the plug end of the keyinto theprimerhole and usesit to withdraw thecartridge.If thecartridgeis tightly jammed,it maybe hauledout bymeansof a lanyard attachedto the eye of the key.

10. He oils andcleansthe BREECI-I MEChANISM whennecessaryduring firing.

11. He reportstho readingof the RECOIL INDICATORto I when ordered.

12. He assist I to engage tho TRAVELLING LOCKat ceasefiring by turning the elevatinghand-wheel.

13. When ordered to travel with a round in the bore,ho turns thesafety catchto SAFE.

14. When carriagesarefittedwith theQUICK TRAVERS-ING GEAR hewill assist3 to traversewhenrequired.


LAYS andFIRES thegun, andis responsiblefor the SIGHTCOVER, lie directs ~ when planting AIMING POSTS.He assists1. to test the SIGHTS.

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- 13

2. (i) He lays for LINE and with 2 lays for elevation.lie lays for line on the loft edgeof the aimingpoint unlessotherwiseordered.

(ii) At iNDIRECT LAYING with SIGHT CLINO.METER, lie sets the dial sight and sight clino.meter at the angles ordered. ITo elevatesthegun until tile bubble of the sight clinometerrunsto the front, and (lepressesuntil the bubbleis nearly central, lie lays roughly for line.When 2 has reported “Sot” ho cross-levelsi-ho sight and lays accurately for line, lie de-pressesthe gun until the bubblo of the sightchinomoteris centralandreports “ Ready.”

(iii) At INDIRECT LAYING with FIELD CLINO-METER, lie sets the dial sight and sight chino-meter at the angles ordered, He elevatesandthen depressesthin gun until the bubbleof thesight clinomot-or is in the centre of its run, lielays roughly for line. When 2 has reported

Set” lie cross-levels,lays accuratelyfor line,and reports “ Ready.”

(iv) At DIRECT LAYING, hesetsthe opensightat thedeflectionordered. lie laysfor line andelevation.After 2 has reported “ Set“ lie cress-levels,chockshis lay and reports‘‘ Heady.”

If orderedto takethe angleof sight, he checkshis lay nnd levels thin sight chinomcter by themicrometerhead.

3. (i) Whensettingthedial sightby meansof theQUICKRELEASE, ho moves the micrometer headthrough one complete turn to ensurethat theteeth have re.engagedcorrectly.

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(ii) When SETTING a right deflection on the dialsight, he turns the right micrometerheadawayfrom him with his right hand; when setting aleft deflectionhe turns the left micrometerheadtowardshimself with his left hand.

(iii) When READING a left angleon the dial plate hereadsthe minutes off the loft micrometerscalewhen readinga right angle he readsthe mit?utesoff the rigiit micrometer scale.

(iv) When SETTING the SIGHT CLTNOMET~h4hoturns the top of the micrometerheadto the leftlast to takeup backlash.

(v) WhenLAYING for ELEVATION ho depresseslast(top of thehand-wheelto the left) with at leastone complete turn of the hand-wheel.

(vi) Thenormal position of his hANDS areasfollowsLeft hand on thetraversinghand-wheel. Righthandon the elevatinghand-wheel.

4. For the first round the pointer of the TRAVERSINGGEARmustbecloseto themark “CENTRE “ whenthelayiscompleted,except when engagingG.F. or similar targets.After the spadeis embedded,the trail will not be movedso long as the line is within tile scope of the traversinggear.

5. When carriagesare fitted with quick traversing gear(Mark lilT and Mark [V), he will use ~iie top speedgearunlesstheplatformis soft whentile bottomspeedgearshouldbeused,2 assistingto traverseif required.

6. CROSSHEADSni-n fitted to aiming posts to compen.sate for lateral movementof the sight. Both crossheadshave similar markings and numbers, lie notes which

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correspondingpair of markings are in line and uses themto iay on. [To directs 4 to clampthmo erossheadslow down,so that thebottom of the far oneis just visible over tho topof the nearone.

7. At CHANGE TARGET, if the anglo is given as “Mororight (or loft),” he turns thin micrometerhead of the dialsight through the angle ordered. If the angle is givenfromzeroline, ho setsthedial sightat the recordedzeroline angleand thenturns themicrometerheadof tuedial sightthroughtheangloordered.

8. Ho FIRESthegun. As soonasthegun is layedlie placoshis right handon the firing leverandreports“Ready.” Attueorder “Fire” he pulls the lever smartly, releasesit atonce and replaces his hand on the elevating hand-wheel.The gun will en no account be fired without the orderfrom I. lie takesoff the brakeafter thie first roundhashieoiitired unlessotherwiseordered.

9. The following are time signals usedlby 3:~ -


(i) When directing1 to move the trailPalm of the hand in (-lie Trail right (or left).

rcqmrccl direction.Fist clenched ... ... Stoptraversing.

(ii) Whendirecting4 to plant aiming posts

Right arm extendedto the Move in the direc.right-, or loft arm cx- tion indicated,

- tendedto the heft.Arm droppod ... ... Halt.Botharmsdroppedsharply Plant.

from above the head.

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Upward or downward Raise or lower themotion of the arms crosshead.with both aims ex-tendedlaterally

Both armsextendedabove Moveheadof pestinthe head and moved the directionmdi-laterally in the required cated.direction.

Both armsextendedsharp. l’iek up.ly upwards.

Both armsextendedto the Move to plant thefront (or rear). far aiming pcsL

Body turned about and Come iii.both arms extendedtothe rear (or both armsextended towards thefront).


GUN-WHEEL andattendsto the WAGON BRAKE en themarchandwhen unhooking.

2. On coming into action he preparesAIMING POSTSwith cmosshmeads clamped 101(1 plants them in thin groundabout 5 yards in rear of the gun.

Whenplanting aimimmg posts heholdsthepestwith t lie annbentandelbowagainstthesidle ata convemmiemitheight, sothatit hangs vertically with the point just clear of time ground.He movesto theright or left as directed by 3 until signalled to

Plant,”when lie allows the postto slip throughthefingers

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until tim point touchestime ground, lie then 000mjul(teS t lieplanting.

3. Ho LOADS. Resting liii right knee on the knee pad,heplacesthe headof theshell in the borein line with, thegustaxis, beingcareful ~ot to striko thebreech.

He supports the round in the heft hand arid pushes ithome with, the right (fist clenched)with a follow throughaction; taking careto loadcleanly amid not burr the drivingbandby scrapingit againstthmo breei-hor edgeof thechamber.

He mustnot useviolencein loading or the roundwill beliableto reboundandpreventthe breechfrom beingclosed.

lie receivesanothier round from 5, fuze loading, betweenthe right arm and the body and holdsit readyto load. Ifthere is any delay in the supply of ainmunition ho willobtain it himself.

If a changeof ammunitionor fore setting is ordered,helays his rounddownandobtainsanotherroundfrom 5. Heshould be preparedto re-setthe furo of time former roundif necessary.

lie shouldbepreparedto breakthewire anduncapNo. 100fuzos if necessary.

DUTIES OF 5 AND 6.I. They 1100K IN and UNHOOK the wagon team.

They prepareand supply AMMUN1T[ON. 6 attends to timeWAGON BRAKE in action and works the FUZE INI)I.CATOR,

2. (i) To UNHOOK the wagonteam,5 dotachesthe off,and6 thenear~~lmceltracesfromthe swingletrces,the inner tracesfirst, 6 orders“Drive on” and

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steadiesthe poie; 5 guides tIme bar supportingoff time pole ; 6 lowomsthe po


(ii) To HOOK IN, 6 holds up tim pole near time foot.board omi the nearside amid 5 guides time ring oftho bar supporting on to time iiole. They timemiattach the wheel traces to time swingletrees,attachingtue outer traces first so a~to keepthe

- hmorses in position while they are handling theinner traces.

3. They seethat ammnmiitiou :—

(i) I-las the PRIMERStightly screwedhome.(ii) IsscrupulouslyCLEAN, especiallytime driving liends.~(iii) Is SORTEDinto groupsby nature,weightand fmize.-.(iv) Is PROTECTEDfrom extremesof temperatureand’

from damp.(v) Is ISSUED from thegroupordered.

They will put on one side shell wit-h burred driving~bands reporting pirticulars to 1. When oppertunit.y-~offers time burrs will be ronioved mumler immstructiomisfrom 1.

They will put en one side all cracked or dentedcartridgecases,androundswith the wire or sealof No. 106fuzo brolcesi, reporting particulars to I to enablehim toreturn therounds.

4. When preparingammunitionwith No. 106 FUZE thieyremovethin cartridgeclips. No safetycap is to be removedfrom aNo. 106fuse.,or thewire orsealbrokenuntil time roundis aboutto beloaded. Onremovingthecap timoy examineeachfuzeto seethat thetapeis correctlywoundrind timat theendsof theshearingwire arevisible, if a No. TOG fuze hasbecome

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tmcappcdor the wire o~seal is found to be broken, thofore is to beregardedas dangerousandtreatedaccordingly.A No. 1013 fuzo withi wire or sealbrokenis on no accounttobereplacedin a himmmheror wagon.

5. WhenpreparingSHRAPNEL timoy removethe cartridgeclips and fuse.covers. 6 follows imp all ordersfor corrector~mndelevationon thin FUZE INDICATOR, andcallsout time

~Pfuzo settingloud enoughfor his sectioncommnamlerto hear.i]’IIe always usestime readerfor fohlowimig up the elevatiomu,j-mmnd calls out the highest fuse setting visible to the left of

thw edgeof tue reader.~ 5 sets fuseswith a fuse key to time settingscalled by 6

lie follows up time settimmgsmis they mime called, so that lie has~ always a roundreadyto he fired. 6 assists5 whemi he is not~ imsimig time fuse indicator. ‘i’hwy re-seteach fuzo accurately

1 at safety before replacingtime round in time wagon.~) 6. 5 SUPPLiES nmnmunit-ioru to 4, passing time roundn between4’s righit arimi amid body, with the fuze leading.

7. In action,exceptwhenusingfuze lOG, theyalwayshavesix ROUNDS READY for lommding. If firing is likely to becontinuousthis number should be increased. Extra roundsmaybewithdrawn from time wagonandplacedontheground.if time groundis wet or muddyammunitionshonlabe placedon a sheet.

\Vbien using fuse 106 there will neverunderanycireuni-stancesbe immoro thami two rounds with time wire broken,i.e., the round ‘‘ loaded‘‘ and the room! “ready.’’ Wlmen aspecifiednumniberof reminds hmavo bccuu ordered tIme wires ofmio morethuantha-t numberwill bebroken.

8. When one group of amumunitiomi is nearly expended,6REPORTSto I thin particularsof time next group.

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DUTIES OF 7, 8 AND 9.1. iN ACTION they remain at the wagon line.2. Tlmoy assist in the SUPPLY of AMMUNTTION and

are availableto replace CASUALTIES.


suh-seetiomsandis in chmargcof the firing batterywagon.2. IN ACTION imo remainsat thmo wagonhinein chargeof

the teammis and wagonsof huh stub-section.

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CHAPTER II.—GUN DRILL.Artillery Training lays down thmo principles of battery

tactics, which vary little with different equipments. Thischapterdetails time ordersgivenamid the procedureby whichthese orders are carried out in batteries armed with the18-pr. Q.F. gun, Mark IV. -

The proceduremustbe memorizedandstrictly adheredto.The executiveorder is shownthroughoutas being given

by the section commander,‘as will normally be the easeduring training. Whenorderscan be heardthroughout thebattery, they will be acted upon without repetition. In-structorswill invariably employ time ordersdetailed for timesectioncommander,evenwhen drilling a single detachment.


Thedetachmentfalls in two deep,onepacobetweenranks,I on time right of time front rank. I is not covered.

When the gun is lisnbercul up, t-he front rank is threepacesin roar of the muzzle, I coveringthe off gums-wheel.

When time gun is in act-ion, the front rmmnhc is one paceinrear of time trail eye, I coveringthe right gun-wheel.


Section eonunander.

.seclicm—Telloff.”I numbers-himselfI, the right-hand man of time rearrank

2, his front rank man3, arid so on.

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Sectioncommander.“ ...seetion—C1man~e round.’’

I takesa paeo to time rearwith his right foot anda paceto the loft with his left foot. The left-handman of time rearrank takes a pace t-o time front. At the same time time ro.mainder of the front rank take a paceto time right andtimes-earrank a paceto the left.

(The detachmentis then againtold off.)


1. andtime covererentheir horseson time left of time leadersof the gun and firing battery wagon respectively; 2 and 3on the gun limnber; 5 and6 on the wagon umber,4 on timewagonof thefiring battery; 7 and8 on time limber, 9 on thewagonof time first hue; 2, 4, 6 and 8 on thenearside,3, 5, 7and9 on theoff.

5. TO MOUNT.Section comnmnandem.

- .seelion-— ~9efec/minLa~/s, ~)ic~uaic (~i was

The macmmdoubleto tlmeir placesat, time carriagemund lay holdof theguardirons,2, 6, 8 amid 9with time left hand,3, 4, 5 and7 with the right hand,eachplacinga foot upon trail, ierelx orspoke.Sectioncommander.“JhIount.”

The whole spring into their places. The mcmi on thelimbersturnroundto thefront, lifting theirfeetchosetogether,

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andthrowing them over the guardirons. They sit upright,holding the bandstrapswith the inner amid the guard ironwith theouterhand. This is time positionof attention.

When travelling over rough ground they should raisethemselvesto avoid beingjolted.


Sectioncommander..secUosm—Sii at ease.”

The men on the carriagesplace time outer upon time innerbandand sit well back.


Sect-ion coniniaader.

.mcctioss—-Dctaclonentm, prepare to disrnoini.”

The men on the limbers turn to the rear, throwing thmeim-legs over the guard irons; 4 and 9 standup.Section commander.

1)ismo-uout.’’‘(‘lie whn’hu’ jouuup cleat-of flue cmmmrimugi-s amid fommum hmtauimmmmuuut.



Section commander.

.seelioa—JVithdragropes,prepare Co advance.”2 and 3 hook the dragroposto the drag washerson their

own sides, the backsof the hooks downwards; B and 9 go

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- 24

to thepole; theremaindermanth~ropes; 2, 4 and6 on thenearside,3, 5 and7 on the off.

Sectioncommander.“ 3ValL~ni-arch.”

The carriageismovedto the front.

Sectioncommander.“ lieU.”

The carriageis haltedandtime detachmuentrcmnain at theirposts.Section commander.“Detachments rear.” -

2 anda replacethedragropeson theshield; thedetachmentdoubleto their placesandhalt.


Sectionconrnuander.“ . . .sectwn—Witlmout dragropes, prepare to advance.”

2 and3 pushin rearof the shield; 4 and 5 nuanthegun.wheebs; 8 and9 go to thepolo; thereniainderassist; 6 onthenearside,7 on theoff. -

Sectioncommander.“ Tl’al1~mm-c/t.” - -

The carriageis mowedto thefront.Sectioncommandes-.

“ lie/C.”~ The carriageis haltedamid time detachmentremainat theirposts.

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Sectioncommander.“Drtachmentsrear.” -

Thedetachmentdoubleto their placesandImalt.


Examination of equipmentwill be carried out beforeleaving time gum park. ~~‘hmenin action, this procedureshouldbecarriedout at leastoncein every24 hours,arid advantagesimouldbetakenof anyinterval to examineandtestcqimipment.


“ . . .sectwn—Exsm ins equipment.’’The section commandersupervisesthe testing of sights

and groupingof aminunitioms.

1. seesthat the boreis clear,that the,gun, buffer andrecu-perates-are properly connectedup andthecut-off gear is irsadjostimient. 1-Ic sc-es that time buffer and reoumperatornrocorrectlycimargidarid that thereis no leakagefrom theglands.

He tests andadjuststime sightsandseesthat time elevationandfozeindicatorsaresotat time M.V. of time gum.

He testsprotrusionof time striker, and generallysupervisesthe work of the remainderof time detachment,satisfyinghimself that spareparts are inter-changeable,small st-orescomplete and the eqsmipmmiermt is iii all respectsready foraction.

2 removes arid replaces breech and muzzle covers andexaminesthe breeclu mechmanisni,elevating gear, shield andbrake.

He assistsI to test and adjust theelevation indicator.

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3 examinesthesights,apparatumsillsmmninatingsights,elevat.ing, traversingand firing gearsand bralce. He assistsI totestandadjust time sights.

4 examinestheaiming posts.6 examinesthefuzo indicator.4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 examinetime hirmmbersamid wagons ansi see

that time smallstoresarccomplete,timey examinetho ammuni-tion, and groupit in the veimie-hesasordered.

As soon as the examinationis completed,tire detachmentform detachmentrear.

I collects reports, and reports to the section commanderNo.... readyfor action, or otherwise.


Preparationfor action will be carried out before movinginto act-ion.

Section commander.

.section—Prepare for action.”

Time detachment,if mounted,dismount.I seesthat thebore is clear, examinesthe travelling lock,

andsatisfieshimself that thedetachmentandequipmentarein all respectsreadyfor action.

2 removes the breech and muzzle covers, receives sightcover from 3 and strapsthem to the trail. He examinesthe breech mechanism,extractor, elevating gear, elevationindicator, shield and brake. Ho replaces the breech andmuzzlecoversif ordered.

3 removes time sightcoverand handsit to 2; examinestimesights,elevating,traverting cmiii firing gears,shieldandbraise.lie replacesthesight cover ii ordered.

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4 examimmestime gun limber and aiming posts.5 examinesthe limber and6 tIme body of the firing battery

wagon.7 and8 exanminethe limber and 9 time body of time first line

wagon.The men who examine tire limbers and wagons uncover

timne fuzesasordered,seeingthat theyaresetatsafety.As soon as ho hascompletedhis duties,eachmanreports

to I and resumeshis place. 1. then reportsto his sectioncommander “No. ...ready for action” or otherwise

12. TO COME INTO ACTION.Action front.

Section commander.

.SCCtiOfl—ACtZoflfront.”I places himself, dismounted,so that he can see when

his gun is in the requiredposition. He then orders“Halt—Action front.”

The detachmentdismount. I goesto the near and 4 totheoff gun-wheel: 2 and 3 go to the trail. 3 releasestime

- limber imook catch and with 2 lifts the trail clear of timehook. 3 orders “Limber drive on.” Time limnber advances1 yard, wheels right-about at a trot, and proceedsto thewagorm line under the direction of the battery scrjoant-mnajor.

3 moves round the trail eye and with 2 carries the trailtimrouglma imalf circle to theright andlowers it to time ground;I and 4 maim time wheels. On aside slopethe trail is carrieddownhill.

Thowagonhaltsabout20 yardsin rearof thegununtil timegun is roughlyin theline of fire; I thensignalsto thewagonto

(n27—13) ‘t 5

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“ Advance“ ; the wagon(lrjvcS up and lmalts on. the left ofthe gum with the axle of time wagon body 1 yard in rear ofand about 1 foot clear of the gun axle

4 putson time brake; 5 and 6 umilmook; 6 orders ~‘ Driveon.” The teamadvances1 yard, wheelsloft-aboutat a trotand proceedsto time wagonline under the direction of thebattery serjeamit-major.

I throws backthetraversingleveramid releasesthetravellinghock.

2 fixes theseat, lowers the lower shield, raises time uppershield,handsthedial sigbmt to 3, openstime breech,unciampsandputson thebrake,pushestheslipperof tuerecoilindicatorasfar forward aspossible.

3 fixes the sight clinometer and dial sight, unclampstimeoscillating bracket of time sight andraisesthe shuttershieldif necessary.

4 preparestiuo aiming posts.5 preparesammunition.6 fixes the fuze indicator on the wagon shield and

assists5.Thedetachmenttakeimp their positionsiii action.iVhemcoining into action in the open.—Thowagon drives imp

assoon as the trail is loweredto the groimnd. If time order“Wagonsright” is given, time wagon drivesup on time rightof time gun insteadof the left, and the gun and wagon teamswheel to the left and right respectively when ordered to“ Drive on.’’

Action right, Action left, Action rear.

At “Action right” the trail is carriedthrougha quarterof a circle to theleft, 2 movingroundthetrail eye,

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At “Action heft “time trail is carried timrougim a quarterof a circle to theriglmt, 3 moving round the trail eye.

At “Action rear” tho trail is immediately lowered totime ground.

lVlmem training detachmentsin these movements,time detailgiven under “Action front” must be mnodifiesl accordingly withregardto themovementof teams,trail ansi fire u’ork of2 and3.

No~rm—Ondismountedparades,6, 7, 8 and9 juan thegun limber; 6 and7 in rear, 8 and 9 at the pole.

13. POSITIONS IN ACTION.I kneelson time right side of thetrail just in front of time

trail handle.2 sits astride time seaton tho right side.3 sits on time seaton time left side.4 kneels belmind 3, but dmmring loading he rests his right

knee on thekneo padon time trail.5 kneels in roar of time wagon on the side nearerthegun.6 kneelsin rearof tho wagonon time sidefurther from the

gun. -

7, 8 and9 remainivith the first line wagons. At drill,when no first line wagons ai-o present they take post 6 yardsin rear of time gun.


Sectioncommander.• .seclion—Deiachments rear.”

1. doubles to his place(1 yard in roar of the trail eye andcoveringthe right gim-whee1~amid gives time order “No....,Doublemarch.” At time order from 1. the remainderdoubleto their placesand iirdt.

(n 27—13)

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Section commander.• ..sectio’mr—Talcepost.”The detachmentdoubleto their positionsin action.


Time line of fire is obtained by one of time methodsdescribedin Artillery Training. - -


Section commander.“ . ..section—Aimingpoint...,degs....mine...,right (or left).”

1. gaugesthe line and throws the gun into therequireddirection, ordering “ Run up “ if necessary.

3 sets the dial sight at the angle ordered. He sets thesight clinemeterat zero amid brings the bubble to time centreof its run by time elevating hand-wimeel,cross.lcvclsand laysfor line.

I pointsout theauxiliary aiming point and batterypicketto 3.

As soon astime permits.3 reportsto I the readingsof thedial sightfrom thebatterypicketandauxiliaryaiming point;I recordsthem on the slate.

Thesection commandergoesto his guns andtakesanoteof the anglesrecorded.

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Sectioncornmnammder. -

..sectiorm—Jleportcrestangle.”2 sets time elevationindicatorat zero.I lays the gun just clear of thecrest by looking along time

bottomnof timebore,ordering3 to elevateor depressasrequired.3 brings time bubbleof time sight cliumomnotercentral by time

immicrorneterhead.I appliestirecorrectionfor droopandjmmmpfor his partiemmiar

gun to time anglerecordedon thesightclinomneter*amid reportsthe resumit to time sectioncommander,who passesit to time gmmnpositionofficer.


Angleon sightclinometer(say)... ... +2° 18’

Correctionfor droopamid jump (say) ... — 14’

Angleto reportto sectioncommander ... 2° 4’

Time gun position officer adds to time angle reported timeeleratiomidueto rangeto time crest, plums allowancefor safety,and reports time rosultammt quadrant angle to the batterycommander.

Norir.—Time section commandershould order time correctanglo of sight to the gun, after the crest anglo has beentaken.

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Section commander..section—.-AimingpostsIrent (or rear).”

4 doublesout in front (or rear)of his gun witim two aimingpostsand plants them a-s directedby 3 in ho with the dialsight sot at zero or (180 degrees). Ho plants the nearpostfirst at about 50 yards from time gun. He then plants timefurtimer post as far from time gun as possible up to about100 yards. -~

If time order “Re.plantaiming posts“ is given4 doublesout and, at time signalfromn 3, pulls up time posts,time fun-timerone first, andre-plantsthem. -


Zero Line Method.Sectioncommander.

section(or No....)—Parellel lineS to No —Zero linemethod.”

3 of the named gun relays for line.I of the named gun reports his anglerigid or left of imis

zeroline.This angle is orderedto the otherguns.

Aiming Point Method.Section.commander.

.section (or No....)—.Parallel lines to No... .—Aimingpointmethod.”

The sectioncommanderindicatesan aimnimig point.3 of time imamnedgumi relays for line, swingshis dial sight on

to time aiming point and I reportsthe reading. This angle,.correctedif necessaryfor parallelism,is orderedto the etherguns.

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Director Method.Section conmnmander.

“ . . .sectioir (or No.... )—Parallel lines to No....—i)ircctorsue(hod.”

3 of the named gun relays for line, swimmgs his dial sightonm to the directorand I reports thereading. The directorisset accordingly and imidividual angles aro orderedto theotimergums.

Dial Sight Method.Seetiumi comimmmmammder.

...srrEon (or No....)—i’aralle.l lines to No -~l)ialsightmethud.’’

3 of the named gummi relays for line. He then swings hisdial sightoil to thedial sightof eachgunin tmmrn.

I reportstheseanglesto his sectioncommanderwho passesoum their supplementsto thesectioneommnanderconcerned.

3 of eachothergun setsimis dial sightat theangleorderedfor Imis gun andlaysen time dial sightof time namedgun.


Section commander..section—Clmec.k parallel lines to No

2 sets theehei-atiormindicatorat zero.3 relaysfor line-.3 of time namedgun lays on time dial sight of cacim gun in

tim rn-i.I reports time anglestolls sectioncommanderwho passes

them to time sectioncommanderseonjccrned..

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3 of eachotimergun lays on time dial sigimt of time namedgun,I reportstime readingto Imis section comnmander,who adds

it to the angle taken by time namedgun. Time simm of thetwo anglesshould be 180 degrees. If necessaryhe correctstime zeroline angles.

- 22. TO LOAD.

Percussion shrapnel.Sectioncommander.

.seclion—Slmrapnelnormal (or heavy), .. ranging (or Methodoffire)—Perc-icss-ion.”

I repeatstire ammunitionorder,andat time correctmomentorm,iers“Lead.”

5 supplies a round to 4.4 seesthat time fuzo is set at safety, loads, and receives

another round from 5.2 closesthe breech.

Time shrapnel.

Sectioncommander..srction—~Shrapnelnornral (or heavy), . ..ranging(or Method

offire)—Corrector...”“ (Elevation)...”

I repeatstheammunitionorder,andat thecorrectmemmientorders“ Load.”

6 setstire fuzo indicatorand calls out time fuzo setting.5 setsthe fuze andsupplies the round to 4.4 loads and receives anotimer round front 5.2 closes the breech.

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High explosive.

Section commander. -

“ . . .section— II.E. (furs)...—. ..ranging (or Method of/ire).”

I repeatstimeammunitionorder,andat thecorrectmomentorders“Load.”

5 uncaps the fuze (if necessary)and supplies the roundto 4.

4 loadsand receivesmsnotimcr roundfrom 5* -

2 closes tire breech.

Dumring ranging (exceptwith “ tirmme set” frmzes), time gunwill bereloadedassooms asit hasbee-mmfired. . -

During ranging (with “tinmme set“ fuzes), the gun will bereloadedassoon astime time settinghasbeenordered.

At a metimod of fire the gun will not be loadedsoonerthanis necessaryto maintaintime rateof fire.

After time first round—

If there is no alteration in ammunition ordered, I emilyorders“Load.” -

If thereis an alteration in ammmrnminition ordered,I repeatstime annimmunitionorderfor thefirst roundonly.

Norn.—At drill, only drill cartridgeswith wooden simehlswill be loaded.

* When a specified number of rounds (fuze No. lOB)have been fired, the wire or seal of this round will not bebroken.

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23. TO UNLOAD.No. I.

“No ...Unloctd.”2 openstire breccir slowly.4 withdraws time round and placesit on the ground.Nora.—The unloadedround can be re-setor returnedto

tIme wagon,but roundswith the time rings i-o.setshould be1ir~das soon as possible.

24. TO LA”I THE GUN.Indirect laying with sight clinometer.

Sectioncommander..section—. . .degs.. . .mins. more riglmt (or left).”

Angleofsight—...degs.. . .rnimsm. elevation(or depression),”‘‘ (Elevation)...’’

I applies time position correction (if any) and passestimecorrectedelevation to 2.

2 -sets time elevationindicator andreports“Set.”3 puts on thedeflectionand angleof sight, laysand reports


Indirect laying with field clinorneter.Section commander. -

“.. .s5etion—Clinomcerlaying—...degs.. . .mins. more riglmt (or

Angleofsight—...deg. . . .mins. elevation(ordepression).”“ (Etevatioi~).. .degs... .mins.”

I applies the index correction (if any) to time elevationorderedandpassestime correctedelevationto 2.

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2 setsthefield clinouneter,lays for elevationand reports“ Set.”

3 putson thedeflection,setsandlevelsthesightclinometer,laysbr liji’o andreports “Ready.”

I removestlmo field chinometer.

No’rE.—When laying by field elinometer, the elevationorderedis theactual elevationat which eachgun is to belayed.

Direct laying.Sectioncommander.

.eect-ion—--Target...,Referencepoint o’clocL-. . .degrees.”

Opensights—...niegs....mins.snore riglm�(or left).” -

I throws the gmmn into the line..2 sets timo elevation indicator and reports “Set.”3 setsthe traversinggearat zero (or at 3 degree-ctraverse

if the order “Target...moving from... “ is given), andputs the deflection on the open sights. Ho cross-levels,lays direct over the opensightson the ground line of hisportion of the target, andreports “-Ready.”

If “Indirect” is ordered, I selectsan auxiliary aimingpoint andpoints it out to 3.

3 turns thedial sighton to this aiming point-. He sets th~sight ciioonmeterat time angle of sight ordered,and laysin-direct with sight clinornct-er.

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- 25. TO FIRE.No. 1. -


I orders “Fire” as soon as he hassatisfiedhimself thathis gun is ready and his turn to fire has-arrived.

3-fires the gun andre.lays.- -

2 opensthe breech. -

The gun will on no accountbe fired without time orderfrom I. -

If the grin fails to run out completely,2 and 3 push ithome by hand.


If the gun fails to fire, 3 gives the firing - lever asecondpull.

If thegunagainfails to fire, I allowsoneminute to elapse,orders “Unload,” and examinestime primer.

1/’ the - primer has failed to fire he oxamines the cap.If fairly struck, a new primer is inserted. If not fairlystruek, thestriker is changed.

If theprimer has fired, a new pruner is fitted providedthat theroundcanbe fined at once. Otherwisethe chargeis withdrawn and destroyed. Such a round must on noaccountbereplacedin a wagon or limber.

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Section commander.

“ .. .section—Spadesclear.” -

I orders “Run up.”3 throwsbackthequick releaselever of tho brake(if on)

and brings tire traversinggear to zero; 2 and4 man thewheels; I and6 manthotraversinglever.

At theorderfrom I thespadeis clearedandthegun movedto time front (or rear) until the platform is satisfactory.I orders “Take post.”

Thegunis relayed.If necessaryon accountof heavyground, I orders“With

dragropes,run up.”3 throws backtime quick releaseleverof time brake(if on)

andbringsbacktime traversinggearto zero.2 and 4 makefast wheel purchasesjust abovethe brake

blocks.1. mans thetraversinglever, the remaindermantheropes, -

2 and5 on theriglmt, 4 and 6 on time left.

At theorderfromI thespadeis clearedandthegunmovedto thefront (orrear)until the platformis satisfactory.

I orders“Take post”; 2 and 4 replace dragropes.

The gunis relayed.

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..section~—Target...”“ (Asmmunition)...”

.deg. . . .mins.right (or left) of. zerolines.”I repeatstheammunitionorder,clearsthespadeif necessary,

andthrowstheguninto thenew line.3 brings the traversinggear to zero,sets the dial sight at~

tiro recordedzeroline readingand turns themicrometerhead~throughthe angleordered.

5 and6 prepareammunition.Sectioncommander. -

Angle ofsight— . . .deg. . . .min. elevation(or depression).”

3 setsthesightelinometer. -

I checksthe setting.Sectioncommander.“...Ranging (or Me/hodoffire).”‘‘(Interval) (if required).”“Percussion (or corrector) (if necessary).”

I at.time correct momentorders“Load.”5 suppliesammunitionto 4.4 loadsamid receivesanotherround fromn 5.2 closesthebreecim.


“(Elevation) or (Elevations).”I passesthe elevationto 2.2 setsthe elevationindicatorandreports “Set-.’3 lays, puts on thebrakeandreports “Ready,”

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H necessaryotu accountof.heavyground,I orders“Withdragrope,trail right (or left).”

2 hooks a drrugropoto the trail Irandle; 2, 4, 5 and6 mantime rope mmcl Ircavo as directedby I or 3.

I orders “Take post” ; 2 replacestime tiragrope.


Section comrmnrander.

a “ . . .sec/ion—Stop.”~ The detachmentcontinuetheir duties but the gun is not~ fired cmntil time order “Go on” is given.


Section commander. -

.sectian—Stemnul fast.”

All standfast whateverthey are doing.

At time order “ Go on “ work is continued,




Thepreparationof ammunitionis suspended.The detachmentcontinuetheir dimties. Any gun already

loadedis fired at its proper interval, but no gun will beloadeduntil the order“Go on” is given.

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- 32. TO EMPTY GUNS. -

Sectioncommander. -

“...section~—Emptyguns.”Any gun loadedis layedat the last elevationandline, and

fired.If a cap hasbeenremovedfrom a No. 100 fuse before the

orderis given,time loading is completed,andthegun fired.


Section commander..seclion(or 2~o.. . .)—Standeasy.”

This order is given to indicate that firing is temporarilysuspended.

Before openingfire again the order “Take post” will begiven.

34. TO PREPARE TO MOVE.The sectioncommanderinforms time Non. I of the method

of evacuatingthepositionandwimetimera positionof assemblyis to beused.Sectioncomnnuander.“ . . .section—Prepare to move.”

Ammunition andstores as ordered by the section com~manderarerepacked.

Preparationfor limberingup will be made asfaraspo~~ib1e,but gunswill remainin action until theorder “Ceasefiring”is given. -

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Section commander. -

..-section——Cease firing.”

if the gun is loaded,I orders ~‘ Unload.”Thespadeis cleared,I folds thetraversimigleveron time trail.2 closestime breccim, takesoff time brake,receivesdial sight

from 3 andplacesit in time case.3 setsthe traversinggearat zero,replacessigimt clinometcr,

irands dial sight to 2, clanmps time- oscillatingbracket- of timesights, lowers and securestime sircmtter shield amid securestimequickreleaseleverof the brakeby its strap.

4 brings in andreplacestheaiming postsif ordered. -

5 and 6 resettimne fuze~at safety,replaceclips andammumni-tiour andcioso all lids.

6 replacestime fumzeindicatorandtakesoff thewagonbrake.3 elevatesthegun to stops; 2 brings the gun to time travel-

ling position; I securestime travellinglock.2 folds the seat, clampstire brake,amid with 3 raisesand

securestime lower shielmi.2 lowers the uppershuieki.

36. TO LIMBER UP.Rear limber up.

Sectioncommander..seclion—I?ear lwilx’r up.”

The detachmenttakepost as follows2 and3 betweenbreecim and wheels,I in front of 2, 4 in

front of 3, kneeling with their backs to the axle-tree 5 and6 readyto limber up thewagon orhook in thewagon team.

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The limber approachesfrom the right; I orders“Halt”earlyenough to ensurethat, when halted,time off wheelwillhe oppositetime trail eye; f-lie limber is haltedand squared.

I orders“Limber tip” ; 2 and 3 lilt the trail andplaceiton the hook; I and 4 mmmn tire wheels.

5 and6 irook in time wagonteam,or limberup tire wagon.

The detachmentmount without further orders.On dismountedparadesthey form detachmentrear.

Front limber up.

Section commander.

.section—Front Unthe’r-up.”

2 and3 lift thetrail; 4 manstheleft and 5 the right gun-wheel; time gun is run clear of time wagon and time trail iscarried t-imrouglm a Imalf circle to theright (2 moving roundtimotrail), and lowered to time ground. The detacimmemmttake

post. -

Time limber drivesup on tire right and oneyard clearof thegun. Wimen clearof time gun.wheel, it inclines to the leftuntil the nearwimoel of the limber has just passedtime traileye.

I orders “Halt” ; time limber is lmalted and squared.I orders “Limber up “; 2 and3 lift tire trail amid pieceit

on the imook; I and4 urman time wheels.

5 and6 imook iii timewagonteam,orlimber up thewagon.

Time detachmentmotmnt without further orders.

On dismountedparadesthey form detacimmemitrear.

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- 45

Right limber up.

Sectioncommander. -

..sectio-ir-—--Rightlimberup.”The trail is carried through a quarter of a circle to time

right.(Theprocedureis thenas in front limber up.)*

Leit limber up.


.sectiomr—Leftlimberup.”The trail is carriedthrougha quarterof a circle to the heft

andtho limber drivesup our the left.(The procedureis thenas infront limbervp.)*

* When detailing “ Right (or Left) limber up,” time

immstrnctor will moulify the detail of “ F’rommt limber up “ urnnecessary.


Men sent to replacecasualtiesreport to their sectioncom-manderswhmo order suchchangesof dutiesas they comisidernecessary.

Casualtiesare replacedas follows :—

Sectioncommander... By the senior No. I of thesection.

I ... ... ... By a namedscmccessor.With five men ... 5 performsthedutiesof 5 and6.

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With four men ... 1. performs thedutiesof I and2. 2 performs the duties of5 and 6.

With threemen ... I. performsthedutiesof I and2,and calls out the length offuzo from time fuse- indicatoron tire shield.

2 performs the duties of 4, 5and 6.


(i) Breech meehauiism.

If the breechwill not open,seethat—(a) The retainingcatchis forward.(b) The trigger has resumed its normal position.(c) The guide for mainspring is flush with timo fee-c of

the breech.The hang-firelatch and trigger can ire pressedinto posi-

tion by hand. If the guide for mainspring is not flush,remove time firing mechanism. If tire breechstill cannotbeopenbd,remove the pin securing block, lever witlm crank-shaft, and block complete. Then tap thebarrel projectionto tho I~ft. -

(ii) Sight clinometer.

Lay by means of time field clinonieter.

(iii) Elevation indicator.

Lay by meansof the field e-linonieter.

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47 -

(iv) Dial aight. -

Lay on aiming postsover tho opensight. To obtain theline before planting aiming posts,lay time gun by moansofa dial sigimt borrowed from anothergun.

(v) Wheels.If a gunwhecl is damaged,turn it at once so that the

soundestportion bears time weight of the guru. Procure asparewheelfrom alimber or wagonand replacetho damagedwheel as follows :— -

Raiso tim carriageby lifting our the damagedwheel (orby meansof mu jack if available). Support the axle by meansof the barsupportingpolo, placing time lower end our a shovelto preventit sinking into time ground. The damagedwheelcan then be removedatid replaced. -

If time damageis such that time axle has fallen to timeground it mayb~raisedby means-ofa limber as follows:—

Placetire limber so that time limber hook is over the pointof the axle of time gun. Scotchtire limber wheelsto preventthem running forward. Raise the polo through an angleof about 80 degrees,having first secured a dragropewithwimicim to iraul it down. Securethe axle to the limber imoekby meansof a dragropoandthen hauldown on the pole.

39. DISABLEMENT.-Time extent of disablement ordered will depend on the

time availableamid tire probabilityof recapture.To disable the gun so that it can be brought into action

imnvuedialelyafter recap/-nrc:—Removethe breecimblock.To disablethegumso that it can be broughtinto actionafter

repair :—Disconnecttherecoil unit and fire the gun.To destroy the gun :—Placean H.E. simell fuzeci 1O1E or

~0lB in the muzzle, loadwith HE. fuzed1O1E or IO1B, fire

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the gun by - means of a long lanyard from rmnder cover.A length of telephonewire attachedto thelanyardis simitablofor thepurpose.

NoTn.—The dial sight and elinometersshould always beremovedand takenaway before abandoninga gun.


1. No officer, non-commissionedofficeror gunnerwhohasnot bee-ri trained and passedin gun drill is to commandasection or form part of a gun detachmentfiring blankammunitionat salutesor at training.

2. When firing Q.P. blank cartridgesno gun is to bere-loadedwitlrin 15 secondsafter firing. Even after thisinterval, no gun is to ho re-loadeduntil I imas examinedtime chamber and bore and removedany debris remainingfrômrm timo previoumsround.

3. In time eventof a miss-fire, a further attempt shouldbe made to. fire the gun in its turn. In no casemust timebreech be opened for at least one minute witim blackpowder,and ten mimruteswith smokelesseimarges. No onemust be in re-au-ci time breechwimen it is opened. 1mm timingsalutes,an officer or seniornon-comnmnissionedofficer slrouldbe detailed for the special duty of timi~ngthe interval aftera miss-fire and informing I of that gun when the breecimmay be opened. -

4. As a further safeguard, I is responsible that the-charge is properly home in the easebeforo the round isloaded. This can be done by pressingdown the leatherboardcup on time point of the traversinglever, -a small markbeing made under local arrangementson each traversinglever, to indicate when tIre chargejam its correctposition.

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- 49_



1. In everybatterytime-re simould be at leastsix qualifiedlayersandninequalifiedfuzesettersin eaelmsub-section,cxciii-sive of serjeantsand iance-serjemrnts. A list of layers shouldbekept. All layers,fuzosetters,sectioncommanders,serjcant-sandlanee-serjeantssimould betestedperiodically.

2. All officers and Nos, I must be thorougimly conversantwith :— -

(1) The tests for and careof sightinggear andsights.(ii) Time methodsof obtaining parallel lines of fire.

(iii) M.V. correctorsand correctionri for jump and droop.

3. Layerswill be tested by meansof two tests: Test Awill consistof four lays indirect, testB of two lays direct.

4. A maximum of 20 markswill be given for eachlay intest A, and 10 marks for eacim lay in test B. In ordertoqualify, a layermust obtain 81 marks.

Tire (luties of 2 will beconsideredas part of eachtest.5. The examinersimoumld be assistedby an officer or senior

non.comnrissionedofficer with a stop wateim and recordbook, and by mm, penciller wimo will take down all ordersgiven for referencewhen checking the lay.

6. Wimen laying indirect, three or more aiming pointsshould beselectedto tire rearandon either flank, if possible,

- and madeknown to all concerned.- 7. Before beginning time testsat least five targetswill be

selectedin time foreground at varying rangesand anglesof

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50 -

sight end coveringa front of about25 degrees;except inthe caseof targetsrepresentingguns,the-soshouldbo naturalfeaturesof time ground. If it is necessaryto usedummies,they should be placedin positionssuchas time troops whicimthey representwould naturally occupy on service. A refer.once point, approximatelyin tho centreof time targetzone,will be- pointed out to theNo. I andto time layers; targetswill bo indicated with referencoto this point by meansofthe deck code.

8. When laying direct on any target (otlmer than a guntarget) wimich extends over a fairly wide frontage, gm-catexactitudo in direction will not be remiuired as regardstimepoint originally selectedto lay upon, which mmry be ally-where in that portion of time target opposite to the gunbeinglaycd. Any subsequemrtlay on time sametargetmust,however,be on the sammro point mrs time first.

0. Time ordersfor the laymustbegivenout by theexaminerclearly and distinctly, n short ~~USO (about two or threeseconds)being madeafter eachseparateorder, thus: “1111guns 20 degrees right of zero lines “.. .pause...”All guns lbminutes more right “...lmause...”Angle of sight 1 -degree 20minuteselevation“. . .pause...”4200.”

All orderswill be acknowledgedby tire No. I andactedon at once. Should a layer at any timne be- in doubt asto any particular order, lie will refer to tire No. I, wlmo may-repeatto him any part of the order received. Time- No. Imay in turn refer to the examiner.

10. After checking a lay, tire- examinerwill elevate tiregun about 15 minutes.

In the- caseof a changeof targetthebrakemust beput onby meansof thequickreleaseleverafter thegunis laycd.

11. Layerswill be examinedin pairs (Nos. 2 and 3); for

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any incorrectportion of alay marks will be deductedonlyfromum time- individual making tire error.

12. Time timesallowed for each lay rrre asfollows

Test A. Test B.

Lay I. Lay 2. Lay 3. Lay 4.0’ 45 0’ 3~’ 0’ 45 1’ 00~

Lay 5. Lay 6.0’ 30 0’ 20

Time layer will call out “Ready” as soonashehasfinishedlaying time gun. Time time will be take-nm from time conclusionof the ordersfor time lay until time word “Ready“ from thelayer.

13. Ono mark will be deducted(1) For every5 secondsor fraction of S secondsbeyond

~lmetime laid down for time particular lay.(ii) If tire- traversinggear is riot near the “ centre

mark, exceptimr lays 2 and6.(iii) For eachmistakein time manipulationof thesighting

gearor in time drill of fire layer as laid down.14. Ten marks will iie de~1uctecl

If time- aimimrg pests are not plant-cd km line.15. No markswill be given for the lay

(i) If thesigimt-,climmommmeterorelevationindicatoris lime-or-ree/-lyset-.

(ii) When laying indirect, if time gun is not correctlylayedfor elevationand direction.

(iii) Wimen laying direct, if time gina is notlayedfor eleva-tion witimin 3 minutes or for direct-ioum withmin5 minumtcs.

(iv) If the bubbleof time crosslevelis not central.16, Fuzosetterswill be testedby threecontinuous~tests.

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17. A maximnumn of 30 marks, 10 to ho allotted for eachtest, will be given for the three- test-s ; in order to qualify25 marksmust beobtained.

18. Timeallowed for eachtest will beone minute.10. No markswill be givenfor tire test—

(1) Ii thefmuzeindicator is wrongly set.(ii) If anyfrrze~areincorrectlyset.

20. Onemark will be deductedfor everyfive secondsovertime time allowed. -



Time gnu is placedon a firm platform. Time examinersetstime elevationindicatoratabout3,000yardsandtimerenma-inimmgscalesat zero.

Test A (indirect).Orders. Proecdure.

Lay I.Aimingpoint...” Time procedure-will bo as laid

“ All guns, 90 degrees10 down under ‘‘ To lay tireminutesrig/st.” grin in tire limmo of fire.”-

The- battery picket and aux-iliary aiming point readingswill be recorded on theslateafter 3 has re-ported“Ready.”

‘Aimingpostsfront.” Tire procedurewill be as laiddown under “To plantaiming posts.”

Time for this part of the layis not taken.

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Orders.Lay 2.

“All guns, 1 degree 10minutes more right.”Angle of sight, 1 degree20 minutes’elevation.”

“3400.” -

Lay 3.


Tire procedurewill be aslaiddown under ‘‘To lay thegun.”

“ RepresentNo. 2 gun inaction.’’ -

“ Target“All guns, 2 dcgrees 15

more left.”“Concentrate 20 minuteson

No. 1.”“Angle of sight, 10minutes


Lay 4.

“ Target“All guns, 31 degreesrig/st

of zerolines.”“Clinomneter laying.”“Angle of sight, 1 degree- elevation.”“ 10 degrees30 minutes.”

Time procedurewill be as laid(iowa under “To ehangstarget” and “To lay tii3gull.”

The procedurewill be as laiddown under “To changetarget” and “To lay thegun.” -

NoTir.—In lays 2, 3 and4 layersshould beexercisedandtestedin laying from auxiliaryaiming points or aiming postsat thediscretionof time- examiner. -

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Test B (direct).The reference-point is describedbeforeordersaregiven.

Orders. Procedure.Lay 5.

RepresentNo. 3 gun isv The procedurewill be as laidaction.” - down under “To lay the

“Infantry lining hedgerow: gun.”4 o’cloclc, 3 degrees to5 degrees.”Opensights.”

“1200.”Tire examinerwill put on a deflectionandnotetire- reading.

Lay 6.

“All guns, 40 minutesmore Thegun will bere-laidon theleft.” samepoint of time target as1500” in Lay5.

- The deflectionorderedwill besucim aswill enabletire- layerto lay by means of tiretraversinggear. -

Faze setting test.

“ Corrector 152, 4700.” TIme competit~rwill set timefuze ,imrdicator at time cor-rectorandelevationorderedand will setsix fumeat timegraduation slmown on timefuzo indicator.

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55 -


Time field elinomneter, siglmt clinomneter and elevationindicatorshould be testeddaily andafter prolongedfiring.The alignment tests simould be carried out as often aspossible.

At drill tiresetestsshouldbe car-nedout frequentlyto giveofficers and N.O.Os.practicein doing tire-nm accurately.

The remainingtest (cross levellin.g ge-ar) sirould ho carriedout occasionally,but adjustmentsmirst emily be madeby aqualified artifreer. Tins test is giveniii time Handbook. -

- Any adjustmmrent to optical instruments must be carriedout by a qualified artificer.

Test 1.—To test and adjust the field clinometer.

To ascertain ti-re index error.

1. Set tire clinometer to readzero (degreesand nminutes),placetheinstrumenton the clinometerplane-of thegun, andby meansof the elevating gear bring tire bubble into tirecentreof its run. Turn tire- clinomireter end for end. If timebubble doesriot remain in tire centre of its run, bring itthereby moving tire arm and slider. Note time mmett reading.Half timis readingis theINDEX ERI4OR of time climmonmeter.

2. An alternative method may be cnmployed. Procmrrea clinometer known to be in adjustment,se~at zero,placeit on theclinometerplane-andby meansof theelevatinggearbring tire bubble central. Re-move the dine-meter. Thecinometcrto betestedis now placedon thedinometerplane

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andtime bubblebroughtcentralby moving time arm andslider.Time actualreadingof this instrummmentis tireINDEX EltitOll.A numberof clinometerscanbe quickly anduniformiy testedin timis manner.

N0TJS.—A clinometerwhenset to readits INDEX ERRORand with thebubble- brought central will lay time- climrometerpiano horizontal.

Time clinorneter should be ad~ustcdto imave no INDEXERROR, or if t-imis is impracticable, time INDEX ERRORmustbeappliedto all anglesto beseton time instrument.

Tire methodof elimimmatingor adjustingfor INDEX ERRORis shownmm time Handbook.

Test 2.—To test andadjust theBight clinometer.

With the sigimt clinomcter bracket horizontal and thesight clinometer readingzero, time bubbleof time- siglmt clino-metershould be in time centre of its run. -

Place the siglmt dine-meter, set at zero, in its bracketand bring tire bubble to tire centre of its run by the leftelevatinginand-wheel. Reversethe sight elinometerend forend; thebubbleshouldstill be in the centreof its run.

If the- bubbleis nob in tire- centre,bringit so by turningtIre micrometerhe-ad. Note tire- readingand set the micro-meter scale-sto half this reading. Bring the bubble to timecentreof its run by time left elevatingimand-wheci. Slacken

- the nuts securingtime micrometerscale-s and the screwssecuring tire- degreescale; simift the imricrometcrscalesand

- readerto zero and re-clamp.

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Test 3.—To tost and adjust the elevation indicator.

1. Witlm time- siglmt climiomct-er rcmrdimrg zero amrd time bubblein t1m~centre-of its rmmn, andwitim the axis of the gun inclinedat tire necessaryamrgle- to the line of sight to compensatefor jump and droop, time elevationindicator simomild readzero. If time jump of any particular equipmenthas notbeendeterminedit will be taken as + 15 mimiutes.

Placea roundin time chamberto take up play imr tire- eleva.~i~; ting gear.

Set the M.V. corrector at 1015.~ 2. Set time sightclinometerat zeroandbring thebubbleto

time centreof its run by the left elevatinghandwimeel; placetime field elinometerset at the correction for jump oem timeclinometer piano at tire muzzle, arc to time- front. Elevate

:~i andthen depressby tire rigimt elevatirmghandwhce-luntil the-um bubble of the field dine-meteris in time ce-mitre of its run.

Tire clcvationindicator sirould readzero.If tine elevationindicator doesnot roadzero, slackentire

nut, re-volvo time indicator immrtil it readszero and re-clamp.Settime M.V. cormee-t-ornit time mrirmzzle velocity of time- gimu.Re-movetime round from tire chamber.

Alignment tests.

Be-fore beginning time-se tests tine following preparationsshould be made:—

(i) Placetheonrriagoor~a.firm platform.

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(ii) Select a we-il-defined object at least 1,500 yardsdistant on winicir to lay.

(iii) If this distant object eamrnot be found, levy1

thecarriagetransversely,and setup time- targettestingsighmts(seediagrammm)about50 yardsin fromrt of timegumr at right anglesto time- axisof time- bore-.

(iv) If time carriage is rrot level transversely time top oftine dial siglmt carrierand the targettesting sightssimould be sloped to time same angle as thecarriage.

(v) Removethestriker ammd fix cross-wiresat time muzzleof tire- gun.


(vi) Se-t tire ele-vatiomi imndicator, tire cowl of time- dialsight, time dial plato anti mie-ronmete-r senile-s oftime dial sighmt nmrd tIme deflection se-ale- of tineopensight at zero.

Test4.—Totestandadjustthedial sight andopensightIor line.

The- line-s of sight tirrongh tire dial sight and opensightssimould be parallel to tiro axis of the- ire-re as regardsline-.

i. Lay time bore on tine distant object for line by the- leftelevating hand-ivhme-eiand time traversing ge-ar, using timointe-r-se-ctionof time- cross-wiresas a fe-resigint and time holein tlme firing-hole- burhn as a mind sigimt.- The- line-s of sighttirrough the dial sight and open sigints should bo on thedistant object. -

* The cross-wire-smustbereme-vederr completionof test.

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ii. Whenusing the target testing sights lay the bore onpoint B; the dial sight should be on line D, and the opensightson line 0

iii. If the dial sight is not in alignnmnt,slackenthe lockingnuts of the adjustingscrews; turn the latter until the lineof sight is correct and re-clamp. If the opensightsare notin alignment, slacken the nut under the hind sight, movethe hind sight until theline of sight is correct andre-clamp.

Test5.—To test and adjust the open sights~oz’elevation.

The line of sight over the opensights should be parallelto theaxisof theboreasregardselevation,

i. Set the sightclinomcte~at zero and bring the bubblecentralby theleft handelevatinghand-wheel.

ii. Set thefield clinometerat zero,placeit on the muzzleplaneandbringthebubblecentralby theright-handelevatinghand-wheel.

iii. Lay thebore for clevati~non thedistantobject(or pointB on thetargettestingsights)by theleft handelevatinghand-wheel, using the intersectionof the cross-wiresas a foresightandtheholein thefiring holebushasa hind sight

iv. Adjust theopensightfor elevationon thedistant object(or point 0 if using the targettestingsights) by slackingtheiixing screwsandscrewingtheforesightup or down.

v. - Re-clampthe fixing screws.

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Test 6.—Testfor cross—levellinggear.

Settheelevationindicatorat zeroandlaythe-gunhorizontal.Fix theplanetesting in time carrierNo. 7 dial sight; place

a field chine-metersetat zero alommg time transversepositioningmarks. Bring thebubble of tine field clinomete-rcentral bythecross-levellinggear. Thebubble-of tine- crosslevelshouldnow be- ce-mitral, if not, it needsadjustment. This sirould bedoneby a qualified artifice-r.

No’r~.—Urrtilthe “ plane, testing, carrierNo. 7 dial sight”is in possessionof batteries,thefield dine-meterwill be placedon tire top bearingsurface-of the carrier wime-n testing cross-level.

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18 pr. Q.F. Mark IV. on CarriagesMarks Iii, 111*, III~andIV.


0.. OPEN CiGfir

.&ote.—TheNo. 7 dial sight cannotbe accuratelytestedforelevationon this target owing to the fact that it is adjustablefor height.



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Linrber gunnerssimould be intelligent and n-ehihble me-n.Tine bearingstrips on the- exterior of the gun, by meansof

which the gun slides in time- th-adlo of tine carriage,should bekeptcleanandoiled andmaintamcdin good workingorder;all working surfacesshouldbe well lubricatedamid he-pt freefrom paint.

Time gun slmould be pulled backimm time cradleat leastonce-a week by a tackle- or dragropes,this lmmbricates time guide-samid operatesthe- packimigs. Time gun slide hmbricatorsonlyoperateduringrecoiland run out ; time-so hubricatorsmust bekept filled witlm oil (lag.

The- boreshould be kept cleanamid lightly greased.After firing it should be- scrubbedout with caustic soda

mmd met water(ilb. to a grille-mm), using the piasababrush.Wire-n (Iry it simould be- lightly greasedwitin mineral jelly.

No gritty sul)staneo,sireim assrrirclpaperor- batimbrick, slnouldimo usedfor cleaningwe-rIding surface-s-

Ail spare-parts should be use-rhperiodically to ensuretlmatthey are in working order.

The- axle-treesshould begreasedfrequently,tire old grease,particularlyfrom tine cimannchsof time- pipo box,beingremovedbe-fore new greaseis applied. If tine-re is side- play betweenthe- wheelandtime carriage,tlre lineh-pinsinouldbewitimdrawnand the adjustingcellar revolved to a suitableposition totakeup theplay. -

Headsof iubricatorsshouldbe keptfreefrom paint.

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List of lubricators.

Fitting to be lubricated. No.

Cradle,front cap

Left handelevatinggear{Traversingge-ar ...

Right handelevatinggear

Brake ... ... I


Trunnjomrs ... ... - - -

Trail eyeTraversingge-ar ... . . -

Sight bracket ... IClamnpinggearIke-ce-inscrewandpintle of


Jim gearcase.1mm trairsomn.In trail tubeIn ge-arcase.In gearcase-.Nearbrakeblock.Quick re-lease lever (left

side).One-on eachside-.Oneon eaeim side.Orm brackettrail eye-.

Onparallelmotion gear.0mmsiglmt arm.On crossie-vcilmng ge-ar.0mm limrk_(inn cmi eadmside-.On top of breccimscrew.

Special for Mark IV carriage.Left handtraversinggear...TraversingscrewRight handtraversinggear

In gearcase.

Front trarrson.In ge-ar ease.












1 On top of carrier.



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The dial sightwhenissuedis in correct adjustnment,water-tight, and with a11 time cells andjoints securedby screws.It is very unlikely that the interior will be requiredto becleanedandtime dial sightmust on no accountbe takentopiecesexceptby personsin possessionof acertificatefrom theArtillery Collegestatingtlmey arequalifiedto do so.

Tire body of the dial sight must be cleanedwith a cleansoft cloth and a little oil, wlmich must be rubbed off after-wards, care being taken that the glass is not touched. Theexteriorof eye-lensand window simoold be denied witha soft clotlr or chamoisle-atimer,which must bekeptperfectlydry andcleanandbeusedfor tinis purposeonly.

Derinatineorrubbereye--guardsshouldnotbeunnecessarilyexposedto extremesof temperature,to the sun’srays, or tobright light.

Oil andgreasewill inevitably destroyrubberor derniatine-,and prolongedcontact witim benzoi, petrol arrd chemicalsis undesirable. If, however, oil or greasegets on time eye-guard,it sheuldbe imnmediate-lyremoved,either

(i) By wiping with a clean rag soakedin benzolorpetrol.

(ii) By wasimingin waterto wide-In a little soapand sodahavebe-enadded.

(iii). By wiping off with aele-ami dry rag.The No. 7 dial sight should be removedfrom the bracket

beforetravelling any distaircoandwhen miot in usemust bekept in thecaseprovidedfor thepurpose.

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- 65


(i) General precautions.

The breech mechanismslmouid be dismantledperiodicallyin order that it may be thoroughlycle-anod.

The timreadsof tine brccelm screwshould befree fiom burrs;time-so ninny ho removedby careful fihimig by an ar~kice-r,butno pntion of the timread should be- cut awayto renroveacrack.

Time- breceir should be kept coveredup, wimenpos~ibIe,toprove-mit dust and grit getting into time brce-clm fittings. Acoveris providedfor this purpose.

(ii) To dismantle the breechmechanism.

Witir time breecim closedremovo time se-curingbolt of tirestrikerguideblock,settine safetycatch at “safe “ andremovethe firing mechanisnrin one pie-ce. Removepin securingblock, time- bre-e-cbmmee-iramaismlever, block,andretainingeate-ir.Operm time breech by tmrrmming time barrol-shrapedpin to tireleft. Remove time plate- retairring breech screw and thentime breech screw from the pintlo of tim carrier. With-draw the evlimndricalsliding erosuheadfroni time groovedpro-jection in the breecin screw. Take ommt time hinge pin andremovetue carrier, then witimfiraw the extractor, slide thelatchfrom tire groovein the-retainingcatcinandtakeout theplungeramid spring.

(iii) To assemblethe breech mechanism.

Tire bree-cim nreeimaiiismis assemnblcdin the re-verse-order,care-beingtake-mrto seethat time breechscrewis in time lockedposition be-fore replacingtire firimng meelnanism,and timat the

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cylindrical sliding cn’osslncadis in tire correct positiorr, via.,to tine rear of tine slide asfar as it will go andtime flat-bearingsurface flusin with tine edges. Timis is ve-ry important, asunlessin time position stated, time crankpin will not engagetire erossinead. After time breechme-clranismlever,block andre-tainimmg catchimavo bee-ninsertedin tIre slot em tire- rigimtof thecarrier, tire- retainingcatch must be- nnovcdto tire frontto disengage time- late-it from the pm-ejection on the carrierbefore time- winoie can ho pmrshmedrigimi imomino.

(iv) To dismantle the liring mechanism.

Close the broccim, withdraw tire se-curing bolt from timecarrier and remove-tire striker guide block,striker aird firinglever, If it is Lie-sired to removetime-so parts as a unit, thesafety catch sirould be set at “safe” be-fore removing timesecuring bolt.

Wine-n removing time striker from, or inserting it into, timeguide block, the safety catcim of time latter must always bein tire firing position.

To dismantle tine striker.—Presscmi the top of tine griMefor mainspringso as to compresstine spring ligintly, and attine seine time tilt the upper end of tine guide from timestriker, and witlmdraw tine guide- and mriinsprimig. Removetime firing pin amid tire pin securing reboundblock and with-drawtine latter. Placetine safetycatchin time- firing position,force it out of its recessin tine guideblock towardsthecentreof time block, and rvitindraw it.

(v) To assemble the firing mechanism.

Time tiring mcelrairismnis assembledin time reverseorder.

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(vi) To test the protrusion of the striker.

Close- the breechand remove tine breechnneclrmnnismleverwitim block nnd retaining eatelr. Opentine- breechby turningtire barrei-sinapedprojection to time left. Turn the breechscrewto tire- loeke-dpositiorr amid re-movetime striker. Renmovethe lrrainspring mmd gimido for mainspring mmcl re-place- timestriker, pressingit imommie so timat time firimmg pin protrudestlmroug)m time- lace of the brceclmscrew. Appiy limo gaugeandif tine- protrusiomr is not witimin time limits, cinango tine fnrinmgpun.


General Precautions.

(i) Before firing.

Care simould be tnmkeir to see tinat time- recuperatorammdbuffer are ~correetiyemerged,that tine-re is no leakage attime stuffing-boxes, that time- isolating valve- is open, thmnmtthe cylinder block is firmly nuttedup to the lug e-f the gun,ammd time- pistoim rods to time front cap, and that tire emit-offgearis in acijimstment-.

It is ne-ce-ssnnryto stra~ntine oil before chargingtime recu-peratoror briffer.

Drmring severeweatirer, reemmperatorsaird buffers sinouldbe protectedas mueim mrs possiblefrom tine- cold.

Any operationsfor the- replacementof worn or defectiveparts rvlmiclr necessitateemptying time re-coil system shouldbe carried ommt only under qualified simpervision.

(ii) In action

During action time functioning of time system simould becarefmmIlywatchedand stepstalccmm at onceto remedydefects,

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the punrp commnce-tion and adapter, and re-place- plug L.Careshouid be take-nto see that the rccuperatoris correctlychargedas too mmcm oil will causeseriousdamageand putthe- gun out of action. When correctly chargedit shouldcontain6~pints of buffer oiL

(ii) To charge the recuperator with air.

Be-fore chargimig withn air it is important to see tirat these-curingcollar is on time re-cope-raterpistomn,imr orderto preventtime pistonm from being fore-ed out to time- rear wimerm underpressure,and that time correct quamutity of liquid is inn thei-ce-operator. Time-mr proceed as follows: Attach timeair pump to the- bracketon tine- trail, re-moveplug H mmdattach tire adaptermmmd pressuregauge; connect time purmmppipe to time adapter,opeim mit valve K and pmirnp ummtii timegaugeregisters600 lbs. a sq. mm. (Mark111* ansi IV, 630 lbs. asq. in.). Ciu~e-valve K, disconnecttimepipefrom the adapter,and place tite cap omi tine adapter. Open valve- K, slackback time cap omn tine- adaintcrandre-leasepressureuntil tiregaugeshows 5S0 lbs. a sq. ic. (Mark flf* and IV, 600 lbs. asq. in.). Close valve K, rcnrove time- adapterwith pressuregauge,andreplaceplug H. Tinelaslungmaymow ho re-nnOved.

Wire-n charging by air bottle-, care must be taken to openthe cock gradually to avoid damagingtime gauge.

(iii) To test the air pressure.

Seetlrat time tail rod of tine floating piston is in time correctposition. Removeplug H and screwin the adapter,blankingtheouterendwith time cap. Screwtine- gaugeinnto tireadapter.Open valve K when the gauge should register 580 ibs. asq. in. (Mark 1I1~and IV, 600 lbs. a sq. in ). If correct,

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close- valve K, removethe adaptormmd gauge and reinlacoplug H. If the pressure is not correct,proceedasin (vi).

(iv) To test and adjust for liquid in air cylinder.

Secure-tine- germ to time cradle-andelevateto about25 degrees,re-move “plug adapter” (Ii) and open “air valve-” (K)oneturn. If air alone-escape-stire-reis no leakage; closethe-valve. Should liquid show allow it all to escape- beforeclosing time valve-.

Ro-e-irargo with air in tine mmsmmal way, up to time correctpre-ssmmre.

If leakageof oil into time- air cylinder continuesthepee-kingsof the- floating pistosn must be examined,and re-placed jfnecessary.

(v) To test and adjust for aeration of liquid In recupera-tom’.

Place time gun lnorizontal, r-enievo “plug, recupe-rator,filling “ (L) andopen time “ oil filling valve“ (M) very slightly.if liquid flows, close time valve-, hint, if frotlm appears,air hasleaked into tine liquid. Allow time froth to blow out untilliquid flows, tine-ri close thevalve and makeimp loss of oil jimthe-usualmanner.

Shouldtime- amountof froth be-excessive,it will benecessaryto strip thh recmmperatorand to examine the packings, re-placing any that may bedefective-. - -

(vi) To replenish air pressure lost by leakage.

Proceoci mrs for charging the rccuperatorwith air, butbefore openingvalve K to admit air, pump pressure-in pipe-

Page 82: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV


to 580 lbs. a sq. in. (Mark 111* and IV, 600 lbs. a sq. in.),

andseetimat time- correctarmnoummtof liqnrid is in timerecuperator.

(vii) To replenish liquid lostby leakagewithout releas-ing the air pressure.

Leakage from the r-e-e-uperator,if not excessive-,can bemacic up by meansof tire se-re-is’ pump. It is not necessaryto re-leasetheair pre-ssurofor thispurpose.Proceedasfollows:Tine- pump shorrid ho filled, turned nozzle upwards, and afew turns given to tine screw in order to remove any - air.Removeplug L andscrewthe pump into placein thefillinghole. Open valve M and operate- tire pump by moans ofthe handle. If necessarytine operationshould be- repeated;valve M mostbeclosedon eacim occasionbe-forethe operationcan be repeated.androust also be closedon cure-In occasionbefore re-moving the punmp Oil shomnid 1e pumpedin untiltime tail rod of tine floating piston is flush with tine rear endof the slot in the cradlecap. Close valve- M, rcmmnove pumpand replaceplmmg L.

The capacityof the pumpis nbommt one-filth of a pint.The-n test for oil leakageinto air cylinder. Disregard of

this may lead to dangerouspressuresin theair cylinderand consequentdamageto the equipment.

Norn.—Aircannotescape-unlesstine-re is afault in valveK.Taking air pressuretoo often is to be deprecated,as somepressureis invariably lost on each occasion. The correctposition of the tail rod should be taken to mean that theree-uperatoris in serviceableworking order, andif the tailrod is not in the correct position it is probably due to liquidleakagefrom the roe-operatorcylinder.

Page 83: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV



(1) To fill the huller.

Level the guni lorrgitmrdinally and transversely. Removethe filling-hole plmrg fronmr the tank. See that the isolatingvalve is opon. Open the snifting valve to allow any air inthe buffer eylindor to escapeamid pour in oil nmntil aboutmali-way up time inspectionglass. l~eplacotime filling plug.About (i~pints of oil arerequiredto chargethe buffer amidtanrk.

Leakage [mom the buffer is automaticali- madeup frourtheoil reservoirwhen theisdiunting valve-is open.

Slmould the oil reservoiror the- pipe connectionoh the- oilreservoirbedamaged,tine- buffercan bechargedby removingthe isolating valve and using a funnel. Care- should betaken to see that time isolating valve is replacedbefore firing.

(ii) Cut.off gear.

The cut-off gear is correctly adjusted if, at ~iOdegreeselevation as indicated on tine- elevation arc, tho mob in thesmall lover on tine- front endof tinc piston rod is directly overthe hole in the front cradle- cap.

If tire rod of the cutofh gear be- damaged,tine- position ofthe pistonmaybe sot for a constantrecoil. To do this takeout tire pin from time- front end of tine- rod, turn the smallhover err the- piston io~luntil time hole agreeswith time imoloin tire front cradlecap and insert the pin in this hole. Inthis positionthe cut-off gear givesthe shortestrecoil.

(iii) Glands.

Glandsshould bo tightenedwhennecessary. it is betterto do this when the cradle is warm, as the pure-Icings then

Page 84: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV


~emrtbetter. Tine-y shouldnot be over-tiglntened,asthis maydistort tino floating rings amid also eammsoseizure-.

To tiglmten imp time- glands:—Opcathe- doorprovide-clin timeundersideof time front cradlecap arid tiglmten up time glandby meansof a tommy. If a glamrd hasbee-nover-tiglmtemmedandit is desiredto slackenit, time springparvlmustbepushedup umnd twisted to lock it be-fore- time giumncl can be turned.

If a leakageoccursat time glandsammcl tightening imp doesnot preventit, a supplementarypackingring simould beusedor if a supplementarypackingis alreadyin use,time defectivepaekimrg should ho re-ne-we-rh.


Before starting woric, an externalexaminationshould beremadeto seethat timo imnip is cleain aridserviceable.

Wine-nassemblingcaremust be takento seethat all partsare cleanand well lubricated. Working parts will requirefurther lubricatiomr during pmmcnping.

To obtain time be-st resultsit is essentialto employ a fullstroke in working the- pump, i.e., from atop to stop.

When cimarginga systemit is be-st to comrtimiuo without astop until time desiredpressure-is re-ached,ehammgingtine me-nif fatigued. If n stop is mmnavoidable,note thepressureandclosevalve K. Before continuing, pumptime pi-csstnm-ein timepipe rip to time pressurenotedbefore openingvmmlve K.

If there-is anyfalling off in the- working pressure,examinetime valves. If gritty, time valves and springs should be-removedandcleaned. If necessary,valve-sshouldbe- ligirtlygroundin andcoatedwith tlmin oil.~ If tins doesnot improvetime efficiency of the pump, tine lnistonshould beremovedand

Page 85: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV


the rings examinedandtried in the cylinders. If the springof time-se rings has been destroyed, they must be changed.

The- pump must be replacedin its box immediately afteruse.

Tue pump should beworkedafew strokesdaily to ensurethat the packingsarekept underpressure.

Page 86: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV




L Stores carried on carriage :—

Apparatus, illuminating sights,No.5.

Axe, pickBrnnsh,breachscrew

Bush, firing IrolaCan,lubrimatiag,No. 9Cap,spongo No.6Carrier,dial sight,No. 10 or 11Case,sparepartsCase,toolsCase,key fuze,settingCase,No. 7 dial sightandcarrier...Cleaner, piasaba,No. 18Cleaner,wool, No. IClinometer,field, lilark IIIClinometer,sightCliaonieter,siglil (spare)

Drift,No. 12Oauige,striker protrusion,No. 1Hammer,claw,24.ozIndicator,fuzeKeys,fuze setting,No. 18Key, removinglammedcartridgesLanyard,firing, No. 32

In box on nearsidoof trail.

On nearside of trail.in “case,tools.”In case,spareparts.”In block on off sideof trail.In rear of shield.1mm “case, Ne. 7, dial sight.”On off eide of trail.On nearside of trail.On off siclo of trail.On front of shield,nearside.On rear of ehield.On rear of shield.

1mm case,off side of shield.In case,oil aide of trail.In case, on bracket of seat,

nearside.} in “ca,e, spareparts.”

un “case,tools.”On front of shield.lim caseon off sidoof trait.

}In “case,teals.”

Article. No. \Vlmere carried.




Page 87: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV


1. Stores carried on carriage—coat.

Article. No. Wherecarried.

Lever,firingLever.catcim retainingJ3.M. leverPins,firingPins,keep,split,aCrtn. x 1~-imm.Pins,keep,split,~.irm,x 1~.in.Pliers,fiatnose parrPoats,aimiimgRopcs,drag,light pamrScrewdriver,OS.,4-inchShovel,0.5Sight, din, No. 7

Spanner,No. 244Spanner,adjustable,1 l.imm.Spanner,adjustable,l5.imm.Spanner,No. 330Spanner,No. 331Spanner,No. 333Spanner,No. 334Spanner,No. 335Sprimgs,maimSprings, catch retainiag B.M. leverSprings,safetycatchSprings,safetyvalveSprings,triggerSprings,trippingpieceStrikerTommy,No.44Tool, adjustingrun.outTrigger,complete

1 In “case,spareparts.”

In “case, tools.”

} Onroar of shield.

In ease,spare parts.On rear ef elmield.In case, front of slmiehd, roar


In “ease,tools.”

In “case,spare parts.”

Iii “case,tools.”In caseon cradle.In case,spareparts.



Page 88: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV


2. Stores carried on limber (Mark 111):—

Article. No. \Vherecarried.

Axe, felling, curvedhelv~ 1 ~Bar,supportingdreuglmtpole,No.3 1 ~-On platform board.Breamstpieee,saddlery,universal ... 1 3Box, grease,3-lb 1 Underplatform, in front.Brush, water,carriage 1 Under, in front, nearside.Buckets,water,OS. 6 Under, in rear, near side.

8 Under, in rear,oil side.Blankets,0.8. (or S.S.) ... .. 2 Ontop of limber box.Bubble,spirit,glass “P’ .., I In tray,smallstores.Can,lubricating,No. 3—

Mineral oil I IRangoonoil - Underplatform.

Cap,dust,No. 4 I In centrecompartment.Carrier,ammunition,Q.lj’. 13 and 1 On top of limber box.

iS-pr.Cartridges,Q.F. 18.pr 10 Left compartment.

10 Right compartment.Cloths,sponge — In centrecompartment.Collar, adjusting,2nd class “0” 1 In tray, small stores.

cappedwheels.Crowbar,4.1t, I-in I On platform.Files 3 1Handle,file, small 1 j- In tray, smallstores.Hook, bill 1 Under,in front, off side.Implements,ammunition—

Key, No. 17, fixing fumes ... 1 In tray, small stores.Key, No. IS, settingfuzes ... 1mm Nearsideof limber boxKey, No. 18,settingfuzes ... La Offsideof limberbox..Key, No. 18 settingfuzes .. 2xm I

Key, split, flat, 1.in. x 4-in. ... 1 ~ In tray,smallstores.Key,spriagloek 1 Inpocketreare-ilimberbox.Line,Hambro’ 1 In centrecompartment.

(a) Whengunsare parked,foze keysshould be placedin tray, smallstores.

Page 89: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV


2. Stores carried on limber (Mark III)—.-cont.

Article. No. Wlmere carried.

Nut, actuatingscrew(brakegear)Pad,beatingfacePin, draught, No. 3Pin, linch, 2nd class“C” capped

wheels.Pin, leverPin, hinge,capsquare “A”Pins,keep,split,assortedsizes,setPlug, air, recuperatorPlug, adapter, hole, reeuperatorPlug,filling, oil reservoirPlug,filling, recuperatorPlunger,traveraingleverRing, leather, dust excluder, 2nd

class axietree.Ropes,drag, heavy pairsScrew, adjusting, dial sight holder

with nut.Screw,catchplate,pinionnutSpade,Mark IIISpring,deflectionnutSpring,head,actuating rodSpring,plungertraversing leverSpring,pinion clanmpSpring,ranging gearSpring, relief valveSpring,firing gearSpring, disc,No. 62Spring, catch, limber and perch

hooks.Straps,trace,universalsaddleryStraps,supporting, front saddlcryStraps, supporting, rear saddlery - . -

Swingletrees,Nos. IOA or 11Tools, threading?c in. antifricion




[In tray,small stores.

On platform board.} In tray,smallstores.

On platformboard,







On platformboard.

In tray, smallstores.

Page 90: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV


2, Stores carried on limber (Mark III)—cont.

Article. No. Wherecarried.

Traces,saddlery pairTugs,trace,samJdlery,universal ...

Wasimer, jamming plateWasher,packingadapterpiug ...

Washer,peekingrear plug ...

Washer,packingadapter pumppipeWasher,packingairplugandsnift.

ing valve.%Va~ber,packing filling plug (re.

cuperator).Washer,peekingpipe connectionsWaslner,packingsafetyvalve ...

Washers,pamking fihliag plug (oilreservoir).

Washers,packinginspectionwindowWashers,spring, dial sight Imolder.Washers,drag, - 2am! class “0”

capped wheels.Window, inspection,oil reservoir..,






1j.On platform board.

In tray, smallstores.


1mm tray, smallstores.

Page 91: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV


Axe,pickDar, supporting draugimi pole,

No.8.liox, No. 1 poreussiommprimers - -.

Box, grease,3-lb-i Breastpiece,saddlery

Brush,water, carriageBuckets,water,0.5. ... -{

1 Cans, lubricating, f Mineral oilNo. 3. - Rangoonoil

Cartridges,QF. iSp {~ Cloths, sponge- Collar,adjusting, ‘2mmd Class“0

cappedwineels.holder, cartridge,Q.F. l8-pr.

m.j., hook,billInmplemonts.ammunition—

~s Key, No. IS—Settingfuz~~ Key, No. 18---

Key,No. 17—SPringforeKey,No. 27—Primers

Key, spring lockKey, split, fiat, 1-imicim x 4.immclmPins, draught, No. 3Pins, linclm, 2nd Class “ 0”

cappedwhsels.Primers,percussion,Q.F. cart-

ridges,No. 1.

Under, in rear.On platform board,

In tray, somalistores.Underplatform, nearside,On platform board,Under,in front.Under, In 1-ear,nearside,Under, in roar, off side.Underplatforumi, off side.Underplatform,nearside.Left compartment.Rightconmpartrnuont.Centrecomnpartnment.1mm tray,small stores.

Oemmtre compartment.Under, in front.

Nearside.Off side.In tray, small stores.


3. Stores carried on limber, wagon, ammunition*

Articles. No. Wherecarried.







* Time allocation of timese storesare not yet definitely settled,thistablebeingfor generalpurposesonly.

im Whenguns areparked,lure keys should be placedin tray, smallstores.

Page 92: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV


3. Stores - carried on limber, wagon, axflmunitlon*~_~

- Articles. No. Wherecarried.

Ropes,drag, light pairScrewdriver,0.8Shove1~,G.S.Straps,trace,saddlery,universal


On platform board.

1mm tray, small stores.On ilatformum board,


Straps,supporting {front

Swiagletree,No, 11Traces,saddlery pail’Tugs, traco,saddlory ... ...





SeeNote * our lalgo 81.

Page 93: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV



Box, grease,3-lb.Bush. testimmgsighting

Cartridges,Q F.18-pr.

Catch,lirmmber andperclm hooksllandspikes.comommmon,6-It.Indicator, furslnmph’mmemurs,nmmmmurmitiomm—

Key No. 18.—SettingfuzeKey No. 18.—..Key No. 18,—

Lamps,sim’go (In box)LashingsPole,~uuted, No. 18Rope,picketing, 66—ftSaw, lad (in case)Spanner,N,,. 93Spi die, cad,.limimber looksSprig, catch, limber ammd perch


(Saoldlm’r~,No. 1Tools ~ Shoeing


On top of amnmrmniLion box.Undem’,off side.IJimder,nearside.In tray, small~torcs,Left conmpai’trmmcot.Riglmt comnpartnmeut. -

In tray,small stores.Underperch.On top of Blankets,G.S.

Nearside.Off aide.In tray,small stores.On topof perch.Underpercim. -

On top of porch.In rear of ammunition box.Nearside.In mray, small stores.

(1 27—18) Wt. 10575—4991——1023 8500 2123 II & 8, Ltd. (1.27

~e.Stores carried on wagon, tunmUUitlOfl* :—

Article~. No. Wherecarried.







In valise, tool.


Whoa gus are parked,lure keysshouldbe carriedin tray, smallstorm’s.

(a) A. to F’. subsections1st and 2nd line.(b) A. 0, & E. ,, 1st line.(c) A.0.D. & F.

(d) B.D.F. ,, 2nd line.* Tl,e alocationof these stones is not yet definitely settled,this

tablebeing for generalguidanceonly.

Pl,.BUC UYorv~ro~

Page 94: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

l’rlnted node,’ theauthOrityor lIms M#,jE~~re’sS’rs-rmosumay0~cmcr,by }lsrrlsorm eel Ions,Ltit, St. Ilarmin’s Lane, London, fVC. 2,

Page 95: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV


Page 96: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

MILITARY ROOKS,publishedbyAufhorlty—contlnued.

- ~. (As to prices in brackets, seetop of page1.)

Family Allowance.&s alas I’AY roa SoLntrmmsann SmrpAmu’rloN ALLOWAmWR.

Field Allowance to the Commander of an Army and to the(tommnancisrofan Army Corps or Group of Divisions; Promotion of Lieutenautøof tine Army VCterlnary Corps, Special Iteservo, and Territorial Force;Bounty to Soldiers. SpecialAtmy Order, June 23, 1910. Id. (3d.)

Field Almanac,, 1018. Id, (3d.)Field Service litanualg

Ammunitlozi Column. Divisional. New ArmIes. 1915. 3d. (3d.)Artillery. Rea’ey. (j3.L. 50-pr.) flattery and Ammunition Column,

ltxpsdltlenaryForce. lOlfi. 3d. (3d.)Artillery. Rorso. Brigade. li.pr. QF. 1908. 3d. (3d.)Cavalry Regiment, lixpedittenary Force. 1912. 3d. (3d.)Engineers. Bridging Train. IlxpedfcionaryForce. 1915, 3d, (3d.)

Do, Field Company. IlapeditlenaryFov~e.1915. 3d, (3d.)- Do. FIeldSquadron,I~x1,edlttonaryForce. 1914. 3d. (3d.)

Do. Works Company. Iiapeditlonarg Force. 1910. 3d. (3d.)- fleadquartersUnits. lixpe~tltlonaryTerre. 1911. 3d. (3d,)- Infantry Battalion. Bxped}tionaryForce. 1914. 3d. (3d.)Infantry(Mounted)Battalion. llxpedltlonam-y Feces. 1913. 34. (3d.)Titethoal Service. Army. iixpedltlonary Force. 1914. 3d. (3d.)Signal Service, Signal Company(Cable). IixpeditloeuaryForce.

1913. 3d. (3d.) -

Do. Signal Company (DIv1aional)~’hixpeditionaryForce, 1913. ltd. (3d.)

Field Service Pocket Book, 1914. (Reprinted, wit), Amendments,- 1910). Is. (lid.); Acldend,zm No. 1, SjmorteeuedForm of Service br thslionel of the Dead. lcd. (3d.) - -

- FieldServiceRegulations:— - -

Part II. Organization and AdmInlstrati~n. 1920. 15. (mOd.) ~Do, Amendment,April1915. 3d. (lcd.)Do. Addendum, Jan. lOmI, for the Oumfiance of Froops operating in

France and Belgium. Ilcities and Ilesponeil,ilities of the- Quartermaster-Gemcerai,theXjirector-Oeneralof !l’m-ansportation

and the GemmeralOllicer CommandingLiuies of CommunicationArea. Id. (lcd.)

Do, Additions ,,nd Corrections, March, 1917. Ontles and Bespotmsi.bilitles of time Bnglneer.Imi-Cbief, and of Chief hingtneers,he.Id. (3d.) -

Field ‘Works (All Arms). Manual, 1922. (ProvisIonal.) 2s, (In,) -

Financial Instructions in relation to Army Accounts. 1910.(Reprinted, with Amendments to Oct. 1, 1917). (Outs/print). ed (Id.)

Fire 1~utanuah,Army. rams. Id, (7djFoods, Analyses aud, Ruergy Values of, fit. (4s. rod.)


Page 97: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

AIIILITAIf F ~ published by4athsri4’—cont)nued.

(As to prices 1a~brackets, seetofl of page1,) —

Pranco-Crerman War—cocmiinccnd.Flamis— - -

4. Battle of Oolomtwy.Nouiliy. 3</. (Od.)5,,. Battle of Vions-ille—Mcurs Is Tour. Position of Contending llorceá

atNoon. 3d. (Sd.)fda. Battle of Vionvllle.—Mars Ia Tour. l’muition of Contending Forces

from 4 to 5p.m. 3d. (Sd,)9~,Battle of Sedan. Positionof Contending Forcestowards Noon. 3d. (4-I.)913. liattlO of Sedan. l’eeltien of the Germans In time afternoon slmortly

- - beforethe end of thestruggle. lid. (md.)- ,S’es else SiegeOperations.

~‘rench Words and Phrases with English Pronunciation. Notes on,l<’remmcli Meaaures. ,A,bbrevmationa and Ter,ua used on French Maps, withEnglish equivalents,Short Vocabulary of. lcd. (2<1.)

Funds Associations Societies,&c., for the Assistanceof ServingacidEx-~ervleeOiflcors, ~femm,Women and their Dependants. 1122. Gd. (icd.)

German Army. Cavalry. Drill RegulatienB. 1909, 3<1. (4d.) -

Do. FootArtillery. Drill Regulations. Part IV. Tn~Flear.1bo9. 132. (52.)

Do. Mctnceuvresllegulations. 1905. 3d. (Id,)GermanConstitution. The. (Tnditio,swithoutNotes.) 1920. ad. (Gd.)Germany, The Campaignof 1866 In:—

Witlm 22 plans in poettoiio. 1872. (ReprInted 1907), Se, (Is. (Id.)Moltke’s Projects for, is. (is.)Moltke’e Correspondenceduring, Précis. With 4 Plans. It, (Is.)

Guernsey and Alderney Royal Militia. Regulations. With theMilitia Laus relating to tIme Islands. Provisional. Is. (Sa.5-i.)

Guns: Drills for2’75-iumeh ilL. ~ ConvertedMark I andII Carriage, Marj~I. is. (IOd.)375-inch Q.F. howitzer, Mark I Carriage, Mark 1. Is. (lOd.)4’S-inchQ.F. Howitzer, Marks I and 11,Carriage. Mark I. Gd. (Gd.)6-Inch IlL. 26-cwt. howitzer, Mark I, Carriage, Mark I, mid. (3d.)6-ineim J3.L. MarksVU and Vilo Guns on Carriages,Garrison 0.1’.,Mark IX

(L.S.) 1922. Cd. (Gd.)fl-inch I3.L. Gumu, Mark XIX, CarriagesMark VIII and VillA. Is, (lId.)b-lnc)m E.L. Howitzer, Marks VII, Vii

t, VII”, acid VIII. Carriages,

Marks Vii and VIla. ad. (52.)92-inch B.L. Howitzer, Mark II, Carriage, Siege,Mack II. Sd. (Gd.)13-pr. Q.F.,Gun. Marks I and II, Carriage, Mark I. Gd. (mid.)l8.pr. Q.F., Gun,Marks I to II, Carriages, Marks I~ to Ii (with Supple.

montfor Mark I Carriage). Gd. (5<1.)18-pr. Q.F., Mark IV. Caerisges,Marks 111 and IIl’~. 4d. (4d.~SO-pr.-B.L., Mark I—I””. Carrmagcs. Marks I aumd III. Gd. (62.>Amendmentsc—Feb. 1922. Id, (2d,)

4’S-Inch Q.F. howitzer,MarksI and II, Carriage Mark I (Sept. 1920)Feb. 1922. Id, (Id,) -8

eealso MAcmme~Qnjss;MusKr.I~avlteGunLTLogG, Part I; and Ituua~- - - - llosg bI,,u,,zmnmn.

- (8)

Page 98: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

.biI.WTAflI’ 13OOi~S,pubiisliec2 by AUZ7~ority.~.cOntInucd,’

(A.e to pricesIn brackets, seatop of page 1.)

Guns. Randboóke for:— - - -

‘303—inch hiotehklss3-laciminc. Provisional, 52. (72.)‘Ol—Imicim ~nd‘303-inch ConvertodMaxim Machine (Magazine111GbChsniher),

mounted on Carriages, MG., Infantry, Parapet Tripod and ConeMountings. 1911. (1(eprinted,wIlls Amendments,1915). 92. (92.)Addenda. 12, (2d.)~ Amendments. ~d. (12.) -

2’lS-InCh ILL. Mule Eq,mipnccnt. Is. Gd. (Is. 11<1.)Stokes3-inchTrench Mortar. ML. Land ServIce. 1919. Is. Gd. (is. 42,)37-inchQ.1<’. MountaInHowitzer, Matk I. 1921, 35. (25. Sd.) -4’S-inchQ.F. Ilowitzer, Addenda and Corrigenda No. 3. Gd. (Gd.) -

6-inch l3.L. Mark XIX Gun on. TravellIng CarrIage. Land Service, 1020,- 4:. (3m. 42.) . - -

6-inch ILL. 2<3 ewt, howitzer. Mark I. - (1mmthr press)6—inch M.L. Trench Mortars, Marks I, II, and Ill. Lucid Servioc, 1920,

It. (lid.) - -- - - --

6-Inch DL lLowIt~er, MarksVI-.VIiI. Is. (5:. 72,)92.iuclmIlL. howitzer. Marksland II. 1920. as. (Is. Id.) Amendments

No. 2. Sept.1022. Id, (3)d.)8-pr.Q.F. Gunson CasememitMountings. 2020. Is. lid. (Ia. ic!)15-pr. Q,1°.,Marks I, I~,II, and hI~,on Carriages, Field, Mark I. Land

Service. 1921. Ii. Gd. (2g. 3d.) Anmendmnemmts No. 1. Sept.1922. Gratis.

Do. on Carriages, Field, Marks I”, I”~ and hI. Land Service.1922. 3m. lid. (Ic. lid.) AmendmentsNo.1. Sept. 1022. Gratis.

i8’pr. Q.l(’. Gun, Mark IV on Carriages, FIeld, Marks 211,lIlt, III”, auid IV.Land ServIce. 1921. 5,. l4s. Id.) Amendments(Nos. 1 and 2).Each mcd. (22,) -

SO-pr.n.h. Marks1 toI~’Guns,ome MarksI acid III Field Carriages. (LandService.) 1921. Gm. lid. (Os. Id.) AmcoencimnentsNo. 1. July 1922.3d. (1~d.) - - -

60-pr. 13.L. Marks U and II’ Guns, on Mark 1V Field Carriage. lOs. 62.(8s. 22.) AmemmdmemmtsNo. 1. 22, (2)d.); AmendmetmtsNo.2. Id. (21d.) -

RealthoftheArmy. Report onthe, for theyear1914. lOs. (7:. 42.)

RiatoricalRecordsof the British Army :— -

HorseGnard~. 6:. (4s,22.)Dragoon Guards, 3rd and 7th. Each 4:. (3m,)Dragoone, let, 3rd, 14th, and 18th. lis.ch48. (3m. 4d.) -

Do. 13th. 3s. (2s. Gd.) -

MaxineCorps. 35. (Ps. Gd.) -

Foot, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, i3tic, 15th, 16th, 11th, 18th, 19th, 21st, 22nd,135th, lOtim, 45th, 03rd, 57th, list, 72nd, 73c-d, 74th, 86th, 87th,and 92nd. Each4g. (Is, 48.)

Do. 14th, 00th, 61,1,lath, and 88th. liach 38. (28. 82.) -


Page 99: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

M1UTARY BOOE,~,pews/medby AuPmorlty—contlnued;

Alexandra, Princessof Wales’sOwm,- (Yorkshire Itegisnent).TheBedfordshire lleglmnemmt.TheIiiack Watch(Royal iliglilasiders)-The Casneronlans(Scettislm111555),‘The CheshireIteglmm,mmt.TheDuke of Cornwall’s Light In~

Gantry.The Duke of Wellington’s West

hlidi,mg hiegiment,The Durham Light Infantry,The EastLnmmcsahirelteglment.TheEastSurreyltegirnrmmt.ThelhcsmpehIrelieglment.TheHighlandLight lnfnrmtry.TheKing’s Owcm (lloyal Lancaster

liegitnetit).The King’s Own Scottishflordorers.TheLancashireFusiliers.TheLeloestershireileginment.TheLoyal North LancashireReal.


Time Oxfordshlte and Buckingisam.shireLight Intamdry.

Time l’m-ismoe of Wales’s LeinsterRegiment (iloyal Canadians).

The I’rlimce of Wales’s Own (Westlorksicire llegi,mcent).

The l’rimice of Wales’sVolunteers(South Lanc’ashirelieglmrcent),

ThePrincess~harieIte of Wnl~s’s(Time Iloysi lierkehlreRegiment),

The Princess Louise’s Argyil andSut,icerlanct iiigiulctmumlers.

Flue Qcceen’s (Iloyal West Surreyliegiment).

The Itoyal Inniskiiiing Fusillers.TheRoyal SussexRegiment. -

TheRoyal WelshFusilfers,Time SouthStaffordshirefleginmemat.TheSuffolk Regiment.The WelshRegiment.TimeWorcestershireRegiment.

- (As to prices in brackets seetop of page 1.)

Histories, Short, of the Territorial Regimentsof the BritishArmy. 67numbers,earls Id. (10.) In onevolume, Os.(4s. lId,)

Do, TimeSectsGuards. 12. (id.) - -Do. The 6th (Inniskiilimmg) Dragoosms. (Out s/print). 3d. (ld.)Do. RevisedEditions. 12. (Id,) earl,

History of the Great War. ihised on Official Docmmznents. MecliccmiService,,Diseasesof the War. Vol 1, liz. (tlis Cd,)

Horse. Field Pack,Medium, and Heavy Artillery. Instructionsfor l’ractlce(lnciudlmcgMovableArmament). i’cb, 1921 • lid. (lid.) -

Horses. Notes on time Foedtmmg, Mammagememit,and Issueof Army. Mareb1918. Id. (Pd.) See also ANIMAL MANAOSCMcRT.

Roepitals. Military Families’. Nmn-sl,mgStaff ltegmmlmttion:. Deo,1909, Id,(]bd.) Set also NsnmslrscsSEmmylcE mmci TaRmtITommmAL Fomueji.

Hostilities without Declaration of War from 1700 to 1870, Is.(is, I’d.) -

Hygiene, Manual of Elementary Military. (I&pm’infed 1921.) 1:.(It. Id.)

Hygj~ne, Manual of Military. 1921. Is. (is. IS.)&a also PsITOIOLOGY mind Scmcoot-s.

Indian Empire. The. A Short lleview and someIlints for the use olSoldiem-sprocesutimigto Immdls. Gd. (Id.)

Do. - Amended1021 Version Gd, (02.)


Page 100: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

MILITARY hOOKS,published by 4uihsrity—oontintlsd.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 1,)

Infantry Training. (4.-Company Organization.) 3914. (Reprinted1916.)- - Gd. (I’d,)

Do. Amcsndmetmts.July, Aug. )916; Dcc, 1918. Each12.(22.)

Do. Vol. 1. TrainIng 1922. ProvIsional. Is. (lI~d,)Do, ,, 2, War(Provisional). 1921. ii. Gd. (Is. Id,)

Injuries and Diseasesof War, Manual based on experIenceof timepresemutOccm~~pa1gnin France. Jan. 1918. Cci. (Cci.)

Institutes, Garrison andRegimental. Iluies for theManagementof,1516. Id. (‘lcd.)

Italian Cavalry Training Regulations. 1911. TrainIng for Marches,Tacticsof Mlemor Unit,, and Traimmluug of l’atrol,. Translated. 42. (4d.)

Jamaica, StandingOrders. 1012. Is, (lid.) -

Jersey. Royal Militia of the Island of. ilegulatlons. 1914, Withthe Jerseyhftlitia Law, 1907’. It. 3d. (1:. 22

~ing’a Regulations and Orders for the Army. 1912. (ReprInted,with Amendment: published in Army Orders ,,p to Aug. 1,1914).(llepriitt.d

- 1918.) 1:. Gd. (is. Sd.); Amendmentspulcilslmeri in Army OrderS betwCen~ept. 1, 11114 and Aug. 1, 11118. lcd. (2d.)~ Amendments published InArmy Orders betweenSept. 1, 1916 and )dlnroh 1, 1918. Id. (Id.); Ditto,betweenMarch 2, 11118, arid AprIl .10, 1920. 3d. (02.); Ditto, Mcmm-ch 1920.25, (Id.); Ditto, May 1920. ld. (22.); Ditto, Jan. 1921. id. (21.); Ditto,up to July31,1921. lid. (lid,); Ditto, Nov.1021. Id. (Pd.); Ditto, March1922.12, (2d.); Ditto, Aug. 1922. 3d. (‘3~d.)

~it Plates,:—Artillery. Royal:— -

6. Garrison. Kit laid out for Inspection. 1909. 22, (12.)10. Do, Kit iii Barrack Room. 1909. 22. (3d.)

Cavalry. 1892. Id. (Id.) -

Engineers. Royal1. Dismounted. Details of Shelf and Bedding, with Marching tund

Drill Orders ready to p~mton. 1914, Earls Id. (22.)2. DIsmounted. Full Kit laid out for Inspection in Barrack Room.

1914. Id. (Id.)4. Mounted N.C.O. or DrIver and Field Troop Sapper. Full Kit laid

outfor Inspeetfoimin BarrackRoom. 1910. 12. (22.)5. Mounted. Detail of Shelfand Bedciing. 11110. lcd. (22.)6. Driver, wIth pair of horses. Field Kit lmmid out for Inspection on

Parade,inctucilng Articles carried in Value In Baggage Wagon.1910. Id. (22.)


Page 101: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

MfLf TAllY hOOKS,publishedby Amctlceriiy—coimt!nuect.

(As to price. in brackets, seetop of page l,i

Hit Plates—co,mUnsccd.Infantry. Ilighlmumd, 1884. Id. (Pd.)Medical Corps. Royal Army. Kit Jim Barrack Room. 1913. 22. (34.)Ordnance Corps. Army. For Ouldaneeat Maroiming Order and Kit

Inspçctions. 22. (35.)- - Large Formations. The Operatlonaof. (CommdcmltedesGrandeaUnit~s.)

Translated from the Fieid ServiceRegulations of ihe French Army, dste,l- Oct. 28, 1913. 62. (Sd.)

Law. Military, Manual of. 1914. (flspri,,tedloll.) Is.6d, (Os. $2.)Do. Amenrirne;mts,May1918. Id. (22.)

Machine-Gun Company Training:—Infantry. 1917. Provisional. To t,e rend in ~nmujci;uot1onwltim Infantry

Training and Musketry Regulations. Gd. (II.)Secalso Muexrrin’ 1l~imu~~pioa~,PT,. I .i~ii IT, ANn )LIFL1~,Rob-s MADAZINs.

Machine Guns and Small Arms, ~3O3-Inch. Nomenclatureof Parts,Stripping,AssemblIng,Action, Jams,Miaaiires, Falinren,tuni inspection of.Revisedlidltion. 1917. 62. (78,)

MachineGun Training. 1021. ~Proel.) Is. 62. (U. 22.)

Magazine RegulatIons, 1922. it. Gd. (Is. 3~~f.)

Magazines and Care of War Materiel. Ilegulations for. 1913(liepm-ismted with Amendmentspubli,heci in Army Orders up to March Ii,1917). is. Gd. (is. 3d.)

Malaria. Observations on by Medical OtUcersof the Army andOthers. (Wild l’lates and LJsagrarcus.,) 1520. 13s. (Is.ld.)

Mapping from Air Photographs. 4:. (Ps. 3d.)

Map Reading and Field Sketching. ~%1anua1.1921, as, (2s..82,.~escisc, P1IOTRACTOII.

Medical Corps. Royal Army, See also TemmamromuiAt. Fo~CgAdmission to. RegulatIonsfor. Jan.1921. 21. (3-1.)8tanding Orders, 1914. is. (is.)

Do. Supplement. 1920, 22. (3d.)Do. Amendment, July, 1020. 12. (mid.)

Training, 1911. 9,5. (lid.) —

Do. ReprInt of Chap. XXII., with Arn~tudnieuitsStrctch~rExercises. July1922, 22. (2~’1.)

Medical Department, Army. Index to AppendIces of Ilelcorts from1859to 1890. lid. (Id.) - -

~ed19ai DI~ea~e,in the TropicalandSub-TroplccslWar Are~:,SeeDesiuSirs,

(1~) -

Page 102: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

MILITAII F hOOKS, pubUshedby Authei’ity—Contlnued.

(As to prices in brackets, seetop of page 1.j

MedicalHistory. See OrlsIcPAL hIsTORY OF TUe WaB,

Medical Service. Army :— -

- Regulations. 1900. (Reprinted, with Amendmentsup to Sept.30,1914).42. (I’d.) - -

Do. Amendments, J~aly1920. 12. (28.) -

Do. Do. Fcb. 1521. Id. (2d.)- Do. Do. 3larctci922. JievieedAppendixI4o. 51. 14.

(22.)Do. Amendment,Appendix No. 14, Sept.1922, Id. (1)2.) -

Medical Service. Strategical and Tactical Employment of theas csrried out In an Army Corps . with a serlen of l’robiems. )Irsnslate~from the Austrlasm, 4.~.(3d, (Is. 8c1.)

Medical Services. Army’. Advisory lloard for. Time Treatment ofVenereal Diseaseand Scabies. Sic-stiIeport. 11104. is.Gd. (ls.bd.);Seco,c,illepoet. 1505, p-~,(Is. 85.) ; Tt,ird ileport. 1905. is. (lId.); Fin*lltepoet. iSO(3(outefprint). -

Medical Servicesof Foreign Armies. handbookof, PartI. Fim.&iecmi,did, (did.); i’art ii, (3 RcmMANY. 3d. (I’d.); Part III, AUsTai&.Iftuecjaimy,Gd, (I’d.) i’art IV. Itmjssms. lid. ((3d.) ; Part V. ITAL’t. Gd. (Gd.); Part VI.Tsre Noi-rstK,cLArifls AND DEL0I!JM~ ltd. (lid.)

Mekometer Handbook. 1911, Gd, (I’d.)

Mesopotamia. Impressionsof, in 1919. By Sir , llewett, G.C,S.1.,NO.1). 2920, Sd. (Sd.)

Do. fleporton. I3ySIrJ. llewett,,,11.0.13. (WithMap.)1919. is, 3d. (is. 55.)

Military and other Termø. See SOgooLs. -

Military Lands Acts, 1892to 1903. Byeicsws. See AIs-rrtLEesv Aim RtrteitAsuim Acr, Ac.

Mine RescueWork on the Western Front, is. (4s.)Mounted Troops (Divisional) Training. Juno1915. ProvIsional, 12, (24.)

Musketry Regulations:— -

Part I. 1909. (Reprinted, with Amendments. 1914), IoN, Ia, 84. (Ii, 55,Iso. Ame’c,lmuemcts,Nov. 1915. lcd. ~22.)Do, Amnrcndmemits,J,ml~IgiO, Enfl~Ic31514 PatternDilte. ItO. (Pd.)Do. Adcie,md,imn, Jimly 1516. ~tunc3bookof ti,e 1?nficid 1914 Patterts

~20P-mnc1,MagazinelUlls. 15. (12.)Do. Amlclencl,im No, 2, Dec. 1916. jlotchklss Con and LewIs Gun

Courses, id (22.)Do. AddendumNo.3, Feb. 1521. InstructIonal Conrsefor WebleyPistol.

- WIth Appenciix—Noteaon PistolSimooting. 24. (22.) Amend-mcnts. 14, (2d.)


Page 103: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

MJUTAI2I’ BOORS, puWe82dl~#A,eihe*’(fy—ioesthmuM.

(As to pric,~In brackets, seetop of page 1.)

Musketry Regulations—rontin’ced.Part I. 4ehcle,idmmm No. 4, AprIl 1917. A,mn,mai General Musketry Course,

andMusketry CourseforTransport Workers’Iiattallons. Id. (12.)Do. Adclemmdnm No, 5, BayonetTraining, (to the press)Do. Addemidimm No. 6, Fels. 1520. Light Guns (Lewis and ltth3hklss

Gims) and Table L (l’roviolonal), 1920. 22. Gd,)Do. Do. Appendix A. 12. (Pd.) Appemidlxfl. Id. (18.)l)o. A,idendum No. 7, April 1920. Musketry Courses(Provisional),

1920. Tables A, B and C; Amnendmnemmtst~Part I, Cimap.VI.lid. (lid.)

Do. and Vicker~’Machirme.Gun Handbook. Amendments,June 1936.hinegeTables for Vickers’ Guns for Mark VII. Ammunition,Id. (Id.)

Do, Appendix A. 14. (Id.) -

Do. A,lclendcmm No. 7, March 1921. 24. (22.)

l’c,rt Ii. An;emmdznent-s,Feb. 1521. Id. (24.)Do. RiGs ilangesand Musketry Appliances. 1910. (Reprinted, with

Amelmdmemct-sto Oct. 31,1914), 48. (SrI.)- Seealso MAcSlINK Coo Cc,’sr,&sr Tiusoloo.

Night Operationa. ElementaryTralnlmmgIn. 1913, 12, (22.)

Number of Troops to the Yard in the Principal Ilattlea since 1850.Memo,ems. With opinionsof Modern Authorities oim limits of extensIonatthe presentday. 1884. Sd (I’d.)

1~uretngService. Queen Alexandra’s Imperial Military, RegulationsforAdmmsission to time. 1921, lid. (likd.)

See also Ilosm’rrAts and TEstmuToemeAtFoace.

O~cersDied in theGreat War, 1014—ID. Roll of. Part I, Old andNew Armies. Part 11,TerrItorial Force. Is. Gd. ((3:. id.)

OthicersTraining Corps :— -

Regulations,1921. 1:. (118.)Do. Amendment. March 1922. 1,1. (25,)Do. Amendments. April 1922, 24. (Id.)

- Do, Amendment. June1921. Id. (2~d.)Do, (Inns of Court.) Id. (lit.)

SpecialA.O. March 16, 1908. (Out ofprint)

Junior Division. InstructIonsfor the Annual Camps. 1021, 02. (id.(

Report on theExamination for Certificate” A” held in March,1920, for Cadetsof the Junior and lienior Iiivlsion. 1:. (is,)

Orange Free State Topographical Survey, 1905-1811. Reportontime. 10*. (So,)

l’rlmmted cinder the authority of lime MAJEsTY’s STATIONKRY O~flCx,lip harrison& Sons,Ltd., St. Martin’s Lane,London,W.O. 2.

(D 2?—IP)T Wt. 19570 1l~oe 5(23 21 AS Ltd. Gp, 27

Page 104: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV


4..)ii~i1i1~~ Polit-sli!i~ ~ .- -..,_~ i~l ‘Ii \i

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Page 105: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

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in f/ic V~bi’ld WITH1627


Page 106: Gun Drill 18lb QF Gun Mark IV Carriages Mark III and IV

0C17Presidentsof Regimental Institutes


Sports Officers

should write for a Catalogue of Sports Goods andspecial terms to


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LILLYWIIITES, Ltd., have a most representativestock of cricket, football, boxing and hockeyrequisitessuitable for every climate where gunners are likelyto be stationed, and specialize in boots and athleticclothing. -

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