0 The Universal Healing Tao System (UHT System) 9 Stages of Inner Alchemy to Essence Your Journey of Self Cultivation UHT Senior Instructor CNT Senior Instructor Rentao Ravasio Veetao Hogan Thunstrasse 47a Passage de Montriond 4 3005 Bern 1006 Lausanne GUIDE 5 - Students

GUIDE 5 - Students

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The Universal Healing Tao System (UHT System) 9 Stages of Inner Alchemy to Essence

Your Journey of Self Cultivation

UHT Senior Instructor CNT Senior Instructor

Rentao Ravasio Veetao Hogan Thunstrasse 47a Passage de Montriond 4 3005 Bern 1006 Lausanne

GUIDE 5 - Students


Content Page

Welcome 02

Global Network 03 - 04

Journey of Self-Cultivation 04 - 07

UHT Mission and Vision 08

9 Formulas Details 09 - 11

Commentary by 12 - 15 Grandmaster Mantak Chia and Global Faculty Coordinator Rentao Ravasio

Program 2016 16 - 17



This UHT CH Guide 4 is based on the previous Guide 3. If you have not read or received this document we suggest to order it from us and read it before this one.

In this guide Grandmaster Mantak Chia and UHT Senior Instructor Rentao Ravasio share and comment about Ancient Wisdom for a modern world and how to learn the art of nourishing life. You find further in this guide a brief description of the UHT research Network, the UHT Mission and Vision with a commentary about it, the 9 Core Formulas and a the journey of practical self-cultivation.

Taoist methods are simple, easy, and powerful. They deliver what they promise!

We wish you a flowjoy© self-cultivation journey.

UHT Senior Instructor CNT Senior Instructor

Rentao Ravasio Veetao Hogan


I Universal Healing Tao Network

1. Our global UHT Network Students are offered many ways to learn and practice the inner alchemy.

Our Global UHT Faculty Network with over 900 certified instructors is spread over all 6 continents. By today hundreds of thousands of students and practitioners in over 60 countries integrated those techniques successfully into their daily lives. 2. Grandmaster Mantak Chia He teaches still around the world. His vast experience and unwavering enthusiasm make this a wonderful opportunity for you to still see him. He is also giving many Retreats in UHT Asia - Thailand. The Darkroom being a speciality of practicing the higher UHT formulas. Check his website and shedule: http://www.universal-tao.com 3. Published Materials There are a multitude of study support materials available in all continents and their according countries. Books are translated in 39 languages. .


II A Global Health Promotion Network

The Universal Healing Tao Foundation (UHTF) The project of creating a UHT Foundation intends that it is guiding all aspects of the Universal Healing Tao (UHT System, UHT Organizations, UHT Teachings) worldwide. Its responsibility is to connect, communicate and implement its global Mission, Vision, Strategies, Goals and Actions to its members via its Organizational Structure and Global Instructor Teaching Faculty and to compassionately share its wisdom for the health prevention and promotion benefit of all beings.

UHT Faculty This is the global guiding and coordination network of the teaching meta skill contents for the certified Universal Healing Tao Instructors Community. It supports and improves the pathways of becoming a certified Universal Healing Tao Instructor / Practitioner and nurtures mutual cooperation and teamwork within the worldwide active teaching body via its global communication network.

Universal Healing Tao System (UHTS) This is a worldwide practical system of physical, emotional and spiritual self-development that enables individuals to master themselves and become their own healer and teacher. The powerful ancient Taoist wisdom is combined with the latest scientific discoveries to assist individuals in the unfolding of their unlimited health potential. The Universal Healing Tao System is not a religion and does not require the belief in any one or set of deities or gods. The techniques work directly with the life force. The ultimate goal of the system is to

transcend the illusion of death by giving birth to and crystallizing each person’s spirit and soul into an immortal identity that has free will in all dimensions of time and space.

UHT ASIA – Universal Healing Tao Asia Besides being one of the 6 UHT Foundation Continental Network Centers this is also Grand Master Mantak Chia’s home and the leading research center of the UHT System. Classes are held all year round and 8-week summer/winter retreats are guided by Grand Master Chia and Senior Instructors.

Grand Master Mantak Chia The founder of the Universal Healing Tao System is presently living in northern Thailand, the worldwide headquarters for Universal Healing Tao activities. For more information about

Grand Master Chia visit www.universal-tao.com

Tao Garden Health Spa & Resort

Tao Garden is a unique Health Spa & Resort, located in a place of great beauty and peace in Chiang Mai (northern Thailand, Asia). Its full board accommodations provide guests with food that is natural and fresh. Fitness gym, swimming pool, herbal steam bath etc. and morning/evening exercises such as Tai Chi, Inner Smile Meditation and the 6 Healing Sounds are an important part of the day, allowing our guests to follow our motto of "Heal Thyself. www.tao-garden.com


III Journey of Self-Cultivation

I Beginning the Path 1. Cultivating Body, Mind and Spirit

We need food to nourish our bodies, minds, and spirits. Religions try to fulfil us with spiritual food when we don't know how to fulfil ourselves. Taoism suggests that everything in life can provide nourishment for some aspect of our being if we know how to access that nourishment. Taoist practices, especially the Internal Alchemy, can help us to determine our goals and to receive physical, mental, and spiritual food in a natural way. They also teach us how to return to our source, the Wu Chi (God), the Tao, and thereby attain spiritual independence as we learn to live harmoniously with nature and the universe. Once we are at peace with our environment, we can strive for immortality through the Tao. (The higher level of the Universal Healing Tao is also known as the Immortal Tao.)Ancient Taoist sages believed we were born to be immortal. We become mortal by draining ourselves of Chi through engaging in excessive sexual activity, indulging in negative emotions and depending only on material sources to supply our life force. The masters recognized that different levels of immortality can be achieved through Internal Alchemy. and they devised many practices for this purpose. The ability to transcend even death through the transmutation of one's physical into the immortal spirit body is the highest goal of Taoism. This level, known as physical immortality, takes the longest to achieve.

2. The Three Bodies

The ancient Taoist masters recognized the importance of working on all three levels of our being, which include the physical body, the energy body, and the spirit. The three bodies correspond with the three forces; the physical body with the Earth (primordial) Yin power, the spiritual body with the Heaven (primordial) Yang force and the energy body with the force of Man and Nature, sometimes also called Cosmic force (Yin/Yang combined). In the human body, we call this forces the Three Treasures (San Bao); Ching or Jing (life essence/sexual energy), Chi (the inner breath) and Shen (spirit or consciousness). They correspond with the three Tan Tiens; the lower Tan Tien (Yellow Court) with the Earth/ Ching force, the middle Tan Tien (cinnabar field) with the Cosmic /Human/Nature/ Chi force and the upper Tan Tien (Palace of Ni Wan) with the Heaven/Shen force. All three are important in forming a ladder with which we may climb consciously into the spiritual worlds and, just as importantly, back into the physical world to be creatively active here. This ladder enables Taoists to learn about the inner worlds and to return with knowledge and increased energy. An Immortal Body, which is developed in the practice of Internal Alchemy, enables one to establish a constant link between life and the after-death state.

3. Healing the Physical Body / Creating the Foundation Becoming like a Child to Return to the Original Source. The basic foundation of the Taoist practice teaches how to conserve physical energy within our bodies so that it will no longer scatter and weaken as a result of our worldly interactions. Full spiritual independence requires that we avoid being drained of this energy through the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, or through excessive sex. The novice in the Taoist System begins with a wide range of exercises that develop the physical body into an efficient and healthy organism, able to live in the world and yet stay free of the tensions and stress of daily life. One aspires to return to a childlike state of innocence and vitality, to regain the Original Force that is our birthright. Specific goals of this level are to learn how to heal oneself, how to love oneself, and how to love others.

II The Foundation Practices 1. Conserving Energy to Follow the Light

The first level of practice is to develop a healthy body. During this process, we learn how to condense and conserve our life force through the Microcosmic Orbit meditation. Healing Love practice. Inner Smile, Six Healing Sounds, and Iron Shirt Chi Kung. We learn to gather and refine our life force into a Chi ball (energy sphere) so it will not dissipate when we are ready to leave this world. As people grow older, their life force weakens, often resulting in illness and suffering. Using drugs to combat illness drains so much of the body's life force that there may be not enough energy left to follow the primordial light (clear light) to the Wu Chi (our Original Source) at the moment of death. The basic practices of the Healing Tao ensure that we retain enough vital energy to make that journey. All the practices of the Basis are interrelated. Practicing them together will bring the best results.

2. Stopping energy leakage through conservation and recycling

The Microcosmic Orbit is the body's major energy pathway. There are nine openings along this path. If we learn how to seal them when we are not using them, this simple act of conservation will give us immediately more energy. The Microcosmic Orbit meditation is the first step toward attaining these goals, as it develops the power of the mind to control, conserve, recycle, transform, and direct Chi through the body's primary acupuncture channels. By managing our Chi effectively, we gain better control over our lives; by using our energy wisely, we discover we already have plentiful Chi. With the advanced Orbit, one learns to connect with and draw from the unlimited source of Universal Love, a Cosmic Orgasm formed by the union to three main sources of Chi accessible to humans: the Universal Force, the Earth Force, and the Higher Self (Cosmic) Force. This process is both energizing and balancing. It prepares one for working with greater amounts of Chi in the higher levels of meditative practice, particularly in developing the energy body.

3. Transforming negative energy into virtues: Opening the heart The Inner Smile and Six Healing Sounds are simple yet powerful practices that teach us how to relax and heal the vital organs and to transform negative emotions back into a rich source of energy. They help open the heart center and connect us with the unlimited Universal Love, improving daily interactions and providing a vehicle for the virtues, which derive from the internal organs. Taoists perceive the heart as the seat of love, joy, and happiness, which can connect with the Universal Love. It is also a cauldron in which the energies of our virtues are combined and strengthened. Through the Inner Smile, you will feel these virtuous energies generated from their respective organs. You will then gather these into the heart to be refined and blended into compassion, the highest of all virtues. This is a most effective way of enhancing one's best qualities.


4. Managing the Life force

In the practices of Iron Shirt Chi Kung, Tan Tien Chi Kung, Tao Tin and Tai Chi Chi Kung, one learns to align the skeletal structure with gravity to allow a smooth, strong flow of energy. With strong fasciae, tendons, and bone marrow and good mechanical structure, we can manage our life force more efficiently. The body also gains a sense of being rooted deeply in the earth, so one can tap into the Mother Earth healing force. The ancient Taoist firmly believed that any change in the physical body produces a similar change in the mind and emotions. Conversely, any changes in the mental and spiritual are manifest through the physical body. The integration of the structure through all this practices, especially Iron Shirt Chi Kung, is eventually reflected in a more balanced energy level, better health, and greater emotional and physical stability.

5. Conserving, recycling, and transforming the sexual energy

A Taoist gains strength through the conservation and recycling of sexual energy. When collected, sexual energy (Ching Chi) becomes an incredible source of power that can be used by the individual or shared with a sexual partner via the Microcosmic Orbit pathway during sexual intercourse. The collected and transformed sexual energy is an important alchemical catalyst used in higher meditation. Once you have an abundant sexual energy, you can connect to the unlimited Cosmic Orgasm experience at every moment through your Higher Self, the most basic energy in every cell of your body.

III Developing the Energy Body Our vehicle to Travel in Inner and Outer Space. The next level of the Universal Healing Tao system consists of the Fusion of the Five Elements I, II, and III. The most important part of this practice is the balancing and transformation of our negative emotional energy and preparing the body for the higher practices through opening of specific energy channels to facilitate the energy and protection.

1. Recycling our Negative Emotions

Our emotional life, filled with constant vicissitudes, drains our vital energy. Through the Fusion of the Five Elements meditations, one learns to transform into usable energy the sick energy of negative emotions that has become locked in the vital organs. Taoists understand morality and good deeds as the most direct path to self-healing and balance. To be good to others is good for oneself as well. All the good energies we create are stored in the energy body like deposits in a bank account. By helping others and giving them love, kindness, and gentleness, we receive more positive energy back in return. When we open our hearts, we are filled with love, joy, and happiness. We can actually transform the essence of our hearts from the material into the immaterial to gather supplies of this positive energy for us in the heavens as well as on earth. In the Fusion we learn to use the extra energy saved through the foundation and the Fusion practices, including recycled negative energies, to build a strong energy body that will not dissipate. Developing this energy body awakens a part of oneself that perceives and acts free of environmental, educational, and karmic conditioning. Once the energy body is strong, it becomes a vehicle (like a space shuttle) to help the untrained soul and spirit for the long journey home, back to s the Wu Chi. At this stage of development, the energy body serves only as a vehicle, not yet having been given life through a spiritual rebirth, but the energy body can still be trained to function in the heavenly realms. If we do not have a chance to practice awakening or to give birth to the soul and immortal spirit during life, the primordial light will awaken us at the moment of death. Unfortunately, we may be too untrained and inexperienced to follow this light. To prepare for the journey, the energy body is a vehicle of great importance. We can train and educate the energy body so it can help the untrained soul and spirit recognize and follow the primordial light back to our original source. The energy body is further developed in the Lesser Kan and Li practice which is part of the Immortal Tao.

IV Forming the Spirit Body – the practice of the Immortal Tao 1. The Lesser Enlightenment Kan and Li meditations

The Inner Alchemy meditation of the Lesser Enlightenment of Kan and Li (water and Fire, sex and love) reunites the male and female within each of us. It involves the practice of self-intercourse, which by internal sexual coupling of the sexual energies enables one to give birth to the soul body. The soul body then acts as a "baby sitter" to help nurture the spirit body. The soul is the seed, but it can also be matured into the immortal body if one has not had the chance to raise the spirit body in this life. Practitioners of Taoist Alchemy believe that if we give birth to the spirit body and develop the immortal body in this life, we can overcome the cycle of reincarnation. Once the "baby sitter" or soul body is formed, it is in the Tin stage, or infancy (soul embryo). We need to feed, raise, educate, and train the young soul body to become fully grown. Once the soul body is developed, we can give birth to the spirit body.

2. The Greater Enlightenment of Kan and Li meditations The meditations of the Greater Kan and Li lead to the actual birth of the energy and to the formation of the immortal spirit body. At this stage of practice, we learn to digest increasingly higher-grade energies of the Higher Self and Universal Forces from the sun, moon, planets, stars, and galaxies, and from the mind to the Tao itself for the growth and maturing of the spirit in the body. An awakening to that which is eternal and enduring occurs through this practice. Aware of our true nature as spirits, we experience the ability to leave the physical body and travel in the immortal spirit body, which leads us to experience of the inner worlds of spirit. Fear of death is vanquished as we become familiar with life beyond physicality.This Kan and Li meditations teach us how to recognize the inner light of our own spirits and shows us how to merge with or "marry" it to the outer light. Once we capture and "marry the light", we give birth to the second stage of the true immortal spirit. At this level, it is important to develop the "internal compass" associated with the pineal gland. This compass guides us in the spiritual world, directing us to our place of origin.

3. Cultivating the Yang Stage of the Immortal Body

Sealing of the Five Senses, Union of Kun and Ken, Reunion of Heaven and Man.There are also two levels in this practice.

At this first level, one transfers all physical essence into the immortal body. Taoists refer to this as the Yang body. One continues to transform the physical body energy to feed the immortal spirit so it can mature. When all the body's material elements are transformed into subtle Chi, what remains is known as the "rainbow body". Death is still necessary to speed up the process. Many masters who attained this immortal body were able to transform the material into immaterial and transfer it into the spirit body. At the moment of death, they were able to transfer their


consciousness, their energy, and the physical elements of their bodies up with them into the spirit body, although even this level is not yet the true immortal body. In this process, their physical bodies actually shrank in size; they may have weighed two-thirds of their usual weight after their physical deaths occurred. This meant they had successfully transformed much of their material being into an immaterial state while retaining full consciousness.

At the second level, death is transcended entirely. One can simply transform the physical body into the immortal body and leave this world or return to it at will. This is the state of complete physical immortality. It takes from eighty to a few hundred years to complete these practices and transform all the material elements of our body into the immaterial. The final goal of ascending to heaven in broad daylight is reached. There are many records in Chinese history of many thousands of Taoist immortals who reached the level of daylight ascension in the presence of many witnesses. In the Bible. Elijah and Moses also accomplished this feat. In the final stage of this practice, the adept can unite the immortal spirit body, the energy body, and the physical body, or operate them at will. It is then that the human being knows full and complete freedom as an immortal, where no world has a boundary.

V The Supportive Practices

1. Chi Nei Tsang

Chi Nei Tsang is the best technique for healing both yourself and other people without draining your own energies. Chi Nei Tsang is a Taoist abdominal massage system; it releases blockages that can prevent the smooth flow of energy in any of the bodily systems. These include the lymphatic, organ, meridian, circulatory, and nervous systems of the body

2. Five Element Nutrition The Taoist approach to diet is based on determining the body's needs and then fulfilling them according to the five elements of nature, which support the five major organs of the body. This system reveals and strengthens any weak organ by balancing one's food intake to enhance any deficient elements. It does not condemn most food that people enjoy (including sweets), but instead creates a better program in which these foods can support the body's internal balance rather than disrupt it. Choosing and combining foods in this way can help us avoid the cravings to which we sometimes fall prey.


IV Universal Healing Tao Foundation Mission and Vision

Grandmaster Mantak Chia’s Taoist Teacher said to him: “I want the whole world to learn how to open and move Life Force (Qi) in the Microcosmic Orbit”. The UHT is now globally doing uniting all Instructors globally via the UHT Foundation and its Mission and Vision.

Essence In harmony with the Life Force, we grow the virtues of Heart, Soul and Spirit

Mission We enable cultivation of energy (Qi) to heal ourselves and find our deepest meaning

We inspire people how to raise and educate their soul and harmonize

all spirits on a clear path to Tao/Source.

Vision We globally transmit to current and future generations a path of

living with an open heart, clear life purpose and spiritually embody

the Eternal/ Immortal Tao

Goals 1. Increase the quality and quantity of certified instructors.

2. Unlimited numbers of practitioners of Inner Smile, Microcosmic Orbit and Qigong

3. Regular meetings of Country Instructors (one or more times a year),

Continental Meetings every 4 years and Global Reunion of Active Instructors in 2016.

Strategy 1. Continental Coordinator Agreements for full instructor certification training

2. UHT provides a business package to support the financial success of UHT Instructors

3. Enhancing the global communication system structure as outlined and

putting out a Global Newsletter that is accompanied by featuring a link to

Grandmaster Mantak Chia talking in a unique way, 2 times a year

4. Marketing - Ongoing paid webinars and the use of Social Media

to get the message out about UHT events.

Slogan Smile Inside - Flowing Chi - Microcosmic Unity

Values We honour with loving acceptance, the dynamic balance of light and darkness

We live in harmony with the virtues of trust, respect, love, wisdom and

compassion in order to achieve health, longevity and abundance

Conduct By the Taoist concept of "Te" - virtue, power and integrity - we cultivate teamwork

and mutual cooperation to achieve our goals and manifest our vision

Philosophy We transform our sexual essence to grow our Energy Body and enhance

spiritual evolution by practicing Qigong and Tao Inner Alchemy Meditation.

Come and join us for your health, wealth and longevity.

may the Qi be with you


V 9 Core Formulas to develop the soul & raise the spirit The 9 Formulas are the core Inner Alchemy Meditation Practices that guide, support and serve the students in a step by step practical way to learn and practice about the soul and spirit development and how to merge ultimately our individual Essence with the overall Essence of the Tao.

Formula Essence within formula 1st Inner Smile Smiling Self-Acceptance Microcosmic Orbit Balanced Chi Flow

2nd Sexual Alchemy Cultivate the creative energy (via Sexual Energy) 3rd Fusion of 5 Elements Balance our Feelings & Open 8 Psychic Forces 4th Lesser Kan & Li Inner Sexual Alchemy: Heal Male/Female Soul-Split 5th Greater Kan & Li Sun–Moon-Earth Alchemy: Complete Our Ancestor 6th Greatest Kan & Li Planetary and Soul Alchemy: Shape Your Destiny 7th Sealing of 5 Senses Star Alchemy: Unite individual Soul with Over Soul 8th Congress of Heaven & Earth Heaven & Earth Alchemy: Marriage of Form and Formless 9th Reunion of Human & Tao Human individual Essence merges with Essence of Tao

FORMULA I PRIMORDIAL FORCE ACTIVATION Basic Practices I All of the Inner Alchemy practices are involved with activating and restoring the Primordial Force back to sufficient quality and quantities of energy for our health and spiritual development. First, we need to purify the organs and learn grounding to the Earth. Inner Smile: This technique uses the power of smiling to activate the response in the parasympathetic nervous system and stimulate a deep relaxation in the organs (and the whole body). The Inner Smile is one of the most simple and powerful tools for healing. Six Healing Sounds: Each organ stores positive and negative emotions. The six sounds help to transform these negative emotions to vital energy and reprogram the cells so that when they split, the old negative information will not be copied to the next cells. Microcosmic Orbit: Opening the flow of chi (body's life force energy) in the two main energy pathways (up the spine down the front) will help to activate the orbiting of forces of the solar system and the universe and draw in more primordial force. Chi Self-Massage: Simple massage techniques are used to remove blockages and to enhance the chi flow

Basic Practices II - Chi Kung for Healing

Deep Abdominal Breathing, Energizer and Empty Force Breath: These are breathing methods to open and energize the Tan Tien, the main chi (life force energy) storage area of the body. Laughing Chi Kung: Laughing activates the thymus gland, the immune system and defense system. Activate the Stem Cells Chi Kung: With the use of a bamboo hitter and a wire hitter, vibrate parts of the body so the stem cells get the message on where to go for healing and regeneration. Elixir Chi Kung: All of our body hair, including the armpits and pubic hair are like antennas extended to the universe to absorb primordial force. Charge the saliva, the Water of Life, and turn it into instant chi. Tan Tien Chi Kung: Cultivates and condense chi in the lower Tan Tien. Pack chi power in all 9 areas of the Tan Tien and the associated organs, kuas, tendons and ligaments using the Dragon and Tiger Breath and 11 animal exercise postures. Iron Shirt Chi Kung I: Do Chi Breathing and Rooting to Ground while unifying and strengthening bone structure alignment. Circulate forces of Earth and the Universe. Iron Shirt Chi Kung II: Activate and grow the tendons. Bone Marrow Nei Kung: Regenerate the bone marrow and activate the stem cells for regeneration and healing. Tai Chi Chi Kung I: Develop the inner structure and chi flow of Tai Chi. Meditation in movement, movement in meditation.


Tao Yin: A Taoist yoga that stimulates chi flow in meridians. It coordinates deep breathing, chi, mind and body for deep sensing. Conditions the spine and the psoas muscles, the muscles of the Soul. Tai Chi Chi Kung II: Use the discharge technique to absorb and transmit the Universal and Earth Forces in this higher level of moving meditation.

Chi Nei Tsang / Cosmic Healing Chi Nei Tsang I: Most powerful massage therapy for deep organ detoxification. When physical and emotional blockages are removed, the organ can more effectively draw in the primordial force and regenerate itself. Chi Nei Tsang II: More techniques and powerful applications are applied to release deep tension in blocked tissues. The magic of the elbow is learned to aid healing. Karsai Nei Tsang: This massage breaks up and dissolves sedimentation in the circulatory system, release toxicity and remove physical and emotional blockages in the pelvic area, enabling the primordial force and the stem cells to refresh, heal and regenerate. Cosmic Healing Chi Kung I: Basic practices for general healing sessions. Light energies of primordial force are introduced. Cosmic Healing Chi Kung II: More advanced methods and specific healing applications are taught for specific ailments in specific areas of the body. The practitioner learns meditations focused on connecting parts of the body to the structure of the universe.

FORMULA II BASIC SEXUAL ALCHEMY PRACTICE Inner Sexual Alchemy I (Compassion & Sexual Energy) Sexual organs and the kidneys store part of the Jing, the essence of the primordial force. Learn how to conserve and store it. More sexual energy will help to attract and multiply the primordial chi. Men learn how to control ejaculation and to transform the sexual energy into chi (life force) and then transform it up to spirit force. Women learn how to control menstruation and transform the blood into chi and likewise transform it up to spirit force. Eventually, there will be less blood lost and more will be converted into chi.

FORMULA III FUSION: 5 ELEMENTS & 8 PAKUA FORCES In the practices of Fusion I, II and III, by blending—fusing— elemental forces of nature, the planets and the eight primordial forces, any negative emotional qualities or imbalances from the organs are neutralized. The transformed energy of the organs is more refined, balanced and stronger. It is used to attract more primordial force—like coming into ‘oneness with God.'

Fusion I Establish the vibrating essence of the trigrams of the eight primordial forces in pakuas. Neutralize

negative energies from the organs with primordial forces of the pakuas. Form a pearl of condensed energy to circulate in the Microcosmic Orbit.

Fusion II Fuse positive energies and create powerful positively charged pearls of life force, chi.

Use them to open the inner thrusting channels and the outer protective belt channels. Work with energy circles to broaden the scope of primordial force access and protection.

Fusion III Use the chi pearls to open and connect the Bridge and Regulator Channels, and then open more

protective channels for the spine, head and body. Use all of these to further refine and protect the energy body.

FORMULA IV LESSER ENLIGHTENMENT OF KAN AND LI Inner Sexual Alchemy II (Fire &Water) Reunite with the Primordial Force. The heart stores part of the primordial force (yuan shen). The sexual organ also stores part of the primordial force. When these two combine together, they will form a more complete force. This process establishes a powerful ‘steaming' effect in the Tan Tien cauldron at the level of the navel center. This is used to cleanse, purify and strengthen the organs and brain to better attract the primordial force. Our spiritual fetus is established in the Tan Tien.

FORMULA V GREATER ENLIGHTENMENT OF KAN AND LI Sun, Moon and Planets Alchemy (Fire &Water) Further Reunite with the Primordial Force. Another cauldron is established in the solar plexus center to draw on the yin and yang forces of the sun, moon and planets to further amplify the processes begun in the lower cauldron.


FORMULA VI GREATEST ENLIGHTENMENT OF KAN AND LI Planets, Star and Soul Alchemy (Fire &Water) Reunite with the Primordial Force Still More. Establish another cauldron in the heart center and expand the body to become a Cosmic Being, billions of light years from head to toe. By manifesting the intention to connect the relevant heavenly bodies to the appropriate parts of one's body, we attract he cosmic primordial forces needed for our inner alchemy to further develop our energy (soul) body and spirit body. This more refined alchemy in the heart cauldron enhances and furthers the steaming processes of water and fire, yin and yang, energies begun in the lower cauldrons.

FORMULA VII SEALING OF THE FIVE SENSES Star and Galaxy Alchemy Finally, we add another cauldron to the head, the upper Tan Tien. This cauldron is located at the mid-eyebrow point. It unifies the five shen, the five streams of personal consciousness that operate through our senses, with the five forces of the collective Stellar Self.. The pure open space connecting the three Tan Tien cauldrons (at the navel, heart and mid-eyebrow) is integrated. This stabilizes the celestial axis. We hear the current of inner sound. Our soul pattern expands its conscious destiny to include dimensions of life beyond the physical plane.

FORMULA VIII CONGRESS OF HEAVEN AND EARTH Heaven and Earth Alchemy This practice integrates the Early Heaven or formless Self with the Later Heaven (Earth) physical Self. The Self here identifies itself here with two dimensions that co-exist and co-create: the “formless form” of our being and the “substantial form” of our becoming. These two polar dimensions of our greater Self engage in cosmic sex. They couple in order to re-open the portal to their Original state, or “Pre-Self”. This pre-state or Primordial Heaven is called hundun, the primal chaos-unity that preceded the “big bang” of the cosmic egg cracking open.

FORMULA IX UNION OF HUMAN AND TAO I am one and all is one Alchemy This stage is the integration of the eight previous levels of consciousness into the experience of living simultaneously in the present moment in all dimensions, from physical linear time to spirit's eternal time. This state cannot be fully known or defined conceptually for others. Perhaps it might be conceptualized as the experience of living fully in the Wu Chi, the Supreme Unknown. This is the true achievement of the authentic or Immortal Self, a permanent state of grace known as wu wei, effortless action, or spontaneous action without acting. Creation (of the manifest) and Return to Formless Origin seamlessly complete each other. Attainment of this ninth level is spontaneous, and happens when the inner will of our immortal sage within has reached complete alignment with the Tao. It may occur only by direct transmission from the Tao to the mature and receptive adept.


VI Commentary on Mission-Vision and 9 Formulas INDEX 01 Unique qualities of the UHT System What Grandmaster Mantak Chia’s Taoist Teacher said to him 02 The Universal Healing Tao View on Souls and Virtue Spirits 03 Transforming the material into the immaterial 04 The essence of the Universal Healing Tao methodology Techniques to cultivate energy to feed the Souls and Spirits

1. Aligning and examining our personal energy life and to enjoy being on purpose 2. Starting the practice 3. Foundation: Inner Smile and Microcosmic Orbit 4. 6 Healing Sounds Practice Extreme negative emotions cause sickness 5. Opening of the Microcosmic Orbit - Taoist Born Again Process 05. Sexual Energy Cultivation 06. The Fusion of Five Elements Practice

07. Immortal Tao Practices to develop soul and raise the spirit.

01 Unique Qualities of the UHT System: The UHT is a unique system and here are a few distinct qualities:

Cultivates a “whole body enlightenment” that supports a healthy body and awakening of our vital organ spirits to trust their spiritual virtues of love, strength, kindness, creative imagination and deep wisdom.

Build a radiant sexual vitality that nourishes our soul and transforms into spiritual awareness.

Educate our soul and spirit to find the potential hidden within physicality to achieve integration with the original energy of the Tao.

Build a strong Energy Body as our soul’s vessel to grow an immortal Inner Sage.

Develop our spiritual independence so we learn to directly trust our relationship to the Life Force.

Practical step-by-step inner alchemy training to quicken the evolution of our True Self.

Help us to locate our personal centre and life purpose within the universal matrix of space/time. Grandmaster Mantak Chia’s Taoist Teacher said to him: “I want the whole world to learn how to open and move Life Force (Qi) in the Microcosmic Orbit”. The UHT is now globally doing uniting all Instructors globally via the UHT Foundation and its Mission and Vision.

02 The Universal Healing Tao View on Souls and Virtue Spirits How are we born? Taoists believe that there is a pool and/or a source of souls and spirits residing in the universal space. We do not know yet precisely how souls and spirits came into being but what we can say is that they come from

the Supreme Creator (God to some religions), Primordial Force or a higher intelligence. Taoists perceived that in the moment of conception the souls and spirits are anchored and come into the new physical body in an energetically uneducated child / infant form. When a baby is conceived and grows we can imagine that it has a baby souls and baby spirits inside of it. Very much like the physical form needs its proper physical food, those baby souls and baby spirits need their proper soul and spiritual food in order to grow and evolve. If we do not know how to feed and develop them they will remain in their infant stage and/or uneducated way. By the choice of becoming aware


and to educate ourselves that we actually have a physical, soul and spirit body we are able to learn and practice how to feed them spiritually; in the Taoist way refer to the food as Qi and Sexual Alchemy Energy. Taoists see the souls and spirits as the ones who run everything in the physical body as well as in the afterlife of our physical body. When the souls and spirits are anchored and come into a body it is like winning the jackpot for them. That means that they now have successfully acquired and inhabit a material form which can produce Qi, the very food to feed the Soul and Virtue Spirits enclosed in the shape of a body, our expression tool. Those energetically uneducated souls and virtue spirits need a physical body in order to feed Qi to themselves and to evolve. They need to evolve and in order to be able to evolve they need a physical body. To now inhabit a material form they have a chance to upgrade themselves into the highest spiritual entities in order to join the spiritual world after the physical life on earth. This is one chance in a million to get into a physical body and it is by our choice to

access and grasp this unique opportunity to be able to work on the transformation process from material into immaterial. 03 The way of transforming the material into the immaterial The physical body and its inner intelligences produce energy which enables us by conscious choice to transform the material into immaterial. The Universal Healing Tao system has by inheritance developed a very precise set of Qi Qong and Sexual Energy Practices dedicated to the process of transforming Material into Immaterial. This is the beginning of the most basic Supreme Inner Alchemy changes, what we call the ‘water and fire’ practice. The Tao says we have 70% water which refers to Sexual energy and 30% fire in the body and usually the water flows out from the bottom of the body so we lose it. What we refer to as Qi Qong and Healing Love is actually the transformation of material energy into immaterial energy and there are many different forms of it. When this immaterial energy is produced, it is very close to the energy of the souls and spirits. So we can call the souls and spirits ‘intelligent energy’, and energy is generally called ‘Qi’. So Qi and intelligent energy are very close. This intelligent energy – or the souls and spirits – can take this Qi and feed-eat-digest it and this starts to accelerate their own growth process.

04 The essence of the Universal Healing Tao methodology and practical techniques to cultivate energy to feed the Souls and Spirits

1. Examining our personal energy life and its purpose The initial step in examining your life is to find how much energy we spend and how much we can gain as well as to be aware what kind of energies we have around us and to stop wasting energy. When you have this base of energy you can draw the universal energy and natural forces into yourself and this gives you more energy, whatever age you are. Qi Qong and Sexual Alchemy for Health can be done at any age, although the physically stronger a body is, the more Qi it can produce.

You always have to focus this energy, Qi and sexual energy, on providing food to the soul and spirit; if they are not fed, then the soul and spirit get hungry and they do not grow nor do they evolve. Then when the physical dies, the soul and spirit will have remained in a child-like state. That is why some people’s souls and spirits feel so frightened, and feel ignorant and lost, like children. We call them lost souls, hungry ghosts, wandering ghosts or lost spirits. They are like children, wandering around, lost and looking for something to eat. But the worse thing is that they don’t die. They are suffering forever, as the soul and spirit don’t die.

There is also a close link between being physically healthy and knowing how to feed your soul and spirit. If you are sick, you have less Qi; you have just enough energy to keep your physical body moving around. All the major sets of Qi Kung make you healthier and stronger no matter how old you are. In the UHT System we start with the Earth Qi, to combine and increase your Qi power and the Primordial force. As Taoists have known for thousands of years, “Health, Wealth and Longevity come from the earth and they are Blessings from Heaven”. You take energy from the Earth and nature and transform it. The first part of the Taoist system is looking at your energy and asking yourself where can I get more energy from within.

2. Starting the practice The Tao says we need to balance water and fire. So we start with activating the 3 Tan Tien Fires and turn the water wheel at the perineum or the bottom of the sea, making water and fire turn into Qi (steam). This first part we call ‘initiation of the Qi’. It is the beginning of the Supreme Inner Alchemy changes. If there were no more water and fire in the world, it would end. If we have no fire, we cannot initiate the Qi. We have so much fire but we don’t know how to activate it. However, we all have a lot of water, which makes up 70 – 80% of our bodies.

3. Inner Smile Practice The basic Taoist practice is you must know your organs; where they are located, and the negative and positive emotions stored in them. The liver, for example,


stores anger, but also kindness, generosity and loving energy. The Tao says that if you know where your organ is and you picture it, you smile to it; then that is the most simple but powerful alchemy that we can do every day. The liver is on the right side of the body, so when you are angry, you smile to your liver even more , rub around it and send it love and kindness until you start to feel that the anger is changing into kindness and generosity. Likewise, we must transform hate into love in our hearts. The Inner Smile Meditation produces Inner Alchemy changes. These Taoist practices mean that your body is the temple of the soul and the spirit. Jesus said, “Your body is the temple of God”, Buddha said the same thing. Neither Jesus, nor Buddha, nor Mohamed ever built a temple; they just developed their own body-temple. The Inner Smile will help to calm the soul and spirit so they will want to stay in the body.

4. The 6 Healing Sounds Practice The Six Healing Sounds clean out the negative emotions so the interior of the organs can be clean. The more we grow the good virtue, the more the soul and spirit are willing to stay inside. The more we find the balance the more the soul and spirit are willing to stay inside us. When we train our mind, eyes, and heart power we can gather the soul and spirit into a team. They will work as a team, known as “shen”. The shen will draw in more Qi to feed into the soul and spirit. Extreme negative emotions cause sickness

The Tao says, “Wait, let us look inside of ourselves to see where we are going to get more Qi.” The Tao looks at our emotions and we realize that we spend a lot of time dealing with our emotions; we spend time and we lose energy. We are drained so much by emotion; much energy is lost through sadness and anger. When they have too much negative emotion people cannot work and get sick, as they just do not have enough energy.

Now Western researchers see that our inner organs are like hard disks, recording our negative experiences and emotions. Taoists discovered the same thing many thousands of years ago. Negative emotions are part of us; we see emotions as negative and positive energy. Supreme Inner Alchemy practices transform negative into positive. We can continue these changes to a higher level. The Tao does not see negative emotions as sinful or caused by the devil, but tries to establish a ‘pH’ balance between them. Acid is negative, alkaline is positive, and we are looking for a pH balance between them. However if negative emotions are too extreme then this is harmful, like something which is too acid! So every day we look for a balance and try to stop extremes.

Do not fight the negative but balance it, this is what the Healing Sounds and Inner Smile can achieve. This practice is a way of cleansing the negative emotions stored in our organs and this tool can delete experiences that upset and drain us. Emotions can be recycled like compost and transformed into positive energy. Anything that we cannot recycle ourselves, we can send to Mother Earth who can transform this energy and give it back to us as healing power, wealth and wisdom.

5. Opening of the Microcosmic Orbit - The Taoist Born Again Process Opening the Microcosmic Orbit is the beginning of the most basic Supreme Inner Alchemy practices through the activation of the Original force, which comes from Primordial Force. With the orbit open, you can achieve better health, better wisdom, better healing and spiritual energy, because you can connect to the Primordial Force. Master Chia’s Master called this ‘the Taoist born-again process’ because we go back to being like a foetus in the womb of the Cosmos, when the orbit was open and we were connected to the Primordial Force, the source or the Supreme Creator. Everything in the Universe is moving in an orbit and we are connected with this bigger orbit and with the whole universe when the orbit is open; if we cannot do the orbit, we cannot connect with the larger orbit neither feel connected with ourselves which results in two very different path of living on earth – either we live in fear (suffering) or we live in love (joy). The choice to being connected or disconnected by being centred and aligned as well as running our MCO is available to us in every single moment of now.

05. Sexual Energy Cultivation Then let us look at sexual energy: we lose a lot of it through ejaculation and menstruation but if we convert it back then there is so much energy available to us. If we have enough Qi, then it improves our health, heals us and strengthens our body. The important thing about the sexual practices is learning how to transform material things into the immaterial. It is so important for people to understand and feel how the sexual organs can be transformed into sexual energy. The testicle and ovarian breathing practices take energy from the sexual organs and transform it, rather than let this energy be lost in the normal way through ejaculation or heavy menstruation. These, and other Supreme Inner Sexual Alchemy or ‘healing love’ techniques, teach how to prevent the loss of this energy and then, by transforming material (or sexual organ energy) into immaterial energy, we can take this sexual energy up higher into the brain. Scientists have discovered that if there is no sexual energy reaching the brain, the brain shrinks, gets old and dies. They have also discovered that a major cause of Alzheimer's disease is a lack of sexual hormones in the brain. So first we want to take the sexual energy up to


revitalize the brain and make it healthier and stronger to increase our knowledge and alertness. This is the major key to longevity. In the Tao, sexual energy is seen as a very high, creative form of energy. When combining arousal, orgasm and multi-orgasm energy with the loving fire of compassion, we have this energy to heal, create and to connect to the higher spiritual practices: connect to the very source of the Universe. In the Tao system we believe that Qi and sexual energy feed the soul and spirit.

06. The Fusion of Five Elements Practice The Fusion of the Five Elements practices helps you to acquire more Qi: by spinning and condensing it within you. Once the universal force is with you, condensed inside of you, then you can automatically connect with the wisdom and knowledge of the Universe, and this force comes down to you. All the negative emotional energy is fused to positive emotional energy and a pearl is formed. Then it is condensed into a diamond, which we use to open the channels and develop an immortal body, the soul body, a vehicle to travel in space. This involves transforming the material to immaterial and then the immaterial into a form again.

07. Immortal Tao Practices to develop soul and spirit body. The ultimate goal is to transcend the illusion of death by giving birth to and crystallizing each person’s spirit and soul into an immortal identity that has free will in all dimensions of time and space. The Taoist concept of immortality does not mean you achieve in this life time to live physically forever, even though this is a possibility within the spiritual matrix of the universe. Immortality means first of all that you achieve spiritual integration of your authentic self. Your authentic self is then immortal because it has the power to survive the transition of physical death and continues its life in higher dimensions of the spiritual world. This process requires integrating the physical body`s sexual essence ching (jing), the energy body (chi) and the spirit body (shen) into a functional state of total openness (wu) to the multidimensionality of the present moment.

These are the core Taoist internal alchemy (Neidan Gong) teachings. The fire in the Kan & Li is the subtlest heart love energy, the water is the refined, creative sexual energy of the Kidneys and Sexual Organs. We gather the Five Shen, polarized male-female body intelligences that control our mind and let them reunite in our central channel what releases a blissful "steam" of Original Chi (neutral, unconditional love energy). This steam dissolves our old physical body and personality patterns. Our inner polarized male-female body intelligences that control our mind are reintegrated and unified. This process repairs vital organs, glands, spine, nerve, lymph and meridian systems, and births an Immortal Embryo or Light Body. It can resolve deep sexual crises, genetic illness, body-mind splits, recover "lost "soul fragments and enlighten you to your inner voice and bring you into full harmony of your inner POWER and LOVE.