Look after yourself and the environment a Green Comenius Magazine MEETING IN GORINCHEM- THE NETHERLANDS The partner meeting in Nederland was held from 4 th October – 8 th October , an international week with more then 300 students and teachers from many Europe Countries. As representative of Comenius Project teachers and students from Italy, Gran Canaria, Czech Republic and Turkey took part in here. Dutch students were looking forward to new friends and they and their teachers prepared a wonderful “ Comenius week”. Monday program was started by presentations of schools and also project work that has been done. In the afternoon the students were divided into groups and they tourned around interesting places in Gorinchem. On Wednesday all the work was done at school: working in groups and attending some lessons. In the afternoon sporting activities with all involved foreign students. The teachers had the same program, they were also discussing next steps in the projects , project products and next meeting in Torino, in March, during the Celebration Week for 150 th of Unification of Italy. Friday was a day of saying good-bye. Some students became very good friends in such a short time and when everybody left students and parents were crying.

Green Magazine 3

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Giornalino Scolastico

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Look after yourself and the environment a Green Comenius Magazine


The partner meeting in Nederland was held from 4th October – 8th October , an international week with more then 300 students and teachers from many Europe Countries. As representative of Comenius Project teachers and students from Italy, Gran Canaria, Czech Republic and Turkey took part in here. Dutch students were looking forward to new friends and they and their teachers prepared a wonderful “ Comenius week”. Monday program was started by presentations of schools and also project work that has been done. In the afternoon the students were divided into groups and they tourned around interesting places in Gorinchem. On Wednesday all the work was done at school: working in groups and attending some lessons. In the afternoon sporting activities with all involved foreign students. The teachers had the same program, they were also discussing next steps in the projects , project products and next meeting in Torino, in March, during the Celebration Week for 150th of Unification of Italy. Friday was a day of saying good-bye. Some students became very good friends in such a short time and when everybody left students and parents were crying.

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Gran A beautiful project work of Sagaseta High School, Las Palmas

In 1918, shortly before his death, French poet Guillaume Apollinaire published his Calligrammes, a kind of poetry in which words are used to create shapes related to message of the poem. Canarian Students from 1st and 2nd year created some Calligrammes from Canary poets who inspired their works by nature and landscape.

They looked for information about Calligrammes and Apollinaire, and looked for poems or pieces of novels from Canary writers in which nature is the main topic, they made their own calligrammes, drawing, writing and cutting different shapes in relation to the message of the poem or novel.and made portrait frames using natural materials such as shells, winkles, stones…

A wonderful way to look after yourself at Zamberk Gymnázium - Czech Republic


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Elos what is it ?

Elos is an educational concept which seeks to promote the European and international dimension in education. It is about preparing young people for a future in a society which European integration and globalization are a reality. Elos enables them to function in such a society, to deal with its challenges and to take advantage of the opportunities that arise , in a responsible and well-informed manner. For further information please visit the website: www. eloseducation.info

Bert van Horsen - Merewade College

Project works at Merewade College Gorinchem (Netherlands)

Our Environment An environment is a system where all creatures interact each other. Shortly it means everything surrounds us.

Rapid population, industrialization, environment pollution is increasing day by day. For that reason, environment and environment pollution is one of the chief titles of the World current issues.

The aim of protecting and improving the environment is to provide people better healthy, save and beautiful living condition. To leave better and beautiful World to next generation. I t is our duty to protect nature, t he green, water, soil, air and everything what we have around us. To manage this, we should educate people to make them more conscious about environment issues.

Selfihan GÜLEŞÇİ – Ordu Lisesi, Ordu (Turkey)


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Our planet is like a seriously ill patient :next decade 3 more degrees in temperature will be enough to upset the ecosystems

Earth will not provide any more food,water and energy in sufficient quantity

The Berlin wall in 2010

Foscolo School presents a power point about natural causes and man’s responsibilities of the earth’s situation

Scuola Media Statale Ugo Foscolo Torino, Italy

Turn down, Recycle, Switch off, Walk Climate change is a global problem, and yet each one of us has the power to make a difference

We students of Vittoria International School -Torino can control climate change, therefore we make the pledge of doing small changes in our daily behaviour to prevent greenhouse gas emissions without affecting our quality of life. In fact, they can help save us money

Student’s signature …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Try the Carbon Calculator to see how you can make a difference and make the pledge: www.climatechange.eu.com Or send to: EUROPEAN COMMISSION ENVIRONMENT DG INFORMATION CENTRE Office: BU-900/11 B-1049 Brussels (BE)

Vittoria International School -Torino