ana! coroi'T bs?al: PoBMUHKD ETEat F»IDA*. JAS. FAULK. Editor and Sols Proorietoi Official organ of G eone County. SUBSCRIPTION SI.00 PER YEA IN ADVANCE, Advertising ratos furnished on *ppl aation. Local reading notices 5o. per iin». Address all communications to Pul tislier ut Leakesville, Qrteue Oouuti Mice. Entered in the Poatoffloe at Leakei illo a* second-olase matter. ANNOUNCEMENTS. We are authorized to announce tli candidacy of HON. W. H. HARDY, of Hattiesburg. Miss., for cougree this district, subject to the action c the Democratic party. W’o are authorized to announce th candidacy of HON. E. J. BOWERS, of Bay St. Louis, for congress, thi district, subject to the action of th Democratic party. We are authorized to announce HON. E. M. BARBER, of Biloxi, as candidate for emigres: this district, subject to action of tin Democratic party. tf LOCAL. Mr. P. H. MoEaohin, special ageti: Mutual Life Insurance -Company wa looking after business in our towr during the picnic and afterwards. The barbecue and picnic was a great suooess. The attendance was large, there beinu several towns along the M. and O. It. R. represented beside! the average number of visitors from places in the county nnd this vioini ty. The entertaining aud edibles were up to expectations, everyom expressing themselves abundantly pro vidod for in both ways. Tins Alabamt and Mississippi Railroad ran an ex oursiou from Vinegar Bend to end o track aud brought out a good man; exoursiouists. Mr. Drake from Bay St. Louis spent two days in town looking uj land titles. Dr. A. B. Clanton lias again lefi us, going this time up in Jones county. Several of our townspeople took in Merrill picnio on the 28th and report- ed a splendid time. Tile Excelsior Collection Agency had a representative in town reoently looking np olients. What came very near being a disas- trous fire happened to Mill Plant Fanlk-Ohristiau Lumber Co., on 1st. While hands were all gone to dinner the slab way caught from burning pit, and was rapidly fauned by a wind blowing the flames straight for mill. Fortunately the wind lulled just ns the hands came in, and by a hard fight the flames were extin- guished before any more damage was done, than the burning of the slab way and lumber on the yard. Loss amounts to about $200. LEAKESVILliE SCHOOL. The Leakesville High School opened on the 19th inst., with a large enroll- ment, aud suioe that date the sohooi has constautlly increased uutil today it numbers in the neighborhood of half a hundred pupils. The schools success is an assured fact and there seems to be more interest shown in it than was ever anticipated by its most sanguine supporters. The sohooi is being run on striotly »p-to-date modern high school meth- ods, and being graded in such a way, that its thoroughness after one finish- ing the eiglitn grade oan easily stand first grade examination to teach in the sohools of the state. The ninth grade of the school was adopted in order that a more polished finish oould be given to the youth of Greene oonn- ty and that they who wished after finishing here to go off to some col- lege oould more easily enter the high- er classes of said institution. The sohool teaohes all the regular county's currioulum, and in addition thereto snob books as Algebra, Latin, English Literature, Greek, Logic, Higher Physics, History of Rome, Civios, eto. Tho Boliool will start its assistant in next week, also music teacher, and with these additions to the sohool with the present principal, B. P. Harrison, the school oan easily cope with any in Southeast Mississippi in point of faculty and in point of effi- ciency. The sohool invites all oitizens of the oonnty to send their children to Leakesville high sohool, and promises to guide them oorreotly iu the true trend of virtues morals and honor. Th6 Herald is proud to see the pros- perity of the sohool. PETITION FOR PARDON To His Excellency, A. II. Longino, Jackson, Miss. GovernorWe, tire undersigned votvers Mini altixeni cf Greene oonnty, hereby petition your exeellenoy for the pardou of Sam Yocum, who was at the September, 11)01, term of the circuit onurt of Greene oonnty, in- dioted, tried and oonvioted upon a chargo of forgery, and sentenced to a term of two years iu the state peniten- tiary. The reasons and grounds for thi 1 petition are as follows : 1st. Because at the trial of th aforesaid oharge, the said 8am Yooui made no defense whatever, but orie in open court like a child, aud so aol ed otherwise that we verily believ him to be of doubtful saulty. 2nd. Because he is the only oliil of his parents, who are now old an feeble aud poor, aud who need hi help aud labor as 'a means of tliei support an encouagement. 3d. Because he made a good soldie in the Spauish-Amerionu war. an > because of his failing health in th ’, penitentiary, aud further we believ that if lie was pardoned at this time aud could get tho proper medical at tentiou ho -might get well, and b t very helpful aud useful to his parontt Respectfully siguod aud submitted this Juno IStli, 1902. (Names, eta.) tf NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Ol s tieo at Jackson, Miss., June 2J f 1902. Notice is hereby giveu that the fol lowing-named settler has filed uotic of her intention to make final proo in support of her olaim, and that sail proof will be made before the oiroui oloik of Greene oounty at Leakes ville, Miss., on August 9, 1902, viz: Margaret I. Perry, formerly, Mar garet I. Kittrell, H. E. No. 31577 for the west half of northeast qunile and east half of northwest quarte' section 5, township 3 north range west of St. Stephen’s Meridian. She names the following witnesse iu (iiutc mil vuui iuuuuo icniuouuo ujj on and cultivation of said land, viz J, M. Clifton, Oonney Clifton, A J. Smith, W. D. Turner, all of Jona. than, Miss, FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Of flee at Jackson, Miss., June 27 190?. Notioe is hereby given that the fo! lowiDg-namod settler has filed notic of his intention to mako final proo in snpport of his claim, and that sait proof will be made before the cir cuit clerk, Greene county at Leakes villo, Miss., on August 9, 1902, viz Peter E. Green, H. E. No. 80476 for the south half of southwest quar ter, northeast quarter of sonthwes quarter and- northwest quarter o southeast quarter section 19, town #hip two north range 7 west of St Stephen's Meridian. 1 He names the following witnesse; to prove his continuous residence up on nnd cultivation of said laud, viz Peascer Hillman, Walter Moody, David Hillman, Frank Breland, all oi Kittrell. Mias. FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Of floe at Jaokson, Miss., June 20 1902. Notioe is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has filed notici of her intention to make final proo: in support of her olaim, nnd that sait proof will be made before the cir cuit clerk, Greene county, at Leakes ville, Miss., on July 31, 1902, viz: Julie Summers, for the heirs o James Freeman, H. E. No. 25,910 fo: the northeast quarter of northeas quarter section 5, township 4 north range 8 west and south half of south east quarter and northeast quarter o: southeast quarter seotion 82, town ship 5 north, range 8 west of St Stephens’ Meridian. She names the following witnesse: to prove her continuous residenoe up on and cultivation of said land, viz W. W. Walley, C. W. Wallej George Manning, M. V. Manning all of Grafton, Miss. FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register. NOTICE OF PROPOSED BONf ISSUE. Notice is hereby given that it istht intention of the board of Bnpervisori of Greene county, Mississippi, to Is sno eight thousand five hundred ($8,500) dollars bonds in denomina tions of flvo hundred ($500) dollan each; each ten (10) year five per ceni interest bearing, Greene oountj bonds, eaoh for the purpose of raising funds for the building of an iron auc steel bridge over Leaf river at Ooch ran's ferry in beat No. 5, of sail Oreene county in accordance wit! plans and specifications now on file It the chancery clerk's office. This June 3, 1902. S. R. M’KAY. Bv older of the board. tf The second largest irrigation dttcH In the United States has just been complete in the state of Washington The main canal is 40 miles long, while the branches have an aggregate length of 350 miles, the ditch being 65 feet wide and eight feed deep, and irrigat tng no 'ess than 20,000 acres. Popiarville High School. Popiarville, Miss. —400 Students; 156 Boarders; 48 Pupils in Music; 41 in I Expression; 10 in Stenography; 1.1 ; <Eradicates Speoial provision 'made to accommodate wor- j thy pupiffi of limited means. Eleventh Session opens Tuesday, Sept 2nd, 1902. Write for catalogue. T. THAMES, Principal. 8 T Actions against newspapers In Ger- many can hereafter be brought only 8 In the town lu wl^leh they are pub- n lished. The Reichstag has just pussed i a law to that effect. ■.—r j There are three States which have I no debt, Iowa, Nebraska and Illinois. 1 There are three others which have ul- l most no debt, California, Montana and B Nevada. All six are in the West. England Is agitated over a proposal 1 to increase the length of university * terms. At present students have only twenty-four weeks of college Instruc- tion a year. The change Is objected to ^ au the gftiunjJ of Increased expense and a also ot the excellent use students make of their vacations. The question often occurs, what Is (he distinction between a cyclone, a hurricane, etc.? Chief Moore, o'f the Weather Bureau, detines a cyclone as a rortica) or whirling storm 1000 to 2000 miles in diameter; a hurricane as one 100 to 500 miles, and a tornado as one 100 to 1000 feet in diameter, j Popularly the terms arc used without 1 much discrimination. Greater New York has auother title. Its new appropriations amount to $98,- 019,600, and that Is near enough for it to be called the IIundred-MUlion-Dol- lar City. In that respect it has no compeer in the world. Other centres have more people, but they don't spend so much money, nncl wliat are mere people to cold monumental dollars in hundred-million piles? The New York Times calls attention to the fact that only one member President McKinley's original Cabinet as formed in March, 1SH7, now re- mains—James \V. Wilson, Secretary of Agriculture. Since that date there have been three Secretaries of State, two each in tuc Departments of the Treas- ury, War, Navy and the Interior, three Postmaster-Generals and three Attor- ney-Generals. ' A lecturer on the mistakes of his- tory says that Ethan Allen did not ut- ter at the taking of Fort Ticonderoga the ringing phrase associated with that event in the mind of every schoolboy. Instead of informing the British com- mander that he demanded the surren- der of the stronghold "In the name of the great Jehovah and the Continental Congress,” he shouted: "Come out of that, you old rati” An anonymous benefactor has just founded a traveling scholarship for j Journalists in connection with the City | of London School. Commenting on this j the London Graphic says: “Traveling should he part of the pressman’s edit- j cation no less than of the artist's, and | money spent in giving aspirants to the j calling something analogous to the ] Prix de Itome or the Radeliffe Travel- ing Fellowship to compete for will be | money well invested.” In Norway two traveling scholarships arc annually awarded to the journalists by the State. _ It is pleasant to see that drills in boat-handling and general seamanship are not being neglected at the Naval Academy. A great deal of this talk that u naval officer nowadays needs to be a machinist and nothing else is humbug. He needs to be a sailor first of all, asserts the Boston Journal. If no nas a anowieage oi ineeuamcs ana engineering, so much the better, but unless be is a sailor he is useless afloat. A ship is still a ship, and a cretv of landlubbers would he just as helpless uboard the Illinois or Columbia as they would aboard an old-fasbioued sev- en ty-foUr. Modern cities wiped out by fire be- gin to rebuild while their embers still smoulder. Galveston, drowned in a tidal wave, drew the plane of reha- bilitation before tbe waters were dried from her streets. Men with the hor- rible tragedy of Severo and Sachet before them, are planning an airship flight from St. Louis to Washington. At St. Pierre the question of rebuild- ing, as it is discussed, seems to hang not on the possibility of another vol- canic catastrophe, avers the New Yolk World, but ou the topograpieal conse- quences of the late eruption. The hu- man mite is occasionally hindered by outbreaks of elemental energy, lie may be temporarily appalled. He Is never dismayed beyond the day of dis- aster. Great regret has been caused rnong the Hlghand regiments in South Africa by the new dress regulations, in which It is apparently intended to supercede the kilt in the lighting kit. This re- form is deprecated from all sides. The Highlanders assert that the kilt, both in this and other campaigns, has been the healthiest kit for active service, owing to the great thickness of cloth protecting the abdomen. Medical au- thorities state that the Highlanders have enjoyed greater immunity from stomachic troubles than auy other troops, which is, Indeed, proved by sta- tistics. The explanation of the ordei is that at Elindslaiigle and else when the kilt was found to be much too l prominent a dress to lie serviceable in the field, aui) that t c ,s a fair mark ou the skylit*, I SAY STOP! | ♦Vhere are you going? I am ruehing to H, W. HINTON'S 8IGYGLE REPAIR SHOP, | I .Luc dale, Miss., Dealer in Bicycle Sundries, Etc.; Work Neatly Done On Short Notice. NOTICE TO BRIDGE CONTRAC- TORS. Notice is hereby given that oontraot j for bnilding a bridge over Griffin’s Creek on the Alliance road ncoordiug to plans and specifications now on file in the chancery clerk’s oftloo will be let at pnblio ontorv to tbo lowest re- sponsible bidder on first Monday in July, A. D., 1903. at, the front door of the court house in the town of Leakesvillo. Bond for faithful com- pletion of the same and for keeping in good repair for five years from date of completion will be required in double amount of bid. The board re- serves tbe right to rejeot any and all bids. This June 3. 1903. tf S. R. M’KAY, Clerk. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I>ErAHTME>.T OF THE IXTEBIOK, 1 Land office at Jackson, Miss > May, 31 1902.5 Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that eaid proof will be made before the Oir- onit Clerk, Greene county, at Leakes- ville, Miss., on July 25, 1902, viz: Joe Johnson H. E. No. 30473 for the north half of southwest quarter and north half of southeast quarter section 10, township 1 north, range 5 went t f St. Stephens meridian. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Alvan Maples, Willis Horn, Scott Mclnnis, Walter Johnson, all of Leakesville, Miss. FKED W. COLLINS, tf Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, ) Land Office at Jackson, Miss > May 24, 1902. ) Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in j support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Cir- cuit clerk, Greene oouuty, at Leakes- ville, Miss., on July 21, 1902, viz: Joshua A. Jackson, II. E. No. 86548, for the southwest quarter of northwest quarter and north half of southwest quarter and southwes? quarter of southwest quarter section 80, township 5 north, range 0 west of St. Stephens' Mer. He nan es the following witnesses to prove his continuous resldenoe upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. B. Dearmnn, Joe Lane, William L. Bailey, G. W. Lane, all of Avera, Miss, FRED W. COLLINS. tf Register. no nclT for* Tublicai ION. Departmf.nt of the Interior, ) Land office at Jackson, Miss > May, 22 1902. ) Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing named settler has filed notice of his iutention to make final nroof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Cir- cuit Clerk, Greene county, at Leakos- ville, Miss., on July 12, 1902, viz: Stephen G. Gibson, H. E. No 28475, for the west hnlf of northwest quarter and nortlieast quarter oi uunuwesi, quunur uuu uoruiwesi qunrter northeast quarter section 24, township 1 north, range 5 west of St. Stephens’ Mer, Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. T. Mills, Thomas Maples, T. A Maples, W. G. Bradley, all of lJxsho, Ala. FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register. Er.Frant'sFaiioiis Family Remedies A<k for them at the Fsulk Drug Co. store. They keep a fresh supply always ou baud. Read what a promi- nent merchant has to say abont •'FRANK’S CHILL TONIC.” Kempeville, Ala Nov. 12, 1901. “Marble City Drug Mf'g, Co.,” Knoxville, Tenu. Gentlemen : We sold over 214 bottles of Dr. Frank’s Chill Tonic last season upon our own guarantee, and wo never had a bottle returned. We believa that Frank’s Chill Tonic is the best ou the murket. We huve never known it to fail even in the most severe case of Chills and Fever, at the same lime it is pleasant to the taste -does not nauseate, and the most delicate persons can take it_ Children cry for it As a Tonic and for the prevention of Chill and male- riu it has no equal.” Yours Very Tiuly, W. J. NE1TLEH CO. In a malarial district no family should he without a bottle of Frank’s Chill i'onio It contains no poison_ l- fino appetizer and will build up tl e system and is an absolutely sure pre- veutativa of Chills and Malaria, tf NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tlie Interior, Laud Of- fice at Jackson, Miss., May 14, 1303- Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing named settler has filed notioe of Ids intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made beforo the otrouit clerk, Oroene oouuty, at Leakesville, Mies., on June 30, 11)03, viz: Abner Hollimon, H. E. No. 28628, for the south half southwest quartor; northwest quarter southwest quarter and southwest quarter northwest quartor section 26, township 1 north, range 5 west of St. Stephens' Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resideuoe up- on and cultivation of said land, vi*: Elias Mills, Ab Maples, Pink Bran- nan, Peter Hays, all of Donovan, Miss. FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register NOTIOE FOR PCBBLIOATION. Department of the Interior, Land Of- floe at Jackson, Miss., May 17, 1908. Notioe is hereby given that the fol- lowing-nnined settlor has filed notioe of his intention to make final prooi in support of his claim, and that said proof will ho made before the oircuit clerk, Greene oounty, at Leakosville, Miss., on July 8, 1902, viz: Angus Meadows, H. E. No. 26667, for the southeast quartor of northwest quartor seotion 27, township 4 north, range 7 west of St. Stephen’s Mer. He names the following witneseet to prove his continuous residence up- on and cultivation of said land, viz Anguish McLain, Rufus Dunnam, it e FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, ) Land office at Jackson, Miss [ May, 8 1902. ) Notioe is hereby given that the fol lowiug named settler has filed notin of his intention to make final proof ii support of his olaim and that rail proof will he made before the Oir ouit Clerk, Greene county, at Leakcs villo, Miss., on June 21, 1902, viz: Conuey Pieroe, H. E. tNo. 20270 for the southeast quarter section 21 township 1 south, rauge 0 west of St Stephens’ Mer. He names the following witnesses b prove his continuous residence upot and cultivation of (aid land, viz: Manson Mallet, George R. Mai Ii Alex McLeod. Steve Havard, all o Mallett, Miss. FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, ) Land Office at Jaokson, Miss. > May 9, 1902. ) Notice is hereby given that the fol lowiug named settler has filed notlci of his intention to make final proof ii snpDort of his olaim, and that salt proof will be made before the Cir ouit clerk, Greene county, at Leake-: ville, Miss on June 21, 1902, viz: Margaret. I. Perry, fermerly Mar garet I. Kittrell, H. E. No. 81577. fo: the west half of northeast quarter, an< east half northwest quarter, eeciion 5 township 8 north, range 7 west o! St. Stephens, Mer. He names the following witnesses tc and cultivation of said land, viz: J. M. Clifton, Conney Clifton, A, J. Smith, W. D. Turner, all of Jona thon, Miss. FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register. NOTICE. ilabama and Mississippi Railroad Company. “By order of the Board of Directors special meeting of the stockholders >f the Alabama and Mississippi rail- oad company, wi 1 be held at Turner, Greene county, Mississippi, ou May 23rd, 1!)02, at 3 o'clock p. m., to con- lider and vote upon the question nhether the said stockholders will nithorize nil increase by said company if bonds to the amount of one.huu- :lred thousand dollars par value, to be used by the company iu constructing ind equipping its load and road bed. The payment of said bonds to be se- cured by a first mortgage or deo 1 ol trust ou ull the property of the com pauy. Also to consider and vote upon the question of the purchase from the Vinegar Bend Lumber Company, Cor- poration, of the road bed, right o: way, rights and privilege! and equip- ments now belonging to tbo said Viu egar Bend Lumber Compnuy Corpo- ration, in the railroad now operated from Vinegar Rend west into Greent County, Mississippi, and upon tbs terms of such purchase, and whetbei the stockholders will secure said pur ebus.: from tho Vinegar Bend Lumbei Company, Corporation, by u secern mortgage upon the property of tbii compauy. BHEIT TURNER, tf Secretary. MILLIONS nil' iu worn tv. The wonderful activity of the new ueutury is shown by an enormous de- mand for tbo world’s best workers— Dr King's New Life Pills. For Con- stipation, Hick Headache, Biliousness, or any troublo of Stomach, Liver oi Kidneys they're uurivnled Only 23c fu »U dealers' drug ttot'oi. tt notice for publication. Department of the Interior. ) Land office Notioe is hereby given that the fol- 1 owing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in 'support of his claim and that ear proof will be made before the Cir- ! emit Clerk, Greene county, at Leakes- ! yijle, Mies,, on June 28, 10T2, viz: William D.Turner, H. E. No. 290o4, for the east half nortwhest quarter southwest quarter northwest quarter ! and southwest quarter northeast qnar- 1 ter seotiou 8, township 3 north, range 6 west of St. Stephens, Mer. I He names the following witnesses to ! prove his continuous residence upon I and cultivation of said land, viz: | Alex McDonald, James Prentioe, ! Joseph Prentioe, Lee Duunam, all of Leakesvillo, Miss. FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, ) Land Office at Jackson, Miss > May 2, 1902. ) Notice is hereby given that the fol- 1 lowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tbo circuit clerk, Oreeno oonnty, at Leakesville, Miss., on Juno 21, 1903, viz: Robert S. Anderson, H. E. No. 31G05, for the southeast quarter sec- tion 8, township 5 north, rango 6 west of St. Stephens Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. A. Jones, J. B. Dearmnu, Wil- liam Bailey, Alexander Kittrell, all of Avera, Miss. FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register. notice for publication. Department of tee Interior, j Land Office at Jackson, Miss > Apvil 29, 1902. ) Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in snpoort of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the Cir- cuit Clerk, Greene oonnty, nt Lenkes- ville, Miss., on Juno 7, 1902, viz: Eugene Brown, H. E. No, 32522, for the southwest quarter of northeast | quarter, west half of southeast qnar- ,' ter and northeast quarter of south- 1 west quarter section 19, township 1 north range 5 west of St. Stephens, Mer. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Robert McLeod, Benjamin McLeod, Sanders McLood, Fleet Ward, all of Vernal, Miss. FRED W. COLLINS, Register. REGISTRATION NOTICE, Tlio undersigned registrar will visit the various voting precincts of Greene county, Mississippi for the purpose of roigstering all eligible persons who have not heretofore registered, on the •1 day and dates os follows: State Line, Monday, June 9th, 1902. Avera’s, Tuesday, June 10, 1902. Walley’s Mill, Wednesday, June 11, 1902. Washington, Thursday, Jana 12, 1902. Leaf, Friday, June 13, 1902. Danghdrill at Soott postoffioe, Sat- urday, Juno 14th, 1902. Merrill, Monday, June 16, 1902. Luoodale, Tuesday, June 17, 1902. Rock Creek, Wednesday, June 18, 1902. Vernah Thursday, June 19, 1902. Leakesville, Friday, June 20, 1909. Witnoss my hand this 6th day of May, A. D., 1902. tt b. it. M register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Ot I flee at Jaokeon, Miss., May 3, 1902. j Notioo is hereby given that tho fol- ! lowing-nnmed settler lms tiled notice of his intention to make finnl proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will bo made before the oirenit clerk, Greene oouuty, at Lenkesville, Miss., on June 21, 1902, viz: Robert Lewis, II. E. No. 31808, for tho southwest quarter of southeast quarter section 21 aud northwest quarter of northeast quarter aud east half of northwest quarter section 28, township 1 north, rauge 5 west of St. Stephen’s Mer. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous regiaenoe up- on and cultivation of said land, viz: O. L. Eubanks, W. M. Shephard, John Brown, Lewis Stinson, all of Vernal, Miss. FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register. BETTER FOR THE BLOOD THAN SARSAPARILLA For those living in the Malarin dis- trict*. Grove’s Tasteleg* Chill Tonic. 1 A GENERAL STRENGTHENING TONIC. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonio. tf SAVED HER CHILD’S LIFE. “In three weeks our chubby little boy wns changed by Pneumonia al most to a skeleton,” writes Mr*. \y. Wntkins, of Pleasant. City, 0. “a terrible cough sot in, that, in suite of a good doctor's treatment for several weeks, grew worse every day. \Y„ then used D. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, and our darling was soon sound and well. We are sure this graud medicine saved his life." Millions know it's tlio ouly sure euro for Coughs, Colds and all Lung <1U- eascs. All dealers guarantee Batisfac- tion. 00c, 11.00. Trial bottles free, tf „T CONVICT CONTRACT NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received for a comity convict contisetor up to the hour of 12 m. the first Monday of June, 1902, Iiids will be opened at Urn. on sail date, and contract awarded to the ben bidder, beiug the person who will agree to pav tbo u gliest amount f r the two classes of convicts by the months, tiRess the bi ard seer fit to reject all tin's which right the board reserves. Raid contract is to run for a period of two years front the date of letting, and the pa-ty contracting will be requited to enu r iuto bond in a penalty of one thou and dollars (81,000) conditioned as required by law. Mailed bids should be enclosed in two envelopes, the list a 1dressed to 8. R. McKay, Clerk, Leakesville. Miss.; and the Etoond: “Bid of _, for G eene county con- victs,” Witness my t ignaturo this 8 b day of May, A. D., 1902. By order of the board, May term 1902. S. R. M’KAY, Clerk. A LEGACY OF THE GRIP Is often a rnn-down system. Weak- ness, uorvousnoss, lack of appetite, energy find ambition, with aisorcieroQ livor and kidneys often follow an at- tack of this wretched disease. The greatest need then is Electrio Bitters, the splendid tonic, blood purifier and regulator of Stomach, Livor and Kid- neys. Thousands liavo proved that they wonderfully strengthen the nerves, build up the system, and re- store to health and good spirits aftoi an attack of Grip. If suffering, try them. Only 50c. Perfect satisfactioi guaranteed by all dealers. tf NOTICE TO BRIDGE CONTRAC- TORS. Notioe is hereby given thntoontrao tor building a bridge on Gridins creek on the Alliance public road according to plans and specifications now on file in Hie chancery clerk’s office, will be let at public outcry to the lowest re- sponsible bidder first Monday in Juno, A. D. 1H03, at the front door of the court bouse in tho town of Leakcs- ville. Bond for the faithful comple- tion of the same aud for keeping in good repair for five years from date of completion will be required in double the nmonnt of bid. This May 0, 1903. tf S. It. M’KAY, Clerk. BUCKLEN S ARNICA SALVE The best and most famous com- pound in the world to conquer ooliii and’ kill pains. Cnres^Cuts, henis Burns and Bruises, subdues Iu/iaui- mation, masters Piles. Million ol Boxes sold yearly. Work wonders in Boils, Ulcers Pe ons, Skin Eruptions. It cures or no pay. 25o at all de/1- ers's drug stores. tf C WENTY PER CENT MORE DOSES In Grove’s Tasteless Chill Touio. ti NOTICE OF PROPOSED BOND IS i SUE. Notioe is hereby given that It is tin intention of the board- of supervisors of Greono county Mississippi, to is- Bue eight thousand Hvo hundred (#8,500) bonds iu denominations of five hundred (#500) dollars encli Each ten (10) years five per cent in- terest boariug Greene county bonds eaoli for the purpose of raising fundi for the building of a steel and ima bridge over Chiekasaha river at Leak esvillo, beat No. 1, in Greono coun- ty, Mississippi iu accoiduuoe with plans and speciliontions now cm file in the chancery clerk’s offico. By order of the board. This May 0. 1002. tf S. R. M’KAY. Clerk. STRENGTH ENABLES YOU TO STAND THE HU AT. Grove’s Tasteless OhfP Touio give* strength. tf J. I. Ford, W. A. White Scranton, Miss. Biloxi, Miss. FORO & WHITE, Practice in all State and U. S Conrli In Oivil Cases Only. W. H. MAYBIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Biloxi, Miss. Will bo iu attendance upon the Oira ouit aud Chnuuery Courts of Green- OOUUtY at f'nnli term ^CE5T Write for i Prices «nd i Our Our price the Lowest ParryMfc.(£-

Greene County herald (Leakesville, Miss.). 1902-06-27 [p ]. · interest bearing, Greene oountj bonds, eaoh for the purpose of raising funds for the building of an iron auc steel bridge

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Page 1: Greene County herald (Leakesville, Miss.). 1902-06-27 [p ]. · interest bearing, Greene oountj bonds, eaoh for the purpose of raising funds for the building of an iron auc steel bridge

ana! • coroi'T bs?al: PoBMUHKD ETEat F»IDA*.

JAS. FAULK. Editor and Sols Proorietoi

Official organ of G eone County. SUBSCRIPTION SI.00 PER YEA


Advertising ratos furnished on *ppl aation.

Local reading notices 5o. per iin».

Address all communications to Pul tislier ut Leakesville, Qrteue Oouuti Mice.

Entered in the Poatoffloe at Leakei ▼ illo a* second-olase matter.


We are authorized to announce tli candidacy of

HON. W. H. HARDY, of Hattiesburg. Miss., for cougree this district, subject to the action c

the Democratic party.

W’o are authorized to announce th candidacy of

HON. E. J. BOWERS, of Bay St. Louis, for congress, thi district, subject to the action of th Democratic party.

We are authorized to announce

HON. E. M. BARBER, of Biloxi, as candidate for emigres: this district, subject to action of tin Democratic party. tf


Mr. P. H. MoEaohin, special ageti: Mutual Life Insurance -Company wa

looking after business in our towr

during the picnic and afterwards.

The barbecue and picnic was a great suooess. The attendance was large, there beinu several towns along the M. and O. It. R. represented beside! the average number of visitors from

places in the county nnd this vioini ty. The entertaining aud edibles were up to expectations, everyom expressing themselves abundantly pro vidod for in both ways. Tins Alabamt and Mississippi Railroad ran an ex

oursiou from Vinegar Bend to end o

track aud brought out a good man; exoursiouists.

Mr. Drake from Bay St. Louis spent two days in town looking uj land titles.

Dr. A. B. Clanton lias again lefi us, going this time up in Jones county.

Several of our townspeople took in Merrill picnio on the 28th and report- ed a splendid time.

Tile Excelsior Collection Agency had a representative in town reoently looking np olients.

What came very near being a disas- trous fire happened to Mill Plant Fanlk-Ohristiau Lumber Co., on 1st. While hands were all gone to dinner the slab way caught from burning pit, and was rapidly fauned by a

wind blowing the flames straight for mill. Fortunately the wind lulled just ns the hands came in, and by a

hard fight the flames were extin-

guished before any more damage was

done, than the burning of the slab

way and lumber on the yard. Loss amounts to about $200.

LEAKESVILliE SCHOOL. The Leakesville High School opened

on the 19th inst., with a large enroll- ment, aud suioe that date the sohooi has constautlly increased uutil today it numbers in the neighborhood of half a hundred pupils. The schools success is an assured fact and there seems to be more interest shown in it than was ever anticipated by its most sanguine supporters.

The sohooi is being run on striotly »p-to-date modern high school meth- ods, and being graded in such a way, that its thoroughness after one finish-

ing the eiglitn grade oan easily stand

first grade examination to teach in

the sohools of the state. The ninth

grade of the school was adopted in order that a more polished finish oould be given to the youth of Greene oonn-

ty and that they who wished after

finishing here to go off to some col- lege oould more easily enter the high- er classes of said institution.

The sohool teaohes all the regular county's currioulum, and in addition thereto snob books as Algebra, Latin, English Literature, Greek, Logic, Higher Physics, History of Rome, Civios, eto.

Tho Boliool will start its assistant in next week, also music teacher, and

with these additions to the sohool with the present principal, B. P.

Harrison, the school oan easily cope with any in Southeast Mississippi in

point of faculty and in point of effi-

ciency. The sohool invites all oitizens of

the oonnty to send their children to Leakesville high sohool, and promises to guide them oorreotly iu the true trend of virtues morals and honor. Th6 Herald is proud to see the pros- perity of the sohool.

PETITION FOR PARDON To His Excellency, A. II. Longino,

Jackson, Miss.

GovernorWe, tire undersigned votvers Mini altixeni cf Greene oonnty, hereby petition your exeellenoy for the pardou of Sam Yocum, who was

at the September, 11)01, term of the circuit onurt of Greene oonnty, in-

dioted, tried and oonvioted upon a

chargo of forgery, and sentenced to a

term of two years iu the state peniten- tiary.

The reasons and grounds for thi 1 petition are as follows :

1st. Because at the trial of th aforesaid oharge, the said 8am Yooui made no defense whatever, but orie in open court like a child, aud so aol

ed otherwise that we verily believ him to be of doubtful saulty.

2nd. Because he is the only oliil of his parents, who are now old an

feeble aud poor, aud who need hi

help aud labor as 'a means of tliei support an encouagement.

3d. Because he made a good soldie in the Spauish-Amerionu war. an

> because of his failing health in th ’, penitentiary, aud further we believ

that if lie was pardoned at this time aud could get tho proper medical at tentiou ho -might get well, and b

t very helpful aud useful to his parontt Respectfully siguod aud submitted

this Juno IStli, 1902. (Names, eta.) tf


Department of the Interior, Land Ol s tieo at Jackson, Miss., June 2J f 1902.

Notice is hereby giveu that the fol lowing-named settler has filed uotic of her intention to make final proo in support of her olaim, and that sail

proof will be made before the oiroui ■ oloik of Greene oounty at Leakes

ville, Miss., on August 9, 1902, viz:

Margaret I. Perry, formerly, Mar

garet I. Kittrell, H. E. No. 31577 for the west half of northeast qunile and east half of northwest quarte' section 5, township 3 north range west of St. Stephen’s Meridian.

She names the following witnesse iu (iiutc mil vuui iuuuuo icniuouuo ujj

on and cultivation of said land, viz J, M. Clifton, Oonney Clifton, A

J. Smith, W. D. Turner, all of Jona. than, Miss,

FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register.


Department of the Interior, Land Of flee at Jackson, Miss., June 27 190?.

Notioe is hereby given that the fo! lowiDg-namod settler has filed notic of his intention to mako final proo in snpport of his claim, and that sait

proof will be made before the cir cuit clerk, Greene county at Leakes

villo, Miss., on August 9, 1902, viz Peter E. Green, H. E. No. 80476

for the south half of southwest quar ter, northeast quarter of sonthwes quarter and- northwest quarter o

southeast quarter section 19, town

#hip two north range 7 west of St

Stephen's Meridian. 1

He names the following witnesse; to prove his continuous residence up on nnd cultivation of said laud, viz

Peascer Hillman, Walter Moody, David Hillman, Frank Breland, all oi Kittrell. Mias.

FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register.


Department of the Interior, Land Of floe at Jaokson, Miss., June 20 1902.

Notioe is hereby given that the fol

lowing-named settler has filed notici of her intention to make final proo: in support of her olaim, nnd that sait

proof will be made before the cir cuit clerk, Greene county, at Leakes ville, Miss., on July 31, 1902, viz:

Julie Summers, for the heirs o

James Freeman, H. E. No. 25,910 fo: the northeast quarter of northeas quarter section 5, township 4 north

range 8 west and south half of south east quarter and northeast quarter o:

southeast quarter seotion 82, town

ship 5 north, range 8 west of St Stephens’ Meridian.

She names the following witnesse: to prove her continuous residenoe up on and cultivation of said land, viz

W. W. Walley, C. W. Wallej George Manning, M. V. Manning all of Grafton, Miss.

FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register.


ISSUE. Notice is hereby given that it istht

intention of the board of Bnpervisori of Greene county, Mississippi, to Is sno eight thousand five hundred ($8,500) dollars bonds in denomina tions of flvo hundred ($500) dollan

each; each ten (10) year five per ceni

interest bearing, Greene oountj bonds, eaoh for the purpose of raising funds for the building of an iron auc

steel bridge over Leaf river at Ooch ran's ferry in beat No. 5, of sail Oreene county in accordance wit!

plans and specifications now on file It

the chancery clerk's office. This June 3, 1902.

S. R. M’KAY. Bv older of the board. tf

The second largest irrigation dttcH

In the United States has just been

complete in the state of Washington The main canal is 40 miles long, while

the branches have an aggregate length of 350 miles, the ditch being 65 feet

wide and eight feed deep, and irrigat tng no 'ess than 20,000 acres.

Popiarville High School.

Popiarville, Miss. —400 Students; 156 Boarders; 48 Pupils in Music; 41 in

I Expression; 10 in Stenography; 1.1 ; <Eradicates Speoial provision 'made to accommodate wor-

j thy pupiffi of limited means.

Eleventh Session opens Tuesday, Sept 2nd, 1902. Write for catalogue.

T. THAMES, Principal.

8 T Actions against newspapers In Ger-

many can hereafter be brought only 8 In the town lu wl^leh they are pub- n lished. The Reichstag has just pussed i a law to that effect.

■ ■.—r

j There are three States which have

I no debt, Iowa, Nebraska and Illinois.

1 There are three others which have ul- l most no debt, California, Montana and B Nevada. All six are in the West.

England Is agitated over a proposal 1 to increase the length of university *

terms. At present students have only twenty-four weeks of college Instruc-

tion a year. The change Is objected to ^ au the gftiunjJ of Increased expense and

a also ot the excellent use students make

of their vacations.

The question often occurs, what Is

(he distinction between a cyclone, a

hurricane, etc.? Chief Moore, o'f the

Weather Bureau, detines a cyclone as

a rortica) or whirling storm 1000 to

2000 miles in diameter; a hurricane as

one 100 to 500 miles, and a tornado

as one 100 to 1000 feet in diameter,

j Popularly the terms arc used without

1 much discrimination.

Greater New York has auother title.

Its new appropriations amount to $98,- 019,600, and that Is near enough for it

to be called the IIundred-MUlion-Dol- lar City. In that respect it has no

compeer in the world. Other centres

have more people, but they don't spend so much money, nncl wliat are mere

people to cold monumental dollars in

hundred-million piles?

The New York Times calls attention

to the fact that only one member o£

President McKinley's original Cabinet

as formed in March, 1SH7, now re-

mains—James \V. Wilson, Secretary of

Agriculture. Since that date there have

been three Secretaries of State, two

each in tuc Departments of the Treas-

ury, War, Navy and the Interior, three

Postmaster-Generals and three Attor-

ney-Generals. '

A lecturer on the mistakes of his-

tory says that Ethan Allen did not ut-

ter at the taking of Fort Ticonderoga the ringing phrase associated with that

■ event in the mind of every schoolboy. Instead of informing the British com-

mander that he demanded the surren-

der of the stronghold "In the name of

the great Jehovah and the Continental

Congress,” he shouted: "Come out of

that, you old rati”

An anonymous benefactor has just founded a traveling scholarship for j Journalists in connection with the City | of London School. Commenting on this j the London Graphic says: “Traveling should he part of the pressman’s edit- j cation no less than of the artist's, and | money spent in giving aspirants to the j calling something analogous to the ] Prix de Itome or the Radeliffe Travel-

ing Fellowship to compete for will be

| money well invested.” In Norway two

traveling scholarships arc annually awarded to the journalists by the

State. _

■ It is pleasant to see that drills in

boat-handling and general seamanship are not being neglected at the Naval Academy. A great deal of this talk

that u naval officer nowadays needs

to be a machinist and nothing else is

humbug. He needs to be a sailor first

of all, asserts the Boston Journal. If

no nas a anowieage oi ineeuamcs ana

engineering, so much the better, but

unless be is a sailor he is useless afloat. A ship is still a ship, and a cretv of

landlubbers would he just as helpless uboard the Illinois or Columbia as they would aboard an old-fasbioued sev-

en ty-foUr.

Modern cities wiped out by fire be-

gin to rebuild while their embers still

smoulder. Galveston, drowned in a

tidal wave, drew the plane of reha-

bilitation before tbe waters were dried

from her streets. Men with the hor-

rible tragedy of Severo and Sachet

before them, are planning an airship flight from St. Louis to Washington. At St. Pierre the question of rebuild-

ing, as it is discussed, seems to hang not on the possibility of another vol-

canic catastrophe, avers the New Yolk

World, but ou the topograpieal conse-

quences of the late eruption. The hu-

man mite is occasionally hindered by outbreaks of elemental energy, lie

may be temporarily appalled. He Is

never dismayed beyond the day of dis-


Great regret has been caused rnong the Hlghand regiments in South Africa

by the new dress regulations, in which

It is apparently intended to supercede the kilt in the lighting kit. This re-

form is deprecated from all sides. The Highlanders assert that the kilt, both

in this and other campaigns, has been

the healthiest kit for active service,

owing to the great thickness of cloth

protecting the abdomen. Medical au-

thorities state that the Highlanders have enjoyed greater immunity from stomachic troubles than auy other

troops, which is, Indeed, proved by sta- tistics. The explanation of the ordei is that at Elindslaiigle and else when

the kilt was found to be much too

l prominent a dress to lie serviceable in the field, aui) that t c ,s a fair mark ou the skylit*,


SAY STOP! | ♦Vhere are you going? I am ruehing



8IGYGLE REPAIR SHOP, | I .Luc dale, Miss.,

Dealer in Bicycle Sundries, Etc.; Work Neatly Done

On Short Notice.


Notice is hereby given that oontraot j for bnilding a bridge over Griffin’s

Creek on the Alliance road ncoordiug to plans and specifications now on file

in the chancery clerk’s oftloo will be

let at pnblio ontorv to tbo lowest re-

sponsible bidder on first Monday in

July, A. D., 1903. at, the front door

of the court house in the town of

Leakesvillo. Bond for faithful com-

pletion of the same and for keeping in good repair for five years from

date of completion will be required in

double amount of bid. The board re-

serves tbe right to rejeot any and all

bids. This June 3. 1903. tf S. R. M’KAY, Clerk.


May, 31 1902.5 Notice is hereby given that the fol-

lowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in

support of his claim and that eaid

proof will be made before the Oir- onit Clerk, Greene county, at Leakes- ville, Miss., on July 25, 1902, viz:

Joe Johnson H. E. No. 30473 for the north half of southwest quarter and north half of southeast quarter section 10, township 1 north, range 5

went t f St. Stephens meridian. He names the following witnesses to

prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:

Alvan Maples, Willis Horn, Scott Mclnnis, Walter Johnson, all of Leakesville, Miss.


Department of the Interior, ) Land Office at Jackson, Miss >

May 24, 1902. ) Notice is hereby given that the fol-

lowing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in j support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Cir- cuit clerk, Greene oouuty, at Leakes- ville, Miss., on July 21, 1902, viz:

Joshua A. Jackson, II. E. No. 86548, for the southwest quarter of northwest quarter and north half of southwest quarter and southwes? quarter of southwest quarter section 80, township 5 north, range 0 west of St. Stephens' Mer.

He nan es the following witnesses to

prove his continuous resldenoe upon and cultivation of said land, viz:

J. B. Dearmnn, Joe Lane, William L. Bailey, G. W. Lane, all of Avera, Miss,

FRED W. COLLINS. tf Register.

no nclT for* Tublicai ION. Departmf.nt of the Interior, ) Land office at Jackson, Miss >

May, 22 1902. ) Notice is hereby given that the fol-

lowing named settler has filed notice of his iutention to make final nroof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the Cir- cuit Clerk, Greene county, at Leakos- ville, Miss., on July 12, 1902, viz:

Stephen G. Gibson, H. E. No 28475, for the west hnlf of northwest quarter and nortlieast quarter oi uunuwesi, quunur uuu uoruiwesi

qunrter northeast quarter section 24, township 1 north, range 5 west of St. Stephens’ Mer,

Ho names the following witnesses to

prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz:

J. T. Mills, Thomas Maples, T. A Maples, W. G. Bradley, all of lJxsho, Ala.

FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register.

Er.Frant'sFaiioiis Family Remedies A<k for them at the Fsulk Drug

Co. store. They keep a fresh supply always ou baud. Read what a promi- nent merchant has to say abont •'FRANK’S CHILL TONIC.”

Kempeville, Ala Nov. 12, 1901. “Marble City Drug Mf'g, Co.,”

Knoxville, Tenu. Gentlemen : — We sold over 214

bottles of Dr. Frank’s Chill Tonic last season upon our own guarantee, and wo never had a bottle returned. We believa that Frank’s Chill Tonic is the best ou the murket. We huve never known it to fail even in the most severe case of Chills and Fever, at the same lime it is pleasant to the taste -does not nauseate, and the most delicate persons can take it_ Children cry for it As a Tonic and for the prevention of Chill and male- riu it has no equal.”

Yours Very Tiuly, W. J. NE1TLEH CO.

In a malarial district no family should he without a bottle of Frank’s Chill i'onio It contains no poison_ l- fino appetizer and will build up tl e

system and is an absolutely sure pre- veutativa of Chills and Malaria, tf

NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tlie Interior, Laud Of-

fice at Jackson, Miss., May 14, 1303-

Notice is hereby given that the fol-

lowing named settler has filed notioe of Ids intention to make final proof in

support of bis claim, and that said

proof will be made beforo the otrouit

clerk, Oroene oouuty, at Leakesville, Mies., on June 30, 11)03, viz:

Abner Hollimon, H. E. No. 28628, for the south half southwest quartor; northwest quarter southwest quarter and southwest quarter northwest

quartor section 26, township 1 north,

range 5 west of St. Stephens' Mer.

He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resideuoe up- on and cultivation of said land, vi*:

Elias Mills, Ab Maples, Pink Bran-

nan, Peter Hays, all of Donovan,


tf Register

NOTIOE FOR PCBBLIOATION. Department of the Interior, Land Of-

floe at Jackson, Miss., May 17, 1908.

Notioe is hereby given that the fol-

lowing-nnined settlor has filed notioe of his intention to make final prooi in support of his claim, and that said

proof will ho made before the oircuit clerk, Greene oounty, at Leakosville, Miss., on July 8, 1902, viz:

Angus Meadows, H. E. No. 26667, for the southeast quartor of northwest

quartor seotion 27, township 4 north, range 7 west of St. Stephen’s Mer.

He names the following witneseet

to prove his continuous residence up- on and cultivation of said land, viz

Anguish McLain, Rufus Dunnam, it e

FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register.


Department of the Interior, ) Land office at Jackson, Miss [

May, 8 1902. )

Notioe is hereby given that the fol

lowiug named settler has filed notin of his intention to make final proof ii support of his olaim and that rail

proof will he made before the Oir ouit Clerk, Greene county, at Leakcs villo, Miss., on June 21, 1902, viz:

Conuey Pieroe, H. E. tNo. 20270 for the southeast quarter section 21

township 1 south, rauge 0 west of St

Stephens’ Mer. He names the following witnesses b

prove his continuous residence upot and cultivation of (aid land, viz:

Manson Mallet, George R. Mai Ii Alex McLeod. Steve Havard, all o

Mallett, Miss. FRED W. COLLINS,

tf Register.


Department of the Interior, ) Land Office at Jaokson, Miss. >

May 9, 1902. ) Notice is hereby given that the fol

lowiug named settler has filed notlci of his intention to make final proof ii snpDort of his olaim, and that salt

proof will be made before the Cir ouit clerk, Greene county, at Leake-: ville, Miss on June 21, 1902, viz:

Margaret. I. Perry, fermerly Mar garet I. Kittrell, H. E. No. 81577. fo: the west half of northeast quarter, an<

east half northwest quarter, eeciion 5 township 8 north, range 7 west o!

St. Stephens, Mer. He names the following witnesses tc

and cultivation of said land, viz: J. M. Clifton, Conney Clifton, A,

J. Smith, W. D. Turner, all of Jona thon, Miss.

FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register.


ilabama and Mississippi Railroad

Company. “By order of the Board of Directors special meeting of the stockholders

>f the Alabama and Mississippi rail- oad company, wi 1 be held at Turner,

Greene county, Mississippi, ou May 23rd, 1!)02, at 3 o'clock p. m., to con-

lider and vote upon the question nhether the said stockholders will

nithorize nil increase by said company if bonds to the amount of one.huu- :lred thousand dollars par value, to be used by the company iu constructing ind equipping its load and road bed. The payment of said bonds to be se-

cured by a first mortgage or deo 1 ol trust ou ull the property of the com

pauy. Also to consider and vote upon the

question of the purchase from the Vinegar Bend Lumber Company, Cor- poration, of the road bed, right o:

way, rights and privilege! and equip- ments now belonging to tbo said Viu egar Bend Lumber Compnuy Corpo- ration, in the railroad now operated from Vinegar Rend west into Greent County, Mississippi, and upon tbs terms of such purchase, and whetbei the stockholders will secure said pur ebus.: from tho Vinegar Bend Lumbei Company, Corporation, by u secern

mortgage upon the property of tbii compauy. BHEIT TURNER,

tf Secretary.

MILLIONS nil' iu worn tv.

The wonderful activity of the new

ueutury is shown by an enormous de- mand for tbo world’s best workers— Dr King's New Life Pills. For Con-

stipation, Hick Headache, Biliousness, or any troublo of Stomach, Liver oi

Kidneys they're uurivnled Only 23c fu »U dealers' drug ttot'oi. tt

notice for publication. Department of the Interior. )

Land office

Notioe is hereby given that the fol- 1

owing named settler has filed notice

of his intention to make final proof in

'support of his claim and that ear

proof will be made before the Cir-

! emit Clerk, Greene county, at Leakes-

! yijle, Mies,, on June 28, 10T2, viz:

William D.Turner, H. E. No. 290o4,

for the east half nortwhest quarter southwest quarter northwest quarter

! and southwest quarter northeast qnar- 1 ter seotiou 8, township 3 north, range

6 west of St. Stephens, Mer.

I He names the following witnesses to

! prove his continuous residence upon

I and cultivation of said land, viz:

| Alex McDonald, James Prentioe,

! Joseph Prentioe, Lee Duunam, all of

Leakesvillo, Miss. FRED W. COLLINS,

tf Register.

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, )

Land Office at Jackson, Miss >

May 2, 1902. ) Notice is hereby given that the fol-

1 lowing named settler has filed notice

of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said

proof will be made before tbo circuit

clerk, Oreeno oonnty, at Leakesville, Miss., on Juno 21, 1903, viz:

Robert S. Anderson, H. E. No.

31G05, for the southeast quarter sec-

tion 8, township 5 north, rango 6 west

of St. Stephens Mer.

He names the following witnesses to

prove his continuous residence upon

and cultivation of said land, viz: J. A. Jones, J. B. Dearmnu, Wil-

liam Bailey, Alexander Kittrell, all of Avera, Miss.

FRED W. COLLINS, tf Register.

notice for publication. Department of tee Interior, j Land Office at Jackson, Miss >

Apvil 29, 1902. ) Notice is hereby given that the fol-

lowing named settler has filed notice

of his intention to make final proof in

snpoort of his claim, and that said

proof will he made before the Cir- cuit Clerk, Greene oonnty, nt Lenkes-

ville, Miss., on Juno 7, 1902, viz:

Eugene Brown, H. E. No, 32522, for

the southwest quarter of northeast

| quarter, west half of southeast qnar- ,' ter and northeast quarter of south-

1 west quarter section 19, township 1

north range 5 west of St. Stephens, Mer.

He names the following witnesses

to prove his continuous residence

upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Robert McLeod, Benjamin McLeod,

Sanders McLood, Fleet Ward, all of Vernal, Miss.

FRED W. COLLINS, Register.


Tlio undersigned registrar will visit the various voting precincts of Greene

county, Mississippi for the purpose of roigstering all eligible persons who

have not heretofore registered, on the •1 day and dates os follows: State Line,

Monday, June 9th, 1902.

Avera’s, Tuesday, June 10, 1902.

Walley’s Mill, Wednesday, June 11, 1902.

Washington, Thursday, Jana 12, 1902.

Leaf, Friday, June 13, 1902.

Danghdrill at Soott postoffioe, Sat- urday, Juno 14th, 1902.

Merrill, Monday, June 16, 1902.

Luoodale, Tuesday, June 17, 1902.

Rock Creek, Wednesday, June 18, 1902.

Vernah Thursday, June 19, 1902.

Leakesville, Friday, June 20, 1909. Witnoss my hand this 6th day of

May, A. D., 1902. tt b. it. M register.


Department of the Interior, Land Ot I flee at Jaokeon, Miss., May 3, 1902.

j Notioo is hereby given that tho fol- ! lowing-nnmed settler lms tiled notice of his intention to make finnl proof in support of his claim, aud that said

proof will bo made before the oirenit clerk, Greene oouuty, at Lenkesville, Miss., on June 21, 1902, viz:

Robert Lewis, II. E. No. 31808, for tho southwest quarter of southeast quarter section 21 aud northwest

quarter of northeast quarter aud east half of northwest quarter section 28, township 1 north, rauge 5 west of St. Stephen’s Mer.

He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous regiaenoe up- on and cultivation of said land, viz:

O. L. Eubanks, W. M. Shephard, John Brown, Lewis Stinson, all of

Vernal, Miss. FRED W. COLLINS,

tf Register.


For those living in the Malarin dis- trict*. Grove’s Tasteleg* Chill Tonic. 1 A GENERAL STRENGTHENING

TONIC. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonio. tf

SAVED HER CHILD’S LIFE. “In three weeks our chubby little

boy wns changed by Pneumonia al most to a skeleton,” writes Mr*. \y. Wntkins, of Pleasant. City, 0. “a terrible cough sot in, that, in suite of

a good doctor's treatment for several weeks, grew worse every day. \Y„ then used D. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, and our darling was soon sound and well. We are sure

this graud medicine saved his life."

Millions know it's tlio ouly sure euro

for Coughs, Colds and all Lung <1U-

eascs. All dealers guarantee Batisfac- tion. 00c, 11.00. Trial bottles free,

tf „T

CONVICT CONTRACT NOTICE, Notice is hereby given that sealed

bids will be received for a comity convict contisetor up to the hour of 12 m. the first Monday of June, 1902, Iiids will be opened at Urn. on sail

date, and contract awarded to the ben bidder, beiug the person who will agree to pav tbo u gliest amount f r

the two classes of convicts by the months, tiRess the bi ard seer fit to

reject all tin's which right the board reserves. Raid contract is to run for a period of two years front the date of letting, and the pa-ty contracting will be requited to enu r iuto bond in a penalty of one thou and dollars

(81,000) conditioned as required by law.

Mailed bids should be enclosed in two envelopes, the list a 1dressed to

8. R. McKay, Clerk, Leakesville.

Miss.; and the Etoond: “Bid of

_, for G eene county con-

victs,” Witness my t ignaturo this 8 b

day of May, A. D., 1902.

By order of the board, May term

1902. S. R. M’KAY, Clerk.


Is often a rnn-down system. Weak-

ness, uorvousnoss, lack of appetite, energy find ambition, with aisorcieroQ

livor and kidneys often follow an at-

tack of this wretched disease. The

greatest need then is Electrio Bitters,

the splendid tonic, blood purifier and

regulator of Stomach, Livor and Kid-

neys. Thousands liavo proved that

they wonderfully strengthen the

nerves, build up the system, and re-

store to health and good spirits aftoi

an attack of Grip. If suffering, try them. Only 50c. Perfect satisfactioi

guaranteed by all dealers. tf


Notioe is hereby given thntoontrao tor building a bridge on Gridins creek

on the Alliance public road according to plans and specifications now on file in Hie chancery clerk’s office, will be

let at public outcry to the lowest re-

sponsible bidder first Monday in Juno, A. D. 1H03, at the front door of the court bouse in tho town of Leakcs- ville. Bond for the faithful comple- tion of the same aud for keeping in

good repair for five years from date

of completion will be required in

double the nmonnt of bid. This May 0, 1903. tf S. It. M’KAY, Clerk.

BUCKLEN S ARNICA SALVE The best and most famous com-

pound in the world to conquer ooliii and’ kill pains. Cnres^Cuts, henis Burns and Bruises, subdues Iu/iaui-

mation, masters Piles. Million ol Boxes sold yearly. Work wonders in

Boils, Ulcers Pe ons, Skin Eruptions. It cures or no pay. 25o at all de/1- ers's drug stores. tf

C WENTY PER CENT MORE DOSES In Grove’s Tasteless Chill Touio. ti


i SUE.

Notioe is hereby given that It is tin

intention of the board- of supervisors of Greono county Mississippi, to is-

Bue eight thousand Hvo hundred

(#8,500) bonds iu denominations of five hundred (#500) dollars encli

Each ten (10) years five per cent in- terest boariug Greene county bonds

eaoli for the purpose of raising fundi for the building of a steel and ima

bridge over Chiekasaha river at Leak

esvillo, beat No. 1, in Greono coun-

ty, Mississippi iu accoiduuoe with

plans and speciliontions now cm file

in the chancery clerk’s offico.

By order of the board. This May 0. 1002. tf S. R. M’KAY. Clerk.


Grove’s Tasteless OhfP Touio give* strength. tf

J. I. Ford, W. A. White Scranton, Miss. Biloxi, Miss.

FORO & WHITE, Practice in all State and U. S Conrli

In Oivil Cases Only.


ATTORNEY AT LAW, Biloxi, Miss.

Will bo iu attendance upon the Oira ouit aud Chnuuery Courts of Green- OOUUtY at f'nnli term

^CE5T Write for i Prices «nd i

Our Our price the Lowest
