Green Municipalities Program Activities and Results 2014-2015 1

Green Municipalities Program Activities and Results 2014-2015 · 2016-10-13 · Green Municipalities Program Activities and Results 2014-2015 4 ... For this purpose, during 2014,

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Green Municipalities Program Activities and Results 2014-2015


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Green Municipalities Program Activities and Results 2014-2015


Activities and Results 2014/2015

Belém - 2016

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Green Municipalities Program Activities and Results 2014-2015



Communications Office – ASCOM/PMV


Raphael Pacheco, Natália Mello, Camilla Miranda, Julianne Moutinho and Ayamy Migyama

Text Editing and Review

Justiniano Netto


Raphael Pacheco, Camilla Miranda, Denys Pereira, Natália Mello

Editorial Design

Jânio Veríssimo

Financial Support

Institute of People and the Environment of Amazon (Imazon)

Climate and Land Use Alliance (Clua),

Rural Pará Program, with World Bank (Bird) resources,

Amazon Fund and

Brazilian Development Bank - BNDES

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Extraordinary Secretariat for Green Municipality Program Coordination - SEPMV

Green Municipality Program Execution Nucleus - NEPMV


Adnaloi Dias (NEPMV/Administrative Financial Director), Alessandra Zagallo (SEPMV/Private Officer Assistant),

Arnaldo Braga (NEPMV/ Contracts Coordinator), Ayamy Migiyama (NEPMV/Project Coordinator), Bruno

Marianno (Imazon Consultant/ PMV Support), Camilla Miranda (SEPMV/Institutional Articulation Coordinator),

Denys Pereira (Imazon Consultant/ PMV Support), Edson Jesus (NEPMV/Administrative Financial

Director)Felipe Zagalo (NEPMV/General Director), Gustavo Furinni (SEPMV/Territorial and Environmental

Coordinator), Idnaldo Abreu (NEPMV/Human Resources Coordinator), Jânio Veríssimo (SEPMV/Information

Management), Juliana Marruás (SEPMV/Chief of Private Office), Julianne Moutinho (SEPMV/Environmental

Management Coordinator), Justiniano de Queiroz Netto (SEPMV/Extraordinary Secretary), Lucas Carvalho

(NEPMV/Legal Advisor), Maíra Começanha (SEPMV/Budget Coordinator), Natália Mello

(SEPMV/Communications Advisor).

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Green Municipalities Program Activities and Results 2014-2015


The Green Municipality Program (PMV) is a program created by the Government of Pará with the purpose to fight

deforestation, strengthen the sustainable rural production by means of strategic environmental, land tenure planning

actions and structure environmental management, focused on local impacts, monitoring of deforestation,

implementation of the Rural Environmental Registry.

The Program has some principal goals:

a) Reduce deforestation until reaching zero net deforestation¹1, by 2020;

b) Remove all Pará municipalities from the list of largest deforesters in the Amazon prepared by the Ministry

of the Environment;

c) Increase the properties recorded in the Rural Environmental Registry – CAR, reaching 80% of the

recordable area in the State by 2015;

d) Engage at least 100 municipalities in the Programby the end of 2014. Since being created, the PMV has

achieved significantly positive results. The year 2013 was the stage for several actions contributing to this.

All goals and initiatives are followed up by a Management Committee, composed by 25 governmental and private

entities. Below are a few highlights from 2014 and 2015.

1 The zero net deforestation assumes that the forest restoration process will be equivalent to or greater than the existing deforestation in the state

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Deforestation reduction

PMV has contributed for deforestation

reduction in the State of Pará since its creation,

in 2011. Data disclosed in November 2014 by

the Ministry of the Environment, through

National Institute for Space Research`s

(INPE) Prodes (Satellite Monitoring Project of

Legal Amazon) system – see chart 1, indicate a

20% reduction in deforested areas (from 2,346

km2 to 1,877 km2), a reduction above the

Amazon average reduction (18%).

The last report from November 2015, shows control over illegal activities. There were 1,881 km2 of deforested

areas, i.e. a small reduction, while the Amazon recorded a 16% increase in deforesting. The estates that leveraged

thins index growth were Amazonas, which deforested 54% more this year, Rondônia and Mato Grosso, which

registered 41% and 40% increase respectively.

Since PMV release the State of Pará reduced deforestation in 39% (from 3,008 to 1,881 km2) while Amazon average

deforestation was 10% (from 6,418 to 5,831 km2. In 2011, the State was responsible for 47% of the global Amazon

deforestation, while in 2015 this percentage was of 32%.

Pará stands out among the Amazon states with one of the greatest deforestation reduction, considering mostly the

creation and action period of the Green Municipality Program (2011-2015) which collaborated with the rural

production municipalities, NGOs and public entities in general, promoting agreements against deforestation.


Deforested Area INPE/PRODES

Yearly/Annual Deforestation PRODES


a k


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Removal from deforesters list, adhesions and agreements

As a result of the engaging work, incentives against deforestation and CAR support, five municipalities from Pará

were expunged from the biggest deforester`s list of the Ministry of Environment: Dom Eliseu, Ulianópolis and

Santana do Araguaia, in 2012, and Tailândia and Brasil Novo, in 2013. Paragominas was already expunged from the

list in 2010. Other municipalities have great chances of soon being expunged from the list: Santa Maria das Barreiras

and Cumaru do Norte, which already met the Program`s goals in 2015 and are awaiting the MMA`s position for

desembargoe. In addition to the abovementioned municipalities, Óbidos, Santarém, Xinguara and Canaã dos Carajás

were "Green Municipality" certified, for maintaining deforestation under control and for structuring the municipal

environment body.

In addition, PMV counts 107 municipalities that

participate of the Program, anticipating the 100

municipalities’ goal predicted for 2015. In 2014 the

municipalities of Concórdia do Pará, Augusto Corrêa

and Muaná and, in 2015, Maracanã and Curuá. Also in

2014, agreements were made against deforestation and

in favor of sustainability in the municipalities of

Óbidos, Barcarena, Uruará, Bragança, Medicilândia,

Vitória do Xingu and Barcarena. And, in 2015, the

municipalities of Itaituba, Jacareacanga, Mojuí dos

Campos, Xinguara, Canaã dos Carajás, Belém and

Trairão formalized their agreements.

Picture: Raphael Pacheco

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CAR Evolution

The state of Pará has advanced in the insertion rural estates in the Rural Environmental Record, mostly in small

producers’ ownership areas and family farmers who own properties with areas up to four fiscal modules.

Semas, Emater, Rural Pará Program,

Ministry of the Environment, Prefectures

and other institutions are adding efforts to

promote CAR to small producers. In 2014

and 2015, approximately 62 thousand

registrations were made, 37% higher in

relation to the total estates registered in

2013. By the end of 2015, Pará reached 166

thousand rural estates registered, while by

late 2014 this number was only of 144

thousand properties.

In relation to the registered area, by the end

of 2015, the sum of registered amount

totaled approximately 39 million acres,

which represents 69% of the registerable

area of the state, as shown in the infographic below.

Source: Imazon

Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) Evolution in the State of Pará

Registered Rural properties (CAR) Registered Area

Rural Environmental Registry (CAR) Evolution in the States of Pará.

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CAR SICAR Integration

In 2014, the State Government, through its Environment State Secretariat (currently Sustainability and Environment

State Secretariat - SEMAS) and PMV initiated an integration schedule between Environmental Licensing and

Monitoring System (SIMLAM), a state system, with Rural Environmental Registry Federal System (SICAR). The

goal is to transfer the current 166 thousand inserted registries in the State’s system to the federal system and register

the new estates within the new system.

For this purpose, during 2014, several meetings and encounters between PMV and SEMAS teams with the Ministry

of Environment (MMA) and Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) which is responsible for the migrating process of

all state systems to the federal system.

In 2015, the Green Municipalities Program Enforcer revealed an R$900 thousand investment for customizing a state

receptor for Sicar. In addition to customizing Sicar, PMV will train technicians from Municipal Environment

Secretaries for the municipalities to validate their registries. With this action, the State of Pará will definitely regulate

its rural estates.

The authorization for the investment was granted by the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES). The company

hired to conduct these services will be defined in a bidding process.

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Amazon Fund

In order to manage the resources from the Amazon Fund, the Green Municipalities Program Executing Nucleus,

responsible for managing and accompanying all the project’s administrative processes since the beginning from

Reference Term (TDR) preparation to hiring the bid winner companies. In addition, a Technical Chamber was

created with the mission of supporting and accompanying the project`s execution and ensure transparency and

social control, composed by the following bodies and institutions: Semas, Agriculture State Secretariat (Sagri), Estate

of Pará Municipalities Associations Federation (Famep), The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and Brazilian Institute of

Education (IEB).

For the duration of 2015, 34 4x4 vehicles, 34 notebooks and 38 GPS devices were procured. The cars were

delivered to 24 municipalities, and 15 among them received the truck, notebooks and GPS devices: Paragominas,

Dom Eliseu, Itupiranga, Óbidos, Santa Maria das Barreiras, Santarém, Uruará, Placas, Senador José Porfírio,

Ulianópolis, Santana do Araguaia, Canaã dos Carajás, Xinguara, Trairão and Belém. The investment was of R$

4,671,694.00. Cameras, the last item composing the deforestation verification kit, will be submitted to bidding in


A Local Bases service was hired to

conduct monitoring and support within

the PMV`s goals reach, mostly in what

refers to realization or renegotiation of

Local Pacts for fighting deforestation

and promoting sustainability. There will

be eight bases, encompassing 44 benefit

municipalities, as follows:

Picture: Agência Pará

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Almeirim, Porto de Moz, Gurupá, Altamira, Anapú, Brasil Novo, Medicilândia, Pacajá, Senador José Porfirio,

Uruará, Vitória do Xingu, Dom Eliseu, Ipixuna do Pará, Paragominas, Rondon do Pará, Ulianópolis, Itaituba,

Jacareacanga, Placas, Novo progresso, Rurópolis, Trairão, Itupiranga, Bom Jesus do Tocantins, Marabá, Novo

Repartimento, Santa Maria das Barreiras, Santana do Araguaia, Redenção, São Félix do Xingu, Cumarú do Norte,

Aveiro, Belterra, Óbidos, Alenquer, Monte Alegre, Prainha, Mojuí dos Campos, Santarém, Goianésia do Pará,

Igarapé-Miri, Jacundá, Moju e Tailândia, una inversión de R$ 2.800.000,00.

Still in 2015, COGES (the Managing Council) approved the Reference Terms for the main Project Services in the

first year: a) Data update research on the Municipal Environmental Management; b) Rural Activities Licensing

Training; c) Preparation of Rural Environmental Registration; c) Customizing of SICAR/PA; e) Graphic Services

and f) Training in field deforestation verification.

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Illegal Deforestation List (LDI)

The LDI - Illegal Deforestation List of the State of Pará, created from the State Decree No. 838/2013, is a list

constantly updated with the embargoed areas and fined by Semas, IBAMA and municipalities for illegal

deforestation. The rural estates registered in it were prohibited to receive licenses, authorizations, services or any

other benefits or public incentives provided by the bodies and entities of the Public Administration of the State.

LDI is an official disclosure and consultation tool for the State of Pará and can be accessed at


The inclusion on the deforestation list

follows criteria established by LDI

Technical Committee, such as minimum

size of areas to be embargoed, time lapse in

satellite data analysis and other rural estate

site features. The query is made based on

rural property CAR and the user can have

access to satellite images that prove

deforestation and, if CAR is not on the

LDI, the system issues a negative certificate

with the situation of the property. The

public body has to require the document or

consult the producer's data directly in the

new system. See how the list works in the

image below:


How LDI is formed

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The creation of the LDI has the purpose to combat illegal deforestation conducted at the state's territory, favoring

the rural producers that exercise their activities in accordance with the environmental legislation and collaborate

with the commitment made by governor Simão Jatene during the conference Rio+20, of reaching zero net

deforestation until 2020.

With the dissemination of this new policy, it is expected that the private sector, in particular food processing, banks,

grain buyers and agribusiness, continue to refer to the embargo list, in order to prevent marketing of products from

embargoed areas, prohibited in the Brazilian environmental legislation.

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Green ICMS

Released by the government of Pará in 2013, by means of PMV articulation, Green ICMS (Tax on Distribution of

Goods and Services) also had great emphasis and repercussion during 2014, the first year of transfer, in which

around R$35 million (2% of ICMS total amount) were transferred to municipalities, based on environmental criteria.

Due to its progressive nature, Green ICMS' participation in the total ICMS amount is crescent, so that in 2017, it

will be 8% of the total ICMS, reaching the estimated value of R$140 million Reais in transfers.

Created from innovative rules, which benefit the municipalities reducing deforestation and which present larger

CAR and protected areas percentage, the initiative was highlighted on an article published in the newspaper Valor

Econômico, considered the biggest newspaper on economics and business in Brazil.

Image: Agência Pará

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Called Forest Challenge, the article states that the Amazon needs to get rich in order to stand up to the challenge of

combining economic growth, social development and preservation from models that allow the creation of wealth

and distribute revenue. In this sense, Pará's experience is highlighted, when released in 2013 the Green ICMS, which

defines that part of the tax payment on the Distribution of Goods and Services (ICMS) destined to distribution

between the municipalities to be made from environmental criteria. I.e., using the revenue distribution between the

municipalities as a measure against illegal deforestation and strengthening of the management and environmental


For this reason, PMV, in conjunction with Semas and IDEFLORBIO, held, in 2014, regular work meetings, aiming

to treat and periodically update data relating to of ecological criteria indexes concerning CAR, protected areas and

reduction of deforestation. Aiming to disclose this important economic incentive mechanism to environmental

conservation, PMV participated in three seminars, promoted by the Environmental Municipial Secretaries Forum

for municipal managers of four integration regions. It is worth to inform that, in a joint effort; updated data from

both indexes, as well as the transfer values to each municipality, for the years 2015 and 2016 are currently available

on Semas website.

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Regulation of Successional Stages

Also in 2014, a Normative Resolution (IN) was prepared,

in partnership with PMV, and published by Sema, which

governs the secondary vegetation successional stages in the

State, popularly known as "juquira". The measure, in

practice, ensures greater legal security to the rural producer

and has contributed to the advancement of agricultural

production in the State, without which would result in new


After extensive discussions of PMV with its Management Committee and a study conducted by EMBRAPA that

defined technically and scientifically, juquira classification in the State, the normative resolution defines as initial

stage all vegetation that has up to 5 years of regeneration age, and those between 5 and 20 years, which have a 10 m²

limit of basal area per hectare for municipalities with more than 50% of forest cover and 5 m² to municipalities that

have less than 50% of forest cover. IN also defines the administrative procedures that the rural producer must know

in order to request suppression authorization with the environmental body, either municipal or state.

In 2015, this IN was reviewed and improved bringing methodologies that are more conclusive and more stability to

the rural producer. The new IN, as well as its predecessor, also defines the administrative procedures that the rural

producer must know in order to request authorization for the suppression with the environmental body, either

municipal or state. However, in this process, the municipalities are now the main character and through this State

shared environmental management, received delegation to authorize controlled burns in the areas, which obtained

pasture-cleaning authorization.

Image: IN da Juquira

Regulatory instruction that brings safety to

farmers is approved

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Agreements Signed with MPF - Wood and Grain Protocol TAC

The partnership developed between Pará State

Government, MPF (Brazilian Public Ministry),

production sectors and organized civil society have

collaborated with illegal deforestation monitoring

and combat.

A breakthrough, achieved in 2014, came to fruition

from several discussions throughout the years was

the Lumber Consent Decree (TAC) signed by the

State Government by means of PMV and Semas,

considered an "understanding agreement", a middle

ground for restructuring of public institutions in relation to lumber activity control.

TAC established the use of the National System for Forest Products Origin Control (Sinaflor); the extraordinary

relisting of the Forest Products Consumers and Explorers Registry (Ceprof), with the registry exclusion of those not

meeting the given term; hiring of an audit for the System for Commerce and Transport of Forest Products (Sisflora)

and Ceprof; Deployment of independent assessment system for handling plan, establishment of forest calendar and

integration between the Environmental Licensing and Monitoring Integrated System (Simlam) and Sisflora.

Other mechanism discussed throughout the years and officially released in 2014, by means of a partnership with

producers, companies, rural sector bodies and the Federal Prosecution Office (MPF), SEMAS, and PMV was the

Environmental Responsibility Protocol for the Productive Chain of Grains in the State of Pará, also called the

'Green Grain Protocol'. It is a document establishing criteria and guidelines for commercial transactions, in order to

avoid that the commercialized grains originate from illegally deforested areas, thus fighting the advance of

deforestation in the State.

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The document established the commercial procedures that certify both environmental and social regulations of

commercialized agricultural products. The undersigned companies are committed to purchase grains only from

properties or producers who are enrolled in the Rural Environmental Record (CAR), which issue purchase invoice,

not in the list of areas embargoed by IBAMA and Semas or appear in the list of areas with slave labor complaints or

analogue to slavery of the Ministry of Labour. Furthermore, they should observe the proportionality between the

production offered by the producer and the production capacity of the area, avoiding the purchase of grains coming

from embargoed areas, but are commercialized by regular areas, an illegal maneuver known as production "heating".

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Sustainable Public Procurement

In 2015, a new sustainability politics in public management was established: a sustainable public procurement

program, involving all responsible bodies for governmental procurement in the State, by means of State Decree no.

1.354/2015. The purpose of the Decree is to establish new criteria in the bidding process, requiring that suppliers

have, in addition to environmental permits, a sustainable management platform, in which their production processes

meet criteria such as reducing water consumption, waste mitigation, rational use of raw materials, use of raw

materials with proven sustainable environmental origin, as well as prioritizing the hiring of local labor and use of

materials, technologies and local raw materials.

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The Green Municipality Program has been making important partnerships since its creation. In 2014, a cooperation

agreement was signed with the Brazilian Institute for Municipal Administration (IBAM), with the purpose to

support and strengthen environmental management in the State's municipalities through deployment of the

Environmental Management Training Program - Amazon Biome Municipality.

Another partnership made in 2014 was the Forestability Project from Roberto Marinho Foundation, which

establishes the training of new instructors in the final Elementary School years and Young and Adults Education

(EJA) in the cities participating in PMV.

An important partnership was established with the Amazon Institute of Man and Environment (IMAZON) and

the Climate and Land Use Alliance (CLUA) - IMAZON/CLUA Project. One of the main actions was the

realization of Training Course in Rural Environmental Licensing (LAR), directed to prefecture employees for

environmental licensing of rural activities, with emphasis in agroforestry.

Also through IMAZON/CLUA Project, PMV released in 2014 the publication

"Organizing the municipality environmental control area", in order to guide

with respect the organization of the environmental area. The second volume

"Step by step for rural activities licensing", as well as the first in available for

download at PMV site in Library/Publications tab.

In 2015, NEPMV signed a Technical Cooperation Instrument with the

Secretariat the composition of the Tourism Development National

Program Work Group - GT PRODETUR, with the purpose to develop the

support of projects to the structuring of environmental management of Belterra,

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Soure, Ponte de Pedras and Salvaterra Environmental Municipal Secretariats. Thus, these municipalities will be able

to minimize conflicts and pressures on environmental resources at the local level, contributing to the maintenance

and promotion of a healthy, balanced and sustainable environment.

Within the State territory, a partnership was signed with the Mining and Economic Development State

Secretariat (Sedeme) with the creation of Pará 2030 Project. The initiative goal, considered the 3.0 version of

PMV, is to reach zero net deforestation until 2030, and to build a strategic plan for the sustainable development of

Pará. The project brings the proposal of strengthening PMV economic axis, since fighting deforestation, for many

times, creates a vacuum in the local economy that needs to be reactivated based on sustainable activities.

In November 2015, a technical cooperation agreement was also signed, in partnership with a committee from

Chiapas Government, Mexico. Mexican authorities met the head of the Sustainability and Environment State

Secretariat (Semas), Luiz Fernandes, for the signing of an Understanding Protocol, in which both parties agreed to

undertake joint efforts and implement an exchange of experiences in public management areas to help cope with the

challenging global agenda on climate change, and promoting sustainable development.


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National and International Acknowledgment

PMV has inspired neighbor states to follow the same example of Pará, like Mato Grosso when creating, in 2014, the

Sustainable Municipality Program, which aims to strengthen Mato grosso's municipalities local economies, as

well as to improve municipal public governance and judicial security, promote natural resources conservation and

environmental recovery and reduce social inequalities.

In March 2014, the program was presented during Katoomba XIX, an event held in Foz do Iguaçu (PR) by Forest

Trends, which discussed the "Expansion of Sustainable Supply Chain to Commodities”. The focus was to identify the

challenges and analyze potential solutions for commodities production change through sustainability and reduction

of deforestation, and also promote the sharing of success stories and experiences from who adopted innovations as


PMV was also one of the discussed

themes during the UN Climate Change

Conference in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The

meeting, called Abu Dhabi Ascent,

gathered ministries and leaders from

business, finance and civil society

sectors. The goal was to develop a

series of action proposals and determine

how the participating countries,

businesses and organizations can

become more involved in several


Foto: Reunião do GCF na Espanha

Foto: Foz do Iguaçu

Picture: Foz do Iguaçu

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In that same year, the State Government received the visit of the Norway Ambassador, Marit Wiig, and the

Adviser of Norway Embassy in Brazil, Elisabeth Forseth. They were in Pará with the purpose to familiarize with the

state initiatives towards sustainable development of Amazon, particularly the Green Municipality Program. During

the meeting, the actions to transform Pará in a forest preserving state without prejudice to the local economy were

presented; and also the positive results reached by the program.

Also in 2014, the NGO Freedom Fund was in Pará to learn with the PMV experience in search for environmental

regularity and deforestation combat The NGO has been fighting slave work with environment protection actions,

and believes that PMV work is an important reference.

O PMV also participated in the GFD annual meeting in Barcelona,

Catalonia (Spain) in June 2015. The alliance between Brazil and other six

countries has been collaborating since 2008, in order to develop the central

elements and the necessary capabilities to build REDD+ jurisdictional

programs and low emissions development. PMV adhered to the discussions

involving REDD, particularly to strengthen the theme of climate change in

the State, considering that the goal to reduce deforestation in the State is in

line with the goals of emission reduction.

A delegation from Chiapas, Mexico, also came to Belém in

November 2015 to exchange experiences in the environmental

management. On the capital, the committee learned how both Semas

and OMV work. Members from the Mexican Government also

visited the municipality of Paragominas, where the program was

created, and learned how the local Environment Secretariat works, in

addition to visiting a reforestation area.

Picture: Reunião do GCF na Espanha

Picture: Delegation from Chiapas, Mexico.

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Other important moment happened in November 2015, in the Hangar, in Belém, during the Legal Amazon

Secretariats Forum. Representatives from environmental bodies of nine states composing Legal Amazon met, in

order to determine the participation strategy for COP 21. During the meeting, actions planning were defined which

resulted in the signing of the Protocol of Intentions of Legal Amazon Environment Intelligence Network The

signing of said document made official the creation and deployment of the Environmental Intelligence Network.

The Green Municipality Program was also highlighted during the 2015 Climate Conference (COP 21) in Paris.

Throughout the eleven days of the event, the Green Municipality Program extraordinary secretary, Justiniano Neto,

highlighted the innovative politics of the State in fighting deforestation and presented the program as a novelty in

the municipality and State relations. The importance of creating alternatives or redirecting activities that are

conducted without the bias of sustainability was also highlighted.

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