Group D - Business Owners/Organizations Response to Letter Dl Both the Full BRT Alternative and the LankershidOxnard On-Street 0 Alignment, as presently designed, would require the acquisition of the RECYCLING GO., INC. suyeo d scrap M& ed Rsmr recycling business at 14300 Bessemer Street. This acquisition is necessary IWO wesi D L A ~ AWE. LOS *wtca C ~ L ~ ~ W D ( I (al) ninn nr. pnim.n14 to accommodate construction of the Van Nuys station and park-and-ride. Relocation programs and compensation will be provided, as appropriate. June 5,2001 Honorable zev Yaroslavsky Supervisor, Sd District HX) West Temple Street, 8xVFlwr LOS Angeles, CA 90012 Attention: Samantha Brlcker ~cti\re Recycling has Oeen conducting Its businessat Id300 Bessemer Street, Van Nuys. CA91605. I have been In the recycllng buslness For twenty-five I251 years, I own the proper& on Besserner street and lease an adjacent parcel of land from the Metropolltan AllthOfll~ Transit. Our recycllng center currently EI'nplOyS nine (9) people. However, i t Indirectly employs 200,000 people per year glvlng Income to those who patronize the rewclng center and generating 6.3 mltllon pounds of recyclable materials per year. In thls Ilght, I would llke to request your assistance to mlnitlllze the disruotion of buslness onerations In the construction of the Bus ~aplgiransit project. skce one of the alternatrves lsa Lankershlm'Oxnard On-street Alignment, by contlnulng on to Van NUYS BouleVafd and then contlnulng west following the old rali line t o Warner Center wlll not only save the businesses between Lankershim and Van ~ u y s Boulevard but also residences. lf you have any questions, please feel free t o call me at 1323) 295. 7774. tam looking forward to your support Ln #is matter. sincerely, WM ERROL H. SECAL \ President page 7-221 San Fernando Valley M East-West Transit Corridor EISIEIR

Group D Business Owners/Organizationslibraryarchives.metro.net/DPGTL/eirs/SFV_EastWest/images/chapter … · The HCT will use the existxnq 100-foot wlde SY hW to build rr 26-foot

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Group D - Business Owners/Organizations

Response to Letter D l

Both the Full BRT Alternative and the LankershidOxnard On-Street

0 Alignment, as presently designed, would require the acquisition of the RECYCLING GO., INC.

suyeo d scrap M& e d Rsmr recycling business at 14300 Bessemer Street. This acquisition is necessary IWO wesi D L A ~ AWE. LOS *wtca C ~ L ~ ~ W D ( I

(al) ninn nr . pnim.n14 to accommodate construction of the Van Nuys station and park-and-ride. Relocation programs and compensation will be provided, as appropriate.

June 5,2001

Honorable zev Yaroslavsky Supervisor, Sd District HX) West Temple Street, 8xVFlwr LOS Angeles, CA 90012

Attention: Samantha Brlcker

~ct i \ re Recycling has Oeen conducting Its business at Id300 Bessemer Street, Van Nuys. CA91605. I have been In the recycllng buslness For twenty-five I251 years, I own the proper& on Besserner street and lease an adjacent parcel of land from the Metropolltan AllthOfll~ Transit. Our recycllng center currently EI'nplOyS nine (9) people. However, i t Indirectly employs 200,000 people per year glvlng Income to those who patronize the rewclng center and generating 6.3 mltllon pounds of recyclable materials per year.

In thls Ilght, I would llke to request your assistance to mlnitlllze the disruotion of buslness onerations In the construction of the Bus ~aplgiransit project. skce one of the alternatrves lsa Lankershlm'Oxnard On-street Alignment, by contlnulng on to Van NUYS BouleVafd and then contlnulng west following the old rali line t o Warner Center wlll not only save the businesses between Lankershim and Van ~ u y s Boulevard but also residences.

lf you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 1323) 295. 7774. tam looking forward to your support Ln #is matter.


WM ERROL H. SECAL \ President

page 7-221 San Fernando Valley M East-West Transit Corridor EISIEIR

&a:&<vu .,& plw mid Awolrb w i a

3118 111 93NYV39 MU03 IDWOUIOW

'5-63 pue 1-63 sluaruuroa 01 sasuodsar a q aas aseaId LO02 OF Nnr ! ~ p a r ) a ~

Group D - Business Owners/Organizations

Response to Letter D3

The commenter's preference for the Chandler alignment is noted for the record.

June 14.2001

Mr. Ervln Poka Fcdsrd Trsnsil Adminirilntion Maropdtlan ORai 201 No. F iwroa Slreet, Suite 1480 Los An!geles, CA 90012

Dear Mr. Poka:

As Transwfialion Chaimn lor the United Chatrben of Commerce of the Sen Fernendo Valley, our cornnine6 rwleved ttn OEiSlR f4r the San Femando Valley Easl-West Tnnsit Corridor Project. We spent mosl of March and April, including a irip to San Oiago on an infrxmrthsl lour M n g the various p l a ~ to improve transpwtstlon In the Ssn F c r d o VaAey. O( the hvo m i n i n g routes lec a busmy to RIDLe Vavel across lhe San Fernando Valky more pasant and krss time eonsmWg. we feel lhaf Lhe Chandler Burway for exclusivs buses baveling bshveen Ihe MTA Redline Sleeon In Not% Hd@wcd and Wcodland Htlls Is the preMed roule for Um lollowicg reaam: The MTA already ths righlskray. l! is a 100 fool Right4 Way as( can be basutihed and mada appealing fw all ~omarmd. It will provide additlml &-street parking. ll only takes 7 hwses for the entire 14 mik mute. I will emlate (e inpimprova on the Ventura k)ebo Rqdd ha svsf8m. Il MI bo an m m k boon la the Valley and it b ths preferred mule over tfM allemate in vrhkh Oxnard would be used lorn poilion of the muting.

For them reasons, w r anmiltes a d my own psro~nal w a l w has aetedad Ihe Chandler Route blilizing h East-Weat existing Aiihbd-WP~

. -!

ur Sweet

*I unitd Chambac of Cwmrerce d lhe San Fernando Valley

cct ncvin vlchel

San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor 'ISIF'"

page 7-224

Group D - Business OwnerdOrganizafions

Response to Letter D4


OF 'THE SAN FERNANDO VALLEY ~ l l V n ~ p U v d , W b 2 0 * O n n a ~ C ~ 9 I ( D

glgYlUPt.hfllq5.3l.ruc wlrWrdCkabcn.q r-W-

MK. Ervin Poka Drderat Transit R ~ l s t r a t l o n HcCropolitan O f f i r e 201 No. Flgtleroa S t r e e t . Sutie 1460 Los Anqsles, Ut 90012

Hr. Kevin ilichel Los k~yeles County Transplrtation Authority One Gatqray Plaza 22'" Floor, US 99-22-5 Los Angelas, CA 90012

Rm: San Fernando Vr1i.y Bawt-West Corridor Projeat

Dear Gentlemen:

I an writing to you on behalf o i the United Chaabers 4C Comnerce of the San Fernando Valley, a consertlum OK Z? metabet cbmbers ol camnerce repteaenting over 8 , 0 0 0 bualneas operating in the Sen Fernando Valley.

The United Chambers of Commerce stronqly supports the full BRT and recowwrrda larplementatron of Lhe folilwinq Into the BRT:

In] To addrrns the concerns of the rnsidenflel ncighbothoods and the Jewlsh Orthodox community along ChandlOr Boulevard the project along this poetlon of D4t-2 the BRT limit Its operating 8pords to currently posted speed lrmits (otherwise the bu~wdy I s t o be operated a t overall system speeds mnparrbln (within 101) to t h ~ red l i n e ) , use 40 t o 60-foot husea operating on

I compressed natural gas or other clean fuels, censtrurt

1 ~ - 3 no sound ualts. end provide Lou fencea, retention of oxistinlr and new landscaulna, and dddrtional. pvdart r Ian 1 M crossings: I - .

Ibl To address the d e s i r e of the cc lmlnl ty t.0 maintain a Ilght rar l eeas~hillty the BPT be cen%trnrted to allow for upqradirag l o l i q b r r a t 1 with m!j th? least minimum dwaolitiu11 of the iayrluveiaents; I

Comment D4-1

The comrnenter's support for the BRT project is noted for the record.

Comment D4-2

At the request of the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation, the posted speed limit will be observed by bus drivers on the BRT within the Chandler portion of the corridor.

Comment D4-3

The MTA has a clean fuel only policy for new bus purchases. The MTA has the largest clean fuel fleet in the nation, including hundreds of CNG buses. Currently, all new buses purchased by the MTA have been clean fuel CNG buses. The MTA will continue to monitor technological developments in clean fuel development and will remain committed to becoming a one hundred percent clean fuel fleet over time.

Comment D4-4

The corridor will be completely landscaped throughout and additional pedestrian crossings to address special needs within the Chandler portion of the corridor are to be provided. Also, soundwalls have not been determined to be necessary along Chandler Boulevard.

Comment D4-5

As currently designed, the BRT corridor would provide sufficient horizontal separation distance and turning radii to permit operation of light rail vehicles, without enitrely reconstructing the corridor. At such time as a conversion to light rail were to be considered another environmental review process would be required.

page 7-225 San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor ElSlElR

Group D - Business Owners/Organizations

Comment D4-6

June 14, 2001 Page 2

( ~ r ) F~edef bus s e r v l c e picposed under t h e TSM alternative be incoxporr t td into the ART to pravidr I DC8 nccess to t h e BUT;

(d) s a t u l l l t e packing / s h u t t l e f n c i l l t i e n b e e s t d h l l n h e d t o allow maxtrum access t 0 BHT;

lr) The MIA usa ILJ hest ef foeta to m i t l y a r c t h e I m-7

n u l s e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h she c u r r o n t genera t ion n a t u r a l cnrnpresscil p a s buses; I ~ 4 - a

( i l The W A cont inuous ly mgrrilar the impact on crossings and i f condl t lnna change and t r a f f i c

a v a t l a b l a funding; and ICJ) The c o n c ~ > r r c n t implementation n t tho

p e d r s t r i a n - b i c y c l e p r o j e c t . 1 ~ 1 0

Growth p r o j e c t i o n s J n d i c n t e t ha t i n t h e next 20 yrara v a l l e y traffic w i l l i n c r e a s e by ovez lOOa with average s p r s d s frm 35 t o 2 5 mlles p e r hour. The Ventrrra freeway is now oprat lng a t c a p a c i t y and by 2920 wlll h e GO% over c a p a c i t y r e q ~ i r i n g 8 a d d i t i o n a l lanes Irr each d l c e c t l o n , t h e Iundlng f o r which is not f o r e s e e a b l e . Val ley east-weer s u r f a c e sLIseL t r a f f i c 1s p r o j e c t e d te i n c r ~ a s e by over 90$. The HCT will use the existxnq 100-foot wlde SY hW t o b u i l d rr 26-foot u i d e , a t -grade buswey $11 the centaz wlth t h e rana ln inq space used tor bus s t a t i o n s landscaped berms, t r e e s . fenceslwalls, and shrubs as a b u f f e r . The FRT hus ttrs lowest c a p i t a l and aporaLLny and ae in tenancs casts all t h e a l t e r n a t i v e s s tudied over t h e last 17 years. The functlng t o implement tku RRT la a v a i l a b l e now.

04-11 Conrd

Holding o u t f o r another p tan incarpora t ing l i g h t rail wall result in t h e c e r t a i n loss of the e x f b t i h g funding and no p r o j e c t ncw, t ha t may he upgradeahfe Ln t h e f u t u r e when a d d i t i o n a l fundtng for l l g h t r a i l is avallal>le. lryllcmenlalloli ef guarded crossrfigs +luulcl require bells dnd Ilul~lixng horns rhrnuahuut t h e hvurs of o p a r a t i o n , caus lnp d i t r l rpf lon t o 1h5 oeiqlltw~li:iolla. Coaparable system spends may be dchieved r i t h s ~ y n a l i z e d crossings, a s used on t h e Venlura Rapid Btls system, wrthout t he d i s r u p t i o n .

All of the improvements proposed under the TSM Alternative are also assumed to be in place as part of the full BRT Alternative. This combination will support operation of the full BRT by providing a feeder bus network.

Comment D4-7

At this time, development of satellite parking facilities (located physically away from the BRT alignment) has not been considered because demand for parking can be met by on-corridor lots. However, there are several official and unofficial park and ride facilities throughout the Valley that are along existing feeder bus routes connecting to the BRT. These "remote" lots could provide additional opportunities for commuters to park and use the BRT system, should that become necessary or desirable. This information can be provided through MTA promotional materials such as system maps that show express and local bus routes together with park and ride facilities.

Comment D4-8

The MTA is continually engaged in an effort to upgrade its equipment to provide for better energy efficiency and noise reduction. Given the fact that the noise analysis conducted for purposes of the BRT project has disclosed the need for quieter buses, MTA is in the process of pursing such equipment upgrades in the context of the BRT project. It is likely that this pursuit will yield system wide benefits over time with regard to noise production, as well.

Comment D4-9

As of the present, and given the traffic projections for the next 20 years, grade separations are not required to maintain acceptable traffic conditions. However, this situation will be monitored over time through LADOT's on- going monitoring of traffic system operating conditions.

Comment D4-10

The City of Los Angeles proposed bikeway is being planned for construction concurrently with the BRT project.

San Fernando Valley East-West Transit Corridor

page 7-226

Group D - Business OwnerdOrganiza fions

Comment D4-11

For these reasons, the United Chambers nf Comerce supports the Recommended Waster P1.m and urye you to vote in favor of its adoption. Thnnk you for ynnr ccnsiderakion. 9, "-/k -..--

The opposing view stated in this comment is noted for the record. While MTA recognizes a need to provide the highest level of transit service appropriate to a given service area, current financial constraints do not make it possible to provide light rail service within the EastlWest Corridor at the present time. Should the necessary resources be found, such service improvements will be considered.

J. Richard Leyrler, Clrdl rsHn united Chanbcts of Sommcrce Of Ltzs Sac1 Ferrra:rck Valley

page 7-227 San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor EfSIEIR

Group D - Business OwnersJOrganizations


Position Paper hd-wtd Transit Corridor


The Issue: Should the IJCC support the MTA East-West Transit Cmidor firll Bus Rapid Tnnsit A1te1natir.c (ORTI providing for exclus~vc bus signali7rd lanes on the SP ROW between thc North Fiollywood Metro Rail station and the planned Warner Center Tnnsit Hub?

The IJCC Yonition: The UCC supporfs the full BKT and raommenda implclnentatio~~ of the followins into lfle BRT:

(a) To address the conccms orthe residential neighborhods and the Jmvish 0rthodo.u colrtmunliy along Cllandler Boulevard the project along this portion of the BKT limit its opaating speeds to a~nent ly posted s p e d 1i;nik (othen&e th; bus~aj is to be openred al nrcrall syslem speeds comparable (rri~l~in IO?h) to the red line), use 40 to 60- font buses operating on co~npressed notrlral p s or othw clear ft~ets. construct no sound \vaHs, and protide low fences. reluntlon of eltisling a ~ ~ d new latdscaping, and nddiunnal pedestrian crossings;

(b) To address the desire of the communily to nuintiin a light rail feasibility the RUT be co~wamtcd to allow for upgrading lo light rail with the hast minimcln~ dcmolitio~r of the imvrovenmkts;

(c) Fceder ~ I I S scmice proposcd under the TSM alternative be incotprated into the BRT to proviile accsss to the URT;

(d) Sateliitc parking /shuttle bcililies be established to allow lnaxi~nun~ access lo RRT;

(c) Thc MTA use its besl effom to miligate !to noise associo~ed with thc cturelit generation mural compressed gas ~I ISCS:

(0 The M'1'A conlinr~ously tnonilor the impact @I crassi~~gs and if conditions change and IraIXc increases, implement separated crossings bwcd on availabfe fi~ntling; and

(bj Tl~e concnrrenl implcrwntation of the pede..tria~+bicycle project.

Supparting View: Grorvth projections indicate that in the next 20 years ~ l l e y tmfiic will inclease by over 100% with avcnge spec& from 35 to 25 miles per 11o11r. The Vniturz freeway is now operating at calmcity and by 2020 will be 60% m ~ r capacity requlnng 8 addi t io~! lanes in each direction, the funding for which i s not fi~resrreablc. Valley east-west s~uface streef tntlic is projected to i n c m by ovcr 90%. 'I'he BKT will use lhc exisling 100-foal wide SP ROW to build a ZG-foot wide, d - p d c bususway in the mter with tllc rcnlaining space used for bus stations landscaped hern~s, trccs.

page 7-228 San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor elSIF'D

Z-SQ luauUJo3 .pJosai aql103 palou s! la[nqmd

u! pauru%!~e ialpueqa aql pue 13aro~d aq1 01 uo!~!soddo s,JaluaunuoD aqL



Group D - Business Owners/Organizations

IJ\W (1)FC;ICES OF KICIMKD F. btOSS (13.15 IMl.15t )A ROI! LEV'ARD, SUITE 3 10

I:NC'INO, c,u.ir:owl,t 91 316 'IFI.EI'LI0NE: 81 P-')l)h-2000 I~ACSI>III.I:: t3 1 P-99O.UN18

Via ('tnilied Mdt. Hdum Rrrcipt K n p ~ ~ t 1

Mr. Kcr in Michcl Pmjeil Manngtr. MTA Oat! c;scuny PIXZP 2 Z 1 F b r . htS 'Fl.12-i Los .4ngeles. California 90012

Re, I lrdl l En~irut~tncnlrl Imllx1 L r l a ~ ~ e ~ i ~ ' R c p ~ ~ t (tllc "t)t:ISW) ti>r Ilr p r g o d San Pbmmdu VJIcy liaa-\Yc3L 'Ihlivil Corrkkx I'rojwt: COIIIIWTIIL Suhtnilrurl hy HaUm & Victory I ' d ~ i p , CI a\.

Lkar Mr. Michd:

Thc llndcrrigrnd is mumel for I k b k Yiclory I'mncmhipmd ils bmmal putlmtr, C i w c E. Hrws(cullccii~c1y. "B&\'"). B&V 11.r ~ l i r a l a l this olliet to rtbmit the fnIlou.iny wriltmt rtnruocnls runcmtmprhe above r e f e r c d I>BIS:K. 'Ikr comlnmls reitmalc and Suppldmoll t l r oral cormncntr nwdo hy 11%- ludcrri@iod at Ihc June 21' public hewine, 31 Lus Angel* Yitxc Colkp. On~dl foTourc l i rnts, werequest the MI'A L l h c Find ElSiR to &n"mih of RWV's cornnrcnls ad pwvidc r ltnnrmyh disla4011. itrluJingalrrmalivcu. ofthe prufn's impacts nmvmi r~g tbur ism mi&d hy I1&V a d not co!rral by U r UEISIR.

prqjjcit. ' ~ n l b a i ~ i c t w y I'ylllenhi; is the fee owner of that certainpmpeny tmmnnly known aa 6345 k l b m Ibulcvmd, lilwino, Cafirornia. Thr pmpnfy i s lwarcd a the iolermtiun of llrllxw and Vtitwy b levan ls x r w the $lrcxl Srurn 1 1 1 c ~ p r ~ Oalboa SMion. 'Thc solahcrly p y c t l y Itlw o f t l r prupmy c~tlirnly b o k a the Swlhern Pacilic ROW. which n this poi111 Ilar olr dvr~age wid11 ef oypmxinmlalcly lhmy 00)) Bcl. Only I lineof Ims'drki halgcr kxtucd in n m l l pla~tcr b x c s tm HBV's twnpcny wparnccs the ~ropeny's on grade parking '

lkril~ltcs Im I& KOW. Visitors and renan~s l i~-ernll~ prli a mirc cm~ple nf &I an.). f i where the pmprrsd hiylt.spvd bits h c a w lo he lava! uilhin Ihc RO\V.

H111Kkvd$ oCern,k uurk at :ltld liil ~ t " s p r m 4 v ~ ~ ~ h workday. rht proyerly is i ~ ~ w m u d wilh i w l r ( ~ ) i ~ % . a o ~ c o m t ~ r r , s l oK%e h;ildjngi ~x~n~ainin~apprcxi~n~talci~ Z~I)LHW)- rcntablc x(11art (us( II cor~ists o f nine (9) kpl lots wit11 qpmxi~natcly 180 fee of irontyc

San Fernando Val ley

East-West Transit Corridor ='s/F'D


page 7-232

Group D - Business Owners/Organizations

Response to Letter D6

Mr. Kvvirr M~chci ProjLil hl.mager June ?b,LIX)I P a p ?

un D~Rxzr DoulcvxJ rrl appmi~nGlely 850 Itx!I dllnmtagc on Vtclnry IInulc\'ani. Tcnanls md vuisn w Ih ollice huitdln&< cnlcr the p p n y usingdrivcwoys on holh Vicloy and Halhv~ boub.ud$. 'NIC projccl, aa cumnrly p r q u d , dun nc4 qpex lo impact Lln Victcq' k w l c u d Jribway. Howevr~, the cmc c r u 1 ~ 4 rjlidullhr Balhmdri~wily. as il is 1willk4 r l im ly wws fmn~ lb Blboa Slation MJ in b c * w ~ ~ n lk Lkthoa;ViEtwy in1m~cLiu11 WIJ t l r ROW. In fact. !lie snulhcrfy onf o l t k BalhoJ drircwny i s jut s fw k-3 +*ah o r l k HOW.

nuc lo i a pnqxynd hatinn. the projvct will aig>ificeilly impau the Ha\: propnty. Ilus xlivilicu. Iwfic circdalion in adour af rht R~lbOn Slaliun. the minimal widlh rrClhe ROW beltintl the pmpeny 214 m l l i & ~ t i l ~ mcsklrcs at the i n ~ a x ~ t ' m l and abng (he KI)W. among nllur rhinyy will no ilouhl ulcu huw pwp1r wcers. u x mu1 pcr~vivc MV's pqcrty.

Sinrc the I>EfS.R &bra mr ~pccifically discrln the pmpusxl project's impct an IWV's proprfly. wc IICR*~ nldc lhc btkruing carmcnts ahout the DES.'R, in m, pf l ia~ler prinrily.

The DEWK di~llascv nrwy allurnwiv~% B r miliplion measurn mplq iny lankaping and m ~ w ~ l l z hfns or Ihesedixrncrions ssunle s IOOrmt ROW. Nu d~rcussion umsiden how Ihc hl'l'h can nrlliplc J v m i~npaels of &c pmpmd project ill r 3 @ l d ROW, such &$ that Iiualnl hehind RRrV's pmperty. nit silcncd in espnially ~muhlbg to BBV y ivn~ lhnl Ihc DElSR slalcr thul26 Ike urc d c d lo house thc wn high >pcd hex lams. 'lhir would w a n Ihl U r MTA would unly hare lwo(2) loel on &h tideofthe ROW in which lu b a t e any ndtiplton IIK..~RV to dual wilh the mmm~xl omial's mi*. odor. vihrrdinn ad virrlnl imbscls. HbV . . , . rqr~ires a detailell diwus$ion in ~ h c Filial ElS:K conccming wlrdl tindr oln>enwms r n hecanpluycd in suchrmall area and how effecliveurch measurer u.ould likely bc lo ndl~ptilre & l u m i n i w a or the proyc7srd pr~*b%l. BBkV is co~icmrd lhuf in such m a r a Illin drip of btndxapi~igw~uhl p v c . ins~Mcienl awl wundrall$ ruuulrlcrente v i d hliglil. Jisrupliry! sigl~t linesacma RB\"s propmy.

'I& UE1S.X pmvidcs ulrly a h % w r l i r d Jcxriphn v l the vuious srdtiuzlr scwine rk pmpwsl prnjeol urrl Ihcir inll ic ieyxqs 3M1 nlirigalitrn rwmunx M V ' hclicva llwl o nwrc detrild discusntn oflhe WdlbOJ StaLivr~ is u3m11rcd in lk Fiml t W R . In particular. c m i d L m I ~ ~ l orbus ingwss DMI e v m b and tn~n the H e l k Slaliun, incilhntlw rull busway ur NOS altcn>.(ivn, nlust rake into wri~lml rhe bcalion and rlsc oilhe Balboa Iloukrard dri%r?rmy nl Ilm B&V pmperly. This sho~~ld mt he 1 nhlllcr rcwn'mi In luchnical a~tl>dr ntlrr f w IlIRrS pnxerr is cun~plrlai Thc I:il~iI F.IS:R m m m i t l f l . the in lq lny IICIWCC~I has ccfininipf and gainzs zuwl ilr uw of

Comment D6-1

No significant vibration (see Section 4-9.5) or odor impacts would occur with the installation of a busway using compressed natural gas or other clean-fuel buses. No significant noise impacts would occur at the Moss property, as described in Section 4-9.2~ of the EISIEIR, because commercial properties are not sensitive receptors according to Federal Transit Administration noise impact criteria.

In addition, during the Preliminary Engineering for the BRT Alternative, MTA has met with representatives of the Balboa & Victory Partnership (B&V) to discuss how the busway would be designed and constructed in the 30-foot wide segment west of BaIboa Boulevard. Along the north side of the 30-foot wide MTA ROW (adjacent to the Moss property), existing landscaping would be maintained, and trees would be replaced if damaged during construction. As discussed with B&V, a "Jersey" barrier topped by a fence (a total height of 7 to 8 feet) would separate the busway from the property. Across the 30-foot right-of-way, a 12-foot wall topped by security fencing would be constructed adjacent to the NavyIMarine Corps

D6-I Recruitment Center (NMCRC), as this military use requires an extraordinarily secure perimeter. This wall would block views of the existing NMCRC facility. Therefore, there would be no significant visual impacts on the B&V property. The Final EISIEER includes this discussion.

Comment D6-2

During the Preliminary Engineering of the BRT Alternative, MTA staff met D6-2 with representatives of B&V to discuss access from Balboa Boulevard to an

existing driveway on the property. This driveway, which will be closed to the busway, will remain open after construction of the BRT Alternative. A pedestrian and bicyclist storage area will be developed between the driveway and the busway to prevent spillover into the driveway. In addition, specialized signalization that will let drivers exiting the parking lot know when a bus was approaching will be installed, as well as "Keep Clear" signs in front of the driveway along Balboa Boulevard. Volume 3 of the EISIEIR contains the plan of the BRT adjacent to the B&V property. The following figures show a preliminary plan for the signing and striping at this location.

page 7-233 San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor ElSlElR

Group D - Business Owners/Organizafions

Figure 0-2: Intersection of Balboa Boulevard and Victory Boulevard - Close-Up View

San Fernando Val ley page 7-235

East-West Transit Corridor EISiEIR

JO~!JJOD q!suell jsa~-qsea rtalje~ opueuraj ues

9EZ-L a6ed

L c ~ ~ ~ I u ! J ~ I 811unA:n'~ .III>!I~WIU! coqlql 1x1~ .irur.w,% ail? rmlrur 1:o.n u>!~s)s rlylc,( a q ~ WOJJ puo al ~ I M U snq pmd4 nay n n m p i l ~ r ~ n h q m nr S ~ I C I VJSI.((I ~ q f 'q

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PSJ W m 9 8 mw r u l ulqlln plmul31lpr ~un,nd FiZSIICulr3p~u pat ul r uul)on

*qa!~uo3 [e!lualod az!m!u!w 01 Bu!d!as pug %u!u%!s ale!ido~dde apnpu! I ~ M damsnq aql JO s8u!ssoi:, 11y -lew!uy aq aiojalayl plnoys pJeAaInoa dl013~h/plrrAa[n0~ aoqlea JO uo!lxsialu! a q 01 sl3edw! pue pJeAalnoa r(lo13!~ woy dlal!lua aq 01 paspai uaaq seq uo!lss aql 01 ssamv '(c aumIoA aas) sSu!mwp palrelap aqi uo umoqs s! uoymsialu! pmalnoa I ( i o l ~ ~ /pnAaInoa eoqlea aql 01 salelaJ I! se uo!le~g eoq[ea aql jo u%!sap aqL

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I B iu ~IUIUWX OIUI J ~ I J pnw IIU!SW*~Y!IU 'UUIIRIS ttqlq JII~JU Xl!u!ra aql

yuawasea uo!pnasuo3 Lniodural e JO sasohnd JOJ Ll~adoid ~ 9 8 a 9 olu! h u a jo ~q%!r qaas Lew vb&q 'iaAaMoH .Luadoid s , ~ 7 g a oluo y3eonua IOU saop u%!sap guam3 ayL

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lnMlliH l~f#lId podad 9) Jlult[IX?J 01 UfUO Ul Uudn pyFOIXl3 lo W?(Rl y UL3 XU- s.~w jo uu!W WE lvqt arclurddu p l n w VLIS aqi 'r%wwd punoJrJpr:n 941 JO @imp w

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uo s~mwazadwr zy~ 'IWA qqn R EB I U ~ O J ~ p"&daw nt mr 4ayirr q~lilu (W ~ I Y U JCll Oj $WlIlCU l O U U t E ~ S W J t l 0 9 O W J O 5mSU 01 \J,&q 341 ?Ti PIN* ATH '~IF'J~.~

my AFHIUA MLU U~ I : I rcwd q.1. rpuqr ad!qu ur slnaaul i l g n jo ti0!ss113h~y ~ ~ M I I ~ Y Y tiWa ~JI!A(u\~ or sl!q dwsybns IOU n,g3([ q 'uo!rcq s!qi I* X q u s snq p c X ~ J N ~ ' l c l n ~ q a ~ 're!srapod

nl cpp ql jo uo!roms!p Lw aT.w!l I! a s n v q q m 1 pun y a ! p . \ Xlddns XRn![!ru ; WJ h.n*\w e ram lh~l-y IWN 1q1 'pmqnoa q a f j U) .mx ~ W J O q~nm u n t t q i

Group D - Business Owners/Organizations

Comment 06-7

Mr. Kevitr WilwI Yroisct $4ana&7 Jrnrc 26.2001 Page 5

Sm~nd, hkV'spropmy will suffvr a hub!caninmi~ lnsr ifllle p m p d projcct negatively i m p w thc 13rlboe Roulevad drivcuay in my m . w or i f it compmirs the ubility lo mtcr. exit or circula~c rnsm R&\"r popmy l'nfatrrcll ingriw and c g n ~ v ~ u a ~ v i fmn the RJlbai Buulcwd dribavay i s crilCdI ta Ihc w d l i u n olB&VSs pwpmy. Sinriluty. wfc IralTtc cirorblim~ across H&Ys proprtiy mquiw ltle unir11pdiYI uw of borhclnvow~~ on Ralhod nnrl Vicrory h~lwanls. Ifllrc propuscd projbe tiniils Ihe srol'lhcRalbuv l3oubd driveway LIWIHI~~ tbt mtpr~dtiun t>rrrtiri@tillion nlcaurrcs or siniply ~r nsulr aid* lrcylrcncy olhrs trarcl. u sarrhuwon the Vielury tluulc7-arrl Jrivcroy ~ w l d likely m~rl t . This in trim. would <c:e.rainlv red!^ w b * Unl ss*..eh' b%.+is irer~wirig ~ m k m o l ' r w h i i z ~11luny In ncyiiia'c dis drivc*;lg and t l r culwtunl aircam orlrallicon \'icri~y hlevanl.

W r thnth you for ~hc app>nunity lo toiruncntor~ the DEISR 311d lOnli fotwJR1to Ih MTA'r amsdcrn~iui~ c r i IIBV'r rawmu in tta I:inal lilSGK. In Ihc nica~timc, piraw k irdriwi that R&V s~amiir wail! to IIILX~ with ihc htTA cunccmi~~g~he matters m i d in this tnlor.

, \ l l<~n~y ftn llalhno & Vkrtwy I'itrl~rcd~ip and (inrrgo li. ~ ~ O J I

The driveway from the B&V property that connects to Balboa Blvd will remain open and function substantially the same as its current operation. The driveway will be equipped with an active "No-Right Turn" sign and a "Bus Coming" Sign that activate when the east-west busway receives a green signal. The active signs will notify motorists turning right out of the driveway that a bus is approaching. The right turn movement out of the driveway will be temporarily prohibited when the busway receives a green signal. When Balboa Boulevard receives a green signal at the BRT Busway intersection, motorists will be aIlowed to exit the driveway.

page 7-238 San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor FISIEIR

moq p pndd.& y(n .& &pi& uru A~~GJ&PU. p&ld abw a ,o i&sx* w so n q u ~ H+ 'uqbsl~(1 q enbun u h q d r * pus uauuwq J&I s,ear aql p Iuew

Group D - Business OwnerdOrganizations

arm-lhat the BRf H* idurn& npch Warner C.n(.r M. wb-fbbian's mod ommmd cmla, b) aFlw lo plsse m>bcldve ad -k&& 8egmmb I mmttivs nuttam h lha pro)ed r eartern racbon rhald bad lo conr(rudim &law east d Woobnm A-. and c) eIkbvs)Y wdunlo. a s rwn u poub*, mlh t t w B I I l r p a r l P f l w d m m d ~ ~ o l m i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h g s n m t m , U a W a m a r ~ T r a n 6 d H b a n d t h m W D m a C a t l . r W e -

2. 11 ( e d d dolam a e and a~~ocat.d to - popoud prcrj.d, h y rhourn be uud lo ~ l h e m n t p r o ) r c l b u d p * ~ c h n r e p l r c a i l . S p . u l i c a l l y . ( h e m s h & l d p ~ e k y ~ & ~ ~ c n p f h s r w i ) a ~ h * l w i l kfunddwith md&hd M r a l M a [w any o8w &pnnl lundr). F v , lh. pmj4 design shald --flllunhvhmmndm-Uhnda(lshaJdbkcnro available at a $ter Urns.

3. hen casing ltragh n s w a m RCFW w BRT projed I ~ 7 - 3 rhould pmvide masonebb- related b noiw and v!sd inp.m.

4 Alto? revlswirp fhs ODSOOR it is undo@ Y the BRT mu(e b plMnd b ex*nd weat beyond ~ r m s r enter. -ration SIWM ba ginn IO * l d m sewice LO wa & D7-4 V l e y and byand r n s t LIH A g h - I* II V e m a - m I conlribuls heavily to VN1wa Fr- um@&m.

5. FMlvFMlv we -age h e he ml urd d d bike an0 walking paths ahwg ~hs + t q ~ w s y a lpatdthe FUY BRT-. I D7-5

NW tranaa a- no maw whsrs or wha~ f m thy w e ma, twa ho&hDnolly be^ h e @ripto# oppwikw by W h c inlemt proupa m Ihe Sen Fsmanh Valley. Mib UldW Opposition d a d s hprs ~ s d i v d y W dan mningftd W d bnprowmanlr in Ih. Why, cnly wmenr natilw) h w Weadng putJic aQFap. Tim Lor Angabs ~ ~ T m a p c r t . B o ? ~ ~ n o w ~ h . h r d d e d s b n b u q p o r t a W. C W . Ihs BRT abmbves haw sngandsred ~ l g r .nd qqhv&aq marefas Vw Board mu& tmm h o t decism nol on who is &JII b yell me BU whla prw wa hem the gmatstt iwpad on tranait Iw Ih brodar m m m d y nd whidr .Iterrrgivs can m ~ v a l y ba milig&!ed.

Tht W8rn.r C*nt.r AssoclaUon la wq ebmwi to support t)N Full BaT propaad. I is th. mat affdctlve md n&tk 0ph-1 Pvoibbk for RIpbis wd effident 'mass transit' wrvice LO nd from the warl sari ~amndo vslky. t is slw a mp~tl5cn U u t u n h a v e a m e ~ k n p d m s a f t i c ~ r t k o v i m n i W j n O I c l m ~ ~ k c s l ~ l r ~ q ~ o l 8 h h p D v s m b o l r h r l c * l f i o l o ( h s m i r s b f u n d b d Ihm& Ihr normal budgslny procat

Response to Letter 07

Comment D7-1

It will be at the discretion of the design-build contractor to establish the best sequence for the construction schedule, based upon the techniques and equipment that are planned for use in BRT construction.

Comment D7-2

As of the present, federal funding for the proposed project is not expected. This would be used to offset whatever portion off the project cost would be possible. However, the traffic analysis conducted for purposes of the environmental document has concluded that grade separations are not required to allow the appropriate functioning of the BRT corridor and the interfacing street system.

Comment D7-3

Mitigation for both noise and visual impacts have been included and are intended to be implemented as part of the BRT project.

Comment D7-4

It would not be possible to extend the busway farther to the west without condemning numerous private properties, because the former rail right-of- way turns northward parallel to Canoga Avenue just past De Soto Avenue. Past De Soto, the BRT continues on-street in mixed-flow traffic to serve the Warner Center Transit Hub on Owensmouth Avenue. The EISIEIR does propose two potential on-street service extensions to the west beyond the Warner Center Transit Hub. One proposed extension would serve the area adjacent to the Fallbrook Mall prior to arriving at the Warner Center Transit Hub and continuing to North Hollywood along the busway. Another service proposes to modify the existing transit service that originates in the Conejo Valley on the U.S. 101 freeway, rerouting that service to the Warner Center Transit Hub near Topanga Canyon Road and then continuing the service along the Busway to North Hollywood.

page 7-240 San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor -1Slf --

Group D - Business Owners/Organirations

Comment 07-5

base fed free b call our Exsarti Mreda. &ad RcMJnh, at 818.7182688 il yw h w s a q q u c n f f i n s r a p o r ~ w r e ~ ~ m a r n r o r c u ~ o n t h i r m a l t s r

The City of Los Angeles proposed bikeway will be implemented in conjunction with the BRT project. Pedestrian paths will also be provided where sufficient space is available.

Comment D7-6

The cornrnenter's support for the BRT project is noted for the record.

page 7-24 1 San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor ElSlElR

Group D - Business OwnerdOrganizations

Response to Letter D8

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June 29, 2001

Hr. Ervin Poka Federa l Traaalt A d m i s t r a t l o n net r o w 1 1 tan Of rice 2C1 No. F~q~zeroa Street, SuClc 1460 Los Anqeles, CA 90017

Mr. Ksvln Mlchef La5 Anqeles County Transportation Author i ty ?n$ Gateway Plaza L C F~Lc:, HS 99-32-1 Lvs AAqeles, C h 90012

Rm: San Famando VbI1.y East-Ueat Corridor Peojoct

Beer Centlcnrn:

I am uczt:ng te p a on behs l t af the Encino Ch.!rh?r of Cowmprce repceaentlng over 963 b u s i n e s s eperstinq rn t h e Ssr, ksrl~an!.% V a l l e y .

The Rnclno Chamber of Conmarce atrongty supports Llie f u l l EX? and recemnrnda Iw>rrxrentstlon of fLe io:Lo*lrq i n t o t h e BUT:

Comment D8-a

( n l To address the concerns of the restdrrrial n~.qt.tcrhocd;d~ and the Yeutsh Orthodox co?enun?t.> along Chandler klulllevard tbc project along t h i s p o r t i o n GI t h e 3RT l ini~t i t s operatsng spredf to currently pos:rd speed 1Larics Lofhernlse the busray Is so bm operated .fir_ overall sys t~ ln speeds contparahle Iwithlr, 107) tn the red Llncj, use 40 t v 61)-foot buss6 operatkg On comprcsved n a t u r a l gar or c r h s r d e a n fue ls , canstrrrcr no sound wal l s , and provide low fences , r e t e n t i o n of

h * * W 1 A . CS,.- k

!-l*.b rz MI IS."

Id -?%G!%&'-- %&- ph..

All of the suggestions noted in the comment are under consideration at the present time.


access to the BRT; 10, s a r e l i i t e parking / shut tLr Z d c l f i t l e v be

established to ai?aw naximum access t o 3RT;

Comment D8-b

e x l a t i n g and neir Iandscapinq, a& a d d ~ t i a n a l p a d r s t r i a n crossings:

tbl To address t h v d t s l r e of the cmolnntty t o mainta in n l l g h t r n ~ l teasibl1lt.y the AXT br I D8-b colistrucced ce allow for upqradlny t o 1:yht r a l l with t h e le~st ainirnun demc;lltlon of t h e im+t'o~-rncnt5;

(cl Feeder bus servlcc proposed under tlis PSH a l t e r n a t i v e be incorporaLed into the tc p r o v l d r I D8-c

*..) M , .. ,,.,*. 1 C I S hY*ll#- / ,LI xii\h...n n

lit*? I

493.1 l a l l ~ lil\d, E w h . CA 91316- (811) ts9-(7lf 1 FAX r81S) 7&Lw 4 u

Please see the response to comment D4-5.

Comment D8-c

As described in Section 2-2.3.2 of the EISIEIR, the improved on-street bus service included in the TSM Alternative would be included in the BRT Alternative as well.

Comment D8-d

Please see the response to Comment D4-7.

I San Fernando Valley

EastWest Transit Corridor

page 7-242

Group D - Business Owners/Organizations

Junu 29, 2001 Paqe 2

lei The MTA use its best efforts Lo mitigate the noise 1 D8+ nsaociated with the current generation natural compress& gas buses:

l r l The HTA continuously monitor the lapact on crossings and r f wndrtiens change nnd eraffsc increases, iwlnment I D8-f separated crossings based on available Lundlng; and

(gl The concurrent implementatian of the pcdestrlan- bicycle project. I 0 8 3 Growth projections Lndicatt that i n the next 20 years valley traffic will Lncrease by aver 100% with average Sp~edS f r a ~ 35 to 25 miles M r hour. Tile Vcntura freewav is cow operarlng at ca$aeity and by 2020 ulll be 6 0 i over capacity requiring 8 additional lsnezi in each direction, the fundinq for which 1s not foreseeable. Valley east-west surface st~set traffic is projected to increase by Ovet 90%. The BRT will use the existing 100-fnot ride SP ROW to build a 26-foot vide, at-grade busway in the center with the remaining space usad for bus stations landscaped berms, trees. Lencos/walls, and shrubs as a buffer. The BRT has the lowest capital and operating and maintnnance casts of all the alternatives studied over the last i7 years. The funding to implenent the BRT is evallable now.

Holding nut for another plan incorpmating liqht re11 will result :n tho cert~in loas of the existing funding and no prcject now, that m y be upqcadeabls in the Iuture when additional funding far liqht rail is available. Xnplementatlon of guarded crossings would rtqulre bells and honking horns throughout the hours of operation, causing disruption to the neighborhoods. Comparable system spaeds may be achieved with signalized crosslnys, as used or. the Ventura Rapid Bus Bybtaa, without the disruption.

for these reasons, the Encino Chamher of coavearce supports the Rccmended Master Plan and urge you to vote in favor of its. adoption. Thank you tor your consideration.

J U ~ Y ~ B f s ~ e r lock, CEO Encioo Chamher of Commerce

Comment D8-e

Please see the response to comment D4-8.

Comment D8-f

Please see the response to comment D4-9.

Comment D8-g

Please see the response to comment D7-5.

San Fernando Valley M East-West Transit Corridor ElSlElR

page 7-243

Group D - Business Owners/Organizations

Response to Letter D9

Comment D9-1

Fmld obmnsllmr lead ua lo tdh mrl mm k s m *I W be w e d b~ DQ-2 ~ - - ~ u - k h * * I ~ ~ . nmwrnrlw I

The commenter's support for the BRT project is noted for the record.

Comment D9-2

The 53 study intersections were selected through extensive coordination with the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) and are those key intersections that were deemed to be the most critical and most likely to be affected by the BRT and park and ride operations. Additional minor intersections along the right of way and in the vicinity of parking facilities are being reviewed and appropriate geometric design modifications and possible mitigation measures will be developed as part of the Preliminary Engineering phase to minimize potential negative impacts.

All design concerns at the intersection of Balboa and Victory are being addressed in the Preliminary Engineering phase and the final design will be completed according to LADOT guidelines ahd to MTA's satisfaction. This includes LADOT guidelines on minimal allowable distance between adjacent signalized intersections.

Group D - Business Owners/Organizations

Comment D9-3

Levels of service, volumelcapacity and delay tables for each of the 53 study intersections are provided in Appendix I. Furthermore, detailed calculations for each intersection under each existing and future case are provided in the detailed technical appendix (under separate cover) available at MTA and various locations.

Comment D9-4

The BRT project is intended to rely heavily on feeder transit, pedestrian and drop-off access, rather than emphasize the park-and-ride mode. However, more than adequate parking supply relative to projected demand has been provided throughout the corridor. The provided parking supply exceeds demand by more than 10 percent corridor wide. However, at locations where it is estimated that parking demand may exceed supply, appropriate neighborhood parking intrusion monitoring measures have been proposed to minimize parking spillover impacts.

Comment D9-5

Please see the responses to Comments C9-29 and C9-48.

page 7-245 San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor EISlElR

Group D - Business OwnerdOrganizations

San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor FISIE~R

page 7-246

Group D - Business Owners/Organizations


July I b 2Wl

Mr. k v m Mk%l Ro* M.rrgu Pas (213) P12-'MU

r*u Mr. u'*t

We bopc tbu p u will -irbr h p a v b mrvicw 10 ml aa tt&vlIa C m ~ * a n r c . L Z u * y w w y m r h F x p ~ c o ~ i m

Response to Letter Dl 0

Coldwater Canyon Avenue was looked at as a potential station location but was rejected in fayor of the Valley College and Laurel Canyon Locations. These stations are planned approximately 0.7 mile away to the northwest at the intersection of Burbank Boulevard and Fulton Avenue adjacent to Valley College and about 1 mile to the east at the intersection of Chandler Boulevard and Laurel Canyon Boulevard. The potential to site a station at Coldwater Canyon Avenue could be revisited at a future date, as adding a station in this area would generally be consistent with the goal of having a station approximately every mile. However, this is not under study at this time.

page 7-247 San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor ElSlElR

yqSU xp JO 4 p b .nb* -I shod-1 wdfrl I[+ y?p ' B I Q P ~

~ 4 l o o ~ a ~ 1 n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ f i ~ r ~ ~ a l ~ d ~ ~ ~ # ~ ~ W ~ U Q 'pa :u& u -0

a+ IW h g * @ u ~nr -J 1 trrlilv m!vlupnml O ~ 6 ~ V l ~ ~ l x a llnd 0

Group D - Business Owners/Organizations

Response to Letter D l 4

The commenter's support for the BRT project is noted for the record.

JohnFuar, Chmkuun oIdw B o d L - W W W A ODpOlrWq PtP.. MS 99-3-1 lap .'&&U, CA 90012-2952 VIA FAACSIkIllE; 213-o2U594

Ir~rurikowycllr~MrIbcWBurWM(FullBRT~ IfwthaSsn F d V d l a r ~ I h e ~ . C b a d l a C h m k i . I h r ~ a a F e m u d o ~ ~ b r t b a m r ( 4 la mrss llwl w l u k m and the Full BRT pmidu nHef vUk hpmvbg bbc qwUy oC Irk @lk dkty .Id krrptlag b mavironmmt La the Sra bemadn Vdby

h & e e c - ~ ~ h o m ~ ~ u r G ~ r ~ b u i l d i . t . ~ d i ~ * d b n ~ ~ l o n / l l r ~ . oCwj &I which the MI A ba akody p i d S I P d l b a fan y o . U Our kpld 'hauit ir not buir, the V J k y muld Lmr mp IO 5428 rUlom L. lnup.ratbo8 dd*n. To bae bu cw4d A u d l ~ ~ b m m h i n ~ w l d w t t a f ~ I t ~ r h r y m ~ u M b s ~ ~ Tk.D&t- dmmlna ad emlorn camnun~Ua of* SSPI FCIIU.lldO V&J uc dement# nX

Tbc full 810 Rapid Trwit srill impmvs fk qrnlity o f l ~ l t an Ihc Sm Fmu& Valley in ouly v v :

3 ~ubk sdnywv~temh.ocsd keRlYIp&uipm wil Ihveacw.pro1aradma~ udbusvpprillbewpacadmbdflc;,

o Full BRT povidtr commurnty btat&wm darp. s 6ollm rail dshtd".ry th* k o ? ? M RrMlt; Md.

a Ne*,~~pthspopasdhnrths~BRTVmpovidc~61t~ionrdam~ opl im~ wwh win &I? m hipwe q u t y Ib w-

I umngiy urge I& MTA Bard lo arppolr h e Full Bw Rap~d T d t pra(lod ,+ Ik BwM;.aundlcr Caridor. Full BRT corm@ rrmy dlhe Vdlcy'r tq -Wupn Cam. P ~ E C C o l a Doamom Vm Nw. V J b Collsac, che No Ho Atis Dhcdccd du

page 7-252 San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor e'SI€'b

10: t y (y l r y6e tot UI* w a (%no, ~ ~ A > I I I 'qjnq ruu r( yruul& My, rw n '* uol tlolp!tu oslt pcd Q M I N I ~ m t y t * ~ q~ qq(n IY B*P I* TI hrqv

4 ! ~ h n RIIUIYOO Y PU~PIIW m Ad OY m x *a w L.atnuu t,.na~ &d ut u r t l t u

Group D - Business Owners/Organizations

Response to Letter Dl 6

The commenter's support for the BRT project is noted for the record.

San Fernando Valley

East-Wesf Transit Corridor FlSlElR

. p ~ o s l aqi 103 paiou s l )m[o.xd L ) I ~ a q loj uoddns s,~aluaunuo:, ayL

~ b a mwa1ol esuodsau

Group D - Business OwnerdOrganizations

Response to Letter Dl 8

The commenter's support for the BRT project is noted for the record.

Woodland Hills Chamber of Commerce waTffntEBM( 1 W X W U Q W W . C U * Q I I M 8 1 ~ - R l @ L l - l ~ T F U ~ ~ Y t ~ -

Baud 0fDirtcmi-I Mwopditrnf r ~ p o n . t i o a AMbxity Ona a 1 n n y Plrp hlril Slop 99.3.1 Lbi war, Cdifornir 90012-29SZ


tho East-Wet TI&; Corridor all Bw Rqd Itwit A\canalw (6Rf)pmlsq indudin8 @tially rh. ChndlarBovlwvd llovu

page 7-256 San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor 'ISIF'"

Group D - Business OwnerWOrganizations

Response to Letter D20

The commenter's support for the BRT project is noted for the record.

San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor "ISIF'" -

page 7-258

Group D - Business Owners/Organizations

On behalf of mare lhrn 4.5116 employacsortbt Wcn Saa Fmndo Vlllyh.frrsscr a i T k 3ncingCunwny, I am h p ~ f I g ( ~ t n r ~ l ~ r u p p a t l a c 0 a t a u n l o n d t b a Srn Fcrnrndo E..I.WcbtTntuit Canda Full Bus Rwid Rvuk L i I At rime wbm ~rvrrponrrkn r y a n n uc opcdng bey& daiga clpci(y, quul* af life envimnmmPI rPpuuamcQu *i IW being rm( ud hlfi ~ ! i * plm hav~ng. ncplircimplM o n t h e m y , w b m r l l ~ i & a l O u @ k r i l i ~ dut prarcct the job tuu ia aru mmitia. It u b n p e h IM : haril M1mia IS ubviuvr~. the Eas.Wcr( T m i l C a l r i d a b c i n r p h ~ t t d iaatimdy -TIUS pmctic~t md ~dalively Immn ryrm h wpporlcdby no( only bvt the Wha Mraw of w.mar Crmn wba m rn- W CnCOUqc c m p l O F 6 md cubtamers 10 %ink cremmly nbou tnn- in rhe rcgh

hi ins tcct Ih.l the ptm IW &a pmpmvidc r cw(hurtba of h l i w a th Chm*onh hietmllnk rulm Swb DU i r t c p i a l 61 rcriaul -pn wwld glve our nnployar ostrundingmmmulinl optiofu Md would b r pwitirt mpio*ud r~cvldngtn~eeangaeion in& repioa Such fi line v d p w i d e anbnccd rccem to LkC SM FYADUdP Valley LU~IML. canmutlty @ d i i asp* mtu fionl S d VdlcytCvrrPllkQxl~ud rnd ?mm cba SauO md'EnpcavidIUg cmpbvt wccu fiom the G m t u Lou Awl- ra

Response to Letter D22

Comment D22-1

The commenter's support for the BRT project is noted for the record.

Comment D22-2

On October 17, 2001, the MTA Board approved a motion by Director Hal Bernson that "...the staff of the MTA prepare a plan for opening the Canoga Avenue rights-of-way (ROW) as a dedicated public transit route and report back on funding options and implementation issues."

The Canoga ROW is a transportation resource that may be utilized in the future to connect the San Fernando Valley East-West Bus Rapid Transit (SFV E/W BRT) project to the Chatsworth Metrolink station. The MTA Board action on July 26,2001 directed staff to continue development of the BRT and complete the Final EISIEIR. That provides a significant impetus for studying logical connections to feed into the EIW BRT, including an extension to the north utilizing the rail ROW that extends directly from the E/W BRT to the Chatsworth station.

As background, in the Major Investment Study (MIS) for the San Fernando Valley East-West Transit Corridor that directly preceded the EISIEIR for the BRT, the Board examined a large number of alternatives, including bus, light rail, heavy rail, dual mode, and Diesel Multiple Unit (DMU) vehicles. The DMU alternative was the only alternative that examined utilizing the rail ROW across the Valley as well as continuing northerly up the ROW along Canoga to the Chatsworth Metrolink station. Ultimately, the Board chose an at-grade eastlwest BRT project between the North Hollywood Metro Red Line station and the Warner Center Transit Hub on Owensmouth minus the extension to the north along Canoga.

Of note, the EIR/EIS for the SFV E/W BRT includes improving the frequency of service on existing local north/south MTA bus lines, including service on Topanga Canyon Boulevard and De Soto Avenue that connects to both the Chatsworth Metrolink station and the proposed Valley BRT. While not utilizing the Canoga ROW directly, these enhanced services will provide the link between the BRT and the Metrolink station in the meantime.

San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor 'ISIr-

page 7-260

Group D - Business Owners/Organizations

In addition, the EIR/EIS proposes the implementation of a new express bus service that would originate at the Chatsworth Metrolink station, continue south down Topanga Boulevard, and enter the E/W BRT at Warner Center, continuing its run on the BRT all the way to North Hollywood.

page 7-261 San Fernando Valley

(((( East-West Transit Corridor ElSlElR

Group D - Business Owners/Organizations

Response to Letter D23

The commenter's support for the BRT project is noted for the record.

July a, 2001

MTA h a r d Memben lad h g c k Qumy IYkbopoflbn T r n p x a i o n Aulharlty OmOlh?HayRxa WARPeks. CA WOl2

Re. m o d I n Fenundo Vaflsy FacrtWWt f r d Corridor P w .

P L P ~ C a . a m a ~ c l u r i o g m m p s ~ ~ o v w 1 6 0 e m ~ w u l 4 p r o c l l l y ~ b o m the rmunrc(ion d h San Fansmo Earn-Wasr I I ~ M R Camda, Full Bm R d TrmLLnb and Ihe rewnw tnaeawr h commdng a p h c ~ .

Our atafl tr primdrily mmprbd 01 hourly rrnpbyoea vcn many M y wrg put& mnspor(atmn lo commub bra dmnces Cartrlructbn d Ihe Earl-Waal Trunk C&da~ alrm

public tmsB uwr but a b enwulPg- dhrr rmpbpes and arsMmuslo an dhdhrr and arKiant meens dtmwparlation.

our t0mmun1hn An miegnt~md rqiond hiy~tatbn &h a &@ion o t t ~ hm b the Chnlswodh Ivleltirlkrk station mvidea ev8n Whu Ehmess tcr mabs mmnulim fmm

Weat P.t Pmec Co. urge Mh M l A I k w d bl applfrv. mntrudion d the San Femsndo Ease We4 Trangit Ccrridol Full Bus Rapid Trmrd Un8 and to canww on oxmiwlon to the

GPL kg

page 7-262 San Fernando Valley

East-West Transit Corridor ElSlElR