Gu Fang Bu Zi Shang v2 c8 [TL Coffee]

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  • 8/10/2019 Gu Fang Bu Zi Shang v2 c8 [TL Coffee]


    Gu Fang Bu Zi Shang v2 c8

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    : Gu Fang Bu Zhi Shang

    : Chapter 8

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    : Wangye says he has a loss of appetite, cook two good dishes and send it to his room.

    TN: Wangye is a title given to males related to the emperor, such as his cousins, uncles, brothers.This is used to describe Chu Bei Jie here.

    []: Sigh~~~

    : Cooking

    : Is there a problem?

    : No.

    (): Ah He heard the discussion I had earlier with the house co ok.

    []: The following days, Pingting began to recover. B eing Zhen Beiwangs servant did n ot require muchwork //but Zhen Beiwang did not want her to idle.

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    SFX: busy

    SFX: busy

    *+: Two hours later

    (): It looks pretty nice.

    SFX: slurp

    : Are you doing this on purpose?

  • 8/10/2019 Gu Fang Bu Zi Shang v2 c8 [TL Coffee]


    ST: Its disgusting

    (): My master had never eaten my dish before.

    : Your master is smart.

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    (): Today I learnt that those who can create recipes arent necessarily good cooks.

    : A tactician doesnt necessarily know how to fight either.


    SFX: chuckle

    : Ah, that makes sense.

    : This soup is undrinkable, // lets do something else.

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    {}: What the hell do you want to do now?!

    SFX: dangerous

    : Eh.........

    : Ah

    : Um

    SFX: come here

    : Wangye!

    ST: If you dont come here, Ill come to you!

    SFX: stands up

    : Let Hong * play you a song.

  • 8/10/2019 Gu Fang Bu Zi Shang v2 c8 [TL Coffee]


    T/N: Pingting is referring herself as the name the Hua prefecture gave her

    SFX: hmm

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    : Okay!

    SFX: ding

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    SFX: ding

    : Good music.

    : Why does it lack a lingering sound?

    : There are no feasts that last forever . Isnt it best to end when its most happy?

    T/N: A Chinese idiom roughly translated to all good things must come to an end

    : Hahahahaha

    : Not only are you good at playing the qin, your intellect is above others too. // But why is it, thatyou cannot even cook a soup?

    : Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses

    ST: mumble

  • 8/10/2019 Gu Fang Bu Zi Shang v2 c8 [TL Coffee]


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    : Thats why I am thinking - // Theres no way such a lady can be raised from the H ua prefecture.

    : Who are you?

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    : You dont have to be scared. Just tell the truth and I will protect you from anyones harm.

    []: How can I speak the truth?

    : No matter who you are, I can help you.

    []: How can I possibly speak the truth?

    SFX: clench

    : I beg for Wangyes mercy!

    SFX: kneel

    : Hong does not mean to hide this, // but

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    : Hongs original name is Yangfeng, and was a qinji working at Prince Gui Les prefecture beforehe became prince.

    TN: A hostess like female that plays the qin.

    : I sold my body to the Princes prefecture, and because of my interest of the Qin, I was adored bythe Prince.

    -: The lies flow out of my mouth naturally, its as though I was prepared for such a scenario

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  • 8/10/2019 Gu Fang Bu Zi Shang v2 c8 [TL Coffee]


    : But because of this, it brought hatred and jealousy. // Due to this, someone accused me of acrime in front of the Queen, leading to a disastrous punishment.

    *+: In front of masters en emy, I must not hesitate, I must not waver.

    : Its only thanks to the connections I had within the palace that allowed me to escape.

    -: I can only protect myself with lies

    : Who wouldve known that the gods will be against me; I unfortunately bumped into a vendor andwas sold to the Donglin Hua prefecture

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    -: Because I am Gui Le royal prefectures Bai Pingting.

    : And by pure coincidence, I met wangye .

    TN: Referring once again to Chu Bei Jie.

    Page 015

    Right to left, top to bottomStand up!

    SFX: lift

    : I guessed correct, you are indeed someone from the royal prefecture.

    : Do not be worried, even if the Gui Le Queen was to come, even if He Su came, they cant doanything to you.

    : Wangye

    SFX: chuckle

    : Youll be safe. Just stay by my side.

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    SFX: hurry

    SFX: tremble

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    {}: How much was believed?

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    {}: How much did he believe?

    {}: How much can I still make him believe?

    {}: If the lies keep flowing out, there will soon be a weakness.

    -: Im in great danger here. Will I still have a chance to escape?

    SFX: stop

    -: Zhen Beiwang

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    -: Yangfeng

    : Mo ran.

    : Here!

    : Gui Le has a qinji named Yangfeng. Go and investigate her.

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    SFX: rustle

    SFX: rustle

    SFX: *insert*

    SFX: woosh

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    SFX: chatter

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    SFX: chatter

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    : Just leave it as is temporarily

    : Master?

    : Nothing.

    : Ever since we entered Donglin, master hasnt been getting any rest.

    : I think its better if

    : Its okay, wheres the prince and princess?

    : The prince and princess had just drunk some Anshen decoction* and is resting.

    TN: A herbal soup that is meant to relax the mind

    : Shaoxuan.

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    : The princess is worried for master and told me to bring some refreshments.

    : Sigh, really

    : Wait, Sharoxuan

    : Hm?

    : I decided that once the soldiers split paths, you will accompany the prince and princess replacingme.

    : Eh? Master, why do you suddenly propose this?


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    : I suspect that theres a spy here.

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    SFX: flap

    SFX: coo- coo-

    SFX: *remove*

    : Already at Donglin.