Grey Griffins Adventure Pack

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  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack


    Then open this adventure pack!

    AuAdor anepic battle with

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  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack


    Your Adventure PAck Contains...A sneak peek oGrey Grifns: The Clockwork Chronicles #1:

    The Brimstone Key. .3

    discssion Qestions. .16

    Crack the Grey Grifns coe!. .17

    Want more Ad ST AdVNTu? . .18

    G Gff:T ClCkwk CCl 1:

    The Brimstone key

    by Derek Benz& J.S. Lewis

  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack


    N Y k B

  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack


    The Leader: Max Sumner

    After his grandfathers mysterious death, Max learned that his

    wealthy family was a part of the secret Templar society. He

    became the Guardian of the Codex Spiritus, an enchanted book

    that holds monsters, evil faeries, and other dangerous creaturescaptive within its magical pages. The Codex can change shapes,

    from a book, to a ring, to a gauntlet capable of channeling Maxs

    family power: Skyfire!

    The Inventor: Harley Davidson Eisenstein

    Built like a linebacker and incredibly smart, Harley is a

    technological prodigy who designs gadgets critical to any

    successful monster hunt. Unlike Maxs wealthy family, Harley

    and his mother are barely getting by. But hes not bothered; he

    knows that happiness isnt measured by how much money you

    have in your bank account.


  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack



    The Changeling: Ernie Tweeny

    Ernie became a changeling after a transfusion of faerie blood,

    which gave him super speed, rapid healing, and enhanced

    eyesight. But theres a catch: whenever Ernie uses his powers, he

    becomes more faerie and less human. Despite that risk, he has

    vowed to fight evil as his superhero alter ego, Agent Thunderbolt.

    The Sleuth:Natalia Romanov

    Fearless, fiery, and intensely smart, Natalia uses her keen

    observational skills and her analytical mind to solve any mystery.

    As a part of her sleuthing kit, Natalia carries a Phantasmoscope

    that allows her to see into the faerie spectrum. Since a close friend

    betrayed her, Natalia has had a hard time trusting other girls. She

    feels more at home with the Griffins than with anyone else.

    The Knights Templar

    The Knights Templar is an ancient society that has sworn to

    protect mankind against unseen dangers like monster invasions

    and zombie uprisings. In recent months, the Templar were nearly

    exterminated by an army of werewolves called the Black WolfSociety. They are slowly rebuilding their strength.

  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack


    errified, Max Sumner forced himself to walk

    down the long corridor. Water dripped from the ceiling,

    as an eerie light flickered through tattered sheets of plas-

    tic strung across the end of the hallway.

    Max didnt notice the fallen bicycle until it was too late.

    He tripped, cutting his shin. But he couldnt turn back.Not now. The front wheel spun as he walked toward the

    light. When he finally reached the ragged sheeting, Max

    pushed it aside and stepped through. The temperature

    plummeted and breath rose from his mouth like a ghostly


    Crunch . . .Max looked down at a rotted yellow bag half-filled

    with decaying newspapers and swallowed hard. Then he

    heard the faint whistle of drills, and Max was certain that

    the stench in his nostrils was blood.

    He passed a discarded sneaker, then a baseball cap

    with the name Johnny Geist written on the lining of

    the bill.

    Help me . . . a small voice begged.

    Max raced through the doorway ahead only to find

    an empty room. It was some sort of laboratory with rusty

    instruments and tools that lined tarnished trays. Glass

    jars filled with mysterious liquids crowded dilapidated

    shelves, and a faint red stain ran along the concrete floor



  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack



    toward a drain. A steel table with leather straps for hands

    and feet stood in the center of the room. Then Max felt a

    cold hand on his shoulder.

    Max pulled away and turned to look into the eyes of

    a young boy. He was dressed in a striped shirt and jeans,

    with a lone sneaker on his left foot.Did you call me? Max managed to ask. Are you


    The boy said nothing but continued to stare, unblinking.

    Thats when Max realized that instead of eyes, there were

    camera lenses in the boys sockets. And worse, the veins in

    the boys pale arms were pulsing with a silver-blue glow. No

    matter where Maxs eyes fell, he found machinery in place

    of humanity. There wasnt much left of the boy, but the sin-

    gle tear running down his silicon cheek was real.

    Maxs stomach lurched and he tried to look away,

    but the same cold hand forced him to look back. This

    time the boy was gone. Ernie Tweeny, one of Maxs best

    friends, was standing in his place.

    Help me . . . Ernie moaned through blue lips. Max

    stumbled back and fell against a tray of rusty instruments,

    sending them clanging to the floor. As Ernie walked into

    the light, Max saw that part of his friends skull had been

    cut away, revealing a mechanized brain of whirling gears

    ticking like a clock.

  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack


    Max cried out as strong hands took hold of him from

    behind, lifting him into the air. He struggled against the

    invisible grip as his arms and legs were strapped to the

    table. A convex mirror hung over the table, and strangely,

    it wasnt his own face looking back at him. Somehow

    Ernie had taken his place. Max fought to break freefrom the straps as a man in a stained lab coat walked into

    view. He was tall, with neatly combed silver hair, and as

    he turned to face the table Maxs blood froze. He would

    never forget those eyes. They were intelligent, cold, and

    as sharp as the scalpel he held in his gloved hand.

    The man raised the gleaming instrument.Max screamed. Then he woke up.

  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack


    part one

    iron bridge


  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack


    The Unmarked


    Max Sumner pedaled his bike through the quiet streets of

    Avalon, Minnesota, trying to shake the nightmare from his

    head. He had been awake all night, too frightened to go

    back to sleep. The only thing keeping him from taking a

    nap was the last summer meeting of the Secret Order of

    the Grey Griffins. Max didnt want to be late.

    With school starting on Monday, the four friends had

    decided to spend their last day of summer vacation read-

    ing comic books and watching movies in their secret head-

    quarters a tree fort that Max decided to call the Griffins

    Aerie. Over the last year, Max, Harley Eisenstein, Nata-

    lia Romanov, and Ernie Tweeny had faced everything

  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack


    from leprechauns to six-armed ogres, and just about every

    monster in between. Their adventures had brought them

    closer than ever, but they were about to embark on their

    most intriguing quest yet the Grey Griffins were trans-

    ferring to a new school.

    Iron Bridge Academy was a private military school run

    by the Knights Templar. The curriculum was designed to

    train students to combat unseen forces from the darkest of

    nightmares. The academy had been shut down for nearlya century, following an explosion that destroyed most of

    the buildings. Now the doors were opening again.

    There were only two ways to be admitted into a Tem-

    plar academy. The first was through birthright, which

    Max possessed. The Templar also chose individuals from

    the general populace who had extraordinary talent, intel-lect, and ingenuity, so Harley, Natalia, and Ernie were

    extended invitations as well.

    By the time Max reached the Old Woods, Harley was

    already waiting for him.

    What are you doing? Max asked as he set his bike

    down. Harley had a screwdriver in one hand. In the

    other, he held a palm-sized device with its electrical guts


    Just making a couple of adjustments, Harley replied

    as he replaced the casing and screwed it back together.

    Its a tracking device.

    Harley handed Max a metal chip and told him to put it

    in his pocket. Harley then twisted a dial on his invention,

  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack


    and the dark screen flickered to life. Two flashing green

    dots instantly appeared. Thats us.

    What about Natalia and Ernie?

    I gave them ID chips this morning, Harley replied.

    According to this little gizmo, they should be here right

    about . . . now.

    Max turned to find the other two members of the Grey

    Griffins coasting down the gravel road on their bikes.

    Natalias red hair was woven into braids that flew behindher. Ernies vintage World War I Army helmet bounced

    on his head.

    I thought you were excited about transferring to Iron

    Bridge, Max heard Natalia say.

    I was, but Kings Elementary is the last normal

    thing in our lives, Ernie explained. Once we leave thatbehind, itll be nothing but a bunch of rigid rules.

    Come on, Ernie, you know thats not true, Max said.

    Were going to accomplish things that we never dreamed

    we could do.

    And what about all the other changelings at the

    academy? Harley added. Youll finally be able to put

    together your own team of superpowered humans. Itll be

    like a real-life comic book.

    I never fit in anywhere I go, Ernie complained.

    Trust me, Iron Bridge isnt going to be any different

    changelings or not.

    Natalia sighed. Look, Ernie. According to Brooke,

    were kind of famous.

  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack


    Yeah,r ight.

    Im serious. Everyone at Iron Bridge thinks were

    heroes because we helped defeat the Black Wolf Society.

    Ernie smiled.

    Dont get ahead of yourself, Max warned. Brooke

    may be exaggerating.

    Brooke Lundgren was the only honorary member of the

    Grey Griffins. The boys wanted to make her membership

    official, but Natalia wasnt quite ready to share the spot-light with another girl. Brooke knew that Natalia didnt

    mean anything by it. A close friend had betrayed Natalia,

    so it wasnt easy for her to trust other girls. Besides, Brooke

    had her own troubles. Her dad, Baron Cain Lundgren, had

    been given the directorship of Iron Bridge Academy. He

    had a reputation for being strict, and Brooke hoped thatthe other students wouldnt hold it against her.

    I knew it was too good to be true, Ernie sulked.

    What if I told you that my mom stocked the fridge

    with tons of junk food last night? Would that get your

    mind off school for a little while? Max asked.

    The Aerie was constructed of three separate buildings

    linked by suspension bridges and rope swings. It boasted

    air-conditioning, a cobblestone fireplace, a working kitchen,

    and hidden rooms with trick entrances. When the four

    friends reached the central building, Ernie scaled the ladder

    and pressed his thumb against a hidden sensor pad on the

    rafter. It had been installed as a safety precaution against

    prowling monsters. The lock on the door released with a

  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack


    click, and Ernie rushed straight to the refrigerator. In a mat-

    ter of moments, his arms were overflowing with snacks.

    Hey, Harley, clear the table, will you? Ernie asked

    as he tried to balance all the food.

    Clear it yourself, Harley replied, sitting down to read

    through a stack of comic books. Thats when he saw the

    strange box wrapped in brown paper. It was unmarked,

    except for a faded Templar cross stamped on the top.

    Whats in the package?Maybe its our next assignment, Max said. I overheard

    someone talking about an infestation of Vampire Pixies.

    Natalia looked skeptical. Since when do we get

    assignments in unmarked packages?

    Max shrugged as Ernie dumped the pile of food on

    top of the box.Ernest! Natalia reprimanded. She began clearing

    away the snacks.

    What? Ernie sat down and opened a bag of chips.

    Did you expect me to hold that stuff forever? I have super

    speed, not super strength. With that, he shoved a handful

    of chips into his mouth and started smacking away.

    Max broke the seal and pulled out a simple wooden

    box. Curious, he flipped the latch and opened the lid.

    Inside was a red velvet sack tied with a length of golden

    rope. He started to untie it, but Natalia grabbed his arm.

    Wait. She reached inside the box and pulled out a

    piece of paper. Written in looping script were the words

    wind stem to find him.

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    Wind the stem? Harley read aloud. What does that


    Max opened the little sack and turned it upside down.

    Lets find out.

    An object fell into the palm of his hand. It was a brass

    beetle, no more than two inches long. A perfect sym-

    phony of etched brass and silver filigree, the mechanical

    creature sat unmoving.

    Thats so supersonic! Ernie said, and wiped hismouth with the back of his hand. As the self-proclaimed

    worlds first real superhero, Ernie had decided he

    needed a catchphrase. So instead of describing things as

    awesomeor amazing, he called everything supersonic.

    Overwhelmed by curiosity, Ernie grabbed the beetle.

    With his greasy fingers, he wound the stem several revo-lutions. Inside, a series of gears engaged, and the beetle

    started tick as if it were a pocket watch. When Ernie set

    the beetle on the table, small brass legs unfolded. Then

    the mechanism spread its wings and lifted into the air.

    Whoa! Harley stepped back as it zipped by his head

    while circling the room. What is that thing?

    Quick! Close the windows! Max called.

    Unfortunately, the mechanical creature had already

    spotted an open window and flown into the forest.

    Max jumped over a stack of comic books and ran

    toward the escape slide. Dont let it get away, Ernie!

    Well be right behind you.

  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack



    About the book

    A year ago, Max, Natalia, Ernie,

    and Harley banded together to

    help the Templar Knights stop evil

    airies, werewolves, and other

    monsters rom taking over the

    world. Now theyre up or their

    biggest challenge yeta new


    1. Who are the members o the Secret Order o the Grey

    Grifns? What special characteristics do each o the Grey

    Grifns possess? What is the purpose o the Grey Grifns?

    2. Why are the Grey Grifns attending Iron Bridge Academy?

    What makes Iron Bridge Academy dierent rom any other

    school the Grey Grifns have attended?

    3. Where does the robotic scarab beetle lead the Grey

    Grifns? What do they fnd that motivates them to go on

    a quest?

    4. Who is Ivers? What roles has he played in the lives o the

    Grey Grifns, especially Max? What evidence does Max

    have that makes him think Ivers is still alive?

    5. Why does Natalia hesitate to let Brooke into the Grey

    Grifns? What special power does Brooke possess?

    6. Who is assigned a Bounder Faerie? What is the purpose oa Bounder Faerie?

    7. What is the history o the Zephyr? What makes the Zephyr

    unique? What is the purpose o the Zephyr?

    8. What is MERLIN Tech? How is it used?

    9. When the Grey Grifns arrive at Iron Bridge Academy,who are the Toad brothers? What do they do to help the

    Grey Grifns adjust to their new environment?

    10. Why are the changelings and the humans kept separate

    at Iron Bridge Academy? What atmosphere does the

    separation create? What evidence is there to support that

    the humans and the changelings are not treated the same?

    11. Why does Natalia seek out Raven to make riends?

    Why is Raven so hesitant to respond to Natalia?

    12. Who is Maxs ather? What did he do that was so heinous?Why does Angus McCutcheon want to punish Max or his

    athers deeds?

    13. What is the Codex? Why is Max the guardian? Who helps

    him learn how to use the powers o the Codex?

    14. How do the Grey Grifns discover the truth behind Otto

    Von Stries clockworks? How does this inormation aide

    them in the fght against Von Strie?

    15. Why is Logan so committed to protecting Max? What do

    they have in common that allows them to orm such astrong bond?

    16. The Templar Secret Society is a orce to be reckoned

    with. How do the members o the Templar recognize one

    another? What do they all have in common?

    Grey Grifns: The Clockwork Chronicles #1: The Brimstone Key

    by Derek Benz and J.S. Lewis


  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack









    Ernies Superheroname is Agent ??

    Te Grey Grinsfght these.

    Tis gadget allowsNatalia to see in the

    aerie spectrum.

    Te new director oIron Bridge Academy

    is Baron Cain

    Harleys last name is?

    Te town where theGrey Grins live

    , Set, Adventure!

    Think YOUVE gOT whaT iT TakEs

    TO EnrOll in irOnbridgE acadEmY?Crack these word jumbles to reveal the entry codeword!

    (All the answers are in the preview you just read!)


  • 8/2/2019 Grey Griffins Adventure Pack


    on a trip back in time

    aboard a amous cruise ship?on an epic battle

    with evil orces?

    to a mysticaland dangerous

    land ull o airies?

    on a fght with

    deadly ninjas?

    These adventures dont end here!Where will reading take you next?