Green Energy Advisory Task Force

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  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force


    Green Energy AdvisoryTask Force Report

  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force



    Introduction 1

    Part 1: Carbon Pricing, Trading and Export Maret Development 3

    Part 2: Procurement and Regulatory Reorm 7

    Part 3: Resource Development 11

    Part 4: Community Engagement and First Nations Partnerships 16

    Conclusion 20

    Appendix: Members o the Green Energy Advisory Tas Force 21

  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force

    3/24Green Energy Advisory Task Force Report 1


    British Columbia is blessed with enormous untapped clean energy potential. Harnessing that

    potential will generate new wealth and jobs in communities while lowering greenhouse

    gas emissions at home and beyond B.C.s borders. One o governments highest priorities

    is developing B.C.s clean and renewable energy resources, with the intent o maing B.C. a

    leading clean energy powerhouse.

    In November 2009, the government appointed a Green Energy Advisory Tas Force to

    recommend strategic action or turning British Columbias clean power potential into real

    economic, environmental and social benets or British Columbians. Green Energy Advisory

    Tas Force members included clean energy and climate experts, First Nations and community

    representatives, and environmentalists. The names o the Green Energy Advisory Tas Force

    members are included in Appendix 1.

    The Green Energy Advisory Tas Force was composed o our groups, each with a

    specic mandate:

    Task ForCe MandaTe

    1. Carbon Pricing,

    Trading and Export

    Market Development

    To advance British Columbias interests in any uture national or international cap

    and trade system, and to maximize the value o B.C.s green-energy attributes in

    all power generated and distributed within and beyond B.C.s borders. The task

    orce will assess the market opportunity or B.C.s clean and renewable electricity,

    plus any barriers and how they may be addressed, including any uture national or

    international cap and trade system.

    2. Procurement and

    Regulatory Reform

    To recommend improvements to BC Hydros procurement and regulatory regimes

    to enhance clarity, certainty and competitiveness in promoting clean and cost-

    eective power generation; and identiy possible improvements to uture clean

    power calls and procurement processes.

    3. Resource


    To identiy impediments to, and best practices or, planning and permitting new

    clean, renewable-electricity generation to ensure that development happens in

    an environmentally sustainable way. The task orce will also consider allocation o

    orest bre to support energy development and invite input rom solar, tidal, wave,

    geothermal and other clean energy sectors to develop strategies to enhance their


    4. Community

    Engagement and First

    Nations Partnerships

    To ensure that First Nations and communities see clear benets rom the develop-

    ment o clean and renewable electricity and have a clear opportunity or input in

    project development in their areas. It will work in partnership with First Nations,

    not only to respect their constitutional right, but to open up new opportunities orjob creation and refect the best practices in environmental protection.

    Each tas orce group was also encouraged to explore other relevant issues and provide

    additional recommendations as it saw t.

  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force


    The our tas orce groups met between

    November 2009 and January 2010. The

    public, First Nations and interested stae-

    holders had an opportunity to provide input

    to each tas orce during this time. The tas

    orce groups received over 290 submis-

    sions rom a broad range o environmental

    organizations, industry associations, clean

    and renewable producers, citizen groups,

    First Nations and members o the public and

    considered the input during the course o

    their wor.

    The tas orce groups prepared separate

    reports or government, based on their indi-

    vidual mandates and presented their recom-

    mendations to government in mid-January

    2010. The groups were very positive about

    the substantial economic, environmental

    and social benets that could result rom

    the development o B.C.s clean and renew-

    able energy resources. Their expert advice

    and recommendations has greatly assisted

    government in advancing its Clean Energy

    Strategy. In eeping with governments com-

    mitment to share these reports and recom-

    mendations with all British Columbians, all o

    the recommendations rom each tas orce

    group are included in this document.

    Ministers Lekstrom, Penner

    and Yap meet members o

    the Green Energy Advisory

    Task Force as they gather or

    their frst meeting.

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    5/24Green Energy Advisory Task Force Report 3

    part 1: Cb Picig, Tig exptMt dvlpmt

    Clean energy will be one o this centurys driving economic and environmental orces. British

    Columbia has tremendous opportunities to leverage its clean energy resources and clean

    technology sector and stimulate economic development and environmental improvements

    throughout the province.

    Maing the very most o these opportunities requires a strategic approach that identies and

    targets emerging opportunities in domestic and export marets; capitalizes on B.C.s competi-

    tive advantages; eectively manages ris; and leverages partnerships with other jurisdictions.

    The Carbon Pricing, Trading and Export Maret Development Tas Force considered all o

    these issues, and made recommendations on critical immediate and long-term actions that

    government should tae to maximize B.C.s clean energy potential.

    rpt f th Cb Picig, Tig expt Mt

    dvlpmt T Fc


    The tas orce was provided with a mandate

    to develop recommendations to advance

    British Columbias interests in any uture

    national or international cap and trade

    system, and to maximize the value o B.C.s

    green energy attributes in all power gener-

    ated and distributed within and beyond B.C.s

    borders. The tas orce will assess the maret

    opportunity or B.C.s clean and renewable

    electricity, plus any barriers and how theymay be addressed, including any uture

    national or international cap and trade


    Context and Vision

    British Columbias economy was built on

    natural resource oundations through leader-

    ship, innovation and entrepreneurship. The

    strategic public investments in energy and

    other inrastructure made over the last ty

    years have created a signicant legacy: Competitive electricity rates, among the

    lowest in North America.

    Electricity trade revenues, which have

    helped to und public services.

    Leading universities, such as UBC (the most

    sustainable campus in Canada) and UNBC

    (90% heated with clean biomass).

    For the uture, the tas orce envisages a

    British Columbia in 2030 that has achieved

    the ollowing:

    Jobs Clean electricity and clean

    technology sectors have cre-

    ated over 100,000 construction

    jobs and over 60,000 sustain-

    able jobs across B.C.

    First Nations First Nations are active

    participants in developing B.C.s

    biomass, wind and small hydro


    Communities Decentralized energy genera-

    tion results in locally owned

    projects with benets fowing

    directly to communities

    Revenue Revenue rom electricity trade

    supports social services and

    keeps our electricity rates

    among the lowest in NorthAmerica

    Clean Technology B.C. is a leading clean technol-

    ogy exporter, supplying a

    global clean technology sector

    o over $500 billion

    Leadership B.C. has the greenest public

    sector in North America

    The world is

    now engaged

    in a peaceul


    to determine

    the technolo-

    gies that will

    power the st

    century. The

    nation thatwins this com-

    petition will

    be the nation

    that leads

    the global



  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force


    eleCtriCity trade

    opportunities and risks

    Energy and climate change policies in North

    America are expected to drive decarbonisa-

    tion o the electricity sector. Demand or

    low-carbon electricity in western North

    America may grow signicantly, possibly byas much as 800,000 gigawatt hours per year.

    B.C. has a number o ey electricity trade


    The most important advantage is B.C.s

    ability to rm and shape intermittent

    renewable energy. As jurisdictions begin

    to integrate increasingly large volumes o

    intermittent renewable energy supplies

    (especially wind), B.C.s existing and poten-

    tial hydroelectric storage capacity representsa unique, high-value asset.

    B.C. has a wide diversity o renewable

    resources wind, small hydro, biomass,


    Complementary demand B.C. has a winter

    peak load, Caliornia has a summer peak.

    B.C.s Crown-owned assets provide a single

    point o authority or negotiation with

    export partners.

    While the potential maret is very large, the

    tas orce recognizes that there are a number

    o riss:

    Policy risks: demand growth will be driven

    primarily by energy and climate policies,

    policies that may not be avourable to B.C.s

    renewable electricity. Some renewable

    portolio standards restrict eligibility o B.C.s

    small hydro resources. Decisions taken in

    the next year by Caliornia are especiallycritical. While B.C.s renewable resources are

    cost-competitive on a level playing eld, the

    US subsidies or domestic wind and solar

    resources are very signicant ($40 -$60 per

    megawatt hour).

    Technology risks: over the 20-year time

    rame o long-term rm electricity exports,

    there may be game-changing break-

    throughs in technology that signicantly

    alter B.C.s competitive market position (as

    shale gas developments have changed the

    North American gas market).

    Financial Risks: new transmission projects

    may take 5 -10 years to complete, and

    require very large investments long beore

    electricity and revenues ow.

    need for a strategiC approaCh

    The tas orce identied the ollowing as ey

    elements o a strategic approach:

    Timing considerations:

    The policy, market and technology risks

    dictate a staged approach to development

    with decisions at key milestones.

    A number o key energy and climate policydecisions will be made in the U.S. in the

    next ew years that will aect B.C. trade

    opportunities. Active intervention is required

    to protect B.C. interests.

    A number o proposed transmission lines

    to supply Caliornia are at various stages o

    development. Not all will get built, and deci-

    sions are likely to be made relatively soon.

    Transmission development:

    The need or signicant transmission invest-ment within the US to deliver B.C. renewable

    electricity means that a US partner or

    partners are critical. A US load serving utility

    probably needs to be the lead developer.

    The rst stages o transmission developmen

    ocus on permitting and planning, and are

    relatively low-cost. Acting early to advance

    transmission projects may not entail

    signicant nancial risks, while helping to

    preserve any rst mover advantage onlong lead time transmission investments.

    Key roles or Government and Crown


    Government-to-government agreements

    can help acilitate and support new

    transmission capacity.

    A partnership-type structure involving B.C.

    Crowns and US utilities can help minimize

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    7/24Green Energy Advisory Task Force Report 5

    contract risk by aligning the incentives o

    partners and including key government



    The tas orce made recommendations in

    ve ey areas:

    Increase export market access

    Increase clean electricity demand in B.C.

    Increase clean energy supply

    Increase storage and capacity

    Grow clean technology

    1. Increase Export Market Access

    Without new transmission capacity, B.C. will

    be unable to deliver signicant renewable

    electricity to customers in Caliornia and

    other states. A new 500 ilovolt line would

    be a major undertaing, requiring billions

    in investment and numerous regulatory

    approvals. The long lead time or transmis-

    sion (up to 10 years) compounds the policy,

    technological and nancial riss discussed

    above. A partnership-type structure with

    customers can help reduce contract ris

    by aligning the incentives o partners. The

    partnership should include procurement,

    transmission development, and policy/


    Recommendation 1: Establish transmis-

    sion and procurement partnership with

    Caliornia utility

    Government-to-government relationships

    also have a ey role to play in ensuring that

    B.C. has access to US marets. An agree-

    ment between B.C. and Caliornia may be

    particularly helpul i it sets out speciccommitments and timelines or joint action

    to achieve common renewable energy goals,

    including reciprocal recognition o environ-

    mental approvals and resource development


    Recommendation 2: Negotiate govern-

    ment-to-government commitment (e.g.,

    a Memorandum o Understanding).

    In the next two years, major US state and

    ederal decisions on climate and energy

    policy will impact B.C.s position in the export

    maret. B.C. is already taing a lead role in

    prominent regional initiatives on climate

    policy (Western Climate Initiative, etc.) and

    this should continue. B.C. also needs toundertae direct lobbying in the US (speci-

    ically Caliornia) to protect B.C. energy and

    carbon interests.

    Recommendation 3: Government should

    aggressively promote and protect B.C.

    energy (Caliornias Renewable Portolio

    Standards) and carbon interests (cap and


    2. Increase Clean Electricity

    Demand in B.C.Growing a low-carbon economy means

    attracting new investment to B.C. that can

    be supplied by B.C.s clean electricity. Clean

    technology industries, lie data centers,

    could be incented to locate in B.C. to tae

    advantage o data networs.

    Recommendation 4: Bring the load/busi-

    ness/jobs to the electronsactively recruit

    and attract new low-carbon industry

    (such as server arms or the Interior).

    Meeting B.C.s legislated emission reduc-

    tion targets will require deep reductions

    in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (33

    per cent by 2020 and 80 per cent by 2050).

    This will liely require major investments in

    energy conservation and eciency, com-

    mercialization and application o emerging

    clean energy technologies lie carbon

    capture and storage, and shiting rom ossil

    uels to decarbonized electricity or most

    energy services.

    Recommendation 5: Evaluate cost-eect-

    ive GHG reduction options to shit energy

    use rom ossil uels to de-carbonized


  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force


    3. Increase Clean Energy Supply

    Meeting the export and domestic demand

    or clean energy will require signicant

    development o B.C.s renewable energy

    resources as well as new transmission within

    B.C. Certainty and predictability are ey to

    managing development.

    Recommendation 6: Schedule regular,

    predictable calls or clean power to

    create investor certainty and rebuild


    Recommendation 7: Establish develop-

    ment zones or clean energy generation

    and technology; establish transmission


    4. Increase Storage and Capacity

    B.C.s existing and potential hydroelectric

    capacity, and especially storage, can

    continue to provide signicant economic

    benets to the province and enhance B.C.s

    competitive position in the export maret.

    The Mica and Revelstoe Upgrade Projects

    represent some o the lowest-cost capacity

    additions in North America and should be

    completed as early as possible.

    Recommendation 8: Advance comple-

    tion o Mica and Revelstoke capacityadditions.

    Projects on the Peace River should also be


    Recommendation 9: Move orward on

    the Site C and lower Site E projects.

    Hydroelectric storage is B.C.s most important

    strategic advantage in electricity marets.

    BC Hydro should evaluate opportunities

    to expand storage with minimum environ-mental impacts.

    Recommendation 10: Conduct a Call

    or Storage.

    5. Grow Clean Technology

    B.C.s growing clean technology sector

    adds value to B.C.s clean energy resources.

    However, the global and North American

    landscape or clean tech is very competitive,

    and B.C. needs to tae action to need to

    strengthen and retain this industry. AlthoughB.C. is not a very large maretplace, acilitat-

    ing early commercialisation and demonstra-

    tion would allow B.C. to be a competitive

    environment or clean technology compan-

    ies. B.C. has already taen major steps to

    achieving this end with the carbon neutral

    government commitment, the carbon tax

    and the Pacic Carbon Trust together with

    other ey players such as UBC (Living Lab)

    and the City o Vancouver (Green Capital).

    The tas orce identied seven ey actions

    that could help grow the clean technology

    sector in B.C.

    Recommendation 11: Early commercial

    green/clean energy procurement (less

    than 10 megawatts in size).

    Recommendation 12: Enable public sector

    investment in energy efciency/clean


    Recommendation 13: Require industry-comparable levels o Crown utility

    research and development spending.

    Recommendation 14: Expand the

    Innovative Clean Energy (ICE) Fund.

    Recommendation 15: Create a nancing

    program, using Pacic Carbon Trust,

    to drive energy/carbon productivity

    improvements across the province.

    Recommendation 16: Leverage universi-ties or clean technology demonstration

    and research.

    Recommendation 17: Establish tax cred-

    its and other administrative incentives

    to recruit and retain clean tech rms and

    large clean technology strategics (e.g.

    GE, Google).

  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force

    9/24Green Energy Advisory Task Force Report 7

    part 2: Pcumt rgulty rfm

    To mae the most o the sizeable emerging maret opportunities, and meet climate challen-

    ges head on, B.C. must develop clean and renewable energy supplies and get them to maret

    in a timely and responsible manner.

    This will require new investments in independent power production and a stronger role or

    BC Hydro. While the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC) will continue to play a ey role, regulatory

    process improvements may be required to acilitate a greater role or B.C. in export marets.

    Bearing export-associated riss in mind, a new way o managing ris costs must be developed,

    while maintaining the spirit o the existing Heritage Contract and ensuring B.C.s ratepayers

    continue to receive the benets o BC Hydros low-cost energy resources.

    The Green Energy Advisory Tas Force on Procurement and Regulatory Reorm ocused on

    its wor on the steps that B.C. could tae to address these challenges. This tas orce did not

    loo at environmental assessments, permitting, or other regulatory requirements intended

    to balance the economic aspects o clean energy development with environmental sustain-

    ability. These aspects were addressed by two other tas orce groups Resource Development

    and Community Engagement and First Nations Partnerships and their recommendations arepresented in subsequent sections o this document.

    rpt f th Pcumt rgulty rfm T Fc

    This report summarizes observations and

    recommendations o the seven-member

    Procurement and Regulatory Reorm Tas

    Group, which was mandated to recommend

    improvements to BC Hydros procurement

    and regulatory regimes and to identiy pos-

    sible improvements to uture clean power

    calls and procurement processes. Structural

    changes or British Columbias Crown

    Corporations and regulatory structure also

    were examined by the Tas Group which was

    encouraged to be visionary and to recom-

    mend both long and short term actions. The

    Tas Group operated under the ollowing


    Heritage resources and additions thereto

    will continue to be owned by government.

    Ongoing role or the private sector to

    provide clean electricity projects.

    British Columbia will pursue a Clean Energy

    Powerhouse vision by becoming the renew-

    able energy supplier o choice or western

    North America.

    I structured and managed properly, British

    Columbias renewable electricity industry

    will add jobs and create economic growth

    in the Province.

    Large-scale development o green energy

    resources will require an export market

    because uture domestic load is unlikely to

    be sufcient to justiy the initiative.

    New transmission will be required domes-

    tically and outside British Columbia to

    transport electricity to export markets.

    In the interests o time, the Procurement

    and Regulatory Reorm Tas Force had to

    assume that the development o a Clean

    Energy Powerhouse vision, and its particular

    recommendations in support o that vision,

    are solely within the Provinces jurisdiction

    to bring about. That is, the tas group did

    not eel constrained by the current legisla-tive scheme. However, given signicant

    Canadian ederal and United States ederal

    and state jurisdiction over exports, inter-

    jurisdictional undertaings, and environ-

    mental matters, the tas group believes it

    prudent to ensure that the role o these

    agencies is accounted or in the continuing

    development o the vision.

  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force


    The tas group chose the ollowing ey

    principles to guide their deliberations:

    Development o green energy projects

    should ollow sound business principles,

    subject to transparent public policy


    An entity, not regulated by the BC Utilities

    Commission (BCUC), should procure

    new electricity supply and transmission

    service and optimize all generation in

    British Columbia to serve both British

    Columbia needs and create and serve

    export markets needed or a viable clean

    energy industry, and should manage

    associated risks.

    Domestic customers should continue to

    benet rom all Heritage assets and addi-

    tions thereto.

    Reward should ollow risk, however it is


    The Clean Energy vision is primarily to serve

    broad public policy purposes and thereore

    risk and rewards should broadly reside with


    Transmission acquisition is viewed as the

    rst step in the development o a CleanEnergy vision. Strategic planning and staged

    regional expansion o the transmission

    system early in the process is a critical

    element o creating a level o certainty,

    minimizing environmental impacts and

    costs, and advancing an export strategy. The

    building o transmission should be based on

    need established by signicant long-term

    commitments rom customers.

    The second step is the development oa new structural approach. At present

    BC Hydro and BC Transmission Corporation

    (BCTC) are regulated by BCUC which

    approves their plans, projects and major

    contracts based on a domestically ocused

    sel-suciency model.

    The tas group is supportive o a struc-

    ture that envisions an aggregator a

    government-owned corporation (subject

    to the accountability system applicable to

    all British Columbia Crown corporations) to

    procure, operate, maintain and optimize

    provincial generation to meet domestic

    load requirements and to maximize long

    term returns by accessing external marets.The Aggregator would have a mandate to

    procure new clean and renewable electricity

    or domestic and export marets.

    Ratepayers would continue to receive the

    benets o the Heritage assets through

    a new Heritage contract between the

    Aggregator and BC Hydro.

    The tas group recommends that govern-

    ment should establish a public, transparent

    process to determine the extent, manner andcircumstances in which any economic bene-

    ts associated with the Aggregators export

    activities and commensurate costs, would be

    allocated to ratepayers and taxpayers.

    To attract and retain major developers and

    nanciers, interim measures are required to

    improve procurement perormance while

    legislation and/or regulations are developed

    to create the Aggregator. Improvement

    is required in areas such as transparency,

    appropriate allocation o ris, and commit-

    ment and certainty o procurement activities

    in terms o volume and time horizons in

    maret based contracts.

    Processes and contracts should refect globa

    best practices and, as such, technology

    specic procurement processes and eed-

    in-taris should be considered or existing

    and new renewable power generation and

    conservation technologies.

    Procurement was seen as a tool to economic

    development and job creation. In order

    to encourage job creation and economic

    development in every region existing

    Standing Oer Contract pricing based on

    the recent Clean Power Call should be

    updated as soon as possible in 2010 and the

    maximum project size should be raised rom

    the present 10 megawatt (MW) limit.

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    11/24Green Energy Advisory Task Force Report 9

    reCoMMendations / adViCe to


    The ollowing is a compilation o the recom-

    mendations presented or consideration to

    the Cabinet Committee on Climate Action

    and Clean Energy. These do not represent

    government policy or direction, but ratheradvice rom the collective comments o the

    Procurement and Regulatory Reorm Tas


    1.0 Transmission

    1.1 Enable generation acility development,

    by planning or expansion o the trans-

    mission system in the near-term since

    long lead times are required.

    1.2 Build transmission based on need

    established by signicant long-termcommitments rom customers.

    1.3 Plan or and develop zones o high quality,

    clean and renewable resources and

    transmission to reduce both costs and

    environmental impacts.

    1.4 Continue to support clean and renewable

    energy projects outside the selected

    development zones where they are cost

    eective and environmentally sound.

    2.0 Crown Corporation Structure and

    Regulatory Framework

    2.1 Ensure alignment between government

    policy, BC Hydro implementation and

    BCUC regulation.

    2.2 Discuss the need or a separate transmis-

    sion corporation.

    2.3 Move procurement, generation oper-

    ations, and export outside o BCUC

    regulation. 2.4 Continue BCUC regulation o transmis-

    sion and distribution (rates, demand-side

    measures, domestic demand, saety, etc.).

    2.5 Create a government-owned Aggregator

    with control o generation and respon-

    sibility or domestic and export procure-

    ment and contracts.

    3.0 Export

    3.1 Assign responsibility to the Aggregator

    to manage risk so as to realize rewards

    while optimizing generation and storage

    resources, creating the scale necessary or

    the export market and reducing risk or

    the participating generation resources.

    3.2 Protect the ratepayer in an appropriate

    Heritage contract arrangement as

    determined in an open and transparent


    3.3 Assign responsibility to the Aggregator to

    acquire transmission services or export.

    4.0 Procurement

    The tas group assumes that implementing

    its recommendations regarding electricity

    maret and regulatory restructuring could

    tae time, but also believes that there may

    be current generation and related transmis-

    sion development opportunities available

    that are consistent with the development o

    a or-export green energy sector in British

    Columbia. To maintain and build upon

    existing investment momentum in the

    province, government should consider dir-

    ecting BC Hydro and/or the BC Transmission

    Corporation, as an interim measure, to tae

    advantage o any generation or transmission

    development opportunities that currently

    exist, and which will cost eectively contrib-

    ute to the longer term objectives.


    4.1 Develop and procure green energy

    projects through the business principle

    o selecting the next best project, rom

    a risk, cost, project viability, reliability,

    and environmental perspective, whether

    publicly or privately owned.

    4.2 Improve the procurement process

    signicantly to attract and retain credible

    developers and capital.

    Revise the procurement process to

    ensure transparency, improve risk

    allocation, commitment and certainty

  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force


    o procurement objectives in terms o

    volume and time horizons.

    Standardize procurement processes

    and contracts while reecting resource

    dierences (e. g., wind versus run-o-

    river) and market requirements.

    Procurement Public Policy:

    4.3 Consider technology-specic procure-

    ment processes and eed-in-taris or

    existing and new renewable generation


    4.4 Encourage job creation and economic

    development in every region o the

    Province, by:

    updating existing standing oer

    contract pricing based on the recent

    Clean Power Call results as soon as

    reasonably possible in 2010;

    raising the maximum project size rom

    the existing 10 megawatt limit.

    4.5 Encourage technology development and

    exports by enabling the demonstration

    and use o British Columbia-developed


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    part 3: ruc dvlpmt

    The Carbon Pricing, Trading and Export Maret Development Tas Force identied strong

    maret prospects or B.C.s clean energy resources and recommended a strategic approach to

    tae advantage o these opportunities. The Procurement and Regulatory Tas Force suggested

    additional actions to position B.C. as a clean energy powerhouse by increasing clean energy

    supplies and enhancing regulatory regimes and Crown Corporation organizational structures.

    The Green Energy Advisory Tas Force on Resource Development examined the next ey set o

    challenges or implementation o the Clean Energy Strategy i.e. ensuring that clean energy

    projects can be developed quicly and eciently, in a manner that balances investor certainty

    with sustainable environmental management and social responsibility. This tas orce also

    considered approaches to overcome systemic barriers which are limiting B.C.s ability to ully

    develop important energy resources, such as under-utilized orest biomass, and constraining

    the advancement o another strategic B.C. asset, the clean energy technology sector. It

    enorced the need to move orward on clean energy development as an eective means o

    ghting climate change, recognizing that the growth o this sector, paired with conservation

    and energy eciency initiatives, are critical to helping B.C. reduce its carbon ootprint and

    greenhouse gas emissions.

    G egy aviy T Fc ruc

    dvlpmt rpt

    task forCe Mandate

    The Green Energy Advisory Tas Force on

    Resource Development was ased to:

    Identiy impediments to and best practices

    or planning and permitting new clean,

    renewable-electricity generation to ensurethat development happens in an environ-

    mentally sustainable way.

    Consider allocation o orest bre to support

    energy development and invite input rom

    solar, tidal, wave and other clean energy

    sectors to develop strategies to enhance

    their competitiveness.

    CritiCal Considerations

    Ensure the highest environmental standards

    and link greenhouse gas reduction strat-egies to energy planning.

    Ensure planning and permitting leads

    to greater environmental and economic


    Develop policies to accelerate growth,

    investment and job creation in the

    clean technology sector.

    Remove structural barriers or bio-energy


    resourCe planning and


    The tas orce elt strongly that its recom-

    mendations needed to provide the CabinetCommittee on Climate Action and Clean

    Energy (CCCACE) with the blueprint

    necessary to ensure clean energy resource

    development is undertaen with ull social

    license with communities, including First

    Nations. Based on a signicant volume o

    citizen comments, the tas orce members

    agreed this gap posed a signicant ris to

    government in achieving its commitments

    both or clean energy development and

    greenhouse gas emissions reductions. Tasorce members also elt the bar on environ-

    mental perormance needed to be consist-

    ent and predictable. The tas orce ocused

    on the need to develop B.C.s signicant

    clean energy assets in an environmentally

    sustainable manner and still create a strong

    economic uture or B.C. Ways to accomplish

    this include streamline the regulatory

    processes, ensure the playing eld is level

  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force


    among various resource users, and create

    the certainty and clarity essential or invest-

    ment in the sector.

    Outcome 1: Meet B.C.s climate action

    targets whilst ostering a positive invest-

    ment climate or the development o

    renewable energy resources.


    1. B.C. must use the ull range o tools at

    its disposal to make energy efciency

    and conservation its highest priority and

    must continue and expand successul

    public engagement programs such as


    2. Develop a Low Carbon Transition Plan

    that: a) develops domestic energy

    demand scenarios that achieve existing

    climate action goals; and, b) models

    80 90 per cent reduction o ossil

    emissions by 2050. Deliverables o the

    plan will include: actions to pursue

    identied opportunities (e.g. uel switch-

    ing, electrication o transport, energy

    efciency, district energy systems, etc.);

    and, a strategy to attract businesses and

    industries with demands or clean energy

    to the province.

    3. Legislate mandatory, periodic Clean

    Power Calls through a new Clean Energy

    Act or an Order in Council (Sec 3 BCUC).

    4. Demonstrate and communicate how

    B.C. electricity exports will lead to

    greenhouse gas reductions in other


    Outcome 2: Develop clear and consistent

    marketing o B.C.s clean energy sector

    and better communication and engage-ment to build citizen condence in B.C.s

    green energy mandate.


    1. Develop a public engagement program

    and a set o communication initiatives,

    including an interactive social media

    and event plan, to inspire and build

    public trust in the development o clean

    energy as both a job/investment creation

    strategy or B.C. and a critical climate


    2. Collaborate with industry and other

    stakeholders to brand, market and

    communicate the potential o B.C.s clean

    energy power and technology sector or

    international investors.

    Outcome 3: Achieve world-class environ-

    mental perormance or clean energy

    projects and a streamlined regulatory

    process that is clear, ecient, and repre-

    sents a level playing eld or all resource


    The ollowing recommendations chart a

    course to develop clear planning that will

    provide economic and environmentalcertainty while moving orward with the

    existing Clean Power Call.


    1. Commission an independent study

    (completed by September 30, 2010) o

    clean energy planning and permitting

    processes with the ollowing objectives:

    i. Remove unnecessary or duplicate

    steps in processes to improve trans-

    parency, eectiveness and efcienciesin permitting and environmental


    ii. Ensure B.C. has the highest environ-

    mental standards;

    iii. Ensure that projects are adequately

    monitored to maintain these stan-

    dards; and,

    iv. Develop communication protocols to

    ensure proponents are able to clearlyand easily understand and comply

    with regulation, and that these are

    administered in a straightorward and

    uncomplicated manner.

    2. By September 30, 2010, and using

    existing data and inormation layers,

    develop a renewable energy zoning

    map or the Province that identies

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    where development o renewable energy

    and transmission is appropriate and


    3. Complete the Section 5 inquiry as soon as

    possible, ocusing on transmission plan-

    ning and deerring all regional planning

    submissions to the regional planningprocess.

    4. Using the outcomes o the provincial

    zoning map (recommendation 2) and

    Section 5 ndings (recommendation 3),

    undertake regional planning in areas

    that are appropriate or more intensive

    development, have potential or industry

    electrication, and have potential or low

    cost energy clusters. An assessment o

    cumulative impacts o all projects within

    the planning area will also take place.

    Outcome 4: Create a level playing eld or

    clean energy resource use.


    1. Implement diligent use requirements

    or all clean energy technologies (similar

    to wind arm diligent use requirements).

    This would include placing a time

    limit (e.g. 2 years) on water license

    applications to require hydro project

    development within a reasonable

    timerame, and to ensure that appli-

    cants are accountable or socially and

    environmentally appropriate project


    Outcome 5: A single point o public

    accountability or clean energy develop-

    ment in B.C.


    1. Mandate a single provincial entity tostreamline permitting and improve

    policy implementation and public


    Bioenergy and aCCessing

    Clean energy resourCes

    The clean energy sector needs more tools

    to put it on a level playing eld with other

    resource development sectors, or even other

    types o power generation technologies.

    The tas orce, which was ased by CCCACEto specically consider the bio-energy sector,

    recognized B.C. has some extraordinary but

    under-used biomass resources. This includes

    mill residuals, roadside debris, standing

    pine beetle-illed trees, as well as biomass

    that is still going to landlls. Estimates

    show these wood biomass resources have

    the potential to generate up to 1,700 MW

    o electricity. This represents $8 billion o

    investment potential in northern orest

    communities. Wood residue could also beused to increase wood pellet production

    or to produce cellulosic ethanol and bio-

    chemicals. The tas orce recognizes that

    the issue o harvesting wood or energy (e.g.

    pine beetle-illed trees) is a more complex

    issue, but did not have time to address

    it. Despite some encouraging progress,

    there continue to be impediments to the

    bio-energy sector including: uel price riss,

    inability or bio-energy suppliers to source

    adequate volumes o bre, and insucientintegration o bio-energy technologies into

    mill operations.

    Outcome 1: Reduce uel supply related

    nancing risks or bioenergy power



    1. Direct BC Hydro to amend bioenergy

    electricity purchase agreements (EPAs)

    to transer the biomass uel price risk

    through to BC Hydro so that i biomassuel prices increase, BC Hydro will cor-

    respondingly adjust the purchase price o


  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force


    Outcome 2: Improve access to biomass



    1. Establish a B.C.-owned Biomass Fuel

    Aggregator to access and aggregate

    woody biomass rom provincial orest

    land, and supply uel to bioenergy

    project developers.

    Outcome 3: Enhance competitiveness o

    the orest industry through the integra-

    tion o bioenergy technologies into mills.


    1. Provide incentives to the orest industry

    to adopt and integrate bioenergy

    technologies, such as combined heat and

    power, pellets, liquid uels and chemicals,

    into their operations.

    deVeloping B.C.s Clean

    teChnology industry

    The tas orce agreed that B.C. provides some

    o the ey building blocs or a competitive

    clean technology industry cluster including

    leading research universities, proximity to

    large marets, and a core group o estab-

    lished technology companies. In recent years,

    however, jurisdictions such as Germany,

    Denmar, and several US states have madegrowth o a domestic clean energy technol-

    ogy industry a strategic priority. This has

    been achieved through implementation o

    explicit and coordinated policies and regula-

    tions designed to reduce barriers, support

    commercialization, and encourage invest-

    ment in early adoption and demonstration,

    all o which are required or new technolo-

    gies to become conventional and competi-

    tive energy sources. Despite B.C.s recent

    eorts, it has allen behind as a competitivelocation or attracting, retaining and com-

    mercializing clean energy technologies.

    Continuing systemic barriers to B.C.s success

    in advancing clean technologies include:

    insufcient incentives or early adopters o

    new technologies, particularly in the public


    policies which prohibit electricity procure-ment rom pre-commercial technologies;

    lack o incentives, including taxation

    regimes, which limit B.C.s ability to compete

    with US clean technology industry;

    outdated regulations; and,

    lack o central coordination and alignment

    within the provincial government.

    Outcome 1: Incubate clean energy inside

    the public sector.


    1. Establish a clean energy unding

    mechanism o sufcient scale to enable

    public institutions across B.C. to adopt

    and nance emerging and commercially

    proven clean energy technologies.

    2. Increase R&D spending at the BC

    Transmission Corporation and BC

    Hydro to levels comparable to industry


    Outcome 2: Power procurement that

    supports clean technology development.


    1. Direct BC Hydro to expand the Standing

    Oer Program so that it purchases

    electricity produced rom projects dem-

    onstrating early commercial clean power

    generation technologies and provides

    the highest marginal rate or power BC

    Hydro is paying or clean power romcommercially proven technologies.

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    Outcome 3: Create a local market or

    emerging clean technologies.


    1. Implement a technology-specic eed-in

    tari to encourage investment and

    development o small scale, distributed

    clean power resources under 10 mega-

    watts (e.g. solar and ocean). Prices would

    be customized to each technology type.

    Outcome 4: A clean technology sector

    that can compete locally and globally.


    1. Increase the Innovative Clean Energy

    (ICE) Fund rom $25 million to $50 million

    with a commitment to review unding

    levels every two years. Restructure the

    ICE Fund with an expanded team o

    investment proessionals and consider

    moving it outside o government as a

    separate, stand-alone organization.

    2. Implement a royalty credit and/or tax

    credit program to provide the necessary

    incentives to industry to use clean energy

    technologies at remote installations in

    B.C., such as mining, natural gas oper-

    ations and communities.

  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force


    part 4: Cmmuity eggmt Fitnti Pthip

    Maximizing the economic, environmental and social benets o clean and renewable energy

    development or all British Columbians is a undamental principle underlying governments

    Clean Energy Strategy. Becoming a clean energy powerhouse will require meaningul oppor-

    tunities or First Nations and communities to participate in clean energy development; respect

    or First Nations constitutional rights and economic and social capacity needs; and certainty

    or investors, First Nations and communities. The benets are substantial, including a huge

    potential or enhanced job creation, economic development and prosperity in all regions o

    the province.

    The Green Energy Advisory Tas Force on Community Engagement and First Nations

    Partnerships put its attention towards developing recommendations on these critical and

    challenging issues. Their thoughts and advice to government are provided below.

    rpt f th G egy aviy T Fc Cmmuity

    eggmt Fit nti Pthip

    task forCe Mandate

    The tas orce on Community Engagement

    and First Nations Partnerships was specic-

    ally tased to develop recommendations to

    ensure that First Nations and communities

    see clear benets rom the development o

    clean and renewable electricity and have

    a clear opportunity or input in project

    development in their areas. It will wor in

    partnership with First Nations, not only torespect their constitutional rights, but to

    open up new opportunities or job creation

    and refect the best practices in environ-

    mental protection.

    The tas orce was provided with our ey

    questions aimed at acilitating the discussion

    o the Tas Force. These questions were:

    1. What are the economic opportunities

    or First Nations and communities to

    participate in clean and renewableelectricity project development?

    2. How should benets rom clean and

    renewable electricity development

    be shared with First Nations and


    3. What are the appropriate roles o

    industry, government, Crown corpora-

    tions, First Nations and communities in

    determining and/or delivering benets?

    4. How can British Columbia ensure that

    the review processes provide or both

    certainty or project developers and

    adequate input rom First Nations and


    Through the process o developing this

    report, the tas orce members struggledwith the complexity o these issues. The tas

    o creating an environment that osters cer-

    tainty while addressing First Nations rights

    and title was particularly dicult, sensitive

    and time-consuming. These are issues that

    have been grappled with or decades.

    The intent behind the recommendations,

    when taen as a whole, is to enable First

    Nations and local communities to benet

    rom clean energy projects, and to be ableto participate in the sector. For First Nations,

    the intent o the recommendations is also

    to address their constitutional rights, and

    attempt to build capacity in communities so

    that economic and social opportunities can

    be leveraged. Additionally, and equally as

    important, the recommendations attempt to

    create certainty or all parties, whether they

    are government, First Nations or industry.

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    disCussions and


    The tas orce members conrmed that

    while they were looing at mechanisms

    or engagement and partnerships or First

    Nations and local communities in the clean

    and renewable energy sector, they weremindul that an equally important role was

    to emphasize conservation and sustainable

    development within the industry.


    1. In order to ensure environmentally

    sustainable clean power projects and

    prevent potential negative cumulative

    eects o clean energy projects, the

    Province should establish a clean energy

    regional planning process. This processshould take place at a watershed scale

    level, or example the Taku watershed,

    and should include xed timelines.

    Planning or watersheds should be priori-

    tized, with those watersheds having the

    potential to be impacted in the nearest

    timerame having the highest priority.

    The report rom the task orce on

    Resource Development includes a

    recommendation to develop a renewable

    energy zoning map or the Province

    that identies where development o

    renewable energy and transmission is

    appropriate and inappropriate. This task

    orce supports the recommendation.

    2. The Province should review and

    strengthen the Environmental

    Assessment process to address and

    manage the cumulative eects o green

    energy projects and improve monitoring

    and compliance.

    eConoMiC opportunities and

    Benefits sharing

    The tas orce identied a number o eco-

    nomic opportunities associated with clean

    and renewable electricity sector, including

    revenue sharing, training, inrastructure

    development, the sharing o carbon values,assigning o new tenures, employment con-

    tracts, and equity/ownership opportunities.

    It was elt that opportunities were greater in

    this sector than other sectors, as this was a

    relatively new and expanding sector.

    The tas orce members were unanimous

    in their strong belie that engagement

    between First Nations/local communities

    and industry early on in the project will

    enable relationships with proponents to

    be built and trust established. The duty to

    consult and accommodate First Nations can

    also be better addressed i early engage-

    ment occurs and trust is earned in the

    woring relationship.


    3. The Province should expand the current

    revenue sharing model to include the

    sharing o revenue collected by the

    Province with First Nations on all types o

    green energy.

    4. Priority consideration should be given to

    First Nations in the issuance o all new

    tenures to lands or waters or purposes

    o green energy production. Priority

    consideration could include the transer-

    ring o land tenures to First Nations,

    either through treaty or an incremental

    agreement, to enable the First Nation to

    become the ee simple land holder and

    charge rents to industry.1

    1 A majority of task force members strongly disagree with this

    recommendation as it was felt that it could negatively impactinvestor certainty, and could be particularly problematic in

    relation to tenures over large areas of land such as tenures for

    biomass. After lengthy discussion, out of respect for a numberof First Nations Task Force members, it was decided to leave

    this recommendation in the report.

  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force


    5. The Province and First Nations should

    enter into discussion on the ownership

    and benecial use o carbon values with

    respect to green energy projects with a

    view to concluding an agreement on the

    sharing o those values.

    6. Where First Nations and local commun-

    ities demonstrate the capacity and inter-

    est or inclusion in a BC Hydro IPP Call,

    BC Hydro should initiate an IPP Call that

    gives priority to First Nations and local

    communities. BC Hydro could restrict a

    portion o applications approved under

    a broader IPP Call to those submitted by

    First Nations or local communities. The

    Province should enable eed-in taris or

    First Nations and local communities with

    energy producing capacity to sell clean

    power to BC Hydro.

    role of the parties

    The tas orce elt that industry was looing

    or inormation rom government on what

    their role should be with respect to First

    Nations and local communities, as well as

    inormation on what types o arrangements

    have been successul, i.e. best practices and

    examples that could be replicated. It was elt

    that this inormation would be welcomedby industry, and could stimulate investment

    and development as industry and com-

    munities see more eective partnerships and

    improved woring relationships develop.


    7. In order to ensure that First Nations

    and communities realize employment

    opportunities in the green economy,

    both in new green energy technologies

    and in related land-based activities,the Province should commit training

    programs to build First Nations and

    community capacity.

    8. The Province should establish an equity

    und to enable First Nations and remote

    communities to be ull participants in the

    green economy. The Province, in collab-

    oration with First Nations, should lobby

    the ederal government to participate in

    or build on the equity und.

    9. The province should promote engage-

    ment between First Nations and

    communities and the proponent o a

    proposed green energy project. The goal

    o the engagements would be to develop

    arrangements that provide benets,

    such as jobs and training, or contracting

    opportunities. Additionally, engagement

    with First Nations in whose territories

    the proposed green power developments

    are to take place should include Impact

    Benet Agreements (IBAs), which could

    also encompass a wide range o elements

    such as equity arrangements, prot-

    sharing and royalties. When the propon-

    ent applies or a provincial tenure, these

    IBAs should be disclosed to the Province

    or the Province to review during the

    approval process. However, where the

    proponents request, the Province must

    respect the condentiality o IBAs.

    10. To encourage consistency with respect to

    these arrangements, the Province should

    develop and communicate a collection

    o best practice examples or industry on

    engagement with First Nations and com-munities. Additional educational inor-

    mation regarding government policy on

    green energy and First Nations right, title

    and interests, should be developed by

    the Province and First Nations to inorm

    industry and lending institutions.

    11. In its procurement processes, BC Hydro

    should consider placing a value on First

    Nations engagement undertaken by

    the proponent, including valuing thequality o the engagement as well as

    the negotiation o an Impact Benets

    Agreement. This value should be reected

    in the energy contract purchase price

    in order to provide an incentive to the

    parties to reach agreements.

    12. BC Hydro and BC Transmission

    Corporation should work with First

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    Nations to develop consultation and

    accommodation policies and guidelines

    on all new green energy projects.

    13. The Province should set up a und,

    specic to communities and First Nations,

    or the purposes o supporting research

    and investigation on the advancement o

    green technology within a communitys


    goVernMent reView proCesses

    The tas orce discussed examples o where

    positive and negative experiences with

    the Environmental Assessment process or

    specic projects had occurred. It was sug-

    gested by the tas orce that First Nations

    needed to be engaged at an early stage in

    the Environmental Assessment process. Itwas elt that this would provide a mechan-

    ism or relationships to be established with

    project proponents at an early stage in the

    project, which was elt to be a ey in deter-

    mining the success o a project.


    14. Impacted First Nations should be

    involved in the establishment o the

    Terms o Reerence and the Panel

    Review Board or specic projects being

    reviewed under the Environmental

    Assessment process.

    15. First Nations should be involved in any

    discussion with respect to changes or

    amendments to the Environmental

    Assessment review process. Also, with

    the goal o achieving one assessment

    or any one project, First Nations should

    be involved in any discussions between

    Province and Canada with respect to the

    harmonization o the Environmental

    Assessment review process.

    16. The Province should establish timeline

    limits or the approval o applications

    by provincial organizations, such as

    the Agricultural Land Commission, in

    order to provide clarity or proponents.

    Government should also make submis-

    sions to ederal approving organizations,

    such as the Department o Fisheries and

    Oceans, to adopt similar timelines.

  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force



    Once their recommendations were submitted to the Cabinet Committee on Clean Energy and

    Climate Action, the wor o the Green Energy Advisory Tas Groups was complete, and the

    groups disbanded.

    The Green Energy Advisory Tas Force played an instrumental role in inorming the govern-

    ment o British Columbias comprehensive Clean Energy Strategy, which will put the province

    at the oreront o clean energy development in the 21st century.

    Government is acting switly to implement this strategy, beginning with the introduction

    o a new Clean Energy Act in spring 2010. The Clean Energy Act will build on many o the

    recommendations made by the Green Energy Advisory Tas Force including new investments

    in clean energy and expanded energy eciency and greenhouse gas reduction measures.

    Moving orward, the Government will continue to explore and implement additional initia-

    tives to expand development o the clean energy sector, including trade and export arrange-

    ments with neighbouring jurisdictions, ensuring First Nations participation, leveraging invest-

    ments through long-term contracts, growing the clean technology sector and developing

    run-o-river small hydro, wind, geothermal, biomass and ocean energy, in an environmentallysustainable manner. These actions will provide new opportunities or job creation, move B.C.

    closer to electricity sel suciency, and support meeting B.C.s climate action goals. I govern-

    ment acts with clear vision and concerted eort now, in 2030, people will loo bac on this

    decade as we loo to the 1960s today.

  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force


    appix: Mmb f th G egyaviy T Fc

    Carbon Pricing, Trading and Export

    Market Development

    Cheryl L. Slusarchuk (Chair), partner with

    McCarthy Tetrault

    Warren Brazier, chair o Clar Wilson LLP

    Energy and Natural Resources Practice


    Scott MacDonald, CEO o Pacic Carbon


    Martin Merritt, ormer president and

    CEO o the Alberta Maret Surveillance


    Dr. Ren Orans, managing partner o Energy

    and Environmental Economics

    James Tansey, president and co-ounder o

    Osetters BC

    Procurement and Regulatory Reorm

    Tim Newton (Chair), ormer vice president

    o Powerex, Director, Board o the Western

    Electricity Coordinating Council

    Larry Blain, CEO, Partnerships BC

    Jef Christian, litigator with Lawson Lundell

    John Keating, co-ounder and ormer CEO

    o Canadian Hydro Developers, Inc

    Dave Kusnierczyk, managing director o

    Fred Olsen Renewables Canada

    Duncan McCallum, partner with the Public

    Sector and Inrastructure Group, RBC Capital

    Marets in Toronto

    Mossadiq Umedaly, ormer chair o BC


    Community Engagement and First

    Nations Partnerships

    James Hoggan (Chair), president o

    Hoggan and Associates and chair o the

    David Suzui Foundation

    David Andrews, principal o Cloudwors


    Mike Bernier, mayor o Dawson Cree

    Chie Ken Brown o the klahoose First


    Peter Kirby, CEO o Xietl (Tau Tlingit)

    Craig Lodge, president o Pinnacle Pellet Inc.

    Dave Porter, CEO o the First Nations Energy

    and Mining Council

    Resource Development

    John Webster (Chair), B.C. region leader

    or Clean Tech and Renewable Energy or

    PricewaterhouseCoopers BC Region and

    director o the Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel

    Cell Association

    Craig Aspinall, manager o Public Policy or

    Western GeoPower Corporation

    Tzeporah Berman, executive director

    and co-ounder o PowerUp Canada and

    Co-Founder o ForestEthics

    Paul Hemsley, president o Hemmera

    Matt Horne, director o Energy Solutions,

    Pembina Institute

    David Huggill, Western Canadian policy

    manager or the Canadian Wind Energy


    Jonathan Rhone, president and CEO o

    Nexterra and chair o CleanTech CEO Alliance

    John Walker, president and CEO o FortisBC

    Dr. Steve Wilson, principal o EcoLogic


  • 8/6/2019 Green Energy Advisory Task Force
