GS1 Standards in Healthcare

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  • 8/3/2019 GS1 Standards in Healthcare


    Product& logistics informationOrderform

    Shipping formDeliveryslip



    A GTIN (Global TradeItemNumber) isan identi cationnumber or productsand services. Itisnormally constructed roma GS1company pre x assigned toa company, anitem re erencedesignated bythecompany, and Check Digit.

    GS1CompagnyPre x Itemre erence Check Digit

    N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 N10 N11 N12 N13

    Whena GTIN isassigned, theproducer must transmit thein ormationlinked tothis number aswell asthepackaging hierarchies. All units(baseand logistic) carryaGTIN. Further detailscanbeound on

    A GLN (Global LocationNumber) is a13-digit number that identi esanyphysical or legallocationsinvolved ina giventransaction. For example; theorder originator, theproduct shippinglocation, theunloading locationand the nal deliverydestination(medical care unit, etc). Furtherdetailscanbe ound

    An SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) isan18-digit number that uniquelyidenti esalogisticunit. Likeall GS1 Identi cationKeys, it standardised structureguaranteei tsuniqueness.Anylogisticunit that is stored, shipped, transported, or received, isthusreadily identi ableusinganSSCC. Uponemerging romthe manu acturing or preparationprocess, thelogistic unit iscreated and it isgivenanSSCC. Two identical tradeunitswill havethesameGTIN but twodi erentSSCCs. TheSSCCis used tomanagestorageand shipping o theunitsthat arerouted and tracedindependently.

    TheSSCC,which mustbe markedoneveryl ogisticunit,is thekeyto accessingin ormation romtheelectronicshippingnotice(AdvanceShipmentNotice(ASN)or DespatchAdvice)thatincludesdynamicin ormationsuch lot/batchnumber,expiry date,etc.This enablesinternaltraceability

    withina acility. Suchin ormationcanalso providedinbarcodes ontheGS1 logisticlabel.

    GS1-128 isa linear bar codesymbology. DataMatrix isa 2Dsymbology. Theyarebothabletocarry in ormationusing GS1ApplicationIdenti ers, whicharede ned byGS1and enablethebar coding o in ormationsuchas product identi cation(GTIN), expirydate, shipping in ormation,etc. Thebar codeused isaccording todata required or thebusinessapplication, aswell as thesizeo thepackaging.Inthecase o serialisedproducts, and aspart o the ght against counter eiting, radio requencytags(RFID) might beused. Further detailscan be ound

    The development o electronic exchange(Internet or value added networks) enablescompaniestoconnect thefow o commoditieswith relevant in ormationfows, acilitating thesmoothoperationo supplychains. Everystageintheli eo aproduct withina supplychaingeneratesa standardised message, readilyunderstandableby thein ormation systemso allsupplychain partners. Themanu acturer transmits theproducts characteristicsand logisticalhierarchyusing aproduct in ormationmessage. Whenhehasreceived and processed anorder, hein ormshispartner o thedeliverydateand o the content o thelogisticunit, using anelectronicshipping notice. Thesemessagesareelectronicallyexchanged using standard ormats. Messagesrelating totransport will betransmitted tothecarriers, also electronically. Thecarriersthenprovidenoti cationo success ul delivery.

    Healthcare acilitiesuse other GS1 Identifcation Keys to mark and trace equipment(containers, tanks, cabinets, etc.), especiallywhentheymight be reused, cleaned and exchangedamong acilities. The GRAI (Global Returnable Asset Identi er) enables such unequivocalidenti cationbycombining anAsset TypeIdenti er and aserial number. Thiscodeis alsousedtomanageinventories. Toidenti ythelink betweena patient and ahealthcareservice, the GSRN (Global ServiceRelationNumber) isa uniquecodeassigned bythehealthcare acilityat thetimeo patient registration. The GDTI (Global Document TypeIdenti er) isa codethat enablestheidenti cationo documentssuch asmedical prescriptions, hospital dischargenotices, etc. It isused primarilytolink thesedocumentsto thepatientsmedical chart/records.

    Formore information see

    Blue TowerAvenue Louise 326, b10B - 1050 BrusselsBelgium T+32 2 788 7800F+32 2 788 [email protected]

    GS1-Theglobal languageo business

    GS1 isa leading globalorganisation dedicatedto thedesign andimplementation o globalstandardsandsolutionsto improve the e ciency andvisibility o thesupply anddemandchainsglobally andacrosssectors. The GS1 system o standardsis the mostwidely usedsupplychain standardssystem in the world. Formore in ormationon GS1,please visit:

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    G S 1 G l o b a

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    - i l l u s t r a t i o n s : L a u r e n t

    B a u

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    h t s r e s e r v e


  • 8/3/2019 GS1 Standards in Healthcare


    Production Receipto ashipping notice indicating

    traceability in ormation linkedto the rawmaterialandpackaging being used.

    Quantity controlo merchandise usingSSCC.

    Validation o receiptanddelivery slipsignature.

    Registration o lot/batch numbersanddates.

    Acceptance o primary materials. Recording o lotnumbersused. GTINassignmentandmarking orbase

    unitsandcreation o theirlotnumbers.

    Logistics provider Industry

    Warehousing Preparation Managemento physicalproductarrivals

    andshipmentsusing SSCC. Managemento the separation andrelease

    o lots. Assignmento locations. Registering the movemento merchandise. Physicalinventory. Orderpicking. Creation o logisticunits,assignment

    andremarking o SSCC. Tracking inventory movements,linking SSCC,

    product,lot/batch number,anddeliverydestination.

    Shipping Loading. Reading andregistering SSCC. Sending shipping noticesto recipientswith

    delivery itemisation. Sending shipping ordersto the carriers. A terdelivery,the carriersends atransport

    statusreport. Integrating in ormation in orderto e ciently

    coordinate orders,deliveries,andinvoices.

    Link between the production lotnumberandthe rawmaterialsused.

    GTINandSSCCassignment orlogistic units. Recording the linksbetween SSCCandthe

    contento logisticunits:GTIN+ lot/batchnumber+ expiration date.

    Description o the Major SupEach o these processesmightbe per ormedby di er