Guidelines for the Study Visit Report 1. Objectives of the Study Visit Report: a) It will allow the hosting partner and participating project partners to give feedback on the study visit (projects and challenges presented, discussion between project partners etc.) and to keep track of their initial objectives for each visit. b) It will allow project partners who have not attended the study visit to better understand the practices and challenges of the hosting partner. This is necessary for the transferability of the identified good practices. c) It will allow for the identification of good practices and the compilation of data and information for the final “transnational best of document”. Indeed, the identification of good practices is based on a bottom-up approach, a peer review by partners through study visits. Questionnaires are thus the main element for the identification of good practices Therefore, the information provided in the Study Visit Report should be precise and detailed, keeping in mind that partners not having attended the study visit should be able to understand the practices and challenges as well. 2. Methodology - The Study Visit Report is to be drafted by the host partner(s) after each visit - It should be sent to the Lead Partner ([email protected] and [email protected]) and to the ARC ([email protected] and [email protected]). - It shall be accompanied by: o A documented report on media impact: A copy of the press releases issued on the occasion (in English and in the initial languages) The press occurrences (copy of articles whenever possible) Check the website as well, as some are available o The electronic files of all the presentations made during the meeting (Check the website as well) o Photos and videos (on the website as well) o Details of all attendees (from outside the D-AIR partnership.) 3. What is the size of my study visit report? There is no definitive rule on the size of the study visit report, but we advise you to keep it simple. Ideally the answer to each question should be around one paragraph (5-10 lines maximum) and provide detailed information, including quantitative data, where available, on the measures presented. In addition to this detailed information, website links can be included for the interesting measures, for partners wishing to get more information. 4. When shall I submit my study visit report? Our advice is that you draft the report immediately after the study visit, and submit it as soon as possible. The first reason is that it will make your work easier: our experience is

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Guidelines for the Study Visit Report

1. Objectives of the Study Visit Report:

a) It will allow the hosting partner and participating project partners to give

feedback on the study visit (projects and challenges presented, discussion

between project partners etc.) and to keep track of their initial objectives for

each visit.

b) It will allow project partners who have not attended the study visit to better

understand the practices and challenges of the hosting partner. This is

necessary for the transferability of the identified good practices.

c) It will allow for the identification of good practices and the compilation of data

and information for the final “transnational best of document”. Indeed, the

identification of good practices is based on a bottom-up approach, a peer

review by partners through study visits. Questionnaires are thus the main

element for the identification of good practices

Therefore, the information provided in the Study Visit Report should be precise and

detailed, keeping in mind that partners not having attended the study visit should be able

to understand the practices and challenges as well.

2. Methodology

- The Study Visit Report is to be drafted by the host partner(s) after each visit

- It should be sent to the Lead Partner ([email protected] and

[email protected]) and to the ARC ([email protected] and

[email protected]).

- It shall be accompanied by:

o A documented report on media impact:

A copy of the press releases issued on the occasion (in English and in the

initial languages)

The press occurrences (copy of articles whenever possible)

Check the website as well, as some are available

o The electronic files of all the presentations made during the meeting (Check

the website as well)

o Photos and videos (on the website as well)

o Details of all attendees (from outside the D-AIR partnership.)

3. What is the size of my study visit report?

There is no definitive rule on the size of the study visit report, but we advise you to keep

it simple. Ideally the answer to each question should be around one paragraph (5-10

lines maximum) and provide detailed information, including quantitative data, where

available, on the measures presented.

In addition to this detailed information, website links can be included for the interesting

measures, for partners wishing to get more information.

4. When shall I submit my study visit report?

Our advice is that you draft the report immediately after the study visit, and submit it as

soon as possible. The first reason is that it will make your work easier: our experience is


that the sooner the reports are written the fresher your mind and recollection of the day

will be.

The report template requires to have a survey made amongst the participants. We advise

you to have it filled at the end of the visit rather than having to chase the answer.

In all cases, we ask you to submit your study visit report no later than 1 month after the


5. To whom shall the report be sent?

We ask you to send the report to the Lead Partner and to the ARC.

6. Publication

The study visit reports will be published under the restricted section of the website (i.e.

accessible only to the members of the partnership)


Study Visit Report

Project Partner n11

El Prat de Llobregat


Barcelona-El Prat Airport Region


Table of contents

Study Visit Report .................................................................................................................................... 3

Project Partner n11 ................................................................................................................................. 3

El Prat de Llobregat ................................................................................................................................. 3

and Barcelona-El Prat Airport Region...................................................................................................... 3

1. For the hosting partner ..................................................................................................... 5

A. Background information .................................................................................................... 5

B. CO2-reduction - Introduction .......................................................................................... 8

C. Airport operator activities................................................................................................. 9

D. Surface access .................................................................................................................... 12

2. For visiting partners ......................................................................................................... 15

A. Airport operator activities............................................................................................... 15

B. Surface Access .................................................................................................................... 16

C. General questions .............................................................................................................. 17


For the hosting partner

A. Background information

Programme of the visit:

Decarbonised Airport Regions 18-20 June 2012, El Prat, Spain

venue: Civic Center St. Jordi-Ribera Baixa

[Monday 18 June]

9.00 – 10.30 Pre-meeting for Lead partner and component leaders – Eindhoven, ARC,

Swedavia and El Prat – other partners are excused! Subjects:

Responsibilities, start position reports, study visit report, identification

of good practices and additional activities

10.30 – 11.00 Coffee + registration

11.00 – 11.15 Welcome by the Partner representative (El Prat – Sergi Alegre)

11.15 – 13.00 1. Opening by Chairperson (Ron Nohlmans)

2. Minutes Meeting of 20 - 21 March 2012

3. Check conclusions and deadlines

4. Appointment of Vice-chairperson

5. Working guidelines

6. Content related issues

a. Start position reports

b. Planning events and Matchmaking Study Visits (see Annex) c. Study visit report

d. Concept note on stakeholder forums

e. Work Plan 2012 (see Annex)

13.30 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 15.00 7. Questions raised

Additional activities by the 4 PP regions (Component 3) – explanation

by Wim de Kinderen

8. Communication activities (Léa Bodossian)

a. Communication Plan (see Annex)

b. communication products (website, newsletter etc.)

15.00 – 15.15 Coffee break

15.15 – 17.15 9. Progress report, including financial aspects (Delia Mitcan)

17.15 – 17.30 10. Conclusions: Summary and Deadlines (internal, national and

Programme level)

17.30 – 21.00 Free time

21.00 Dinner in Barcelona


[Tuesday 19 June]

Barcelona-El Prat Airport Region 9.10 Bus to Barcelona Airport Terminal 1

9.45 – 12.00 Workshop on CO2-reduction by AENA, the organisation which owns all

Spanish Airports – presentation of master plan on CO2-reduction, actions

in the past, present and future, ACA accreditation; interaction and discussion


Ms Pilar Montalvo - Head of the environmental Department of the Airport


12.00 – 13.00 Airport visit

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch at Terminal 1

14.00 - 14.45 Bus to El Prat Civic Centre

15.00 – 17.00 Workshop on Sustainable Surface Access by the Metropolitan Transport

Authority – presentation on present surface access, future plans and as

special subject the “Round Table of Mobility” in which regional stakeholders

have their say; interaction and discussion with the workshop.


Lluis Alegre Valls Head of Mobility Service, Metropolitan Transport

Authority (ATM) file in PDF.

Joan Ma Bigas Technical Manager of Transport and Mobility Department,

Metropolitan Barcelona Area (AMB)

Guillem Alsina, Metropolitan Barcelona Area (AMB )

20 June 2012 – Venue: Civic Centre St. Jordi-Ribera Baixa- El Prat de Llobregat

9.00 – 13.00 Mobility and airport operator stakeholders meeting (Innovation projects)

9.00 - Presentation

9.20 - Cluster 6m- Jorge Fuentes – Manager of Clúster 6m (PDF)

9.40 - Mobecpoint – Jordi Ventura - General Manager (PDF)

10.00 - TMB project retrofit – Michael Pellot Director of research & development (PDF)

10.20 - Alg Mobility Management – Rosend Bosch - Project Manager (PDF)

11:00 - Coffee break.-

11.30 - Technet.- Francisco Gala – Project Manager (Power Point)

11.50 - Geminis.- Moisés Bolekia - Sales Engineer (PDF)

12:10 - Capmar – Jaciel Reyes - Director of product design & development (PDF)

12.30 - Otem 2000.- Antoni Orti - CEO & Project Manager (PDF)

12:50 - Questions and the end


We planned this agenda because we thought that to meet the responsible people of the

airport and the surface access in order that could they explain their real situation and

their real plans from the future was necessary and useful. We invited also companies

from these regions which are developing concrete projects to reduce CO2 and they are

already implementing them.

Data of Barcelona-El Prat Airport:

Number of flights: 290.004

Number of passengers: 35.145.176

Type of passengers: 52% Vacation + 23% Business + 25% others

(Survey data EMMA 2012)

Number of workers: 19.000 (Aena + airlines + concessionaire, others.. )

Barcelona -El Prat Airport is located south-west of Barcelona, about 12-14 km from the

city centre

1) What is the key message that you initially intended to convey through

this visit to the other D-AIR partners?

The message we wanted to give was the real situation of Barcelona-El Prat airport

concerning D-AIR objectives and the enormous potential of reduction of CO2 even

with the economic crisis. We wanted to show that there are plenty of projects going


2) Could you explain how you think the presentations made on the day

supported the overall D-AIR objective, and yours. Please fill in the table

for each presentation.

Presentation No


Low Medium High No opinion

Air quality control X

Environmental management X

Situation of mobility to/from

the airport


3) Do you consider that your programme matches the partners’ expectations in

their start position reports?

With the program we arranged, we tried to answer the expectations from the partners

due that this was the first study visit.



not at all


to a limited





to a large







B. CO2-reduction – Introduction

In a medium-term are aimed at:

Improving the management and efficiency of energy

Replacement of our vehicles according to environmental criteria

From an environmental perspective the proposed criteria are focused on the possible

acquisition of vehicles with lower emissions of air pollutants:

1. Zero emissions (local)

2. Low emission of NOx / Lower emissions of PM10

3. Lower emissions of hydrocarbons (C6H6, etc..)

4. Lower emission of CO2

5. Lower emissions of other gaseous pollutants

First, are the electric vehicles (local zero emission, given the levels of pollution in the

metropolitan area). There is no indication of the economic constraints in terms of cost.

It should be noted that in 2011, have been incorporated seven electric vehicles to fleet

Aena Airports SA at the airport in Barcelona -El Prat, which represents 4,7% of the total

vehicle fleet

Extending the Emission Reducing Plan (NOx and PM) until 2015

The measures Aena Airports committed to renewing the plan indicated (2011-2015) are:

o Optimizing the use of auxiliary power units for aircraft (APU)

o Replacing ground service equipment (GSE) that uses diesel engines with

electric motors equipment.

o Optimization of aircraft ground operational

o Developing a Plan of mobility of people to access the Airport

o Reducing emissions from fixed sources Airport

More information about the Plan can be found on the website: www.gencat.cat





We have carried out measures to reduce the electric energy consumption in our

installations: new lighting system in the T1 parking lot, visual help systems on the

apron and the taxiways, lighting of gangways in T1, lighting in T2…

Electric vehicles purchase for Aena fleet in the year 2011

C. Airport operator activities

4) What is the main message that you want to convey to the D-AIR partners

concerning C02 reduction measures from airport operator activities?

The message we wanted to give was the real situation of Barcelona-El Prat airport

concerning D-AIR objectives and the enormous potential of reduction of CO2 even

with the economic crisis. The most interesting measure concerning C02 reduction

will be the application of Collaborative Decision Making process (CDM is a tool

being used in a lot of airports. It consists that all actors take part of the landing –

take off cycle working together in order to avoid interruption or/and wasting

times) we think is the most interesting because in one hand shows the

participation of a lot of people and, on the other, it can reduce a lot quantities of

CO2 emission

5) Please provide a short summary of each measure or idea presented

during the visit

Measure Responsible entity/



1 AIRLINES Optimizing the use of APU in aircraft

(Auxiliary Power Units)

2 COMPANIES Replacement of the diesel engines from

ground service equipment of the handling

3 AIRPORT Improving the plan for ground aircraft

operations (taxiing)

4 PUBLIC AUTHORITY Improving the mobility plan (access to


5 AIRPORT Emission reduction stationary sources of

the airport

6 AIRPORT Motion detectors for lights in the way zones

in T1 and T2. Automatic regulation system

(DALI system) by luminosity level detectors

and heliometers data in T1.

7 AIRPORT Free Cooling system which takes advantage

of the outside air when the external

conditions are favourable

8 AIRPORT Production of domestic hot water. There are

696 devices with a total area of 1.535 m2

which produces the 70% of the total

bathroom hot water.


6) Amongst all the measures on airport activities presented during the visit,

which are in your opinion the 1 to 3 best measures?

1.- Optimizing the use of APU in aircraft (Auxiliary Power Units)

2.- Replacement of the diesel engines from ground service equipment of the


3.- Improving the mobility plan (access to airport)

7) To what extent do you think these 1 to 3 measures will help achieve the

objectives of the dAIR project? Please complete the table below for each

measure presented in the previous question.

No impact Low Medium High No



Measure 1 AIRLINES X Optimizing the use of APU

in aircraft (Auxiliary Power


Measure 2 COMPANIES X Replacement of the diesel

engines from ground

service equipment of the


Measure 3 PUBLIC


X Improving the mobility

plan (access to airport)

8) Involvement of external organisations to contribute to the “CO2

neutrality of airport operator activities” goal (in stimulating innovation,

i.e. new products and services to be deployed; through

buying/procurement policy, serving as a Living Lab…)

a) Private companies and R&D communities

1. Do you cooperate with companies?

Yes No Explanation (why and – if yes – how)


2. Do you cooperate with R&D communities?

Yes No Explanation (why and – if yes – how)


3. Do you cooperate with companies and R&D communities combined ?

Yes No Explanation (why and – if yes – how)


b) Other organisations and stakeholders

1. Do you cooperate with other organisations and stakeholders?


Type Yes No Explanation (why and – if yes – how)






Public authorities




Tenants of

airport premises



9) Are there any relevant innovation projects in your region (including

those not shown during the study visit)? If yes, please explain the


10) To what extent do you think these projects will help achieve the

objectives of the dAIR project? Please complete the table below for each

project presented in the previous question.



Low Medium High No



Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

[project x]

11) Did the discussions/exchanges with other dAIR project partners during

the study visit give you some answers to your challenges/difficulties

(identified in the Start Position Report, for ex) on airport operations?


12) What project did you find more interesting of the projects submitted in

the regional transport stakeholders’ forum meeting or expert coordination


We think this question should not be here

13) Which CO2 reduction measure from airport operator activities can you

implement/ replicate in the short/medium/long term?


14) Are there any similar projects implemented at other airports in Europe?

If yes, please explain the implementation process.

We don't know

15) Which measures presented should be considered as good practices?

Replacing the old vehicles to electric ones

D. Surface access

16) What is the main message that you want to convey to the other dAIR

partners concerning CO2 reduction measures from surface access?

The good situation even if structures of the (metro or train) are not still going on.

The most important challenges are: improving information to users of public

transport, improving the facility of getting tickets of public transport, to get facilities

for greener taxis and greener private cars, to improve the % of employees using the

public transport as the main, to increase the number of alternative transport systems

like: car-sharing, bike electric motorbikes, etc.

17) Please provide a short summary of each measure or idea presented

during the visit.

Measure Responsible entity /


Description (Maite)

1- Fast bus AMB A direct bus to downtown

2- Permanent

forum with all


Public administration

3- Night bus AMB Bus services all the night

4- Bike line Local government/AENA A bike line from the northwest city to all

terminals and cargo area


Implementation of project

PROJECT Short term Medium


Long term

Improving the management and

efficiency of energy


Replacement or our vehicles

according to environmental criteria


Extending the Emission Reducing

Plan (NOx and PM) until 2015



18) Amongst all the measures on surface access presented during the visit,

which are in your opinion the 1 to 3 best measures?

1, 2 and 4

19) To what extent do you think these 1 to 3 measures will help achieve the

objectives of the dAIR project? Please complete the table below for each

measure presented in the previous question.



Low Medium High No



Measure 1 X

Measure 2 X

Measure 3 X

20) Involvement of external organisations to contribute to the “sustainable

surface access” goal (in stimulating innovation, i.e. new products and

services to be deployed; through buying/procurement policy, serving as

a Living Lab,…)

a) Private companies and R&D communities

1. Do you cooperate with companies?

Yes No Explanation (why and – if yes – how)


2. Do you cooperate with R&D communities?

Yes No Explanation (why and – if yes – how)


Yes No Explanation (why and – if yes – how)


1. Other organisations and stakeholders: Do you cooperate with other

organisations and stakeholders?

Type Yes No Explanation (why and – if yes – how)

Citizens (individual

and/or organised)


Public authorities

(local/ regional/…)


Tenants of airport

site and premises



21) question for public authority partner) Have you taken or do you intend

to take ‘innovation’ measures that fall completely within the scope of


your own competences and which have or will contribute (d) positively

to the dAIR objectives ? (such as buying and procurement policies)

Yes No Explanation (why and – if yes – how)

X Setting the mobility plan for the city

22) Are there any relevant innovation projects in your region (including

those not shown during the study visit)? If yes, please explain

the project(s).

1. Electric bus

23) To what extent do you think these projects will help achieve the

objectives of the dAIR project? Please complete the table below for

each project presented in the previous question.



Low Medium High No



Project 1 X

Project 2

Project 3

[project x]

24) Did the discussions/exchanges with project partners during the study

visit give you some answers to your challenges/difficulties (identified

in the Start Position Report) on surface access?

Yes, the FILÉO bus service in Paris

25) What project did you find more interesting of the projects submitted

in the regional transport stakeholders’ forum meeting or expert

coordination meeting?

Bus on demand

26) What action should be implemented to improve surface access to/from

the airport visited?

Bus on demand

27) Are there any similar projects implemented at other airports in Europe?

If yes, please explain the implementation process.

28) Which measures presented should be considered as good practices?

The Aerobus


1. For visiting partners

A. Airport operator activities

29) Which C02 reduction project/measure from airport operator activities

was the most interesting? Please explain.

30) Which measures presented during the visit should be considered as

good practices for Airport Operator activities for the dAIR project?

Please fill in the following information for each measure.

Measure 1: Name/Description

Yes No

Mature Project

Innovative project



Low Medium High No opinion

CO2 reduction

Financial costs

Other external costs

(noise, pollutants


Measure 2: Name/Description

Yes No

Mature Project

Innovative project



Low Medium High No opinion

CO2 reduction

Financial costs

Other external costs

(noise, pollutants


31) What action should be implemented to improve airport operator

activities at the airport visited?

32) Which CO2 reduction project(s)/measure(s) from airport operator

activities can you implement / replicate in the


33) Which CO2 reduction measure from airport operator activities is not

suitable for your airport? Please explain why.

Project / Measure Short term Medium term Long term


34) Are there any similar projects implemented at your airport or at other

airports in Europe? If yes, please explain the implementation process.

B. Surface Access

35) Which surface access project/measure was the most interesting? Please


36) Which measures presented during the visit should be considered as

good practices for surface access for the dAIR project? Please fill in the

following information for each measure.

Measure 1: Name/Description

Yes No

Mature Project

Innovative project



Low Medium High No opinion

CO2 reduction

Financial costs

Other external costs

(noise, pollutants


Measure 2: Name/Description

Yes No

Mature Project

Innovative project



Low Medium High No opinion

CO2 reduction

Financial costs

Other external costs

(noise, pollutants


37) What action should be implemented to improve surface access to/from

the airport visited?

38) Which surface access project(s)/measure(s) can you

implement/replicate in the short/medium/long/term?

39) Which surface access project is not suitable for your airport? Please

explain why.

40) Are there any similar projects implemented at your airport or at other

airports in Europe? If yes, please explain the implementation process.

Project / Measure Short term Medium term Long term


C. General questions

You may want to ask the D-AIR partners to fill an (anonymous if they wish) form where

they can provide comments. Marius Nicolescu from ARC

([email protected]) will help you putting the survey as an on line



1. Express your overall satisfaction of the visit from 1 (the less satisfied) to

5 the more satisfied


not at all


to a limited





to a large






2. Did the programme meet your expectations?


not at all


to a limited





to a large






3. Please rate the study visit on the following items:

1: - - 2: - 3 4: + 5:







Creating interest in


Involvement of


Included sufficient


4. To what extent was this Study Visit useful to you?


not at all


to a limited





to a large







5. To what extent can you apply the information presented today to your



not at all


to a limited





to a large








6. Of the information presented during the Study Visit, how much is useful

to you






7. What three elements from this study visit were most useful to you?

8. The things that could have been omitted from the study visit are:

9. Were you satisfied with the field visit(s)?


not at all


to a limited





to a large







10. Do you think there was the right number of participants from the D-AIR


Too many Right


Not enough

11. Do you think there was the right number of participants from outside the

D-AIR project?

Too many Right


Not enough

12. From theory to practice: do you think that the visit was putting emphasis

on the practical /theoretical aspects of surface access/airport




Low Medium High No opinion

Surface access






Airport operations






13. If during the visit you have noted a good or bad practice, aspect etc.

referred to the D-AIR project even if it is not coming from the organised

visit, please explain.

14. Do you think that issues addressed or solutions presented could be useful

for other EU-parties? Which ones?

15. Please rate the challenges listed below according to their level of severity

(for the current study visit)

Airport Operator Activities



Low Medium High No opinion

Lack of ACA scheme

Lack of data on annual CO2


Lack of new


procedures leading to lower

energy usage

Lack of efficient energy

management team/strategy

Lack of strategy on surface


Lack of emission reduction


Lack of measures regarding:

Conveyor belts


Monitoring of energy

consumption from

electric appliances

Renewable energies

(wind power,

photovoltaic energy)

Alternative energies


Lighting systems




Lack of strong mechanisms of

cooperation between

different stakeholders

Lack of cooperation for


Lack of measures for off-

setting remaining emissions




Surface access



Low Medium High No opinion

Not enough passengers

using public transport

Not enough staff using

public transport

Lack of adequate

information on public

transport (schedule, fare,

real-time information)

Lack of adequate

transport connections

Not enough use of new

transport technologies

(electric cars/buses,

motorbikes etc)

Lack of alternative modes:

car-sharing offers etc

Lack of strong

mechanisms of

cooperation between

different stakeholders

Lack of cooperation for





16. In your view, what kind of data is important for the assessment of the

impact of the measures presented during the study visit? If known,

please state relevant data sources.

17. Please list references to any studies or documents of relevance with links

to online download where possible.

18. How can the next study visits be improved?

Feel free to add as many elements as you feel relevant