Greece: Tsipras Defence Minister signs military pact with Israel rubèn ramos Content: Introduction An Agreement for the ethnic cleansing Who is Panos Kammenos-ANEL? Iran and Islam in its sights. The Zionist strategy What missile? The sad role of Syriza Introduction Tsipras government, which some confuse "left", has signed an agreement on "status of forces" with Israel, on 19 July. The Agreement "provides legal defense to the armies of the two states as well as training for both armies in each of the two countries" (The Jerusalem Post). For signing the Agreement, the Greek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos visited his Israeli counterpart Moshe Yaalon in the Ministry of Defense of the Zionist state. Israel has only signed a similar agreement with the US in what this country considers "special relationship". During their meeting, Yaalon Kammenos and they emphasized the continuing bilateral defense ties between the two countries and discussed the situation in Iran in the region. "We appreciate your visit here during a difficult period for Greece," Yaalon said. "This highlights the importance of our relations. We want the Greek people and Greece itself succeed in their efforts to overcome the economic challenge. We pray that So be it and because we believe that Greece is a country with an important contribution to the history of humanity ".

Greece: Tsipras Defence Minister signs military pact with IsraelGreece

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The meaning of the Greek-Israeli agreement leaves no room for doubt. Greece's "leftist" Tsipras, is aligned with Zionism against the return of Palestinians to the territory that belongs to them and them has been usurped with the complicity of the UN, since 1948; against life and peace in the Middle East, North Africa, the Balkans. Assumed the imperial and Zionist strategy Takfirist sharing Israel, the US, EU and Saudi Arabia, for the reorganization of the Middle East, Iran's disappearance, the encirclement of Russia and China insulation. In this regard, the Agreement will serve to train mercenaries urges the so-called "Islamic State" to realize the Zionist-Takfirist strategy. (The Takfirism is the radical current of Sunni Islam that advocates and defends Saudi Arabia and the Arab monarchies stick).

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Greece: Tsipras Defence Minister signs military pact with Israel

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An Agreement for the ethnic cleansing

Who is Panos Kammenos-ANEL?

Iran and Islam in its sights. The Zionist strategy

What missile?

The sad role of Syriza


Tsipras government, which some confuse "left", has signed an agreement on "status of forces" with Israel, on 19 July. The Agreement "provides legal defense to the armies of the two states as well as training for both armies in each of the two countries" (The Jerusalem Post).

For signing the Agreement, the Greek Defence Minister Panos Kammenos visited his Israeli counterpart Moshe Yaalon in the Ministry of Defense of the Zionist state. Israel has only signed a similar agreement with the US in what this country considers "special relationship".

During their meeting, Yaalon Kammenos and they emphasized the continuing bilateral defense ties between the two countries and discussed the situation in Iran in the region.

"We appreciate your visit here during a difficult period for Greece," Yaalon said. "This highlights the importance of our relations. We want the Greek people and Greece itself succeed in their efforts to overcome the economic challenge. We pray that So be it and because we believe that Greece is a country with an important contribution to the history of humanity ".

He added that both countries have common interests, and that both are dealing with the impact of the agreement between world powers and Iran over its nuclear program.

An Agreement for the ethnic cleansing

By the Agreement signed, Greece is committed to helping the Israeli army. At the same army which, since the end of World War I, in 1918, guaranteed by genocide and terror, illegal occupation of Palestine, the usurpation of land belonging to Palestinians, and ensures the "ethnic cleansing".

The Israeli Zionist army permanently destroys civilian infrastructure of the Gaza Strip (360 km2) they have been held where a million and a half Palestinians after the Zionist massacres and expulsion from its territory of almost two million.

The destruction, the inhumane conditions of survival of the people joined in the Gaza Strip, following the objective to exterminate future Palestinian generations.

Who is Panos Kammenos?

In this context, it is important to know who is the defense minister of the government of Tsipras, since he took over as prime minister. It is an untouchable minister who has not affected you the purges tsiprianas recent weeks.

Panos Kammenos, the defense minister, is the founder and sole leader of ultranationalist right "Independent Greeks" (ANEL). A dissident faction of the rightist party "New Democracy", for which he was elected deputy several times since 1965, and which also came out Tsipras itself.

The defense minister is the highest civil authority of the Greek armed forces. These are part of NATO and participate in UN operations in Afghanistan; the European Union Military Staff in Bosnia Herzegovina; and KFOR-NATO (NATO Kosovo Force) in Kosovo.

This explains why Kammenos has defended the agreement with Israel on the grounds that it is a pact to "fight against terrorism, because terrorism is not only in the Middle East but also in the Balkans and Europe."

The Greek defense ministry Greek government has the largest budget. His army is the largest of the European Union and the biggest financial scandals of corruption in arms contracts.

"Independent Greeks" (ANEL), despite being a tiny organization is closely linked to the mafia of the Greek armed forces, through their leader Panos Kammenos.

As ultranationalist, seeks to restrict the allowed legal immigration in Greece and increase deportations of illegal immigrants. It is ideologically identified with Zionism and find the "purity of race" among members of the army and police. In this he agrees with that other neo-Nazi faction, member of the coalition Syriza Tsipras called "Golden Dawn".

Kammenos, is also contrary to the separation of church and state and his faction belongs to the "Eurosceptics" supporting the abandonment of the European Union.

This is a brief profile of the minister who Tsipras has not moved from office since his election and now endorses the signing of the agreement with the Israeli Zionism.

Iran and Islam in its sights. The Zionist strategy TakfiristDuring the signing of the Greek-Israeli agreement, the Israeli Zionist Minister Moshe Yaalon, referred to the recent agreements of the Group 5 + 1 with Iran, saying: "We perceive Iran as a generator and fundamental to regional insecurity catalyst through its support for terrorists in the Middle East, particularly the Shiite terrorism, but not only Shiite. Iran's ambition for regional hegemony carries the Tehran regime to want to undermine the stability of other regimes, which creates a challenge for all of us ".

Meanwhile, Kammenos, Greek defense minister, said: "Greece is within the range of Iranian missiles, and if an Iranian missile makes its way to the Mediterranean, this could be the end of the States in this region."

With these statements, the meaning of the Greek-Israeli agreement leaves no room for doubt. Greece's "leftist" Tsipras, is aligned with Zionism against the return of Palestinians to the territory that belongs to them and them has been usurped with the complicity of the UN, since 1948; against life and peace in the Middle East, North Africa, the Balkans. Assumed the imperial and Zionist strategy Takfirist sharing Israel, the US, EU and Saudi Arabia, for the reorganization of the Middle East, Iran's disappearance, the encirclement of Russia and China insulation. In this regard, the Agreement will serve to train mercenaries urges the so-called "Islamic State" to realize the Zionist-Takfirist strategy. (The Takfirism is the radical current of Sunni Islam that advocates and defends Saudi Arabia and the Arab monarchies stick).

What missile?

The Israeli Zionist minister referred to Agreement G + 1 and Iran as "a challenge to the regimes in the region." The Greek defense minister assumed the existence of Iranian missiles and even drew his imaginary destructive path.

We should remind both Israel is, after the US, the state with the largest number of nuclear warheads in the world (more than 200). This is known since October 1986, the London newspaper "The Sunday Times" published an interview with Mardeji Vanunu, an Israeli former nuclear technician Nuclear Research Center in Dimona Israel, in the Negev desert, 120 kilometers southeast of Tel Aviv.

Vanunu was abducted by the Israeli intelligence service (Mossad) and sentenced to 18 years in prison for divulging state secrets. In the interview, he realized the nuclear weapons program of Israel and illustrated with photographs nuclear center built by the French in compliance with a French-Israeli secret agreement signed in 1956.

The French built the Dimona reactor IRR-2 with an initial power capacity of 26 MW, in 1963. It was modernized in the 70s, making the electrical capacity increase to a range between 75 and 150 MW. As a result, the production of plutonium for nuclear weapons increased from 7-40 kilograms per year. Since then, Israel has not stopped in the sophistication of its nuclear power to the point that it even surpassed the US, according to the experts estimated.

The sad role of Syriza

Critics argue that Tsipras and Syriza have succumbed twice in his genuflection despite the short drive from his administration. First, against austerity Agreement imposed by the Troika, although it will not work because it is impossible for Greece to pay its debt. Here, Tsipras mocked the trust of his people and betrayed. The almost two-thirds of "hopeful" of the Greek population should feel at least frustrated.

The second kneel happened during the military agreement signed by his defense minister with the army of Israel. An agreement aimed at increasing the Zionist terrorism in the Middle East, the Balkans, Africa and Eurasia.

The two genuflections are a clear demonstration that Tsipras and Syriza not rule but obey orders. They are just puppets. Economically of large financial-speculative interests of banks and new millionaires are said to be behind George Soros, Warren Buffet, Lloyd Blankfein. The latter, director of Goldman Sachs, the biggest investment and values of the world linked to the laundering of money from drug cartels group. Blankfein is also the largest shareholder.

Militarily, the Zionist power. What is not nothing new, given the trajectory of the Greek armed forces belonging to NATO military force it is concentrated European Zionism and the new Anglo-American, French, Italian and German colonies in the Balkans and in other ex -repblicas Socialists.

Nor do I doubt: Tsipras was a good engineer builder of lies, betrayal and evil. Syriza, a freak. Who insist on identifying "left" or ignore the story or favors from the spurious.


Ben Norton (www.bennorton.com)

The Jerusalem Post (http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Israel-Greece-sign-status-of-forces-agreement-409492)

The Syriza Greece signed a military pact with Israel translation for Loles Rebellion Olivn (http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=201463)

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