User Guide User Guide ,QWHOOLURFN ,, /RJJHU &1 Impact Test Equipment Ltd www.impact-test.co.uk & www.impact-test.com

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User Guide

User Guide

Intellirock II Logger CN875

Impact Test Equipment Ltd www.impact-test.co.uk & www.impact-test.com

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Impact Test Equipment Ltd. Building 21 Stevenston Ind. Est.

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Doc #: 10100017A 17 August 2005

TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss

OOppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss ffoorr iinntteelllliiRRoocckk IIII ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 33

RReeaaddeerr OOvveerrvviieeww __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 33

RReeaaddeerr CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn ______________________________________________________________ 4

EEnntteerriinngg aallpphhaa--nnuummeerriicc tteexxtt uussiinngg tthhee iinntteelllliiRRoocckk IIII kkeeyyppaadd ______________________________ 5

SSeettttiinngg tthhee TTiimmee && DDaattee __________________________________________________________ 5

SSeettttiinngg TTeemmppeerraattuurree UUnniittss ________________________________________________________ 5

AAddjjuussttiinngg tthhee DDiissppllaayy CCoonnttrraasstt _____________________________________________________ 5

EErraassiinngg RReeaaddeerr DDaattaa ____________________________________________________________ 5

BBaassiicc LLooggggeerr OOppeerraattiioonnss ___________________________________________________________ 6

SSttaarrttiinngg aa llooggggeerr ________________________________________________________________ 6

VViieewwiinngg CCuurrrreenntt TTeemmppeerraattuurree && MMaattuurriittyy DDaattaa ffrroomm tthhee llooggggeerr ___________________________ 11

AAddvvaanncceedd LLooggggeerr//RReeaaddeerr OOppeerraattiioonn _________________________________________________ 12

AAddddiinngg NNootteess aanndd EEvveennttss _______________________________________________________ 12

VViieewwiinngg HHiissttoorriiccaall LLooggggeerr DDaattaa aass aa GGrraapphh __________________________________________ 16

SSttooppppiinngg aa llooggggeerr ______________________________________________________________ 19

VViieewwiinngg llooggggeerr mmooddeell nnuummbbeerr ____________________________________________________ 19

iinntteelllliiRRoocckk IIII RReeaaddeerr PPCC IInntteerrffaaccee SSooffttwwaarree ______________________________________________________________________________________ 2200

SSooffttwwaarree ffoorr iinntteelllliiRRoocckk:: VVeerrssiioonn 11..66 -- WWiinnddoowwss 22000000 && WWiinnddoowwss XXPP _______________________ 20

PPCC HHaarrddwwaarree && SSooffttwwaarree RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss ____________________________________________ 20

WWiinnddoowwss XXPP aanndd WWiinnddoowwss 22000000 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt GGuuiiddee _____________________________________ 20

QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt -- IInnssttaalllliinngg UUSSBB DDrriivveerrss uunnddeerr WWiinnddoowwss XXPP aanndd WWiinnddoowwss 22000000 __________________ 22

SSttaarrtt iinntteelllliiRRoocckk aanndd DDoowwnnllooaadd LLooggggeerr DDaattaa ffrroomm YYoouurr RReeaaddeerr ____________________________ 22

UUppddaattiinngg RReeaaddeerr SSooffttwwaarree _________________________________________________________ 23

TTrroouubbllee--SShhoooottiinngg aanndd TTeecchhnniiccaall SSuuppppoorrtt ________________________________________________________________________________________ 2255

Reader Not Found Problem ______________________________________________________ 25

CCoonnfflliiccttss WWiitthh PPaallmm PPiilloott PPDDAA HHoottSSyynncc SSooffttwwaarree _____________________________________ 25

SSccaann PPoorrttss TTooooll _______________________________________________________________ 28

IInnssttaalllliinngg NNeeww BBaatttteerriieess iinn tthhee RReeaaddeerr ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2299

HHooww ttoo IInnssttaallll NNeeww BBaatttteerriieess _______________________________________________________ 29

TTeecchhnniiccaall SSuuppppoorrtt CCoonnttaacctt IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3300

OOppeerraattiinngg TTrreeeess __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3311

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OOppeerraattiinngg IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss ffoorr iinntteelllliiRRoocckk IIII

The intelliRock II system is a state-of-the-art concrete maturity and temperature profiling system. The system is comprised of three major components: Loggers, Readers, and Windows Software. The loggers are totally self-contained measurement and computing systems that contain a precision temperature measurement system, microprocessor, memory, and a battery. The reader is used to communicate with the logger (i.e. start loggers, download data) as well as “shuttle” data from loggers in the field to a PC. The windows software that is provided with the system is used to download logger data from the hand-held reader to a PC. Once on a PC, the data is stored in 2 formats: Text (.csv comma separated value), and Secure (.sec). The text files are in a convenient format that is readable by most PC software including Microsoft Excel. The secure file is encrypted but a decrypted text file may be generated from the data by anyone with the download software. The secure file is unalterable and ensures that the data is exactly what was downloaded from the logger. intelliRock II loggers are available with a variety of functions including temperature logging and several maturity calculation methods. The model number of the logger describes the basic functionality. For example: MAT-02-1H28D: Maturity Logger, logs data every 1 hour for 28 days TPL-02-5M7D: Temperature logger, Logs data every 5 minutes for 7 Days Several configurations are available to meet most applications and custom configurations are available to satisfy any specification. For a complete list of available loggers, contact an intelliRock representative.

RReeaaddeerr OOvveerrvviieeww The figure on the next page shows the general layout of the reader. The reader has two connectors. • The connector on the top is the logger connector. • The connector on the side of the reader is for interfacing to a PC and other devices.

The eight-line display area provides these indicators: • The intelliRock system status line is on the top line of the display. • The upper left text is the menu name, which differs depending on the status of the logger

connected to the reader, if any. • The number with the # symbol is the serial number of the connected logger. The logger icon is

present if a logger is connected. The Logger Mode icon indicates the status of the connected logger (Hourglass=Standby, R=Run, S=Stopped). The locked/unlocked symbol indicated if the logger operation has been locked.

• The battery icon gradually turns from black to transparent to indicate the reader’s battery level.

Navigation through the menu system is accomplished using the function keys, F1 thru F5. When a number needs to be entered the numeric keys on the keypad become active. When text is expected, the keypads alpha keys and numbers become active.

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RReeaaddeerr CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn

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EEnntteerriinngg aallpphhaa--nnuummeerriicc tteexxtt uussiinngg tthhee iinntteelllliiRRoocckk IIII kkeeyyppaadd intelliRock II has adopted the current industry standard for alpha-numeric text entry from a limited keyboard such as a cell phone.

When entering text information using the intelliRock II keypad 1. Find the key that has the letter or number that you want to enter 2. Press the key as many times as needed for the letter to appear on the screen.

For example, to enter INTELLIROCK 2 do the following at a text input prompt (such as entering a note): Press 4 4 4 I Press 6 6 N Press 8 T Press 3 3 E Press 5 5 5 L Press 5 5 5 L (See note 1) Press 4 4 4 I Press 7 7 7 R Press 6 6 6 O Press 2 2 2 C Press 5 5 K Press 0 (space) Press 2 2 2 2 2 (See note 2) Note 1: When entering a letter that is on the same key as the previous letter you must pause for one second to wait for the cursor to advance to the next letter. Note 2: When text is expected, the keyboard automatically enters the alpha mode. In alpha mode letters are selected when pressing a key before the number is selected. For example, if there are three letters on the key along with the number that you would like to enter, then press the key four times. If a text entry box expects a number, then the keypad is automatically switched into numeric mode, where only the numbers on the keypad are active. To backspace press the left arrow key (on the F5 button)

3. When finished press Enter

SSeettttiinngg tthhee TTiimmee && DDaattee The intelliRock time and data needs to be set for your particular time zone. To set the time and date, turn the reader on and do NOT attach a logger. Select “Set time and date” by pressing F2 on the keypad. Follow the on-screen instructions to set the time and date. Use 2 digit numbers for all parameters (i.e. February is “02”, 2003 is “03”)

SSeettttiinngg TTeemmppeerraattuurree UUnniittss The intelliRock II system ships from the factory configured to display temperature in °C. If you woul d prefer to have temperature displayed in °F, then tu rn the system on without a logger attached and select “Set °C/°F Display” then follow the on-scree n instructions. Note that maturity time-temperature factors will still read in units of °C*H. Data wil l also be downloaded to a PC in °C.

AAddjjuussttiinngg tthhee DDiissppllaayy CCoonnttrraasstt To adjust the display contrast for best readability, turn the system on without a logger attached and press F1 repeatedly.

EErraassiinngg RReeaaddeerr DDaattaa To erase the data in the reader, turn the reader on without a logger attached and select “Erase Reader Data” (what function key is this?). Typically this operation should be done via the Windows software. However, erasing the data from the reader keypad is also an option. This may take a couple of minutes if the reader contains a large amount of data.

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BBaassiicc LLooggggeerr OOppeerraattiioonnss The intelliRock II system is designed to be very simple to operate, yet have a variety of data management options available when needed. The only functionality for basic operation is:

1. Starting loggers 2. Reading loggers

The following paragraphs describe these operations in greater detail. SSttaarrttiinngg aa llooggggeerr To start a logger, connect the logger to the red/black terminals on the top of the reader.

Press the “ON” key to start the reader. The reader will automatically detect the logger. When the logger is detected, the reader menu changes to the “Standby” logger menu as shown below: To start the logger, press F2 on the keypad

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NOTES: • Once a logger has been started and runs for 60 minutes, it goes into data lock mode where it cannot

be stopped or its operation interfered with. • A logger will immediately start without an option to enter additional information by holding down

the ENTER key while pressing F2. After pressing F2, the following screen pictured below will appear:

To enter a new job name, press F1, or select a previously entered job name if listed by pressing the corresponding function key. The intelliRock II reader follows the same convention for entering text as a cellular telephone. Job names are limited to 15 characters in length.

To accept the job name that was input, press the ENTER key on the reader keypad.

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Once a job name is entered, the intelliRock reader will prompt the user to enter a location, as depicted in photograph to the right. This location reference is to location of the logger. Entering a logger location simplifies data review later by being able to refer to a logger by its location instead of simply its serial number. To enter a location, press the F1 key on the reader keypad. To bypass entering a location, press F2.

There is a 15 character limit to the length of a location. In this example, a location of EAST WALL has been entered: To accept the location that was input, press the ENTER key on the reader keypad.

After entering the location, the reader will prompt the user to enter the Datum value, as shown in the reader depicted to the right: To enter a new Datum value, simply type the corresponding digits on the reader keypad and press the ENTER key. To accept the default Datum value of 0° C, simply pres s the ENTER key. After completing this operation, the logger will be in RUN mode and the logger will immediately begin logging data. The reader display will indicate that the logger is in RUN mode, as illustrated below:

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The logger will continue to log data for a predetermined interval depending on the model number. Once complete, the logger will automatically enter “Stopped” mode. Data can be retrieved at any time for the remainder of the logger’s battery life (typically over 1 year).

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VViieewwiinngg CCuurrrreenntt TTeemmppeerraattuurree && MMaattuurriittyy DDaattaa ffrroomm tthhee llooggggeerr To view current temperature or maturity data from a logger, first connect the reader to the logger from which a current data reading is desired. Once the logger is connected to the reader, turn the reader on by pressing the ON key on the reader keypad. The reader display will appear as pictured below:

Press the F1 key on the reader to get a current data reading. As pictured below, the display will contain the current temperature & maturity data from the attached logger:

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AAddvvaanncceedd LLooggggeerr//RReeaaddeerr OOppeerraattiioonn Several additional data management features are available for large jobs, and jobs with critical operation timing. To get to the advanced logger configuration options, connect a logger and select the F5- “Advanced” menu item. AAddddiinngg NNootteess aanndd EEvveennttss Notes and events can be added to the logger and viewed via the “Advanced” menu option. Notes and events are text messages that are permanently stored in the logger. The difference between a note and event is that an event is time and value stamped, and a note is only a line of text. For example, if a slab can be post-tensioned at 3000 °CH and an eve nt is added, then the time, maturity, and temperature of the slab can be stored in the logger by adding an event named, for example, “Post Tension”.

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VViieewwiinngg HHiissttoorriiccaall LLooggggeerr DDaattaa aass aa GGrraapphh To view historical data from a logger as a graph, first connect the reader to the desired logger and turn the reader on. This function is very useful for monitoring concrete temperature swings in cold weather and extrapolating maturity values to target maturity levels to for scheduling operations. The display will appear as follows:

Press the F5 key on the reader to navigate to the ADVANCED menu.

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After pressing the F5 key from the STARTUP menu, the ADVANCED menu will appear, as pictured below.

To view historical logger data press the F3 key on the reader keypad. When this function is selected, all of the data is downloaded from the logger, as indicated by the display:

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It may take several seconds for the reader to download the logger data. Once data download is complete, the display will appear as follows:

Press the function key on the reader that corresponds to the graph you wish to display: F1 for temperature or F2 for maturity. After you have pressed the function key corresponding to the type of data you wish to graph, the data history display parameters menu will appear as pictured below:

You can change the parameters that control how much data is displayed per screen by pressing F1 to view more time per screen, or F2 to view less time. To accept the default value of one day’s set of data per screen, simply press the ENTER key.

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The reader will now display the first screen of data in graphical mode:

If there is more data than can appear on one screen, MORE will appear in the upper right corner of the display. To see the next set of data, press the MORE key on the keypad. To scroll through all data available for display, continue to press the MORE key, or press the CANCEL key to exit the graph. When the final screen of data is being displayed, the word DONE will appear in the upper right corner of the display, as pictured below:

SSttooppppiinngg aa llooggggeerr Once a logger has been started, it may be stopped and reset only during the first hour of operation. To stop a logger, select the “Stop Logger” option in the “Advanced” menu. Once a logger has been stopped it must be “Reset” from the “Advanced” menu before it can be restarted. After 1 hour of logging the logger will “lock” itself. After that time data can be added to the logger and data can be retrieved, however the overall operation of the logger cannot be altered. Once the logger is locked, a lock icon appears in the status line. VViieewwiinngg llooggggeerr mmooddeell nnuummbbeerr From the Notes menu, selecting “Logger Info” will display the logger model number, along with other useful logger information.

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iinntteelllliiRRoocckk IIII RReeaaddeerr PPCC IInntteerrffaaccee SSooffttwwaarree SSooffttwwaarree ffoorr iinntteelllliiRRoocckk™™ VVeerrssiioonn 11..55 -- WWiinnddoowwss 22000000,, WWiinnddoowwss XXPP && WWiinnddoowwss 77

PPCC HHaarrddwwaarree && SSooffttwwaarree RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss

• Operating System: Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows 7 • Administrative Privileges Under Windows 2000, Windows XP, or Windows 7 • A CD-ROM drive • Computer processor: Pentium 90 or better • Memory: 128 megabytes RAM • Free disk space 4MB to 100MB depending on whether the supporting Microsoft software is

already installed on your system • Internet Explorer 5.01 or later (Internet Explorer 6 SP1 is included on CD)

WWiinnddoowwss XXPP aanndd WWiinnddoowwss 22000000 QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt GGuuiiddee

You must have administrator rights to properly install this software under all Windows versions. IInnssttaallll iinntteelllliiRRoocckk SSooffttwwaarree –– ssooffttwwaarree ffoorr iinntteelllliiRRoocckk The following section will guide you through the intelliRock software. 1. Insert CD in CD-ROM Drive

• Insert the intelliRock CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. If it does not run automatically, click the Windows Start button and choose Run. In the field that appears, enter the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive as follows. For example if your CD-ROM drive uses letter D, enter D:\setup.exe

Note: First Time Installation May Take Longer

• If the following hourglass appears, please be patient, this step may take up to ten minutes.

The “Welcome screen” should appear next.

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2. The Welcome Screen After reading, click the Next button.

Press Next

4. Select Install Destination After reading, click the Next button

Press Next 5. Ready to Install After reading, click the Next button

Press Next

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1. Finished

A progress bar will display and the install program will begin copying and installing the required files. This may take several minutes. After the intelliRock software has been successfully installed, the following screen will appear. Click the Finish button. USB drivers must be installed before you intelliRock can communicate with the intelliRock reader. Please see next section.

Press Finish

QQuuiicckk SSttaarrtt -- IInnssttaalllliinngg UUSSBB DDrriivveerrss uunnddeerr WWiinnddoowwss XXPP aanndd WWiinnddoowwss 22000000 The following section will guide you through the installation of the USB drivers under Windows XP and Windows 2000. The USB drivers are needed for intelliRock to communicate with your reader. 1. Connect the Reader to Your PC Using the Supplied USB Cable The intelliRock reader comes with a special USB cable to connect it to your PC. Connect the round connector of the USB cable to your intelliRock reader. Lock the connector ring by pressing inwards while turning clockwise. Connect the other end to an open USB port on your computer. 2. Turn on the Reader Press the intelliRock II reader ON button. After a short delay Windows should detect the intelliRock II reader. You should normally see a several “Found New Hardware” message popup informing you that Windows has found new hardware. Before starting intelliRock, please wait a minute until no new popups display.

SSttaarrtt iinntteelllliirroocckk SSooffttwwaarree aanndd DDoowwnnllooaadd LLooggggeerr DDaattaa ffrroomm YYoouurr RReeaaddeerr Look for the new intelliRock icon on your desktop. Double-click to start. Connect your intelliRock reader to your computer using the supplied USB cable. Turn on your reader at anytime and the intelliRock software will automatically download your logger data.

Please select intelliRock Help from the Help menu for further information on how to use intelliRock.

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UUppddaattiinngg RReeaaddeerr SSooffttwwaarree When you connect and turn on your reader it is recommended that you press the Yes button and proceed to update your reader software. It is recommended that you always update your intelliRock reader to the latest software.

Press Yes Step 1: Press the Next button

Press Next Step 2: Press the Next button

Press Next

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Step 3: Press the Next button to begin the update.

Press Next Step 4: When 100% complete, the reader will turn off. After it turns off, press any button on the reader to turn on.

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TTrroouubbllee--SShhoooottiinngg aanndd TTeecchhnniiccaall SSuuppppoorrtt The following sections may help if you are experiencing problems. Please contact technical support if you are still having difficulties. Reader Not Found Problem • Make sure you are using either Windows 2000 or Windows XP. • Make sure reader is turned-on. Press any key on the hand held reader to turn it on. • If the intelliRock II reader is not at the opening menu because any intelliRock II reader keypad

buttons were intentionally or accidentally pressed, the reader may stop communicating with intelliRock. If in doubt, turn the intelliRock II reader off and then back on to return the intelliRock II reader back to the opening menu. Click here for directions on how to turn the intelliRock II reader off.

• Check both ends of the USB cable. Use a USB port that you know is working. • On the reader end of the USB cable, make sure the cable connector is all the way down and

connector ring is locked-down. The intelliRock II reader has a locking connector and sometimes it can appear to be locked while it is not. To lock the connector, push-in while turning clock-wise.

• Try disconnecting the USB cable from the PC for five seconds before reconnecting. • Make sure reader batteries are not empty. A reader icon displayed at the upper right corner of

the screen indicates battery life. If the battery icon is not black in the center it is empty and new batteries will need to be installed.

• Try turning on the intelliRock II reader first, before starting intelliRock. This should not help newer version of the software. On the older version 1.1 software this sometimes helped under Windows XP.

• Try running Scan Ports from the intelliRock->Tools folder. When the reader is connected and turned on you should see a USB COM port appear. If it does not, and you have checked all your connections, try uninstalling and reinstalling the USB drivers.

• If you are using a notebook computer docking bay, try using a direct USB port located on the notebook computer

• If you use a PDA such as a Palm Pilot that interfaces to your computer using a serial port, try disabling the synchronizing software. There is a bug in the Palm Pilot HotSync software that results in HotSync opening the USB/serial port used by the intelliRock II reader and refusing to release it.

CCoonnfflliiccttss WWiitthh PPaallmm PPiilloott PPDDAA HHoottSSyynncc SSooffttwwaarree If you use a PDA such as a Palm Pilot that interfaces to your computer using a serial port, try disabling the synchronizing software. There is a bug in the Palm Pilot HotSync software that results in HotSync opening the USB/serial port used by the intelliRock II reader and not releasing it. This has occurred despite configuring the HotSync software to use COM1 yet when the intelliRock II reader appears on COM9 for example, the HotSync software would attach to COM9. The HotSync software appears to be confused and thinks the intelliRock II reader is a Palm Pilot. This is a bug with the HotSync software and not intelliRock. The simple work around to this

problem is to temporarily disable the HotSync software.

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If you wish to investigate this further, please contact PalmOne. To troubleshoot this issue, PalmOne recommends completely uninstalling and reinstalling Palm Desktop Software. Please follow the steps mentioned below. Again, the simple work around to this problem is to disable the HotSync software. Before removing the Palm Desktop and HotSync Manager software from your computer, you must first back up your user data. Followed by a normal uninstall, delete the 'Palm' folder, perform a search for "palm" and "hotsync", delete the results, and finally remove the Palm software entries in the Windows 'Registry'. Use the following instructions to backup your Palm Desktop user data:

1. Ensure that Palm Desktop is closed. 2. Double click the 'My Computer' icon on the 'Windows Desktop', or in the 'Start' menu. 3. Open the 'C:' drive, or the drive under which Windows and the Palm software resides. 4. Double click on the 'Palm' folder to open it 5. Right click on the ['username'] folder (Note: the ['username'] folder may be a truncated

version of your actual user name) and select 'Copy'. 6. Minimize all currently open windows. 7. Right click on an empty part of the 'Windows Desktop' and choose 'Paste'.

Use the following instructions to uninstall the Palm Desktop software:

1. Close all applications and screens on the computer. 2. Click 'Start' on Windows and select 'Settings', then 'Control Panel'. 3. Double click on 'Add/Remove Programs'. 4. Scroll down and select 'Palm Desktop'. 5. Click the 'Add/Remove' button and Palm Desktop should uninstall.

Use the following instructions to delete the Palm (or Pilot) folder:

1. Double click the 'My Computer' icon on the 'Windows Desktop', or in the 'Start' menu. 2. Select the 'C:' drive, or the drive under which Windows and the Palm software resides. 3. Right click on the 'Palm' folder and select 'Delete'.

Use the following instructions to find and delete all 'Palm' and 'HotSync' files.

1. Click 'Start' on Windows and select 'Find', or 'Search', then 'Files and Folders' 2. In the 'Named' window, type 'palm.*', click 'Find Now', or 'Search Now'. 3. Delete any files found. (With the exception of Internet shortcuts) 4. Repeat the search using 'hotsync.*' and delete any files you may find.

Use the following instructions to remove Palm Desktop and HotSync Manager registry entries:

1. Close all screens and applications. 2. Click 'Start', then 'Run'. 3. Type 'regedit' and click 'OK'. 4. Click 'Registry' in the upper left and select 'Export Registry File'. 5. Set the directory where you are saving the registry file to the 'Desktop'. 6. Enter a name for the file, and select 'All' under the 'Export range'. 7. Click 'Save', and verify that the backup file has been created on the 'Desktop'. 8. Choose the '+' symbol next to 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' to expand the folder. 9. Now expand the 'Software' folder by clicking on the '+' symbol.

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10. Locate a folder named 'U.S. Robotics' and expand it. 11. Right click and choose 'Delete' on folders named 'Pilot Desktop' and 'Palm Quick Install'. (If

present) 12. Now collapse the 'Software' and 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' folders by clicking on the '-'

symbols. 13. Locate the 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' folder and click the '+' symbol to expand it. 14. Now expand the 'Software' folder by clicking on the '+' symbol. 15. Locate a folder named 'U.S. Robotics' and if found, expand it. 16. As before, delete the 'Pilot Desktop' and 'Palm Quick Install' if present. 17. Now collapse the 'Software' and 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' folders by clicking on the '-'

symbols. 18. Locate and expand the 'HKEY_USERS' folder. 19. This time however, expand the 'Default', then 'Software' folders. 20. As before, delete the 'Pilot Desktop' and 'Palm Quick Install' if present. 21. Now collapse the 'Software', 'Default' and 'HKEY_USERS' folders by clicking on the '-'

symbols. 22. Close the 'Registry Editor' window. 23. Remember to restart your computer to ensure that the changes take effect.

To reinstall Palm Desktop Software, you can use Palm CD or please download Palm Desktop Software version 4.1.4 from this website: http://www.palmone.com/us/support/downloads/windesk414.html Fill in appropriate details. You will receive downloadable software to your email account within an hour. Save the software. Extract the files using WinZip. Click on Install icon (or Setup icon). Please follow the onscreen instructions. This will install Palm Desktop Software on your PC. Now please check if the issue is resolved. If you have further queries, please feel free to contact PalmOne.

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SSccaann PPoorrttss TTooooll

Under the intelliRock Tools folder you will find a tool named "Scan Ports". Normally you will not need this. It is provided to help troubleshoot USB/Serial port difficulties if problems arise.

CChheecckkiinngg ffoorr UUSSBB//SSeerriiaall CCOOMM PPoorrtt

1. Make sure your intelliRock II reader is turned off before starting the Scan Ports tool. 2. With the ScanPorts tool displayed, turn on the intelliRock II reader, wait a fifteen seconds,

and turn it off. NOTE: If you did not see a COM port appearing and disappearing, in the below example "COM4", then something is wrong with either the connection to the intelliRock II reader or the USB driver installation.

If you have checked your connection, turn off the intelliRock II reader and tried uninstalling and reinstalling the FTDI USB drivers. After which try running the ScanPorts tool once again.

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IInnssttaalllliinngg NNeeww BBaatttteerriieess iinn tthhee RReeaaddeerr The intelliRock II reader displays a battery icon in the upper-right corner of the LCD display. Normally this should display as a solid black battery-shaped icon.

The intelliRock II reader takes five (5) AA alkaline batteries. Alkaline batteries are recommended for longer battery life. The water resistant case must be opened in order to replace the batteries.

Caution: Please be careful of the battery holder metal edges and corners which can be sharp.

HHooww ttoo IInnssttaallll NNeeww BBaatttteerriieess

1. Position the intelliRock II reader face down (bottom-side up) 2. Using a Phillips screwdriver remove the six screws from the bottom side being careful to retain

the nylon washers.

3. Carefully open the case being very careful not to disconnect or pull on any wires. Please note the position of the waterproof o-ring gasket installed between the two half's of the handheld case.

4. Carefully extract the old batteries and replace with new.

Caution: The battery holder metal edges may be sharp 5. Carefully reposition the waterproof o-ring gasket as needed and reposition the two-halves of the

case together 6. Reinstall the six screws with nylon washers carefully noting the position of the waterproof o-ring


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TTeecchhnniiccaall SSuuppppoorrtt CCoonnttaacctt IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn

Company.Impact Test Equipment Ltd Address.Building 21, Stevenston Industrial Est Stevenston Ayrshire KA20 3LR Scotland, United Kingdom Phone.+44 (0) 1294 602626 Fax.+44 (0) 1294 461168 [email protected]

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