Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life

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  • 7/29/2019 Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life


    Applying Writing for Life

    Stage 1: Desired Results

    Established goals:

    Core Standards for Language:

    1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

    a. Use parallel structure.

    b. Use various types of phrases (noun, verb, adjectival, adverbial, participial, prepositional, absolute)

    and clauses (independent, dependent; noun, relative, adverbial) to convey specific meanings and

    add variety and interest to writing or presentations. (L.9-10.1.)

    2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when


    a. Use a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to link two or more closely related independent clauses.

    b. Use a colon to introduce a list or quotation. (L.9-10.2.)

    c. Spell correctly.

    3. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective

    choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.

    a. Write and edit work so that it conforms to the guidelines in a style manual (e.g., MLA Handbook,

    Turabians Manual for Writers) appropriate for the discipline and writing type. (L.9-10.3.)

    4. Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, sufficient for reading,writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness level; demonstrate independence in

    gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.(L.9-10.6.)

    Core Standards for Listening and Speaking:

    1. Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led)

    with diverse partners on grades 910 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own

    clearly and persuasively.

    c. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement and disagreement, and, when

    warranted, qualify or justify their own views and understanding and make new connections in light of the

    evidence and reasoning presented. (SL.9-10.1.)

    2. Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively,

    orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source. (SL.9-10.2.)

    3. Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or

    appropriate. (See grades 910 Language standards 1 and 3 for specific expectations.) (SL.9-10.6.)

    IA.5.Prepare and conduct interviews.

    IA.7.Debate an issue from either side.

  • 7/29/2019 Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life


    Core Standards for Writing:

    1. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to

    task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 13

    above.) (W.9-10.4)

    2. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach,focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. (Editing for conventions

    should demonstrate command of Language standards 13 up to and including grades 910.) (W.9-10.5.)

    3. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products,

    taking advantage of technology's capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and

    dynamically. (W.9-10.6.)

    4. Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time

    frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences. (W.9-10.10.)

    Core Standards for Reading:

    1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well asinferences drawn from the text. (RI.9-10.1.)

    2. Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including how it

    emerges and is shaped and refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text. (RI.9-10.2.)


    Students willunderstand that

    -Writing is an essential tool for success in 21st



    Essential Questions:

    -Why is writing important?

    -How is writing used to convey a message/ or point of


    -In what ways do we use writing in our everyday lives?-In what ways do we use speaking in our lives?

    -Why is it important to be speak well?

    Students will know

    -The conventions of traditional (formal) and non-

    traditional (informal) writing


    Students will be able to

    -Create different forms of texts

    -Construct complete sentences using proper grammar and


    -Conduct an interview

    -Use media to create an interview video

    Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

    Performance Tasks:-Completing an MTV application

    -Journaling- teaching students how to journal and reflect

    on ideas will be one of the performance-based

    summative assignments in this unit

    -Complete a magazine article using the interview

    questions each student came up with

    -Complete a web-based interview

    Other Evidence:-Admit Slips will be assigned before each class starts with

    questions to engage students and connect ideas from the

    previous lessons in this unit or prior units that will get them

    thinking about the topic being covered right off the bat!

    -Exit Slips will be posted on the door at the end of each

    class period, where students can give feedback on the

    lesson, ask to have any information covered in the

    following class that they may still be unsure of or provide

    ideas for in-class activities. I will use this information to

    prepare the following lessons in this unit and what will be

  • 7/29/2019 Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life



    -Quick Writes will be done periodically during class periods

    to have students stop and process the information they are

    learning about writing by seeing if they are in turn able to

    put these thought processes in written work.

    Stage 3: Learning Plan

    Learning Activities:

    -Think,Pair, Share- I will stop periodically throughout the lessons being taught to have students pair up with a classmate

    sitting beside them to process the content being taught in stages and to help each other work through any problems

    and to deepen level of understanding.

    -Think Alouds- I want to encourage students to work together and to help inform each others learning through speaking

    and listening activities such as thinks alouds and TPS, these activities will allow students to help one another develop

    and deepen their understanding of the content and to work through any struggles or misunderstandings.

    -Jigsaw method of discussion based activity-Will help students develop an opinion on a controversial subject and then

    an opportunity to discuss it and then journal about this activity. This teaches students the powerful tool of reflection as

    well as self-reflection in the form of journaling.

    -Interviewing one another while taking on different characters.

  • 7/29/2019 Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life


    Unit: Writing for LifePacing



    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

    1 2 3 4 5

    1 -Intro to unit

    -How 21st


    literacy is a key tool

    for success

    -Small group

    discussions/ create

    a poster on one

    area of 21st


    literacy.-Exit slip: Do you

    have any questions

    about this concept?

    What is one part of


    century literacy

    that you would like

    to become stronger


    -Do you like writing?

    Why/ why not? What

    forms of writing have

    you been taught


    -Think Pair Sharing

    this admit slip

    -Sharing whip

    activity- quicklyadding comments

    about this admit slip.

    -Discussion on forms

    of writing (formal/

    informal and



    -Exit slip: Reflect on

    what you have

    learned and what

    you would like to

    know more about.

    -Lesson #1

    -Admit slip: What

    can journals be

    used for? What

    are some

    examples of

    journals? Do you

    keep a journal?

    -Think, Pair, Sharewith a partner

    your answer


    journaling activity

    -Jigsaw activity

    -Quick write:


    complete a

    journal entry on

    reflecting on how

    this activity went

    and connecting it

    to their lives

    -Lesson #2

    -Admit slip: Weve

    learned about

    journaling. What is

    another form of

    writing that we use

    in our every day


    -Introduction toapplication writing.

    -Think, Pair, Share

    with a partner your


    -Sharing Whip


    -Lesson on how to



    correct simple


    -Look at some

    examples of


    -Complete their

    own MADE


    -Lesson #2


    -Introduce web-

    based video


    -Give students

    the outline and

    let them practice

    their speeches-They are to talk

    about themselves

    for 2 minutes



    interesting about

    themselves and

    why they feel

    they should be

    chosen to be


    -Continue to

    work on MADE


    complete the


    interview using



  • 7/29/2019 Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life


    6 7 8 9 10

    2 -Read a few poems

    from Where the

    Sidewalk Ends by

    Shel Silverstein

    -Have students

    create their own

    poems in small

    groups given them

    certain words and

    phrases that they

    have to include in

    the poem they


    -The groups share

    their poems with

    the rest of the


    -Entry slip: Watching

    clips that I have put

    together that are all

    advertisements such

    as commercials or

    ads in newspapers/

    magazines or radio


    -Students respond to

    the entry slip: These

    are all forms of

    persuasive writing.

    How do you know

    this? What goes into

    creating an


    whether is be a

    drawing, a photo,

    written words or


    -Well discuss this as

    a whole group.

    -Students will have

    time to brainstorm in

    small groups what

    they want to do for

    completing an

    advertisement. They

    will have the option

    of completing it on

    their own or in a


    -Continuation of

    creating an



    -Outline as a class

    the stages of

    creating an


    -Students will


    independently or

    in groups to

    complete their



    -Continue working

    on advertisement

    in groups.


    throughout the

    period with myself

    to check for


    -Each group will

    quickly present

    their respective


  • 7/29/2019 Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life


    11 12 13 14 15

    3 -Lesson #3

    -Look at different



    -Talk about the

    interviews in whole

    group setting.

    What stands out to


    -Look at the

    questions used.

    -Have students

    work in small

    groups to think of

    some questions

    they would use in

    an interview.

    -Lesson #3 continued

    -Admit Slip: What did

    you learn about

    interviewing in

    yesterdays class?

    -Talk about some

    skills you need to

    possess when


    -Look at some

    examples of

    interviews that

    students their age


    -Talk about the

    differences between

    the professional and

    the student.

    -Discuss the types of

    questions used. Onethey feel are

    important to ask.

    -Have the students

    interview one

    another on the spot

    without preparing an


    -Exit Slip: How

    important is it to be

    prepared when you

    are interviewing


    -Lesson #3


    -Review the

    answers from the

    previous days exit


    -Discuss why the

    questions asked

    determine how

    well an interview


    -Introduce the

    activity they will

    be doing which

    will be a



    assessment that

    will include

    writing andspeaking.

    -Have the student

    work with a

    partner or in a

    small group to

    generate ideas for


    -Then have the

    students create

    the questions

    they will be using

    when they


    -At the end I will

    have students

    come in character

    to class


    -Lesson #3


    -Students will

    perform the

    interviews being

    both the

    interviewer and the

    one being


    -Students will have

    time at the end the

    end of class to

    discuss how this

    activity went with

    their partner.

    -Exit Slip: Tell me

    how this activity

    went? Were you

    able to identify

    who you wereinterviewing

    through the

    questions you


    -Lesson #3


    -Students will

    continue to work

    on their write-up

    on the interview

    and peer-

    evaluate one

    another and

    hand in a good

    copy when they

    are done.

  • 7/29/2019 Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life


    Your Name: Diana Boultbee

    Name of Unit: Applying Writing for Life

    Subject Area: English Language ArtsGrade Level: 9


    Instruction time: 45 minutes

    Lesson Summary Description

    This lesson that I will be teaching today is part of theApplying Writing for Life unit. Although this is

    a writing unit I believe that it is important to emphasize the importance of language development,reading, listening and speaking and as well writing standards into every unit. The main focus of this

    lesson will be on introducing the students to learning how to journal. My goal is to create a positive

    learning environment for my students and I believe that in order to do so I must develop a

    relationship with each and every one of my students and I think that journaling is a very powerful

    way of doing this. I want to incorporate journaling into my classroom management strategies. The

    goal is for students to journal in my classroom once a week, possibly every Monday- I think this is a

    good way of starting off the week. I want students to be able to write to me about ANYTHING but I

    think that this is very hard concept for students are first. So I thought it would be best to start this

    idea off by having students complete a discussion based class lesson on a made up scenario that is

    controversial but is an issue that has come up and then have the students discuss it in groups andthen journal about it. My hopes are that students start writing about this scenario and then possibly

    open up and share to me a situation they have been in that made them connect to this story or

    maybe it just functions as a good first step in the process. Either way this is an activity that I feel

    accomplishes both a goal of establishing journal writing in our class as well as covers a very

    controversial topic that has come up in our school recently. It is important to note that I have

    already written to parents informing them of why I have chosen to teach this topic and how I intend

    to teach it, as well as the benefits I see from teaching it to these students. If parents have chosen to

    not have their children take part in this discussion though, I have set up an alternative assignment

    for the students with the same objective of establishing journal writing but done in a different way.

    Note: Out of the lessons I have provided this is the first one completed in the sequence.

    1. Journaling lesson2. Application lesson3. Interview & magazine article lesson

  • 7/29/2019 Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life



    Core Standards for Listening and Speaking:

    Initiate and participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in

    groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners ongrades 910 topics, texts, and issues,

    building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.

    c. Respond thoughtfully to diverse perspectives, summarize points of agreement anddisagreement, and, when warranted, qualify or justify their own views and

    understanding and make new connections in light of the evidence and reasoning

    presented. (SL.9-10.1.)

    Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English

    when indicated or appropriate. (See grades 910 Language standards 1 and 3 for specific

    expectations.) (SL.9-10.6.)

    IA.7. Debate an issue from either side.

    Core Standards for Writing:

    Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and

    shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and

    audiences. (W.9-10.10.)

    Core Standards for Reading:

    Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly

    as well as inferences drawn from the text. (RI.9-10.1.)

    Enduring Understandings/Essential Question(s)

    -How is writing used to convey a message/ or point of view?

    -In what ways do we use writing in our everyday lives?

    -In what ways are we affected by sexual harassment?

    -In what ways does gender discrimination exist?

  • 7/29/2019 Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life



    At the end of this lesson (C), students (A) will understand the importance of reflective writing and

    will be able to successfully know how to complete journal entries (B).

    At the end of this lesson (C), students (A) will understand how to objectively look at a situation

    from multiple perspectives (B).


    All students & Struggling students- Before providing the ways in which I have chosen to

    differentiate this plan based on the needs of my students I would like to make it clear that I believe

    that everyone has the option for modifications to every lesson in my classroom not just students on

    IEPs or ELLs. I believe that my classroom should be a comfortable space for students that is both

    challenging and encouraging by facilitating a safe learning environment. Every student has theopportunity of multiple exposures to modeling and guided instruction as well as the option to

    discuss any challenges they may be facing and whether there are changes we can make together to

    lessons and/or assignments. For this lesson students will be in split in 4 different groups (each

    taking a different perspective or point of view on this scenario) and in their group one person will

    volunteer to read the piece out of loud to the rest of the group. Then they will be in a group

    processing their ideas on the piece taking on the perspective they were assigned.

    English Language Learners- There will be a lot of guided instruction and modeling throughout this

    lesson making sure ELLs will have proficiency level appropriate instruction, therefore modifyingthe process. Ells will be split up in different groups so that they will be working with native English

    speakers who can help them understand the scenario better.

    Students with IEPs- Students will be provided with ALL accommodations mandated on their

    individual IEPs. Also, students will have access to other modifications or differentiation strategies

    being used in the classroom for other students. Students know to communicate with me if they are

    still struggling or know there is a modification they would like to happen at the beginning of the

    lesson to talk to me and we can always come up with an agreement on how to arrange something

    that will work for both the student and for myself in terms of helping them be as successful aspossible.

    Resources & Materials

    -Colored and numbered sheets to indicate which group each student will be in for the first group

    discussion (colors) and second group discussion (numbers). (attached)

  • 7/29/2019 Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life


    -Scenario handout (four of the same scenario; all with a different perspective of the same situation)



    Student Assessment(s)

    I will informally assess students during group work, which includes the TPS strategy. I will alsoread each students quickwrites, which will allow me to see where students understanding of

    material is at and also how to guide my instruction to meet the needs of the students. Keeping an

    eye out while the students work in groups will allow me to evaluate how much each student is

    contributing to the discussion which will help me see where the students understanding is as a

    group and where each students individual level of comprehension is at. I will be assessing students

    on (A) how much they were able to contribute to the group discussions (B), and their ability to

    create a journal entry at the end of the lesson contributing their own thoughts on the topic and to

    be able to back it up and support their answer with at least two reasons as to why they feel the way

    they do about sexual harassment and the gender roles associate with it (C).

    I will formally assess my students with the journal entry they hand in at the end of this lesson. I

    will not be assessing on content but more if they completed the assignment and were able to

    understand how to create a journal entry by the end of the lesson.

    Instructional strategies/methods

    This lesson will feature both direct and indirect instruction. However, the lesson will mainly consist

    of indirect instruction as I feel that it is extremely beneficial for students to learn from one anotherand work in small groups to work through their understanding and deepen comprehension levels.

    The direct instruction will occur when I introduce this idea of journaling to the students and the

    activity we will be using in this lesson to help the students realize how in depth a journal reflection

    can be and to see how it works. This was designed to utilize the Jigsaw method of discussion to

    create a well rounded discussion from students so I will be directing the students on how this

    strategy works as it is the first time in our class that we can implemented this into instruction.

    Other than the two times that I will be teaching the students what they will be doing, this class will

    mainly consist of students running the discussion and myself monitoring it and checking for

    comprehension here and there by checking in with the groups and asking thought provoking

    questions that will lead or guide the discussions.

    Detailed Lesson Steps/Sequence

    1. 2 minutes- Starter Question: Students will think about this question that is up on the boardfirst on their own: What can journals be used for? What are some examples of journals? Do

    you keep a journal?

  • 7/29/2019 Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life


    2. 3 minutes- Think, Pair, Share activity: Students will turn to a partner and share what theycame up with for an answer to the question and listen to what someone else came up with.

    The pair will then discuss together where their answers may have differed or were the


    3. 5 minutes- I am going to introduce this concept of journaling and why and how it can beused in a classroom. I will explain how I would like to implement this into our classroom

    routine, making it a habit of having students complete a journal entry every Monday

    morning and see how they feel about this and if they have any questions.

    4. 5 minutes- Next, I am going to introduce the topic for the activity today, which is SexualHarassment. Given that this has been an issue that has come up recently in our school and

    with issues in this group of students in this 9th grade class I am going to have the students

    complete a quickwrite on how they feel about this term.

    5. 20 minutes- We will complete the jigsaw discussion that I have attached. The students willbe given each a piece of paper with a number on it (numbered 1-8). The paper the student

    receives will either be blue, pink, purple or orange. Each color represents a perspective and

    this indicates which group the student will be in first. After the students have talked in their

    groups and read over the scenario together, they will look at the facts on the back and go

    over the questions that are also located on the back (this is where each group has separate

    information). They will have 8 minutes to read and discuss. When the time is up they will

    move into their next group (which are the numbers they received). All people with the same

    number (one from each color) will now be grouped together and will have 8 minutes to

    discuss the issue in this scenario with 4 different perspectives. This will allow the students

    to see the issue from different points of views. With the last 4 minutes, each group will

    report to the class with what perspective they found themselves siding more on. This will

    only be furthered reinforced when they see the differences in the answers from each group.

    6. 10 minutes- The last 10 minutes of the period will be used to have students write andreflect in their new journals. The journals will be collected at the end of the period.

    *** picture of jigsaw activity

  • 7/29/2019 Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life


    Your Name: Diana Boultbee

    Name of Unit: Applying Writing for Life

    Subject Area: English Language ArtsGrade Level: 9


    Instruction time: 45 minutes

    Lesson Summary Description

    This lesson that I will be teaching today is part of theApplying Writing for Life unit. Although this is

    a writing unit I believe that it is important to emphasize the importance of language development,

    reading, listening and speaking and as well writing standards into every unit. The focus of this

    lesson is to prepare students for writing on job applications. My goal is to show students that

    writing is not just important academically but is also incredibly important for real life applications

    in the work force-whether it be for part-time employment or applying for a career. Creating

    meaningful sentences that use proper grammar and sentence structure and are legible is an

    essential tool. In this unit, before teaching this lesson, students have been working on learning how

    to write using proper punctuation, capitalization, verb tenses and different conventions of the

    English language.

    To begin this lesson I will have students fill out an admit slip at the beginning of this class. Once

    students have taken a few minutes after entering the class to answer the prompt, I will have the

    students pair up with a partner using the Think, Pair, Share strategy and discuss their ideas. Next

    the students will share what each group came up with using a Sharing Whip strategy. I will start off

    this exercise with modeling an example for the students. Next I will do a mini lesson with the

    students to re-introduce what a complete sentence is and how it is composed (3 parts: subject,

    predicate, and complete thought). We will then pull in what we initially talked about, using our

    admit slip topics and discuss one very important use of writing outside of academics which is

    applying for jobs and how important writing is when filling out an application. I will have the

    students look at two very different examples of an application- one that is filled out using proper

    grammar and sentence structure that is neatly organized, and one that is sloppy and hard to read.

    After this lesson has been conducted and students have seen examples they will have the

    opportunity to fill out an application for themselves. For the sake of making this a more engaging

    activity and pulling in multiple core standards, the students will be filling out a application for a the

    tv series Made and will complete an interview using Quicktime. This activity will help students see

    what an application looks like and what its composed of and let them practice

    * Note: Out of the lessons I have provided this is the second one completed in the sequence.

    4. Journaling lesson5. Application lesson6. Interview & magazine article lesson

  • 7/29/2019 Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life



    Core Standards for Writing:

    5. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, andstyle are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for

    writing types are defined in standards 13 above.) (W.9-10.4)

    Core Standards for Language:

    Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when

    writing or speaking.

    a. Use parallel structure.

    b. Use various types of phrases (noun, verb, adjectival, adverbial, participial,

    prepositional, absolute) and clauses (independent, dependent; noun, relative,

    adverbial) to convey specific meanings and add variety and interest to writing

    or presentations. (L.9-10.1.)

    Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation,

    and spelling when writing.

    c. Use a semicolon (and perhaps a conjunctive adverb) to link two or more closelyrelated independent clauses.

    d. Use a colon to introduce a list or quotation. (L.9-10.2.)e. Spell correctly.

    Core Standards for Listening and Speaking:

    Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats (e.g.,

    visually, quantitatively, orally) evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source. (SL.9-


    Enduring Understandings/Essential Question(s)

    -In what ways do we use writing in our everyday lives?

    -Why is it important to be able to speak well and communicate effectively?

    -In what ways do we convey emotion in our voices when we speak?


    At the end of this lesson (C), students (A) will understand (B) the importance of being able to write

    properly when filling out an application (C) making sure not to have any grammatical errors (D).

  • 7/29/2019 Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life


    After completing this web-based interview (C), students (A) will be able to apply strategies to speak

    effectively (B) with confidence and poise (D).


    All students & Struggling students- Before providing the ways in which I have chosen to

    differentiate this plan based on the needs of my students I would like to make it clear that I believethat everyone has the option for modifications to every lesson in my classroom not just students on

    IEPs or ELLs. I believe that my classroom should be a comfortable space for students that is both

    challenging and encouraging by facilitating a safe learning environment. Every student has the

    opportunity of multiple exposures to modeling and guided instruction as well as the option to

    discuss any challenges they may be facing and whether there are changes we can make together to

    lessons and/or assignments.

    English Language Learners- There will be a lot of guided instruction and modeling throughout this

    lesson making sure ELLs will have proficiency level appropriate instruction, therefore modifyingthe process. Given that this lesson will not be working with reading comprehension there will be no

    need for substituting the text. However, if students are having a hard time focusing and working on

    this assignment, I will provide students with the option of either leaving out the web-based

    interview assessment piece of this lesson if they do not feel ready for it or they have the option of

    working with a partner of an equal or higher proficiency level.

    Students with IEPs- Students will be provided with ALL accommodations mandated on their

    individual IEPs. Also, students will have access to other modifications or differentiation strategies

    being used in the classroom for other students. Students know to communicate with me if they arestill struggling or know there is a modification they would like to happen at the beginning of the

    lesson to talk to me and we can always come up with an agreement on how to arrange something

    that will work for both the student and for myself in terms of helping them be as successful as


    Resources & Materials

    -Examples of applications (see attached)

    -MTV Made application

    -Computer/ Quicktime program for interview

    Student Assessment(s)

    I will informally assess students during group work, which includes the TPS strategy and the

    Sharing Whip to check for comprehension. I will also read their admit/exit slips which will allow

    me to see where students understanding of material is at and also how to guide my instruction to

    meet the needs of the students.

  • 7/29/2019 Guided Unit Plan- Applying Writing for Life


    I will formally assess my students with the application and interview they will be completing for

    the mock MTV Made series. Students will have the opportunity to see two different examples of job

    applications. After they will complete an application themselves, which for the sake of engaging

    students I chose to have them complete an MTV application. They will also complete a web-based

    interview, which will help prepare them for a lesson they will be completing later in this unit where

    they will have to interview one another. Myself and two other colleagues will read over theapplications and watch the interviews that the students have completed and we will determine a

    mock winner. I will be assessing students on (A) how well they were able to address the intended

    audience of their interview and application, (B) ability to answer the application questions and

    create a presentation of oneself in the interview, (C) how they used what they learned in class and

    (D) whether they were able to successfully complete the assignment.

    Instructional strategies/methods

    This lesson will feature both direct and indirect instruction. However, the lesson will mainly consist

    of indirect instruction as I feel that it is extremely beneficial for students to learn from one another

    and work in small groups to work through their understanding and deepen comprehension levels.

    The direct instruction will occur when I teach students about sentence structure and how a

    sentence is composed and when I provide the examples for the students and model how to

    complete the assignment. The indirect instruction will consist of the TPS strategy and when

    students are working in groups to ask peers questions about the assignment or peer editing each

    others work.

    Detailed Lesson Steps/Sequence

    1. 5 minutes- Students will complete an admit slip when they enter class addressing thefollowing question: What are some of the ways that we have discussed that writing is used

    in our everyday lives?

    2. 2.5 minutes- Think, Pair, Share activity: Students will turn to a partner beside them anddiscuss what they came up with and listen to what their partner came up with in answering

    the prompt. Each student will have one minute to talk and one minute to listen to their

    partner and then 30 seconds to come up with an idea to share with the class

    3. 2.5 minutes- Sharing Whip: I will first model how to do this, even though we have done thisbefore in class. I will share what I came up with as an answer to this question and then I will

    start by pointing to one side of the room and having them share and then we will go around

    the classroom.

    4. 1 5minutes- I will do a lesson on how to create a grammatically correct sentence. I willmodel several examples for the students along with introducing how this ties into real life. I

    will tie this into job applications, which is one situation in which writing properly is

    important and applicable to them in their lives right now. I will model two different

    examples of applications- one that is filled out using proper grammar and sentence

    structure that is neatly organized, and one that is sloppy and hard to read. I will ask the

    students questions such as If you were hiring someone for a job, based on these two

    applications who would you choose?5. 10 minutes- I will then move into explain the assignment, which is to complete a mock

    application for the MTV series Made. They will complete a written application as well as

    complete a 5 minute presentation introducing themselves using the Quicktime program

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    available on MACS or another online video website or service. They will give in these

    assignments together after spending time working on this assignment in and out of class

    over the next week. I will at this time ask students what their questions are regarding this

    assignment and I will try and answer them as best as possible, hopefully helping to scaffold

    their thinking.

    6. 10 minutes- At the end I am going to give the students time to go over the assignment withpartners and start working on the written aspect of the application.

    Discussion Notes on how to form simple sentences (direct instruction):

    Simple Sentences

    A simple sentence contains a single subject and predicate. It describesonly one thing, idea or question, and has only one verb - it contains only an

    independent (main) clause.

    Any independent clause can stand alone as a sentence. It has a subject

    and a verb and expresses a complete thought.

    For example:

    Jill reads.Even the addition of adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases to a

    simple sentence does not change it into a complex sentence.

    For example:

    The brown dog with the red collar always barks loudly.Even if you join several nouns with a conjunction, or several verbs with a

    conjunction, it remains a simple sentence.

    For example:

    The dog barked and growled loudly.
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    Compound Sentences

    Compound sentences are made up of two or more simple sentences

    combined using a conjunction such as and, ororbut. They are made up of

    more than one independent clause joined together with a co-ordinating


    For example:

    "The sun was setting in the west and the moon was just rising."

    Each clause can stand alone as a sentence.

    For example:

    "The sun was setting in the west. The moon was just rising."

    Every clause is like a sentence with a subject and a verb. A coordinating

    conjunction goes in the middle of the sentence, it is the word that joins the

    two clauses together, the most common are (and, or, but)

    For example:

    I walked to the shops, butmy husband drove. I might watch the film, orI might visit my friends. My friend enjoyed the film, butshe didn't like the actor.

    Complex Sentences

    Complex sentences describe more than one thing or idea and have more

    than one verb in them. They are made up of more than one clause, an

    independent clause (that can stand by itself) and a dependent

    (subordinate) clause (which cannot stand by itself).

    For example:

    "My mother likes dogs that don't bark."

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    Dependent clauses can benominal, adverbialoradjectival.

    Finding the Verb

    When you analyze a sentence, first identify the verb. The verb names and

    asserts the action or state of the sentence.

    For example:

    "Working at the computer all day madeDavid's head ache."The main verb of the sentence is "made", not working.

    Verbs identify our activity or state.

    For example:

    eat, sleep, run, jump, study, think, digest, shout, walk ....

    The Subject

    The subject is the person or thing the sentence is 'about'. Often (but not

    always) it will be the first part of the sentence. The subject will usually be a

    noun phrase (a noun and the words, such as adjectives, that modify it)

    followed by a verb.

    Finding the Subject

    Once you determine the verb, ask a wh...?question of the verb. This will

    locate the subject(s).

    For example:

    David works hard.Who "works hard"?=David does=the subject.
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    Beer and wine are my favourite drinks.What "are my favourite drinks"? Beer and wine are=the subjects.

    The subject(s) of a sentence will answer the questions, "who or what."

    The Predicate

    Once you have identified the subject, the remainder of the sentence tells us

    what the subject does or did. This part of the sentence is the predicate of

    the sentence.

    The predicate always includes the verb and the words which come after the

    verb. For example:

    Michael Schumaker drove the race car."Michael Schumaker" is the subject; "drove the race car" is the


    ** picture of sample application forms (good & bad)

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    Made Application Cover Page





    2. Please use dark colored ink to complete this packet.

    3. Please answer all questions honestly and to the best of your ability. Please note that if you move on in this process, we willrequire you to sign Producers standard paperwork which shall include, but not be limited to, a participant

    waiver/release agreement and confidentiality form

    4. Please write only on the printed side of the paper. Feel free to attach additional sheets as necessary.

    DO NOT turn the page over and write on the back.

    Thank you for your time and effort in completing this packet.

    MADE is all about making dreams come true. We want to prove that with hard work, and a little

    help from MTV, you can achieve your goals.

    We are looking for your specific, individual goal or aspiration that is attainable in the next 2-3

    months!!!!! We are not looking for a vague goal, like "I want to be a star or "I want to be like

    Britney". We are also not looking for VJs or people trying to be famous.

    Your goal should be something that you can attain with the help of our experts during the next 3

    months. If your goal takes years and years of training, we cant help you out this time, sorry!

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    Name: Diana Boultbee

    Subject Area: English Language ArtsGrade Level: 9th Grade

    Instruction time: 45 minutes

    Lesson Summary Description

    This lesson that I will be teaching today is part of theApplying Writing for Life unit. Although this is

    a writing unit I believe that it is important to emphasize the importance of language development,

    reading, listening and speaking and as well writing standards into every unit. The focus of todays

    lesson will be on one aspect of creative writing with is writing magazine articles. This is a different

    form of formal writing rather than what students are use to seeing which is essay writing. Thestudents will be doing this through creating interview questions, which have already been done in

    the lesson prior to this activity. Students were also given many different examples of magazine

    interview articles. The goal for the students was to be able to create questions to help them

    understand someone well enough to be able to write an article on them afterwards using the

    questions asked. For this activity students have been asked to dress up as any person they would

    like, whether it be a southern farmer or a slave from the slave trade to Katy Perry all the way to

    even dressing up as their grandmother. Students have the freedom to choose the role the they

    would like to take on, the trick is however that they need to persuade people that they are this

    person- they need to become this character, all the way from what they are wearing to the accent

    they carry. Now when students come to class they need to be these characters right off the bat BUT

    they are not allowed to tell anyone else who are they are! I will be drawing names from a hat to pair

    the students up. Each will take a turn being the interviewer and the one being interviewed. When

    the students take on the role of being the person interviewed they need to answer the questions not

    how they would if they were being themselves but how they would as these characters. After this

    has been completed I am going to ask if the students want it to be revealed to them who they were

    interviewing or if they want to just create an article based on the questions and make the person

    who they want to be. Such as if they were interviewing someone who took on the role of their

    grandmother and by the end they thought the person was being Oprah Winfrey then they can write

    their article based on the fact that they were interviewing Oprah. Or whether they would like to

    know who the person was? Once the students have completed this activity I am going to have them

    go over their answers and start working on how they would like to set their article up but the rest

    will be taken home as a homework assignment.

    * Note: Out of the lessons I have provided this is the third one completed in the sequence.

    7. Journaling lesson8. Application lesson9. Interview & magazine article lesson

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    Core Standards for Listening and Speaking:

    Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English

    when indicated or appropriate. (See grades 910 Language standards 1 and 3 for specific

    expectations.) (SL.9-10.6.)

    IA.5.Prepare and conduct interviews.

    Core Standards for Writing:

    Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are

    appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types

    are defined in standards 13 above.) (W.9-10.4)

    Core Standards for Language:

    Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to

    make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or


    f. Write and edit work so that it conforms to the guidelines in a style manual(e.g., MLA Handbook, Turabians Manual for Writers) appropriate for the

    discipline and writing type. (L.9-10.3.)

    Acquire and use accurately general academic and domain-specific words and phrases,

    sufficient for reading, writing, speaking, and listening at the college and career readiness

    level; demonstrate independence in gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a

    word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. (L.9-10.6.)

    Enduring Understandings/Essential Question(s)

    -In what ways do we use speaking in our lives?

    -Why is it important to be speak well?


    At the end of the lesson (C) students (A) will be able to create effective interview questions (B) and

    be able to conduct and interview and be interviewed (D).

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    All students & Struggling students- Before providing the ways in which I have chosen to

    differentiate this plan based on the needs of my students I would like to make it clear that I believe

    that everyone has the option for modifications to every lesson in my classroom not just students on

    IEPs or ELLs. I believe that my classroom should be a comfortable space for students that is both

    challenging and encouraging by facilitating a safe learning environment. Every student has the

    opportunity of multiple exposures to modeling and guided instruction as well as the option todiscuss any challenges they may be facing and whether there are changes we can make together to

    the lessons and/or assignments.

    English Language Learners- There will be a lot of guided instruction and modeling throughout this

    lesson making sure ELLs will have proficiency level appropriate instruction, therefore modifying

    the process. I have made sure to provide ELLs will appropriate proficiency level assistance as in

    creating the interview questions. Level one and two ELLs will be given questions instead of having

    them create their own. Levels 3 and 4 have the option of having sentence starts or examples of

    some questions (as does every other student in my class have this option of examples). I do wantthe students to complete the interview though, it will be good practice for them and this is a safe

    and judgment free zone that supports and facilitates their learning. As for the write up (magazine

    article) students will have the option to orally tell me about the interview if they are not yet

    comfortable writing or their writing is not up to that level. I will also help students by providing

    examples and fill in the blank articles they could use to help structure their own article.

    Students with IEPs- Students will be provided with ALL accommodations mandated on their

    individual IEPs. Also, students will have access to other modifications or differentiation strategies

    being used in the classroom for other students. Students know to communicate with me if they arestill struggling or know there is a modification they would like to happen at the beginning of the

    lesson to talk to me and we can always come up with an agreement on how to arrange something

    that will work for both the student and for myself in terms of helping them be as successful as


    Resources & Materials

    -Interview Questions that were prepared by each student

    -Costumes prepared by students

    -Examples of different interview articles (attached)

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    Student Assessment(s)

    I will informally assess students while they are performing the interview processes with their

    partners to see how it is going and if the questions the students created were good. I will have

    checked the questions prior to them completing this activity but I will want to see if this activity is

    working as well as I have hoped given that it will be my first time doing this activity with my class.

    I will formally assess my students magazine interview articles on whether they were able to

    successfully complete an article within the different structures they learned about. Whether they

    were able to create an article with little to no grammatical errors as we have worked on grammar

    consistently throughout this unit as well was it presented well.

    I will be assessing students (A) were able to complete the interview process (B) using the questions

    they had created (C), and create a grammatically correct and visually appealing article using the

    questions (D).

    Instructional strategies/methods

    This lesson will feature both direct and indirect instruction. However, the lesson will mainly consist

    of indirect instruction as the students are in charge of running these interviews in this lesson. The

    only time that there will be direct instruction in this lesson is when I stand up at the front of the

    room and arrange the partners and set up the class.

    Detailed Lesson Steps/Sequence1. 5 minutes- Arrange the partners by drawing the names out of the hat. Note that for ELLs I

    will have already arranged their groups with a native English speaker I felt would help

    them, same goes for some of my students on IEPs. I wanted to make sure this activity went

    well and that every student could learn from it.

    2. 25 minutes- This will be the time that students are provided in class to interview eachother, splitting up the time for each student to take their turn being the interviewer and the

    one being interviewed. I will be walking around at this point making sure everyone is on


    3. 5 minutes- I am going to ask students what they thought about this activity and to writeabout it in a quickwrite answering the following questions: What did you like about this

    activity? Did this activity work?4. 10 minutes- Students will have the remainder of class to start working on their magazine

    article. This will allow them time to ask me questions or their peers questions about how

    they want to set it up or how someone else thinks they should set up it up given the

    structures they have learned about.

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    ** pictures of the different articles

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