Greenpeace Shopper’s Guide Ancient Forest Friendly Tissue Products

Greenpeace Shopper’s Guide Ancient Forest Friendly Tissue ... · Greenpeace has produced this Shopper’s Guide to give you, the consumer, the information you need to reject products

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Page 1: Greenpeace Shopper’s Guide Ancient Forest Friendly Tissue ... · Greenpeace has produced this Shopper’s Guide to give you, the consumer, the information you need to reject products

Greenpeace Shopper’s Guide

Ancient Forest FriendlyTissue Products

Page 2: Greenpeace Shopper’s Guide Ancient Forest Friendly Tissue ... · Greenpeace has produced this Shopper’s Guide to give you, the consumer, the information you need to reject products

Why Produce a Shopper’sGuide to Tissue Products?

Why Produce a Shopper’sGuide to Tissue Products?

Greenpeace believes that it is simply wrong that corporations areturning ancient forests into disposable paper products. Ancient forestsare literally being flushed down the toilet every day by millions ofconsumers across Canada. This needs to stop.

As consumers, we have the opportunity and a responsibility to makesmart purchasing decisions that help protect our natural environment.One of the best and simplest ways to take action for ancient andendangered forests is to not use or buy disposable tissue productsmade from destructive logging practices.

Many alternatives to tissue products made from ancient forests existtoday. Tissue products made from 100% recycled paper are of equalquality, value, and price and can be bought at most major grocery, healthfood, and corner stores.

Greenpeace is working with themanufacturers of disposable tissueproducts to maximize the recycledcontent of their products. But weneed your help – please do yourpart by using your purchasingpower to send a message to themanufacturers of disposableproducts that refuse to protectancient forests.

The production of some types of disposable tissue products such as toiletpaper, paper towels, facial tissue andnapkins is a serious factor in the destruction of Canada’s ancient forests.

Over 700,000 tonnes of disposable tissue products are used eachyear in Canada, much of which are produced from ancient forests.The average Canadian uses about 22kg of these products every yearincluding approximately 100 rolls of toilet paper. If you were to rollout this amount of toilet paper it would extend to about 5 kilometres. Multiply this amount by several million people and youcan better understand the impact the production of disposable tissueproducts has on an ancient forest like the Boreal forest in Canada.




Page 3: Greenpeace Shopper’s Guide Ancient Forest Friendly Tissue ... · Greenpeace has produced this Shopper’s Guide to give you, the consumer, the information you need to reject products

carbon that would otherwise contribute to climate change. Theseancient forests are home to millions of people who depend on themfor their survival – both physically and spiritually. These forests alsohouse approximately two-thirds of the world’s land-based species ofplants and animals.

But the news is not all bad. A final chance remains to protect theseforests and the life they support. Greenpeace is working around theworld to protect ancient forests through lobbying, science, publiceducation, markets mobilization and peaceful protests. In Canada, weare engaged in a solution process for the Great Bear Rainforest andwe are actively working to protect vast expanses of ancient forests likethe Boreal. You can begin to do your part by shopping wisely.

Throughout the world, ancient forests are in crisis. Many of the plantsand animals that live in these forests face extinction. And many of thepeople and cultures who depend on these forests for their way of lifeare also under threat. Ten million hectares of ancient forest are beingcleared or destroyed every year. That’s an area the size of a soccerfield every two seconds. In fact ancient forests cover only sevenpercent of the Earth’s land surface; nearly four fifths of all ancientforests have already been lost.

The world’s ancient forests are truly diverse. They include boreal,temperate and tropical forests, coniferous and broadleaf forests,rainforests and mangroves. Together they maintain environmentalsystems that are essential for life on Earth. They influence weatherby controlling rainfall and evaporation of waterfrom soil. They help stabilise theworld’s climate by storinglarge amounts of

Greenpeace and Ancient Forests

47,962 trees. 3,204 cubicmetres oflandfill space,equal to 181 fullgarbage trucks.

65,5 millionlitres of water, ayear’s supply for135 families offour.

Avoid 4,567kilograms of airand water pollution frommanufacturing.

If each household in Canada replaced 1 roll of virgin toiletpaper with just 1 roll of recycled toilet paper, we could save:


Adrian Dorst/Greenpeace

Page 4: Greenpeace Shopper’s Guide Ancient Forest Friendly Tissue ... · Greenpeace has produced this Shopper’s Guide to give you, the consumer, the information you need to reject products

geese and 30 per cent of North America’s songbirds and 40 per cent ofits waterfowl nest in the forests and wetlands. In fact, nearly 5 billion birdsmigrate north to breed after wintering in warmer climates. It is a diverseand awe-inspiring landscape of granite outcrops, lakes, rivers, and marshesinterspersed with pine, spruce, aspen and poplar forests.

The Boreal forest also contains a rich cultural legacy and is a sourceof sustenance for indigenous peoples of Canada – First Nations andMétis. Almost 80 per cent of Canada’s more than 1-million aboriginalpeople live in more than 600 communities in Canada’s forest regionsand many depend on wilderness lands, waters, and wildlife for theirlivelihood and spiritual well-being. Many northern communities dependon the Boreal forest for employment. It is vitally important that thesecommunities be both economically and ecologically sustainable.Greenpeace believes that these go hand in hand.

Your Right to KnowGreenpeace has produced this Shopper’s Guide to give you, theconsumer, the information you need to reject products thatcontribute to ancient forest destruc-tion. As a concerned citizen, you havethe right to know what goes into theproducts you use on a daily basis.Many tissue product companies do notactively advertise the source of theirproducts. We believe that if consumersbetter understand the link betweenthe destruction of ancient forests andmany disposables tissue products, salesof environmentally damaging productswill decline and tissue manufacturerswill change their ways.

Canada’s Boreal forest is anancient forest that stretchesacross the country, from Canada’swestern most province to the eastcoast of the country. It is Canada’slargest ecosystem and encom-passes almost 53 per cent of the

country’s total landmass.The magnificent Boreal forest is part of a green crown,

circling the top of the world, extending across far northernEurope, Russia, Alaska and, of course, Canada. Canada’s Borealforest has been evolving for over 10,000 years and is the largest

tract of ancient forest left in North America. Almost 80 percent of the world’s original forests have been degraded or

completely destroyed, makingthe protection of theBoreal forest all the moreimportant. Representing

25 per cent of the world’sremaining ancient forests,

Canada’s Boreal forest is atruly global treasure. It is

critical as a carbon sink forbattling climate change as well as

being home to hundreds of wide-ranging wildlife species. Moose,caribou, lynx, bear and wolves

depend on the wide Borealexpanses, while eagles, hawks, owls,

What is theBoreal Forest?




Page 5: Greenpeace Shopper’s Guide Ancient Forest Friendly Tissue ... · Greenpeace has produced this Shopper’s Guide to give you, the consumer, the information you need to reject products

How We Did ItThe information in this guide comes primarily from direct communi-cations between Greenpeace and the manufacturers of disposabletissue products. Manufacturers were asked to audit their supplies andguarantee in writing that their products were ancient forest friendly.At minimum, we asked manufacturers if they were willing to committo a corporate policy that would utilise only recycled or sustainablyproduced fibre for their products in future. Greenpeace volunteersalso visited grocery, corner and health food stores across thecountry to gather information on exactly what products are beingsold to consumers. This information has been compiled in thisreader-friendly print version of the Shopper’s Guide and in an up-to-date and searchable online version available from the greenpeace.cawebsite.

A Note on Tricky Recycled SymbolsRecycled symbols on the packaging of disposable tissue products canbe confusing. Sometimes these symbols refer only to the plasticpackaging or cardboard box rather than the product itself. Othertimes, the recycled symbol will refer to the cardboard roll in thecenter of toilet paper or paper towels. It is important to carefullyread the text that goes with this symbol to make surethat the tissue product itself is made from recycledfibres! Be an informed consumer, shop wisely.

• GREEN list: this section lists tissue companies and brands of tissueproducts for which a manufacturer has made a firm commitment toensure that its products:• are ancient and endangered forest friendly, • have a high post-consumer recycled and/or alternative fibre content, • are produced without chlorine. The message to consumers is that these products should be preferentially purchased above all other options.

• YELLOW list: this section is for disposable products that Greenpeace believes may be ancient forest friendly. Greenpeace,however, can not guarantee this. This will be due to either the manufacturer failing to respond to Greenpeace’s request to make aformal, written pledge or because there is a lack of clarity or certaintyover the accuracy of the claim. The message in this case to consumersis that the purchase of these products is not suggested and thus shouldgenerally be avoided with preference given to GREEN-listed products.

• RED list: this section lists tissue companies and brands of disposabletissue products that contain ancient and/or endangered forest fibresand/or whose products are bleached with chlorine. This list alsocontains companies that have refused to make commitments topurchasing recycled or Forest Stewardship Council-certified fibres fortheir products in the future. The message to consumers is that theseproducts are not ancient forest friendly and should definitely beavoided.

*A note on GREEN listed products: Manufacturers and brands that have made a commitment to maximize therecycled content of their products without delay and introduce ForestStewardship Council-certified fibres if necessary are listed in the green list.

How to use this Shopper’s Guide


Products or pulp certified by the ForestStewardship Council (FSC) have beengiven an environmental stamp of approval.FSC certification is the only guarantee ofsustainably managed forests.

Page 6: Greenpeace Shopper’s Guide Ancient Forest Friendly Tissue ... · Greenpeace has produced this Shopper’s Guide to give you, the consumer, the information you need to reject products

Toilet PaperGreen

Cascades*CascadesDoucelleNorth RiverDécorNew Horizon

Earth FriendlyProducts

Metro/Briska*Merit SelectionEconochoice



Super C*Super C


Cascades*CascadesNorth RiverNew Horizon



Facial Tissue


AtlanticPackagingFiestaApril SoftAmbianceAtlantic

Basic Choice

Basics for Less

Best Buy


Loblaws/Sunfresh/ProvigoPC Green


Twice as Soft


Dominion/A&PMaster Choice

Irving PaperRoyaleRoyale UltraRoyale Kitten


Jean CoutuPersonnelle


Kleenex Ultra Soft


Choice (PC)PC Super SoftPC 3 Ply No NameNo Name

PremiumProcter andGamble


RexalSoft Touch

Scott PaperCottonelleCottonelle UltraWhite SwanPurexPurex Pillowy

SoftScott PremiumSoft & PureCapri

Shoppers DrugMart/PharmaprixLifeLife Cuddly Soft



UniprixOption +


Red Red

Dominion/A&PEqualityMaster Choice

Irving PaperMajestaRoyaleRoyale Ultra

Jean CoutuPersonnelle


ExpressionsKleenex FamilyKleenex Ultra


Choice (PC)PC plus LotionNo Name

Metro/BriskaMerit Selection

Procter andGamblePuffsPuffs plus lotionPuffs Extra

StrengthPuffs Extra LargeRexalRexalScott PaperScottiesScotties LotionScotties SupremeWhite Swan

Shoppers DrugMart/PharmaprixLifeLife Ultra



Super CSuper C

UniprixOption +

Page 7: Greenpeace Shopper’s Guide Ancient Forest Friendly Tissue ... · Greenpeace has produced this Shopper’s Guide to give you, the consumer, the information you need to reject products

Green Green

Yellow Yellow

Red Red

Paper Towels

Cascades*CascadesDoucelleDécorNorth River

Earth FriendlyProducts

Metro/Briska*EconochoiceMerit Selection

SeventhGeneration Seventh


Super C*Super C

Cascades*Décor New HorizonNorth RiverPerkins

Metro/Briska*EconochoiceMerit Selection



Super C*Super C


AtlanticPackagingFiesta AtlanticAtltantic Extra Absorbent


Earth FriendlyProducts

Loblaws/Sunfresh/ProvigoPC Green



Loblaws/Sunfresh/ProvigoNo Name


Irving PaperRoyale PremierMajesta

Jean CoutuPersonnelle

Loblaws/SunfreshNo NamePC Ultra Absorbent

Procter andGambleBountyBounty UltraBounty White

RexallSoak Up!

Scott PaperScot TowelsScot Towels

Super MegaScot Towels

UltraVivaWhite Swan

ShoppersDrug Mart/PharmaprixLifeLife Extra StrongLife Thirsty



UniprixOption +

Irving PaperRoyaleRoyale Ultra


BoutiqueKleenex Hi-Dri


Choice (PC)

Marti Gras

Procter andGambleBounty

Scott PaperScott NapkinsWhite Swan



ShoppersDrug Mart/PharmaprixLife

Page 8: Greenpeace Shopper’s Guide Ancient Forest Friendly Tissue ... · Greenpeace has produced this Shopper’s Guide to give you, the consumer, the information you need to reject products

Here are a few more ways you canhelp protect ancient forests every day:

• Rethink your use of disposable paper products like facial tissue,paper towels and napkins. Consider using cloth napkins to wipeyour hands and cloth towels to wipe up spills. Think aboutpurchasing and using a washable handkerchief to blow your noseinstead of facial tissue.

• Buy Recycled. When you buy paper products such as toilet paperand office paper make sure they have a high level of post-consumerrecycled content – 100% recycled is best.

• Look for the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) logo on wood and paper products. If you cannotfind FSC-certified products, then ask yourretailer to stock them. FSC is the only guaranteeof sustainably managed forests.

Take Further ActionWe need your help. Please use your purchasing power to send amessage to destructive tissue companies.

In Canada, two manufacturers of disposable tissue productsstand out as being particularly resistant to increasing therecycled content of their products and going ancient forestfriendly. Both Kimberly-Clark (makers of the Kleenex brand ofproducts) and Procter and Gamble (makers of Charmin, Puffs,and Bounty products) manufacture disposable tissue productsfrom ancient and endangered forests. As well, many of theirproducts contain very low levels of recycled materials.

Thomas Falk, CEOKimberly-Clark351 Phelps Dr.Irving, Texas 75038Fax: (972) 281-1490

Consider writing a letter to Kimberly-Clark and Procterand Gamble demanding that they:

1) increase the recycled content of their disposable tissue products,

2) stop sourcing virgin fibre from ancient and endangered forests.

Creating disposable paper products out of ancient forestslike the Boreal forest is wasteful and wrong. Let themknow that you will refuse to purchase their products untilthey make changes.

A.G. Lafley, CEOProctor and GambleOne Proctor & Gamble PlazaCincinnati, Ohio 45202Fax: (513) 983-4381


Page 9: Greenpeace Shopper’s Guide Ancient Forest Friendly Tissue ... · Greenpeace has produced this Shopper’s Guide to give you, the consumer, the information you need to reject products


Greenpeace250 Dundas St. West. Suite 605Toronto, OntarioM5T 2Z5

454 Laurier Ave. East3rd FloorMontreal, QuebecH2J 1E7

1726 Commercial DriveVancouver, British ColumbiaV5N 4A3

Greenpeace Canada uses lobbying,public education, market pressure andpeaceful protest to bring aboutincreased environmental protection ofthe earth’s ecosystems. Founded in1971, Greenpeace is now the largestmembership based environmentalgroup in the world with 2.8 millionmembers and offices in 38 countries.

We do not accept money from governments or corporations anddepend on individual donors tosupport our environmental campaigns.

A minimum donation of $1 issuggested to cover the cost ofproducing this guide.

For a more comprehensive andupdated version of this Shopper’sGuide, please visitwww.greenpeace.ca/tissue

This guide is printed on chlorine-free100% post-consumer recycled paper.

March 2004

Cover photo. Background:Earthroots/Greenpeace,

Toilet paper: Barry Calhoun. Designed byBrad Hornickk Communications