1 STRATA WORKING PAPER Groundwater Regulations and Hydraulic Fracturing: Reporting Water Use in the Permian Jesse Backstrom 1 PhD Candidate, Dept. of Agricultural Economics Texas A&M University 600 John Kimbrough Blvd College Station, TX 77843, USA. [email protected]. Released: February 2018 Last Major Revisions: January 2018 Copyright 2018 by Jesse Backstrom. All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright notice appears on all such copies. 1 I would also like to thank Jake Cottle, a master’s student in economics at Utah State University, for his help compiling and writing an excellent outline of regulations, jurisdictions, and other legal information pertaining to groundwater law in Texas.

Groundwater Regulations and Hydraulic Fracturing ...groundwater management as they provide some information on the reporting tendencies of hydraulic fracturing operators of wells located

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Page 1: Groundwater Regulations and Hydraulic Fracturing ...groundwater management as they provide some information on the reporting tendencies of hydraulic fracturing operators of wells located



Groundwater Regulations and Hydraulic Fracturing: Reporting Water Use in the Permian



[email protected].




1 I would also like to thank Jake Cottle, a master’s student in economics at Utah State University, for his help compiling and writing an excellent outline of regulations, jurisdictions, and other legal information pertaining to groundwater law in Texas.

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The Permian Basin in west Texas is located in a primarily semi-arid to arid environment. In 2011, it was

estimated that the hydraulic fracturing occurring in this region relied solely on groundwater with between

0-2% of the water volume for fractures coming from recycled hydraulic fracturing wastewater (Nicot et al.

2012). Using a unique data set, our analysis over the time period after that (2012-2016) indicated similar

trends for water types used in 26,914 hydraulically fractured wells in 46 counties in the Permian region.

Over this period of time the vertical depths and lateral lengths of new hydraulically fractured wells also

increased, meaning that groundwater demands (which can be any combination of fresh, brackish, and or

produced water) per completed well have become significantly greater in a relatively scarce water region

(Peters 2017). With these trends projected to continue, it is important to understand the localized effects

of potentially greater freshwater withdrawals in the region and therefore examine the transparency of

water use reporting in the industry. In this paper we outline existing groundwater management and

regulation strategies for the state of Texas, which delegates management to local entities such as

groundwater conservation districts, and analyze spillovers of these localized groundwater regulations on

hydraulic fracturing activities. Our preliminary analysis provides some descriptive evidence that in areas

where a localized groundwater management plan exists, hydraulic fracturing operators are more likely to

report less detailed information on water use per stimulated well. A similar relationship was found as less

detailed information on water use was reported for a marginal increase in total water volumes used in

hydraulic fracturing stimulations. These findings are important for groundwater management as they

provide some information on the reporting tendencies of hydraulic fracturing operators of wells located in

groundwater conservations districts in Texas, and allude to several policy options aimed to help make

water use reporting more transparent.

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Introduction Hydraulic fracturing activity has increased rapidly in the U.S. over the last decade, where the Permian

Basin in west Texas has seen some of the largest growth. A growing literature in economics has studied

many of the impacts of the “shale boom,” which have included effects on: the housing market (e.g.

Muehlenbachs et al. 2015; He et al.2017); employment, wage, and tax and royalty revenues (e.g. Feyrer et

al. 2017); crime rates (e.g. James and Smith 2017); health (e.g. Currie et al. 2017); increased truck traffic

and accidents (e.g. Muehlenbachs and Krupnick 2013; Rahm et al. 2015; and Muehlenbachs et al. 2017);

and others such as attitudes and risk perceptions toward hydraulic fracturing (e.g. Schafft et al. 2013;

Boudet et al. 2014; and Boudet et al. 2016) and cost-benefit studies (e.g. Fitzgerald 2013; Jackson et al.

2014; and Mason et al. 2015). Aside from these more ‘general’ economic studies, there is also an

increasingly expansive literature on the localized environmental effects of hydraulic fracturing. These

include many qualitative review papers on environmental risks associated with shale development (e.g.

Krupnick and Gordon 2015), as well as studies that are more specific to effects on: air quality and

greenhouse gas emissions (e.g. Howarth et al. 2011; Knittel et al. 2015; and Holladay and LaRiviere

2017); induced seismic activity associated with wastewater disposal (Ellsworth 2013); and agricultural

production (e.g. Hitaj et al. 2014; Farah 2017).

A large volume of water in a short period of time is needed to hydraulically fracture (or stimulate) a well

drilled for hydrocarbon production from shale. In our sample, a median of 11,779,194 gallons of water

was used per well stimulation in 2016, which is the equivalent of supplying ~73,000 average 2-person

U.S. households with water for a day (USGS 2016). Although informative to understanding general

trends in water use by the hydraulic fracturing industry and identifying potential externalities, previous

economic studies of the effects of hydraulic fracturing on local water quality and availability have generally

come from a qualitative narrative (e.g. Burnett 2013; Muehlenbachs and Olmstead 2014; Olmstead and

Richardson 2014; and Kuwayama et al. 2015). Outside of a study on the effects of hydraulic fracturing

activity on surface water quality by Olmstead et al. (2013), the only quantitative studies on these issues

(that we are aware of) have come from a purely scientific perspective (e.g. Nicot 2012; Nicot and Scanlon

2012; Mitchell et al. 2013; Scanlon et al. 2013; Nicot et al. 2014; Scanlon et al. 2014a; Scanlon et al.

2014b; Small et al. 2015; Vengosh et al. 2014; Barth-Naftilan et al. 2015; Kondash and Vengosh 2015;

Horner et al. 2016; and Scanlon et al. 2016). Quantitate studies on water quality and availability issues

have largely escaped the economics literature, which we believe is primarily due to data limitations,

among other barriers,

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Another issue in the oil and gas industry that has led to an inability of economists to study water quantity

and availability issues is the relatively poor transparency of water use reported. In Texas for example, it

was not until 2012 hydraulic fracturing operators were mandated by House Bill 33282 to report water and

chemical ingredients in hydraulic fracturing fluids to the FracFocus national chemical registry. Even then,

operators were still not required to report detailed information on the type of water used in well

stimulations, nor the source of that water, which has led to a nontrivial amount of variability in the detail

of reporting by operators. Without clear knowledge on water use, the impacts of withdrawals for

hydraulic fracturing on water resources cannot be studied credibly, which limits the ability to create new

policies aimed at incentivizing alternatives to freshwater. The only studies we are aware of that investigate

how different regulations impact withdrawals took place in the Susquehanna (SRBC 2015) and Ohio

(Braun 2015) River Basins, where surface water is the primary water source for the industry. Although, on

average, these areas might be more water rich, transparency of water use is still important because if many

new wells in a particular area are due to be stimulated and their operators obtain water from the same or a

connected source, there is potential for drawdown. This potential becomes even more pronounced during

drought, the summer months, or if the source is a groundwater aquifer with little or no natural recharge.

In this paper we investigate an issue that, to our knowledge, has yet to be studied in the economics and

natural science literatures. Using a unique data set3 of hydraulically fractured wells, we examine trends in

the volume of water used in well stimulations in the Permian Basin in west Texas from 2012-2016 and

analyze spillovers of localized groundwater management regimes on hydraulic fracturing activities.

Specifically, we investigate how water use reporting by operators of wells located within the jurisdiction of

a groundwater conservation district (GCD) varied relative to water use reporting for wells not located

within a GCD. The impacts of groundwater management on hydraulic fracturing activities are

particularly challenging to tease out because management tends to be local (compared to river basins) and

can vary greatly between management areas (within the Permian Basin there are 29 different management

regimes). We hypothesize that operators of hydraulically fractured wells located in a GCD area might be

more likely to be less detailed in their reporting of water use in order to limit the potential for interaction

with local regulatory authorities and, since freshwater is the cheapest source of water, possibly to prevent

future legislation of water use by leaving less of a paper trail.

2 House Bill 3328, Texas Legislature. September 1, 2011. 3 Data set provided by Primary Vision in Houston, Texas (http://www.pvmic.com/).

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We start by outlining how groundwater is managed in Texas, how it has evolved, and how hydraulic

fracturing has introduced new challenges to a region tasked with the management of scarce groundwater

resources. Next, we explore water use reporting by operators of hydraulically fractured oil and gas wells

within the Permian Basin due to their location in a water scarce region and reliance on groundwater. Our

preliminary analysis provides descriptive evidence that in areas where a localized groundwater

management plan exists, hydraulic fracturing operators are more likely (by about 1.5 percentage points) to

report less detailed information on water use per stimulated well. A similar relationship was found as less

detailed information on water use was more likely to be reported for a marginal increase in total water

volumes used in hydraulic fracturing stimulations, and for horizontally-drilled wells versus vertically-

drilled wells, as the former require more water to stimulate a well. These findings are important for

groundwater management as they provide some information on the reporting tendencies of hydraulic

fracturing operators of wells located in GCDs in Texas, and allude to several policy options aimed to help

make water use reporting more transparent. We believe that relevant policy questions might center on

creating GCDs where none currently exist, and possibly expanding the water use reporting requirements

of House Bill 3328 in order to better understand water sources and types used in hydraulic fracturing

stimulations and incentivize the use of alternatives to freshwater.

Texas Groundwater Institutions Over the past century, Texas groundwater management has evolved and been shaped by court cases aimed

at protecting private property and legislative efforts to conserve and protect Texas's natural resources.

Common Law: Rule of Capture Texas's foundational principle, the rule of capture, traces its origins back to the landmark English case,

Acton v. Blundell (1843). The plaintiff in the case, Acton, argued the water he used for his business was

intercepted and diverted by the defendant. Blundell argued he was within his right to utilize the water he

pumped on his property as he saw fit; regardless of the impact it had on the plaintiff. The Court of

Exchequer Chamber agreed and ruled against the plaintiff. One reason the Court gave for its ruling was

the location and movement of water underground could not be known and therefore, cannot be liable for

something that could not be predicted (Grover and Mann 1991).

In its own landmark decision, Texas adopted the rule of capture (derived from the rule of absolute

ownership) in the case of Houston & Texas Central Railroad Co. v. W.A. East (1904). The railroad

company dug a well on its property to support its operations, which dried up its neighbor's domestic well.

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The neighboring landowner sued the railroad company for damages and the case made its way to the

Texas Supreme Court in 1904. The court had to choose between the rule of capture, which grants

landowners the right to pump and capture whatever water is available beneath their property regardless of

the effects of that pumping on neighboring wells, and the American Rule, also known as the rule of

reasonable use.

The Texas Supreme Court ultimately chose the rule of capture based on two public policy considerations.

First: “Because the existence, origin, movement and course of such waters, and the causes which govern

and direct their movements, are so secret, occult and concealed that an attempt to administer any set of

legal rules in respect to them would be involved in hopeless uncertainty, and would therefore be

practically impossible.” Second: “Because any such recognition of correlative rights would interfere, to the

material detriment of the commonwealth, with drainage of agriculture, mining, the construction of

highways and railroads, with sanitary regulations, building, and the general progress of improvement in

works of embellishment and utility” (Potter 2004). However, for more than a century the Texas Supreme

Court had not made an official decision on whether a landowner owns not only the water that emerges

from the ground, but the water in place underground as well (i.e. ownership before the water is

produced). Finally, on February 24, 2012 in Edwards Aquifer Authority v. Day, the Supreme Court

announced for the first time that under Texas law the ownership of the groundwater in place also belongs

to the owner of the property and is subject to takings (when property owners require compensation for

having their withdrawals capped or reduced), similar to oil and gas, yet it is still unclear what is

considered effective groundwater management and regulatory takings (McCarthy, E.R., and Jackson,

Sjoberg, McCarthy & Townsend LLP 2012 and Texas Water Code Section 36.002).

Groundwater Conservation Districts Many of the Texas Legislature's efforts to conserve its water resources have been on the heels of drought.

The Conservation Amendment to the Texas constitution was no exception as it followed the droughts of

1910 and 1917 (Potter 2004). The amendment declared the natural resources of the State to be public

rights and duties: “The conservation and development of all of the natural resources of this State … and

the preservation and conservation of all such natural resources of the State are each and all hereby

declared public rights and duties; and the Legislature shall pass all such laws as may be appropriate

thereto” (Texas Constitution. Article XVI, § 59). The amendment also authorized the creation of

conservation and reclamation districts: “There may be created within the State of Texas ... conservation

and reclamation districts ... with the authority to exercise such rights, privileges and functions concerning

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the subject matter of this amendment as may be conferred by law” (Texas Constitution. Article, XVI, §


Groundwater Conservation Districts (GCD) were first created in Texas in 1949 (Texas Water Undated),

and are "charged to manage groundwater by providing for the conservation, protection, recharging, and

prevention of waste of groundwater resources within their jurisdiction" (TCEQ Undated-1). GCDs can

be created by one of four ways: (1) action of the legislature, (2) landowner petition, (3) Texas

Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) on its own motion in a designated Priority

Groundwater Management Area (PGMA), and (4) an alternative to creating a new GCD is to add

territory to an existing district (TCEQ Undated-1). GCDs are legal entities empowered with three

primary legislatively-mandated duties to include: "permitting water wells, developing a comprehensive

management plan, and adopting the necessary rules to implement the management plan" (TCEQ


In 1985, 1997 and 2001, the Texas Legislature passed new laws aimed at encouraging the development

and establishment of more GCDs (Texas Water Undated). As of January 2018, there are a total of 100

confirmed GCDs and two unconfirmed GCDs (pending election) in the state of Texas (Figure 1). These

conformed GCDs cover 180 of the 254 counties in the state (TCEQ Undated-1).

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Figure 1. Map of Groundwater Conservation Districts in Texas (Source4).

Following a three-year drought, the state created its first historic omnibus water bill, Senate Bill 1 (SB1)

(1997), which consolidated all of the laws governing GCDs into Chapter 36 of the Texas Water Code.

The legislature affirmed the state’s preferred method for groundwater management to be GCDs and

stated they "embody a central premise of this legislation - local control - and represent the idea that those

closest to the resource are those most capable of managing it" (Hubert and Bullock 1999). SB1 increased

GCDs’ statutory authority to manage withdrawals by requiring permits for any new drilled water well,

requiring users to report use and submit statement of purpose when applying for permits, authorized

GCDs to deny out of basin transfers, and exempted certain types of wells from obtaining a permit (e.g.

use for domestic, livestock, and hydrocarbon production). The exemption of water supply wells for oil and

gas production is still largely debated, but has become increasingly important as hydraulic fracturing has

increased in the state and also may not require regulation by a GCD (Hardberger 2016).

4 Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. https://www.tceq.texas.gov/assets/public/permitting/watersupply/groundwater/maps/gcdmap.pdf

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Priority Groundwater Management Areas SB1 moved to treat the state as a whole by setting up regional planning groups and providing data

collection to close data gaps.

Figure 2. Priority Groundwater Management Areas in Texas (Source5)

Priority Groundwater Management Areas (PGMAs) are identified by the TCEQ with assistance from

the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) as areas that currently have no GCD and will potentially

have "critical problems" within the next fifty years (TCEQ Undated-2). PGMAs were created to "enable

effective management of the state's groundwater resources in areas where critical groundwater problems

exist or may exist in the future" (TCEQ Undated-2). As of January 2017, seven PGMAs have been

designated in Texas and cover all or part of 35 counties (TCEQ and TWDB 2017). Local, legislative, or

TCEQ administrative actions to establish GCDs are still required in four PGMAs. A map of the

PGMAs is provided in Figure 2, above. As outlined in Chapter 35 of the Texas Water Code, the TCEQ

shall call an evidentiary hearing where it will hear testimony from affected persons in the region under

consideration. Once a decision to designate an area to be a PGMA is made, the affected counties must

take one of several actions within two years: (1) join an existing GCD, (2) create one or more GCDs, (3)

or a combination of (1) and (2) depending on the hydrogeology. If affected counties do not take steps in 5 The Hays County RoundUp. http://hayscountyroundup.blogspot.com/2009/11/tceq-report-looks-at-options-to-plug.html

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creating a GCD then the TCEQ will step in and create one or more districts under Chapter 36 of the

Texas Water Code.

In 2001, the legislature passed Senate Bill 2 (SB2) to update and strengthen the initiatives in SB1

(Hardberger 2016). SB2 expanded districts permitting and enforcement powers by authorizing them to

regulate well spacing to minimize interference between wells and set production limits based on tract size

or production capacity by dictating acre-feet per acre or gallons per minute (Hardberger 2016). However,

data issues still remain if oil and gas water supply wells are not subject to frequent reporting (most are

only required to report once each year with an annual volume, according to conversations with Jim

Bradbury), or if oil and gas operators are not subject to more detailed water use reporting (FracFocus

requires operators to report total water volume, but does not require specifying the water source(s) or

type(s) used in each fracture). SB2 also reduced some permitting powers by prohibiting districts from

denying a permit solely on the basis the user planned to export groundwater out of the district; instead, it

authorized them to place an export fee.

Groundwater Management Areas The legislature foresaw issues that may arise due to GCDs potentially sharing the same water source.

This scenario could cause problems if multiple GCDs had different or conflicting management plans.

Therefore, SB2 required TWDB to create Groundwater Management Areas (GMA) that would cover

water boundaries, and cross political borders to establish procedures for joint management across GCDs.

In December of 2002, the TWDB created 16 GMAs that covered the entire state with only the area

encompassing GMA 5 in Western Texas having no GCDs (Figure 3). While originally GMAs were a

good method for getting GCDs to communicate, the legislature in 2005 required GCDs and GMAs to

coordinate and develop desired future conditions (DFC) that would then be converted into modeled

available groundwater (MAG) by the TWDB. DFCs are determined based on what the GMA wants the

resource to look like in the future. The MAG would translate the DFC into an annual amount of water

that could be extracted and over a fifty-year period and still meet the DFC (Hardberger 2016).

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Figure 3. Groundwater Management Areas in Texas. (Source6)

The DFCs and MAGs generated by the GMAs are consolidated at the state level to produce a larger

State Water Plan that would be completed every five years and project over the next fifty years

(Hardberger 2016).

Special Case: Edwards Aquifer Authority The Edwards Aquifer Authority is a direct result of Sierra Club v. Lujan (1991) in which the Sierra Club

filed suit against the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) alleging violation of the 1973 Endangered

Species Act (ESA). The Sierra Club cited the DOI was not adequately protecting endangered species in

the Comal and San Marcos Springs and that if unrestricted pumping continued it would constitute a

"taking" as defined by ESA.7 They requested that DOI be required to ensure minimal spring flows to

protect the endangered species. In 1993, the judged ruled in-favor of the Sierra Club and directed the

Texas Water Commission to prepare and submit a plan to ensure spring flow levels. Furthermore, the

judge announced the Texas legislature had to enact a regulatory plan to limit withdrawals from the aquifer

or he would put the aquifer under the federal government's control and create his own plan (Eckhardt


6 Panhandle Regional Planning Commission. http://www.theprpc.org/Programs/RegionalH2OPlanning/gma1.html. 7 The term “take” means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct (ESA Section 3).

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As ordered, the Texas legislature passed Senate Bill 1477 (Edwards Aquifer Authority Act) four months

after the verdict was rendered (Hardberger 2016). The Edwards Aquifer Authority is authorized under

the same constitutional amendment as others GCDs, but has additional regulatory power and authority

that gives them more control of the water management in the region (Hardberger 2016). The biggest

differences are the firm total pumping cap on the Edwards Aquifer and how permits are allocated.

The legislature created a rubric for permitting based on historic use and gave preference to those who

could show beneficial use from June 1, 1972, through May 31, 1993 (Hardberger 2016). After all historic

use permits were issued, the Edwards Aquifer Authority would then review new applicants, not to exceed

the cap amount. Additional limits could be enforced during times of low water levels and no water was to

be used outside of the district (Hardberger 2016).

Water Use and Management in the Oil and Gas Industry The oil and gas industry has a long history of water use, yet the advent of hydraulic fracturing has made

the amount of water used in the process a new focus due to concerns over both water availability and

quality. While the volume of water used in oil and gas production is relatively small compared to total

water use, Kondash and Vengosh (2015) estimate hydraulic fracturing accounts for 0.04% of total fresh

water use per year, the water use issue is magnified at the local level, where large quantities of water are

needed over short periods of time (days to weeks) to hydraulically fracture a well, as opposed to a constant

withdrawal over time (Nicot and Scanlon 2012). The impacts of large withdrawals over a short period of

time can exacerbate water scarcity, especially in times of drought such as the one in Texas in 2011.

There are many factors affecting the volume of water needed to fracture a well, such as the lateral (or

horizontal) length of wells, geology, and the composition of the hydraulic fracturing fluid. The lateral

length is directly correlated to the amount of water used per well with longer horizontal lengths requiring

greater water volumes. As lateral lengths increase, fracture (water required entering the fractures),

wellbore (space in the wellbore), and total volumes (fracture volume plus wellbore volume plus leakage or

other unintended losses) all increase (U.S. EPA 2015). Geologic characteristics, such as shales, tight

sands, and coalbeds, also influence the amount of water used per well (U.S. EPA 2015). Lastly, hydraulic

fracturing fluid type is another important determinant as some fractures contain higher proportions of

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recycled wastewater8 and others contain non-aqueous substances such as liquid-gas mixtures of nitrogen

or carbon dioxide, both of which reduce the amount of water needed to fracture a well (U.S. EPA 2015).

In a county-level analysis of the intersection between water use (or consumption) and availability by U.S.

EPA (2016c), it was found that large volumes of water used in hydraulic fracturing alone do not

necessarily result in impacts to drinking water resources. Rather, they found that the potential for impacts

depends on both water use and water availability at a given withdrawal point. Where water availability is

low compared to use, hydraulic fracturing withdrawals are more likely to impact drinking water resources

or require curtailments. For example, in Pennsylvania, a water rich state, water withdrawals have been

restricted during summer and drought conditions in the Susquehanna River Basin (SRBC 2015).

Furthermore, groundwater withdrawals exceeding natural recharge rates may lower the water level in

aquifers (particularly for unconfined aquifers, i.e. those aquifers with no connection to surface recharge),

potentially mobilizing contaminants or increasing their concentration. These results suggest that the

potential for impacts exists, and that more local-scale case studies will help to provide details on where

impacts will occur at the local scale.

Water Life Cycle in Hydraulic Fracturing Water consumption is water that, following its use, is removed from the local hydrologic cycle and is

therefore unavailable to other potential users (U.S. EPA 2016c). Hydraulic fracturing water consumption

can occur in a variety of ways such as through evaporation from storage ponds, retention of water in the

geologic formation, or disposal in Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class II injection wells (U.S.

EPA 2016c). Although the stimulation of wells has become more robust to the use of various water types

(e.g. saline water)9, the majority of hydraulic fractures use fresh water because it requires minimal testing

and treatment (U.S. EPA 2016c), and therefore is usually the least cost option. The U.S. EPA (2016c)

outlines five stages in the hydraulic fracturing water cycle. Each stage is defined by an activity involving

water that supports hydraulic fracturing. The stages and activities are explained in Table 1, below.

8 We use “wastewater” as a general term to include both flowback and produced water that may be reused in hydraulic fracturing; we do not distinguish between flowback and produced water except when specifically reported in the literature. 9 Mentioned in a phone conversation with Gabriel Collins, an attorney in Houston, Texas. https://www.bakerinstitute.org/experts/gabe-collins/

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Table 1. The stages and activities in the hydraulic fracturing water cycle (U.S. EPA 2016c). Stage Activity

Water Acquisition The withdrawal of groundwater or surface water to make hydraulic fracturing fluids.

Chemical Mixing The mixing of a base fluid, proppant, and additives at the well site to create hydraulic fracturing fluids.

Well Injection The injection and movement of hydraulic fracturing fluids through the oil and gas production well and

in the targeted rock formation.

Produced Water Handling

The on-site collection and handling of water that returns to the surface after hydraulic fracturing and the transportation of that water for disposal or reuse.

Wastewater Disposal and Reuse

The disposal and reuse of hydraulic fracturing wastewater.

Water Sourcing and Disposal Hydraulic fracturing operators have two primary water problems. The first is locating (or sourcing) water

to hydraulically fracture a well (Carr 2017). To adequately fracture a well, up to 9.7 million gallons of

water can be needed according to a study of U.S. wells over 2000 to 2014 (USGS 2015), depending on

the factors previously mentioned, and the water is needed within a short period of time to ensure

sufficient pressure to fracture and complete the well. Since water is over allocated in Texas, one way that

oil and gas operators obtain water is through water markets, whereby lucrative markets for the sale of

water have been created in regions with hydraulic fracturing, which have not come without effects of their

own. In regions with relatively low water availability, the impacts of multiple wells requiring water

withdrawal in a short time period can lead to rapidly declining groundwater levels, especially during

drought or seasonal times of low water availability. The result can be the drying of domestic wells, such as

cattle wells running dry on the Fasken Oil and Ranch, located in Midland (Dallas News 2014). Stream

capture decline (which can also occur as groundwater levels lower), is another effect that has occurred

when private stock dams ran dry in western North Dakota (Kusnetz 2012). Aside from the direct impacts

on groundwater levels, there is a fear of displacement of local homeowners as water availability decreases,

where other neighbors in the area have fruitlessly drilled water wells and others reported having to haul

water from out of town (Kusnetz 2012). Careful management of water is therefore needed at the local

level, as it is local water availability that is the most sensitive in terms of social welfare.

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The second problem is arguably the largest, which is the wastewater – both the initial flowback and

produced water – that is pumped from the well with oil and gas and contains many of the salts, minerals,

and other petroleum residues naturally existing in the formation. This water is produced throughout the

life of a well where initially, in the Permian Basin, 252 to 336 gallons (6 to 8 barrels) of water are

produced per gallon of oil (Carr 2017), and the volumes of both produced water and oil decline at

relatively the same rate as the well ages (Kondash and Vengosh 2015). Operators must dispose, treat, or

reuse this wastewater in a safe and responsible manner. In all of Texas, this is usually done via injection

into UIC Class II injection wells (Texas Railroad Commission Undated and Collins 2017). Disposal of

produced water in injection wells however, has been connected to seismic activity in Oklahoma (Walsh

and Zoback 2015). If Permian Basin produced water volumes continue to increase, as is projected to

happen due to increasing hydraulic fracturing activity, the produced water problem will become even

more pronounced.

Water Sales – Informal Markets During peak production in the Bakken region in North Dakota, many landowners invested roughly

$150,000 to build a water depot, from which they pumped and sold water to hydraulic fracturing

operators (Kusnetz 2012). Some landowners earned profits in excess of $25-30 million in a year supplying

water, with several local towns of only few a thousand people following suit and earning $10 million in a

year according to that same article. Although no literature was found on water trading in the Permian

Basin, two attorneys10 mentioned that informal water sales are taking place.

Freshwater is in higher demand due to it being less expensive than recycled wastewater, and the rents

available to landowners for their provision of water have led to a ‘race to pump’ for profit. With more

freshwater provision, a more rapid depletion of an already scarce groundwater source can occur and pose

external costs on other water users in the area due to a need to drill new and deeper water wells. This

common pool resource dilemma appears to be more pronounced in Texas due to its rule of capture law,

especially in areas without GCDs, and making it clear that the price of water is a primary tool that can be

used to manage the types and sources of water being used in well stimulations as increasing the price of

water will reduce amount of water that is used.

10 It was mentioned to us in phone conversations that by taking a drive through the Permian basin, many road signs are visible that advertise water for sale for oil and gas operations.

Page 16: Groundwater Regulations and Hydraulic Fracturing ...groundwater management as they provide some information on the reporting tendencies of hydraulic fracturing operators of wells located


Water Permitting Exemption Although the rule of capture allows landowners to pump as much water as they choose, landowners

located within the reaches of a GCD can be required by that GCD to obtain a drilling permit and report

metering and withdrawal water subject to limits set forth by the GCD (Dowell 2013). Well size is a

primary determinant of the need for a permit, where large well owners can also be subject to user and

export fees by GCDs (Lesikar et al. 2002). Landowners located in an area outside of a GCD (also known

as ‘white areas’) do not face these regulations or restrictions.

A key ruling with respect to the permitting of water wells comes from an exemption in Chapter 36

Section 117(b)(2) of the Texas Water Code: “A district shall provide an exemption from the district

requirement to obtain a permit for drilling a water well used solely to supply water for a rig that is actively

engaged in drilling or exploration operations for an oil or gas well permitted by the Railroad Commission

of Texas provided that the person holding the permit is responsible for drilling and operating the water

well and the water well is located on the same lease or field associated with the drilling rig.” The exemption has

brought questions over how far it reaches, and whether water used for hydraulic fracturing is included in

the statute. In the phone conversation with one of the attorneys, he mentioned that the interpretation of

this exemption is different across GCDs, where its lack of clarity allows opposing views to maneuver

around it. Likewise, he mentioned that no GCD has wanted to be the test case of this exemption, so in

instances of dispute, settlements have typically been made and no cases ever reach the courtroom.

FracFocus After the enactment of House Bill 3328 by the Texas Legislature, the future of hydraulic fracturing in the

state was changed when subchapter S was added to Chapter 91 of the Texas Natural Resources Code.

The new law directed the Texas Railroad Commission (TRC) to adopt new rules requiring the disclosure

of the hydraulic fracturing fluids used in wells for which drilling permits are issued by the TRC on or

after February 1, 2012 (Cavender 2011).

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Table 2. FracFocus Disclosure Requirements for Texas (Source: House Bill 3328, Texas Legislature)

(1) Operator name (2) Date of completion and hydraulic fracturing treatment(s) (3) County of well (4) API number (5) Well name and number (6) Latitude and longitude of wellhead

(10) Each chemical ingredient used in the hydraulic fracturing treatment(s) of the well that is subject to the requirements of 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1910.1200(g)(2), as provided by the chemical supplier or service company or by the operator, if the operator provides its own chemical ingredients

(7) Total vertical depth of well (8) Total volume of water used in the hydraulic fracturing treatment(s) of the well or the type and total volume of the base fluid used in the treatment (if something other than water) (9) Each additive used in the hydraulic fracturing treatments and the trade name, supplier, and a brief description of the intended use or function of each additive in the hydraulic fracturing treatment(s)

(11) The actual or maximum concentration of each chemical ingredient in percent by mass (12) The CAS number for each chemical ingredient listed, if applicable (13) A supplemental list of all chemicals and their respective CAS numbers, not subject to the requirements of 29 Code of Federal Regulations §1910.1200(g)(2), that were intentionally included in and used for the purpose of creating the hydraulic fracturing treatments for the well

The law required operators to disclose the information in Table 2 to FracFocus.org, which is a national

registry developed by the Groundwater Protection Council and the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact

Commission. Of particular interest to this study are requirements (8), (9), and (11), which detail the

minimum information needed that pertains to water and chemical ingredients in hydraulic fracturing


The Permian Basin The Permian Basin in west Texas is located in a primarily semi-arid to arid environment. When a region

with significant water use associated with hydraulic fracturing is combined with low water availability,

drought, and reliance on groundwater sources, there exists a potential to affect the quantity of drinking

water resources (U.S. EPA 2016c). Impacts are likely to be initially realized locally dependent on

hydraulic fracturing activity, aquifer conditions, and other factors such as drought. In a detailed case study

of southern Texas, Scanlon et al. (2014b) observed generally adequate water supplies for hydraulic

fracturing, except in specific locations. Excessive drawdown of local groundwater was found in a small

proportion (~6% of the area) of the Eagle Ford shale play in Texas, another groundwater-stressed region.

They suggested water management, particularly a shift towards brackish water use, could minimize

potential future impacts to freshwater resources, especially since the high brackish water availability in

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Texas may help offset hydraulic fracturing water demand. Similar or more extreme effects might be

anticipated in the Permian Basin due to its status as the most active for shale oil production.

Figure 4. The Permian Basin (Source11); Groundwater Recharge in Texas (Source12)

Figure 4, above, provides visuals for the Permian Basin and the low groundwater recharge rates in the

area. Of the 46 counties in the Permian Basin with a well completion record in our data set, 29 contain

hydraulically fractured wells that are within a GCD. In Figure 5, below a map of Texas Counties, GCD

areas, and well locations are also shown. The red boundary indicates the wells that are included in this

study. Three of the counties with high intensities of hydraulic fracturing (Midland, Reagan, and Upton)

are not currently managed by a GCD, but a PGMA instead, and are in the early stages of the

development of GCD. The final report for the area was submitted in January. Our focus was to

distinguish the water use reporting of completed wells located in the Permian Basin in areas with a GCD

compared to those without, and assess the effectiveness of existing GCDs.

11 DrillingInfo. https://info.drillinginfo.com/inside-driliinginfos-map-drawers-1-permian-basin/ 12 Texas Aquatic Science. http://texasaquaticscience.org/aquifers-springs-aquatic-science-texas/

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Figure 5. Texas Counties, GCD areas, and Well Locations (Permian Basin roughly outlined in red)

These findings could have implications with regards to establishing relevant reporting requirements (such

as the water source and type) and jurisdictional authority for new GCDs currently under development.

The next section describes the data set used, followed by the methodologies used and the results.

Data - Primary Vision Proprietary data was provided by Primary Vision (PV), a company based in Houston, Texas, that provides

unique analytical tools and access to data on the use of water, proppant, and chemicals in hydraulic

fracturing. PV constructed this proprietary database by downloading the FracFocus database and

combining it with data from other public sources such as the TRC. The initial data set that was provided

included information on nearly 124,000 hydraulically fractured wells in several states over 2011-2017.

With respect to House Bill 3328, operators are required to report information on the total water volume

and chemical compositions used in well completions as of February, 2012, so we drop well observations

from before that, but include records for January, 2012 (391 observations) only because we believe it to be

reasonable that operators anticipated the reporting required as it was announced in fall, 2011 and may

have reported anyway. We also drop well records from 2017 since the full list of well records is likely


Important variables for our analysis included the location of a well within a GCD or non-GCD area, the

total volume of water used in well stimulation, hydraulic fracturing fluid mass, well orientation

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(horizontal, directional, or vertical drill), and fixed effects for month of sample. Although few operators

report to FracFocus the proportions of freshwater, recycled wastewater, saltwater, slickwater, and

produced water used to stimulate each well, hydraulic fracture fluid mass was calculated proprietarily by

PV using some of this information from FracFocus but also from other sources that we were not named.

Where sufficient information was unavailable to calculate hydraulic fracturing fluid mass for wells in the

database, PV coded their hydraulic fracturing fluid mass as unknown. PV verified that this in fact meant

that it was not reported by the operator or was unable to be obtained, which is important to our analysis

since it contributes to what we refer to as reporting less water use information relative to more


The arcGIS data on counties13 and GCDs14 in Texas come from the Texas Department of

Transportation and TWDB, and we found that two of the GCDs located in the reaches of the Permian

Basin (Terrell County and Reeves County GCDs), were not confirmed until November, 2012 and

November, 2015, respectively. Since these areas contain well records prior to the establishment of a

GCD, we classify the pre-GCD well records located in these areas as located within a white area instead

of within the jurisdiction of a GCD, which gives us a little bit of variation in the data. Additionally, we

would like to obtain data on lateral lengths the number of stimulations per well, which is available

through DrillingInfo.

Figures 6 and 7, below, illustrate two trends seen in the Permian Basin with respect to the intensity of

hydraulic fracturing and average water use per well over 2012-2016. The orange line in the first chart

shows an increasing number of horizontal and directionally-drilled wells until roughly October of 2014,

and a declining number thereafter. The blue line in this chart shows that the number of vertically-drilled

wells was declining over time. Figure 7 shows that the median reported volume of water used in well

stimulations has increased over the whole time horizon for horizontal and directionally-drilled wells. The

reason for these trends is that when oil prices fell steeply in late 2014 and early 2015, operators began

completing fewer wells and searching for ways to make the drilling and stimulation process more

profitable for the fewer wells they completed. This was accomplished by increasing productivity via longer

lateral lengths, the use of more proppant, and re-fractures of the well (Abramov 2016 and Bush 2017).

13 Source: http://gis-txdot.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/8b902883539a416780440ef009b3f80f_0 14 Source: http://www.twdb.texas.gov/mapping/gisdata.asp

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Figure 6. Hydraulically Fractured Wells in the Permian Basin (2012-2016).

Figure 7. Median Reported Water Use of Hydraulically Fractured Wells in the Permian Basin (2012-2016).

Descriptive statistics in Table 3, below, provide more information on the median reported volume of water

used in well stimulations across for horizontal and directionally drilled wells and also vertically drilled

wells during our period of study.





































































ber o

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Horizontal and Directional Vertical









































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Horizontal and Directional Vertical

Page 22: Groundwater Regulations and Hydraulic Fracturing ...groundwater management as they provide some information on the reporting tendencies of hydraulic fracturing operators of wells located


Table 3. Descriptive Statistics. Median Reported Water Volume Per Well (Gallons) and Wells Completed.

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Horizontal and Directionally Drilled Wells

Median Water Volume 1,527,590 4,552,727 6,859,743 8,129,183 11,779,194

No. Completed Wells 1,008 1,481 2,364 2,336 1,883

Vertically Drilled Wells Median Water Volume 774,677 754,384 556,670.5 235,368 74,256

No. Completed Wells 5,668 5,639 4,630 1,455 576

Note: the number of completions per well was unavailable with these data.

After looking at the trends in water use, we noticed what appeared to be an error in the data as we found

that zero recycled wastewater was used in well stimulations over the period of study. We were not sure if

zero operators actually reported this information to FracFocus (it is not required, but it would appear to

be in the operators’ best interest to report it), or if PV was unable to obtain this information altogether for

the Permian Basin. We interpreted these findings with some skepticism and believe further examination

of water type reporting is needed since Dallas News (2014) reported that although information on

recycled wastewater use is difficult to obtain, a water consultant from Fort Worth estimated it at 20% for

the Permian in 2014. Seeley (2014) reported that Apache Corporation has used a system to stimulate

wells without the use of freshwater. Fasken Oil and Ranch, one of the oldest privately owned oil

companies in the Permian Basin, has also begun using alternatives to freshwater over concern of aquifer

depletion and future generations living on the ranch (Guerin 2014).

Given that only total water volume and chemical ingredients and compositions are required to be reported

to FracFocus in Texas, which is therefore the minimum amount of publicly available information that PV

can obtain, we believe that operators might report water use information with a variable level of useful

detail. We hypothesized that a potential reason for variation in reporting was due to operators completing

wells in counties with a GCD feeling more (or less) inclined to report any “extra” information in order to

make (or possibly hide) a paper trail on water use, even though reporting of this information was not

required. The reporting of additional water use information (e.g. type and source) is important as it can

provide valuable information and transparency about where operators obtain their water from in order to

more appropriately manage water resources in the Permian Basin and elsewhere. Reporting the use of

recycled wastewater can also be viewed as beneficial by operators in order to give them, and hydraulic

fracturing in general, a better image in the eye of the public.

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Further examination of the data proved our hypothesis to be true. PV provided data (we believe the

majority of it is from FracFocus) on total hydraulic fracturing fluid (by mass), which consisted of

information on the base fluid(s), chemicals, and proppant or sand, used in well stimulations. We found

that, in addition to reporting total water volume, most records (97.85%) reported enough information on

the use of freshwater and other additives in order for PV to interpolate an estimate of hydraulic fracturing

fluid mass. However, a small percentage (2.15%) only reported the total water volume. We also found

that where the total hydraulic fracturing fluid mass was unknown, other information such as the

proportions of freshwater, recycled wastewater, salt water, slickwater, and produced water were not

available, yet a total water volume was always reported. We used this information to create an indicator

variable to classify the reporting tendency of well records providing “extra” information and those that

provided only what was required by Chapter 36.117(B)(2).

Table 4. Descriptive Statistics. Number of Wells Completed in GCD and Non-GCD Areas. 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Number of Horizontal and Directionally Drilled Wells GCD Area 376 705 1,125 1,029 887

Non-GCD Area 2,617 2,538 2,033 596 226

Number of Vertically Drilled Wells GCD Area 629 775 1,234 1,306 981

Non-GCD Area 3,004 3,087 2,582 857 327

Another interesting trend can be seen above in Table 4, where the number of wells stimulated in Non-

GCD areas is significantly greater than the number stimulated in GCD areas until 2015. This trend also

holds across both drilling orientations.

Methodology In order to analyze the tendencies of hydraulic fracturing operators to report more water use information

relative to less, we first implement a linear probability model in order to obtain a more easily interpretable

effect. We then use a predictive logistic regression to model as a robustness check because we are making

functional form assumptions with the linear probability model. In both models, we model dichotomous

dependent variable as a function of an indicator variable for the location of wells in a GCD or non-GCD

(or white) areas, the total water volume used in well stimulations, and well orientation. In this case, the

independent variables are useful to analyze how the probability of reporting extra water use information

changes if a well is located in a GCD or non-GCD area, how it changes for a marginal increase in the

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volume of water used in stimulations, and how this probability changes for a horizontal well relative to a

vertical well. The advantage of a logistic regression is that it allows us to link the actual (binary)

dependent variable 𝑌 to the estimated dependent variable 𝑌′ as a linear function of the independent

variables (i.e. transforming 𝑌 from {0,1} to the real number line), for example:

𝐹(𝑌) = 𝑌′ = 𝑿𝜷 + 𝜖.

We define the binary dependent variable for well record i as follows:

(1) 𝑌, ∈ 1𝑖𝑓𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑎𝑠𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑑;0𝑖𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑓𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑢𝑠𝑒𝑖𝑛𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑤𝑎𝑠𝑟𝑒𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑑 ,

and model it with the logit function:

(2) log DEFD

= 𝑿𝜷.

This equation can be rewritten as:

(3) Y = H𝑿𝜷


where 𝑿 is a vector of our independent variables and 𝜷 is a vector of parameters to be estimated. We

estimate this model via maximum likelihood to obtain the estimated parameters (𝛽′𝑠). Given the

estimated 𝛽′𝑠, we can then calculate the likelihood or probability of observing each 𝑌, by plugging in each


Results In Table 5, below, the output from three linear probability models is shown to analyze whether the

location of a well in a GCD area has an effect on whether an operator reports more than the required

amount of water use information. The dependent variable in each specification is an indicator variable

taking the value of 1 if the operator reported more water use information than the amount required and 0

if the minimum amount of information was reported. In each model, we found that if a well was

stimulated in area within a GCD area there was an associated decline of about 1.5 percentage points in the

likelihood of an operator reporting additional information on water use. These estimates were significant

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at the 90% level in the first specification, and at 95% and 90% in the other two specifications. Each model

included month of sample fixed effects.

Table 5. Linear Probability Model. Dependent Variable: Report Extra Water Use Information (1 or 0) (mean = 0.975) Model 1 2 3 GCD (1 or 0) -0.01518* -0.01529** -0.0144825* (0.00084814

) (0.0073825) (0.0072251)

Well Orientation -0.02611 *** -0.020165** (=1 if HOR/DIR, 0 if VER)

(0.0094173) (0.0091131)

Total Water Volume -0.00005*** (Unit = 50k Gallons) (0.0000096) Month of Sample FEs Yes Yes Yes Observations 26,914 26,914 26,914

Standard errors in parentheses. Clustered at county level. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10

In model 2, an indicator was added to control for well orientation, or whether the well was horizontally or

directionally drilled or vertically drilled. It was shown that if a well is drilled horizontally, there is an

associated 2 percentage point decline in the likelihood of an operator reporting additional information. In

model 3, total water volume was also included as an explanatory variable and show that a marginal

increase (50k gallons) in the total volume of water used in well stimulations is associated with a small, but

statistically significant decline in the likelihood of an operator reporting additional information on water

use beyond what is required.

In Table 6, below, the output from three logit models is shown and acts as a robustness check for the

linear probability model results. Although the interpretation of each coefficient is not intuitive, we still

found that the sign on each did not change from that in Table 5, and additional statistical significance

was gained for each model.

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Table 6. Logit Regression. Dependent Variable: Report Extra Water Use Information (1 or 0) Model 4 5 6 GCD (1 or 0) -0.7301** -0.79077*** -0.74525*** (0.3360606) (0.2818386) (0.2707454) Well Orientation -1.24192*** -1.07635*** (=1 if HOR/DIR, 0 if VER)

(0.2271151) (0.2328098)

Total Water Volume -0.00187*** (Unit = 50k Gallons) (0.0005344) Month of Sample FEs Yes Yes Yes Observations 21,081 21,081 21,081

Standard errors in parentheses. Clustered at county level. *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.10

If a well was stimulated in within a GCD area there was an associated decrease in the likelihood of an

operator providing additional information on water use. These estimates were significant at the 95% level

in the first specification, and at the 99% level in each of the other two specifications. Similar statistically

significant estimates were found for both well orientation and total water volume in models 4 and 5,

indicating that are model passed one robustness check. Although we cannot yet claim a causal effect of

location within a GCD area, we believe that this is reasonable preliminary evidence of some variation in

reporting tendencies.

Conclusion Water withdrawal impacts from hydraulic fracturing can occur depending on the local balance between

withdrawals, availability, and quality, particularly in drought-prone regions with limited groundwater

recharge (U.S. EPA 2016c). Areas like the Permian Basin, with many wells being stimulated from large

amounts of sustained groundwater pumping, are most likely to experience impacts. Landowners in these

regions who are not pumping water for sale happen to be the ones who are most affected by the changes

to water availability, as they are faced with more expensive water from having to drill new wells and or

pump it from deeper, and also with the relocation possibility if water becomes too scarce. In Texas, most

aquifers are managed by multiple GCDs, however, portions of some aquifers are in areas that are not

managed by a GCD, meaning that even the best run GCD can be undermined by someone pumping

from the same aquifer water in a nearby area that is free from regulation (Hardberger 2016).

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Data on water sources and types used in hydraulic fracturing are typically difficult to obtain15, which is

partly due to the fact that even within the GCDs or groups of GCDs that are more stringent, most do

not require metering or reporting of water use by water permit holders, which limits their ability to really

manage the aquifer (Hardberger 2016). We must be clear that our results do not indicate that hydraulic

fracturing operators are resistant to water use reporting. However, assuming that our interpretations and

use of the PV data are correct, they do provide evidence that GCDs might be in need of new ways to

induce water use reporting, particularly if more wells will continue to be hydraulically fractured in these

areas. We believe that the goal of these groundwater management regimes with respect to hydraulic

fracturing is to make water use more transparent and provide valuable data to inform better policy

making. One way to accomplish this goal might be to develop GCDs in white areas and expand water use

reporting requirements to FracFocus.

If such policies are infeasible, others that incentivize the reuse of wastewater from previous hydraulic

fracturing operations, or other alternatives to freshwater such as brackish water, can also reduce the need

for fresh surface or groundwater and offset total new water withdrawals for hydraulic fracturing. However,

the reuse of wastewater historically has been limited by its higher associated costs, which are a function of

water quality. To determine the potential for reuse, operators routinely test wastewater for certain quality

parameters such as pH, maximum concentrations of specific cations and anions, total dissolved solids

(which can inhibit the effectiveness of friction reducers), and microbial agents that can interfere with

hydraulic fracturing fluid performance if they multiply in the wellbore or interfere with other chemical

additives in the fluid (U.S. EPA 2016c).

Our conversation with an attorney from Rice University in Houston indicated that, more recently,

hydraulic fracturing fluids have become more robust as better technology has allowed for more efficient

treatment or dilution in order to meet the level of water quality desired in the hydraulic fracturing fluid

formulation. This is a positive sign and led Collins (2016) to argue that produced water is not being

treated as an asset and a market should be developed in order to exploit its potential as a commodity and

reduce freshwater withdrawals. Although adequate piping and storage infrastructure are not yet in place,

Dallas News (2014) mentions that various wastewater treatments plants have been constructed in the

Permian in order to supply water suitable for well stimulations and alleviate water availability issues.

These operations are not widespread yet due to wastewater recycling being more expensive for operators

than purchasing freshwater pumped from local supply sources.

15 Source: email conversation with Bridget Scanlon. https://www.jsg.utexas.edu/researcher/bridget_scanlon/

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Echoing the argument for commoditizing wastewater, it has been found that high lithium concentrations

are found in produced water (Veil 2016; Shih, Swiedler, and Krupnick 2016), which could hypothetically

induce operators to value flowback and produced water more carefully. Additionally, Sourcewater is a

company based out of Houston, Texas, which is attempting to become the world’s first online water

marketplace for the oil and gas industry. Their goal is to lower the water sourcing and disposal or

treatment costs of operators by connecting water suppliers, demanders, and treatment (mobile or

stationary) and disposal locations online, which would be one way to alter the prices of water types and

induce changes in water use if sourcing or treatment costs are lowered.

Our future work on this paper will involve expanding the analysis to the whole state of Texas. We would

also like to find a better indicator for the level of reporting of hydraulic fracturing operators as well as

including several more variables from DrillingInfo including, the number of completions per well, lateral

length, perforation length, and target formation. Additionally, we would like to extend the motivation

behind this paper by obtaining groundwater level data and using it to identify an effect of hydraulic

fracturing on groundwater levels in the Permian Basin and or other regions such as the Eagle Ford or

Bakken formations. We believe that these extensions would be helpful in making better policy

recommendations and in the evaluation of mechanisms to incentivize the use of freshwater alternatives.

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