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Guitar Sight reading Exercises - Squarespacestatic1.squarespace.com/static/50226bd9e4b0c203353... · Guitar Sight-reading Exercises Beginner - Suitable for Grade 1 level Created by

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Page 1: Guitar Sight reading Exercises - Squarespacestatic1.squarespace.com/static/50226bd9e4b0c203353... · Guitar Sight-reading Exercises Beginner - Suitable for Grade 1 level Created by

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Guitar Sight-reading ExercisesBeginner - Suitable for Grade 1 levelCreated by Stephen Robbie

Page 2: Guitar Sight reading Exercises - Squarespacestatic1.squarespace.com/static/50226bd9e4b0c203353... · Guitar Sight-reading Exercises Beginner - Suitable for Grade 1 level Created by


These tests have been written by Stephen Robbie for use with his own students and have been made available as a resource for other tutors to use in preparation for

exams or for general uses.

This booklet contains sight-reading exercises suitable for preparing for guitar exams. These exercises are suitable for preparing yourself or your students for Grade 1 exams or simply for

sight-reading practice. The exercises are based on the criteria for Rockschool exams.

This book is split up into two sections; the first section is a set of 30 sight-reading examples, and the second half is a set of rhythmic exercises. The rhythmic section is included to encourage

rhythmic sight-reading practice individually. This is an important element of sight-reading and is often overlooked, particularly by TAB reading guitarists. Each sight-reading exercise has two accompanying rhythmic exercises. The first uses the rhythm from its associated sight-reading

exercise and the second is further practice with similar rhythms.

I have used these exercises with my own students both in preparation for exams and as a learning tool. Sight-reading is regularly overlooked by all students, and I have found this particularly so with guitarists, perhaps as so many learn from just TAB for so long. I hope you can use these to effect as

I have managed to gain confident students from using these resources.

Good luck and keep playing!


Copyright © Stephen Robbie 2014www.stephenrobbie.co.uk

Page 3: Guitar Sight reading Exercises - Squarespacestatic1.squarespace.com/static/50226bd9e4b0c203353... · Guitar Sight-reading Exercises Beginner - Suitable for Grade 1 level Created by

q = 70 Rock

q = 70 Blues

q = 70 Rock

q = 70 Rock

q = 70 Blues






&Exercise 1

for practicing Rockschool Grade 1 sight-reading

Sight-reading exercises

&Exercise 2

&Exercise 3

&Exercise 4

&Exercise 5

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3 02

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30 3 2


22 2


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30 3


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0 23

22 0

23 2 0


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2 02

02 0

3 2 0

Copyright © Stephen Robbie 2014 www.stephenrobbie.co.uk


Stephen Robbie
Page 4: Guitar Sight reading Exercises - Squarespacestatic1.squarespace.com/static/50226bd9e4b0c203353... · Guitar Sight-reading Exercises Beginner - Suitable for Grade 1 level Created by








/Exercise 1

Rhythmic ExercisesThese exericses can be optionally used in conjunction with the regular sight-reading exercises.

They are to encourage regular partice of the rhythmic element of sight-reading, an element often missed when a student is regularly reading TAB

The first exercise matches the corresponding exercise in the regular sight-reading tests. The second is an extra test for pratice.


/Exercise 2


/Exercise 3


/Exercise 4


/Exercise 5


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Copyright © Stephen Robbie 2014 www.stephenrobbie.co.uk