Grid Resources for Industrial Applications Structural engineering applications Antonella FRIGERIO, CESI S.p.A. - ITALY LCSC 5 th Annual Workshop on Linux Clusters for Super Computing Linköping - Sweden 18-19 th October 2004

Grid Resources for Industrial Applications Structural engineering applications

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Grid Resources for Industrial Applications Structural engineering applications. Antonella FRIGERIO, CESI S.p.A. - ITALY LCSC 5 th Annual Workshop on Linux Clusters for Super Computing Linköping - Sweden 18-19 th October 2004. CESI. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Grid Resources for Industrial Applications

Structural engineering applications


LCSC 5th Annual Workshop on Linux Clusters for Super Computing

Linköping - Sweden

18-19th October 2004

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• CESI is a company operating in the electro-energetic and environmental sectors in more than 35 Countries all over the world

– in the last few years CESI has acquired new skills concerning civil engineering services in

• the safety of dams, valleys and water basins• diagnosis of the deterioration of existing structures• studies of interventions aimed at mitigating the seismic

risk for the electrical system


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Civil engineering applications

• CESI in-house codes are based on the Finite Element Method and they could perform:– real and complex modal analyses– linear and non-linear dynamic analyses– seismic analyses– structural identification dynamic analyses

• All these structural analyses imply:– massive processing requirements– persistent data storage needs

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CESI applications …

• INDIA– this code performs structural dynamic analyses,

taking into account possible fluid structure interaction

Numerical model

of a tower Modal


d by INDIA

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… CESI applications …

• AIDA– this code performs structural identification

analyses; the aim of an identification process is to meet reality with a numerical model

material parameters of the numerical model are iteratively modified by an identification process, so that numerical results fit the experimental ones











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… CESI applications

• GameB and Postab– these codes are the pre and post processors of CESI in-

house codes; they generates respectively the input model file of the structure and the model output file which visualised the analyses results computed by our codes

Numerical model of a dam

A modal shape of a dam

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<case name>.gaminp

<general name>.UNV / NEU

<case name>. indinp / aidinp

<case name>. game

<general name>.UNV / NEU

<case name>.postinp

<case name>.modi

<case name>.gamout

<case name>.game

<case name>. indout

<case name>. aidout

<case name>. modi

<case name>.postout

<modal shapes>.UNV / NEU






GRIA general sequence

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• Within the GRIA Project, CESI has a double target– to provide consultancy for its clients

• in this case CESI will act as a service provider• CESI will allow accessibility to in-house applications to third

parties• CESI will provide GRID-based technical consulting services

for a fee, if necessary

– to outsource computation at critical times • in this case CESI will act as a client• CESI will satisfy any need of extra computing power by

booking CPU to run analyses on the fly or reserving CPU for future use

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GRIA Testbed Infrastructure

• GRIA Testbed Infrastructure allows users to run batch processing applications on remote systems

• Two interfaces are provided to the system:– the command-line client

• it can be used to access GRID services by entering commands at a DOS or UNIX command prompt

• it allows to script easily sequences of operations

– the Java interface• the Java library provides a more flexible interface, which makes it

easier to use GRIA services from within your own programs

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Setting up a keystore

• GRIA system could be used only by user who are holder of certificates – set up a keystore containing a key with your details– get this key signed by a certification authority who is

trusted by the service providers you wish to use– import the signature into your keystore

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Setting up an account

• Any company’s budget holder must set up accounts with one or more service providers– he/she will grant certain other users access to the

account– he/she will be responsible for paying the usage of the


• You should contact your budget holder to get permission to use existing company’s accounts

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Available actions

• GRIA client can be used as follows: – calculate your processing, networking and storage

requirements– send these requirements to each supplier with which you

have an account– select and confirm one of the offers that are returned to

you– upload any input data– run the job(s) or sequences of jobs– download the results

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GRIA command line

• GRIA general command line is as follows – gria_client <command> <arguments>

• You can get more help on any command as follows– gria_client <command> --help

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Creating a new account ...

• Run the command:– gria_client open Accounts.xml – a dialog box appears prompting you to enter details

about you and the service provider – a request is sent to the supplier, asking for the account to

be opened– the supplier makes credit checks and, if everything is ok,

a new account is opened and two files will be created• the Accounts.xml file• the client.state file (it’s an XML file listing all your Accounts)

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… creating a new account

– the company’s budget holder should send each user a copy of the Accounts.xml file to allow them to run job(s) on the GRIA system

– a company’s budget holder can open accounts with several suppliers

– each new account is appended to the existing Accounts.xml file

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Getting a resource allocation ...

• To use remote GRID resources, you need to request a resource allocation from a service provider

• You should start with two files:– the Accounts.xml file – the Requirements.xml file

• it gives the processing, networking and storage requirements of your job(s)

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… getting a resource allocation

• run the command:– gria_client tender Account.xml Requirements.xml MyTask– “MyTask” is a description for the new resource allocation– all the suppliers listed in the Accounts.xml file will be

contacted and asked to tender for your job(s)– you will be prompted to choose one of the suppliers who

sent you an offer– at this point your account is billed for the resources you


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Uploading the input data

• You need to create a new data stager within your new resource allocation and upload input data of your job(s)

• You may place all the input data files in a ingle zip file: the system will automatically unzip this file

• Run the command:– gria_client upload MyTask gaminp.zip– gria_client upload MyTask neu.zip

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Running job

• In order to run a job you need:– a resource allocation conversation with your uploaded input data– the Work.xml file

• It is a file describing the processing requirements of your job

– the allocation must support the application you want to execute

• Run the command:– gria_client run MyTask http://gria.org/gameb WorkGameB.xml --input

gaminp.zip --input neu.zip --output gamout.zip --output game.zip

• The system starts submitting the job, checking constantly the status until the job will finish

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Downloading the output data

• When the job is finished, you may download the output data files you specified in the run command

• Run the command:– gria_client download MyTask gamout.zip– gria_client download MyTask game.zip

• A browse interface is available to see the details of your account using the command– gria_client browse

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Removing the allocation

• When a job finishes running, the remote resource allocation can be remove using the command– gria_client finish

• If you didn’t use all the resources you originally requested, you’ll be reimbursed for some fraction of their cost

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GRIA project evaluation

• CESI is confident the GRIA system will gain importance in the next years– It’s easy to add applications on GRIA system– It’s easy to run analyses and get job results – Security aspects are taken into account– The business model could satisfy different needs