Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment for Small Hydropower Projects

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  • 7/24/2019 Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment for Small Hydropower Projects














  • 7/24/2019 Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment for Small Hydropower Projects



    Item Page No.

    Section 1 Guidelines on Environmental Impacts and Need for SmallHydropower Projects


    1.1 Small Hydro Potential and Prospects1.2 Environmental Impacts of Small Hydropower

    Projects1.3 Positive Impacts1.4 Meaning of EIA1.5 Need of Guidelines for EIA of Small Hydropower




    Section 2 Environmental Acts and Procedures for Clearance ofHydropower Projects in India


    2.1 Environmental Acts2.2 Procedure for Obtaining Environmental Clearance

    2.2.1 Requirements for Environmental Clearance2.2.2 General Conditions2.2.3 Documents Required with the Project Proposal2.2.4 Stages in Environmental Clearance



    Section 3 Baseline Data 163.1 Land Environment

    3.1.1 Land Use3.1.2 Drainage Pattern3.1.3 Soils3.1.4 Catchment Profile (Directly Draining)

    3.1.5 Geomorphology/Geology

    3.2 Air and Water Environment3.2.1 Water Quality Parameters3.2.2 Hydrological Data3.2.3 Meteorology Seasonal-monitored data (monthly basis)3.2.4 Air Quality3.2.5 Noise

    3.3 Biological Environment3.3.1 Aquatic3.3.2 Terrestrial Flora3.3.2.2 Fauna

    3.4 Socioeconomic Environment3.4.1 Demographic Profile (gender based

    details of the population)3.4.2 Details of Villages to be Affected3.4.3 Village wise Land Details3.4.4 Details of Families to be Displaced3.4.5 Infra Structure Development3.4.6 Cultural Sites3.4.7 Health Profile





    Section 4 Environmental Impact Assessment Methodology 224.1 Levels of EIA4.2 EIA Procedure

    4.2.1 Screening4.2.1.1 Thresholds4.2.1.2 Locational criteria


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    Item Page No. Positive and negative lists4.2.1.4 Initial environmental evaluation

    4.2.2 Scoping (Depth of Analysis)4.3 Methods for Impact Identification and Assessment

    4.3.1 Checklists4.3.2 Interaction matrices

    4.3.3 Network4.3.4 Overlays

    4.4 Socio-economic Assessment



    Section 5 Water Quality Monitoring Program 325.1 Effects on Water Quality

    5.1.1 Water Quality Effects During Construction5.1.2 Water Quality Effects During Operation Water quality effects upstream of theproject site Water quality effects downstream of theproject site

    5.2 Purpose of Water Quality Monitoring5.3 Sampling Design

    5.3.1 Duration5.3.2 Sampling frequency5.3.3 Sampling Locations5.3.4 Sample and Data Analysis5.3.5 Identification of Water Quality Laboratory5.3.6 Quality Control5.3.7 Reporting

    5.4 Regulatory Audit5.5 Interpretation of Monitoring Results




    Section 6 Stake Holders in EIA Process 426.1 Ways to Identify Stakeholders and Group

    Representatives6.2 Involving Stakeholders

    6.2.1 Memoranda of Understanding6.2.2 Training6.2.3 User Groups

    6.3 Public Consultation



    Section 7 Principles and Procedures of an Environmental ManagementPlan


    7.1 Environmental Monitoring7.1.1 Principles of Monitoring7.1.2 Types of Monitoring7.1.3 Intensity of Monitoring7.1.4 Development of Monitoring Indicators

    7.2 Environmental Auditing7.2.1 Types of Audit

    7.3 Implementation of Environmental Management Plan7.3.1 Activities Concerning Impact Monitoring7.3.2 Formulation of Monitoring Plan/Schedule7.3.3 Information Required for Environmental


    7.3.4 Formulation of Auditing Plan/ Schedule



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    Section 8 Preparation of Terms of References 588.1 Basic Objectives and Purpose

    8.1.1 Appropriate time for developing TOR8.1.2 Responsibility for developing TOR

    8.2 Good Practice Criteria for the Preparation of TOR8.2.1 Name and Address of the Person/Institution

    Preparing the Report8.2.2 General Introduction of the Proposal8.2.3 Data Required for Preparation of EIA Report

    and Methodology of Data Collection8.2.4 Policies, Laws, Rules, and Directives8.2.5 Report Preparation Requirements Time8.2.5.2 Estimated budget8.2.5.3 Specialists/Experts

    8.2.6 Approved Scope for the Preparation of the Report8.2.7 Likely Environmental Consequences8.2.8 Alternatives for Executing the Proposal8.2.9 Mitigation Measures, Environmental Management

    Plan and Auditing Plan8.2.10 Costs and Benefits8.2.11 Monitoring Plan8.2.12 Relevant Information





    Annexure I Useful References 64

    Annexure II Definition of Terms Related to Soil, Air and Water Environment ofa Hydropower Project


    Annexure III Environmental Standards Prescribed by Central Pollution Control



    Annexure IV Format of Environmental Impact Assessment Document 75

    Annexure V Environmental Appraisal Questionnaire as Prescribed in AppendixI Form I of EIA Notification (MoEF, 2006)


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    AHEC/MNRE/SHPStandards/E&MWorks- GuidelinesforEnvironmentalImpactAssessmentforSmallHydropowerProjects 1



    Developing countries need increased energy supplies in order to bring about

    improvement in the quality of life of their people. Sustainable and environmentally sound

    progress towards energy self reliance is probably best achieved through development of

    renewable energy sources as these will eventually be the only sources available to sustain the

    societies. Out of various renewable energy sources, small hydropower is the only source which

    has sufficient potential to accommodate remote area needs. Although the adverse

    environmental impacts of individual small hydropower project (SHP) may not be significant and

    yet, the aggregate impact of several such projects in vicinity could be of a magnitude to cause

    significant damage to the environment.


    Small hydro is a renewable, non-polluting and environmentally benign source of energy.

    In India, depending on the capacities, small hydropower projects are categorized as Micro, Mini

    and Small hydro projects as under.

    Pico : upto 5 kW

    Micro : upto 100 kW

    Mini : upto 2000 kW

    Small : upto 25,000 kW

    Depending on the head, SHPs may be further classified as low head (below 3 meters),

    medium head (from 30 75 meters) and high head (above 75 meters).


    A hydropower scheme entails change in use of land and water. Magnitude of such

    change depends on the selected site configuration. An illustrative site configuration is shown

    below. The environmental impacts of SHPs are positive (favourable) and negative (undesirable)

    in nature.

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    Figure 1.1: Physical components of small hydropower project

    The environmental impacts of small hydropower project may be summarized as follows:

    Table 1.1: Environmental impacts of small hydropower projects

    Activi ty Adverse Impact

    Construction of road,dam, power house

    and switch yard

    1. Reservoir sedimentation and deterioration of water quality2. Air and noise pollution and disturbance to flora and fauna

    by work force

    3. Visual intrusion caused by construction activity

    4. Disturbance of recreational spots (e.g. waterfalls) and


    Construction of

    transmission line

    1. Damaging flora due to right of way clearing

    2. Endangering the lives of fauna

    3. Visual intrusion

    Stream diversion

    through channel and


    1. Loss of habitat of fish and other aquatic flora and fauna

    2. Decrease in dilution capacity of stream

    3. Depletion in ground water recharge where diversion is

    taken off from effluent stream

    4. Loss of waterfalls and other recreational activities

    Ponding 1. Flow disruption

    2. Channel degradation during generation or spilling and

    flushing of silt from dam

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    3. Trapped nutrients and sediments, eutrophication

    4. Changed water temperature

    5. Changes in land uses: (a) submergence of agricultural and

    forest land (b) submergence of human settlement and

    displacement of population (c) submergence of

    monuments/sites of historic importance (d) loss of

    whitewater recreation

    6. Change in aquatic plant life and fish species

    7. High evaporation rate

    8. Sedimentation adversely affects fish spawning areas by

    burying them

    9. Provides increased habitat for mosquitoes and snails

    which are vectors of diseases like malaria, yellow fever,

    dengue, encephalitis and schistosomiasis

    Operation of

    hydropower station

    1. Increase in pollution concentration in the downstream due

    to release of pollutants from residential areas, hydropower


    2. Released water containing low dissolved oxygen

    3. Fish mortality from turbine passage

    Peaking operation ofpower station

    1. Damage to fish spawning ground and nesting ground forwater fowls and other aquatic birds

    2. Erosion of banks

    3. Transport of nutrients from the shallow water to deeper

    water in pond

    4. Affects recreational facilities due to fluctuating water level

    5. Exposure of drawdown zone creates visual intrusion


    Positive environmental impacts of hydropower projects are somehow ignored as a

    routine probably due to the fact that these projects are conveniently considered as demanding

    an environmental price. It is equally important to highlight and quantify (to the extent possible)

    positive environmental impacts of SHPs.

    Positive Socio-Economic Impacts

    1. Most convenient energy source commercially available at the door steps

    2. Multiplier effect of electricity on economy of the area especially in remote areas

    3. Development of agro-industrial units in remote areas

    4. Improvement of agricultural produce

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    5. Net improvement in community health

    6. Improvement in living standard of local people

    7. Generation of employment opportunities locally

    8. Motivation of higher literacy

    9. Check on migration from villages to towns, thereby checking urban concentration of


    10. Increasing tourism potential water sports, boating, fishing etc.

    11. It helps in checking deforestation which is taking place to meet food, fodder and fuel

    demands in rural, remote areas.

    12. It is significant for off-grid, rural, remote area applications in far flung isolated

    communities having no chances of grid extension for years to come. It is operationally

    flexible, suitable for peaking support to the local grid as well as for stand alone

    applications in isolated remote areas.

    13. Small hydro does not require much expertise to build and operate. Components of small

    hydro projects are simple and fairly visible at site. They can become centre of education.

    Positive Ecological/Environmental Impacts

    1. Clean and renewable source of energy

    2. It is benign source of power generation, harnessing only gravitational potential of water

    to make it yield energy in a continuum

    3. Decrease of pollution in the area (hydro replacing diesel generation, electricity replacing

    polluting energy sources)

    4. Fisheries development in the pondage/reservoir

    5. Improved ground water table enhancing greenery all around

    6. Improvement towards vegetation and plantation associated with the project

    (compensatory afforestation)

    7. Improved habitat

    8. Lake shore environment in otherwise dry areas

    9. Modification of micro climate due to storage and regulation of water to a more or less

    uniform pattern. This also leads to a somewhat stabilizing impact on local environment

    influencing flora and fauna aquatic as well as terrestrial.

    10. SHPs are environmentally more friendlier than conventional large hydro plants:

    a. Non-involvement of setting up of large dams and thus not associated with

    problems of deforestation, submergence or rehabilitation

    b. Non-polluting and environmentally benign. It is one of the least CO2 emission

    responsible power sources, even by considering full energy chain right from the

    impact of production of plant equipment etc.

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    c. Least impact on flora and fauna (aquatic and terrestrial) and biodiversity.

    Example: Positive Impacts of Tidong Hydropower Project

    Clean and Renewable Source of Energy : On completion, the project would provide 100 MW of electricity

    which is a non polluting and renewable source of energy.

    Employment Opportunities :About 1500 people are likely to work during peak period of activity (equivalent

    to 1500 people x 240 working days/year x 5 years of construction = 18.00 lakhs mandays). In operation

    phase, about 70 people will be stationed for operation and maintenance of the project (equivalent to 70

    people x 240 working days per year = 16,800 mandays/ year). Thus the project would provide substantial

    direct employment and in addition to these, more people would be indirectly employed for allied activities.

    Catchment Area Treatment : One of the major beneficial impacts of hydropower projects is the treatment of

    degraded catchment area of the project to control the soil erosion. This results in regeneration of natural

    forests and other ecosystems significantly benefiting to the environment.

    Recreation and Tourism Potential : The proposed barrage will be located on river Tidong near village

    Lumber, a tributary of Satlej. Kinnaur is called Dev Bhumi and is located in the tottering heights of

    Himalayas, having passes that remain inaccessible almost for six months was a forbidden land till now andonly open to a chosen few. Now the secret beauty of this place is open to all who like to witness what had

    been hidden for centuries together. Due to above features of district and natural beauty of the project area,

    it can be considered as a tourist attraction by developing adequate infrastructure in and around the project


    Additional Habitat for Aquatic Life /Wetland Species :The creation of reservoir (capacity 23700 cum with

    1.98 ha surface area) provides a habitat to wetland species, especially water birds. The increased water

    surface will create additional habitat for aquatic life in or near the reservoir. Receding waters will create

    dry mudflats and shall provide suitable feeding sites for migratory birds in autumn and spring. This will also

    provide breeding habitat for resident species and can be a significant environmental benefit.

    Fisheries and Aquaculture Potential :Efforts to stock commercially valuable fish in the reservoir will lead

    to the increase in fisheries (catch and income) in the reservoir. Creation of reservoir will develop potential

    for fish and fisheries farming. No fish is observed at the barrage site in Tidong being the steep slope of riverbed and cold climate but it can be developed in the reservoir.

    Benefits to Economy :Development of infrastructure and availability of reliable power supply as a result of

    the project realisation would contribute to the stimulation of economic activities like small scale industry in

    the area. The project will benefit the economy at both local and national level.

    Less Fuel Consumption :The project capacity is 100MW and it would generate 301.10 GWh power

    annually on 90% dependability. In no project scenario, in order to generate this power by thermal power

    plant, about 0.32 million tones of coal would be utilized. With the implementation of this project equal

    amount of coal is saved. Specific fuel consumption has been taken as 1.06Kg/ Kwh. This will directly benefit

    to the tune of Rs. 640 million per year.

    Reduction in Air Pollution : Hydropower produces no air pollution/greenhouse gases as compared to

    Thermal/coal power stations. It is very efficient, reliable, and - once installed inexpensive. Hydropower

    systems can provide both base load and peaking power.

    Reduction in Greenhouse Gas (Carbon Dioxide) Emission :About 0.30 million ton of CO2 will be emitted

    from 100MW coal fired thermal power plant. This will reduce 0.30 million tones of green house gas

    contribution to the global environment every year. The cumulative reduction in Green House gas (CO2) in

    the taking 70 years lifetime of the project thus works out to 21.0 million tones.

    Increased Infrastructure : Present infrastructure is either likely to be upgraded or new infrastructure is set

    up with the implementation of the new project. Basic infrastructures required to be developed are roads,

    health facilities, educational facilities etc. The project affected people shall be benefited due to development

    of better infrastructure in the project area.


    EIA is an activity designed to identify, predict and describe in appropriate terms the

    primary and secondary changes due to a proposed action. Such actions may include policies,

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    plans, programmes and projects. EIA covers the biophysical environment, mans health, the

    quality of life and social environment, and communicates results in a form which is

    understandable by the community and decision makers. Thus, EIA is required not only for a

    particular hydropower project but also for a set of projects (existing and proposed) under a plan

    or a programme.

    The EIA should contain descriptions of both the likely beneficial and adverse impacts

    (short and long-term). The EIA approach should be inter-disciplinary, systematic,

    comprehensive and capable of presenting results that are understandable to non-experts.

    Assessments should indicate the possible need for pollution control measures, health care

    programmes and environmental monitoring on the basis of an understanding of the affected

    environment. The EIA process does not stop at the production of an Environmental Impact

    Statement (EIS) or the granting of project authorisation, but continues throughout the life of a


    The potential advantages of EIA are more efficient use of resources and improved

    quality of life. If the probable environmental, social and health consequences of proposed

    development are known from an early stage, attempts can be made to minimise adverse

    impacts and maximize beneficial impacts.


    A series of standards, guidelines and manuals have been brought out by various

    agencies dealing with environmental impact assessment of large river valley/hydropower

    projects. However, such literature for small hydropower projects is not available. There is an

    urgent need to develop and adopt simplified guidelines for SHPs.

    Guidelines have been issued by Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF) for

    diversion of forest land for non-forest purposes and for EIA of river valley projects. These

    guidelines are exhaustive covering wide range of environmental subjects. Small hydropower

    projects may not require same type of scrutiny as that required by large projects. Further, in

    depth study of some of environmental aspects may not be necessary.

    Basic physical character of SHP and the local factors influencing the environment are to

    some extent similar to those of large projects; the only difference is in terms of magnitude of

    change in the use of land, water and other resources. Further there are certain positive impacts

    (socio-economic and environmental) unique to small hydropower. Several of the positive socio-

    economic impacts are intangible in nature (i.e. not quantifiable) and yet could be significant.

    Intangibility does not imply insignificance.

    There is an urgency to accelerate development of small hydro and remove regional

    imbalances in economic development. Private sector has a big role to play in development of

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    SHPs. Standards and guidelines are required to help concerned agencies in carrying out EIA in

    a systematic and scientific manner and thus avoiding delay in clearance of the projects.

    Keeping the above in view, these guidelines have been prepared to address needs of

    SHPs. The following aspects are covered in this manual:

    various acts and decision making process as followed in India for obtaining

    environmental clearance.

    baseline data required as per environmental indicators

    the EIA methodology

    procedure for water quality monitoring and auditing

    methods and procedures for engaging stake holders

    principles and procedures of environmental management plan the preparation of terms of references and good practice criteria

    some terms related to environment

    standards of environmental parameters used in India

    prescribed format of EIA document

    Environmental Appraisal Questionnaire as prescribed in Appendix V Form I of EIA

    notification (MOEF, 2006)

    Useful references

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    Adequate provisions for protection of environment and forests are made in the

    Constitution of India. Article 47 provides for protection and improvement of health. Article 48(A)

    is directed towards protection and improvement of environment and protection of forest and

    wildlife. Article 51(A) says it is the duty of every citizen to protect and improve natural

    environment. Following the UN Conference on Human Environment (Stockholm, 1972), a

    constitutional amendment (42, 1976) inserted relevant provisions for environment protection in

    Constitution in Part IV Directive Principles and Part IVA Fundamental Duties.

    In order to ensure sustainable development from water resources angle the Government

    of India has enacted various Acts and Legislations. Prominent among these is the Environment

    (Protection) Act, 1986 through which the Government has acquired wide powers for protecting

    the environment. Some other acts related to Water and Environment are Water (Prevention and

    Control of Pollution) (Cess) Act, 1977 (amended in 1991), Forest Conservation Act, 1980,

    Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification of MOEF 2006 and the Ministry of

    Environment and Forests Notification of January 1977 constituting the Central Ground Water

    Authority (CGWA).

    The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 seeks to maintain or restore

    wholeness of water and the Central and State Pollution Control Boards have been established

    under this Act. According to the Water Cess Act, 1997, both Central and State Governments

    have to provide funds to the Boards for implementing this Act. The Forest Conservation Act,

    1980 provides for compensatory afforestation to make up for the diversion of forestland to non-

    forest use. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 was enacted in 1986 for the protection and

    improvement of human environment.

    Recently, Government of India has constituted Water Quality Assessment Authority

    (WQAA) vide MoEF/Nc. J-15011/8/2000-NRCD dated 29thMay, 2001 under the chairmanship

    of Secretary, MOEF, exercising the powers under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. This

    authority exercises the powers and functions under the said Act for several functions. Some of

    these relevant to hydropower projects are given below:

    To direct various agencies to standardize methods for water quality monitoring

    To ensure quality of data generation of utilization thereof

    To make measures so as to ensure proper treatment of waste water with a view to restoringthe water quality of the river water bodies to meet the designated best uses

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    To maintain minimum discharge for sustenance of aquatic life forms in riverine system

    To promote rain water harvesting

    To utilize self assimilation capacities at the critical river stretches

    To constitute/set up state level Water Quality Review Committees (WQRCs) to coordinate

    the works to be assigned to such committees

    To deal with any environmental issues concerning surface and ground water quality referred

    to it by central Government or the State Government relating to the respective areas, for

    maintaining and/or restoration of quality to sustain designated best-uses.

    TABLE 2.1: Key Environmental Legislations and Guidelines

    Name Scope and objective Key areasOperational



    Water Prevention andControl of PollutionAct, 1974, 1988

    To provide for theprevention andcontrolof water pollution andenhancing the qualityof water

    Controls sewage andindustrial effluentdischarges

    Central and StatePollution ControlBoards

    Air Prevention andControl of PollutionAct 1981, 1987

    To provide for theprevention andcontrol of air pollution

    Controls emissions ofair pollutants

    Central and StatePollution ControlBoards

    Forest ConservationAct, 1980, 1988

    To consolidateacquisition ofcommon propertysuch as forests; haltIndias rapiddeforestation andresultingEnvironmentaldegradation

    Regulates access tonatural resources,state has a monopolyright over land;categorize forestsRestriction on de-reservation and usingforest for non-forestpurpose

    State governmentAnd Centralgovernment

    Wildlife ProtectionAct, 1980

    To protect wildlife

    Creates protectedareas (nationalparks/sanctuaries)categorize wildlife

    which are protected

    Wildlife advisoryboards; Central ZooAuthorities

    EnvironmentProtection Act, 1986

    To provide for theprotection andimprovement ofEnvironment

    An umbrellalegislation;supplements pollutionlaws

    Central governmentnodal agency MoEF;can delegate powersto state department ofEnvironment

    EnvironmentalClearanceNotification, 2006 OFMoEF (GOI)

    Environmental ImpactAssessment ofProjects; EnvironmentManagement Plans


    Project Developer,State and CentralGovernments.

    National Policy onR&R, 2003 of Min. of

    Rural Development,GOI

    Resettlement andRehabilitation of

    project affectedpeople

    Social Issues State Government

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    Before January, 1994, it was an administrative requirement for the mega projects to

    obtain environmental clearance from the MOEF, Government of India. However, in order to

    assess the impacts of the developmental projects/activities on the environment, MOEF issued a

    gazette notification on the EIA on January 27, 1994 (as amended on May 04, 1994) and made

    environmental clearance statutory for all the projects located in ecologically sensitive/fragile

    areas as notified by the Government of India from time to time, besides various categories of

    the projects as specified in the schedule of the notification. These also include water resource

    development (WRD) project. MOEF has issued a revised gazette notification on 14th

    September, 2006 suppressing the earlier notification of January 27, 1994. The new gazette

    notification is based on National Environment Policy which was approved by Union Cabinet on18th May, 2006. Flow chart depicting procedure of environmental clearance is given in Figure

    2.1. Flow chart depicting appraisal procedure is shown in Figure 2.2.

    2.2.1 Requirements for Environmental Clearance

    The gazette notification dated 14thSeptember, 2006 stipulates two regulatory authorities

    to deal with environmental clearance for all new project and expansion/modernization of

    existing projects.

    Central Government in Ministry

    of Environment and Forests

    for Category A projects 50 MW

    for category B projects if located wholly or partially

    within 10 km from boundary of notified protected

    area/critically polluted area/ecosensitive area

    State Environmental

    Assessment Authority (SEIAA)for category B projects 25 MW and

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    All kinds of projects located in ecologically sensitive/fragile area (e.g. Doon Valley in

    Uttaranchal and Aravali range in Rajasthan etc.) as notified by the Government of India from

    time to time have to obtain environmental clearance compulsorily irrespective of the size, cost

    and whether they are listed in the schedule of the EIA notification or not. All the projects located

    in/near wildlife sanctuaries, national parks, wetlands, mangroves, biosphere reserve also need

    environmental clearance.

    Therefore, even a small hydropower project (

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    determine whether or not project requires EIA report (termed B1 type project). If EIA is not

    required then it is B2 type project. MOEF will issue guidelines from time to time for

    categorization as B1 and B2. For categorization of projects into B1 or B2, the Ministry of

    Environment and Forests shall issue appropriate guidelines from time to time.

    Stage (II) Scoping

    Scoping refers to the process by which the Expert Appraisal Committee in the case of

    Category A projects or activities, and State level Expert Appraisal Committee in the case of

    Category B1 projects or activities, including applications for expansion and/or modernization

    and/or change in product mix of existing projects or activities, determine detailed and

    comprehensive Terms Of Reference (TOR) addressing all relevant environmental concerns for

    the preparation of an Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Report in respect of the project or

    activity for which prior environmental clearance is sought. The Expert Appraisal Committee or

    State level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned shall determine the Terms of Reference on

    the basis of the information furnished in the prescribed application form including Terns of

    Reference proposed by the applicant, a site visit by a sub- group of Expert Appraisal

    Committee or State level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned only if considered necessary

    by the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned,

    Terms of Reference suggested by the applicant if furnished and other information that may be

    available with the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee

    concerned. All projects and activities listed as Category B shall not require Scoping and will be

    appraised on the basis of application form and the conceptual plan.

    It is required for category A and B1 projects. Purpose is to determine detailed and

    comprehensive terms of reference for preparation of EIA report.

    For category A, hydroelectric project item 1(c) (i) of schedule of TOR shall be conveyed

    along with clearance for preconstruction activities.

    Stage (III) Public consultation

    Public Consultation refers to the process by which the concerns of local affected

    persons and others who have plausible stake in the environmental impacts of the project or

    activity are ascertained with a view to taking into account all the material concerns in the project

    or activity design as appropriate.

    It is required for category A and B1 project with some exceptions e.g. modernization of

    irrigation projects, expansion of roads and B2 type and projects, projects concerning national

    defence and security. MOEF (2006) has specified procedure for conduct of public hearing.

    Purpose is to take into account concerns of local affected persons and others who have

    plausible stake in environmental impacts. Based on this, appropriate changes in the draft EIA

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    and EMP shall be made. Applicant may submit a supplementary report to draft EIA for


    The detailed methodology for public consultation is explained in SECTION 6.

    Stage (IV) Appraisal

    Figure 2.2 depicts the procedure for project appraisal. Appraisal means the detailed

    scrutiny by the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee of the

    application and other documents like the Final EIA report, outcome of the public consultations

    including public hearing proceedings, submitted by the applicant to the regulatory authority

    concerned for grant of environmental clearance. This appraisal shall be made by Expert

    Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee concerned in a transparent

    manner in a proceeding to which the applicant shall be invited for furnishing necessary

    clarifications in person or through an authorized representative. On conclusion of this

    proceeding, the Expert Appraisal Committee or State Level Expert Appraisal Committee

    concerned shall make categorical recommendations to the regulatory authority concerned

    either for grant of prior environmental clearance on stipulated terms and conditions, or rejection

    of the application for prior environmental clearance, together with reasons for the same.

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    Figure 2.1: Flow chart describing procedure of environmental clearance

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    Figure 2.2: Flow chart describing Appraisal procedure by Regulatory Authority (RA)

    Documents: Final EIA or Draft EIA reports andsupplementary reports, video tape/CD of

    public hearing, layout plan, projectfeasibility report and Form 1

    Scrutiny by RA office with respect toTOR (30 days)

    EAC/SEAC completes approval (60 days)

    EAC/SEAC meetingApplicant makes presentation

    Minutes displayed on website (5 days)

    Clearance given, environmental safeguardsand conditions specified or reasons for

    rejection are explicitly stated

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    Baseline data is required to describe environmental and socio-economic status of

    project site and project impact area for pre-project condition. It consists of primary data (field

    tests, surveys, measurements) and secondary data (published information, unpublished

    information available with various agencies). Much of the required secondary data/information

    is often available within the various government agencies. Major difficulty with the unpublished

    information is determining which of it is important and then correctly interpreting it while

    eliminating all the unimportant data.

    The data is compiled for: Land Environment, Water Environment, Air Environment,

    Noise Environment and Socio-economic Environment. Primary data related to the

    environmental attributes like air, noise level, water quality and soil are collected from field

    studies. A structured questionnaire is used for collection of primary information on socio-

    economic aspects. Ecological information is collected from field studies as well as secondary

    sources. A summary of environmental attributes related parameters and source of information

    is given in Table 3.1.


    3.1.1 Land Use

    Land use and land cover patterns are important in environmental impact assessment

    study from the point of view that land use describes the present use such as agriculture,

    settlement etc. and land cover describes the material on it such as forest, vegetation, rocks or

    building etc. Land cover of the 10 km radius study area with reference to the site can be derived

    using latest cloud free satellite imageries. The data is geo-referenced using SOI 1:50000 scale

    toposheets with the help of standard data preparation techniques in GIS software such as

    ERDAS IMAGINE. Interpretation of the geo-referenced data is done using standard

    enhancement techniques and ground truthing. The land use is explained in terms of type and

    areal extent i.e. dense vegetation, medium vegetation and sparse vegetation which refers to the

    crown cover density of >40%, 10-40% and

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    Table 3.1: Environmental attributes, parameters and source of information

    S. No. At tr ibute Parameter Source


    1 Land Use Land use pattern District Planning Map

    2 Soil Soil Characteristics Soilerosivity in catchment area

    Field studies, GIS basedinformation

    3 Geology Geological Status Project Pre-Feasibility Report

    4 Seismology Seismic Hazard Pre-Feasibility Report


    5 Water Resources Catchment Area, Flow, Design Project Pre-Feasibility Report

    6 Water Quality Physical, Chemical andBiological parameters

    Field studies

    7 Hydrology Drainage area and pattern Project Pre-Feasibility Report

    8 Ambient Air Quality SPM, RPM, SO2, NOx andCO

    Field Studies

    9 Meteorology Temperature and Relativehumidity

    Field Studies

    Temperature, Relativehumidity, Rainfall, Wind Speedand Wind Direction

    India MeteorologicalDepartment

    10 Noise Noise levels in dB (A) Field Studies


    11 Ecology Flora & Fauna Diversity Field Studies, Informationfrom Forest department and

    Literature Study12 Aquatic Ecology Density & diversity of aquaticspecies

    Field studies, FisheriesDepartment, Literature review


    13 Socio-economicaspects

    Socio-economic characteristicof the affected area

    Field Studies, Literaturereview.

    (d) Homestead land(e) Grazing land(f) Fallow(g) Marshes

    (h) Water bodies(i) Road(j) Railway(k) Bridges(l) Airport

    3.1.2 Drainage Pattern(a) Data regarding flash floods, frequency of occurrence(b) Ground water strata(c) Springs

    3.1.3 Soils

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    The locations for collection of soil samples should be well distributed to represent the

    spatial variation in project area. The soil samples are to be analysed for the following


    (a) Land capability classification (for agricultural land)

    (i) Physical properties of soil (soil texture, porosity, particle size distribution)(ii) Chemical properties of soil (pH, electrical conductivity, cations, anions)(iii) N, P, K content

    3.1.4 Catchment Profi le (Directly Draining)(a) Drainage pattern(b) Watershed characteristics

    (i) Size(ii) Shape(iii) Relief(iv) Slope(v) Drainage

    (vi) Pattern and density(c) Ground water potential and runoff behaviour(d) Sediment/silt yield data(e) Existing cropping pattern(f) Migrant behaviour of human and livestock population

    3.1.5 Geomorphology/Geology(a) Data with reference to the entire project area (rock type, slopes, strata, minerals etc.)(b) Seismic zones/classification(c) Data pertaining to occurrence of earthquakes


    3.2.1 Water Quality Parameters

    To generate baseline data for existing water quality in the project area, water samples

    (composite) should be collected and analysed for examination of water and wastewater as per

    the standard procedure such as given in Protocol for Water Quality Monitoring

    ( or the

    relevant code of the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS). The details for conducting water quality

    assessment are given in Section 5. These water samples are to be assessed for the following

    parameters:(a) Physico-chemical pH, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, TDS and

    TSF, turbidity, total alkalinity, total hardness, chloride, iron, nitrate, phosphate,BOD, COD

    (b) Bacteriological E coli, coliform(c) Depending upon the pollution source concerned heavy metals namely

    mercury, arsenic etc. also to be analysed(d) Base line data:

    (i) Pre-construction: Two season data i.e. high flow and lean flow(ii) Post-construction: Water quality parameters upstream of the project site

    to be compared with the quality downstream of the project site

    3.2.2 Hydrological Data

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    (a) Monthly discharge data at dam site(b) Lean season flow (cumec)

    (i) upstream of project site(ii) downstream of the project site

    (c) Water required for (cumec)(i) power generation(ii) irrigation(iii) domestic/industrial use

    (d) Ground water profile pre-monsoon/post-monsoon

    3.2.3 Meteorology3.2.3.1 Seasonal-monitored data (monthly basis)

    (i) Temperature (in 0C)(a) Maximum(b) Minimum(c) Mean

    (ii) Mean rainfall (in mm)

    (iii) Wind speed (km/h)(a) Maximum(b) Minimum(c) Mean

    (iv) Windrose diagram for winter, summer, rainy season and annual(iv) Humidity (mean monthly)(v) Evaporation (observed class A pan evaporation or estimated using appropriate


    3.2.4 Air Quality(a) Season wire/air quality (SPM, NOX, SO2, CO)(b) Construction material required (Table 3.2)

    (c) Dust emissions(i) Quarry sites(ii) Haulage roads(iii) Construction activity(iv) Stone crusher

    Table 3.2: Construction material required (clause 3.2.4 b)

    List of constructionmaterials to be used at all

    stages of construction

    Quantity(tonnes/month)Peak Average

    Source ofmaterial

    Means of transportation(source to storage site)

    with justification






    3.2.5 Noise(a) Major sources of noise in the project area (stationary and mobile)(b) Level at source (dB)(c) Level at project boundary (dB)

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    3.3.1 Aquatic

    Aquatic ecosystem to be studied over an area atleast between 2km upstream of the

    project site and atleast 2 km downstream of the project site. The study should include the


    (a) Fish species of commercial value(b) Resident species(c) Migratory species, their spawning ground, fish morphology, anatomy, feeding

    pattern, breeding pattern etc.

    Aquatic ecological analysis may be made following the methods outlined in Wetzel and

    Likens (1991) and APHA (1998). Periphyton, phytoplankton, macrobenthos and zooplankton

    should be studied for frequency, density, abundance and diversity indices.

    3.3.2 Terrestrial

    An inventory of flora, listing of rare, endangered, economically important and medicinal

    plant species should be prepared and their frequency, abundance and density should be

    determined. Quadrate method is generally used for sampling. Flora

    (a) Major forest products and dependability of the local communities on these such asfuel wood, edible species, construction material etc.

    (b) Forest type(c) Trees, shrubs, herbs(d) Rare and endangered species(e) Endemic species(f) Economically important species Fauna(a) Aerial distance of National Park/Sancturay/Biosphere Reserve etc., if any in the

    vicinity, from the project site(b) Rare and endangered species(c) Endemic species(d) Species of special interest to local population and tourists

    (e) Migratory route of animals, if any, in the project area


    3.4.1 Demographic Profile (gender based details of the population)(a) Rural/urban(b) Population density(c) SC/ST and others(d) Literacy(e) Employment and occupation(f) Economic status (land holding/house holding)

    3.4.2 Details of Villages to be Affected(a) Total no. of villages

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    (b) Total no. of families(i) Tribal(ii) Others

    (c) Total population(i) Tribal(ii) Others

    3.4.3 Village wise Land Details(a) Name of village(b) Total land(c) Land coming under project area(d) Main occupation of villagers

    (i) Agriculture(ii) Service(iii) Labourers(iv) Business

    3.4.4 Details of Families to be Displaced

    Name ofvillage


    Land oustees only Homestead oustees only Land and homestead oustees

    Tribal Others Tribal Others Tribal Others

    3.4.5 Infra Structure Development(a) Education(b) Industrial development(c) Drinking water

    (d) Communication(e) Roads(f) Electricity(g) Sanitation

    3.4.6 Cultural Sites(a) Places of worship(b) Archeological sites/monuments(c) Anthropological sites

    3.4.7 Health Profi le(a) Existing health(b) Screening of the facilities urgent labour

    (i) No. of persons to be employed for construction (average and during peakperiod)

    (ii) No. of persons to be employed from the affected population(iii) Details of temporary labour colonies

    (c) Disease surveillance(i) Endemic health problem(ii) Epidemic prevention and control(iii) Probability of the occurrence of malaria etc.

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    This Section aims at description of environmental impact assessment (EIA)

    methodology with reference to water resource projects.


    The potential scope of a comprehensive EIA system is considerable and can include

    appraisal of policies, plans, programmes and projects. Even if policies were not environmental

    in nature, they might still have severe environmental implications.

    The top tier of EIA application would be a Policy EIA which attempts to assess theenvironmental and health implications of national policies. For example, agricultural policies

    may cause severe ecological impacts or energy policies will influence the demand for natural

    resources and affect industrial development. At a lower level a Plan EIA would seek to identify

    key environmental factors affecting land use such as agricultural land quality and resources


    EIAs could assist in the identification of preferred areas where certain types of

    development might be encouraged. A Programme EIA would be prepared for a series of like

    projects, such as in a river basin development scheme in which different hydropower projects

    including SHPs may be constructed at different times. A Project EIA would be undertaken when

    local environmental issues are particularly important for individual projects. It should be

    recognised that EIA is not a universal panacea, it may have restricted use in certain areas of

    decision-making. Most EIA experience is related to projects (Project EIA); very few plan EIAs

    have been undertaken.


    The key activities are screening, scoping and assessment which will be discussed indetail in following sections. These steps require intensive interaction between the human

    resources and information resources available for a proposed project.

    Finally, an EIA has to be organized to address certain specific topics. Most EIAs cover

    the following features:

    Description of the proposed project,

    Description of the proposed location or study area, including information about physical

    resources, ecological resources, human and economic development and existing quality of


    Alternatives considered (including no-action),

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    Potential impacts and benefits including evaluation of each alternative considered,

    Mitigation of adverse effects,

    Irreversible and irretrievable commitment of resources,

    Identification of temporary, short-term and long-term effects,

    Disposition of reviews comments,

    Summary, conclusions and recommendations,


    Addition of other features or topics particular to the proposed project.

    4.2.1 Screening

    Screening is a procedure which aims to identify, as early as possible, those projects with

    potentially significant impacts, that should therefore be subject to EIA. Projects can be

    investigated and, if no significant impacts are anticipated, they can then be exempted from

    further environmental analysis. According to MoEF guidelines, Category B projects or activities

    (see section 2) are subjected to scrutiny by concerned State Level Expert Appraisal Committee

    for determining whether or not the project or activity requires an EIA. Those requiring EIA are

    termed as B1 project and those not requiring EIA are termed as B2 project. For categorization

    of projects into B1 or B2, the MoEF shall issue appropriate guidelines from time to time. A

    number of approaches to screening can be identified. These are listed and discussed below:

    Project thresholds,

    Locational criteria,

    Positive and negative lists,

    Initial Environmental Evaluations (IEEs), Thresholds

    Thresholds may be developed on the basis of size, cost or pollution levels. For example,

    in India, a policy has been established (MoEF, 2006) that all hydropower projects with installed

    capacity less than 25 MW would not be subject to prior environmental clearance by competent

    authority. This approach, unfortunately, neglects the implications of several small hydropower

    developments in vicinity, each below the threshold, but which in combination may cause

    significant adverse impacts and thus should be subject to EIA. Locational criteria

    Locational criteria usually involve designation of sensitive areas, for example nature

    preserves, national parks, historical/religious sites and biospheres. Thus any project or activity

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    in category B will be treated as category A if located in whole or part within 10 km from the

    boundary of protected areas/critically polluted areas/notified ecosensitive areas etc. Posit ive and negative lis ts

    The approach is based upon a list of proposed projects for which an EIA is always

    required (positive list) and a list for which no EIS is required (negative list). Initially, some work

    is needed to justify the inclusion of one project and the exclusion of another.

    Example: individual industries located in notified ecosensitive zone (positive list)/biotech parks

    (negative list) Init ial environmental evaluation

    An initial environmental evaluation (IEE) approach requires considerably more

    understanding of a project and its environs than the approaches described previously. IEEsoperate on a project-by-project basis and consequently it is impossible to make generalizations

    as to which project will be subject to an EIA. However, the RA is an essential precursor to an

    IEE since it provides sufficient information on pollution loads and levels to allow decision to be

    made on the need for an EIA.

    An IEE-approach is presented in the UNEP guidelines (United Nations Environment

    Programme, 1980) for the assessment and siting of industry. This approach requires a

    systematic identification of possible interactions between the characteristics of the proposed

    development, and those of the size and surroundings. Both an interactions matrix andscreening tests may be needed for this approach.

    There are several general criteria that can be used when making a decision as to the

    environmental effect of an activity. These criteria are not mutually exclusive but are very much


    Magnitude : This is defined as the probable severity of each potential impact. Will the impact

    be irreversible? If reversible, what will be the rate of recovery or adaptability of an impact area?

    Will the activity preclude the use of the impact area for other purpose?

    Prevalence : This is defined as the extent to which the impact may eventually extend as in the

    cumulative effects of a number of stream crossings. Each one taken separately might represent

    a localized impact of small importance and magnitude but a number of such crossing could

    result in a widespread effect. Coupled with the determination of cumulative effective is the

    remoteness of an effect from the activity causing it. The deterioration of fish production resulting

    for access roads could affect sport fishing in an area many miles away and for months or years

    after project completion.

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    Duration and Frequency : The significance of duration and 1frequency can be explained as

    follows. Will the activity be long-term or short-term? If the activity is intermittent, will it allow for

    recovery during inactive periods?

    Risks : This is defined as the probability of serious environmental effects. The accuracy of

    assessing risk is dependent upon the knowledge and understanding of the activities and the

    potential impact areas.

    Importance : This is defined as the value that is attached to a specific area in its present state.

    For example, a local community may value a short stretch of beach for bathing or a small

    marsh for hunting. Alternatively, the impact area may be of a regional, provincial or even

    national importance.

    Mitigation : Are solutions to problems available? Existing technology may provide a solution to a

    silting problem expected during construction of an access road or bank erosion resulting form a

    new stream configuration.

    While single screening approaches may be applied, they may also be used in

    conjunction with each other. Screening techniques can, therefore, vary in sophistication, but

    there is considerable merit in keeping this activity as simple as possible. A simple approach

    such as a positive and negative list approach, will allow both the development proponent and

    the authorizing agency to clearly understand EIA requirements in advance. This approach may

    need to be reinforced with an IEE approach in order to accommodate non-listed projects.

    Alternatively, a simple questionnaire approach may be acceptable.

    4.2.2 Scoping (Depth of Analysis)

    Scoping is the procedure used to determine the "terms of reference" of an EIA and

    concentrates on identifying those issues which require in-depth analysis. Scoping has the

    following specific objectives:

    To identify the major environmental issues that must be assessed in the EIA.

    To determine the range of alternatives to the project which should be examined.

    To determine the boundary for the study in a geographical context.

    To establish a procedure for the preparation of an EIS and its format.

    Scoping often involves contact between those proposing a development and the public,

    and it is a procedure that allows interested persons to state their concerns before an EIA is

    undertaken. Participation of the public in scoping is important because it may help identify

    people who have useful knowledge about the proposed site. It also allows them to propose

    alternatives and suggest the kind of study that should be undertaken. Scoping is the first stage

    in creating public confidence in EIA and the decision-making process (US Council on

    Environmental Quality, 1981). It is helpful in providing participants with a report from the

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    developer which contains the preliminary information. This may allow any serious issue

    associated with a proposal to be identified early on.


    Although there are many types of EIA methods, this section will only discuss checklists,

    matrices, network and overlays manuals. These represent the most widely used methods.

    Before discussing these methods, it should be noted that evidence for their partial utility is often

    limited. Whenever possible evidence relating to this important aspect of methods will be


    4.3.1 Checklists

    The checklists method lists local environmental factors, which are likely to be affected

    where a development is planned. This list can contain broad categories of factors, for example,flora, fauna, hydrological regimes, surface water bodies and the atmosphere. Conversely, it can

    be extensive and detailed. An example of checklist is given Table 4.

    Another useful type of checklist is the "questionnaire", which presents a series of

    questions relating to the impact of a project. Checklists are used to provide answers to specific

    questions relating to the particular project being assessed. Once an initial question has been

    answered in the affirmative, additional questions investigate the nature of particular impacts in


    There have been many attempts to develop checklists by the use of weighing andscaling. Numerical weights are assigned to items of a checklist in accordance with the relative

    importance of each item. Scaling is a procedure for reducing impacts on all items to a common

    arbitrary scale. These methods have not been widely used because of their complexity, cost

    and extensive data requirements. Also, they can be politically controversial due to the need to

    assign weights for relative importance to environmental components.

    4.3.2 Interaction matrices

    A development of basic checklists is the interaction matrix. The most well known is theLeopold matrix development for the U.S. Geological Survey (Leopold et al, 1971). The matrix

    consists of a horizontal list of development activities displayed against a vertical list of

    environmental factors. The matrix is used to identify impacts by systematically checking each

    development activity against each environmental parameter. If it were thought that a particular

    development activity were to affect an environmental component, a mark is placed in the cell

    which occurs at the intersection of the activity and the environmental component. It should be

    noted that the matrix can be expanded to cover the construction and operational phases of

    various components on horizontal scale or more than one alternative can be represented on thehorizontal scale.

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    Table 4.1: Example: checklist of impacts of Tidong Hydropower Project







    A. Impacts due to Project Location

    1 Displacement of People *2 Loss of Land / Change in Land


    * *

    3 Encroachment into Forest Land /Loss of Forest Produce

    * *

    4 Encroachment into Nature

    Reserves & Wildlife


    5 Loss of Historical/Cultural



    6 Loss of Infrastructure *

    7 Erosion and Silt Risks * *

    8Disruption of HydrologicalBalance


    B. Impacts due to ProjectConstruction

    9 Soil Erosion at Construction Sites * *

    Muck Generation * *

    Transportation of muck and

    construction material

    * *

    10 Deforestation * *

    11 Human Health * *

    12 Water Quality * *

    13 Cultural Hazards * *

    14 Air and Noise Pollution * *

    C. Impacts due to Project

    Operation15 Reservoir Evaporation Losses *

    16 Deforestation * *

    17 Effect on Wildlife *

    18 Change in Water Quality & Riskof Eutrophication


    19 Increased Incidences of WaterBorne Diseases


    20 Impact on Fish and Aquatic Life *

    21 Public Health * *

    22 Drainage *

    D. Positive Impacts

    23 Clean and renewable source of


    * *

    24 Employment Opportunities * * *

    25 Catchment Area Treatment * *

    26 Recreation and Tourism Potential * *

    27 Additional Habitat for Aquatic

    Wildlife / Wetland Species

    * *

    28 Fisheries & Aquaculture potential * *

    29 Benefits to Economy * *

    30 Reduction in Air Pollution * *

    31 Reduction in Greenhouse gasEmissions

    * *

    32 Increased Infrastructure * *

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    After the initial identification of impacts, it is possible to use the same matrix to indicate

    those impacts considered to be the most important. In the original Leopold matrix, scores from

    a 1-10 scale can be assigned to describe the importance and magnitude of individual impacts.

    Importance refers to the significance of an impact and magnitude to its scale and extent.

    Leopold-type matrices are easy to use and perhaps the most widely employed and successful

    of all EIA methods.

    4.3.3 Network

    This method, although widely discussed in the EIA literature, has not been used as

    extensively as matrices and simple checklists. It was developed to explicitly consider the

    secondary, tertiary and higher order impacts that can arise from an initial impact. Checklists

    and matrices structure thinking towards impacts on single environmental entities. When using a

    matrix the effects of vegetation clearance, for example, are considered in relation to all listed

    environmental components. With this approach to impact identification, there is a danger that

    linked impacts are omitted. In this case, vegetation clearance can have an initial or primary

    impact on both soils and animal and bird life. However, the impact on soils can result in erosion

    and this can increase the sediment load in rivers. This sediment load can, in turn, affect life of

    reservoir and various forms of aquatic life. Should the river support a commercial or

    recreational fishery, then any changes in aquatic structure might have economic repercussions.

    4.3.4 Overlays

    The overlays approach to impact assessment involves the use of a series of

    transparencies. The study area is subdivided into convenient geographical units, based on

    uniformly spaced grid points, topographic features or differing land uses. Within each unit, the

    assessor collects information on environmental factors and human concerns, through various

    sources/techniques. The concerns are assembled into a set of factors, each having a common

    basis and regional maps (overlays) are drawn for each factor. The degree of impact or

    importance of each factor is represented by varying the degree of shading with light shading

    indicating low impact and heavy shading the highest impact. The overlays are then stacked one

    on the other using the same reference points and the total degree of shading is visually

    observed. Those areas on the maps with the highest shading are thus the most acceptable

    alternatives. Because of the reduction in light transparency with each overlay, only about 10

    maps or overlays can be used.

    This method is easily adaptable for use with a computer which may be programmed to

    perform the tasks of aggregating the predicted impacts for each geographical subdivision and

    of searching for the area least affected. Automated procedure can be used for selecting

    sequence of unit areas for routing highways, canal network, pipelines, and other corridors. The

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    computer method is more flexible, an advantage whenever the reviewer suggests that the

    system of weights be changed.

    The overlay approach can accommodate both qualitative and quantitative data. For

    example, water is often shaded blue while land elevation can be shown by contour lines. There

    are, however, limits to the number of different types of data that can be comprehended in one

    display. A computerized version thus has greater flexibility. Although in this case, too, the

    individual cartographic displays may be too complex to follow in sequence, the final maps

    (optimum corridors for each alternative, and comparisons amongst alternative) are readily

    prepared and understood.

    When using overlays, the burden of ensuring comprehensiveness is largely on the

    analyst. Also, the approach is selective because there is a limit to the number of transparencies

    that can be viewed together. Finally, extreme impacts with small probabilities of occurrence are

    not considered. A skilled assessor may indicate in a footnote or on a supplementary map,

    however, those areas near proposed corridors where there is a possibility of landslides, floods,

    or other unacceptable risks. Overlays do have some strong features too. For example, overlays

    may be mutually exclusive provided that checklists of concerns, effects, and impacts are

    prepared at the outset and a simplified matrix-type analysis is undertaken. Also, the objectivity

    of the overlay method is very good with respect to the spatial positioning of effects and impacts

    (e.g., area of land to be flooded), but is otherwise low. Overlays are not effective in estimating

    or displaying uncertainty and interactions.


    A hydropower project generally requires construction of the diversion barrage, headrace

    tunnel, powerhouse etc. Construction of the project facilities would require acquisition of land,

    out of which part may be the government/forest land and the remaining private land owned by

    the individuals. Expropriation of private lands may cause social disruption and economic loss

    for the project affected families/people. The workers, which will be migrating in the project area

    during construction, would also cause certain demographic and social changes, since the

    project is normally situated in remote area.

    A survey should be undertaken to study and understand the socio economic conditions

    of these project-affected households and to examine the impact of the proposed project


    Socio-Economic Profile of Project A ffected People (PAP):

    It should cover analysis of the following:

    Sex and Age

    Educational Attainment:

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    Religion and Caste


    Family Income

    Marital Status

    Family Pattern and Size


    Family Assets and Acquisition

    Infrastructure Facilities

    Social Impact Analysis

    It should cover analysis of the following:

    Pressure on existing infrastructure/resources : Creation of the project infrastructure likeroads, electric supply would also be available for the project affected people.

    Incidence of water related diseases: The aggregation of labour, discharge of uncontrolled

    wastewater and formation of stagnant water would result in occurrence/spread of diseases like

    malaria, cholera etc.

    Cultural conf licts: People in the project area have distinct habits of food and clothing along

    with deep religious faiths celebrating their festivals with great enthusiasm. Hence, chances of

    cultural conflicts may take place with that of migratory population.

    Cost of living and inflation: Minor increase in cost of living and inflation may be experienced

    in the project area as a result of increased commercial activities.

    Resettlement, Rehabilitation and Social Response Program (SRP) of the Project

    Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India have published the National Policy

    on Resettlement and Rehabilitation for Project Affected Families (NPRR-2003) in February,

    2004 which gives guidelines for resettlement and rehabilitation of project affected families.

    Family to be displaced due to the project are to be identified. Only partial acquisition of

    agricultural land from the only four families of Lumber village would be necessitated for theproject. If the number of affected families is much less than 250, then the NPRR-2003 is not

    compulsorily applicable.

    The affected families should be compensated for acquisition of their land in accordance

    with the local norms applicable for such acquisition. It is also obvious that such compensation

    would never render sufficient to compensate the indirect losses to the local people. The local

    population of the project area deserves certain incentives towards their social upliftment, so that

    they feel themselves an integral part of the overall development. With this principal objective in

    view, the project proponent should prepare a Social Response Program (SRP) for the project.The SRP should be carried out with active involvement of the affected people. It provides for

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    livelihood support, infrastructure development, education assistance, public health facility,

    gender support, water conservation and harvesting and creation of employment opportunities.

    A separate body comprising of representatives from project management & public

    representatives should be formed for monitoring and concerted evaluation of the SRP.

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    Assessment of potential impacts of a hydropower development to water quality firstrequires an effective plan to acquire sufficient baseline information to make the assessments.

    At the time of construction activities begin, a modified monitoring program is necessary to

    evaluate the effectiveness of measures to prevent adverse effects to water quality. Ultimately,

    additional modifications to the monitoring plan are needed to evaluate the actual effects of the

    project on water quality and to enable identification of unanticipated effects and/or ineffective

    protection measures. The first monitoring plan, to develop a baseline of the information, should

    be a component of the Terms of References (TOR) developed within the Environmental Impact

    Assessment (EIA) process. The second and third modifications to the baseline monitoring

    program are to be presented in the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) which is a part of

    the EIA report.


    5.1.1 Water Quality Effects During Construction

    Generally, effects of construction on water quality in a river system stem primarily from

    the discharge of wastewater (both construction waste water and sanitary waste water from

    workforce housing areas) to the adjacent river and runoff from quarries and construction areas.Discharge of wastewater from construction areas that may affect water quality include

    discharge of water used to wash concrete mixing and hauling equipment, wash water used to

    prepare concrete aggregate, and other minor on-site discharges of water to the river system.

    Generally, the effect is an increase in suspended sediment loads and an increase in alkalinity of

    the water due to discharge of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), a component of concrete. However,

    dissolved solids may also increase significantly as a consequence of runoff from the

    construction area. If excavated material is deposited in or adjacent to the river channel,

    suspended solids concentrations and dissolved solids concentrations may increase further. Of

    particular concern with deposition of spoil materials is the potential for increasing

    concentrations of heavy metals such as iron, manganese, copper, lead, and other heavy


    Deposition of suspended solids in the river channel downstream from the construction

    area may cause changes in the river channel if significant amounts of sediment is contributed to

    the river, and may cause problems with spawning areas of fish in the downstream reach of the


    Discharge of sanitary waste from work camps and other human sanitary facilities can

    affect Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in the river as well as increasing fecal coliform

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    bacteria concentrations, an indicator of potential disease risk to to downstream users. Suitable

    handling and treatment of sanitary wastes will significantly reduce the potential for adverse

    effects to water quality from this source.

    Runoff from construction areas constitutes a more problematic situation. Potential water

    quality effects on runoff from construction sites include increases in sediment emanating from

    erosion from disturbed areas (construction staging areas, excavated areas, quarries, access

    road construction, spoil disposal areas), flushing of oils, greases and other hydrocarbon

    lubricants from maintenance areas, and potential flushing of other hazardous materials used at

    the project site for construction purposes. Containment of such materials and installation of

    erosion barriers will significantly reduce the potential effects to water quality. Maintenance of

    the erosion control measures and containment facilities must be accomplished throughout the

    construction period.

    5.1.2 Water Quality Effects During Operation

    Most of the significant water quality effects are realized only after the project begins

    operation. At this time the affected river has been partitioned into two major components:

    Upstream of the project site and Downstream of the project site. Water quality effects upstream of the pro ject si te

    In general, a hydropower project can not and should not directly affect water quality

    conditions upstream of the project site. Any realized changes in water quality are generallyattributable to changes in land use patterns, changes in population distributions and changes in

    industrial or commercial installations in the upper river basin. Consequently, any changes in

    water quality conditions upstream will be reflected in changes in water quality downstream.

    Management of land use, population distribution and industrial development upstream is

    basically the only option available to minimize these impacts. Water quality effects downstream of the project site

    The more significant effects of a hydropower development on water quality, at least fromthe perspective of ecological characteristics and human use, are generally realized in the river

    downstream of the project site. The magnitude of the changes in water quality parameters

    realized downstream from the project are attributable to the operating regime of the project

    which defines the hydrologic regime. Aside from the alteration of the hydrologic regime, two of

    the more common water quality parameters that are affected by a small hydropower

    development in the downstream reach are water temperature and dissolved oxygen.

    While the temperature regime in the river is not necessarily considered an adverse

    condition, it is the changes in the biological community that are affected by those changes thatcan become significant. The temperature regime of a river may affect the types of organisms

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    that are able to survive in the affected reach, the biological productivity within the reach

    (generally, biological production is positively correlated with temperature in aquatic systems),

    and the reproductive cycles of aquatic organisms downstream from the project. It should be

    noted that although some species may cue reproductive cycles on water temperature, other

    species cue their cycles on changing hydrologic regimes that may or may not be correlated with

    seasonal changes in water temperature. Therefore, the significance of predicted changes in

    water temperature must be framed in reference to the biological requirements of the organisms

    inhabiting the river downstream of the project.


    Generally, the statement of purpose for a water quality monitoring program is fairly

    straight forward. Though the development cycle, three basic monitoring programs will be

    designed and implemented corresponding to the baseline description period (EIA), construction

    period, and operation period.

    The primary purpose of the baseline monitoring program are twofold: First, the baseline

    monitoring program should provide sufficient information to enable accurate (justifiable)

    predictions of potential effects of the hydropower project on water quality parameters; second,

    the baseline data set will provide the standard against which project effects and/or mitigation

    effectiveness can be determined. Obviously, it is necessary to determine the starting point

    condition to determine if changes occur.

    The purpose of the water quality monitoring program for the construction period,

    likewise, can serve two purposes: First, the program should be designed to enable evaluation

    of the effect of various construction activities and construction related facilities on water quality;

    second, certain components of the program can provide further baseline information for

    determining the effect of project operation on water quality.

    The purpose of the final water quality monitoring program to be implemented during

    operation also has two purposes: First, data collected during the operational period are

    compared with the baseline data to determine if projections made in the EIA are accurate and

    mitigation or avoidance measures are effective; second, the monitoring program can be used to

    determine if changes occur during the operation period and might require attention and can be

    used as a basis to determine the sources of any pollutants.


    Design of the water quality monitoring program is key to obtaining a useful set of

    information for describing baseline conditions and measuring the effects of construction and

    operation on those conditions. Thus, the sampling design presented in the monitoring plans is

    the most important part of the plan.

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    5.3.1 Duration

    The duration of the water quality monitoring programs will vary according to the stage in

    project development.

    For baseline monitoring, the minimum length of time necessary for basic understanding

    of cycles in water quality parameters is one year. The baseline monitoring program should

    provide sufficient information on all parameters included in the monitoring program to

    demonstrate annual cycles in concentrations or conditions. While the data set should provide at

    least one full year of sampling, continuing monitoring for longer periods would facilitate

    understanding of year-to-year variation in those parameters. Consequently, the baseline

    monitoring program should be implemented for as long as possible given the schedule for

    project construction and completion.

    Determination of the duration of the construction period monitoring program should

    correspond to the construction period, including preparatory period. In addition to monitoring

    the effects of construction, continuation of monitoring parameters included in the baseline

    program will provide additional foundation for measuring the effects of the project once it

    becomes operational.

    The duration of the monitoring program to be implemented during operation of the

    project will depend upon specific conditions at the project. For some parameters, the monitoring

    program could extend throughout the life of the project. For other parameters, sampling for a

    period of up to 5 years will provide an adequate basis for evaluating the effect of the project.

    5.3.2 Sampling frequency

    As defined above, recommended parameters for inclusion in the baseline, construction

    period, and operational period include two groups: Those for general monitoring and those for

    assessment monitoring.

    During the baseline period (EIA preparation), parameters included in general monitoring

    should be measured on at least a biweekly basis, preferably on a weekly basis for one full year.

    Parameters included for the assessment monitoring include some parameters that should be

    measured on a monthly basis, with the remainder measured on a quarterly or seasonal basis

    through the planning phase of the project.

    The sampling frequency during the construction period, particularly for parameters that

    may be affected by construction activities should be measured at least on a monthly basis

    throughout the construction period. Parameters that are included in the general monitoring

    program and contribute to the baseline descriptions should be measured at the same