Growth Development and Behavior

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Newborn ( neonatal) period:

begins at birth and includethe 1 st month of life.

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Physical examination:term newborn� Average weights: 3.4 kg (7 ½ lb)

� Average length: 50cm (20 in)� head circumference: 35 cm (14in)

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� Hearing is well developed

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Behavioral state:� Quite sleep� Active sleep� Drowsy� Alert� Fussy� Crying

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� Behavioral state determines aninfant·s muscle tone, spontaneousmovement, electroencephalogrampattern and response to stimuli.

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Developmentalmilestones in thefirst 2 yr of life

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Gross motor:� Hold head steadywhile sitting� Pulls to sit, with no

head lag� Brings hands togetherin midline� Sits without support� Rolls back to stomach� Walks alone� Runs

� 2 mos

� 3mos

� 3mos� 6mos� 6.5mos� 12mos� 16m0s

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Fine motor:

� grasps rattle� Reaches for object� Palmar grasp done� Transfers object

from hand to hand� Thumb-fingergrasp

� 3.5mos� 4mos� 4mos� 5.5mos

� 8mos

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Communication andlanguage:

� Smiles in response to face, voice� Monosyllabic babble� Inhibits to NO� Follows one-step command w/gesture� Follows one-step command w/o

gesture� Say mama or dada� Points to object� Speaks first real word� Speaks 4-6 words� Speaks 10-15 words� Speaks 2 word sentences

� 1.5mos� 6mos� 7mos� 7mos

� 10mos

� 10mos� 10mos� 12mos� 15mos� 18mos� 19mos

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cognitive:� Stares momentarily at

spot where objectdisappeared� Stares at own hand� Uncovers toys� Egocentric symbolicplay� Uses stick to reachtoy� Pretend plays with doll

� 2mos

� 4mos� 8mos� 12mos

� 17mos� 17mos

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Physical development:

� Weight decrease 10% belowbirthweight in the first week as aresult of excretion of excessextravascular fluid and limitedintake.

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� Infant regain or exceed birth weight by 2weeks of age and should grow at approx 30gms/day during the first month.� Period of fastest postnatal growth.� Smiling occurs involuntarily.

� Recognition memory.� Sleep and wakefulness are evenlydistributed throughout the 24hr day� Learning also occurs.

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Cognitive development:

� Infants habituate to the familiar,attending less and less to repeatedstimuli and increasing their attentionwhen the stimulus changes.

� Infant can differentiate amongpatterns, colors and consonants.� Recognize facial expression

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Emotional development:

� Dependent on the environment tomeet his or her need.

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Age 2-6 month:

� Voluntary social smile.� Increasing eye contact

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Physical development:

� Between 3 and 4 months of age, therate of growth slows to approx20gm/day.

� By 4 month, birth weight is doubled.� Grasp reflex� Roll over� Regular sleep wake cycle

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Cognitive development:

� Qualitative change� 4 months of age infants aredescribed as hatching socially

� Explore their own bodies� Sense of self ² first stage of

personality development

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Emotional development

and communication:� Distinct facial expressions� Initiating games, increases social


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Ages 6-12 months

� Shows advances in cognitiveunderstanding and communicativecompetence.

� Develop will and intentions

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Physical development:

� Growth slows more� By the first bday, birth weight hastripled, length has increased by 50%,and head circumference hasincreased by 10cm.

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� Sit unsupported (6-7mos)� Pivot while sitting (9-10mos)� Thumb finger grasp (8-9mos)� Neat finger grasp by 12 mos� Pulling to stand by 8mos� Walk by 1yr

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� Motor achievements correlate withincreasing myelinization and cerebellar

growth.� Tooth eruption occurs, usually startingwith the mandibular central incisors

� Tooth development reflects skeletalmaturation and bone age.

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Cognitive development:

� At first everything goes into themouth.� A major milestone is the achievement

at about 9 mos. Of objectpermanence (constancy)

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Emotional development:

� Stranger anxiety� Poor weight gain� Tantrums

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7mos adept of non verbalcommunication9mos aware of the emotions8 and 10mos babbling takesSocial interactionFirst true word

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The second year

� Age 12-18mos:² Physical development:� Growth rate slows further in the 2 nd yr of


� Appetite decline� Increase in head circumference of 2cm overthe yr.

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Cognitive development:

� Exploration of the environmentincreases and mobility� Playthings

� Imitation of parents and olderchildren� Symbolic play

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Emotional development:� Predominant mood changes� Tantrum

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Linguistic development:

� Infants speak their first words� Respond appropriately to severalsimple statement

� Points to major body parts and uses4-6 words spontaneously andcorrectly

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Age 18-24 months:� Physical development:

² Height and weight increase at a steadyrate, w/ gain of 5in and 5lb.

² By 24mos, children are about ½ of theirultimate adult height.

² Head growth slows slightly² 90% of adult head circumference is

achieved by age 2 yrs.

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Cognitive development:

� Object permanence is firmlyestablished� Cause and effect are better


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Emotional development:� Separation anxiety� Self-conscious awareness

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Linguistic development:

� Most dramatic development� Childs vocabulary balloons, thebeginning of grammar

� Understand 2-step commands