iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL THE NEWS , OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK Fine Movement Grosse Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Pledging Support to a -Piclw'e b,v Fred Runnells The Cub Scouts have started another year's activity with the ending of the long summer vacation period. The Kerby School Pack, which meels in Christ Church, had its first meeting Monday night. Here a group of parents are signing up their young hopeful~' applications fol' membership in the junior scout movement. The parents pledge to take an active interest in the work of their own children and the pack as a whole. TU. :.6900 . . - 01 the \VEI~K .As COli/piled hy thl Grosse Poitlle 1\ews !l9 liercheval VOLUME 9-NO. 4/ IIEADI.INES IWO?~SWaits Thieves Get $5 000 "Building Sale, jDecIslon on '' , $81,000 Bonds Tax Quarrel In Furs on Second Are Approved S~.y~I:~ ~~o,,~,,~:.::~~s Visit Within -Month II. 800 v~~p~~:~:n~si~fns for for Lakefront Pelrk Services Unprotected Window Smashed Agelin in Daring Burglary' Jlllil\S L. Berns, altorney for on Kercheval Within 10 Minutes of Police Check; All four propositions wer"- Grosse Poinle Woods, is hope- $4,000 Loot Obtained There Sept. 5 approved b,\ Wonds \'oters in fill of gelting the decision of. ~--, ------ i a special election 1\1onday, al. tile rvracomb Count V Court. ThlCv,es made a (lafll~~ enlry of the shop of Furs. by i IhOll.!~h Plop(l;;it inn 2 had a , , '\ Robert, h,erche,'al near FIsher road, fol' lhe second lU11e, wlthll1 the next two, or th~'ce i within a 1110l1t h earl.\" Tuesday and escaped with furs "allIed. narrow squpeze, ,The at hers weeks on the case II1volv1I1g i al about S5.000. According to Sgt. Jack Paisley, of the Farms' were pas;;ed b.'; Wide mari:;Ins. lhe righl oE the St. Clair) police, the thie,'es broke in and oblained five expensh'e fur 1 Nearly ROO voler., (urner! out Shores Villaae to collect taxesl pieces in the space of about 10 minules. ! at Ihe four p]'e,'il1~ls to e:..~ress tl \V '"d d te' The\' entered bv smashing the'- -. ------ ----~--i l.heil' de$;r<:':, OJ\ the maHer of on 1e . o~ s~owne W1I. I' i dlagolial windo\\' ~ext (0 Ihe noor, Ihll'" bond i,slles and (he sa'le Df front park wllhm the st. ClaIr SgL Paislc\' said. ignori-1g some Glass Gal1,g "I t Id '{ I . -. . snnH~!nUIHt'lpil proper ,~. viHage limits, I ]'esse, anI Iflt~ m the show . I, - .." _. , , , ' wind'lli'. and took tlle fur~ from Y 1 F '1 he 1.11ee h, ls,ue proposl- ThiS I, the 43 arre tract whIch a rack in the store, Ollt ts ace tions need"d 60 per cent majod. the Woods <lcquired from the i The store had been checken at lics to pa,s, ;Iccording to Village Edsel Ford estate nearly t\\'o i minnight b)' Palrolmen Sidney A utltOrities Clerk Philip F, AliarEi, whil!: the years ago, i AllOl' and Camiel Dhaveloose in propo~al 10 $ell "thilt portion of The issue of the right of the; a scout ear and was fOlll~~ to be . the i\la~k Avenuc municipal Woods to o\\'n ann oper"te a' uk, agam at 12:05 a,m, 1u~sday Four Who Were Out of' builEiing and park .<ite situilten in municipal park within the St. by Patrolman George Van f,em, T D' S <:; b I Ga'iot TO\\"l>;hip" needed only B Clair limits was settlen affirmH- I)robahl~' Experienced ow~ urlOg ummer ~U - simple majol'lty. lively for the Woons many Paisley, was informed of Ihe lected to Lecture I Sale Favored Heavily months ago, broken WIndow by a Clt~,. pohce --- Needless to sa.v. the selling pro- St. Clair ,\"S loath howe\'cr to scout car at 12:1~, a,m, The WIn- FOlll' more teen-age bo\'s,! position received t~:! heaviest forget the hxes whHl it collects' now had a hole about two by .. k' 1favorable \'ote 701 to 85 " L, , f lll' feet lone from Delrolt, were ta 'en " . on Ihe tract Along with St., 0" , . ..'. ' I Propo~itlOll 2, for the issuance Clair village, the eounll' of l'vIa-: Chief \~altel, Hr) t., who beg,m befole juvel1l1e authol tiles lasl, of $20.000 in bonos over a 10- , "an ImmedIate mvestlgat,on said k I' d : . .. , comb and the local school dIS', \h 'I II 11' k wee as po Ice neare com-, year penod for additIOns and 1m- '1 .' . Ih d'" e)o) apparen V was Ie wor l' f I ' ,. I' t t .. Ib 'ld t~'ICt a so partiCIpate. In e IV1- i of at least three, probably expel'- P etlOn a t leir lllvesllgatlOl1s pro~'ernen s ) rnumclpa Ul.- sJOn of (I,lc tax lecelpL" The al:-; ienced, burglars. No fingerprints of the recent window-smash- \ mgs, had_ Ii;e c10scst 'tall" passl!1 g . grega Ie lS somewhere between' were found in a minute check by ing epidemic. by onl~' ~I6 to 267, It fall~d ot, a $3,000 and $4,000 anmmlly. 1 Detective Sgt. Elmer Labadie. Th f 'h' t in two-thirds npPtrlval-:requlred In ~ ' .. . e our, \\ 0 \\ere no ; rn"nv places on bond Issues , lhe Issue was nrawn and Clr- Hoyt pOinted out' hat the shop 8, town at the time th" other youths;' .' Att d R dB .k H t .. F d cuit. COUlt Judge Eugene HulT of, windows are not wiled wilh burg- were rounded up, \"Ct'e lectured! ,C?f Ihe revenue Is~ue5, Propo- en ance ecor s r 0 en 0pe 0 In Saginaw County was called in to \ lar "la1'111s, The doors are. by Thomas R. Watkins c\;lie( pro-, s,lLOn I, for $20,000 In hands 1S- R B special1)' preside, . Five.Minute Job balion olficer for the juvcnile i ~ued ov~r 10 years for rurchas- At Pointe Lakefront Parl{s unalvay ou :r he brief in Ihe case was sub-I lIe said it would be simple fOI division. ! ~~~ ~:~v7~~t ~~~o::~:r~~~. ~~~ "" mltled last February. Last June \ a well'Olgamzed gang to do the Watkins gave them B stern' III l5.'I.nd'. t' .k .t Ed BB · h k .. II 1 ' . I th Ii ' , ..-- Ica mg < een merest D, u.~.~r.l .ng, Sea.son Just' ,n ed Y 'T.t mar ,Judge Hull. cn ed for a supp ~- Job ,I.n ess an .we mmutes, talk. in.g-Io. similar 10 Ihe one me.l)' i', fi.r.e..p.roteclion. " Ii .. menta!'y bllef and recently agam LIsted by MIchael ,Roberts, ed out by,Probale Judge Daniel J. .' . _,. " . . called jor more particulars. All 1 bnmch manager, as havmg been Healy on'Aug; ..l1, to 14 othel's. "R!Hr ~roJect \}lllS , F Show That FI've SI.tes Were VI's'lted by Estl'm~ted statements of facts are noW in the 'ltoJen ,were" muskrat co~t valu~ ' Parents. 6t'the lour boys, like Jr Tt';j'JJ~p,<>sal ,to {~~,ue",~l.~_ Igures .. N~vy to Be Asked to Up-end hands of the Court 'and a deci- ed at $750;, Rocky Mountam sable the others were very coopera- f' alHrr;,!,)10?,e,~ rrr JOO 351,000 Residents; Fine Swimming New Recruits in Search sion should be forthcoming soon. jacket, $800; black c,alac\b,1 jacdkte~l' tive Dete~live Sgt. Elmer La- s~lruct~~r~~ i~ lO~nd 0 alongra ~~f: d B h . . -' S1000; black RUSSian roa al b d: f th F r t- Enioye elt eac es for MISSing Lad There IS much eVidence to sup- . 'ket $2000' and blended squir- a ,Ie. 0 e arms po Ice repor I R;\-el' and cleaning the Milk ______ '_ , I port the hope of thc \Voods vi:- ]af, 'k t' $350 ed, They .agreen, to work wIth! River" easily gained a 60 per More persons patronized the Pointe's municipal water William Yerge of"1046 Lake-I lagI' that it will e$e~pe ,the taxes, ! Ie 11~~~e~i~telY 'upon gdting the t?e ~Hrents commlltec ~~n~ed, to 'I' ecnt majority and would have front beaches this past season than ever before. This can. ', . ,A, local mst?nce ,IS where the: call from the City police. Paisley \\ork oU,t restltlltlO~ me 0 S. scrHped th_rough on a two.third3 be at.tributed to several factors, There was unusually fine pOlllte, reported to the Pal k I City of DetrOIt, whICh owned the 1d;spatched Allor and Dhaveloose . The epidemiC of WIndo,~ smash-; majonty, :l57 to 226, swimming weather during most of the summer, with no in- police last week that his son, Rl.ssell. Alger property on Lake! to the scene, where he ann Van Ing. whIch began ,carll' In Jl!n~ I The bond issues, totaling $81," terruption because of health board edicts prompted by de- Donald \VilIiam Yerge 15 had: Shore, m the Farms and oper-: Tiem joined them A search of the ca\lsed damage e5t:~a~en ~t mOle: 000 ovcr the IO.year span, wiIl terioration of the water below safety conditions, The other disappeared from h~m; on' ated It unt~l rec;l1t1 y as a mu: i building disclosed nob.odv inside. than $7000 m, ad t~ f\olnt~~, begin ;/1 1950, with $2,000 each f . h '1 - h fIt. ,"d' db" ,sucm, eonsl,tent!) refused to pay Ahout S:tmc TIme The parents,aglee at Ie. ug, on the lJl\llcllng and fire appara- actor IS t e 1100ma glowt a popu a IOn as e\ I ence ) I Sept 27 'taxes on it to Grosse Pointe: I h t" I meeting WIth Judge Heall" 10: t .', 'd $4000 h I b 'It d . Id -' th ' . , . . ,. , T le S op wos en ere" ear y on .. . us unplovemen s an , on t e man?, new lOmes UI an. OCCUP1CC ~1lJI1~ e season. He had lol~. friends thal he I Farms, despile repealen requests Sunday morning, Sept. 5, ap- make full re~titutlOn, ! the drainoge prllject. More chIldren have adyancedmt~ the sw:mmm g age and was gomg to Jom the Navy. :,and ?emands from the Farms parenlly about the same time, The comml\lee of Ihre~ fathers I The issues will be the same hundreds of ~oung men hav~ petmanentl) returned home The police have sent.., out an i that It do so. The F~rms event- and a sable jackel valued at $4,000 named al th.at II.me stIli 18 work-! each year through Hl59, with the from war serVIce, '~. alarm for his pickup, 11e is too: ually ,had to aba l1 non It, fight and taken, That burglary was nls- mg out detal1s ot paymenls, Mam, exceplion of the nl-ainagc issue, The Park led all of the public timates the aHennanee at 6,500, young for the Navy and his Delro,t never paId any taxes duro covered al abonl 3:30 a,m. by problem to be deCIded IS the vary- ,which \\'lll be ,)5,000 in 1959. beaches. as was to be expected This gives an aggregate fo!' the parenls are under great ,dlxiet .. ing all the,. years the Alger prop- !'al['Olmen Allor and Seelow. ing degree of responSibilIty, Since I ------ from it" lorgel' population, The enlire Pointe, based upon both I as to his wheleaboul~. 'erly was a museum. On that occaSIon, the ,thief, or dIfferent boys took part m dlf.:, C. · t S k fact that the en,dosed pool there actual count at some beacl}es and I Detective Stanley Enders, to ------ ~hleves,. also enlered b} smash- {erent raIds, , I IgaIe par han b"en re-eqlllpped WIth pump- careful estimates at olhers, of 'h th 'ase was especially B tt Th ft mg a wmdow, appalently WIth a The wmdow-smashmgs. some ing an? chlorinating machinery 351,324 for the season fr?m !he: ~~f~l~:ed, eh~S since discovered a el.'T e hammer, , ' .' with rocks and hricks and other~, Bur'ns Out C r also, stimulated attenda~c~. Ac- official openmg of the sw\mmmg. some inleresting featl1les in .., They g~t the Jacket 'the \\ m- WIth BB guns, were ended July a cordmg to Park Supen,ntend~nt season'to its close with Ihe open-! 'oun Yerge's disappearance. Is 'Neat Job' dow but Ignored a Russian. sable 2.1 after one of the hoodlums was Brown 140,600 persons dipped 111- ing of the sehools, ) g 1" , scalf \alued at $2,500, also m Ihe caught after a wmnow had been 'ts 'f 't. d' th I ,He left a nole exp amlng 111 'd . h d' Ih H ']\' 1(" A spark from a pipe or cigaret to 1 sa I" wa els ullng e sea- This is a lot of swimmmg oul " f .' th wm 0\\, smas e In I" arry "ac ".' son, lit' . { bout! detail hiS plan or. gettmg In e hurne in Charles place for the apparen tly was the cause of a d ! of a tota popu a IOn 0 a I Navy. He was gOing to horrow The Albert Polziens recci\'ed a Pol1'ce D1' .p~r-e SWAl'n- 'fth t' i fire eal.lv la,t Tuesdav which The Farms heach alten ance 39000 ' ., ' d .. ... .. a... ,I \me. ,_. was 94724. bv far the largest ever, ' '______ the b1rth certlbcale of ~ fnen. rather rude reception only a few T' C h P t All of the boys, inclllnin,g the' P' actically hUl'll?n out the imine " , I who was a couple ye,lls olde\ wcek5 ofler mo\'ing into their rYlng to ras ar y '. of an antOfr,oml" o',"ned hv for the b",~ch. Last year It \\as, D. BI than himself. This would ef- new hOl1le at 18H6 H"nrhester. four who appearen befor~ )u\cn-, C' ~'I' '"" .... , 28 f 3-'9 88,63~ ann In .1946 only 59,636. ,rIVer ames fectuall\' hide his identity so far Lois Buck. of 851 Pemberton. He authoritIes ,last weeK. ha\'e ),;~'~ E~c ~t,_p"_.n,,on, ,0 ;) ChIef ,of Podhce 'l1,'aHe h rGou)lelhle" CI'ash 011 Cat as the Navy records go, The~' left tfleir I'M parked in phoned the Park police at 12:40 been released In the cuslody of I' In:,~ aH'n-,}e, "I ~t 1 of the Voo s, \\'10 t roug I IS I 'h the dri\'ewa;-. I)et\\c"n the curb their oarents, I Imes,lgilLon ,10;5 .a! e" 0 0- 1 ff' h I h .g TLel. he had an'angel Wit a and till' ~idl'\\alk Ill:>t Thursday a.m. October 2 that she was hav- - , t 1" ,., "I d' po ,ce 0 ,cers a, genera c al e _~_ t'l t." "}, f 55' ' , . ., : d iug a party for girls only at h('r The queslion of prosecutlOn ca EO i,e ca~,se 0, an appa,en ,IS- of the park. reports that ahout ani J" f 71? B 'k. man. I ?wn o\\n \\ ':', or I'~ night, 1\hs. Polzif'n toln Woo S d f b has not been decided. Several of ruption in pilom. 5e:\'lCe ,eport. even 40.000 patronized thc new, .Joan Olgensen 0 ~ el ,would 51gn the, papelS as 11, policc. home an a gro,up 0 ,oys ,on 1 ., f th . vandalisn' en Il'.' Fr.' l D,i\' St('phemnn's , " shire drivmg cast on Jefferson "father" with hIS pernllSston to F '" '] PI' the outSIde wqe mterfermg WIth t lC VlC,dns 0 I' . '. .• , beach whIch had 'ItS first season. , I d <, '. I" ,r,"ay mOrnl11g \'. lei.' (] Zlen I IIIE'.l}al.t,", l,ave expre.;sed a wtilin"ness and ne"t do":' n,',"hh,r \'./H'n ne was . ' . ;l\'enl,e "t 11 a, Ill, on Oct. 4. la 'join the Nav\", Presllmab " vOllng II " n '. ~, , •• thIS yeal. . I h' h 'Y Id' I d'ff-' Itv went (0 1110\'e the car. It wou (-I OlTicel~s Del Place and Ver- a desire to see the bo\',; prosecu' unail!" to 1";1(',1 I:'" r ,,~ms fire . I f I a pl't cat III leI' car w Ie mo- 'I erge WOll la,'e no I lell - 't t tIt t fi 11 n ' '- ". I C' ' f Superilltennellt "ocke 0 t Ie I '1 ct. t t I h tten' k' l\ 1 n1l\t\lall\" a.d n. 5 aI', nve~ Ig<J IOn 111a :or IS', I"ache were dispatched to the ted ,(.cpar,n1('n" '."... '.,~".,~,.,g to me C " h k I'd t tt t,menlal'lY ISla\: C( er a -1 m ma'mg 5 C\ a - ' - I "tl I \'''j (h'lte"~' Inl .. ", ""'!) ".J." - Ity 5 bcae par 1.1 no a emp I' d . ,I h" t h't a . t" . arr- ngenlPllt' with al- ~ 0'1'" It"e ., s n' " " ,scene of the 50ei111 riot and dis- -~---- : l,t (J, .'. I "".''''1,:" k "'II ;lte ~ HlIll of at- I tton an call't,( e, 0 I van a"eolls it, ,t Thl"c h<Jd bc( 11 n, the Illi:ht ' ..... ' , ........ ():>;. 'Y:'tlm"s .,' to eep. a~ :hl r" d ,'i parked car belonging 10 Fred Gill: most any man on skid row,who '. '. '''' 'persed the disappointed young ,\l.COnOJ.IC n,'" In .In\' ,'.,nl, IJ;lr,":';,,:: rill:1ed, tendan< c •acll .da~ but sa} 5 for; of :n:l Hoos(:l"clt nlace. ! happelled at th (' moment to have IJl'for~., swa illS, An unnamed man ca m" to t h(' ;('i ""',' I" '" ''', ;) ~,'<1" n,d"r .1 rJd the whole penocl for wh,ch tile .. : .\ :a suit of clothes respectable Police tern1l'Li 1t a "vn~' neat ------ City police slalion at 2:09 a, ll1, " I,., "'".:i,' L,',." t'",t m'.'mlng park was open al!cnc!ance "\'('1- , '11H' nnpnc\ Litove the, Gll, car I eno'llgh to carrv the role of jo1.J," since the thid-who inci- FALSE AI.ARI\I! on Oct. 2 and reportet! that hl' :n,!;el"''': ,,;,' pi",:,,, ',',1,' ilI:lCl,(l,,- aged about 900 per da,\' or well l11to a light pole d.~magtng It In i "father.... 1dl'ntal\y had hig fec\--m:m:lgPtl When Farms police arrived at had COI11C within an e~'ela,h o( !n~ n,i: P,;).I,:,:; c"n 'crf:rrrc1 over 70,000 for Ill" season. hoth front ann rem. k t I Enders said "we'll ha,'" a herk to open the hood fl'lJl11 Ihe out. lhl' home of Mrs. RU5sell Labadie, killing a drunken mall at the cnr- 1:'",1 p;,:, "'i,:- ;1,," du:cd '\ J0ng- In, the Shores, much the slllall- "'1L~: Jorgensen ,was ta en 01 of "a time loclliing this kid if he $lde and get the hatt";T '-":lh"\l1 125 i\ltnr, :\.Ionday night. she "ent ner of Jeffl'l'$on anti St. Ci.,ir :n .. ,' '" h' cst In poplllalmn of Ihe lIve 111U' Bon Sd'''llr, Ihl'Pll<l1 for treat.l d d' tl" I'nto the ,othelw,~e damagmg Ihe Cillo t.ll"ll1 hac,k to the, station, She on!" a few miJ\\,\es hdn,,', By . ,., .k ", oes succee m ge WI; i , " J Ski""';;""';. ,,' ;"i':;Hl'C,j t:,c nicipalitics. Managcr Jdfells es, llH')\t fr'r a mlllol nee mJlI1Y. Nav~-. We don'l know wh',',,,e birth I I h: reason p,ollce kn" ..:;, ?H' h"d fO\lnn and l'('medie:i the noise the time the poi ice p;'tr n ] ('~r p:I'e n: l'j~,'''' \';,.",\'. ~,,:c! he -,----. ---- certificate he might ,,,e, ,CUIPI ,t han large pedal exll I 111- In;,! had alarmed her, It was a arrivcd the drunk l'.a,i 5tag~c,cd ;,;"j the :i", ,'\'::''';:::':\'1'; him- F . F. 1t. A t The detective silid the\' had "nc Hies is that they WfTe ahlc to get furm"',, blower. away. :,,:f iJr:',r,' !i\~ Ii: r drr"rt:lH'nt lre 19 t Uty ppar(l .ItS card up their slcev!', 'however. ,some good measurements of t~le ',\ ""Icl :1.1',1' ",; ",-ri. an\"wRY. which might work, The boy had ! mullllll(~e of footpnnts Idt m tne Y tl A t F II BZ ' ,D;ljT:R~'" '.':a, r.'!1l11,l'er: at "'iuite T . d Up by Tree ell.'ltber a pronouncen hirthmark on his soft ear'!\, , OIL t ccep s u (tine" ",I mn,,, ti,,1n a h\mdred dol. le ,,,' right rear nank and "if we can! The Pol7.iens nl'l\'('(l inlo their \,,:<' , persuade ~he U. S. Recruitingi new home m August Iro~ Ih"lr F .. A .d nt He Escapecl An urgent appral was i;~~-;d'l;-,-ii;;y~~ng"lrr clolm, Both latiEler ,Servicc to uptlll'll ever~'. YOllng former r~~lEienre al 123,:1 East O} eCl e ' parents today by Falms Fire! anri ropes \\'1'111 ,l:'€'ll. 'swab they have taken l1Lto the Outer Drae. I .__ Chid G"'orge Dansbury 10 im.: I1ari a fire occurrNl at ;lbout, Nav,v in the last two wee~s and ------- At le~,t young Riehard M,: Geol'1(e V. ?<fa~on. 22. nf 1"010 pres~ on 'heir youngsters Ihe im- , thaI lime. tl1(' d('IJallnlCnt woul(1 take a quick I(lanre at hiS pos. lMotor BalIrs '5h"h,II', (,f t 1O:l2 Wayh\lrn. De- Wilfred. Detroit, at,,'nlpt ill g 1'1 I f t 'g t fI ,'I I .I 11\' (1"1"\'"'' tn"'lOr ~"p.~rtment the\' n1<1'"d,s- " , . '.. I ,,'\'nn c""dl't fo~ " pOl' anee 0 5 aym 011 () ree" ),11'" )('('11 ""ll"lC (,Ia), ' ", 'U, UL,. ' .. J ,trOlL c.l1\ ,e ,," " • o\'('rtake Shehav, SWI'l'\'cd 1" .11... It all resullen (rom the adven- in Ic:,pondil,g - and 1Ilike might 1'0\'('1 the I'Il(h. slerl1\l1Il. ' At Sugar Ration llangmj.( ilr""nd 10 take the blilme, . I) A \\(''';:In ['(',lling on ~\liddle. ture last Thmsday afternoon (,f hav.' had In sl,,)' in the tr('e until ---- .L . ( SI1l'ba\. ]fl. w)w claims about left ~ide of Mack to a\,l)]( 1I 1 ,\:n,: ,..x rai!,"; tile I'a:'k 110licc d('- Mike McMillan, 8, of 264 Kerby. Ill(' fir,,' was ()\'I'r. snoPPI:"<; 'J'ROVI1LE . six momhs d, i\in~ exp('rience.' Shebay and tl1en ~kid,b'(1 ,WC'.;\ p;I,lm.,,,t ~"pL 28 to it'(juir c Little Mike started up a tree AnotlH'r til(~ hazanl ahout Mrs. E, Eppler of 152~7 MaEJt,.. ,'\n ilutomohile driver showed admitt!'d 1n po!iee early Sunday 140 feet into an aut" p'lrk"r! "ff \\'h"il(' nl;l:;:azme sillc"l1ll'll :'o,i in the vacant lot at Charlt'voix which Chid Danshlll'Y ho" is,urd line. Delroit, was shoppinl: at ,lhe: up at lhe Gr0'se Pointe garage that he Lll!<'d to give a proper: thl:' pav~m('nt on thl' n":.tl1',1'(": li,e nght t" solicit SahSl"llptlOns and Kerby and :iPP:lrcntly, for- 11 w~lrning is the ivy whirh looks Thrift Shop on Oct. I. She h:icl ~t 2::HI a, m. on Oct. 3 .1nd ~,aid h,e 5ign<l1 fOI ii lefl turn at Mack' ('olner. ! ilt night. VI511lN5KY SPEAKlNG IN got to stop, gOing up unl,1 he so prell.v "rnwing on lhe oulside her Slln, ~llchacL oged 2\2. with I.ad been havlllg trouble With hiS and Oxford,' I " , Pari~. Say~ "it i~ a' Il)~~take to r~aeh('t1 a height of about 40 feel, \\'11115of l~HltlY 1'0intl homl", het'. Mirhael di,aPlwared ond' CM: all the W,.y olll to Grosse, What ,fol!o\\,('rl \\'a~ a pilcup' I\nd, that unoclilplec1 ,'ar, TnI' rt\lestwn WH iI pn,er f",r belicvc tbere is j\lSt one nation according to Dansbury. ' ,. ' ,'. ,', .. ' there wa5 much exeitemcnt until Pomte from W. Jefirl'>on avenue,' of t,wo 0111('1' autnnlobiles. She- ownen h," Nrlli£" C10WI. ('[ R7~ Ihe pnllc~, Tht,l''I' IS 110 cl",)l' l'I"~,, .~t has a monopoly of the atomic' Thcn, whcn he looked nown, The ,I\~ \CI~ ~flcn gtO\\S 0\1'1 'City I'atrolnll'n HabaHl and Kell, The helpful garM!C alt('ndant hav'5 car eomlllg through un. Marlbor0ugh. lkl:'oit. \\'a,- the, ,<che(\lIil' provlI,ll'd 1I1 rml1IHnc,:,; bomb" .• , hints Ihnt Russia can he suddenly contracted a scvere the clllmn~.\' top" dllttl( ~~\e ~l,m" rr local('d 1he ~'olllhful absenlce. took a quick look~ee, sc~thC'd, A1l t"" often. as :iny' rcal ,Ilfferl'l'. The wh"lr \~ft ~Ide l')r Ihl;: tvpe ot ;:,It(',,m~n, n1 ~k~ tll~,m, or is actual1,\' mak- f f' ht nil th I' mer mont lS when t](' ,ell i\C,es t 6!l4 5t Clair .1 "11 . hI ' . It was ba,herl in fo" damage r,t1" In'l<much n' c'l' ". C(\I')""lnt- n ~ " case 0 rig a so (' po Ice i1re not heinE: used. Unless:i , .' " ere 5 you\' trou e; no eilr, experienced molOrl.'t can a, est, i ' , I. . $?OO 'I r, " , . '. "." '~'.. , ing thC'm no\~. were called to get him down'. trimmerl back it can grow right I -r ~-:.- will run on syrIfp". he salrl, and the driver in Shehay's pOSItion m:ited by po Ice at . I ha heen, r,"ce~wn fl:"~I, n"u,~., Police saw the problem was down the chimney, hlocking il lip A" :'\lING HRF. \ pomten ,Io.~.rams of sugar scat- drive" blIlhely off lcavlng the: Shebay wa.< tlcketrr! ~or er;- ho oC', s \\ ho w rll~ p: ()\n,,~ri ;,,~ , Saturday, Oct. 2 beyond their realm and called and causing great smoke damage The Wood5 fire deparlment ex, ,lNed SignlilCnnt11' around the other fuming futilel~', ,d:ingering olher vehIcles Ilnd th(';:(' ,ilgg;e$S\\'c }'Nmg. mf'n, '8irthplacc of Fernlnanll FIlCh the fire department. in lhe hOUse, And the ivv in the tinguishen an awning firc lasl ga-\ cap, According to Wood~ pOliN'. Mason \\'a.' charged with not DNrctl\'l~ St"nley Enri"I.< flunted In 1851; :\Iarshall of France I ,\nd, there'n lies tl1f\ subst:ince chimney nries out i\l~d mav: TlIc~do~' at 731 SOlllh Oxfonl, ap- The troutrled car owner opinen Sheba)'. driving north on Mack, having his rllr lmrler control. !lis up the m:m In '111('"ll<'n anri told linn Su(U'cmc CommanlleT of I[OfChief Dan~buI'Y's appeal- Thrre catch fire and shower a shingle: parently cau"en h~' ~park< while that 50me fr:('nds he hac! left in Wi:, pl'epllling to turn ldl into rar rf'rel\'N! jll"l. a crllrnpl('d: him to ,h'.lYe the, P~('k, pront", Allied t\rmics In World War men ann the ladder truck \... ~re roof wilh sparks that coulEi he I Mr~. Mervyn G:lskin was h'lrn., a Wrost Jefferson beN garden had Oxf(ll'd ann failed to give the, fenrier - ahout S25 dam"gr, II and .conlln(; hI' \\\,Smc5s hereafter (Coitlnllcd on rage 2) tied up nearly an nour, getting Ihe cause of a sorious blaze. ing rubbish in the incinerator. I played II joke on him. i proper signal. I ~llss Crowl got a headache! to tne day tune. HAL NEWIfOUSER and Dizzy 'tro\lt ended their baseball sea. son in Iklroit last night with a fist fighl in the Tiger dugout ... observers said it was a draw with neither endangering his pitching arm, Thursday, Sept. 30 Birthday in 1832 of Lord Rob- erts of Kandahar (Frederick Sleighl, born in India, Hero of the Boer War .. : ill 1906 the first electric locomotive, in- stalled on the New York Cen- tral railroad , .. in 1944 des- perate N~zi bid to split Allies failed. LOSS OF MAN-DA YS because of slrikes neclinen from 2.2GG."00 in August t~ 1,75G.OOOin Septem- bcr, accordin~ to a Washin~ton dispatch, ATTORNF.Y GENERAL Black fires Rodney Baxter as his spe. cial as~istant in the Slate's $250,- 000 suit a~ainst the Detroit Rac. ing AssorJation. . . . LEADER OF THE STERN Gang, Nathan Friedman-Yellin. is arrestec1 in llaifa as he was about to leave the country. . .. GOVERNOR DEWEY advocales a strong foreign policy , .. says there must not he another M"nich . . . "We do not intend to be bul- lied or bluffed." 5ays America must be made strong in defense • , . Says we must be made a full partner in Latin Amerira, not merely a "Good Neighbor," . .. Enlered •• Second CIa.. ~Iatter OIN . MICHIGAN OCTOBER 7 f 9A8 Sc Per Copy alIne Post O!fl •• a, Detrol!. Mleh" GROSSE P TE, , t ,'"T $200 Per Y.. r Fully Pilid Circulation ---------'----------_.- -------------------------------------- ------ ----_. -------_._-------------------- -----_._-_.- Friday, Oct. 1 Birtllday in 1781 of James Lawrence, American Naval hero of "Don't give up the ship" fame .•• In 1928 Russia inaugurated live-year plan lor agriculture and industry ..• 1n 19U Marshall headed the Allies in Britain • . • Nelson quit WPB, was s'ucceeded by J. A. Krugj In 1945 we took over control of Japanese banks •.. In 1946 Goering found guil- ty on all counts, DETROIT HAS ITS fIRST cab strike in nine years when the Teamsters' Un'ion takcs over Ihe Radio Cab Co. ... Violence breaks out ann rocks fly. . . . ERIC JOHNSTON, former head of the Chamber of Commerce of the United Slates, advocates the naming of lubor leaders as our ambassadors 10 foreign eounlries wilh labor governments. , . . UNITED STATES and BRIT- AIN move Iheir war planes to more advanced positions in Ger. many and start inspection of their tanks parked in Germany afler Ihe war. . . . THE Am FORCr: announces thai all F-84 Thunderjcls have been grounned te In pOl' ari1y "pending investigation of recent accidents." THE RUSS1AN CONSULATE in Nc\\' York at No, 7 E, 61st strc'et was closed yesterday. . .. THE U NIT ED S TAT ES, GREAT BRfTAIN and FRANCE, lay the Russian blockade of Ber- lin before the Secul'ity Council •.. the United States member of the Council, who is chairman for October, will present notes from the three nations tomor- row ... the complainant nalions say they hav2 made every effort to seltle their trouble with Rus- sia by direct negotiation but have failed to reach an agreement with her. TWO DOCTORS AT JACK- SON PRISON wero fired yester- day for failinJ( to report when notified Ihat a pI)sonet' had com, ! mitled suicide. I $: .. i THE ATOMIC ENERGY COM- ' 1\HSSION orders the Nation's' atomic plants closed to labor i unions whose leaders are ;;;us-' pected of cornmun ist tie-ups, . . . ~" . ...;. .... .' • r', ,','" ." : " .. ' .~, .. ,". .(

Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK

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Page 1: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK

iVi{Jll t SolicitorGels BUill'S Rush




Fine Movement

Grosse Pointe ewsComplete News Coverage of All the Pointes

Pledging Support to a

-Piclw'e b,v Fred RunnellsThe Cub Scouts have started another year's activity with the ending of the long

summer vacation period. The Kerby School Pack, which meels in Christ Church, hadits first meeting Monday night. Here a group of parents are signing up their younghopeful~' applications fol' membership in the junior scout movement. The parentspledge to take an active interest in the work of their own children and the pack asa whole.

TU. :.6900

. . -

01 the

• •

• • •

• •

\VEI~K.As COli/piled hy thlGrosse Poitlle 1\ews

!l9 liercheval


IIEADI.INES IWO?~SWaits Thieves Get $5 000 "Building Sale,jDecIslon on ' ' , $81,000 BondsTax Quarrel In Furs on Second Are ApprovedS~.y~I:~ ~~o,,~,,~:.::~~sVisit Within -Month II. 800 v~~p~~:~:n~si~fnsfor

for Lakefront Pelrk Services

Unprotected Window Smashed Agelin in Daring Burglary'Jlllil\S L. Berns, altorney for on Kercheval Within 10 Minutes of Police Check; All four propositions wer"-

Grosse Poinle Woods, is hope- $4,000 Loot Obtained There Sept. 5 approved b,\ Wonds \'oters infill of gelting the decision of. ~--, ------ i a special election 1\1onday, al.tile rvracomb Count V Court. ThlCv,es made a (lafll~~ enlry of the shop of Furs. by i IhOll.!~h Plop(l;;it inn 2 had a

, , '\ Robert, h,erche,'al near FIsher road, fol' lhe second lU11e,wlthll1 the next two, or th~'ce i within a 1110l1t h earl.\" Tuesday and escaped with furs "allIed. narrow squpeze, ,The at hersweeks on the case II1volv1I1g i al about S5.000. According to Sgt. Jack Paisley, of the Farms' were pas;;ed b.'; Wide mari:;Ins.lhe righl oE the St. Clair) police, the thie,'es broke in and oblained five expensh'e fur 1 Nearly ROO voler., (urner! outShores Villaae to collect taxesl pieces in the space of about 10 minules. ! at Ihe four p]'e,'il1~ls to e:..~ress

tl \V '"d d te' The\' entered bv smashing the'- -. ------ ----~--i l.heil' de$;r<:':, OJ\ the maHer ofon 1e . o~ s~owne W1I. I' i dlagolial windo\\' ~ext (0 Ihe noor, Ihll'" bond i,slles and (he sa'le Dffront park wllhm the st. ClaIr SgL Paislc\' said. ignori-1g some Glass Gal1,g "I tI d '{ I . -. . snnH~!nUIHt'lpil proper ,~.viHage limits, I ]'esse, anI Iflt~ m the show . I, - .." _. ,

, , ' wind'lli'. and took tlle fur~ from Y 1 F '1 he 1.11ee h, ls,ue proposl-ThiS I, the 43 arre tract whIch a rack in the store, Ollt ts ace tions need"d 60 per cent majod.

the Woods <lcquired from the i The store had been checken at lics to pa,s, ;Iccording to VillageEdsel Ford estate nearly t\\'o i minnight b)' Palrolmen Sidney A utltOrities Clerk Philip F, AliarEi, whil!: theyears ago, i AllOl' and Camiel Dhaveloose in propo~al 10 $ell "thilt portion of

The issue of the right of the; a scout ear and was fOlll~~ to be . the i\la~k Avenuc municipalWoods to o\\'n ann oper"te a' uk, agam at 12:05 a,m, 1u~sday Four Who Were Out of' builEiing and park .<ite situilten inmunicipal park within the St. by Patrolman George Van f,em, T D' S <:; b IGa'iot TO\\"l>;hip" needed only BClair limits was settlen affirmH- I)robahl~' Experienced ow~ urlOg ummer ~U - simple majol'lty.lively for the Woons many Paisley, was informed of Ihe lected to Lecture I Sale Favored Heavilymonths ago, broken WIndow by a Clt~,. pohce --- Needless to sa.v. the selling pro-

St. Clair ,\"S loath howe\'cr to scout car at 12:1~, a,m, The WIn- FOlll' more teen-age bo\'s,! position received t~:! heaviestforget the hxes whHl it collects' now had a hole about two by .. k' 1favorable \'ote 701 to 85

" L, • , f lll' feet lone from Delrolt, were ta 'en " .on Ihe tract Along with St., 0 " • , . ..'. ' I Propo~itlOll 2, for the issuanceClair village, the eounll' of l'vIa-: Chief \~altel, Hr) t., who beg,m befole juvel1l1e authol tiles lasl, of $20.000 in bonos over a 10-

, "an ImmedIate mvestlgat,on said k I' d : . . . ,comb and the local school dIS', \h 'I II 11' k wee as po Ice neare com-, year penod for additIOns and 1m-'1 . ' . Ih d'" e)o) apparen V was Ie wor l' f I ' ,. I' t t .. I b 'ldt~'ICt a so partiCIpate. In e IV1- i of at least three, probably expel'- P etlOn a t leir lllvesllgatlOl1s pro~'ernen s ) rnumclpa Ul.-

sJOn of (I,lc tax lecelpL" The al:-; ienced, burglars. No fingerprints of the recent window-smash- \ mgs, had_ Ii;e c10scst 'tall" passl!1g .grega Ie lS somewhere between' were found in a minute check by ing epidemic. by onl~' ~I 6 to 267, It fall~d ot, a$3,000 and $4,000 anmmlly. 1 Detective Sgt. Elmer Labadie. Th f 'h' t in two-thirds npPtrlval-:requlred In~ ' .. . e our, \\ 0 \\ere no ; rn"nv places on bond Issues

, • lhe Issue was nrawn and Clr- Hoyt pOinted out' hat the shop 8 , town at the time th" other youths;' .'

Att d R d B. k H t ..F d cuit. COUlt Judge Eugene HulT of, windows are not wiled wilh burg- were rounded up, \"Ct'e lectured! ,C?f Ihe revenue Is~ue5, Propo-en ance ecor s r0 en 0pe 0 In Saginaw County was called in to \ lar "la1'111s, The doors are. by Thomas R. Watkins c\;lie( pro-, s,lLOn I, for $20,000 In hands 1S-

R B special1)' preside, . Five.Minute Job balion olficer for the juvcnile i ~ued ov~r 10 years for rurchas-At Pointe Lakefront Parl{s unalvay ou :rhe brief in Ihe case was sub-I lIe said it would be simple fOI division. ! ~~~ ~:~v7~~t~~~o::~:r~~~. ~~~"" mltled last February. Last June \ a well'Olgamzed gang to do the Watkins gave them B stern' III l5.'I.nd'. t' . k . t

E d B B· h k .. II 1 ' . I th Ii ' , ..-- Ica mg < een merestD,u.~.~r.l.ng,Sea.son Just' ,n ed Y 'T.t mar ,Judge Hull. cn ed for a supp ~- Job ,I.n ess an .we mmutes, talk. in.g-Io. similar 10 Ihe one me.l)' i', fi.r.e ..p.roteclion." Ii .. menta!'y bllef and recently agam LIsted by MIchael ,Roberts, ed out by,Probale Judge Daniel J. .' . _,. ". . called jor more particulars. All


bnmch manager, as havmg been Healy on'Aug; ..l1, to 14 othel's. • "R!Hr ~roJect \}lllS ,

F• Show That FI've SI.tes Were VI's'lted by Estl'm~ted statements of facts are noW in the 'ltoJen ,were" muskrat co~t valu~ ' Parents. 6t'the lour boys, like Jr Tt';j'JJ~p,<>sal,to {~~,ue",~l.~_Igures .. N~vy to Be Asked to Up-end hands of the Court 'and a deci- ed at $750;, Rocky Mountam sable the others were very coopera- f' alHrr;,!,)10?,e,~ rrrJOO

351,000 Residents; Fine Swimming New Recruits in Search sion should be forthcoming soon. jacket, $800; black c,alac\b,1 jacdkte~l' tive Dete~live Sgt. Elmer La- s~lruct~~r~~ i~ lO~nd 0 alongra ~~f:d B h . . -' S1000; black RUSSian roa al b d: f th F r t- •Enioye elt eac es for MISSing Lad There IS much eVidence to sup- . 'ket $2000' and blended squir- a ,Ie. 0 e arms po Ice repor I R;\-el' and cleaning the Milk______ '_ , Iport the hope of thc \Voods vi:- ]af, 'k t' $350 ed, They .agreen, to work wIth! River" easily gained a 60 per

More persons patronized the Pointe's municipal water William Yerge of"1046 Lake-I lagI' that it will e$e~pe ,the taxes, ! Ie 11~~~e~i~telY 'upon gdting the t?e ~Hrents commlltec ~~n~ed, to 'I' ecnt majority and would havefront beaches this past season than ever before. This can. ' , . ,A, local mst?nce ,IS where the: call from the City police. Paisley \\ork oU,t restltlltlO~ me 0 S. scrHped th_rough on a two.third3be at.tributed to several factors, There was unusually fine pOlllte, reported to the Pal k ICity of DetrOIt, whICh owned the 1d;spatched Allor and Dhaveloose . The epidemiC of WIndo,~ smash-; majonty, :l57 to 226,swimming weather during most of the summer, with no in- police last week that his son, Rl.ssell. Alger property on Lake! to the scene, where he ann Van Ing. whIch began ,carll' In Jl!n~ I The bond issues, totaling $81,"terruption because of health board edicts prompted by de- Donald \VilIiam Yerge 15 had: Shore, m the Farms and oper-: Tiem joined them A search of the ca\lsed damage e5t:~a~en ~t mOle: 000 ovcr the IO.year span, wiIlterioration of the water below safety conditions, The other disappeared from h~m; on' ated It unt~l rec;l1t1y as a mu: i building disclosed nob.odv inside. than $7000 m, ad t ~ f\olnt~~, begin ;/1 1950, with $2,000 eachf

. h '1 - h fIt. ,"d' db" ,sucm, eonsl,tent!) refused to pay Ahout S:tmc TIme The parents,aglee at Ie. ug, on the lJl\llcllng and fire appara-actor IS t e 1100ma glowt a popu a IOn as e\ I ence ) I Sept 27 'taxes on it to Grosse Pointe: I h t" I meeting WIth Judge Heall" 10: t .', 'd $4000h I b 'It d . I d -' th ' . , . . ,. , T le S op wos en ere" ear y on . . . us unplovemen s an , on

t e man?, new lOmes UI an. OCCUP1CC ~1lJI1~ e season. He had lol~. friends thal he I Farms, despile repealen requests Sunday morning, Sept. 5, ap- make full re~titutlOn, ! the drainoge prllject.More chIldren have adyancedmt~ the sw:mmmg• age and was gomg to Jom the Navy. :,and ?emands from the Farms parenlly about the same time, The comml\lee of Ihre~ fathers I The issues will be the samehundreds of ~oung men hav~ petmanentl) returned home The police have sent.., out an i that It do so. The F~rms event- and a sable jackel valued at $4,000 named al th.at II.me stIli 18 work-! each year through Hl59, with thefrom war serVIce, '~. alarm for his pickup, 11e is too: ually ,had to abal1non It, fight and taken, That burglary was nls- mg out detal1s ot paymenls, Mam, exceplion of the nl-ainagc issue,

The Park led all of the public timates the aHennanee at 6,500, young for the Navy and his Delro,t never paId any taxes duro covered al abonl 3:30 a,m. by problem to be deCIded IS the vary- ,which \\'lll be ,)5,000 in 1959.beaches. as was to be expected This gives an aggregate fo!' the parenls are under great ,dlxiet .. ing all the,. years the Alger prop- !'al['Olmen Allor and Seelow. ing degree of responSibilIty, Since I ------

from it" lorgel' population, The enlire Pointe, based upon both I as to his wheleaboul~. 'erly was a museum. On that occaSIon, the ,thief, or dIfferent boys took part m dlf.:, C. · t S kfact that the en,dosed pool there actual count at some beacl}es and I Detective Stanley Enders, to ------ ~hleves,. also enlered b} smash- {erent raIds, , I IgaIe parhan b"en re-eqlllpped WIth pump- careful estimates at olhers, of 'h th 'ase was especially B tt Th ft mg a wmdow, appalently WIth a The wmdow-smashmgs. someing an? chlorinating machinery 351,324 for the season fr?m !he: ~~f~l~:ed, eh~S since discovered a el.'T e hammer, , ' .' with rocks and hricks and other~, Bur'ns Out C ralso, stimulated attenda~c~. Ac- official openmg of the sw\mmmg. some inleresting featl1les in .., They g~t the Jacket 'the \\ m- WIth BB guns, were ended July acordmg to Park Supen,ntend~nt season'to its close with Ihe open-! 'oun Yerge's disappearance. Is 'Neat Job' dow but Ignored a Russian. sable 2.1 after one of the hoodlums wasBrown 140,600 persons dipped 111- ing of the sehools, ) g 1 " , scalf \alued at $2,500, also m Ihe caught after a wmnow had been

'ts 'f 't. d' th I ,He left a nole exp amlng 111 'd . h d' Ih H ']\' 1(" A spark from a pipe or cigaretto 1 sa I" wa els ullng e sea- This is a lot of swimmmg oul " f .' th wm 0\\, smas e In I" arry "ac ".'son, lit' . { bout! detail hiS plan or. gettmg In e hurne in Charles place for the apparen tly was the cause of a

d ! of a tota popu a IOn 0 a INavy. He was gOing to horrow The Albert Polziens recci\'ed a Pol1'ce D1' .p~r-e SWAl'n- 'fth t' i fire eal.lv la,t Tuesdav whichThe Farms heach alten ance 39000 ' . , ' d .. ... .. a... ,I \me. ,_.was 94724. bv far the largest ever, ' '______ the b1rth certlbcale of ~ fnen. rather rude reception only a few T' C h P t All of the boys, inclllnin,g the' P' actically hUl'll?n out the imine

" , • I who was a couple ye,lls olde\ wcek5 ofler mo\'ing into their rYlng to ras ar y '. of an antOfr,oml" o',"ned hvfor the b",~ch. Last year It \\as, D . BI than himself. This would ef- new hOl1le at 18H6 H"nrhester. four who appearen befor~ )u\cn-, C' ~'I' '"" .... , 28 f 3-'988,63~ ann In .1946 only 59,636. ,rIVer ames fectuall\' hide his identity so far Lois Buck. of 851 Pemberton. He authoritIes ,last weeK. ha\'e ),;~'~ E~c ~t,_p"_.n,,on, ,0 ;)

ChIef ,of Podhce 'l1,'aHehrGou)lelhle" CI'ash 011 Cat as the Navy records go, The~' left tfleir I'M parked in phoned the Park police at 12:40 been released In the cuslody of I' • In:,~ aH'n-,}e, "I ~ t 1

of the Voo s, \\'10 t roug I IS I 'h the dri\'ewa;-. I)et\\c"n the curb their oarents, I Imes,lgilLon ,10;5 .a! e" 0 0-1 ff' h I h .g TLel. he had an'angel Wit a and till' ~idl'\\alk Ill:>t Thursday a.m. October 2 that she was hav- - , t 1" ,., "I d'po ,ce 0 ,cers a, genera c al e _~_ t'l t." "}, f 55' ' , . ., : d iug a party for girls only at h('r The queslion of prosecutlOn ca EO i,e ca~,se 0, an appa,en ,IS-

of the park. reports that ahout ani J" f 71? B 'k. man. I ?wn o\\n \\ ':', or I'~ night, 1\hs. Polzif'n toln Woo S d f b has not been decided. Several of ruption in pilom. 5e:\'lCe ,eport.even 40.000 patronized thc new, .Joan Olgensen 0 ~ el ,would 51gn the, papelS as 11, policc. home an a gro,up 0 ,oys ,on 1 . , f th . vandalisn' en Il'.' Fr.' l D,i\' St('phemnn's

, " shire drivmg cast on Jefferson "father" with hIS pernllSston to F '" '] PI' the outSIde wqe mterfermg WIth t lC VlC,dns 0 I' . '. . • ,beach whIch had 'ItS first season. , I d <, '. I" ,r,"ay mOrnl11g \'. lei.' (] Zlen I IIIE'. l}al.t,", l,ave expre.;sed a wtilin"ness and ne"t do":' n,',"hh,r \'./H'n ne was. ' . ;l\'enl,e "t 11 a, Ill, on Oct. 4. la 'join the Nav\", Presllmab " vOllng II " n '. ~ , , ••thIS yeal. . I h' h 'Y Id' I d'ff-' Itv went (0 1110\'e the car. It wou (-I OlTicel~s Del Place and Ver- a desire to see the bo\',; prosecu' unail!" to 1";1(',1 I:'" r ,,~ms fire. I f I a pl't cat III leI' car w Ie mo- 'I erge WOll la,'e no I lell - 't t tIt t fi 11 n ' '- ". I C' ' fSuperilltennellt "ocke 0 t Ie I '1 ct. t t I h tten' k' l\ 1 n1l\t\lall\" a.d n. 5 aI', nve~ Ig<J IOn 111a :or IS', I"ache were dispatched to the ted ,(.cpar,n1('n" '."...'.,~".,~,.,g to me

C" h k I'd t tt t,menlal'lY ISla\: C( er a -1m ma'mg 5 C\ a - ' - I "tl I \'''j (h'lte"~' Inl . . ", ""'!) ".J." -Ity 5 bcae par 1.1 no a emp I' d . ,I h" t h't a . t" . arr- ngenlPllt' with al- ~ 0'1'" It"e ., s n' " " ,scene of the 50ei111 riot and dis- -~---- : l,t (J, .'. I "".''''1,:"k "'II ;lte ~ HlIll of at- I tton an call't,( e, 0 I van a"eolls it, ,t Thl"c h<Jd bc( 11 n, the Illi:ht ' .....',........():>;. 'Y:'tlm"s .,'to eep. a~ :hl r" d ,'i parked car belonging 10 Fred Gill: most any man on skid row,who '. '. '''' 'persed the disappointed young ,\l.COnOJ.IC n,'" In .In\' ,'.,nl, IJ;lr,":';,,:: rill:1ed,

tendan< c • acll . da~ but sa} 5 for; of :n:l Hoos(:l"clt nlace. ! happelled at th (' moment to have IJl'for~., swa illS, An unnamed man ca m" to t h(' ;('i ""',' I" '" ''', ;) ~,'<1" n,d"r .1 rJdthe whole penocl for wh,ch tile .. : . \ : a suit of clothes respectable Police tern1l'Li 1t a "vn~' neat ------ City police slalion at 2:09 a, ll1, " I,., "'".:i,' L,',." t'",t m'.'mlngpark was open al!cnc!ance "\'('1- , '11H' nnpnc\ Litove the, Gll, car I eno'llgh to carrv the role of jo1.J," since the thid-who inci- FALSE AI.ARI\I! on Oct. 2 and reportet! that hl' :n,!;el"''': ,,;,' pi",:,,, ',',1,' ilI:lCl,(l,,-aged about 900 per da,\' or well l11to a light pole d.~magtng It In i "father.... 1dl'ntal\y had hig fec\--m:m:lgPtl When Farms police arrived at had COI11C within an e~'ela,h o( !n~ n,i: P,;).I,:,:; c"n 'crf:rrrc1over 70,000 for Ill" season. hoth front ann rem. k t I Enders said "we'll ha,'" a herk to open the hood fl'lJl11 Ihe out. lhl' home of Mrs. RU5sell Labadie, killing a drunken mall at the cnr- 1:'",1 p;,:, "'i,:- ;1,," du:cd '\ J0ng-

In, the Shores, much the slllall- "'1L~: Jorgensen ,was ta en 01 of "a time loclliing this kid if he $lde and get the hatt";T '-":lh"\l1 125 i\ltnr, :\.Ionday night. she "ent ner of Jeffl'l'$on anti St. Ci.,ir :n .. ,' '" h'cst In poplllalmn of Ihe lIve 111U' Bon Sd'''llr, Ihl'Pll<l1 for treat.ld d' tl" I'nto the ,othelw,~e damagmg Ihe Cillo t.ll"ll1 hac,k to the, station, She on!" a few miJ\\,\es hdn,,', By. ,., . k ", oes succee m ge WI; i , " J Ski""';;""';. ,,' ;"i':;Hl'C,j t:,cnicipalitics. Managcr Jdfells es, llH')\t fr'r a mlllol nee mJlI1Y. Nav~-. We don'l know wh',',,,e birth I I h: reason p,ollce kn" ..:;, ?H' h"d fO\lnn and l'('medie:i the noise the time the poi ice p;'trn] ('~r p:I'e n: l'j~,'''' \';,.",\'. ~,,:c! he-,----. ---- certificate he might ,,,e, ,CUIPI ,t han large pedal exll I 111- In;,! had alarmed her, It was a arrivcd the drunk l'.a,i 5tag~c,cd ;,;"j the :i", ,'\'::''';:::':\'1'; him-

F. F. 1t. A t The detective silid the\' had "nc Hies is that they WfTe ahlc to get furm"',, blower. away. :,,:f iJr:',r,' !i\~ Ii: r drr"rt:lH'ntlre 19 t Uty ppar(l .ItS card up their slcev!', 'however. ,some good measurements of t~le ',\ ""Icl :1.1',1' ",; ",-ri. an\"wRY.which might work, The boy had ! mullllll(~e of footpnnts Idt m tne Y tl A t F II BZ ' ,D;ljT:R~'" '.':a, r.'!1l11,l'er: at "'iuite

T. d Up by Tree ell.'ltber a pronouncen hirthmark on his soft ear'!\, , OIL t ccep s u (tine" ",I mn,,, ti,,1n a h\mdred dol.le ,,,' right rear nank and "if we can! The Pol7.iens nl'l\'('(l inlo their \,,:<', persuade ~he U. S. Recruitingi new home m August Iro~ Ih"lr F ..A .d nt He Escapecl

An urgent appral was i;~~-;d'l;-,-ii;;y~~ng"lrr clolm, Both latiEler ,Servicc to uptlll'll ever~'. YOllng former r~~lEienre al 123,:1 East O} eCl e 'parents today by Falms Fire! anri ropes \\'1'111 ,l:'€'ll. 'swab they have taken l1Lto the Outer Drae. I .__Chid G"'orge Dansbury 10 im.: I1ari a fire occurrNl at ;lbout, Nav,v in the last two wee~s and ------- At le~,t young Riehard M,: Geol'1(e V. ?<fa~on. 22. nf 1"010pres~ on 'heir youngsters Ihe im- , thaI lime. tl1(' d('IJallnlCnt woul(1 take a quick I(lanre at hiS pos. lMotor BalIrs '5h"h,II', (,f t 1O:l2 Wayh\lrn. De- Wilfred. Detroit, at,,'nlpt ill g 1'1

I f t 'g t f I ,'I I . I 11\' (1"1"\'"'' tn"'lOr ~"p.~rtment the\' n1<1'"d,s- " , . '.. I ,,'\'nn c""dl't fo~ "pOl' anee 0 5 aym 011 () ree" ),11'" )('('11 ""ll"lC (,Ia), ' ", 'U, UL,. ' .. J ,trOlL c.l1\ ,e ,," " • o\'('rtake Shehav, SWI'l'\'cd 1" .11 ...It all resullen (rom the adven- in Ic:,pondil,g - and 1Ilike might 1'0\'('1 the I'Il(h. slerl1\l1Il. ' At Sugar Ration llangmj.( ilr""nd 10 take the blilme, . I ) A \\(''';:In ['(',lling on ~\liddle.

ture last Thmsday afternoon (,f hav.' had In sl,,)' in the tr('e until ---- .L . ( SI1l'ba\. ]fl. w)w claims about left ~ide of Mack to a\,l)]( 1I1,\:n,: , ..x rai!,"; tile I'a:'k 110licc d('-

Mike McMillan, 8, of 264 Kerby. Ill(' fir,,' was ()\'I'r. snoPPI:"<; 'J'ROVI1LE . six momhs d, i\in~ exp('rience.' Shebay and tl1en ~kid,b'(1 ,WC'.;\ p;I,lm.,,,t ~"pL 28 to it'(juircLittle Mike started up a tree AnotlH'r til(~ hazanl ahout Mrs. E, Eppler of 152~7 MaEJt,.. ,'\n ilutomohile driver showed admitt!'d 1n po!iee early Sunday 140 feet into an aut" p'lrk"r! "ff \\'h"il(' nl;l:;:azme sillc"l1ll'll :'o,i

in the vacant lot at Charlt'voix which Chid Danshlll'Y ho" is,urd line. Delroit, was shoppinl: at ,lhe: up at lhe Gr0'se Pointe garage that he Lll!<'d to give a proper: thl:' pav~m('nt on thl' n":.tl1',1'(": li,e nght t" solicit SahSl"llptlOns• • and Kerby and :iPP:lrcntly, for- 11 w~lrning is the ivy whirh looks Thrift Shop on Oct. I. She h:icl ~t 2::HI a, m. on Oct. 3 .1nd ~,aid h,e 5ign<l1 fOI ii lefl turn at Mack' ('olner. ! ilt night.

VI511lN5KY SPEAKlNG IN got to stop, gOing up unl,1 he so prell.v "rnwing on lhe oulside her Slln, ~llchacL oged 2\2. with I.ad been havlllg trouble With hiS and Oxford,' I " ,

Pari~. Say~ "it i~ a' Il)~~take to r~aeh('t1 a height of about 40 feel, \\'11115of l~HltlY 1'0intl homl", het'. Mirhael di,aPlwared ond' CM: all the W,.y olll to Grosse, What ,fol!o\\,('rl \\'a~ a pilcup' I\nd, that unoclilplec1 ,'ar, TnI' rt\lestwn WH iI pn,er f",rbelicvc tbere is j\lSt one nation according to Dansbury. ' ,. ' ,'. ,', .. ' there wa5 much exeitemcnt until Pomte from W. Jefirl'>on avenue,' of t,wo 0111('1' autnnlobiles. She- ownen h," Nrlli£" C10WI. ('[ R7~ Ihe pnllc~, Tht,l''I' IS 110 cl",)l' l'I"~,,.~t has a monopoly of the atomic' Thcn, whcn he looked nown, The ,I\~ \CI~ ~flcn gtO\\S 0\1'1 'City I'atrolnll'n HabaHl and Kell, The helpful garM!C alt('ndant hav'5 car eomlllg through un. Marlbor0ugh. lkl:'oit. \\'a,- the, ,<che(\lIil' provlI,ll'd 1I1 rml1IHnc,:,;bomb" .• , hints Ihnt Russia can he suddenly contracted a scvere the clllmn~.\' top" dllttl( ~~\e ~l,m" rr local('d 1he ~'olllhful absenlce. took a quick look~ee, sc~thC'd, A1l t"" often. as :iny' rcal ,Ilfferl'l'. The wh"lr \~ft ~Ide l')r Ihl;: tvpe ot ;:,It(',,m~n,n1~k~ tll~,m, or is actual1,\' mak- f f' ht nil th I' mer mont lS when t](' ,ell i\C,es t 6!l4 5t Clair .1 "11 . hI ' . It was ba,herl in fo" damage r,t1" In'l<much n' c'l' ". C(\I')""lnt-

n ~ " case 0 rig a so (' po Ice i1re not heinE: used. Unless:i , .' " ere 5 you\' trou e; no eilr, experienced molOrl.'t can a, est, i ' , I. . $?OO 'I r, " , . '. "." '~'.. ,ing thC'm no\~. were called to get him down'. trimmerl back it can grow right I -r ~-:.- will run on syrIfp". he salrl, and the driver in Shehay's pOSItion m:ited by po Ice at • . I ha heen, r,"ce~wn fl:"~I, n"u,~.,

Police saw the problem was down the chimney, hlocking il lip A" :'\lING HRF. \ pomten ,Io.~.rams of sugar scat- drive" blIlhely off lcavlng the: Shebay wa.< tlcketrr! ~or er;- ho oC', s \\ ho w rll~ p: ()\n,,~ri ;,,~, Saturday, Oct. 2 beyond their realm and called and causing great smoke damage The Wood5 fire deparlment ex, ,lNed SignlilCnnt11' around the other fuming futilel~', ,d:ingering olher vehIcles Ilnd th(';:(' ,ilgg;e$S\\'c }'Nmg. mf'n,'8irthplacc of Fernlnanll FIlCh the fire department. in lhe hOUse, And the ivv in the tinguishen an awning firc lasl ga-\ cap, According to Wood~ pOliN'. Mason \\'a.' charged with not DNrctl\'l~ St"nley Enri"I.< flunted

In 1851; :\Iarshall of France I ,\nd, there'n lies tl1f\ subst:ince chimney nries out i\l~d mav: TlIc~do~' at 731 SOlllh Oxfonl, ap- The troutrled car owner opinen Sheba)'. driving north on Mack, having his rllr lmrler control. !lis up the m:m In '111('"ll<'n anri toldlinn Su(U'cmc CommanlleT of I[OfChief Dan~buI'Y's appeal- Thrre catch fire and shower a shingle: parently cau"en h~' ~park< while that 50me fr:('nds he hac! left in Wi:, pl'epllling to turn ldl into rar rf'rel\'N! jll"l. a crllrnpl('d: him to ,h'.lYe the, P~('k, pront",Allied t\rmics In World War men ann the ladder truck \...~re roof wilh sparks that coulEi he IMr~. Mervyn G:lskin was h'lrn., a Wrost Jefferson beN garden had Oxf(ll'd ann failed to give the, fenrier - ahout S25 dam"gr, II and .conlln(; hI' \\\,Smc5s hereafter

(Coitlnllcd on rage 2) tied up nearly an nour, getting Ihe cause of a sorious blaze. ing rubbish in the incinerator. I played II joke on him. i proper signal. I ~llss Crowl got a headache! to tne day tune.

HAL NEWIfOUSER and Dizzy'tro\lt ended their baseball sea.son in Iklroit last night with afist fighl in the Tiger dugout ...observers said it was a draw withneither endangering his pitchingarm,

Thursday, Sept. 30Birthday in 1832 of Lord Rob-erts of Kandahar (FrederickSleighl, born in India, Hero ofthe Boer War .. : ill 1906 thefirst electric locomotive, in-stalled on the New York Cen-tral railroad , .. in 1944 des-perate N~zi bid to split Alliesfailed.

LOSS OF MAN-DA YS becauseof slrikes neclinen from 2.2GG."00in August t~ 1,75G.OOOin Septem-bcr, accordin~ to a Washin~tondispatch,

ATTORNF.Y GENERAL Blackfires Rodney Baxter as his spe.cial as~istant in the Slate's $250,-000 suit a~ainst the Detroit Rac.ing AssorJation.. . .

LEADER OF THE STERNGang, Nathan Friedman-Yellin.is arrestec1 in llaifa as he wasabout to leave the country.. . .

GOVERNOR DEWEY advocalesa strong foreign policy , .. saysthere must not he another M"nich. . . "We do not intend to be bul-lied or bluffed." 5ays Americamust be made strong in defense• , . Says we must be made a fullpartner in Latin Amerira, notmerely a "Good Neighbor,". . .

Enlered •• Second CIa.. ~Iatter OIN . MICHIGAN OCTOBER 7 f 9A8 Sc Per CopyalIne Post O!fl •• a, Detrol!. Mleh" GROSSE P TE, , t ,'"T $200 Per Y.. r Fully Pilid Circulation---------'----------_.- -------------------------------------- ------ ----_. -------_._-------------------- -----_._-_.-

Friday, Oct. 1Birtllday in 1781 of James

Lawrence, American Navalhero of "Don't give up theship" fame .•• In 1928 Russiainaugurated live-year plan loragriculture and industry ..•1n 19U Marshall headed theAllies in Britain • . • Nelsonquit WPB, was s'ucceeded byJ. A. Krugj In 1945 we tookover control of Japanese banks•.. In 1946 Goering found guil-ty on all counts,• • •DETROIT HAS ITS fIRST cab

strike in nine years when theTeamsters' Un'ion takcs over IheRadio Cab Co. . . . Violencebreaks out ann rocks fly.. . .

ERIC JOHNSTON, former headof the Chamber of Commerce ofthe United Slates, advocates thenaming of lubor leaders as ourambassadors 10 foreign eounlrieswilh labor governments., . .

UNITED STATES and BRIT-AIN move Iheir war planes tomore advanced positions in Ger.many and start inspection oftheir tanks parked in Germanyafler Ihe war.. . .

THE Am FORCr: announcesthai all F-84 Thunderjcls havebeen grounned t e In pOl' a r i 1y"pending investigation of recentaccidents."

THE RUSS1AN CONSULATEin Nc\\' York at No, 7 E, 61ststrc'et was closed yesterday.. . .

THE U NIT ED S TAT E S ,GREAT BRfTAIN and FRANCE,lay the Russian blockade of Ber-lin before the Secul'ity Council•.. the United States memberof the Council, who is chairmanfor October, will present notesfrom the three nations tomor-row ... the complainant nalionssay they hav2 made every effortto seltle their trouble with Rus-sia by direct negotiation but havefailed to reach an agreementwith her.

TWO DOCTORS AT JACK-SON PRISON wero fired yester-day for failinJ( to report whennotified Ihat a pI)sonet' had com, !mitled suicide. I

$: • .. i

THE ATOMIC ENERGY COM- '1\HSSION orders the Nation's'atomic plants closed to labor iunions whose leaders are ;;;us-'pected of cornmun ist tie-ups,. . .


....;. .... .' • r', ,','" ." : " ..' .~, .. ,". .(

Page 2: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK


Phone: TUxedo 2.1920•


the Detroit Crime Prevention Bu.reau, and one of AY's favoritemembers, will sp~ak. to thegroup. Then everyone will ad.journ to cokes, dancing, and pow.wows. l\Ieet us there at 8 p. m,tCall ClI, 6194 for information.

Five Pointers SingingWith Kalamazoo Choin


By Allied Youth


East Warr~n at 3 ~1l1. Drive

ReA Victor 730TV2

Thursday" Odober 7, ., 948

East Side's Lead;'1'; Radio

and Teledsioll Store

without Obligation

~Plus Fed. Tax and. Owner Policy Fee

WJBK announces TELEVISIONStarting Oet. 24



CriJU'f')ld nr lUi.chigdrtIIVdiJflinJl'ton lIlt-d. al Grand Rh',"

and CUnl'(I".f!"nt brandiC'.

Come inand get better

acquainl('d with

a g90dbqlll(

for your savingsbuild your

future withregular

deposits at


• Ymlr satinq. ins/lr~dwith Fedual 'DeposilInsurance CfJr p.

18th Yt!A'r on SlImt! Corne,

Rally Planned


WXYl • TV annOUrlcel TELEVISIONStarting Saturday

''Vlctroll''-'I'. M. ll.g, U. s. Pat, ort,

,S~ this superbly &tyled console with Eye Witness TelevisionPLUS a world.famous Victrola radio.phonograph! 52 square inchpicture. are LOCKED IN TUNE! Tunes instantly to any stationin range, AM.FM radio; automatic record changer, "SilentSapphire" pickup; "Golden Throat Tone." 3 finishes.

Bring Every Game Played at Cleveland into YOlLr Bomeq,uith This Remarkable Set

I5201 Mac~ Ave., at lakepointe

A course in public speaking isbeing offered adultS by the Boardof Education.' Classes will startat 1:15 p,m. on Wednesday, Oct.13, in the Board of Educationbuilding at 389 St. Clair.

M. Hay thorn Bambas, holderof a degree of bachelor of arts indrama from the Carnegie Insti-tute of Technology, will be theteacher.

Those interested in the courseare asked to telephone NIagara2000, extension 25.

19834 Mlck Ave.. in the Woods

NT. 3100

Wire Recordings Vote PleasingSpeed Teaching To Youngblood Fun and frolic will be the

. ., . . .,. theme of the big Rally to be heldWile recordl~gs WIll be em- O,r1and H. Ellis, AdmlDlstrallve by the Allied Youth Friday night,

ployed as an adjunct to the ~each. ASSistant for Rep. Harold F, October 8. This annual send-offiug of conversational Spamsh in. Youngblood, made public a post-I'll t t 't.h. t. Ik b th

IWI S ar WI a aye pop-

the adult evening classes about !!Iection stalement of the Con. ular Rev Paul Sloan of the Fern.to open at the Grosse Pointe High gressman. He quoted Young- dIP . b t' Ch h Th. a e res y eflan ure. eSchool building under the aus., blood to thIS effect:, , excitement will reach somethin"pices of the department of adult ~'Naturally I was ple~sed with of a peak in the Amateur Talenteducation the results of the elechon.

:. "During my term as Congress- Show.The wIre recorder repr~du.ces m~n from the 14th District of Allied Youlh is non-political, The Kalamazoo College Sing-

sound .by m~ans of magn~lI~ JIll- Michigan, I have done my level non. 'sectarian, and welcomes ers, a vested chorus of 55 mixedp,ulses on stamless ste~1 w~r~;Th~ best to represent the District in everyone over 14 who is not too voices, made their first appear-Ilght.guage wIre .IS P y~d the way I felt they wanted to I old to laugh and enjoy life. If auces last week by taking part inthrough the recordmg machme b t d I t d f h' .. ,

I - It" e represcn e. vo e or mea- I t IS means you, lom lhe gang on two chapel serl'ices in Stetsonon spoo s', one .p~o, co~ 3mwg sures which would bring about I Oct. 8, at 8 p. Ill. at 51. Jolin'ss~~eral mIles of Wire, be.mg suf- economy in government and Community House. 33 East Mont- l Chapel. .f!Cwnt to ,"?ake a recordmg se~. against the spend, tax and spend I calm. just acro.s Woodward from !llembershlp of the Collegeeral hours m l~ngt.h, and for thIS policies of the past 16 years. The the Fox Theater. Singers includes Jean Collinson,reason the .devlce IS of far great vole cast Sept. 14 indicates to The' East Side Allied Youth 841 Grand Marais; Barbara Good-er value In school rooms t~an me that the people of the 14th post will meet on the 15th of rich, 496 Lincoln road: Lorainephonographs or other deVIces District and the people of the October at the Grosse Pointe Hewitt, 1222 Berkshire road;hitherto available. ,entire nation are interested in Memorial Church. At this meet- William Mondry, 281 Ridgemont,

One small error can spOIl a real economy in go\'ernm~nt and ing they will get the Jail pro- and Kenneth Venderbush. 820w~lOle phonograph record, but want to discontinue the lavish gram planned and under way. Pemberton road, all of GlossewIth. the new Wire recorders ~l. practices of the New Deal. The After the meeling, Tim Ford of Pointe.terations can be made, or mls- vote cast bids well for Governor --'--------------------------lakes corrected, in a few seconds. Dewey's election to the Presi- ,.---,------------------------,To make a change or correct a dency in November and the re-mistake all one has to do is re- turn to normalcy in government.run 'the wire through the record- "I want to take this opportun.er and. presto, the old words ity to thank all the people whohave disappeared and the new assisted me in my campaign,ones are recorded in their place. Without their assistance and their

'Amazing to the uninitiated is votes my nomination would notthe fact that a magnetic record- have been possible. I also wanting of sound on wire lastS, for- to thank the members of my con.ever, unless it is purposely gressional staff for the way til<!y'erased."A wire recording can be assisted me in my work in theplayed time alter time, in fact it 80th Congr,ess.can be played until the wire is "If re-elected in November inworn out by friction and still be the final election, I intend toas loud and distinct as when new. continue to give my full vigorThe alteralion in the molecular to the preservation of my peo.structure of the metal which pie's interest and for the ad-takes place during recording is vancement of economical andperpetual. sound government."

A wire recording fell from a ------boat into San Francisco Bay. Public Speaking CourseWhen recovered some months Being Offered to Adultslater and the accumulated layersof mud and slime were cleanedoff the wire, it was found to havesuffered no ill effects whalever,and" when 'played' was perfect.

The adutt Spanish classes ofClarence V. McGuire, which haveattracted widespread attentionbecause of the unusual teachingtechniques which they have em-ployed, will use wire recordingsprimarily as a means of simplify-ing and speeding instruction. Ex-periments conducled in a highschool classroom last June by Mr.McGuire indicated that, by usingrecordings as an adjunct to teach.ing Spanish a recitation normallyrequiring 110 minutes of elapsedtime could be completed in 34minutes, without omitting anydetail of the program of instruc-tion.

A great deal of time is unneces-sarily lost in the avera!;e class-room due to lack of a plannedprogram of recitation, Mr. Mc-Guire states, and it is his opinionthat a Jot of this lost time can besaved by recording the lessons.Use of the records will rest theteacher, and ft will make thingseasier and pleasanter for the stu.dents also, he believes. Whereultra. modern techniques are em-ployed, as in the adult Spanishclasses at Grosse Pointe, record-ing facilities ought to be of espe-cial value, Mr. McGuire says.

Mrs. Edwin James will assistMr. McGuire in the adult classes,which op~ for the season onWednesday, October 6.

Pick. up and Del/v.ry Servlc.'"

• • •

• • •

• • •

. . .


'Wednesday, Oct. 6Birthday of Jenny Lind, the

"Swedish Nightingale" in 1820, •• of George Weslinghowe,the Inventor of the alrbrake,In 184.6••• manifesto issued bythe Mormon Church In 1890condemning plural marriages.

• • •

due tors and the Brptherhood ofRailway Trainmen to wage in-creases of IOc per hour ••• al-fecas 173,000 emplDyees.

RUMORED IN PARIS the Redsplan to lifl the blockade to Ber-lin ... such a m,JVe would keepthe issue Ollt of the United Na-tions and aulomatically call forfurther conferences between theforeign ministers of the fourpow!'rs.

45 YOUNG MEN REPORT forDetroit's first peacetime dl':..ft ex.aminations .•• all 25.year.olds.

• • •

GREER GARSON, film star.gets a divorce from Actor Rich.ard Ney, her "son" in Mrs. Mini.vcr,

Two Groue Po;"leBrllnchesfrw C4Jh iIfId C""y,,.

THE CROSSLEY POLL figuresthat the Wallace vote will be ubig help to Dewey ... at leasta third of his vote expected tocome from the home stales ofthe Republican candidates. NewYork and California.

Adul+s Offered CourseIn Hooked Rug Making

Pedestrian Hurt;Driver Ticketed

Struck by an automobile lastWednesday night while crossingKercheval at McMillan, MatthewCarey, 53, of 365 University. wastaken to Bon Secours Hospitalwith a badly bruised left leg.

Philip Geist, 43, of 58 Moross,whom Farms police say was driv-ing the car which struck Carey,was given a ticket charging fail-u~e to hal'e his auto under con-trol.

Allhough not considered seri-ousb' hurt, Carey remained inthe hospital overnight for obser-vation.


• • •

• • •

'7140 K.rchevaIin the Village

TV, 2.7010

Pupln, «reat Serbian. bornAmerican engineer and In 1S61oC Frederick Remlngllln, Amer-ican painter and lIIuslrator ofthe West ••. in 1914 the Amer-icans are pouring through theWest wall; In 1945 the U.S.moves to seize struck 011 ~om-panle!l.CLEVELAND WINS THE


CONTESTANTS OF the Cohnwill charge that the signature tothe will was forged.


Ray Dale Markva of Saginawwas found today in a pile ofbrush, alive and unharmed saveexposure, by State, Trooper Mel. A 17.YEAR.OLD' CHINESEvin Kaufman of the Flint Post. boy, if still living in distant

• • • Kwangtung province, has $144,-THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT 000,000,000 to his credit (Chin.

suspends four technicians from ese) in a Delroit, bank • . • inthe Post Office Department on American financial parlance it ischarges of Communist association, good for $12.000 in Uncle Sam's

• • • money ... represented by stockPOLICE trap 37 men in a cow- in Detroit Edison, American Rol-

pasture casino near Chelsea and ling Mills and Michigan Steelseize slot machines, roulette Tube Products ... the stock waswheel, cards and tables. The, willed to his boy by Charles

Hongsing, of 449 Brainard, whofarmer-owner can't explain as he died Sept. 20, H147.is in jail with the olhers.

• • •

• •

. .

• • •

• • •



A FEDERAL GRAND JURY in TRUMAN AND DEWEY 'haveBay City, investigating Repllbli. both ended their far flung west-can Pari)' fund raising aC1l1'ltl(,S,Iern speaking campaigns • . .indicl~ four Flint auto agenci~s Truman conferring today dVithas corporahons and five of their Harold Ickes who quit the In-officers for violation of the Cor. terior post in a shower of politicalrupt Practices Act. fireworks two years ago ..• the

• • • President will st~rt a'new speech-AN ARRANGEMENT for Ger- making trip in the east on Wed-

man scrap iron has been con. nesday and Dewey returns 10I cilld"d between the United States the hustings in a week with aand F'.'itain ... 500,000 tons to major' speech in St. Paul oneach. with smaller allocations to October 15.other countries in greatest" need(If scrap-,Italy, Belgium andSweden ... to be sold at auniform price to all under thesupervision of American andBritish military commanders inGermany.

U. S. OFFICIALS CHARGEthat Russia is seeking to disrupt

i the flow of uranium ore from theI Belgian Congo t,., the United; States.iI THIEF STEALS CHICKENS

Ifrom the poultry house of theUnh'ersily of Saskatchewan,which had beer, used for radio.active experiments ai1d the uni.versity issues a warning "not toeat" chickens in that locality ...might bite on an atomic drum-stick.

THE FIRST FROST of the sea-son is promised for tonight in this

, ar~a.

I • . •A UNITED STATES aircraft

carrier will visit Greece thismonth.





~1- ijr 1 ••. In 1943 drl"e to Rome Is

J I on IS Naples falls .•• In 19~6


eleven l1igl1 Nazis are !l'n-


fenced to be hanged In Hi days,1'0 . • • IRED HOT RACE on for the

C id' American L"ague pennant . . .UPS Cleveland can lose only if it

drops both of its remaininggames.

Reotemhl'rCupid's Famolls Ham.burgers are made fromStrictly Fresh RoundSteak ••• Thai's whythey're so Good!


pleasant atmosphere ..•oe'eddb1e food - md~e

our mMls remembetea!



Low OPA Prlc .. StljlPrenlJ~-~


Ab Four shortears to fun! Take"p it to puries ••. make =Of'dscl the aowd siegillg. Or =ordfrom PencroD's own radio andpbooogttpb. Reoml basiness in.~ dnb programs. sound fIXhome mo..,;es. P\%ys bad:: instunly,eases completely fex ~-nse. Won-4<:dul exclnsh>e f~. includings,ncllronized timillg meter De'Oe:f

beIi:ft nolihble It

dUs mocleme prier!Doo't pUs., this $19958-- iamone,-.. ba1>t>ioeu!

..L_. "



HARPER. at lAKf'OINTEI -'R1Il-G''''' 313\




NINE LEFT WING leaders ofthe once Communist-dominatedlocal 248 of the UAW-CIO whichconducted the prolonged and vio-lent strike against the AllisChalmers Co, in Milwaukee, areexpelkci from union membership

• • ~ charged with the misuse ofSunda)', Oct. :l $83,000 of union funds.

The first Presidential Thanks- • • •gIving Proclamation was issued BERLIN CHILDREN in theby President Washington on western sector thank Americanthis day in 1789 ••. birthday of air line pilots for presents ofWilliam Crawford Gorgas In candy dropped to them in p2ra.1854, one of the world's great- chutes.est sanitarians; eradicated yel- • • •low fever from the Panama Tuesday, Oct. 5Canal zone. Birthday of Chester A. Ar.THE REDS PREDICT FAIL- thur, in 1830, twenly.first Pre.

URE in the talks on Berlin crisis .'Iident of the United States ..•in the United Nations, .. blame British dirigible R-101, largl'otwestern insistence on setting up in the world, crashed in Francea separate government in Ger. and explodes in 1930, killingman)' as impasse on common 47 persons.agreement on Germany. • • •

• • • SENATOR VANDENBERG inRELATIVES OF THE LATE a speech last night from Wash. As a part of its Adult Educa-

LOUIS R. COHN. deceased ington warns against any further tion program, the Grosse Pointewealthy Detroit merchanl, intend appeasement uf Russia; such Board of Education is sponscringto try to break his will in which would inevitably lead to further a class in hooked rug making.he left most of his $500,000 estate and impossible demands ... tells This class will meet Mondayto his young widow. the world that America is per-" and Thursday mornings at 9:30

• • • manently united in its foreign a.in., starting October 11, at thePOLICE COMMISSIONER Har- policy and tells all potential ene- Grosso Pointe Board of Educa-

ry S. Toy, of Detroit, has dropped mies to take note ... asks for tion. 391 St. Clair.his request for additional police. the same cooperation in foreign Mrs. Marjorie Hanford, well~fuen to service the 1,400 parking matters 'when the Republicans known authority on hooked rugs,meters which the city is installing get in "Power that they have will instruct this class,in central DHroit as an 1!xperi- given President Truman. Please call TU. 5-2000, ext en-ment ... also withdraws his op. • • • sion '25 for reservations.position to an investigation of the A HURRICANE with winds 'pexpenditures in his department. \ to 100 miles per hour is centered GIVEN TELEVISION SET

\..• Says now he demands an in- south of Cuba and feared headedvestigation. Ifor the Florida mainland. At a get together dinner dance

I • • • • • • held' on Sunday, Oct. 3 at Fraser,i A NOR WE G I A N FLYING A BUDGET OF $41,134,000 has Mich., the 1920-25 Eastern High LIGHT RELOCATEDBOAT CAPSJZES near Trond- bE!en proposed by the Board of School Alumni group headed by The County Road Commissionheim. Norway. and sinks with the Auditors to the" Wayne County Mr. and Mrs. Russell Volz, and has changed "the arrangement ofloss of 22 of the 48 persons Board of Supervisors .•. to pro- attended by 144 alumni, teachers, the Red and Green traffic lightaboard. vide for it a $26,227,OO[)tax levy friends and former members of at Jefferson and Beaconsfield so

I • • • I is proposed or $3,000,000 more th~ 1917 to 1925 athletic teams, that the lights can be plainlyI CLEVELAND WfNS its Satur. than last year. presented Percy Drew, a coach seen from either an east or westi day game with Detroit. 8-0, and • • • and teacher. at Eastern for the approach on Jefferson. The lights! Boston eliminates the Yankees. . • THE RAILROADS have agreed past 30. years, with a television are suspended on an overhangingiworst Indians can do is to tie for with the Order of Railway Con- set. arm.

i first place. • • ~ t.~"~,~,,~"~~~'''~s..'''~!I.~~~s..~,~~~~~'U.'-''~''''~~1


increased 930.000 (17.9 percent) ~ ~since 1940. according to Census ~ F Q I- C 2

I ~tf~~~~tur~Sth~N~~~o;~.i~~:l\:I~ or ua Ity leaning __• ~~fomia, with an increase of 45.2 r ~percent first, steps up from 6,907,- j! ~000 to 10,031.000, is third in Plolpu- ~ of Fall anfl W;nter 'Garments rJIation rank in the nation. fo ow- ' ." ~ing New York and Pennsylvania.

~ ...... 11II ~l'JIetIf • • • ~

or phon. Monday. Oct. 4 l ITHE TRUE RECORDER CO. Birthday in 1814 of Jean ~

.uS1 WOODWARD AYE. Francob Millet, Il'eat French ~~ Experimentation on newer and' SeHer .Phone WOo 2-59U painler; in 1822 of Rutherford .meal .. Inquiries 1MlIed) B. Hayes, Nineteenth Presi. : I .

_____________ d_t'_,n_t_o_f_U_._S_.;_i_n_l_8_5_8_o_f_l\_li_c_hl_e_J~. cleoning processes have been going.on I

r~F' u- N -EAR--A....~ll NSEERRV

I' C"""'Eq'~r1, ~~~~~:~::':::~t~~:~~i:~:~:~'1. FOR ! ,- .., ~:I~k~i~~o~::~and beautifullypressed.

..8asl Sile /fesi/enls 'I RUG~~:::INGI IN YOUR HOME1"Artisj '-------',I Cleaners & Dyers:1i,i

Page 3: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK

Pormu/y w",bthe

/I1)//,md erCO//lfn'l)'

TUxedo 1.5000






,,;.:-/\ \\\

in Your Dum Home

.~ r'


• • •


TRACY MOTOR SALES, Ine,~iIlC()t, anrl 111el'c((/'y Autolllobiles

Kercheval al Hall Place, Grosse Pointe Farms

The HOME OF HIGH QUALITY. LOW COST SERVICE....... on all makes of cars

Farms BuildingBoom Continues

Page Three1\ -,;Fa~'\\i;di~~ltil~~err C;~os'~~ain;:(;:~lt~ "CARPET CLEANINGboom pdce during the month ofAugust, according to the rrport'~f Buitrring Inspector' TheodoreBe"upre. His d"partlllent issued34 pl'l'll1its durin/{ the month rep-resl'nling a total valuation of$503,000.

Augu;;t's permits bring thetotal v .. luation of construction inthe village since March I, the be-ginning oE the fi~cal year, to

, SU108,OOO.There w('re 25 permits for resi- .~

dential buildings iss~:~d during MallY Sali ..ficll .I\.the I month, These rep':cs,-nt a. CUSlowers a..'.',/'M

Iota valuat ion of S466,000. Seven, IIJ

of the homes are being built in Grosse [JoilileBournemouth road; three arf" in'ChalfontI', two in Edgemere, fall,' i

in Morass, three in "It. Vernon, '~(JGthree in Radnor ,ircie, and one 0 "rp" t "~~~~:t;'\~~al~i~:~f~;oll~,~~~l Court UJ "arpe "leaners

A permit for on" bllsiness SUITE 600

Ibuilding valucd <It S25,OOO, to be ,.~.' CH. 3322 0

t 1 iV Michigan Thea!er Bldg.('ons\ruc '.C a.t !l3 Kercil~\',ll a\'e- (#~ .~nue, was lSSlICd, and tilere w('re • .t!!! ~eight mist'ellaneous permits lor; : . t"'" ======::::::::::_-.:_--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_-_-_- -_-_-_-_-

I,..Iterations and arrditions, repre.; :.!J

,senhng a total value o[ SI2,000, I' '.• '.-


Sleg('I',; .iunior ~hop, (o"rlh floor

It's the newest, warmest, most

convenation.provoking coat

of the season! Black suede wool with a

voluminous flow from sloping shoulders ••• a

plclid woo! lining for double-layer

wclrmth and a long, plaid wool stoie scarf to wrap in your own

ingenious way. Sizes 9 to 15. $19.9.'5

anll S~ole Sc-arr


plan Drive to Furnish Blind With Dogs

i1fir r



Completing preparations for the campaign to raise funds for the Leader DogLeague are, left to right: MRS. ARTHUR H. BUIlL, JR.. :MRS. LEWIS S. ROBINSON,MRS. BRUCE CHALMERS, and standing, MRS ANDREW W. BARR. The meetingtook place before a demonstration by the dogs and their trainers in the Buill home.


Convertible Coat

{ f';

62.50 * * 82.50

has a zip-in or zip-outone piece hOdY and sleeve lining

• On cold days, zip in the all wool bodyand sleeve lining and you're protected.On warmer days, zip the lining out in II

jiffy and you're comforinhle. Fine im-ported tweeds, covert or gabardinefabrics •.• tailored Lo look And stnysmart. The ideal coat for this ehangcll hIeclimate ... and an excellent t'a/llC!

"r 111\ I~IN C.'SMEN'S WEAR • 617 WOODWARD

the all-weather coat! In tweed, coyert, gabardine



for husillt,SS

Sandwiches andLunches

with special evening menus

HAMBURGERSFleshly ground U.s choice beef


thert'"." H II{'W pointe!- ..billY ,IJ (/ IICU' tlo//"r!





Thursday, October 7, r_9_4B G=_~R~0 S__S_E_P _0_1 ~_!__e.---:------------------_.:--_-------~..--:-:-Park Manager Lane ReportsOn Parley of City l\fanagers


'g,'OJ.lC! j-:Joill /e

;])I'/(g Co,

I~xclllsh'c InGrosse I'ointe


Brings Back Opinions of Municipal Experts After Attending35th Annual Meeting of Association I

at MackinacIn view of the fact"'ll;~l tlV~~XGrosse PoinLr's municipal-:

Hies are functioning under what might be called a Manager-.Commission Plan, the Park and the Shores, the report which!Ivlanager Everit t B, Lane of the Park made to Ihe Board of:Commissioners on September 27 was interesting to all Grosse:• , IPointers, - I

]{ it should happen that the land September 12-16. 'reccntly discussed City chartel' His report discloscs lhat 860:IlhJ\'CI11ent ~'c5IJJ15 in aU 0f till:' {"!tip~ n~' inC'orporatPc! IUllnicioali- ;1'"il't(' Illunicipalities being C(Jn- ties now fllnc,tion unde)' the ';lan-verled to City status, the proba- agel' plan.hilities arc that llH~SI 01'. all o( It is significant that in Maine,l11e)11woule! lI1stall city managers. a relativeJ~' small state, where

Mr. Lane w .., (re,h from the New England thrift and business:J4th annu<ll confcrl'nce o( t1,w I n- sense are !,trongest, there arc 88tel'llatlonal CIty Managers As- cities and towns under manage!'liociation helrr at l\'lacklllilC Is. opt.'lation. heading the list for

the whole country. Miehigan is, sCI'ond with 69, Texas third withi 6U, Virginia has 52 and Califor-I nia and Florida 48 each. The as-

Iisoeiation expects the total roll ofeity manager t'ommunitil's will

i rcaeh 1000 within the nt:xt year.I Lane's report stated tha: cities

I and villages al" stil! confronted, with the problem of meeting full! scale municipal 0pl'rations at ex-

I,tremel)' high cost levels, pj'oper-ty lax has reacherl its peak andc:ties are searl'hing for 01 herrcvenues which are stable anddepr'e5sion-proof. A revision ofthe leal estall' tax along just ane!scientific lines will do much toimprove this situation.

The Park itself which Mr. Lane 'mal1<.ges has been going on apa.v-as'YOU.go plan in its per-

;:~a7~~~ ~~~~.'~~.ements evel'Sinc~ Visitor in Pointe Fatally Fopr Pay Fines"State aid," he said, "is not the Strz-Ckel'J Whl-Ie Play;ng Golf 111 Park_C_ourtanswer." Cities and villages (J (J

should stand on their own feet.\- uarlen the base of local taxes ------- Judge Victor H. DeBaeke dis-

d I I, I \' f ' ,posed of four cases in Park Poltce

an. a( opt egl~ a 10" ~r eX~ls.e For the second time this sum-I shir.e road, WIdely-known Delroittaxes and other s that ar e neces- !ner a golfer has been stricken b1l51llC'SS execullve, was stl'lken Court on Sept. 29.

I • Donald S. Pett, of 1320 Roslynsar)'. . . I and died while plaving on a! on the 18th green at the DetrOlt -

The report's t;ommen! on cIvIl ,. - J Country Club, road, [01 speeding 40 m,p.h. ondefense is especially significant ,Grosse POlnte .co~ll'se, I Jefferson on Sept. 7, was fined

FISH' and CHIPS for [his area. Conf" '!lces hnve. The lales! netlm was Herbert, 2 P . t Y tJ S15 «nd $5 costs. He also wasto lake out every Friday been held by lhe Office of Civil F. Lindsay, 65, of Milwaukee,: 0 lit e OIl lS placcd OJl 30 days probation and. h d' . I '7 directcd to aUenrr at le ..st two* De.fe!l!'e Wit .. ~tatc g~ve::no.rs an . who was playing lhe Lochmoor: En ist In l\ avy sessions of the Police Traffic

SEALTEST ICE 9REAM offiCIals of BIg Tat!'oct cl,tles, 1 Club with his sen-in-Iaw and 1 School.Municipal debts al'e sllll on'. ! -- .Frallk 1. Cinder,. of 1784 Ros.

All Flavors _ All Quontities ll'e increase, Mr. Lane's report some fnencl~ Sunday when he Byron (Burl) Horsley, of J\Ic-says, and he recommends that I had what appalently\~'as a heat! ,Kinley road. and Jack Galdoni, of Iyn road, for speeding 40 m,p,h,

Cnrt)' Dut Setl,ice before money is borrowed a com. I "ttack on the "!o. :l. faIrway. i 1354 Lakepointe have enlisted on Charlevoix on Sept. 15, was I

flJ' !nunity shoulrl nnke a comp: 'e He was carncd mto the c!llb-, , ' fined S5 and S~ costs.

engineering ~urv~y lmd should hous', "I1(,t was pronounced ckoad for one yeal.' 111 the 1'. S, Navy. Leo Jerome Baerle, of Detroit,Tile __ rL_~...-r-::. employ a spccial bond attorncy. a, short tllne ~atl'l' by Dr. R. C. They deCIded on the onc-year for failing to stop at a .stop sign I

--;.{)'Wue Municipalilie., should retire their Smclillr. of I4h!l Hawthorne road. voluntar.v enlisL1cnt m compll- at St. Paul on Sept. 10, causing \

Ideb1s f~::;t€r in thri:-: of pi'o~pt;r. ~ The ~~()~~jn-l(l'..vis P. 'V. Foxl ancc , ...ith ihe GuVt:'l"uILH:nt's cti- an accident. \'..~as fil'1cd $10 and

RESTt\U~tl\N1' ity ..nd normallv in time of de- :of 138:, Bishop ramI. t f I 'It 85 costs_ I• pr~ssion.' I On Monday. _ ,Iuly 5, Hichard ~',e~'i~~'~" ~~~c~~~~~~ s;':YH~~~;I:~'~ Vilo Caluso. of 354 Chalmel5,

17008 Mack, near Cadieux Thc conf"rent'e declared for: Fyfe Barnum, :14, of 1012. Yor\(. tl:"'!vI' B R H()l'sle" for speedmg 45 m,p h. on Jdicr- I.' . i -~---------------- mo, ](,1, 1 IS. _ . " '"" son on August 3 was fined 815,promotll1g a good pubhe rc\a- i '1 hey arc stiltlOnccl at GI eat d S" t )tions program. The aITairs of the Cyclist Hits Car L~'~~"Tnl;ning Cellle)', Great. an :l ellS s. • .

local government sho\~ld be taken, I " 'd 81" htl' La~~~~I~~~'was graduaterl in June,! 'Val1ace claims to l~Pl'esentlto the people and ItS proJects; llJUI e 19 Y 1947 flOm Glo~se Pointe High the common man, but hIS eam-

,: . 'I rI i rI \\'t. p;Ilgn has had mOle large cantil-fully explall1ed, "The p€ople are I Schoo an aHene e. .c~ ctn I b t . (!\I 000' ,) tl. thnot naturally technically minded.: A youthful. hicyclc ride,' suf- I Michigan College, at Kalamazoo,: D~J:loo~~al~ '"nrl o~;.u~'~lica~~n u~

,. .' '.' [eree!' onl\' millOI' scrlltehes, ,1C- last veal. , I . P P iPenodlc repo:'\lng to the citizens 1 t'orc1inl( t;, ",'oorls police. when Galcloni a June, 1947. graduate I togethcr, . ... ,._____~ __ ._.and taxpayers is very ncc{~s~ar:-.~."I he collided \vilh an Rutomobile of St. An\brnsc

1was £I. !\1iehigan 1 --_._- --- ---- ---------,---.---------------- .. ----.

"Develop oIT-strecl parking I' rI~ivc'n hy iv1l's. Jan(' K. Corte- State Collegc studcnt last year. i lA'areas. The sheels are made' for \'1IIe. 2!l. of IlllO Jlol1,wo()cl, ------ It,arrie relief and transpol'lat ion, I' The boy, El'ich SChllCidcl:, 14, DIRTY TICKET?. . " of l5:l7 Ho.,lyn roarl, \\'~s l'Idmg Arthur N, Hucil15ki, 26, 0[' :/;, ..

not fOI' parklllg. . • i to the right of ;lI1d slightl,' to the 17317 HamJJ\lrg. Detroit. anrl NOI- .,-<'It was recommended by the: rear of 1\'Irs. Col'tc\'illc on Iiolly- man Brown, :13. of I7:109 Ham- . . . '~

con[el'ence that pub\il wOlks con- ! \\ooel nelll' Mack. according to hUI1:g• \S\'erel

tickoet;cl 3bY Farms r' g ~ .!.. ••stmclion which b not immediate- : hCl' accollnt to p,olicc, po Ice une ay, c.. ,on COIl1- ,I! "\;;."~.,,,,.. '""".f...... - .,1;1'l' and vitallv neerlc' he ost- I Uni/"ill'C of IllS pl'cs('nce, .~he plaint of H. II. Maurie, of 52tH // .) _. ,P! stal'tNl 10 make R nght tUl'TI mto: De\'onshll'e, DetrOIt. fOl laking "\ I.poneel. ",\'Iatcnals, suppllcs and i Maek and the boy's hike hit the. black dirt withollt pellnission ,~' ,/' ? \equipment will be short and ex- I right dOCll' of her car, she told i from },Iallc!c's properly at 420, 1

1'\pensive 101 some lime," J police. She was exonerated. Roland cou_lI_. ~_____ I

--------_ ....,;llillillllllllllll!1 !IiIIIIIiIIIIIIII'11ilIilll:li Iliiil~ lillliiiiliiliii;;liil;lmliil~

'"=='"= FORi\JAL= COLLARS I'::;::;J'fftt!c c.'t/'('t;'Jlly for IH ill :::::'

~ ;'10,.,/1('1'11 /r('/aod nj fine" ~!'" /ill('ll, Tll',lIIliflil/r fillished ;. i

II/It/ c'fJIT('Clly ,(/llcd, SizC$ II" 14 If) J(;!;' ill "111 l/lld /lie. II?; tlimll heigh/!. ~ I

; 0" •• 1:~:,~:~" OF ~ IiVanBovrn II~ O~JO'O C.lOfH!~ ,. ('(lll~ H"'S " IUUE'''' (:0"01, ~ I~ 41 "'DAMl IAn, DnlCIT ~ I~ .... , 1'05 ~ t~ OM THI C"'''''Ul "'NN "'UOl ~

~lIIlllllll1lllllllil:!Illillllllllllll\IIIIIIII'11I1I111111111!llllIlIIlIllllllllilllllll~., I

Page 4: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK

~_P_t!_?~-Fo_u~, , G_R_~_~~~ p _O_I_N__!~_N_E_W_S T~hu~s~~J._'0_' _et_o~~_r_1_,_19_4_8_



lOOo/f) 1'irgin wool

In Fa"'smO.!lt import lint


the ni(!~st thing

about a sweater:

,'on can say



Specially Created for the Teen-Hi Crowd

A classic worth cLJltivating for its high eye-appeal. its soft, firm

fini~h that Pandora spins Clnd knits to size. Long sleeve sweater

in navy, dark green, jockey red or grey: sizes 10 to 16.

Sheer Artistr~' In

Sheer artistry in thefashioning of This figure-

whittling twosome!Sheer flattery in the

wondrous back-detail.Inverted "fan" pleats in

the skirt .. , in the slitted'n belted jacket-all

combine for "BackInterest" second to none .

The jacket buttonssmoothly over a white

pique dickey! In ClanPlaids~Erskine, Hunting

Hamilton, Campbell,or Black Watch.

Sizes 9,15


Teen.HI Slutp

Teen.Hi Shop



Ccrre~,_-No flam~t, no fumes, noworries.

Convenient-Put it where you ....antit. Only an electric waler healer need,no flue or chimney,

, ,,-Completely AlItomotic-For modern •push.bullon comfort,

Alway. Oependab/e-All Ihe hot""aler rou wanl •.. el'try lime,

111AIIK"J/, /(,78 f.dis~1l ~m/~",erJ JldlthtdII) modrm IMler heali/lt; •• , e1erlri~"lly/

•Cleon-Sootles5. smokele~s, to S8\"eyou e"lra ",nrk.••••

No noise-no nuisance with an electricwater heater. Ollly an electric water heatergives you all these features •••

A size to lit every need-terms to fit everybudget. Installed in your home withoutcharge. See them today III your applianceor plumbing dealer, or at your neighhor'hood Edison office.


an fJf~T~ Water-~IIIIIIfIII



••• as

Thi, Ad and 5,00 Entitlesyou to il regular 1!.5(),

Boys Get Liberal Education Youngblood ,Ge!s lVilliallls-Love Acting Group iCulnporee Held !;::se~t~outs, were among those ~}:r~~~~,~~d\~il~heoto~~~ ~~oo~

O ill t T. t C zOf • Beaten Foes AId Debate Tonight M tOt 14 By Sea Scouts I Arnold Deising, a mem,ber of Troop 290 of Grosse Pointe,

11 0 or ' fZP 0 a l ornza In an \Inpa;;;i1~I~d d(monstra- The gen(>ral m(~eting of the' ee s C. ' B,- Joe Fromm I~:~n~i~~s\::sP~~~i~~e \~:ohd:JP~~~a~~ aS~~tl~n{O~~'diP~d~j!sP~~Ses:~tdh~?Je=G I'()~,e Point" Rnlnl:h of lhc " lI1ee mg an eClded to form a

Tllt' Grn,,'~ Pointc hews who r~ingle dav ilnd yct ~cc so much. tion of the unity fOI good govern- M PI Pd' of T'\'enty-one Sea Scouts arrange for the program and was . ", , I ' I b I f' I) d I American ASSfl(iation of I)niv('l'- asquers an ro uctlon' - from given a vote of thanks b" the, Sea S('out officers club,\\'('1'(' ,xi\'i1c'gl'd to be in thl' pally t \\'a, a I cIa II;; - lal1 ('(,\1- II1Fnt demanded h.I' Gov, 'fhoma~ ~ilV WOI11(,1l will I", Iwld at llle Three-Act Play : the Detroit and suburuan area t - , I -------which Chet Sampson took to the c;il ion for the ,l'OUOgstCIS in tIe E, DewC'I', the defC'ated 14th dis- Gl:o,se Point(' :Vlt'/llorial Church, seou s, I TIe wodd ,has many empty

Ph.l'~ieal marv('l" of thdr e(l\lll. ' " I'attended the camporee sponsored The Sea Scouls camped on the I honors to bestow upon those \\'Ith

\\-o,t C'l' -I II I tt I f tl " l' I f' C on Oclol>('1 7, Thur:'Clav, <11;, pm r 1 I' d" ,," Ie a er par 0 le 11',1' from which lIH'I' have brought lllet pnmalY eal]( 1< all'S or on- !\[I'/llhers IWO im,iled gUf'"ts r_very JOC Y Inlereste in acting! by the Grosse Pointe ship 690 at Woods glounds overnight. 'l'ents' empty minds.summel had a wonderful time, bark Jnl'nlorips the)' will IWI'er i!re~s on tile RepubJic<:11 jit'ket will I](>ar G, M,'nnen W;I/jam; or play production is corclially.the Grosse Pointe Woods rr.uni- ----------------.---------------------

How the~' CQ\\ld have crowr1r-d fOI,gl'\. joined rvlonday ni~hl :.t a <linn'."!' and lIarold 0 Lrl\'(' debate 0/1 in\'Hl'd to the Grosse Pointe Mas-! ripal pier OV(>I'Sept. 17 and IB,in ~o much sighl "eeing nf hoth L IJlI'Y ;'\\'i'lll

tlin t~~e (;I;"ilt Sill~ n1t'Ptillg tll pl('cige l'Upport ')[ tl1" H"PlIbliciLll and Dcmocratic quels' opening meeting of the; Ships from Wyandotte and 81.

nalurp's wondt'rs ' nd the ill i a 'C w lere ley CO\l r n t Sin CongIl'"lllan Ilaroln F. Young' i:;Slll'S, Walla('(' Temp!e will t ~ 4- Th dO." , ," - 11; if ,I'oll tlied," as one of thPlll rut bl"n(l, yeal' a I: J p.m" nrs ay, ct., Catheiine along \vith Grosset t II II d f . . .-';('IT(:: as cll,jjnnlHL 14 tl G P . t II' h'l'lgulng views a 0 )'wnn all'-, il; they clImhed dO\\'/1 intn the TI ., I S . __ ,__ ,In Je rosse am e .lg P' t h' h

1.1' staggers the imagination of' Grand Canl'on of tilt' C"IO!',Ir!O. le meetmg, In tIe • a\'('rml' Scbool au,Etorium, om e s Ip were on and,their dde!." In whom l!w," have: tnll'erscr! til(' Mojme Desert. Ow Holel lI'il, attendpd b~' Youni:- l~an Ne,r Homes Thc players will be directed Wyandotte's ship was present~!llrf' hN'n 1",,'il ing j hl'lt lravels eelI'd"" [If the' Go,];, 'I'os('lllite, blonel, the inc\lmbC'nl: Claude G. by 1'vI. Ila~,thorn Bambas, They I with six crew members, St. Cath-and adventuI'(',', l\'one hilt the' Lllk" TI,]1Ol', ScquoJa i\aIJ(lnui :llcD'JI];)lrl, nD:::ir.Pl' in )'1 I:! ilnd As I)la,';grolil1ds ,1l'P gning to undertake the mo- 1erine five, and Grosse Pointe live.young cOllld h<l\t' l'lldllll'd S"IllP 'l'mk ~nd inllulllerabk other 1944: AI'thur G. Shermau, whn.' dllclion of a three-act play, - Two scouts from Royal Oak andof the trelllr-ncious hop" th('ir, w(lnders that h~\'f' ~"pppd from twit'e has sought the scat: Arllll\l' The big boom in residentiill Incorporated With the task of three from Denby High Schoolcaravan of live eal.' ma(i<- in a the IllPlllory of their elders. J, Nilclar, Lawrence A, ],01'(> "lId hllilding in Grosse Pointe has reading and casting for the se- arell attended alt'lough they did

TIH' f, I' h('di( d"I' thl'\' S, A, Wood. bCl'n accompanied b~' another leeted play, will be an eight- not come with boats. Birmingh?m. II I ,., '. S "The meeting also was at!('nr!l'd weeks cour~~ in the developnll'nt ship B-4 did not arrive because

passed In HollY\\'Ol.,d, hl)\\'('I'I' I', I,,, Orl,'lnd 1.1. c',III'S', ,')(illl I'/11','1 I','). form of j\lvenile Hlitlidolls mis- f' d II 1I I tl I" r ,', f 0 I1ldivi lIa voice and direction, of an impending strom,','"ppe: ~c c (~nax .01 ),l', m,o( en~ tive <lSsisliJnt to COllgre,<sman eilie. t' d th f.1Ilnd"d ~ nllth., lIel ell, sdlllpic Youngblood anri Cia .tOl A Iiouses undf'1' construction pial' Ice an e use 0 stage The scouts from the Grosseof a single iliJ)' a/olle gl\'i'S il PIC' '.. .~ . 1, . ' Seem to he a favorite resort for makeup and opportunity for each Pointe ship were: Norm Brotherst u re of the olher thre(', Dn~," hen, who I~ a"slst1l1g Elbs, curious voungsters, Sometimes mcmbel'sto a:L

l'[' ' , Jerry Diesing, Bob C.arter, Norrr:

At 10:45 the,l' WHrc tLe ,!'](':;' s ,.nlloll'lng lhe J11t'elmg, the I'. , ' pecla rauung \' All d \c, d I I lIwv on y plil\' around III them is' It-' , . on men, an ¥ayne VonAl!-

nf Kl'('nall W)'nn al his hon'<,; cntlfr group illten e( tIe l'l'g\llar but'vcI'\' often' they have caused' pi aPsecla f rat.'nl1lg

tIIn, vanouds men, Skippel' Werner VonAllmen

al I:! the,\' bild a nH'eling wilh mcellllg (~f lhe .l4th Congl:essit~nal .' I I es a ac lng ec lnlque an d A 't ' -Burt Lancaster who was ,ccnll, Dlsln,,' COllll1l1ttec at wlllrh tUlle cons](1crab e damag.e, ,the cievelopment of initiative in an SSIS ant skIpper Bryon Ip,lI1ied by Ill(' gil'l who writes the they \\'I'rc 11,3lllcd by District ~ report came In at the city charadeI' portrayal will be im- Runde commanded the Pomtetel'n nge. syndicil~ed column fOl' Chainnan Wilbur M, Brucker as pOl1r,e statIOn on ,Sept. 29 of boys portant features of the course, Sl'OUtS,the Hearst pap('IS, At . 10 they honnrary committee }nembers 10 plaYI~g around In a new house Group discussions will give the Also, on hand were members ofmel Ronald Reagall, whom most act in an advisor)' capacity, on VIllage Lane, No damage was amateurs ideas on the mos'! effee- the Kiwanis Club, which spon-of them agreed was lheir favor- re~orled~ and, the boy,s were ti~ methods of rnemorir-ing, SOl'S the Pointe troop, George

cr;~CIf: Ill', At 2 p,m they \\'ere Alan Fe l'i t P dr8'el~ a\~ay tlgl"~ \~!rmngrl Id hey also will gain knowledge GaJdAner, I preSident of Kiwanis ;... ...:~~W Ladd's g u est s at P,llan1'Junt tItre 0 (I,y ,ec -, 0 I eacon~ Ie , of how to overcome stage-fright, an :'no d Leibold, chairman of

~ StudIOS where they saw 111m and T bi C agent for the owners of a new and receive suggestions for the ----- ..--------------"---------~'9 June Havoc at wOl'k on a new re es ost house being erected at 1034 Whit- bridging of unexpected gaps dur-

H E L EN' S ~ pIcture They saw six takes whtle tier, was showing some prospec- jng production,. 'they were there, Following t s Failure to make good on a $15 tive buyers thlough it at 5 p, m, Wide Experience

• 'tl d t f tl • f on Oct. 2 when a pop bottle ,I. Miss Bambas is a graduate ofIf ICy ma e a our 0 1e res. 0 check which came back markedPERMANENT WAVE 1:1 the studio including the per- crashed thlough a plate glass i Wilson College and also holds a,

SHOP J manent street sets, The\' then "jnsllfTicient fund~," cost William window, IBachelor of Arls degree in drama, visited Joan Leslh~ at Eag'le.Lion G, Crego, 25. of 4549 Coplin, De- Chased in Car from Carnegie Institute of Tech-

2/023 Mad Ave, i",;.J sludios, They agreed thaI she was troit. $25 and five doll~l's costs Running to the real' of the: nology.TU, 15302 ~"'& as chalming and intelligent a' in addition to the $15, Saturday, house he Silll' four boys scamper-I She has had foul' years sum-

she was pretty, She ('scorted . ing away, He chased them in his i mer theater experience at 1l'Iar-them all around that studio, I' Crego was bt'ought b~f.ore Jus- rar and located them in a nearby 1tha's Vineyard, Mass, She also

Time and their crowded pro- tlce of the Peace GeOlge Beau- vard. . 'I has acted in radio, and in numer-. gram ple\'ented their keeping an ! champ on the complalllt of a ' The bo~'s admitted they had, ous community thealer produc-. appointmcnt with Ginger Rogcrs; restamant at 1906~ il'lack that been batting ohjects wilh a plas-! tions in Pittsburgh,

at lI!GM, he had passed such a check Sept. tic sword and a bottll' han gone: For furlher information. callLatel' thel took in Lucille' 3. . ,through the window, The parents i the Grosse Pointe Board of Edu,

Ball's Rodeo'sholl' and at 7 o'clock He pleaded gUilty to ;~ (hsord- agreed to make restitution, ; cation. NIagara 2000, ExtenSIOnthev sat down to dinner after one erry person eharge;-whlch cov- A neighbor in the 1300 block i 25,of 'the most hectic davs either: ers a multitude of SIns-and was of Bishop phoned the police the iSampson or the bovs had ever <1ssessed the above n.ne and cosls .F t Rsp. t . alld ordered to pay tne $15, mak- s'!r:ne afternoon. that boys were 1 as eeovery

cn , ing a total of $45, domg damage In a new house iOn another day they wele arross the street. The poli~e I0 f S tolen Car

Rorv Cathoun's luncheon guesls, P L' cilught one of the four boys In 1at the beach, Here th~y also '. \ 1 0 lee Produce the group and releascd him with I ,- -- ,the vice-preSident of SelzllIck, i C1. a warning, No damage had been A 19, I model automobtle re-

I Henry Willson, 111ey were ac- i i:)oberulg Ef fecl d. .. ,ported stolen last Thursday from; compallled by a photographer I • 0~f~1ilar reporls came from ~ev- the garage at 960 North Ox!ord: frol11 a movie magar-ine who too], 1 ' , I' was recovered early Fllda'I pictures 01 them which are to: A somplamt, came mlo ,the era ,other pomts but Ihere was morning by Cily polic~, .! be used in a couple of months, I' Park pohee stallOn on the mght n~ Inst<1~lCe of the, deltberate The ~uto, which according to

On ilnothe)' day they saw Lon of Sept. 20 from the Del ]lIar wmoow ore?kmg

whIch caused Woods police belongs to VirginiaJ'I'IcAllister and Billy DeWolf, Bob ICafe that a couple of drunks were suchu extensive dam<1ge several Seigft'cid who they said lives atCrosby's "Club 15" WIth Mar- ' Inon lS ag;l, the North Oxford address_ was

IIII a hot algument and end~nger- Se\ erc Trcatment reported taken from the garage

~~:t~Il~~hiting, and Abb"tt and ing tl~e peace and orcler of lhe T~e llllllel,r of a ~elv house, I sometime during the day,establishment, ,~t, /45 Notre D\lme, I eported ,to According to the police report,

• , • '? I When the police arrived the dty pollee Oct. 4 that two wm- the ignition keys were left in theLECTURE ON SOBRIET~. men at on~.lapsed into the best do\\'s had been broken and mud car. The auto was found parkedFoul' young people, lB. to 20( of good hUlll'Jr. Uncler police ad- ...thrnwn all ovel' the basement at 3:05 a,m,. Friday, at Neff road .'

~'ears old-lwo boys and two vice they shook hands ann went! fJnor, " , and SI. P<1ul. by SgL Ed Tromblygirls-got ofT with lectures Sat- their respective ways,' I Farms p,ohce, also received, a and 'Patrolman Mauch of the City.

I' h The police also left with the I report of SJX Windows broken 111 police '

ulcav nlg t, Ocl. 2 <1[ter they 1 ' ., i, h . 352 R'd ' '- , • "'I ohservatlOn tlwt there IS nothing I a nI'l' ouse at I gemont, ------:vere dIscovered by police dnnk- s~ touching in all the wadd as' Sunday" ONINFORi'IED THIEVES?mg bel?r on the Country Club Ithe "love of one rll'llnk for all- i It IS the potential, damage to , A Woods police scout' car no- ,gl'Oullds, othPr." new propertlE's Impl1ed by the ticed the real' door to the base- ,

- presence of boys to which ]oome .ment of the abandoned "Cook!owners and contractors object Farm," ne;,,'t to the Woods Rec- I, The police have issued a warn- reation bowling alleys on Mack,Ing that houses under construc- was knocked off its hinges Mon-

. tion or repairs are not play- day morning, October 4, Nothinggrounds, .and more severe treat-I' else was disturbed, Apparentlyment for such pI' 3ctiee is prom- some uninformed thieves, theyised unless the nuisance ceases, sUlmized,

Page 5: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK


H crl'crt Snndhcim c1c"igl1s

in soft u'OOl

lIosiel',)'. !Car

Quiet ccT::lr to WOM aqc1ir"t a f<'l .• ,~n::l wide' bClC~.ground, Sondheim's bCilu/ifu:!y chise!{ld. Wn;5t-nip,~ed

suit dres, with double btton front. Burgundy withnavy; sizes ,12 to 16.

Page Five------ --------

The' Dno-Tone

Dr('SiIj Salon

Continental Suit-Dress

] .f'.'i

qelieately sheer 51'-gauge, 'IS-deniernylons fully proportioned andfashioned for the ultimate in leg flattery• •. "Dark Diary," one of Autumn'sdramatic oH-black s!lades.











~Illster S1rokc St,'lingon ForshlluIIJl't; ParneJla

Coat Salon

New fall trC(ltmcnt in pumps by TROYL!NG'Sin black, brown, green and grey

Cut to a queen's taste-fits and flares insoft spoken ways for the new acceptedlook of today ..• with its draped biblapel. side closing and mas,terfully fittedbody in black, grey, gre'en, wine orExmoor brown. Sizes 10 'to 18.

Leather tailored double-woven preshrun~fabric gloves that become richer, lovelierwith every washing. Black, brown, greysmoke, cocoa tan, green, chamois, whits






Elong~ted qdd or q'Jnmfl!a! ~truck liandbagwith the now wrist hClndlo lIddcnda inblock, grey and green

CO:'1toured ohlang box.lypo blaCk suede handbagwith gold illuminCltiun

Gunn'letal budle on black or grey suede bo1t




Thursday, Oetol)er '1, '194~ (; R 0 SSE PO r NT ENE W S---------------------------------------------- ---------_.-._-----

FINiSHED iAlso invisible high ,1m MEND- I

ING.Save this ad for future \lIe.

Localites ViewColor Slides

"The Villagers," dance clubnewly-formed by members ofthe young married set, will holdthe first of their five informaldance£ Saturday, Oct. 23, atLochmoor Country Club.

Dr. and Mrs, Richard E. Wun-sch, the William Coddingtons,the W, George Belangers andMr. and Mrs. Eugene Most com-pn~p' tho ,;}m'11illee in charge ofsocial activities.

Members of the club are Mr.and Mrs. Robert Herdegen, Jr.,the Frederick Langs, Mr, andMrs. Joseph Black, Dr. and Mrs.Bryce Stearns, Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Spitzley, Dr. and Mrs.Charle~ Godwin Jenning! II and Ithe James Blacks.

Others are Mr. and Mrs. Fran. Icis MarC'Ero, the Richard Ander-'sons, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Grow,Jr., and Dr. and Mrs. EdwardBrady.

tThe Villagers'Planning Dances

All workGUlr.n.



70 W, Alex., .. lrllle, Detroit 1TE. 2-3220

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Glancy,Jr., will be' host!J at a cocktailparty tomorrow evening in theirhome on Ren~ud road.

The event will celebrate thecouple's first wedding anniver-sary, honor Artist John Coppinand Mrs. Coppin, and show tothe party-goers the portrait ofMrs. Glancy in oils, done by Mr.Coppin; which is to be Mr. G:sanniversary gift to his wife.

Among the 145 to whom invita-tions were extended are Mr. andMrs. Washburne Wright, Mr. andMrs. William Rands, ~lr. ana Mrs.William A. Fisher,'Mr. and Mrs,Peter J. Koenig, Mr. and Mrs.Sllerwood Reekie.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Fisher.Mr. and Mrs. Robert B, Powers,Mr. and Mrs. George N. Monro,III, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Pet.zold. Mr. and Mrs. John N. Mc-Lucas, Mr. and Mrs. Miles M.O'Brien and Mr. and Mrs. WallerS. McLucas.


A dance f~ Pointe teen- I:tgers has been planned for thenight of October 15, from 9 to 12in the Neighborhood Club. Wally I

Eng~e's band will furnish the imusIc. ,

The party is in the nature of'an experiment. So many Pointeyoungsters have com p I a in e dthere are too few events plannedfor their "ntertainment. If thisevent proves successful it is plan- ,ned to hold the affairs everymonth.

Tickets will sell for $1.00 percouple, just enough to defray ex-penses. The youngsters are mak-ing all the arranl(ements them-selves and hope all the teen-agel'swill cooperate to make this firstevent a great succesS.

Glancys, Jr.,Celebrate FirstAnniversary

James K. McClure came' fromA!heville, N. C., to spend thisweek liS the house guest of Mrs.Arthur McGraw, on East Jef.

,ferson avenue.Sunday evening • subs~riplion

dinner was given by localiteswho have been interested in theFarmeu' Federation in Asheville

. tor lame yun.McClure showed color slides of

the famous Farmers' Centers Indde!l~ribed the work beinl done

, to help mountain people of the, Itate.

Board members pru~nt in-eluded James Inglish, of AnnArbor, Alvan McCauley and Dr.Arthur B. McGraw. Mrs. Henry

, Ford, Mrs. Frederick C. Ford andMrs. Frederick S. Ford repre-15ented the women's committee.

From the junior committee, were Mrs. Charles A. DuCharme I

II, Mrs. John B. Huntrets, Mrs. IFord Ballantyne, Jr., Mr!. Fred-,'erick S. Ford, Jr., Mrs. W. War-

: ren Shelden, Helen Sto-epel andChris Caulkins. IDance Plunn.edFor Teen-Agers


. * ," • i " '. $ . ,t . ;'." ;

Page 6: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK

study under the direction' of thepastor this Sunday. All inlerest.I'd persons are inviled to attend.

. ...Monday, October 11

8 p.m.-Jl'inl meeting with theEast Side Group of the Woman'sSociety of Christian Service ofCenlral Methodisl Church at thehome of Mrs. Carl Lanz, 2D2 Chal-fontI'. ,

Thursday, October 1<16:30 p.m.-Annual meeling and

dinner of the Methodist Unionof Gr~ater Delroit at Metropoli_tan Methodist Church. Bishopof lhe Detroit area.

Thursday, October 7, '1948

521 TREES TP.Il\fl\lEDOf 776 trees marked for trim.

ming in the park this past season.521 have been trimmed. As thisw(H'k has progressed owners ofpl'lvate prot>erly have been privi-leged to make their own arrange-ments for tree tl'imming on theirproperties by the general con.tJ:actors doing the work for theVillage Many have taken advan-tage of lhis opportunity and adeal of private trimming has.been done.




It'll be "love at first sight" when YOlisee the w0!lderflll

seledion of Ford batteries and parts that TOM BOYD

offers. Come here for the finest.

School DaysShould BeHappy Days

This Iii. the :!36th or a seric~ of~:dit0rlal .lIverlisemenl' 'PPIC"rlngIn thIs paper each wrek.


Br FRED lU. KOPP, R. Ph.

School days are happy daysfor healthy children. To behappy. children must enjoythe feeling of "belongin~" andchildren who have good heHr-ing. good eyesight. and attendschool regula~Jy have thatfeeling. For )hey are alwaysaware of what is going on.

H your child hasn't had aphysical examination beforeschool began let the doctorcheck him or her now andmake cerlain that eyes. cars,and general health arc up tothe demands of school days.

Then you can send yourchild off to school each morn-!ng with a light heart, know-109 that he or she is gettingthe most oul of school in edu-cation and fun.


ST. JAIIIES LUTHERANPunch and Judy Theater

Be,., George E. Kurz. PlIStorDivine ser\'ices Sunday at 11

a.m. conducted by Pastor Kurz,the Punch and Judy Theater, thetemporary place of \'Jorship.

9:45 a,m,-Sunday School.• •

Octobel' 11, at 8 p.m.-Volers'Meeling in the home of JohnHeinze, 900 Rivard.

• •





In the line of duty, '(don't shoot 'm you see the whites of oureyes), we called on a local woman of impeccable taste. who isalso blessed with a vivid imagiimtion. On a front ,hall tablestood a stark white china bowl ... which was crammed to thegills with .. , of all things •.. parsley. Beautifuli brilliantgreen parsley and it was one of the' most decorative. thingswe've seen in many moons. How about that, girls? 1\Iadam.~tells us that with fresh water added, the parsley lasts longer thanposies and it's certainly less expensive.

II the ins, ims and nons in front of some words have often got-ten your nanny, you will like this little tid-bit. We were conversingwith Francis Lederer (as charming as he is handsome) ... when wegol on the subjecl of the word. "non-inflammable". \VHY "non'.' weasked ourselves. Why isn't just plain inflammable enough? Fromthere we went on looking for and discussing similar words ..• andhow mixed up they can get you. We were. reminded of the timethe woman said to her husband, "Why can't you be more COUTH?"After all, why not? If uncouth means what it does, then couthshould be a very excellent opposite word.

Mr. Lellerer then told us about the Big Man who messes upso,many words, overhearing his subordinate bawling out a groupof men. He called the man into his office for 1I friendly bit ofadvise ..• and- added, "You know you can't talk to those menthat way ••• they are too TELLIGENT."

OClobE;r 12. at 8 p.m,-SundayThat's when the little imp in our Grosse Pointer came sneaking School teachers' meeting in the

to the fore. He glared at her. He "beetled" hi:; brows ... then he home of T. G. Dahlen, 253 Mc-said in a menacing voice. "We don't care what you think. In fact Millan. •••NOW you can't even have a room. We don't wanl your kind in this October 13 .hotel" .. , then pointing dramatically to the door, he actually W . G.;" at It:30P.m.h-h t d "N GET OUT'" Th h t d th hI h omen SUI ...., mee 109 In t e is ou .e, ow. '. 1'.0. as s .e s 00 ere speec ess, e home of Mrs. Harold Rieth, 317 I

):>eatIt, .but fast ... and hId behmd a plliar to see what came ne~t.1 McMillan. Mrs. Irving Bopp is!What happened was plenty. The woman went screaming around the co-hostess. ' ilobby insisting upon speaking to the OWNER! The clerks on duty • • • Icame running to try to calm her down. What did this manager Oclober 13, al B p.m.-Building:look like? She described him. No one recognized the description Committee meeting at 170 Mc-as anyone belonging to the hotel. Our hero waited until it was Millan.dark, then slunk out of the hotel, leaving in his wake a group ofnon-plussed, frightened and weary hotel empJoyes.

~ 3452


Grosse Point~ Ne.wsPage Six

Phone TU. 2-6900Three Trunk LJJ1es


I'ULI,Y PAID CIRCULATIONSunscription Rate: $2.00 Per Year by Mail. All News and

Advertising Copy Must Be in 'l'he News Office byTuesday Afternoon to Obtain Insel'lion That Week.

Eastern Repr{'~enlative. VICTQR S. GRANDIN,551 Firth Avenue. New York 17, N. Y. - Tel. VA. 6-2065.

! STATE.\!t:ST ~F Tilt: OWSt;RSIIII', ~1,\SAGt:ME:>T, CmCUI,ATlON ETC.IIt.Ql:IREUny TilE ACTS OF Ca!WRESS OF AUGUST2t 19i2 'Education Sunday, the ChurchMW MARCil J. 1933 • School Slaft was presented to the

'it\a~rossePointe News. publlsned weekly at DetloH.1>Jichigan.lor October 1. congregation and commissionedSTATE OF MICHIGAN for the forlhcoming program. l'heCOUt\T\ OF'WAYNI:; ss. Church School Slaff includes the

Belore IIlC. a Notary Pubuc in and for the Stale and counly afaresoid f II . P'" I D T Lper~oi~aJlytippea.redxo?en rl. r:dgar. 1""0. havJIlgbee,.' oUIYs\\'om 'lCcor':lIlg 0 oWing: rmcl~a.. on. . es-l__t? J~" .. ~ep()~{'s ."n~ sa)is that ht: !s the. r..d!tor and, General I\Wnacer OL lilt' tel'; assistant pnnclpall A. Dellwrasse ! "'"t~ lI:e"s ano that lhe IOII0wingJs, to Ine best 01 IllS KnaWlCoge1\"') J" I'b " .•1nd oeiLel. ~ Irue stalE:IllCJl.t 01 the owner::inip. JTIa!1:..lgemcnt (ana if a dall\' .1 son, 1., I rallan, Mrs. Wll-weekly, SUl1H",,,.kIY 01' In-weel,ly "ewspapcr, the e"culallon) ele.. 01 ui':. mot Swindlehurst. primary su-<.l[ore~al(:tpul;llC'atwn for the datto snown In tIle above l"apliuH. rcqlllred b'l! Ihe I' .' 1 . • .~Cl 01 A,!'.~US!~l. 1912., as amended by tlw Act oj ~Iarcn 3. 1933, embodied In P~I mt.encent. 1\11s: Leonal d Slo-sectIOn O~l".lo.')tak La\'Ios ilnd .RcgUlauon$' pnnted on the l'e\el"se 01 this .form I \\'In" JUnlOr supenntendent Mrs"Call for Ihe grandest of "Jl earlhl.)' speclades, to wIt: • " ,.

I. Tha, the names and addresseso! the pUblisher.editor. managingeditor A. R. Hunhnglonl1;1htlt is Ihat' It ,'s Jl"e SII/1 "01"1" to hi', resl and l.wslnf!sS managers .are; • N".. 1'.'[' Ed ".d K '. , b" ,. . PUbll!,her.,\bbe Press, IlLc.. 99 Kerch""a! Ave.• Glosse Poinle Farms 30 tll sel Y - n I S. II al a),Call for Ihe gra/ltlesl of aJl htlJJ1(/lj sell/iII/ellIs, l>lJcll!g.1n, . Margaret Barnard. assistant; Mrs.

h l>1'c15~~,..~r. Robert B. Edgar. 99 Kerche,'al Ave.. Grosse Pointe t'.1rms 3D.! Joseph Dingman.11" at is Ihol.' 1/ is thot 11/(/// should forgel his h I I~Ian"gingEdllar. Roberl B. Edgar, 99 Kerch,,'al Ave .• GrossePointe Farms Kindergarlen _ Mrs Paul

, anger before be lies down /0 slclfp." 30. :lllCllI/{i1n, •Eusmes, .\lan"ger. T.heodoreD, Buhl. 260 Ridge!load, GrossePointe Farms Thompson. Peggy Dicken, assisl.(Tholl/as De Qui'Jce) 30. M.clllgan. ant. Mrs Wm Paul McGrego'

2, That 'the o\\'ner js Of o~\'ned hy a (:ol'poration, its name and address 1 ~'.. ", .• j I,'" .. .. musl be slated "I,d also Immed,at<>lythereunder the names and addresses o! i ChllSltne Bal dy, plamst.

stockholders o\,,'nwg or hoJdmg one pCI' ("eut or more oC total am,ount of stocl( I p ," .What happened to a certain School building latel.v, If, nol owned b)'. a corporalion. the uames and address,'s 01 lhe illdh'idu"i llmary-Ist grade, Mrs. Chf-

O~\nelS must be gIven. II owned by a llrm, compauy. or oth.: .. ullint"orporated I ford D. Benson lVlanlyn \\7vckoffshouldn't happen to a dog. A new 7 story building was erect- ~~:I',:;e~:~~"~;~;"l"eand address. '" well as wose or eaeh mdividual member. Belsey Htlel1~. assist-1m;: 2nd

"ed on the grounds and as is usual with administration build- Abbe Press. Ine., 9U Ke.rehevalAve.. Grasse Pointe Fanns 30. ~Iiohlgan, grade. Mr~. Donald Clark' 3rdAn.lsla.sl.1. R. BullJ, ~o RI.dge _.Hoad~ Crosse Pointe f\'ums 30, ~Ijchi~an. I' d 1\']' Ed' "d C . )

ings, all the washrooms were in the same position on each Tht'odor. D. Buhl. 160 RIdge Roau. Grosse Pointe t'arms 30. MiehLgan. gl a e•. IS. \\ at oopel.Rohe,t B. Edga,. 96 VendomeRoad. GrossePointe Filrms 30 l\llehigan Worship M Ed' 0 'dfl . f' h t .d 'Id h th bo 'e 3. ThaI. the known bondholdels. mortgage(.s,1nd atheI' sectll'itv hal,iers - rs, wm Wl'l.oar, so a vIew rGm t e au Sl e wou S ow em one a \ owning or holliingI per cenl or more o! lolal iunounl of bonds. morfgages or Mrs. S M Huestis. .the other. The clever i<rchitect specified that the window, ollle~o~;~.UI'III.Sarc; (I! there ale non('. so Slate,) . Pianists-Mrs. Robert Osbornepanes for these washrooms were to be the tvpe whereby the .1 ~k'hTldhat.,tbedll.vopar[agll'aPldhsne"rt abo,'e. gi,'ing tile names 01 Ihe owne.'s. Mrs. O. M. Arnold •

J " S oc 0 corso an se<.'un y 10 eu, I any. f:ontam not anI" the list of slo("k- .- .

temporarv occupa. nt might look. out upon the world but the '1",lde,,'sal.'d ~CCllrll~' holders as they appear upon 'he books 01 the company. ,Junior-4th grade Mrs. Chas.Enlered as second-class matter at the post office. Detroil, I <{ . ',ut a so. III cases" I,ere the sloekholder or securlty holdt'r appears "pon tile S h' . • . ,Michigan, under the Act of March 3. IB97. Id • I Id NOT peer in frGm the outside books of the. company as .11U'leeO)rin any olher tlduoiary relation. tbe name C epel, 5th Illade, Wilham Paul,wor ,a as cou . of the person or corporatIon for whom such trustee Is acllng. is given: also McGregor; 6th grade David E

------------------- --------- .' . " that the sald (wo. paragraphs ('onlalll statements embrnl'ing affiant's full B .' .All was well untIl one line rla)' after the blllll1J1lghad been kno~vledneand b.he!as to tile eircumslances and conditions under which' urgess.k h f th rtll I d. lhe s!oeKllOldersand secuntv holders who do "at appear upon Ihe books of the W \ I . M El ==~===lI1llllll11llll1l1llll1lillllll!IIIJlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJlI1111111I111Ioccupiell for a wee or so, w en one 0 e.. e a les on . company as lruslees, hoid .Iock and securities in a eapacily other than that o~ up- rs. mer Horman.

Board decidcd to take a walk around the outSide of the building' of a bonll fld~owner; and Illls al!lant hns no reaSOl1to believe Ihal anv other Plamst-Mrs. James Sage!.I t b d pc.rson, ilSSOclatlOn, or corlJorahon has any interest direct or Indirect. in the JU' Ir. 7th d Hfor a look-see. '''hat sbe saw, shoeked her a mos eyon rea- sald_st~ek.bonds. or olher securities than as so slaled by him. ,mol' 1- gra e, arryM, = IS

son It seems that lhe buildcr made a slight error in the window solo'or rJ:;tlri~hu~e~Vrh~~~g~~~~~~AI'{s~~P::;te"r~v~~Chtissue1d"fthiSibPublioalionCrooks, Jr.; 8th grade. Charles ~ ==. th I I )' . 0 pa subser ers durlnn M BaynoI" 9th grad M' H ~ IT ;sPanes .. afixing them so that the uccupants of the washrooms . e we ve mllnt 's prece<lmgthe dale .shownabOle is 7.057. (1'I,ls inlormMion' • . ,e. IS. ow- =0 =

• NOT OUT bId ISreqUIredfrom dally, tn-weeki)'. semi-weekly,and weeki)' publicationsani,.) ard L. Canfteld :~==~=========_ DIFFERENT" ~_-_=-(all male lit the momen!) could see ,u everyone an . ROBF:RTB. EDGAR' .' Senior Hi.-lO 11 78 dhis brother could see IN from the outside! Since the washrooms (Slgnntu,'e of editor. publisher. business manager. or owner.) 1\11" W'Il' M' Ad gra es-all hapIlencd to he occupied at the time our heroine made her Sworn to and 6Uh~crJnedbefore me this l.t day of Octnbcr. 1918, >. I lam . ams.

., ... , . ( ea RICHARD MAXON ------survey, she had a prelly upsetlmg !lme of It. \\ e heSItate to 1M)'commissionexpires July, 19.10) POINTE I\IETHODISTlcll vou the localion of the new building ••. not wanting to Meeting ill Kerby School ','brill~ oul the "pecping tori," that is in most of us! .. • -1 Rcy. Hugh C. White, Pastor ;.,

I.Ch h N .· Sundar, October III ~.,!; MASTER'Si . :urc . .ewsl '"~:;,:b;:ii,~',:TjW,,:x'~~:~~~:l' DEGREE-........... e ••• " •••••••••••••• Q ••••••••••••••••• : del'garlen and Prim<lry Depart- 'I ~ ly . I .,. ~

. ments of the Church School meet ~ ]i>b'"F.~ -. -PEACE LUTHERAN POINTE CONGREGATIONAL during the church service. .~ ;:sJ . ~==_=

Warren and Balfour Meeting in Richard School. Mrs. Francis H. Brown, 1007 ~Rev. Enno G. Claus, Pastor i\lcKinley, near Kercheval Y k h d -

i\Ir GU,idoA, lnerkens, Vicar Charles ". 8ch 'd P t Or sire roa , is in charge of ;s so__=:'. el, as or the Nursery, Mrs. W. D. Allison, ~"And He Brought Him to Sunday, 11 a.m.-Worship' 39 Radnor circle, is in charge of ~ ~

Jesus" will be the theme of the I Service. the Kindergarlen. and Mrs. Don ~ '1sermon delivered on Sunday, Sunday. 11 a. m. - Church Vink, 315 HIllcrest road is in I~ ~Oclober 10.• Mr. Guido A. Mer- School for all d:partJ.nents- charge of the Primary Depart- ~ .=kens, vicar of Peace church. will nursery throu~h sen:01' lugh. ment. 'I g R. R. Tobin Tobacco Co. ideliver the address in both the Sunday evenmg- 'Youth Groups l2-l2:30-Lesson period for all g ~8:30 and the II a.m. service. • • • departments. The adull depart- ;s DETROIT, MICH, ~The sermon will emphasize Chris- The C'n' C Club will meet Sun- ment begins a course in Bible ~lJlillllllllllllllll\lll'III1!IIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'illlll1!l111II1I1I11I1II;1l~tian p-ersonal evangelism. day evening from 6 to'8 p. m. at .,. " , ..

The Sunday School and Bible the home of the prcsident, NancyClasses of Peace church convene Evans, BDMuir road. Iat 9:45 a.,H. • • ., ,

• • • The Junior Hi Choit' meetsThe Intermediate Walther i\'londay evening ai tjle home of

League. a young people's organi- Mrs. James Sagel, 416 Touraine.• • • Izalion, is sponsoring a "Harvest

Frolic" on October 9 at Dodge On September 26th. ReligiousPerk. The group is to 01eet at --------------church at 6:30 p.m., from whichpoint they will leave for. thepark. The ouling will feature anouldoor supper and an evening'senterlamment.

Detroit's Meter Experiment\

Detroit is now starting an experiment in the use ofparking meters which will be watched with keen interest bythe people of Gmsse Pointe.

Detroit's parking problem is great and ours is small, butthe same basic purpose exists in both communities. Its pur-pose is to prevent the undue monopoly of slreet space andthe hogging of the parking privilege by employing a momen-tary leasing privilege by paying a coin in a parking meter.

Its primary purpose is not the raising of municipal rev-enue; that is only an incidental, although doubtless someplaces have installed them with this chief object in view.

Some persons contend that inasmuch as the streets be-long to the public they have the right to use them as theysee fit, even to the extent of indefinite parking.

The right of the citizen to park on the streets, under suchdirections and regulations as may be necessary, is unques~tioned, but the use of the meters provides for the just app'0r-tionment of this privilege.

Detmit starts off its parking experiment by installingthem in that congested and curb-scarce area bounded by Fort,Cass, Adams and Randolph. If it proves even partially effec-tive. there their use will be proved justified in less crowdedplaces.

Grosse Pointe's interest of COUl"se lies in observing howeffective they may be in solving our problem in a few crowd-ed commercial areas.

It is in no manner associated with parking in residentialsections. There is no need for their installation in such pJaces.There they would be only a nuisance.

WOODS PRESBYTERIAN ,---------------------,-:-'----iRe,'. Andrew Y, Rauth, Minister , ,

s,~•.';~:~::":;.:':R~mm.•. 1 PETZOLD'S .,.~~:;~~;:iceISaturday. Oc~ober 9 j j

9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.-Rummage , ,Sale, at the Church. , ,. . . j j

Sunday. October 10 f:9:45 a.m.-Church School for I , J

Junior. Junior High and Senior!' ,to serve the ordinary needs of eommunity life. Wherever Departments. I , ,persons live there must be food stores, drug stores and such I I a.m. - C h u r c h Service: j i.shops and businesses as must be convenient to it!' residents "Sleadfastly Believing and Do- . ,

- ing'." jfor their services and comforts, and such establishments of ,thO I t h . 'dl t . t d t 'fi d 11 a.m. - Church School for Gives Speedier - More Efficient. Service - Cosfs .You LESSIS dC1arac er as occur ere are flgl y res flC e a specl e Nursery. Kindergarten and Pri- , I:zone areas. mary Deparlments. , We've spared no .xpen5~ to' serve you better-9uii:leer. , , 50 we ,

Urban growth as universally understood is neither prac- I 7:30 p.m.-Tuxis Club. meeting J can serve you again and again. Bring YOllr ChrY5ler.Plymolith in soon jticed nor tolerated here. Manufacturing. particularly in Iat lhe Church. J and we a~e slire you'll be with us for a long, long time. ,heavy industry, is not permitted. Grosse Pointe intends to • • • Complete Mechanical Dla"noslng Equipment ,

1II0nday, Ocl(lber J1 J 'Jl jspare itself the harrassment and municipal headaches which Th f II" • Factory Trained MechQnlc~ UslnlJ Factory A'PprovedToofs.• . , e 0 owmg evenmg group.;accompany thIS sort of growth. Such small manufacturmg of the Women's Association will , • Large Stocle of MOPAR Parts-Chrysler Engineered. . ,enterprises as were tolerated during the war as a patriotic meet at 8:15 o'c1ock: i' · A Battery of Lubrication Racks. ,, h cooperation were only admitted temporarily and compelled Rachel--at Mrs. M.'Stahl. 1355 J • Complete Collision Service-Modern lump and Paint Shop JGrosse Pointe s Growt to move out when the war was passed. ~:~~:~s.Road; Mrs. J. Kiefer, J • ~~~~~IENT TERMS •• , TO FIT YOUR POCKETBOOK - NO MONEY ,

. . .. . Grosse. Pointe proclaiJ'!1s itself to the world as a place of Rebecca-at Mrs. Roy Black- ,. The. announcement that bUlldmg operat~ons 10 Gr?sse I homes. It mtends to remam so. Iketler, 270 Ridgemont road; Mrs. j A DEPE:'oiDt\81.F. N,\:\TF. SEU,ING A nEPf.NDABI.E PRODUCT ,

POinte smce January 1 had totaled almost 59.000,000, raIsed I In this program of growth the words "restricted" and, Gonion N. Cameron. co-hostess., ct'. I • ,

scarcely 3 ripple of enthusiasm in the Pointe commupity. "exclusive" .are oHen unfO'rtunately. empl,oyed. The young I Rlllh-?t Mr~. A, J. La Bon. , ,With proper qualification and ex.planations this apn.arent man who bUIlds a modest home here IS as Sincerely welcomed 122430 c,;lIrwood aW!1l1.e; Mrs. , l'our Chry,lle,..Ply,"outla Denle,. ,

.. b f' dl d h t d 't' . 'th '11' . George Siewarl co.hostpss , ,indifference is understood and not without itscommenoable y a f1~n y an warm ear e CI lzenry as IS e ml IOnalre I .., ....I ' r who bUIlds a castle. Naoml-al Mrs. H. J. Matthewr.. j ,

ling e. .. j.. This does not imply th11t this community is indifferent to, 200B COllnlry Cluh; Mrs. Hl?nry I'-?TZ('"I.. ra..I()T("ll S /\'1.?S~ ,There was undoubtedly, a qUIet but lIttle expressf:d grah, the ,haracter of its in-coming residents but the poor man of A. ~rMkman. co-ho~less. j .a;,., ~....J. ff. • J:..JII:.- J

fication that Grosse Pointe had continued to grow as a fine honest background and resp«;ctable Ill1t~cedents finds a more hBPI rHlcllIa-hat Mrs..Vmcent Ayers. J tes'dential e Of th d d I t d t d . l' awt orne dnve; Mrs. Henry 11280 6ft \TIOT "'E VE 95700r I . ar .a. gr0i' an ev.e .op!l,l~n as un ers .00 SIncere welcome,here than the individual of shady associa- Totzke, co-hostess. • I J ,. ,. •

and praCtIc.ed m almost 3.1 other mUnICIpalItIes, Grosse pOIn.te tio.nsor questionable personal character, whatever his wealth • ••. I: I' '.'' ' ,wants !'I0 pa~t. ,may be. ". ' ' ,

ThIS regIon was planned, developed and stIll carries on ., . . , " TuesllilY, Oct{Jber 12 ,:':, ,as a strictly residential community. It was intended to be. The Pomte s reputatl.on as ~ desl1.able resl~lentJal area .8 p.m.-The 130arel of Deacons:, . ,and yet remains a d.esirable place to. build home and fo ' Il'i known through the natIon. It IS the mtent of Its people to w,l meelllt the home of .Peter " '.'.":'.. . ,

S I' .)0 maintain that reputation Duerksen 466 McKmley a\'enue , t'''' ,other purpose. It is the unalterable pu!'l'ose of its citizens to '. ' ••• . f ..keep it so. This purpose is admirably reflected in the official And. that good name must continue to be based upon 'Wedi,esday, October 13 • - - ..... ,. " "." ..............conduct of the governing bodies of its. five municipalities. quality rather than quantity whether we are counting noses 8 p.m.-The Session will meet!'

Only such concession is made to business as is necessary of population or weighi~g bank balances. at the Church. .

It may have taken a lot of courag" on the part of the first manwho ate a raw oyster ... but we ran across a technical article lheother' day that named some of the "foods" eaten today by peopleall over the world. that take a lot more courage than we ~an con-ceive. Being the type that shudders al the very mention of suchwell-known delicacies as "bird's nest soup" or "shark fins" or "rat-tlesnake pate" ... we are not likely to take to any of the lid-bitslisted in the arlicle ... even out of sheer curiosity. How about you?

The practicall ' identical notes which the United Statps, They .were: grape-bellied .honey-ants of Mexico; ~quid, sea urchins

G B L • dJF h t t R' th Brand giant sea worm; cenllpedes and green caterpillars almost com-reat n,am an rance ave sen 0 ussla on e er In, plete lhe list. Whew!

impasse give significant notice to the World that the Western •Powers have transferred their approach for accord with One of Grosse Pointe's better know wlIgs is in hiding fromRussia from the futile arena of words to the n~o're easily a certain downtown hotel where his sense of humor got beyondunderstood field of action. him one da)' recently. Our };ero, who alwa.).s wears a carnation

This shift iT' orientation has been further emphasized by In his bul~onhole (stop guessing, now) was stllnding, hatless and, M h b Ik overcoatless in the lobby one fin~ dllY .•. "loitering" in the

the fortright speeches of Secretary arshall, t e lunt ta' neighborhood of the desk waiting for a friend, when 1I Hokinsonof British Foreign Minister Bevan and the warning sounded chllracter right out ~f Spodunk, dashetl up to him and 'askedby M. Spaak, Belgium's representative in the United Nations. Irately, "Are YOU the manager?" Slightly startled, but not

The speech of Senator Vandenberg Monday night, em- really meaning to be mis-leading, our hero 'asked in return,phasizing American unity, which starts complete and un- "What seems to be the trouble?" Taking thllt to mean he WASbroken at our waters edge was further confirmation of; this the manager, the little woman "tore" into him in no uncertainnew approach. language, telling him what she thought of him and his dauged

They charge Russia's course has isolated her in the court hotel for keeping her waiting so long for her SUITE! All right. of world opinion and that she and her satellites will 'stand so the hilt,el WAS crowded but did he realize WHO she was, etc.alone in any crisis which she may force upon the w'orld.

Already, in anticipation of the situation with Russiawhich .has now materialized, Britain, France, Bel~ium, theNetherlands and Luxembourg have formed a mutual assist-;mce pact. This was done nearly six months ago:. '

Our Government plans to place a protectiv~ 'roof overthis alliance in the form of arms and munitions to be fur-nished under a revival of the war-tilTle lencHease arrange-ment. However, it will be more explicit in its application,with mroe binding covenants as to mutual obligations, thanlxisted during the war.

Much planning already has been done towards meetingthe first onslaught of war from the East and for the West'slater taking the initiative which would lead to its victoriousconclusion.

There is still an excellent prospect that war will be avoid-ed, but actual preparations to meet it, if it should come, isthe only sensible course. .

It is said that the first item for consideration by the newCongress when it assembles in January will be t9 implementofficially the plans that already have been well' advanced.

Happily for us as well as for the other Western' Powersboth of the great political parties which now are contendingfor national control in November are of practically one mindin their attitude towards the European situation.

This is an element of incalculable internal strength hereat home, which the Communist states in Eastern Europewould do well to note.

The threat to our internal security by the presenceof an unknown number of Communists or pinks is a negligiblefactor. These dubious citizens already have been pretty welltaggtdand would be filed away promptly behind barbed wireor otherwise suitably and effectively disposed of.

Treason at home has never been lightly dealt with intime of war even by this happy-go-lucky and tolerant Country.

The core of this Countrv is as sound as a new nut. Therewill be no J1ivision in the ranks of 99 per cent of the Americanpeople whenever the issue of our. general welfare and pre-cious liberties is once clearly dr<;wn.


~' .. .

Page 7: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK











.+..~~.~$ 0..... ~~~~

~ r'~ri6A"<~ 00

, t--=


Ted and Jim Grace.

POINTE CAMERA SHOP ~~::,~.~o:::,----.-. ------ --10101. Tlalrs.•

16351 EAST WARREN, .t Cour.ille frl.. Sat. 10-8_HI.741B

Sorority BenefitSla.ted Monday




Well, we are now in our new building, Yes, it's a

thrill, alright! Bette.r ,still, 0llr frie.~~l.s~11~1cus-tomers seem aliienthusiastic about it aliiwe are -'and

thal's what really counts,

We'll have a formal opening, of course, on Saturday,October 30th. Circle that date on your calendar;hut, in the meantime, drop in anytime. We're readyfor business - going full s'l\-ingright now, Come inand see the beautiful all-new Mercury - the Lincoln- the Lincoln Cosmopolitan, Get to know our de~partment heads, They're ready to serve you - froma "lube" and car wash - to a general overhaul ofy~ur present car - a spare part, a heater or radio - It

new tire or battery.

We want everyone, (m the east slde particularly, tofeel our place fA their transportation headquarters.So come in ~oon - wf""rewaiting for you.

H you're looking for a goo(l - II ql1aHty llge(l car -you'll find it here, 100 - plenty of popular makes inall price brackets.


I I 180 GRATIOTVEnice 9.7700


Fihsimons' AnnounceBirth of Twin Boys .

Longhi, Joann', Grpw(', Mrr,. DCn,.aId Care>', Mrs. Arthur Shurn,,,,and Mr$, William J. Smith,

Prosecutor Janws N. McNall"will offkiatp at the dra\','\nr~ "i

The 16th Annual Bridge and, Lhe door priz{:s.Fashion Show, presenled by the' ----------,----------Delta Psi Sorority, will be held:at 8 p,m. Monday in the GrandBallroom and Italian Gardens ofHolel Book-Cadillac.

In the f:Jshion show, staged andproduc('d by Jacobsons of GrossePointe, Powels models will show

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Torrey the latest fall styles.F t d t O. P t As in previous >'ears, the party

e e a Inner ar y is for the benefit of the Old News-

Mr. and Mrs. William Ford boys' Go.odfellow Fund. . r 70 I0 Mack Ave., ~t C~dicu~Torrey were honor guests Friday I Comllutlee members mclude:(',,('ning at a dinn(', gi\'cn by I M:s .. Joh~ Fallon., gen('f~1 chall'- I Phone: lU. 54626Torrey'S brother.in.law and sis'l mon. MIS. Robel! Fre) , Flora . _ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Shallcross. THE POINTE CAMERA SHOPin their Birmingham home. ~'uua

Invitations were extended to I • , .." h =--- ~Mr. and Mrs. Washburne Wright, I ',. , " " _ ~~~. ~~~idl>~:'es~~~~.n a~~nr~~~: I ~'::..~~t~~~~'\: @ "'f7:.~A,ST SERVICEiMarshall Fredericks, Mr. and PHOTO ~v __: •DEVelOPINGMrs. Harry D. Hoey, the Edward I . PRIN INI'Rth M dM 1( ..... TG"omans, 1'. an rs, Carl fiN f 5 H I.N G &' '.,ENLARGINGJ. Whirl, the Paul B, Hoffmans I~\

and MI'. and Mrs. Fritz Hyde, Jr. I East Side's Only Complete Camera ShopE.e'ylhing for the 35 mm. fan

The regular monthly business The new Kodak Duallex Cameras are here .... ,.. :...... , 813.'19meeting of the Grosse Pointe 'I

Woods Community Club will be,at 1 p.m, Tuesday in the ClUb-Ihouse, 20883 Mack. A special pro-grarr. is scheduled.

. t

Page Seven-------_._-------------------------------'"-----

~o e~ofT~in almostsInful I,


Delil'rl'ic,f - NI. 8900


Four Magicians ScheduledFor Children's Carnival

A few nrops • , • an(1you're hathing inperfumed luxury. Afew more drop~ ••• andYOlIT dry skin feelssilky.Jn seeptre

Q boulcs,$375I'i'''2o""", \

~\I'" $1.25u~ .. : ~'.:.;~.~,~..~~!J

"'(,~- ' . ~~. h}\I . _ e::1\J!~~~,

ChuTch WOlnenTo Study China

The Grosse Poinle Congl'ega-tional Women's Association willbegin its study on China, Tlws-day, October 12, when Mrs, L. R,Martin, of Middlesex boulevard,will open her home for the show-ing 'of the rcligious film, "MyName Is Han,"

Working on the committee willbe Mrs. John Oades, chairman,Mrs. Edwin Robinson, ann Mrs.Walter Frizzell. The table dec-orations and foods will have aChinese atmosphere.

The film was prodllced in Chinato' coincide with a special studyprogram on mi£sions in Chinajust launched by United StatesProtestant churches. It tells thestory of how an impoverishedvillage receives a new lease onlife through Christianity.

Both the Communist and Na-tionalist armies were fightingnearby throughout the filming ofthis picture. There will be a spe-cial exhibit of Chinese costumesand art objects.


Summer Fair Films ScheduledAt Fontbonne Auxiliary Tea

The October meeting of theFontbonne Auxiliary of St. John'sHospital will feature fi.1ms of theSummer Fair, held July 14, anda session on parliamentary usage.

Chairman of Ute tea which willfeature the meeting in Annuncia-tion Hall, Agnes and McClellan,on Thursday, Oct. 7, will be Mrs.William O'Neill.

MiS. Clayton Yales will leadthe 15-minute session on parlia •mentary usage.



ClelnLng . andR~overlng

Pick Up & DelIvery

01.. 9662

CAdillac 90B5


'I to Your Order,. LAMP


Series of Book ReviewsPlanned by Women's Club

Mrs. E. N. Tisdale, chairman ofthe Book Review Section of theClark School \\Tomen's Club, an-nounces that the first of the 1948-49 series of book reviews will beTuesday, Oclober 12, starting at1 p.m. at the Grosse PointeNeighberh<:lod club.

Mrs .. Fred Houck will review"\\'oman with a S\vord," by Hol-Jister Noble:' Mrs. 1.. E. Border;.past president of the club, andMrs, FOICSt Wainsco!t, past chair-man of the Book Review section,will pour tea.

FRANK H. BOOS of Lewistonroad, Grosse Pointe Farms, whowas elected' president of theMichigan State Bar Associationon October 1 by the Board ofCommissioners of the association.A commissioner since 19'13, heserved as 1st and 2nd vice-presi.dent and secretary. He is a pastpresident of the Detroit Bar As-sociation. He has been active foryears in state bar affairs and hasserved on numerous bar and civiccommittees. He is a member ofthe American Bar Associatio'.l.

District 2 of.the Daughters ofUnion Veterans of the CivIl Warwill hold its 10th annual conven-tion next Thursday in GAR Hall,Cass and Grand River, Detroit.

Approximately 75 daughtersand granddaughters of UnionArmy veterans, including perhapssix from Grosse Pointe, are ex-pected at the meeting, which isscheduled to start at 9 a.m., ac-cordin~ to !III'S. Mary N. Gayer,of McKinley, district president.

Included in District 2, besidesthe Poinles, are Detroit, HighlandPark,. Dearborn, Wyandotte, RoyalOak, Pontiac, Mom'oe and PortHuron.

GAR 'DaughtersDue to Meet \


Four magicians will entertainat the "Children's Cilrnival'''I'sponsored by the younger set. inGrosse Pointe Unitarian Churrh,Saturday, Oct. 9.

Proceeds will finance informalparties during the winter.

Jean Baer, Emily Frolund,Barb Hilmmond, Mimi Miller,

St. 'James Church Guild Price Watts and Kathleen Rey-nolds will have charge of such

Making Plans for Party departments as fish pond booth,

The Women's Guild of St. fortune telling and wishing wellconcessions,

James Lutheran Church will Other booths will be handledmeet at 1 :30 p. m. Wednesday, by Pam Henry Dick WendinOctober ~3, in the ho~e of Mrs. Ross Wilkins, John Hammond:~arol? ~Ieth~ 317 MC~ll1an roa~. Sig Wend in, Penny Field. Ro- I

IVlrS. Irvmg 1jOPP WLJI be cu-, berta Galli and Gretchen Noth.ho,;~essl' 1 '11 bade for Ruth and Carolyn Jackson and

< ma pans WI e m J b '1/ 'd t thth . d t to be Karen aco WI pres I e a ec evenmg car par y h t dheld in Bethany Lutheran Church refles ment s an .on October 23.

Mrs. James Roach

Public Sales

2187 Yorkshire RoadBirmingham, Mich.

E~st Mllo:e ROlld, under Vi~du:+,, turn left

* * *Sunday, October 17, from 10:00 /I. m.

Mr. A. A. Kucher<41 lochmoor Blvd.

Grolle Pointe Shores*: +' ...

Sales conducted by

B. o. )leNIEIINEY424 Sook Building


Household* * *

SA TURDA Y, OCTOBER 9, I :30 to 9:00 P.M.

Mr. W. S, Bennett522 lakelandGroue Point.

* * *Sunday, O,tober 10, from 10:00 a. m.


Madeline Hunt.Exchanges VoW~

Vocational Education will bethe topic of a talk by Mrs. EarlL. Bodell Friday. Ocl. 8, at ameeting of the Michigan Leaguefor Crippled Children in theHarmonie Society club rooms.

The lalk will follow a luncheonat 12:30 p.m. and a mel!ting ofthe board at 10:30 a.m. Mrs. AL-fred W. Bender, pn..ident, willpreside 'It both sessions,

The organization's bazaar com.h1ittee also was to meet at 12:30p.m. today in the same hall todiscuss plans for its bazaar,which is sch,eduled for Nov. 3,in Masonic Temple.


24 HRp'holo fi"id,h'!1 SERVICECla~:'iilr:.'\l and Hit ran.de

RECORDS-Alhllnu or SlnKleinacHos chtclu,:d repaired promptly.

Work ~u",.nto.d-R,!.son.b).

VOGUE RodioHARPER- S.,.ice16~1~ Harp,r at Harvard 'Ill. I-USO

'Who walks with Beauty, has no. ne'ed of fear;The sun and moon and stars keep

pace with him.--"--------------

adelaide ~olyer/IIilline,)' Designer

13914 E, Jefferson at PiperVA. 2-2129

• < '.' ". ,., ~ •• ,,' ... ".~ ., •• ' •

WAL TERS'Mareha Ann Beauty Salon

16325 East WarrenTU.2.9090


Beaulifiil fin;,. :J),.eJ;lillfjIlt

TU. 5.6013

Mseofing ot

KERBY SCHOOL1<erby Nltor Ker,hev(ll

, 'World Faith .


l'l~lwten Courville And Three ~iI1o Dr,


T~u!'lCl.y, Oetober 7, '1948

REV. HUGH C. WHITE, PaJl.,~049 Van Antw.'p Rd, TU,1.1129

Sixth' Church of Christ,. SOft9ntist, Detroit

1"730 Kercheval Avenue

10'45 ?llorning ~\'orsilip ~nd. Sermon. Nllfscr,Y. 1\ln~

der~;lrtcl1 and Primary mc(':cluritu~ services.

12:00 10 12:30 roo;s~lld~~~i~l~mr:nls of U,c Church St'hQol.

10:45 to 12:30 ~ r: ~a ';,.:i~~for i'illrst'ry and Kin"ocf,RartcnChildr..:n,

Geld gcve 'the p6wer of under.51~ndl"g to men that it might'be used for the advancementof eivilizCllion. and to increoselove, concord and peace,

(Epheopal) ,Lochmo.r Ill,'d .• t Fairway Or.

The Re\+. Ed,::ar H. Ypumanl

Vicar8:00 a.m,-Holy Communion8:30 a.Ill.-Churoh School11 ,00 ".m. - Morning Prayer

and Sernion.(Nuraery during "on'lco)

:l!I. ~41 Nt. 0109

Ilunday Sen'lces 10:30 a, rr..and 5 :00 p, m.Sunday School

rirl~ .... Ion ...._._'"_ ..,10:30 a. m.Seoond Hulal\ .:..11 :45 a. m.

\Vednullay e,'enln~ To.lImon!.)Meeting at 8 p. m.

Reading Room Upen Week nays, 10:00 ,I. m. to, 9 ,00 p, m.

Sunday 2 :30 to 5 :00 p, m


!Chest Ccunpaig;t'Heads State Bar Mothers' Club• mary. nlary. iLeaders Gather Has Traveloguet t I Mr. and Mrs. Frank K Filz-qUI e ~O'I rary Division leaders for the Met- I' The Motl1e~lub of Gros,c.simons, of 1046 Harvard, are

i ropolilan Unit of the 1948 Red Pomle IIlgh Sd\<)ol OP"IH'(\ lIs receiving congralulations on !hem 11fJ tl II Feather Community Chest Cam- I program fOl' tl1(' s('hool .I'('at' bil'H: of twin boys, Paul Badgeral'lJ 'fa ,jon . paign on the east side met re- Manna.,' evening b~' invitin~ pilr- :md Peter Courlnl'Y, in Harper--.---- . cently in the home of Mrs. I ents of hIgh school students and lIospital on September 16, The

Just as this contrilry column is settling down to the busl'IRichard Webber, 437 Lake Shore . those of I3rov'nell Junio!' IIlgh to young men are strong and lusty.ness of being a Desk Jockey and tuning up the keys of the I road, Grosse Pointe Farms. I a soda I ev('njn~, Theil' arrival was esp('ciallylittle old tripewriter for winter, we find that everybody else Fritz Hyde, co.chairman of the A color tra,'plllg\lc o[ Soulh welcomed liS they succl'eded fouris blithely cavorting about with plans for a lush. plush season. Metropolitan. Unit, was ehainn.an Amerka highlighled Ihe ('ntpr. older sisters.Onward-and-Up\\/ard-with. The Arts is their ecstatic cry, as IoC the meet!ng. Walter C. Lald- tallllllent. .Grosse Pointers are going all out-and some of them will soon law, campalg~ manager of th~ ~eneral chairman fOI' ~he af-be ALL. IN-for a regular Marathon of The Muses. Art, ChI'S!, and RIchard F. HUI:gh, f~lr was Mrs. Berl Spurn.er, 'IS-M . 0 D tl d " d} take 'em secretary of the Metropohtan slSted by l'.1rs. Leon K. Lmdahl.

USIC, ~era, rama--: Ie aj IS one IV len on,e can IUnit, were speakers. s"cial committee chairman, andor leave em alone; thiS year you eIther take em or be left Plans for the campaign which Mrs. C. M. Weinheimer. hospital.alone. . ..~._--".-_.- opens Oct. 26 \vere made at the ity committee head.

Already we have a tOllpling surpI'isingl,\' publicized by Billy meetirig, The dislribution of the Mrs. Charles B. Lord, of }'Ic-stack of brochures, Jolder;;, pon. Rose, of all people, that The Red Feather banks to all homes Millan road, is club president.folios ,md the loveliest Idters, !':ew York Herald declined to in Detroit to aid householders in

• aU about the symphonies, operas, prillt olle of his more torrid saving their annual Chest gift,concerts, town halls. Hnd fashion columlls )\'herein little Billy was discussed.shows soon to dazzle the palpl- suggested that if the very so- An)ong those attending thelatin:- public. cia I board of 'fhe 1\Iet ",':ant to meeting were: Mrs, David A.

do what's right by grand operaOm' own Detroit Symphony they will hold one last meeHo&" Wallace, 100 Lewiston l'oad; Mrs.

Orchestra is scheduling a vcry and fire themselves." So far Clarence M. Riedel. 10975 Craft;impressive Symphony Week, with 'rhe Met hasn't taken up Billy's 1\11's. James P. Cummiskey, 8925fabulous fanfare from Oelober 10 husine.~slike proposals to ring Easl Jefferson; Mrs. G. Allanthrough October 1u. The First the cash register instead of the McKaig, 665 Merrick; Mrs. CarlAnnual Symphony Ball will ue social register at the bOl[ office. B. Grawn, 1008 Yorkshire.held in the grand ballroom of Rut here, in adroit Detroit, It -- _The Book-Cadillac Hotel follow. altpears, /{rallll opera can dra&" Crt'ppled Le'lgue'ing the opening of The Sym- in' the ducats without going l'phony, foJ' season ticket holclers socially unconscious. S t Bz.g PialJSand mainlenance fund subscrib- Dramatically, of eourse, the e S l-et's. One inlriguing f ture of season has opened with a rushthis event is the fact that Car- of culture vultures to hall Ten-men Cavellero-that Lalin from nessee William's "Summer andManhattan-will supply lhe d"nce Smoke," here before its Newmusic, and Carl Brisson ,viti he York premiere, and to watehMaster of Ceremonies. for a lobby glimpse of tem-

The very Grand La Scala peramental Tennessee himself,Opera plans are progressing the dreamy young man in thewith a shining air of sweelness 1,0nllon gray suit who turnsand light which should, be f1at- 0 t masterpieces and stili won-tering to our middle.western deI'S hall' they turn out to makeculture, in contrast to the last I money.hard dying echoes of New York's Quill' Contrar~' is modestlyMetropolitan fiasco. I elated upon the discovery that

That artistic debacle. was so the column covered The Rivieraas a sort of Hollywood-Coney-

11s1and.on-the. Continent severalweeks before Life magazine got

I around to its spread on the same'I subject. Maybe Henry Luce l'eal-Ily alIght to subscribe to Thef Grosse Poinle News to keepIIahead of the fast current ofevents.

i Which makes us presume. 10 Recently married at a candle.I quote some words we have from light ceremon)' in Wesley Chapel,London anent the state of the MetwDolitan Methodist Church,slage. While Helen ~a)les .is before an altar decoraled withscoring a personal tnumph In white gladioli, carnations and"The Glass lIIenagerie," all the daisies, were Madeline Gracecritics are not blessing the play Hunt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.as a work of genius. This was Lew Hunt of Beaconsfield road,very gallantly confirmed here and Leonard O. Weidman, sonby the author, the same Tenne5s~e of the late Mr. and Mrs. HermanWilliams whose every word IS Weidman of East Detroit.s<,cred in our midst. There seems The bride wore a gown ofa slight inconsistency in London'. while taffeta and lace. fingertiper: also exploiting Helen Hayes veil with lace tiara and lily-of-as the Lady-Hollywood.Couldn't- the'.valley. Her bouquet was ofWoo, not even for a proffered while I;ladioii and white purple17,000 pounds per piclure, be- centered orchids with white babycause she felt it was the mecca mums fastened to the cascadeof .the adolescents of the arts. ribbons.l''ilr.. Wiliiams hopes she will re- Four cousins were her attend-turn to lhe movies, as Amanda, ants. Shirley Thomas, maid-of-in his "Glass lHena,erle." Jusl honor, and Marjorie Thomas ofgoes to show a charming lady Kalamazoo, and Norma Connermay change he, mind, especially of Grosse .Pointe, bridesmaids.when persuaded by shows' that were gowned alike in wllite taf-go under the Wiliiams' author. feta wHh overskirts of marqui-ship. sette with matching hats and

Two other plays' that are en. mitts. They carried orchid andchanting audiences in London Arne r j can beauty gladioli toare "Traveller's Joy"-a lort of match their bustle bows. FlowerGuilHble's. Trave15 in search of air1 Elaine Allen was dressed injoy on the contin~nt, A~ amu.sir;i pink taffeta and carried a' hoop"immorality play" they dub It In of pink ;ladioli and blue corn-their dignified diction. The other flowers.hit is by AI(!ol1s Huxley-who Thomas Oben was best manseems to us to be increasingly I and Law.rence Thomas andweary not only of this weld but George Zeitz seated the gues.ts.of the next world-and its title Following a reception for HIDI.S, "The Gioconda Smile." This guests at the Belcrest Hotel. th.eBox F-800. Gronf': Pointe l'ews d Iff h

~~:~;:;;;;;;;:;;:;;;:;;:~~ I ~iilc, )'ou'1I recall first appear~ coup I' Ie t . or. a oneymoon 1hOn a short stan' of Mr. Huxley s, Northern MIChIgan.

I 11

and 'turning a 's~()rt s~ory i.nto ------, a long play is ClUlte.n shck trIck, COLMAN BACK ON AIR, .~rollt. ~ointt ,I but he's done it. Londoners who The return ot Ronald Colman

"'" , iovl! their murderesses to be to radio in It new series. of "Fa v-a1bt4.obilt'lCbutCb be snaky chalmers find it their orite Story" programs has beenP'" I) dish or iea. announced by Lyle Whaley, man-,\h me, 'tis time to lIet the ager of the Wuren:3 Mj,le, Dr.

alarm and get lip brilht and branch of Industrial Nabonalsurly to join this mad Mara.- Bank. "Favorite Story" is no\vthan of the Muses. And as the broad~ast OVer WWJ every Thurs-dear old Dukc of Wellington day night at 7:30.uscd to say: "If ~'Oll can believeTHAT. you'll believe ANY-TiliNG!"

'" ..,..~'r,,' ,"'~.,'r.,.",,:;..,...• ".' • ','

Page 8: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK

.----------------------------------------------------- ... - ... ---- __ .. _ ... - __ IIIJ).t•._ ... ---- .. -- .. e




..... ,J.ble in ,i. 10".ly ,h.d""Golde" lHnndt. Auburn. lfRht 'RrM-o'n.

M<'dium R,",.n. Iln~ 11,,,,,.,. >Ad BIl<l<.

Thursday, O.c+ober 7, '1948



]1lJJe Schermerhorn


Dtli t'er itJ-

NI. 8900

A New Look!

Gray Hair

for Fadedl


From Another Pointeof View

i.\.'.. -C.,:,'.,~ ~(,~",.;>,.",


US&. . \ '..•....~"""o".CIA-rv--ne /~", .' /. '.

. it's SAFE! ~~ No one \\',11know. Your hair

... ill look so natllul - so 11)\'<1ylLa'lOnt i. man'e1ow f .....

"mt. louth,up 01' a compltle

colo, <h.nge. 1M

ad,.w i.ing in ,he JOlITn.b of theAme,ican Medical A's<v.i>lionl .

THE WORKERSThe working committee heads include:Mrs. Grant MacDonald, properties ..• Mrs. Jerome DuMahaut,

wardrobe •.. Mrs. Malcolm McLellan, sound effects .•.Mrs. Wilkie and Miss O'Connor, publicity ... Mrs. J. R. Apple-

gate,tickets and program .•• Mrs. Briggs Mann, refreshments forthe afterglow .•• and Pat Henry. prompting

the Pointe

MRS. MACAULEY IS CHICThe better ads always show Madame, dressed for the opera or

formal evening ••. as a verita ble Cinderella in her bal gown •••~ut too often ••• the true Jjfe pidure ••• doesn't add up that

way ..•. However •.. whenever Mrs. Edward R. Macauley dons formal

clothes ••• she makes the lids come true •••The other evening at the D.A.C. she was radiantly beautiful in

a forest green brocaded sat;n crepe dandng gown ••• the low cutbodice attached to a sweeping, long skirt •••

She wore a fingertip length ermine wrap ••••Her sparkling eyes •• ',~ dark copper hair, perfectly dressed • , ,

and you DID have II glimpse'of Cinderella at the height of the ball".* * *

So many of the large estates on East Jefferson for Sale , ••their owners moving into smaller residences in the lanes and roadsof the Pointe .••

We keep wondering who'll be the new owners of the mansionsbeing offered along the "Gold Coast" •••

Hear a lot about imposing new homes of Pointers, though •••The Otis Walker home on Balfour Road is said to have on. •

of the most enchanting interiors hereabouts .•• the shell pinkoval reception hall being material for House Beautiful •••

Driving aiong East Jefferson and the Lake Shore •.• we alwaysremember that Mrs. Henry Munroe Campbell's former home onLake court is said to be the most architecturally perfect home inthe Pointe •..

And that the Charles L. Palms Jr. chateau ••• first home righton the lake as Lake Shore begins .•. is the Lovers' Leap of Honil!lYearners ••• scores of whom drive by it regularly just to admire andyearn •• ,


• • •

• • •

• • •

• • •

Members of Lincoln StudyClub h.ad a Monday luncheonmeeting in the Lincoln ;'oadhome of MRS. ALBERT WETT-LAUFER.

MR, and MRS. MAURICEWOOD. of Rivard boulevard, arespending the week at the Gothamin New York.

• • •

After spending two weeks attile Country Club, MRS. WAL-TER BROOKS left Wednesdayfor her ~ome in New York. Dur-ing her stay she visited her son-in-law and daughter. the DANIELW. GOODENOUGHS, of Cloverlyroad.

The CHARLES THOMPSONS,of Richmond, Va., ~pent a longweekend with MR. and MRS.ROBERT B. EVANS of LakeShore fl,ad.

MRS. CARLTON HEALYacted. as chairman Monday eve-ning when the Detroit Alumnaechapter of Kappa Alpha Thetahr.d its first fall dinm,r meeting Iat Grosse Pointe MemorialChurch. '

The W. WARREN SHELDENShave returned to Touraine roadafter a brief New York jaunt.

• • •M~S. EDWARD P. MacKEN.

ZIE, of Notre Dame road, is ticketchairman for the Saturday show-ing oC "Alice in Wonderland" atthe Kl'im Theater. under thesponsorship of the Mount' Holy-oke College Alumnae Club ofDetroit.



Taxetl. 1.33"

. . .


MRS. J..JENNESS NEWCOMBand her daughter JAYNE of Neffroad paid a recent visit to Cas-sopolis, Mich .• to visit Mrs. New-comb's brother and sister-in-law,MR. and MRS. FRANK MA-BLEY.


Mrs. Harry J. Gee

• • •


Assumpliol) Grollo Chlll'e1~ wasthe scene of 'the lecent ceremonywhich united in marriage THE-

• • • OLA SCHULTE, of MapleridgeAfl!'l' accompanying her daugh. avenue •. and JOSEPH McPHER-

tel' WINKIEto Tenacl'es School SON, son 6f MR. and MRS.• • • at Wellesley, Mass., MRS. WES- KENNETH McPHERSON, of

SALLY THOMAS of Merri- SEL BOOTH stopped in New Maryland avenue.weather road returned home by York and Boston hefore return-I • • •plane IilSt week from Orleans on ing to her Provencal road domi- MRS. HARRY N. TORREYCape Cod, where she spent two cile. gave a dinner party Friday eve-\veeks as the guest of her fiance, • * • ning in her Lake Shore roadSWIFT GODSHALK, and hi.> The senior EDWARD B. CAUL. h9me to which she invited 12mother, MRS. DAVID P. DE. KINS of Uni\'ersily pillce ha\'e friends.LANa, and MR. DELANO. Swift, i chosen No\'. I a;; the date of their • • •meanwhile, has gone to Boston' dpparture for their winter home MRS. HOWARD F. SMITH, ofto complete his course at Babson i in P;l1m Springs, Calif. Provencal road. met her daugh-Institllt!.'. I' · . tel', MRS. F. DAVID LAPHAM.

• • • MARGARET RITA HOAR. of New Canaan. Conn., in NewI\fRS. STANDISH BACKUS, clallghter of .MR. and MRS. York Sunday. From there. the

who has returned to her Lake I MICHAEL JOSEPH HOAR, of two continued to White SulphurShore road home after closing, Bmma Vista avenue, became the I Springs, where Mrs. Smith's otherher house at' Manchester-by-the- ibride of CYRIL JOHN J.3UR~~ daughter, MRS. ARTHUR .H.Sea. was atco;)lpanied on the trip I at a Saturday ceremony In YlSI-1 BUHL, JR., and her daughter-IU-hy her daughter, MRS. ALFRED I tation Church. The bridegroom's i Ia'w, !\fRS, HOWARD F. SMITH,L. !\lARKS, and her grandson, I pilrents are MR. allrl r,m.s. CYRIL I J,R., . joined ther".ROBIN. . J. BURKE, of Balhur road. (Conlinued on Page to)

The GO R DON GRIFFITHScame from Ann Arbor for aweek-cnd visit with Mr. G.'s sis-ter and brother-in-law, MR. andMRS. ROBERT PEIRCE of Lin-coln road. The Ppirces, celebrat.ing their 18th wedding anniver-sary, inviled 65 friends to attenda cocktail party and meet theirguests.


The Americar1' Women's Voluntary Service ••• llctive as • unitduring the Will' ••• is becoming':more active again ••. with a peace-time program pointed to remembering the veterans of World Wllrs

• \. • I and II ... besides concenhatlng on many civic programs .••MRS. THOMAS E, BARBOUR, AWVS has already furnished a patio at Dearborn Veterans'

a c com pan i e d 'bv her son; H 't lb' . . f t' d th h 't I'TOMMY. and daughter, ELIZA- OSpt a y giVing a senes 0 par les ••• an now e osp' a sBETH ANN, arrived from Ovan- disabled vets will be aided by proceeds from a play "Spring Again"do. Mont., to visit the LAW- which the Little Theater of AWVS will present •.•HENCE D. BUHLS, of Lake The Players' Playhouse on East Jefferson avenue will bll used

DAN P. CAULKINS was in MR. and MRS. FORBES HOW. Shore road. f~r the play ••• and theater nights are Oct. 22 and 23 ••• tlmlllto\vn il'On1 New York" Jast \veek ARD \vere ho'nored recently at a.'. • a: r 5 .••for the bankers' convention. He cocktail party given by LIBBY MR. and MRS. RALPH S. FAR- The organization 'gives Mrs. W. Wilson Wardell credit for thetook advantage of the trip to ARCHER in her home on Ken- NUM. of Lothrop, took a three- group's Little Theater ••• and many veterans are grateful to hllrvisit his paren!." MR. and MRS. wood road. week motoring trip to Florida. and her aides. • • ,EDWARD B. CAULKINS of Uni- • • • 'RS. S~EWART W * * *ver~ity place, his brother, ED- PAIl'lELA CURRAN came flOm MtJ;Rb~d M. ." -a"'t; TR).WEEKLY REHEARSALSWARD B. CAULKINS, of Pem- New York last weekend to Visitl' . gave ~ CO,C...l~".p I.

herlon road. and his uncle., her father, WILLIAM G. CUR- for. 30 fnends FBrIdak)h~\ enmgd

m Mrs. William V. Wilkie .•• and Miss Sally O'Connor ~IIV8 beel'lC H A R L E S B. JOHNSON of RAN of Cadieux road, and MRS. thelr home, ~n • er. sire roa. enthusiastic in their'descriptions of progress to u' •••Washington road. CURRAN. There are three r~hearsals each week ••• Monday, Wlldne.dllY

• • • • • • MRS. H. E. DOWNING, of and Friday nights •.. held in the Balfour road home of Mrs. J. R.MR. and MRS. ARTHUR C. GA YNOR JONES, daughter of r~sh:r :;ea~'in\~as o~OSt~:s ~~~~e~~ Applegate •.. or the Charles Dossin home in Ber.bhire •••

BODEAU announce the birth of MR. and MHS. E. OI,NEY JONES Beatric Chapter. Daughters of This past Sunday night •.• marked the first full rehearsal of thea son. A. SCOTT BODEAU. Sept. of Washington road, is attending the British Empire. players at th~ Applegate home ••• there was a potluck supper, too •••20. Mrs. Bodeau is the former cl~sses' at Sarah Lawrence School • • • * * * 'JANE M. OYLER, of McKinley in Bronxville, N. Y. d fi CAST OF "SPRING AGAIN"load. • • • A seven - poun. ve - ounce

• • • MRS. JAMES McEVOY, JR., daughter, ELIZABETH LOUISE, Now for some of the dramatis personae:En l'Otlte to h"t' \\'J'nter home "t "' N was born in Harper Hospital Oct. Dr. Arthur V. Diedrich plays the role of Carter and Mrs. Thefm8- " of Sunningdale dJlve was tn ew r EE f

Paget. Bermuda, from her ranch York City last week for the fall 1 to MRS. JAMES W. - ',0 Snyder is Nell ..•at Co lor ado Springs, MRS. . f h A ". Neff road. Well knOWn in golfmg Other' I'n the play (most of 'he cast I', comprised of i'oint.rs)board meeting 0 t e SSoclatlon circles, Mrs. Lee is the former > U 1 > ILLOYD PEN I S 'I' a N JONES of Junior Leagues of America. ELIZABETH 'BUECHNER, of! are Delores Dossin ••• Mrs. William Wallace ••. Les i. Joy , ••stopped last week for a brief Just retired as president of the New York City. and Leslie J,oy, Jr ••.• George L. Cassidy •.. Ellen Berry. , •visit with her mother, MRS. EL. Detroit League, she is direclot' • • • Ross Potter .•. Malcolm McLellan .•• Russell Poisson ••• ArdithMER D. SPECK of Lake Shore of the League's Region Four On Monday MRS. EDWARb J. Th 0 C G G'bbroad. which includes Detroit. ompson • .• r. . • Ions •••

SAVAGE, of Yorkshire road, left Dallas Chapin ••. who has worked with both the Players Indfor New York to attend the Fine Arts ••• is directing the cast •••meeting of the National Board of * * *Managers of the National Societyof New England Women.. . .

Short and to the PointeMRS. PHELPS' NEWBERRY of I

Cloverl~' road spent a fortnight 1: at Manchester, Mass., as the guest:

in 'of MRS. ALLAN SHELDEN ofLake Sho;;:.e rOild, before theymotored home t()gether, 1

Page Eight

Society News Gathered from AllNancy Reekie United IWith Harry J. GeeReception /It Yacht ClubF~lIows F~;day Wedding Rite

Grosse Pointe Memoridl Church; Coupleto Reside in Dearborn

Nanc" DeWitt Re~ki;'-ct;;l;al;t(,-I: of Mr. and Mrs. Sher- The FRED M. ZEDERS are in:, ,. d their' home on East JelTerson:

wood Reek!e, 0f Rp'li1lld I'(lad, and Harry J. Gee repe~te avenue after their plane trip totheir vows before tll!' Rcv, Frank Flit at a ceremony Fnday the West Coast. where they,in the Grosse POJnte Memorial Church. stopped in Los Angeles, Coronado

Mr. Rnd 1\1rs. Harr," Gee, of Barringlon road, are the and Tia Juana.bridegroom's parents.. . .-.----------------- • • •

A ,l(own of i\'OI,\' salin With B . E . t On her homE-ward journeyrose pointe heirloom iH'adpiE-ee o/tltle sser from her summer home at Watchwas worn hy the bn<1e, Her M · . Er st Hill, R. 1., MRS. HENRY B. JOYtlo\\'er~ were wh itr r()~('s, gar- arr les lit II stopppd off al New York ilnddenias ami ~lrphanolls, Wendover. Ky., befole reaching

Nancy askl'd her ~istcr. SU7- Dr. and Mrs, Paul L. Esser! Lake Shore lOild on Thursday. Atanne. l~ be her honor maid. SlIZ- of New York City announce the Wendover. she took ('are of someanne wore an aquil satin gown' marriage of Lheir daughter, Bon. Frontier Nursing Sen'ice busi-with matching fcalhl'r headband nie Ruth, to Dr. Charles W. Bost, ness,,1 n d cilrried ~vrllow chry~an- ~on of Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. • • •themums and stephanotis. Bost of Garden City, Long Is. MISS ISABEL WEADOCK

The bridesmaids wore gowns land, The cercmony was per- talked informally of "I\rt andidenlial to the honor attendants formed in St. John the Divine Flowers _ Old and Modern,"and their f1owrr~ were varying Chlll'ch at 5:30 p.m. on Septem- last week when Garden Cluh ofJihades of yeJJo'~ 'mums, bel' 25. Michig:m members Illet in the

Groom's Sister The bride' is a graduate of Provencal road home- of MRS.They were Katherine Gee, sis- Grosse Pointe High School and RUSSELL A. ALGER. Tea fal-

ter of the hridegroom; Virginia rvlichigan Stalc College. She is a lowed the first business meelingSmith, of Newtonville, Mass.; memher of Alpha Gamma Delta of thp fall sp~so~l. •Hazel Wood. Shirley Young, sorority. The bridegroom is aMary Jane Herclegen ancl Gloria graduate of the Uni\'ersity oC MR. and I\'fRS HOWARD R.Rickel. Pennsl'lvania Dental School and WALTON lell their Lewiston

Robert Bowser. James Walsh, a me~ber of Kappa Sigma fra- road home Sunday for threeGeorge Phillips, Elwood Glaezer, ternit,\'. weeks in California. At San Ma-Allen Bodycombe. Joseph Card- The couple are honeymooning teo. Calif.. they'll visit the junior\-vell. War~en Heller and Fred. in Bermuda for two weeks, after HOWARD .WALTONS and theirerick Button seaLed the wcdding which they will be ilt home in baby daughter CHRISTlN A. Nextguests. Kurt Tech was best man. Ma~peth, L. I. stop will he San Leandro, where

The bride's mol her sele~ted a The Esserts lived in the Pointe MR. and MRS. DAVID R. WAL.moss ~reen ?ress of embrolder~d unlil last :veal', when Dr. Essert TON and. six-months-old VIR-liet WIth whIch she wore a bro\\-n . I . . , wndent of the GINIA re~lde... hid Mrs Gce wore lavender, resIgnee as SUpel In . •. • •

OIC . d . I 1 'd 'Pointe public schools to accept -Pkln ..~ by Pan: G"~hcrepe an a purp et ortchll 'G' . I a facult\. posilion at Teachers'i On Saturday MRS. AUGUST I Tile fOl'mer NANCY De'''ITT REEKIE, c1atlghter of Mr.A recepllon a. c >lO~SC • ., DE VOS h ent the past >'Y

P . te Yacht Club followed Lhe College, Columbia UnIversity. : w 0 sp h ,,-nd 1\'II's. Sller\"ood ReekL'e or Renaud road, who was marriedom : ' month ,\'nth her30n and daug .;v ,

weddmg servIce. The newly~veds ter-in-law, 1'.1 R. and M R S. Oct. 1 in Grosse Pointe Memorial Church, to the son of Mr.th.en.l~ft on a honeymoon tflP to Mount Holyoke Alumnae GEORGE L. DE VOS of Pem- and Mrs. Harry Gee, of Barrington road.Vlrgll1la Beach. To Sponsor PI/lY Oct. 1:1 berton road, headed by plane for

. To J,iye in J)earborn . "Alice in Wonderland" in tech. McDonald. Pa. MRS. VERNONThe bride's going-away oulf1t nic'.llor will be sponsored by the JOHNSON and 1'.1 R S. J 0 H N

was a wine gabardine suit wlt.h Mount Holyoke College .Alum- CONDON were among those whomatching felt hat. Upon their nae Cluh of Detroit on Satur- entertilined in honor of the vis-return they will reside in Dear- day, .october 9, at 10:30 a.m. at itor.born. the Krim Theater, (Woodward • • •

Among the out-of-town guests avenue near Six Mile road). The HALDEMAN FINNIES ofit the wedding were the bride's Tickets may be obtained at the Ellair placc are gelling settledgrandp'lrents, Mr. qnd Mrs. M. C. door or in advanCe from, the after the flurry and rush of theirDeWitt .of Toledo. 0.; Mr. al~d ticket chairman, Mrs. Edward P. offsprings' clepartures. BOB hasMrs. J. F. Smith. of Nelwl~nvl e, M'lcKenzie. 592 Notre Dame, gone back tn Princeton, JANETMass.: Mr. and Mrs. AI €i1 •. razer, Gl'OSSe POl'n.Ie, (Phone NT•. 1805). k" B t d DONof Newark, 0 .• and Mr. and Mrs. is wor 109 In os on an 1

Horace Potter ,of Lima, O. ------- in Newark, ~. J.. •Others were Torsten .Tutgard YACHTSMEN BOWL

and his son, Sten, of Sweden; The Grosse Pointe Ya~ht. Thc junior WI L L.I A 1\'1 hR:'Mrs. Ernest Carver .of England, Club's regular league bowlmg POSTS have movedmto tell'and Dr. and Mrs. E. B. Potts, Mr. i season beg:m Mond.ilY. Oct. 4. new home in Cambridge road.Ind Mrs. C. L. Spit!JeJ" and Miss i The fi,S! open house .IS schedu~ed They were slaying wilh Mr.Edna Bennet!, all of Canacla. I Siltut'day, Oct. Iff, WIth free dlll- Post's brother-in-law and sister.

______ nel'S and entertainment' for all the HIRAM H. WALKERS ofOur Clusified Ads Get Results! league bowlers, at oj :'lnd 8 p.m. Muskoka road. _


...'... ,,".'

Page 9: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK


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Thursday, October " 1948


Couple Leaves for New Chicago Home After Reception:Double Ring Ceremony Perfc'rmeC! Saturday in

Grosse Pointe Memorial Church

Woman'sPal"ties Aplenty Mr-s. Cyril John Burke Chu}'ch Holdin.g: D PC' II B.d'-FOl- BJ'ide-Elect iRuntmage Sale on · onno Y, rl -e

Before her marriage to Charles I Grosse Pointe, Woods Pre_ny- H0neym 00non IsIandv. Booth, Jr .. on Oct. 16. Marv ,tewm Church IS the SCE'ne ofEllen Gallarno is being feted at i busy activity today as memhersa series of parties. of the Woman's Assoclation make

Patricia Stimson and Mrs. Ho- final arrangements for tomorrow's Trip to Bois Blanc Follows Monroe Marriage Saturday. ~fmer Fritsch, Jr., l,tarted iL off Rummage Sale, bel:inning aL 9 Ann Yaeger to $0" of Mrs. W. F. Connolly .last week with a kitchen shower a.m. Working in three shifts, the and the Late Judgein the Fritsch home. on Oxford women hope to keep the Sale . _road. going until 4 p,m. Sotllrday, Pro- The new Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peter Connol1,\- arc hone,:-

On Thur.,day, Mrs. Fred Wil- ~e~~~ will be US~d; fotrh mO~.~.I;; mooning on Bnis Blanc Island following their marriage Sat-son and Mrs, James C. John~lon I c .rn rqulprnl'l'. ,n ,e n.".". d' Qt \1 'Ch h' "Iopened Church unit.. , ','Uf a,\' 111 u..' •. a.f~' sure . In h on, roe ..followed with " table-top shower Th b d h fA' Yat the Golf Club. Among those assisting hehind e II C IS t e ormel nn, eronlca aeger,

Bloomfield Hills Country Club the counters are Mrs. L, R. 1I10nt- of IVlr. and :Mrs, ;'\ornel't F. Yaeger, of J'I'lonroe, Mr.W<lS the scene o[ Sunclav's linen gomery. Mrs. L. P Morse, ~I\s,: is the son of ?lit's, \V,illiam F. C()nnol1~', of Detroit,showel' and luncheon given bl' Max Salishury, Mrs. Stephen of Grosse Poillt( .. anr! the late Jur!ge Connolly.Mn: Erlward Walsh and Mr~. FIsher, Mrs. Ch<lrles Schank,' While rhr\'~anthl'm\lm" trim- .---------------- .. -Charles D. Piet'ce. Mr~. C. L. Brownell, Mrs, R'.>lwr! mre! the ali;;r ann marked the wedding party followed at the

Barbara Gardella was hostess SmIth. Mrs. Peter Duerksoll, [amlly pew's when the couple re-, Monroe Golf ~nc1 Country Cl\lh.. Mrs. K. W. Smith, Mrs, Joseph pe;'iod thei, \'O\"S hefo,re the Rev' At,' J 'I~ t t'at a pantry shower m the Grosse M 1\1 n AD'" . , recep Ion was a so ne "a ne

POI'nte "'acht Club Sund."" e\'e- ason, 1's. 1\. • (,wey anrl 1":lllwl' E,r11l1liml Perrin. 1 I ' S t ~ . ft• ,,> Mrs G F Hauke ' ,(' \10 a ur"aj a ernoon.ning. . ... The hrl(l" cho;;e an IVory salin When the newlyweds l ...ff fnr

A cocktail party on Saturday, go',':n ,tyio'd with Peter Piln col- the Connolly's :;lI~I'l1er h"nJ" ,,\Oct. 9, will honor the engilgeci A rtisis' M a.rket la, ;lOd "itdTcci brlCilce. A hanrl of Bois Blanc, the new :1:11';. Con-couple. Mrs. Jean McCombs Wood orange blossClms helci in place her I nolly was wearing' a grey g'ahar-will fete the pair in her Canter- Holds EJ:/tib it fingertlp vell o[ French illUSion dine ~l1iL and a hrown hat Irim.bury road homc. On Tuesday Clnri ,he carried il white prilyer men with rust-colorerl ostrichMrs. Raymond Hansen ilnd Mrs. hook il(lnrnrd with an orchid. I [eather.;.George West will entertain for Mrs. George R. Cooke and her \V(,i\lll~g;l gold, s<lLin gown, Upon their r!"tllrn th"v plan l,()

the bl'ide.elecl in the Hansen res- daughter, Mrs. Mar~hill! Fren- Adele (nnnolly, sister o[ the. make their home in \\'1'anc1ot!e,idence in Park L<lne. erickJ, were co-hostesses Tuesday hrid"gl'(10J1l. "'<lS Ann's only at- '

Wednesd<lY will see Barbara at the opening exhibition of th~ \pndanl. Her crownless bonnetL Hospl~tril Gz' ..z'irl,Gallarno giving the spinster din- DeLroit Artisls' MarkeL m,,\ched Ihc ,gOWI1 and she car- l.'(. l,

nel' for her sister at the DAC. Mrs. Frederick M. Alger, Jr., ried a iHlIlOUe\ of vellow and nlst To Meel Oct. 12Charles V. Booth, of Binning- Mrs. Haldeman,Finnie, Mrs. Ed- col"I('d hal;,' mun;s,h '11 bit t th b J I sel B. Ford, Mrs, George Kam- [)'\nalr.l asked his brotheram, WI e lOS a e ac le or The first mertin". nf th Bdinner for his son Lhe same eve- perman, Mrs. Jobn Graham. Mrs, \\ialtcJ' to hp hi, hest man. Paul Secoms Hospital GUild c on

. g t p. L k C t Cl b James B, Angell, Mrs. Robert Sweeney. Howard Allison and for thisnm a me a.e oun I'Y u. season will be helel in the ho~'Mr. and Mrs, Charles Gall<lrno Angell, Mrs. Julius Haass and Gerr1rd B,)isineau se<lied the \"I'!d-are to entert<lin at the rehearsal Mrs. James Dresbach werc as- ding guc;;ts. pital on Cadieux roarl on Tues-dinne)' OcL 14 at the Grosse sisting hosLesses. A breakf<lst for the family and day <l[ternoon, OcLoher 12, at 2Pointe Yacht CluQ. Also assistinl! were l\Ir~. Henn' ----. ,------------: o'ciock.

The Radcliffe TOlll' of Homes- thur R. Rus~ell, Mrs. ,.{elnrich O. Hopkes, Jr"'Mrs. Rich<lrd G. 91s.t l.">ell,ef lOt Teel ThE' Rev. William M. Hogan ofold, ne\v and unusual-\, ..,jl) be Pickert, Mrs. Charles A. Par- ------ English, Florence Davies. 1\11'5.) St. Raymond's parish will he, theconducted next Friday, Ocl. 15, cells, Mrs, George B. Heffer<ln B (lZ(l.(lr Planned John A. Bry~nt, Mrs. H a r 0 I d D lV I I guest speaker and r-Irs, Johnfrom 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., ac- and "Mrs. Arthur W. Bull. ' , -Piclure by Paul Gacn R. Boyer and Mrs, Frank Brom-: ue ' ec ,lleSe ay Mitchell qnd Mrs. John Connoncording Lo officials of the Rad- Mrs. Walter A. Crew is In By Methodists The former MARGARET RITA HOAR, daughter of ley will prpside at the tea table. Allcliffe Collcge Club of Miehigan. charge of the hoste~ses for the IVlr. anr! Mrs. iVIiehael Joseph Hoar of West Buena Vista Nell' members of the Lay Jury! The n1.,1 annual Birthday' Don-, membPrs and friends of the guild

The tour, made pas sib 1 e Ford house. The Woman's SocieLy and Choir avenue, was married on Odober 2 in Visitation Church to of the Detroit Artists' l\'larket ation Tca 10,' the henefit of the, are cordial1v invited to attend.through the courtesy of the home Hostesses at the Girard house: 1 J h B k f B 'f d include Mrs, AI"er Shelden, j"II'_, Neighhorhnorl House SetLlemenl, I -_.---,---of the Ct'osse Pointe MethoriisL the son of ]Vlr. and Mrs. Cyri 0 n ur e a al our roa , eo " " G if "D'owners in opening their houses, Mrs. Victor A. Rapport, Mrs. Wm. Church will hold a bazaar <lnd Grosse Pointe Park. Alfred H. Whittaker, Mrs. Wnltel' ill FOlll'lh and _Porter, will be 0 erg' ZJtlteris for the benefit of thc Radcliffe D. Lauder, Mrs. Richard Jackson Buhl Ford II. Mrs. Berrien Eaton, held fron, .1 to J p.m. next Wed-

A ' . d MD' 1 G d h musical entertainment on Friday ----------------------------- p I M tCollege 70th nmversary En- an rs. ame 00 enoug . evening. Octobei' 22, in the Ker- Jr., Mary Woorlruff, Mrs. J. N. nesda.v at tbe home of Mrs, Can- recee ,es eedowment Fund. Po;nte Bra,"clt of AA UW Candler and Mrs. Charles B. rad II. SI111!b, 301 Lake Shore

Tlrkets may be obtained from J uniuf League b):f1School ,~t ~ p.m. It It Crouse.. road. A Friday evening dinner at thel\hs. Walter A. Crew, of Berk-' lCre. w~ fe a clomplete ar. I Mrs, Jobn Crawford Frost. Jr., COltntr'.' Cilib prece~o.d the ml'x'e-d, 0 tl" Pi ray of Items or sa e from tb~ T ld f T l G t ' (Ieshire, TUxedo 1-5215, or Mrs. U Ules ClIlS many bootbs and the_ choir will 0 0 .rave ran S M v' t N Y M T 'general chairman, s<lid actual ar- foursome tournament on Satur.Frank E. Cooper, of Balfour road, 0 Ing 0 " ., 1'5. orrey ran~emcnls for the tea tables do".

34B4 present an original parody on G t C It I P t S d ff I '"LAkeview 7- . The Junior Le<lgue o[ Detroit, ehurch evenls and a musical vel'- ------- e S OCI( al ar y en 0 will be under the direction of The Frederick i'iL Aigers, Jr .•Area Homes .Listed. . Inc" held its first membership sion of "School Days." The Grosse Pointe blanch of rwere named <lfter her. Arter her Mrs. Arnold F. MaioII', of the, Mr. and Mrs. Wi!liamP. Bon:

'!:f0mes open [or inspectIOn In meeting of the'year Tuesday at The b"zaar ehalrman is Mrs, the' Amel'tcan Association .of Ihome province .was freed from Mr. and Mrs. A. lng'",son! r;nillte, and tllrs. G. Hubert hright .. IF. lItrs. Burd~lIe E, Ford.th::> a~'ea: Ithe' Country Club of Detroit. Unil'erslty \\'ol11en has just le- J<lpilneSe .0ccupatlOn, she bent Lewis, Jr., ".ave a cocklail p~rlv N"hle. ;\Trs. Harl~)I G, rhghte, Sherman

ReSidence of Mr. and Mrs. . '~ M, F. Santmyers, 303 Moross ceivod a communicalinn that her energ,es tow<lrd 1'econstruc eo • 1'1 I bl '11 b t thd 'k S F d. 1--20 W' d The new pI eSI"ent, Mrs. Dan- road, with Mrs. Hugh A. Delfs, " .,' . .'. -I in their home on Lewi,;ton road' ,e a es WI e se ,on e J, Fitzsimmons, Jr., Thomas F.F~~I ~I~ t 'd' or .(' ~~ P I.nt -I iel Goodcnough, presided. Activi- 419 Touraine IO<ld, as Co-Chair- three FII;pinn students undel' the tlon, wo:kmg In the &nclal servIce for Mrs. Annette B. Torrev be- terrace, weather permittIng. ac- Padnock and Mrs. Seilbrmrh R.ml om e f ntve, Tros)se f OEme lies planned for the coming yeilr AAUW travel grant are to arrive fie,Id. Wlih, her ,~AUW,.gra~t she I fore her departure for Rye, N, Y., cordlllg io Mrs, Ezra IV. Lock- Livingstone were among the par-Park-a per ec examp e 0 ng-I 1 I' I m.an. MI's. R. A .. NutLc,r, 1902.0 '1' Illis countl','. These three stu- \\ III sLud} SOCial sel \ Ice In the \ ha th M .,Il'sh Geol'gl'an ar':lll'\(.t/II'e. were outlinec, revea 109 a ful eh II P k d II b ' . . .. where she has taken " \1nl11e, WOO(, co-c < Irman WIll'S. ltclpants who attended thE': dinner

c te I d 1 . an< er ar "Ive, WI e 111 dcnts are the filst to l'eceive UntVelslty of ChIcago. A h 'Frost .tvHome of Mr. and 1ft's. Richard se le u e,. charge or the fancy work bonth. I travel grants tinder the Fulbright M B"d C M'lI f R' 1 mong t e guests were Mrs.. .. p pal ..

O. Bllrr, Jr., 825 park Lalle,So JunIor Le<lgue men.lh,ers Ciln "1 '" D '" t I 425 Cl I 1 1'9. ngl.a . I an 0 Iza Torrev's brother-in-law and sis-: Other ointers working to Olhers included Mrs. WllIi<lm

JV I;, ... ayne ,.y e ze , . 0- AcL which provides th<lt funds in CIty Phlllppmes has been em - , , k tl C<' b' L GGI'osse POI'nte Pal'k, • m/I"h ad- see firs.t hand how DetroIt s need,S I d II b 1 [ , ' " . - tel', Mr. and Mrs. John H. French, 'Im.li e le a"alr a 19 success are i , Mc iverin, Mrs. Walter B.

• c vel' y roa ,WI e 10 c large 0 local cunene", from the sale of ployerl as a home economIcs 1Il L R b t L'jJ M L 'J Fmired house with a feeling of are bel.ng met to~ay, the !-e<lglle s the aprons. Mrs., Clarence Slo- . . . Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. William J./' 'rs .' 0 er .. ley. j' rs. OUIS. ord, .II, Mrp. EdwardR. Doyle.•'U..nLtlcket abo/lt I.t. educaLlOn commIttee, With Mrs. cum, 20,')7 Lancllster road, is in U.S. surplus in foreign countries SUpe~v)sor by the Bureau of Croul, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mead B. •Hyde. Mrs. Raymolld A. Ja" A. 'Frederick. Kammer,' Jr.; -Mr8.~" P I H ff h . h be IIsed fOI' erlu,cational purposes. Pubhc Schools Central <?fflCe for Bakel', Jr.,' the Bakers' house'i cobs, Mr~, Gilhert H. WheJnen'1 \VHliam G, Curran, Allen W; 1\1.. r-

House of Mrs. Frank W. Hub- ilU 0 man as c <llrman, as charge of baked goods. MIS. A. b f a Sh 1.0 u I II d ' fit d Fulbright funds, issued in FiJi- ~ num cr 0 ye .rs I' IS se guesL" Mr, and Mrs, P. J. }lnr-: l\1J'f. J. Ran< 0 ph Kennedy, Mrs. rell, ~lrs, AIl<l1l Shelden, nr, :\Irs.bard. 16900 East Jefferson •.Grosse p anne .. a sel'les 0 ec lIresan I :V. Colell, 1047 Hampton ro~d, pino currency, 'I'll p<ll' for the ner AAUW gl:<lnt for an a.d:ance ner, of Hewletl, L. f.; "II. and Ralpb Thpmas, Mrs. John H. Cyril J. Edwards. Paul H. DE'm-Pointe Park a fine old home in field tllpS. IS In charge of the Handkercllle[ ocean voyage of Bai Matabay home economlCS and adml~Jstra- Mrs. Alexander Wiener, anrl :vIr. Mack, M'.'s. Howard R. Wa!ton, ing. Jr., Ernest Kanzler. Mrs. Roythe Georgja~ style, many anti. . Mrs. William HUI:ley, chairman booth. Mrs. Orner Stotts, 434 Piang, a woman Jead~r from the t~on course at lhe UOlverslty of and Mrs. Ledyard Mitchell, Jr. 1\11'5, Ga~e W. Cooper and Mrs.j D. Chapin, Edward S. 'Evans, Jr.,q'ues. of the year's proVISIOnal mem- Touraine road, will dispense the islaml of Mmcl"nao; of Mrs. Brig- Nebraska.. . l"red A. lIu"bes. and Mrs. Roy D. Chapin, Jr.

Fllnclionall\lodcrn bel'S, announce~ that the prol'i- candy. Mrs. Jenn" Lmd N. DoiorICO of 'l _in<l C. Millan, a supervisor of J $ M h 'W 'Residence of 1fr. and Mr~. sional course, which begins Ocl. l\'lrs Lawrence Gilley, 6321 home economics in Manila; and T.ilcioban. Leyte, is the third Fili. t, aft ew s omen 5 r---------------------------,

Alexandel. Girard, 380 La~~:and, 6, will be direcled again by Laur- Uni\.~;sity place, will eonduct Mrs. Jenny Lind N. Dolorico, a pmo student. The AAUW grant Club to Hold Luncheon ~ •Grosse Pointe functional mod- entine Collins, and will continue the white elephant sille. Mrs. H. te;Jcher in Lel'le. Each o[ the Will enable her to study at t~eern: planned hY a well known 10 weeks. T. E. Munson, 4175 Courville, thrce has he-en awarded an Te<lehers College at ~olumbla SERVICE TO Al'{D AROUNDdesigner for his own use. , I This course is designed to edu- will be in charge of the general IAAUW International GranL Umverslty, where she Will gather Mrs. Terence Barden of Som-

Home of Mr. and Mrs. Alhn cate new Junior League melTI- stOl'e and Mrs. F. H. Brown, 1007 which will finance a year of col- IIlP\\' Ideas for the Leyte Trade erset road heads the committee THE POlNTE THE CT.OCKMacauley. 735 L<lke Shore ro~d, Ibers In many aspects of theil city Yorkshire, will be the warden of lege training in the United States. I School where. shE'. taught. which Is preparing for thc 51.Grosse Pointe Shores, designed, ilnd community life. the fish pond. I Miss Plan" whose title "Bai", As a co~tllbutlOn tow.ard the Matthew's Women's Cluh lunch-by the late Albert Kahn. \ I Mrs. W<lldo Greiner will dircct The proceeds o[ the B,azaar denotes ro 'aT line<l e (hcr [ather reconstr~ctlOn o[ the liberated eon. The event \\ill lak" pl"ce at ID j ~b

HosLesses at the Macauley a Leilgnc glee chlb. which will WIll go to the Church BlIIldmg . I d f . gfl t 1 1>1 countllb the AAUW sLudy granl 12:30 o'clock on October 14. ~ k h rt '-home: 11'1IS. Dean E'nl'rson, Mrs.\enterlain at hospitals. Fund. All members and friends I blemg .lbea. °l,<lnt bin ue)n.w Iidos- progr<lm' was org<lnized as soon Mrs. E .. P. Hanafin. also of Q tOn '..,

'Y S I' S d .' em tl'l e Jl1 .0 a <lgo IS ea er ., All' d ' ,. h St' I .rl Th I h'C. F. Morrison. JY rs. tel' mg . Mrs. Edwar S. Wunsch, chair- nf. the Grosse Pomte Melhndlst h", b b' .tl d' I.t. as t le Ie victory was m slg 1. ,omerse, IS leI' al. e. e c II sS f d "y C t T. rI I I L . d' , .. . otn y II 1 an pcrsona I ,. L t 54 t d t h II t}f e a d B k' han or . JV rs. aI's en Ie em<ln, , man of t le eague, 0 ra 10 com- Chureh are II1vlLed to attend thiS I I'd I d.t: ilS ye<lr women s u en s <l <l, . <lrp r n lIC -\Ilg ilmMrs. Richilrd ForsyLhe. Mrs.! mittel', s<lid that Ihe League's il[falr Shekhas p a) eta ~a l~g pall m from <lbroad received AAUW roads wi\! be the scene oi theELhelbert Spurrier and Mrs. J. II radio proglam for childrcn . \VOl" tn PI.'om~ e

de uca I~n<l op- aW2rds enahling them to studIO bilked ham luncheon, Resel'la-

Edw<lrd SehuH~. "Scoop RY<l1l- Cub Repm tel',': F d G d Cl b I]lnrtUnILtIC1,San emhfcrilthlc ~~~yS i in this country. • lions may be made by Ceilingh d I II arm an ar en U <llllong '" women 0 e. ro, Mrs, Louis Jensen. NF. 9197 or

More lIoslesscs I .a~ won Sel'on p m'L ilnlOng a , 0 b 2 t'l eo Miss Plang WilS the first I -------Hostesses at lh? Htlh~)ar_d .hol1l~: II' childr:?s' ;ro!(r<l~~ in th~ e~tire ' To Meet on~o er I ~I~~'~' g;rl' to be enrolled in th, INortheastern Woman's Mrs. Geo. Gitzgerald. TV. 1-1146,

Mrs. Frank E. Coopel, 1111s. AI'. COllntl) h,ard O\CI local .,latIons. , 'public school of C"rab<lto and Club to Meet Oct I I--------- ------ .---------- Membcrs of the Grosse POinte 'I" ' •

---------------- --------- Farm ann Gilrden Club will hold <lftel" c0":lpletmg the e.ementilry . ---.- , their monthly meeting Tuesday, scho:ll WIth honors, was g~anted The 1':10rtheastern \'10 man's

o t 1~ l 2'30 0' I k at the a government schnlarshlp to Club WIll hold ItS flrst meetIng\C~t;nLI~; ~lub.' c oc study in the Slate Normal School at 1:30 p. m. on Monday, Odober

. The ~leeting has been s<,heduled Iat Manila. • 11, in St. Mark's Church. The! as il President's Day. Mrs. Wi 1- During the war, P~i Plang :vas i pmgram \',111... ~?ilture a ~alk onIliam Moffat Mrs. Albert Mcder active in the undprground move- I "LIfe 10 Brazil, to be given mand Mrs. Rufus Clark ,,,ill be 'I ment, pI'ocuring medical supplies I. costume. hy .Mrs. W.Ilham Clockhostesses. [or guel'illa fightel's and workmg i of Blrmmgham. .

Club members have been asked behind Japanesc lines to organ- I Tea WIll be served followmgto bring garden flowers in con- ize hospitals, scho~ls, and housing! lhe meetin~. Co-hn~tes5es intainers for the veterans ilt M<lrine I fo.r evacuees. S.he h.elPcd to or- i elude Mrs. N, J. Miller and Mrs.Hospital. ganize Ihe M010 Bolo guerillas, I George Lockhart.

______ a hiltlalion which operated unncl -----E,'enone Reads the Classiliell hL. uncle, now governor of Coro- Everyone Read.~ the Classified I

t\~~s.__~he~' Ge~~SlIl~~! ~~)~:~~Ogu~:~~ regin~=nts i Ms. They_Get Resul~ I

A double ring ceremony Saturday evening in Grossepointe Memorial Church united in marriage Marilyn JoAnnSquier and John C. MaclVlahon. .

The Rev. Frank Fitt heard the exchange of vows. Mr.and Mrs, Thomas R. Squier, of Belanger road, and Mr. andMrs. Charles H. MacMahon, of Merriweather road, are thenewlyweds' parents. ' ... ------ ----------------

The bridal gown of slipper sat- duLics o[ !Jest man for Mr. Mac-in was sLyled Ivlth a fitted bodice. Mahon. Robert O. Squier, broth-Seed peal'1s and heading outlined er of thc bride; Charles H. Mac-thehutterfly motif nn the sweet- Mahon, Jr., brother of Lhe bride-heart neckline. Her fingertip groom; John F. Bracken andveil of imported illusion c<lseaded Douglas J, Moran, Jr., .were !he[rom a seed pearl nown and she ushers.~~I~~~~.whiLe gardeni<ls and slep- Mrs. Squier was gowned in

toasL colored crepe for her daugh-Evelyn Squier serl'ed as her ter's wedding. She wore dark

sister's maid of honor. Bilrbara brown aceessories and a vellowflloriln, Patricia Robinson and orchid corsage. Mrs. Mac~1ahonC~'nthia Vossler were brides- ehose ro~'al blue clepe withmaids. ma'.cbing aecessories and a cor-

The four aLlendants wcre iden- sage 'of pink camellias.tically gnwned in ice-blue salinwith long mat.::hing gloves. Pink 'Following a reception at theand white carnations formed home of the bride's parents, thetheir tiaras and bouquets. couple left for Chicago where

Richard O'Neil ,1erfOlmed Llie they will make their home.

Marilyn Squier WedsJohn C. MacMahon

Tour of Homes ScheduledOct. 15 by Radcliffe Club

•. , ..... - .• ,!"' ••


Page 10: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK





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Town Hall's 20th SeasonOpens with Anna Rusaell

The opening lecture oj the De.troit Town Hall's 20th season isscheduled at 11 a.m" Friday, Oct.15. in the Cass Theater.

Anna' Russell will present aprogram of "Original Monologuesanri MusiCal Parodies" of famil •iar types of people.

Miss Russell has been enthus-iastically acclaimed by New Yorkcritics tor her musical abilities asmuch as her mimicing and herwit.


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Joyce Dannecker invited ag.oup of friends to a tea Sundayafternoon, Sept. 26, in her homeon Cadieux road.

Amonl the gue$ts Were many_of her. Ichoolmates at GrossePointe High School and otherjunior members of the DetroitYacht Club. Trudy Kliemann,Rainy Kurth and Judie Baker as.sisted the hostess.

for YOllr

(;A8. We Need 50 Vied Cars to

Open New Lot on Harper

EST BRATER, Ii! Ann Arbor, thetormer BETSY HONHART. Thenewcomer weighed in at aboutseven pounds, Sept. 5. and wasnamed WILLIAM FREDERICK~RATER.

Thurs~IY, Oe:tober " '1948

Boo ming Neweomer s Club ~~IUIIIIIIIUlllIIllllIllIIIIIIIUlIlUillllllnlllllllllliUllllIIlllIIlIlI!llIIllIIlIlIllllIli111I1I1I1II1~IUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ to the following: Flo\ver arrange.~EI ta Sch I N 1- ments and vegetable baskets:

Plans Bl-g Socl-al Season -=; erne!) ry 00 otes Connie Egle, Shirlie Wade,.Marllyn Knoch, Barbara Butler.

1ii11l1ll1ll1111ll11l1l1l1l1l1l1ll11l1ll1111l11ll1l1111l1l11ll11l1ll11ll111ll11l11l1ll1l1U1I1I11I11111I1I1111111111111I1I11II1111111!1I1111111i11111!1I11111111111111111111111111111II111111111~ Ruth Ann Snell, Betty Lou Snell,. Plans for a full winter season, zation of II couples to its present R C Janice Burr, Gwen Waite, Doris

of semi.monthly parties for the: size of 49 coupljs. I 'HARD SCHOOL Duane Kalember played the Marchand, -Anthony Locricchio.Newcomers Club of Grosse Pointe I Members c~n b~long for three The Pere Gabriel Richard snare drum and Tommy Vine. Jill ,Crist, Nancy Corey, Jim Bal-were discussed at the first meet- 'years, at ,~lllch time they must School got off to a fine start for bardI' ofpthe 6A Class, played the berilz, Jane Thompson, Sharon. .. drop out In order to keep the the 1948-49 school year. With the ug e. atsy Veit gave a poem Zimmelman, Phillp KnoJ?e. Mar.mg or the newly.elected board of club exclusively devoted to new nation~1 tlend being an upward "Young America." The SB class garet Goodsir, Susanne Runde,directors in the home ot Mr, and membels of the community. surge m enrollment. especially in sang "The Battle Cry of Free. Nancy Claw, Paul Shuert, Duane

, Mrs. Howard Poppen. of Pember. Poppen, president of New. the elementary school, Richard dam" led by Miss Ernst. Kalembel. Kenneth Grunder,.Something ~ew in the way of ton Road Sunday night comers, disclosed that the social began the new school year with • • • Harden Taylor, Phyllis Shelton,

bll'lhday parties were held 101st '.,' plans for the 48.49 ~eason would 576 children, more than 30 over There were aDout 130 entries :f'atsy Veit, Irenc Fournier, 'lndweek by ALICE SAVAGE and I The Newcomers Club of Grosse by similar to those, of past yea the figures fur the close of sl!hool in the garden exhibit. Mr. and Mary Ann Zahart.GERRY JACOBSON Pointe is in its third successful P t 'T rs. ~ast June. Every available space Mrs. Edmund Laginess came ------

ALICE planned a ~urprise din. year according to Mrs. Tom D a~ ~d omorr~w . . m the building is being used for from New Hudson to judge the Everyone R~ads the Classifiedner party for her date CLAR- Blackwood, secretary of the n/n~~s, . Jlt'g~rpartles, Flcmcs instructional purposes. The kin. entries and awarded blue ribbons Ads. They Get Results!ENCE O'DELL on his seven- organization. [a 0 er. ac tVI I~S are panned d.ergarten is made up of fOUl'sec.teenth bl'rtl dAft th or every other Fnday from now ~~~~~~~~"" ......

\\ h. I d

1daYM' er e guests, It was organized originally in to the end of Ma" 1949 ~Ions. two meeting in the morn. ,~ . . ,.-.""".,_, ..""""",."~,.~,~,,, .."~F

, a mc u e artl W tk' , 194k t ' - J>' d" ~Jim Masl Joyce Wiekll, 1Il~ n ", 0 provlde..a TT)eallSof wel- Next i~ a bridge party in the JJ1~ an two in the afternoon to.)' B ~ B.k SI ~Savage a~d yours trul '~Jo~n com .ng new m.e!pbers to the com. Grosse Pointe Memorlai Church t"lmg;. lOa children. There' are ~.. Olille.S I e 101):.Weed, ~rrived the hat a derc? mumty: and glVI~g them an op- at 8 p. m.. tomorrow. There will seven classrooms in the school ,-\ "ous dinner, toppe~ off with ~h' portulllty of makmg new friends. be prizes 'and refreshments. Which have ~OOt more pupils, ~i19343 HARPI!It Acron frOw. ::O:;ve.ln Theotor TU. 1.

48521traditional ice cream and cakee• ' ~9 .Coupl.es J;l'0w - Mr~, K. F. Morlen is chairman the largest bell1g a class of 36. ), ~Following dinner, they all Smcelts I.n~epllon It has grown ?f thiS party and her committee .During the summer, when the ~,.~.' :'C . BISC''''y'''C'i'LIUES 5..treakked over to GERRY'S hOUllll tram an ongmal ~harter organi- mclud.es Mrs. Tom Blackwood, girls and boys of the school were "\ "wh.ere I.~er date, DICK LORD, Mrs. H 0 ',val' d Poppen, Mrs. experiencing happy vacations" 0\-': . IAl

R b t R k d with their faml'II'es. at home or ~~~,'~~ ...1"it.$~~~!t . All sI1.. s0an~dOmodels ~ICe Anne Sichler ':1 Bill Ishey more. CHET also had some pic- 0 er IS an Mrs. L. W. " V"'"

Mar? St?ver 'n. Bob Holle'r. and tures from his western trip on Kanaga. at lake cottages, attending the \KatIe Wieland 'n Chuck Wagner, h~nd for everyone to see, along ------ local schools for summer instruc- j,} C"~\~ 'who was also celebrating a birth- With ]ilenty of pepsi and other Help of S""Ollts tion, or going to camp, the Board ,~ V ..~,1 DOWN ~~day, played cards, danced, and goodies to eat! \) o.f Education employes were get.;~ , ~ ,,'" B/I)' NQIi! , • • ~towards the end of the evening , . ,", .. 0 Asked 1.'1 Dr' z"ve tmg the building ready fol' the ~~ I \.'I~'. "nd Sal'e ~had anothel' cake and ice cream The Grosse Pointe Neighbor. e- new school year. A number of ~~ \ ' R.palrin~. ['ickllp ~"

1 b t. hood CII'b \"1'11P t d the classrooms have been pam't. ,~- and DeHl'ery 1 ,~

ee e ralOn, with GERRY, CLAR- • ,y resen a ance All d th ,~-'" Opo" 10 ',In. 10 . ~~ENCE and CHUCK, all on hand entitled "Autumn Noolurne" on members ,of the Detroit e , e several kindergarten;~ ~ K p.m. • ~to blowout the candles. Friday, October 15. 1948. Tickets Area Council, Boy Scouts of rooms being completely done ~ if~~~

• .. .. may be secured lor the dance America are urged .to take a def. over. All of the drapes and flagsOver Pemberton Road way from Marcy Wetherbee, Janet inite part, whenever possible in were. cleaned, New (!quiprruint

following the game, LOIS BUCK Hobson, Roger Mueller, Bob Ruck the Community Chest Camp~ign and Instructlonat supplies wereg~ve a slumber(?) party for 26 and Merry Bauman. It will be a between Oct. 26 and Nov. 17 in sent over. The school is using agl,rls, The guests included Pat skirt an.d sweater dance, lasting their own area, Amos R, Shields, new textbook in the tield of sci.LIddle, Barb Smith, Katie James, from 9 11112. Everyone is invited 'lo:al Scout Executive, said today. ence. We now have a brand newJoan Lyons, Char Simmons Sa 1- so let's have a big turnout! ' 'The Boy Scouts are a part of ~6 mm sound motion picture pro.Iy Hoyt. Gloria James, Nancy See you next week! t?e Community Chestorganiza- Jector.Byru~. Mari~yn Wrobles, Nancy • .• • ~lon a~d we want to do our part There are three new staff mem- .~abrlel, Marianna- Larson, Har- BETSY WALDBOTT was gi"- m seemg that the drive tor $5- b.ers. Phylis Holt has one of thel'let Hunt. Betty Pesamoska 'Pat en a surprise party b~ BAR. 975,000 succeeds. We want to be flr!t grade sections and comesBal:nes, Marion Rennie, M~rilyn BARA I:lAUMAN celebrating her sure that sufficient furids are to Richard after experience inSmith, Ann Bracker, Joanne seventeenth birthday before the available so that all Metropolitan the Grand Rapids system. Leone~uandt, Sally Ferny, Joan Cron- Grosse Pointe.Ferndale game. Detroit's 125 Red Feather services Bennett is in charge of one of111, Carol Stuart, Pat Martin Sept. 25. have sufficient. money to carry the 5B sections and has had aJoyce Schriber, Gayl Robinson' Some of the girls who gathered on their invaluable work." number of years experience mostChar Salmon and Elaine Cabal.' at the Waldbott abode were, Mer- He pointed out that Boy Scouts recently in Hazel Park, Wi~ifred

• .. • ry Bauman; G,inny Granse, Barb wer t k d' ]\K 'o hiP e now a wor Istributing~er~ltt, who has ta.ught in Miami,MEEKY VAN ZANEN asked a rp a, ..t Peronne. Gail Wright 300,000 Red Feather Banks to the t:1ol'lda has one of the 6B sec.

few girls over for creamed chl'ck-_ Norma Neeb, Susie Johnson, Mar~ hous h Id . D t" d t Thc 0 s m e rolt an sub- Ions. ere is also new person-en and tea, followed by the us- cy Wetherbee, Annie Candler ubI

1 b D. D' , . , I' s. ne among the counselors who

ua ridge and knitting sessions OriS Jl~Slng, Jean Dowzer, andFriday, Sept. 24. We saw Ro"': Janet Hobson. The girls presented spend one half day per week each

L. 0"" B t 'th. 1 b in our school. The. music coun-letke, Betty Grey, Gladvs Oster. e sy WI a ovely cashmere lette r OX

J• s t selor is Winifred. Gomez and the

m~nn, ane Lundgren, and Polly wea er.WIlton having a wonderil'l time! .. ... .. art eounselor is Gladys Vance.• • .. JEANNE WEBB gave one uf the Besi(~.esthe regular instruotion.

MAR LEN E HUTTON t k nicest slumber parties of the year Dear Mr. Edgar: al program carried on by the fullcharge and chartered a bus ~~r Sept. 24. O~ beh~lf of the Gro.sse Pointe time' staff the school has the ser.the Royal Oak game Frida After Carroll Grylls, Meg Mc- Mohon Plctme CounCil, I want vices of part time teachers whonight. Although the Blue Devifs Kenzi~, Gail Wright, and Nan I to e~p:ess ou~' thanks for. the fine take care of instrumental musiclost, there was a large turnout GeorgIe;. met at Jeanne's house pubhclty whIch was gIven by the correction of speech difficlll~from G. P. Some of the gals who they ate and then treked over to The News to our recent Fashion ties, and. psychological counselingrode the bus were, Marian Orlolf, the ':Punch." After the movie Show, Th~ success of the Show for pupils who have academicSharon Ericson, Tos Chronowski, the girls. returned to Jeanne's for ~s .due .II? a great measure to or behavior problems, A nurseDot Olson, Ginny Granse Barb an'all night slumber(?) session. thIS pubhclt)'. will alw be in attendance on aOrphal, Merry Baum1l.n,' Janet .. .. • I ar:n happy to tell y?U that limited time basis.Hobson, Annie Candler, Pat Per- ALICE ANNE SICHLER had w~ Will. have -a sub~tantIal sum • • -anne, Jean Dowzer, Kathy Strek several Kids over for cokes and w.lth which to estabhsh our Film PARCELLS SCHOOLand Norma Neeb. sandwiches week before last to Library .. Your consideration and

.. • _ discuss Ichool and coming events. cooperation are appreciated by Miss Wolfe's room of 6Bs hadFor the first dance. of the sea- Knitting scarfs and mittens ev~ry me~ber. of the Grosse charge of the Flag Raising, on

son held in the girls' gym at G .P were Alice Savage, Joyce Wiek, Pomte ~otJOn Picture CouncIl. September 24, Robert VanH. S., the Student Associatio~ Joyce Giller, Joanie Rollings. Smcerely, Houteghen was the announcerchose "Scrimmage Scramble" as Jeanne Smith, Jan Walker, and Mrs. George Haggarty, and led the group in the pledge,their theme. Decorative murals Kathy Greig. Kathy Droge', At'- Secretary. Robert Scheuerle and Donaldund~r the supreme direction of dyth Fahl, Nancy Doherty, Margo Marter raised .the flag whileMARIAN ORTOLF portrayed Gessler, and Barb Otto, were be- Mn. W. R. Hearat, Jr. tofootball scenes with blue and gold ginning to work on an aigan. Talk on Fisher Town Hall~treamers and balloons l!Iurround- .. .. .. The newly-married Mrs. Wil-mg the gym. St. Ambrose High seniors had I' R d I h H

D th. h . lam an a p earst, Jr .• author I

ancing to the superb music of elr_ .Yl'lde Saturday, Sept. 25, of a witty gossip column, "TheseBILL GAIL and his orchllStra .t the Lazy.J ranch. Among the Charming People," will appear atwere Susie Johnson 'n Bill Pierce twosomes were Mercedes Mc- Detroit Town Hall at 11 a.m. nextGioria Climo 'n Hill Pierce Barb Manus and Doc Dubois, Kay Wat- Wednesda; in the Fisher Theater.Bauman 'n Sp.rky Farquae; Car- tel'S and Bob MiUenbach, Helen Her subject will be "Washing.roll Grylls 'n Sherb Brow~. Pat McGlynn and Dick Korte, Bette ton Show. From Backstage." !Hammond 'n Rob Phillips RUiS Ann Hayes and Jerry Gould, Before her recent marriage into'Diesing 'n Doug Turnbull: Janet Joann Ducastle and Jim Burns, the Hearst dynasty, she signedZurschll1eid. 'n Dave Donnelly Theresa Urquhll.'t and Jerry Kel- her Washington Times-HeraldPat Martin -'n John Corfield, Sal~ ly, Joann Fr~hn ..nd Bill Belluno, column, Austine CassinLly ~ac~onaJd 'n Harvey Reyst, Pauline Kilbride and Bob' Breen,Katie WI~land 'n Chuck Wagner, Marge Goyette and Jack Kelle-and Jlll1lCe Skillman 'n Larry her, Pat Gabrish and Jack. Kil-Hiddle. - linger and Sue Miesch and Jack. During the intermission Tom Howard.

Follis, Bill Beardslee, Stu Ward,Marv Weaver, Bill Cruthers, DonO~bourne and Bob Hanson enter-tamed by singing "Night andDay" and "Blue Skies."

.Still more were Ardyth Fahl 'nTim Taylor, Alice Anne Sichler'n Bill Isbey, Sharon Ford 'n BobSnyder, Sue Martin 'n Tom AuchBetsy Waldbott 'n Lloyd Murrey'M~ry Stover 'n John Sanford:Ahce Savage 'n Clarence O'DellGerry Jacobson 'n Dick. Lord'Ma!ianne Trombly 'n Bud Lang:JUCly Lyndrup 'n Jack Graham,Mary Gratzer 'n Dick Nighten-gale, Joanie Rollings and Don Os.bourne, June Moffat 'n Bill Hes-ter, Janie Lundgren 'n Dave Con,nel, and many, many more. I. .. ..

Following the dancing at. the I'

high school nearly everyonetrekked over to CHET SAMP-'SON'S new apartment, where he II

has been holding a continual openhOUSe this weekend for studentswho have been on his trips.

A few of the many kids who Imade the op,en houses included IBarb Orphal, Bulch .Eagar, Mary IHodges, Ed Karrer, Gloria James,Barry Munro, 'Sally Hoyt, StuWard. Dave Peter, Leroy pePlin'lski, John Mack and so very many


.. .. .

• • •

The P. J. HORNERS, of Hew-lett, L. 1., arrived last week tovisit Mrs. Horner's brothcr.in.law and sistcr. MR and MRS. E.MEAD BAKER JR., of MeadowLane.

The ROBERT BARITS, ofWincimill Pointe drive, have beenon an extended motor trip toNew York, Washington, wherethey visited Mrs. Barit's mother,MRS. TILLMAN STIRLING, andBaltimore. From the latter point,they flew to Bermuda for a fort.night's stay.

MRS. DAVID WEIR is expect.ed here trom Steubenville, 0., tospend several weeks with herdaughters, MRS. WILLIAM P.BONBRIGHT 11, of Touraineroad, and MRS. ALLAN SHEL.DEN III, of Lake Shore road.

.. .. ..

MR. and, MRS. WILLIAM J.YOUNG are expected to rc'urnto their home in Touraine roadthis weck after vacationing inAtlanta, Ga.

. .. ..

. . .RUTH RAUTH of Grosse Po'nte

Woods was named chairman ofthe commiltee to complete ar-rangements tor a lea given te-cenl1y for Western Michigan _Col-lege coeds who live in WalwoodHall Residence, KATHERYNTURRILL, also of the Woods,was one of those ch-sen to pour.

• • •

MRS. MALCOLM HUMPH-REYS. the former WILLAFRLDBERCRY. has been visiting hercou~in, MRS. HOWARD FRENCHof Kerby road, betore returningto her home in Palm Beach.

DR. and MR8. FREDERICK L,HONHART. of Berkshire road,announce the birth of a. second!on to their daughter, MRS. ERN.


TRADE INYour Old Sash


.. .. ..

.. . ..


~.~")o, !..~.~,:a





18901 MACK at BRAYTOII 8300 Vall Dyk••WA, 1.6666

TILEPHONI NIAGARA. 4000 OPEN SAT. TILL 5 .rGIld Office. 15701 H,rper-TV, 2.914~

<Continued from Page 8)

MRS. E, LLWYD ECCLE.STONE. of Lincoln road, accom-p2nied MRS. GEORGE A. LYON,of Dearborn, on it brief trip toNew York last weck.

MRS. ROBERT C, MARTIN. of DR. and MRS. WILLIAM C.Grosse Pointe bOlllevard, met MR. QUINLA~, of Fisher road. spentMARTIN, who had gone to New a week In Pittsburgh attend,ingYork earlier on business. in Man. pre.nuptial parties and the wed.h"ttan this we('k ami they left ding of BARBARA ANN AN.on a trip to Hot Springs. DERSO;\ and CHARLES C. B.

• • • STE"ENS, of Wayzata, Mimi... . ..

1n the Whitehead home on .. .. •Country Club drive Friday, MRS. MR. and MRS. DOUGLASJAMES F. WHITEHEAD JR. CAMPBELL, of Rathbone place.invitcd a number of friend~ to ~ ,set out ;\'eslerday to spend ansurprise birthday party for MR. autumn vacation at Huron Moun.W. tam.


••• lilt

HENRY T. BODMAN arrivedfrom Washington last week on abusiness 'trip and was the guestof his parents, the HENRYE.BODMANS, of McKinley road.. ...

Post ~ of Allied Youth hasplanned a barn dance in GrossePointe Mcmorial Church on Ocl.15. MR. and MRS. J. ROBERTJESSUP are to bc sponsors. TIMFORD of the Detroit Crime Pre.vention Bureau is scheduled tospeak.


Our thorough Illspection of YOIll'carCjuarantees that you will b. satlsfl.d

. .. .


AIR-TEe Metal Products Co.640 E. Seven Mile BO~:'Doat~~~dR. TW, 2.7800

. .. .


i\~l' COLOR

Our CompleteServi'l olld "arts Departm.nt




THE ll"Lr srop $AS" .ADfWITH ALLnR:'FUTllaES YOIlWAn


MR. and MRS. FRANK WEL.LINGTON COOLIDGE of Ken-singlon ro:!.d arc back afterseveral weeks' vacation in Cali.fornia. The travelers flew westand back but enjoyed a l4lotortrip along the coast while theywere there.

Short and to the Pointe

Visit cur fect~r)' end show room.. S.. these windows in thlprocess 01 monulacture. Also full size model, finished in eol.u

to suit. your individual needs.

Page Ten

:MRS. JOHN STEPHENS andher five.month.old d au g h t e r1'1'IARYMARGARET, who havebeen living with her parents, theJOHN S. SWEENEYS, JR., ofMoran road, left Oct. 1 to ioinher husband who located a hornefor his family in Mill Neck, L. 1.

Page 11: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK


21~a~:25c2 l~a'?~'33e

q t60z. Ige., Cans ..

.Page Eleven

. . . ,

~~~~i~i:~~<C~~. 19c

Rajah Torl.Sweet

Salat1 Dressinglana-In Tomolo Sauce

I-ork & Deanslona Tomato Juice

Del Mar Peas 3 2~,~~' 29c

Green Giant Peas L:r~~.d;~d2 i~2,,;;39cDel Monte Corn . c~~l~egtYle 2 2;.~i'37 cI T Nevi 2.19 0 •. 2-ona . omatoes Pack .-.ro:r.}.. Car", , C

lona Cut Green Be.an" .•,.,. 2 l~a~i'27 c

T' 'K 1 Nacooma.o etc lUp Brand •.•

L ' " All MIxedarsen s eg- Vegetable.

Del l\lonte Pie P.umpkin 2 2ta~~31cCamphell's Pork & Beans .2 J2a~ 25c,Crahapple Jelly tang". l}?r~ 19cC ~1 I P I 0,,1 :.tont. 20 Oz. 33rtb,Jle( ineapp e Brand Can, CDel ~Iaiz Nihlets 2 l~a~~' 33cDel lUonte Peaches u~~~~1:d2..~~nZ, 33eDeIl'lonte Cherries ~,~;:~tt ~I~;S39cPilIshUl'Y Flour Pu~~lo... 10 ~~i; 89cWhite House Evap,MiIk . 3 1:~~44eChicken-of-the-Sea Tuna .. W:' 43cSunn)'hrook Red Salmon .. lt~:' 65c;\1 & )1 Candy choc"far';:~oated •• ~~~. 25cLakesille Cookies <;r;';,:'ir.t; , • ~in~.;':;,2ge"Swcetose" Waffle Syrup. lri;r: 3.5cX-Pert DevH's Fooel Mix .. Ij~~~Z 26c

20 )Iulc Team Borax .. T.'. ~~~. 19c8oraxo Po,r<1cr .... I •• 2 ~~~~~33cWoodln'u'y's Toilet Soap .. 3 1~~~,29cWallace Clothespins .. r'T';' ~t5j19cZion Cookies Cht';,'i~\. .~,H1" J~h~49c

Scott Tissue .ToT'!'i' •• T'HT',. .....,... Roll 10e

Want lo save many a penny? Buy all your cannedand packaged food~ in A&P's Grocery Depart-ment, prices are as low as we can mak!l them,every day.

•If }'ou Like To Save It.OIu!,J, Get ,l&P'"r .





Lb. 19c

Who says "Opportunity knocks once?" because here's opportunityknocking again in this ser.ond week of our great 89th Anniversarycelebration. We're marking the event in grand style-by offering youa bang-up assortment of fine f~od values. So come, take your pick ofall the good things on display in your A&P Super Market. Prices onthese fine-quality foods are just as low as we can make them. Getacquainted with A&P's thrifty ,'alues during our 89th birthday, thencelebrate with sa"ings the whole year through!

L>oz .• lnCtn.

Lb,...... Print.~.'.


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~. fiI

Red Sweet Colit.

'rokay G."Blles.... 2 L'Js. 23(Cranberries ~~~bk. ,.,.,.' C.lI~b<\ag 25e

1\'1; I . P l t u.s. No.1 15 BLbulsk'45clC Ug~ll 0 a oes Grade .,. '.,,'

C I'f T l Luscious JoI Ol. }.9a I. 01))1. oes Red Ripe •••••.•.•.••. I'kg. e

Dressed Whiting

Fresh 118111S Shank PorUon .~7c• SmaJ1-6 to 8 Lb•. Lb.

Picnics. R.ad,'-To.Eal 4ge• • • • SmaI)":S to 7 Lb •. Lb .

Fresh Pereh • •• : III X.I.:. .• • • • • ~.T.: •.• Lb. 29c

Day in and day out, the' Dairy Center of yonrA&P Super Market features country-fresh foodsat hudget-wise prices. Pick your pe!!., and pamperyour purse!

Sunoybrook Small Grode "A"

Floes). Eggs • • •Wildmere Butter cri:~~ry


Chunk 0' Gold Che~:en~read.~.~., •• , Lb,

Sharp Cheddar Cheese M:~ ... ,',' Lh.

S G I i\I . Vitamin Lhure 001 j argarlne Enrlch.'d ••• - •.• '. Cln'.

Crestmonl Ice Cream In~:~~;~g5~1~~led r.- Pt,



Like your fruits and vegetables at the peak of freshness? Pick them inA&P's vahle;packerl Produce Department! Everything here is harvestedfresh, delivcred fresh and sold frcsh.

Lb. 6ge63e41c

Dcn.enIn Pkg.

15 Lb -(.Bag .') o. C

•••••• Lb.

• • •• • • • Lb.



• •


AU Cho~ccChuck Culs

SUlitRred orCinnamon •••••Donuts

~Mich. Pascal Celery . . . . . .. 2 ~;~~~~2geS. I Fresh 120z 19pUlac 1 Crisp. • • • • • • • • , ••••• , Cello Bag C

Green Beans B.~~~Wne 2 Lbs. 39c


U. S. NO.1

~Iaine Potatoes

Deef Roasts

Fresh Cod Fillets . . . . '. .II Ready-To-Ealams Shank Portion 0 .. •



Rosefish Fillets -.' .-.- Lb. 35e

Tr)'ing to stretch your meat dollars? Hemember-lhe price per pound Isn'tall that counts. What you gel. for that price is mighty important, too. And\when you choose "Snpl'r-,Right" meals at A&P yon get-and pay for-onlythe tenderest, juiciest part of each 6ne;qnality cut A&P's Close-Trimmedmeat-cuttinr method removes excess waste before YOUr purchase is weighed,_

Ever,)' tempting treat in the Jane ~~~:!Puker Bakery Department is as fresha.~can he . whisked from the ovento A&P. And everyone is mOdesllypriced every day.

Octoher Is Donut J"onthJane Parker "Daled Daily" - Plain Variety .• , ...•. Daz. 17c

" )611U'IInt l"ore "'or )'tmr jJlf!llt iUonell, Choose

Rainhow It!ed Do..... s ~~~23c('h •.., h Iced Pkg 23- ot!. ,--rllllC Donu!Jl •••• ofS' • C!

The regular monthly meetingof the Grosse Pointe UnitarianWomen's Alliance will be heldat l:30 p.m. next Tuesday in theChurch' House, 17440 East Jef-ferson.

Mrs. Raymond Baer. programchairman of the day, will intro-duce Miss Lola de Grille of thelnternalional Institute, who willspeak on "Hungary-Center ofTurmoil Today."

This will be the second in aseries of programs on the Broth-erhood of Man.'-

Following the program teawill be served by Mrs. ThomasHenry and her committee. Guestsare invited to attend any Alli-ance meeting.

Liggett School Alumnae willhold a tea from 4 to 6 p. m. Fri-day, Oct. 8, to mark the 20th an-niversary of Miss Katharine Og-den as headmistress Of,the school.

Mrs. Henry S. Raynolds, presi-dent of the Associate AlumnaeBoard, ' ...ilI handle the program.The board extended more than500 invitations to the tea.

Former presidents who plan toattend include Mrs. Edsel Ford,Mrs. Harry W. KelT, Mrs. EdwinDenby, Mrs. Pe!er Alan Forres!of Lewis!on, N. Y; Mrs. KirklandB. Alexander, Miss ElizabethPreston, Mrs. Rober! C. Restrick,Mrs, C. A. Newcomb. Jr .• ,Mrs.Henry J. Cupper and Mrs. Ed.ward N. Hartwick.

Liggett Alumnae Tea to FeteHeadmistress' 20 Years

New Yarncraft FoundationSchedules Tea for Friday

Pointe Freshmen HodessKalamazoo College Party

Mr. and Mrs. W. Robert Bry-ant, of University place, celebrated their 17th wedding anniVl'TSary last weekend by invitingsome friends to their summerhome "at Harbor Beach for golfand tennis.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward S.Wunsch, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R.Lott, Mr. and Mrs. TheodoreButtrick. Mr. and 1\:rs. AiThomas and Mr. and Mrs. JohnScranton wel'l~ the guests.

The men in the party crewedfor Mr. Wun~r-h for several )'f'ars :on his New' York 30 boat. theMinx.

Manu facturers sales pass hun-dred billion firs! half of '48.

in _he "'Ootl~!

21020 Mack, at Roslyn


Super inEvery Way!



U.S. Daughters of 1812 MeetIn Home of Mrs. l. D. Smith

rhursday, October 7, 1948

Religion SchoolS.eheduled Here

Mrs. Lloyd DeWitt Smithopened her home in Grand Ma-rais boulevard _Wedncsd<lY forthe first fall meeting of the Gen.Alexander Macomb Chapter ofthe United States Daughters of1812. Mrs. Smith is honorarv lIa'-tional president of the orga"niza-tion.

Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Harold M.Hastings, t:.., new president, werehoslesses at a luncheon followingthe board meeting. .

A roll call of vacation experi.ences was handled by Mrs. Mil.burn E. Rice, second vice presi.dent and program chairman. Mrs.Hastings conducted a ConstitutionDay observance.

At a 'general meeting of theWoman's Society of ChristianService of the Grosse PointeMethodist Church, held on Wed-nesday, Septem~r 29, the fol-lowing' officers were elected toserve 'Until June, the end of thenew fiscal year for the society:

President, Mrs. M. F. Sant-mYers, 303 Morass road; vice.president, Mrs. Virgil L. Walling,327 Kerby road; promotion at andrecording secretary, Mrs. A. W.Colett, 1047 Hampton road; trea-surer, Mrs. Hugh A? Delfs, 419Touraine road.

All women of th~ Pointe wholire members or""friends of theMethodist Church are invited to.attend the meetings of the So-ciety.

New Officers ElectedBy Methodist Society

The Grosse P.:>inteYacht Club'sHalloween Masquerade, PartyIInd Amateur Night is scheduledfor Saturday, Oct. .30. There willbe prizes for the best costumesand best amateur talent. Danc-ing, from 8:30 p.m., will be toFrank Sidney's Orcheslra.

"Birds Eye" Frozen FoodsWE DELIVER Nt 9216 OPEN SUNDAYS

"Jimmie" Willes JlIck McKayOwn.r Manager Meat Deparlment

Open Mon., Tue., W.d., Thur5., 8;30:7-Frl. and Sat. 8:30'9-Sun,. 10 10 3

Jimmie's Quality Market4102 ALTER ROAD



Misses Marilyn Hirt and Lo.r-. .. raine ,Hewitt of Grosse Poinre

The Detroit School of. Rehglo,:, were student hostesses at thesponsored by th~ Detroit .Coun<;l1first weekly Coffee Hour at Kala-of Churches, wIll open Its fiftharea school in the G. P. Memorial mazoo College, held Tuesday,Presbyterian Church at 7:30 p.m. September 28.Monday, Oct. 18. I Both Miss Hirt and Miss He-I

The director will be the Rev. wi,tt are. graduates of GrosseJames O. Carson reClor of Trin- Pomte High School and arelty Episcopal Church, St Clair' Freshmen at the Ka1.amazooShores. school.

, The following courses will _be Miss Hewitt is the daughter ofoffered for church school teach- Dr. and Mrs. Leland C. Hewitters, parents and interested lay of 1222 Berkshire road, and Misspersons: Hirt's parents are Mr. and Mrs.

"Teaching Junior High ~outh" Arthur Hirt of 830 Washington-Miss Aileen Sanborn, instruc- road.tor. The ColIee Hour is a tradi- I

"The New Teslament"-Rev. tional social event at KalamazooPaul Ketchum, instructor. College and provides the student

"Teaching Older Children in body an opportunity to meet theChurch and Home"-Mrs. Law- faculty informally.rence Billings, instructor. 'I '

"Teaching Little Children in "Church and Home"-Mrs. Ed- ! UnItarian Women to Hearwin Store. instructor. Talk on Hungary Problem'Registrations may be sent to

the Council of Churches office.Clnsses 2,lready oeing held in

four other centers.

On Sale Fridays, 3 P. M..at Main Office

F""'O'Ui II(J"I,', Bre",lgod StiK Rot~

ScJamo Sc,(!J BreaJOn Sale at Your Favorite Grocery Store

H I D s~~ ~omcsty e onuts or Plain •••••••• of S

Spicy Drop Cookies ~~:~~.... , .,.. Pkg

Gold Pouncl Cake D~~~e~i~e •••••••• Each

Sliced Cinnamon Lonf. Br.~~l~o,rf¥~eal F::aoh

Potafo Ureal] T~~ji+~~ru~~11..... , . LhBl.~RI

'I I B 1 While 16.0z, 12 LM.l:eIT arve rear Sliced... Loaf C 24 Oz. :.oRI

Chicken NoodleQuick Action Cleansing PowderPrepored-Noodle81uel Wilhoul Streaking


"Junket" 8,ondMake, a Quick Hat Meal

(Tomato Pies)OOe



I\IAIN OFFICE10932 Shoemllker Telephone IV. 9&95

Swift's Prem Quick Fudge Mix DIu-White Flakes Lipton's Soup Mix

3 ~r:$.35c


Kitchen Klcnzer Heinz Soup

2 1O~~Z:, 37 c

.1._ .. {:,.. ~ ,'" '." '...., '>" .". ~, f , •• "-of.;

Page 12: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK

G R 0 SSE POI N.'r E ~ E W SPage Twelve

Blue Devils Lose aThursday, Oet()ber 7, '1948



Prepare for WinterYou'll like Hudson Taper Service 'Because

Hudson.Toped Service Pa~s

ituthorizerf ill/rison Snles ,,\: Service

Bring Your Car to Us-for Regular Alignment

Save yOUl:"car. Save your tires. How? By havi"gyour Buick's wheels checked for alignment andbalance reglllarly.

Our Buick-trained mechanics know Buick'sfront end best. They have the factory-specifiedequipment for checking its action-bringing itback to new-car specifications if hard drivinghas caused misalignment or had halance.

After our Buick front-wheel job-you've gotn swee(he"rt of a car that'." still safer to drive,still easier to ha'1dle-all comfort all the way.

Tin-lie •. IllIick~ lut:.So/.s Olld Service

15103 Kercheval Ph. VAlley 1.5400Com. I", or flse tHIr pickup ""J'delivery SHVice.


Fourth Quarter Fumble Sets Up Score-Knotting Tally; GalloTrots 37 Yards for Firs! Counter

By JOE FRO]\]l\IAnmmciation came from behind in the fourth quartet

with a 61-yard touchdown march to tie with St. Ambrose, 6-6,Sunday afternoon in a Parochial League game on the GrossePointe fielLl.

Ambrose marched 53 yards near the end of the first halffor its ljcore.

If the teams finish the schedule ~tied for first, the game will be I Pass Inlo End Zonereplayed. Otherwise it will stand. Clarke picked lip 15 yards In

St. Ambrose started its tOUCh-Itwo p!Il.\'s and chalked up a firs;down march when it I'ecei\'ed a dClwn on the 15. Byrnes Walpunt on its own 47-yal'd stripe. stopped for no gain and Dale1Wills hit right tackle [or one picked up six yards"' to the 9.yard. McFarland passed for seven Derry then passed to Poegner illmore. the end zone for the tc,uchdown.

Annunciation was penalized The kick for point was blocke<lfive }ards and Gallo made a first by the St. Ambrose line. Ambrosedown on the Annunciation 32. A took the kick-off and marched tefive.yard penalty ag3inst St. the Annunciation Hi where pen.Ambrose moved the ball back to alties and the Annunciation de.the 37, iense held. Annunciation took the

37 Yards for Score ball over on downs and the gam.ended se\'eral plays later.

On the next play Gallo cut Ambrose will meet St. Marti.through le[~ guard and ran the I at the Neighborhood Club Sun.remamlllg ~ I Y,ards for the score. I day in what should be the toug.Ed Brown s kick for the extra est game of the year.pomt was not good. The half Iended several plays laler. IP.I d P t B d

A St. Ambrose fumble on the aygro?~ e arreAnnunciation 39 in the fourth After Btbng Younglterquarter set up the game-tying A collie dog who frequenlelscore for Annunciation. Byrne5 the playground at the Sacre4picked up one yard and Clark Heart Convent every day to playfive, with the children, has bee.

Byrnes cut over right tackle for barred by the Farms police. .11 yards and a first down on the Lucille Carmichael. 11. of 21Ambrose 44. Two plays failed to Roslyn road, was bitten by th.gain and on third down, St. Am- dog. owned by Joan Mattingly ofbrose was charged with pass in- 600 Washington road. The Boardterference and Annunciation was of Health was notified and Joangiven a first down on the Am- was told to keep her pet lockedbrose 30. up.



UNCLAIMED RADIOWoods police are wondering

what to do with a tour-tube radiofound by a nine-year-old boy inhack of Parcells School October2 and turned in to them.

Houston Tips St. Ambrose Eleven Tied, 6-6,Tires Out of By Late Annunciation RallyRotary l'ie

W.Houston Bros. Inc 14Auto Club. , 11Mondry Cleaners , 11Motol' Cily Tires ,10Farms Market 9G. P. Review , 8Kopps Pharmacy 8Punch-Judy Cocktl. Lnge 7Middle Atl. Transp. Co 7Earl Holzbaugh .., 5Piche Barber Shop 3Harrison Carpets 3

Houston and Motor City Tires,both tied for first in' the RotaryBowling League, fought it out lastFriday night in the Woods Rec-reation.

The Tires. leading by five marksgoing into the 10th frame. lost outwhen three of the Houston fivesh'uck out to win by 13 pins.

Upset by this turn of events,Motor City dribbled the next twoaway to give Frank Thayer andhis topnotchers a clean sweep,dropping the Tiremen to fourthplace.

Auto Club shot consistently tohand Harrison Carpets a 4.0 shel.lacking. with Gallagher. the Au.to Club's leadoff, turning in 584.including a 219 middle game. Theroad service boys jumped fromfifth to a tie for second.

Make'illmp, TooMondry Cleaners also jumped

from fifth to second when theyblanked Piche Barbel' Shop. 4.0.Ai Przeklas and Gene Mertzbowled extra well for the Fisherroad quintette.

Middle Atlantic TransportationCo, climbed out of the cellar bycollaring G. P. Review 4-0. Al-though Henry Peplinski rolled 210in a 569 series, the rest of the"scribes" showed little. TonyVolpe's expressmen were reallyhot all the way.

Kopp's Pharmacy more thanheld its own when it trimmedFarms Market, 3-1. The "cop-pers" missed a sweep when theylost the last game by one pin. Thetwo Carls. Thomp~on and Aile-mang, wel'P tops for the winners.

Stubborn FoeEarl Holzbaugh ran into a stub-

born foe when it crossed alleyswith the Punch & Judy CocktailLounge.

With a game apiece, and oneto go, Holzbaugh was determinedto win its first series this seasonbut the "cocktail. servers" ekedout the last one by six pins. giv-ing total pinfallto Earl's boys bythe narrowest of margins, one pin.

Wilson for the Judies andTrombly for the "Fordmen" werestandouts on their respectiveteams.





i;~ITakes Over First Place 'Alone;..... ,1 Au~~ Club, Mondry

. rll' for Second

Linc:oln - Merc:ury

CAR LIFE GUARANTEEFor Z years or 25,000 Miles

Lincoln $17 Mercury \$12"See Us Immediately for Complete Detailr

Jefferson Lincoln-Mercury Co.3700 E. JEFfERSON MElrose 0500

"Only Satisfied Customers Keep Us in Business"Open 7:30 A. M. Till Midnight




Make Silr. to Infl,,'re Abod Our Seasonal Spec:lols


Amusing But Confusing

-Picture by Fr.d RunnoUsGrosse Pointe High's identical twin combination of

HIL (left) and BILL PIERCE is amusing to members ofthe Blue Devil football squad but mighty confusing to thePointers' opponents when both boys are in the line-up.Both play end positions and Coach. Ed Wernet uses theiriden.tical likeness to an advantage by substituting theminto the game at the same time which adds to the confusionnot only of the Blue Devils' opponents but to the sportswriters covering the game. The number seven and elevenon their uniforms came about quite by accident when thevarsity suits were handed out to the regulars.

Pessel and Auch in FinalsOf High School Net Tourney

Pointe Net Team'Vins Fall Match


St. Paul BowlingLoop Scrambled


Coach Merlin Schultz andeight of his most promising1949 tennis prospects traveledto Birmingham last Thursday,September 3D, to tacKle Birm-ingham in a return fall tennismatch, which was won hand-ily by the Pointers, 5-L

Alex Mann, veteran from thePointers 1948 Border Cities Lea.gue championship team. avengedan earlier defeat b: six foot three 1Kieth McIntyre in the first matchbetween the two schools. Hedowned McIntyre 6-1, 11.9. in agruelling match. McIntyre dis-played a terrific service but wasnjllt stroked by his smaller op-ponent.

Bob' Allen, playing number 2singles, waltzed through his op-ponent in less than a half hour\vinning, 6.2, 6-1.

Jim Swift found his number3 singles opponent a little on thetough side and was forced to gothree sets before being declaredthe winner.

Dick MacKenzie was forced tobe satisfied with a I-I tie whenrain halted the number 4 singlesmatch.

Neil Kaake, a new comer tothe squad, was the only Pointerto lose a match.

In the doubles matches BillRossiter and Dick Smart wereable to score a. 6-2, 6-2, victory inthe number 1 doubles. TomAuch and Fred "Skip" Pessel,both veterans, just went alongfor the ride as rain washed outthe final doubles match.





St. Paul FlyersDown. St. Philip

By FRED RUNNELLS ber one and are top heavy favor.After more than three weeks ites to take the title. However,

the teams of Alex Mann-Bill Ros-of play the fall singles tennis siter and Jim Swift-Bob Allen,tournament for Grosse Pointe will provide plenty of opposition.High School students is in the Coach Merlin SchuHz should befinal stage, with veterans IFred commended for organizing these

fall tournaments and ,keeping up"Skip" Pessel and Tom Auch tennis interest at the school onslated to meet for the title with- Fisher road which is noted forin the next few days, weather its great teams.permitting. This is the first year faIl tennisI Tom Auch f<?und the trail to has been played at Grosse Pointe

The 51. Paul Bowling League the finals plenty rough, but man- High since 194(>. At that. timewent topsy.turvy in its fifth night aged to earn the right to play in former tennis coach Larry Wes-of competition, September 30, and them by beating a tough oppon. terville carried on much the15 of the 16 teams changed posi- ent in Jim Swift in three sets. sam,. type of .progra'm; .an'd' f~oinlions in the standings. Only the 3-6, 6-1. 7-5. Swift forced the it gained profitable results' inRuprich. squad remained the match most of the way with a producing such,' stars'-as 'Rosssame as the week previous when hard driving game and rushing IHerron, Bob King; Jim Kennedy,it r.aptured two points to stay at the nel. This procedure forced "Ax" Jemal, "Butch" Skau, Tomthe top of the league. Ten teams Auch to commit error after error, Willson, Paul Grubbs and Andyimproved their positions with but his experience ::;aved him at Creamer. to name a few. Thesetwo squads, Van Steen and Rig- crucial moments when points, boy.s and others gave Grosseler, moving ahead four places. IP t hwere important. om e power ouse tennis teamsVan Steen went from eighth to On the other hand Pessel had that swept everything beforefourth and Rigler moved up from th f "9 .fourteenth to ,tenth. a picnic in reaching the finals. em or." consecutive matches

L. Brecht'moved back into the when he defeated Dick MacKen- to establish (as far as can beindividual lead which he lost last zie, a new ~OB student, from learned). an a~l-t!me high s,choolweek, and is now sporling a 172 Pierce; in straight sets, 6-3, 6-1. consecutive winning record 10 theaverage. Pete Martin of the Wal- This match was poot'ly played country •ters third place team moved up because of adverse weather con- From the brand of tennis be:in the standings to second place ditions and a strong wind which ing played by Coach Schultz'sjust one point behind the leader. made the ball do tricks. boys i~ the present fall tourna-

G. Walters hit the 200 circle. The boys' doubles tournament ments It .appear~ that t~e Blyefor the second week in succes- got underway on Tuesday. Octo- D.evlls Will contmue their \~In-sion with a 218. Other bowlers bel' 5, with the draw of 16 teams. !lIng ways wh,:n. the squad sWI~gswho found their way into the 200 Singles finalists "Skip" Pesse1 mto Bor?er Cltles League actlon

The 51. Paul Flyers won their bracket were: J. Rotole. 233; P. and Tom Auch were seeded num- next sprmg.second gam~ of the season Sun- Allard, 227; C. Van Steen, 212;day by downing a weak St. Philip C. Commerson, 210; R. VanTiem,squad, 25-7, in a Parochial Lea. 204. and D. Trombley, 201.gue game' at the Mack-Connors Team StandinKField.. P. Ruprich 15

Pete Belanger. Bob Berg, John D. Trombley 13B~nfham. and. Jim Lawall scor- G. Walters 13e B or the po~ntc squad. C. Vansteen _..12 Grosse Pointe High School met

7~rg ~pene t t~e sc?ring \~ith IL. Brecht 11 Birmingham in a practice fall IIa -yar pun. re urn m the rst F. Dansbury 11~uarter. St. Phlli;> tool. the open- P. Allard 10 tennis match on Sept. 22 and de-109 kickoff and was forced to 1 E. Lauer .10 feated them 6-3. Coach SchultzKgnt. Berg caug~t the ball on the' A. VanBecelaere 10

\ cut across t e field and tra- J. Rigler 9 used eleven players with Alex~~ees~:Fee h~~tag~~~d~~;kit~ge :~~~ A. Go~in _ 8 Mann playing No. 1 singles.h' M. Smith 8 Alex was defealed by Keith

I~ t~ammates. d J. Marsack 8 McIntyre in a long battle 4-6, 6.4.h e anger smashe o\'er from I J. Sweeney 8 6-2. G. P. players winning

tp e 18 In the second quarter. St. H. Furton 7 matches were Fred Pessl, playingau took the ball on a punt and j L. Reno 7 NO.2 singles; Tom Auch, playing

marched clo~vn th~ field to ~et up 1 , No.3 singles; Neil Kaake, playingth~ score. Bmgham scored In the NO.4 singles; Ray Leonard play.third quarter on a quarterback ing No. 6 singl~s; Jim Swift andsneak from the 3.The,touch?0~vn F•.Olll Joe Bob Allen in NO.1 doubles; Bill Iwas set up by Dick Roland s In- Whittingham and Bill Rossiter inlerc~pted pass. T '7 no, 2 doubles. Two tenth grarlers

Bmgham passed to Law f?r 0 ..01. from Pierce Jr. High played N0'1the final St. Paul touchdown In • • • 3 doubles and finally lost 4-6, 6.4,the thIrd quarter. The play cov- 8.6. They were Jim Reindel andered 25 yards. Hartlage plunged by Joe Fromm Dick MacKenzie. Iover tackle .for the extra pl')int.

St. Philip took the kickoff after During practice recently, Bill 1lIlIlmlllnllllTIlmllmllnmmllllllllllmlllmll!llIIlmllllmllnnlllflilITllImmllml1lllll!m~lIIl1f1l111l1fl1H1IIllIIllIllIIIIJlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIIlIlllIlIIlIl!lllllmlllllrnmilllllllllllllllifl!llIlIImlilimlillllllmllllnlllllllllnllllllllllliiilllllngthe final T.D. and marched the il!llength of the field for its only Anderson, GPHS back, intercept- I A T YO UR SER VICEscore. St. Paul's freshmen pla,- ed a pass. Coach Wernet told !iiers played almost the entire him to say something like "hey," If "I've got l't," or "block" to letourth qua,rter. I______ his teammates know that he hadPointe Student Enroll. the ball. Anderson said. "I'll yell ii

'HELP'." Wernet came back with ==In Guild of Organists an aside remark. "You'll probab. ~

Iy need it with the team we've ~

got:' • • .1 c:=Cal Purdy. Blue Devil quarter-

back, missed th<e iame Sept. 25because of illness. He was on the ill

verge (Jf pnellmonill and had to eremain in bed. End Marv Weav- ~er missed the tirst quart~r be-I-cause he Wlili a pallbearer at hisgrandfather's funeral. He rushed =to the game immediately after gservices. Guard Frank Palazzolo ! • !almost missed the opening kick. I ".etor, Tr.i ..ell E~,ert.- Ge..,line P.rt. & Acceuorie, IofT.His brother's car broke down Ii

~~dt~~r~~Y1d~I~~S:J~I~~'~: i WHYTE OLDSMOBILE CO.It.Canada will gain rich territory I 15218 EAST JEFFElSON .t IUCONSFIELD VA. 1.5000by adding Newfoundland. ill UllillnmllllmllllllllllllllllllllllliIJlilllllllllllllilllnllilnllll!lllllllllllllllllllllnlllllllnmllllllll!ll1In1II11I1I11I1U1l11l1mIlIllIlIlNllllillllllllllllllllillnlWnlUIIIIIII IlnlllllllllllllnlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnllIIlIl lumlllllllllllilfil

Kenneth Vender bush, 820 Pem-berton road. Grosse Pointe Park,is ono of the ten students of organat Kalamazoo College who haveenrolled in the American Guildot Organists as student .col.leagues, it is announced by IMr.Henry Overley, head of thomusic department,of the coilege.

The Gu!ld is a national organ.iulion with fMre than 8,000 or-ganists enrolled. Kalamazoo Col.lege was th'C second school to beenrolled In the student colleaguesection when that classificationwas opened two years ago. Morethan 200 schools now have mem-berships. ,

Mr. Venderbush is a freshmanat the college.

Pointe E:leven, Bested in All But Two Departments,Manages to Knock Down Acorns' Prestige

Beaten, 6 to 0, by Royal Oak Pointe HighIn Game of Missed Chances Netters Beat

StW IBirming hamBlue Devil Tennis Team Takes

Easy 5. r Victory inReturn MatchBy FRED RUNNELLS .

Following Grosse Pointe's 6.0 defeat by Royal Oak 1~1Royal Oak Memorial Park last Friday night, Blue DeVIlCoach Ed Wernet stated: "we won one we lost."

On the surface, that statement seemed true. But once, the statistics were compiled it was discovered the Acorns

bested the Pointers in every ~~epartment but two.The Acorns out.rushed and~

out-passed the Pointers by a wide fans something to cheer aboutmargin to chalk up their first when he intercepted Leet's passBorder Cities League victory in on his own 26-yard line andas many starts. raced 74 yards through the entire

Despite the win the Acorns lost Acorn team for an apparent score.plenty of pre-game prestige Grosse Pointe's cheers turnedwhich had labeled the Acorns as to groans and protests when the,"the team to beat" for the title officials called the play back andthis year. handed the Blue Devils a 15-yard

Grosse Pointe had an oppor- pushing penalty giving Royal Oaktunity in the early stages of the a first down on the Blue Devil 24,game w hen Brogan's punt The combination of a strongstopped on the Acorns' a.yard Blue Devil defense llnd a 15-yardline. holding penalty against the

Gain ( Yards Acorns halted the Royal OakThe exchange of punts gave threat.

Grosse Pointe the ball on the Pass Attack FailsAcorn 28 but three running plays In the dying moments of theand a pass netted only four game, Grosse Pointe took to theyards and the Acorns took aver air in an attempt to gain at leaston their own 24. a tie but the Blue Devil passers..It was at this point the Acorns missed their marks repeatedly:;iarted to roll lor the only teuch. and the game ended with thedown of the game. However, the ball in Royal Oak's possession on/itart (Of the drive didn't indicate the Blue Devil 47-yard line.a score was ibrthcoming. Several hundred Pointe parents

It was a bad pass from center and students followed the localthat forced Halfback Roy Leet to team to ROY';!1Oak which was a'run with the ball when the play wonderful ,gesture to the team'called for a kick. Leet picked his and Coach Ed Wernet who passed'way to midfield and it was here up a college coaching job last,that the Acorns' firecracker ex- summer.ploded. He stayed for the express pur-

Flve Pla~'s to Score pose of building Grosse Pointeinto a strong contender in the

1£ it had not been fOil Cole- Border Cities League.man't bone-crushing tackle at Monroe Is Nextmidfield Leet would have gone Next Friday night these fansall the way without a hand being will have the opportunity to~aid on him. watch the Blue Devils perform'Three line plays and two in Monro!! against the surprising

passes netted Royal Oak's touch. Trojans, who walloped the co-down. Leet's first pass to End champion Fordson Tractors inManly Wilson was good for 20 their first league game.yards to the Blue Devils' 23. STATISTICS

A line play by Leet was good G.P.to the 20 and then Leet.hit Quar- First Downs rushing .. 2terback Harry Burtwell with a First Downs passing .. 2beautiful pass on the 7 and Burt. Firsa Downs penalties 1"lell stepped over into pay dirt. Net yards rushing 29

Bad l'ass Net yards passing 37A bad pass from center" I!;re; .Passes attempted .., 20

.vented the -,?-corns from klckmg- Passes completed 4,the ..extra pomt but always alert Passes intercepted by OLeet grabbed the ball at the last Fumbles 1moment and tried to flip a pa~s Fumbles lost by 0,to Wilson in the end zone, but It Penalties 7was no good and Royal Oak led. Yards penalized 756-0. Punts 6. The Blue Devils gave the!r Punt average 33.7huge following a thrill early In Yards all kicksthe second quarter when Cal returned 68 28P.urdy lobbed a l?ng pas~ from Grosse Pointe starting lineup:]lIS own 49-yard lU1e.t?Blll An- Brogan. Q; Follis, LH; Coleman,,derson on the Acorp 2~. '. . R~; Laitner, F; H. Pierce, LE;. 'Anders01.' took ~he ball on a W. Pierce, RE; Spei. LT; Capt..dead run, Juggled It a half dozen Anton RT' Palazzolo LG' Sharptimes and then dropped it. Anq.er- RG; J'ohns'on. C. " •.son had a clear field ahead ofhim if he had held onto the pig-skin.

Miss Pig Chance, . Grosse Pointe' had anotherbeautiful opportunity on the nextplay whltn Leet fumbled PatBrogan's punt on .the Royal Oak30 and tackle Frank Palazzolorecovered for the Poinlers.

However. the Pointers could,do no better than make eightyards in four downs and onceagain the Acorns' defense got abig hand from the Royal Oakstands. ..

The Acoms immediately puntedout of danger to Coleman on theBlue Devils' 46. Coleman wasbrought down on the Acorns' 40.There was a holding penaltyagainst the Blue Devi1~ and theball was put down on 'the Pointe35-yard line.

Kicks OutTwo plays later the Blue Devils

dre,v another 15.yard holdingpenalty placing the ball back onthe Pointe 22, Brogan kicked outof danger to Don Johnson whofumbled at midfield but reocovered.

Royal Oak began to move to.ward touchdown territory againand but for the marvelous defen-sive play on the part of Tam(Crusher) Follis would haveIlotched another score.

Royal Oak had moved frommidfield to the Blue Devil 15when Follis, on successive playsthrew Royal Oak for a seven.yard loss which broke the Acorns'morale. Two pass plays failed andthe Blue Devils took over ontheir own 21 as half.time neared.

Threatens AgainShortly after the 'third period,

Royal Oak .threaten~d againwhen End Dave Bramer inter-cepted a Brosan pass on theAcorn 40 and drove back to his

'own 45.i Three line plays gave theAcoms a flr~t ~own on the BlueDevil 43. Leet then hit the line'for one yard and on the next playflipped the prettiest pass of thegame to Harry Burtwell.

Burtwel1 took the ball on adead run behind the GrossePointe secondary On the 13.yardline and stepped Into pay dirt.However, Royal Oak :was pen91~ized for holding and the scorenullified.

Play Called BackWith siX' minutes remaining,

Folli. gave th~ Grosse Pointe


, .'. ~', ,

Page 13: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK

Page Thirteen


Representative in CongressUnited States Senator

Circuit Judge (to fill vacancy)Three (3) Judges of ProbateFour (4) Circuit Court

CommissionersRegistrar of DeedsDrain Commissioner

State Trea surerAuditor GeneralState SenatorRepresentative in State


Two (2) Coroners




2. Proposed Amendment to the Constitution providing for ihe repeal ofSection 23, Article X, relative to the return of one cent of a state salestax levy to be divided among school districts, cities, tcwnship$ and villagesand providing for the milking of annual grants to school districts out ofgeneral funds.

5. Proposed Amendment to Section 21 of Article X of the Constitution soas to modify the Fifteen Mill limit4tion.

6. Referendum of Act No. 270 of the Public Ads of 1947. entitled "An actto regulate and control the operation of Foreign Agencies acting withinthe State of Michigan; and to prescribe penalties for violations 01 theprovisions of this act."


7. Shall a convention for the purpose of a general revision of the Constitutionbe held?


/lnd to vote on the following propositions:


I. Proposed Amendment to the constitution reltltive to the order of successionin the performance and dllties of the Governor.


4. Proposed Amendment to the Constitution relative to compensation anclexpenses of members of the leghlature •

to be held in the

3. Proposed Amendment to the COl'lstitulion relative to compens/ltion ~f~ertain state officers.

To the qualified electors of the Township of Grosse Pointe, Michigan:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that II General Election will be held in the Town-s',ip of Grosse Pointe, Wllyne County, Michigon, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1948,ond that the polls for said eledion shall be open from 7:00 o'clock in the forenoonuntil 8:00 o'clock in the evening, Eostern Stondord time, for the purpose of eleetingthe following National, Stote, and County officers:


Prosecuting AttorneySheriffCounty ClerkCounty TreasurerCounty Auditor

FRIDAY, OCT06ER 8, 1948




Don J, Goodrow,Township Clerk,

GrossI Pointe Township.

GovernorLieutenant Governor


Secretary of StateAttorney General


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that registration of qlJ'd1ified electors who havsn.,t olready registered con be made with ths Township C:er~ of the Township ofGrosse Pointe, at his office in the Municipal Building in the VilL:lge of Grosse Pcin;sPMk, Wayne County. Michigao any oay prior fo ~he 20th day preceding sa:d Gen-crill Election. and that fne Township Clerk .....;11 be in his office on tne 20th d~~1(OCTOBER 13, 19481 preceding said Generlll Election between the hours of BYJo'clock in the forenoon and 8:00 o'clock in the evening. Eadern Standard t,me, ;;)rt!~e purpose 01 dccepting registrations.

FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF ELECTORS: For those unabl!:! to appMr duringoffice hou's. registrations will be ta~en by the Townsh:p Clerk from S A.M. to S P,M.on the following days:

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that you mllY also register with the Vii~gsClerk in your respective Vi1boge on ony dllY up to and including the 20th cloy prior10 sllid Generlli Election during their regl,iM office hours.


Township of Grosse Pointe

AT 1:10 P. M.Monday thru Friday

Be sure to hear

Private PartiesBanquets

for Reservations




• Steaks• Chops

• Dinners

Featuring •••CHICKEN .,')0In a Basket, ..••..

FISH 5geand CHiPS .

Food youtll en;'1Y atmoderate prlcts. Lunch-rons - Dinner - LateSreel.1s - n.nquelsParties - Our Specialt~ ..



Revere Dining RoomE. Jefferson at Revere Blvd.

GROSSE POINTE NEWS----------------


The entertainment <;ommitteeof the Grosse Pointe Yacht Clubhas arranged to have (he WorldSeries games broadcast through-out the club. Members are invit-ed to bring their friends andenjoy the series in comfort.

A !rue philosopher is • guy

who figures no matter how bad

his ear is we can always gef itin tip. top sha pe for a down-

right reasonllble sum. If your

car is worse than fair-don't

fear your hllir-repairl

1.--------'----,IBoy, 17, Injured atPlay

Neighborhood Ion School Athletic Fiold

Club News I u~'~'~~~il;~ ak~~~~;o~~i~~i~e~~I~October 15 to Novembcr 15; last Tuesday evening proved

has been designated as the IL :.- J Ipainful as well as somewhat ex-period in which Christmas girt THEATER PARTY pensive for Jospph Daniel Burke,parcels are to be mailed to mem- Jr,. 17, of 798 Ti'omble~', accord.bel'S of the Al'med Forces over- I ThiS Friday night. the first ing to police.seas, Roscoe B. Hus(on all- . Theater Party of the season will Young Burke was taken to Bonnounces. be held at 7 p. m. in the audi- SecoUl's Hospital by Woods po.

Parcels addressed for dclivery torium oC the Neighborhood lice a[ter he had been knockedthroilgh A.P.O:s and F.P.O.'s Club, for all boys and girls of the UllCOll.\ciO\lS while playing withmay weigh 70 pounds and meas. Community. other hoys. He was kept in theure 100 inches in length and Cartoons are shown'and special hospitailwo days for observation.girth eombined. No cigarettes are I quiz contests and stunts are fea-allowed III parcels addressed. to lured with special prizes for the Chinese Pastor to SpeakArmy and Navy personnel S(3-, winners.tioned in Eurool'. • ~ • At Pointe Congregational I

Parcels addr'essed to civiliansGIRLS' BASKETBALL

for delivery through the regular " . The Rev. P. H. Wang, of Peip-IIntl'rnational parcel post should Wanted! G;rls IIlterested III ing, China, will I:-e the guest Ibe mailed not later than Novem- playing basketball are urged to speaker at the Grosse Pointe Con. Ibel'l if they are to be delilered came to the Neighborhood Cluh Igregational Church Sunday, Oc-'by ChristmHs, on Thursday nights at 7:30 p. m. label' 17.

Parcels must be packed in C h T M' .oac o~y anos IS very anx~- Rev. Wang returned recently

stl'Ong containers wtih plenty of dUs for girls to tryout for thIS I from the World Counc.il ofcushioning material, \\'I:apped in team so that he \Vlll have hme Churches meeting in Amsterdam.strong paper and lied WIth strong to get them ready for competi. He \"1'11 be I'n D~tl'O'l'. to partl'cI'-cord, two crosswise and two. . "lengthwise, and knolled at the I tlOn. pate in the Foreign Mission Con-crossing. ferencI.' of North America, Octo-

Improperly packed parcels will Travel Movie Series bel' 19 and 20.not. be accepted fol' mailing. I To Start October 17 I ------

GIft parcels addressed to . Recovery shipments abroad byAustria, G I' e e c e, L\lx'~mburg, -- ECA near billion mark.Chim., Belgium, England, France, Robert Friars and his new eX-I'Germany (U.S., British and citing all color film "CaribbeanFrench Zones only), Italy, Holiday" will appear as the open.Netherlands, Norlh Ireland, SCDt. ing number on the Travel and,land, Trieste, Wales, Japan and Adventure ><!ries sponsored by II

Kore~ arc accepted for mailing Grosse Pointe Community Lec-at a postage rate 4 cents a pound tures.less than the reglilar nlte now "Caribbean Holiday" will be Iapplicable to the various coun- presented at the John D. Pierce Itries named. auditorium on Sunday afternoon,

Such parcels must not contain October 17, at 3 p,m. This hum-items other than food, clothing, orous and magnificently coloredshoes, medical supplies, .and i~- film will feature the highlightscldental household 01' reIJef arlI- and unique beauty spats of Haiti,des and must be endorsed Jamaica, Puerto Rico, and Trin-"U.S.A. Relief. Parcel" in order 'idad. I

to receive this reduced postage Known for his fast moving andrate. uproariously entertaining trav- i

------ elogues, Robert Friars more than' IUtility Pole Flame Alerts Imaintains the pace set by hisPolice Electric Repairmen famo.us "~Iexican Holiday" and

'__ "Holiday III Cuba."Word was phoned into the

Park police station at 11 :30 p.m,on September 20 that a utilitypole on Audubon just north ofJefferson was on fire. '

Sparks were being thrown outfrom the pole and the DetroitEdison trouble shooters werenotified.

It is not an uncommon occur-rence, say electric men, when ashort takes place at the base ofthese poles under the ground forthe pole to get red hot near theground and' be a source of realdanger to the public.

Red-shielding by RSAby acting administrator.

Cy Cyt/IYIJER Gez;

nil SYROH urwrn co..OUROIT 26. MICH.

I Tinle to Ma.ili Overseas Gifts


I rOUfl.-FIF1'HS WAl'ER.




Training course for Scoutlcaders began Septembcr 29.

, Interested persons may call Mrs.Russell Smith, Ni 5888.


Sun .• .:'lIon" Tues.,Ortoher 10, H, 12

Hrnr)/ Jo'onda ..John \\'a.yne

"FORT AI'ACllt;"


lIuIt alld A8ruslus Goe~ProJJJCllotJ by


Wednesday to SaturdayOolober IJ 10 16Spencer Tracy-

Kalllarine Hel.hurn"Tilt; S'f,\TE OF Till,


\'5sU our IlTtlc\"lslobLounge"

Now thrll SaturdayJack Carson-Janis f'aikc"RO,'IM';C~; ON 'filE

IUGII SEAS"In Technicolor


The Honorable Harold F. YoungbloodUnited States Representative1532 8uhl BuildingDetroit, Michigan

Dear Congressman Youngblood:

You have been most helpful to The Americanlegion during my year in office, as National Commander.As I reflect on the many accomplishments in behtllf ofour wtlr veterans I feel that YOIl have signally distin-guished yourself.

PJrticularly, you have been understandingin your response to our National legislative Commissionin connection with its program, As my year reaches itsend, I ihank you "gain for your kindness and cooperation.

With kindest regards, I am

Sincerely yours.

(Signed) JAMES F. O'NEil

National Commander.

Thursday, October 7, 1948


Harold F.






FRED F, FINKlEHOHE p..... nll

Evenlnss: Orch.~ J.6A, 2.40, 1.30, 1.20. Ma.tlnees \\'cd., Oel. lS and Satur'"da.)is: On-h., J.OO, 2.40; Hale .• 2.4{), ].80, 1.'20. AU price! IncJude tax.

Performance SUII. eve., Oct. 17.

DETROIT TOWN HALL Frlrlj1r.~~~' 15 T~Cl~eC;terat ~• 900 to 1.80Open109-ANNA RUSSELL TO'" 1ncl,

"l\Jonologllcs and Musical Parodies"Oct. 22-Dr. Frank L. Evcrsllll-"Korca, the Hermit :"lation"

even Pointe Studentsttend Kenyon College


Seven students from Grosse. ointe began classes at Kenyonallege. Gambier, Ohio, on Sep-

ember 27, the beginning. of. the25th year of Kenyon's history.

Entering Kenyon as a memberf the freshman class is Harry

L, Mack, 1027 Bishop road. Re-turning students are David M. Herb Graffis: writing for theBogle, 433 Lakeland, a sopho- Chicago SUll, tells of meeting amore and a member of Psi Upsi- Girl Scout leader and learninglon fraternity; Edwin T. Collins, from her the "tremendous scope20675 Vernier cirde, a sopho- and interest of the Girl Scoutmore; George G. Malltl1O, 364 program,"Fisher road, a sophomore. George Graffis' article states, " , . , itis out for football this yeal'. looks to me like the maidens' pro-

Also. John E. Park, 253 Lewis- .gram has about everything in itton road, a, senior and. a memb~r i except boys. And as an ex.boyof Psi Upsilon fratermty;, Edwll\ i myself my recollection is th"tA. Schaub, Jr., 1427 Nottmgham ~the girl with Girl Sc(mt schoolingroad,. Guy J. WcdtholT, Jr. 424 ~l!IS an edge on most youngstersWashmgton road, a senIor and of her sex in the sort of air ofa Psi U. quality that gets the desirable

----- youths.

"For m"any years I have lookedover women and now have

! reached the time at which I can

Iform a few condusions. I haveseen some gorgeous looking wo-men of various ages who have

: not much luck in getting grader A males as playmates, pro ternor for life.

"When I've tried to figure itout it has dawned 01'1 me that theunlucky ladies just missed having

'that sllp~rior something called'class .... Every once in a whilei 1 see Girl Scouts and the factor ofi class that is so general amongthem never has failed to impress

Page 14: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK

r-: --.------------------------- ~ ____:_-oc---~


BRICK and cement work. Re-pair and new. Driveways. Ga.rage, rat wall, basement floors,porches, steps. e x c a vat i n g,S. Degryse. Call VAlley 4.1163.

21s-Carpenter Work

PORCHES, attics, recreationrooms or minor repairs doneby licensed contractor. Quota-tions on request. TU. 2-832.4.

WILI5:INS garage door r e p a I I'5 e I' vie e, specializing in alltypes of doors. Call WAlnut4.2416.

Thursday, October 7,1948

FINE CARPENTRY - KitchenCabinets, Recreation Rooms,Attics and Alleration5 of anykind. William Brockel, 16022

"Stephens Dr.. East Detroit,Mich. ROseville 3315-W,

BASEMENT BARS and recrea.tion rooms, built or finishcd..Free estimates, private party.

. LAkeview 6-0379.


En~lose front or reM porches,kitchen cabinets, recreation rooms,Ilftie rooms, remodeling. Promptservice, good workmonship.

S. F. BARBER20380 Nesbitt Nlag"ra 6784


PORCHES, extra rooms, dorm-e r s , driveways, sidewalks,roofs, gutter work. G en e I' EllHome and Industrial Repairs.

H. F. JENZEN4372 Dickerson Ave. VA. 2-4101

Patty Briggs fur and dress de-,signer. alterations of women'sapparel, fur repairing, remod-eling. Excellent workmansh ip.39119H<lverhi11.. TUll"do 2.1822.

EXCLUSIVE Alterations by Ma-rie Stephens. Also iurs. 13327Kercheval. VAlley 3-0053.

EXPERIENCED dressmakinganrIaller<ltions. Andree. Schmlclt.NI. 0370.


VAlley 2.6891


14331 Kerehevol

a-General 21 j-W'311 Wi:lshill9


We Pay Cash

Will Trade for a New Car

Will Trade for a Demonstrator

Will Trade' for a Better Used Car

130 Kercheval at Hall PI. - TU. 1-5000


• *5 ,~S • ++ , =c ft-, Nt de J $ i r 9 d




For estimales call TU. 2.2 BSO



ESQUIRE SHADE CO.14537 .Chllrlev.oix

------------1 --- ..----.-.----

21 d-Curtain Laundry


and Surgical garm\lnts. Over. 13 years experience. MaudeBannert, 368 MeKiqley, GrossePointe. Call NIagara 402.7 orTOwnsend 7.4312.

EXPERT wall washer, h;mdyman, any kind work, reference!urnishr-d. Stanley Lutow3ki;

3.5 Dfy Service J 6218 "'an, Detl'o_it.. _. . 211-Window WashingAlso l'e-taplng, re-cor~lng, re- .

pairing" cleaning or repainting. Window Shade Cleaning. and Replacements

Window shades made to measure MUMFORD'S FLOORor replaced on your rollers. COVERINGPorch shades made to mei\sure. 1612.7 E. WA!lRENColors in natural. green and NIagara _04_4_6 _brown. THE AAA window and wall

. washing and painting worl<:guaranteed. Frce estimates.Call TU. 1-3870.

21 c-Electrie Repairs

CINDER ELECTRIC, 1784 Ros-lyn Rd. Complete electricalservice. Factory, store .. housewiring, maintenance and reopair. Quality workmllnshipand materia!. TU. 2.-0439.

Window Shade Cleanina:and Replacements


16127 E. 'WARRENNIagara 0446

21~-Custom Corsets

21 f-Refrigeratlon

GUARANTl!:ED. work on all re-frigeration. Repaired in homeor hermetic unit replaced. Li-censed arid bonded. J. HayesRefrigeration Service. VAlley2.82.12.



3 Trunk LinesTo Serve You Quickly

21 i-Paint and Decorat.

VAlley 2.0100 '

We have buyers for good homesLet us apprllise your property torbest mllrket prices.

15322 Ellst Jefferson

lit Nottingham

GROSSE PTE. FARMS-Choicelot in Stephens Rih 'subdivi-sion C,all owner TU. 2-222.3.


brick; breakfast room, lavatory,3 bedrooms, tile bath, attic,recreation room, excellent con-dition. Owner leaving city.Priced to sell. By appointmentonly. Walter H. Eberl, 4873Balfour. NIagara 5840.



LOT: 75 ft. by 96 it. Stevens sub-division, $2,200. TU. 1-9988.

21 I-Paint and Decorat ••

, OUR CARD OF QUALITYP articu!or D istinetiveointing ecorating


Applied with Superior Workmanship




FUR COAT, beautiful otter; sacri- REAL ESTATE BROKERfice fO!' quick sale. VA. 2..0295.

-----. - ..-------. -- Speciabng in Grosse PointeBLUE Axmmster rug, 12xl", $50. and Easts'de P 0 f'.'319 Mol'oss. ' I r per Ie,

EASY WASHER, spin dryer, $15.1 MARTHA S. BACHERSNIagara 8738. 1003 Maryland

------.--- VA. 1-7710 VA. 2.0438l'l'ALIAN love seat; good condi-tion; will sacrifice. TUxedo2.-62.34.

GIRL'S three.piece snow set,size juniol' 11; in very goodcondition. 1818 Oxford.

COMPLETE fireplace ensemble,$35.00; boy's bicycle, $18; bed-room rocker and small chair,$10; vanity with mirror top, $6;two plate electric grill, $6; 3garden hose. (50 ft. lengths),$7.50; snow shovel, rakes, etc.(9 pieces), $12; large Coldspotrefrigerator, drapes, solid oakdinette set. NIagara 8771.

NATALIE girl's winter coat. hatand leggings, size 6; hunter'sgreen with plaid collar, likenew, $30; Klad-e-zee snow suitand hat, blue, size 7, $15. CallNIagara 9092.-- -

WALNUT living room and din-ing room furniture. 166 Fisherroad, just north of Kercheval.TUxedo 2.2583.

GREEN wool coat; lynx dye, foxcollar, size 10; also play pen.Reasonable. Call TU. 1-9073.

LAWSON soft, antique decantors,tea wagon, blond high chair.TUxedo 2-3029. 16934 VillageLane.

BLUE-CHEMWe are pleased to annOUrlceBlue.Chem Ilvailllble, off the marketduring the war due to government

restrictions on chemicals.Blue-Chern, a non-corrosive, non-explosive chemical treatme'lt to

get more heat from less oil.Blue-Chem does for stove oil wh~tte!raethyllead does for ~a50line .•



BLACK DIRT, fill dirt, sand,gl'avel, crushed slone, cinders'I'Call NT. 4787.

DEEP FREEZE, 6 cubic ft.;washing machine, piano, allgood condition. TUxedo 2'.12.54.

TWLEVE ONLY modern patenrose bushes, the lot at $25.19136 East Wal'l'en.

SAME OLD PLACE, in the sameold way, the chrysanthemumsarein bloom at 19136 East War-ren, Thev are field r:rownplants. \V. M. Mitchener, man-ager and owner.

2.7x52. KANT-WET CRIB mOlt.tress, like new, ~~. TU. 2.8692.

HAND CROCHETED table cloth,large size, white. reasonablypriced. MUrray 62.39.

FORMAL SIZE, 10-12, turquoisetaffeta, $20. Call after 6 p.m.TUxedo 5-8032.

GENTLEMAN'S beautiful dia-mond ring. 110 points, side dia-monds, $2.65;lady's engagementand dinner ring, reasonable.ARlington 2409.

BLACK LEWIS PUN reefer, 3-piece- plaid suite, belted rain-coat, size 14; suitable for .'i'x5".NIagara 8215.

DAVENPORT, new slip cover, 2Ewing arm floor lamps, allgood condition. TUxedo 1-2.776.

VICTORfAN SOFA and lady'schair, fruit carved frames, mal'-ble top table, black walnutchest, lamps, 233 Silman Ave.,Felndale.

YOUNG COUPLE want flat orsmall house to rent. NIagara8215.

ONE OR TWO teachers 01' otherrefined people; breakfa~t priv.ilege~; reasonable rent. Cat!NIagara 6155.

7-WANTED TO RENT(Houses, Apts ••,Flats. etc.)

ADULTS, 3 l'efined, dcsire in-come, flat or house. Wal'l'en-Outer Drive section or goodEast Side location immedi.ately. Excellent references.VE. 9-2.030.

YOUNG COUPLE wishes fUI'-nished home for six nwnths 01'longer; can furnish excellentreferences. TOwnsend 6.3617.

------------_._---YOUNG employed c"uple with-

out children or pets desireapartmcnt or duplex in Gl'OssePte. area. Call TUxedo 2-3995.





livts i ..¥ \'.$ 'II A 0' ;j i iJ ,j , i i t:eYOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED

4-HELP WANTED 4-H~~!-_.....,_~NT~D _



Apply Office


COLORED woman to do housecleaning, ironing and lighwashing. TYler 4.3134.

EXPERIENCED co I a I' e d girwishes Mondays, Wednesdaysand Fridays steady; $7 and car-fare. LO. 7-8078.

SECRETARY, 14 years experi.ence, excellent references: de-sires position with firm inGrosse Poinle area; particular-ly interested in position requir-ing initiative and responsibil-ity. VAlley 4-2739.

MAN, experienced in accountingand selling, desires any kind ofpart-time work, aftcrnoons andevenings (Sunday included)Has experience in managingstores. Write Box P-350, GrsPte. News.

Page Fourteen

JEFFERSON AVENUE I* Schettler's Drug~ I15324 E. Jefferson. at Notting-ham

C:;~;s~~~E~ord~~:E;Oc ICharge Ads-: 5 words for 60e'Ie for Ildd;tiorlal wordsAds Carl be placed lit TheNews Office or convenientSUb.stillions for cash lids or ca:!The News Office for chorgeads.All ads musT be in The NewsOffice by 5 o'clock Tuesday.

CilllTUXEDO 2.6900

3 Trunk Lines

KERCHEVAL AVENUE* Miller Pharmacy14915 Kercheval. at WaS'bk1rn Downtown Office* Kopp's Pharmacy 2110 Park Ave.16926 Kercheval. at No1re Dame* CUl1ningham'~ Drugs IS-SITUATIONS WANTED 16-FOR RENtKerche,'al at l\olre Dame Ii • r Male and Femal.) (Houses. Apts., flats, etc.)* Notre Dame Pharmacy17000 Kerchenl. al NoteeDame EXPERIENCED CO10 I' e d girls GROSSE POINTE. JEFFERSON* Grosse Pointe Drug Co. want part.time work, 9 to 4. AVE., sUite of offlccs sllltable17051 Kerchel'al. at Sl. Clair LO. 1.4664. for lawyer, real estate. chlro.* Titus Drug Store praetor, optometrist. WAlnutI Kerchel'al. at Fisher Road EXPERIENCED co I 0 I' e d girl 1-4311.(Farms) wishes days. VAlley 1-6063.

MACK AVENUE* Blue Cross Drugs17511 Mack Avc" at Nert Road* Harkness Pharmacy:20:i13l\lack A\'C!., ~l LochmoorBlvd,* P4ndo Confectionery20792 Mack Ave., at Anita

FISHER ROAD* Schettler's Drugs .• 337 Fisher Rd .• at Maume.

EXPERIENCED concert pianist COLORED woman to do washin(will accept a few pupils. Terms and ironing in own home; cashreasonable. TU. 2-0013. and carry. TYler 4-3134.


Chllrter Buses lor AllOecosion~

DELUXE MOTOR STAGESChieogo $3.80 St. Louis $6,37

Los Angeles.. $44.74-'1505 Coss ot Bagley ~Ilrl. 1341

1A-PERSONALS GAS STOVE, like new, fOllr-burner, oven regulator, $40.TUxedo 1-2263,

HART. SCHAFFNER, MAR XEMPLOYED couple wants ~mall Tails, including vest, size 40

CLUBWOMAN'S secretarial serv- SA-Employment Bureau unfurnished house, flat 01'apart- long, iI. good condition. PIn-ice, experienced newspaper . ment. NIagara 0093. gree 2855.writer will preparf' papers and C I d h 1 ------------ _book reviews for busy club. AVAILABLE - 0 ore e p. TW~ OR THREE .bedroom fur. 1FRIGIDAIRE, 6 cu. ft, all porce~

'11 Carefully selected. Couples, nlshed or unfurnished house. or lal'n' 'vI'th sealed unl't also~~~r;en .. Confidenitla. ROsevl e Cooks, Maids, Porters, Chauf. a p a I' t m? n t for. responSible Tappe~ gas range, 4.burner.

~~~I:~~rs~ishwashers and 'day cOUP.le.Price no. object. VAlley I 'table top, both A-I condition'lVIRGI NIA McAU LAY Model Service Bureau -=:~900, Ext. 580. NIagara B153.

ATFEApC1AHNERO CA. 9045 EMPLOYED couple desire to BLACK PERSIAN lamb coat

------------ rent apartment, flat, small. . bl NI 'Adults Taught in the Home MRS. WM. K. WILLIAMS. Ex- house, etc,; no children 01'pets; ~Ize 12.-14, lea~ona e. agara GROSSE POINTE Woods, Fleet-

VAlley 1-4900 clusive positions available, per- references. Call Mrs. Martin, _849. , wood, 1952, Colonial, 3 bcd-

BRUSH-UP manent or temp.orary. fot. every TUxedo 2-6900 ,days. SIMMONS hide-a-bed sofa, the rooms, gas fu l'Il ace, will con-

P,/ANO RLCFRESHERCOURSE (ype of domesllc employmen.t. s.-ARTICLES FOR SALE best, nflv, must sell. TUxedo. sider I'easonable terms. Vacant.No fee to employee. Call NI- 5-1977. Chavey, TUxedo 5-8331.

Ten Lessons $ 10 agara 0792 01' Tuxedo 1-2.377.!lIIATERJALS, laces, ribbOnS'j . . FURNISHED AFirst Lesson $ 2 3J3_Beaupre, Grs. Pte. Farms. sllitabll> for home sewing, 2B-INCH boy~ bike, trumpet, cottage neal' n-

FORJEDOR PUBLISHING Kercheval-Deanhurst bus. Open fancy work, Iampshades and portable radiO ~Iayer •. ko(ak. chor Bay, Must be mo\'ed.9:30 to 5:00 Monday through chair seats, Nt 4449. crall NIagara 015" evemngs. . NIagara 7207.

COMPANY Friday. 1------------ 1------------ 60 ACR-E-S-,-M-a-c:-o-m-b-c~~-un-t-y-',B 103 CliP k St r I LINOLEUM REMNANTS IVORY BED, springs and mat- •ox , 0 ege ar, a Ion tress, matching chest and table, S15,000, terms. Suitable to sub-

Detroit 21, Mich. FOSTER MOTHERS MUMFORD'S FLOOR ~uilable for maid's room. 494 Improves combustion. divide. Owncr, Mrs. Wallcr B..ADVISOR on personal and bus i.- \Vill provide experienced women G Lodge Drive. One quart treats 500 gallons at I Shades, 152.1Crooks I'd., Royal

to care for children in your own COVERIN 1------------ t 'f I $37S Oak. LIncoln 1-0588.ness matters. Readings by ap- 16127 E. Warren NIagara 0446 BEAUTIFUL sable-dyed muskrat 11 cos a on y .. -------- _pointment only. Call Valley 1- home. , 1 YOUR LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR 17-0PPORTUNITIES

k 1--------------1 coat, worn one season, origma MR LISTON ~------5190, Mrs. Jordan, By Hour, Day or Wee F/\LL SALE price $375, sell for $150. TU.. PARTNERSHIP 21q-Roofin9

MRS. ELSIE FO?D wishes to NEW PHONE: LO. 7-7801 • Standard size, basement com- 2-0736. . NI.3744 AVAILABLE THE AAA Roofing and Siding.thank all her friends for their bination $3.501

IHAIR mattress, window shades, 9-ARTICLES WANTED No job too small or too big.th d d t d. 6-FOR RENT Isympa . y an un ers an mg • TO)l,I'ctreated p'lne combinu. la.dder, rugs, coffee maker,. old ACTIVE OR SILENT Free estimates on all jobs. Sat.. h b t. (Houses, Apts., Flats, ete.)'1n er ereavemen . _. 1 tion storm window and SlIver and pewter. Mason Jars. WANTE D isfartory. Call TV. 1-3870.

I HAVE SPENT the last five' 1 COMFORTABLE room in Grosse screens $8.50 up NY.4449. .' .' $25,000 cash required for ex- 21i-Paint and Decorat.years 'studying with the teac~- Pointe for .business l.a~y or • Self storing aluminum combiil- WARDROBE trunk. good condi- Id I h pansion .purposes, manufac-er, Blanch 1'hebom, and Will teacher. ~reakfast PQvlleg~,. /ltion Storm Windows and' tion, $40. 4442 Grayton. 0 Coti ng turing article sold by J. l. A. c. HOUK, decorating andaccept a few talented students. I ~a.rage optional. Laundry facll- Screens $17.50 'Jp -.-.----- '. ::- Hudson, Ray. Is, etc. (.Patent painting, interior and exterior.TU. 2-4574. lt1e~. Call TUxedo 1-424.'i. , .. .. .,. '. -- - VOSE h~hy grand plano, $:){5, BEST PRiCES PAiD Waii paper removed. Washing 21t-Dressmaking-------------1------------11- Venetian tllmds... ,~O.~U l< up I. excellent condition; also oricn- FOR MEN'S SUITS pending). Owner lives in this

SINGLE ROOM, private bath: I FR~E ESTIMATES tal throw lUg, 2x4, $2.0. Eve- and cleaning. VAlley 2.5587.PILES & CHRO~rc DISEASES shower. ~ddress Box T-550, D & R SASH CO I nings. TUxedo 2.2.727. TOPCOATS AND SHOES area. 1239 Lakepointe.Successfuloffiee trcatmcnt while Grosse Pomte News. . '. ----.----------1 TYler 4.3625' WRITE BOX C351 FOR TIn: FINE-S-T-in-t-er-j-or-d-e-c'

working. _.. ,15480 Mack TU 1-3 100 IHIGH GRADE two complete bcd- r::.ROSSE POINTE' NEWSBIG NICELY. furmshed room In I . _~_____ ro.om. suitcs; 9.. piece walnut A telephone .call wi.1Ibring us fo I y orating and outside pair.ting atDR ?\1. SIMICH. D, C. h $10 kl R -------- d I I ------------- reasonable cost see Ch;;rles A.16853 E. Harper A'e. new ouse, \~'ee y. eason-, ANTIQUE Victorian Suitc. carVed dll1tng room slllte; one lounge you Imme late y. CLASS C BAR with rcstaurant;

TUxedo 1-0140 able; laUndrYlnclUde~ .. M.ust I sofa and three chairs, beauti-I chair; one ~implex ironer, $50; • . II established clientele; 1a I' g e Schradcr, VAlley 4-0388.____________ be clean. RosCNll1e228_-J. ,I fully uphol.;tered. makhed Nome rdrlgerntor, $60. 1358 BOO~S bought in any quantity.. parking lot in rear. TErrace, C VAN HOUZEN & SON Com-4-HELP WANTED WELL FURNISHED hous~-i~ I tufted brocatelle, very out-l Bedford. Entire hbrarles. bOOKcasesand I 2.8591.. Mr. Eaton, 1 . It, .' l' - d d '. f "

. 11 ---- I paintings. Bronzes. B. C. Claes, , pel.. Pdtn 109- un e{'ola In".(Male and Female) I Grosse Pointe until May 1st to I standing and 111. ex.ce ent e.'on- i SEC-R.ETI\RY, soj;d-;~Inut, large, 16'0 L' tt Plo e CHe 119-PETS Service by hour or contract.

. _ _ responsible people; gas heat; 3 dltlOn. MU. 1568. tall: also bookcase, solid black ?' _ evere e. 1 n rry . .._ PIngree 1018.GENERAtL, IwhIt~, abocl~tt2" tOf4.) bedrooms; refcrences, Write FOLDJNGCOT-t~~I~h~~t~~'ork walnut; reasonable. 925 Nol. 4w6/. SIX 1\IONTHS' OLD redish- -----.----.---

yeal', 0 lve m. lyre er- B L 38r. G' - P' t NT • I '-'.' h f' 4 -,-- - ---.-,- --. -- --f"- broll'n da"hshund, ~ale Hnd HAVE Y,our fall painting,. andences. TUxedo 2.9333. I ox - ,,~-.:o:_s~~_~\~s'l bench, .garden cu!tivator,.c11~ll'.". _ ~ng am. a tel_ p.m.____ TAILS, full dress SUIt for Ii t. I, rcgl'st~I'ed. -E'."cellent '\'I'th chI'I. decOl'atml(. don(' now wholIe the

dd d I s dte ne cabinet . ]55 pounds, young Jnan. NI. 0..; .~" d.J -----,.~---_.------------ GROUND FLOOR offices. new, ,0 IS le, me I . ,ONE CATHODE roy oscilloscope dren. NY. 8007. weathr!' IS goo .an" pllces are CROCHETED a[ghan~, loop rtlgs,REL!ABLE woman to care for 2' building, ideal for architect,' 'fQxedo 2-4958. .. ... i type Cro.3A; in perfeclcondi- __~~6~._ . . __.. . 101Y.For free estl'mles call Tux. hand knitted ~weaters and

~hl1dren: ~ m Pd ~t;8~:~IPi~'builder, broker. etc. 20365 Mack '.DOG---IiOUSE, -'Iarge '-i~~;;lat-~d.1 tion. TUxcdo 2-2506, SPINNET or small pi,mo. TUxedo IK~RRY BLUE terrier, pedigre~ci; edo 1-452.1. No job too large or drcs~es; excellent gifts forome mg ts. a . ;). between 7 and 8 l\hle, Road. 1 also 60 ft hea\" wir'e fence; --- --',---" :---- 1.2~j,1. uh)CII!at~d: ~ months old; house too small. Christma~. Also dre~~making

f PRospect 3653. I" ~ . BEDROOM furniture m good ---- - -- - - -.------ broken. Reasonable. TO.7-::CC.;.I----- .. _.-- .. - .-;-----.- and ,,!trrations. RosevilleGIRL to assist velerinarian a ter- gate, post •. complete, $30. Call, condition; also pancake table. FURNITURE WANTED-If you . FOR flnt-cl;)~~ pamlmg, paper 077].M.noons, 12 to 4. 15795 Mack. HALL OR STUDIO rooms, fori TUxedo 2.-&930. . I NIagara 9150. I have anything in the line of' 21-SERYICES I han,E(ing and wall papfT 1'(:-

HOUSEKEEPER, ;-;ddl~' - aged rent. Special occasions. or! FRIGIDAiR'E .. a'~~-;'-tment--~i;;'I BE;\u~lFiJL-~e\" PI1ileo ra~li;~ I household f\lrni~t1re. and rugs, r a) -Generaf movi ng, ca II VAlley 4.7039. 21 y-Piano S~rvie~white, for elderly 'I1nrnan and monthly. Ideal for hrtdge I "ood condition $50 TU 29135' h . ] '1' t' call The Isaa(' Ne~t\'.'ay Furn!. ------------- J 2-1-;--'W II-W"--j;;-'--'--- ------------

t. I b t' g play re'" ... • .. p onograp 1 com llna IOn: an. 1 1"!l"0 K~ '"h~v'l V.\Il~v , 1- a . (IS Ing PIANO lunln!!, elcctric cleanin",son whose home is in Grosse par les, c u mee In s, - ----- ---- .... --- . l' SI t b' t R url', .).,' -t, ~ d. J ~. I " "Pointe Vioods' refercnce~. C'~l1l hea.rsals, rect'ptions, \\.'eddings, IISi\I.ALL hand wringer, diahctic .IhqlueV"E1c,:ao~ c6a3.16me.e.ason-, 2..21l5. CULLIGAN SOFT WATER I \VAU::-WASIIIN. G.-. F-I-'e-e-e-st-i. complete servicc. C. L. Ed.

, . B t C't If II d f I I K I 't a e. ~nlce ". '. -------.-------- I TU d 1 31~3TU. 2.692.9 between 2. and 5. etc. e \\:een I y a an I ooc sca es, enwooc sun ~lli. _.. , ..__ ll-AUTOS FOR SALE SERVICE mates. B. F. Gentry. 4851 Lode. ware s. xe 0 . I.------------ Book Cadillac Hotd IZ5 Mlch- girls SI7.e. 2.4, and lypewrltl'r. TWO apartmrnt size Electro- . ._.___ wick. TUxcdo 1.2012. 'PIANOS TUNEDFIRST CLASS _gar,d\,ener and I _igan_....W,.0..5-000_2.._. , TU. 1-0286. _ ...._ ._. ... Master stoves. o~e year .old; '30 .M.ERCURY, in excellent.con. Investigllie this time and money ----. .----- I , moth proofcd,

greenhou~e ma". \, .. 111', 3~ to I ... - 1 - :". ',.- : T- $100 eadl; !l.fL. Kr]\'lnator re- dltlOn throughout; may be seen FOR BETTER intl'fior cleaning rep;)ired, cxpt'rt work. Harold50,. marl'Jea. !lve on preml~es. HOLL YV;OOD, FLORIDA . i BAWl crlh~ sf.lld I"~ol~. e:<:c?,. frir:erator. nred~ repair. $75; after I) p. m. at 1667 Liltlestone. sllving convenience loday. caII SOllthcastern, We havc had Smith. NI. 0673.Nf&gara 3980 after 7 p.m. TWO 1.bedl:ool11cottages, beautl.1 lent condillon, $2J, Tu. 1.24,2. ga~ clothes dryer, $50. TUxedo Grosse Pointe Woods. 22700 Harper Avenue 30 years' experience washing .------

------.--.--- -- fUlly furmshed and landscallcd, 1---- . . ..... .. 2.1520 ._____ wall~, cf'?ilings and woodwork, COMPLETE PIANO SERVICE5-SITUATIONS WANTED for season. 50 ft. from ocean. LET-OUT muskra! coat. excel..._ .. 1947 HUDSON Super Six, 11,000 T ! 'RO '11 4565W t:I('"nin~ wall paper aiHI,floors. TUNING, repairing, refinislling.

(Male and Femal.) Pictures of the cottages are lent condition, si2(! 12..N1. 595!l. DOUBLE BED, box springs; no miles, very clean.' Call TUxedo e. sevi e . We aIm scrvice YOllr window .•, and Illothpronfln,g. PL.17.a 2025.------------- available. NIagara 0383. NINE.piE-CE-d;;:;i;:;~-;o~~'~~;ite, mat!rc;,c:, S20. VAlley 2-2437. 1.3039. ._______ awnings. ~('re('ns, ;lnd storms. Pli1ce your order early.

I\~OoXL~.~~~gt~\'~t~~I\~rge~l~O~u:~STORE for renti~-G;'osse P~int~ cost $51\0, sell for S75; two, .. ~lrs. Root. .... ---------- ..- --- CLOCKS - WATCHES VAI1('y 2..1361. --.---.- .... -. ----.--.----- 1931 CHEVROLET coupe, excel. S S -- .. -.---.-------- PIANO t.:'lSTRUCTOR-Former

6. Call mornmgs only, IVan- Woods; 20x25; connected with :llartha Was hi n g ton bcd- GIRL'S thrcc.pic('c coat set; tori. lent condition, must be sren to "Ie~ - ervic~ Storm windows removed; ~creer.. con.'r'n'i1tory tl'acher locatedhoe 2828. beallty shop. 1de:.1 for hat or splc'ad~. twm ~ize, cosl $55. 5'.'11 dler'~, size 3. girl's, size 4; thr~e be appreciated. Call Nlag<lril A!I Wor): Guarllni~cd . :md awning" hun!:, Estimates near Richard an<l High Schools.

DAY'S '''ORK . T d 'I~resstlshop. CGallafter 6p' 1.98t5 fol' S.10.JII~t like ncw. NI. 3273. P]8ic].c8eOcofatd$et, good condition. 6902. EAST SIDE CLOCK, SHOp: f)'(~(:iyc:iven on \\'all wiI,hing. Will accept hCl!inner~ or ~d.Thursday ,,"do~,~~~~;: S61,lg~aa:ci W~~d~.orne, I' 0 ~ s e om e ,..STUnDY .1~igh'chair Rnd 'junior x or. .------. CHRYSLER IMPERJA-I-'--CRO\VN: . I. HAYES WIN~OV/ CLEANii'JG I' "anl'ed ~tuc!l'nts. Margan'tcar fare. MEll'osr 0287, ------ - ---.---- ----- crih. 'TU. 1-0737. i FOR A BF;TTER grade of llseri limousine, 18,000 mile.'. J(l47,II _IUI5xe4dOoBM, ~~~~O A1>JDWALL WASHING Grant. 109 Maplcton nel. Nlag-

__ ._.. TERRACE-Rivard and Mllul11ee;1-- .-_.. : fmnit\lrc sce Neatway Furni. lira 0511).TWO neat colol''Cd girls want six bedrOoms, three baths. : LOVE SEAT. Reasonable. N1.; '!lIre, 13930 Kercheval. We al. ~~8~~~:perfect condition. LA.: INDIAN VILi.-AGE-&-GR~PT~ VAlII'v 2-7781 --(C~~tin~~~!i-'o;" p;g';-iS-)-

work by da~'. by wcek, etc. AR. 7868 9 a,m. to 5:30 p.m. 3405. I ways have the things you are 1140 DRF.XELHonest, dependable and lell .-- ... - ... ----~ .. . -.---.------ looking for. VAlley 2.2115. PRACTIC'-A-'L-L-Y-n-e-w-I's47-ForrilOlL BURNER S.ER~.ICEable. Loraine 7.6845. LA.RGE plcasa':ll r00!TI for em- IS YOUR BED too short? Try 1- • .',. station wagon; I,)w mileage. Twenty.Two years wdh Ilmken" CO~v1PLETE CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY SERVICE

_____ ..__ ._____ ployed lady In refmed home. .this antique mahogany bcd, 7 i USf.D EASY SPINNER wa~h.mg TUxedo 1.2311. DIlYnr night. CIlII OLive 1277 ,TWO white women wish wash. TUxedo 2.1433. fl. I('ngth with bllx ~pl'ing and' machtne';T very good con,!ltlOn, ----.-.,. f' . t d'd d d d d

.. nlatll'ess cOJnplete $40. TUxedo ~ , $40. NTdgara 510,7. 12A-IOATS FOR SALE or prompt -service () re3S0rl- Sfip Covers an Draperies, Be Hea boar s an Win 0'11ing dnd ironing. Pick up and GROSSE PTE. WOODS ' . ,--_.-. - _. Ilble prices. I ~deliver. Olive 8955. OFFICF SPACE FOR RIo:NT 2.4958. : GR1NNELI. Bab~' errand piano; S..\ILBOAT-21.foot Vi n y a r d 'p RAY J LEE Cornices. Large Selection of the Liltest Decoralive Filbrics.

-----,.-- .• ------ , " j 1---- " i bcautlful mahog<lny; excellent Ila 'cn 'CI ~s Keel Sloop' ma ,.EXPERIF.NCED colored lady de. 'S. d f1 . tt' r GRA Y cnllapslhle S,wbcrt, bUggy"., care' one owner $450, Lake. I hog\any pIRa'n"ked',val:nl'.sll~.d'top: -E'-X-P-E-R-T-W-A-T-C-H-R-EPA-IRING-. 1 M d' 'T 1 • ccon 001' space 10 a UtC Ive like new. Teeder-Bahe wIth, ," '.

sires day wor e, on ay, l es new well _ localed building on I TU ? 3423 TU I view 8.1301. ~ides; new nylon ~<li1s, 1947.day and Saturday, Grosse Pte., roo~s plus reception room for' fl.~081:,3b.races. . ~. or . :USED Cf~OTllES-Teen.age girl's " Very safe, able hOilt; replac~. andreferences. VAlley 2.0476. - I t I $2500"'0 N •________ doctors and/or dentist or general ----.~-------.---_:_ d.rl!:>scs,coat~, skiru:, suits. and I ~en va uc, .., .1I, J ow In

EX--P-E-R-IE-~NCEDlaundre~' wants office purposes. GIRLS prewar collapslhle hi', r)<jmg coat, SI7.e12; m excellent: .. \liate~~ TU~!.8~~_.____ DIAMOND APPRAISINGwashing to do in home. Grosse cycle, like new, rf'?ason.,blc; for I condition; squirrel jacket, si7.C'. • FRED L SHERWOODPointc references, TUxedo 'J. D. HOBEN, Agent appointment 10 sec it in Grosse i 12; FI'iday and Saturday only. I: AdvertiSIng Pays II WOo 3.4220,.,'. TUx, 2.71802-91631 V,Alley 2.0213 Pointe Farms, call ¥A. 2.1421. I 318 McMillan Rd. ' .,,"

Page 15: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK


Page Fifteen

Hickory 2000


. WE'lL FIX••




Tit. RJ~11l Numb.. 10 C.IIit JOU want <In eSi1m"te


Telephone us TODAY

TEMPLE 1-5260

BULBSImparto", all No.

Tulips, CrQcu~1 Narcissus,Hyncinth, etc.


Canvas Awnings

Sene Meal, Milorganite, Agrico,Cattle and Sheep Manure

Low Off-Season Prices


and SERVICE11330 E, Warren TU. 1-2029

\\'e Denver

If repairs are necesstlry, you

con take advontage of our

Will take dawn and starl' your

VA. 2-1619484 CONNER





15243 Mack, ne~r Barham

TUxedo 1-1977

~~mrrill14800 EAST JEFFERSON

We Repairall Typesof Lamps

Glass arid ChinaVases Drilled.

Full I;rle of floorlamp arid kerosene

lamp ports.

Also hOrldmodeFiligreE Vases,



Old andNew Lamps




YOUNGSTER BITTENDaniel Marentelle, 4, of 389

Notre Dame, was bitten on theright hand bya cho'.V dog belong-ing to the Morgana family at 357Notre Dame. It was a puncturewound. The dog was placed in apolice kennel and the Board ofHeallh was notified.

Warren E. Helle, of 1258 Bed-ford, reported to the police onOctober 3' that a small' dinghyowned by him had disappearedfrom the dock at the Park waterfront park the night before.

The boat, 'only 8 III feet long,of H.e type used on the deck of Icrui~ers, was pain~ed t.an. on the IoutSIde and whlte mSlde, Awater front broadcast was sentout by the Park police.


Proposed New Zoning Ordinance

To the Residents of theVillage of Gros~e Pointe Farms:

Notice is hereby given thot a PUBLIC HEARING will beheld in the Village Hall, 90 Kerby Road. Grosse Pointe Farms,Michigan, on

Mond~y, October 25, 1948at 8:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, to considerposed NEW VILlAGE ZONING ORDINANG: andZONING MAP.



to consider

Notice of Public Hearing



Publ1shed a,p. Newl, OClober 7, 1948

The proposed ordinar1ce will repeal the present Vi:-lage Zoning Ordinllnce and will provide a number ofchanges which will restrict building ond uses to bellerprotect the residential nature of the Villl'lge.

Residence Districts are affecte'd by only minorchllr\ges since the entire communify is now zoned tosingie residences only. The most importllnt chMge isthe proposed combining of the residence" A" /l~.d "B"districts into one <!Irea designated as "Residence Dis.tricts.", Business .Districts are aITecled principilliy by theplacing of limitations on the heighlof future con<tr<,diMto two (2) stories or thirty (30) feet, the exC:u sion of w;i-dential uses, open Ilir sllies ann the storage of goods inthe open, lInd the Ilddition.of parking requirements.

The 'propos ad ordi~ance \"ith th" 1948 zoning ml'lp lIt-fIlched is on file in the Clerk's Office, 90 Kerby R:)lIa, ins/lid Village, for eXllminlltion by ony persons interested.

A he/lring will be gr/lnted MY persons interested Ilt thetime ond pl/lce Ilbove specified.

This notice is given pursuont to direction of the Viil~geCouncil ond in accordance with sllid ordinllnce and thestatutes in such C/lse made and provided.

Ordinonce considered Ilt Public Hellring ,September 13,1948, was wahdrllwn by Vilillge Council September 20, 1948,end Ilbove new ordinllnce WIlS introduct.d.

Harry A. Furton\Village Clerk.


The Village Commission of the Village of Gi'ossePointe Pal'k will hold a public hearing in the

Commission Chambers, at 15115 E. JeffersonAve., Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan, at 5 :30 P.M.

Monday, October 11, 1948, for the purpose of~receiving and considering objections to the va-cating of that part of Goethe St. which lies eastof Maryland Avenue and west of the north andsouth public alley between Lakepointe and Mary-

land Avenue.

A ding-dong grudge race was,held off the Windsol' Yaeht ClubSunday, Sept. 26, between JackTighe .ancl Bill Douglas. Tighewon handily with the writergoing along for the ride.

The race all stemmed from the

Iparents Tell Betrothal Women of Moose Plan Former Pointers Betrothal .\ ident, Saturday In the Wnme~'!1I A d H II M

• h League Buildin~, Ann Arbor.Of Mary Louis,e Smith Several Odober Events s nnounce at 0 y, IC. A luncheon at 12:30 o'clock in

--- . Ithc Kalamazoo Room of tj",,,The engagement of Mary Mary Findlay, !\Iooseheart Anothe: troth of ,I~tcre~t to, leagIH', WIll precede the business

Louise Smith and Bruce Krey chairman, will hold her chapter !'Olnters IS that of VII gWla .\nne session.Reynolds has been annoumed by night pl'C1gram at 1\1oose Temple, 1.\~lIson . ~o Jackson Hlce Baker. Among thnse ('xpected to attend

<:j j J{!, t~ 1\11'. and Mrs. Floyd F. Smith of on Friday. October 8, at II p.m. I I1w, ~l'J.ae-('I('cl IS the dal:ghter iln~ ",11'5, Lloyd DeWitt Smith"_:Tre 11llneJ Lincoln road, parents of tile A 1'01\11,' Rupr('cht will be the 'I' of iI,b. d~d ~rs: Lansmg \\ 1,lson. first vice pre~iden,t. and Mrs. Sid-

L- --' I bride-elect. Mr. and 1\1rs. Harolrl guest speaker" and Bronwen Bow- Of., ,H:IIl~'" Mlco., formerl~ of 111('." C. Pro I", !'t. regional dircctor,The 75-mile North Channel terrific razzing Tighe adminis- Reynolds, also of Lincoln road, c!ttch the SO!OISt. GI o~,e POll.te, both from the Pointe,.

L boats. C tered to Douglas, after beating are the parents of the bride. A Box Social will be held 'I !IT ... Bakel' is the son of Mr, --. -.---------- -----race. open only to I . 'alld "I'" E '\' Ba"er ()f CI"de •••••••••••••• • •• • • • • • • •boats and Lucier 16'$, was the him for the first time this season groom-I' ect. October 29 in conjunctIOn With : ' .\l~, , • 11., J, I' .best to date as fal' as a, record in the Sweepstakes regatta Sep- Mal'Y Louise was graduated the men's Halloween Party. , Mich. : FIREPLACE LOGS :turnout was concerned and was tembel' 11. from Grosse Pointe High and at- A Dcssert Card Party, ur:der I ---.-- \0 IS ~nd ZO Jnch I.n(,h. •won by Ted Kuhn in his L boat Douglas, whe owns one of the tended Sullins College in Bristol, the direction of Mary Squlr('~; Huguenot Society to Meet :"Surprise," which was no sur. Fleet, invited Tighe to "come on Va. Bruce was graduated from Women's Cnorus DlrcctOl, Wi •• In Ann Arbor Saturday • TOP SOILprise to anyone who knows Ted. newer Star boats in the Detroit South;astern lllgh and at.tended be held at Moose Temple Oct. 14


--- I : Peal )\05> - )13r.,h HayHe is a consistent winner in th.e over and get beaten" ami Tighe, DetrOIt Ted.], . at 2 p.m. Mrs, Osmond D, llell\'enrkh, of : • fl,L. class and eaptu~'ed the De~rolt who owns one of the older Stars, The wcddmg Will tak~ place ~n I .Thll Anniv('J'sary Get.Together Jacksftn (formerly of Detroit) ,. Blrc Wood~lvel'.champlOnslllp f~r the SIxth took up the challenge and settle.d Nov.embeI' 27 at 4 o clock .11I

1\~Ill be held a~ the home of Lll-1 Will COl1dlld tile lOth annual: Wm. Alleman

lillie III successIOn thiS season. Ilile issue once and for a11. That IS IChnst. Chu~ch, "',llh a l'C'CcPI:?1l !Jail Wahl, ch:ll:man, 211) Pllgnm Ill"''''''';;, LOr Ill,: 11<:,::",n,,: S",icty:: ll.nl ,11><k TL. ~.!IIl~;Kuhn's time for the 75 null' for the 1948 season at least. No followmg m Miller MemOllal avenue, Octohel 12, of ",lld\lgan, of whll'h sill' lS pres- I •••••••••••••••••••••••

race was short by forty minutes doubt these two boys will start Hall at tile churcil. • ------ --,---.--------------.-. -----------of breaking the late Morrill out the 1949 season going hammer ------ Good manners and soft words, -- SALESDunn's record o[ 11 hours and 19 and tongs at one another. Auu~rson urg~s doctors to have brought many a difficult 11 I ~minutes, set back in 1941. ----- spreaCl rural medical care. thing to pa~s. ' ~ SERVICE

Two gi'r1s. Betty Pulford and British Daughters Schedule ----------1 HARPER AUTO SAlESDoris Nevins, finished second: and Bazaar Next Wednesday ROAD SERVICE I 20775 Harper ,r"e." TU. 2.0919third respecti\'ely and were fol- I \i co0101'

lowed over the line by Arnold A bazaar has been schedUledj Shingle '~-' ----------'.lIOOIiGllOOnOlllSOOlilSOFuch's "Gamble," Joe Matte's [rom 2to 5 p.m. next Wednesday R f ' e'.- ."Cutty Sark," both C boats, Hank by the Lord Dufferin Chapter of I 00 S 24 Hr. a Day ..., & A SMART M"VE'Dunlap's "[l'lercur"" BIll Sarn's a a .., ••••• Your House to Our "HoLlse"

J' the Daughters of the British Em- TU 1 9813"Host," Art Locke's "LiIlilh," pire at the home of .Mrs. D, F. H.I . -Bill Dunn's "CayuseII," the rec- I • . WHEN STORING PERSONAL EfFECTSord holder, Arden Poulson's "NitI' Brickell. wife of the British con-I 0ILEI Earle Richards SerVICe IT PAYS TO INVESTIGATE YOUR WAREHOUSSE''lind,'' John Carlen's "Glory Be." suI. at 436 Lakeland. 20Hl Mack Ave .. In Ihe Wood.Newell Saigon's "Indian Drum," Mrs. Cecil Marshall, chairman, You Can't Go Wrong wlfh Riverside!Bob Roadstrum's "Cotton Top." and her assistant, Mrs. Norma Iehet Renaud's "Maybe," Pete Douglass, promise a large variety Four' conveniently located warehouses owned and operatedKilgore's "PutTy," Frank Brown's of handmade articles at 'reason- with Pure Creosote lIB exclusively for the storage" of household goods. Over bS years"Hodge Podge" and Freddie able prices, suitable for Christ.Hayes did not finish. mas gifts._____ We Have New Supply I I .1 I of responsible service. Reasonable rates fairly quoted.

• • •Per Va lbo, well known local Reports Dinghy Stolen General Home

cat boater, \von the Detroit River From Dock at Park Pier Maintenancecatboat championship over theweekend of September 25 and 26with 8 It\! points to Larry Pace's

16~~:1~:t~~as in his glory in theI'ace's heavy going and he madehay to build up all early lead.

Valbo sailed under the DetroilYacht Club burgee and Pace rep-resented the Detroit Boat Club.

Maurice De Clerq, \'epresentingthe St: Clair yachtswen, scored 4points. Louie Layton of EdisonBO<lt Cillb dropped out to avoidgetting wet. • • •




You'll II k 0 onr IiIPr(lm pt Set \. 1 c e t j

and Expert Work-, I'manship. Our Shopi. ~l 0 del' n 1 y I'Equipped.

TUxedo 1.9005 ~I_______.J







. HOT SEAT!A fire in the rear seat of an

automobile belonging to CliffordH. Turner, of 10957 Nottingham.Detroit. was extinguished byWoods firemen on Mack, north ofthe Woods ']'heater. Damage wasestimated at $75 .

The Woman's Society of Chris-tian Service of The Grosse PointeMethodist Church will hold ajoint meeting with the East Sidegroup of the Woman's Society ofCentral Methodist Church at 8p.m. Monday.

The meeting will be in thehome oi Mrs. Carl Lauz, 292ChalfontI'.

Mrs. Phillip Gentile will speakIon world organization.

All interested women of thePointe and surrounding area areim'iled.

RE-ROOFComplele roofil1g and siding ser-

rice for rcsidel1tial as lcell as slore

ma facJory bllildings.


"The Village Locksmith"

Rnll" ••. Repair ..• Add 1M'Extra Ronm, RetreAtinn Roam(lr Gar .. C'e.Complete line or r,u~t"F.1t,~t;,'r'::'''s~.Il,';~1~1r:;n~~~~,dO,,~~ftne 0,,1< flnorln~.Give u. " ull •.• 1'011 ,,'on'l11•• orry.

Inlillol' Your Hom. Now!All typu of Inlillation. R.ady Mixed Coner.t.Tile B1Uesl Llille Lnmb'.r YITI! In t1lO Worldl



WAlnut 1-8710

LUMBER SU::~IES19743 HGrper. between 7 ond 8 Mil. Rds. - TU. 2-4800

'Ronrl: R to 3

Paul ~ Mitman (0.OIL BURNERS

Sales and Ser~TiceVacuum Cleaning and Service on All Types

of Oil Bumers

TV. 2.-9700



Complele J.o c k-!lmlrh S~r\."tr;e ror1I0me 3nll Car.Tnm'k a.nd Lu~-ga~e Keys it spe-dally,

MOTOR CITYElectrical Sewer Cleaning Ca.

VA. 2-6527

Freit 1\1. Schuman

Serllb,c Grosse Pointe Sillc/! 1930 with" complete cmtomTitle of STORM SASH and SCREENS of wood or metalfor wood or steel wi11dows.


1_01I1E OLE(~,!!~!~o!~~LORS__!\len's and Ladies' Suits Tailored To Order VA. 2-3040Alterations. Relintng. Cleaning and Pressing

14931 EAST JEFFERSON, al Cily limitsEstablished 1925 Open Eves. 'till 7 :ou

Thursday, October 7, '1948------------------CLASSIFIED Landscape

(Continued from Page 14) T-R-E-E-T-R-Il\-~-M-I-N-G-,-O-r-c-ut-d-o-w-ni

ndscape or removed; sodding, seeding, irolling ,md grading. Call the INative Grosse Poissiters. TV. iNative Grosse Pointers. TU. I5.8854 or MUrray 2888. Esti-


~ ..... ELEC~~~~~~,!!~~~!~~Ia~W~~gN~~~~p~llr~~, New o.nd Old Work

"HOTPOINT" .."d OTHER APPLlAI\~CES• !.wuedl<ll. Dellyo.y-Eleclrlc Ranges, W.shers,

Refr1geratofS. and Vacuum Cleaners.Our Stare a& Your Service

BAYER'S ELECTRIC & APPLIANCE COMPANY15021-23E, WARREN Rus. TUxedo I.DUOBours-r~:~~~~~:,:o::o~o t~:O::30 Res. TUxedo 1.4572

-----" ----


omplete landscaping service:odding, grading, seeding, plad-g of choice northern grownergreens, trees and shrubs I

rimmed or removed. Top~oil, 5 Central Methodi~t Wo""ends. $13.50 delivered. Free esti- to Meet With Pointe Groupates. We carry a complete

Tack of Holland bulbs and grilsssed. furtilizer and gClrden sup-lies. Complete stock of North-

.m grown evergreens.

17331 Harper TUxedo 1-0850

Daily. 9 to 7 p. m. ond Sundoy

••••••••••••••••••••••••:SEWERS. DRAINS. SINKS:


,:AII types. Night and day serv;~e: All Work Guaronteed.•.••••• ••••••••••••••• ••••• II


. We Do Weldin9 Mack Ave'r ~or. Roslyn Rd.

Page 16: Grosse Pointe ewsdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpnews/1945-49/... · 2006. 1. 7. · iVi{Jll t Solicitor Gels BUill'S Rush ALL, THE NEWS OF ALL THE POINTES EVERY WEEK

.........,--------------------------_ ...._-------:



'Thul'iday. October 7. 1948,

Grosse Pointe

Piano Teachers

Piano Teacher


StudioPunch and Judy Bldg.


J.~Lesr.sc~ubotCUSTOf'y1 JEWELS

J6wels For l1V6ry Occasiolf

CHerry 3454 807 Metropolitan Bldg.


CAll Nr. 215.1 bolwoon10 .,m. ~l\d 2 p.m.,excepl S~turd~rs


Gr~du~teor Cons.rvAlolreAmcnc~n.at FontAlnobloAI1.FrAnce



HELEN BRIGGS, TUxedo 2:1586

f!J-BtnteCo,unter Points

We've never forgotten the description. yars ago, by an enthfllllrdmatron who had leen. the linen closets at Mrs. Louis Mendelssohn'sPointe home. Vogue never pictured anything as beautiful or a.!I

orderly. This same description applies to those perfectly wOnllerfulMr. lI.nd Mrs. Chests at I1A YDON HOUSE. The chests are scientlfi.cally desiflled to store the most amazing amount of clothing (evento shoes), and besides being really elegant furniture, they do awayrorever with Ftbber MeGee closets. Haydon House 15 featuring themodern chests but they may be ordered In Period spirit, too.

A bit more on the tailored side lI'e fouJld tbe boudoir fasbionsal JACOBSON'S.Yoll'd wake 111' .fresh (JSa rose ill Ibeir wbitetailored pl1jamas so gail)' splashed wilb mll.let flol'<11pilI/em. Tbere'sa matcbing brrm~h ~oat jor these snappies,. too. Belled and /00

Gertrude Lawre,,~e-;sh for wort/s. You kilOII' .1'0111'babils. so YOIlmil)' be interested i" the quilted brunch tol)/'er ll'ilb plljall/a bot-toms onl)'. This ultr:J model COJlJesiJl cbartreme backgroulld witbjllSi a bit of copper)', wbile alia deel) gl'cen /"'ill/. Tbe coal nI/(lbelt lire I;ned in deep greeu. Poplliar tbree.qlllll.ter leugtb robesof quilted taDeta lire featured at Ja~obsol/'s} 100. Tbese bal' .. .-f'e-e-ppockets, cot.'ered butt OtIS lI"d some are ~hic witb rib bOil lie (to1flat~b tbe lit)ing) rmmillg tbrougb tbe collar. Colors: Nal')', Jilledin ~ri11JSOlljgreen, lined itl goldj'lIqua, lilled in a SIIIlIIIcbe~keredmalerial. Tbe always good 10llg fll11mel robes, lied at Ibe waist IIlldpiped at sleelles atld collar are to be had in lush shades of aql/a,coral, red lIf1d lIav)'. "lfl'ake Up Coats" arc CIIle as ~lIte. They'reof ra)'on gllbardine, ~ome ;n lo"g or short leug/hs, amI may bemOllogrammed.

B)' J AI\E SCHERMERHORNNo matter how "just off the press" tbat slirk paper magazine of

yours may be, the p;.eities to be found on its pages are 10 b'i! found.at the very same moment, in the smart shops or lhe Pointe. All thethrill of Manhatlan shopping PLUS the convenience or buyirig withma stone's throw of home belongs to Pointers. Lucky people!

The gillett, bound to be as mystifying to the male populatiO/las a gllSret or voile, is leddibly 1949 aut! is being spotligbled bythe WALTON PIERCE GROSSE POINTE BRANCH. Tbe gillelt,as )'011 Itmnv, is a fi,le Jmitted-like blol/se 10 he worn ,eitb sllils oras e1'enillg blouses with velt'et or laDeta great skirts. T/;osc ,ItlJ'laltotl Pierce are trulyheavet,ly! A llat')' bllle boucle-like gillettis spiked witb silver thread. Tbere are jllst tbe wispi!!st ca/' sleel'eslint! the tle~kJjnes lire wm/drollSl)' dO/Ie ... some beaded with"arrowest ['elvet ribbotlS, olhers ;'1 wt 01lt eHeet with sil/gle pearlembroidery-others laced with flat ribbon. W'e saw dml)' pink~ofJJbilled ll,ith tbread of gold; a pastel blue with thread of goldand pearl embroideryj II ml/sll1rd tOiled gill!!/I wi!b wood broll'II .ffl1rrowvelvet ribbon l..cings at tbe Ibroat. Still otber gille/lS~ome in solid o)'ster white, fflll'Y, black or brOll'll. 1'01/'1/ fr,ulgilletts dress ,ip Jour sui! and tll'" it it/1o a symphnllic emembleas 110 "rdb/l1ry blome pOs.libly cOflid!~UlilllllllllllllilllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllRlIlllmllillmmlBlllllllnnmmlllll1II1111111111111111111111!1II!111!11II1I11I111I1 lllIlllIlllIllIi 1111!lIIl11l11ljllll!;£

I I~~::~n:~:~i~S~t:~yI

II 1IIIIImmnnll111111mmmmmnllllllITlllllllllllllfI11nmlllll11111111111111lllllil!II1111I11111111111mlll11@llIllIlllllllilllllllllllllli!lllllllllllllilllllilllllllllll-----------_ ..- ~. -~.;..


AmbroseAnnouncesOpening ofEvening ondAlte'rnoonClosses in



Good Tas~ePIVMiI, Re~ii"s

of- Peopl, ill Th, KlloU/

enable 1'OU to leatn the kind 01work 'YOU can but 111CCiCedIn, ortho kInd 0' atud!es YOU shouldrolla .... (For men and womtn. boysand ,IrIs.)


Daniel I•. R.ck, Dlrortor931 :'.lacc&beeoRld{. TF.. 11-55-1

woocnvard. n~ar Warren


VA. 3-0210 TV. 2-7121Hours: Turs. Ihru S~L 11 10 5

Complete line of briginolShield Ceramics and Pottery Supplies

With a nice taste <lnd care inweaving words together, yeu willexpress yourself most happily. if8 skillful setting makes a famil'arword new . .:....Horace.

The first meeting of the Rich-ard School Parent Teacher Asso-ciation for the 1948-49 schoolyear will take place on Tuesdayevening, Oct. 12, beginning at 8p,m.

Instead of the usual procedureof having the parents visit in theclassroom from 7:30 to 8, theywill first go to the auditorium.There the president, Nathan •Goodnow, will conduct a brief SCHET'j:'LER'S on Fisher road are introducing "traveling alom-business session and lell the as- izers" to the Pointe and you simply are nol a smart traveler if yousembled parenls the plans for don't carry your pet fragrance in one of these efficient. good lookingthe' association for the year. gn'dgets. Made by Marlee, the boltIe parI is heavy cuI crys;la!. It

At,n0ng the item~ u.p for dis- has a tiny gold-like cap of its own. The atomizer. wilh gold threadcusslon In the audItOrium meet- b '.' ... g .s th t f H II t covered ulb, detaches .. The two parts fit In the neatest little kid-likeIn I a o. a a oween par y .' 'to be sponsored by the p:r.A.1 zIpper case~ (whIte. sand, red, green, blue or beige). Not a drop ofand to be held on the evening of perfume spllls in your luggage; when you're home. the alomizer isOct. 30. Saturday. . a delightful addition to your dressing table, Cheap as cheap, inci.

Following the general meeting qentally.the parents will go to the severalclassrooms of their childrenwhere the teachers will discusswith them the school program.Among the significant subjectsfor presentation in the classroomsis that of our new reports toparents.

At about the tenlh and twen-tieth week of school during eachsemester the school sends to allthe homes a report on the workof each child for the period. Thispast year a new form has beendeveloped and, this new form willbe discussed by the teachers.

Besides the report card timewill be taken to discuss the gen-eral instructional program withineach classroom. The first meetingusually attracts at least 300IJ;Irents.

THE FARRS' DISHContributed b~' Mrs. L. Rothe

}'arr2 lbs. breast of veal.1 large can of tomatoes.2 cups okra, cut up (prefer-

ably fresh okra)Ih Cup uncooked rice.2 onions (green onions op-

tional).If.! teaspoon powdered basil.salt and pepper. We must confess that the most elegant fashion magazine, though,Cut veal in two-inch squares doesn't include the exquisite lingerie to be found at THE CLOTHES-

and saute in butter with fine- LINE. Pure silk nighties with breath-taking and lace trimmed negli-gees are there for 1'tIodllom 1I0W. Alencon lace trims the paslel

ly cut onions. Put in deep but-tered casserole: Add other in- (nighties and negligees may be in same or contrasling tones) lingerie.gredients. The tailored pure silk slips are dreamy-Malle to orlll'r-Speelly

Place in medium oven. deliver)'.(350 degrees) for 1% hours.After it starts to thicken,quickly add red wine and letit continue to cook. If no redwin,e is available, a can ofconsomme will do.


The President's Cup Regattaheld Saturday and Sunday, Sept.25 and 26. in the Potomac River,drew a group of Pointers toWashington.

Among them' were Mr. andMrs. Ray Whyte, Mr. and Mrs.Robert Keller and Mr. and Mrs.Glendon H. 'Roberts. .

Me. imd Mrs. Roy Thompson,of New York. who wer,: houseguests or the Whytes during thesummer, met the visitors at theairport in Washington .



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***Page Sixteen


P~Li!",'" Id~ ~€' '@1@'€"lll.1S5 [email protected]~L~------lj Adler, Penguin, Ripon, HUHTING SOXJ I 12". sizes 10 to 13( Coleman, Go, I. POCKET STOVES, Maine Guide, -LIJMBERJACK COAT SHIRTS

j Hunting Licenses, Sweat Sox - SSe, 90c, 95c, 106 Kercheval TV. 1-5262, Grosse Pointe Form., Opposllc Grosse Pointe News

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Book "Saga of Gosta Berling" tAuthor " , , Charles Dickens ,Character in a Book Scarlet O'Hara ,Play ..,.., Barretts of Wimpole Street" ,Actress, Helen Hayes ,Actor ~ Maurice Evans ,Movie , , , "The Great Waltz" ,Movie Actrc5s : .Ingrid Bergman tMovie Actor., James Stewart North Stftr ,Radio Program LuX' Theatre B 'Radio Entertainer (T\I) Fred Allen IAJ"KF:TS 'J? () Ch. ==--Cammentator ~ FuIton Lewis, .Jr. , (/.)( If t;J..('~ air. f!Columnist , , ~ , John Kieran I l I ' ' e lJ ('((It. fCartoon : "Penny" ;', 11.( 1 co ors ••• R'ue DIIJ/, Frcl/c/; Pitlk, Delft Blue, , Val/der l.eyCartoonisl.. Wiliiam Haenigson Milt Grey, Green, Gold, While l1'la Aqua Sa"d" •Poet... Robert Browning , • has the fashionablyMusic : Wagner and Tchaikowsky , elegllnt 5tyling so

~Oang~~i~.~..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..::::~.~~~~~.~..~.~.~~::..~.:...?~r;0l~~~~ Shnsfa 16.95 l\'.\'~ 19.95 But 19.95 J sought for todllY.Game , Gin RUp1my Other Price RlInges • beirloom tomorrow!

~~~~i..::::::.,::::..::::::::: ::..::::::::::..::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..~~~e~~l~ tPerson (Excluding r~i1mily) ; 1incoln I.igh;n\~h:~.~tc~l~~kets lJel1"l"~;,bl'I~~a,~t~;;,pill It 'yx tFlower , " , White Orchid '0 fl,Jewel : " , Star Sapphire 12,50 9.95 , . "",(1,Color , Blue , e I

,~~~c~ ..:..:: : ::: : ' ::::::::::::: ::::: :::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::..Rh:~~: Couch Throws, in all colors, 12,95, 1:1,95, 15.95 J HOUSEPerfume Caron.s "Nuit ~oel" Ev~ry I'I~c. Adverllsod her. !s I()().., pur. wMI J. OpenFrIdAY.venln(sCostume , Dinner .uress ,!"ood : , " " Crepes Suzette • OF. F.lectrlc Blanktl. , 11636 11'1billier) nellr Kelly

ADvl.Veerl~siol.ann , , , TTraarvdle'nll.enSgSIPEPPET'S ' VEnice 9.0749..............................................................." ..,........ li026 KERCHEVAL, III SI. ClAir - TV, 2.6460'- _

ft'lao, ,,,here and u'hatnotBy whoozil

~t's check and double c~~~~ ~:r MUS. WILLlAl\] WAL.ILACE in t1w man-tailored brown and white checked sheer I'

wool suit she wears when rehearsing for the forthcoming"Spring Again" which AWVS will present later this month.,With the suit, Mrs. 'Vallace wears a trig beige pure silk blousesJlortil). printed in sleep browll horses. A wide brimmed beigefelt hat. with sweciling feather, wood brown suede pumps Iand matching handbag cflmplcte the outfit.

• • •MRS. JOHN GORDON HILL always wears pastel cos-

tumes in her Cloverly foad home. Against the soft back-ground of the love)y home. the pastels are just right, too.The other afternoon'she chose a poudl'e blue crepe frock withbow of the .ma lerial worn low at the hipline. A simple bodicewith ~Ibow length eleeves featured V neckline with turndown collar. Skirt was pl~ated and the frock buttoned downthe front in elust\' blue pearl discs. Exactly matching thedusty hlue pearls' were the bracelet and. necklace Mrs. Hillchose. Her slippers were poudre blue kId.

• • •Keeping fashion shictly in the family, ha,'e you seen

cute, suh deb JOAN-ELLIS HILL in her eyer:so.good lookinglllaid holero suit? The short, pleated skirt is worn withdarling. fitted bolero and the material is authentic Stuartplaid. The matcriaJ was brought right from Scotland byJoan-Ellis' nUl'se, Mary, when the lAtter visited her nath'eland on the occasion of her parents' golden wedding anni.versary. She used her entire supply of "isitors' ration cou-pOllS for the material, part of which was tailored by herbrother in Scolland into trousers for Joan-Ellis' little brother.

• * •ELIZABETH BLISS is envied not only for that smooth

sun tan (which is ever so effective with her blond coloring)but for the stunning pink linen frock she wore the other alter-noon. The low oval neckline showed her bronzed shouldersever 50 slightly and the soft bodice of the frock extended into8. long and ,'cry full skirt. A .tiny gold kid belt was worn atthewaistIine and Elizabeth threw a pale blue cardigan overher. shoulders. She wore white ballet slippers.

• • •



STA.NTON LANE l' -Picture by Fred RunneU.MRS. HERBERT H. WEBB OF kitchen, she suggested. a "cannedBy Kitty Camey goods" cupboard. This extends

. . . out only six inches from the wall. The handsome home whIch the Herbert Webbs bUllt,ill at one end of the room allow-

PILFERINGS Stanton lane and moved into in May has many novel and ing. ample space for the' largestAbout People You Know By Their Friend (Bennet Cerf) attractive features, not the least of which is the fireplace size can. but eliminating the need

Dorothy Thompson: which Mrs. Webb finished with her own ceramic tiles. to grope far back into the cup-Dorolby Thompson, 111os1ot'erpolllering and awe itzspiring Although she had not heard' I board. 'S'wonderful!

female cOlJ1l/1et/!a/or ill America, was atlything bul Ihat when sbe of. its be~llg done befol'e~ Mrs. Show at Dayton Art Institute, 1\'11'. a?d. Mrs. Webb have two

IWebb deCIded, when plannm? !he At the same time, two of her sons, WIllian.'. who recently enl-

first 1IIet Sinclair Lewis al a dhmer parly in Ber in. Leu,is was so new home.. that she would like paintings were hung in the Day- barked on hiS freshman year ate'lchauted thaI in the middle of the di"ner he letl11edpast a ~ollple to make hl~s for her own small ton show. A few tasteful POI- U. of ~. under a four-yearof slartled guesls alld asked ber to marry him. fireplace. F1r~t, she sketched on traits and pastels on the walls scholarshIp, and ~enn~th, a stu-.

They spent tbeir bOlleymoon on " trailer Irip througb Britaill. pa~e.r a. deSign of leaves and of the Webb home bear testimony dent at Grosse Pomte high schooLLater Adolj)b Hiller pusollally ordered Miss Thompson bOlm~ed traillng

h IVYl; then. under her .fin- to Mrs. W.'s talent. She is so

0111 of Nazi Germatly "" indignily for whi~h.she never forgave g~~t t e tC ay bec~m~ a raIsed fond of a pair of Bisque figures Pointers See President'sh..' \ . W I e pa tern agams. an .aqua which stand on the mantel-piece Cup Race in W /lshington,m, . .. . background. She accompltshed h h' I

Tbe l.ewises had a tranqllil married life unJil Miss Thompsotl 'the intricate task by molding ht atbs de ~ild ch.a ks of them forb d

. 1 . . 1 . ad' k d . er e room.ecaule so e"grosse m co mnn-ll1rltmg, ectllNng, r 10 llior afl two square blocks a mght at a Surprisingly en 0 ugh M I' S

gCl1erttl t'e-shapil1g of 'tbe world,. that she hlld no lime lefl jor ce.ramics class at Grosse Pointe Webb wns a home ec~nomic~III1)'thhlg else. ' High. mnjor at Penn Hall and Ohio

Somebody asked "Red" Lewis where she was one evening. . Each of. the 18 cer~mi~ b~ocks State University. Onl:.: in rec.ent"Sbe disappeared i"to the NBC Studios three years ago," an- IS a four-Inch square, thiS IS.an years has she dabbled III the f1~ld

.. d .b d' h '. h . " unusual feature because the tiles of art. One summer she studiedsu'ered Red, a~ no 0)' liS seen er smce. • . ' fit in closely at right angles. The oil painting under Anthony

Al/other'luNe he hel1rd Ihl1t she ~Qas hemg mentIoned for II ivy design has a smooth con- Th' t th R k t M'd . 1 ., "I d J1 h 'J, . f II WI Ih 'J] Ierne a e oc por, ass.,preSt Cl1t,(t 1101111,lt/II01J. 1110'1 er, e sal wut II J', J e)' tiF)uity as it moves over two sides art colony.let me wl'ile 'jUJ' Da)"!' of each ceramic tile on both the The harmonizing of many col-

'" '" • outside and interior of the iire- ors in her home decorationOne of William Lyon Phelps' studen15 at Yale once asked him place. scheme shows Mrs. Webb's apti-

this question in the middle of a lecture on Browning. Mrs. Webb first ventured into tude for that type of thing. While."Professor. which gives you the greater thrill: a student who ceramics several years ago when rare antique and lovely old dish-

knows and oppreciates Browning as thoroughly as you do, or that she asked a school teacher for es are dear to her heart, shesame student weaving through an entire Harvard team for a touch- a "hunk of clay" which she could came up ..vilh at least one more-down?" .The beloved "Billy" Phelps replied without hesitation: work with her fingers. She than-modern idea in furnishing

"1 thr:lI to either performance, young man. The only difference moulded the material into a pair convenience. It.s one no homeis that when. a student understands Browning. I do not smash my of. old-fashioned figures which should be without-besides her 1-hat." . took first, prize in the Painter.s' ample cupboard space in the I. . . -

A fel1rso1l1e 11111'/ is Colonei R~'bert Rutherford McCormick,writes Belll1et Cerj. M~Cor11iick, publisher of the Cbi~ago Tribune,-is especially fearsome when someone d"res 10 disagree with him.

Tbe Rhode rslatld leg;sll1ture, for iPlSlan~e,.i)assed a bill tbatdispleased him. Ollt iflto tbe Tribllne .lobby strode tbe Colonel a"dSlIipped one slar jrom the, Americl1n flag that wai.'ed there.. . '"

In private life, Lucius Beebe is the scion of a fine old New Eng-land family, so influential that when Lucius was requested to lea,.Yale. he wa.~ taken on at Harvard! Legend persists that Lucius' pre-cipitated exit from New Haven had to do ~th a ventriloquist whomhe palmed off on lhe Yale Chaplain as a famous minister from theWest.

The minister wa.~ asked to deliver a sermon in the Yale Chapel,and progressed beautifully until the point where he stopped talk-ing. cupped his hand about his lips, looked aloft, and called. "Am Iright. Lord?" Down from the rafters, (remember. he was a ventrilo-':Joist) came an answering "You certainly are, My Son!"