Gretchen Ward Master Gardener Trainee

Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a

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Page 1: Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a

Gretchen Ward MasterGardenerTrainee

Page 2: Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a


Page 3: Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a




Page 4: Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a

It would smell like…. Cistus spp.


Page 5: Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a

Not just Cistus sp. • Thenamerockroseactuallyreferstoplantsinthreegenera,Cistus,Halimium,andTuberaria,thatwiththeSunroses(Helianthemumsp.)comprisethemajorityofcul<vatedplantsinthefamilyCistaceae• Theyareperennialevergreenshrubswithflowers• Openearlyinthemorninganddroptheircrape-paper-likepetalsbymidaDernoon• Bloomfrommid-springintosummer

Page 6: Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a

Rockrose • ThefamilyCistaceaehasbetween170-200speciesineightgenera• Cistushasabout20speciesandover450cul<vars

• SpeciesofCistusprimarilydistributedinthetemperateareasofEuropeandtheMediterranean• Mostaresubshrubsorshrubsthatcomefromdrysunnyhabitats,oDenonpoorsoils

Page 7: Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a


Page 8: Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a

•  Summerirriga+onismostlyunnecessary•  Preferfullsun•  Summergrowthmaypredisposetheplantstorootorcrowndiseases• Mostrockrosesresenthardpruningandquicklydecline—gentlyremoveoldgrowth•  Theyshouldbeplantedinthefalltoensuretheplantswillbewell-rootedandnotrequireirriga+onbythefollowingsummer



Page 9: Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a

Growth Habit •  Theycantoleratepoorsoil,heat,orcoldwindsandoceanspray• Whenplan+ng,spreadouttherootssotheygrowdeepintotheground• Maybeshort-livediftheirenvironmentalneedsareignored


Page 10: Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a

Growth Habit •  Itisadicot,withopposite,simple,usuallyslightlyrough-surfacedevergreenleaves,2-8cmlong.Inafewspecies(suchasC.ladanifer),theleavesarecoatedwithahighlyaroma+cresincalledlabdanum

•  LeavesaresoBgreen,gray,orsilver

•  Theyhaveshowy5-petaledflowersrangingfromwhitetopurpleanddarkpink,inafewspeciesthereisadarkredspotatthebaseofeachpetal

•  Thishybridcul+var,Cistus×purpureus,wasfirstformally


Page 11: Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a

Pests and Problems CistusDiseases•  Rockrosesaregenerallypestanddiseasefreebutmaydevelopafewcommongardendiseases•  PowderyMildew•  Ver<cilliumWilt(afungaldisease)•  SootyMold•  Botry<sBlight(graymold)

Insects•  Aphids


Environmentaldisorders•  Mineraldeficiencies•  Nutrientandmineral

excesses•  Poorwatermanagement

Page 12: Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a


Page 13: Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a


Page 14: Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a

GretchenWard Presentationfor“What’sThatBloomingThing”--Cistusspp.


Page 15: Gretchen Ward - Master Gardener Association of San Diego ... · My presentation is not about a barite sand rose, or a rock and roller named Axl Rose, and its certainly not about a

GretchenWard Presentationfor“What’sThatBloomingThing”--Cistusspp.

upsuchasmineralandnutrientdeficienciesorexcesses.Thebiggestproblemisgettingthewatermanagementcorrectforthisgenus.Mostgrowersofrockrosesseemtolikethemfornotonlytheirprettyspringtimeflowers,butalsoforthefactthattheyliketobeignored.They’reaplantthatthrivesonbenignneglectandwillrewardyouwithbeautyandgreeneryyear-round.ReferencesBaldwin,Randy2020 “TheRockroses,”SanMarcosGrowers,accessedonlineat

https://www.smgrowers.com/info/cistus.asp,March2,2020.Bell,Neil(websitecreator,OregonStateUniversityExtensionService)2020 “Rockrose(Cistusspp.andHalimiumspp.)EvaluationforWesternOregon”–accessedonlineat


Page,RobertG.2019 TheCistusandHalimiumSite.Accessedonlineathttp://www.cistuspage.org.uk/,March2,2020Stallsmith,Audrey2014 “Rock'nRoses:CistusandHalimium”–accessedonlineat
