GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. No. 25. German Air Force Records: Luftgaukommandos, Flak, Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Rumanian The National Archives National Archives and Records Service General Services Administration Washington: 1961

GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, …gyges.dk/NARA_T733_R2_Guide_25.pdf · T- 78, Records of Headquarters of the German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH)

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No. 25. German Air Force Records: Luftgaukommandos, Flak, Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Rumanian

The Nat ional Arch ivesNat iona l A r c h i v e s and Records Service

Genera l Serv ices Admin i s t r a t ion

Washington: 1961

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This finding aid, prepared "under the direction of the Committee for the Studyof War Documents of the American Historical Association, has been reproduced by theNational Archives as part of its program of facilitating the use of records in itscustody*

The microfilm described in this list has been deposited in the National Archivesby the American Historical Association and may be identified as Microcopy No, T-ljOI>.It may be consulted at the National Archives* A price list appears on the last page*Those desiring to purchase microfilm should write to the Exhibits and PublicationsBranch, National Archives, Washington 2$, D. C.

Some of the papers reproduced on the microfilm referred to in this and otherguides of the same series may have been of private origin* The fact of their seizureis not believed to divest their original owners of any literary property rights inthem. Anyone, therefore, who publishes them in whole or in part without permissionof their authors may be held liable for infringement of such literary property rights.

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No. 25« German Air Force Records: Luftgaukommandos, Flak,

Deutsche Luftwaffemnission in RumSnien

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This is part of a series of Guides prepared "by the American Historical Association listing records microfilmed at Alexandria, Va.,"by the American Historical Association Microfilming Project*

An American Committee for the Study of War Documents was established in 1955 as a private group of scholars, interested in docu-mentary research and especially in the microfilming of records of foreign origin kept in American depositories* In 1956, the AmericanCommittee "became a committee of the American Historical Association. Its present chairman (I960) is Professor Oron J. Hale, Universityof Virginia? who was preceded "by Dean Reginald H. Phelps, Harvard University, and Professor Lynn M. Case of the Univerbity of Pennsyl-vania» An initial Ford Foundation grant and additional funds provided by the Old Dominion Foundation, Lilly Endowment, and Avalon Founda-tion enabled the Committee to undertake the cataloguing and microfilming of declassified German records in tha custody of the World War IIRecords Division of the National Archives (previously TAG09 Departmental Records Branch) at Alexandria, Virginia.

The plans for screening and microfilming of these materials were prepared by a Subcommittee on Microfilming under the chairman-ship to the end of 195& ° Professor E. Malcolm Carroll, Duke University, and his successor, Dr. Fritz T. Epstein, The Library of Congress.The microfilming team at Alexandria was under the direction of Professor Gerhard L» Weinberg of the University of Michigan in 1956/57, ofDr. Eagmar Horna Perman from 1957 *o September 1959» of Mr. James G. McDowell from September 1959 to August 1960, and is now under thesupervision of Dr. Willard Allen Fletcher of the University of ColoradOo

The American Historical Association expresses its appreciation for the cooperation given to its Committee for the Study of WarDocuments by the staffs of the National Archives, especially its World War II Records Division, as well as the U.S. Department of theArmy.

Washington, D*C«, November 1960 Dr* Boyd Cc ShaferExecutive Secretary, AHA


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1« T- 71, Records of the Reich Ministry of Economics (Reichswirtechaftsministerium),, 1958* 75 P»2« T- 7 , Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of Germandom (Reichskommissar fUr die Feetigung deutschen

Volkstums). 1958. 15 p.3. T" 81, Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei). Part I* 1958. 1 1 p.ft. I- 76, Records of the Organisation Todt. 195<3. 2 p.5. T- 8 , Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part l)» 195S» 15 P*6. T- 82, Records of Nazi Cultural and Research Institutions, and Records Pertaining to Axis Relations and Interests in the Par EasV 1958. l6l p.7» T- 77, Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part I, 1959» 222 p.80 T- 81-!-, Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part II), 1959* 203 p»9. T-253, Records of Private German Individuals. 1959* 23 P*10. T- 73, Records of the Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production (Reichsministerium fflr Rflstung und Kriegsprodukticn)* 1959. 109 P»11. T-178, Fragmentary Records of Miscellaneous Reich Ministries and Offices. 1959» 19 P»12. T- 78, Records of Headquarters of the German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH) Part I. 1959* 19 p«13. T-177, Records of the Reich Air Ministry (Reichsluftfahrtministerium). 1959* p.li. T-312, Records of German Field Commands, Armies (Part I). 1959» 6l ?•15. T-179, Records of Former German and Japanese Embassies and Consulates 1890-19 5, 1960. 63 p°16. T- 81, Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Part I: Records on Resettlement. 1960, 105 P»17« T- 77» Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oterkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part II. I960. 213 P»18. T- 77* Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part III. I960, 118 p.19* T- 77» Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der WeLrmacht/OKW) Part IV. I960. 76 p.20. T- 81, Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (NationaJLsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) Part II« I960, 5 p.21. !T- 81, Records of the Deutsches Aasland*-Institut5 Stuttgart, Part II: The General Records. 1961. 180 p*22. T- 7°. Records of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. 1961. 41 p.

T- 83, Records of Private Austrian, Dutch, and German Enterprises 1917-19 6. 1961. 119 p.T-321, Records of Headquarters of the German Air Force High Command (Oberkommando der Luftwaffe/OKL). 19619 59 p.


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This Guide is one of a series of finding aids describing those declassified seized German records deposited at the World War II RecordsDivision, National Archives, which have "been microfilmed "by the Microfilming Project of the Committee for the Study of War Documents of theAmerican Historical Association. The Guide contains the text of data sheets identifying records filmed. A copy of the data sheets has "beenfilmed as a target sheet at the beginning of each roll of filnu

This Guide covers 63 rolls of film of the records of anti-aircraft units, the air force commands, and the air force mission to Rumania ,The records of the Flak units are quite similar to anti-aircraft files in the OKL collection (T-321, Guide 2 ). However, the group in this Guidecontains very interesting material on the initial organization of the Flak units during the period

The files of the Luf tgaukommandos described pertain primarily to Luftgaukommandos VII, VIII, XII and XVII, to Luftkreise, and to newcommands created in the course of the war: Luftgaukommando Westfrankreich, Luftgaukommando Nordfrankreich, Kontrollinspektion Afrika, Flieger-filhrer Atlantik. The files of a Luftgau reflect the essentially administrative function of such a command and deal with a variety of topics: construction and maintenance of air-fields; accounting; personnel management in reference to Luf twaf fenhelfer, Luftwaffenhelferinnen, German andforeign civilian labor, Italian soldiers, and others.

The records of the Luf twaf fenmission date from its arrival in Rumania, September 1$0. The Mission was charged with the responsibilityfor directing the air defense of Rumania and co-ordinating the activities of the German and Rumanian air force units on the Russian front. Theofficers in command were General der Flieger Speidel and Generalmajor Gerstenberg. Included in this group of records are the files of the Ver-bindungsstelle des Generalluftzeugmeisters Rumanien, a unit working directly under the supervision of the Generalluftzeugmeister. It had theresponsibility for the development of the Rumanian air industry, the supply of German materials and experts for this program, and the supervisionover the Rumanian oil industry* In matters of internal administration it was subordinate to the Luf twaf fenmission and worked in close collab-oration with it.

It may be noted that low-level personnel and accounting files, were not filmed. In the records of the Luf tgautoommandos only significantsamples of the large number of files, dealing with the acquisition of facilities and the like, were filmed. A selective process was also fol-lowed in reference to meteorological data and Flak reports on enemy aircraft destroyed. Finally, purely technical instruction pamphlets, per-taining to aircraft construction and maintenance, were also omitted.

The terms "Serial" and "Roll" in this Guide refer to the sequence of film. The "Item" number is the identification symbol on theoriginal folder within the captured records collection. "Provenance" indicates, where ascertainable, the archival origin of the documentswhose description follows. The symbol "FT" means that the folder has been filmed throughout; the symbol "FS" denotes that the folder hasbeen filmed selectively. "1st Frame" gives the frame number of the first page of the folder. Every exposure has been given a frame numberconsecutively throughout the filming operation* The "Notes" provide a general idea of the nature of the materials but should not be takenas exhaustive descriptions.. Apart from a few minor rearrangements folders were filmed in numerical order. Although, on the whole, subjectstended to appear coherently and in numerical sequence, it is still necessary to check the whole Guide for any one subject.

Continued V

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The original records have "been returned 1*o the Federal Republic of Grermany ~ The- aicrofilms aTe~d«posited in the National Archives,Washington 25, D.C«, as microcopy T-H05t rolls l-°63i and should "be requested "by adding HT~H05

M to the rolls desired.

Miriam Haskett, 1960


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Serial Boll Provenance Item Hotes

1 General der Flakartil- Flak 1lerie

IT US27212

3. (Preussische)Fahrabteilung

Flak 2

Flak 3


Flak 6

Slak 7

Flak g

Flak 9


Flak 11

Slak 12

FT H827305












General der Flakartillerie Biidel file, containing: "Bemerkungenzur Ausbildung 19 2," "Bemerkungen zur Gefeohtsausbildung Gefechts-ftbungen Mai 1932," "Bemerkurgon EV:? AMsMldune 1933," ^Anlage 1 zuBemerkungoa z*ar Aus"bildrang 1933 - Mei-kblatt ftlr die Berilcksichtigung,Ermittlung imd Ausschaltung der B.W.B. "beim Schiessen gegen Flugziele,""Anlage 2 - Bewertung dos Schi?ssens ge^en Fltigsiale nach Wertziffernxmd Treffern." For folders 2-52 of. Welirkreiji III T-79 RG 1031 earlyBrieftagefeuch of the 3- (Preussische) Fahrabteilting.

Item of unknown provencncs. Ccpy of a list of general instruc-tions for Hak units naming the issuing agencies and giving the numbersof the instructions, 1932 - 193*1.

3. (Preussische) FaliraTateilung file, containing general instruc-tions pertaining chiefly to the riglrba and privileges enjoyed by theofficers of the company, and the changes necessary "by an envisagedincrease in the number of officers of the unit, 1932 - 193 .

Adjutant der 3» (Preussischen) Fahrabteilung file, containingpersonal correspondence of varied importance: acknowledgements ofroutine invitations and good wishes, as well as interesting correspond-ence with varioxis officers of other Fahrabteilungen which were justbeing converted into regular Flak units* 1933•

3, (Preussische) Fahrabteilung file of reports on the trainingactivities of the unit: training plans set up by year, month and week,1933-

3. (Preusssische) Fahrabteilung file, containing instructionsand correspondence on transfer of per^o-mol, supply of uniforms aswell as Starkenachveisungen and Etatstarken, 1933-

3. (Preussische) Fahrabteilung file, containing lists of theunit's equipment, as well as requests for itenii still missii^, 193 »

3<, (Preussische) Fahrabteilung file, containing reports ontraining, especially the training program concerning actual shooting,as well as an Erfahrungsbericht on the training of staff-officers,officers and FCO's, 1933.

3. (Preussische) Fahrabteilung file, containing "Ubersicht ilberdie Besichtigung der 3» (Preussischen) Fahrabteilung am 30./3

3, (Preussische) Fahrabteilung file, containing personal in-formation on the officers of the unit, future officers and specialcourses and examinations to be given them, 193 ^

3«, (Preussische) Fahrabteilung file, containing instructionsand correspondence on the training of officers for the newly set up

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

3. (Preussische) Fa.hr-abteilung

Flak 13

Flak lU,Flak 15

Flak 16

Flak 17

Slak IB

ELak 19

liakabteilung Lankwitz Flak 21




FT U33009


FT U830683



Flak units - specifications as to age, education and previous experienceof those to "be newly recruited as well as opinions on the fitness ofthe officers already holding commission, 193 »

3. (Preussische) Fahrabteilung file, containing correspondenceon HCO's and lower ranks concerning new recruiting and the dismissalof personnel not suited to the new work assigned to the unit, 193 -

3. (Preussische) Fahrabteilung two files "Ausbildurg 5" contain-ing material on the trainiiig of the unit in sports, the care of gliders,proper methods of defence against air attacks as well as general in-structions for manoeuvres combining all these, 193 -

3. (Preussische) Fahrabteilung file "Ubungen, Kriegsspiele, Lehr-gange, G-, M containing instructions for general manoeuvres of Flak units,as well as training courses especially v/ith heavy Flak ammunition, 193 •

3. (Preussische) Fahrabteilung file "Umformierung," containingmaterial pertaining to the reorganization of the unit chiefly in admin-istrative matters - new channels for official correspondence, issuingand receiving new uniforms and lists of new names and new insignia ofvarious Flak units, 193 .

3. (Preussische) Fahrabteilung file, containing correspondenceand directives on a variety of subjects: technical instructions fortraining in shooting at high targets and for the proper compilationof weather reports, artillery training for officers and training insports for the members of the unit in general, 193 .

3. (Preussische) Fahrabteilung file "Abw, 12," concerned withespionage: reports of attempted espionage by foreign agents, especial-3.y attempts to get the cooperation of members of the German army, in-structions for the proper behavior of soldiers coming in contact withspies, as well as examples of convictions of soldiers who neglectedto follow the prescribed methods, 193 » Especially mentioned andemphasized are the French, Czech and Polish espionage services.

3. (Preussische) Fahrabteilung file "Schiessen 13»" containingdetailed instructions for independent manoeuvres of the Fahrabteilung,especially involving training in shooting down targets at night withthe cooperation of search-lights, 193 » ^e putative enemy mostlyPoland«

Flakabteilung Lankwitz file "Neuaufstellungen," containing listsof units to be reorganized and detailed instructions for their re-organization and transformation into Flak units, 1935*

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Serial Soil Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

Flakabteilung Lankwitz Flak 22

Flak 23

FT U831575

FT U831951


Hak 25

Flak 26

Jlak 2?

Flak 28

FT HS32393

FT 1*832910



6 6


Flak 29

Flakabteilung LankwiLtz file, containing instructions on therecruitment of volunteers for the army and flak units, with samplesof the questionnaires sent out to the volunteers, 1935»

Flakabteilung Lankwitz file, containing instructions on thenew flag and the new oath of allegiance, the treatment of Jews bymembers of the NSDAP and by the army, on behavior in the demilitarizedzone as well as reports on E-Offz.-Anw., who might have belonged to aMasonic lodge, and a map and report on the Flak units in England, 1935*

Flakabteilung Lankwitz file, containing Ausbildungsanweisungenfor the training of officers and men in the use of various kinds ofFlak weapons, also information of the special publication "Die Luft-waffe," as well as sample forms for the requisition of munitions forthe units in training, 1935-

Flakabteilung Lankwitz file, containing instructions on thereorganization of Flak units and their inclusion in the Luftwaffe:recruiting of new personnel, issuing of nevr uniforms, necessity fora certain amount of farming1 in regard to the new Flak activitiesand the book-keeping measures necessary to achieve this purpose, 1935»

Flskabteilung Lankvritz file "Hachr. !'fesen 8," containing cor-respondence and instructions for the communications division withinthe Flakabteilung, as well as instructions on the enlargement andfurther training of the personnel concerned with communications, 1935»

Hakabteilung Lankwitz file, containing reports on the successof the unit in experiments with various optical instruments to achievegreater shooting accuracy, as well as reports on the success of thetraining program of the units, 1935.

Hakabteilung Lankwitz file, containing routine material on thefurther training of the unit as well as important material pertainingto the relations of the 1/ehrmacht to the new National Socialist state:"Vorlflufige Richtlinien fflr das Eingreifen der Truppe bei fiffentlichenUotstanden," and two memoranda concerning the necessity of openingofficers' clubs to highranking Nazis and showing more interest in theenlisted men who form part of the "Volkseinheit." The file containsalso detailed charts of the organization of Flak Batterien and Abtei-lungen, Scheinwerfer Batterien and Abteilungen, as well as maps showingRussian air defences and lists of Italian planes. 1935*

Flakabteilung Lankwitz file containing material on anti-espionagemeasures to be taken by all Wehrmacht units, lists of people suspectedof outright espionage, lists of people of 'weak character1 who might

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

6 I./Flakregiment 12 Flak 3031 1*83378

Flak 32

Slak 33



FT U83U030

Flak 3U FT US31U77

Flak 35

Flak 36

FT 1*831*713


fall under the influence of foreign agents* also Communist propagandamaterial, especially anti-military leaflets. 1935.

I./Flakregiment 12 Brieftagebuch for 1936.I./Flakregiment 12 copy of "Stellenbesetzung der Hekartillerie

nach dem Stand am 1.10.36.ttI./Flakregiment 12 file containing instructions on the transfer

of personnel to the "Herman Goring Regiment," and on the arrangementsto "be made to enable new recruits to take part in various trainingprograms, especially driver training, 1936.

I./Flakregiment 12 file, containing instructions on the treatmentof personnel transferred in the process of the reorganization of Flakunits, as well as a set of minimum housing conditions of Flak personnelin general. The file contains also lists of the location of the newor reorganized units, and a list of the Wehrkreiskommandos under thecommand of which the Flak units had been placed, 1936.

I./Fiakregiment 12 file "Ausbildung, ka. Grundlegende Verfugungen,lft> Ausbildungspl&ne der Abteilungen und Batterien, Ud Verschiedenes,tyc Erfahrung und Berichte." In section tya the file contains amongthe general instructions for training also some special instructionson the treatment of new recruits, as well as some detailed plans forjoined training programs of Flak and regular array units. In sectionUd the file contains two lectures on air power: Lecture of MajorRaithel entitled "Technik, Organisation und Einsats der Jagdkrftfte,"and the lecture of Major d. Genst. Diechmann entitled: "Grunds&tzefilr die operative Fuhrung des Luftkrieges (unter besonderer BertLck-sichtigung der Aufgaben eines Luftgaukommandos).n Section ^c containsreports on the relative usefulness of various kinds of maps for Flakbatteries, reports on the success of the 8 weeks training programsfor recruits and reports on the effectiveness of various kinds ofweapons used in the training programs, 1936*

I./Hakregiment 12 file "LehrgAnge,M containing correspondenceon, detailed teaching plans for, and reports on the success of trainingprograms for various members of Flak units, from high ranking officersdown to new recruits, 1936.

I./Hakregiment 12 file "Schiessiibungen," containing reports onthe efficiency of various types of ammunition used during trainingprograms, as well as security regulations forbidding unauthorizedphotography and discussion of the new weapons outside the traininggrounds, 1936.

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Serial Holl Provenance

7 I./Flakregiment 12

Filmed 1st frame

Flak 38,Flak 39,ilak HOFlak Ul

Hak 1*3





FT 1*836166

FT 1*836556


Slak 50

FT 1*836660

FT 4836811

Notes 5

I./Flakregiraent 12 file "Allgemeines,w containing two circularsof instruction issued by Blomberg on the "behavior of soldiers andfamilies of soldiers in their relation with the Blockleiter and Zel-lenleiter of the FSBAP and a circular on "Bekampfung der MisshandlungUntergebener;11 also a map showing the location of French anti-air-craft positions and a list of types of aircraft used "by the French.The file contains also special instructions on the proper behaviorof officers during parades, the proper "behavior of all soldiersduring the time of the great influx of foreigners for the OlympicGames* and an admonition to increase attempts to prevent theftswithin army camps, 1936.

I./Flakregiment 12 three files containing lists of "Versetzungund Personalveranderungen des Reichsluftfahrtministerium," 1937.

I./Flakregiment 12 file "Offz. Ersatz," containing the regula-tions governing the entrance of NCO's into officers training schools,1937-

I./31akregiment 12 file "Ausbildung Ha,b,c,d," containingdirectives for the training of pilots in new plane models in generaland in flying within the reach of search-lights in particular, aswell as instructions on the necessary cooperation between the Flug-meldedienst and the Flakartillerie, 1937 - 1938.

I./Flakregiment 12 file "Abwehr Polit. Ang.,11 containing warn-ings against attempted espionage by foreign governments either bygetting their own agents to force their way into German army campsor by using Germans, newly recruited persons of weak character, ormembers of minority groups, especially Poles; also a Merkblatt onhow to combat "Zersetzungsversuche durch Wehrmachtsangehdrige," and"Richtiges Verhalten gegendber Zersetzungsversuchen durch Personenausserhalb der Wehrmacht." The file contains also material on therelationship of Wehrmacht and NSDAP and special admonition not tosupply the KSDAP with Beurteilungen of officers, since the Wehrmachtwas a body equal to the party and not responsible to it, 1937*

I./Flakregiment 12 file "Feuaufstellung," containing instruc-tions on new organization of the units of the Flakregiment and organ-izational charts showing the organization of Flak units in general,1937 - 1938.

I./Flakregiment 12 copy of nStellenbesetzung der Hakbatterie1.10.1937."

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Serial Roll Provenance

9 I./Flakregiment 12

L. Res. Flakabteilung 9**2 Flak

Filmed 1st frame




Flak 71

Flak-Mast. 3/XII

Flak 57 FT 1&37231

Flak 59 FT

Ilak 62 FT if837520

FT 1*837571

FT U8375S6

Flak 66 FT 1*8379

10 10 Generalluftzeugmeister, Flak 70 FT U83S21J9Teohnisches Amt


Jlak 72 FT 1*838786

Notes 6

I./Hakregiment 12 "Quittungsbuch fftr Verschluss-Sachen Juli 37 -Juni 38."

I./Flakregiment 12 file, containing timetables for three Plan-ubungen of the I./Flakregiment 12, 1939*

I. Res. Flakabteilung 9^2 file, containing instructions to theilak unit stationed on the Swiss "border to take great care not toshoot across the "border, November 1939•

Flugabv/ehrkommando Schwarzwald file, containing five reportson units under its command, their organization, equipment and probableeffectiveness in battle, May 19**0.

Flugabwehrkommando Schwarzwald file, containing correspondenceand*reports on the training the members of the Kommando had receivedand were to receive with Hak weapons, 1939 - 19^0.

iiugabwehrkommando Schwarzwald file, containing Kriegsgliederun-gen of Flak units, Luft\*affe Bautruppen and artillery units, 1939 -

ald file, containing a map showingFrench fortifications, 1939»

Flugabwehrkommando Schvrarzi aid file, containing correspondenceand reports on the operations conducted by the Kommando» especiallythe shooting down of enemy planes, 1939 - 19^0.

Flugabwehrkommando Schwarzwald file "Schutz der Boflenorganisationgeh. u. geh. Kdos.,n containing reports of reinforcements to be sta-tioned in Freiburg, and directions on how to avoid the shooting downof German planes during air raids, 1939 - 19^0»

Flugabvrehrkommando Schwarzwald file, containing correspondenceand reports on the training program of the Kommando, especially shoot-ing at targets of varying nights, 19UO.

G-eneralluftzeugmeister, Technisches Amt file, containing "Mobil-machungsplan der Luftwaffe Hauptteil ^: Mobilmachangsplan der Flak-artlllerie und des zivilen Luftschutzes 1936-37*w also ttAufstellungs-ilbersicht der Flakartillerie fdr die Zeit vom 1.10.36 bis 31.3.37.Mand Merkblatter on transport and plans for civilian air defence, pre-pared in 1935.

Item of unknown provenance. File "Demob TTbersicht der Flakartil-lerie,11 containing time tables for demobilization of Flak units inSouth-West Germany during 19^2.

Flak-Mast. 3/XII file, containing information on various Maquisand other illegal fighting organizations in France,

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Kampfgruppe "Broecker11

Hakbrigade 19. (mot)


ilak 73Flak 71*.

Slak 75

Slak 76

Flak 77

Filmed 1st frame

FT 4839*106



Various Slak FT

I./Hakregiment 12

8. Flakdivision

11 11 Wehrmeldeamt Bremen 1

Flakkaserne Leipzig Ost

Continued "

Ilak 1*6

Flak 83

flak Bk

Flak 85









Notes 7

Item of unknown provenance. Two files containing materialspertaining to the development of Flakartilleriet especially copiesof documents showing the part played by General Mdel in its develop-ment from 1915 on, compiled 19 2.

Item of unknown provenance. "Anlage 6 zu Lw. Gh. Kdo. 3Hr. 7179/38 g Kdos. Auswertung •Rfigen1 Eeft 6 e Flakartillerie,H

containing chiefly a discussion of the effectiveness of the coopera-tion of Flakartillerie and Flugmeldedienst, 193 .

Kacrpfgruppe "Broecker" file, containing a Kriegstagebuch forMarch and April 19 5* &s well as Gefechtsst&rken and lists of Waffen-ausstattungen for the same period.

Flakbrigade 19. (mot) folder, containing letter from the Brigade-arzt containing general instructions on sanitary matters in the units,complaints on the inadequate filling out of forms reaching him andspecial instructions pertaining to soldiers going on leave "back toGermany, November 19*&.

File containing material of various Flak units: report on theactivities of I. Flakbrigade (mot) in France from August 10, 19UU toAugust 20, 19 U, chiefly concerned with attacks of Maquis forces onGerman units; admonitions of the general in command of Gen. Kdo. III.Flakkorps (mot) to build better positions for Flak weapons; a Sammel-befehl concerning the necessity to increase the v/ork of the Hational-sozialistische Fuhrungsoffizier, especially in preventing soldiersfrom associating with foreign female workers, 19 H; a Tagesbefehl ofFlakbrigade 17 for July 13, 19 3 and the Divisionsbefehl Ur. 1 of the13. ilakdivision dated October 17, 19 1.

I./Flakregiment 12 file "Ueuaufstellungen," containing corre-spondence and organizational charts and lists for Flak batteries of3.7cnu and 2cm., 1937*

8. Flakdivision file containing "Taktischer Schnellbrief Hifr. UMassrtahmen gegen Jagdvorstflsse und Tiefangriffe im Heimatkriegsgebiet,11

April 19 .Wehrmeldeamt Bremen 1 file containing directives of the OKW

regulating the recruitment for the Reimstsflak, 19U3 - 19 .Flakkaserne Leipzig Ost file, containing reports on the numbers

of men passing through the camp daily, as well as general instructionsreaching the commander of the camp for his information. Among routineadministrative instructions there are telegrams informing him of thebreak of U6 HAF officers from the POW camp in Hohensalza, and a telegram

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Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes

11 11

Luftgaukommando VII, Bonder- Flak 88 3T U839S79beauftragter Dr. Werner

nakgruppe Dorsten, Hafc- ELak 89 FT 1*839918regiment U6

12 12 ELak 91 IT U8U0999

Elak 92 IT

ELak 93 FT

Hak 9!* IT

instructing him to intern politely "but firmly all Italian personnelin his area of command, 19 3*

Item of unknown provenance. lile of material pertaining toSlakwaffenhelferinnen: precise instructions on how to conduct theirdrill so that womanliness would "be preserved, their position in thechain of command of the oases on which they were stationed, and out-lines for talks to be given by the Mhrerinnen or by the National-sozialistische Ifthrungsoffizier on: "Die Irau im Wandel der Zeit;Prau und Beruf; Das Vferden des Seiches und unser Auftrag; Warum ffihrenwir diesen Krieg;" 19 - 19ty>.

lile of Dr. Werner, Sonderbeauftragter des HIM with Luftgau-kommando VII, containing material pertaining to the planned dischargeof all Luftwaffenhelfer born in 1926 during the early part ofand instruction arrangements for the Luftwaffenhelfer till then,

Ilakgruppe Dorsten, ELakregiment U6 file of correspondencepertaining to personnel of the ELakgruppe and to the equipment of theunit* as well as requests for further equipment and weapons,

SS ELakkommando Obersalzberg file, containing instructions onhow to cope with various enemy attacks: chemical warfare, paratroopers,mass attacks of low flying air-craft on camps or trains, as well assabotage attempts by British or Russian POW!s and escaped POV's oragents, 19 U. The file contains also a copy of "GB -USA Flakartilleriein der britischen Heimatluftverteidigung. Stand: Wai 19 *. Heraus-gegeben vom Luftwaffenfohrungsstab Ic/Iremde Luftwaffen Vest.11

SS Flakkommando Obersalzberg file, containing chiefly instructionson the defense of Berchtesgaden, for which the unit was responsible,reports on the condition of the personnel and the weapons of the unit,also a list of nurses suggested for the Ehrenzeichen(Medaille) fordeutsche Volkspflege, and an N.f.D. leaflet on the bravery of the Art.Reg. 299 at Witebsk, 19 U.

Item of unknown provenance. "Flakartilleristisches Studienbuch I,Ausbil dung ss tab der Hakartlllerieschule Rerik, 1. Juni 1939. n

Item of unknown provenance. Part of a file dealing with the court-martial of air-force personnel who had caused accidents through lowflying and the performing of stunts, 19 1.

Item of unknown provenance. Polder containing organizationalcharts for Hak units as a whole, and specific charts for light andheavy Hak units, 1935 *&& later, but no specific later dates given.

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Serial Roll Provenance

12 12 G-eneralluftzeugmeister,LC 6


Leichte Reserve Flak-batterie 14/XII

13 Flakregiment 25

l./gem. Flakabteilung

I./51akregiment 61

2./51akregiment 64

6./Flakregiment 64

Slak 100

Flak 101

Flakscheinwerfer Reserve Flak 106Abteilung

Reserve Slakscheinwerfer Slak 107Abteilurg 909

Flak 119

Flak 127

Flak 12g

Flak 129

Flak 130

Filmed 1st frame

FT 4841251

FT 4841267

FT 4S4128Q

Flak 103 FT 4841367

FT 4541381

FT 4841851

Flak 10S FT 484250U










Hotes 9

Generalluftzeugmeister, LC 6 file, containing statistics onplanes shot down "by German Flak during the period of May throughAugust 19*11.

Item of unknown provenance. Part of a folder dealing withsupply matters. "Besondere Anordnung f&r die Versorgung llr. 6,"issued "by 1. Flakbrigade (mot) Gruppe It, January 16, 19 5-

Item of unknown provenance. Hotetook containing nAntragezum Flakdivisionsbefehl," included in the LVK Befehle issued in theperiod of 19 0 - 191*3.

Part of a file of Leichte Reserve Jlakbatterie lU/XII contain-ing "Merkblatt ffir die Ausbildung; Richtlinien fur die Darchftthrungvon Flakart. Erkundungs- Aaftragen," and a "Merkblatt fi!ir das Aus-sparen von empfindlichen Anlagen beim Schiessen mit leichter Flakim Heimatkriegsgebiet, n 19 0, as well as one Regimentsbefehl ofFlakregiment llf for January 22, 19**5.

Flakscheinv/erfer Reserve Abteilung file, containing Merkblat-ter and Vorschriften on a variety of subjects: instructions on thefilling out and filing of forms pertaining to personnel and equipment,instructions on the prevention of sabotage and attacks on prisons andcamps in France, as well as instructions on steps to be taken in caseof chemical or gas attacks, 19 3 - 19U .

Reserve Hakscheinwerfer Abteilung file, containing "Hinweiseund Weisungen fflr die Ausbildung," "Taktische Bemerkungen," and Ab-teilungssonderbefehle intended to strengthen the morale of the unit,19 0 - 1941.

Flakregiment 25 Kriegstagebuch for the period from June 1940to March 1941, appended to which are daily orders for the same periodand a Decknamenliste for Flak units. The units main field of activityin this period was in France.

l./gem. Flakabteilung file, containing instructions on "Nacht-verteidigung der Stellung," August 1944.

I./Flakregiment 61 "Anlage l\Ir. VIII (offen) zum KriegstagebuchNr. 4," Hovember - December 1941.

I./Flakregiment 61 "Anlage Einsatzskizzen (s) und Karten z.K.T.B. Nr. 5," 1942, Russian front.

2,,/Flakregiment 64 Stellungsbuch for the period from June toAugust 1942, The unit was stationed in France.

6./Flakregiment 64 Stellungs-Akte Caen-Rots for the period ofAugust through JSTovember 1942.

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 10

1** lft.akgru.ppe Leipzig,Hakregiment 90 M

Hak 132 FT

rn.sk 133 FT

Hakregiment 300

15 15 Hak 135 FT

Luftnaehrichten Regiment 353 Hak 136 FT

Hak 137 ED

Hakregiment 501 (mot) Hat 138 IT

Hakregiment 131

Flakregiment 137

6./Gem. Flakabt. 166

Hakregiment 39

Hak FT

Hak 11*5 FT

Hak 139 FT i*gi*5697

Flak li*l FT l*Si*5776

Flakgruppe Leipzig, Flakregiinent 90 (v) file of Gruppenbefehlefor 19**3 - 19 -

Flakgruppe Leipzig, Hakregiment 90 (v) file of orders of variouskinds: Besichtigungs'befehle, Schiesstefehle and Tages"befelile for 19 *2 -

FLakregiment 300 file, containing correspondence in personnelmatters of the unit, toansfers, special leave, shipment of belongingsof transfeure'dsubunits and similar matters, 19 3»

Hakregiment 300 file, containing correspondence pertaining totraining and participation of members of the Flakregiment 300 invarious special trainicg programs, 19**3 - 19 «

Luftnachrichten Regiment 353 "Brief tagebuch Geheime Kommando-sachen, " 19UU - 19 *5.

Luftnachrichten Regiment 353 "Brief tagebuch Seheim, n January 1to April 12, 19 *5.

History of the Hakregiment 501 (mot) for the period from August1939 to February 19 3» while the unit was alternately stationed onthe Russian front and in France.

Flakregiment 501 (mot) file of Abschussmeldungen, planes shotdown "by the unit over French territory, 19 .

Hakregiment 131 Tagesbefehl number tyl*, containing informationon the subjects for which the OKW would grant leave of absence forsoldiers to complete their studies, November 1S42.

Hakregiment 137 file, containing a chart showing the personnelof the Stab of Flakregiment 137 (v), April 1, 191*5.

l./schw. Flakabteilung file, containing a report written byLt. Wolfgang Dietrich on the effectiveness of the Hakabteilung inaction and the effectiveness of the reporting system and the formsused for it, 19**3.

6. /Gem. Flakabt. 166 file "Gefechtsmeldungen, Gefechtsbericht,Abschussmeldungen, Melderaume fur Bombenabwurfe," containing chieflymaterial on the simplificption of forms for Abschussmeldungen, 19**3»

Special orders issued to ths Hakregiment 39 by the General derHakartillerie Sud, containing information on trials of deserters,explanations of the system according to which decorations were awarded,directives for the celebration of the Heldengedenktag, for behaviorduring the visits of civilian entertainment groups and similar generaldirectives pertaining to the behavior of the troops in Italy,

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 11

Hakgruppe Hamburg-lord, Hak 150Hakregiment 51

4./gem. Res. Flak-Abtei- Hak 151lung 295 (v);Reserve Flakabteilung 33^ Hak 152

Hakuntergruppe Palermo, Hak 153Hakregiment 334

16 Hakregiment 135 (mot) Hak

Hakabteilung 357 Hak 156

Hakgruppe Tunis Hak 157

Hakgruppe Dorsten,Hakregiment U

Reserve Hakabteilung 382 Flak 159

17 17 Lei. Hakabteilung 415 (v) Flak 163



FT USH6079




Flak 153 FT 481*7328


File of 3v/scnw» Hakabteilung 182, containing directives onthe preparation of Abschussmeldungen, 19 3 •

Flakgruppe Hamburg-No rd, Hakregiment 51 file, containing Grup-penbefehle pertaining to routine administrative matters of the unitas well as admonitions to take care of shoes by wearing wooden shoeswhen possible, also instructions on coming training programs for of-ficers and explanations of the policy of avrarding decorations, 1944 -1945.

Chart showing the position of the Flakabstellung Oorderen belong-ing to the 4. /gem. Res. Flak-Abteilung 295 (v)> n° date.

Reserve Hakabteilung 334 file, containing instructions for thework of the Bekleidungsverwalter, especially on how to preserve allequipment in good condition and economize on replacements, 19 0 - 19 1.

Flakuntergruppe Palermo, Hakregiment 33 file, containing dailyorders of the Flafciintergruppe concerning chiefly routine administrativematters, as v/ell as some information on the training program undertakenin the unit and on transfer of personnel, 19 2 - 19 3 •

Hakregiment 135 (mot) file, containing reports of minor misde-meanors and accidents in the unit, 19 1 - 19 .

Hakabteilung 357 file, containing reports on equipment receivedand equipment to be received by the various Untergruppen of the Hak-abteilung, 19l& - 19 5.

Hakgruppe Tunis file, containing Gruppenbefehle of this unitchiefly concerned with routine administrative matters, as well asspecial instructions on the proper storage of ammunition and repeatedprohibitions of bringing dogs and cats as pets into frontline positions,

Flakgruppe Dorsten, Hakregiment 4 file, containing special orderspertaining to the supply of new uniforms, special rations and the sup-ply of Merkbl&tter containing directives issued by the civilian author-ities. The file contains also Merkblatter giving the rates of payand the amount of support provided for the families of the members ofthe t'/ehrmacht, 19te -* 19l&.

Reserve Hakabteilung J82. file, containing orders on routinepromotions and transfers, as well as special directives on the ex-clusion of visitors not related to members of the unit and reports onminor misdemeanors of members of the unit, 19 2 - 19 .

Lei. Hakabteilung 1*1 5 (v) file, containing "Kampfanwei sung fflrleichte und mittlere Alarmflakeinheiten, n May

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Serial Roll Provenance Item lilmed 1st frame Notes 12

17 1? Schwere Ilakabteilung ^52 ELak 167

Gem. Ilakabteilung 1*97 (v) ELak 169


Hakuntergruppe Hafen,schw. Ilakabteilung

Ilakabteilung 812

Leichte Ilakabteilung 851

Ortskommandantur 1/872Aussenstelle Goes;Leichte Ilakabteilung

2./L.Res.Hak Abt. 931


Jlak 181 IT 1*8 7765

Hak 187 ^T

Hak 189 ^

Hak 19^ IT

Hak 195 IT

Hak 196 IT

Jlak 199, ITHak 200 IT

48 7771

8 7996

Hak 201 IT

I./schw. Hakabteilung 533 Hak 209 FT

Bad Saarow/Mark, Hakkaserne Hak 210 IT

? Hak 211 IT


Schwere RakaTateilung 52 file, containing At>teilungs"befehlechiefly concerning transfers and personnel matters of the unit inItaly, as well as special injunctions against independent leases andcontracts entered into "by various units with the Italian population,

(Jem. HakaMeilung 97 (v) file, containing Abteilungsbefehleconcerning food supplies, especially "bread rations, instructions onthe care of clothing and ammunition, obtaining of money orders andprohibitions against sale of food to the Irench population,

Flakuntergruppe Hafen, schw. Ilakabteilung 6*& file, containing"Richtlinien uber Binsatz, Kampffflhrung und Ausbildung von Hakschein-werfern 60 cm," 19 3« 3 Lr fur den Dienstgebrauch.

Ilakabteilung S12 file, containing instructions on precautionsto be taken in case of gas or other chemical warfare, 19 3 •

Leichte Ilakabteilung S l file, containing "Besondere Verwal-tungsanordnungen, " 19 3 - 19 «

Ortskommandantur 1/872 Aussenstelle Goes, Tagebuch for theperiod from November 19 *1 to December 19 3.

Leichte Ilakabteilung 911 file, containing Regimentstagesbefehle,pertaining to immediate administrative matters, as well as to generalmatters such as policy of promotions and decorations of personnel, andcare of vehicles and equipment in camp and while travelling, 19 .

2./L.Res.Hak Abt. 931 file " Sammelmappe fitr Batteriealbum, "containing instructions on the format and length of such Sammelmappen,

Item of unknown provenance., Pile "Stellungsbau s. Hak Allge-mein, " containing charts showing the distribution of Hak units andarmaments in the Leipzig area, no date.

Item of unknown provenance. Probably Kriegstagebuch of II T* ZugB.B. for the period from July 19 1 to December 19 .

I./ schw. Flakabteilung 533 copy of "Merkblatt fttr Abv;ehrf ragen, "prepared by Luftgaukommando XI, 19 1. Geheim.

Bad Saarow/Mark, Ilakkaserne file, containing copy of "Merkblattfar den linsatz ausl&ndischer Soldaten in der deutschen Luftwaffe.Ur. 3 Behandlung italienischer Soldaten," June 19 H»

Item of unknown provenance,, "Ver-Hak SajRmelband A (llaknach-richtenblatt 1-9 wod. Ver-Hak 1-13)" prepared by the Oberkommando derLuftwaffe, General der ilakwaffe, no date, Uur fflr den Dienstgebrauch.Duplicates omitted,

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Serial Roll Provenance

17-18 17-18 Leichte Flakabteilung 881 Flak 213

Filmed 1st frame

FT 1*81*8228


Notes 13

18 18 Schwere Flakabteilung1*55 (v)

19 Slieger AusbildungsRegiment 21

Flak 211*

Flak 215


20 20 Luftwaffenverwaltung saint LGK 2

Luftgaukommando III, Re- LGK 3gierungsinspektor d.B.Karl Noske

Luftnachrichten Abteilung LGK 5350










1*8 9879


1 50301




FT 1*850785

FT 1*850819

Flakabteilung 371 file, containing copies HP. 1-9 of "FlakNashrichtenblatt," issued "by the Oberbefehlshaber der LuftwaffeL. Inspektion der Flakartillerie, 191*0 - 19*42. Geheim. Duplicatesomitted.

Leichte Flakabteilung 881 file, containing copies of "Ver-ffigangen Erfahrungen und Richtlinien des General der Flakwaff e(Ver-Flak)" prepared "by the office of Der General der Flakwaff e(L. In. 1*), 19l*2 - 19l*l*. BIT fttr den Dienstgebraach. Duplicatesomitted.

Schwere Hafcabteilung 1*55 (v) copy of "Ver-Flak-IC" prepared"by the office of Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, General der Flakwaff e,?er-Flak filr Kommandeure , July 19!*!*. Geheim.

Item of unknown provenance. "Flakrichtlinien (Land),11 October-November 19^« Geheim.

Flieger Ausbildungs Regiment 21 file of "Tagesnachrichten, "concerning general news items to be used for information for thetroops and special strategic news to be used only for the informationof officers, September - November 191*0.

Eaftwaffenverwaltung saint file "HTbersichtliche Zusammenstellungdergesamten Anlagen der Luftwaffe im Bereich des L.G.K. II," 19l*2.

File of Regierungsinspektor d.B. Karl Noske, Oberzahlmeisterd.B. in Luftgaukoiamando III, containing his personal history formsand various instructions on the work of an Oberzahlmeister, 19!*! -


Luftnachrichten Abteilung 350 file, containing St&rkemeldungenof the Verwaltungsaussenstelle I*/ I II des Lg. Kdo. Ill Berlin - Staa-ken, 191*1*.

Luftnachrichten Abteilung 350 file, containing Verpflegungs-anordnungen der Luftwaffe, giving instructions on the number ofcalories necessary for average meals and the best way to make useof various foods, 19 *1* - 19l*5.

Luftnachrichten Abteilung 350 file, containing various in-structions on personnel matters: type of housing and provisionsprovided for Luftwaffenhelferinnen, construction projects to providenecessary housing for them, instructions on the amount of food mem-bers of the unit were allowed to take with them when going on leave,etc., 191*3 - 19 .

Luftnachrichten Abteilung 350 file, containing a copy of "Luft-waffen-Verordnungsblatt: Verfugungen des O.K.W. und Zus&tze des

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

20 20 Eiiegerabteilung der Luft- LGK 9 ^nachrichtenschule;

? LGK 10 FT

Luftgaukommando VII, Ic

21 21 Luftkreiskomraando 5, Mftnchen LGK

Luftkreismeteorologe Luft-kreiskommando V, M&nchen

LGK 15

LGK 16

Luftkreiskommando V

Luftamt Mttnchen



LGK 13 FT U851213



Luftgaumeteorologe, Luftgau LGK 17 FT U852061VII

LGK lg FT 4S52607

LGK 19 FT 1 52638


R.d.L. und O.IC.L. zu den Ifflhrerbefehlen und zu den Verfugungen desO.K.W. Einsatz-WehrmachtgebilhrnisgeBetz in der Fassung vom 1. Hovem-ber 19 »" giving rates of pay and family stipport for single andmarried men* The file contains also receipts of the cafeteria anda letter of the Unteroffizier in charge of it exonerating himself inadvance from all "blame for possible shortages of goods in it, 19HU.

Sliegerabteilung der Luftnachrichtenschule file, containingLuftgau-Verordnuig sbltttter for 19 1.

Item of unknown provenance. "Verwaltungsfragen 1939 » n prepared"by Luftgaukommando VII, IV a I/I and printed "by Druckerei Luftflotten-kommando 3» Mttnchen*

Luftgaukommando VII, Ic copy of "Teilnehmer-Verzeichnis desLuftgaukommandos VII." Hur fttr den Dienstgebrauch.

Luf tgaukomiriando VII copy of "Fernsprech-Teilnehmer-Verzeichnisdes Luftgaukoramandos VII, Stand Januar 19 4."

Item of unknov/n provenance. "Merkbuch ilber Bergung eigenerund feindlicher Flugzeuge, Gefangennahrae feindlicher Flieger und Fall-schirmjager," prepared by Luftgaukommando VII, 19*40.

Luftkreiskommando 5* M&nchen file, containing meteoroiOgicalreports for that area, 1936 - 1937.

Luftkreismeteorologe Luftkreiskommando V, Mttnchen file, contain-ing correspondence on courses for metereologists, meteorological mapsupplies and meteorological reports, 1936*

Luftkreismeteorologe Luf tkreiskommando V, Mttnchen file, contain-ing correspondence chiefly concerning meteorological instruments sup-plied to the office, 1936 - 1937.

File of Luftgaumeteorologe, Luftgau VII, containing correspond-ence on the supply of meteorological instruments to the variousmeteorological stations under the command of Luftgau VII, 19 2.

Luftkreiskommando V file, containing correspondence concerningopinions given by a member of the staff of the Luftkreiskommando onvarious juridical question^ advice to the relatives of a civilianinjured in a plane accident at the Luftkreis as to the demands tobe made on the insurance company, an opinion on the case of a workerdismissed, by the Hauptmunitionsanstalt and copies of contracts forthe lease of property for the Luftkreiskommando, 1936.

Luftamt Mdnchen file, containing mimeographed instruction sheets:nBegriffbestimmungen im Luftschutz, 19 4," "Uberwachung des Segelflug-betriebes, 1938," "flberwachung des Luftverkehrs, 193g»" &s well as a

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

22 22 Luftflottenkommando 3 LGK 2O

LGK 21

Luftgaukomroando VII, la W LGK 22

Luftgaukommando VII LGK 25

Abwicklungsstelle LGK 3!*Luftkreiskommando 5 Abt.IVa

Luftgaukommando VII

23 23

LGK 35,LGK 36,LGK 37,LGK 38,LGK 39,LGK i«DLGK Ul,LGK U2

LGK 1*



FT H852692

FT 1*852730

FT 1*852766






1*8533921*85 *288l*85l*70l*




FT ^855319



list of publications on aviation which were considered useful forthe instruction of young men interested in flying, compiled after1937.

Luftflottenkommando 3 copy of "Besondere Aalage ll* zum MobPlan (L) Bestimmungen fur die Srhaltung der Luftwaffe im Kriegszu-stand, Bestimmungen fftr den Gang des Personellen und l^ateriellenErsatzes im Kriege, Mob. Jahr 1939/ 0 Ausgabe vom 21.8»39."

Luftgaukommando VII file, containing instructions on theamount of interest to be paid by the Luftwaffe to owners of landbought by the Luftwaffe, as well as a report "Stand der Bauten imLuftgau VII, Stand 25.5.1939."

Luftgaukommando VII, la W file, containing meteorological re-ports, Abschussberichte and Flugzeugunfallmeldungen over Germany andone over Hungary. The weather reports are for the vicinity of Munich,

Luftgaukommando VII "Brieftagebuch No. 2 Geheime Kommandosachen.Begonnen am: 12. Fov. 19 3," entries until September 19 4.

Abwicklungsstelle Luftkreiskommando 5 Att. IV a file, contain-ing statistics of criminal court cases in the Luftwaffe for the years1936 - 1937» a^d an admonition to the officers to see to it that theincrease which had taken place in the number of criminal cases in1937 should not be repeated in the future, 193 .

Luftgaukommando VII Bauberichte for the period from April 1939to March 19*K)» containing reports on the construction carried out byprivate firms on behalf of the Luftwaffe, the amounts paid out tothem and periodic reports on the progress of the work. LGK 35 April1935; LCJK 36 May 1939; LGK 37 June 1939. LGK 38 November 1939;LGK 39 February 19 0; LGK UO March 19 0.

Items of unknown provenance. Two folders containing maps showingLuftwaffe positions in South West Germany, prepared in January 19 0.Geheime Kommandosache.

Item of unknown provenance. "Arbeitsunterlagen fttr den Nach-schub der Luftwaffe, Band 3, Heft lU Der Kunitionsnachschub, " pre-pared by the office of Der Luftzeugmeister, no date. Geheime Kom-mendosache.

B&stungskommando Augsburg file, containing reports on the con-struction of "EAB-Baracken11 by Seb. Lutz u. S8hne, 19 2.

Fliegerhorstkommandantur Ityritz Wetternebenstelle "Brieftage-buch geh,~ ue gKdos., begonnen am 1U.1.U2 Geschlossen 25.6. 3."

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 16

2lf Luftflottenintendant Dr. Ron- LGK k6 FT ^553^2de, Luftflottenkommando 3


Luftgaukommando VII LGK


Luftgaukommando VII, Ver-waltung

25 25 Luftgaukommando VII

Letter des Bauwes^ns imBereich des LGK VII


Luftflotteniatendant, Luft- LGK 50 FTgaukommando VII (?)

? LGK 51 FT

Kachrich tenbetriebslei tung, LGK 52 FT 1&55602Luftgaukommando VII

LGK 53 FT US55S27

LGK 55 FT U855S50




LGK 60 FT 1&56637

Brief tage"bach, "belonging probably to Dr. Eonde, Luftflotten-intendant of Liiftflottenkommando 3t for the period of June throughAugust 1939. For other files of Dr. Ronde see OKL 2667-2671; 2677.

Item of unknown provenance. "Literaturangaben fftr das Fachge-"biet Fernsprechwesen. n Ko date.

Luftgaukommando VII, Unterfcunftsvervaltung file, containing^tTborgalDeverhandlung" on the office equipment and files of the Luft-flottenintendant. Ho date.

Luftgaukommando VII file, containing Verordnungs'bla'tter of theLuftgaukommando for the period January to November 1939 •

Brieftagelmch (of fen) of Luftflottenintendant, proha^ly at-tached to working with Luftgaukommando VII, for the period from Octo-"ber through December 1939 •

Item of unknown provenance* "Geschftftsverteilungsplan desStaatsministeriums fttr Unterricht und Kultus, April 195 ."

File of the Hachrichtenbetriehsleitung Luftgaukommando VII,containing lists of personnel and their telephone numbers and requestsfor Carious kinds of telephone equipment, 19 -2 - 19^U.

Luftgaukommando VII file containing an Empfangschein for Kriegs-tagebtlcher and files sent by the General Koramando Fliegerkorps Tunisof the Luftgaukommando, as well as a list of the higher officersworking in and with the Luftgaukommando and their telephone numbers,

Luftgaukommando VII, Verwaltung collection of lectures given tothe members of the Ausbildungslehrgang filr Verw.-Beamte a.Kr. in Mftn-chen, at the end of 19*10.

Luftgaukomirando VII, Verwaltung copy of a collection of lecturesgiven to the Lehrg&nge fttr Leiter von Verwaltungsdienststellen beimLuftgaukommando VII Mdnchen, in May 1939 •

Luftgaukommando VII file containing correspondence concerningthe tranfer of teachers for the Luftwaffenhelfer of Innsbruck, 19 ,and two copies of "Befehl fttr die Durchftihrung von Bombenschulwerfenam B8hmer-Wall (6 km siidlich KLadrau), 5. 11.38."

Leiter des Bauwesens im Bereich des LGK VII file, containingplans, lists of material and progress reports on the construction ofa special airport in Salzburg, i9^U.

Item of unknown provenance. File containing reports on theconstructions undertaken by Yugoslav firms in Belgrad on factoriesproducing goods for the German army,

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Serial Roll

25 25


Luftgaunachrichtenregiment 7 LGK 6 -

1 LGK 65

26 26 Luftgaukommando VII, Abt.II b i*: LWH - Lehrl.

LGK 68

LGK 69

Luftkreiskommando 5» Gruppe V LGK 70

LGK 71

Luftf1o 11 enkommando 3»Luftflottenintendant

LGK 72

Hachrichtenbetriebsleitung, LGK 7U,Continued Luftgaukoramando 711 75»

Fil&ed 1st frame

FT 1*856657

Hotes 17

LGK 63 FT 1^56687














FT 1*858292FT **858375

Item of unknown provenance. "Gelindeorientierung - Gelande-beschreibungfGelandebeurteilung," prepared by Oberst Kruse, Lehr-gangsleiter an der Artillerieschule I Berlin." "Fachtrag III zuden Luftwaffenhelfer-Bestimcningen," prepared by Reichsminister derLuftfahrt und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe, July 19^3. "Verraterbingerichtet ... Tornisterschrift des Oberkomnandos der WehrmachtAbteilung Inland," 1939 - 19UO.

Item of unknown provenance. File containing a number of news-sheets: "Anstellungs-Nachrichten," prepared by the Reichsministeriumdes Innern, 1939; "Der Deutsche Vervaltungsbeamte - Nationalsoziali-stische Beamtenzeitung," published by the Hauptamt fiir Beamte, Berlin,19^0; "Frontnachrichtenblatt der Luftwaffe Hummer 1 vom 7. September1939."

Luftgaunachrichtenregiment 7» Kurierhefte: two for open mailand one for "Plane geh. u. d. Kdos.Nafii,» 19 2 - 19HU.

Item of unknovrn provenance. Copybooks containing referencenumbers of army regulations on a variet;/ of subjects, which arearranged alphabetically and the numbers of the relevant regulationare listed below each subject. No date.

Item of unknown provenance. Notebook "Merkblatter Luftangriffs-taktik," notes on the subject taken possibly during some course orlecture. No date.

Luftgaukommando VII, Abt. II b U: LWH - Lehrl. copy of "Luft-waffenhelfer (LW/-Helfer) mit Naohtragen," prepared by the officeof Reichsminister der Luftfahrt und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe,19 . Nur fdr den Dienstgebrauch.

Luftkreiskommando 5, Gruppe V, copy of "Die Luftwaffe, Militar-wissenschaftliche Aufsatzsammlung, 3- Jahrgang, Heft 1," preparedby Generalstab der Luftwaffe,3,Abteilung, 1938.

Item of unknown provenance. "Bestiiramingen fdr die Gliederung,Erganzung, Dienstverhaltnisse und Ausbildung der Offiziere des Beur-'laubtenstandes der Luftwaffe von 1. Januar 1937. Teil I-V."

File of Dr. Ronde, Luftflottenintendant with Luftflottenkom-mando 3» containing correspondence pertaining to the constructionof barracks for units of the Luftflotte, as well as copies of informa-tion leaflets on the availability of ra\* materials for constructionpublished and circulated R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., L.D.3. 1939*

File of Fachrichtenbetriebsleitung, Luftgaukommando VII, con-taining instructions on the handling of telephone and telegraph

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 18

26 26 Luftgaukoramando VII, Hach-richtenfilhrer


Hauptregistratur, Off. Abs.Stelle, Luftgaukommando VII





Der Soaderbeauftragte desHEM f .d. Einsatz von Luft-waffenhelfern (HJ) beim Luft-gaukommando VII a.d.D.





LG-K 92 FT 4860244

LGK 93 FT 1*860872

LGK 94 FT US60997

LGK 95 FT U8610S9

LGK 96 FT US61160Continued

communications of the Luftgau, 19 1 -Luftgaukommando VII, Nachrichtenftthrer file, containing reports

on the installation of private telephones in the homes of higherofficers connected with the Luftgaukommando, and the numbers assignedto them, 19 3 - 19 5.

Hauptregistratur, Off. Abs. Stelle, Luftgaukommando VII file,containing directives concerning the education of Luftwaffenhelfer,as well as correspondence on the necessity to supply suitable teachersboth for the Luftv/affenhelfer and Luftwaffen Lehrlinge. The filescontain also forms suggesting the transfer of numerous teachers fromvarious branches of the Wehrmacht to the bases in which they couldbe used to teach Luftwaffenhelfer, and lists submitted by variousschools in the district of teachers v/ho could or who could not bespared by the school for teaching at those bases, giving generalinsights into the form of selection and the quality of instruction,19U3 - 19 .

File of Hauptregistratur, Off. Abs. Stelle, Luftgaukommando VII,containing correspondence pertaining to the transfer of Luftwaffenhel-fer (HJ) to bases at which suitable accoiacodd&on and instruction canbe found, 19UU.

File of Hauptregistratur, Off. Abs. Stelle, Luftgaukommando VII,containing correspondence on and with Betreuungslehrer, who are incharge of organizing instruction of the Luftwaffenhelfer, as well assupervising their cultural activities and functioning as a kind ofliaison officer between the school administration and the army author-ities, 19 4.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte des BEM f ,d. Einsatz von Luftwaf-fenhelfern (HJ) beim Luftgaukommando VII a.d.D., containing correspond-ence on behalf of Luftwaffenhelfer wishing to be transferred eithercloser to their homes and schools, or wishing to be discharged fromthe Luftwaffenhelferdienst in order to enlist in the regular army orair-force, 19UU.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte des REM f.d. Einsatz von Luft-waffenhelfern (HJ) beim Luftgaukommando VII a.d.D., containing reportson his Dienstreisen during which he inspected the conditions underwhich Luftwaffenhelfer were employed at the various bases under thecommando of Luftgaukommando VII, 191&.

File of tha Sonderbeauftrfigte des HEM f.d. Einsatz von Luftwaf-fenhelfern (HJ) beira Luftgaukommanda VII a.d.D.» containing corre-

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes



Der Sonderbeauftragte desKM f.d, Einsatz von Luft-waffenhelfern (HJ) beim Luft-gaukommarido Til a.d.D.

LGIC 97 FT US61317

LGK 98,LGK 99



LGK 100 FT HS625U3

Luftgaukommando VII, Abt. LGK 101 FT US62683lib U: Lwh.-Lehrl.

Der Sonderbeauftragte desREM f.d. Einsatz von Luft-waffenhelfern (HJ) beim Luft-gaukommando VII a.d.D.

LGK 105 FT U362762


Hauptregistratur, Off. Abs. LGK 111Stelle, Luftgaukommando VII

Der Sonderbeauftragte des RUM LGK 109f.d. Einsatz von Luf twaffen -helfern j HJ) b. Luftgaukommando

FT U862S62


spondence on Luf twaf f emhelf er : chiefly complaints of parents aboutinadequate instruction given to their sons at army "bases, inadequatefood and care, ignorance and resulting illnes of the Luftwaffenhelfer,as well as reports from local teachers instructing Luftwaffenhelfer atair- force bases complaining about inadequate facilities, frequentabsences of their students and non-cooperation of the military author-ities, 19UU.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte des HEM f.d. Einsatz von Luft-waffenhelfern (HJ) beim Luftgaukommando VII a.d.D., containing cor-respondence on the relationship between the Reichsarbeitsdienst andthe Luftwaffenhelfer, chiefly complaining that the members of theRAD were receiving more consideration and better treatment at thehands of military authorities, 19 U.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte des REM f.d. Einsatz von Luft-waffenhelfern (HJ) beim Luftgaukommando VII a.d.D., containing cor-respondence on the teachers of the Luftwaffenhelfer, chiefly on theirquarrels with military authorities on the question of their specialrights as teachers, 19HU.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte des REM f.d. Einsatz von Luft-waffenhelfern (HJ) beim Luftgaukomraando VII a.d.D., containing reportson the teaching program for the Luftwaffenhelfer as it was set up in

File of Luftgaukommando VII, Abt. lib U: Lwh.-Lehrl., contain-ing correspondence and reports on the arrangements made for thestudies and practical experience of those Luftwaffenhelfer who hadeither been apprentices before being inducted or else had attendedtechnical training schools, 19UU - 19 5.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte des REM f.d. Sinsatz von Luft-waffenhelfern (HJ) beim Luftgaukommando VII a.d.D., containing cor-respondence pertaining to Luftwaffenhelfer and a report on the con-ditions of Luftwaffenhelfer in Luftgaukommando VII, written by aMajor im General stab, March 19 5-

File of the Hauptregistrabur, Off. Abs. Stelle, LuftgaukommandoVII, containing correspondence and special instructions on the treat-ment and special study program set up for the Hungarian and UkrainianSS Zflglinge who had been inducted as Luftwaffenhelfer, 19 5.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte des REM f.d. Einsatz von Luftwaf-fenhelfern (HJ) beim Luftgaukommaudo VII a.d.D., containing correspond-ence on the transfer, instruction and sUT>eni?ision of Luftwaffenhelfer,

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 20

30 30 D«r Sonderbeauftragte desKSM f.d. Einsatz von Luftwaffenhelfern (HJ) beimgaukommando VII a.d. D. LGK 116

LGK 122 FT


LGK 11Q, FT 1*863659LGIC IIS FT I*S63779

LGK 120 FT 1*863798

LGK 121 FT 1*863808



LGK 125 FT 1*363925

LGK 126, FT 1*863970LGK 129 FT 1*863973

LGK 128 FT 1*863978

as well as reports on Dienstreisen undertaken "by members of the staffof the Sonderbeauftragte and reports from the Betreuungslehrer, 19 U.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing general administrativecorrespondence pertaining to the Luftv/affenhelfer of LuftgaukommandoVII, 191*1*.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing correspondence withthe schools in Bavaria and the Bayr. Staatsministerium fftr Unterrichtund Kultus pertaining to the instruction of luftvaffenhelfer, 19 3 -19 U. The file contains also lists of students according to theiroriginal school and according to their classes in the Luftwaffenhel-ferunterricht.

Two files of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing directives onthe instruction, housing and treatment of Luftwaffenhelfer, as vrellas specific directions as to which school in each area is responsiblefor instruction at each tase, 19 3*

File of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing directives on theeducation of apprentices who were also acting as Luftwaffenhelferunder his jurisdiction, 19*&.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing further orders per-taining to the instruction of Luftwaffenhelfer as well as of Flak-V-Soldaten, who are to receive instruction along with the Luftwaffen-helfer, 191*5.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing correspondence with,and on "behalf of, parents of Luftwaffenhelfer who had been transferredso often that their education had been hopelessly disrupted, 19 H.

Two files of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing chiefly corre-spondence with schools who were supposed to send out teachersand supervise instruction at adjoining bases at which there wereLuf tv/af f enhel fer, 19 .

File of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing correspondence asin LGK 123-12U, as well as correspondence with teachers employed inteaching Luftwaffenhelfer, wishing to be transferred,191*U.

Two files of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing a notice oftransfer of Luftwaffenhelfer from Luftgaukommando XII to Luftgau-kommando VII, 19 .

File of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing material on theescape of Luftwaffenhelfer from Strassburg during the occupation ofStrassburg by the Allies, November

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Uotes 21

30 Der Sonderbeauftragte des LGK 130, FTREM f.d. Mnsatz von Luft- LGK 13 FTwaffenhelfern (HJ) beim Luft-gaukommando VII a.d.D. LGK 131, FT

LGK 132 FT

LGK 133 FT

LGK 136 FT

31 LGK 137 FT

LGK 138 FT

LGK 139 FT




LGK lU2, FTLGK lt'3 FT

Two files of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing the curriculumand a description of the facilities for the study of chemistry andphysics offered the Luftwaffenhelfer, 19UU.

Two files of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing correspondenceon the possibilities of further exemptions for teachers needed toteach in regular and Luftwaffenhelfer schools, 19 3*

File of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing correspondence andreports on the activities of the Betreuungslehrer of the Luftwaffen-helfer, those teachers whose task it was to organize the instructionsand the free time of the Luftwaifenhelfer on base, 19 4.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing correspondence con-cerning the supply of books and other instruction material for theLuftwaffenhelfer classes, 19UU.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing rules for the amountand timing of leave of the teachers of Luftwaffenhelfer, 19 -U

File of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing reports on the dif-ficulties encountered by the program of instruction for Luftwaffen-helfer by the teachers and principals in charge or organizing it,chiefly complaints about frequent transfer of the pupils and lack ofproper facilities for instruction at army bases, 19 .

File of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing reports on the cul-tural activities, concerts, libraries, plays and discussions availableto Luftwaffenhelfer, as well as complaints that these activities arenot adequate for the needs of adolescents, 19 .

File of the Sonderbeauftragte, containing correspondence withthe Sonderbeauftragte of Luftgaukommancio XII, as well as reports ofteachers instructing Luftvraffenhelfer of Luftgaukomrn^ndo VII on thedifficulties involved in reaching the units in which they had beenassigned to teach, 19 .

File of general correspondence of the Sonderbeauftragte as wellas letters of instruction to his Unterbeauftragte, who were usuallylocal teachers, responsible for the instruction of the Luftwaffen-helfer assigned to their school or area, 19 U.

Two files of the Sonderbeauftragte containing correspondencepertaining to the administrative changes resulting from the dissolu-tion of the administrative units of Luftgaukommando XII and the in-clusion of their function and much of their staff in LuftgaukommandoVII, April

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Der Sonderbeauftragte desREM f.d. Einsatz von Luft-waffennelfern (HJ) beimLuftgaukommando "VII a.d.D.

Item Filmed 1st frame



Notes 22


LGK VII Abt. II bLWH - Lehrl.;LS-Reiment


Luftgaunachrichten-Regt.,Luftgau VII


LGK 150 IT

LGK 151 FT

FT U865093

LG1C 156, FTLGK 157 FT

LGK 158, FTLGK 159 FT


File of the Sonderbeauftragte "Meldungen ilber gefallene undverwundete Luftwaffenhelfer (IJ),n 19 3 - 19 5.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte "Lehreinsatz in VFJirtteiaberg,M

containing lists of teachers employed in teaching the Luftwaffen-helfer in that area, their age and qualifications, 19 .

File of the Sonderbeauftragte containing correspondence onand with teachers desiring exemption from the draft, as well asthree copies of "Deutsche Wissenschaft, Srziehung und Voltebildung,Imtsblatt des Reichsministerium fdr Wissenschaft, Erziehung undVolksbildung und der Unterrichtsverwaltung der Lander,11 for May,October and November 19HU.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte containing mimeographed instruc-tions pertaining to Luftwaffenhelfer who failed in their studies intheir regular schools, as well as to the special arrangements to bemade in order to issue the various school-leaving certificates toivhich the Luftwaffenhelfer were entitled, 19UU.

File of the Sonderbeauftragte containing lists of his sub-ordinates, the Unterbeauftragten in the various schools, as well aslists of the Sonderbeauftragte attached to other Luftgaue and theirUnterbeauftragte, 19 4.

File of LGK VII Abt. II b H: LWH - Lehrl., containing "Rund-schreiben betr. berufstatige Luftwaffenhelfer,11 19 U.

LS-Regiment 7 file "Verlegungen," containing reports on themovements of the regiment in the vicinity of Munich, from December19 to April 19 5.

Item of unknown provenance. Folder "Ausbildungsrichtlinienund Ausbildungspl&ne filr die Ausbildung v. Werf thelferinnen," con-taining detailed instructions on the kind of personnel to be usedas teachers for the new \yomen workers, as well as a detailed planof instruction for the first month of their work, December 19 U -January 19 5*

Luftg&unaenrichten Regt., probably under Luftgaukommando VII,two files "Besoldungsangelegenheiten," containing lists of Luft-waffenhelferinnen and instructions as to the pay they were entitledto, December 19 U to January 19 5»

Luftgaunachrichten-Regt., two files containing correspondencepertaining to Luftnachrichtenhelferinnen, mostly concerned withtransfers, dismissals and pay,

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Fliegerdivision 7» MajorErhard

Luftflottenkommando 3»Regierungsrat Dr. Gfldel

Ten. a. a. Budai Federico,Ufficiale d'assisteaza delNucleo di Collegamento conla Luftwaffe presso ilLuftgaukoinmajtido VII;

Item Filmed 1st frame


Notes 23

LGK 172 FT U865379

LGK 176 FT

LGK 160 FT 1+S656SS

LOK 164, FT 4865723LGK 165, FTLGK 167 FT

LGK 169, FTLGK 171 FT


LGK 168 FT i*S6662S

LGK 170 FT 1*366670

LGK 166 FT US66710


File of Major Irhard of the Fliegerdivision 7, later in theGeneralstab der Luftwaffe 2. Abteilung, containing personal papersand photographs, mostly school certificates and notices of promotion,1Q19 - 19UU. More material on Major Erhard in RG 1028 OKL 2370;231*5; 2361; 28S9; 2S62; 2359; 2365; 23 9; 2365; 2367; 2g 7; 2S51;2852; 2S5 ; 2855; 2S56; 2S5S; 2SU6; 2SHg; 2gUU; 2S66; 2S63.

File of Regierungsrat Dr. Gfidel, Luftflottenfcommando 3» con-taining correspoa6.ence on forestry matters pertaining to the "buildingof airports and landing fields, 1937 - 1939.

Item of unknown provenance. File containing a list of all theoffices and sub-sections under the command of Luftgaukommando VIIand their telephone numbers, as well as a list of the officers work-ing in each unit or office and their home address and telephone num-bers, no date.

File of Ten. a.a. Budai Federico, Ufficiale d'assistenza delNucleo di Collegamento con la luftweffe presso il Luftgaukommando VII,containing instructions in German and Italian on the functions ofthe liaison officer for foreign soldiers attached to German units,March 19 5.

Three files of Federico Budai (see LGK 160) containing Germanand Italian correspondence pertaining to the function of Budai asliaison officer with Luftgaukommando VII, which consisted chieflyin tracing various members of the Italian armed forces who had beenattached to German units, supplying them with reading and propagandamaterial and giving the men information about their families in Italy,February - March 19 5.

Two files of Federicc Budai (see LGK 160) containing correspond-ence with Italian soldiers who had been incorporated into German units,chiefly requests for transfers, news of the families in Italy, aswell as request for books and new clothing, February - March 19 5»

Brieftagebuch of Ten. a.a. Budei Federico, Ufficisle dfassistanzadel Ifucleo di Collegamento con la Luftwaffe presso il Luftgaukomman-do VII, for the period January - March 19 5.

File of Federico Budai (see LGIC 168) containing lists of Italianarmy personnel attached to Luftgeukommando VII and units under itsdirect command, December 19 .

File of Federico Budai, (see LGK 16S) containing Dienstberichte,in German and Italian, on the condition of the Italians in the variousunits under the command of Luf t aukomirse.ndo VII, to which they had

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Ifotes 21*

32 32 Luftgaukommando VIII,Verwaltung

33 33




LGK 179 IT 1*866953


LGK 181* IT U867032

LGK 185,LGK 186

LGK 187

LGK 188








been attached, MarchThree files of Luftgaukommando VIII, Verwaltung "19 d 30,"

containing Verwaltungsbestimmungen for 19!*! - 19^3» LGK 180 for19i*l; LGK 181 for 191*2; LGK 182 for 191*3.

Luftgaukommando VIII, Verwaltung, file "11 b 1*1 Organisationder Luftwaffe: Bauverwaltung," containing correspondence and tele-grams on the transfer of personnel and personnel files from and tothe Bauleitung in that area, 19!***.

Luftgaukommando VIII, Verbaltung file, containing instructionson the steps to be taken to obtain the further deferment of personnelformerly deferred because of age and liable to be called up in April

Luftgaukommando VIII,Venialtung file "25 g 10 - persdnlicheVerh^ltnisse, 25 g 16 - Beamten Befflrderungen, 25 g 18 Beamte: Ver-setzungen, 25 1 - Beamte des Beurlaubten Standes, 25 f 22 - Ausbil-dung von Beamtenanwftrtern," 1939 - 19^«

Luftgaukomrcando VIII, Verwaltung file "B 26 c 10 - Angestellte:persdnliche Verhaltnisse. Irlasse u. Bestiflimuagen," 19^*0 - 19!* .

Luftgaukommando VIII, Verwaltung two files "26 e 16 11 d -Personalmassige Fberpr&fg. der Dienststellen, St&rkemeld. I - Meldgn.lib. ausiandisches Personal," 19****.

Luftgaukommando VIII, Verv/altung file "B 26 e 16 12- Ausbildungvon Anlernlingen ffir den Beruf der Bftrogehilf in," containing theofficial instructions on the employment of such BtLrogehilfinnen, 19!*!*.

Luftgaukommando VIII, Verwaltung file n3 26 e 16 lU," containingdirectives and correspondence on the recruitment, deferment, pay andworking conditions of the various kinds of Helferinnen recruited bythe Luftwaffe, (Luftnachrichtenhelferinnen, Ifetterdiensthelferinnen,Ilakhelferinnen, Stabshelferinnen, Sanitatshelferinnen, LSW. Helferin-nen), 191*3.

Luftgaukommando VIII, Verwaltung file "26 e 16 23 Luftwaffenhel-ferbestimmungen," containing general instructions on the special food.and rest periods to be accorded to the Luftwaffenhelfer, the desirabil-ity of continuing the organization of Luftwaffenhelfer according totheir original schools and classes. The file contains also instruc-tions on the Grusspflicht of Luftwaffenhelferirmen, 19^3»

Luftgaukommando VI11, Verwaltung file R3 26 e 21 Angestellte:Urlaub, Erlasse und Bestiminungen," chiefly referring to Urlaubsperren,191*2 -

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33 Luftgaukommando VIII,Verwal tung

35 35

Luf tgantkoromando VIII,Verwal tung

LGK 193 FT


LGX 195/1-3


196 3T

LGK 163 FT

Item Filmed 1st frame

LGH 191 FT

LGX 192/1-2




LGK 197 FT ^69935

LGK 192 FT US69957

LGK 199 FT 14S70031

Kotes 25

Luftgaukommando VIII, Verwal tung file "3 26 e 16 27 - Juden,"containing the instructions issued by S3 u. Polizeiftthrer in DistriktKraukau, concerning the conditions under which Jews were to be putto work on the installations of the Luftwaffe in that area, 19*43•

Luftgaukommando VIII, Verv/altung file "B 26 f 10 l-l O" and"B 26 f 10 151-2SO," containing instructions on the pay and workingconditions of teachers and workers in the technical fields of avia-tion employed by the Luftv/affe in its various schools, as well as thespecial pay to be accorded to soldiers employed in similar capacity,193S - 19140.

Luftgau-kommendo VIII, Verwaltung file containing correspondencepertaining to the civilian personnel of the Verwaltung, rates of payand taxation, official travel allowances, family support, etc., 1939 -

Luftgaukommando VIII, Verwaltung file "B 27 f 10 Arbeiter:Tarifordnung far Lohnempfanger - Irlasse und Bestimmungen; B 27 f 1Lehrlinge - Irlasse und Bestiinmungeii; B 27 f 13 Firmenarbeiter -Srlasse und Sestimmungenj B 27 f 12 Auslander - Brlasse und Bestim-mungen," 19Ul - 19^U.

Luftgaokommando VIII, Verv/altang file "B 27 f 10 1-1*37," con-taining mimeographed instructions on the pay of civilian and auxiliaryworkers attached to the Luftgaukommando VIII, 1938 - 19*UJ.

Luftgaukomiaando VIII, Verwaltung file, containing index to thefiles in 195/1-3.

Item of unknown provenance. Dienstanweisungen for Luftwaffen-personalamt, Generalinspekteur der Luftwaffe, as well as Gliederungder Hdheren Kommandobehdrden der Luftwaffe iro Kriege, giving theorganization of each of these sections and the sections directly sub-ordinate to them, no date.

Luftgaukomiaando VIII, Vervalturg file "31 c Fttrsorge," contain-ing instructions on new procedures to be followed by civilians travel-ling on official business of the Luftgaukommendo, 19 .

Luftgaukomraando VIII, Ven^ltung file "31 c 1§ F£Lrsorge, Wohl-falirtseinrichtungen, Genesungsheime, Erlasse und Bestimmungen," 19^0 -19*13.

Luftgaukommando VIII, Verwaltung file "B 31 c 19 10 lursorge:Verschickung von Frauen durch die BAF. Erlasse und Bestimmungen,"

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Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes 26

35 35 Luftgaukommando VIII,Verwaltung

LGK 200 FT

LGK 201 IT 4870091

Luftgaukommando VIII

LGX 202 PT '-IS70172

LGK 266 FT 4870177

LGK 270/ IT 4S702761-2

LGK 208 IT IJ870314

LGK 210 FT 4870599

LGK 218 FT 4870693

LGK 215 FT 4870704

Luftgaukommando VIII, Verwaltung file "B 31 c 19.33," containinginstructions on ths amount and quality of clothes and shoes to "beissued "by the Luftgaukommando to civilian employees,1942 - 19 3*

Luftgaukommando VIII, Verwaltung file "B 31 c 23 Jugendwohnheim -Brrichtung," containing instructions and regulations for the homes to"be set up for civilian voluntary workers under IS. The file containsalso instructions on the treatment of Polish and other east Europeanworkers, especially on the arrangements made for treatment of pregnantwomen and small children, 19 3*

Luftgaukommando VIII, Verwaltung file, containing a list of theAktenverzeichnis of the various files of the office, no date,

Item of unknown provenance. "Erl&uterungen zum Granderwerb,soweit es sich urn landw. genfltzte Grundstdcke handelt," probablydistributed in 1935» n° indication of who set up the instructions.

Item of unknown provenance. "Nachweisung fiber laufend zu zah-lende Mieten, P§chte, Steuern und andere Zahlungen It. Dauerbelege,"no date.

Luftgaukommando VIII file "63 s 12 Aslau, Ankauf des ges. Platz-gel&ndes; Brsatzle.ndankauf f. versch. Bauern in Aslau. Dr. WalterBOBBZRT, Aslau." The file contains correspondence and agreements onsale and rental of various pieces of land around Aslau, as well asthe protest and litigation proceedings of Walter Bobbert who had beendisinclined to sell or rent his land and house to the Luftv/affe, 19 2 -19 5» This file has been filmed as a sample of a large number offiles dealing with the purchase and rent of land and the houses onit by the Luftwaffe during the war years. This is the only folderin which concrete evidence of unwillingness on the part of the ownerto lease or sell his property was encountered.

Luftgaukommando VIII file "63 s 12 Mflckeridorf," containing cor-respondence with Major Mdcke and negotiations on the continuance ofthe lease granted the Luftwaffe of JIb'cke1 s property in Mfickendorf,193S - 191 0.

Luftgaukommando VIII file "63 s 12 Postelberg," containing cor-respondence on the acquisition of new land for the construction of anew air base in Postelberg, March 19 5«

Luftgaukommando VIIIfile "63 s 12," containing correspondenceconcerning the lease and purchase of lands for the construction ofthe airport in Fieder-ELlguth, 19 2 - 19*43.

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Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

35 35 Luftgaukoramando VIII LGK 229 IT 4870756

LGK 272, FTLGK 273, FTLGK 274, FTLGK 275, FTLGK 276 FTLGK 209 FT

36 36



LGK 277 FT 4871193

LGK 283 FT 4871199

LGK 284 FT 4871263

Luftgaukommando VIII file "Sagan-Kttpper Ausweichplatz," con-taining correspondence on the suggested acquisition of land for theconstruction of Luftwaffe installations, protests of the local Lan-desbauernschaft against these plans and the alternative plans forland purchases submitted "by the Landesbauernschaft, 1944. Files208, 210, 218, 215 & 229 were filmed as samples of about fifty filescontaining routine correspondence and agreements of landholders tocede lands to the Luftwaffe under various conditions. The sampleswere chosen either "because their dates seemed significant or "becausethey contained in addition to the routine correspondence some mate-rial of interest such as refusal of the owners, litigation or modifi-cation of original Luftwaffe procedure.

Luftgaukommando VIII, 5 Brief-Cuittungsbilcher "IV a 2 II geh.u. geh. Kods.," July 1938 - January 1944.

Luftgaukom/iando VIII file "63 a 10 II Abgabe von Hiegerhorstenan die Luftfahrtindustrie," containing correspondence and instructionsconcerning the firms which had been installed in rent free Luftwaffeinstallations, arrangements for insurance, care of the buildings»1943 - 1944.

Luftgaukomraando VIII folder, containing "Dienstanweisung furden Offizier (T3D) f&r Verwaltungsangelegenheiten beim Kdo. Flughafen-bereich," March 1945.

Luftgaukominando VIII file "3 26 n 11 Einsatz von Eitlerjungenim Ifankmessdienst," containing instructions for the treatment of theHJ in that division of the Luftwaffe, the regulations were identicalto those issued for Luftwaffenhelfer in general, 1944.

Luftgaukommando VIII file "Verwaltung A 8/9," containing listsof personnel of various sorts: "Verzeichnis der zum Waffendienstfreigegebenen ausgeschiedenen bzw. verstorbenen Cffz, TST (V) undBeamten," "Pers. Akten Res. Offz. TSD (V) bzw.Beamte d.B.," "Verzeich-nis der Waffentechnischen Beamten,n "Verzeichnis der PharmazeutischenBeamten," "Verzeichnis der Landwirtschaftlichen Beamten,ff "Verzeich-nis der Beamten des Justizdienstes," llTrerzeichnis der Beamten desFeuerschutzdienstes," "Verzeichnis der Beamten des Kraftfahrtechni-schen Dienstes," "Verzeichnis der Beamten des Nachrichtendienstes,"lists prepared at the end of 1944.

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Serial Roll Provenance

36 36 Luftgaukommando VIII

Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 28

Luftgaukommando XI


LGK 26S I'D 1&71293

LGK 26?

LGK 292 FT

LG-K 293 FT 1&72021


LGK 295 FT

LGK 296 FT 72550

LGK 310 FT

LGK 311 FT

LG-K 312 FT ij-S73*ao

Luftgaukommando VIII copy of "Einheitsaktenplan fftr den Bereichder Luftwaffe (Reichsluftfahrtministerium einschliesslich der unter-stellten Kommando- usw, Behflrden und Truppen),lf prepared "by Zentral-abteilung im Reichsluftfahrtministerium, published in Berlin, 1937-

Luftgaukommando VIII file, containing directives on the civilianemployees of the Luftgau "both within Germany and German occupied terri-tories, setting up procedures on pay, additional clothing to be issued,orders of merit and disciplinary measures, 19 0 - 19 3•

Iiuftgatikomroando XI copy of "Vfehrbetreuung im Luftgau XI," pre-pared "by Oberstleutnant Graubner, 19 0. Nur fiir den Dienstgebrauch.

Luftgaukommando XI file, containing correspondence pertainingto Auslander Ausweise for the Flemish workers of the Luftgau, as wellas samples of the Ausweise 19*&.

Luftgaukommando XI file "Richtlinien fiir Abschussbearbeitung,"containing instructions on the reports to be made on planes which hadbeen shot down, as well as instructions on how to deal with enemypersonnel captured as a result, March 19 5-

Luftgaukommando XI copy of "Richtlinien fftr die Ausbildung imKriege I Fliegertruppe (Land)," prepared by R.d.L. u. Ob.d.L., Chefdes Ausbildungswesens, Ausbildungsabteilung, 1939*

Luftgaukommando XII file, containing Luftgautagesbefehle Frs.15»18,19,2g, pertaining to routine administrative matters of the Luft-gau, March - May 19 3.

Luftgaukommando XII copy of "Anlage zu Lg. Kdo. XII, Quartier-meister Az. 19 c 11 Nr. 2SO/U3 g. Edos. Ib mob v. 11.10. Mob Haupt-liste des Luftgaukommandos XII (MHL XII) Heft 2: Flakartillerie Tell IPersonelle Belange 1939/ 3*1f Geheime Kommandosache.

Luftgaulcommando XII file, containing correspondence and instruc-tions on the treatment and conditions of employment of German andforeign voluntary Luftwaffe personnel, ss well as correspondence onIststSrken und W Terfahren in Luftgau XII, 19 3.

Luftgaukommando XII file, containing correspondence, chieflypertaining to discharge of disabled personnel and routine office ad-ministration matters, as well as a telegram copy of the special orderissued by Hitler in December 19UU concerning the command in unitswhich had been cut off - allowing subordinate members of the cut-offforce to take command if, unlike their superiors, they thought theunit could continue to fight, 19U3 - ~

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Slimed 1st frame Hotes

38 3S Annahme und Sntlassongstelle, LG-K 31 ITLuftgaukommando XII,

LGK 316 IT

39 39




Luftgaukornmando XII,Arbeitsstab Tunis

Luftgaukommando XII

LGKLGK 325,LGK 326LGK 328,LGK 330LGK 329

LGK 331


LGK 317 IT 14875057


LGK 319 IT 1*875257

LGK 321 IT 14S75561


LGK 332 IT 1*877528

Annahme und Entlassungstelle, See below See belowLuftgaukommando XII

LGK 333 IT US77632

File of the Annahrae und Sntlassungstelle, Luftgaukommando XII,containing correspondence and mimeographed directives on the dis-charge of disabled soldiers, as well as correspondence pertainingto the administrative functions of the A und E Stelle itself, 19 1.

lile of the Annahme und Entlassungstelle of Luftgaukommando XII,containing general correspondence pertaining to a variety of subjects:internal organization of the personnel of the A und 3 Stelle such asleave, transfers, air-raid shelters and air-raid duty etc., propa-ganda material prepared by the IfSIO, as well as questionnaires onthe effectiveness of the propaganda material published and broadcast.The folder contains also material on the personnel passing throughthe A und E Stelle and instructions on discharge and leave procedures,

A und E Stelle, Luftgaukommando XII file, containing materialon the training courses for the personnel of the Luftgaukommando ontransportation matters, January to March 19 5»

A und E Stelle, Luf tgaukoomando XII file, containing "BesondereAnweisungen fftr das Kraftfahrwesen, 19 - 19 5*

A und E Stelle, Luftgaukommando XII file, containing "BesondereAnweisungen fur das Kraftfahrwesen Ttfr. 1-27," 19 2.

A und E Stelle, Luftgaukommando XII file "Tages-Befehl vom1|. Januar 19 3 bis 4-. lebruar 19 Nr. 6 - S7 Hr. 1 - 8," containingdally instructions on the administrative matters of the unit.

Luftgaukommando XII, Arbeitsstab Tunis, three files of listsof German POlf ' s probably taken in TTorth Africa and transported toEnglish and American POW camps, 19*43 - 19 .

Two Brief tagebttcher of Luftgaukommando XII, Geheim, for theperiod from 19 July to March 19 4.

Luftgaukommando XII, Brieftagebuch, Geheime Kommandosache,for the period from July 19*40 to March 19 *4-.

Loftgaukommando XII file containing a copy of "Soldatenzei-tung des LG XII/XIII Hr. 17 Wiesbaden, 30. April 19Ul,» and a copyof "Beitrllge zur wehrgeistingen Mhrung der Truppen Hr. to/19HO.M

Luftgaukommando XII copy of "Wehrbetreuung, " prepared by Luft-gaukommando XII, XIII, Abteilung Ic Wb, 1941. Fur fftr den Dienstge-brauch.

A und E Stelle, Luftgaukommando XII, three files of pay listsfor April 19 1:"Buchungs- (Umbuchongs-) Anxveisung 9021 HM 20 Rpf. It. Geblhrnisliste I.

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 30

1*1 1*1 FliegerhorstkompanieRoth b. Hbg.

Luftgaukommando XIII

1*2 1*2

1*3 1*3 Luftgaukoramando XIIQu./Lg. Ing.

Luftgaukommando XVII

LGK 33!* FT 1*877723

LGK 335 FT 1*877826

LG-K 336 FT 1*877891

LGK 337 FT 1*877968

See "below

LGK 338LGK 339LGK 31*0LGK 31*1LGK 31*2LGK 3)43LGK 3**1*LGK 3U6

LGK 31*7

LGK 31*8






See below






Rate April 19!*! ftlr Zugeteilte der Ge"biihrnisliste der A.u.E. StelleLg. Kdo. XII/XIII.""Buchungs- (Um'buchungs-) Anweisung l*3l*0 EM 12 Rpf. Umbtichung des

Wehrsoldes der LV. Nachrichten Abt. 5.""Bu.ch-u.ngs- (UmTmchungs-) Amveisung 6773 BM lU Rpf. Umbuchung des

Wehrsoldes der Flaktransport-Batterie 1/122."Fliegerhorstkompanie Roth "b. Nbg. file, containing "Flak-

Einsatzbereitschaftsmeldungen im Mob-Fall," as well as charts anddiagrams showing the organization of the unit and the chain ofcommand within it. The file contains also some correspondence onproposed construction for the unit, 1938 - 19l*0»

Luftgaukomraando XIII copy of "Mob. Hauptliste des Luftgaukom-mandos XIII Mrnberg fiir Flieger- und Luftnachrichtentruppe Teil III:Verwaltungsbelange Mob. Jahr 1939/ *0 Anlage zu Luftgaukommando XIIIAz. 19 c 11 IV a Mob."

Luftgaukommando XIII files, containing Bauberichte showing theair bases and air-fields in the area of Luftgaukommando XIII, theconstruction of which had been completed during the period fromApril 1939 to March 19 0.April 1939;May 1939;June 1939;July 1939;August 1939;November 1939*First quarter of 19^40.

Luftgaukomnando XII - "S./Lg. Ing. file "Anweisung fflr eineEignungsprflfung neueinzustellender Lehrlinge in Lehrwerkstatten furLehrlingsausbildung im Bereich Lg.Kdo.XII - Qu./Lg. Ing. Wiesbaden,"no date.

Luftgaukoramando XVII, Yerwaltung, lists of documents destroyed,presumably by the Verwaltung office, 1939 - 19 -•

Luftgaukommando XVII, Vervraltung, lists of documents, presumablydestroyed by the Verwaltung office, 19l*5«

Luftgaukommando XVII, "Verwaltung file "Protektorat. Scheinan-lagen Eisenbahnrolleranlage etc. Einzelentschadigungen: ab Mrz 19U5auch Flak, Sudetengau, Schlesisch-Rost," containing chiefly correspond-ence pertaining to the Einzelentschadigungem 191*0. -

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Serial Roll Provenance

*43 3 Luftgaukommando XVII

Luftgaukommando 3 elgi enHo rdfrankr e i ch

Notes 31

Hughafenbereicii 22/XIBrflssel

Flakscheinwerfer ReserveAbteiltmg 308

Luf tgaukommando Belgien -Nordfrankreich

Lf.1* JliegerhorstkommandanturBeauvais


LGK 385 FT

LGK 1&9 IT *4830335

LGK 1*20 JT *48S0575

LGK 1421 IT **S80733

LGX 1*22 FT *4S80883

LGK *423 FT USS0915

LGK U25 JO? *4SS1166

LGK ^26 FT 1*3S1232

LGK *427 FT 14831285


frf 1*831 72Luf tgaukoinmando Westfrankreich LGK

LGK iftl FT

Kontrollinspektion Afrika LGK 3W4- FT ^381623

Luftgaiikommando XVII file, containing reports on construction,land appropriations for air-fields and repairs in Luftwaffe instal-lations* February to March 19 5»

Luftgaxikoimnando Belgien - Uordfrankreich file containing acollection of language instruction leaflets in English, French andDutch for the benefit of members of the Luftgaukommando takinglanguage courses, 19*41 - 19 2•

Luftgaukommando Belgien - Hordfrftnkreich file, containingLuftgautagesbefehle Nrs. 38 - 60 for 19**2 and Nrs. 1-10 for 19 3.

Luftgaukommando Belgien - Hordfrankreich file, containingLuftgautagesbefehle Nrs. 12 - 1*9 for 19*43 end UPS. 1-12 for 19 .

Luftgaukommando Belgien - llordfrankreich file, containing in-structions and lists indicating the pay scales of the soldiers andcivilians under the command of the Luftgau, 19*42.

Flughafenbereich 22/XIBj&ssel file "Kommando Befehle 19*40 -19*42," pertaining chiefly to the routine administrative matters ofthe unit.

Jlakscheinwerfer Reserve Abteilung 308 copy of "Das ABC desFlakstellungsbaues," prepared by the Feldluftgaukommando Belgien/Ifordfrankreich, April 19*-&. Geheim.

Luftgaukommando Belgien - Hordfrankreich copy of "Meldewegf*Lr Verluste und Besondere Vorkommnisse," prepared by Abteilung II bof this Luftgaukommando, 19*41. Fur fur den Dienstgebrauch.

Luftgaukommando Belgien - llordfrankreich copy of "Gasschutz-Merldxeft,11 prepared by Abt. la op 1 of this Luftgaukommando in 19te.•Bur filr den Dienstgebrauch.

Fliegerhorstkommandantur Beauvais file of Kommandanturbefehlefor 19 *4, containing routine administrative orders of the unit, aswell as some reports of the Bauleitungen apparently subordinate tothe Fliegerhorstkoramandantur, as well as lists of the local civilianemployees of the Iliegerhorst, 19*43 - 19*4*4.

Luftgaukommando Westfrankreich copy of "Sinzelweisungen furdie Liiftverteidigung im Bereich des Lg.ICdo.lfestfrankreich," preparedby Fiihrungsgruppe la of that Luftgau, September 19**1. "®wr f&r denDi en stgob rauch.

Luftgaukommando Westfrankreich file, containing Wachvorschriftfor the Hotel Continental in Paris, September 19*40.

Kontrollinspektion Afrika file, containing instructions on avariety of matters: the maintenance of aircraft and other similar

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes

Fliegerfflhrer Atlantik

Luftwaff enbau Ger&tezug7/XII



Kommandeur der Flakinstand- LGKsetzung 103/XII;General der Luftwaffe Paris, LGK I&8S t ab skompani e ;


General der Luftwaffe "beiItaluft


LGK 1*53


LGK )455










FT 1&82379

FT 14S32511.3

Luftgaukommando Westfrank- LGK 14-51 FT USS25S9reich





equipment in v/inter, the proper handling of French workers who hadabrogated their work contracts, coordination of air and ground forcesin large attacks, finally instructions on the shooting procedures tobe observed at the training air fields in France, 19 3 - 19UU.

Hiegerfuhrer Atlantik copy of "Nachrichtenanordnungen im Be-reich Fliegerfuhrer Atlantik, Teil A: Funkbetrieb; Teil C: Fernschr.-Betrieb," no date, after 19 2.

Luftwaffenbau Gerfitezug 7/XII file, containing Eegimentsbefehleof the Luftwaffen Bau-Regiment 2/VII and Tagesbefehle of the Luftgau-kommando Vfestfrankreich, 19 2 - 19 ,

Kommandeur der Flakinstandsetssung 103/XII file "Anordnungenffir die Versorgung," 19 1 - 19U4.

General der Luftwaffe Paris, Stabskompanie file containingKompaniebefehle for 19 3 - 19*1*4.

Item of unknown provenance. File containing "Befehle fflr dieVerwaltung," issued by the Luftgaukommando Westfr?nfcreich, Verwaltung,containing chiefly instructions on maintenance of equipment and onpersonnel matters, as well as instructions on pay rates of Russiancivilian workers, 19 .

Luftgaukommando Westfrankreich file, containing Tagesbefehlefor May 19 -1* chiefly concerned with administrative matters and re-ports of accidents occuring in the unit including attacks by Frenchmenon German soldiers.

Luftgaukommando Westfrankreich file, containing Tagesbefehlefor the period of January to May 19 1.

Luftgaukomiaaado Westfrankreich file, containing Tagesbefehlefor the period of May 19 1 to June 19 2.

Luftgaukoiainando Westfrankreich file, containing Tagesbefehlefor the period of August to December 19 2.

Luftgaukommando Westfrenkreich file, containing Tagesbefehlefor the period of October 19 2 to December 19 3.

General der Luftwaffe bei Italuft file, containing instructionson proper behavior of German soldiers towards Italian military andcivil authorities as well as towards Italian civilians in general.The file contains also "Richtlinien zur Durchfflhrung der Gefechtsaus-bildung," and a report on transportation by the Feldluf tzeuggruppeItalien, 19 2. Pictures of aircraft used for training in planeidentification have been omitted.

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Wehrmachtstand ortfilt e s terComiso

Baustelle Comiso

U9 U9

General der deutschenLuftwaffe in Rom

Kommar.do Flughaf e rib er e i ch9/VHI;Wetterwarte Algherc


Deutsche Luftwaffemissionin Rum&nien

Item Filmed 1st frame


LGK U60 FT U885U07

Notes 33









DLM 1 FT US377S9




Wehrmachtstandortaltester Comiso file, containing Standortbe-fehle for 19U2 - 19 3» pertaining especially to German-Italian re-lations and to the proper behavior of German soldiers and civilianpersonnel tovrards Italians and other foreigners with whom contactsmight have to be made in Italy.

Baustelle Gomiso file, containing reports on the progress madeby the Baustelle in the construction of roads and barracks. The filecontains also a Kommandobefehl of the General der deutschen Luftwaffein Italien pertaining to a variety of matters: physical training oftroops in Italy, foreign currency regulation, relative powers ofItalian and German military police and German civilian employees ofthe army, 19 3.

General der deutschen Luftwaffe in Rom file, containing TS-tig-keitsberichte of meteorological stations in various Italian cities,1QU2 - 191*3.

General der deutschen Luftwaffe in Rom file, containing Tatig-keitsberichte of meteorological stations in North Africa,

Kommando Flughafenbereich 9/VIII Brieftagebuch for

Wetterwarte Alghero Brieftagebucher for 19 2. U65 for openmail, U66 for geheime und. geheime Kommandosachen.

Brieftageb'ttcher of the following Wetterwarten in North Africafor 19*42 j Berca -w; Castel-Benito; Derna.

File of the Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Bumanien, containingreports on the progress of German troops around Odessa and the BlackSea front in general, as well as instructions on the proper organiza-tion of air comrmini cat ions between the Russian front and Rumania, ofwhich £he DLM had charge, 19 1.

DLM file, containing copies of reports of the Generalkommandodes IV. Fliegerkorps, Abteilung Ic on the operations undertaken bythe Fliegerkorps and copies of correspondence between the IV. Flie-gerkorps and the Rumanian Grosse Generalstab pertaining to co-ordina-tion of action between German and Rumanian forces* 19 1.

DLM file, containing reports on air attacks on Rumanian oilfields, the relative success of Rumanian flak and damages to oilfields as a result of air attacks, as well as correspondence pertain-ing to aircraft taken as booty in Yugoslavia and transferred to theRumanian air-force by the DIM; the file contains also monitors' re-ports on Russian communications on the Kiev front and organizational

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Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame ITotes




Deutsche Luftwaffenmissionin Humanien;Verbindungsstab OberstBassenge



Verbindungsstab CfberstBassenge;Verbindungsstelle desGeneralluftzeugmeistersin Rumanien

Deutsche Luftwaffenmissionin Ruma'nien


DLM 5/1DLM 5/2DLM 5/3DLM 5/4DLM 5/5DLM 5/6DLM 5/7DLM 5/8DEM 5/9DLM 9PLM 6

FT 4888420



DLM 10



FT 4892987

FT 4893006

FT 4893090

DLM 11,3LM 12,

FT 4893137FT 4393192

charts for the DLM, 194l - 1942.DLM file, containing correspondence pertaining to the coordina-

tion of German and Rumanian forces around Odessa, 194l.Verbindungsstab Oberst Bassenge files, containing information

on the activities of the armies around Odessa, Kiev and Leningrad,chiefly gathered directly "by Luftflottenkommando 4, Abtellting Ic,through air reconnaissance, as veil as reports issued by the Luft-flottenkommando Abteilung Ic on the general situation in Soviet Unionon the "basis of information supplied "by Russian POW's. The filescontain also reports on air activity over Rumanian oil fields andsome correspondence oo the coordination of Rumanian and German troopson the Russian front, 194l.

Verbindungsstab Oberst Bassenge file, containing correspondenceon a number of minor matters: rent for the building in which theStab had its headquarters, copies of letters of congratulation andcondolence written by Bassenge and inquiries on the procedure to befollowed in the matter of decorations for Rumanian officers attachedto the German army. Of greater importance is a letter advisingGeneral loanitiu to send all requests and correspondence directlyto Bassenge to avoid delay and coordinate German-Rumanian action,1941.

Folder of unknown provenance, containing a report on the dis-cussion with General Enescu on the transfer of Rumanian air-forceunits to the Eastern front held on June 5 (19 -2 ?) as well as somemaps showing mineral mines in Rumanian and Yugoslav territory anda personnel list of the Luftnachrichtenzug beim Gefechtsverband S&d,1942.

Verbindungsstab Oberst Bassenge file, containing Lageberichtedes Generalkommandos des IV. Fliegerkorps for October 194l.

Verbindungsstelle des Generalluftzeugmeisters in Rura&nien file,containing copies of a suggested agreement between the Reichsministerder Luftfahrt und Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe and the K8niglicheRumanische Landesverteidigur.gsmi.nisterium, Tint erstaatssokre tar iatfltlr Luftfahrt, pertaining to the reorganization of the Rumanian air-force along German lines, with German help, May 1941 *

Two files of the Deutsche Luft-waffeiiinission in Ruuanien "Unter-lagen fflr neues Orientierungsheft 'Eomanien' 1942," containing

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 35

53 53 Verbindungskommando der Luft- DLM 13waffe zur rumflnischen Luftwaffe

Befehlshaber der deutschenContinued Luftwaffe in Rumanien

DLM 18

DLM 21

DLM 22

DLM 23

IT U893283

54 Verbindungsstelle des General- DLM lU FTluftzeugmeisters in Rumanien(GL Verbindungsstelle)

DLM 15 FT 4893617

ELM 16 FT 4893634

DLM 1? FT 4893783

FT 4893844

FT 4893919





of Rumanian air fields, air craft production, maintenance facil-ities and organizational charts of the Rumanian air-force.

Verbindungskommando der Luftwaffe zur rumanischen Luftwaffefile "Angaben fiber Einsatz der rura. Luftwaffe im Ostraum," con-taining organizational charts of the Rumanian air-force units onthe Eastern front, Rumanian communications and supply units andlists of Oerman-Rumanian Verbindungskoimnandos, 19 2.

Verbindungsstelle des G-eneralluftzeugmeisters in Rumanienfile, containing copies of documents pertaining to the organiza-tion of Rumanian war industry, with special emphasis on the air-craft and munitions factories 1935 - 19 1» as well as appraisalsof the character and political opinions of the chief owners andtechnical advisors of these industries, compiled for the new chiefof the Verbindungsstelle Stabsing. Gruber in 19 1.

Verbindungsstelle des Generalluftzeugmeisters in Rumanien(GL Terbindungsstelle Rumanien) file, containing a list and a mapshowing the proper routes and air ports to be used by communica-tions planes, 19 1.

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing copies ofcontracts between various German agencies in Rumania and Rumanianindustries and railways pertaining to the procurement of munitionsand oil and their transportation, 19 1.

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing lists ofGerman orders from Rumanian firms and the probable delivery datein 19 2, as well as copies of correspondence and contracts pertain-ing to these orders, 19*42.

Gl. Verbingungsstelle Rumanien file "Bestimmungen iSlber Flug-betrieb u. Luftverteidigung," 19 2.

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien copy of "Ausnutzung der In-dustrie des europ. Auslendes fur die deutsche LuftwaffenrlistungStand: 31«3-^2,lf prepared by the Generalluftzeugmeister Planungs-amt. Geheim.

Probably file of the Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien, con-taining correspondence and copies of contracts pertaining chieflyto the delivery from Germany to Rumania of necessary spare partsand machinery for Rumanian war industries, 19 1 - 19 3.

Befehlshaber der deutschen Luftwaffe in Rumanien file"Liberator III amerik. Beuteflugzeug," containing correspondence

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Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 36

5** Crl. VerbindungsstelleBumanien

DLM 2**

Deutsche Luftwaffenmission DLM 26in Rumanien, VerbindungsstabOberst Bassenge

Gl. VerbindungsstelleRumanien

55 55

56 56

57 57

Corfc inued

ELM 31/1ELM 31/2

DLM 37ELK 32DLM 1*2



ELM 28 FT 1*89 697



DLM 3!* FT 1*896051

DLM 35 FT H896521

DLM 36 FT US97035



on the transfer of the Liberator III, shot down over Rumanian territory,to Germany for testing, as well as a report on its operation, 19 3»

Gl, Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing correspondencepertaining to the exchange of personnel between German and Rumanianindustry: Rumanians going to Germany to learn and Germans coming toRumania to instruct workers on air craft construction and repairs,as well as reports on the progress made by the Rumanian air-forcein training fighter and general combat pilots, 19 **.

Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Rumanien, Verbindungsstab OberstBassenge file, containing copies of reports of the GeneralkommandoIV. Fliegerkorps Abteilung Ic on the combat situation on the Russianfront, as well as "Feindnachrichtenblfitter" containing informationsupplied by V-Manner on the situation behind Russian lines, 19*41.

Gl,. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing correspondenceand reports on production of air-craft in Rumanian factories, probabledelivery dates of air-craft at the front and lists of spare parts tobe imported from Germany, 19 2.

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien two files of Gehsimsachen con-taining copies of agreements between the Verbindungsstelle and theA.S.A.M. (Administratia Comerciala A Stabilimentalor Industriale aleAeronauticei Si Marinei Regale), reports on the efficiency of Front-reparaturbetriebe in Rumania, correspondence on Rumanian industry androutine administrative matters of the Verbindungsstelle, 19 1 - 19 .

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing correspondencepertaining to the delivery and servicing of German planes DO 17, Fi 156,Fw 58, He 111 and Ju 52 in Rumania, 19 4.

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing correspondenceon the equipment to be supplied to the Rumanian air-force by Germanyespecially planes and spare parts for planes, 19 4.

Gl. Verbindungssfrelle Rumanien file, containing correspondenceon the supply of spare parts for airplanes and expert mechanics forthe Rumanian air-force to be sent from Germany, 19 3-

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing correspondencepertaining to the delivery of spare parts for planes, possible on thespot alterations to be done on Rumanian planes by German experts andnegotiations on the working conditions of the German personnel inRumania, 19 2 - 19 .

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing correspondence

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Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 37

58 58Gl. VerbindungsstelleRumSnien

59 59 Deutsche Luftwaffenmissionin Eumanien

Gl. Verbindu.%-sstelleRumanien

60 60 Deutsche Luftwaffenmissionin Rom&nien

Gl. VerbindungsstelleRoma1 ni en

DLM 1*1*DLM 1*5DLM 1*7DLM *I8DLM 53

DLM 1*9

DLM 50

DLM 55

DLM 56,DLM 57

DLM 58

DLM 61

ELM 63

DLM 61*

DLM 65

FTFT 1*S9S691FT 1*898838FT US99218FT 1*8991*01

FT 1*8999 *6

FT 1*90031*9

pertaining to the needs of the Rumanian air-force for chemicalsand spare parts for airplane production and servicing,





FT 1*90171*8

FT 901951


FT 1*902782

FT 1*903021

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Som&nien file, containing correspond-ence pertaining to the request of the Rumanian air-force forspare parts from German factories and provisions for payment madethrough the Verbindungsstelle, 19 1 - 19*42.

Grl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing correspond-ence pertaining to the "building and maintenance of Luftschrauben-anlagen in Rumania, 191*2 - 19 1*5.

Deutsche Luftv/affenmission in Rom&nien file, containingcorrespondence on the faulty material reaching the Rumanian air-force and Erfahrungsberichte on safety equipment in aircraft,191*3 - 19l*U.

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rum&nien file, containing correspond-ence pertaining to the granting of licenses to Rumanian manufac-turers to produce German aeronautical equipment, 19 *2 - 19 1*.

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumflnien file, containing correspond-ence of the Verbindangsstelle with various firms concerningdelivery dates on equipment manufactured by these firms for theRumanien air- force, 19l*l*»

Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Ruma'nien file, containingcorrespondence pertaining to experiment s made by the Rumanianair-force, in cooperation with Germany, in devising new armamentsand safety measures for planes, 19 *2 - 19**!*.

Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Ruma'nien file, containingcorrespondence pertaining to the necessary modifications andrepairs to be undertaken by German experts in Rumania on theGerman equipment supplied to the Rumanian air- force, 19l*U.

Gl. Verbindungsstelle RumSnien file, containing correspond-ence on the supply of meteorological equipment from Germany toRumania, 19 *2 - 19!*!*.

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing correspond-ence on the supply of lubricating oils from Germany to the Rumanianair- force and navy and the opposition of Germany to the export ofRumanian oil to Sweden, 19 2 - 19!*!*.

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing reports andcorrespondence pertaining to German firms desiring to exploitRumanian bauxite and aluminum resources, 19 *3 •

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01. VerbindungsstelleRumanien

62 62

DLM 6?

DLM 68

DIM 76

Gl. VerbindungsstelleRumS.nl en

DLM 79

DLM 83

filmed 1st frame

FT 903311*

FT 1*903855

FT 1*901*398

FT 1*901*553

ELM 78 FT U905007

FT 1*905018

FT 905203

DLM 88 FT 1*9053!*!

DLM 96 FT 1*905509

Notes 38

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing correspondencewith Rumanian firms producing parts used in the aircraft industry ontheir requests for materials from Germany, 191*2 - 19 .

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file of reports on the- Rumanianaircraft and spare parts industry, with appraisals of the individualcompanies involved, 19**3»

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing lists of planesreceived from Germany by Rumania during the period from January 19 3to May 19l*l*.

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing lists of areasdesignated by the Rumanian government as out of bounds to all air-planes* suggestions for the improvement of armaments in airplanessubmitted by Rumanian engineers and correspondence pertaining toFrontreparaturbetriebe and administrative coordination of Rumanianand German personnel, 19 2 - 19l*3.

Item of unkown provenance. File containing instructions onthe proper channels of command for the technical personnel of theLuftwaffe in Iferftabteilungen and Werftkommandos and the proper wayof reporting serious accidents to German planes caused by otherthan enemy action, 19!***.

Gl. Verbindungsstslle Rum&nien file, containing miscellaneouscorrespondence of Stabsing. Gniber on private matters, instructionson the behavior of Stabshelferinnen and Luftnachrichtenhelferinnenin Rumania, leaflets issued after the 20th July attempt on Hitler'slife and a leaflet "Kitteilungen fdr die Truppe" trying to counteractRussian propaganda, 19*&*

Gl. Verbindungsstelle RumSnien file, "Organisation InnererDienst," containing instructions on the organization of the unitsengaged in servicing planes in Rumania as v/ell as those engaged inclerical and communications work, 19!*.

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing correspondencepertaining to the financing and supply of spare parts and materialsfor the German aircraft repair shops in Rumania and complaints onthe dilatory fashion in which the Rumanian government dealt out bothmoney and materials, 19 3 - 19 -

Gl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing mimeographedcopies of the reports of the Wehrwirtschaftoffizier Rumanien: "Diewehrwirtschaftliche Lage Rumaniens," for the period from February toDecember 19 *2.

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Gl. ?erb indun§e«tell eRumanien

Item Filmed 1st frame

DIM 101 IT 9056 7

Notes 39

Grl. Verbindungsstelle Rumanien file, containing correspond-ence and copies of agreements with Rumanian firms engaged in theoil industry concerning the supply of oil and oil products tothe German air force and navy, 19 1 -

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Price List for German Air Force Records: Luftgaukommandos, Flak,Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Rumanian

National Archives Iwicrocopy No. T-4-05

Microfilm copies of one or more rolls of the microfilm may be purchased at the prices listed below. The prices are based on a chargeof 8 cents for each foot of microfilm, with all prices rounded off to the nearest dollar. A 10-percent discount is given on orders for morethan $1,000 and a 15-percent discount on orders for more than $3,000.

Checks or money orders for microfilm should accompany the order. They should be made payable to the General Services Administration(NNSE) and should be sent to the National Archives, Washington 25, D. G. Persons ordering microfilm from outside the United States or itspossessions should make their remittance by international money order or check drawn in United States dollars on a bank in the United Statesand payable to the General Services Administration (N1JSE). Each order should specify the microcopy number (T-405), the roll number or numbers,and the price.











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