The Greedy Red Ant The story that we have chosen is “The Greedy Red Ant” published by Qaff Publications. This story is suitable for KSSR Year 3 students with an average proficiency of English. From the physical appearance of the book, the students will find that it is easier for them to read because the font is big and clear. Besides that, the illustration in the book also is one of the reasons why we chose this book for Year 3 students. Usually, students are easily attracted by the illustration in the story books. We found that the colorful illustrations provided by the book will attract them to open and read the book. Furthermore, the illustrations in the book will enhance the student’s understanding about the story. It is because the illustrations are related with the sentences below it. Moreover, this story brings a good moral value to the children. They need to know the moral values to have a good relationship with the society among them. This story teaches the children that being greedy does not pay. We must not being greedy with the people around us because sometimes we might need their help. The characters used in this story are animals. As we know, animal stories are always appeal to the children. According to Pauline Dewan, “It is not surprising that animal stories appeal to children. Many wish for a pet because pets allow children to feel clever, protective, and nurturing”. From the language aspect of the story, the year 3 students can easily understand this story because it uses simple sentences of English with minimal use of difficult vocabulary. We have chosen some teaching and learning activities to carry out for this story. One of it is picture puzzle activity. In this activity, the teacher needs to prepare the picture puzzle based on the story. Before the activity gets started, the teacher must have a story telling session first with their students so that the students will have a clear understanding about the story. After that, students are divided into groups. Different groups received different scene

Greedy Red Ant

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The Greedy Red Ant

The story that we have chosen is “The Greedy Red Ant” published by Qaff Publications. This story is suitable for KSSR Year 3 students with an average proficiency of English. From the physical appearance of the book, the students will find that it is easier for them to read because the font is big and clear. Besides that, the illustration in the book also is one of the reasons why we chose this book for Year 3 students. Usually, students are easily attracted by the illustration in the story books. We found that the colorful illustrations provided by the book will attract them to open and read the book. Furthermore, the illustrations in the book will enhance the student’s understanding about the story. It is because the illustrations are related with the sentences below it. Moreover, this story brings a good moral value to the children. They need to know the moral values to have a good relationship with the society among them. This story teaches the children that being greedy does not pay. We must not being greedy with the people around us because sometimes we might need their help. The characters used in this story are animals. As we know, animal stories are always appeal to the children. According to Pauline Dewan, “It is not surprising that animal stories appeal to children. Many wish for a pet because pets allow children to feel clever, protective, and nurturing”. From the language aspect of the story, the year 3 students can easily understand this story because it uses simple sentences of English with minimal use of difficult vocabulary.

We have chosen some teaching and learning activities to carry out for this story. One of it is picture puzzle activity. In this activity, the teacher needs to prepare the picture puzzle based on the story. Before the activity gets started, the teacher must have a story telling session first with their students so that the students will have a clear understanding about the story. After that, students are divided into groups. Different groups received different scene of picture puzzle and they need to work together with their group to complete it. Lastly, after the entire groups have finished their puzzle, they need to discuss in a big group how to arrange the puzzle into sequence of the story.

The reasons we divided them into groups is to let them have a communication between them. It is very important to let them work in a group because everyone will try to voice out their opinion on how to complete the puzzle. Some students are being very passive. They do not know how to work in a group and they feel shy to give their opinion. Through the activity, students will be more confident to talk and share their opinion. They also can develop their social skills because they are communicating between each other during the activity. Besides that, they also develop their physical development because this activity involves small hand movement.

Another teaching learning activity that we want to carry out is drawing and sketching activity. This activity is quite easy to carry out in the classroom because it does not need any other material to be prepared. The objective of the activity is to

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make sure that the students have a clear understanding about the story. First, before the teacher tell the story to the students, he will list out the difficult vocabulary for the students to understand and the student will be asked to write it down into their book. Then, students need to draw the scene of the story, the characters or anything that they can remember from the story. During the activities, the teacher will be around them as a facilitator and help them if they have some difficulties in order to complete the task.

Drawing and sketching activity is a good activity to carry on in the classroom. Through the activity, students have the opportunity to express themselves through drawing. According to Errick Kristian, expressing yourself through drawing can be a great way to let out abstract thoughts and emotions. Besides that, this activity also can develop their emotional and physical development. They develop their emotional aspect through the drawing itself because they use their drawing as a medium to show what did they going through in life. Samuel James Eddy said that children’s drawings are much more than what they may first appear. He also said that through the children’s drawing, we can know their emotion at that time. While for the physical development, it happens because movements of hands are involved a lot in this activity.

As KSSR is emphasis more of the creativity and innovation of the students, we think that the activities that we have suggested above are very suitable in order to develop their creativity and to let them thinking. Moreover, KSSR also emphasizes more on fun and meaningful learning. We believe that this activity will be fun and meaningful to all of the students.