Guide to Downing the Watcher 3.0

Guide to Downing the Watcher 3.0. Contents The Watcher 3.0 Requirements Overview Tentacle Guide Preparation Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Links

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Guide to Downing the Watcher 3.0


The Watcher 3.0



Tentacle Guide


Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3



Equipment A Microphone (Useful – The Watcher can be done without Voicechat!)

Athelas Potions

Celebrant Potions

Hope Tokens (Preferably +50 Hope for 30/40 Minute Tokens)

Battle Lore and Warding Scrolls

Food (Optional)

Legendary Items – Gem Settings with + incoming healing

Radiance Armour A minimum of 50 Radiance, comprised of any of the following:

* 5 x pieces from the +10 Radiance Armour Set

* In addition, +15 Radiance Armour Set pieces (From HoM, HoC, WW)

* In addition, +20 Radiance Armour Set pieces (From DN / Watcher)


Traits: Virtues

Empathy (Recomm’d) [Rank 10: +450 Armour Value]

Justice (Recomm’d) [Rank 10: +143 Morale, +60 ICMR]

Innocence (Recomm’d) [Rank 10: -5% Melee Dmg]

Valour (Recomm’d) [Rank 10: +286 Morale, +8 Might]

Compassion (Hunters) [Rank 10: -5% Ranged Dmg]

Honesty (Optional) [Rank 10: +123 Power, +270 Armour Value]

Loyalty (Optional) [Rank 10: +62 Power, +150 Armour Value]

Traits: Class and Legendary TraitsTake a look at the Class Guides for more information on Recommended Traits.

Burglar Captain Champion Guardian Hunter Loremaster Minstrel Runekeeper Warden


There are 3 Phases to the Watcher battle! A map appears on the next page.

Phase 1 – The Shore Phase• Players attack two Massive Tentacles while avoiding The Watcher’s AOE

attack! This involves a lot of running!

Phase 2 – The Deep Water Phase• Crushing and Squeezing Tentacle adds on shore are dealt with.

• Two Massive Tentacles in the middle of the Vile Maw need to be killed.

• Every minute, a Player will be dangled by a Strangling Tentacle.

Phase 3 – The Watcher Fight!• Two Massive Tentacles either side of the Watcher appear – one needs to

be killed, whilst the other is taken down to 10K (10,000) Morale in a ‘Cycle’.

• The Watcher can take damage and be slain in this phase! Huzzah!

• More Players will be dangled.




The Bridge

Deep Water



The Vile Maw: Enemy Terrain!

Phase 1 Area

Phase 2 Area


Left-mouse click to begin animation.

Phase 3 Area

The Watcher

Your enemy! The Ancient Evil of the Deep!

Massive TentacleTentacles that need to be defeated before you can damage The Watcher. Destroy them (save in Phase 3)!

Strangling TentacleTentacles that dangle members of your Fellowship upside down, strangling them to death every minute after Phase 2 starts. Kill them on Sight!

Carouselling TentacleTentacles that swim around The Watcher from Phase 2 onwards. Avoid them!

Crushing TentacleTentacles that throw ranged attacks from the Shallows in Phase 2.Destroy them!

Squeezing TentacleTentacles that can root members of your Fellowship on or near the Shore in Phase 2. Destroy them!

Tentacle Guide


Basic Raiding EtiquetteThere are a few simple things to keep in mind when organising or participatingin a Raid – a few tips appear below.

Fellowship Leader(s) should do most of the talking – it’s hard to co-ordinate a battle with 12 Players talking over each other!

If you’re in trouble (i.e. being strangled/dangled or rooted by a Tentacle), you have permission to talk! Let the Raid know you need help – use your name, speak up and let everyone know what’s going on asap!

• i.e. “PLAYER 1 DANGLING!!!”

Agree to Loot Rules prior to the start of the battle.

Create a Fellowship and convert it into a Raid, inviting all 12-Players who plan on Downing the Watcher!

Set 2 HUNTERS and 1 TANK (usually a GUARD) as RAID ASSIST targets.

Raid AssistSome Players may be new to the concept of Raid Assist targeting.This brief overview summarises how Raid Assist can be activated & used.

You will need to use the Raid Assist panel when battling The Watcher.

To ACTIVATE Raid Assist:• Open the SOCIAL PANEL,

• Select the RAID tab,

• Ensure the ‘Assist Window’ box is checked.

You can MOVE the Raid Assist panel by:• Pressing [CTRL] + [\],

• Dragging the “Assist Window’ into position.

To SELECT a target via the Raid Assist panel:• Left-mouse click on a Player’s name, or

• Left-mouse click on a Player’s target.


Player 1 Strangling Tentacle

Raid Assist

Player 2 Crushing Tentacle

Player 3 Massive Tentacle

Example of the Raid Assist Panel.

‘Corruption Removal Chain’During the battle, The Watcher gains a corruption every 10 seconds.These corruptions increase the damage inflicted by The Watcher.

Corruptions are buffs or special abilities monsters use – similar to skills used by Players (i.e. the monster heals, inflicts more damage, etc).

All Classes possess a skill that removes corruptions from a monster.

Burglar: ‘Startling Twist’ Captain: ‘Blade of Elendil’ Champion: ‘Ferocious


Guardian: ‘Sting’ Hunter: ‘Merciful Shot’ Loremaster: ‘Dispel Corruption’

Minstrel: ‘Herald’s Strike’ Runekeeper: ’Final Words’ Warden: ‘Reversal’

The Fellowship will need a group of people – known as ‘The CorruptionRemoval Chain’ – who will need to remove the Watcher’s corruptions as they appear.


Class Make-UpThe Sons of Durin recommend the following class make-up to defeat TheWatcher. Feel free to vary it as you wish!

1 Burglar 1 Captain

1 Champion 1 Guardian

2 Hunters 1 Loremaster

2 Minstrels 2 Runekeepers

1 Warden

Why this class make-up?• The two HUNTERS are used as tanks vs MASSIVE TENTACLES in Phases 2 & 3 of the

battle – ranged DPS ensures the Fellowship take less damage from tentacle swipes.

• The CAPTAIN and 1 RUNEKEEPER (traited for healing) can assist MINSTRELS as off-healers during Phase 3.

• WARDENS are excellent corruption removers!



Gather all members of the Raid together at the Vile Maw – there is a Summoning Horn that can be used to muster Players.

Ensure all Players are grouped closely together outside the Vile Maw.

Use a Hope Token, Battle and Warding Scrolls for each Fellowship Group participating in the Raid.

Enter the Vile Maw and ensure all Players line up – single file – just passed the Gate into the Watcher’s Chamber.

Perform a “Ready Check” to ensure ALL Players entered the Vile Maw successfully (PCs crash, the LOTRO Client crashes, Players wander off and go AFK without letting anyone know, emergencies occur!).

Eat food.

Spend Destiny to buy “Continuing Hope” or “Sustained Hope” if necessary (this adds +10 Radiance for up to 30 or 15 minutes).

Begin the countdown – start the fight!

Phase 1

Entering The Vile Maw Inside, there are stairs leading to a Gate, beyond which is a large Chamber.

All Players need to be inside the Chamber when the battle begins as the Gate locks behind you.

Players should remain within 20 metres of the Gate to ensure they do not activate The Watcher!

The Vile Scream The Watcher has an AOE (Area of Effect) attack it uses during Phase 1 called The Vile Scream. A cone of watery death blasts anyone standing in-front of the Watcher, killing them instantly.

To avoid The Vile Scream AOE attack, the Fellowship uses single file lines (i.e. everyone lines up behind one another) like those you remember from school!

IGNORE ALL FELLOWSHIP MANOEVRES in this phase – The Watcher’s AOE attack will kill you…

Phase 1

Lining Up! Once inside the room, all Players need to LINE UP IN SINGLE FILE facing the Watcher. The CAPTAIN should be at the front of the line. When everyone is ready to begin, the CAPTAIN will use his speed buff on the Fellowship, and runs forward. Everyone follows in a straight line. When the CAPTAIN reaches the water’s edge, the Watcher and two WRIGGLING TENTACLES will emerge, activating the battle. The Gate locks behind you… Welcome to the Watcher fight!

WHITE TEXT will appear on Players screens stating:

‘‘The Watcher Shakes with Anger’The Watcher Shakes with Anger’

This indicates The Watcher is about to useThe Vile Scream, its cone-shaped AOE attack of death!

THE MOMENT THE WHITE TEXT APPEARS ON SCREEN: Everyone in the Fellowship will immediately run to the RIGHT SHORE, except for… The GUARD and 1 MINSTREL will immediately run to the LEFT SHORE.



Left Wriggling Tentacle Right Wriggling Tentacle


Hit – Run, Hit – Run!Once The Watcher’s Vile Scream attack has finished(i.e. when the WHITE TEXT and cone-shaped jet of water disappears):

The Fellowship line up single-file in front of the RIGHT TENTACLE.

The GUARD and 1 MINSTREL, who ran left, line up in front of the Left Massive Tentacle – the GUARD tanks the Tentacle.

Both groups attack the Tentacle they are facing.

Use short inductions as The Vile Scream attack occurs every 30 secs!

Prepare to run to the Shore when the dreaded WHITE TEXT appears!

Fellowship runs RIGHTif RIGHT TENTACLE is up.

Fellowship lines up single-File behind the GUARD andMINSTREL if the RIGHTTENTACLE is defeated, andruns LEFT if the AOE attackoccurs once more.


Phase 1

The Watcher Shakes The Watcher Shakes with Angerwith Anger Left-mouse click to

begin animation.

Phase 1Phase 1 SummaryRun in single-file – CAPTAIN uses run speed buff – The Watcher and WRIGGLINGTENTACLES surface

WHITE TEXT appears – ‘The Watcher Cries Out in Anger’ – signalling The Vile Scream• Fellowship RUNS RIGHT


When WHITE TEXT and cone of water disappears• Fellowship lines up single-file in front of RIGHT WRIGGLING TENTACLE and hits it (use short inductions!)

• GUARD and 1 MINSTREL line up in front of LEFT WRIGGLING TENTACLE – GUARD tanks the Tentacle

Whenever WHITE TEXT appears – ‘Watcher Cries Out in Anger’• Everyone runs – Fellowship RUNS RIGHT if RIGHT WRIGGLING TENTACLE is alive

– Fellowship RUNS LEFT if lined up in front of LEFT WRIGGLING TENTACLE


When the RIGHT WRIGGLING TENTACLE is dead, Fellowship line up single-file in front ofthe LEFT WRIGGLING TENTACLE

Kill the LEFT WRIGGLING TENTACLE and Phase 2 begins!

Other Useful Tips Someone may die due to The Watcher’s Vile Scream attack – do not rez them until the beginning of Phase 2 (where there’s a lot less running around!)

IGNORE ALL FELLOWSHIP MANOEVRES – The Watcher’s Vile Scream will kill you!




The Watcher: Phase 1

The Fellowship run towardsthe Shore in a straight line

WHITE TEXT stating‘The Watcher Shakes with Anger’


Everybody RUNS!

Everyone else runs RIGHT!!!




Fellowship attacks theRight Massive Tentacle

Fellowship DESTROYS theRight Massive Tentacle!

Fellowship lines up behind the GUARD and MINSTREL and

attacks the Left Massive Tentacle

The Watcher’s AOE attack occurs

Anyone left behind DIES!!!

The Watcher’s AOE attack occurs

Anyone left behind DIES!!!

The Watcher and twoWRIGGLING TENTACLES surface

Left-mouse click to begin animation.


Fellowship destroys theLEFT WRIGGLING TENTACLE!

PHASE 2, here we come!

Phase 2

What’s Going On in Phase 2?

At the beginning of Phase 2:

• A Bridge will drop in the centre of the room, with two MASSIVE TENTACLES behind it.

• A pool of acid appears by the Gate leading out of The Vile Maw.

• New types of Tentacles appear!

Destroy the following Tentacles that appear near the Shore:

SQUEEZING TENTACLES will appear in the Shallows close to the Shore.

CRUSHING TENTACLES will appear on Shore.

Avoid the following Tentacles at all costs:

CAROUSELLING TENTACLES swim in a circle around the centre of the room.

Left-mouse click to begin animation.

Phase 2



Player cries out,“<PLAYER’S NAME>


Raid Leader says,“Everyone on

<Player’s> Target!”

Fellowship attacks theSTRANGLING TENTACLE

MINSTRELS heal thePlayer being dangled!


is destroyed!

A random Playeris dangled upside down!

Strangling Tentacles

“The STRANGLING TENTACLE – one of the many denizens of The Vile Maw. It appears every minute in the Deep Water after the beginning of the 2nd Phase, and enjoys picking up random Fellowship members and dangling them upside down, whereas they slowly begin to expire from strangulation.

There is only one solution to this problem – destroy the STRANGLING TENTACLE before one of your fellow Players becomes its lunch!”

What to do when a STRANGLING TENTACLE attacks:

– Cry out your name in voicechat if you’re in trouble, i.e. “<PLAYER’S NAME> DANGLING!!!” if you are being strangled– The Raid Leader will say, “Everyone on <Player’s> Target”– Use Raid Assist to target the TENTACLE– MINSTRELS will heal the Player dangling to ensure they don’t die– Kill the STRANGLING TENTACLE asap!

Phase 2

Even More Tentacles?!?In the Deep Water in the centre of theroom are two MASSIVE TENTACLESthat need to be Destroyed.

These TENTACLES have a habit ofthrowing Players left, right and centre,depending on where someone stands:

• If near the Shore, a Player will bethrown into the Deep Water.

• If in melee with a MASSIVE TENTACLE, a Player will be thrown back to Shore.

• If standing in front of a MASSIVE TENTACLE outside of melee range, a Player may be dragged towards a TENTACLE.




Deep Water


The Bridge


The Massive Tentacles

Phase 2

PositioningPlayers who are thrown into the Deep Water should group up behind theLEFT MASSIVE TENTACLE just behind the Bridge. Stay in the Deep Water.

i.e. Where the Red X appears in the diagram below

After the adds near the Shore have been dealt with, the Raid Leader willinstruct those Players on Shore to swiminto position behind the LEFT MASSIVETENTACLE.

When swimming from the Shore intothe Deep Water, avoid the lethalCAROUSELLING TENTACLES atall costs!

i.e. Their route around the Pool is indicated by the --- Dotted Blue Line ---





Phase 2

Destroying the Massive TentaclesAfter dealing with the CRUSHING and SQUEEZING TENTACLES near theShore, the MASSIVE TENTACLES are next!

The Fellowship should use ranged attacks to destroy the LEFT MASSIVETENTACLE (this ensures the Fellowship take less damage from swipes).

After this, the RIGHT MASSIVE TENTACLE will need to be attacked at range:• The Fellowship should group up behind the Bridge in line with the RIGHT TENTACLE.• When the RIGHT TENTACLE reaches 20,000 Morale (20 k), avoid using Damage over

Time (DoT) attacks.• Continue attacking the RIGHT TENTACLE until it reached 10,000 Morale (10 k).

When the RIGHT TENTACLE is at 10 k Morale, everyone in the Fellowship

should hit their [ESCAPE] or [F1] key to target themselves.

The Group can comfortably sit in position, recovering Morale and Power,until everyone is ready to begin The Transition into Phase 3.

Phase 2Phase 2 SummaryBridge drops and everyone moves to the front of the Left ShoreTentacles to be aware of near the Shore:• Carouselling Tentacles – Swim around The Watcher, do 3,000+ dmg and you die if they hit you. Ignore &

avoid!• Crushing Tentacles – Throw ranged attacks from the shallow water near the shore – DPS at range• Squeezing Tentacles – Root Fellowship members on shore – DPS both via melee and range

Players will be thrown into the Deep Water near the Bridge by The Watcher• Stand behind the Bridge in line with the MASSIVE TENTACLE the Fellowship is targeting and attack the Tentacle• When the CAROUSELLING TENTALCES have passed by, the Raid Leader will instruct all Fellowship members

on-shore to swim out and stand with those Players already in the Deep Water

STRANGLING TENTACLES will appear every minute after Phase 2 begins:• Cry out, “<PLAYER’S NAME> DANGLING!!!” if you are being strangled• Raid Leader will say, “Everyone on <Player’s> Target” – use Raid Assist to target the TENTACLE• MINSTRELS will heal the Player dangling to ensure they don’t die• Kill the STRANGLING TENTACLE asap!

Use ranged attacks on the LEFT MASSIVE TENTACLE until it is deadGroup up as one toon behind the Bridge in line with the RIGHT MASSIVE TENTACLE and…• Use range attacks until it reaches 20,000 Morale (20 k), then do not use Damage over Time (DoT) effects• Continue to attack the RIGHT MASSIVE TENTACLE until it reaches 10,000 Morale (10 k)• Everyone presses [Esc], [F1] or targets their Character to ensure no Players auto-attack the RIGHT MASSIVE


Other Useful Tips GO BLUE ON ALL FELLOWSHIP MANOEVRES – You’ll be grateful for the Power!




The Bridge

The Watcher: Phase 2Left-mouse click to

begin animation. The Bridge drops &acid pool near Gate appears


swim around The Watcher


appear near the Shore

Fellowship attacks the CRUSHING &



are destroyed

A member of the Fellowship is thrown into

the Deep Water

Player in Deep Water lines up with LEFT MASSIVE

TENTACLE behind Bridge

STRANGLING TENTACLE appears and dangles Player in Deep Water

Player being strangled says “<PLAYER’S NAME>


Raid Leader says,“Everyone on <Player 1’s>


Fellowship attack @ range STRANGLING TENTACLE

via Raid Assist window

STRANGLING TENTACLEis destroyed and dangler is


Raid Leader instructs Fellowship to carefully

swim into the Deep Water

Fellowship attacks theLEFT MASSIVE TENTACLE

@ Range

STRANGLING TENTACLE appears and dangles a

random Player

Player being strangled says, “<PLAYER’S NAME>


Raid Leader says, “Everyone on <Player 1’s>


Fellowship attacks the STRANGLING TENTACLE

@ Melee & Range

STRANGLING TENTACLE is destroyed & dangler is


Fellowship returns to attacking @ Range the



Fellowship moves into position behind the RIGHT


Fellowship attacks the RIGHT MASSIVE


STRANGLING TENTACLE appears and dangles a

random Player

Player being strangled says, “<PLAYER’S NAME>


Raid Leader says, “Everyone on <Player 1’s>


Fellowship attacks the STRANGLING TENTACLE

@ Melee & Range

STRANGLING TENTACLE is destroyed & dangler is


Fellowship attacks the RIGHT MASSIVE



DoT effects cease

When RIGHT MASSIVE TENTACLE reaches 10 k,everyone stops attacking!

Raid Leader instructs a HUNTER to take the

TENTACLE down to 4 k

STRANGLING TENTACLE appears and dangles a

random Player

Player being strangled says, “<PLAYER’S NAME>


Raid Leader says, “Everyone on <Player 1’s>


Fellowship attacks the STRANGLING TENTACLE

@ Melee & Range

STRANGLING TENTACLE is destroyed & dangler is


Fellowship waits for Morale & Power to regen,

freeing dangling Players…

When ready, theRaid Leader will advise to prepare for The Transition!


Preparing for The Transition

The Fellowship has made it through Phases 1 & 2, is sitting in the DeepWater staring at the RIGHT MASSIVE TENTACLE, and about to beginPhase 3.

Before doing anything else, ensure:

All MINSTRELS can use ‘Cry of the Chorus’,

The CAPTAIN can use ‘In Harm’s Way’ & ‘Last Stand’,

The Fellowship knows how many rezzes are available,

Check Hope, Battle and Warding Scroll buffs, and reapply if necessary.

When ready, the Raid Leader will ask a HUNTER to take the

RIGHT MASSIVE TENTACLE down to 4,000 Morale (4 k).

Do not kill the RIGHT MASSIVE TENTACLE – when it is destroyed12 TENTACLES appear, one for each member of the Fellowship!


Beginning The Transition

Ensure the Fellowship is in a tight group, almost standing on top of each other.

The CAPTAIN places their banner in the centre of the Bridge.

Wait for a STRANGLING TENTACLE to appear and dangle a Player.

Once the STRANGLING TENTACLE is killed, the Raid Leader should slowlycount down from 5 – during this time:• MINSTRELS use ‘Cry of the Chorus”, “Ballad of War”, followed by “Anthem of the Free


• MINSTREL with CHAMPION(s) and CAPTAIN(s) in their group can optionally use “Fellowship’s Heart” if they wish, as the melee classes will take a lot of damage from the 12 TENTACLES,

• CAPTAIN(s) uses “In Harm’s Way” & “Last Stand”.

When the countdown ends, the Fellowship attacks the RIGHT MASSIVETENTACLE at range.

When the MASSIVE TENTACLE is destroyed, 12 TENTACLES appear –one for each member of the Fellowship.



When the 12 TENTACLES appear:

• The Fellowship should IMMEDIATELY swim to the left towards the CAPTAIN’s banner, ensuring they are at the BACK of the Bridge –just on the Bridge itself and not swimming in the Deep Water.

i.e. Where the Red X appears in the diagram below

• The CAPTAIN and CHAMPION(s)will remain behind and fight the12 TENTACLES.

i.e. Where the Green Tentacle ( ) appears in the diagram

The CAPTAIN and CHAMPION(s) shouldremain in position until the TENTALCESare destroyed.






Surviving The Transition

During the Transition:

• MINSTRELS will be focussed on healing their Fellowship back to full health, followed by primarily healing the CAPTAIN and CHAMPION(s) to ensure they survive the 12 TENTACLES,

• HUNTERS and RUNEKEEPER(s) can assist for a short time the melee classes focussed on the 12 TENTACLES at range with AOE attacks,

• The BURGLAR can try to trigger a Fellowship Manoeuvre on one of the 12 TENTACLES, with the Fellowship going ALL GREEN for healing!Melee classes on the TENTACLES should not participate in the Fellowship.

There are a few problems that can occur at this point:

• A STRANGLING TENTACLE may appear and dangle a random Player –if this occurs, ranged Characters will need to free the dangler immediately!

• Phase 3 will likely begin while the 12 TENTACLES are being destroyed, and two MASSIVE TENTACLES emerge from the deep…

Transition Summary

BEFORE the RIGHT MASSIVE TENTACLE from Phase 2 is dead:• Check the skill cooldowns for all Players (i.e. damage skills, healing skills, rezzes)• Raid Leader will instruct a HUNTER to attack the RIGHT MASSIVE TENTACLE until it reaches 4,000 Morale (4

k)• Wait for a Player to be dangled by a STRANGLING TENTALCE• When the STRANGLING TENTACLE is destroyed, the Raid Leader counts down from 5:

– MINSTRELS use “Cry of the Chorus”, followed by “Ballad of War” & “Anthem of the Free Peoples”– MINSTREL with CAPTAIN(s) and CHAMPION(s) in their Fellowship can use “Fellowship’s Heart” if desired

(optional)– CAPTAIN uses “In Harm’s Way” & “Last Stand”

• After the countdown, the Fellowship destroys the RIGHT MASSIVE TENTACLE

WHEN the RIGHT MASSIVE TENTACLE from Phase 2 is dead:• 12 TENTACLES appear surrounding the Fellowship!• Everyone except CAPTAIN and CHAMPION(s) moves to the centre of the Bridge• MINSTRELS can use “Triumphant Spirit” to keep the Fellowship alive (if necessary)• CAPTAIN and CHAMPION(s) use attacks to destroy the 12 TENTACLES• HUNTERS and RUNE KEEPER(s) can assist from range to down the Tentacles quickly• MINSTRELS focus on healing the CAPTAIN & CHAMPION(s)


Other Useful Tips

GO GREEN ON ALL FELLOWSHIP MANOEVRES – You’ll be grateful for the healing!

The BURGLAR can try to trigger a Fellowship Manoeuvre on one of the 12 TENTACLES


Phase 3

The Watcher’s Attacks

--- Crushing Devastation ---

• A 360 degree area of effect melee-based attack.• Can not be interrupted via Player attacks – Fellowships & pets have a chance of interrupting.• Typically inflicts 1,000-2,000+ damage per hit.• Inflicts more damage if The Watcher has corruptions when it occurs.• Animation: Watcher bobs up in the water and thrashes left & right.

--- Terror of the Deep ---

• A 360-degree area of effect melee-based attack.• Can not be interrupted via Player attacks – can be avoided!• WHITE TEXT appears stating ‘The Watcher is Enraged’.• Melee classes move to the back of the bridge (or ruins if tanking The Watcher) to

avoid the attack:– If not avoided, the melee attack will inflict damage & throw the Player to the Shore.– Players thrown to Shore may be caught by a CRUSHING or SQUEEZING TENTACLE

and need to be freed.• Typically inflicts 2,500+ damage per hit.

Phase 3

The Watcher’s CorruptionsOccur every 10 seconds

Remove red corruptions as soon as they occur

Create a ‘Corruption Removal Chain’

Vile Fury

Resistance: Corruption (60)+110% Melee Damage

Vile Reach

+110% Ranged Damage

Phase 3

Downing The Watcher: ‘The Cycle’

Attack the LEFT MASSIVE TENTACLE until it reaches 20,000 Morale (20 k), at which point do not use Damage over Time (DoT) effects

Continue to attack the LEFT MASSIVE TENTACLE until it reaches 10,000 Morale (10 k)

Hunters use ‘Barbed Arrow’ on the Watcher


Attack The Watcher until the RIGHT MASSIVE TENTACLE reappears


Hunters use ‘Barbed Arrow’ on the Watcher

Attack the RIGHT MASSIVE TENTACLE until it reaches 20,000 Morale (20 k), at which point do not use Damage over Time (DoT) effects

Continue to attack the RIGHT MASSIVE TENTACLE until it reaches 10,000 Morale (10 k)

Attack The Watcher until the LEFT MASSIVE TENTACLE reappears

REPEAT UNTIL THE WATCHER REACHES APPROXIMATELY 30,000 Morale (30 K), then EVERYONE attacks The Watcher, regardless of Strangling Tentacles!

The Bridge



to 20 K

DoTs off &attack until it reahces 10 K

HUNTERS use ‘Barbed Arrow’ on

The Watcher

Kill theRIGHT TENTACLEEveryone attacks


reappearsKill the


HUNTERS use ‘Barbed Arrow’ on

The Watcher


to 20 k

DoTs off & attack until it reaches

10 K

Everyone attacks The Watcher


Repeat ‘The Cycle’Repeat ‘The Cycle’

‘The Cycle’ in Action!An animation showing ‘The Cycle’ to downing The Watcher appears below.Some additional points to keep in mind are:

• Occasionally a MASSIVE TENTACLE at 10,000 Morale (10 k) will begin to glow GREEN and try to heal itself – the CHAMPION should use ‘Clobber’ on the TENTACLE to interrupt its heal

• The Cycle will be interrupted briefly by The Watcher’s TERROR OF THE DEEP attack & STRANGLING TENTACLES dangling Fellowship members!

Phase 3

Left-mouse click to begin animation.


The Preying Mantis Guide to Downing The Watcherhttp://lorebook.lotro.com/wiki/Watcher_Walkthrough

Sons of Durin – Downing the Watcher v 3.0http://sonsofdurin.guildlaunch.com/forums/viewtopic.php?sub_domain=sonsofdurin&sub_domain=sonsofdurin&t=3182890&gid=57500