Guidelines on Advanced metering infrastructure Discussion

Guidelines on Advanced metering infrastructure Discussion

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Page 1: Guidelines on Advanced metering infrastructure Discussion

Guidelines on Advanced

metering infrastructure


Page 2: Guidelines on Advanced metering infrastructure Discussion

The Smart Grid Strategic Planning Process

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Proposed SASGI Smart Grid Vision for South Africa

An economically evolved, technology enabled, electricity system that is intelligent,

interactive, flexible and efficient and will enable South Africa’s energy use to be

sustainable for future generations.

Clarity is provided on the meaning of certain of the words in the vision statement below.

Economically Evolved – affordable electricity system that meets the growing needs of the


Technology enabled – fit for purpose ICT, processes, sensors, systems and applications

Intelligent – from data to knowledge

Interactive – ability to monitor, control and manage using two way communications

throughout the complete value chain

Flexible – appropriate, scalable and adaptable based on common standards

Electricity system – the complete value chain of all interconnected equipment and

components from generation to end use

Sustainable – optimised and affordable from environmental and economic perspectives


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Coherent Tactical plans in support of the Utility Vision

Vision and Strategy

Level of service

Customer service


HR PLan ICT PLan Asset

MGT Plan Financial


Marketing Plan

Operational Plans









Tactical Plans

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Scope of Utility change

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Utility Change Considerations

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Smart Grid Transformation Framework


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5 evolutionary steps to achieving the Smart Grid

Step 1: Intelligent device infrastructure

AMI, or Smart meters Distribution automation devices Demand response devices Substation IED controllers

Step 2: Communications infrastructure

Enterprise communications system for rapid and accurate transmission of data Integration of fibre and mesh broadband networks

Step 3 : Integration

Corporate IT systems integrated to allow rapid processing of Data Open architecture based design to facilitate sharing of information

Step 4: Analytical infrastructure

Development of new data analysis capabilities Increased ability to display information (in form of dashboards)

Step 5 : Optimisation

Capability of real-time optimisation of the distribution network performance Decisions based on near real-time information, no longer only historical data





Accelerated by DoE-EU donor funding

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The Smart Grid Communication Physical Architecture

Key Point: The smartening of the electricity system is an evolutionary process and not a one time event

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Telecommunications, the smart utility nervous system

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Telecommunications – The Delivery of Data

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The Telecommunications Grand Challenge

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Smart Grid Telecommunication requirements guidelines

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Important Aspects for designing of a Telecommunications strategy

Budget constraints and time frames

Applications/services required to run on the network

Bandwidth estimate of each application/service per user

Number of users to be connected on the network

Number of locations and users in that locations

Centralised vs. decentralised server architecture

Incase of centralized architecture, main and backup centres

Backbone media selection

– Wire vs. wireless

– OFC vs. copper

– Buried vs. overhead

– Own vs. lease

Last mile media selection

– Wire vs. wireless

– Own vs. VPN

Right of way availability

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An opportunity exist to develop/amend an

Advanced metering Infrastructure guideline for

the Industry

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Current situation

Several metros and Eskom have began

implementing smart metering projects in the

absence of a national guideline/standard

NRS049 standard is in draft and does not cover

all aspects when compared to what is being

done in other countries

NRS has not effectively dealt with AMI security

and customer privacy issues

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Ideal situation

To modify/develop a national guideline/standard

that will allow utilities in South Africa to converge

in the way smart metering is rolled out in South


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SASGI to develop a guideline to assist the

industry smart meter roll out

This is to be achieved by doing a comprehensive

literature review of what has been done

internationally and adapting it to our local


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Guidelines on Advanced Metering infrastructure: Electricity Authority New


Advanced metering system

Specific AMI system requirements

Terms, conditions and pricing


Measurement data recoding

Changes to firmware via communications systems

Meter reading

Management of load control

– Management of existing hot water loads

– Management of general demand response

– Management of additional load control potential

Data security

– Access

– Storage

– Transportation

Provision for the HAN interface

Provision for customer displays

Premises disconnection and reconnections


Parameter setting

Event log recoding

Multiple load control systems


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AMI security Requirements

General system description

– Use cases

– Billing

– Customer

– Distribution system

– Installation

– System

System context

System constraints

Security states and modes

Security objectives

User characteristics

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AMI security Requirements System security requirements

– Primary security services

– Confidentiality and privacy

– Integrity

– Availability

– Identification

– Authentication

– Authorisation

– Non repudiation

– accounting\

– Supporting security services

– Anomaly detection services

– Boundary services

– Cryptographic services

– Notification and signalling services

– Resource management services

– Trust and certification services

– Assurance

– Development rigor

– Organisational rigor

– Handling operation rigor

– Accountability

– Access control

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If smart metering efforts are not done to some

sort of industry standard, than we could end up

with a number of project failures.

Smart metering could end up with a bad name

which could increase customer resistance to the


Large number of reported failures stem from

poorly addressing the telecommunications and

back office integration aspects

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Representative SG Standards







SAE J2293

SAE J2836

SAE J2847

IEEE P2030




IEC 61850


Distributed Energy


IEC 61400-25

IEEE 1547

Commercial user

Residential user PHEV

Wind farm

IEC 61850-7-420





3G/4G Cellular


Wide Area Network

Home Area Network

Neighbour Area Network


Cellular Wi-Fi



IEC 61850


CIM Control center

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The IT Battleground

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Example of AMI deployment

Source: Black and Veatch

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Way forward

Technology and Standards work group to review

international work and develop a guideline for

the South African industry

Participate in formalising the NRS 049 standard

Review of SA grid code

Development of customer code

Review of Distribution system operator code

Smart meter installation practice code

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These guidelines set out recommendations relating to the

introduction of new technology for metering and the

supporting infrastructure.

The guidelines also outline participants’ obligations for

situations where new meters are installed for new and

existing consumers.

The advanced metering guidelines are not legally

binding, rather are intended to be advisory.

In line with its objective to persuade and promote rather

than regulate, SASGI recommends that the guidelines be


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