Grupo Rma 2010

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O Grupo RMA fechou uma parceria internacional com a Lewis PR, ampliando sua atuação para 30 países. Huhu

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Page 2: Grupo Rma 2010

An introduction to Grupo RMA Ab

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Grupo RMA is focused on communications to results. Our mantra is “ to make corporate communications a business tool to our customers”.

Grupo RMA has started in São Paulo, Brazil, back on the year of 2001, with its !rst company, RMA Comunicação. RMA Comunicação is a PR agency, born to provide our customers visibility and tangibileness to PR results. We have created the PR service named as “PR with SLA”, which proposes to work with quarterly communications plans, to proactively plan the PR actions for the period. Each action on the quarterly plan is weighted by the customer and the target media is also prede!ned.

Each type action has a price in our pricelist. The customer contracts a certain monthly !nancial value (in Brazilian Reais) which will be used to pay the actions planned for the period.

More recently, 18 months ago, Grupo RMA hás launched its second communications company, Polvora! Comunicação, an agency 100% dedicated to social media and social networks. Polvora! acts complementary to RMA, conducting online campaings using social media tools (Twitter, blogs, Facebook, Orkut, LinkedIn, Plaxo, Flickr, YouTube, etc), as well as simply helping our customers to monitor their brand perception on the social networks. Polvora!, we may say, is a real PR 2.0 enterprise.

Everything we communicate via RMA and/or Polvora! is taken precedence of a Strategic Communications Plan (PEC- Planejamento Estratégico da Comunicação), a 8 weeks project to understand our customer positioning, measure is brand preception (via market survey), in order to de!ne the strategies and themes that will guide our day to day actions along the year.

RMA also provides complementary services, as Market Intelligence, Market Surveys, Media Training and Endomarketing.

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An introduction to Grupo RMA O

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am Grupo RMA was founded by Augusto Pinto, former CEO of SAP Brazil, former Latin America VP for Siebel Systems, former executive on both Origin and IBM Brazil, and Mário Soma Jr. Mário, a seasoned journalist and entrepreneur, has being providing PR services to IT companies in São Paulo, since early 90’s. Mário has joined his experience in business communications to Augusto’s business management experience, to create a unique company, which adds business e!ectiveness to corporate communications.

Another seasoned journalist, Marcio Cavalieri, joined RMA on 2003, being today its executive director. In Polvora!, Jair Tavares (a creative marketeer and branding specialist), Gustavo Jreige (a young social media creative director) and Edney de Souza (Brazilian leader in corporate blogging business) have joined Augusto, Mário and Marcio as new acting partners. The last acting partner of this group is Leandro Monteiro, playing as the Financial & Admin Director for the Group.

The partner’s team is complemented by a young, energized and creative group of about 70 communication specialists and business consultants, providing the required strentgh to the communications actions developed by both companies.

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An introduction to Grupo RMA O

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Although Grupo RMA has started serving IT customers, today around 50% percent of them belong to other segments, as health care, legal, services, retail and industry. Among our valuable customers, we can name leading companies as: TOTVS Amadeus Intersystems Goodyear Tivit Netgear NeoGrid Spring Wireless Trench & Rossi Watanabe Lawyers Hospital 9 de Julho O Boticário Link Investments AES Eletropaulo Mauá Enegineering School

“Grupo RMA, almost a decade providing

value to business communications.”

Polvora! - Figured between the 49 most innovative start up companies in Brazil to watch closely

RMA - Figured between the 10 top PR Agencies in Brazil by the Anuário Brasileiro das Agências de Comunicação

RMA - Nominated as the best PR Agency in Brazil - Comunique-se Award 2009