Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1928 / [G.F. Hill]

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  • 8/12/2019 Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1928 / [G.F. Hill]


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  • 8/12/2019 Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1928 / [G.F. Hill]


  • 8/12/2019 Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1928 / [G.F. Hill]





    VIII.]This report, as usual,owes much to suggestions by

    Mr. Robinson. I have omitted certain acquisitionsselectionsfrom finds of electrum Carthaginian coinsand of silver of Ephesus and the dynasts of Caria- which will be dealt with by him later in specialarticles.


    1. Obv Headr., beardless,with slightwhisker, earingcrestless orinthian elmet behind neck,Bev. Ear ofbarley,with eaf n r. perchednthe eaf,a smallowl; on 1., META upwards; betweenleaf nd stalk,AoA. Concavefield.M t 21mm. Wt. 654grm. 101-0gr.). [Pl. VIII.]

    Other specimens (a) Hirsch 7, lot 42 = Hirsch 15(Philipsen),lot 586 = Bachelor Sale 26iv. 1907,ot 79,PI. iii. 46= Pozzi200. Onthis the owl is not visible.

    (b)Egger 45, lot 176(now Newell), (c) FitzwilliamCatal. 954.Imhoof- lumer (.Monn gr.yp. 5, Nos.21 ff.), n the

    strength of a variety on which the head, turned to theleft and slightly bearded(orat any rate whiskered), saccompanied bythe inscriptionOAPPArOPAZ, sug-geststhat Ares or a hero s represented. The trace ofwhiskers on other specimensis very slight, but justdiscernible and the absenceof ear-ring and necklace


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  • 8/12/2019 Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1928 / [G.F. Hill]


    182 G. F. HILL.

    favours the interpretation of the head as male, andnot as Athena. Groseadheres,however,to the latterinterpretation.

    The magistrateseems tobe the same as the 'A6a oftwo other ssues Head of Demeterwith long hair to1.,crowned with barley (B.M.C.Nos.106-7; MacleanCatai., Pl. 35, 1 rev. symbol tongs) and Head ofDemeter nearly facing, inclined to r., long hair,crowned with barley (B.M.C.No. 117; rev. symbolbucranium).

    Velia.2. Obv. HeadofAthena ., n crested thenian elmet, f

    which hebowl sdecoratedith branch f olive.Rev Lionbringing own tag1. on1.,CYEA HTillL

    M ^20-5 mm. Wt. 7*82grm. 120-7gr.). Presentedanonymously.[Pl. VIII.]From the same dies as the O'Hagan (lot 72)=

    Jameson (No.385)specimen. From the sameobversedie,beforethe flaw on the head had developedso far,wasstruck heStrozzi(lot 1131)= Pozzi(lot244) speci-men,now in Mr. Robinson's collection.

    Messana.3. Obv Messanadrivingbiga of mulesr. in exergue,

    olive-spray.Borderofdots.Rev. OA'ES5 A N IO N Harespringing . below,

    fly . Border f dots. Incusecircle.M ^27 mm. Wt. 17-03grm. 262-8gr.). [Pl. VIII.]

    A better specimen,from the same dies as B.M.C.MessanaNo.44. The Cataloguewrongly presumes ninscriptionbehind the figureof the njTmph.

    The relation of the issue with thefly

    on the reversewith neighbouring ssues is indicatedby the following

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  • 8/12/2019 Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1928 / [G.F. Hill]



    die-combinationsno attempt has been made to com-pile a completelist) :I. Bev.die a (almost xactly imilar othepresent pecimen,but the fly eemsto have no legs).

    Obv. ie A (asthepresent pecimen).

    (a) Headlam 77ex Warren1905 ( Stiavelli175 (y)Delbeke49= Navillexii. 774 (8)Hirschvii.108(e)Sambon20iii. 1905,No. 175 ()Bourgey, 9v. 11,No.45.

    II. Bevdieb (perhapsmadefrom by addingthe legstothefly).Obv. ie A.(a)the present pecimen; B.M.C.44.

    III. Bev.diec(inscr. ifferentlyrranged, hefly eparatingI andO; a flawoins wingoffly obellyofhare).

    Obv. ieA.(a)Brandis1922)230 ()Santamara7 iii. 1928,99.

    IV. Bevdie d (hareto left, boveeagle,below arofbarley,MESSAA/IO/Vn exergue).

    Obv.die A.(a)B.M.C.47; ( Archaeologistnd Traveller 68 =HirschXV.1052= Headlam78.

    V. Bevdie e (inscr.dividedMES SA/VO /V).Obv.die B(Nikecrowningorses olive-spraynexergue

    larger).(a) Luynes1018 ( Pozzi491.

    VI. Bev die/ (inscr. n largeletters, ividedME SSA/VIO A/).Obv.dieB.(a)Weber 1422= LockerLampson74= Navillexii.773. () Navillev. 959. (y)CiccioSambonnd

    Canessa19xii. 1907)214= Sambon ndCanessa22vi. 1906,187.N 2

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    184 G. F. HILL.VII. Rev.dieb.

    Obv.dieZ (two dolphinsn exergue).(a)McClean2393. ( Froehner Ratto26 iv. 1909)1212= Hirsch xix. 203= Hirsch xxix. 98=

    Hirschxxxi. 182= Navillev. 273.

    VII. Revdiec.Obv.dieZ.(a)Strozzi1341 ( G. Picard295.

    IX. Rev die V2very loseto b but inscriptions dividedMES S AN 10 N; large flawextending romhind egsbetweenellyohareandfly).ObvdieZ.(a)B.M.C.No. 43; ()Warren211 (y)Jameson 50

    (8) Ciccio(Sambonand Canessa19 xii. 1907)215= Hirschxxxiii.379 (c)Eggerxlv. 305=Navillevi. 411 ()Kreling124 (77)Maddalena618 (1 Hirsch xxxiii.378; (1)Luynes1019.

    Through die Z the fly issue is linked with otherissues,viz.thosewith the cicada,the ear ofbarley, ndthe single dolphin. On none ofthesedoesthe obversedie seemto be so much used as on the fly ssue,whichmay therefore e placedlatest of those for which thetwo-dolphins-obverse was used. If so,andtherewasa regular sequence(whichisnot, however, ertain), heobv. die A with the olive spray comesafter the obv.die Z with the two dolphins,and B still later.

    Die A seems to have been revived a little later(being slightly rusted) for combination with the re-verse (1 on which the hare isaccompaniedby a flyingeagleand an ear ofbarley. That reverse s alsofoundconnected with a



    ;Weber 1428; Hirsch xiii. 338; Brandis 231).

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  • 8/12/2019 Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1928 / [G.F. Hill]



    Syracuse.4. Obv. HeadofArethusa . crownedwithreeds,wearing

    triple-drop ar-ring nd necklace around, fourdolphins; inscr. PA KOSIHN Borderofdots.

    Rev. Victoriousfour-horsehariot o usual, onpedestaldornedwithprize rmour inscr. AOAAoff he flan.

    iE j 35-5 mm. Wt. 4290 grm. (662 gr.). Presentedanonymously.[Pl. VIII.]

    An unsigneddidrachmof he Euaenetos series. Theobversedie hasbegunto fail a fine rack extends fromthe point of the lower leaf of the wreath,which pro-jects overthe forehead,to the nose of the lowerof the

    two dolphins in front of the face a still finer crackappearsto join the front f the necklaceto the belly-fins of the same dolphin. The dies of both obverseand reverse n aboutthe same state are alsorepresentedby the coinformerly n the Evans collection(Archaeo-logistand TravellerSale, 104).

    5. Obv Headof Zeus Eleutheriosr., bearded,aureatein front, 5SYPAK[0SI1N]; behind,thunder-bolt.

    Rev. Pegasosflying . below,Zi.EL. 12-5mm. Wt. 201 grm. (31 gr.). Presented

    anonymously. Pl. VIII ]Fromthe same dies: O'Hagan231= McClean 2782 ?

    From the sameobv. die : Montagui. 159= Pozzi 634.

    Siculo-Punic.6. Obv.-Femaleheadr., crownedwith reeds, wearing

    triple-drop ar-ring nd necklace in front, wodolphins behind, oppy-headborder f dots.

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  • 8/12/2019 Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1928 / [G.F. Hill]


    186 G. F. HILL.Rev. Horsestanding ., r. foreleg aised,n front f

    palm broad xergualine.M f 25-5mm. Wt. 17-13grm. 264*3r.). Presented

    anonymously.[Pl. VIII.]

    Othersfrom the same pair of dies: (a) Hirsch xiv.

    602= Hirsch xxix. 880; (6) Hirsch xv. 1350.From sameobversedie : Hirsch xix. 652= (?)Navilleiv. 1001(onthe reverse the horse's off hind leg is bent,so that he is walking,not standing).

    A secondobversewith the same symbol s combinedwith a third reverse die, closely similar to that justdescribed(Sotheby19xii. 1907,503).

    Macedn. Alexander I.7. Horsemanridingr. wearspetasosand carriestwospears. Border f dots.

    Bev. Head and forelegof lion i', in linear square,aroundwhichA AE/3EA/ A// O all in incusesquare.

    M -> 15-5mm. Wt. 212 grm. 327gr.). [Pl. VIII.]

    Cp.the coins with more or less blundered

    inscrip-tion published by Svoronos,J. Int., xix, p. 113,No.6.The style of the new specimenis slightly barbarous,but the legend is correct, although the first etter issomewhatbungled (it appears to havea A engravedbesideit).

    Alexander the Great.

    8. Obv. Headof Athenai', wearingcrestedAthenianhelmet, oiled erpent n bowl.

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  • 8/12/2019 Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1928 / [G.F. Hill]


    188 G. F. HILL.

    opposedlions1 heads are only partially visible,and Ican make no plausible suggestionas to what they are.11. Obv. Forepart fgoat ying . onlyoneforeleghowing,onplainexergualine.

    Bev. Oblongbetween wosquarencuses.EL. 23X17mm. Wt. 14-28

    grm. 220-4gr.). Sp.G.

    13-09= [Pl. VIII.]This was acquired from a Constantinopledealer;

    the place of finding was not certainly indicated,andSmyrna,which wasmentioned s the town fromwhichit came,merelymeans that it wasbrought thither forsale. The type appears to be newfor onian electrum.The style s rather flat, but not flatter han that of thecoinswith the recumbent ion. The exergualline is afeature which apparently does not occuronotherelec-trum coins of the period possibly,however, t is partof a squareframewhich, f the flanwerelargeenough,would enclose thedesign,as on the lion coins above-mentioned.

    Cnidus.12. Obv- Head of Artemisr., bow and quiverbehindshoulder.

    Bev Tripod; on r. downwardsKNIAI2N; on1.downwardsTOAYXA[P] IMOZM t 15 mm. Wt. 2-31grm. 35-7gr.). [Pl. VIII.]

    A new magistratefor the period 300-190b.c.13. Obv. Confronted usts of Caracalla r. (laureate, n

    paludamentumnd cuirass)and Plautilla 1. inarcs aboveAYKMAANT1NINOCand below0[0]YBITTAAYTI Borderofdots.

    Bev- The CnidianAphrodite nd Asklepios(as onB.M.C.Cnidus100);on 1. upwards KNI,on r.

    downwards lflN.M j 33-5mm. Wt. 19-14rm. 295-4 r.). [Pl.VIII.]

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  • 8/12/2019 Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1928 / [G.F. Hill]



    Although this hardly adds anything new to ourknowledgeof the Cnidian Aphrodite, t is better pre-served than the British Museum specimen hithertopublished.1 The left hand appears to hold up some-thing and not merely to support the drapery, but thisis probably llusory.

    The gentile name of the Empress is writtenOYBIA,the A (orP, ason the earlier British Museumspecimen2)beingaccidentallyomitted.

    Armenia. Abdissares.14. Obv. Headofkingr., bearded,wearing iara, pen nd

    diademed. Border f dots.Bev. Eaglestanding . On r. downwards AZIA on1. downwards BAIZZA M f 17-5mm. Wt. 3 01grm. 46-5gr.). [Pl. VIII.J

    Procured n Mesopotamia.A denominationbetweenthe "chalkous" and the "dilepta" publishedbyBabe-Ion. Roisde Syrie pp. 211-12,Nos.3-5.

    As to the date of this king, Baumgartner (in P.W.,i. 26)regards him as most probably the father of theXerxes whoin 215b.c.madepeacewith Antiochus IIof

    Syriaat Arsamosata(see the references in Th.

    Eeinach, L'histoirepar les monnaies p. 240). Abdis-sares is not mentioned by the historians and as toXerxes, it is not certain with which Antiochus hemade peace(seethe discussionin Babelon,pp.cxcvf.).

    1Seeespeciallyheenlargementf the arlier .M.specimenandother epresentationsnCnidianoinsn Blinkenberg,enKnidiskefrodite1919),p.33f. TheArolsenpecimenJ.H.S1887,.340)s about swellpreserveds thenew ne, utdoesnot howhefeet f he tatue,ndthepot sblurred.2SeeReglingnZ.f.N. 902, .195, or he pellingurvia.

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    The coinscan hardly be so early as the acceptanceofBaumgartner^ view would necessitate. Babelon's-date ofabout200b. c. seems moreprobable.

    Salamis. Nikodamosand Lacharidas.

    15. Obv. Kamlying1. abovepa-si-lebelow,ni-ho-taRev. Ankh, n ringofwhich a; around tri la .. 7 incuse quare.ta ha ^

    ^ I 12-5mm. Wt. 1-51grm. 23-8gi'). [Pl. VIII.]

    A diobolof the couple Nikodamosand Lacharidas,,similar to the Berlin specimen,B.M.C.,Cyprus PLXXIII. 21. A finespecimenof the tetrobol, rom heMassy collection,was acquired in 1925 (B.M.C.PLXXIII. 19),and two obols in 1923 {Num.Chr., 19.24,p. 13,No. 18).

    Antiochus Hierax (?).16. Obv. Headr. diademed. Border f dots.

    Rev. Apollo,nude (edgeof garment ver r. thigh),seated1. onomphalos,gainstwhichhis bowrestsholds rrow nr. on r. downwardsJAZIAE1Z,on 1.downwardsANTI OXOY; in field1. (^Jr. H-

    f 28-5. Wt.17-11rm. 264-1 r.). Presentednony-mously.

    Gr.F. Hill.

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  • 8/12/2019 Greek coins acquired by the British Museum in 1928 / [G.F. Hill]
