Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER April 2016 Message from the Pastor: The following story is from at least as early as 1994 (it appeared in A 3 rd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul, 1996). It has been circulated on the internet many &mes. My mother brought it up to me as something she had read in the Bible study If You Want to Walk On Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat. Then, I heard it brought up again at the funeral of a friend. Even though it is “well-worn”, it is s&ll a good reflec&on for the Easter season. A woman requested of her pastor that he make sure that at her funeral she should have a fork in her hand. He asked her, “why?” The woman explained. "In all my years of a%ending church socials and potluck dinners, I always re- member that when the dishes of the main course were being cleared, someone would inevitably lean over and say, "keep your fork." It was my favorite part because I knew that something be%er was coming...like velvety chocolate cake or deep-dish apple pie. Something wonderful, and with substance! So, I just want people to see me there in that casket with a fork in my hand and I want them to wonder 'What's with the fork?' Then I want you to tell them: "Keep Your Fork...The best is yet to come" At the funeral, people were walking by the woman's casket and they saw the pre%y dress she was wearing and the fork placed in her right hand. Over and over the pastor heard the ques2on "What's with the fork?" And over and over he smiled. During his message, the pastor told the people of the conversa2on he had with the woman shortly before she died. He also told them about the fork and about what it symbolized to her. The pastor told the people how he could not stop thinking about the fork and told them that they probably would not be able to stop thinking about it either. He was right. Easter is an invita&on to “keep our forks.” What we know today is not forever. Trouble is not triumphant. Even death is not the last word. Paul, the apostle, tells the Chris&ans of Corinth: “…no mere human has seen, heard, or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love the Lord (1 Corinthians 2: 9 in the Living Bible). The best news of all is that what Jesus has accomplished in Easter is not just for “someday, bye and bye”. Jesus told us that he came so that we would have abundant life. I always have understood that to mean life full of hope and possibility, even when trouble is right in front of me. It is life that is worth living, today, tomorrow, and always. Easter tells us there’s something be9er coming: life abundant and eternal - with all the trimmings!. So keep your fork! In Christ’s love, Pastor Ma9 Stengel

Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER · Sunday School Mission Project Pg. 3 Widows & Widowers Pg. 3 Confirma&on Class Schedule Pg. 3 Family Movie Night Pg. 4 Chicken BBQ

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Page 1: Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER · Sunday School Mission Project Pg. 3 Widows & Widowers Pg. 3 Confirma&on Class Schedule Pg. 3 Family Movie Night Pg. 4 Chicken BBQ



Message from the Pastor:

The following story is from at least as early as 1994 (it appeared in A 3rd

Helping of Chicken Soup for

the Soul, 1996). It has been circulated on the internet many &mes. My mother brought it up to me as

something she had read in the Bible study If You Want to Walk On Water, You Have to Get Out of the Boat.

Then, I heard it brought up again at the funeral of a friend. Even though it is “well-worn”, it is s&ll a good

reflec&on for the Easter season.

A woman requested of her pastor that he make sure that at her funeral she should have a fork in her

hand. He asked her, “why?”

The woman explained. "In all my years of a%ending church socials and potluck dinners, I always re-

member that when the dishes of the main course were being cleared, someone would inevitably lean over

and say, "keep your fork." It was my favorite part because I knew that something be%er was coming...like

velvety chocolate cake or deep-dish apple pie. Something wonderful, and with substance! So, I just want

people to see me there in that casket with a fork in my hand and I want them to wonder 'What's with the

fork?' Then I want you to tell them: "Keep Your Fork...The best is yet to come"

At the funeral, people were walking by the woman's casket and they saw the pre%y dress she was

wearing and the fork placed in her right hand. Over and over the pastor heard the ques2on "What's with

the fork?" And over and over he smiled.

During his message, the pastor told the people of the conversa2on he had with the woman shortly

before she died. He also told them about the fork and about what it symbolized to her. The pastor told the

people how he could not stop thinking about the fork and told them that they probably would not be able to

stop thinking about it either. He was right.

Easter is an invita&on to “keep our forks.” What we know today is not forever. Trouble is not

triumphant. Even death is not the last word. Paul, the apostle, tells the Chris&ans of Corinth:

“…no mere human has seen, heard, or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love

the Lord (1 Corinthians 2: 9 in the Living Bible).

The best news of all is that what Jesus has accomplished in Easter is not just for “someday, bye and

bye”. Jesus told us that he came so that we would have abundant life. I always have understood that to

mean life full of hope and possibility, even when trouble is right in front of me. It is life that is worth living,

today, tomorrow, and always.

Easter tells us there’s something be9er coming: life abundant and eternal - with all the trimmings!.

So keep your fork!

In Christ’s love,

Pastor Ma9 Stengel

Page 2: Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER · Sunday School Mission Project Pg. 3 Widows & Widowers Pg. 3 Confirma&on Class Schedule Pg. 3 Family Movie Night Pg. 4 Chicken BBQ

Table of Contents:

Sunday Morning Worship Pg. 3

Lent Worship Schedule Pg. 3

Discipleship Hour Pg. 3

Weekly Scripture Pg. 3

Sunday School Mission Project Pg. 3

Widows & Widowers Pg. 3

Confirma&on Class Schedule Pg. 3

Family Movie Night Pg. 4

Chicken BBQ Dinner Pg. 4

Small Group Studies Pg. 5

Page Turners Pg. 5

Spring Cleanup Day Pg. 6

Call for Auc&on Items Pg. 6

Book Sale Collec&on Pg. 6

Finance Report Pg. 6

Outreach Pg. 7

Summerfest Announcement Pg. 7

Crop Walk Pg. 8

Mission Sunday Pictures Pg. 8

UMW Pg. 9

Heart to Heart Pg. 9

Lay Leader Thoughts Pg. 10

SPRC/Pastor Covenant Pg. 11

Church Directory Pg. 12

Congrega&onal Updates Pg. 13

Fundraiser Updates Pg. 13

Birthdays/Anniversaries Pg. 13

Sunday Worship Servants Pg. 14

Calendar Pg.15-16

A PRAYER CHAIN REMINDER: We have an ac2ve prayer

chain, both through e-mails and phone. You’re invited

to be part of that; just call Bill and Gail Mason at

453-9038. Also, if you have a prayer concern of any kind that

you want to share, contact Bill and Gail at the number above or

by e-mail at [email protected]. We only send out

prayer concerns when we receive direct requests.

Altar Flowers: If you would like a formal arrangement

placed in honor/memory of a loved one, contact

Be%y LaMonica. Arrangements are $25.

Anniversary Ministry: Please contact me of your

special day at [email protected]

Thank you, Dick Hamblin

Birthday Ministry: We would love to recognize your

special day. Please e-mail the office to let us know if

your birthday is not on our calendar.

[email protected]

Deadline for all newsle%er ar2cles is the 15th of each

month by 12:00pm. Please e-mail to Deb Babbage at

[email protected]. Thank you.

Salem Nutritional Center Tuesday, April 19th


Please join us for a morning of serving. Meet/leave Church at 9:00. At 9:30, lunch prep begins. Serve 100—150 people at noon. Return to the church at 2:00pm.

Donations Needed: 40 cans of Tuna 5 Jars of Mayo 5 Pies Plastic Shopping Bags Empty Coffee Cans See Deacon Dee for details.

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Worship Schedule for April 2016: What follows are the Lectionary Readings for each Sunday. Each week, the theme of the services will usually emerge from one of the prescribed readings (often the Gospel). We invite you to read through the lessons prior to Sunday morning. It can be a healthy discipline and enhance the experience of worship. 4/3: Acts 5:27-32 Psalm 150 Revelation 1:4-8 John 20:19-31 4/10: Acts 9:1-6 Psalm 30 Revelation 5:11-14 John 21:1-19 4/17: Acts9:36-43 Psalm 23 Revelation 7:9-17 John 10:22-30 4/24: Acts 11:1-18 Psalm 148 Revelation 21:1-6 John 13:31-35

Widows and Widowers Group: Will meet on Sunday, April 17 at 2:00pm in Fellowship Hall

Sundays, 10:00—11:00am

Children (Room 9): Ministry of Jesus and Us

Youth (Room 10): Nooma Videos

Adult (Kerrison Room): Half Truths: God Helps Those Who Help

Themselves and Others Things the Bible Doesn’t Say by Adam


Fellowship Hall:

4/3:John: The Gospel of Light and Light—Chapter 7

9:00am—Traditional 10:00am—Discipleship Hour 11:00am—Praise & Worship

Please Come and Worship With Us!


Confirmation Classes:

4/3: 12:00—1:10pm 4/: 17: 12:00—1:10pm

Sunday School Mission Projects

The Sunday School is currently collec&ng

clean, empty pill bo9les. They will be sent to

Hai& and other countries where they do not

have such things. When Drs. Volunteer over

there pharmacies oLen send them with

medica&ons in bulk. They are dispensed to

pa&ents wrapped in napkins, etc. Of course

oLen the medicine gets lost or dirty. (What

we take for granted!)

Bo9les should be washed out—leLover

medicines disposed of—and the labels

removed if possible. (Soaking helps.)

They can be leL in the Kings Commons

display area, along with the used stamps

which we are s&ll collec&ng. We just sent

another 2 lb. candy box full of stamps.

Thank you,

Jean Lee

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Family Movie Night

Saturday, April 16th at 6:30pm

Fellowship hall

Wonderful movie for all ages!

Bring your family, friends, & neighbors!

Popcorn, Candy, Drinks will be available!

1st BBQ Chicken Drive Through of the Year!!!

Thursday, April 14th

4:30—6:30pm (or until sold-out)

Chicken, Beans, Coleslaw, Potatoes,

Roll, and Brownie for $10.00

All proceeds to benefit the ministries at GUMC

Invite your friends, family, and neighbors!

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Page Turners Monthly Book Club: April Selection:

The Goldfinch By Donna Tar9

Theo Decker, a 13-year-old New Yorker, mi-raculously survives an accident that kills his mother. Abandoned by his father, Theo is taken in by the family of a wealthy friend. Bewildered by his strange new home on Park Avenue, dis-turbed by schoolmates who don't know how to talk to him, and tormented above all by his longing for his mother, he clings to the one thing that reminds him of her: a small, mysteri-ously cap&va&ng pain&ng that ul&mately draws Theo into the underworld of art.

Everyone is welcomed to join us Thursday, April 28th at 10:00am in the Kerrison Rm. discussion. May Selection: The Story of Beautiful Girl by Rachel Simon

Bagel and Book Study:

New Study!!!!

The Great Emergence: How Chris2anity

is Changing and Why

by Phyllis Tickle

Every five hundred years, the church cleans out its

aPc and has a giant rummage sale. Well, not

exactly. But according to Phyllis Tickle, this is an

accurate summary of the church's massive transi&ons over &me.

According to the pa9ern, we are living in such a &me of change

right now. Tickle calls it "the Great Emergence"--a &me of

dizzying upheaval and hopeful promise during which various sec-

tors of today's church swirl into a great confluence at the center.

Group meets Wednesday

@ 9:30-11:00am

Soho’s Bagel Café, Stone Ridge Plaza

Contact Deacon Dee for books.

Tuesday Book Group:

All The Places To Go:

How Will You Know

by John Ortberg.

God has placed before you an

open door. What will you


All are welcome to this group

which meets on Tuesday mornings at

10:00am in Room 9.

If you have ques&ons, contact:

Linda Hoffman, facilitator

[email protected]

Dinner and Devotion

with Dee and Deb

Let’s come together to break bread and

reflect on God’s presence in our lives.

Dee and Deb will provide a soup and

salad dinner, along with some treats.

April Meetings: 13th and 27th,


Page 6: Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER · Sunday School Mission Project Pg. 3 Widows & Widowers Pg. 3 Confirma&on Class Schedule Pg. 3 Family Movie Night Pg. 4 Chicken BBQ

Finance Monthly Report:

Budgeted Income as of Week #11 - 03/13/16

Budget Total Pledges Non-Pledges

Needed YTD Received Needed YTD Received Needed YTD Received

$65,059.72 $74,927.55 $41,085.22 $47,531.50 $9,625.00 $10,354.50

Current Income (Usable) vs Expenses as of the end of February 02/28/16

Usable Spent Yet to Spend +/-

$59,586.59 $52,602.03 $0.00 +$6,984.56

Missions Pledge Campaign

The Missions Pledge for 2016/2017 runs from February 1, 2016 thru January 31, 2017.

On Missions Sunday, March 13th

, we received 45 Pledge cards totaling $14,136.

This is very close to the total amount that had been pledged in 2015 ($14,174).

Of these pledges, 33 had pledged in 2015, and 12 new members pledged for 2016.

Thank you for your con&nued support for the Missions team and all they do throughout the year!

If you have not yet returned your pledge card, please place it in the offering basket.

Best regards,

Bill Kostyshak, Financial Secretary

Wanted: Items for AucEon to

benefit the Church Budget

We are contempla&ng holding an

auc&on this Fall but first we need to find out if we

have enough QUALITY items. If you have some great

collec&bles, memorabilia, household items, or

furniture that you’d like to donate, we want to hear

about it! We’re not talking garage sale here—really

nice items. Please call Karen Klingenberger at

225-4522 or Lisa Kostyshak at 349-8121.

Our Annual Church

Spring Cleanup Day

Is Here!!

Saturday, April 2nd


Join us as we spruce up our church and


Rain Date: April 9th

Annual Book Sale is Coming!!

We Need Your Books!!

Do you have books laying around that you read this cold and snowy winter that you’re looking to get rid of? Look no further.

We’re looking for new or gently used books, CDs, DVDs, Blue Rays, and puzzles to sell at our annual book sale*.

We are hoping to collect enough to have another three day sale. Tell your friends. We need lots of books! Proceeds to benefit the church ministries.

*(Please no VHS tapes, cassette tapes, magazines, encyclopedias, or textbooks.)

Your donations can be left in the coat room in Kings Common. Thank you for your support!

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Message from Outreach:

Thanks for stuffing our Mi$$iOns pledge card boxes to the max! No amount is ever too small: no one can do everything, but everyone can do something--and the generous amounts pledged will help fund seventeen projects, community and world-wide. In addition, many thanks to

Emily Kester, Jonathan Standhart, and Ellegra Nier for sharing experiences from their peace mission to China, and to Deacon Dee and company for providing a delicious lunch.

Jumping ahead to May: THINK SPRING and lace up those sneakers! On Sunday, May 3,

our church has been invited to par&cipate in the annual CROP WALK, with registra&on

beginning at 1:30 p.m. at Aldersgate UMC and the walk commencing at 2:00 p.m. Seven other

churches in the Greece Community will be par&cipa&ng. This event is an opportunity for all of us to be-

come involved, either by walking and solici&ng dona&ons, or simply by dona&ng, either online or follow-

ing church services on April 12, 19, or 26. Two op&ons for walking include the 5-mile walk and the Gold-

en Mile walk; there is also a rest area available at Aldersgate for those wan&ng to walk a shorter dis-

tance. Wheelchairs and walkers are all welcome. Specific informa&on will be forthcoming in the weeks

ahead as to the route and instruc&ons for dona&ons. So, dust off those Reeboks, Nikes, or Asics and join

the fun with fellow walkers--or just “step up” to a walker & pledge your monetary support.

Our church has a rich history of mission involvement in helping to alleviate hunger, both in our

community through the Greece Food Shelf (which shares in 25% of the dona&ons collected), through

Salem Nutri&onal Center, and worldwide through Church World Service, the sponsor for this event. Let's

keep up the tradi&on! (Contact: Bill or Barb Brado)

Finally, May is also an Undie Sunday month. Six local elementary schools greatly appreciate

our dona&ons of new undies and socks to help in “emergency” situa&ons. You may leave

contribu&ons in the big green basket in the commons area.

Our many projects and assistance with a variety of community agencies is bolstered by you,

our wonderful congrega&on, through your kindness, generosity, and caring. Because of you,

others’ lives are made easier, be9er, more meaningful. A huge THANK YOU for your

unswerving willingness to make a difference!

SUMMERFEST 2016 Saturday, June 11th

9:00 a.m.-3:00p.m.

Once again we are looking for people to rent a spot in our parking lot

or indoors (limited space) for our annual Summerfest. We are looking

for anyone who has crafts or household goods or plants or garage

sale items etc. to sign up for this fun filled event! $15 for an outside

spot or $30 for indoors will get you plenty of space to display your

items. Come join in the fun!

There will be a sign up sheet in the commons area or you can call me. Thanks!

&haron Neary

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The annual Crop Walk will take place on May 1, 2016. It will start at Aldersgate

Methodist Church on Dewey Ave at 1:30 P.M. The Walk is 6 miles (map Provided) for

the hail and hearty. There is also a Golden Mile for those that feel 6 miles is to

far. There will be a route for Wheel chairs etc. Children are welcome to walk with you,

however bicycles, tricycles, skates and skateboards are not permi9ed because of the

large number of walkers. 25% of the money collected will go to the Greece Food-shelf

and the rest to Church World Service. This effort benefits people around the world as

well as here at home. Sheets will be available soon in King Commons. Contact Bill or Barb Brado for


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GREECE UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Executive Committee Meeting: Monday, April 25th, at 6:30 p.m., Room 9.

Linda Hoffman, President. Circle Meetings: Mi riam: Monday, April 11th, at 6:30 p.m., at The Villages.

Hymn Sing at 7:00 p.m. following the meeting. *General Meeting/Ruth: Tuesday, April 12th, at 12:30 p.m. Room 9. Pastor Matt will speak on the “History Of Our Church”.

*Please note that the General Meeting and the Ruth Circle Meeting are combined.

District Spring Event: Saturday, April 23rd, at Greece UMC. Registration: 9:00 a.m. Worship: 9:30 a.m. Lunch: 12:00 p.m. Program: “On the Right Track”. Guest Moderator: Rev. Sandra (Stoica) Hussey. Cost is $10:00 per person. Please send reservation form and check to: Linda Hoffman, 722 Flower City Park, Rochester, NY 14615, by April 18 th, 2016. Any questions may be directed to Linda Hoffman or Gale Huber.

Used Clothing Sale: Saturday, April 30th, from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Drop-off times: Thursday, April 28th, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. & Friday, April 29th, from 9:00-6:00 p.m.

Our Used Clothing Sale is very successful and many, from church and the community, come every year to see what bargains can be put into a Wegman’s bag; the cost of the bag is $5.00. All clean, good used clothing will be accepted, along with shoes, purses, belts, linens and bedding. If you have questions, please ask Linda Hoffman (458-2248).

Church Women United: Friday, April 1st, at Trinity Emmanuel Presbyterian Church,

9 Shelter, St., Rochester, NY 14611. Gather: 9:30 a.m. Program: 10:00 a.m. Bible Study – Psalm 23. Study Leader: Rev. Susan Maybeck Cost is $3.00. Bring a brown bag lunch and your Bible. Refreshments will be provided. Also, on that day,

attendees are invited to share in a collection of non-perishable food items to benefit The Community Food Cupboard of Rochester.

Did You Know: that there is a huge response from the community to our Used Clothing Sale? There is always a line of people waiting for the door to open on the day of the event and many others coming in to shop during the day. Anything that is not sold is given to St. Pauley Textiles and the Greece Clothing Closet.

Heart to Heart Update

If you are a member or know of a member who needs rides

for appointments....doctor's, den&st's, hair salons, barber

shops, etc.......please let us know, OR if you are willing to provide transporta&on

to our home-bound members. ( IF you are willing to provide transporta&on,

please keep in mind that our Safe Sanctuary policy requires a brief license

background check.)

Needs abound; however, we are unable to help if we are unaware of the needs or

your willingness to help. Please contact the church office or Gale Huber if the

above applies to you. Thank you.

Page 10: Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER · Sunday School Mission Project Pg. 3 Widows & Widowers Pg. 3 Confirma&on Class Schedule Pg. 3 Family Movie Night Pg. 4 Chicken BBQ

Thoughts from Co-Lay Leader Lisa Kostyshak

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly… Or choose Grace?

If someone goes to church, and acts “good”, and then is in a different place acting “bad”, do

you think it is hypocritical behavior? Do you consider that person insincere? Phony? False?

I’ve seen it myself -- people act one way at church and another way out of church.

I’ve heard people criticizing “those hypocritical people”.

So, ask yourself – which one are you? The one who doesn’t act consistently? The one who

thinks or says “I just can’t believe that person goes to church and behaves like that...”?

Or… maybe both…? Or neither?

Are you a person who doesn’t necessarily behave the same in church and out of church?

If you think you are, then remember this… If you are going to church, then you must be

wanting and trying to be a better person. Keep in mind that Jesus didn’t say, if you come to

church, you better not misbehave ever again. Jesus didn’t say, once you give your life over,

bad behavior will be wiped away. And, there is no timeline on anyone’s faith journey. There is

no one “right path” for any one person’s faith journey. Each person travels their own path at

their own rate. One person may seem to journey quickly, while it takes another lifetime, or

never seems to progress. So, keep working... You’re doing the right thing by showing up.

Are you a person who looks at others and wonder how they could go to church and then

behave “that way” when they’re not in church? Why? What if… the reason that person is going

to church is to learn how to be a Christian? What if… what you judge as “bad” behavior is the

only behavior they’ve ever known? Maybe they never had a positive role model while they were

growing up. Is church a place where people go only when they have “figured it all out” or is it a

place where people go to get help to figure it out? Shouldn’t they be welcomed just simply for

showing up? And, if you are so worried about other people, how much time does that leave to

work on you – the only person whose behavior you can actually control.

All people are a work in progress. Even you!

Perhaps you are the person who lives consistently no matter where you are – in church, at

home, at school, at work, just hanging out with friends. Perhaps you don’t criticize others.

Maybe it’s because you’ve been there, and you understand.

Take a couple minutes to evaluate your own behavior. Do you see yourself in any of these

descriptions? Perhaps there are changes you could make yourself. You can’t change other

people, but you can change yourself. By changing yourself, sometimes you affect other people

– they see how you have changed, and it causes them to evaluate themselves.


Don’t criticize others. You don’t know what’s behind a person’s behavior or story.

Be a Jesus-like example to others in how you behave. Demonstrate what it means to live as

Jesus asks us to live.

Be gracious to others.

So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12, NLT

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Pastor / SPRC Covenant -- 3: CongregaEon and Pastor Growing Spiritually

The Staff Parish Rela&ons Commi9ee (SPRC) is charged to build rela&onships among members of the congrega&on

and the staff that are effec&ve for accomplishing the mission and purpose of the church.

The Upper New York Conference requires that a covenant be completed by each church and submi9ed to the

District Superintendent. The Covenant iden&fies two main goals for disciple-making ministries in the coming year

and addresses eight ques&ons about mee&ng the goals. The complete four-page covenant has been developed by

the SPRC and Pastor Ma9 is available on request. This is the LAST of three segments that we are sharing with the

congrega&on in the Enlightener:

In what ways will the pastor and congrega&on endeavor to grow spiritually together?

See Pastor’s retreat, mission work, and peer learning program above. [last month] I plan to pay par&cular

a9en&on to family rela&onships through the year, as my wife and I are in different communi&es, but once again in

the same household, as Cathy has taken on the new posi&on of pastor of Rush UMC. Spending &me in prayer, and

daily devo&onals. (I consult several, including Upper Room Daily Devo&onals online, The Upper Room Disciplines,

and Common Prayer, A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals.)

Small groups are a venerable and effec&ve way for individuals to grow in faith and community. We will endeavor

to provide a greater range of &mes and topics. We will make use of personal contacts and publicity to foster

par&cipa&on by the broadest possible frac&on of the congrega&on.

The changes that the Pastor has made to Sunday services, par&cularly in his sermon delivery, have made the spir-

itual message more accessible to the audience. We will con&nue to review and refine this area.

How will the SPRC support the pastor in these endeavors?

The members of the SPRC will play an ac&ve role in advancing to church’s goals as outlined above.

Support all staff and volunteer ministry efforts with our voices and par&cipa&on.

Periodically reconcile programs and services with our mission and assure that our resources (staff and volunteer

talent and financial) are realis&cally consistent.

Look to assure that other commi9ees and leaders are appropriately involved in discussions and decisions.

Seek to con&nuously connect our ac&ons with the mission statement. Encourage other groups to do the same.

Support the Pastor, Deacon and other staff members in achieving their goals.

Organize or support church-wide ac&vi&es as necessary to the SPRC role and as requested by other groups.

In what ways will the SPRC hold the pastor accountable?

Regular mee&ngs with the chair of SPRC and the commi9ee. Annual evalua&ons by SPRC and congrega&on.

Submi9ed by Tom Hinterman, Chair

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We need YOU to make our Church

Family Album complete and to help us

Feed the Need

Portrait sessions will take place at church over the next few weeks. Keep watching for more information when portrait sessions will be.

And YOU can help us Feed the Need…..

There is no sitting fee and each family will receive a FREE color 8x10 Portrait and a complimentary Church Directory for participating at no cost to our church. We ask that you allow up to an hour during which time you will check in, be photographed and select your portraits.

Lifetouch will be donating the value of 4 meals (based on value from selected food banks in the U.S.) for EACH family photographed for our church to forward to our local food bank!

In addition, at the time of photography we will be collecting Ca nned Items and Dry Goods for the local food pantry. As a thank-you for your donation of any amount of items you will receive a $5 off your Lifetouch portrait o rder (one per family) from Lifetouch.

There will be three easy ways to sign-up! More inf ormation to follow.

We are looking forward to seeing you in our directory! Watch for the Portrait Sitting Guide with tips on how to prepare for your session. Make this a fun time – be creative! Bring your pet to include in the portrait; if you’re musically inclined, bring your instrument: if you have a

hobby, why not bring your favorite prop!

If you have photographs of activities at church you would like to have considered for the directory, have an official military photo of any active duty military members or any additional questions, there will be a contact person in the coming weeks. Be thinking!!


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CongregaEon Updates


Alice Guido 12/08/14

Rosemary Caswell 02/28/16

New Address:

Lois Wagner

Helen Shadders

Tom Guido



April Birthdays


April Anniversaries


Fundraiser Updates

Thank you to all who have helped in some way to make our fundraising successful. These

fundraisers help support our church and the many ministries we have to offer our community.


Thur, March 17 St. Patrick’s Day Dinner 4:30pm -6:30pm

Thur. April 14 Chicken BBQ 4:30pm—6:30pm

Sat. April 30 Clothing Sale 8:00am-2:00pm (UMW)

Thur, May 19 Chicken BBQ 4:30pm—6:30pm

June 9-11 Book/Bake Sale 10am—6:00pm (Sat. 9am—2pm)

Sat., June 11 Summerfest 9:00am—2:00pm

Profits from 2016 Fundraisers:

January SpagheP Dinner $161.50 (Benefits the youth Spring Gathering)

February Souper Bowl Sub Sale $467.55 (Benefits the youth Spring Gathering)

March Chicken & Biscuit Dinner $240.41

Our 175th Anniversary

Plans are underway for the


We are looking for pictures,

Newspaper arEcles or other

Memorabilia for our church

history project.

Contact Bill Brado with


Page 14: Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER · Sunday School Mission Project Pg. 3 Widows & Widowers Pg. 3 Confirma&on Class Schedule Pg. 3 Family Movie Night Pg. 4 Chicken BBQ

The Worship CommiKee is looking for

people who want to aid their fellow

worshipers each Sunday. See below how

you may help enrich our worship Eme:

Altar Guild: Members serve for a month to

care for the chancel; filling the candles,

hanging the paraments as required, and

preparing for bap&sms. This work can be done

any &me during the week, with the candles

being checked between services. If you are

interested, contact Phyl Ann Helmes.

Communion Stewards: This is a once a month

obliga&on (and most likely only a few &mes a

year). If interested, contact Mary VandeLogt.

Greeters: We are looking for people who

would like to greet people 15 minutes before

9:00 and 11:00 Worship. Anyone can be a

greeter, individuals, family groups, youth. If

interested, contact Deacon Dee.

Ushers: Interested in serving your

congrega&on in a small but significant way?

Why not become part of one of the ushering

teams? Groups of four members serve for a

month once or twice during the year. Contact

Tom Hinterman in person, or

[email protected]

Nursery: Sally Lepi, Nursery Coordinator is

looking for people to help serve a week in the

nursery during worship. Could you sign up?

We need to be able to give people with young

children the op&on during both 9 and 11am

for childcare.

ProjecEonists: Lisa Kostyshak , coordinator, is

looking for projec&onists for both the 9 and 11

am services. Please contact her if interested.

Nursery: 4/3: Sally Lepi, Karen Ingle 4/10: Michelle & MacKenna Patterson 4/17: Kim Whittemore, Kali Iachetta 4/24: Melissa Dunn, Cameron Theile

Projectionists: 9:00am 11:00am 4/3: Ellen White Jonathan Standhart 4/10: Norma Rapini Earle Ridley 4/17: Kara Down Jonathan Standhart 4/24: Neva Benson Sarah Babbage

Ushers: 9:00am 11:00am Tom Hinterman Keith Kroon Barr Ingle Gordon Milligan Janice Smith

Liturgists: 9:00 service 4/3: No Liturgist 4/10: Debbie Babbage 4/17: Neva Benson 4/24: Cathy Magans

Greeters: 9:00 11:00

Counters: 4/3: Keith Kroon, Melissa Dunn, Norma Rapini 4/10: Cindy Lane, Keineth Stone, Sally Lepi 4/17: Cindy Lane, Keineth Stone, Sally Lepi 4/24: Mary Vandelogt, Kim Whittemore, Barbara Mertz

Not available at the newsleKer deadline.

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April 2016—As of 3/15th Please see Website for updates

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


AA 12:00 PM

Creative Hands 1:15 PM

AA 7:30 PM


Konarski Party 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM


Traditional Worship Service 9:00 AM

Discipleship Hour & Education for all ages 10:00 AM

Praise & Worship Service 11:00 AM

Confirmation class 12 - 1:10 PM


AA 12:00 PM

Silver Squares Square Dancers 12:30 PM


Tuesday Book Study 10:00 AM

Education Team 7:00 PM

Praise Band practice 7:00 PM


Bagels and Book Study 9:30 AM

AA 12:00 PM

Bell Choir 6:15 PM

Choir 7:00 PM


Atria Sr Bible Study 10:30 AM

Women's AA 11:00 AM

Boy Scout Troop #195 7:00 PM


Cub Scouts

AA 12:00 PM

Creative Hands 1:15 PM

AA 7:30 PM


Chrysalis 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM

Emmaus Gathering 8:30 AM


Traditional Worship Service 9:00 AM

Trustee Commit-tee meeting 10:00 AM

Discipleship Hour & Education for all ages 10:00 AM

Praise & Worship Service 11:00 AM


AA 12:00 PM

Silver Squares Square Dancers 12:30 PM

Miriam Circle 6:30 PM


Tuesday Book Study 10:00 AM

Ruth Circle 12:30 PM

UMW General Meeting 12:30 PM

SPRC 7:00 PM

Praise Band practice 7:00 PM


Bagels and Book Study 9:30 AM

AA 12:00 PM

Chicken BBQ food prep 1:00 PM

Dinner and Devo-tions 5:30 PM

Bell Choir 6:15 PM

Choir 7:00 PM


Atria Sr Bible Study 10:30 AM

Women's AA 11:00 AM

Chicken BBQ Drive Thru 4:30 - 6:30 PM

Confirmation Ban-quet and Rehearsal 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM

Boy Scout Troop #195 7:00 PM


Newsletter Deadline Today

AA 12:00 PM

Creative Hands 1:15 PM

AA 7:30 PM


Chrysalis 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Church Family Movie Night 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Page 16: Greece United Methodist Church THE ENLIGHTENER · Sunday School Mission Project Pg. 3 Widows & Widowers Pg. 3 Confirma&on Class Schedule Pg. 3 Family Movie Night Pg. 4 Chicken BBQ

April 2016— As Of 3/15th

Please See Website for Updates

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Traditional Worship Service 9:00 AM

Discipleship Hour & Education for all ages 10:00 AM

Praise & Worship Service 11:00 AM

Confirmation class 12:00 PM to 1:10 PM

Widow/Widower Group 2:00 PM


AA 12:00 PM

Silver Squares Square Dancers 12:30 PM


Presidential Primary

Salem Nutrition Center 9:00 AM

Tuesday Book Study 10:00 AM

Newsletter Crew 12:30 PM

Finance Commit-tee 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Praise Band practice 7:00 PM


Bagels and Book Study 9:30 AM

AA 12:00 PM

Bell Choir 6:15 PM

Choir 7:00 PM


Atria Sr Bible Study 10:30 AM

Women's AA 11:00 AM

Boy Scout Troop #195 7:00 PM


Youth Gathering in Syracuse

AA 12:00 PM

Creative Hands 1:15 PM

AA 7:30 PM


Youth Gathering in Syracuse

GVD Spring Event 9:00 AM

LaClair Party 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM


Youth Gathering in Syracuse

Traditional Worship Service 9:00 AM

Discipleship Hour & Education for all ages 10:00 AM

Praise & Worship Service 11:00 AM


MS Society Support Group 10:30 AM

AA 12:00 PM

Silver Squares Square Dancers 12:30 PM

UMW Executive Committee 6:30 PM


Tuesday Book Study 10:00 AM

Praise Band practice 7:00 PM


Bagels and Book Study 9:30 AM

AA 12:00 PM

Dinner and Devo-tions 5:30 PM

Bell Choir 6:15 PM

Choir 7:00 PM


Page Turners 10:00A.M.

Atria Sr Bible Study 10:30 AM

Women's AA 11:00 AM

Clothing Sale Drop-Off 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM

Boy Scout Troop #195 7:00 PM


Clothing Sale drop off and sorting 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

AA 12:00 PM

Creative Hands 1:15 PM

AA 7:30 PM


UMW Clothing Sale 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM